#teddy: bro i am literally just vibing
cursedwithwords · 5 months
In TBOTS the current Head Auror has wicked beef with Teddy, cuz if he hadn't quit the aurors, Teddy would've been promoted to that position. The current head was the second choice, so he's super threatened by Teddy (even though Teddy has absolutely zero interest in that job).
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fanfic-lover-girl · 8 months
The HP Epilogue: JKR's trashfire ending to a trash book series
I was reading snippets from the epilogue for the first time and everything about the epilogue is just frustrating. And I want to share things I found intolerable about it to let off steam. These are MY opinions so if you feel differently, I am happy for you. But here is a summary of my gripes.
The names of the Hinny Harry's kids
James Sirius. Albus Severus. Lily Luna. I can empathize with wanting to honour people you love by naming your kids after them...but this is just overkill. Not one of Harry's kids has an original name. Not one! And I said Harry's kids because it seems like Ginny had absolutely no input in the names. If I am being generous, maybe the Luna name was hers, but given the naming pattern of the kids, I am sure that Luna references Lupin and not Luna Lovegood. Sometimes I feel as if Harry has a domineering vibe in Hinny and the kids' names are not doing any favours to combat that. Not surprising as everything about the Hinny romance was dictated by Harry's wants. Who cares about Ginny?
Muggleborne discrimination is bad but pureblood discrimination is A-ok
‘You’re right, sorry,’ said Ron, but unable to help himself, he added, ‘don’t get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure-blood.’
I could not believe my eyes when I read this. It's like Ron forgot that HIS family is pureblood! It's the same vibe as a black parent telling their black or mixed kid not to marry another black person! Luna is pureblood! Neville is pureblood! Do the Weasleys have some kind of self-hatred?? Another point to purebloods slowly dying out but who cares? As far as JKR is concerned, the wizards should be aiming to all be mutts with mixed blood :)
BTW the Scorpius/Rose pairing fills me with revulsion. I like Albus and Scorp as friends though! But not so much as lovers.
Marriage is the only way to be truly part of a family
‘Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!’ whispered Lily ecstatically. ‘Teddy would really be part of the family then!’
Got some heavy Hinny vibes from this line of dialogue. Harry did not become a true Weasley until he got with Ginny after all :)
I know Lily is a kid and she means no malice, but I truly felt disgust towards this line. It just bothers me, especially in the context of Hinny and how Ginny functions as a way for Harry to become a Weasley member. Teddy is Harry's godson, he should be like a big brother to Lily. How does becoming a cousin-in-law make him more of a family member compared to being her surrogate big bro??
Do Hogwarts alumni swear an oath of secrecy?
‘And you don’t want to believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts,’ Harry put in.
He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the wonder in Albus’s face when he said it.
So James Sirius is telling Albus Severus exaggerated tales about Hogwarts similar to what the Weasley twins did to Ron. But how is this possible? Do the parents not talk about Hogwarts to their kids? If my kid was going to my alma mater, I would tell him/her all about the school when I went there. I don't understand why it seems like parents don't talk about Hogwarts. At least Draco's parents seem to talk to him about the school at least.
Muggle abuse is still funny Ha. Ha.
‘As a matter of fact, I did Confund him,’ Ron whispered to Harry, as together they lifted Albus’s trunk and owl on to the train. ‘I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let’s face it, I can use a Supersensory Charm for that.’
Remember that Ron is an Auror! A wizarding cop! But nah muggles are still lesser than wizards so even a guy like Ron who's supposed to be a good hero character feels no shame in messing with their autonomy. Ron is literally so disgusting in the epilogue. Never thought I would end HP finding Ron the least tolerable of the trio when Ron is usually my fav of the 3. Not that the bar is very high for the other two.
JKR really does not like Draco
His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasised the pointed chin.
Of course, JKR can't end the series without throwing more shade at Draco. He's rocking the middle-aged man look, only has one kid and has a love interest that we know squat about. And then in CC, Draco's wife dies! Sigh, I really hate Drastoria...
All is not well
There is still house discrimination. Magical creatures likely still have fewer rights. Aurors like Ron and everyday wizards abuse their powers against muggles. Purebloods are dying out. Wizards like Albus act like they did not grow up in a magical world, aka wizards still have low brain cell counts. But sure, Harry's scar is fine so ALL IS WELL!
I can't believe there are people out here calling JKR a good writer! I see the vast potential of the book series and I feel so sad sometimes. I am so happy that HP never existed in my childhood.
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zbsinbloom · 1 year
ZB1 as Pick 'N' Mix 🍬
🍀 Jiwoong - Fried Eggs
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Fried eggs have this innocent vibe about them. I literally don't know how to explain it?? And so does Jiwoong
I say this a lot here but he's a classic and so are fried eggs. You'll find them in every bag of pick n mix I ever put together
I'll be real I have no idea what flavour they are, and sometimes I wonder what's going on in Jiwoong's head
☘ Zhang Hao - Fizzy Cola Bottles
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Am I influenced by when he said he wanted to drink zero cola with Hanbin every day? A little
But also… cola bottles are good, like really good. It's like a tiny sip of cola and he is smol (yes he's taller than me)
But he's not the regular cola bottle, he's a little bit fancy, a little more special. He's a fizzy cola bottle
🍀 Hanbin - Gummy Hearts
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Hanbin is literally the personification of gummy hearts, fight me on this
Bro looks at all his friends like 🥰 how could he not be a gummy heart? He's literally full of love for everyone
Gummy hearts are also a classic and I feel like they're pretty popular?? Hanbin is basically a social butterfly so yeah he's also popular I mean he held the #1 spot for almost the entire show
☘ Matthew - Marshmallow Twists
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Squishiness intensifies. I want to hold his face in my hands and squish him, not in a hurty way but in the way you squish marshmallows
Woohyun oppa who? I only know Mattchu. He's cute and soft like marshmallows I do not care, Matthew fight me on this
Marshmallows are sweet but not overly sugary and sickly, which fits him well cause he's just the right amount of sweet
🍀 Taerae - Gummy Bears
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I mean who else could this possibly be? I literally wrote down gummy bears when I thought of this idea and I went "Taerae" no questions asked
Gummy bears are classic. Taerae is a classic. Need I say more? His voice is timeless
And they're shaped like teddy bears. You know who else is shaped like a teddy bear? Taerae. He has a very comforting aura around him
☘ Ricky - Fizzy Cherries
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Okay so personally, I think the normal cherries are already kinda fancy and all that
And what do you get when you add a bit of fizz to Ricky? You get rizz I'm so sorry it had to be done
No but fr though fizzy cherries are the edgy cousin of the fancy cherry and I feel like that fits him so well because he's fancy but he also has a bit of edginess??
🍀 Gyuvin - Bubblegum Bon Bons
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He's bubblegum bon bons, end of. No discussion… I'm kidding, but I don't really know how to explain myself he just is?
Bubblegum bon bons are fun, funky and fresh. I would also use those words to describe him
They also remind me of my childhood and he gives off this carefree energy I can't explain
☘ Gunwook - Gummy Snakes
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Hear me out on this one… people look at him and think he's all intimidating and edgy like a snake. Do you remember Takuto quaking in fear when he first saw him?
But he's actually the sweetest?? Like during Tomboy when he was running around after his hyungs
Also really squishy, no wonder the other trainees kinda adopted him
🍀 Yujin - Jelly Beans
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Jelly beans are small. Yes I know he's taller than me but he's small, okay? He's just a tiny boy
Squishy. I just wanna squish his cheeks at all times, like how Gyuvin does. Maybe less aggressively? Nah, I'm lying, just like him
I think they're so adorable and so is Yujin. No one can change my opinion on this
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cherry-velvet-skies · 2 years
It's time for more Beatle Era Ratings! (I fixed the title 😌)
Episode 3: Johnny Boy 🥰
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Moon Dog (Pre-Beatles Era)
Teddy Boy John somehow looks older than when John was actually older
He gives the vibe of a teenage boy who dresses to look older in order to get into an adult rated movie lmao
Formed a band and felt like the coolest guy in the world (and you know what he unknowingly created one of the greatest bands in the world so he's allowed to feel that way)
6/10 because he looks great but the look is not really for me
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Twist and Shout (1962-63)
And just like I thought, he looks younger here than the previous era
John Lennon if he were an android in Detroit Become Human
He looks so uncomfortable dressed like this PLEASE 😂 someone help him
4.5/10 and I know the second they walked off stage he would rip this jacket right off lmao
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Cuddle Bug (1964-66)
One of John's best eras and that's a fact
He's so friend-shaped I'm gonna cry
This haircut suited him so well and gave him an all-around adorable vibe
100/10 and I have a personal vendetta against anyone who ever made him feel bad about his appearance 😤
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Blue Meanie Defender 3000 (1967)
If you ever wanna know what the people in the late 60s who experimented with any drug they could find looked like, just picture this mf
Bro saw God at some point and God was a walrus apparently
But this was when he actually got glasses instead of just being fucking blind all the time so I guess that's good
7/10 although I can't tell if being around him when he's high would've been nonstop laughs or literal hell on earth
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AnD nOw YoUr hOsTs fOr tHiS eVeNinG (1968-69)
An absolute gremlin of a man
But I mean if I was in his shoes I would just randomly scream for no reason too so I get it
If Get Back taught us anything it was that mans hardly showered
6.5/10 the vibes are hella confusing but not terrible. Sense of humor was off the charts though
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Bigger Than Jesus (1970)
So far John's Jesus era was the fanciest
The fur coat and wool cap are giving Bratz doll
Speaking of Bratz dolls John would've loved early 2000s fashion I JUST KNOW IT
9/10 he would've worn Juicy tracksuits religiously and ate us all up
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I Sleep Well, Thanks (1971-72)
Exhausted dude at his office job who just wants to go home and get high
You know what scratch that he shows up high and has the nerve to act surprised when he can barely function
Survives purely off of spite
6.5/10 he wants to cause problems on purpose
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I Am the Egg Man (1973)
I'm not even sure I have the certification to comment on this
Seeing John almost bald feels sacrilegious
He looks like one of those unhinged yoga instructors
2/10 I am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today
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Freelance Artist (1974-77)
In his academia era
His aura feels like one of those people who you go to their apartment and it's full of giant canvases with art that deserves way more recognition
That Elvis pin is iconic
10/10 and this entire photoshoot is honestly so beautiful I wish I could've included all the photos
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Sexy Valet Driver (1978-79)
I absolutely adore the tie and waistcoat combo
It gives me an immense level of gender envy, and John is not immune to that lol I wanna look the way he does in this photo so bad
He looks both cute and handsome but I can't decide which one tips the balance
20/10 if I saw him dressed like this I would definitely compliment him (and maybe ask him out if I was feeling brave 🤭)
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Eccentrically Reserved Fashion Designer (1980-∞)
Are we gonna pretend that he didn't look absolutely GLORIOUS this year
I think I have to say this one is a dilf era because oh my god
I secretly think John would've been a great fashion designer idk he seems like he has the correct amount of insanity to pull it off
542/10 and it's a shame we never got to see how he would've evolved physically, and even personality-wise, as the years went on. I feel like he would've been a better person as he got older and I wish we would've gotten to see it 🥺💕
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
someone asked me a while about about my ideal persona cast using the P3/P4/P5 casts and i didn't answer because this was back when we just got futaba so i didn't know
now I feel I have a bit more of a handle so
The Protagonist: femmeswap Joker. yes i still want to be able to play a girl so fucking bad and i'm mad the game will not let me. i feel like Joker and FeMC would be tight bc they are both fucking weirdos.
The Best Friend Guy: i am agonizing over yosuke vs junpei but I'm gonna say Junpei because I liked having a bro that much. I like Yosuke but only when he's devastatingly closeted and in love with P4MC. I would be friends with Junpei IRL.
The Uncool Girl: I really like Ann but Yukari was great, she was gay as hell, and she had a very interesting arc. I liked how she gave huge "girl friend who secretly dislikes you and is just being nice" vibes but evolved into an extremely sharp plot catalyst who asked smart questions and was super perceptive.
The Polite Girl With A Family Legacy: Makoto was never in the running here, but Yukiko vs Mitsuru is hard. Mitsuru has nonbinary swagger and a motorcycle, but Yukiko is actually really funny and charming...... I'm gonna say Yukiko by a hair.
The Weird Loveable Dude Who I Personally Wanna Date In Each Game: Yusuke vs Kanji vs Akihiko. god, don't make me pick between Akihiko the Autistic Boxer King and Kanji the literal best character in P4. I refuse to pick. Both win.
Yusuke loses because the game forgot he's a loveable weirdo about 20 hours ago and he's just another voice in cutscenes now and i'm sad about it.
The Navigator: oh my god Fuuka vs Futaba is so fucking hard. I wanted to date Fuuka so bad and she's still the most useful of the actual navigators, she's the only one who just gives you a full scan of the enemies when you ask. but Futaba is a fucking delight and her struggle with agoraphobia and social anxiety isn't played up, it's so on point, yeah I'm gonna go Futaba but Fuuka, I still love you!!!!!
Late-Comer Who Doesn't Get Enough Screentime: i don't want to blow any minds but i think i like Haru the most out of these, I'm really loving her Empress arc. Naoto was super interesting up until they joined the party, then the game got scared to do anything with her. nah.
The Guest Party Member: Shinjiro vs Akechi. SIGHS. it's gotta be Akechi unfortunately.
The Mascot Animal: Teddie, no question. Morgana is a close second but I cried about Teddie. hmmmm but morgana is a cat that lives in your school bag......... NO it's teddie! I can't not reward Sam Reigel for the fucking WORK he did!
The Special Edition Character: Marie. Kasumi has suffered soooooo much from feeling tacked onto the story in an extremely sloppy way. With Marie, that... kind of was perfect given who and what she was, it almost aided in the feeling of her as a superfluous vestigial limb of the game that you opt-into caring about. Also her becoming a weather forecaster was hilarious. Kasumi really really needs some fucking edge.
(also, random complaint, Maruki feels MUCH LESS TACKED ON than Kasumi, so i KNOW they could have done a better job integrating her. whatever.)
Velvet Room Attendant: Margaret. I'm sorry, I'm shallow and she's incredibly hot and that line asking the PC to entangle her in his thread of fate was hot. Also the moment she kisses the PC is great. Sorry Liz.
Bad Vibes Bad Guy: Ryoji vs Adachi vs Akechi. This is impossible because all three of them are atrocious in their own ways. Also, I haven't seen Akechi's dismount yet. HOWEVER..... as fun as Akechi shooting Joker was, and it was very fun, I don't think he comes close to P4MC vs Adachi in Yamano's room. The framing, the cinematography, the sudden shock of his Arcana changing, it was phenomenal. JYB absolutely killed that performance. Adachi.
Last Minute Baddie No One Cares About: Izanami vs Shido vs huh p3 doesn't have that huh. I'm gonna say Shido because no I don't care, but at least he's been mildly set up as the baddie where izanami, all you get is Edogawa giving you a four minute lecture on the creation myth of Japan and then you gotta remember that 40 hours later when the fucking gas station attendant turns out to be evil. It's dumb. At least Shido has backstory with Joker.
that was fun! it's interesting to see the reused tropes and pick which i like.
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peachjaem00 · 1 year
save one, drop one - nct dream edition // from this video
tagged by: @neonunau thanks for the tag love!
istj vs. glitch mode (look i love glitch mode but istj slaps hard!)
broken melodies vs. dive into you (it's the 1D vibes bro!)
love again vs. 1, 2, 3 (hey shawty)
deja vu vs. diggity
blue wave vs. walk you home
tangerine love vs. better than gold (better than gold is one of their superiro b-side tracks and i will die on this hill)
hot sauce vs. boom (the latina in me would be dissapointed if i didn't save hot sauce)
like we just met vs. to my first
119 vs. drippin' (in all honesty, if i can't have both, i don't want them, literally my favorite dream songs how dare you?)
anl vs. arcade
dunk shot vs. trigger the fever
quiet down vs. poison
be there for you vs. never goodbye
candle light vs. puzzle piece (a little controversial but i am a candle light hater to my core)
life is still going on vs. yogurt shake
irreplaceable vs. replay
sorry, heart vs. moon
ridin' vs. go (go is the superior song, the bad bitch of nct dream songs)
bungee vs. rocket
dear dream vs. my page (i still need emotional compensation for the trauma)
stronger vs. countdown (3, 2, 1)
my first and last vs. chewing gum (i mean!!! it was chewing gum against the word bro, that's just iconic behaviour)
saturday drip vs. sos
on the way vs. graduation
my youth vs. dreaming
7 days vs. best friend
beatbox vs. hello future (the only good thing about beatbox was jeno's hair)
starry night vs. take my breath
rainbow vs. teddy bear
candy vs. don't need your love (they changed lives, including mine, with this song)
we go up vs. we young
dream run vs. pretzel
best friend ever vs. fireflies
bye my first... vs. beautiful time
tagging @neochan @cappujeno @rainyjeno @ohmytyong and whoever wants to do it, feel free to say i tagged you
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morganupstead · 2 years
911 Lone Star 4x05 thoughts: I know I'm backed up but I've been depresso dissociating for days so I'm getting to it now.
Okay what was that intro sequence, I'm also terrified to ask.
Mateo, the kid means well but strand is gonna be real mad he can't sell his bike. we stan mateo here though
Celeste why isn't it good to see you girlie, but you might be in the wrong city at the moment?? Chicago maybe?? A confident amazing guy is back there right about now huh?? His name is Kevin Atwater does that ring a bell?? (okay i guess we can move on)
Grace and Linus, this is gonna be great I can tell. He's stuck on homework what a cute kid and Grace is perfect at this.
What was that do I know you directed at Paul???? Like was that intentional for another reason or am I just very far-reaching about another Black first responder from Chicago??? (I'm delusional there's no way they are referencing that)
Hold on. MARJAN????? Nope I'm so not about this girlie I love you WHAT HAPPENED
Marjan literally saved that woman from a moving trailer home on the highway, she would have died if she stayed in that motor home, and without the road stop this conversation would not be happening. do I agree with the word choice, no but she's alive still.
Grace is concerned so now I'm concerned about that kid.
Okay, Marjan is literally breaking my heart that woman. If she's leaving the show I'm gonna sob.
There's the creepy guy again.......not feeling good about that. Marjan is really getting the short end of the stick this episode??? i really don't like this. Not a radio.
Okay so this storyline has officially gone off the rails where I couldn't have expected it to. I agree with Strand, why is he not in jail!!!!! Also a lot of this conversation sounds like veiled threats and blackmail to me so where is this going???
Marjan as a character is just freaking incredible. If she gets fired or leaves it's gonna hurt but damn you can't say that woman isn't a powerhouse that sticks to her guns.
CHARLIE WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO BE SO BIG!!!!! oh you are the cutest little baby on the planet. also Judd is such a good dad it melts my cold little heart. JUDD YOU ARE SUCH A SUPPORTIVE HUSBAND I LOVE IT. he knows his wife isn't gonna sleep is she doesn't know that little boy is safe. i hope this doesn't end bad bc i like this storyline, There's too much sadness going on i need some balance. I just hope Grace doesn't get in trouble for this bc I'm a little on edge with the whole Marjan thing.
"I'm a big scary man??" sorry to break it to you Judd but without knowing that your a big snuggly teddy bear your outside persona is a little scary bro.
I'm sorry but everytime they pan to charlie I'm yelling at my computer "CHARLIE YOU ARE SO CUTE GIRLIE LOOK AT YOU"
Yes Linus Grace Ryder is the prettiest woman ever:)))
I love Tommy and her girls, it's domestic time that I love
Grace is really gonna save this woman's life I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. THAT'S GRACE RYDER. Judd keeping Linus calm is literally gonna make me cry.
We are going to have that guy join the firehouse who is obsessed with the 126 (that probably is a psychopath or has some other mental illness??? Am I catching the right vibes with this storyline?? I hate the way this is set up to be another long-term arc.
Okay, i was right somewhat: Arsonist at least we can label him as right now.
Did paul really just punch him??? or was that a figment of Marjan's imagination???
The fact that Asha is from Chicago really being a coincidence is sending me. It means nothing, Paul is from Chicago and they met in school....... hum hum hum..... Wait are we setting up a romance??? Okay maybe I can jump on the bandwagon
I saw this coming but damn im equally sad and proud of her. SHE BOUGHT HIS BIKE!!!!!! God I'm gonna cry. Is this really her leaving???? Okay, I googled it and it's not the last we are seeing of Marjan which is nice, but I did just ugly cry thinking she was gone forever.
I liked this episode more than I thought I would. Grace's storyline was really great too!!!
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B, H, O, S?
thanks for the ask!!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
i know i've talked about Dojima/Namatame before, but it's one of those things that i never thought about until i saw a prompt for it on the kinkmeme back in the day??? and once i started thinking about it i feel like... as much of a crack ship this sounds like, there's basis for understanding but also conflict (obviously) that makes them interesting to ship under specific circumstances? though i guess i did most of the work figuring out how their dynamic might look like
also, your pitch for sombra/symmetra makes a lot of sense! while i didn't oppose shipping them beforehand, i was never quite convinced until you broke their possible dynamic down
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
hm, i think i come across animation more often than the other examples listed—i love animation! so from statistics it's likelier for me to be into a fandom of an animated show, and live-action stuff is very hit or miss for me.
for writing fic though, i guess i like books/manga/comics because it's easier for me to find the exact location of a scene that i want to reference?
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
hm. most of my music are OST or songs associated with a specific property, so it's gonna be biased. i guess i'll go on youtube or spotify or something try to find a random song
*15 minutes later*
NEVER SAY GOODBYE (apparently it's an opening for Golden Kamuy, but since idk anything about it* i figure it's neutral enough): it's got an extremely shounen vibe, so Kamina from Gurren Lagann is an obvious shoe-in—he is THE Cool Big Bro in my cultural consciousness after all.
*the only thing i know about Golden Kamuy is that the author loves drawing naked muscly men and there are a lot of animal deaths(?)
just for fun there's another one: YoiYoi KonKon (lyrics)—my Japanese is nowhere near good enough to parse the lyrics, so i'm purely going by vibes alone. the whole thing screams "reckless indulgence", and the mesh of traditional instruments with a modern beat/melody obviously turned my mind towards settings and characters kinda caught between time? not necessarily literally, just that they're lost/losing themselves in some sense. I guess the use of traditional instruments plus the "recklessly losing myself in pleasure to hide/run away from my sadness" kinda made me think of Tsunayoshi (or Tokuko) from Ooku the Inner Chambers, the one where most of Japan were ruled by women bc a freak plague decimated the male population
(also, the vibe of this song reminds me of Tokio Funka a bit)
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
okay so i assume this means "show us an example of a headcanon in your fanworks"?
the headcanon about YukiChie cooking and Yosuke's crappy pics in the (still unfinished) YukiChie fic that you beta'd:
Wounded pride aside, her mother has a point. They can’t rely on other people to cook for them all the time. It’s one of those Essential Life Skills™ that they were supposed to have mastered by the time they finished high school or whatever. Yu’s been making (and generously sharing) delicious lunches for as long as they’ve known him, and Rise’s cooking is perfectly safe as long as she doesn't have access to chili powder. Kanji and Naoto do fine on their own too. Heck, even Yosuke knows how to make staple dishes, judging by all the terrible photos he posts to their group chat at the weirdest times (also: she’s gonna show up at his university dorm and murder him if he ever spams her with blurry homemade tamagoyaki pics at 3 AM again.Yukiko will help her hide the body.) So yeah. They’re way behind schedule at this point, and it’s kind of a bummer to realize their culinary skills are about on par with Teddie’s—probably with him taking the lead to boot.
(I also absolutely think Yukiko doesn't look at recipes because she thinks she should just figure it out on her own)
[ask prompts here!]
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koalaray · 2 years
Actually Correct Quotes 2
[a convo with some Instagram buddies]
> I had a dream last night where at one point I jumped off this hill (because dream physics make it safe) and landed in this shallow dip of water. When I pulled my head above the water, I noticed it was stained red with blood. There were two big male lion corpses beside me, all bloodied and torn. So then I just had to walk around my dream drenched in watered down lion blood.
>Just thought you guys might like to know lol
>Woah that's quite a dream
>Might end up sketching it
>Would literally be a drawing of a koala sitting between two lion corpses while drenched in blood but still lol
[the dream drawing]
>That sure was a dream
>ngl sounds fun
>It does
>Just swimming in blood. Getting covered in blood. Wish it was human blood ngl
>Why does that remind me of that person on Twitter who works at Cartoon Network and supposedly is a cannibal?
>It lowkey does remind me of that
>It was an interesting experience
>My dreams are pretty weird
>Rip those lions tho, so sad
>like one time when I left me and my sis were at a sleepover and my bro wanted someone to play w/ him, so I dmed a friend and told him to go play Minecraft with him
>And so on the night of the sleepover, I dreamed of that friend yelling at me because they ended up not playing Minecraft together
> I had a strange dream where I was a tactician and we were fighting if some weird magic thingie
> and then one of those weird magic thingie was attacking me and I got possessed by it
> but I got control of it and like, almost killed my friend
> it was a nice Fire Emblem Awakening vibes
> I had a dream that some serial killer came to murder me but I was like "Naw bro, kinda busy with life right now."
> And then he was like "Oh shoot, I'm so sorry. Should we reschedule?"
> And then he pulled out a calendar and we just sat side by side rescheduling the day he would come back to kill me
>that's beautiful
>that deserves an Oscar
>I agree
>An Oscar to a dream
> I had another dream once where no one came to my birthday party and I got sad. But then the doorbell rang and I went to answer it.
>It was Slenderman
>He was wearing a party hat
>He gave me a teddy bear and we shared some cake together
>That's nice
>He just smeared it all over his face since he doesn't have a mouth
>that's so heartwarming
>how does a creepy thing become a cute story
>p l o t
>or something
>my dreams are like that
>Put any Creepypasta character in one of my dreams and it becomes a wholesome story
>Sounds accurate
> huh my dreams are just very random
>Eyeless Jack had a crush on me.....
>how does he have a crush on you if he has no eyes?
>He's weird
>He sees without eyes
> ray be getting boys from some creepy ass shit situations
> Has grey skin, sharp teeth, eats kidneys
>And my dream decided
> "Yea. Ideal boyfriend. He luv you now."
>I had a dream where I became a killer and I was a guy
>Were you the guy who came to kill me that one time?
> And I was so good at murder, people was scared to leave their house
>Probably yea
>Poor marrow
>very poor
>yes I am poor
>very monieless
> In the dream, I was killing people and possibly Ray and somehow, people would think it was the president??
>and he was killed lol
> is this something my gremlin mind cannot comprehend
> it probably is because i dont even know how to spell comprehend
> Oh I have another great dream to tell y'all about
> So when I was younger and it was ok for guys and girls to sleep in the same bed, my cousin came over for a sleepover. So we were sleeping in the same bed.
>Then I had a dream that I was a wolf and I was chasing down this elk. Finally I got close enough and leaped forward, biting its leg.
>I woke up to a slap in the face
>I uh
>I bit my cousin
>In my sleep....
> It wasn't a little nibble either
> I like full on chomped down on his leg
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awhphooey · 2 years
PLEASE talk to me about your tmnt designs they are so good and friend shaped
OK!!! >:D gonna just copy paste them directly from discord so excuse the “like previously stated” stuff lmao
Ok so!! This one might be short bc I do really enjoy his canon design. I made his spikes a bit more rounded than they are in canon because alligator snapping turtles are sharp but not that sharp (I’m aware the show’s style is just generally sharp as well). I also think it suits his personality more, with the spikes being a bit rounded out. He’s big and tough, yes, and he can definitely beat the shit out of people, but with his brothers he’s just a big teddy bear! Clothes wise I was initially going to give him a ripped jersey but decided against it because I wanted to show off the cracks and marks on his shell. He’s a big guy which means he most likely just throws himself (literally) into fights, which would definitely end up with him getting some marks in his shell. I left the x bandages on his chest and added some others on his side, as well as a sticker from Mikey over one of the smaller scratches. I ended up ripping the ends of his bandana as well, more than I think it is in the show, if it is at all. I let him keep the wraps on his feet and hands, and added some sweat bands on his wrists (despite the fact they wouldn’t work that way) to replace the sporty vibe the jersey would’ve given. I also gave him shorts for the same reason. It just gives him a boxer vibe imo. Giving him a tail is the only thing I will never regret because 1. TAIL. 2. long tails are like??? A defining trait of snapping turtles bro. I already explained that his markings aren’t natural, and that they’re sprayed on by Mikey. He probably has to get them redone every once in a while, which means the shape of them might change a bit every time. (The small splatters definitely do) that’s sort of all I can think about to say for Raph? He’s my sweet cheese? My good time boy?
Woo! Guy I stole my name from let’s go- his design didn’t change much either, if I’m being honest. Probably changed less than Raph’s. I liked the crescent markings on his eyes instead of the classic slider stripes, I just think they fit his vibe more so I let those be. The crescents on his arms, however, had to go. I know they were probably chosen to be easier for the animators, but I’m not an animator and my boy isn’t a damn tiger!! So racing stripes it is! I left the color alone tho bc I liked the contrast. His gloves also got left alone because I enjoy how dramatically they flare out. He got a scarf because I thought it looked cool but also !! It is kind of reminiscent of the weird shock collar thingy he got in Donnie’s Gifts. Obviously this scarf won’t keep his quips at bay, but at least he’ll be warm while he messes around. He also gets to keep his over the shoulder thing instead of being downgraded to a belt like Mikey, just because his sword is too damn long to fit in a side holster thingy (idk if holster is the right term for the sword one or if it’s exclusively for firearms). I was high key debating giving him a Fanny pack bc I thought it would’ve been funny, but braces *and* a Fanny pack would’ve made me feel like I was trying to make fun of him for some reason so he just gets a slightly bigger side bag. Satchel? Idk. I gave him a few marks as well because out of all four of them, I feel like he gets knocked around the most- mostly because he’s the one running in without a plan. He’s got one on his leg, two (from the same injury) on his left arm, and one across the bridge of where his nose would be. I wasn’t sure if I was going to add the nose one, because I was having trouble thinking of how he would get a cut so deep on his nose to scar but not to affect his eyes, but then I remembered I don’t care for logic when it comes to character design. He’s also got a bit of a torn up shell from roughhousing with Raph and pulling stupid stunts.
Burger boy!! Ok so I am a firm believer in Donnie should get clothing/tech that will actually help him and doesn’t just look cool. Hence the welding gloves and goggles! I also think he would use the bandana around his neck as a mask to cover the bottom half of his face! When he’s not wearing his mask, as you can see, he just keeps the goggles around his neck. I think that the turtles wouldn’t always be wearing their masks, but Donnie always wants his goggles with him, so he just lets em hang there. The tech pad on his arm controls his shells and Shelldon, as well as just being used like any tablet can be used. He usually does things himself, but he has the doc Ock robot arms to help him with smaller tasks like carrying things or holding stuff for him while he works. Also to hold his phone because,,, Gen Z man… anyways actual design wise, I just kept with the patterns he has in the show. I gave him 2012 Donnie’s tooth gap because I enjoy it immensely, and I gave him slightly webbed feet for swimming. He would be the best swimmer out of all of his brothers because of it. Also yeah, he’s got normal people eyebrows now, but the ones you see over his mask are 100% drawn on. Speaking of his mask!!!! I gave him a little Deadpool type bump at the back of it because I wanted to and also because I have never once in my life been able to tie a bandana around my head like that without having a bump. Is this the shortest one? Probably, I literally can’t tell rn 💀 Sorry Donnie I said Leo changed the least but maybe it was you. Or I’m just bad at analyzing my design for him
Ok Mikey now bc he’s last (rip)!! He definitely got the most little details added in, because he was the first one I drew. Also because his initial design already has so much character compared to the others. First off, pattern: FRECKLESSSSS I enjoy him having tiny speckles instead of just big blotches. I just think it gives him more of an asymmetrical look. Same with the stickers on his shell!! I purposely gave him no two shapes the same so it would be a bit more mismatchy. The skull- like previously stated- is a reference to his toddler design, which had a skull on an orange sleeveless hoodie. WHY DOES HE HAVE KNEE PADS AND NO ELBOW PADS. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THEM. So anyways he has elbow pads now. You can’t see them but he has more faces drawn on them. I gave him one sweatband on one wrist and the beaded bracelets on the other, again, for asymmetry. One of the only symmetrical things is probably his spats/socks/shoe thingies. His backpack straps aren’t even even. Speaking of his backpack, he has some pins and patches on there that are 90% gifts from his brothers and 10% ones he found on the ground. His skateboard on the bottom is a drawing he did by himself, and was one of the first pieces he ever did without copying something. Not super intentional, but his shell design sort of looks like a firework going off, which I think matches his personality a whole lot. The tooth he has missing is a permanent tooth and he honestly doesn’t care that it’s missing he thinks he looks cool.
1,300+ words later, you deserve a Turtle Tot design so here you go!!
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So like. Time fugitive young avengers
TRYING to find the only time traveler they know and the one who prolly sorta likes them???
So like eli and Billy and teddy appear during Sylvie and Loki's sword fight to yoink Kang
Which is the real reason he disappears
Kang legit crying because??? His friends??? Who he had to keep pruning from the timeline???
So none of them are the same ages because it's funny
I want Billy and teddy to be a middle aged married couple who are just SO DONE and Kate's like I was literally JUST at your wedding, WHY DOES THIS SHIT KEEP HAPPENING TO ME AT WEDDINGS????
Kate refers to kang as "my good bitch" and nothing else
They have nate which allows them to grab loki. The post saakar killed by thanos but not quite Loki
Also. This is a verse where when loki fell off the bifrost he got younger and then wound up with the YA. Endverse!kid!loki is a variant of that time
Kang also cries when he sees Cassie
They expect kang to be this hardass and really hes just SO TIRED, YOU GUYS, and he's so glad to have help
Which is not what they were expecting
Tommy keeps holding up rope all "so no tying him to a chair?"
He gets berated for trying to bring bondage into everything
At some point they're like you let steve do WHAT. the home of phobia.
Also theres a variant peggy that shows up. Kate and America keep ooo.ooo ing at her
The gay vibes are impeccable
Nate calls Kate "my solid ho"
I kind if want Kate to be the "youngest". Like she's the first one they nabbed but they got her earlier in her timeline than the rest of the team. Shes still like mid late 20s and everyone is weeping emoji at her shes such a BABY and Kate growling no goddamnit I'm a small business owner I pay taxes I am NOT baby
But ONLY if it's funny if Kate being the youngest for once isn't funny then no go hoes
Kate, Nate, and Loki doing obnoxious sprawling all over each other as the youngest oldests
Why is Kang unhinged? That is why. "The floor is lava and the only safe place is UR LAP"
Also have I mentioned agent mobius is noh? I have? Great. Because he is.
And that Casey is Jonas?
So that vibe the gotg had in their first movie..."them?" and "those dipshits?" that's the vibe of this young avengers. With the bonus that they were once competent and organized etc etc but not with these versions of each other
At some point "shhh come on this is Kate's funeral be quiet."
"Yeah don't turn it into a roast this time."
"Shut up ur dead u dont get a say."
but also like. maybe.
so when the timeline exploded all of those timelines existed fully at that moment
which is how they can pluck people at different ages etc.
so Nate Knows about the Young Avengers and a Good Nate comes and Grabs Loki, and they “go to the leader of the young avengers”
which to nate either means another him, or maybe jonas, or eli?
and it’s KATE. who he, like, sort of knows? but why is she the one they got taken to--
“I’m the leader of the young avengers, that’s why, jerk. Also hi Loki.”
“I’m sorry who are you?”
Kate is OFFEND.
Nate is just confused as to HOW. She wasn’t even??? On the roster???
“Yeah well i guess you’re just lucky.”
the fact that loki gets the team together the second time but he doesn’t even know her is irritating, meanwhile loki is making fun of “young avengers” what was there a BABY THOR, a MINI HULK
Nate has to implement a “no stabby no shooty” rule after he’s done laughing
Loki is CONSTANTLY unnerved by how much Kate seems to know about him
some things he didn’t even know about himself? like a breakfast obsession???
Kate being with them helps the other grabs go easier
at some point they’re talking about the TVA and they have pictures for some reason. 
“wait wait go back”
“yeah ok we need to grab those two”
she’s only KIND of offended when Noh has no idea who she is but seems to have a crush on Loki. Rude, but ok. 
Jonas is all “took you long enough, hang on let me grab some infinity stones”
“fucking WHAT.”
for some reason they wind up at the End, surrounded by Lokis.
and then it’s an argument about which Loki is better for the team. Which variant!loki is VERY offended by
this is just a group of people who MUST offend one another
Kate is. um. VERY adamant about the Loki she wants. 
“My vote is for the lizard.”
cue kid!loki peering from behind something: “Kate?”
“CHCANGED MY MIND We’re taking the Kid.”
“no, we’re not, I vote for me” variant!loki says this and gets blasted by vote loki loki
Kate nixes vote loki loki because she ALREADY DEALT WITH THAT. vote loki loki is trying SO HARD. c’mon kate. i know you LOVED trolling me on twitter. pick me!
“No, we’re taking the Kid.”
Nate tries to argue this point.
“We’re. Taking. The. KID.”
no one agrees with her
“Saying it slower doesn’t make it a reason.”
“Oh you want reasons? Reason one: i know this lil shit.” a secret handshake of sorts ensues.
“Reason two: I can manhandle him” Loki gets tossed over her shoulder. he is very unimpressed
(”he is easier to punt that way,” America points out. She currently has another Loki in a headlock.)
“Reason three: i know how he lies.”
“Reason four: we’re bros.”
These reasons impress NO ONE. 
but it is how they wind up with a gaggle of lokis.
Kate and Kid!Loki are very mean to each other. i just want to point that out. but like a dipshit mean sibling energy. they make fun of each other’s ages all the time.  
the vibe of the young avengers is “we WILL save the multiverse but we’re going to be as chaotic as possible while doing it”
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keimisan · 3 years
closest moots? or blogs that you really like?
KWBSJWJW i'm surprised you'd want to know but thank you sm for asking 🥺 its been about two months of the start of this blog, and honestly, its been such a nice experience. I have met some wonderful people who are also chaotic. I have met zebra wakasa, pink teddy sanzu and cow (???) hanma.
the closest moot i have here are @rae-blogging and @blueprint-han . But they're not a tr blog, so i'm not including them here i guess. P
theres no order
my first ever moot here is @hanniejji I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHE'S LIKE SO COOL and funny NAD SO NICE TO TALK TO. everytime a chapter or an episode drops, you'll catch me screaming in her inbox like some starved crow. Literally all of our convo is in caps lock, no kidding. my screaming buddy, simping buddy, and crying buddy in one package.
thenn @jyugosgf MY DESI SIS. like half the fandom is made of filipino population nd the other half is well, rest of the world. I never thought there'd be fellow desi blogs here. And PLS THE DESI RANTS/ DISCUSSIONS WE DID. Starting from momma baji caring for his hair in the most conventional indian way to om shanti om and deepika padukone, we've screamed. Damn it was so much fun. message for you if you see this bub: ily 🥺
@dr3ken ANOTHER DESI. she's funny, she's cool, her writings ABSOLUTELY CRAZY like bro did u learn that literature from shakespeare himself. i talk to her a lot, but in another social media. She texts like a loud punjabi AND PLS THE VIBE IS SO NICE LIKE you'll never be bored. Again, another caps lock buddy.
@sukunasbabymama first things first, she became my moot after i proposed to her. ma'am the proposal still stands- aNywAy, she's that one boss bitch who's also very comedic (you'll know if you read her works) i love how independent she is, and how free she thinks. Literally big sis energy, except that sis will take you out at 2 am to drink coke and throw the bottles into space with all the frustration you've got.
@sxlver-sweet the sweetest moot ever. she's an angel in human form, and a blessing to life. i went crazy over her works and sent an ask to yk, start communicating- she rb'ed that and deadass went WE NEED TO BE FRIENDS. that creme brule in my fridge that i'm eating slowly because i dont want it to end and will cry if i ever end it- thats her. also the only moot i've went jeogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseo (im so sorry if you dont get its, its kpop reference) and flirted like thrice with (probably) and will still continue to flirt because wkdjwjdjjw it is happiness.
and then @kallikrein my zebra wakasa comrade. i still feel no remorse for the amount of confusion we caused, nor the dash-clogging with countless reblogs we did. she's chaotic funny, and a professional charanon bringer. you literally can't but love her- there i said it.
@lila-skies i hyperventilated over her mitsuya request and thats it- thats how we became friends. SHE ALSO STANS RED-VELVET AND CHUNGHA LIKE please, you stan queens and i stan you.
@angrysupremacy a whole 24 carat gold with the cutest nose. i don't know why but i find her SO CUTE LIKE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺. we fangirl about random tr posts on insta and its so nice talking to her! cute cute cute
@isuuki my bae. she too, is very sweet. brightens my day with her asks and makes me sob at the same time because --- death is coming and we're weeping every other day. i go 💕💞💖💗 Everytime i get an ask from her.
@tokyo-fukushu we dont have much interactions but i feel like she deserves a mention here. I'd definitely consider her one of my closest moots.
@uuden omg her works!! also simply her!! she's also really sweet! definitely in my closer moots list.
Last but not least, my cheese anonni (not mentioning you just in case) who also brings me serotonin. Shes so spontaneous and creative, as well as sweet. SHE GAVE ME HEART COOKIE DOUGH YALL 🥺
and @emergencyfoodpaimon 's posts are so fun to see. I really like seeing new things/fanarts. Also those heart memes make me go 💘💘💘💘
my moots' blogs are absolute masterpieces, and you'll totally love them. other than them, a few blogs that i really like are @kakuchan @maitani (my entire explore is filled with your content omg T.T) @harupill @manjikkai @everafterkeiji @ewitsren @red-beean @chif4yu @wwintersun sorry for the mindless tagging, please tell me if its bothering!
If you've read till the end, i applaud you omg. also, ship my moots with tr ask pspsppss, i really wanna do that.
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magioffire · 3 years
Can we ask you who you'd look forward to see ships with?
well i dont wanna put anyone on the spot so im mostly gonna just include people who have discussed ships with me/have indicated they may be interested in shipping (also it doesnt have to be exclusively romantic shipping)
umm well first of all im extremely looking forward to the development of the relationship between aspel and vali with @aufhcker i have no idea how it will turn out between these two but boy is it fun to write about them...i live any kind of dynamic where characters start off as enemies / rivals :3c
also i have a ship in the works with @bornofbloodandwater which im real excited for. vali always wanted to meet a siren 🥺 what can i say he wants that siren tail....i love xio and vali's dynamic so far because xio is one of the few people that can fluster vali
@derobergeist and i have discussed the potential a kinda romantic friendship between thackery and valeriu. you know...the kinda friendship where you can hold your bro's hand and kiss him and its not weird.....i love the idea of thackery and valeriu being able to just openly be nerds around eachother, not have to worry about the other getting irritated or bored from infodumping like...we love to see it.
i basically have already thoroughly established a ship with @gossamerashes over our plotted rps on discord (because discord rp is rad) and i fucking love it already. i literally just love enemies/rivals to lovers/rivalmance SO much. and also im a sucker for fast sexual burn slow emotional burn like.....yeah. get all that desire out in the open right off the bat and then struggle with your emotions boys :)
@bleedinghearth and i have been discussing teddy and vali on discord too and just how nasty vali is and its a lot of fun. i want to test just how patient teddy is. i wanna test just how wild and crazy vali is. lets do it. go stupid go crazy you funky little fae
@charlotte-liddel and vali's dynamic so far is *chefs kiss* even though we have only just started interacting. i really just love that catbat/dokkalfar solidarity. i cant wait to see where it goes
@archaevist i mean less a ship that im looking forward to and more a ship that consumes my mind each and every day. i love jonvali. i literally am so gay for their entire sad existence. they deserve better but are we gonna give it to them...no....suffer....
@vcrtigoes idk man the opposites attract vibe mike and vali have is really great. i see them more as like a romantic friendship than a full on romantic relationship but you know. i just love the fact vali looked at mike crew and said "i cant breathe or think in this scary twinks presence" and then they became roommates i guess. fucked up roommate au.
@xaallo you know....their relationship would simultaneously be funny as hell but also kinda sad because like xaallo does not trust ANYTHING about vali inherently. hes just bad vibes central for xaallo as a mage a bug and a fae but is that gonna stop vali from attempting to befriend??? no way man...
@traevaler aether and vali flying boys club.....i dont know anything about your fandom but i love you bitch....*strums guitar* i am never gonna stop loving you bitch... they would be a real funny power couple like this bright ass sunshine star twink next to this dark fiery sorcerer type like....could it get any better...
@pride-of-azkets nijad and vali rivalmance when......when vali stops being denying his own desires and accepts Its Okay to be Slutty Actually. but uh yeah they actually have a lot of potential to be a gut wrenching ship. kill me just fucking do it.
@vampiric-bite no idea wtf rei and vali got going on but im in love with it. i like the vibe pixie rei and vali have and also the dynamic they have in their elder scrolls verse where vali is like "bro you make such bad choices but i vibe with you so" like....what better way to make friends right??
@thecreaturecrossroads caoimhe and vali bromance is actually my favorite thing in the world. vali needs more relationships with fae in general so he can understand that fae from outside his immediate species group arent all weirdos HJKDHJS i mean they are weirdos but like....some are weirdos in a GOOD way. but yeah vali will happily crash at caoimhe's place and maybe on her lap too.....
OK BEFORE THIS LIST GETS MUCH LONGER just wanna say i am a slut for ships and if youre interested in a ship with me most likely i will be 100 percent down to clown
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yioh · 4 years
2020 follow forever :^)
hello it is, but i, ur local frog, yura, i really realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy wanted to make some kind of post to appreciate everyone on here because , fr, you guys have been such a large part of my life recently and i can not thank you enough... every single person i have interacted with on here has been so wonderful and it’s been such a pleasure to talk with you guys<3
also extremely extremely extremely sorry if i forget anyone, i really really do love every single person i interact with!! this is my first time doing something like this also this is probably filled with typos but im too impatient and lazy to read what i wrote, im so sorry if its weird or something aaaaaaaaaaaa jhdsgjhd
without further ado lets goooooo losers😎
@honeyedmilks sof u are one of the softest people i know, we didn’t get to talk that much this year but i love ur presence in general and it makes me :D when u pop up on my dash/notes hehe, i can’t express just how much i adore ur writing, the vibes and settings and the way u write in general is so my thing and !!!!!!!! <3 
@asianmelodrama faizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u are mine and a lot of other people’s sunshine on this hellsite !!!! ur blog is so feel good and pretty and relaxing and i love all ur thoughts and ur gifs are soooooooooo pretty and ur so cool !!!!!!!! thank u for being so kind and creative and wonderful and for creating a place so safe and lovely i love u i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@muscosus robin robin robin robin ILUSM !!!!!!! ur so fun to talk to and i find it so amusing that we met each other via druck but then consequently found all our interests colliding and we were literally *shook pikachu* kdhigjdghkjf also whenever u tag me in whale stuff it warms my heart so much and i treasure our friendship so so much !!!
@lesbiangoths OLIVIA why are u so adorable :( everytime u send me an ask im :) ur so creative and talented and ur crocheting stuff looks so COOL !!!!! also ur vibe is just immaculate in general and talking with u is so easy, never change ilu bro
@illiterateopossum ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur DEFINATELY one of the people on here that are MOST special to me, all our conversations are so freaking fun and man, u just get me .... and watching u get into all the dramas and anime i reccomend ??? it makes my heart doki doki hiagsjhjh thank u for always looking out for me and sending me the most loveliest messages, im really really bad with words and i am SHITE with keeping up with messaging but i seriously treasure our friendship so so much, i only hope for good things to happen to you next year and all the years after that, you’re such a kind wonderful person and !!!!!!!!!!!! i love u sm :(
@beesnutz KJDFKHIJFHKD GUSTE i wanna be emotional this one time and tell u that ur seriously such a fun person and the way my brain goes on overdrive from creativity when i talk to you is . insane. i want to bonk ur head with as much cereal as i can, never forget that you will always be the dumb sidekick to me, the superior villain and i WILL lead the way to world domination one day. sometimes i feel like u aren’t even real, you could be an anime character and i wouldn’t even bat an eyelash . ilu <3
@rosa-leche kana kana KANA :^) how are u so ???? sweet ???? adorable ???? wonderful ????? i already had so much fun interacting with you, all ur thoughts and messages are always so sweet and u make me smile SO much, and after the secret santa i feel like we have so much in common !!!!!!!!! do tell me if u ever watch bloom into you hehe, keep being the angel u are, ilusm !
@petekaos RAHUL !!!!!!!!!!!!! meeting u this summer feels like so long ago somehow, you sir!!! are one TALENTED person . it really really amazes me with how much passion you get into things and how much love and adoration you put into the things you create, its so so special .... anytime i see u vibing on my dash it fills me with so much joy, keep doing u bro !!!!
@toptaps zeeeeeeeeeeey you are so lovely :) you’re so gentle and soft and i adore talking with u about nanamin, also u are so cool and i was rly rly happy when u followed me lol, lowkey i admired u from afar jdhjkhdijd i love uuuuuuu
@fushiguroo MY LIL OREO CUTIE PATOOTIE oFC i still remember the first ask u sent me, i was so taken aback and honoured :( and the more and more i talked with you and saw you on my dash i was so happy, you have such good taste and you’re so so cute, take care of urself and stay the precious bean u are ok? 
@morksuns sumaya sumaya sumayaaaaaaaaaaaa everytime you interact with me im :D i love all our little convos and ur vibe in general is so peaceful and relaxing, im glad i got to meet you:’) here’s to another year and many more after that, that are filled with only good dramas !!!
@gayvlad NICO (nico niiiiiiiiiiiiii ) YOU DESERVE THE W O R L D. i dont know why but as soon as i had like one convo with u that one time i thought u were such a chill cool person :( im so happy that i get to be friends with you, all ur gifs are so pretty !!!!!!!! ur such a kind person and ur blog is such a warm nice place to be. :) 
@cupidhashorns   peach ........... PEACH !!!!!!!!!! you might be one of the nicest people in the WORLD , whenever u like my posts, regardless of whether u know what im on about lmao, i feel so seen... its just so nice to know that Someone i listening to the shit you throw into the void on this site lmao, i adore all ur asks and i truly truly appreicate all your messages so much. thank you for finding my blog interesting at all man, i cant tell you enough how happy you make me :)
@guihan arloooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY CAT FRIEND . THE AMOUNT OF SEROTONIN YOU HAVE GIVEN ME IS IMMEASURABLE your cats ................... are so cute .............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so glad i got into tsomd and got to meet you , whenever u tag me in things im !!!!!!!!! also im defo gonna read  twwtadsl sometime ksdjkdhjksd you make it sound so good aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@otterplush rey many people have probably already told you this but you are someone so ...... so spectacular and special and incredible and amazing ............  so much of your words has given me SO MUCH comfort in the short time i had known you, seriously. i seem to always stumble on your blog whenever im most hurt and your words have really had an impact on me in the best way possible and i love u so so so so much. i only wish for good things to happen for you and i want to be there for you in a way you are for everyone else !!! you are so warm and kind an generous, everything about your vibe feels so soft... also i always wanna rb everything you rb ndjbshs ur blog is so pretty :( 
@aheartandashirt nisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA MY KSH THIRST BUDDY KDHJKHDKJHDF fr ive had some of the BEST convos with you, ur taste in dramas is !!!!!!!!!!immaculate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so so so  fun talking with you and everything you gif looks so nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for being such a lovely friend to me, you’re so easy to talk with and so friendly and nice and <3 *pat pat pat* 
@tetsuos dawn dawn !!!! you are !!!!!!!!!! such a talented person !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love ur little corner on the web, its so nice to read all ur thoughts about the dramas you’re watching, all your thoughts are so well thought out and interesting to read and, in general, i adore seeing you do ur thing :) *hug hug * 
@heartsofsunlight angel ! your drawings are so beautiful !! you are such a beautiful person in general ! whenever u drop by it makes me so happy, its been so lovely getting to know you, thank you so much for talking to me :) i love uuuuuuu
@metawin jay jay jay !!!!!!!!!!!! for some reason whenever i see u im overcome with so much love !!! everything you make is so beautiful and u are defo one of the most elite people here hehe, also ur cats are ........ so adorable ............ 
@metawwin aliiiiiiiiiiiii, its been such a pleasure seeing you on here !! ur so soooooo kind and whenever u sent me those adorable asks it made me so happy, you’re like a little happiness fairy, you eminate so much joy and positivity !! also ur singing ... immaculate 
@87s min min !!!! u are soooooooooooo adorable, i think ive said this before but u seriously give me little sibling vibes lol, its so fun talking to you, and im so happy that you first popped up to me !!!!!!!!!!! iluuuuuuuu
@joblessquinoa JQ :^)    i always associate you with my engineer haha, and that was so long ago !!!!! ur so fun to talk to, and i adore seeing u rb and leave ur thoughts on all the manga and webtoons im reading !!!! in fact whenever u like my posts i aways feel so happy hehe, also . i literally wouldve failed my coding course without u thank u SO much for helping me out * cries* 
@gigiesarocha cata CATA CATA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  when you first popped up i was so elated to talk to you, u seemed so nice:( and later when u told me u watched joan’s galaxy because of me i was sdhfsgijdfhjkdhjkfh all ur gifs are so unbelieveably gorgeous, i literally go back to the set u made of yioh staring at joan skipping all the time, its so ........ beautiful.......... hopefully we get more wlw content next year and hopefully theyre all as good as joan’s galaxy hehe, iluuuuuuuuuu
@yibobibo aamna my love !!!!!!! how are you so precious ? everytime u reblog any of my posts its an instant serotonin boost, the experience of getting back into mdzs along with u was seriously incomparable, it was so FUN and i wanna go back :( ur such a friendly wonderful and talented person and i adore seeing all ur creativity blossom on this website, ilu aamna !
@brightwin JELLY jelly u are literally the human embodiment of the softest teddy bear in the WORLD . i wanna give u all the hugs and pats i can because u make me so !!!!!!!!! happy and u fill me with so much soft warmth ........... thank u for being u, all ur gifs are so pretty and its been so nice to be able to bask in the light that comes off of u, never change i love u so sooooooooooo much <3
and lastly, some blogs that i really really adore !
@kurusutakatsu @chanagun @yuhaosturtle @jiangyanlisgf @duoerla @yinyu @tichawongtipkanon @jbums @wenqing @lemongrasslesbian @weiixian @schech @kikuism @earthfluuke @0ffgun @yamaguccchi @wullu @seniorwitch @leoyunxi @floraflorenzi @dreamterlude @florbexter @doctorbahnjit
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luc1dcl0udz · 4 years
Okay here’s an actual ramble post about Villainboyhalo- I couldn’t do one last night since I had to sleep, but here I am hi hello. ALSO SPOILERS LOL
OKAY SO !!!!!!! oml him. yes he. BBH being a villain ? yessir. Him discussing his war plans with Ant ? Yessir. His demon instincts shining through ? MHMMMMMM. I love it all !! We always see BBH as this friendly teddy bear who wouldn’t even hurt a fly-- but he never see him as this smart bad guy who merely just wants to cause some chaos !! Like-- I’ve always loved the idea of BBH being a villain, so when I saw this talk BBH had with Ant about their war plans I immediately hit a soft spot for VBH (I’m calling him VBH if you haven’t noticed btw lol) !! I love seeing my boy show WHY he’s named BBH lol. Also people were claiming that GBH was becoming a thing and honestly I vibe w/ that vision bro like,, man I just love this chaotic side of BBH LITERALLY SO MUCH !! I will now proceed to draw VBH-- (and also draw a design for like.....this Portal 2 AU I have.............................BBH is Wheatley btw)
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shadowofmoths · 4 years
fuck it, all the evens for the quarantine ask, there are no rules anymore
NO RULES NO RULES NO RULES!! putting this under a cut to spare yall lmao
2. Grilled cheese or PB&J?
GRILLCHEESE. i have recently developed an idealogical opposition to peanut butter but also have you ever been awake at like Too Late and ur jus vibing and u make a grilled cheese and have ur midnight grillcheese? fucking MAGICAL. avery and i all the time when it is Too Late will be like “i want something. what do i want what is it GRILLCHEESE” and then we grill a cheese.
4. Your go-to bar order, if you drink?
i dont drink ! but i do love to have fancy, nonalcoholic drinks....no go-to bar order tho rip 
6. Top three cuisines?
i like...italian food, ofc, as anyone who knows my last name would probably guess, but also my top fav is like mediterranean & middle eastern food ? like fuck man what i would not do in life for a good gyro 
8. What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?
i have not, uh, strictly had jobs, as such, but uh a fun fact abt me is that i did Literally Every Possible Volunteer Position at my church i think lkjhgfhfhs. 
10. Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?
12. What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted?
OK SO. there is this place near my mom’s college that i think might just literally be called the bagel place and they have a kind of bagel named after their school mascot which is just. bagel, and then you toast it, adn put cream cheese on each half, and then you put some regular cheese on the top of it and put it in a broiler and melt the cheese and its SO GOOD and thats my ideal bagel. 
14. Favorite mug you own
THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION. sofia gave me a yellow mug and its little and v round and decorated w flowers and its SO GOOD and its my fav. i also have a black skull mug and a haunted mansion mug that i LOVe adn theyre all in MARYLAND STILL HELP. i miss them. 
16. Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)
it took a concerted effort here not to choose something from next to normal which tells you how intensely GOING THRU IT i am. there’s a song called “better in the morning” by birdtalker that my spotify discover weekly hit me w during a late night breakdown that sort of encapsulates my “this fuckin SUCKS bro but we’re gonna keep goin tho” vibe.
18. What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?
SHAME OVER INTERESTS IS BORING. ITS 2020. SOMETIMES I WATCH OLD EPISODES OF SHAKE IT UP WITH MY SISTERS. no but my real answer is....i really genuinely unironically love high school musical the musical the series. is it good? not, like, really! but i love it. its probably made me tear up. but im not embarrassed abt it lmao 20. Do you match your socks?
answered!22. What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)
JKHGSDAF my phase was “Undiagnosed ADHD” so it was , All The Phases really but no it was star wars for sure. but star wars wasnt a PHASE mom thats who i AMMMM 
24. What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)?
i...no opinion? they’re..fine? 
26. You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?
ok theres a local like, dairy farm that makes a FUCKING MAGICAL watermelon lemonade in the summer and i would do anything to have that shit year round 28. What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now?
knitting! embroidery! uhhhh time management when ur trapped and have adhd! other assorted mental health strategies, like “how to explain to ur teachers that u need help bc ur brain is just Chaotic and also the WORLD IS ENDING, catriona, PLEASE no more essays.” 30. Where could someone find you in a museum?
depends on the museum! but ur best bet is “genuinely crying over van goghs” or otherwise having Very Big Emotions over someone like monet or agnes martin
32. Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds?
ALL OF THESE. probably sunset clouds but also i cannot TELL you how much i miss stars when im out in MD being a Big City Boy.
34. Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs?
art! altho im thinking of disassembling the Art Wall™ and doing smth else bc its gotten a little chaotic in here lately 
36. Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with
ok, like, define sidekick! which of the young avengers are “sidekicks” if its just a group of gay friends doing universe-saving together?? would you relegate billy kaplan to “sidekick” status? sidekick to WHOM? anyway the answer is teddy altman. 
38. Favorite mid-2000s song
40. Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)?
the couch corner is MINE, babey!! (8 ppl in ur house does mean a big L shaped couch is relatively necessary.) altho recently ive developed a habit of whenever i see someone sitting in a spot i decide that is now My Spot. the person already there doesnt have to move! but i will also be sitting there now thank you. no, im not craving physical affection, why do you ask? 
42. A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving
i dont think i expected to Fall In Love with carly rae jepsen, i dont think ! but her power.....wow. 
44. Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online?
quote that relates to the photos, usually! with maybe a little explanation. most of the photos i post are arts so it’ll be like “this is carrion hes a bitch i love him” etc 
46. What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store?
i dont think...anything in the freezer in my apartment is mine? i think ive got some ben and jerry’s phish food in there tho which is DEFINITELY bad by now, FUCK, but also toaster waffles, conceptually, would be my answer. 
48. Do you like Jello?
yes ! it is . Fun To Eat. 
50. How are you at climbing trees?
pretty bad, bc coordination is a no and im afraid of heights, but i sure do love to try ! and then get too scared! 
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