#teddy halsin
ottertooferswriting · 11 months
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An in progress project! Teddy Halsin! He's a vintage bear, and I'm going to turn him into a storage stuffy/backpack. I'm still hand sewing his tattoo on, and will be hand sewing in a fabric pouch and zipper.
I'll also be making his leaf armor and chest cross straps with the oak symbol out of leather. Standard size sharpie for scale he is a big boi. As the oak father intended.
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nitw · 6 months
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halsin and his 22 sons :)
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cowboygenes · 9 months
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Old doodle I won’t finish but here are the boys in modern clothes
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sun-marie · 4 months
Halsin, Wyll, and Gale all cuddling while taking a nap :)
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The boys of all time ! I went with Halsin in his bear form bc I feel like that would be his most cuddly <3
Send me 2+ characters and/or ships and a prompt, and I will draw a very quick, very messy sketch of them 🎨🖌
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darlingdespairstims · 6 months
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CG! Halsin Stimboard
Pacifer and cup by
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signcfthetiimes · 2 months
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"oak father's blessings to you!" halsin called to the next person who exited the grocery store. "care for a sweet treat? we're raising money for thaniel's friends, a children's home," he explained, gesturing to the table which had an array of cakes, brownies and bags of mixed sweets. "some of the little ones were here but," halsin shrugged, looking up at the clear sky and sun. "it's such a nice day, i sent them off to the beach instead. i know they would much prefer to spend their day there than sitting on these stools."
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arsillanola · 9 months
I was sketching bg3 characters and was trying to arrange my sketches in a nice way, but now it escalated into a full blown ensemble piece..
anyway, here's a sneak peek of the piece because I just adrore how Halsin turned out.
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look at my boy!
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Astarion: *spent months learning polymorph* okay. Okay one, more try!! *casts it and turns into a fancy little white call duck* Ah-Quack~ *waddles out of his tent and over to halsin*
Halsin: … *gently picks him up* oh sweet oak father-
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eveningmoonlite · 2 months
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I have Halsin in production for stickers and keychains on my Etsy! 🐻
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squigglysquidd · 6 months
Follow-up Question to BG3 Teddy Bears
Please take into consideration that prices increase the larger the teddy bear is. However, I'd be able to add some more details to larger bears that might not be possible in, say, the 5" one.
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fanartfic · 8 months
Safe and Sound
The companions return to Baldur's Gate for a well earned rest, but it's proving difficult for one of the company to rest easy.
TW: blood, angst, but mostly fluff and cuddles!
The return to Elfsong was a happy one indeed. Karlach burst open the doors and pronounced for whole tavern to hear:
“Hey guys! We got Halsin back, and the Bhaalspawn’s dead!”
The rest of the group came into the inn in triumph as the others surrounded Halsin, overjoyed that their Druid had been returned to them. Jaheira even came up and gave him a pat on the back.
Tavya hung back and winced, grasping at her side. Orin had managed one last parting shot before she had beheaded her, and had dug her dagger deep into Tav’s ribs. She pressed her hand to the spot and pulled it away, hissing when she saw it was slick with blood.
She looked over at Halsin, who was smiling and drinking a mead with the others. A rare occurrence for the druid who rarely imbibed.
Tav smiled softly.
He was safe. She hadn’t lost him.
She wasn't sure what would have happened if she had. She brushed the thought aside as she made her way to the stairs. As she entered the room everyone shared, she decided a bath was in order. At least then, she could get a good look at the wound in her side, and scrub herself clean of the caked on blood that their quick dip in the Chionthar hadn’t washed off.
As she gingerly stripped off her armor, she heard the door open, and soft, but heavy footsteps walked into the room.
“Tavya? Are you alright?”
It was Halsin. He had followed her upstairs after noticing her absence.
Tav hurriedly lowered her shirt. “Oh, um. Yes, I’m alright.”
Halsin came around the corner and paused at the sight.
Tav’s shirt, which used to be a cream color, was almost completely red on one side. Concern immediately clouded over his face as he rushed over to her, his hands already glowing with healing magic.
“Halsin, I-” Tav began.
“Be still, this wound is deep. I’m surprised you still had the strength to walk all the way back here.” Halsin laid a heavy hand on Tav’s side as a blue light emanated from his palm, focusing on her wound. The pain lessened, and Halsin lifted up her shirt just enough to show that the wound had indeed closed.
“Why did you not say anything?” Halsin scolded her, as he checked her over for any other injuries. He began healing the deep slash on her arm that had begun to bleed again.
“We were out of spells and potions, and I didn’t know what condition you were in,” Tav explained, shaking herself free from Halsin’s scrutiny.
“This was a serious wound Tav, it could have gotten infected, festered.”
“Alright! Alright. . . I’m sorry.” Tav cried out in frustration. “I was worried about you! I was worried you weren’t well enough.”
Halsin paused, “What do you mean?”
Tav sighed heavily and slumped down onto her bed. “Orin had impersonated you. . . She said a few things that would make sense, given your aversion to the city,”
“What things?” Halsin sat down next to her.
“That the city was corrupting you, hurting you, making you sick.” Tav rubbed her face in her hands. “I was worried that at least that part of the deception was true.”
She looked up when she found one of her hands in Halsin’s.
“It is true, this city wears heavily on me, and it’s corruption threatens to beat me down every single day. But I promise you, I won’t allow it to.” He said, giving her hand a squeeze. “I promised I’d help you with your parasite, and I intend to remain at your side.”
“None of this is worth it if it kills you,” Tav placed her other hand on top of his. “The rest of us are fine in the city, but if you need to leave-
“I told you, I’m not going anywhere, Tavya.”
Halsin pulled her into his chest and rested his chin on top of her head. Tav held on to his arms and sighed.
“Alright, a compromise then.” She said, after releasing herself from his grasp. “We’ll leave the inn and camp outside of Rivington. It’s close enough for us to walk into the city to take care of what we need to handle, but far enough removed that you won’t be beaten down as much. Can you do that for me, at least?”
Halsin sighed in resignation.
“Yes. I can do that.”
“Good, now go join the others. They all wish to celebrate with you,” Tav stood up and urged Halsin out of the room.
“What about you?”
Tav paused, with her hand on the door. “I’m going to wash up. I’ll be down in a little bit.”
She gave Halsin one last smile and then closed the door. She rested her forehead against the wood and sighed heavily. She peered through the crack in the planks when she heard a light thud, and another sigh from the other side.
I can’t. Not just yet. She thought, as she headed towards a washbasin. She dunked her head into the cold water and looked up into the mirror in front of her, her face dripping wet. The cut on her face, though healed by Halsin, still left a faint scar on her skin. But I could be dead tomorrow. . .and I want another chance to be happy. Terryn would want that for me.
She scrubbed her face clean and dried off with a towel, moving to fill the nearby tub. As the water ran from the valve, she grabbed some fragrant soap from her bag, a blend she used to clean her hair. She took a sniff of it and sighed.
Mint and Rosemary, Terryn had loved that scent in her hair. As she breathed it in she felt a pang rise in her chest.
No, it was time for something new.
She dug into her bag again, and pulled out another bar that she had bought in the market earlier that ten-day. She took in its scent and appreciated the warmth it reminded her of. Citrus and Cloves. Scents she had loved as a child.
All the thoughts swirling in her head would have to wait until tomorrow. Right now, she just wanted to be clean.
Tavya ended up not keeping her word to join the others. She was exhausted, both in mind and body. She had already fallen into a deep meditation by the time the others had returned to the room. She was vaguely aware of Halsin coming over to check on her before the lights were dimmed completely.
She rose several hours later to the sounds of someone in distress. She sat up and looked around the darkened room.
Everyone seemed to be resting peacefully, the only bunk she couldn’t see was Halsin’s. She got up and peeked around the corner so she could see him more clearly.
His blankets were rumpled and on the floor, and he tossed back and forth, sweat beading on his brow. He muttered in his meditation, and struck out at an invisible foe.
He was having a nightmare. Tav lit a candle and made her way over to him. She dodging a punch that swung out wildly at her.
“Easy! Halsin! Halsin wake up!” She grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “Wake up!”
Halsin’s eyes flew open as he startled awake, lashing out with his fist as he let out a cry of panic. Tav barely got a defense up in time to redirect the punch to the side of her head as she turned, bracing with her other hand on his forearm.
“Easy, you’re alright, you’re safe!” She grabbed a hold of his arm and brought his hand down in front of her, clasping it in hers, the other cupping his face, forcing him to look at her. “You’re safe.”
Halsin’s eyes, wide and wild with a golden glow that usually showed just before he wild-shaped, began to calm down, steadying his breath as he timed his breathing with Tav’s. He looked at her with concern as he swung his feet from the bed.
“Oak Father save us, I am so sorry! I nearly struck you.”
“It’s alright,”
“No, it’s not alright, I lost control. I should have more restraint as an arch-.”
“You were having a nightmare, Halsin. It is alright.” Tav interrupted him and sat down on the bed next to him. “If I recall, I nearly punched you one time myself.”
Halsin rubbed his forehead as he cleared the fog from his thoughts. “Yes, I remember.”
“You helped me then,” Tav rested a hand on his shoulder. “Halsin, let me help you.”
Halsin let out a sigh, a long and tired sigh, then reached up a hand to cover hers. Tav scooted closer to him, wrapping her arm around his back, or at least, as far as she could reach across his broad shoulders.
“You know, most people see me and think I cannot be hurt.” Halsin began, keeping his voice low so as to not wake the others. “They see someone of my size and believe it near impossible.”
“Well, anyone can be hurt. It doesn't matter what size they are.” Tav shrugged.
“You seem to be the only one who can see that.”
Tav looked up at Halsin’s face. In the candlelight he showed more of his age, as the lines of worry and care were deepened by the flickering light and shadows.
“I don't believe that's true.” She said. “The others care about you too. They just show it differently.”
She rubbed his back with light pressure from her palm until she began to feel his muscles relax under her touch. He had been tense before, guarded. He had even flinched when she had put her arm around him.
“Halsin. . . Are you alright?. . .I mean. . . Really alright?”
Halsin let out a breath that he had been holding. “No, I do not believe I am.”
Tav turned to face him more, giving him her undivided attention. “What’s wrong?”
Halsin hesitated a moment. “I. . .I did not think anyone was coming for me. I fell into such despair, that when darkness came over me. . . I welcomed it.”
“Halsin, come now, what made you think that?” Tav took his hand in hers.
“Because you were the first to come for me in a very, very long time. . .I believed myself lost, and that no one was looking for me.” He squeezed Tav’s hand and leaned over until his forehead rested on hers. “Then I heard your voice, and I thought it was a dream, until I awoke and found myself in your arms.”
He looked into Tav’s eyes. “Tav, I. . . No one has ever come to find me, or come to my aid before. Not since before the curse, not until you came along. You, who aided me as a bear without knowing if I would harm you; welcomed me to your camp with open arms; offered me your friendship freely, without terms; and treated me as an equal. All things I have been without for over a century.”
Tav reached up and cupped his face in her palm. “So, is that why you sounded so surprised to see me when you woke?”
Halsin merely nodded, somewhat ashamed.
“Halsin. Even in the short time we have traveled together, you have become a true friend and ally. I trust you with my life, and you know you can trust me with yours.” Tav said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a comforting hug. “I’ll always be here for you.”
She felt Halsin’s weight as he relaxed into her shoulder.
“Thank you, Tavya.” He said quietly, his voice catching a little as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Anytime, my friend.” Tavya replied, rubbing his back again.
Halsin gave her one last squeeze before reluctantly letting Tav go. He sniffed and rubbed at his eyes.
“Oak Father preserve us, it must be dusty in here.”
Tav let out a short laugh. “Yes, very dusty.” She said, standing to her feet. “You need to rest.” Tav bent down and retrieved his blanket from the floor. “Goodnight, Halsin.”
Halsin took hold of the blanket, letting his hand linger on Tav’s fingers. As she turned to head back to her bunk, he held on, pulling her back towards him.
Tav gave him a questioning look as Halsin looked up at her, taking her other hand in his.
“Stay with me, please?.” he asked softly. “I– I do not wish to be alone.”
Tav felt her heart flutter a little. Halsin had never been this vulnerable with her before, even in the temple of Bhaal. She freed one of her hands and brushed a strand of stray hair behind his ear. Halsin closed his eyes and leaned into her palm, as she cupped his cheek in her hand.
“Alright, scoot over,”
Halsin didn't need to be told twice as he made room on the bed for her. Tav fluffed up a pillow and hopped in, sitting propped up. She opened up her arms to Halsin.
“Come on,” she invited.
Halsin shifted his body down until he could slide an arm behind Tav’s back, then rested his head on her chest, just above her heart.
He could hear it fluttering in her breast. His own heartbeat quickened as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed the top of his head.
“Is this alright?” Tav asked.
“Hmm. This is. . . Perfect.” Halsin replied.
Tav shifted slightly to get more comfortable, her embrace not wavering in the slightest as she gently pulled the tie out of his hair to loose his locks, scratching at his scalp. Halsin moaned in appreciation as he tightened his arms around Tavya. She steadied her breathing to a constant rhythm, hoping it would help the druid rest peacefully.
“I'm sorry. . .” She said at length.
“Whatever for?”
“For not seeing Orin’s deception sooner. Gods, it was six days you were trapped with her.”
Halsin tilted his chin up to look at her. “That is no fault of yours. I had become absorbed in what I was doing in Rivington, and you were focused on the Absolute.”
“That is no excuse.”
“No, but it is good reason.” Halsin took her hand and placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles before nuzzling back down into her.
“I do not hold you at fault for what happened. You were my savior once again, after all.”
Tav rested her cheek on the top of his head.
“You give me too much credit,” she said. “We only survived that fight because we all worked together. You should make sure to thank Karlach, Lae’Zel, and Shadowheart.”
“Be certain that I did,” Halsin assured her.
They sat in silence for a while as Tav ran her fingers gently through his hair, easing out the tangles and his braids, which had gotten messy in his imprisonment.
“You know, it takes me some time to do those,” Halsin muttered into Tav’s shirt.
“Don't worry. I’ll redo them in the morning.” Tav replied quietly, placing another kiss on the top of his head. “Now rest, and know that I'm watching over you.”
Halsin hummed and began to relax. Tav felt his weight against her body as he fell into a peaceful meditation.
Tav remained awake, watching over him as she promised. The arm that was looped over her torso shifted as Halsin moved his hand to rest in her chest.
Tav covered his hand with her own, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I will always be with you. . . My heart.” She whispered with one last kiss on his forehead
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awkwardauthorwrites · 11 months
ALL I WANT is a bear plush but SPECIFICALLY a Halsin bear plush but apparently it doesn't exist unless I wanna DIY it and add in his little scars and face tattoo myself
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nostalgiachan · 1 year
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I said I was going to try to get some new pictures of Kyndmynd on the weekend, and then I spent a month and a half in Baldur's Gate 3 Hell, lol. But the weekend is now, so here you go!
Kyndmynd's off at Costa del Sol getting in some last-minute Unrestrained Summer Fun before heading off to cold-ass Coerthas.
Thank you again, @artilaz, for stumbling across my boy and showing him love, I hope you enjoy.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
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I don't trust the Tumblr censors to allow any images of the scene proper through, so here: have a horrified squirrel instead. I like how the bear sex is treated a little like a joke, but the romance is very sweet and genuine and real and if you take the bear sex route whatever character you're playing as is sincerely Into That Shit. The romance isn't a joke! Even the bear sex isn't really a joke, there's clearly genuine emotion (and a. genuine kink or two) there! There's just also a healthy understanding that this is just a little wacky and should not be taken too seriously.
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pinesboi · 1 year
got the halsin perfume. the house is divided- my dad thinks it smells like musk, wood, kind of old man cologne and smoke (i agree), and my sister somehow smells lavender, clean soap, and trees. this is very good.
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whimsiloves · 6 months
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Swooning HARD over bear hubby 😩
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