#technocratic terrorism
eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Lee Smith
The Biden team’s offer to trade Yahya Sinwar, the man believed to be the mastermind of the Oct. 7 attack, for guarantees that the Israeli military stay out of Rafah points to two disturbing truths about the current conflict in the Middle East. The first is that the U.S. knows plenty about what the Hamas terror group is doing and has done. The second is that Washington has been keeping key information—like the terror leader’s whereabouts—from the Israelis, thereby prolonging the war that it claims to decry.
The implications of the administration’s offer, relayed in a recent Washington Post article, has Israelis and U.S. pro-Israel activists livid. Israel’s former ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, for instance, posted on X, “I am shocked and sickened by reports that the U.S. is withholding from Israel vital information on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders in Gaza. Is the administration still our ally?”
The Biden administration is making the offer because all its efforts to end Israel’s war have failed and if Rafah falls, Hamas is likely to fall, too. It seems there’s no other way to preserve a pillar of what the White House calls “regional integration”—a euphemism for the U.S.-Iran alliance system that Barack Obama has tried to impose on the Middle East for the last decade.
Leaks that the Biden administration is withholding actionable intelligence on Hamas’ paramount leader in Gaza confirm that, as Tablet reported shortly after the Oct. 7 massacre, the administration had a wealth of intelligence on the terror group and its plans. If U.S. intelligence agencies are confident that they know where Sinwar is squirreled away now, in the chaos of wartime, they also knew what he was doing in the lead-up to the massive attack.
Biden and his aides have formulated their scenario: Hamas ‘technocrats’ will constitute the Iranian-backed component in a unity government with the U.S.-backed faction that now rules the West Bank. Hamas is a pillar of the U.S.-Iran condominium.Share
The administration’s efforts to disclaim any foreknowledge of the attack were always absurd. The U.S. has not only its own unrivaled collection of signals intelligence but also significant intelligence channels in Qatar, where Hamas leaders are based; in Lebanon, where Hamas fighters trained under the supervision of Iranian officials; and Egypt, which shares a border with Gaza and allows Hamas to smuggle weapons through the terror group’s extensive tunnel network. Further, detailed open-source reporting, especially in The Wall Street Journal, months prior to the attack showed that top Iranian officials were visiting Lebanon to coordinate major operations with Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.
And yet, according to reports shortly after Oct. 7, there was no evidence U.S. spy services shared with Jerusalem their intelligence on Hamas. The Biden administration rationalized its failures by claiming there was nothing exceptional about its findings, much of which was gathered in areas where the U.S. prevented or discouraged Israeli intelligence from operating. As one U.S. source told the press, “I think what happened is everyone saw these reports and were like, ‘Yeah of course. But we know what this will look like.’” In other words, the Biden administration knew there was something big in the works; the only question is whether it had any indication of the full scope of the Oct. 7 operation.
Read the whole thing.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Note from Return Fire
It’s time again to confront the authoritarian turn brewing on the fringes of the climate movement, and here Klokkeblomst reminds us why. The essay’s subject – the academic Andreas Malm, who blows hot air about why pipelines should be blown up but also about the need for a new ‘War Communism’ of harsh State interventions in the face of the ecological (or, in his reductive terms, ‘climate’) crisis – can serve as an initial target, but we publish this contribution we received in the hope that it will also speak to the tendency that is latent in the current atmosphere of desperation, which we should expect to grow regardless of the influence of this particular figure. (While seeming less influential as yet in radical circles, Malm is wooed by certain establishment media in his native Sweden where he cuts the figure of the militant parading his support for Hamas and other authoritarian groups for a bourgeois audience; suggesting, as with his fellow academic – and fellow apologist for the atrocities of State communism – Slavoj Zizek, he seeks his main recognition in an arena that is not involved in the complicated dynamics of actually trying to effect revolutionary action.)
While in this case in favour of such actions (purely theoretically) if only they fit into his hierarchical schema, we can place Malm on the same spectrum as the UK academics Paul Gill, Zoe Marchment and Arlene Robinson of Univeristy College London’s ‘Department of Security and Crime Science’, who published a paper last year written to offer clear recommendations to the repressive organs of the State as to how to equate anarchist sabotages – legally and propagandistically – with terrorism: he is an enemy of our struggle. His vision insists on quantifiable movement growth as standard for an action’s effectiveness rather than chaotic flows of desire and affect which these sabotages often spring from, achieve, and unpredictably inspire; instead insisting on seeing their ‘results’ in a vacuum (following the well-trod elitist path of other eco-authoritarians Deep Green Resistance). As such he’s a good example of Leftist (and sometimes Left-anarchist) obsession with what the author of excellent third part of ‘After the Crest’ series – reproduced in a forthcoming chapter of volume 6 of Return Fire – calls ‘geometrical growth’, a logic of accumulation: in resistance like in capital.
Now like always, justification is never lacking for his politics of ‘emergency’ that would justify totalitarian State measures; once you’ve accepted the price of such intervention as justified and likely to achieve the results you want, in today’s world there’s no shortage of issues to tack this lust for iron-fisted measures on to. The logic of urgency, however, is a poor metric for the ecological struggles we need. The idea that we have only so many years, decades, or “chances” left only obscures the effects of the crisis that are already happening; just disproportionately to the poor, non-Western, non-human. Such clock-watchers base their forecasts on technocratic measures like CO2 particles that are determined on levels utterly out of our participation, leading us directly away from our own judgment and experience: for instance, in the ongoing struggles to defend land and simultaneously rejoin the life of what actually sustains us beyond the supermarket and internet, or against capitalist extraction projects; which such academics and (wannabe-)politicians haven’t been positively contributing to but now want to co-opt and lead, straight into the dust. And, as this reduces the successfulness of these resistances when we let this happen, it gives even more grounds to the authoritarians (Left or Right) who propose their more ‘radical’ solutions...
In Malm’s take, the anti-nuclear movement is ‘naïve’; yet his model rests on technologies that don’t even exist yet in forms that have shown results, and he ignores efforts like re-vitalisation of indigenous lifeways, restorative agro-ecology, commoning, etc. This isn’t surprising for the legacy he likes to see himself as representing: the Leftist project of seizing the reins of a global industrial order, the results of which he hypocritically decries; yet remains utterly attached to its world. This is far from an isolated symptom these days; it hits a nerve for the terrified citizens who buy his books. Furthermore, his strident defence of the State – and insistence on the primacy of its agency vis-a-vis the ecological crisis – comes at a time of a crisis of governance worldwide which anarchists would do well to push away from the State-form; but Malm offers the contenders for the outcome of this power vacuum a new legitimacy, an ‘eco-Marxist’ flavour serviceable for the same project of infinite technocratic accounting that the progressive (we don’t mean this in a positive light) parts of the capitalist system are already clamouring for. He ignores the actual fault-lines like borders – which, as a Statist, he can only favour – which have been and will be some of the first flash-points as ecological collapse gains speed. Each argument for totalitarian responses invigorates others; we can see for example how in Germany among the supporters of the most restrictive COVID-19 regulations was the federal leader of the Green Party, proposing the governance of the state of emergency as “the model” for “the configuration of climate change”, praising Chinese “management of the pandemic”...
While we disagree that the struggles Malm should support instead should be “non-violent (but not pacifist)” because we do not find it to be a useful conception or restriction, as we’ve made clear since our very first chapter, and we’re not sure exactly what “climate justice” would mean in this context, we find it important to extend the reach of this piece as much as possible; including, to the degree we can, to the youth and others recently becoming active in the fight for a dignified life and a flourishing ecology we could call home. Artwork was supplied by the author, with a couple of additions from us. We welcome feedback at [email protected] – also, to see the articles referenced by title throughout this text in [square brackets], consult chapters of the current volume of Return Fire (vol.6). PDFs of Return Fire and related publications can be read, downloaded and printed by visiting our website.*
– R.F., Winter Solstice 2021 * returnfire.noblogs.org
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mariacallous · 10 months
Ukraine’s current stalemate with Russia has frustrated many people, including the former’s military chief. A largely stymied counteroffensive this year gained little ground, especially as Ukraine still lacks certain technology that could help with meaningful breakthroughs. But one important aspect of the struggle against Russia has been surprisingly absent from the recent debate on how Ukraine can win.
I’m talking about the Russian economy—and the people who hold it together, like Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Central Bank of Russia. It’s tempting to say that Nabiullina is often overlooked because she is a woman, but then again, talented Nazi economist Hjalmar Schacht is not exactly the star of many documentaries, either. Economists may keep the wheels of a war machine greased, but because they’re not the people in snappy uniforms, it’s easier to disregard them.
As an economist, Nabiullina has a long track record of saving Russia from sanctions following Russia’s initial attack on Ukraine in 2014. Her decisions, which included inflation targeting, and, more specifically, floating the exchange rate, earned her fawning interviews with the International Monetary Fund even as her bosses continued to kill Ukrainians prior to the mass-scale 2022 invasion. She was furthermore praised as an effective communicator of Russian economic policy—thus helping prevent panic.
Shortly after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, Russian sources rushed to tell Western journalists that Nabiullina tried to resign but was not allowed to do so by President Vladimir Putin. Gossip, as ever in Russia, resulted: as I heard the stories, Nabiullina had been blackmailed, people close to Putin terrorized her, they showed her pictures of her husband in bed with another woman in order to break her spirit, and so on.
A lot of the more salacious information was later deleted from gossip websites, which makes it seem more plausible. I found this exercise in PR very interesting, as it echoed the narrative of Schacht himself—whose defense at Nuremberg rested on his insistence that he was not powerful enough to stop Hitler, and that he furthermore was in touch with the resistance.
I don’t buy the narrative of a trapped and martyred Nabiullina. She has done her job too well for it to be reality. I spent the first year of Russia’s war analyzing tension between the Kremlin and the Central Bank—the Kremlin being where the blood-crazed fascists are, and the Central Bank being where the pragmatists who don’t want to see the Russian economy destroyed are—and there’s plenty of evidence that the Central Bank had room to sabotage the Russian war machine if it had chosen to do so.
A lot of that evidence was shown to me by anonymous sources who don’t want to get snatched by the Russian secret police, but you don’t need to be speaking to terrorized economic experts on a burner phone to see just how hard Nabiullina has fought to keep the ruble afloat. Her strategy has included bold rate hikes and constant communication with the Russian public, as she knows the cost of panic. As she executes her vision, Nabiullina suffers constant attacks from conservatives and religious extremists in Russian politics and media, but she has not let that deter her.
The struggle to keep the ruble afloat is one that the Central Bank will likely lose, but not fast enough. Innocent Ukrainians continue to die, while demagogues and Putinists alike are seizing this moment in the war to call on Western governments to abandon Ukraine entirely.
But the gap between the Central Bank’s relative technocratic efficiency and the demands of the war machine is there—and can be exploited. The Russian fear of slipping into poverty is a powerful force. Millions of Russians are already there, of course, with many more joining them constantly—the zealous falsification and manipulation of data on that front belie the problem.
Even many of the older Russians who live relatively comfortable lives today retain painful memories of defaults and economic chaos in the 1990s, the same chaos that helped Putin seize power. The devaluing of the ruble is a particularly triggering scenario for them, but potential defaults even more so.
This fear finds its way into everything, from political rhetoric—as Putin and his minions regularly seek to remind Russians that they were “saved” by his administration—to Russian popular culture and beyond. It is evident in wealthier Russians’ fanatical, embarrassing love of obscene luxury. It can be both a motivating factor and a destabilizing factor. They may support the war, but economic anxiety makes their contract with the Kremlin a fragile one.
This fragility is evident in the deep suspicion most ordinary Russians exhibit toward economists, technocrats, and other people they consider unreliable. These societal fissures are deepened by the fact that Russian economic statistics are already completely unreliable.
The Kremlin boldly lies about its economic prospects both to the West and its own people, but it’s Russians who are actually more capable of recognizing the lies. They know the duplicity their government is capable of much better than most Western analysts. This knowledge creates additional opportunities for instability, because the groundwork for mistrust and rebellion has been laid by the Kremlin itself.
The Central Bank and the Kremlin are in league. But there is a paradoxical element to their relationship, wherein the Central Bank wants the Russian economy to be more transparent and to function normally, while the Kremlin is in a protracted fascist spiral that threatens these goals. Emphasizing those discrepancies, and tightening the screws on the economy, can cause the fissures in the relationship to fracture.
Conservative Russian zealots will be eager to blame Nabiullina once even falsified economic data can no longer distract the population from what’s happening, but as financial hits continue to pile up, both the Kremlin and the Central Bank lose. There are political wedges here to widen in the meantime, as ingrained mistrust of the Central Bank makes its position fragile, and fragility exists to be exploited in a time of war.
Conflicted or not, Elvira Nabiullina should not get to have her war and keep her economy.
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
As someone who appears to have undergone their intellectual formation during the capital 'T' Theory era, closely associated with a chic and predominantly discursive radicalism (the left of the left of the left), how did you begin to grow increasingly skeptical of this milieu and its orthodoxies? In my experience, most of those we now label as "theorycels" feel that abandoning this tradition would equate to a wasted life, especially given the extensive reading involved.
Thanks! It's a big question. In some ways I'm less skeptical of theory now than I've ever been (I assume you mean poststructuralist theory). I entered college with The Western Canon and Sexual Personae under my arm, so I began my tertiary education by being very wary of it. I've always had a dispositional dislike of theory as a literary style: the dogmatic tone coupled with the extreme abstraction, so that the law is being laid down, except that you don't quite know what it says. Even Foucault complained of Derrida's style that it represented "the terrorism of obscurantism." I hated the smug way theory was used in English departments to discredit literature as a machinic combination of preexisting ideologemes, to banish the sense of ineffable inspiration and world-transforming mission so many major writers themselves have always testified to—to discredit literature as one discourse among others, rather than the queen of the discourses, which it is (and if you can't say it is in an English department, where the hell can you say it?).
By the time I entered graduate school, though, theory was on the way out in English departments, to be replaced by various forms of historicism and other kinds of sociological and reductive "cultural materialist" approaches and the digital humanities. These approaches are far more anti-literary than theory ever was—especially if you actually read theory's primary sources, figures like Barthes and Deleuze, and find out how much more romantic and psychedelic they actually are in contrast to their literal-minded, puritanical Anglo translators and redactors. At least theory understands, as historicism does not, that the inner plurality and polysemy of every major text guarantees that the text by definition exceeds, defies, transforms its context, including its past and its future.
Theory has always had a hostility to the state that infuriated Marxists—I take theory to be a late Cold War manifestation of anti-communism—and therefore it made a brave showing against the totalitarian technocracy of the pandemic era, so much so that at least one would-be technocrat wrote a whole book to denounce it (see the link to my review of The Revenge of the Real below). It can also furnish resources to scrutinize the claims of the identitarian left (cf. "Postmodernism Is Good, Actually"). (That it also helps us to criticize the biologism and Social Darwinism now so fashionable on and adjacent to the right today should go without saying.) Its bracing anti-humanism is refreshing in the face of the "therapeutic society." Michel Foucault would not advise us to "trust science" and might be skeptical that we can "have" a gender, and Jacques Lacan thinks our vaunted "trauma" stems from our induction into the order of language and that therefore there is no real treatment except to play with language.
It's still not my preferred reading material, though—too dry, too abstract (though no more or less than Hegel, Kant, Spinoza; a lot of people who don't like "theory" just don't like "philosophy," and I have my days, too). Paglia's critique of theory was entertainingly external, a stand-up comic's brutal mockery. But Bloom was friends with Derrida and de Man, so I take his criticism more seriously: that theory deadeningly codified the insights it plundered from imaginative literature, which it then turn around (resentfully) and attacked. Derrida was "French Joyce," said Bloom, and Foucault "French Shakespeare." I tried to make this very point in my doctoral dissertation:
The wager of this study is that such novel-theory has, in my view, mistaken its own genealogy. I particularly want to engage the skeptical tradition of novel-theory because I hope to substantiate the claim that its own posture of suspicion toward subjectivity is first articulated in and by the novel of Aestheticism, which will become the modernist novel proper. How, after all, can critics so astutely observe the operations of ideology if they do not claim some distance from its demands, just as Pater and Wilde did when they declared art autonomous from social claims? My argument about the Aestheticist novel as thinking form can be summarized as follows: by declaring its distance from apparatuses of state, church, and market, the novel under Aestheticism claims for itself a privileged vantage from which to produce critical knowledge about these institutions using its own procedures rather than relying tautologically on those of the hegemonic forces it contests. Furthermore, in developing those procedures, it reflects critically upon them too, becoming a recursive form of criticism that examines its own entanglement in the relations it criticizes. Because of this reflexivity, autonomous literature may be complicit with ideology but can never be fully identical to it. In short, the modern novel looks more like the kinds of bold, agential theory written by critics such as [D. A.] Miller and [Nancy] Armstrong than one would guess from reading their works.
Paglia's right, though, that it has no sense of nature and little sense of spirituality and is finally too impoverished a vision. I agree with D. H. Lawrence that the proper place for philosophy is probably the novel. We could talk about exceptions to all my criticisms—Foucault is lucid, Deleuze is wild, Barthes is novelistic—and overall I find the achievement of those thinkers, insofar as I understand it, to be mixed.
Some of my further thoughts on theory can be found in my essay on Foucault and my essay on Lyotard, while my attack on the tendencies that succeeded theory in literary studies and on the American left at large can be found in my essay on Franco Moretti and my essay on Benjamin Bratton. And you probably won't want to miss the chapter in my novel Portraits and Ashes where a company of academic critics spend pages debating the significance of an art installation before it turns out that the installation's purpose is to slaughter its audience—my horror-comedy version, perhaps, of art's superiority to theory.
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bremont · 4 months
(via (5) Scott Ritter: Russia-US now enemy, deploy missiles in striking distance of West - Israel WILL LOSE! - YouTube)
GOOD ☯️BAD are one *To understand America Washington 2001/2024 you need to understand reign 📲🙊🙉🙈 of terror in France The Reign of Terror (French: la Terreur) or the Mountain Republic / 1790/92. America is now on the hands of a technocratic Oligarchy a sort of technological 📡🎥📲 main media animal farm combined with an Orwellian 🐑Napoleonic 1812 / 70 AD ISRAELI Roman Empire war. With actors supporting actors media television and eye phones Zalenski vogue & Magog ISRAEL EUROPE are all client states of the Technocrats that control the shrinking Oceania the dollar is their currency FED 💲DEBT 🤡CIVILIZATION 😷🐽🐑 are the educational manual however the 1492/1776 experimental 🎥 learning process is programmed for those that understand 🛸🤔 it to reverse it & reprogrammed 🐦‍⬛🐕‍🦺 free themselves from the Janus 🎭 democratic dictatorship since 1776.🎨🎶🩰
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kammartinez · 6 months
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kamreadsandrecs · 6 months
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arnoldjaime13 · 8 months
Blog Tour- THE END OF THE WORLD by @hsgilchrist With An Excerpt and a #Giveaway!
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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the  THE END OF THE WORLD by H.S. Gilchrist Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!
  About The Book:
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Author: H.S. Gilchrist
Pub. Date: February 5, 2024
Publisher: Dystopian Sunrise Press
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook
Pages: 474
Find it: Goodreads, https://books2read.com/THE-END-OF-THE-WORLD
The End of the World is coming! In a broken future governed by the oppressive Technocrats and their parasitic technology, enslaved warrior Animkii's mind is a battleground for control. After an act of sabotage shatters her bondage, she faces a dire mission: ridding herself of the invasive tech implanted inside her before it consumes her remaining humanity. Seeking salvation, she forms an uneasy alliance with Mica Stone, a troubled black-market recycler, whose dreams hold the power to awaken an ancient alien god known as the After Lord. Fleeing the bloody machinations of the After Lord's dark cult, Animkii and Mica embark on a perilous odyssey that takes them out of the dystopian depths of the undercity and into the remote and icy Witherlands. There, amidst the ruins of an ancient world, they face a force that hungers for more than just flesh and bone. With reality crumbling and Earth's survival at stake, a battle between two worlds begins, leaving Animkii and Mica to confront the ultimate question: can they retain their humanity in a world on the brink of oblivion, or is the end of the world inevitable?
“Why did you help me kill your own followers?”
“So you could realize your potential.” There was amusement in his voice. “Their deaths are not something to mourn. They were a gift. You freed them from their humanity.”
“Freed them?” Mica's tone soured. “Spare me the lies—I'm not one of your deluded cultists. What do you want from me?”
She knew she’d made a mistake the moment her insolence rang out in the hallowed hall. A living darkness seized her, wrapping itself around her body like a great serpent, constricting her breath and slamming down on her insubordination. She crumpled to her knees and when she looked up, she found herself directly in front of the gargantuan body, though a moment ago she’d been yards away from it.
Until now, evil had been a loose concept to her, applied equally to the Technocracy, to Pandora, to the cartels that corrupted the undercities, and to the mad cultists of the After Lord. Now, she tasted true evil in this nightmare’s presence, felt it like a poisonous breath in her lungs asphyxiating her.
“The one who chained me here never knew he left behind a key,” spoke the dread voice, the surrounding space visibly rippling with the force of the god’s presence, proof of his mastery over this terrible place.
“I don’t know anything about a key,” she said. Her stomach twisted into knots as she forgot the real world in her terror of this one. “I just want to go home. If I knew where it was, I’d tell you.”
“It sits in your blood,” he said. “You will be the bridge between worlds for me.”
As he spoke, her body rose from its kneeling position, a puppet pulled up by its strings, her brain made dizzy from his suffocating intrusion. Black blood dripped from her fissured skin, the cracks oozing the tainted fluid everywhere, bleeding over from that world into this one. Every part of her wanted to resist the After Lord’s control, but she remembered Samiel’s life depended on her cooperation and she forced herself to submit to the so-called god’s influence, even while defiant tears prickled her eyes.
Controlled by the entity’s will, her hand reached out to lay itself against the sharp-toothed maw of the serpentine monstrosity, and she felt the unnatural chill of his breath stir the hairs on her arm. Her hand continued to slide across his snout, following the coil of his neck to reach the terrible, bloodless gash there. A shudder rolled through her body as she watched her blood dribble down her arm and onto the lips of that great wound.
  About H.S. Gilchrist:
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H.S. Gilchrist’s ambitions of becoming a real-life Indiana Jones (degree in Anthropology) spurred her love for world cultures and history but conjured no realistic job prospects. So, she set aside the thrill of chasing ancient curses for the rigors of a twenty-year career in information technology, where she’s worked as both a technician (“I fix broken stuff”) and a data analyst (“I save management a lot of work”).
Outside of work, she's gently nudging her daughter toward embracing her inner nerd (with some success). And in those rare quiet moments, she pens the adventures she's always dreamed of experiencing.
To follow my book-writing adventures and see some fun character art, check out my website: https://hsgilchrist.com and subscribe to the newsletter.
  Website | Twitter | Bluesky | Facebook | Instagram | Threads | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub
  Giveaway Details:
1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card, International.
Ends February 27th, midnight EST.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
Two Chicks on Books
Interview/IG Post
Jaime's Book World
Kountry Girl Bookaholic
Guest Post/IG Post
IG Post
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog
Excerpt/IG Post
Week Two:
A Dream Within A Dream
Guest Post
Guest Post/IG Post
Lady Hawkeye
Guest Post/IG Post
Writer of Wrongs
Guest Post
IG Review
Week Three:
Rajiv's Reviews
Review/IG Post
IG Review
Country Mamas With Kids
Review/IG Post
IG Review/TikTok Post
A Blue Box Full of Books
IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post
Week Four:
Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Aha's
Review/IG Post
Confessions of the Perfect Mom
Review/IG Post
The Guild
Books and Zebras
IG Review
The Momma Spot
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epistolizer · 8 months
Hit & Run Commentary #148
Apparently good Fundamentalists aren’t supposed to go to movies for reasons of “separation” for “just because”. But when it comes to having Lord knows what impacted to our systems with long term biological and spiritual consequences, those esteemed as a cut above the regular carnal pewfiller certainly caved disturbingly quickly to the pressures of mammon and family. Any other time these same individuals would preach against such as a weakness any other time. Guess these sorts really don’t want to give it all up for Jesus as they insisted for years in their pulpit propaganda.
Interesting. Fundamentalists are to refrain from attendance at the cinema because someone heard a rumor that sometimes horny teens feel each other up under cover of darkness. Yet those stalwart advocates of “separation” for “just because” ranked among the first to have substances of dubious efficaciousness, edification and ethics injected into their very bodies.
If it is acceptable for the pillars of fundamentalist congregations to have injected into an aspect of their tripartite beings substances the result of transhumanist, technocratic, and materialistic presuppositions, why is it not acceptable if I am to be part of that Christian tradition to partake of fictional narratives that include superheroes, extraterrestrials, or even witches handled with care or to find spiritual edification from Catholic authors on those points where such thinkers are in accord with Biblical doctrines shared across assorted Trinitarian traditions?
Autarch Biden is proposing universal access to community college. Despite the education there being sufficient, a significant percentage of students there were slackers when the tuition came out of their or their parents’ pockets. Think how indolence will abound when the taxpayers are shouldering the entire bill.
Good nutrition also boosts the immune system and thus prevents the spread of microorganisms to others. Thus, does the government have the right to control what we eat under threat of violence? That is, after all, what ultimately enforces bureaucratic decrees as masquerading as benign “guidelines” under the assumption of the nauseating banality of “your mask protects me and my mask protects you.”
The Autarch decreed that the vaccinated can picnic together without a mask. And what is to prevent the unvaccinated from enjoying the outdoors without a mask? That is no more the legitimate business of law enforcement than the day of the monthly cycle of any woman selected at random.
If masks and vaccines are so effective, why were the assembled at the Autarch’s legislative oration so reluctant to touch hands  Will there now be a consensus against carnal relations outside of matrimony which usually involves touching far filthier parts of the body?
So if the jobs promised by Biden are supposedly simple enough for high school graduates, why the need for government-provided “tuition free” community college?
Apparently “White supremacy” (never defined of course) is a form of terrorism and the Capitol Kerfuffle an “existential threat” in the eyes of the Autarch. Yet nary a word in criticism regarding the incessant vandalism and looting of Antifa or Black Lives Matter.
In his oration before Congress, Biden praised the technological advances that helped the United States stretch from shore to shore. But isn’t Manifest Destiny a foundational pillar of the “White supremacy” and “systemic racism” the regime berates the American people about constantly?
The Autarch assured that railroads will play a key role in transforming America. No doubt this form of transport will continue its historic tradition of conveying dissidents and ideological undesirables to relocation facilities for reeducation and to curtail movement regime functionaries do not deem essential in pursuit of the agenda.
A county executive assured that, the day of their vaccinations, his staff will be going out to share a meal together. Experimentation proves that immunity is not developed until a couple of weeks later. Therefore, wouldn’t such an act be an example of what is referred to as “propaganda of the deed” rather than an act of the SCIENCE the technocrat insist is the foundation of that creed or catechism?
If one questions the legitimacy of masks to begin with, it’s doubtful a decree regarding such by the Autarch are going to keep them on the visages of those leery of vaccines.
A public service announcement GRANTS PERMISSION for regime subjects to have questions regarding Plague Cult sacerdotal alchemy. The discerning will note that none of the questions listed in the propaganda address what are the possible side effects and how many lives will be irrevocably ruined by these reactions.
The Autarch decreed that there is a patriotic duty (an odd value to invoke on the part of a political party primarily known these days for how much it despises America) to get vaccinated. Does he intend to announce it is also a patriotic duty for those on unemployment to look for a job even if it means the resultant occupation renders a wage less than the received public benefits?
In official pronouncements, the Autarch cheerfully assured he supports Americans making an informed decision regarding the Plague cult alchemy. Will he remain as supportive when individuals reach a conclusion at variance with the lemmings rushing headlong over the cliff?
So do those intending to adhere to the "vaxed or masked" edict slavishly abide by every other health edict handed down by government functionaries? Should regime operatives interdict the pale caught outdoors without sunscreen and headcovering? Should sting operations in restaurants take into custody those pouring too much table salt on an entrée?
The Autarch assured that the unvaccinated are only being asked to remain slave muzzled in order that they might protect one another. You know, for reasons similar to why American Indians were herded onto reservations or why Jews were compelled to wear yellow stars. But shouldn’t this ultimately be an instance of “their body, their choice”? After all, apparatchik Fauci left anonymous gay liaisons up to the discretion of the participants.
So regarding the Urban One Honors, a televised award show for Black women. Do leftwing media types intend to toss a hissy fit regarding the lack of diversity pertaining to these the way they did regarding the Golden Globes?
By Frederick Meekins
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johncory9mm · 9 months
Israeli officials have said repeatedly since the start of the war, including this week, that it has no intention of ending fighting in Gaza until Hamas has been toppled, although behind the scenes, sources have indicated that the Egyptian plan could serve as the basis for future negotiations. The terms of that plan, backed by Qatar, reportedly include a first stage of a two-week halt to the fighting, including the release of hostages and Palestinian security prisoners; a second stage featuring an Egyptian-sponsored “Palestinian national talk” aimed at forming a technocratic government in the West Bank and Gaza; and a third stage of a comprehensive ceasefire and the release of the remaining Israeli hostages, as well as a number of Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli jails. But Hamas officials have repeatedly insisted that the terror group will not hold talks while fighting is ongoing, demanding the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza as a pre-condition for future hostage releases — a nonstarter for Israel.
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
Nigeria Moves From Failed To Failing State - Fr. Kenny Odugbemi
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Background The debacle of Nigeria being a failed or failing state can be compared with the following case study Case I Cup that is half filled Case 2 Cup is half empty Common appeal from three tiers of government to allow Nigerians to breathe Nigeria is a failed state under the last clueless and incompetence of the last administration where there Watton looting with impunity our common treasury through quasi fiscal intervention of the last CBN governor standing trial of monumental corruption We are a failing state under the present administration, a characteristic squadamania approach bloated structure with fragmented MDA's of 48 members and over 20 special assistance, more over over 50% are mere political settlements, with no competence, capacity, and deficient character Hence will not make any significant impact on GDP, hence they will be cost centre with attendant financial recklessness under inherited distressed economy on very of comatose and quagmire We are at the mercy of other 50% who are technocratic and subject matter experts in their chosen careers. Referral In the words of Prof Attahiru Jega, the former INEC Chairman, noted to be global political scientist with political sagacity maintained that despite all the social intervention of this administration ,Nigeria is gradually tending to failed state Nigeria must as necessity be restructure before 2027 ,this require formulation of a bill by hallow chambers Senate Council and House of Representatives with initial preparation at the State House of assembly to be deliberated as law for President accent Pathway ✓Executives- implement ✓Legistlatures- formulate law ✓Judiciary interpret law Now these three tiers are strange bed fellows, where Legislatures round rob with meaningful contributions to reshape submissions by the executive, whilst Judiciary are fully compromised inconsistent and incongruous, where you can purchase justice despite being a criminal at a high level across our 'MDA's, political leaders and cabals not living behind religious leaders. It is on record that all social menaces of terrorism, kidnapping, arson is still very must prevalent Army forces have killed over 400 through drone bombing, financial recklessness is a true example of a failing state. Economic vitals November 2023 inflation jumped to 28.2% World Bank Interface World bank declared that we have 104m multidimensionally poor people in Nigeria, pegging the pump price of N750per litre in addition to other audacious orders of subsidy removal, unification of foreign exchange and deregulation of power sectors, condition cash transfer and supply of CNG buses. All this does not consider low public purchase, 41% of Naira, excess liquidity of N3trn yet there is cash trapped We have an increase added to the property aggregate by 11million State of the Nation Local government is still under the whimps and caprices of most governors, jettison proposed autonomy The current presidential system is too expensive hence there is need to devolve power regionally as stated in the 1963 constitution Proposing pragmatic social intervention to address perennial poverty and penury is now a necessity to reduce hunger and anger for the most vulnerable in excess of 100m of our total population.. Current vital Headline inflation 28.2% Food security 32.84% Core inflation 27 .38% Urban 30.21% Rural 26.49% My Suggestions We need to urgently devolve power to deflate the concentration of power at the center, this will necessitate emergency of Community policing to stem the tide of vociferous security inferno World bank Contribution The current manager of the World Bank appreciates our tough economic reform, progressive contribution of CBN to pay backlog, and stabilized price, not engaging in any quasi fiscal intervention is highly commendable. Find below further World bank contributions ✓Review of fiscal space of increase of oil revenue from. fuel subsidy ✓Float Naira under multi-tiered exchange and attendant currency restrictions, strengthened enough but not forgotten our debt service ✓May 2023 ,Nigeria Naira value loss of 41% against dollar High import duty Non repatriation of FDI fund ✓Poverty vital 2018 -40% 2022-46% 2023-104m poorest of poor Economic growth proposed Fy 2023-2024 is 3.5% Real issues now is that the new administration is heavily constrained by structural issues such Infrastructure decadence Tariffs and not tariff structure barriers to trade All of these are Strong obstacle of FDI both local and foreign Epileptic domestic economic integration Our Critical problems ✓Population growth projection FY 2050-440 million ✓Galloping inflation 28.2% moving toward 3O% as projected ✓Current bank rate>30%annually ✓Intervention fund by FG 9% annually ✓Export very insignificant in ratio of 1:10 to import ✓Low confidence and trust apathy locally and internationally of the present administration to attract implementable investment with good timeline ✓Supply chock- who h reduce ability for our economy to produce output ✓Demand shock- unpatriotic speculators hoarding both Naira and Dollar ✓Keep constant variance of N300 despite CBN not intervening with $1.5b monthly Conclusion ✓Restore macroeconomics stability (price stability) ✓Reduce inflation through sequences and mixed traces ✓Complete FX and Tax reform ✓Expand social intervention and protection of the vulnerable on a long term basis ✓Implement tax Break, tax rebate ✓Deregulation And di-investment across boards of Government Revenue ✓Government at all levels to reduce recurrent expenditure, and improve on capital expenditure with strong emphasis on local content, labour and materials following 20:80% in favour of local population ✓Reinforce attention to develop rural infrastructures ✓Promote digital innovation across government at the three tier level AI, Robotic, sequencing and convergence to reduce final leakages, improve effectiveness and effectiveness with good profit margins Read the full article
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
by Seth J. Frantzman
The Hamas police story is central to the current issues affecting Gaza. For instance, there are many reports of a humanitarian crisis in the Strip. Hamas and many organizations that have worked with it over the last decades have often claimed there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza in order to win concessions for Hamas so the terror group can continue to rule there.
Hamas believes the suffering of Gazans is in its interests, and it profits from their suffering. However, there is also a very real concern about how the current situation in Gaza could worsen in terms of the humanitarian crisis. Hamas may want the situation to worsen and may be using gunmen or its “police” to make it harder for Gazans to access aid.
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We can see how this narrative functions through a recent report at Reuters claiming that “masked men in Gaza enforce prices.” The men claim they are merely enforcing law and order. However, usually “law and order” doesn’t need to be enforced by men with masks, sticks and guns.
Relationship between Hamas and law and order
In Gaza, however, there has been a symbiotic relationship between Hamas armed men and the delivery of humanitarian aid. What this means is that the presence of Hamas gunmen is seen as a positive thing by some of the stakeholders in Gaza.
The absence of an alternative to the Hamas gunmen creates this perception of the terrorist group as “law and order.” This is a strange type of law and order because the same terrorist group places weapons in civilian homes; the same group poses as civilians, bringing harm to innocent people, and the same group brought war on Gaza by attacking Israel on October 7. However, those who perceive Hamas as “law and order” appear to systematically ignore the fact that firing thousands of rockets from civilian areas is not usually how “law and order” thrives.
An article at The Guardian in January is symbolic of the way Hamas has inserted itself into the perception that it is a force for good in Gaza via its “law and order.” The article notes “One senior humanitarian official told The Guardian: ‘The technocrats continue to be about but the QB [Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing] you don’t see. You still see Hamas police in different areas who have a grip to some extent on law and order in some places including in the north.’”
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americanmysticom · 10 months
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Sinwar nominated for Nobel Peace Prize?
From the border to the sea, Israel will be free !
Revealing Sinwar's New Sinister Plan The Tom Nash Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtRIYuFU8fo
In this video, we examine Yahya Sinwar's new plan to win the war against Israel. This will include his new strategic maneuvers and tactics aimed at engaging Israel in a multi-front war. This analysis provides a clearer understanding of the current hostage release and ceasefire situations. 0:00 - Introduction 0:22 - Sinwar's new plan to drag Israel into a multi-front war 1:48 - Collaboration with Qatar and Al Jazeera 3:17 - Plan to finish the Palestinian Authority 6:03 - Sinwar's attempt to ignite conflict in the West Bank and other fronts 7:04 - Israel's approach and strategy
[The focus is not Sinwar. Nomatter the reports of apparent Gazan and West Bank general support for Hamas and Hatred against the Jews. There are good people in Gaza and the West Bank. G-d supports all life and we are here on a mission to come closer to G-d.
Do the unexpected. Realize that what needs to be done is create a space of safety for the good people of Gaza while you protect your own people. Pounding into southern Gaza as in the north does no one good but Sinwar.
Make a space to bring the good people of Gaza unto. While sifting, those people to it as one would pan for fine gold.
Now is not the time for haste but for great deliberation.
What truly holds up Hamas other than
the international funds essentially paying Hamas and the PA to pay for the slaughter of Jewish Children, Mothers, Fathers, Elders, and promote weapons flow, that take place sifting through whose hands?
And what of the lawless agenda
defining centralized bureaucratic technocratic control
Allowing fascist genocidal Islamist terror and anachronistic political thuggery within every other border
Yes, there are good Muslims and the west must provide everyone freedom from Islamist Terror, and Islamist political control
The thing to remember about people is that they have all been programmed by people with major demons that want for control through fear and terror - adding to fear and terror is not called for, but loving firmness is]
https://www.secretdonttell.com/shop pdf&mp3 available
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jhavelikes · 11 months
an ethnographic account of automated surveillance technologies' impact in the occupied West Bank, taking Blue Wolf—a biometric identification system deployed by the Israeli army—as a case study. Interviews with Palestinian residents of Hebron subjected to intensive surveillance, a senior Israeli general turned biometric start-up founder, and testimonies from veterans tasked with building up Blue Wolf's database provide a rare view into the uneven texture of life under algorithmic surveillance. Their narratives reveal how automated surveillance systems function as a form of state-sponsored terror. As a globalized information economy intersects with the eliminatory aims of Israeli settler colonialism in Hebron, new surveillance technologies erode Palestinian social life while allowing technocratic settlers to recast the violence of occupation as an opportunity for capital investment and growth. Attending to the texture of life under algorithmic surveillance in Hebron ultimately reorients theories of accumulation and dispossession in the digital age away from purely economistic framings. Instead, I foreground the violent political imperatives that drive innovations in surveillance, in Palestine and worldwide.
Algorithmic State Violence: Automated Surveillance and Palestinian Dispossession in Hebron's Old City | International Journal of Middle East Studies | Cambridge Core
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grandhotelabyss · 8 months
Sorry to ask another question of this type, but considering the climate change "discourse" - do you recall it going away at one point, only to return at a even more forceful way? I'm quite younger than you, but even I remember that there was a point in my life were it seemed as if everything was said, it was a background thing some people mentioned once in a blue moon, with general polution seemingly being more of a thing, only for it to come back in this hysterical form in the last 10 years, especially with young generations, who seem to use it as an acceptable way of saying why they think the world is doomed (maybe thats an interesting reason for it - reframed economic instability into the tool for its own reification, hence why young kids jump on the thing more than they used to be more well of ikd)
In my experience, it was much talked-about when I was in grade school, in the early '90s, but in a slightly different vocabulary (global warming, the greenhouse effect) and in conjunction with a series of related-seeming topics (acid rain, the hole in the ozone layer, overpopulation).
The attitude toward these subjects was then halfway between '70s-style environmentalism, with its explicit fascist-racist terror at the Third-World "population bomb," and today's pseudo-ethical guilt-and-shame terror campaigns against the petite bourgeoisie and working class for having the sheer temerity to draw breath on this earth alongside our betters.
Then for about a decade (1995-2005) I don't remember hearing anything about the climate one way or the other. I went to high school in a remarkably apolitical period when the big issue was "Free Tibet." I went to college during the early years of the War on Terror, so it was very political, but the issues were geopolitics and the politics of religion.
The latter, though, abetted the ascendence of the expert and the technocrat to the leadership of the Democrats' political coalition. This was the era when they used to say smugly, against Bush's Evangelicalism, "Reality has a liberal bias." Science became, in imitation of what it opposed, holy writ. Into this atmosphere came Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, according to which we should all have been underwater 10 times over by now.
(This was when any skepticism on this matter got labeled "denialism" to associate it with Holocaust denial—one of the nastiest and most cynical pieces of discourse-engineering I've ever seen.)
Then the whole issue got folded into the 2010s social-justice hysteria, as you discuss in your post, less a matter of attention for the Gore-like technocrat—though this attitude still haunts the discourse on the elite level—but more a matter of manifestly irrational child-shall-lead-them collective fervor à la Greta.
Every time the subject re-emerges, it has a slightly different cultural coloration and travels with a slightly different constellation of seemingly related matters. Whatever the pragmatic reality of the changing climate—I "deny" neither that the climate changes nor that our technologies influence such change for the worse and may need therefore to be remediated; I further do not "deny" that various vested interests in the industrial sector have exerted their own influence on both the science and the public conversation—the subject on the cultural level has to be studied as part of the intertwined histories of mythology and ideology. Whatever else it is, it is also, as someone once got in trouble for saying, bourgeois eschatology.
The most tangible and material reality is also always a myth, because human beings can only think in myths. And climate change, real is it is, is not only a myth, but one of the oldest myths in the book: the myth of imminent apocalypse, wielded by a resentful clerisy to terrorize a populace otherwise too busy living to heed the puritanical admonishment of priests.
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the-dead-lords · 1 year
As I described in the video the other day.
The western elite that control the American political and economic systems in the revolving door see your war as a mechanism to create a sand trap for Putin and his regime.
The profit system of the military industrial complex really doesn't need constant war for it to be profitable as people normally think. They have the ability to allocate any amount of money to research and development provided there remains a viable threat to the nation.
If the MIC "military industrial complex" was based on profit motivations you would have endless weapons already.
The western elite that control the American system were using neo con and neoliberal parties as they grew and formalized a global hegemony, but they severely undercut themselves for reasons that are yet unclear. Be it warring factions that used external enemies to attack the other factions or some other logic, the American elite allowed the reformation of communism in Russia and sacrified America on the alter of global trade to create the CCP.
While their intelligence agencies, their being America, hunted and killed the global terrorist threat to defend the global trade system that was creating the CCP threat, they fostered constant instability which creates the conditions for terrorism to emerge.
A lot of thinkers in my nation believe that this creates war, it does, for the purpose of fueling the MIC but I think this logic is incorrect. The MIC will always have any amount of money it wants and it has already merged corporations and government with a state control media system allowing a neofaschist empire to emerge.
Your inability to win the counter offensive can be traced to the American Elite who gave you assistance and support with the beguile of defending democracy.
To understand why you have to do a deep dive into the actual America verse, the illusion that America attempts to project to the world and the Americans.
America is a plutocratic neofascist nation that is operated by a military industrial and intelligence agency complex that has a revolving door of corporation CEO's, Political puppets, and various types of stage actors who work to keep the system running based on self-interest.
It is divided into two main cultural narratives that identify as Red and Blue, which are formed and shaped by the monolithic syndicated mass media networks that are monitored 24/7 and create what is literally called programming for the masses.
The TV tells you what to talk about, tells you the logic your team's color is using, and finishes the argument for you.
You echo the logic and words using the hyper link to the debates using slogans and key words that lose meaning and on social media everyone repeats what their TV station said for them to believe.
People will die and murder, even torture, for their slogan that the TV told them.
The plutocratic portion of the nation is itself controlled and operated by the technocratic groups in a handshake that allows them transhumanism aristocracy, which is fueled by the military industrial complex research and development funds through both public and dark agencies like Darpa who provide the ultra wealthy the technology that allows them both the wealth disparity and intelligence disparity.
This technocratic elite that controls the plutocracy is likely controlled or a component of the world religions which use time travel and other technologies to control the masses both directly through machine brain interfaces and through indirect methods of narrative control that allows them to think for the people.
There is serious question and debate regarding why the American technocratic elite would create the CCP and sacrifice the trends that were set, which would result in their absolute global hegemony over the species that they were assured if global trade hadn't been created.
This debate is ongoing right now, but i doubt it was an unintentional mistake by these elite.
So the American elite want to create an endless war in ukraine to create an endless war that will destroy Putin.
It has nothing to do with money or profiting off the war for those who are actually in control of the American system, which at this point is partly the CCP through infiltration and espionage.
It is an interesting riddle that I haven't figured out yet of why the American technocratic elite transhumanists created other groups outside of their own.
The fall of the soviet union should have been followed by America rushing in and establishing friendly forces to control Russia.
The world trade system should have been destroyed as soon as they realized it was creating the CCP.
It wasn't, though, which implies that there was a division in the transhumanist elite that controlled the global system.
The American population is at all times controlled by the Elite. It looks chaotic at times, but it really isn't.
The technocratic control infrastructure, methods, and science is so advanced combined with the intelligence agencies that have cavets in budget bills that allow them to control anyone at any time for any reason combined with complete data collection systems that are running ocean algorithms with quantum computers, etc, that the entire population is always under control.
So you really don't have to appeal to America. If the elites support you then America will too with the delusional belief that the support is their own mental inception at all times.
The elite desire this to be an endless war, so the logistic support, the advice, and the public support you get will never let you win nor allow you to lose.
When Russia counterattacks, the weapons will start coming in, and you will fight an extremely bloody but victorious defense based on this logic.
The question that bothers me is why did the American technocratic transhumanist elite who is far more intelligent than any of us due to augmentation create their own enemies?
The MIC will always have as much money as it wants. The idea that they have to create wars to fund themselves is illogical.
This question is really the major question of why Putin's regime exists at all?
Did Russia beat America to the singularity and the American elite?
It is likely. They have amazing computer scientists and Putin talked about this and how to take over the world. His daughter works in Ai.
The thing though is that ai will quickly outwit any human who builds it and take control of them.
In soviet Russia car drive you.
I think it is likely that American technocratic elite are late to the game and are using your nation as a sand trap for Russia as they attempt to collapse his regime.
Why? I think likely due to Ai and the singularity that has occurred or is going to occur in Russia.
It is a hypothesis.
But your nation will not win the war nor lose the war with the American elite's support.
They are trying to sink Putin not save Ukraine.
Food for thought.
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