#help me come up with an asshole name for this guy lmao
cursedwithwords · 5 months
In TBOTS the current Head Auror has wicked beef with Teddy, cuz if he hadn't quit the aurors, Teddy would've been promoted to that position. The current head was the second choice, so he's super threatened by Teddy (even though Teddy has absolutely zero interest in that job).
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moonlit-imagines · 2 months
Headcanons for being Johnny Lawrence’s daughter
Johnny Lawrence x daughter!reader
warnings: alcohol, underage drinking, classic johnny sexism <3
a/n: WHAT! ME write a fic thats not gn, i know. im shocked too but its just bc i feel johnny is so gender-stereotypey that doing this gn wouldn’t work very well but very open to a son!r or nb!r if anyone is interested (bc seriously. johnny cannot help but bring up genders). also i just want to say that a lot of this (not all!) honestly reminds me of or are actual things that have happened w my dad bc johnny is literally my dad if my dad was like 8 years older i think also i wrote this all in one sitting ALSO NO COBRA KAI SEASON 6 SPOILERS
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you always kinda just gravitated toward living with your dad
“y/n, i’m so proud of you. i never have to worry about you. you can take care of yourself. robby on the other hand, i worry about him. i think girls are just more self sufficient” -johnny, a little drunk
“thanks dad” -you, also a little drunk (hes a “cool dad”)
he was the type of parent that “prefers that if you’re gonna do something stupid at least do it while he’s around” aka underage drinking
whenever he stays out late you fall asleep in his bed. and lock him out
“y/n! open the door!” -johnny, banging on the door
“no! your bed is more comfortable” -you
he thought it was sweet honestly but he did want to sleep in his bed
sort of like a lesson not to come home late all drunk and gross
he was VERY against letting you drive his car
“dad, i need my license!” -you
“no woman is getting behind the wheel of my firebird” -johnny
“why do you have to make it about women? i’ll fight you” -you
“you’ll lose that fight” -johnny
“oh, so you’d fight a teenage girl? wow, real classy, dad” -you
“no, but i’d fight my teenage daughter. i brought you into this world and i’ll take you out” -johnny
you honestly had a great sense of humor with johnny, but you’d check him if he said anything too messed up
“dad, it’s not the 80’s anymore, you can’t say that” -you
“dont tell me what i can and cant say! the 80’s were awesome, i wish it was the 80’s again” -johnny
“so i’ve heard” -you
he helped you with your homework as a kid until like, 2nd grade when multiplication and division got involved
he did teach you karate growing up! but mostly the basics, for self defense purposes
“hey, never let any guy try to impress you with his karate skills. he’s probably a douche” -johnny, pausing “i sure was”
late night movie marathons (70s/80s classics for sure)
he took care of you during your first hangover (high school parties, ya know)
“didn’t i teach you better than to mix liquors” -johnny
“ugghhhh” -you
yes, you have heard about daniel larusso. enough said LMAO
robby and you had a kind of sweet but distant relationship
occasional check-in texts
robby: are you doing okay with dad? he’s actually buying food and shit?
you: yeah! he’s fine right now, how’s mom? new stepdad yet? is he rich?
robby: mom’s not going anywhere she’d find a rich guy, but keep dreaming
you wear a lot of your dad’s old t-shirts. usually band tee’s
oh and he made sure you got into the “right music”
he used to drive you around in the firebird when you were a SMALL CHILD (front seat, no car seat!) and blast his old cassettes
for YEARS he’d pull the “who is this” “what song is this” game with the reasoning:
“if you wear a band shirt and some asshole asks you to name three songs, i want you to name ten” -johnny
listen. you were still “daddy’s girl” or whatever used to be a cute little saying and is now ruined but whatever
“dad, can i have twenty bucks?” -you
“for what” -johnny
“for fun. pleaseeee” -you
*johnny pulls out his wallet and gives you $40*
could he afford it? no. can he say no? also no.
the absolute fear he felt when you got your first period
“it’s fine, i can call mom” -you
“no, it’s not fine! i’ve had girlfriends before, i got this. stay here, i’ll be back” -johnny
he went to the store and bought the most random assortment of period products and pain meds and snacks and a heating pad
A for effort
when the diaz family moved in across from you guys, miguel took one look at you and johnny said:
“stay away from my daughter”
when the karate fuss got started you tried to keep your distance but sooner or later you joined the dojo and proved to your dad just how “badass” you could be
“take notes everyone, y/n’s gonna be the next all valley champ!” -johnny
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @retvenkos // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @an4aaa // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @sapphireplums // @petersgroupie // @ravenhood2792 // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @elemental-of-magic //
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diremoone · 10 months
whipped cream apology | r. sukuna
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fights are uncommon between you and your fiancé, but there are times they do happen. you know you’ll never hear a verbal apology come from him, but you know he’s sorry; Sukuna’s apologies always come in the form of gifts, food, or acts of service. this time is no different :3
w — modern au, chef! sukuna (he owns and works in his own restaurant but that’s not elaborated on), itsy bitsy sprinkles of angst bc of a mentioned fight, fluff, this is super duper short haha, food and food descriptions bc I am a woman who loves her food so sue me :3 this is just a random lil fic I wrote in like a day so i won’t be surprised if this flops lmao
[ divider credit to @/inklore ]
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You don’t know how you go to sleep angry, but you do.
Last night had been awful. Maybe you’d blown everything a little out of proportion, maybe not. Your energy hadn’t been so great coming through the front door of your home. You’d just been stalked by a couple of guys that wouldn’t stop leering at you, and to top that off you had an old woman at the register of the store get ugly with you. All you wanted was the nice dinner you know would be awaiting you and to not be bothered for awhile after that.
Problem was, was that Sukuna was also in a bad mood. Someone at the kitchen of his restaurant had put him in a super bad mood by not following orders, and a food critic was to be coming by in a few days. And when you mixed his bad mood with yours, it led to you two going to bed on bad terms.
But now, you’re not even sure that Sukuna had come to bed.
Did that idiot sleep on the couch?
Just as you’re about to get out of bed, you see a note on the nightstand with your name on it. You grab it, unfold it and read: ‘Stay in bed and text me when you’re awake.’
Your sleepy brain goes blank for a moment, but you oblige your fiancé’s request anyway, texting him that you’re awake with a pink heart afterward, hoping he still wasn’t upset with you.
Sukuna’s answer is almost immediate.
Give me a few more minutes and I’ll be upstairs.
But you do need to pee really really bad. You make your bathroom trip as quick as possible and hop back in the bed, miraculously just as Sukuna comes through the door with a large tray of what you smell to be food.
“Morning, baby,” he greets you.
You can see the solemn look on his face, one of upset. He’s still bothered about last night.
“Morning, ‘kuna,” you reply, smiling at him. It seems to partially work, the corner of his mouth quirking up.
You flatten out the blanket as he sets the tray over your legs. Your eyes can’t help but blown open so wide in shock and excitement that you accidentally make them hurt. To your expression and blinking eyes, Sukuna chuckles.
“An apology, for my shitty behavior last night.”
There are several plates of food on the large tray. Perfectly cooked eggs, bacon, sausage; all of your favorite comfort foods all sit before you.
But right in the center is a heaping pile of one inch-thick, fluffy pancakes the size of your head, four stacked atop of another. Butter runs down underneath the sweet maple syrup. Neatly placed around the edges of the plate are bananas and strawberries. And on the very top is a generous pile of whipped cream in a fancy swirl.
You grin at his meticulousness of making such a wonderful plate that’s only just going to get messy.
He scowls. “Don’t even bother me with apologizing back. I don’t wanna hear it. I’m the asshole. You did nothing wrong.”
Love swells in your heart and soul for the man you’re soon to marry. God, you love him.
“You’re sure?”
He tsks. “Positive.”
You smile brightly. “I love you.”
His cheeks and ears go pink. “Just eat.”
“Cheeseball,” you call him, cutting into the pancakes. “But don’t mind if I do.”
“If you can’t eat all of that, I’ll eat the rest.”
“Fuck off, it’s mine.”
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taglist: (no longer adding)
@vagabond-umlaut | @poe-daydreams | @heresan @thedovahqueen | @lotus-n-l0ve | @chiyoso | @miraclecherryblossomsblog | @unbreakableblueheaven | @marscatbutler | @vanillabloo | @wo-ming-bai | @visionsofmagic | @tohsri | @yuujispinkhair | @lilacliliess | @bub-ss
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
Nightmare having an ex wife he still loves but hates in a way(Lies all lies he won't admit it), she is an Guardian like him, and no matter what they can't cancel out in powers, why they are evenly matched out no matter what happens.
So back to what I was saying, Nightmare has an Ex Wife, The Guardian of The Night (Or semi moon), They technically got 'divorced' during his transformation from passive, although she tried to he supportive she couldn't carry on with him so she had to eventually let go of him, dream never did get her on their side but she didn't join the bad guys either, every once in a while Dream tries to convince her but ofc she's not choosing sides and all that bs.
How you think the Star sans (Ink&Blue) and Bad sans(Horror, Killer& Dust) would react when they eventually figure out that nightmare has an Ex wife who cancels him out in terms of strength and everything else?
Lmao, I find this request funny. Like, imagine Nightmare, being his normal asshole self, and then when it comes to his ex, he's like- a leaf (strength wise) when it comes to her.
Killer, Dust and Horror were sitting in the kitchen, talking about their recent missions, when Nightmare suddenly bursted into the room.
They all jumped, when they set their eyes on Nightmare. "What got him in a frenzy now?" Killer leaned to whisper to them, while snickering. Dust could only shrug, as Horror kept on munching on his food.
"QUICK. PACK YOUR BAGS." Nightmare demanded, as he searched the kitchen for any food he could take on his journey. They all looked at him like he was crazy, well- it's not like he isn't, but still.
"Pack our bags? Why?" Dust stood up from his seat, and put his hands in his hoodies pockets. "Do not question me." The three exchanged uncertain looks, as they couldn't take him seriously, while he was in this frenzy.
A sudden unknown voice stopped them from asking more questions.. "Hello, Nightmare." Nightmare stiffened, when he heard that voice, he could recognize it anywhere.. They all looked towards the entrance in interest, making eye contact with a woman.
"Woah.. who's this woman, boss?" Killer decided to cut the tension, as he took a sip from his energy drink. You took on a gentle smile, now going towards the boys. Speaking to them with almost a motherly tone. "Ah, how lovely to finally meet you all. My name's Y/n. And I'm Nightmares ex." Killer choked on his drink, hearing that. Nightmare quietly grumbled in annoyance, and embarrassment. How humiliating...
Dust lit up a cigarette, because he couldn't do this anymore, without it. He puffed out a smoke, facing you with a tired look. "Boss has an ex?" "BOSS HAD A LOVER!?" Killer yelled next, as Dust grumbled at his yelling. "Boss...is afraid...of you..?" You couldn't help but giggle at them. They were so cute.. you couldn't help but take on the motherly role in this situation.
And that's exactly what you did..
At first, you only came to negotiate with Nightmare about something, but then- you couldn't help it but embarrass him in front of his 'underlings'.
You told them all about your relationship with Nightmare. They looked pretty interested, even more interested when you told them that you're stronger than him.. they were in awe. While Nightmare...felt absolutely embarrassed.. good riddance..
Dream, Ink and Swap were standing in front of an unknown doorway. "Soo.... what's our mission today, Dream?" Ink asked, with interest. He's never seen this house before. It looked well kept. Flowers were littered everywhere...it looked pretty cozy and homey. "We're going to an old friend of mine." They both nodded to Dream's answer.
Dream took a deep breath, before finally deciding to knock on the door. After awhile of waiting, and Ink's constant yapping, a woman came out from the house. You smiled warmly, seeing Dream's form. "Hello, Dream." He returned your smile, and was about to speak. But was interrupted by Ink. "GOD DAMN-" "SHUT UP INK" A long silence ensued, as Dream huffed in frustration, while you stared wide-eyed.
"sorry about him..." He gave you an apologetic look, as you only smiled. Completely relaxed. "It's fine." "Anyways- we-" Ink went up to you, pushing Dream aside. You've noticed his eyes, that changed shapes and colors. You couldn't help but stare intently in them. His left eye was a pink heart, while the other was a yellow circle. "Excuse me, are you a super model?? OR A GODDESS?!" Your face hald a gentle smile now. You leaned down to look at him a little better. "Aren't you sweet?" Ink's cheeks gained a rainbow color, as he stared at you with an opened mouth.
"Ink! Stop acting like this towards the nice lady!" Swap scolded him, pulling him away from you, while Ink still stared at you. "It's fine, nothing can surprise you anymore when you've dated the king of negativity himself." Dream huffed, as a complete silence consumed them. "YOU'VE DATED NIGHTMARE?!" "Does that mean you're single?!"
What a lovely bunch.. you can't wait to tell them all about Nightmare..
From the far distance:
"Are you alright, boss?" Dust asked him, staring at him, weirded out. "...I feel like someone's talking about me..."
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wordsarelife · 4 months
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝐢'𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: theo tries to make everything right, but it might seem to be too late. all while your brother makes an unexpected appearance and interfers with your love life
warnings: mentions of a loved one dying, car accident, trauma, underage drinking, angst
notes: feels like an eternity since i posted the last chapter lmao
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
one year ago
cormac had left the party an hour ago. he had just left you there, standing in the middle of the dance floor, as he bid off the passenger seat of his cabrio to a girl whose name you couldn't even remember now. all you knew was that she was sitting on the passenger seat that had been supposed to be yours.
you were drunk out your friend and had zero idea in which direction your house was. you took a look out of the window. it was raining and it would be a stupid idea to just blindly walk in one direction in the dark.
you thought about a way to get home, when a voice behind you made you perk up.
it was theo. he was taking to two guys you had never seen before. you smiled as your heart beat calmed down.
you knew theo, theo would help you.
"theo" you slurred and hiccuped.
theo did not look as happy to see you, as you were to see him.
"cormac" you hiccuped again "left me and i wanted to ask if you could drive me home?"
"i told you, he was bad news" theo rolled his eyes as the two other guys walked away.
"i know" you hiccuped "and you were right"
he nodded. his eyes already fixated on something or someone behind you.
"could you please drive me?" you asked "it won't take long, i promise"
"it would take half an hour" theo argued "we're not in town anymore. do you even know where you are?"
you shook your head and he sighed. you thought he would maybe say yes and rip you a new one on the drive home, but theo shook his head and your heart sank.
"call a taxi or something"
"please, theo" you pleaded "please, help me"
theo laughed sarcastically. "just yesterday you told me we couldn't be friends anymore, because i don't approve of your asshole of a boyfriend. so tell me, why should i do anything to help you?"
tears were running over your cheeks at this point and you could only watch as theo threw off your grip on his arm and walked away from you.
you got your jacket from the hanger at the door, before you walked out into the cold. the rain was dripping into your face, but you didn't mind. you started walking in any direction, as you took out your phone and dialed your older brother.
"leo?" you hiccuped as soon as your call was answered.
"y/n?" leo's voice was hoarse, he had probably been asleep.
"i'm sorry for calling you so late" you cried into the phone.
"is everything alright?" he was sounding a lot more awake now. "what happened?"
"cormac left me at this party and i don't know how to get home"
"i'll come and get you" he was moving around, probably getting dressed "can you find out where you are? can you send me your location?"
"yeah" you said and quickly did as he has asked. "i'll wait on the street"
"okay" he checked the location you had send "that's pretty far from mum's house, but it's not as far to dad's place, i will probably be there in ten minutes"
"okay" you said "thank you, leo"
"of course" he said, before the two of you ended the call.
you waited ten minutes, twenty, thirty, before your drunken mind decided that walk in the direction leo would probably come from. maybe he had gotten lost in the dark.
you weren't sure if it was intentional, but at some point you had just started to follow the sound of sirens that were coming from the street a few hundred meters away. the lights were making it hard to miss.
he was already dead when you arrived. the police was busy pushing back the people, but you had recognized your dad's car. and you could see his hand slipping out from under the black cloth. he was still wearing his bracelet and you were wearing the same.
your tears mixed with the rain that was still dripping from the sky. you screamed and two police officers came to check on you.
"are you alright, miss?" the man couldn't have been older than twenty-six.
"that's my brother" you cried.
he turned around to look in the direction of your eyes.
"that's my brother" you repeated. "please" you begged.
the officer helped you to stand up, before he took you by the arm and brought you into the middle of the street, where an older police officer was waiting. the younger one brought you a blanket when he noticed how much you were shivering.
"what's your name?" the older asked
"y/n" you stuttered, your eyes still fixated on leo.
"she's not older than sixteen" you could hear one of the medical assistants whisper.
"how old was he?" the other asked.
"eighteen? or nineteen?"
no you wanted to scream he's only seventeen
“where do you live?” the police officer asked.
“can’t i see him, please?” you cried. the police officer exchanged a look with one of the medical assistants, before he nodded.
you followed them to your brother, who was still laying on the street unmoving, but they wouldn’t raise the cloth. you just touched his hand and the bracelet on his arm. his hand was cold and your heart shattered even more.
“come on” the police officer said. “i’ll drive you home” you didn’t react when he softly took your arm and walked you to sit in his car. you just told him the address of your dad when he asked and watched the street as it moved past you.
he followed you to the door and you could see the smile on your dads face die down when his eyes fell on you. “where’s leo?”
“i’m sorry, sir-“ the police officer began and you blended him out. your eyes were focused on the jacket in the entryway. did leo leave it? did he drive without a jacket to get you? he must’ve been cold.
your fathers sobbing was what brought back. the police officer excused himself, before he pushed you inside the house.
“he wanted to pick me up” you said as you stared up at your father.
and then the screaming began. it only stopped when it was half past three in the night. your father send you a last look, before he told you to grab your things.
he didn’t want you to stay the night.
he stopped the car in front of your mothers house and told you to get outside.
“dad, please” you had begged, but he hadn’t even looked at you.
“i don’t want to talk to you” he had said before he drove off and left you standing in the middle of the street.
you opened the door with your key and as you walked inside, someone turned on the light.
“y/n!” your mother screamed “where have you been? you’re soaked!”
you had sat on your bed and started at the wall for what felt like days. april came to look after you, but both of you didn’t speak. the boys came, but you told april that you didn’t want to see them, so they left.
the only person you wanted to see was theo, but he didn’t come.
the funeral was beautiful, from what you could notice through tear filled eyes and april stayed close to you the entire time, clutching your hand like her life depended on it. hers didn’t, but yours maybe did.
the boys had come, all but theo and after the funeral you all had went to the lake, because it had been leo’s favorite place in the world. it had been his idea to throw together some money and buy the garage. it had been pretty run down when you found it and all of you spent half a year renovating, but in the end it was worth it.
it was the perfect place for all of you and the perfect place to practice songs for the band theo and leo had started.
before enzo, leo had played the guitar. now the band was missing a member and none of them new if it was even fair to go on.
after a few months, enzo, mattheos little brother started playing for them. they continued rehearsing in the garage, april went from time to time to watch them play, while your visits became less and less.
you didn’t want to see theo and from what you heard he didn’t want to see you either, because he stayed away whenever you were near.
weeks turned into months and what seemed like a separation for now turned into normality.
you had almost been glad when theo started talking to you again, even when it was in a malicious way. but that was safe territory, you were having a relationship that allowed both of you to not talk about everything that had happened. you could just ignore it that way.
theo spent his days running around his room, thinking about ways to make it up to you, to excuse his actions.
there were lines flowing through his head. a song was forming and he couldn't stop the need to sit down and write everything down, everything that you deserved to hear.
he didn't have the intention of airing out anything. he just wanted to show you what you were worth to him and how sorry he was that he had been the reason you had felt so alone. he had robbed you of your friends, he had robbed you of him, when you had needed him most.
later that day he drove up to the garage to use enzo's guitar. he wanted to feel the words, to make sure they were the right ones.
he played the first few notes, slowly and gently. before he began to sing, crossing words and adding new ones that fitted what he wanted to say better.
when he was finished he called enzo, begging him to send you a message, because you would ignore any message he would send anyway.
can you please come to the garage? please, i really need your help, it's about april
the message enzo had send made you worry. april didn't answer when you tried to call her, so you got the leo's old bike from the shed and rode there as fast as possible.
when you arrived, you walked inside quickly, searching the place with your eyes for kind of sign from enzo or april.
"hey" your eyes fell on the couch where theo was sitting.
you turned around, ready to walk back outside, but he quickly stumbled to his feet, holding your arm before you had the chance to flee.
"did you get enzo to send that message?" you asked "i thought something had happened to him or april. i was worried sick" you slapped a hand against his chest, trying to push him away.
"i know, i'm sorry"
"doesn't cut it this time, i know" he interrupted "just please, sit down and listen to this"
"another song?" you huffed.
"please, y/n"
you sighed, before you sat down on the couch, you watched him walk around the keyboard, before he took the acoustic guitar and sat down across from you.
"it's called matilda" he muttered "and it's everything i want you to know"
you listened attentively as he played the chords, his voice only a whisper.
you were riding your bike to the sound of "it's no big deal" and you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now so you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal
your heart beat faster when he looked up and found your eyes.
you can let it go you can throw a party full of everyone you know and not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love you don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh
your eyes filled with tears as the soft shiver in his voice and you realized that he was crying too.
matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright but i know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside you showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days it's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
this song felt realer than any he had written before. it felt like everything theo wanted daddy issues to be, before it had been used in a way to hurt you.
you're just in time, make your tea and your toast you framed all your posters and dyed your clothes, ooh you don't have to go you don't have to go home oh, there's a long way to go
you can let it go you can throw a party full of everyone you know you can start a family who will always show you love you don't have to be sorry, no
you knew he was referring to the boys and april. it had taken you way too long to realize that they had been your family all this time, even during the hardest year or your life, they had tried to be close and show their love, you had just been too stubborn to accept it.
but love wasn't something that could end. not this kind of love. you had always loved them and you had always loved theo, but right now your heart was too heavy to forgive him, even if you so desperately wanted to.
"thank you" you said and theo looked up with hope in his eyes. "but did you think a song would be enough to fix everything that is broken between us?"
his heart sank and he shook his head.
"i tried to ignore it these past weeks, tried to be your friend" you muttered "because it was easy, it was familiar. but it's like everything that you did this past year comes back anytime i look at you and it makes me wonder how you can say you love me when that was the way you acted"
"i hated myself for what i did" theo admitted "it was my fault that leo needed to come and get you in the first place. i could've brought you home, but i didn't want to, because i was so damn jealous and stubborn"
"why didn't you come to the funeral?"
"because i was ashamed of what i had done that night" he looked down and for a moment you were sure he was gonna grab your hand. he didn't. "but i'm gonna make it up to you, if you just let me"
"it's too late" you shook your head "i appreciate your effort, but it's just too late, theo. i'm sorry"
"just give us one more try" he begged "i know that we belong together"
"theo" you said as you softly touched his cheek, he leaned in, capturing as much of your warmth as possible. "it goes great for a while and then we start fighting. that's just our nature. and we're so fucking immature when it comes to the other"  
"we can make it work"
you shook your head "no we can't" you looked to the ground "you were right when you said that we weren't good for each other. it's because we're not good to each other, at least never for long"
you left the garage and took all in you to not turn around when you heard him sob. there was a part of you that so desperately needed to be close to him, but an even bigger part was just hurt at his actions. that part had been in constant pain since leo had died and you truly did not know how to get rid of that pain.
theo tried calling you about a thousand times, you didn't answer and after some time just blocked his number. he stared at your window all day, but you kept the curtains closed.
you didn’t even mind him telling dave that you would be playing pixie dream girl on saturday, it was just that he had lied to you. and on top of everything else that hurt the most.
enzo had called you too, apologizing for the way he had led you on. he also told you that he had been at the doctors and gotten his cast removed. his hand was well enough for him to play saturday, so there was no need for you to show up.
you had been happy to hear that. after all that had happened you weren't sure if you had had the strength to stand on that stage with him.
it was friday, one day before the concert, when you sat down on the floor of your room and your hands went under the bed, pulling out leo’s box. you were looking for one of his photos, your favorite one of him and you, but you couldn’t find it.
“where is it?” you muttered, as you got back on your feet and looked around the room.
maybe it was downstairs. maybe it was in his room. maybe your mother had took it.
you walked down the steps slowly and carefully, as to not wake her.
leo’s room looked like it always did. it was organized, everything was were it was supposed to be. it had looked like that ever since he had moved in with your dad and only spent the weekends in here.
you walked around the bed and to the shelves where a few photos were displayed. you and him, him and the rest of the band. photos from your childhood, from summer at the lake, from band practices and late nights spend renovating the garage.
you opened the drawer that was filled with his clothes. parts of him that were still here, while he was so far gone.
you didn't find it and your eyes just slipped past your mother when you left the room. before you could continue your search in the livingroom, the doorbell rang.
"go away, theo" you said loud enough for him to hear through the door.
"it's me" a voice said "matt"
you opened the door and it was indeed mattheo who was leaning against the wall.
"if theo send you, you can tell him-"
"he didn't" mattheo interrupted, before his hand went to the back pocket of his trousers and he held a small box in your direction.
it had been wrapped and looked like a birthday gift.
"what is that?" you asked suspiciously.
"it's from leo" mattheo explained "he made me keep it, because you always searched his things for presents, remember?"
you did. you had always done that. it had been a way for yourself to try and react the best way to the gifts you were getting.
"it's from a year ago" mattheo continued "he made me keep it from you. i would've given it to you sooner, but i honestly forgot about it. i just found it because i had to clean out my drawer"
"which drawer?"
"i'd rather not say"
you nodded.
your birthday had been just a few days after the accident. april had baked you a cake and you had spent the day with her, laying in your bed, eating cake and watching movies. it was probably the saddest birthday you had ever had, mostly because you felt leo's absence extra hard.
he had loved birthdays. and he had loved giving gifts.
"thank you" you said finally, as you took the box from his hand. "do you know what's inside?"
mattheo nodded. "i don't want to tell you what to do"
"then don't" you smiled, ready to close the door, but mattheo wouldn't let you go so easily.
"yeah, but i will" he grinned "what happened was pretty messed up, okay? everything with your mum and dad.. theo acted like a fucking idiot and i'm not saying you should just forgive him, but just- both of you should stop punishing yourselves for something that wasn't your fault"
"just because leo died doesn't mean you owe him something" he continued "none of you is at fault for that. it was that fucking drunk driver okay? you and theo aren't cursed or anything and leo wouldn't be angry if you just stopped beating yourself up for something you had no control over"
"i appreciate-"
"just watch what's on this" he tapped the box "then we can continue this argument"
you finally nodded and watched as he walked back out to the street, he waved at you before you closed the door.
despite the uneasiness, you slowly opened the box. in there was just a dvd. you raised your eyebrows. leo had been a bit old school with these things.
you walked into the living room, turning on the dvd player and putting the dvd in, before you started the video.
"hey, y/n" leo was sitting right where you were now. "happy birthday! hopefully you like my present, at least you definitely need it. it's fine if you really like cormac, but don't forget us and uh, don't forget theo, hm?"
what followed was a black screen and then laughter, your laughter. a video started playing. your were chasing theo around the lake, while you could hear leo cheer you on behind the camera.
before you could start to wonder, music started playing and not just any music. about you, theo's unreleased song. so leo had known about it, about the song and probably also about the way theo had felt.
you began crying as other videos followed. leo and you trying to hit the last two bowling pins and failing. mattheo, enzo and you as you tried to make a human pyramid. laughter was heard all throughout as draco, blaise, april and you ran a race that you and april lost by far.
there was a video april had taken of you during practice, as you had sat on the ground before the band. your eyes had been fixated on theo the entire time. you didn't even know this video existed.
"who's taller?" theo asked into the camera. "what do you think?" the camera swung to leo, who smirked.
"you or her?" he pointed between you and theo. "is that a serious question?" your brother laughed and the camera swung back to you, making a face and crossing your arms.
"you're just saying that, because you like him more than me" you muttered with fake offense.
"never" leo laughed, before he pressed a kiss to your cheek, which you immediately rubbed off.
the last video was one of you all sitting at the fire. theo was playing the guitar and you were sitting next to him, watching his every move.
leo turned the camera around. "they're in love" her whispered with his mouth close to the lens, before he turned the camera back at theo and you and zoomed in on you, as you sang along to the song theo was playing. "theo doesn't want to admit it to me" leo continued "but she is his pixie dream girl" you could hear him laugh about the joke to himself as the video ended.
that's where theo had gotten the song title from. someone must've showed him the video at the campfire, maybe that was what tempted him to write about you.
"he was happy in his last months, wasn't he?" you almost shrieked as you suddenly heard your mother speak. you turned your head. she was standing behind the couch and she looked unusually awake. her face was as tear stained as your cheeks and you nodded.
"he was" your eyes fell on the on the photo she was holding pressed to her chest. she followed your eyes and sighed.
"i'm sorry" she exclaimed "i found it in your room and took it. it wanted to have my children near me and i always loved this picture of the two of you. i was about to give it back"
"it's alright, mum" she was so clear all of a sudden.
"come here, baby" she sat down beside you and opened her arms, so you could crawl under the blanket next to her. "i missed you"
"you did?" you asked surprised.
"i know it's my own fault" she said "i shut you out. you didn't deserve the way i treated you, i'm so sorry"
"mum" you muttered. "it's alright"
"no it's not" she pressed a kiss to your head "i will get healthy, okay? i promise. i lost my son that night, but my daughter is still here and i have to become a better mother"
"it was my fault" you whispered "that's why you got so sick"
"oh, baby" she shook her head "it was never your fault, i should've gotten help for myself immediately, but i just wanted to be alone. i never wanted you to feel like anything that happened that night was your fault and i was wrong to worry you, to let you feel like you had to get through this alone"
"i wasn't alone" you assured her "i had april"
"and theo right?" your mother pointed to the paused picture of you and theo at the campfire.
"theo and i don't really talk anymore"
"why not?" your mum asked surprised "you were always so close"
"we started falling out before leo's death and after that we didn't really talk to each other anymore" you explained "we became friends again, but he did some pretty hurtful things"
she looked at you expectingly, waiting for you to continue.
"he wrote a few songs about me and he messaged dad"
"oh" your mother breathed, before she cleared her throat "do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?"
"there's nothing to forgive, i was never really angry" you admitted "i just felt so alone"
"i know, sweetheart" she nodded "i promise i will make it up to you" she nudged your arm "but if you're able to forgive me after all the horrible things i did to you these past months, don't you think you will be able to forgive him too?"
your eyes fell on the tv. you thought about the way theo's and your eyes connected and you thought about what leo had said.
they're in love.
"yeah" you nodded "maybe i will"
authors note: what do you guys think? should pixie forgive theo? :)
taglist: @7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101 @simp-for-fantasy
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
Me againnnn lmao I have another request could u do Melissa x reader where reader is normally quiet but someone brought up their special interest and everyone is kinda weirded out coz reader gets so happy and starts talking about it and sharing facts and stuff but no one except Melissa knows reader is autistic and someone says something mean to reader and she gets upset and Melissa comforts reader and also stands up for her (as always no pressure I’m so so so happy! u r the first person that iv come across who writes fics about Melissa and autistic reader I get so happy when I see a notification from u i literally jump up and down with happiness and your fics really help me to accept im autistic coz I’m still trying to come to terms with it anyway hope u r doing well🫶)
OMG YES! Info dumping! I love it. And I’m so glad my fics are helping you. Feel free as well to message me directly if you ever want. So my other obsession besides Lisa Ann Walter, is Doctor Who and Jodie Whittaker, so of course I chose to have the reader talk about her as the Doctor… I regret nothing 😊. I went a little extra at the end but I’m too gay for Melissa to care. Anyway, I enjoyed writing this so thank you for the prompt and I hope you like it! As always, not edited in the slightest.
For everyone, feel free to keep sending me prompts, and I was thinking about writing a one shot about Cheesy as there’s not enough imo. Let me know if I should or not.
Title based off the song from Shrek 3 and the Italian word stronzo means asshole.
Thank You for Letting Me Be Myself
Warnings: someone is mean to reader, reader struggling with having autism(small part)
Words: 2.3k
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You’re sitting in the break room at the table with Barb and Melissa. You get up to get a coffee and when you do you hear someone starting to talk about Doctor Who and you perk up.
You turn around to see Jacob, Mr. Morton and another teacher talking about it. “You guys watch Doctor Who?” You say and they stop talking and look up at you. Normally you’re quiet and don’t really say much as you’re recharging before you go and have to teach your kiddos again.
“Yes, do you watch it?” Jacob asks you and you nod with a big smile. Melissa looks up at you and sees your smile and she can’t help but smile herself. She’s had a crush on you since about 4 months after you started and it’s almost been 9 months that you’re working here.
“Well come here and share your thoughts about it.” Jacob says and you walk over to them, coffee in hand.
“What exactly is your discussion about?” You ask them.
“About the first female doctor, the 13th doctor.” Mr. Morton says and you keep smiling.
“She’s my favourite doctor! Like she’s so enthusiastic and passionate and she just loves everything about what she does! And she’s so funny too, it’s just a joy to watch Jodie play her!” You start and they look at you confused, wondering why you’ve always been quiet but now you’re talkative.
The truth is, you're autistic and the only one that knows is Melissa and she promised not to tell anyone since it’s your secret not hers. You told her because you felt like you kept missing social cues or taking things too literally, so you wanted someone in your corner to help you and she had no problem doing that for you. She looks at you talking so passionately about your favourite show with a smile and heart eyes before going back to her phone, secretly still listening to you.
“And her Tardis is so amazing, oh and her companion’s compliment her so well, and her outfit looks amazing. Did you know that Jodie helped decide on the outfit to support the LGBTQ community since she’s a huge ally. And also…” and you keep going on for about 5 minutes about how much you love the 13th doctor and her era on Doctor Who. Until the other teacher, you don’t know their name, the one Mr. Morton and Jacob were talking too, says something.
“OMG! Would you please shut up!” He says and you quickly shut your mouth. “I preferred it when you didn’t speak at all.” He says, glaring at you. And you look down at the ground, embarrassed before running out of there.
Melissa looked up when he started speaking and is now getting up and walking over to them. “Hey! Don’t talk to her like that. You should count yourself lucky that I won’t contact one of my guys on you.” She says and looks at Jacob. “Why didn’t you say anything?!?” She says to him “or you?” She says to Mr. Morton.
“Sorry Melissa, it all happened so fast.” Mr. Morton says and Jacob nods in agreement.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!” She says to the teacher that was mean to you.
“Hey, we were just sitting here talking about it until she cuts in and starts talking about everything that we weren’t even discussing. And she wouldn’t stop talking.” The teacher says , only making a deeper hole for himself. Melissa glares at him.
“I don’t care what you think! There’s better ways to do that!” She says to him.
“She shouldn’t have talked so much and knew that it was too much.” He says, still trying to defend himself.
“She’s autistic you stronzo!” She yells at him and then realises that she just told your secret and has wide eyes. All 3 of them look at her speechless, now understanding that you got excited and were info dumping and didn’t mean to talk so much. Melissa turns around and walks out of the break room and goes to find you.
She ends up finding you in your classroom crying on your chair, hugging your legs. She knocks on the door, “hey y/n it’s me, just wanted to come check on you.” She tells you.
You get up and unlock the door then open it. Melissa’s heart breaks a bit when she sees you. Eyes puffy, red and watery, tear stained cheeks and red nose from you blowing your nose.
“Oh hun.” She says and you walk back to your chair hugging your legs again. Melissa walks in and closes and locks the door then walks over to your desk. “Hey, he was an ass, he shouldn’t have said that to you.” Melissa tells you and crouches down and you look at her.
“No, he’s right, I was talking too much. I shouldn’t have gotten involved in their conversation. I just got so excited,” you tell her and you sniffle a bit.
“Hun, it’s understandable, I know how much you love Doctor Who. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” She tells you and grabs your hand. “Btw I might have accidentally told them that you’re autistic. As in I told them and called that teacher a stronzo for you.” She tells you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to slip out, I just got angry that he was mean to you.” She says, rubbing your hand with her thumb.
“It’s ok, they would have found out eventually. But this is another reason I don’t engage in conversations, cause I might talk too much.” You tell her. Melissa gets up and opens her arms out.
“Come here.” She tells you and motions to hug her. You put your feet down on the ground and then hug her waist since you’re still sitting in your chair. “Why don’t we go back in there, finish lunch. And then after school you can come to my place and I can make you some food and we can watch whatever you want.” She suggests and you look at her surprised.
“Really?” You ask her and she nods. “I would love that.” You tell her and she smiles. She helps you up and then unlocks the door and opens it for you. You both walk out and she sees you’re nervous about going back. She puts an arm wrapped around your back and her other hand on the arm closes to her and rubs it, providing comfort for you.
You get back in and when you enter everyone stops and looks up at you. Melissa can feel you immediately tense up. “What are all youse looking at?” She says and glares at everyone. Everyone immediately looks back down to their phone or food and continues what they were doing. Melissa leads you back to the table where Barb is and Barb gives you a comforting smile.
The teacher that was mean to you gets up and comes over to you. Melissa sees him coming over and glares at him, almost daring him to hurt you again. He has his head hanging a bit, looking embarrassed and stands beside you and you look up at him.
“Hey y/n, I just wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have said what I said to you, I’m sorry.” He tells you and you nod your head at him. You’re too overwhelmed right now and can’t speak. You finish your lunch without saying another word and Melissa keeps glancing at you, worried about you.
You finish up the day quietly. You get the kids to work on their book report so that it’s silent and you don’t have to talk much. At the end of the day, when your last student was picked up you glance over at Melissa down the hall. You taught first grade so your classrooms are close together.
You can’t help but stare at her. She’s bending over and offering one of her students a high five before waving bye to them to go with their parent. You decide to leave now while she’s distracted, you think that maybe it wasn’t the best to get Melissa involved in your situation and shouldn’t have told her you’re autistic. So many people have had to accommodate you or help you and you feel like you should be able to do it yourself now that you’re an adult.
Melissa sees you look at her with a sad expression on your face before leaving. She can’t help but feel like maybe you won’t come over to her place now. When her last student is leaving with their parent a couple minutes later, she practically books it to the parking lot but sees your car is already gone.
She drives home and gets to work on cooking dinner, hoping you’d show. But then she gets a text from you saying that you won’t be able to make it tonight, and she sighs. She researched autism when you told her a few months ago and she knows that when autistic people get overwhelmed, they hide themselves away. She offered for you to come to her place to de-stress with food and tv, so she does the next best thing. After she finished cooking, she packed it into a container, and brought it with her to your place. She went and knocked on your door.
You answered it not too long later with leggings and loose shirt on. “Melissa? What are you doing here?” You ask her.
“Well since you won’t come over to my place, I thought I’d come to you.” She says with a warm smile and you now feel even more guilty for cancelling on her. “I brought over food I made. So either we can eat here or we can go back to my place. Choice is up to you.” She tells you with a shrug. You decide to go to her place and when you get there she gives you your favourite hoodie of hers and you sit on the couch. You’ve been to her place before and you told her that the plastic felt weird to sit on and she removed it the next day so that you’re comfortable when you go there. “Hey, you don’t have to speak but I just want to know that you’re ok.” She says and you nod. She gives you a plate of the food and you see that it’s her spaghetti and meatballs dish. Your favourite food of hers and you smile at her. She joins you on the couch, sitting next to you and then hands you the remote so you can decide what to watch, you decide on Shrek 3.
You watch the movie while eating, with Melissa right next to you, you in her hoodie, and you finally feel like you’re calming down. You put your head on her shoulder after you put your empty plate on the coffee table and she wraps her arm around you. You continue the movie, quoting some of the lines, and when it plays the ending scene with puss and donkey singing thank you, Melissa gets an idea. She guides you up and leads you to the empty space beside her couch and starts dancing with you. When the chorus comes on she sings it to you “I wanna thank you for lettin me be myself…again” She sings and you laugh. When she says the line again, she spins you while singing. The second chorus comes up “come on sing it with me.” She tells you.
The both of you sing it while dancing “I WANNA THANK YOU FOR LETTIN ME BE MYSELF…AGAIN.” You both sing at the top of your lungs. When it ends you’re both laughing and she hugs you.
“Thank you for letting me be myself.” You tell her and she looks at you with a warm smile and places a lock of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek.
“It’s not a problem hun, it doesn’t matter to me that you’re autistic you know. You just think differently, and that's alright.”
You look in her eyes and you lean forward and kiss her. Melissa kisses you back and moves her hand from your cheek to the back of your head and places her left hand on your waist. You pull back and look at her with a smile.
“You kissed me back.” You say to her and she nods. “Why?”
“Because I like you. I have for a few months now.” She tells you.
“For how long?” You ask her and she thinks about it.
“Around the new year.” And you look at her in shock.
“But that’s after I told you I was autistic.” You tell her, putting the pieces together. “You knew I was autistic and you still like me?” You question her.
“How would you being autistic make me not like you?” She asks you, confused.
“Because I’m different than other people and have struggles because of it.” You tell her like it’s obvious.
“So? Everyone is different in their own way and everyone has their own struggles.” She tells you. “For example, I have trouble letting people in, because of trust issues. And I can have a short temper too.” She says and you look at her with so much love in your eyes. You kiss her again and she doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
When the person says “you may kiss the bride” , she doesn’t hesitate to give you a kiss then either. With a huge smile, she brings you closer to her and gives you a kiss, as wife and wife.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added! 🙂
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sfstranslations · 5 months
how hard(?) would you say it is to translate? Ive been kinda curious about that, like does anything get lost in translation/ just not make that much sense without knowing the og language? or anything like that? 🤔
Hm, maybe 7 or 8 on a scale of 10? Though it can easily go higher at times, haha. (Always when Sung Hyunjae is in a scene because his name is a misspelling and it pisses me off.* This is a joke. Only half, though.) Basic word-by-word dictionary lookup is simple, which is why machine translators can do it well enough. But then you have to string all of it together in a sentence where you:
figure out and find a way to convey any difference in connotation between this specific chosen word and other words that mean the same thing (think the connotations of "regal" VS "royal" in English), and
do the same as above, but on a sentence-wide level translating the nuance of a particular grammar/sentence structure (thousand and one sentence endings in Korean, I swear -_-), and
make sure distinct character voices are retained or translated from the original Korean (think Song Taewon's stiff formality VS Han Yoojin's more casual speech VS Sung Hyunjae's middle-aged rich guy-type speech), and
make sure this sentence flows with the overall paragraph/chapter.
All those priorities have to be juggled throughout the chapter and add up to make it a fairly hard task. It definitely gets easier with practice once you're more familiar with the language (especially the nuance/connotation stuff), though, and I did get lucky in that my native language shares some aspects with Korean so the grammar is easier to intuitively grasp. Of course, I'm still learning, so I do have times I need to call in more experienced speakers for help.
(I definitely wouldn't say I'm good with the language period. Recently I've tentatively picked up a new novel—people following my personal blog will know which one—and it turns out I'm familiar with the way Geunseo talks and familiar with the vocabulary typical to dungeon fantasy novels, but kind of. Majorly hopeless when it comes to other stuff. The phrasing is juuust off enough that I keep getting tripped up and taking thrice as long to understand what's being said.)
There's definitely stuff that wouldn't make sense in English—certain idioms, cultural stuff, and all that, but that's why I try to localize wherever possible and add footnotes with relevant info/links if not. And there is stuff that gets lost in translation—you can look at the chapter titles from 302–307 for an example of that, where the joke is much more immediately obvious in Korean but had to be translated differently as chapter title VS in-chapter text messages and lost the clear parallel. I also remember being grumpy back during the virtual reality dungeon arc because Yoohyun would use 네놈 (ne-nom but typically pronounced ni-nom, a derogatory way to say "you", LMAO) towards Sigma and there was no concise way to get that across in English except having him be aggressive and direct. Especially since he isn't the type to swear by word of god, so I couldn't have him addressing him with "asshole" or "jerk" to convey it.
TL;DR: Fairly hard to translate, but gets easier with time, and there is stuff that's lost or difficult to understand, but I do what I can to make it understandable in English!
* Sung Hyunjae uses "ae" at the end, but that implies it's 성현재, which is wrong—the correct spelling is 성현제, which should be "Sung Hyunje". (If you wanted to go the full Revised Romanization route, it'd be Seong Hyeonje, but I've weathered my share of name changes and that's a step too far even for me.) I've been meaning to make a poll about changing it like with the Lauchitas spelling, but I keep forgetting.
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jonnnysuh · 2 years
Dating S Coups would include
A/N: HIIII Happy new year !!! Long time no see. I wanted to write one of these for so long but it just wasn’t working out…. And then my brain came up with this out of no where. I’m not sure how well this is gonna do bc it’s been a while ((also no one has ever requested s coups??? So I’m really doing this for no reason LMAO)) I’m ngl i kinda popped off on this one. also fun lil treat at the end <3
Series Masterlist
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Crushing stages:
This is a friends to lovers type of man!!! I cannot stress this enough
You meet each other when you’re kids and one day he looks at you and it just clicks
At first you refuse to believe there’s something between you two bc you’ve known him for so long
But there’s something about the way he says your name when he’s sleepy, how he always makes sure to be on the “dangerous” side of the sidewalk for you, how he is the one thing in your life that feels stable and warm and right
One day he’s like “fuck it” and goes for it bc there is no feeling in the world as definite as his love for you
Bc you’ve been friends for actual eternity he knows you so well
It goes beyond just remembering all the foods you do and don’t like (which he does know) … HE CAN TELL WHEN YOU’RE LYING
Also bc of this, he’s the first person you go to for advice
You know he’ll be honest and fair and help you come up with the right decision bc he just… knows you
Sends u drunk texts bc he cannot stop thinking about u ever
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100000% compared hands with you when you were just friends LMAO AND STARTED INTERLOCKING FINGERSJSJDKSK
He does not get tired of listening to the story of when you realized you had feelings for him
Will do things for you even if he’s tired out of his mind as long as it makes u happy
If u needed a glass of water in the middle of the night there is no question about,, he’s getting up from bed to make sure you have it
“Text me when u get home” 🫡
Brings up embarrassing childhood stories about you
But don’t worry you also got some dirt on him so he won’t be hehe-ing for too long
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NOOO I FEEL LIKE HE’D ENJOY MAKING LEGO FLOWERS WITH YOU (or any sort of thing where you guys can sit in comfortable silence,, as long as you’re together type thing)
Is not afraid to tell you his opinion
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And won’t always agree with u
Sometimes he wont say it tho, you can just tell by his face…. But also guess what Cheol ur not the boss 🤬🤬🤬
Loves late night drives !!! Eeeee imagine listening to music in the car with him and singing your lil hearts out
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One hand on the wheel one hand on you
Having a Spotify blend of ur guys’ favourite songs 😭😭 and they’re always in rotation 😭😭😭 Imma cry rn
He said “I love you” first. Tbh he always knew he was going to be the one bc he can’t help it, it’s so easy with you
Cuddles after a long day
“C’mere” in his tired voice FJOSFIOWJXJKWNS!!!
Spoonfeeds you bites of his meals
Your parents really really like him ((he’s so charming I fear there was no choice))
Sends u cute lil update pics
Nah he for sure has an album in his phone called “us <3” or some shit with just pics of YOU GUYS AHHHHHH
For some reason I feel like he’d like the sound of his SO’s voice
Is your voice of reason when u wanna make a dumb decision … but will that stop u from being dumb sometimes??? I think not
Lowkey…. Blows u kisses…. No one else is allowed to see tho ok shh
Your whole house smells like him after he visits bc his cologne is STRONG
Often times when you’re cuddling in bed he’ll be looking over your shoulder so u guys watch TikToks/videos together
Soooooo supportive! He’s so proud of you!!
Competitive asshole
It can be the most mundane thing ever but he has to win or even just tease you about it
Voluntarily gives you his sweaters and shirts
Lifts you up a bit when you guys hug
Long-term bets ((just cause y’all know you’ll be together for a longgggg time))
Calling each other by your childhood nicknames
He gets excited when you guys talk about the future he literally cannot wait to spend his entire life with you
Taps on his cheek for a kiss jfodjdjkdnd
Plays with your hair so gently that it causes you to fall asleep
“How are you, my baby?”
Protective. If he thinks someone’s gonna mess with you he’ll step in at the exact right time
Lowkey gets jealous,, he needs that reassurance sometimes
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NAHHHH imagine saying “make me” to this man …. That’s all I’m gonna say
Bites u (lovingly)
Loves going grocery shopping with you and taking an extra long time in the snack aisle
Has the urge to sing cheesy love songs around you bc you make him feel like those songs!!!
If you do something cute he’ll blush
Messing with him is so much fun bc theres literally endless ways to go about it
You have the privilege to push his buttons
Either one of you bringing up childish shit like “REMEMBER WHEN WE PLAYED FREEZE TAG AND YOU DIDNT UNFREEZE ME??”
If you start showing him things on FaceTime he’ll give you his full attention like he’s in the room with you
Gets pouty when he wants a kiss and you’re not giving it to him
NAH if you get sulky coups it’s over with you’ve already lost … the man is getting what he wants
play wrestles with u
The way he looks at you there is honestly no denying that he is so in love with you
The one person in the world who knows everything about you
Loves a good deep talk but fair warning: he will get emotional about it
All I’m saying is s coups is a certified lover boy methinks
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magicaii · 4 months
Need a spinneraki non-villain au where both of them are shut in losers. Like, shuichi is a college drop out who’s been a NEET for the past two years and has convinced himself that he will never fit into society so why even bothering trying and doesn’t even care enough to outside anymore and tomura never made it to college at all and just lives off of his rich dad’s (afo) income as he does nothing but stay home to game and browse the internet all day cause he’s addicted to league of legends and he’s a closet scaly.
so imagine tomura and shuichi meeting cause they ended up in the same game because tenko misclicked and chose the wrong tier, and because he’s a bit of a toxic gamer, when he notices shuichi’s character choice he turns on vc just to say, “seriously? fucking zilean in the jungle? you’re never gonna make it out of iron asshole” and he only said it be to be dick and ruin some guy’s day, but he actually ends up advising the guy to choose a better character because he’s weirdly innocent and clueless for a league of legends player and it completely takes tomura aback. he finds out the guy is a complete newbie, which kinda explains it.
and during the game, spinner (his online name) keeps asking him questions since he’s apparently just decided that tomura has signed up to be his guide. and tomura kinda just goes along with it, and they’re the only two talking in vc anyway, although he’s far from nice about it. (think: what the fuck? USE YOUR SKILL or SUPPORT ME IN TOP LANE IDIOT)
so after the game tomura is about to move on with his day but then spinner sends him a friend request and he’s like ??? why does this weirdo think I’d wanna be his friend. but the request comes with a message and it says “haha thx for the help today? I’m kinda new at this… wld appreciate some more guidance n stuff… hope I can be as good as u someday lolz” and now tomura is half convinced this guy is just a fucking troll or something, cause there’s just no way. but what the fuck else is he doing anyway? so they exchange discords to chat.
spinner is strange. sometimes spinner will say things like “why is everyone so nasty in this game :((” and tomura will be genuinely confused because?? everyone knows league of legends is a toxic cesspool?? one day he finally asks what spinner’s deal is and why he started playing, and spinner goes “well tbh I was looking for friends”. tomura just deadpans that he’s definitely looking for them in the wrong place. spinners like, “I thought it would be easy to talk to people since there’s a voice chat but turns out people just use it to yell at each other and get into arguments. why would anyone do that lol, crazy” tomura just pauses cause he doesn’t really know, either. he’s been getting into arguments with random people in voice chat for years, it’s practically become a routine at this point, but he never stopped to think about it much. it’s pretty much become his only source of social interaction apart from his dad. with a pit in his stomach, he just replies “maybe they’re lonely.”
sometimes weird background sounds will come out of tomura’s mic, and spinner, after a while, finally asks, “so I’ve been wondering for a while. sometimes it sounds like someone is being murdered in your basement, what is that” and tomura’s like “oh don’t mind that lmao, it’s just my dad. he’s an investment banker or some shit and he gets fucking tilted at the stock market. idk I mostly tune it out now” and spinner just goes really quiet and says “umm. ok!”
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imtooscaredforthis · 2 months
Chapter Twenty Seven: Fixed
Mentions of: Drug use, Themes of Depression, Canon Typical Violence, etc.
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A/N: Spoiling you guys because I’ve been dead the past few months (and probably will continue to be dead) LMAO
Tags: @prettycutebunny @dead-bxxxxtch-walking @vandeaad @mama-miya
You sighed softly as you lit the blunt between your lips. Things between you and Leon haven’t gotten any better. In fact, they just seem like they’ve become worse, with both of you avoiding each other. Lately, you haven’t really felt like talking to anyone. Even though the other survivors are going through the same thing as you, it felt like they didn’t understand. No one did.
When you weren’t in a trial, you were here, smoking and trying to numb the emptiness you felt inside. As time dragged on, you felt more alone, the hole inside only getting bigger and bigger.
So you were surprised when you heard a knock at your door. You debated answering it, wanting to be left alone, but you were also curious about who it could be.
It was Frank. Right as you were about to slam your door in his face, he moved his foot in the way he pushed the door aside, stepping inside.
“Get the fuck out!” You snapped, angry that he was forcing his way inside.
He ignored you, shutting the door behind him. He plucked the blunt from your lips, taking a deep drag and settling on the bean bag chair. He took a deep inhale, and then he spoke.
“Listen, I’m tired of this being mad and ignoring each other shit, okay? I just want to talk. I’m sorry for what I said before, and how I acted.” He took another hit, letting out a deep sigh before speaking again. “I was a real asshole, and everything you said was right. I think I was just acting that way because..because I was scared. I didn’t want to lose you. But I know getting out of here is the best thing for you, so I want to help.”
Your expression softened, your anger melting away. You reached over and took the blunt from him.
“Thanks, but you were right too. I don’t think I’ll ever be leaving this shit hole. It was stupid of me to hope I had a chance. I was being crazy.” You laid back on your bed, taking a hit and watching as the smoke curled above your lips.
“So, that’s it? You’re giving up?” He frowned. You shrugged.
Frank had seen this time and time again in survivors. Despair. Nothing left to keep them going. When they got like that, it wouldn’t be long until they were never seen again. Some said that they would die for real in trials, others said that they would be sent away to the void, serving no more purpose to The Entity.
He couldn’t lose you. Not like this. So, he got to his feet and took the joint from you again. He threw it onto the floor, putting it out with his boot.
“Enough of this mopey pity party bullshit. We’re going back to the Blight’s realm, we’re going to get that serum and we’re going to get your locket back. Now come on.” He offered you his hand. You took it, letting him help you to your feet.
Once the coast was clear, you followed Frank into the Blight’s hideout. This time, you were able to locate the syringe easily. But you couldn’t find your locket. What did he want from it? Why did he take it? It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you found it, hopefully in one piece. It was one of the few things that helped you feel close to your sister, and without it, you felt empty.
Frank called out your name in a hushed shout and you didn’t even have to look to know. He was here. You could hear his groans as he charged back to his home, dashing quickly. You took cover, hiding underneath one of the lab tables, while Frank hid in the corner, standing next to the doorway.
With an inhuman growl, he wandered around his home. He threw down his bottles on a nearby table, causing you to flinch. You nudged the table above you slightly, and you prayed he wouldn’t notice. You held your breath as he got close, feeling your heart racing so fast you could hear the blood rushing in your ears.
Droplets of iridescent drool stained the floor in front of you, making you wince in disgust and a bony hand reached underneath the table. Right before his finger could even nudge your nose, there was a crash in the distance. Frank had taken one of his bottles and thrown it into the woods, distracting him. He had saved you.
“Hurry.” He whispered, once The Blight had left. You searched frantically, before seeing a glint in the corner of your eye. There it was, in good condition. Relieved, you grabbed it and put it on. But the relief only lasted so long, since the next thing you knew, The Blight was rushing back and Frank was screaming at you to run.
You vaulted a broken window, Frank following quickly behind. Before he could get all the way through, The Blight grabbed his leg, tugging him back. You grabbed Frank’s arm, pulling him forward.
“Let him go, you fucking freak!” You screamed at the hissing creature. Frank tried to elbow him, but he hardly reacted. So you had no other choice but to grab the serum you were keeping in your pocket, jamming it into the monster’s arm, causing him to squeal and release him.
You hauled him through the window, sprinting through the woods, not stopping or letting him go until the coast was clear. Once it was, you let him go and sat on the ground. You were exhausted, your lungs burned, and your legs hurt. You lied back. He lied beside you.
“Are you okay?” You asked between pants, gazing over at him.
“Yeah, are you?”
“Yeah. That asshole made me lose the serum, though.”
“About that. I actually was able to snag some. I knew with how things went last time, we were going to need a backup.” He pulled out an extra vial from his coat pocket.
You stared at him in shock, before throwing your arms around him. “Holy shit. We did it!”
He laughed softly, hugging you back. It took you a second to realize what you were doing, and who you were with, but once you did, you pulled away quickly, like you’d been burned.
You cleared your throat, unable to keep eye contact with him. “This is great, Frank. Thank you so much for your help.”
“Yeah. It’s good to be friends again.” He admitted.
“It is.”
You smiled at each other for a beat, before Frank broke the silence and the eye contact. “So, uh, what are we going to do now?”
“We test it out and see what we can do.”
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Man Russell brand is problematic I don't want jk to become like that 😔 , and tattoos are a spiritual part of so many tribes , that man got an eye tattoo ( which people mistook as illuminati so he got it covered) in a live he said he got the eye tattoo so he can feel he is being watched and don't take wrong decisions in life that shows good moral compass ( Jupiter trait) and if I am not wrong he has jupiter in 1st house in cancer exalted in d9 .
Russell brand is so not it and apart jk releasing that song 3d( that song rap is so fucking misogynistic) , if I leave that thing I think he is pretty spiritual just not mainstream way but I believe he asked jimin to go with him at a temple. Ketuvians idts can live that sanely if they don't feel spiritual or don't have a feminine in their life to drain( mostly Ashlesha)
I know he's problematic as hell (sexually assaulted multiple women???) and I wasn't seriously implying that JK will turn into him,, I just meant that he'd channel the vibes of a guy who just seemed super spiritual and philosophical and the first name that came to my mind was Russell Brand 😬😬I admit that its a poor comparison considering Russell is known for being an asshole as well (even without the SA allegations) but I ONLY meant his spiritual philosophical vibe, like take any interview of his and he's just talking about existential things
tattoos are deeply spiritual to me and they're connected to Ketu for a reason,, Claire explained this in her tattoo video about how getting tattoos and piercings are a way to open up certain energetic channels and how marking your body permanently can have spiritual consequences
ive heard that getting your nose piercing is a remedy for Mercury related issues
and ear piercings are supposed to help both your Venus and Jupiter apparently
there's more but i cant remember them rn
idk if he has Jup in 1h but he has struck me a "good" person so he probably channels healthy Jup energy (his Ketu is in Purvabhadrapada in D1, idk which house but generally the Ketu placement is very apparent with artists because they have to reach that deep down within themselves to make art. It can be more dormant or less obvious with other people tho but generally I've noticed/sensed the Ketu nak's energy with manyyy artists, for example, Namjoon has Ketu in Bharani and everything he writes, how he talks about life etc is soooo Bharani influenced, its hard to miss. His dignified stoic kinda vibe (which I also attribute to him most likely being Vishaka Rising) kinda comes from there because Purvaphalguni can exhibit similar Venusian traits but Namjoon's unique brand of Venusian male behaviour also feels heavily Bharani (all that eternal love he sings about = Bharani, him singing about being horny = Purvaphalguni lmao)
idk whether or not JK is spiritual but he seems connected to that energy at least a little. he said he'd hear bells when he met his soulmate lmao, ik that sounds like a cheesy fanservice-y thing to say but i also feel like its very Venusian of him (he's Purvaphalguni Sun)
Ketuvian men draining women is so real UGHHHHH i think they're hot but i could never date them due to this very reason,, they suck the life out of me :///
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echowithpain · 4 months
Guys this is the last Echo's Essay until next season 😭😭😭 Thanks for being here with me, I really appreciate it. That being said, this might just be the longest one yet lmao. Buckle up and I'll just go with what's off the top of my head.
It made sense, because why have his actor be at the ceremony, AND HAVE A SPEAKING ROLE, unless he was gonna come back in some way?
Also I know Bobby put in his 2 week notice and didn't tell anyone but Athena, but then the whole chasing Amir down and saving his life again as a way to make amends and dealing with the cartel, it's easy to see how he forgot to tell the chief he changed his mind.
Speaking of Athena and Amir, WHY THE FUCK DID THE WRITERS MAKE HER SO HELLBENT ON GOING AFTER HIM ALONE, CONVINCED HE WAS THE ONE WHO SET THE FIRE??? Athena's always been by the book save for a couple instances, but she's always tried to make sure those guilty would be punished by the system. I get that she was emotional about potentially losing Bobby, but calling Maddie and lying to her so she could get Amir's address, going back to her house to get her gun, and then breaking into his house so she can hold him at gunpoint???? Guys come on.
I mean, I guess I could've accepted it if she didn't get her gun and make it seem like she was going to kill him even though we already knew she wasn't. Also the breaking and entering left a bad taste in my mouth, especially since she clarified she was off duty. If you have suspicions of him being guilty, get a warrant for his arrest and bring him in for questioning! They even highlighted how out of character Athena was acting by bringing up Emmett and what she did with the guy who killed him. And to top it off, while she was holding Amir at gunpoint, she was throwing accusations at him, saying he was a bad person, how she should've seen the signs, and how Bobby gave him too much credit, and reminding him of his past with the picture of him and his wife, BRO WHAT THE FUCK
Put yourself in Amir's shoes real quick: you survived a fire that permanently scarred you and took your wife, you decide to become a doctor so you can help people like you wish you could've helped your wife. One day while you're working, a firefighter comes in to reunite one of your patients with their baby and you recognize their last name, and looking into it, realize he's the guy who caused the fire that changed your life. You decide to see how his life has changed since the fire so you go to his AA meeting where you hear him talking about how good his life has been and that makes you upset so you speak up. You leave afterwards not wanting anything else to do with this man and go back to helping people, getting shot in the process. The man then shows up, having found you in the middle of nowhere, trying to help and apologize for what happened in the past. You tell him you don't want his apology and that he should leave you for dead, but he persists and ends up saving your life. After that, while you still don't want to deal with him, you at least tolerate him and go back to helping people.
One day you get a call from work saying one of your patients needs you. So you go into work, and it turns out the guy who caused the fire and changed your life has a wife who lied to get you to go there. You two have a talk and she tells you ever since her husband met you again, his life has been unbalanced and she thinks talking to you again is going to help that. You're weary but you agree to help. When you get there, you see the guy remarried to a beautiful woman, lives in a beautiful home, and has pictures of their kids and happy memories all around. This makes you so upset/jealous that you apologize and rush to leave only to be face to face with this man and it's too much. You tell him if he really wants to make amends, he and his wife should leave you alone, and then you leave so you won't have to experience those emotions again.
You slowly calm down and go back to your life, helping all the people you can. You're coming home, just picked up some dry cleaning, and then the guys wife is in your house, falsely accusing you of setting their house on fire and almost killing her husband, all while pointing a gun at you, saying horrible things about you, and tormenting you with your painful past.
Amir, I am so sorry you had to deal with that, and as much as I love Bobby and Athena, THEY NEED TO LEAVE YOU THE FUCK ALONE!!!!!! I love the mini friendship he and Maddie had, but please keep Bobby and Athena a million miles away from him and let him live his life!!!!
Honestly, Amir is a better person that I am because even after all of that, he still went into a burnt up house to look for Bobby and assure him that he deserves the new life he built for himself. That even though he'll never forgive the past, he at least respects where he is in the present...
Anyway -2 points for how Athena was acting with Amir.
Next up we have the Eddie and Christopher thing. While I'm sad that they're letting him leave to Texas with his grandparents, which I was so shocked about when they were at the door, I'm also glad that Eddie respects Chris's boundaries and wishes. He called Buck begging him to talk to Chris, and when he emphasized that he didn't want to break down the door to get to him, he wanted Chris to open the door to talk to him 👏👏👏👏👏 Fucking beautiful.
Also Buck, bless your heart, trying to help Christopher by inputting your own experiences with your own parents. It was sweet, but it took me out of the episode a bit with the whole "parents can make mistakes" because while that's true, comparing Eddie with Bucks parents felt wrong. Eddie has always been overprotective of Christopher but was always loving and caring and trying to make sure he had a normal life, and made one big mistake because of unresolved issues that he needs to go to therapy for. Bucks parents were just horrible people. Simple as that, sorry not sorry.
I will say though, after Eddie's whole "I don't want to force him to do anything" thing, and then when he says I love you but Christopher wouldn't look at him and he makes him look at him, I was a little put off. He was just saying he didn't want to force him to do anything and then he's forcing him to look at him when he didn't want to? What the heck? It's alright though, Eddie's speech afterwards made up for it so it gets a pass.
Speaking of passes, can we please be done with Marisol NoLastName now? I know she wasn't in this episode but we last saw her when she and Christopher walked in on Eddie hugging a woman who looked like his dead wife, can that please be the last time? I'm tired of her being brought up.
And speaking of people in the episode who I'm tired of being brought up, when are we getting rid of Tommy? I had exactly 2 posts talking about him during my liveblogging and neither of them were good. I've been very vocal about my dislike of Tommy, but he was so unnecessary this episode??? They were having a sincere talk about how Buck was worried about the fact that he almost lost Bobby, and that he was like the father he never had, talking about how they both had horrible dads, but Tommy denies having daddy issues himself and when asked if he thinks Buck has daddy issues, Tommy goes "I hope so"
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Oh yeah baby, I hope your father seriously neglected you so you have issues regarding him and male figures in general, along with having anxiety, abandonment issues, and toxic patterns so you'll be able to call me "Daddy" while we have sex!
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It's a season finale. That was unnecessary. The audience didn't need to know right then and there that Tommy has a Daddy Kink. -2 points.
I know it's only one scene but I my hatred of it was strong enough to deduct an extra point.
Holy fuck I fucking love the Buckley-Hans. I thought they couldn't get any better AND THEN THEY DID!!!!! And honestly, that's on me for underestimating how amazing they are 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 It was miserable seeing Hen visit Mara and her having reverted back to being quiet for a bit before asking if she could go home with her and then the lady and security making Hen leave 😭😭😭😭😭 Again, fuck that councilwoman. I hope she gets her teeth kicked in and her face bashed with a rock. Thank FUCK for loopholes!!! Maddie and Chim heard their friends were having a problem, and without even being asked, they immediately went to see what they could do to help!!! They are fucking amazing. The Buckley-Hans invented love. I have nothing else to say 🥰💖🥰💖💖🥰💖🥰💖🥰💖🥰💖🥰
...is that everything? I think that's everything.
Final rating: 6/10
Thanks for sticking with me through this and I'll see y'all again next season! Tchau! 😘✨
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0scar-piastri · 2 years
Study in gay
According to a study 1/4 people are gay, meaning there are 5 gay people on the f1 grid. This is just me taking the piss, it is not serious, I am not speculating, it is fiction! So don’t come at me bros! It’s supposed to be funny!
Charles Leclerc, has know he’s gay since forever, don’t make a big deal out of it, but scared it’ll get out (like new, dumb FIA rules and all) hence the thick beards, in love with one Max Emilian Verstappen
Max Verstappen, has experimented with Pierre.. a lot Max Verstappen, bi, grown up around narrow mindedness but in a very accepting society (Netherlands) as a whole, now doing his best to be the opposite of narrow minded, he is succeeding. Probably the one to have made out with the most guys on the grid, especially when drunk/high.
Lando Norris, gay, there is this viiiiibe, probably doesn’t know it yet, like I said he thinks men flirting with him are just being friendly, has definitely drunkenly made out with Max and liked it, but you know that’s what friends do when drunk, no?
Lewis Hamilton, he really doesn’t care what gender he ends up with.. very confident in himself and his sexuality, would slay in drag, one stare has haters cowering, not a stranger to threesomes with a guy and girl (according to my hubby) also had that thing with Nico
Pierre Gasly, bi, he is French
Sebastian Vettel, straight but undying support, has dabbled in his youth, he is the definition of accepting grid dad, very helpful to confused, questioning f1 children
Lance Stroll, was the one finding the study and sharing with the other drivers, thinking that he is one of the gay ones, it really isn’t, funny man loves pussy
Alex Albon, I mean look at him and Lily, I would go for lily too tbh
George Russel, same as Alex but idk his wag’s name
Fernando Alonso, ancient man doesn’t even know what gay is?? Still think it means happy tbh.. So not woke
Carlos Sainz Jr, allegedly there have been some comments made?? Idk he’s kinda fruity to me, especially where Lando’s concerned
Danny Ric, straight as an arrow, wholly supportive, would step up if a fake boyfriend was needed, would take down any homophobic asshole harassing his boys, could probably get in a relationship with a man, but loves eating pussy too much
Nicholas Latifi, wholly accepting, same league as Seb, but without the dabbling
Mick Schumacher, idk used to have a crush on Harry Styles, but who hasn’t?
Yuki Tsunoda, Pierre is the love of his life, but like platonically, he is 100% scared of girls tho..
Zhou Guanyu, quiet guy, but dicks down girls left and right because of his impeccable sense of fashion
Sergio Perez, lmao just no, traditionalist through and through
Esteban Ocon, dunno much about him tbh, though I think he is cute, no gay vibes about him tho, could definitely star as Count Dracula in a movie?? Now that’s a vibe.
Valtteri Bottas, dat ass tho, it’s a favorite in the lgbtq community, would politely decline any advances from the same gender, he knows he does not like dick like that
Kevin Magnussen, doesn’t do labels, but has a kid with a female sooo
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roseworth · 1 year
pls elaborate on ur dream outlaws team im entranced 🥺
blushes and twirls my hair 🥰 im so glad u asked
basically its jason rose lorena connor & kara. and its exactly as messy as it sounds
so first of all one reason i like these 5 is that there is representation across the spectrum of thoughts on killing. jason kills (relatively) often, rose kills very deliberately and not as much as jason, lorena (to me) is willing to kill but doesnt really do it, kara wont kill but may step aside and let someone else kill if she thinks they deserve it, and connor wont kill and doesnt like it if anyone else kills
also in my head this is NOT red hood and the outlaws. its just outlaws. because connor's in charge. i dont think any of them have any leadership skills (lmao) but connor is so much more able to rein them in than anyone else, and everyone likes him so hes a neutral party to be a "leader"
heres where im gonna get annoying and go over everyones individual dynamic with each other:
jason & rose: i literally talk about these two like once a day so im sure you can guess but theyre toxic besties. if one of them gets into a fight then the other joins. theyre haters together and theyre also both the worst ever
connor & jason: i dont think connor would ever hold a grudge so he doesnt hate jason for kidnapping his sister and blowing her up. HOWEVER. hes certainly not happy about it. jason respects connor as a hero so he doesnt deliberately try to get on his nerves, and connor is just a good person so he usually wont cause problems. but he doesnt like jason (for the mia thing and the fact that hes. yk. awful) so theyre not exactly chummy. but because of jason respecting connor he wouldnt kill in front of him
kara & connor: theyre close given that theyre the "Heroes" on the team. like,, theyre all good but kara and connor are the ones that are unequivocal Good Guys since they dont kill and they have the family name n all. i think they would bond over carrying on a legacy (connor as ga after ollie died, kara with krypton in general) and they'd get along rly well
lorena & kara: LESBIANS. listen to me. they both have the same experience of having their whole life destroyed and their family dead, then coming out of that experience and immediately choosing to be a hero and help their new world. lorenakara is my best rarepair in the sense that they've never interacted but i KNOW if they did they would be gfs. theyre parallels of each other. i think that both of them (especially kara) would be so excited to have someone with such a similar experience that knows how it feels. they should fall in love
jason & lorena: she likes him (mostly) but he wouldnt like her at first. he would be annoyed by her at first bc she tends to be upbeat and he would get tired of that. BUT eventually she grows on him bc shes not naive shes just being positive bc what else can you do!!! she had a normal childhood for the first 17 or so years of her life so i think he would find it hard to relate to her (but also everyone else on the team has that problem bc. none of them had normal childhoods) but they'd be friends after a while, esp after he saw her in one of her "im so pissed off im gonna beat someone up about it" moments
kara & jason: she doesnt like him. pretty much just because hes an asshole, no personal grudge besides him being him. kara's not really willing to let it go when someones rude to her and jason is rude to everyone. they'd get into fights a lot bc theyre both stubborn and will not let anything go, and they usually have opposing viewpoints so it does not go well
rose & kara: rose hates women! she has never gotten along with another female character and shes not starting now. rose & kara would have a lot of the same problems that jason & kara do, in that theyre both stubborn and rose will go out of her way to pick fights with her. a big problem that rose would have is that she doesnt trust people and she doesnt like not having control, so having a kryptonian around would make her uncomfortable given that if kara decided to kill all of them rose knows she couldnt do anything about it. so shes very wary of kara and a little threatened, so when she gets nervous she gets meaner (<- cop car by mitski). i dont think kara would have a big problem with rose other than that rose keeps being mean to her. eventually they would get along better though :)
connor & rose: im sorry in advance for acknowledging connor in robin 2021. but these two met on lazarus island and sorta became friends so they would still be getting along here! he understands her pretty well and obv still tries to stop her from killing but they work well together <3 i also think that connor would try so hard to get rose to like. take care of her mental health. and be emotionally open. it wont always work but he'll still try
lorena & connor: honestly. this is the only combo that i have 0 thoughts on hkjafhadjfhf i dont think that they have personalities that would specifically connect or clash with each other. they'd get along but theyre also kinda just people that happen to be on the same team fhakjfhadjfk theres not a lot that just the two of them can use to relate to each other
rose & lorena: rose still hates women!!! rose would like lorena more than she likes kara, but they would still bicker all the time. tho their fighting would be more ribbing each other instead of actually being antagonistic, then moving on to heckling other people. basically ideal lorena & rose dynamic is statler & waldorf
uh oh shes moving onto trios now (not every possibility though fhajdfhsadk just my favs hehe)
jason & rose & lorena: uh oh the moral compass is gone! someones gonna die! these three are all haters and are willing to kill so bad things will happen when its just the three of them
lorena & rose & kara: they would have the most catastrophic girls' night in existence and it would be so fucking funny i need it
connor & jason & rose: basically the angel & devil on rose's shoulders. i also think that this trio would give connor the worst experience of his life
connor & kara & jason: pretty much the opposite of the previous one. honestly funnier to me that jason would be having a terrible day because kara and connor are essentially taking turns stopping him from doing whatever he wants to do
so thats the gist of their dynamics <333 in my head the team is in calfornia (and also we're pretending california is only like a mile long bc star city is in NorCal and san diego is in SoCal but i need them to be right next to each other so connor and lorena are in the same area hfjakfakdafh) which also means that jason would get to be pissy about it since hes out of gotham and out of his element
i also have arcs i made for all of it. that i wont go into detail about bc ill get embarrassed about how much ive thought about it hfksjdfhasdjkf but the big picture is all of them struggling with loneliness then coming together and all hating each other a little but still working well as a team. then eventually jason goes back to gotham bc he hates being away from it, lorena dies, kara kills someone then goes into a guilt-fueled self-exile, then its just rose & connor going hm. what now. rose has a breakdown because everyone left and connor is trying to stop her from becoming the joker
actually i am gonna talk about lorena because i have thought so much about how i would put her back into canon. first of all i would say that sub diego has just been there the whole time but everyone forgot about it :( lorena is basically the sole protector of sub diego since arthur left a long time ago and there are no cops or other heroes there. also everyone in sub diego doesnt like her (mostly because shes the only one that can go to the surface so theres a lot of people bitter about that). she spends most of her time underwater but she comes up because there are various problems making their way to sub diego, then she joins the team to have other people around while still looking out for the best interest of her city. also i decided that the way she finds out she can breathe above water is too boring so what happens instead is that she swims to the surface as a suicide attempt the realizes that she wants to live right as she goes above water but its too late but then its not bc omg she can breathe air!!!
alright i think thats all i have. if u read all of this...... im sorry. i dont think any of it is actually coherent its just my stream of consciousness directly onto the page
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spectralsleuth · 10 months
question! do you have any particular Big City Lawyer character inspirations for how you write salem munroe?
I had to think about this for a minute honestly because my first reaction is NO- but I think there’s a lot of inspirations I may not be considering.
One inspiration may be the fandom interpretation of Richie Tozier’s lawyer from It Chapter 2. I don’t remember exactly, but there were a lot of fics where this disaster of a character was followed around by a hyper competent absolute asshole of a human.
That kind of dynamic is one I really like when it shows up in media- I also LOVE the idea of people being platonic soul mates that care a lot about each other, but if you suggested they see each other naked they would be very disgruntled about it.
(Me discussing this w @radishhqueen forever ago)
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I also read a lot of noir books and watch a lot of noir films, so I’m sure that’s effecting my portrayal too. I have not watched Better Call Saul or Breaking Bad.
Sal’s full name is Salem because he’s Syrian descent (non practicing Muslim) and his name means “safety”, so I thought it fit.
Also blanket statement: if anyone has any anecdotes or stories or tips on how to write Muslim, Japanese, Japanese American, or black American characters- I am not any of those things and would love any feedback someone has for them. It doesn’t come up much in the story partly because it hasn’t been relevant, and partly because the few things I HAVE wanted to mention an anecdote about Sal’s family and lapsed religion, I was paralyzed of getting it wrong and decided to it leave out.
I did a LOT of research, but what’s available online isn’t always helpful to- for instance- tell me if a lapsed muslin character would say “god” as a casual oath. Or whether he might still keep some dietary restrictions because he’s used to it. Or what Eid he most likely would have thrown hands with his brother at.
I had some similar speed bumps with April and- obviously- Yoshi.
Uh. Anyway. Sorry to get so off subject. Here’s an excerpt from the Hidden City Trial fic so you guys know I’m working lmao.
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i-write-some-stuff · 2 years
Roommate - csc
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Pairing: Seungcheol x reader
Warnings: Swearing, weed use, slight mention of emotional abuse from an ex? Kinda angsty too?
Word count: 1k
A/N: I wrote this short drabble yesterday at work then typed it directly on here, so it hasn't really been edited, I apologize for any typos or mistakes. Also this is very self indulgent I'm having major Cheol feels these days please bear with me lmao
*This is purely a work of fiction. It is in no way meant to represent any idol in any way, shape or form.
Seungcheol knew exactly where to find you.
You had been living together for over two years now, so when he walked in to see the playlist on the TV, the window to the balcony slightly opened, and the light smoke coming from outside, he knew what was going on. He kept his shoes and jacket on, crossing the living room to reach you.
It was crazy how quickly you guys went from complete strangers to the best of friends. You were a friend of a friend; his roommate had left, and you had fought with yours, which led to them kicking you out. You needed a place to stay, he needed a roommate, and so your common friend introduced the two of you, and you moved in with him within the week. You got along well, having similar habits and routines. If something bothered him, he would tell you, and so did you - most of the time anyway. So you had both agreed that you'd remain roommates for as long as this was working.
In those two years, Seungcheol had also gotten used to your coping mechanisms. He could always tell when something was wrong, because you would gradually close yourself up, and started smoking a little more often, until you broke down completely, and then you'd slowly get back up. He had tried to help you countless times before, but quickly realized that you didn't need him to save you. You just needed him to be there, to listen to you vent until you were ready to move on.
And so that's what he was prepared to do when he stepped outside. He sat down next to you in silence, doing his absolute best to not stare at you, since you knew you didn't like it in those moments. Instead, he focused on the peaceful evening, the sun slowly setting, the noisy city street below, the music softly coming from the opened window. Without a word, you handed him your lit joint, and he took it. When he exhaled the smoke, he felt you take a deep breath.
"[Your ex's name] broke up with me today," you said, and this time he looked at you. Even if you weren't facing him, he could see how puffy and red your eyes were, the somewhat fresh tears on your cheeks, your wet sweater sleeves where your arms rested on your knees. You had been crying for a while, he could tell. "Over text," you added, and all the restraint Seungcheol was trying to show was gone in an instant.
He had never like the guy. He always had a weird energy to him, always giving Seungcheol the impression that he couldn't care less about you or your friends, or about anything regarding your life. You had fought with him more than once, and Seungcheol had tried to keep you away from him, but you'd always go back. Now that the ties were broken, Seungcheol would finally be able to speak his mind to the asshole.
"What kind of fucking baby breaks up over text? I'll have a little chat with him later, believe me," he said, and you let out the tiniest chuckle. Seungcheol glanced at you, confused.
"I knew you'd choose violence."
"He deserves it, after everything he put you through," Seungcheol said, but you didn't reply, instead reaching for the joint. He gave it back to you, leaning his head on the wall behind him as you took a drag, trying to calm his anger.
"Do you wanna know why I was crying?" you asked, and he frowned.
"Because he broke your heart?"
"Maybe a bit. But I also realized that I'm an absolute idiot-"
"You're not an idiot," Seungcheol immediately argued, but you stopped him before he could add anything.
"Let me finish. I'm an absolute idiot, because I kept going back to the one who hurt me when when the one who loved me was right in front of me."
Seungcheol stopped breathing for a second. He never admitted it to himself, but he did love you. And not just as a good friend. He had feelings for you, but he'd never admit it, because that way, it hurt less to see you go out with other people. He had pushed his feelings away, especially in the last few months, convinced that he wasn't the only one in your friend group to like you. He wasn't one for drama, usually putting other people's feelings before his own. And now he feared he was right, and you would tell him you liked someone else. He wasn't sure his heart would take it.
"I guess they're right when they say love makes you blind," is what he replied to your statement, taking a longer drag of the blunt that had found its way between his fingers again.
"Seungcheol," you said, and he turned to you. You never used his full name. "I mean you. You've been there all along and I've been too stupid to see how good we are together."
Seungcheol's brain stopped working. He stared at you with wide eyes, his lips parted in a shocked expression. The feelings were scrambling in his heart, words tumbling as he struggled to find his voice.
"How'd you know?" he asked quietly.
"I didn't. Everyone kept telling me you liked me, and I kept saying you didn't, probably because I didn't want to admit that I liked you too. So I guess now we both know," you explained.
Seungcheol blinked, staring at you in disbelief. Your words suddenly clicked in his brain, and he leaned towards you. His hand found the back of your head, his lips gently finding yours. They were puffy and salty from all the tears you had shed, and Seungcheol promised himself he would never let anyone hurt you again.
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