#trading mastery tips
forex368 · 5 months
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Keywords: forex risk management currency trading tips forex trading mentor swing trading tips risk management tips forex mentor program smart risk management swing trading pro swing trading mastery market wizard insights market pulse pro signal mastery hub proven trading insights forex market mastery trade analysis pro fx education center market trends guide signal analysis pro advanced trading tips forex expert guidance technical analysis hub pro signal mastery expert trading mentorship risk free trading tips fx strategies pro trade insights hub market analysis pro trading mastery tips signal analysis guide pro trading solutions forex expert insights market trends tracker pro trading mentor insightful signal guide mastering forex trade educational trading hub fx strategy insights expert market trends scalping techniques pro risk guardian hub pips mastery tips trade prodigy guide trend mastery tips currency tips pro trade smart tips pro trading edge trading psychology hub mentor guidance pro fx webinars hub workshop trading pro forex seminar insights scalping wisdom hub market wizardry pro risk guardian tips pips mastery pro trade prodigy wisdom trend mastery guide trade expert tips risk free trading hub fx coaching tips insight mentor pro proven trading wisdom signal pro mastery smart risk mastery expert insights hub forex guru wisdom insight hub pro currency pro mastery trading coach wisdom trade smart mastery trade edge mastery trading psychology pro mentor guidance tips fx webinars mastery workshop trading wisdom forex seminar pro scalping tips hub market wizardry tips trend spotter pro trade pips mastery risk free trading wisdom trader wisdom hub trading wisdom tips chart mastery pro trend spotter tips trade pips pro risk free trader pro trading genius tips expert strategy hub fx wisdom mastery
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eaglebow09 · 8 months
Art Trade with @autumnsakurajayy !
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This is my VERY FIRST Deviantart Art Trade! And it's with THE  AutumnSakuraJayy to boot!  AutumnSakuraJayy has been such a fantastic friend and a huge supporter for easing into and becoming a part of the online community. She was there almost on day one.
Their love of Rito and her fantastic imagination made all this so fulfilling and easy to love.
I had saw them recently post a redesign for their badass Rito OC "Mallow" and just HAD to ask if I could take a crack at him. Such a pretty man. Here is a quick story and art piece surrounding that very Rito and our Gerudo Champion training deep in eye of a desert storm in the heart of Gerudo Desert.
-------------------------------------------------- As the vast Gerudo desert stretched endlessly a distant sandstorm swelled, shrouding the landscape in swirling grains of golden sand. The tempest raged, and amidst the chaotic winds, the ominous rumblings of thunder reverberated through the arid expanse. Yet, within the very heart of this elemental maelstrom, an extraordinary spectacle unfolded.
Urbosa, the fearless Gerudo Chief and Champion, stood tall with an air of supreme confidence. Her commanding presence was accentuated by the howling winds that whipped around her. With a swift and graceful motion, she snapped her fingers, an act that beckon the heavens themselves. In response, a brilliant bolt of lightning descended from the skies, splitting the darkness with its electrifying blaze. It crackled with raw power, a testament to Urbosa's mastery over the element.
Amidst this dramatic display, Mallow, the nomadic Rito, showcased his own incredible prowess. With the storm raging around him, he soared through the tumultuous winds with the grace and mastery of the sky his years wandering the kingdom's heavens would give him. His lithe form weaved effortlessly through the maelstrom, a dance of wind and thunder.
In his hands, Mallow held his formidable ThunderBow, an heirloom enchanted by his late mother, bestowing upon it the power of electricity. As he drew the bowstring with fluid precision, a crackling spark of energy ignited at the arrow's tip. His eyes gleamed with confidence, and a mischievous smirk graced his beak, revealing his daring spirit.
"You can keep up, my friend!" Urbosa's laughter and approval resonated above the howling winds, a vibrant expression of camaraderie in the face of the tempest. Her voice carried an infectious warmth and pride that cut through the storm's fury.
Mallow met her gaze with a chuckle, his eyes sparkling with friendly rivalry. "Oh, my Lady, I can do more than keep up!" he retorted, a playful glint in his eye as he drew back the bow. The banter between them was a testament to their growing friendship forged through countless training sessions.
As the electrical storm continued to rage around them, their banter turned into a spirited exchange of words and power. Urbosa's voice echoed with wisdom as she shouted over the storm, "Remember, Mallow, control is the key to wielding such power. Let the lightning flow through you, not just ignite you!" she chuckled.
Mallow's reply was swift and lighthearted as he deftly maneuvered through the electrified gusts. "Oh, I intend to, Urbosa. But don't expect me to go easy on you!" 
He notched another arrow, this one even more charged with crackling energy.
Urbosa's laughter mingled with the thunder as she countered, "Good! I'd expect nothing less of you my fine feathered friend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------  Thank you again for the opportunity! You are simply lovely! Mallow (Rito OC) : AutumnSakuraJayy 
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Moose's Guide to Quick and Easy Gold
So I get the vibes in the community here that a bunch of people don't really know all the tips and tricks to making easy money, so I thought I'd do a writeup on some of the small ways I make gold in Guild wars 2
Trick 1: You have wealth you don't know about
An inportant thing about Gw2 is that a lot of the wealth it gives out isn't in actual gold but in materials that you can then sell for gold. For a lot of people I think its easy to just click 'deposit all materials' and then forget about it. For me personally I have only 100 gold in my wallet but If I were to empty out my material storage I'd gain an additional 300 or so gold. The site GW2 efficiency is really helpful for telling you what high value items you might be holding on to, though It takes a bit of setting up.
Trick 2: Sell Orders!
Admittedly this is something I'm bad about, but if you can delay your gratification, but when you sell something don't fulfill someone elses buy order and instead, set up a sell order. I'll give you up to 10% more gold out of everything you sell
Ok now onto the acutal wealth generation methods
Trick 3: Send your least favorite character to the New Kaineng Jumping Puzzle
Jumping Puzzles in EoD reward jade runestones from their final chest, which go for 80 silver on the trading post.
Find the wiki page to get you through the jumping puzzle here, though there are often commanders on the New Kaineng lfg offering teleport to friend transport to the end of the puzzle. Basically you get a character to the end chest and every reset log in on that character and get your free! runestone, almost a gold for ~30 seconds of work
(as a note you only get the runestone once per day per account so don't send multiple characters there)
Trick 4: Leivas Hands out Gold, make sure to collect it
Ok not actually but he may as well. So this guy who hangs out in Arborstone, once you've gotten the Globalization mastery, will sell you 5 antique summoning stones every week for a grand total of 10 green prophet shards, 10 unusual coins, 100 imperial favours, 7000 karma and 1 gold. The summoning stones can then be sold on for ~3 gold each, netting you a profit of 14 gold for going up to an npc and pressing 'f' (or whatever your interact key is)
Trick 5: fast and profitable metas you should be doing daily
Let me introduce you to my favorite wiki page:
the event timers list
This lists out every meta event and world boss that'll be happening soon and all of them will give you at least something, and the meta's from HoT onwards awards you a hero's choice chest that'll contain at least one of these valuable materials to choose from: amalgamated gemstone (60 silver), jade runestone (80 silver), ancient ambergris (1 gold 70 silver) or an antique summoning stone (3 gold). It should be noted the last 3 only appear in the EoD meta's, for all other times choose the amalgamated gemstone.
With that aside there are 3 events in particular that you should try to get done that'll take 10 minutes or less
first up is the Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly, the naked man. The timer's page tells you which zone it'll spawn in and when it does you have to seek it out and murder it. Mounts are very recommended because this thing dies fast. Anyway when you kill it, it drops 2 things: a mystic coin (1 gold 20 silver) and some vendor trash worth 50 silver, pretty gold for 5 minutes of work
next is Dragonstorm. It happens once every 2 hours starting from the eye of the north and affords you the opportunity to beat up Ryland. If you join the public option you join a crowd of up to 50 other people and its easy enough that you could even afk if you wanted (though that would be very rude). Anyway once you murder the champions and blast the dragons you get to watch them share a passionate kiss as the die and you then get 2 gold straight up, 6 memories of aurene (worth 1.5 gold in total) as well as a chance to win the lottery and get ascended weapons or, even rarer, the very expensive eye infusions
Finally is Tequatl the Sunless, a world boss in Sparkfly Fen that awards you 1 gold straight up as well as a chance at an ascended weapon as well as a bunch of materials and unidentified gear
speaking of which all the other events give unidentified gear too and they aren't actually terrible rewards, you can get a pretty penny from selling them.
Trick 6: Daily Rewards
Firstly, just logging in every day gives you a sadly decent amount of income, mostly in laurels and mystic coins. Coins can just be sold if you're after cold, laurels can be spent on a variety of stuff. And if you're looking to turn a profit, HERE are the best ways to do so.
Also, do your daily achievements people, sometimes they're a pain but the daily completionist gives 2 gold as well as 15 achievement points, more than most other achievements in the game. Also they drive you towards content you wouldn't do otherwise (the daily achievements are the reason why I've done most of the jumping puzzles). Also If you're bad at any of the dailies on offer, usually a bunch of other people are also trying to do dailies and they're often willing to help. I see mesmers porting people through the daily JPs all the time.
Trick 7: Spirit shards can be converted to Gold???
I admit, this isn't something I do myself but if you're accumulating spirit shards like I am there are methods to turn them into gold
They're listed HERE
(again, this isn't something I've tried myself, I can't vouch for how well it works and all the methods require a starting amount of gold. But if you're desperate it might be something to consider
But I want more Gold, how do I get it?
If your looking for serious gold farming there are probably better guides than this but here are a few pointers to start raking in the money
1: As far as I understand, Drizzlewood Coast is the most profitable activity in the game, gold per hour wise. Runs take a while and you kind of have to pay attention to maximise gains but, if gold's what you want this is a good option.
2: Look for meta trains, I notice them happening a lot around reset, basically its a group that goes from meta to meta doing them in sequence. There are a few guilds that do them every day so if you see a train, chances are its on at the same time every day. I find them to be pretty chill, offer some nice variety in content and offer good rewards as well.
3: Fractals. Yeah I know this is getting into endgame content but doing T4 fractal dailies every day gives you around 20 gold straight up, a bunch of materials worth even more gold and a decent chance at ascended armor and weapons (and so many ascended trinkets, seriously at this point they get auto-salvaged if they drop)
Apart from that, pretty much everything in this game gives you some amount of rewards, even if they aren't entirely obvious, so don't stress too much, provided you aren't roleplaying in the serrated blade or whatever (Though good on you for having fun!) you're likely earning some amount of income. Even if it's only in materials
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
Betty Betty bo-etty, banana fanna fo-fetty…
If your blurb requests are still open… may I please humbly request something fluffy of Biker!Steve? Making Monster Cookies with leftover Halloween candy Ollie had from trick-or-treating? I bet him and Robbie always make sure his pillowcase is filled and heavy with the good stuff- but that would also mean there’s fun-size candy lingering around until Christmas lol 🖤
Drac, what a treat, I was so excited to get a request from you. And then to have it based in the biker!steve universe? Made my day. I adore you.
Note: Steve & Robin live together in the I'm on Fire universe, platonically of course, and have been raising Steve's son Oliver together since he was born.
18+Only for mature themes and some talk of sexual favors and boobies in the beginning, but nothing graphic.
wc: 871
Steve had just finished tattooing one of the Bad Faeries from one of the Brian Froud books on a redheaded woman’s bicep when she made it clear she wanted to tip him in trade.  Her two friends had moved onto the bar next door, and he was just about to lock up the shop for the night, but before he knew it, the woman was unbuttoning her shirt, and then unhooking the front of her bra, revealing boobies that were so perfect, a small mew escaped the back of his throat.  “Touch me,” she begged in a breathy whisper, closing in on him until his back was against the wall. 
“Um, this is nice,” Steve swallowed, turning his head before her lips could find his, and then she proceeded to suck his earlobe instead.  He held her by her shoulders and pushed back with gentle force.  “But I don’t have time right now.  Rain check?”
“Rain check?” She snapped, giving him a dirty look.  “You don’t find me attractive?”
“No sweetheart, that’s not it,” he huffed, taking both of her wrists in his hand to lower them.  “You’re painfully hot, but I have somewhere important to be tonight.”
That somewhere important had him returning home to a warm kitchen, and a table scattered with leftover, fun-size candy, a mixing bowl full of dough, M&M’s, and thick chunks of Snickers bars. There was a trash can for wrappers, but many of them had ended up on the tile floor, littering the place like a family of raccoons had found Oliver’s Halloween score.
Also, there was the smell of something burning and a gray haze of smoke in the air.  
“Robs?” Steve called out over the sound of a Bugs Bunny episode on the tiny TV that sat between the toaster and the spice rack.
He went over to the stove to make sure that it was off, and that something hadn’t accidentally been left inside.  There was, indeed, a metal sheet of extremely flat splotches of cookies that were charred to a delicate dark brown, almost black.  He grabbed an oven mitt and coughed a few times from the smoke as he moved it to the top of the burners.  
“Daddy you made it!” Oliver squealed, charging in from the hallway to wrap his arms around Steve’s legs.  He had his cozy, big bird footy pajamas on, and a floppy, wet head of hair since he was fresh from his Mr. Bubbles bath.  
“There’s my boy,” Steve bent to pick him up, kissing his soft, warm cheek as he balanced Ollie on his hip.  The eyes that looked back at him were his own, a complete match right now to the long eyelashes.  “I missed you.  Where’s mommy?”
“I’m here,” Robin looked frazzled when she appeared from the living room, brushing hair back from her face with a yawn.  Her baggy Tina Turner tee was smeared in flour and dough handprints.  One leg of her sweatpants was hiked up at her knee, and she wore flip flops, exposing that her toenails were each painted a different color, thanks to Ollie's mastery. “The smoke alarm went off and I had to disassemble the damn thing because it would not stop beeping.”
“Did you disassemble it with the blunt end of a hammer again?” His son grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks together so that his lips puckered out.  
“I think she broke it, dad,” Oliver offered.  “But that’s okay because I said I’d make her a new one.”
“A new smoke alarm?” Steve met his gaze, impressed.
Oliver nodded emphatically.  “But with black licorice this time.”
Robin hopped up to take a seat on the counter by the sink.  “Oh good, then we can just eat it the next time it beeps.”
Oliver nodded again, excitedly.  
Steve released Ollie and let him slide down until his feet were on the ground again.  He took his dad’s hand and yanked on it a few times.  “We made cookies.”
“I see that,” Steve stuttered, eyes darting from the scorched delicacies on the baking sheet, and then to Robin.
“We tried, anyway,” Oliver corrected, ever the optimist. "I think with some milk they might taste good.
There was a blue and white apron with a ruffle trim on the skirt in the very bottom drawer and Steve bent to pull it out, losing no time in hooking it around his neck and tying the sash at his waist. He spun in a dramatic circle, and then did a curtsey, picking the end of the skirt up with thumb and forefinger.
“Let the master take over,” he winked at his son, and the new frilly addition to his apparel made Oliver guffaw with a few breathless giggles.  
“You look silly, dad,” the little boy snorted, running a small hand through his hair in a way that mirrored his father.  
“We’ll see who’s silly when I make the best cookies you’ve ever had in your life.” He took the wooden spoon in his hand at the mixing bowl and asked Oliver to start unwrapping more candy.
He raised an eyebrow at Robin who had a fond smile on her face.  “You gonna grab me some eggs, boss, or do I have to do all the work?”
Robin jumped off the counter and went to the fridge.  “Coming right up, Chef.”
“I love you daddy,” Oliver said, revealing a 3 Musketeers from the package with precision, swinging his feet under the table.  “But maybe you two should let me try this time.”  
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painted-bees · 9 months
Hey, I've been obsessing over Hi-Note for the past two days, and I was reading meet cute part two and I noticed your tag. "I'm not a very good writer I don't paint very well with words."
I want to establish credibility for the praise I am about to heap on you: I've written a fair more than most people. There's over a million words in my Ao3, and yet more hundreds of thousands that never saw the light of day. I've friends in the editing trade who tell me I write at a publishable level. I like to think I know the craft very well.
So here's the praise: while you do have some of the marks of inexperienced writers I will absolutely contradict your self-deprecation. You are a good writer, and you have the makings of a great one.
Telling compelling stories are about so much more than mere mastery of prose. Your characters and your stories have real heart. Refined prose is far easier to learn than verisimilitude (there's a ten dollar word) in portraying the human condition.
I adore what I've read so far of Raf and Magritte, they are a charmingly tragic little duo, partially because I relate to them and partially because I am the biggest sap about that kind of dynamic of broken people initially hiding their cracks, gradually turning one another into kintsugi through affection, devotion, (and optionally, hot sex.)
If at any point you want some pointers, gently given, about how to improve your prose quality, absolutely hit me up, I am on this hellsite way too much.
Thanks for drawing and writing. You've given me much joy.
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this is a lot to process haha thank you so much Q vQ♡♡♡
With all the kindness I have received about my writing, I will take care not to pre-empt future prose-y posts with apologetic sentiments regarding the quality. Self-deprecation doesn't contribute to anyone's enjoyment of the writing--and with all compliments I have received thus far, I feel it would be an insult to you guys if I were to continue insisting that the quality of my work requires tempering reader expectations upfront in order for it to be well received. I feel wholly encouraged and unstoppabley emboldened, haha!
That said, yes! I am very shiny and new to the whole writing thing! I would be very pleased to get an occasional DM or private message with any observations or tips regarding consistent/recourring mistakes or apparent gaps in knowledge that my work would benefit from having pointed out. I'll probably never revist old works to edit them, but I am keen on absorbing your wisdoms and applying the new things I learn to my future writing doodles!
Thank you so much for your kindly enthusiasm!! and for enjoying Hi-Note with me while I wallow gleefully in my self-dug little obsession pit haha♡♡♡!! Genuinely, it means a ton to me!!
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tauforged · 9 months
do you have any tips for someone who wants to get into warframe for the first time?
- don’t start with the duviri/drifter quest when given the option. it’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but it will be very confusing and you won’t revisit any of the stuff that’s touched upon until way way later in the game. start off in the origin system, the story progresses a lot more naturally from that start point. i don’t really know why they made this an option.
- you dont HAVE to buy platinum. they start you off with like 50 i think? it’s not necessary for anything aside from buying additional warframe/weapon slots. everything else is cosmetic or optional. you can get mroe plat later on by trading with other players (if you do want to buy plat for cosmetics or whatever, i recommend waiting until you get a discount as your daily login bonus. iirc they range from 25, 50, or 75% off. they’re pretty much entirely random though so don’t feel obligated to use one if you do get it and don’t need plat at the moment so it goes to waste. you’ll get another)
- even if you decide you don’t like a weapon you end up crafting, you’ll be better off if you level it up to the maximum rank (30) before selling it rather than trashing it outright, that way you won’t have to go back and get it again later on in the game in order to complete it. the more stuff you level in full, the faster you progress through mastery ranks, and some stuff is mastery rank locked so you’re gonna wanna pay attention to your progress.
- you’re gonna wanna join a clan as soon as possible. you can find some via the recruiting channel, or probably by asking around on social media, idk. i started my own (not recommended unless you’ve got a group of friends you can rally or feel like recruiting to fill out your ranks in order to actually get stuff done) so i don’t really know what the clan recruiting scene looks like. having access to a clan dojo makes life a lot easier (and can make finding people to play with less of a hassle too)
- the story itself doesn’t really pick up steam until you start the ‘natah’ quest. in between the start and there, you’ll mostly be doing a lot of running around trying to familiarize yourself with the setting and playing catch-up. don’t worry too much about all the stuff they throw at you all at once. almost all the quests are replayable through your codex if you ever want to refresh your memory, and for those that aren’t, the wiki is… usually a pretty decent source as far as summaries go. i’d take it with a grain of salt though.
- this one especially tripped my sister up so i’m gonna touch on it: you’re going to be required to do the ‘heart of deimos’ quest in order to progress past mars on the star chart. IMHO, this quest REALLY should not be mandatory so early on in the game — you aren’t going to be able to make heads or tails of anything anyone is telling you. don’t be afraid to breeze thru it w/o paying much attention and circle back around later in the game, preferably sometime after you finish the war within or at LEAST the second dream. i genuinely don’t know why they’re throwing baby tenno to the wolves on this one. just know it’ll all make sense later i prommy
- don’t worry too much about the open world areas like the orb vallis, the plains of eidolon, or the cambion drift at first. they’re very cool (and you’ll be introduced to them via their respective quests) but they can be overwhelming to new players and the difficulty spike might be frustrating, especially before you’ve unlocked a majority of the tools available to you.
- this game has been ongoing for over ten years at this point - there’s a LOT going on. take your time progressing at a comfortable pace. don’t be afraid to ask around for help if you’re stuck on something or getting frustrated trying to farm a specific part or material.
- if people try to talk down on you for being a lower mastery rank or w/e they’re literally just being an asshole. MR isn’t indicative of skill so much as it is a representation of how much gear you’ve leveled, which is basically just an indicator of how much time you’ve spent playing - a chimp smacking a keyboard can feasibly hit legendary after enough attempts. you’re fine. hell, i’ve been here since 2013 and i’m only MR 19 LMAO
- the ‘meta’ for this game is wildly subjective due to the vast customizability of builds. take everyone’s opinions with several grains of salt and don’t be afraid to experiment on your own to see what works for you
- dont read general chat. it’s not worth it. nobody in there is as funny as they think they are
- the most important part of being a tenno is having fun and being yourself :)
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lacewise · 11 months
I genuinely wasn’t expecting to get any attention on this blog, so now that I have received a passing glance… Hmmm…
Welcome! I’m several years into my needle/needlepoint lace journey, which means I’m still several years away from having any mastery. I’m a self-taught amateur, but I’m very dedicated to research and passing on whatever knowledge I’ve obtained.
I’m currently putting together a couple of videos and working on several projects, after I’ve cleared some of those off my plate I’ll be putting together some tips and tricks for research. I also want to do experimentation with materials and book reviews, so it’s both easier to know what you’re looking for and how to find it.
One of the reasons I recommended buying books so strongly is because there’s information in them that aren’t in Edwardian books on needle lace, as Edwardians were focused on tape needle lace (which involves several less steps than a cordonnet needle lace) and because a lot of information was straight up trade secrets, as needle lace making was a profession often made in factory-settings, and was done in piecework.
I wanted to have out my first two videos months ago, but unfortunately, they involve some of the slowest skills on Earth and I’ve been dangerously ill in the meantime (more than once, somehow). Even if only a few people ever see my work, I will be ecstatic to have helped anyone and have moved the subject forward, just a little, with my limited knowledge.
Anyway, later tonight, when I’ve finished with my work for today, I’ll post my first review: The Lace Guild books. I hope I can be a valuable reference for people interested in my little obscure craft.
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aikoiya · 11 months
DnD - Subclass & Profession Ideas
Subclass: Way of the Night Monk
Mostly works the same as a Shadow Monk, but with more of a moon association, thus making them less exclusively dark aligned & more so twilight. This would give them access to both light & dark. The context being that the moon is both light & dark. This would also give them access to See Invisibility & eventually Truesight.
Subclass: Shinigami Ninja
This subclass works almost the same as someone multiclassed into a Phantom Rogue & a Way of the Night Monk. Also, eventually learns See Invisibility & Truesight. Gives access to magic, but only in so far as Infusion, specifically in the creation of Fūda (runic spell tags) which can be made with little more than paper & some sort of writing utensil, though Ink transfers the magic best here & Brushes are better for it. The Ninja class automatically comes with a Fūda Kit, which is very similar to Calligrapher's Supplies, but replaces the Quill with Calligraphy Brushes.
Subclass: Runesmith Artifacer
Infuses weapons, armor, accessories, shields, tools, & other such items with magic via the application of runes & gems. This automatically comes with the Runesmith Profession, as well as making it easier to get into the Lapidary & Metal Artisan Professions. However, not all at once. There is an implication of growth & mastery in this subclass. It also gives access to Arcane Knowledge.
Can also use rituals that involve the use of runes & materials (especially magical materials), but it takes time. Also gives access to certain utility spells such as Detect Magic & the Identify spell. Nothing that helps in fighting though.
Lapidary = A person who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems. Those with access to magic can go on to become Runesmith Artificers.
Homecook = Someone who is skilled at cooking at home, but not in a professional sense. Has no formal training & is either self-taught or was taught by a friend or family member. Can have gourmet knowledge, but it's a result of experimentation, word-of-mouth, or research rather than formal training.
Metal Artisan = Someone who uses metal to craft things. Something of a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-one in the realm of metalwork. Can have knowledge in the fields of Blacksmithing, Armory, Weaponsmithing, Bladesmithing, & Jewelry-Making. However, can only specialize in & master one of them.
Interrogator = Someone who gets information out of others whether via questioning or torture. Those who simply question often practice psychology & Hellstromism.
Survival Paramedic = Someone who has knowledge in first aid & can use available resources to make things like splints, crutches, bindings, ect. This means that if they don't have access to a Healing Kit for one reason or another, then they can still get advantage on rolls involving Medicine. Gives access to the Medicine & Survival or Nature Skills.
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
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spookyagentfmulder · 1 year
agent mulder was a challenge hannibal decided to conquer. he wanted mulder to be his, acknowledging that in order to keep dana, it'd be smart of hannibal to get them all together. knowing this, he began the process of somewhat courting mulder. where the other man oftentimes tried to argue with the psychiatrist, attempting to scare him off, hannibal - amsued at the efforts - continued to get closer. he'd inivited mulder over for dinner this evening ; just him, wanting conversation with no one else around. he's surprised the man had accepted, even more so when mulder actually showed up. hannibal had poured him a glass of wine, allowed him in the kitchen while he worked to finish the meal. hannibal dips a clean spoon in the sauce he had been creating, glancing at mulder with a hidden grin as he held it up. 'fox - if you wouldn't mind tasting this for me to see if it's to your liking,' lip quirks a bit, smile looking innocent - eyes, not so much. 'it would help me greatly,'
It had been a long, sordid affair.
Dr. Lecter had appeared back in Scully's life not too long ago, and with it their dynamic had completely shifted. It was effecting the X-Files. It was affecting their own relationship, and Mulder knew he had to make an effort to try to extend the proverbial olive branch in order to maintain some sense of control on the situation. He attempted to hold his footing, going toe to toe with the psychiatrist in multiple battle of wits. Most of them ended in stalemates or truces, never really getting further than a few mental blows traded back and forth with one another. Something had to tip. Someone had to break the status quo.
When Mulder accepted the invitation, it was on the grounds of hoping that perhaps he and Hannibal could come to some sort of agreement. Perhaps a mutual understanding. The man was smart, educated, and he figured that perhaps spending some time alone would get him to better see into the mind of Dr. Lecter, perhaps looking past the rigid front he kept polished to a fine sheen. What he had not expected was to be treated to a home made dinner, prepared before him. His technique was incredible and Mulder knew instantly that was something he could not keep up with.
Already the wine tasted sour on his lips, a jealousy forming in his gut at the idea of Scully preferring these lavish, almost decadent displays of mastery in the kitchen. He didn't have money like this. He didn't have anything like this.
His first name pulls him out of his mental spiral. Auburn brows lift with shock and something that couldn't be determined right away. Fox. The name sounded unexpectedly good on Dr. Lecter's tongue, the accent leading it to sound just as foreign. Touches of pink press to the shells of his ears as he pushes himself away from the surface he was leaning against. It could simply be the wine. It could be a number of things.
"I prefer to be called Mulder, if you don't mind." He says, eyes finding the others, "I even make my mother call me Mulder." But not lately. Not since his father died. He allowed her that luxury simply because he was all she had left. He didn't need to know that though.
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gefdreamsofthesea · 1 year
Darkest Dungeon 2 tips:
Don't forget to equip a pet in the pet slot!
Which skills get mastery points? The ones you use most often. I try to upgrade heals (especially Wyrd Reconstruction, Divine Grace, and Sepsis) and melee skills like Punish or Wicked Hack first.
Which Altar of Hope upgrades should you prioritize? Unlock every hero. If you've already done that Resourcefulness makes nodes better in general. Trinkets and inn items definitely.
Have you unlocked the pig roast inn item? Do you see a pig roast in an inn/shop? Purchase it immediately and feed your party. It does not count as giving them food and gives everyone a relationship boost. Also everyone likes flapjacks, and they usually like booze and pipeweed. Wild tea is very good if you have a very annoying negative quirk on a character (it sometimes removes a positive quirk but honestly some of the negative quirks are so nasty it's worth it).
Always read the text of your trinkets. Some trinkets actually really suck. They aren't even a trade off they just suck.
The confession bosses are supposed to be hard don't worry if you die a bunch.
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smartwolfclub · 15 days
How to Get 100,000 YouTube Subscribers in Just 22 Days! 🚀 | Step-by-Step...
Are you ready to skyrocket your YouTube channel and gain 100,000 subscribers in just 22 days? This video unveils a powerful, step-by-step strategy that combines proven tactics, viral content creation techniques, and the latest AI tools to help you achieve explosive growth. Learn how to optimize your videos for maximum visibility, create captivating content that hooks viewers, and leverage SEO and collaborations to rapidly expand your audience. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned YouTuber, this guide is packed with actionable insights that can transform your channel and help you reach your subscriber goals faster than ever before. Don’t miss out on these game-changing strategies—watch now and take your YouTube journey to the next level! 🔥 🔶💰Click link below to JOIN Smart Wolf Club Members Community 👉 http://bit.ly/3DG7kKO   Are you ready to explode your YouTube channel growth and achieve a massive milestone? In this video, we reveal the ultimate step-by-step strategy to get 100,000 YouTube subscribers in just 22 days! 🚀 Whether you're a beginner or an experienced creator, our proven tactics and expert tips will help you boost your subscribers and take your channel to the next level. Discover the secrets behind viral video content that grabs attention, engages viewers, and keeps them coming back for more. Learn how to optimize your videos for the YouTube algorithm using powerful SEO techniques, keyword optimization, and click-worthy thumbnails. We'll also dive into AI tools that can help automate your content creation and make it more compelling! 🔥 Here’s what you’ll learn in this video: 🔶Content Strategies: How to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience and encourages subscriptions. 🔶Growth Hacks: Proven growth hacks that will skyrocket your channel visibility and attract thousands of subscribers. 🔶SEO Mastery: How to use keywords, tags, and descriptions effectively to rank higher and get more views. 🔶Engagement Tactics: The best ways to engage your audience with live streams, giveaways, and community building. 🔶Collaboration Opportunities: How to collaborate with other YouTubers and influencers to cross-promote and grow faster. T🔶his is not just another "YouTube growth" video! We dive deep into actionable strategies and real-world examples that can help any channel reach 100K subscribers FAST! Don’t miss out on these game-changing tips—click play and start your journey to becoming a YouTube success today! 👉 Subscribe for more tips on growing your YouTube channel, making money online, and becoming a digital marketing pro. Hit the bell icon 🔔 so you never miss an update! 🔶💰Join Our Digital Marketing Master Class here: 👉http://bit.ly/3DG7kKO   👉 Smash the Like Button, Share, and Subscribe! If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up, share it with your network, and subscribe for more. Your support helps us bring you more valuable content to help you succeed in the world of trading! ⚫Questions? 📨 Email me Anytime! - [email protected] 📸 Telegram Group- https://bit.ly/3GI9Xwc 🔥  WhatsApp- https://bit.ly/3yVEtk9 ❤️ Subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/c/SmartWolfClub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viral tags: #YouTubeGrowth #YouTubeSubscribers #GrowYourChannel #YouTubeAlgorithm #YouTubeTips #DigitalMarketing #SEO #ViralContent #AI #contentcreationjourney Disclaimer: Investing in binary options, Forex, Crypto trading offers amazing income opportunities and involves a level of risk. The information contained in this presentation is solely for educational purposes and entertainment, and does not constitute investment or financial advice.  You should carefully consider if engaging in such activity is suitable to your own financial situation.  We always encourage members to only trade what you understand, never trade based on other peoples opinions. All investments you make are of your own, and that, you are doing so at your own risk. Always do your own research. If you have any questions please contact us and I'll do my best to help you: [email protected]
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poojanegi99945 · 2 months
Grid Trading Bot Mastery: Innovative Development Techniques
In the rapidly changing landscape of cryptocurrency trading, automation has emerged as a crucial tactic for traders aiming to boost their profits while reducing the time and effort needed to oversee their investments. Among the various automated trading strategies, grid trading stands out as a popular and effective method.
This blog delves into the innovative techniques for grid trading bot development, providing insights and practical tips to help you master this sophisticated tool.
Understanding Grid Trading
Grid trading is a technique where buy and sell orders are strategically placed at set intervals above and below a chosen price. This forms a "grid" of orders that enables traders to benefit from price fluctuations within a certain range. The strength of grid trading lies in its ability to exploit market volatility, making it a popular strategy among both beginners and seasoned traders.
The Essentials of Grid Trading Bot Development
To develop a successful grid trading bot, you need a solid understanding of the key components and how they work together. Here are the essential elements:
1. Algorithm Design: 
The foundation of any trading bot is its algorithm. For a grid trading bot, the algorithm must be capable of identifying the optimal grid size and spacing between orders, as well as managing these orders dynamically based on market conditions.
2. Risk Management: 
Effective risk management is essential for safeguarding your investments. This includes setting stop-loss and take-profit levels, adjusting the grid in response to significant market moves, and ensuring that the bot operates within your risk tolerance.
3. Backtesting and Optimization:
Before launching your bot in live markets, it’s crucial to backtest it with historical data. This process allows you to assess its performance and make needed adjustments. Optimization involves refining the bot’s parameters to enhance profitability and reduce risk.
4. Technical Infrastructure: 
A reliable and fast technical setup is necessary to ensure your bot can execute orders promptly and accurately. This includes choosing the right trading platform, API integration, and server reliability.
Innovative Techniques for Grid Trading Bot Development
Now that we have covered the basics, let's explore some innovative techniques to take your grid trading bot to the next level.
1. Adaptive Grid Strategies: 
Traditional grid bots use fixed intervals for placing orders. An adaptive grid strategy, however, adjusts the grid size and spacing based on market volatility. During periods of high volatility, the bot can widen the grid to capture larger price movements, while in stable markets, it can tighten the grid to exploit smaller fluctuations.
2. AI and Machine Learning: 
Incorporating AI and machine learning into your grid trading bot can significantly enhance its performance. These technologies can help your bot learn from past trades, identify patterns, and make smarter decisions. For example, a machine learning model can predict market trends and adjust the grid parameters accordingly.
3. Multi-Asset Support: 
Diversifying your trading activities across multiple cryptocurrencies can spread risk and increase potential returns. Developing a grid trading bot that supports multiple assets allows you to take advantage of different market conditions and opportunities simultaneously.
4. Advanced Order Types: 
Beyond the standard buy and sell orders, consider implementing advanced order types such as trailing stops, iceberg orders, and conditional orders. These can provide greater flexibility and control over your trading strategy.
5. Real-Time Data Analysis: 
Integrate real-time data feeds into your grid trading bot to enhance its responsiveness to market changes. This can include technical indicators, sentiment analysis from social media, and news feeds. Real-time data helps your bot make informed decisions quickly.
Mastering grid trading bot development requires a combination of technical expertise, strategic thinking, and continuous learning. By understanding the fundamentals and embracing innovative techniques, you can develop a powerful grid trading bot that capitalizes on market volatility and maximizes your trading profits.
Grid trading bot development is an ever-evolving field filled with limitless opportunities for innovation. Whether you are an experienced developer or a beginner, there is always something new to discover and explore. Embrace the journey, experiment with various strategies, and continually improve your bot to achieve success in trading.
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allboutmee · 2 months
Why Backlit Graphics Are Game-Changers
Backlit graphics are not just visually appealing; they’re powerful tools that enhance brand visibility and engagement. The illuminated visuals attract eyes like moths to a flame, making them perfect for crowded environments such as trade shows, storefronts, and events.
Boosting Visibility
One of the primary advantages of backlit graphics is their ability to stand out in low-light conditions. Whether it's a dimly lit retail space or an evening event, these displays ensure your message is visible.
Enhancing Brand Perception
Illuminated displays often convey a sense of professionalism and quality. This can significantly impact how potential customers perceive your brand, making it appear more trustworthy and established.
Versatility in Design
Backlit graphics offer tremendous flexibility in design. You can use them for various applications, from menu boards in restaurants to informational displays at exhibitions.
Case Study 1: Small Business Triumph with Backlit Displays
The Challenge
A local boutique wanted to attract more foot traffic during the holiday season. Despite having great products, they struggled with visibility in a bustling shopping district.
The Solution
They invested in a series of backlit window displays. These eye-catching visuals showcased their holiday collection, highlighting special offers and unique items.
The Result
Foot traffic increased by 40% during the holiday season, and sales saw a significant boost. The backlit displays not only attracted more customers but also enhanced the store’s festive atmosphere.
Case Study 2: Marketing Mastery at Trade Shows
The Challenge
A tech startup needed to make a memorable impression at a major industry trade show. Competing against established brands, they required a strategy to stand out.
The Solution
They designed an interactive booth featuring backlit graphics. The illuminated displays highlighted their product features and included QR codes for quick access to online demos.
The Result
The startup attracted a steady stream of visitors throughout the event. Their innovative use of backlit graphics garnered media attention, resulting in increased brand awareness and several new business leads.
Case Study 3: Graphic Design Inspiration for Restaurants
The Challenge
A new restaurant aimed to create an inviting atmosphere while educating patrons about their farm-to-table concept. Traditional menus and posters weren’t making the desired impact.
The Solution
They introduced backlit menu boards and wall graphics, illustrating the journey of their ingredients from farm to table. The vibrant visuals created an immersive dining experience.
The Result
Customers appreciated the engaging and informative environment, leading to positive reviews and repeat visits. The backlit graphics helped the restaurant convey its brand story effectively.
The Versatility of Backlit Graphics in Campaigns
Retail Displays
Retailers can leverage backlit graphics to highlight promotions, new arrivals, or seasonal collections. The vivid displays catch the eye and draw customers into the store.
Corporate Branding
For corporate offices and lobbies, backlit graphics can create a welcoming yet professional ambiance. They can be used to display company values, achievements, or timelines.
Outdoor Advertising
Backlit billboards and posters are highly effective for outdoor advertising, especially in urban areas. They remain visible even at night, ensuring continuous brand exposure.
Tips for Implementing Backlit Graphics
Understand Your Audience
Tailor your designs to the preferences and behaviors of your target audience. For example, vibrant colors and bold text may work well for a youthful demographic, while a more subdued design may appeal to a professional audience.
Focus on Quality
Invest in high-quality materials and printing to ensure your backlit graphics look sharp and professional. Poor quality can detract from your message and brand perception.
Keep it Simple
While backlit graphics can be striking, avoid cluttering your design with too much information. A clear, concise message often has a more significant impact.
Backlit graphics are transforming the landscape of marketing and advertising. From small businesses to large corporations, these illuminated displays offer a unique way to capture attention and convey messages effectively. By studying successful campaigns and understanding the benefits and applications of backlit graphics, you can harness their power to elevate your brand and achieve your marketing goals.
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upcomingtradera · 3 months
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forex-baba-official · 3 months
🌟 Ready to elevate your trading game? 📈💰 Dive into the world of Forex, XAUUSD, and cryptocurrency trading with Forex Baba Official! 🚀
🔥 Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our channel is your go-to destination for valuable trading tips, live strategies, and in-depth market analysis. From mastering the intricacies of XAUUSD to navigating the fast-paced world of crypto, we've got you covered.
💡 Looking to refine your trading skills? Join us as we decode market trends, share insider secrets, and demonstrate real-time trades that can amplify your profits. Our goal is simple: to empower you with knowledge that translates into success.
📺 Don't miss out on the latest updates and expert insights! Hit that subscribe button, like our videos, and share the excitement with your fellow traders. Together, let's navigate the financial markets and turn opportunities into achievements.
👉 Subscribe now and embark on your journey to trading mastery with Forex Baba Official! 🚀💼💵
🔗 Link: www.youtube.com/@forexbabaofficial
ForexTrading #XAUUSD #Cryptocurrency #TradingStrategies #ForexBaba
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friendhrm · 3 months
The Best Ways to Hire Outsystems Developers for Your Business
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Are you looking to upgrade your company's advanced nearness and streamline your forms utilizing Outsystems innovation? Enlisting gifted Outsystems engineers is the key to opening the full potential of this effective stage. In this web journal, we will give you with profitable experiences and tips on how to hire the best Outsystems developers for your company’s needs.
1. Get it Your Necessities: Some time recently you begin the enlisting handle, it's vital to have a clear understanding of your venture necessities. Decide the particular abilities, involvement, and skill you require in an Outsystems developer. Knowing your prerequisites will offer assistance you discover the right candidate or Outsystems development company in India that can meet your needs effectively.
2. See for Experienced Outsystems Development Companies in India: When it comes to hiring Outsystems developers, joining forces with an experienced Outsystems development company in India can be profoundly advantageous. These companies frequently have a group of gifted engineers with differing ability in Outsystems development. They can handle ventures of different complexities, guaranteeing high-quality arrangements custom-made to your requirements.
3. Check Portfolios and Client Audits: When hiring potential Outsystems developers or companies, survey their portfolios and client tributes. Looking at their past ventures gives you an understanding into their abilities and the quality of their work. Furthermore, perusing client surveys can give important input on their communication, unwavering quality, and problem-solving abilities.
4. Survey Specialized Aptitudes: Conduct specialized interviews or appraisals to assess the candidates' Outsystems development abilities. Inquire them approximately their past ventures, challenges confronted, and arrangements given. Evaluate their capability in working with Outsystems devices, planning client interfacing, joining databases, and investigating issues. A comprehensive specialized assessment guarantees you contract designers with the right mastery for your project.
5. Consider Communication and Collaboration: Compelling communication and collaboration are vital for the victory of any advancement venture. Guarantee that the Outsystems developers you contract have solid communication abilities and can collaborate consistently with your existing group. This is especially vital if you're enlisting a inaccessible group or outsourcing your improvement needs to an Outsystems development company in India.
6. Assess Problem-Solving Capacities: Outsystems developers require being capable at problem-solving. Show them with real-life scenarios or challenges related to Outsystems development and watch how they approach problem-solving. Evaluating their problem-solving capacities gives you experiences into their inventiveness, explanatory aptitudes, and capability to handle complex issues.
7. Emphasize Social Fit and Polished skill: A fruitful collaboration too depends on the social fit and polished skill of the engineers you enlist. Guarantee they adjust with your company culture, values, and work morals. Experts who regard due dates, communicate viably, and adjust well to your organizational environment can essentially upgrade the efficiency and productivity of your team.
By taking after these tips and collaborating with a trustworthy Outsystems development company in India, you can secure the administrations of talented designers who can impel your company's advanced activities to modern statures. Contracting the right ability guarantees that your Outsystems projects are executed consistently, conveying inventive arrangements that meet your trade goals successfully.
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