#teen crab
scribeoffate · 5 months
6, 12, & 13 for the ask game pls? 🥺
Thanks for asking!
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
From the sciles wing!fic I am writing as a gift for FTH:
“Please, Stiles. Let me help?”
Stiles bites his lips and nods. Scott siphons more pain as Stiles slowly unfurls his wings. They’re mottled gray, brown and black and droop as he pulls them out. Scott sees the tear on his right wing immediately.
It will heal, he thinks, but only if Stiles lets him help. Scott approaches slowly and rummages for the witch hazel and dish soap they keep around. Stiles has calmed considerably after he grabs some warm water from the bathroom.
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
It was not my idea. All credit for the idea goes strictly to @momentofmemory. But BY FAR the funniest thing I have ever done for any fandom is Teen Crab.
I wrote this fic for @scottappreciation's scottuary 1: Teen Crab
And then so many of us got together that year on April Fool's Day and created this tag that still brings nothing but great joy: teencrab2022
These glorious creations STILL make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
I want to write something focused on Danielle and Heather for Teen Wolf at some point.
For 911, I want to write an Athena-centric piece. I have a few ideas, one exploring her relationships with Michael, Bobby, Hen, Harry, and May and another just exploring her relationship with May. I'm still barely in the beginning idea stages of that, and it's been a while since I've written outside of Teen Wolf. But it's in my mind while I am rewatching with my sister.
Fandom Asks
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dailyscottficrec · 1 year
April 1, 2023
Today I'm gonna rec a body of work, from 2022. Please just go back and enjoy all of the teen crab material because it was all hilarious. Will there be more shenanigans today? We will have to see.
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batwynn · 1 year
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Friendly crab man. Friendly stab man.
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snailtiddies420 · 10 months
Dan and Phil coming back and seeming so happy and doing a vid with Charlie and PJ has done more to heal me than several therapists I’ve had
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crab-instruments · 1 year
Snippet of a potential fic
Just This One Time
Teen Wolf x Supernatural crossover
a/n: It's been a long time since I've really written anything, even with ideas floating around. I've been rewatching Teen Wolf and it's my current, stupid obsession. Reading other people's fics, I kept thinking about how I would want a crossover to play out, but never finding one I liked. Hell, I don't even care about Supernatural but I found myself researching Polish rock bands for Dean and Sam's identities for a scene where Stiles would point out they can't say the Polish names right, so I started to just write. I don't know if I'll actually finish this but I am posting it more for myself as accountability (though if people like it, that would be encouraging). Not sure of a pairing and if there is one, it'll likely be pre-slash but Sterek since Stiles will be one of the main narrators.
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Stiles knew something was up the moment he laid eyes in the two men dressed in suits, parading around the sheriff’s station as FBI agents. He didn’t need werewolf senses to know these two were sketchy. Sheriff Stilinski, his very cruel flesh and blood, had kicked Stiles out of his office when the two had arrived and introduced themselves. It was like the Sheriff didn’t trust his own son with information about high priority cases.
The officers in the room ignored Stiles as he sank quietly to his knees in front of the door, pressing his ear against the door. They were quite used to Stiles snooping and it was always better to ignore the teenager because dealing with him was much more work.
While he was uncomfortable in the position, Stiles didn’t dare move. He didn’t want to create any noise that could bring attention to himself, forcing the Sheriff to kick him out further. It was at moments like this he really envied his furry friends, unable to hear much through the door. The teenager focused a little harder and his efforts were rewarded.
Agent Ciechowski and Agent Ciesielski.
Stiles barely heard the names through the door but it was hard for him to mistake Polish names. Not with an abomination like his first name. Other phrases like ‘animal attacks’ and ‘claw related injuries’ seeped through the door. He couldn’t hear anything else though, as Deputy Parrish yanked him away from the door by the collar of his shirt.
“Hey! Hey! Don’t stretch the shirt out, man! Come on!” The sound of his sneakers squeaked in the bustling room and his arms flailed wildly as he attempted to stand under Parrish’s grip.
“Stiles, I heard the Sheriff tell you to go home, so you should get going. You’re already on thin ice.” Deputy Parrish was young, competent, and well acquainted with the teenager’s shenanigans. He heard enough from the Sheriff and observed the rest with his own eyes.
Stiles faced the deputy, trying to convey his uneasiness with the several expressions flittering across his face in seconds. His brain worked quickly to figure out how he could convince Parrish to help him. “But…! Parrish, don’t they seem weird? They don’t give off an ‘FBI’ vibe. Something is off about them.” To drive the point home, Stiles shifted his weight from foot to foot, uneasy.
Parrish considered the words for a moment, deciphering if this was Stiles’ instincts hitting the mark once again, or it if this was Stiles’ usual brand of bullshit and he was just trying to stick his nose where it didn’t belong. “Why do you think that?” He questioned, lowering his voice and leaning into the teenager’s space to make the conversation more private.
His mouth in a thin line, Stiles eyes scanned the room for answers. “Well, it’s just… I have a feeling.”
“A feeling?”
“Yeah. A feeling. Can’t you see it? About their…” Stiles gestured wildly with his arms, “everything?”
The deputy frowned, almost disappointed in the kid. He expected a better excuse. Parrish straightened his posture and put his hands on his tactical belt. “Go home, Stiles. I’ll keep an eye on them, and I promise, if I see anything suspicious—“
“You’ll tell me?”
“—I’ll talk to your father, the Sheriff of Beacon Hills and my boss, and I’ll share our concerns.”
An exasperated sigh escaped the teenager. Without Parrish on his side, there wasn’t much else he could do at the station. Stiles would have to go do research on his own, possibly give Danny a call and somehow bribe him to break the law again. Had Danny hacked the FBI database before? Maybe if Stiles presented it as a challenge, it could work.
Stiles made his way to his Jeep in the parking lot, but stopped abruptly when he saw a vintage car he didn’t recognize parked a few spots away. Beacon Hills wasn’t that big; he’d have recognized that car if he had seen it before. The only black, noteworthy car in this town was Derek’s Camaro. Therefore, this had to be the car the FBI agents rolled up in. Looking around to make sure there wasn’t eyes on him, Stiles pulled out his phone and took pictures of the car, making sure to get the license plate number to check out later. He noted that the plates were from Kansas and there was nothing signifying that this was a government vehicle.
The Jeep pulled out of the parking lot quickly, much on the teenagers mind.
Opening his laptop, Stiles typed in the first agents name, Ciechowski, into Google. The name sounded familiar, possibly from his mom telling stories of her Polish friends. When the results popped up, Stiles squinted. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it sure wasn’t the bio of a Polish rock star. The band, Republika, sounded familiar but Stiles couldn’t place why.
Digging a bit more, he found the band’s website. Stiles opened the page and couldn’t stop himself from playing one of the songs, Bikini Death.
The staccato notes from the guitar played through his speakers and Stiles realized why he recognized the singer. The band Grzegorz Ciechowski was a part of was one his mom used to play for him when he was younger, to connect him with his heritage. She had told the story of how she saw them live once and cried when Grzegorz had died.
The memories of his mother ripped a scar open inside his chest, but he couldn’t stop now.
It all came together when Stiles read the names of the band members. One in particular stood out.
Sławomir Ciesielski.
The FBI agents had taken their identities from the Polish rock band. It was what Stiles needed to confirm his suspicions.
These two men were likely hunters checking up on the werewolf population of Beacon Hills.
Here's a link to the song, Bikini Death by Republika. There is a Polish version, but I like this remastered version. The title is a line from the song. Mamona and Psy Pawłowa were runner ups.
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hawkfurze · 2 years
I love seeing Peter Lukas fan art and comparing it to my fan art of him only cause everyone makes Peter look so etherial and mysterious and spooky and cool and meanwhile my drawings look like any random guy that could show up on Deadliest Catch and put them in a horror setting.
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thecittiverse · 2 years
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A piece highlighting the events of Teen Girl Squad #5! Cheerleader has a run-in with the S.S. Inevitable, The Ugly One buries her head in the sand, So-and-So parachutes with the presidents (and Henry Rollins,) What's Her Face witnesses Thomas land a sick Late 360 Shove It to Boneless, and the Olda Boys miss their video games (and mom.) Not my first foray into the Teen Girl Squad Universe! Check it! Brainkrieg’s Garage Tour 2022 Teen Girl Squad (My Style)
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
If haboob thinks sand is bad wait till she finds out about glitter
glitter wouldn't mess with her gears though, yanno. one thing is that it gets everywhere but the more pressing thing is that it itches and messes with her hardware
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sarayu-sunrays · 1 year
there are CRABS on my SCREEN and they are BEAUTIFUL
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neosatsuma · 2 years
actually you know what all this reminds me of? Neopets. tumblr capitalizing on this site's running gags is basically "GOODNIGHT MR COCONUT" all over again, and as a mr. coconut enjoyer I approve
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a-lil-bi-furious · 2 years
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I posted 721 times in 2022
46 posts created (6%)
675 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 709 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#teen wolf - 261 posts
#scott mccall - 143 posts
#kira yukimura - 67 posts
#teencrab2022 - 61 posts
#teen crab - 57 posts
#fic recs - 43 posts
#fanart - 36 posts
#legacies - 34 posts
#peter parker - 28 posts
#tvdu - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#especially happy with the anger and the heart wrenching grief scott expressed as he tried to process not only that he died—but that he maybe
My Top Posts in 2022:
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38 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,941
Relationships: Scott McCall/Theo Raeken
Relevant Tags: Canon-Typical Violence | References to Canonical Character Death | Post-Canon | Angst with a Happy Ending | Hurt Scott McCall | Scott McCall Needs a Hug | Theo Raeken Needs a Hug
for @spikeface
Breathing comes in short, quick bursts, Scott’s chest heaving. He pulls Theo’s hands away from his shoulders, grip tightening around forearms as he holds them out and away from him. Theo’s hands are relaxed and open, as close as he can manage to holding them up in surrender. He’s trying to show Scott they’re harmless.
They aren’t.
They are.
He doesn’t know.
Read on ao3
41 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Just a moody lil Sceo scene that might be expanded later:
Scott collapses the moment he reaches the bed’s edge. It’s nice to finally be off his feet—he isn’t sure how much longer he could have kept upright before passing out. It’s almost worse sitting down with the way his body bends, the movement pushing fresh blood past the coagulated mess binding flesh to polyester. He grimaces at the feeling, sickeningly warm. 
Several moments pass; Scott sits completely still, barely breathing, eyes closed tightly and one hand pressed to his middle, willing the blood to stop flowing. Waiting to welcome numbness in pain’s stead. 
When he opens his eyes Theo hasn’t moved a muscle, still standing halfway between the open door and the foot of the bed. His eyes are trained on Scott’s chest. Theo looks hunted. Not quite a deer in headlights, more like the wounded strays Scott handles at the clinic. Tense, uneasy.
 Like if scott makes one wrong move he’ll run. 
In which direction he’s not sure.
Scott feels oddly stripped, vulnerable, somehow both a threat and easy prey. He shifts uncomfortably under Theo’s gaze, wondering whether willing his hand to hide all the damage will magically make it happen. “Theo,” he starts, “You know you don’t have to…” Scott trails off, trying to read Theo’s expression. It’s unsettling, having no idea what Theo’s thinking. “I’ll heal,” he finishes. 
“You sure about that?” 
He isn’t. 
He says, “I’ve survived worse.” 
Theo visibly pales, eyes shifting from Scott to glance aimlessly around the room. Scott notices the way Theo curls his fingers inward before slipping his hands into his jacket pockets, out of sight.
45 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
so when do talia and margot get to kiss huh?? where are the milfy violent delights?
All I’m saying is if the kids get to kiss their enemies so do the moms. it’s basic math
130 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just know in my heart Scott McCall is the type of person who accidentally ends up with like 10 pets as an adult because he just brings strays home and every time says “just until she heals!” or “until we find a good home!” but in the other arm he clearly has a giant bag with a pet bed and a collar with a name tag. Even MORE likely if endgame Scira. You could not convince me Kira wouldn’t show up with a lil bunny scooped in her arms at least once like “it’s only fair.” And they’re just a happy lil family of 12(and counting, probably)
130 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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scribeoffate · 2 years
Thanks for asking!
Scott's canon answer. (For those following along, yes, mem asked that one, too <3)
How I feel about this character
Who doesn't love our favorite werecrab? He's kind and empathetic and tiny. He can fit in Stiles's hand and sometimes rides on his shoulder. I feel very normal about it.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Same as the real answer: everyone. No Scott pairings are deal-breakers for me. I understand what I said.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Lydia! Scott uses his mighty claws to rescue his new mermaid friend. It's very sweet.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I would have loved for Scott to have a discussion with his father about being a werecrab. (...maybe also same as real answer, maybe)
answered characters
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Mm watching Luca for the first time in a while
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nexus-nebulae · 15 days
ah! thank you random youtuber for finally telling me the random regional name for my localish cluster of usamerican states! rust belt
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0penportal · 1 month
remaking bc i’ve had this blog since i was 12 years old & it’s time for a new shell hermit crab style.. see u over @eyeonthebat
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snakesandwitches · 3 months
considering writing fanfic, but idk which fandom and what 😂😭
also im taking requests 🙃
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