#swing trading pro
forex368 · 5 months
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mesetacadre · 2 months
When the Red Army entered Korea in early August, 1945, heavy battles took place in the north, but the Japanese rule remained tranquil in the south, for the Russians stopped by the Yalta agreement at the 38th parallel, while the Americans came several weeks after the surrender of Japan, and ruled at first through the Japanese and then through the Japanese-appointed Korean officials and police. So naturally all of the pro-Japanese Koreans – former police and officials, landlords and stockholders in Japanese companies – fled south to the American zone. The flight of all these right-wing elements amazingly simplified North Korean politics. The Russians did not have to set up any left-wing government, assuming that they wanted one. They merely set free some ten thousand political prisoners and said, by implication; “Go home, boys, you’re free to organize.” Under Japanese rule all natural political leaders either served Japan or went to jail. With the pro-Japanese gone, the ex-jailbirds became the vindicated heroes of their home towns. They were all radicals of sorts, including many Communists. Anyone who knows what a tremendous reception was given to Tom Mooney when he was released to come home to the workers of San Francisco, may imagine the effect on the small towns and villages when ten thousand of these political martyrs came home. North Korea just naturally took a great swing leftwards, and the Russians had only to recognize “the choice of the Korean people.” People’s Committees sprang up in villages, counties, and provinces and coalesced into a provisional government under the almost legendary guerrilla leader Kim Il Sung. Farmers organized, demanded the land from the landlords and got it in twenty-one days by a government decree. (Compared to the land reforms of other countries, this sounds like a tale of Aladdin’s lamp!) Ninety per cent of all big industry – it had belonged to Japanese concerns – was handed over by the Russians “to the Korean people” and nationalized by one more decree. Trade unions organized, demanded a modern labor code, and got it without any trouble from their new government, with the eight-hour day, abolition of child labor, and social insurance all complete. Another decree made women equal with men in all spheres of activity and another expanded schools. Then general elections were held and a “democratic front” of three parties swept unopposed to power. The natural opposition had all gone south, to be sheltered – and put in power – by the Americans. This is the, reason, I think, for the almost exaggerated sense of “people’s power” that the North Koreans express. Their real class struggle is coming; it hasn’t fully hit them yet. The reactionaries all fled south, where they are bloodily suppressing strikes. In North Korea the farmers are building new houses and buying radios because they no longer pay land rent, while the workers are taking vacations in former Japanese villas. The North Koreans assume that this is just what naturally happens when once you are a “liberated land.” “They aren’t yet liberated down south,” they told me. “The Americans let those pro-Japanese traitors stay in power.”
In North Korea: First Eye-Witness Reports, Anna Louise Strong, 1949
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wheelie-sick · 1 month
What is your experience with forearm crutches and what are some pros and cons? I currently am using a cane for days where I'm active on and off, for stability and pain/fatigue reduction. I've been wanting some crutches for longer outings, so I can enjoy life more and get back into loving being outside and hiking and all that, but I cant find much information about them online...
so a lot of your experience with crutches is going to be dictated by the gait you use
I personally alternate depending on need but primarily use 2 points gait (using crutches like 2 canes) and 3 point (using crutches to support a single leg) these are easiest on my shoulders and require the least strength. forearm crutches allow more weight bearing than canes do so you'll definitely notice more strain on your shoulders. swing through gait is definitely the hardest on your shoulders but it also takes the most weight off your legs. any crutch use is trading weight on your legs for weight on your shoulders which is something you have to keep in mind, particularily if you have a condition that makes shoulders weak or unstable. I should add the same applies to your wrists and elbows, I just personally noticed it most in my shoulders
when it comes to stability crutches are leagues better than canes for stability. I personally get no benefit stability-wise from canes but crutches are very capable of keeping me balanced and upright. it's two points to keep you stable instead of one with the additional support of the forearm crutch's cuff.
for fatigue that's also going to depend a lot on gait. I find the swing through gait exhausting and generally find forearm crutches tiring to use. I do know some people find forearm crutches to be very helpful for fatigue but my fatigue is also triggered by very different things than most people's. so basically, still worth trying but not a miracle cure for fatigue. they're still work, and honestly, are more work than canes are in my experience
with pain I've found crutches to be hugely successful. I have a bilateral limb difference and generally my pain is bilateral so canes are less helpful for me because I have to sacrifice supporting one leg. I don't have to do that with crutches and the wide variety of gaits give me a lot of different ways to support my legs that I can switch between as needed.
one of the major downsides of forearm crutches (besides the damage to your upper body) is definitely the lack of hands. if you're using both crutches you will have to adjust to not having hands to carry things. I strongly recommend investing in some crossbody bags because while backpacks are great for some things you'll want storage you can access without taking your arms out of your forearm crutches and taking off a backpack.
I've also noticed as someone with craniocervical instability that some forearm crutches can really jostle my neck and give me a lot of neck pain. this isn't something everyone deals with but I know I'm not alone in having neck pain from forearm crutch use. I now have crutches with a spring in the tip that dampen the vibrations a lot and help to preserve my entire upper body but I notice it most in my neck. (also, I love those crutches so much. if you're not sure which crutches to buy those are a fantastic option)
I really love forearm crutches for hiking, more so than canes, because I find them more stable for use over rough terrain. I also find them easier to traverse rough terrain with. they're definitely a great choice for hiking!
whatever you decide I hope you're able to get your life and your freedom back 💕
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Lisa Needham at Public Notice:
Elon Musk is busy. No, not because he’s attending to any of his multibillion-dollar companies. For Tesla and SpaceX and Starlink, he’s full of wild promises with very little actual progress. But what Musk is really spending time on these days is attacking the core foundations of American democracy on multiple fronts. There’s his thus-far successful effort to get rid of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). There’s his political action committee, America PAC, which pretends to help register people to vote but is just hoovering up voter data to give to the Trump campaign. And there’s his lawsuit seeking to force companies to advertise on X, despite the fact advertisers generally do not want their ads running next to the Nazi content X is full of now. All of these efforts have the potential to succeed because the federal courts are broken, and the administrative state is dying a slow and painful death. 
Immiserating workers
Let’s start with the NLRB. It’s no surprise that Musk is no friend to labor. He doesn’t believe in unions, saying that they create “a lords and peasants sort of thing,” whatever that means. When workers at his Fremont, California, plant began an organizing campaign, he tweeted that they would lose their stock options if they joined the union. This sort of threat is extremely illegal, and the NLRB sided with the workers who brought multiple unfair labor practices charges against Tesla. Tesla also prohibited workers from wearing t-shirts with union insignias, even though the right to wear pro-union clothing at work has been a legally protected activity for several decades. Then, of course, there’s the class-action lawsuit in California state court, where almost 6,000 Black workers at the Fremont factory recently got the right to sue Tesla for ignoring massive racism at that plant. How massive? Nooses at the workstations of Black workers massive.  [...]
A scam PAC
America PAC purports to help people register to vote. If you live in a state that isn’t a swing state, that’s what the PAC’s website does — sends you over to your state’s voter registration page. But if you live somewhere in play this November, the America PAC website asks you for detailed personal information, including things utterly unrelated to voter eligibility, like your cellphone number. After all that is entered, the PAC doesn’t register you at all. It doesn’t even send the user to their state registration website. It just displays a “thank you” page.  So, swing state voters may think they’re registering, but they’re not. Instead, they’ve handed over their data to a PAC that is coordinating with the Trump campaign. While PACs are generally not allowed to work directly with campaigns, America PAC is a door-to-door canvassing group, and those, inexplicably, can work hand in hand with a candidate. However, pretending to register people to vote is probably a bridge too far.
Suing advertisers
Mr. Free Speech is also availing himself of the courts to try to force companies to advertise on X. On Tuesday, X filed a lawsuit against the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), an advertising trade group, in the Wichita Falls Division of the Northern District of Texas. Why Wichita Falls, some 300 miles from Austin, where Tesla is located? Because the Northern District of Texas enthusiastically embraces judge shopping, and every case in Wichita Falls goes to Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush appointee who routinely tries to throw out the whole of the Affordable Care Act and is a reliable vote for anything conservatives want. (The WFA announced Thursday that it’s shutting down because it does not have the financial resources to fight X in court.) Musk already has another case before Reed O’Connor on a similarly twisted legal theory.
Late last year, X sued Media Matters in O’Connor’s court after Media Matters accurately pointed out that ads were appearing next to the Nazi and white nationalist content that is rife on X now. That case shouldn’t exist, period, and it especially shouldn’t be in O’Connor’s courtroom. As Mike Masnick pointed out over at Techdirt, X is incorporated in Nevada, with headquarters in California. Media Matters is in DC, and the Media Matters writer named in the suit is in Maryland. The only connection to Texas is that Reed O’Connor is very friendly to conservatives.
Elon Musk is selling out to enemies of America who seek to erode our democracy.
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oohbuggypie · 8 months
long headcanon list of what the Punch Out!! (99.9%) Wii boxers were like as little kids:
!cw: extremely quick mention of vomiting!
• Macho was that kid that was like "1 2 skip a few 99 100" when another kid was on the swings
•Von Kaiser did nawtt play about painting rocks outside of his teacher's classroom
•Sandman preached "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit"
• ^ Macho was the one that threw a fit
•If you got something you didn't like Piston would give you his/trade no matter how bad the offer was
•Don ran the track as fast as he could to impress the girls
•Joe was that kid playing hopscotch that tripped ate shit and cried
•Hondo was a Skechers kids im so sure abt this
•Aran was that kid that mixed all his food together in the cafeteria into some horrible concoction and would tell everybody he's gonna eat it
•Soda Pop was that one kid that would randomly throw up for NOO REASON in the middle of class
•Macho blocked the entrance to the slide and Sandman pushed his big headass down so that everybody else could have a turn
•King Hippo got told "glue yourself to your seat" by the teacher bcuz he walked around too much so he actually covered his seat with glue and sat in it (this one is based off a real life experience i had im dead srs) (he also didn't gaf and walked around with it still attached to him)
•Kaiser was a library kid 4 sureee
•Bear Hugger was the kid that would get moved from his original seat bcuz he was talking too much but when he got moved he would talk to the other ppl around him just as much
bonus high school hcs:
Hoy Quarlow would get into fights and beat the person he was fighting with their own backpack 😭
Great Tiger was the cameraman for the fights and he would be going pro with it . like he got every angle and that cam didn't shake ONCEE
Aran Ryan was in the back of the classroom on FaceTime slurping on some Cup O Noodles and talking as loud as humanly possible + he was always in some raggedy pajama pants
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
I don't want to say the above post by MR is false, most the points are individually "true enough", but I think this is a very unhelpful frame to pick. It is setting up the idea that Republicans and Democrats had, essentially, a clash of ideas, that was fought within the boundaries of idea-space, and that right now Republicans are winning, converting people to their side.
To that I say, first, have the "vibes shifted"? In elite internet discourse subcommunities, oh sure, but this is focused on broader political things. It is certainly true that Biden won election in 2020 and is on track to lose it in 2024. But that event is a "vibe shift" in ~5% of voting Americans in swing states! Elections in the US are just incredibly close and turn on the dime of some chucklefucks (affectionate) in Wisconsin. That ~5% swing can have gigantic effects on the composition of the government, but that is not the same as saying the "vibes of the nation" changed outside of the obvious way they always change when elections happen.
Now if that 5% swing was caused by Republicans "winning the war of ideas" then it would be a little different of a vibe shift, but you can salvage the idea. But I don't buy that. This:
1. Trump and his team understand that we now live in a world of social media.  Only a modest part of the Democratic establishment has mastered the same.
Or this:
8. Democrats and leftists are in fact less happy as people than conservatives are, on average.  Americans noticed this, if only subconsciously.
Are just weird explanations for these minor shifts, particularly when they shifted the other way in 2020. Were democrats...more happy in 2020? Say that sentence with a straight face.
Of course not, it's inflation and Biden's Too Old and all the typical flotsom of electoral politics, and also the fact that the electorate regularly swings between the parties because, to be frank, they are dumbasses and think "fresh air" will help or w/e.
In fact, I think Republicans - like Democrats - have done a pretty bad job of convincing their own voters of their own shifts in opinions. I don't have the ideal graph I was looking at (lost on mobile) but this one will do - while the Republican party has hard shifted against NATO, voter support has only increased:
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This isn't a "vibe shift" in the electorate, voters just have never cared about NATO enough to vote for the "pro-NATO" guy over the things they have always cared more about (the economy & big pet topics like immigration, abortion, etc).
Instead of this blanket "vibe shift" model, you should instead view it an intra-party vibe shift. What the Republican party is "about" has changed a ton - not as a radically as people think, while it abandoned free trade and embraced authoritarianism it was always pro-life, anti-liberal, locally authoritarian, anti-immigrant, addicted to tax cuts for the upper class, etc. But it isn't like voters ever liked the free trade stuff anyway, they didn't change by convincing voters all that much. They changed internally, and voters are unmoved by those changes, they don't care enough or the system isn't flexible enough with its party binary to make "punishing" a change make sense.
Voters have of course changed some, this is all margins & degrees. I just don't think you can point to the causes listed in the post for the most as an explainer for polling gaps. You need a sharper model of how "manufacturing consent" works.
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readingsquotes · 3 months
""Contempt for the Democratic Party’s progressive base is a sure path to Donald Trump’s return" A specter haunts the Democratic Party: the ghost of Clintonism, an ideology that’s been discredited at the ballot box yet still retains a mysteriously powerful hold on party elders. Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016, when she lost a winnable election to a political novice who scored the highest disapproval polling numbers in modern American history, should have sounded the death knell for her brand of politics. Clintonism is all about triangulation—which in practice means building elite comity with establishment Republicans while disdaining populist forces on the right or the left. Pioneered by Bill Clinton in the 1990s with his attack on the rapper Sister Souljah, this strategy initially enjoyed some success—but in the long run it undermined the Democratic coalition, especially as the price of free trade started to be felt by the working class.
Joe Biden’s success in 2020 was due in no small part to his deliberate rejection of Clinton’s failed strategy. “Scranton Joe” courted both Sanders voters and blue-collar whites. He promised expanded infrastructure spending and tougher trade deals. Progressive young people might not have given Biden their votes in the primaries, but he campaigned as a candidate who saw them as part of his coalition and duly won their votes on Election Day.
One side effect of Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza is that it has given Clintonism a new lease on life. Until early May, Biden gave Israel a virtual blank check to fight a ferocious war with massive civilian casualties. This has been enormously unpopular with young people and nonwhite voters, splintering the Democratic coalition anew. A Times/Siena poll in early May showed Biden trailing in the swing states of Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.
Perhaps sensing an opportunity, Hillary Clinton has reemerged like the ghost of elections past with incendiary rhetoric designed to deepen the contradictions within the Democratic coalition. On May 9, she told MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, “I have had many conversations, as you have had, with a lot of young people over the last many months now. They don’t know very much at all about the history of the Middle East, or frankly about history in many areas of the world, including in our own country.” Alas, Biden himself has joined in the student-bashing with his own hyperbole about the extent of antisemitism and violence in the pro-Palestinian protests.
Leaving aside the fact that Clinton—who, like Biden, voted for the disastrous Iraq War in 2002—has no great claim to being a scholar of the Middle East, her insulting language seems deliberately designed to dismiss progressive young people horrified by what is happening in Gaza from the Democratic coalition. Since 75 percent of Democrats disapprove of Israel’s onslaught in Gaza, Clinton is in fact articulating a politics of open scorn for the overwhelming base of the party.
Who will replace the young people that Clinton regards as dunces? In 2016, the pitch was made to suburban Republicans of the Never Trump persuasion. In 2024, this has been recast as the Biden campaign’s attempts to appeal to Nikki Haley Republicans. This strategy only makes sense as a response to Biden’s loss of support among young people and nonwhite voters.
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blackdogfx · 1 month
How to Earn Money in Trading: Simple Strategies for Success
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Trading has become an increasingly popular way for people to grow their wealth and achieve their financial goals. Whether you're interested in forex trading, stocks trading, or crypto trading, there are opportunities to earn money by investing wisely. However, trading is not just about luck; it requires a rich mindset, a solid strategy, and a deep understanding of the markets. In this post, we’ll explore how to earn money in trading by focusing on key principles and strategies that can set you on the path to financial success.
Understanding the Basics of Trading
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Before diving into any form of trading, it's crucial to understand the basics. Trading involves buying and selling financial instruments like stocks, currencies, or cryptocurrencies with the aim of making a profit. Each type of trading—whether it's forex trading, stocks trading, or crypto trading—has its own unique characteristics and requires a different approach.
Forex Trading: It involves trading with currencies in the foreign exchange market. It’s one of the largest financial markets in the world, with trillions of dollars traded daily.
Stocks Trading: Here, you buy and sell shares of companies. The stock market can be volatile, but with careful analysis, it offers significant profit opportunities.
Crypto Trading: Cryptocurrency trading involves buying and selling digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It’s a rapidly growing market, known for its high volatility.
Setting Clear Financial Goals
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To earn money in trading, it's essential to set clear financial goals—like what do you wanna achieve through trading? Are you looking to build long-term wealth, or are you interested in making quick profits? Defining your financial goals will guide your trading strategy and help you stay focused.
For example, if your goal is to create a steady income stream, you might focus on stocks trading and dividend-paying stocks. If you're aiming for high-risk, high-reward opportunities, crypto trading could be more suitable.
Developing a Rich Mindset
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A rich mindset is critical for success in trading. This mindset is about being patient, disciplined, and focused on long-term success rather than short-term gains. Many new traders fail because they get caught up in the excitement of quick profits, leading to poor decisions and losses.
A rich mindset also involves continuous learning. The financial markets are constantly changing, and staying informed is key to making smart trading decisions. Whether you’re involved in forex trading, stocks trading, or crypto trading, always keep learning and adapting to new market conditions.
Choosing the Right Trading Strategy
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Your trading strategy will significantly impact your ability to earn money in trading. There are various strategies you can adopt depending on your financial goals and risk tolerance.
Day Trading: This involves buying and selling financial instruments within a single trading day. It's fast-paced and requires quick decision-making.
Swing Trading: Here, you hold positions for several days or weeks, aiming to profit from short- to medium-term price movements.
Long-Term Investing: This strategy involves holding onto investments for years, betting on the overall growth of the market.
Each strategy has its pros and cons, and the best one for you will depend on your trading style, market knowledge, and financial goals.
Risk Management is Key
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One of the most important aspects of earning money in trading is managing your risk. Even experienced traders face losses, but with proper risk management, you can minimize those losses and protect your capital.
Set stop-loss orders, never invest more than you can afford to lose, and always diversify your portfolio. Whether you’re engaged in forex trading, stocks trading, or crypto trading, understanding and managing risk is crucial for long-term success.
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nifm-institute · 2 months
NIFM Institute in Mumbai — Best Stock Market Training Courses in Mumbai
NIFM Institute in Mumbai is the best share market classes in Mumbai for stock market trading & training. At NIFM, we’ve always been partial to independent thinkers. Where we’ll teach you not only how to trade in the share or financial market but also how to make a living out of it in our stock market courses in Mumbai. NIFM share market training programs are simple to understand and easy to follow with practical case studies in an organized manner with a systematic flow. In our stock market courses, we will teach you to learn every factor that can affect stock market industry ups and downs, when to enter or exit, money-making strategies, discipline in the stock market, and control risk and loss.
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Source of Content: https://www.nifm.in/blog-details/387/stock-market-courses-in-mumbai.php
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lmh8903 · 3 months
Benny Rodriguez x Reader Pt 10
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Five Years Later
The Sandlot hadn't changed much over the years. It remained a sacred place where memories were etched into the dirt and dreams were woven into the fabric of our youth. But the boys and I, we had grown. Time had a way of moving forward, taking us along with it, but no matter how far we traveled or how much we changed, the Sandlot always brought us back to where it all began.
We had all graduated high school and were now scattered in different directions. Benny had made it to the minor leagues, his dream of playing professional baseball finally within reach. The rest of us pursued different paths—college, jobs, and new adventures—but the bond we shared remained unbroken.
Today was special. It was the day of our reunion game, a tradition we had vowed to keep no matter where life took us. As I approached the Sandlot, the familiar sights and sounds filled me with a sense of nostalgia and excitement. The worn-out bases, the rickety fence, and the old tree that had served as our meeting point stood as reminders of the countless summers we had spent here.
Benny was already there, warming up with a few practice swings. His smile widened as he saw me approach. "Hey, Y/N," he called out, his voice filled with warmth. "Ready for another epic game?"
"Always," I replied, my heart swelling with affection for the boy who had become so much more.
One by one, the others arrived—Yeah-Yeah, Squints, Timmy, and of course, Ham. Their laughter and banter filled the air, each one of them bringing with them a piece of the past that made our reunion feel complete.
"Look who decided to show up," Ham teased as he pulled me into a bear hug. "Thought you'd forgotten how to play."
"Not a chance," I shot back, returning his hug with equal enthusiasm. "But I see you haven't forgotten how to be a pain in the ass."
Ham laughed, his trademark grin spreading across his face. "Never."
Yeah-Yeah strolled over, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, Benny, how's the almost pro baseball life treating you? And more importantly, are you still hitting home runs?"
Benny shrugged modestly, but the pride in his eyes was undeniable. "It's tough, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. And yeah, I've had my fair share of home runs."
"Show-off," Squints muttered, though his grin betrayed his true feelings.
As we prepared for the game, a familiar voice rang out from behind us. "Hey, guys! Guess what I found?"
We turned to see Ham holding up a small packet with a mischievous grin. "Chewing tobacco!"
The collective groan that followed was instantaneous. "Seriously, Ham?" Yeah-Yeah exclaimed, rolling his eyes. "Didn't we go through this already?"
"Not again!" Timmy echoed, shaking his head.
Benny stepped forward, crossing his arms. "Ham, that stuff is trouble. We've all learned our lesson. Let's just enjoy the game without any more incidents."
Ham's grin faded as he tucked the packet away. "Alright, alright. It was just a joke. I won't actually bring that stuff out."
With that settled, we took to the field, each of us assuming our old positions. The game began with the same energy and excitement as it had in our youth, every play and every hit infused with a sense of camaraderie that had only grown stronger over the years.
Benny pitched his throws fast and precise, a testament to his dedication and hard work. I took my place in the outfield, ready to catch anything that came my way. The boys cheered each other on, their voices a chorus of encouragement and friendly rivalry.
As the game progressed, the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the field. The final inning approached, and the score was tied—a fitting end to our reunion game. Benny stepped up to bat, determination etched on his face.
"Come on, Benny! Show us what you've got!" Squints yelled from the sidelines.
Benny took a deep breath, his eyes focused on the ball. The pitcher wound up and released, the ball hurtling towards Benny with incredible speed. With a powerful swing, Benny connected with the ball, sending it soaring over the fence in a perfect arc.
The boys erupted into cheers, their voices blending into a symphony of celebration. Benny rounded the bases, his smile broad and triumphant. As he crossed home plate, we gathered around him, our joy and pride evident in every hug and high-five.
But Benny wasn't done. He turned to me, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Y/N," he called out, his voice cutting through the jubilant noise.
I stepped forward, my heart pounding with anticipation. Benny took my hand, his grip warm and reassuring. "These past years have been the best of my life, and it's because of you," he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "We've shared so many memories here at the Sandlot, and I can't imagine my life without you."
The boys fell silent, their attention fixed on Benny and me. Benny dropped to one knee, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket. The collective gasp from our friends echoed my own surprise.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" Benny asked, opening the box to reveal a simple, elegant ring that sparkled in the fading light.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked down at Benny, the love and hope in his eyes reflecting everything I felt. "Yes," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "Yes, Benny, I'll marry you."
The cheers from our friends erupted anew, their excitement and joy palpable. Benny slipped the ring onto my finger and stood, pulling me into a tight embrace. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in a moment of perfect happiness.
"Congratulations, you two!" Ham shouted, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "This calls for a celebration!"
The rest of the evening was a blur of laughter, hugs, and shared stories. As we sat together around a makeshift bonfire, the ring on my finger catching the firelight, I felt a profound sense of gratitude. The Sandlot had given us more than just memories; it had given us a future.
With Benny's arm wrapped around me and the warmth of our friends surrounding us, I knew that no matter where life took us, we would always have this place, these moments, and each other. The Sandlot was more than just a field; it was the heart of our story, the foundation of our dreams, and the beginning of our forever.  It was a testament to the power of friendship and the enduring spirit of our youth. And as we looked up at the stars, each one of us knew that no matter where life took us, we would always have this place, and we would always have each other.
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finnsfm · 2 years
harry   styles.     he/him.     cis   man.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   finn   caulfield   ,   most   likely   listening   to   strawberry   swing   by   frank   ocean   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty   eight   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -elusive   yet   +athletic   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   keeping   your   head   up   and   stick   down   on   the   ice   ,   breaking   records   from   a   young   age   ,   red   wine   stains   on   white   button-ups   ,   cigarettes   laid   out   in   ashtrays   ,   followed   by   tom   ford's   black   orchid   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   finn   seen   without   his   wedding   band   for   the   first   time   since   divorce   rumors   began   circling   around   him   (   true   )   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   alex   ,   25   ,   he/they   ,   est   ,   none   .   )
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full name   .   griffin   south   caulfield   .  nickname   .   finn   .  birthdate   .   april   1   ,   1994   .  age   .   twenty   eight   .  pronouns   .   he   /   him   .  gender   .   cis   man   .  sexuality   .   bisexual   /   biromantic   .  occupation   .   nhl hockey player for the new york rangers   .  faceclaim   .   harry   styles   .  
you’re   born   into   a   middle   class   family   in   a   smaller   than   small   town   near   the   canadian   border   .   your   family   classifies   big   ,   summer   vacations   as   a   trip   over   the   border   to   toronto   or   montreal   and   you   indulge   yourself   in   beaver   tails   and   ketchup   chips   and   maple   syrup   flavored   cookies   and   poutine   and   ,   perhaps   most   important   of   all   ,   hockey   .   it’s   not   like   there   isn’t   hockey   where   you   grow   up   ,   but   you’re   really   not   very   good   at   first   ,   and   you’d   rather   keep   some   semblance   of   popularity   back   home   .   that   is   ,   until   you   get   quite   good   on   the   ice   ,   and   you   join   the   rec   league   that   practices   in   the   ice   rink   behind   your   house   .
your   official   start   date   for   hockey   is   at   the   age   of   ten   ,   but   you’d   been   playing   off   and   on   since   eight   –   though   no   one   considers   you   professional   in   any   sense   of   the   word   until   you’re   drafted   out   of   high   school   .   you   land   a   spot   for   toronto’s   home   team   ,   wear   the   hell   out   of   the   maple   leafs   jersey   until   you’re   traded   to   the   new   york   rangers   in   2019   .   you   break   records   left   and   right   for   the   leafs   ,   almost   wonder   why   they   traded   you   in   the   first   place   .
your   parents   still   live   in   the   house   you   grew   up   in   ,   despite   you   begging  them   to   move   to   new   york   –   all   expenses   paid   and   everything   and   they   still   turn   you   down   .   your   sister   lives   in   the   city   ,   but   she’s   in   brooklyn   pursuing   an   art   degree   ,   so   you   don’t   see   her   too   often   .   you   were   married   for   a   short   while   there   ,   married   the   first   person   you   hit   it   off   with   when   you   moved   into   the   city   and   fuck   if   that   didn’t   work   out   .   the   media   has   been   all   over   the   story   since   you   stopped   wearing   your   wedding   ring   (   despite   the   divorce   being   finalized   almost   six   months   ago   )   .   you   don’t   see   them   too   often   ,   either   .   besides   ,   being   out   of   a   relationship   has   given   you   more   time   to   devote   to   your   greatest   gift   and   passion   –  hockey   .   who   needs   anything more   than   that   ?
once - considered rather the golden boy in terms of hockey and his personal life , finn is now quite the opposite . he gets in routine fights on and off the ice , has picked up smoking for the first time since high school -- though won't touch any sort of drugs due to his career -- , drinks excessive amounts of wine at parties and gets 'wine drunk' according to his friends , but ! on the more positive note ! he's very charming and can hold very intelligent conversations , loves animals and charity events and his family and friends and horror films and diet coke and laughing so hard it hurts and trying to be a good person . he hates that his former marriage is in the spotlight , because he's actually been doing a lot for different organizations and non - profits , including starting his own that would pay registration fees for kids to play hockey , and he feels like there needs to be more light on things that matter . which ! isn't to say he doesn't indulge in everything new york has to offer , but he's definitely not out there trying to make a negative reputation for himself .
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
How this country star’s hit song unexpectedly catalyzed the Montgomery riverfront brawl
By Anna Beahm | [email protected]
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Jason Aldean’s chart-topping, controversial country song, “Try That in a Small Town,” became the soundtrack to the racially-charged confrontation that went viral this week. (GettyImages) (Getty)
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Country star Jason Aldean’s latest song “Try that in a Small Town” was already criticized for promoting a “pro-lynching mentality,” but now it’s part of social media videos of a fight between a black worker and white boaters in Montgomery, Ala.
The song starts with a list of criminal behaviors including carjacking and harassing police officers as behaviors that would not be tolerated “in a small town,” as the chorus goes. The song also asks “if you’re lookin for a fight, try that in a small town.”
While catchy and clearly a hit, the tune has been criticized by political activists like Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, and country greats like Sheryl Crow, who said “even people in small towns are sick of violence.”
Violence is exactly what happened on Sunday when officials said a Black dock worker and white boaters got into a dispute that turned into a brawl between Black and white boaters at the dock in Montgomery, Ala. The worker had apparently asked the boater to move the boat to make room for the Harriet II Riverboat that usually docks in that location, the Montgomery Advertiser reported.
The song joined the Montgomery River Brawl when TikTok users put the song over videos of the fight. Some users said they were reclaiming the song for the Black community invested in Montgomery.
The Montgomery Police Dept. said the man was attacked “for simply doing his job.” Police have also issued arrest warrants for several people involved in the fight.
Dillon Nettles, a policy analyst for the American Civil Liberties Union, posted on X Monday morning about the fight.
“The significance of the riverfront where this fight took place shouldn’t be lost. This is where our ancestors were transported and marched in shackles up Commerce [Street] to be sold. Montgomery was once one of the most prominent slave trading markets in the country,” Nettles posted.
The story was trending on X Tuesday morningalong with the hashtags #Alabamaboatbrawl and #montgomerybrawl. TikTok users were also posting videos of the fight with an audio clip from Aldean’s song.
“Probably not how they anticipated this song being used,” TikTok user @dazzlingblu said in a comment.
Other users commented on the use of the song with the clips saying “the flip of the century for that song,” and “uno reverse.”
The song was originally a ballad for “small-town” folks who opposed “big city” ideas (and threatened them with violence). In the comments under one TikTok video, users were reclaiming the song, making it the 180-degree turn no one expected for the song.
TikTok user @abbysworldsastage posted a video about the incident between a white woman and a chair-weilding black man, saying that she thought people who were upset about a man hitting a woman with a chair were deflecting from the real issue at the root of the fight: racial violence.
“When I watched that vid, [sic] I saw a community coming together to protect each other, and an impressive use of available tools. I’m not about to say just swinging on women or anyone is okay, but I certainly don’t think that was the problem with the whole situation, and the focus on it feels like deflection to me,” she said in the video caption.
The fight happened over the weekend after former President Donald Trump visited Montgomery on Friday to attend and give remarks at a Republican Party dinner. However, it’s unclear if those involved in the fight attended Trump’s event.
Trump pleaded not guilty Thursday to new charges related to the classified files discovered at his Florida mansion last year.
The controversy and boycott
The song, music video and resulting controversy around it has led some conservatives to call for a boycott of Country Music Television (CMT) for pulling the music video off its streaming platform.
Last month, CMT canceled Aldean’s music video after backlash related to the song’s suggestions of “looking for a fight.” Speaking of, the music video for the song featured shots of the Maury County Courthouse in Columbia, Tenn., where Henry Choate, an 18-year-old Black man, was hanged in 1927 after he was falsely accused of attacking a white girl.
Featuring the location in the shot led to calls for a boycott of the video, which some critics said represented a “pro-lynching” stance.
Earlier this year Bud Light and Chick-Fil-A were caught with similar backlash, as conservative fans call for a boycott of the entertainment group. Other musicians involved in the political culture wars including Lee Greenwood, have also issued statements criticizing CMT’s decision and offering support for Aldean.
Conservative politicians across the country have also extended their welcome to Aldean in the wake of the music video cancellation.
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takeoffphilippines · 1 year
Beko Marks 3rd Anniversary In The Philippines With Trade Launch, Lays Out Business Development Plans
Beko Philippines is entering a new phase of business in their journey to bring the European brand to a sustainable lifestyle for Filipino customers. In celebration of its third year of operations, Beko announces its goal of being the number one European brand in the Philippine market in the next 5 years.
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“We are very happy to be holding this trade launch for our dealers and stakeholders as we share that Beko will be a bigger and better brand in the Philippines in 2023 and beyond,” said Gürhan Günal, Beko’s country director in the Philippines, who also presented the company’s business development plans of EXPAND, GROW, LEAD, CONNECTIVITY and SUSTAINABILITY for the Philippines along with the brand’s hero technologies at the anniversary trade launch at the Grand Ballroom of Marriott Hotel Manila.
This is the heart and reason why this year, Beko will be made available soon in other appliance stores nationwide as it continues to “expand” its distribution to other retail channels.
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To further “grow” brand awareness and visibility they also announced the renewal of their brand ambassadorship with Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo alongside with digital and traditional media investments.
As one of the “leading” manufacturers of home appliances, Beko promotes the Live Like a Pro lifestyle and inspires Filipinos to experience a more convenient way of living through European style product lines. They stated that Beko Pilipinas Corporation is the exclusive distributor of Hitachi Major Domestic Appliances as part of their brand portfolio.
Beko appliances are made smart, relevant and designed to easily support Filipino families. With the HomeWhiz function you can easily “connect” to your Beko appliances with the use of your smartphones.
As part of Beko’s global sustainability effort, Beko Philippines announces its partnership with Plastic Credit Exchange, which serves a global ecosystem of carefully vetted partners that recover, process, and recycle plastic waste with programs that improve livelihood, scale up social impact, and reduce the flow of plastic pollution into nature. The partnership is in line with Extended Producer Responsibility Law, which holds companies responsible for the plastic packaging they use throughout the lifecycle of their products.
Trade launch showcasing hero technologies
As Beko marked its third year in the Philippines, the appliance brand held a grand trade launch for its dealers at the Marriott Hotel Grand Ballroom with the theme “Empowered to Live Like A Pro.”
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During the whole-day event, guests, including media and dealers, got to experience Beko’s range of appliances. They also got tips from a chef and an interior designer on how to manage their homes like a pro.
Beko Philippines showcased its hero technologies, such as HarvestFresh, ProSmart Inverter Technology, Steam Cure, Hygiene+,  AeroPerfect TM and many others. These technologies help you live like a pro. Among the products displayed that day were cookers. The HII64205F2MT  is a 60x50cm built-in induction hob with four Cooking Zones and two 2 Flexizone, nine cooking levels and a glass burner plate. Meanwhile, the BBIS14300XCSE 60x60cm. multifunction built-in oven with six cooking functions,  including Steam Aid feature for moist and even cooking.
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There were also refrigerators, one of the appliances which Beko is famous for. The GNO480E40HFGBPH is a 16.6cf inverter multi-door refrigerator with Neofrost Triple Cooling Technology, HarvestFresh, Prosmart Inverter Compressor, in sleek black glass door finish.  Also featured is the Hitachi Refrigerator R-WB640VG0-1 GBK with Vacuum Technology with Platinum Catalyst, Inverter X Dual-fan Cooling with Eco-thermo sensor.
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Other appliances include the CEG7302B, a bean-to-cup espresso machine and the BSEOG180/181 2Hp air-conditioner with Go Clean Technology, MicroClean TM Filter, Gold Guard, ZoneFollow, 4D Auto Swing and HomeWhiz.
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Beko appliances are available at 1st Megasaver, Abenson, All Home, Anson’s, Appliance Centrum, Asian Home Appliance, Automatic Centre, BHF, Echo Electrical, Fair N Square, Gloria Bazaar, Great World, Hat, J Marketing, Lazada, Magic Appliance, Manhattan Appliance, Mike’s Department Store, NB Marketing, Pricewise, RS David, Our Builders, Robinsons Appliance, Savers, Shopee, SM Appliance, Solidmark, SVC & Plusign, United Motoliance, and Western Appliance.
For more information about Beko in the Philippines, go to http://beko.ph or visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bekoph and their Instagram page at https://www.instagram.com/bekoph/.
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idontlikeem · 2 years
what is a commonly held pens opinion that you believe is wrong? (i think you have interesting insights about the team)
ooh anon thank you, very nice of you to say! this ask made me smile a lot :)
hmmm i think it depends on where we're looking for a commonly-held opinion.
there's a contingent of old hockey fans who think the team is cooked and it's over—i completely disagree with that, with the caveat that the big three need to continue to perform up to their standards, and the role players need to step up.
among that group you'll find people who say that geno should have been traded in 2018 'while they would have still gotten a good return', which i obviously disagree with because that's my man, but also because of something i've touched on in previous posts: when you have a superstar on your team who's still playing well (in this case, it would be just sid), you do NOT trade for futures and unproven assets—you get and keep players that help you win NOW. draft picks and young prospects are great for a team that is not planning on competing for a few years, especially if you can stockpile a ton of draft picks and very young prospects that are still 'seasoning' in juniors or college, but for a team that's looking to be competitive and make a deep playoff run, those assets are useless.
on a related note, you'll find people who get crabby about giving away draft picks for 'old' players. as long as those older players are proven to play at a high level, i say bring them on. the way pro athletes treat and maintain their bodies today is worlds ahead of what it used to be, and so while the game is more physically demanding than ever before, they have resources to keep them playing, and playing well, for longer. players like sid and geno and tanger don't have time to wait around for a player to be drafted, and keep playing elsewhere to get better, and then maybe break out of training camp one year to steal a spot on the varsity. they need players who can show up and support them and push the team towards the cup.
personally i think there are right and wrong ways to rebuild, and it's not all about having ten thousand draft picks. the more you have, the more likely you'll get a decent amount that 'hit' and turn into quality NHLers, but so much of that is about development, not just quantity. there is pain coming for the penguins, no doubt, but they've won three cups and made the playoffs for 16 straight seasons—no other team in the cap era can say that. the pendulum is gonna swing the other way when the big three retire, but if they keep focus on the development they're doing (and it's working—a lot of the prospects i was ready to write off after last year's camp showed up this year looking amazing and VERY ready to compete for a spot), there will be bright spots, and young core pieces to call up and build around.
also i don't think we should ever re-sign MAF unless he's totally willing to fully take a backup role for a lot less money than he's currently making 😬
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aquariusplan · 2 years
For those paying attention to the daily goings-on at everyone's favorite fruit-themed tech company, the latest iteration of the iPad lineup has been... confusing, to say the least.
Apple chose to redesign the new entry-level (inexpensive) iPad and introduce a completely new keyboard, with more function keys and a new front-facing camera that pro (premium) consumers have wanted for a long time. The trade-off, considering this is a product intended for students and organizations, is that you won't be able to use the most-recent Apple Pencil with the product. On its own, it's a bit of a strange set of trade-offs, but for anyone who just wants "an iPad," this product is fine.
What's most confusing is Apple also chose to refresh their "Pro" line of iPads - except they neglected to bring over those features. You can now buy a baseline iPad with a better front-facing camera and a better keyboard, but you're sacrificing on everything else. You could spend three times as much to get an iPad Pro, with its superior screen and stylus, but you're missing out on the better front-facing camera and keyboard.
From a usability design perspective, and from a product lineup perspective, the new iPads and iPad Pros are a lesson that even companies with prestigious design pedigrees can swing and miss at times.
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toriel-2 · 2 years
thoughts on some of the new splatoon weapons
snipewriter- it outranges splatcharger, its shots are pretty fast though it takes a second to charge up and you cant hold charge. you cant really compare it to bamboozler because the bamboozler being light and instantly charging makes it alot more mobile of a threat whereas snipewriter kinda cant afford to be mobile, though it having range is pretty good. sprinkler kinda works on snipewriter but tacticooler doesnt synergize with it at all. (your strafespeed doesnt get that much faster, youre a sniper so you shouldnt be needing to use quick respawn, snipers have perfect jump accuracy so intensify action doesnt do anything, and you cant hold charge so swim speed doesnt do much.) tacticooler shouldve went on the roller thats designed to look like a soda
the roller thats designed to look like a soda- bad. its like a dynamo roller that traded its damage and some of its range for speed, making it a kind of support weapon with wide horizontal swings that are great for covering turf and a vertical swing that reaches pretty far. unfortunately its kit is splash wall and ink vac so you'll have to wait for an actually viable support kit on this weapon for it to be any good. Lol.
splattershot nova- interesting gun. similar to the bigswig roller is to dynamo, it trades out the splattershot pro's damage and accuracy for a higher fire rate that allows it to paint really well for itself while still being able to play at range. people say it looks like dual squelcher from splatoon 1 before it got turned into dualie squelchers in splatoon 2 so idk. just look at that thing i guess. Also splattershot nova takes 5 hits to kill lol
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