#pro signal mastery
forex368 · 5 months
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katherinebotten · 1 year
Jack Donoghue, the opioid epidemic merch hoodie, and Salem
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Jack is cool because of what he brings to the situation. The situation isn’t cool. It’s cool because jack is there. Jack sets the tone he does not let the tone dictate how he is received. He has a romantic mid-west America sensibility. Humble. Disappearing to become a heroin addict ploughing the fields of Alaska like a gold-rush miner in the 1800s. Always in a BPD codep relationship but he remains the Elvis of his life. The captain of his ship. Enough self hating insecurity that we relate to him yet enough mastery over his exterior material conditions that we are in awe. The shame never takes him under the way it would us. He is a god amongst men because shame would kill us mortals yet he takes his shame and turns it into capital through the commerce possible from fine art. Everyone else tries to be Salem but only Salem is Salem. Everyone else should try being themselves. He dated lana because they are both magicians. Liam wanted to be Jack. Every boy wants to be jack. If I saw a person in a Salem t-shirt I would make sure not to talk to them. I think identifying with Salem is for losers only. But I can’t deny the appeal of jack. And of Salem! 
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Daisies boyfriend wore a black hoodie it said “I survived the opioid crisis” and I wanted it even though they are the most loser couple of insecure losers on earth. Australia’s prom king and queen if the high school was Insecure High. And it really makes you think, huh, it must be true… money doesn’t make you happy. I didn’t know who made this hoodie - for days I was thinking about it. It was like a sigil. Charged with subcultural power. Then I googled it and saw it was Salem merch... Of course! Salem merch is cringe by nature because when you signal the code that your into Salem you also signal that your a desperate creton lazy death lover with no creativity. Like every art gallery in Melbourne named after death. But this hoodie got me. Death has built in sex appeal that’s why I think it’s lazy. I wish Salem made pro-life merch but they wouldn’t, couldn’t, and won’t. Because then they wouldn’t be Salem. I come for the death and stay for the sex. Jack is the Bee Gee’s “Stayin’ Alive” song, walking down the street in spring using your denim cock crotch as a compass. Jacks cock = true north. He is magnetic because he is a child looking for a whore and/or a mother and won’t break out of himself to become sovereign (ie to become a magician) and we identify, the magnetism is that he is us but he looks, sounds, and seems cool doing it, so we idolise. We want to feel okay. We also can’t break out to become sovereign selves, we want company. But jack is accidentally a magician and I can’t figure out why. He is a martyr in that he becomes magician so we don’t have to and we praise him for it. (Idk how u become a magician without becoming a magician????) He is America. He is a poet. He is a beat poet. He is a dumb hunk. Drunk. Drug addict. Sex addict. Bpd pest. Annoying regressed pitbull. The archetype of the Casanova, Eros, Mars the planet named after the Roman god of war. He signals an authenticity that hipsters feed off but being death obsessed isn’t authentic it’s fake and a cover and fear centric and our authentic core is always life obsessed. My magic coach max says life and death are the same thing. Idk I just know Jack is a loser because death is pathetic but I also know that he gets me everytime and we love him because we want to love the fearful parts of us too and in jack we see the dualism of fear and the things we do to camouflage it that to dumb people appears as fears opposite. We want to empower the parts of us that are scared and weak and lying to cover themselves over as strong (see: in Melbourne - indifferent, apathetic, amoral, apolitical). So we love jack. Scum John Travolta. A boobytrap. Salem is for the codependent. Salem is loaded, charged, cool. 
I watched a fan made documentary on YouTube about Jack and spent the next 12 hours totally desperate to relapse. Every product we want has a secret promise it will make us feel safer. No one wants to die and to change is to die and to be attracted to darkness is liking this sensation you get when you think you are changing because you are dying because you like darkness, and how happy it lets you feel making believe like you're changing when your actually not. Surrounded by darkness my loser XXXXXXXXX thinks he is so cool because he loves death but he doesn’t change he is stuck because he thinks the attraction to death is death (he's not brave enough to die). The final thing out of Pandora’s box was hope and it was the cruellest of all because it kept people exactly as they were. Unchanging. We are such liars. Salem hoodie losers declare themselves as liars. Looking beyond death is life, like in Zazen setting up seated meditation and staring through the hoodie. Refracted out on the other side is the understanding that there is a quality within you that is dependent on external validation for your sense of mysticism, and this is of a low vibrational frequency and probably blocking you from real divine union, being yourself, knowing your purpose and carrying it out.
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I wish they didn’t have the opioid brands on the back it makes it uncool, glib and heavy handed. It’s cheap like loser graphic design not fine art and you could find anything that looks like that at Savers or someone in Brunswick yuck. The front is kind of dope in that it’s a public service announcement and mysterious and doesn’t technically have to be true. Then the brands on the back is this energetic doubling down but it’s confused and Vibrationally comes off as not mysterious. Too “of the world”. Plus can you imagine all the losers behind you as you walk being intrigued or scared while reading the branding on your back it’s kind of beyond ugly thing to force to happen in the environment in fact I would go as far as to call the graphic element on the back of the hoodie environmental rape. 
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It seems like no matter what he has friends and some what accepts himself. If it was one of us who ended up picking olives in willunga, South Australia, or being a cleaner on a FIFO offshore oil refinery, or in the mines of deep Queensland I doubt we would remain cool and desirable, it is the perserverance of Jack’s essense despite the material conditions that we admire. It’s like he is in the olympics of remaining cool despite what is happening around him. I would kill myself if I ended up childless and living in the fleurieu peninsula alas I am sober and Jack copes by smoking, driving a ute, staying reflexive to trends, and contributing to the zietgiest with markers reminding us of his virility via Instagram posts. I’m torn, it’s not king behaviour. I stan a drop-out, jack hangs-in. 
One day zac described to me that Ed Sheeran was famous because he distilled the essense of England into a man and that is what was being celebrated. England championing the spirit of “England”. The schizophrenia of it was enticing, I don’t know if it checks out. I think we just want to be carried off to sleep, our consciousness blunted. Nothing toooo much but enough of enough to think we’re being satisfied. A Course In Miracles says nothing of this world could be satisfying. I think jack represents the edge of an edge most hipsters are happy to occasionally occupy or aim for. If Jack actually was a frontier explorer we wouldn’t know or see him because he wouldn’t be so representable and locatable. (I wonder if that’s truly true?)
I like jack because he shows me beauty in hopelessness. Where jack is is ok not because it is ok but because jack is there. This is a representation of presence-creation. If I am ok then I can be present. At the end of it all we love hope. The art is dark but it represents making the most of nothing and that is hopeful. Jack is a magician because he is an alchemiser. 
I still think wearing Salem merch shows yourself to be retarded it’s the same as saying I am four years old but I can’t deny that the graphic design of the Salem font is an effective sigil. I respect the mastery of magic in this regard. Salem tea towels would be cool. “I survived the opiod epidemic” on a teatowel would have such a different register vibrationally than a black hoodie. I guess I’m missing the point again people want death not life from salem and tea towels are too life coded. I wonder if there is a way for salem to have less loser attracting merch? 
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I know they have such bad porn star sex. I actually feel so sad writing that, I look into their eyes above and see broken 4 year olds crying out for affection and security. They could perfectly heal together, two of the same wounds. My heart breaks to think of both of them stuck on the same merry-go-round from hell.
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unsoundnovel · 1 year
minthara knows more than a few languages, but the ones nearest and dearest to heart are those of her people—the specialized drow sign language all of her ppl use to be able to hear any sign of enemies n keep from alerting other drow or predators to their location. common drow—which she speaks almost disdainfully, with short, clipped sentences as orders to those beneath het. and finally, high drow—which is reserved only for nobles such as herself n high priestesses.
high drow is often referred to as the language of spiders and snakes. vowels are hushed, rich, deep tones, consonants are hot huffs, with only qs, js and ts really cutting through ughs ands uus and eas, and ees, and haas, and is spoken in slow, lanuguid, carefully chosen iambic pantameter. their wizards are called “snake chanters” by their slaves. drow of all classes often use sounds like cat chattering from the back of their throat/the front of their teeth to signal basically the sfx of a spider’s leg crawl in a cartoon. if you hear the clicking, shit is abt to go down, n its a sign from somebody to watch out or run.
drow typically learn modern “common” customs from those they enslave or pillage from, as well as their network of surface spies. modern surface spues typically become teachers in their elder years. often, drow are out of date on what the surface is like by hundreds of years, and bc of this, there speech is always more formal.
due to the vowel/breath heavy, tongue muscle memory of drow, common comes almost too easily, except that drow often go hard on those consonants to express dominance and further mastery to make up for the lacj of it in their own language.
high drow is literally a secret spoken between “sisters.” common, for all people, is something most drow despise. and yet, there is a beauty to the way it deepens their voices, makes them louder and more brash, the way words can be ordered so quickly and punctuated so properly.
common poetry is a fun party trick. like being able to sing opera for a stadium. often noble girls amuse themselves with dirty common limericks no human could remember even their grandparents ever saying, like high schoolers amusing themselves with teaching each other curse words in other languages. the louder they get, as if playing the “ penis” yelling game—the more likely they are to be scolded and punished. but even drow have fun!
minthara often enchanted lovers with her low, deep voice and poetry. she finds a fascination with the double meaning and entendree of common. she loves their metaphors, it reminds her more of their sign language and dance than high drow does, which has so many rules and layers so ancient, it can sometimes be restricting, especially when spoken near an elder, and sometimes the double meanings ate so hidden behind age that the meaning of sayings from the dawn of time seem meaningless to minthara, even devout as she claimed to be,
(minthara’s mother would hit her when she caught her using common with her schoolyard crushes to impress them. it made double down deeper in private.)
in general, minthara speaks common with confidence—but without the absolute’s chaotic influence freeing her from self-influcted rules and restrictions, minthara keeps herself to her confident, low drawl, making sure not to burden her words with too much emotion, and yet speak with all the intention and practice her drow upbringing AND secret queer parlor trick language requires.
it really is an alto ballad coming from her
it’s funny because i think the absolute unleashes and frees her, in a way. she would still have killed the grove, even if it wad cruel, if she wanted to. it would have been pointless at the time, but she can see reasons why one would do it, (they are weak, they are unable to fend for themselves, they are burdens, etc.)
but she WANTS structure and order and intention, and more than that, the structure, order, and intention that she herself provides for herself beyond gods and politics beneath her. i think common appeals to that, bc she would like to Rule All, not just drow.
also, im thinking about drow masculinity vs femininity and if they could even have butchness except as a performance of female knighthood/strength/semi-subverience to noble women in the guise of a service role of masculine strength. like it would be different than butchness, but also it would kind of be butchness…. but also minthara is a paladin… so a knight… and she “instructs you”….. idk, she has a very kind of butch bisexual energy to her, lets not lie, n whats better than this, a drow woman who doesnt want to habe kuss, who hates her mother and female god, but still wants to dom and 69 you. nothing….
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soundorp · 14 days
How to Setup your Space for a Home Recording Studio
Creating the perfect environment is crucial for unleashing your creativity. Let’s explore how to set up your space for optimal performance:
Choosing the Ideal Spot
Size Matters: Consider room size and shape to find the perfect space for your home recording studio. Each room has unique acoustics, so choose wisely.
The Centerpiece: Your Desk
Sturdy and Spacious: Your desk should accommodate all your equipment comfortably while prioritizing ergonomic design for prolonged comfort.
Masterful Monitor Placement
Triangle of Sound: Position your monitors to form an equilateral triangle with your listening position, ensuring balanced sound delivery.
Acoustic Alchemy
Absorbers and Diffusers: Place acoustic treatment to minimize reflections and create a conducive recording environment.
Computer and Software Essentials
Selecting the Powerhouse: Computer
Speed and Storage: Get a computer with a fast processor and good storage capacity to handle your DAW and plugins seamlessly.
Here’s a quick guide based on your OS preference:
Windows:Dell XPS: Strong performance with professional-grade CPU options.Asus Zenbook 13: A more budget-friendly choice with reliable capabilities.
Mac:MacBook Pro: Known for advanced processing power, essential if you’re using Logic Pro.
Ensure your choice has ample SSD storage to handle large files without slowing down your creative flow.
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Choosing the Soul: Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
Your Creative Hub: Choose one that aligns with your preferences and enhances your workflow. Select the perfect software for you by reading our FREE GUIDE.
Microphone Mastery
Positioning Precision: Position your microphones for optimal sound capture, considering distance, angle, and room acoustics.
Signal Path Sensibility
From Source to Sound: Ensure a clear signal path from microphones to your recording device, minimizing interference and maximizing clarity.
Outboard Excellence
Preamp Prestige: Invest in revered preamps like Neve and API to elevate your sound to new heights.
Dynamic Range Control: Incorporate high-quality compressors to enhance dynamics and achieve a polished sound.
Critical Listening Environment
Monitor Mastery: Create a space optimized for critical listening, ensuring accurate sound reproduction and precise mixing decisions.
Reference Tracks: Use reference songs on studio monitors to calibrate your ears to the sound of your room and make informed mixing decisions.
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Advanced Acoustic Treatment
Bass Traps and Diffusers: Implement advanced acoustic treatment solutions like bass traps and diffusers to further refine your studio’s sound.
Room Calibration: Utilize room correction software and hardware to fine-tune the acoustics of your space and achieve pristine recordings.
You’re now well-equipped to create a home recording studio. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start building your personal podcasting haven today!
To read the full and more detailed article on Guide to Build a Home Recording studio for creators & podcast, Click the Link Now!
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Advanced Cutting Horse Training: Expert Tips for Excellence
As cutting horse training advances, the pursuit of excellence becomes both an art and a science. To gain insight into the nuances of this high-level training, we turn to the experts—the seasoned trainers and professionals who have dedicated their lives to the mastery of cutting horse competition. In this blog post, we'll explore advanced cutting horse training tips from the pros, offering invaluable insights into the techniques, strategies, and mindset required to excel at the highest levels of competition.
1. Develop a Deep Understanding of Cattle Behavior:
According to top cutting horse trainers, a profound understanding of cattle behavior is paramount for success in the arena. Expert trainers study cattle meticulously, learning to anticipate their movements and reactions in various situations. By understanding the psychology of cattle, trainers can position their horses strategically, setting them up for successful cuts and maximizing their scoring potential.
2. Focus on Fine-Tuning Communication:
Clear and precise communication between horse and rider is essential for executing flawless cutting maneuvers. Advanced trainers emphasize the importance of subtle cues and precise timing, teaching their horses to respond to the slightest shift in weight or pressure. By fine-tuning communication, trainers can achieve a level of responsiveness and partnership that elevates their performance in competition.
3. Master the Art of Reading Cattle:
Reading cattle is a skill honed through years of experience and observation. Seasoned trainers learn to anticipate the movements of cattle based on subtle cues and signals, allowing them to position their horses effectively and make split-second decisions in the arena. By mastering the art of reading cattle, trainers can gain a competitive advantage, outmaneuvering their opponents and maximizing their scoring potential.
4. Refine Cutting Technique Through Practice:
Practice is the cornerstone of excellence in cutting horse training. Top trainers emphasize the importance of consistent, focused practice sessions, during which horses can refine their cutting technique and hone their skills. By drilling specific maneuvers and scenarios repeatedly, trainers can instill muscle memory and develop the precision and timing required for success in competition.
5. Cultivate Mental Toughness and Resilience:
In the high-pressure environment of cutting competitions, mental toughness is as important as physical skill. Expert trainers focus on cultivating resilience and fortitude in both horse and rider, teaching them to stay calm, focused, and determined in the face of adversity. By instilling a mindset of confidence and determination, trainers can help their horses perform at their best under even the most challenging circumstances.
6. Seek Feedback and Continuously Improve:
Even the most seasoned trainers recognize the value of feedback and continuous improvement. Top professionals actively seek out opportunities to learn from their peers, mentors, and competitors, seeking feedback and insights that can help them refine their training methods and strategies. By remaining open to new ideas and perspectives, trainers can stay at the forefront of their field and continue to push the boundaries of excellence in cutting horse training.
Advanced cutting horse training is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that requires skill, dedication, and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin the sport. By learning from the insights and experiences of top professionals, trainers can gain valuable knowledge and techniques to elevate their performance in the arena. With a focus on understanding cattle behavior, fine-tuning communication, mastering the art of reading cattle, refining cutting technique through practice, cultivating mental toughness, and seeking feedback and continuous improvement, trainers can unlock the full potential of their horses and achieve success at the highest levels of competition.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
TopSpin 2K25 Review - A Strong Return - Game Informer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/topspin-2k25-review-a-strong-return-game-informer/
TopSpin 2K25 Review - A Strong Return - Game Informer
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In the heyday of the tennis-sim video game genre, Top Spin and Virtua Tennis were the best players in the crowded space. However, in the time since the genre’s boom settled, the offerings have fallen off considerably, with both franchises going more than a decade without a new release. TopSpin 2K25 signals the reemergence of the critically acclaimed series, and though it’s been a while since it stepped on the court, it’s evident the franchise hasn’t lost its stroke.
TopSpin 2K25 faithfully recreates the high-speed chess game of real-world tennis. Positioning, spin, timing, and angles are critical to your success. For those unfamiliar with those fundamental tennis tenets, 2K25 does a superb job of onboarding players with TopSpin Academy, which covers everything from where you should stand to how to play different styles. Even as someone who played years of tennis in both real life and video games, I enjoyed going through the more advanced lessons to refamiliarize myself with the various strategies at play.
Once on the court, you learn how crucial those tactics are. The margin of error is extremely thin, as the difference between a winner down the baseline and a shot into the net is often a split-second on the new timing meter. This meter ensures you release the stroke button timed with when the ball is in the ideal striking position relative to your player. Mastering this is pivotal, as it not only improves your shot accuracy but also your power.
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TopSpin 2K25 is at its best when you’re in sustained rallies against an evenly-matched opponent. Getting off a strong serve to immediately puts your opponent on the defensive, then trying to capitalize on their poor positioning as they struggle to claw back into the point effectively captures the thrill of the real-world game. I also love how distinct each play style feels in action; an offensive baseline player like Serena Williams presents different challenges than a serve-and-volleyer like John McEnroe.
You can hone your skills in one-off exhibition matches, but I spent most of my time in TopSpin 2K25 in MyCareer. Here, you create your player, with whom you’ll train and climb the ranks. As you complete challenges and win matches, you raise your status, which opens new features like upgradeable coaches, equippable skills, and purchasable homes to alleviate the stamina drain from travel. Managing your stamina by sometimes resting is essential to sustain high-level play; pushing yourself too hard can even cause your player to suffer injuries that sideline you for months.
I loved most of my time in MyCareer, but some design decisions ruined the immersion. For example, I ignored portions of the career goals necessary to rank up my player for hours, so while I was in the top 10 global rankings, I was unable to participate in a Grand Slam because I was still at a lower status than my ranking would typically confer. And since repetition is the path to mastery, it’s counterintuitive that repeated training minigames award fewer benefits, particularly since the mode as a whole is a repetitive loop of training, special events, and tournaments. Additionally, MyCareer shines a light on the shallow pool of licensed players on offer. Most of my matches were against created characters, even hours deep. 2K has promised free licensed pros in the post-launch phase, but for now, the game is missing multiple top players.
I’m pleasantly surprised by how unintrusive the use of VC is. In the NBA 2K series, VC, which can be earned slowly or bought using real money, is used to directly improve your player. In TopSpin 2K25, it’s used primarily for side upgrades, like leveling up your coach, relocating your home, earning XP boosts, resetting your attribute distribution, or purchasing cosmetics. Though I’m still not a fan of microtransactions affecting a single-player mode – particularly since it’s almost certainly why you need to be online to play MyCareer – it’s much more palatable than its NBA contemporary.
If you’d rather play against real opponents, you can show off your skills (and your created character) in multiple online modes. World Tour pits your created player against others across the globe in various tournaments and leaderboard challenges, while 2K Tour leverages the roster of licensed players with daily challenges to take on. Outside of minor connection hiccups, I had an enjoyable time tackling the challenges presented by other players online. However, World Tour’s structure means that despite the game’s best efforts, mismatches occur; it’s no fun to play against a created character multiple levels higher than you. Thankfully, these mismatches were the outlier rather than the exception in my experience.
TopSpin 2K25 aptly brings the beloved franchise back to center court, showing that not only does the series still have legs, but so does the sim-tennis genre as a whole. Though its modes are somewhat repetitive and it’s missing several high-profile pros at launch, TopSpin 2K25 serves up a compelling package for tennis fans.
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phrem745236 · 6 months
NeonGrip: Illuminating Liquid Chalk Formula"
NeonGrip stands as a beacon among traditional chalks, offering not just grip but an experience that transcends the ordinary. Crafted with a revolutionary formula, NeonGrip redefines the very essence of liquid chalk, infusing it with luminescent qualities that illuminate your path to mastery.
At its core, NeonGrip embodies innovation. It is meticulously crafted with a blend of premium ingredients, carefully balanced to enhance grip while maintaining a smooth texture. Unlike conventional chalks, its liquid form seamlessly adheres to your hands, creating a reliable bond that lasts through the most demanding challenges.
But what truly sets NeonGrip apart is its luminescent properties. As you apply it, a subtle neon glow emanates, casting a captivating aura around your hands. This radiant effect not only adds flair to your performance but also serves a practical purpose, providing enhanced visibility in low-light conditions. Whether you're scaling a rock face at dusk or honing your skills in a dimly lit gym, NeonGrip ensures you stand out, both figuratively and literally.
Beyond its performance-enhancing attributes, NeonGrip embodies a spirit of creativity and expression. Its vibrant hues inspire confidence and invite you to push the boundaries of your abilities. With each application, you become part of a luminous tapestry, weaving your story of determination and achievement against the backdrop of the night.
Moreover, NeonGrip is more than just a chalk—it's a statement. Its bold presence commands attention, signaling to fellow athletes and spectators alike that you're not just here to compete, but to leave an indelible mark on the world around you. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice enthusiast, NeonGrip empowers you to shine bright and reach new heights.
But NeonGrip isn't content with just illuminating your performance; it's also committed to sustainability. Crafted with eco-friendly materials and packaged in recyclable containers, it minimizes its environmental footprint without compromising on quality. With NeonGrip, you can pursue your passion with a clear conscience, knowing that every move you make leaves a positive impact on the planet.
In conclusion, NeonGrip transcends the ordinary, offering not just grip but a luminous journey of self-discovery and achievement. With its liquid chalk formula, radiant glow, and commitment to sustainability, it's more than just a chalk—it's a beacon of excellence in a world of ordinary solutions. So, dare to stand out, embrace the glow, and let NeonGrip guide you towards greatness.
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seekneo1 · 6 months
Title: SeekNeo: Your Chief web development agency in bangalore
In the web development agency in bangalore, where development and imagination converge, arises SeekNeo — a main web improvement organization committed to creating extraordinary computerized encounters. With a powerful group of specialists in charge, SeekNeo is focused on conveying state of the art arrangements that drive organizations forward in the computerized scene. From website composition to improvement, SeekNeo offers a thorough set-up of administrations customized to meet the different necessities of clients across businesses.
At SeekNeo, we comprehend that a convincing internet based presence is foremost in the present serious market. That is the reason we approach each undertaking with fastidious scrupulousness, utilizing the most recent advancements and patterns to guarantee unmatched outcomes. Whether you're a startup hoping to lay out your image or a carefully prepared undertaking expecting to redo your computerized procedure, SeekNeo is your confided in accomplice constantly.
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sarangbe · 6 months
when he was informed of this mentoring opportunity, sarang honestly wanted to reject it. while he realizes that, as the winner of next gen's first season, it would be appropriate for him to return to its second series, this isn't the way he envisioned it happening. he thought that, maybe, he'd show up at the finale to present the new winner with their crown and scepter, or that he'd be a special emcee for one of the performance-oriented challenges. for some reason, he never considered that they would want him to act as a coach to this year's batch of prospective trainees; someone who takes their hand, and helps guide them toward attaining their dreams.
the mere thought of that drummed up an anxiety in him that he didn't know he had—an imposter syndrome that genuinely had him questioning if he should even continue walking down the flowered path that he's on right now. when he asked himself what he could possibly teach these idol-hopefuls, he genuinely had no idea.
he knows people like ren, joomi, and dohyun could instruct someone on the proper way to hit high notes, or even the fundamentals of producing music, and he knows people like nayoung and chaerin can give lessons on being well-rounded, and seojun on dancing like a pro, but him? what could he, yeom sarang, possibly teach anyone?
if this were a design class, he'd feel much more in his element. if he was asked to give tips and tricks for taking great selfies, he'd excel at that, too, but when it comes to the stage, specifically, he tends to believe that the performance skills he has can't be taught, per se. it's more like something a person just either possesses, or doesn't.
sarang feels this way because, in his experience, no one helped him craft his ability to provide facial expressions that beautifully match the vibe of a song. no one gave him a crash-course in being eye-catching, nor in having stage presence. these are things that he's somehow discovered he's great at, and he has no idea how to break them down into a science. that fact alone frustrates him immensely.
with this in mind, he decided to be a source of warmth and positivity to the trainees; to make them feel good by informing them of what they're doing right, and reminding them to take a breath and have fun with the challenges. the others can be harsh if that's what they want to do, but going into this, he really wanted to focus on boosting their confidence in whatever way he could. however, his approach has garnered plenty of criticism from his peers; so much so that he's even gotten into an argument his label-mate over it.
they decry that he's too nice, and that he only cares about being liked, so he's not as firm as he should be. they tell him to be honest, to offer advice, to answer questions, to tell people if they're not performing well, but he genuinely feels like he can't do that. who is he talk to, anyway? sure, he won this same competition about a year ago, but he's always felt as though that was a complete fluke; a small stroke of luck that bestowed itself upon him without him really even asking for it. did he sign up to compete? yes, but he was careful what he wished for. he wanted more eyes on him, not to walk away with the grand prize.
all of this said, how is he supposed to advise anyone on how to sing, dance, or rap when he barely knows how to do any of that himself? he's told frequently that he's not a good singer, and his dance skills are only so good because of the help of moon jinyoung. if anything, someone like him should've walked away with the blue ribbon.
knowing that going round-and-round about this in his head won't help, sarang decides to try his best to do better—just like this year's signal song suggests. it's not easy to walk away from these feelings, but in order to be a true professional, he needs tap into his mastery of compartmentalization. right now, he's a public persona; someone that isn't fully connected to his true self. maybe framing it like that will help him access more grit. hoping his efforts aren't done in vain, sarang prepares himself for the rest of production; heeding the advice he's been given by everyone in his corner.
he can do this. he knows he can.
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bestpianoreview · 7 months
Unveiling the Yamaha MG12XU Mixer: A Comprehensive Exploration of Pro-Level Audio Mixing Mastery
In the vast universe of audio mixing, the Yamaha MG12XU mixer stands as a towering colossus, revered for its unwavering reliability, unmatched versatility, and uncompromising sonic fidelity. With its sleek design, formidable feature set, and pristine sound performance, the MG12XU has earned its place as an indispensable tool in the arsenals of audio engineers, producers, and musicians alike. This in-depth guide embarks on an illuminating journey through the inner workings of the Yamaha MG12XU mixer, shedding light on its myriad features, capabilities, and real-world applications in the realm of professional audio production.
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Unraveling the Yamaha MG12XU Mixer:
At the heart of the Yamaha MG12XU mixer lies a sophisticated blend of innovation and craftsmanship, meticulously engineered to meet the demands of modern audio professionals. Boasting 12 channels—comprising four mono microphone/line inputs and four stereo line inputs—the MG12XU offers a wealth of connectivity options to accommodate a diverse range of audio sources. With Yamaha's renowned D-PRE mic preamps at its core, the mixer delivers pristine sound quality with unparalleled clarity, ensuring that every nuance of your audio signal is faithfully reproduced with the utmost precision and fidelity.
Delving into Key Features and Functions:
One of the standout features of the Yamaha MG12XU mixer is its integrated digital effects processor, which provides a comprehensive array of studio-quality effects to elevate your audio productions to new heights. From lush reverbs and dynamic delays to shimmering choruses and ethereal flangers, the mixer offers a diverse palette of effects to infuse your mixes with depth, dimension, and character. Additionally, the MG12XU boasts onboard compression on select channels, allowing you to sculpt and shape the dynamics of individual signals with surgical precision, ensuring optimal balance and clarity in your mixes.
Another hallmark feature of the Yamaha MG12XU mixer is its built-in USB audio interface, which facilitates seamless integration with digital audio workstations (DAWs) and enables hassle-free multi-track recording and playback. With support for high-resolution audio up to 24-bit/192kHz, the USB interface ensures pristine sound capture and reproduction, making it an ideal solution for studio recording, podcasting, and live streaming applications. Furthermore, the mixer's "SPX" digital processing technology offers a diverse range of studio-quality effects, including reverb, echo, chorus, and more, allowing you to add professional polish and sheen to your mixes with ease.
Real-World Applications and Practical Uses:
The Yamaha MG12XU mixer finds itself perfectly at home in a myriad of audio production environments, from recording studios and live sound setups to podcasting studios and broadcast facilities. In a recording studio setting, the mixer serves as the nerve center for capturing and sculpting audio signals from microphones, instruments, and other sources, providing the tools and flexibility needed to achieve professional-grade recordings with ease and efficiency.
For live sound reinforcement applications, the Yamaha MG12XU mixer shines with its robust performance and intuitive operation, making it an indispensable tool for sound engineers and performers alike. Whether in a small club, concert venue, or house of worship, the mixer delivers pristine sound quality and reliable performance, ensuring crystal-clear audio reproduction and seamless operation in any live sound scenario.
In addition to its primary roles in music production and live sound reinforcement, the Yamaha MG12XU mixer also excels in podcasting, broadcasting, and multimedia production applications. Its compact form factor, intuitive controls, and versatile feature set make it an ideal choice for content creators seeking a reliable and user-friendly mixing solution for their audio projects, whether recording interviews, hosting live streams, or producing radio shows and podcasts.
In conclusion, the Yamaha MG12XU mixer stands as a shining beacon of excellence in the realm of professional audio mixing, embodying Yamaha's unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and reliability. With its intuitive design, robust features, and pristine sound performance, the MG12XU offers a versatile and dependable solution for a wide range of audio mixing tasks. Whether in the studio, on the stage, or in the broadcast booth, the Yamaha MG12XU mixer empowers audio professionals to unleash their creativity and achieve sonic perfection with confidence and precision.
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pinoyaksyonnewsph · 9 months
Beyond Boundaries: Huawei MatePad Pro 13.2-inch, MateBook D 16 2024, and FreeClip Raise the Bar for Portable Innovation and Creative Mastery
Step into the future of portable excellence with Huawei's latest unveils—the MatePad Pro 13.2-inch, MateBook D 16 2024, and FreeClip launching in the Philippines on January 11, 2024.
Huawei has confirmed that it is bringing its latest innovations into the Pacific region, including the Philippines. After a successful launch in Dubai, the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2-inch, HUAWEI MateBook D 16 2024, and HUAWEI FreeClip are set to redefine the way Filipino consumers work, create, and innovate starting this January 11, 2024.
A Decade-Long Journey of Innovation in Tablet and PC Industry
Huawei tablets have emerged as industry leaders, defying the global decline in the tablet market since 2016 by maintaining a commitment to innovation, continuing this on later to other devices such as PCs. While many competitors withdrew from the market, Huawei persisted in research and development, introducing groundbreaking products to enhance consumer experiences. Today, their HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2-inch and HUAWEI MateBook D 16 are frontrunners in the industry.
Initially focusing on entertainment, Huawei shifted its tablet focus to productivity in response to consumer demands. The MediaPad M6, for example, introduced the App Multiplier, marking the shift from entertainment hubs to productivity tools. The HUAWEI MatePad Pro, with features like Multi-Screen Collaboration, further blurred the lines between tablets, phones, and other devices, boosting efficiency in office work.
The company’s tablets have incorporated practical materials and innovative design. Breakthroughs in hardware, such as improved stylus pressure sensitivity and enhanced connectivity, underscore Huawei’s dedication to cutting-edge technology over its decade-long tablet journey, supported by thousands of technical patents driving industry progress.
Today, Huawei ships over 100 million tablets a year, a testament to their investment and dedication to meeting user needs. This success is also mirrored by their PC products which marry aesthetics with technologies like Super Turbo and HUAWEI Metaline Antenna.
Huawei’s achievements in the PC market are also attributed to the company’s user-centric commitment to excellence across the various facets—ranging from craftsmanship and technologies to ecosystem construction. This dedication has allowed Huawei to steadily emerge as a leader in the PC industry.
The integration of artificial intelligence further elevates performance and user experiences, marking Huawei’s steady emergence as a leader in the PC industry. Their latest MateBook D 16 has become the first ever recipient of the SGS Switzerland’s 5-star Wi-Fi signal capability certification and can be synonymous with a seamless blend of power and elegance.
HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2-inch: The Creative Powerhouse
A creative powerhouse for artists, the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2-inch is designed for maximum comfort and optimized experience. Sleek, and elegant, it comes in a futuristic green and golden black color that’s versatile enough for daily outfits yet shines enough to impress.
HUAWEI MateBook D 16 2024: Compact and Lightweight Power
Celebrated for its exceptional performance, cutting-edge technology, and futuristic design, the HUAWEI MateBook D 16 2024 is now poised to capture the hearts of Filipinos. This high-performing laptop is meticulously crafted for purposeful lifestyles, delivering a boost to users’ potential for achieving greatness. With its immersive 16-inch HUAWEI FullView Display and a lightweight body, the HUAWEI MateBook D 16 2024 breaks through space limitations, granting users the liberty to create, learn, and work seamlessly.
HUAWEI’S FreeClip: Boundless Audio for All-Day Listening
With a nature-inspired design and a comfortable open-ear listening experience, the HUAWEI FreeClip is a game-changer in portable audio-listening. The newest earbuds provide a more immersive and detailed sound experience compared to traditional sound technology. With up to 36 hours of battery life and a versatile clip-on earring design, they cater to various user needs, blending style, comfort, and technology.
The Future is a Seamless Device for Smart, Creative and Efficient Collaboration
As Huawei continues to push the boundaries of innovation, these two devices are poised to set new standards in the Philippine tech scene. Witness the new wave at HUAWEI’S VIP Preview this January 6 to 28, 2024 happening at all HUAWEI Experience Stores. Stay tuned for more updates on Huawei’s social media accounts @huaweimobilePH.
Those who are eager to try Huawei’s newest products can save big through the early bird promo. The limited-time offer lets you get P3,000 off on the HUAWEI MateBook D 16 2024 from January 11 to February 29, 2024, and P5,000 off on the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2-inch, and P1,000 off on the HUAWEI FreeClip from January 26 to February 29, 2024, available on Shopee, Lazada, TikTok, and HUAWEI stores nationwide.
For more information on the Huawei MateBook D 16, MatePad Pro 13.2-inch, and FreeClip can also be found via these links. MateBook D 16 2024, MatePad Pro 13.2-inch, and FreeClip.
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darrylhudson86 · 9 months
On Page SEO vs Off Page .. Who wins the battle 💣❓️
Get ready to dive into the SEO galaxy! 🌐 Today, we're unraveling the cosmic mysteries of on-page vs. off-page SEO! 🚀✨
1/ 🎯 First stop: On-Page SEO! 🏠 It's like your website's VIP lounge. 🍾 Think killer content, sleek design, and snappy meta tags. On-page SEO is your backstage pass to the search engine party! 🎉
2/ 💡 Fun fact: On-page SEO is your chance to whisper sweet nothings to Google's algorithm! 🤖 Craft compelling content, sprinkle keywords like confetti, and watch your site climb the search rankings. 🚀
3/ 🌈 Now, let's talk Off-Page SEO! Picture this as the after-party buzz – the talk of the town about your website. 🗣️ Backlinks, social signals, and brand mentions! Off-page SEO is your website's street cred! 🌐🤘
4/ 💡 Deep dive: Off-page SEO is like a high-five from the internet! 🙌 Quality backlinks are like online endorsements, telling search engines, "Hey, this site is the real deal!" 🌟
5/ ❓️ The big question: Which one is MORE important? 🤔 The truth? They're the dynamic duo of SEO, Batman, and Robin! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️
6/ 💥 On-page is your foundation, the bread, and butter. 🍞✨ Nail it, and you've got a solid site. But Off-page adds the spice! 🌶️ It's the secret sauce that makes your website unforgettable. 💯
7/ 🚀 Insider scoop: Google's like a matchmaker! 💘 It wants to introduce users to the best websites. On-page tells Google you're fantastic, while Off-page shows others agree! 💌
8/ 🔥 Pro tip: Balance is the key! Like a well-crafted cocktail 🍹, mix On-page and Off-page seamlessly for SEO success! 🚀
9/ 🎤 Check out my step-by-step guide to SEO mastery! 🚀✨ Unlock the secrets to conquer the SEO universe! 🚀🔓
#seo #onpageseo #onpageoptimization #offpageseo #offpageoptimization #onpagevsoffpage #onpageseovsoffpageseo #technicalseo #backlinks #linkbuilding #socialsignals #socialmediamarketing #seomarketing #onpageseochecklist #seotools #seostrategy #seoexpert #seoagency #digitalmarketer #digitalmarketing #contentmarketing #contentcreation #contentcreator #internetmarketing #affiliatemarketing #malemoneyonline #earnmoneyonline #workfromhome #homebusiness #onlinebusiness #onlinemarketing
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profiteadeveloper · 10 months
Trading Mastery: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Strategies Revealed,Market Success Blueprint with MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Techniques,Trading Mastery: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Strategies Revealed,Market Success Blueprint with MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Techniques,Optimize Your Trades: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Strategy Unveiled,Profitable Trading Secrets: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Strategies,Strategic Trading Signals: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Mastery,Maximize Profits with MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Trading Tactics,Proven Strategies: MACD ADX Parabolic SAR for Trading Success,Elevate Your Trading Game: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Techniques,Mastering Market Trends: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Strategies,Trade Like a Pro: MACD, ADX, Parabolic SAR Success Guide,MACD Trading Strategies,ADX Indicator Strategies,Parabolic SAR Trading Techniques,MACD ADX Trading Signals,How to Use Parabolic SAR Effectively,MACD Trading Tips and Tricks,ADX Indicator Explained for Traders,Parabolic SAR Trend Analysis,MACD ADX Strategy for Beginners,Mastering Parabolic SAR in Trading,
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browntelor · 1 year
Mastering Buy and Sell Signals: Your Guide to Trading Indicators for Success
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Unveiling the Future of Trading: Mastering Buy and Sell Signals with Advanced Indicators
In the dynamic world of financial markets, success often hinges on making the right decision at the right time. But in a sea of data and rapid price fluctuations, how can traders ensure they're making informed choices? The answer lies in the powerful realm of trading indicators – tools that provide critical insights and unlock the potential for profitable trades.
Cracking the Code of Trading Indicators
Imagine having the ability to predict market movements with a level of accuracy that transforms uncertainty into opportunity. This is the promise of trading indicators. These sophisticated algorithms analyze historical price and volume data to uncover patterns, trends, and potential reversals. In the hands of a skilled trader, these indicators act as a compass, guiding them through the intricacies of the market.
The Bridge Between Data and Strategy
Trading indicators bridge the gap between raw data and actionable strategy. They convert complex information into easily digestible signals, helping traders make decisions based on objective analysis rather than intuition. Whether you're a day trader, swing trader, or a long-term investor, these indicators can be tailored to suit your preferred trading style.
Buy, Sell, or Wait? Let Indicators Decide
One of the most significant challenges traders face is knowing the optimal time to buy or sell an asset. Trading indicators provide a solution by offering clear signals when market conditions are ripe for action. From the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) to the Relative Strength Index (RSI), these indicators offer insights into momentum, trend strength, and potential reversals, helping traders make crucial decisions confidently.
From Stocks to Crypto: Universality of Indicators
Trading indicators are not confined to specific asset classes. They can be applied across a wide range of markets, from traditional stocks and commodities to the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. Whether you're eyeing a tech giant's stock or navigating the volatile terrain of Bitcoin, trading indicators can provide the clarity needed to seize opportunities.
Demystifying Complexity, Empowering Traders
While the idea of using complex algorithms might seem daunting, trading indicators are designed to simplify the trading process. Take Bollinger Bands, for example. These indicators visualize volatility, helping traders identify periods of price expansion or contraction. By understanding these concepts, traders can make informed decisions on potential entry and exit points.
Your Journey to Mastery Begins Here
At [Your Company Name], we're committed to unraveling the mystery behind trading indicators. Our comprehensive guides and resources cater to traders of all experience levels, providing insights into indicator selection, interpretation, and application. Whether you're a novice eager to understand the basics or a seasoned pro looking to refine your strategy, we have the tools you need to excel.
Navigating Market Uncertainty with Confidence
Volatility is a constant companion in the world of trading. However, volatility doesn't have to translate to uncertainty. Trading indicators empower traders to navigate this uncertain terrain with confidence. By identifying overbought or oversold conditions, trend reversals, and potential breakout points, these indicators equip traders with the knowledge needed to make calculated moves.
Empower Your Trading Future
Say goodbye to trading based on gut feelings or incomplete information. Embrace the data-driven world of trading indicators and revolutionize the way you approach the markets. The future of trading is shaped by those who harness the power of technology and insights. At [Your Company Name], we're here to guide you towards that future.
Elevate Your Trading with Indicators
Step into a world where trading decisions are backed by data and analysis. Step into a world where precision meets opportunity. Join us at [Your Company Name] as we explore the world of trading indicators, demystify their complexities, and empower you to take control of your trading destiny. Don't just trade – trade smart.
Click on the link: https://tinyurl.com/22c6af8b
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cloudsynergy1 · 1 year
Mastering Networks, Mastering Careers: CCNA Course Benefits for Students and Pros
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the mastery of networks isn't just a skill – it's a key to unlocking a world of career opportunities and professional growth. Whether you're a student with dreams of entering the IT realm or a seasoned professional looking to advance, enrolling in a CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) course can be the game-changing move that propels you towards mastering both networks and your career. Let's dive into the transformative benefits that the job guaranteed courses in BTM layout brings to the table:
1. Building a Strong Foundation: Just as a solid foundation is essential for a towering skyscraper, a strong understanding of networking fundamentals is crucial for an IT career. The job guaranteed courses in BTM layout provides this foundational knowledge, setting the stage for advanced learning and specialization.
2. Practical Application: The CCNA certification courses in BTM layout isn't about memorizing theories – it's about getting your hands dirty with real-world scenarios. Through hands-on labs and simulations, you'll gain practical experience that translates directly to problem-solving in actual work environments.
3. Industry-Recognized Credential: The CCNA certification carries weight in the IT industry. It's a badge that signals your competence, dedication, and ability to navigate complex network configurations. This recognition can open doors to a plethora of job opportunities and advancement.
4. Adaptability in Tech Evolution: Technology is like a swiftly flowing river, and you need the skills to navigate its twists and turns. CCNA equips you with the ability to adapt to new networking technologies, ensuring your expertise remains relevant even as the tech landscape evolves.
5. Confidence in Networking: Mastering networks means conquering the complex world of routers, switches, and protocols. With CCNA certification courses in BTM layout under your belt, you'll approach network architecture with confidence, knowing you have a comprehensive grasp of the intricacies.
6. Access to a Community: Enrolling in a CCNA certification courses in BTM layout isn't just about lectures and labs – it's about joining a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for networking. These connections can lead to collaborations, mentorships, and career-enhancing opportunities.
7. Gateway to Specialization: Networking is a gateway to countless IT specializations. Whether you're interested in security, cloud computing, or data analysis, the CCNA certification courses in BTM layout provides a solid platform for diving deeper into your chosen domain.
8. Versatile Skillset: Networks are the backbone of every organization, spanning industries from healthcare to finance. A mastery of networks through CCNA certification courses in BTM layout gives you a versatile skillset that's sought after across various sectors.
9. Accelerated Career Growth: It's no secret that professionals with technical prowess are in high demand. CCNA certification can fast-track your career growth, leading to promotions, higher salaries, and increased responsibility.
10. Future-Proofing: As technology continues to reshape the world, those who can master its intricacies will always be in demand. CCNA certification courses in BTM layout isn't just about mastering networks – it's about future-proofing your career in the face of technological uncertainty.
The journey to mastering networks is also the journey to mastering your career. With the CCNA certification courses in BTM layout as your guide, you're not just learning about routers and switches – you're building a pathway to success, armed with knowledge, expertise, and the confidence to conquer any networking challenge that comes your way. So, whether you're a student embarking on your IT journey or a professional seeking advancement, remember: Mastering networks isn't just a skill; it's the key to unlocking a world of endless possibilities.
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