#teen jungkook
0funsite0 · 1 year
Only Teens - 4
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Warnings: hospital, medical issues, IV drip, slight angst between mother and son
Word count: 1.2K
Jungkook's pov
The poor boy saw red. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He was numb.
He swore to protect them. He swore to her father, to himself, but most importantly her and their baby.
Y/n had been wheeled into the emergency room and is being cared for at the moment. Jungkook has been waiting in the waiting room for what seems like forever. He was devastated and so, so worried. He sat on the floor, knees pulled up to his chest, he rested his head on them. He was lost beyond words, and all the other patients waiting in the corridor could do was send apologetic glances as they passed by.
- Is there someone I can call for you, dear? - a kind, old lady asked the sobbing boy.
- M-my m-mom. I n-need my mother.
He didn't even look up at his helper, which in other circumstances would've been considered rude and disrespectful, however, the woman only smiled understandingly and pulled out her mobile.
After Jungkook managed to mumble out his mother's phone number the lady handed him the device.
- Ma?
- Jungkook? What's wrong, sweetheart?
- Y/n... s-she... hospital... need you.
- I'll be there before you know it.
Sure enough his mother came running through the hallway. She immediately spotted her son curled up on the floor, his head in a stranger lady's lap.
- Kook?!
- M-Ma... Y/n...
- What's going on? - she worried.
She haven't seen her son's girlfriend in months now, and this was definitely not the way she wanted to meet her again.
Just in time a nurse exited te door Y/n was wheeled through hours before.
- Y/n Y/l/n's relatives?
- M-me! - the boy shouted, disturbing other patients.
- Both mother and baby are okay now. - the nurse began, Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, but his mother paled at the words. - Baby was in distress because of stress and exhaustion, but we managed to stop the bleeding and her contractions with a bag of IV. We'll let that empty completely, before making further decisions. You can go inside if you'd like.
- Th-thank you. - he said and was about to barge into the room, but the firm hold of his mother stopped him.
- What baby?!
The middle-aged woman saw red.
- What BABY?!
- M-my baby... - he sucked in a breath. - Mom, let me go! I have to see her!
- You're not going anywhere before you tell me that this is about!!!
He new all along he made a mistake. He shouldn't have hid the fact that his girlfriend was in fact pregnant with his baby. He hid these news from the said child's grandparents. And just like Y/n's mother, his found out on her own as well, only months later.
After a brief pause the words spilled out of his mouth.
- She's pregnant. Mine.
The woman let his son go. He wasted no time outside, and was quickly on the pregnant girl's bedside.
- Hi. - the girl whispered.
Her voice was week, her face pale and there were different tubes connected to her hand, but she smiled none the less.
- Baby...
The boy was scared to touch her. He feared injuring her in any way, causing her pain... she looked so fragile.
- I'm so sorry, Kook... -she sighed guiltily.
- Oh, no... This is none of your faul, Y/n! - he leaned closer to her face to plant a gentle kiss on  it. - We new the risks... I- I shouldn't have let you go to school.
- Well I have to. How else am I going to graduate?
- I'm not letting you! I've learned my lesson. If you have to, you'll take classes online, or something. You can be homeschooled.
Her face turned sour. Jungkook though she was in pain at first, but turns out, she's just worried about her education. However, she new that her baby's health was way more important than anything at the moment.
- How are you feeling? - he broke the silence.
- Tired, but I'm not in pain anymore. - they both smiled in relief. - They said baby is still a bit underweight, but these fluids are supposed to help.
- I really hope so. - another round of silence took over the room before he continued. - My mother... She's here.
- She know right?
- She... she just got to know now.
- Kook... We talked about this. You knew the risk. I thought you would learn from my mistake.
- I know... Sorry. But please don't worry about it, okay? I'll take care of everything, trust me.
- I do. I trust you. Love you, Kookie!
- Love you more.
- Miss. Y/l/n I am putting you on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy. You can do classes online if necessary, but I'd like to keep you away from as much stress as possible. Our goal is now to keep baby girl inside for as long as possible. Until 36, 37, 40 or even 42 weeks. She's still a bit underweight, so keep it up with the vitamins and shakes, keep hydrated so you don't deplete your amniotic fluid and we should be fine.
- I'll make sure, Doctor Kim. - Jungkook answer enthusiastically.
- Me too, sir. - she answers a bit guilty from her place on the bed.
After the IV bag was empty they checked out and the boy secured Y/n in the car. He won't let anything happen to them from now on. He checked the car's condition, which was perfect by the way, the tires, lights, the seatbelt on the passenger side...
And they were on their way home.
Jungkook's mother took her own car back after hugging the mother of her grandbaby and making sure they were okay. She was still in shock, she needed her time.
Jungkook drove under the speed limit. He received many looks and honks during the trip, but didn't care. He had his girlfriend and baby in the car with him. Their safety always comes first.
They reached home. Jin opened the door. He already knew about what happened, Jungkook called him after checkout. He hugged his precious sister. They didn't talk much, Y/n was tired. The boys led her up into her room. Soon enough she was sound asleep.
Jungkook just kneeled next to her bed, with his arms on the mattress, and hus head resting close to her's. Her face was so peaceful... He loved it. Something he hasn't seen much of for the past months. It's been tough. For her, for him, for the family.
But mostly for her.
Not just mentally, but physically as well.
But she's wonder woman! - he thought.
Nothing could get in her was if only he's more attentive from now on.
So he made a plan.
He would talk to the school's principal about the situation, agree on how she'd be able to finish the year. He'd make sure she's well rested and fed at all times. (Not that Jin and his father wouldn't do that anyway.) He'd come to their house every day and he wouldn't care about Y/n's mother's killing and hateful looks towards him. He'd bring her favorite snacks and food. He'd make a diet plan, full of nutritions for her and the baby. He would be there for his love.
Now and forever.
A/n: Again, sorry for the late update, but I've got a plan. 😌 I'll do shorter chapters from now on for more regular updates. I promise I'm trying! ♥️🥹
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0funsite0 · 1 year
Only Teens - JJk pt.5
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Warnings: pregnancy, difficulties in pregnancy, cruel mother, bed rest, slight pregnancy shower sex, brest play, lactation, lactation kink, pregnancy kink
Word count: 2.2k
It's been almost a week since the incident. Y/n has been staying at home, doing online classes. Their baby seemed to be okay. The bleeding stopped and she didn't experience more pain in her abdomen... at least not from contractions.
Their baby girl was beginning to get stronger than they expected and it not once happened that Y/n felt some serious discomfort and pain from her kicks. Those were some uncomfortable moments, but at the end of the day Y/n looked back at these moments with joy and pride that her baby was so active.
She was taking a well-deserved nap when the loud noise of the door slamming open woke her.
- Fold these. - her mother said with a stern voice while throwing a batch of dry clothes onto her bed, hitting the pregnant girl's bump.
Good thing they are soft.
- And make sure you vacuum this floor today.
- Yes mother.
Chores are the last thing she needs after that scare last week. But her mother couldn't seem to understand and keeps adding to the tremendous weight on her shoulders.
She left the room slamming te door one last time behind her.
Reluctantly she got up from her place in bed and stretched stiff and aching limbs out.
This is going to take a while...
And she wasn't wrong. Folding clothes while having to bend over her protruding middle amd vacuuming with constant back pain seemed to take twice as long as it did before. She even had to stop once in a while to catch her breath.
And after an hour and a half she was all done. And there goes her nap. Well... Maybe she could try going back to bed for a bit before Jungkook got home from work. She wanted to greet him. She missed him. He started working not too long ago, and now they couldn't even meet during schooltime. It was torture for both of them.
No matter how hard she tried to fall asleep, fast movements from within her kept her conscious. She smiled lightly and rested a hand atop her stomach.
- Hi baby! - she whispered. - Let's have some rest okay? Before dadda comes home. - she thought for a second. - Or should I say appa?
She chuckled. In the end she chose to take out her phone from and caught her baby's stretches on camera for her boyfriend to watch later. Jungkook often complained playfully that he often missed her kicks since Y/n was the one who actually carried the baby skin to skin. Obviously he new this was the smallest sacrifice to make, carrying and growing a human being inside your body from scratch was a huge task. Not to mention Y/n's body has only just stopped building itself fully, now she had to power through this as well.
He was beyond grateful for all that.
Once done with the short clip she put her phone away and did manage to fall into a shallow sleep.
The exhausted boy didn't even stop in front of his family's home to change out of his work clothes. He could always shower at Y/n's and borrow one of Jin's hoodies if absolutely necessary.
That's what felt home. That's where family was.
The sight of his girlfriend's mother leaving their garage with her car reminded him that the before mentioned statements did have one exception.
Regardless he parked his car into their driveway and took out the shopping bags full of things he bought. He walked up to their door and barely lifted his free hand to knock the door opened.
- Jungkook! - Mr. Y/l/n greeted kindly. - Nice to see you. Come in.
- Thank you, dad! Nice to see you too.
- Thanks but none of that dad-thing, okay? - he chuckled along with the young boy.
- Okay sorry dad!
The kind man his the younger on the shoulder lightly simply as a playful gesture. They've been seeing each other so much recently it was only natural for their relationship to grow, along with his bond with Jin. They were a family now after all.
Mrs. Y/l/n was a topic for another day.
Mr. Y/l/n took one bag from the floor and brought it inside, gesturing for Jungkook to enter the house as well.
- Y/n's upstairs sleeping.
- Good, at least she'll be a bit more well rested after this long nap. - Jungkook smiled relived.
He remembered Y/n texting him short before his shift that she'll be having a little nap and she wished her well at work. It was almost a routine for them by now, but she never really managed to sleep more than an hour maximum. She was just too far into her pregnancy to be comfortable for longer than that. And he was perfectly aware of the fact.
- Uhh... Well she was kind of disturbed. - the older man informed uncomfortably. - She only just managed to get back to sleep about 20 minutes ago.
- Oh... Um I'll be upstairs with her.
- Alright, just try to let her rest a bit more. She's had a rough day.
- Of course!
- And you could try following her actions as well. You don't look well rested yourself. - he said with the previous gentleness returning to his features.
- Yes, sir. - with that he took both of the bags and walked upstairs.
He pushed the door open as quietly as he could with both hands occupied and also managed to close it with little to no noise. Setting the heavy bags down was another challenge but nothing is impossible to the golden boy. Well... Better say man now. A soon-to-be father.
A gentle smile spread across his face as he walked closer to the sleeping pregnant girl. She looked peaceful. Tired, but peaceful.
He sat next to her bed on the floor fearful of waking her by the dipping bed if he sat on it. Either way Y/n was a light sleeper and even the barely noticeable commotion, that went down in her room in the past moments, managed to have her stir awake rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
- Kook? - she asked before she'd opened her eyes.
- Sorry I woke you angel. - he said caressing her soft hair.
- I was barely asleep so it wasn't you.
At that moment they were both at ease. They were finally seeing each other after 24 hour, which wasn't the end of the world, but nowadays things were different.
They both felt this excruciating emptiness inside of them whenever they were apart. Maybe it was the fact that the girl was carrying their shared fruit inside her blossoming womb. It was as if there bodies were connected by that precious little girl and being apart for even just a day felt unnatural.
Of course others would say things like clinginess is always a symptom of pregnancy for women and men just felt more protective over their partners during this time, making them want to spend most of their time with them. But there would be nothing magical about that. ;)
- Missed you so much. - she whispered while reaching for him to be pulled into a hug.
- I missed you two more. - he took her into his arm and put the other around her tummy.
There was one moment when he lifted his lingering palm from her bump but that was all it took for him to miss a kick, the only sign being Y/n's audible gasp.
- Did you feel that? - she asked pulling away with happy eyes.
- A kick? - he asked a bit disappointed.
- Yeah. A pretty light one but I thought it could be felt from the outside too.
- I just missed that one moment. - he pouted.
- Come here.
She gestured him to lay behind her on the bed. Once he did she leaned into his strong chest, resting her back on ot. Her had occupied its usual place: the crook of his neck. Last step was taking hsi hands and putting them onto the bare skin of her stomach along with hers on top of his.
- Now feel.
Jungkook leaned forward slightly just enough to rest his chin softly on her shoulder so he could have a better view of what was going on down there. He didn't only want to feel but see with his own eyes as well.
Soon enough light movements signed that their little baby girl was wanting to let herself be known. A giggle erupted from the young couple as they watched in awe.
No matter the difficulties they were gonna power through them. Just like Jungkook promised once and he planned on keeping that promise forever. He wasn't going to let them down once more.
Jus then another giggle came from the girl on his chest when she noticed the bright white color of his work shirt he still had on.
- Are you in your uniform still? - she turned her head to him.
- Sorry. I just wanted to come here as soon as possible.
- Do you want to have a shower together?
His eyes widened. It was hard enough for him to control himself while holding her warm, changing, blossoming body every day. They haven't done anything since finding out about the baby. At least not together...
Maybe it was shame that kept them from bringing it up even in front of only each other, ot maybe it was Jungkook's fear of hurting her in any way. Of course that was until a week ago. Since the scare they had sex was completely off the table for the duration of the pregnancy and post partum recovery.
- I'll just take a quick one, you stay in bed. - he suggested hoping it will give him the chance to shower alone to avoid any funny business.
Well... He couldn't convince her.
And he couldn't keep control. Not after she subconsciously bit her plump bottom lips. Not after she rid herself of any clothes. Not after her full breasts were right at arms reach.
His big palms flew onto her breasts, which were now covered with warm water. It was nice, it eased some of the pain in them. But her boyfriend's hands were doing wonders for her tender blossoms. The way he kept massaging made them leak a slightly yellow colored liquid. A few drops rolled down her curves onto her big belly.
Jungkook, in fear of having the running water from the shower wash away his newfound gold, turned the water off and got on his knees. Now he was in eye level with the liquid treasure. He wasted no time opening hsi mouth and licking them off of his pregnant girlfriend's bump. Whatever was left on her warm skin he rubbed it in.
He was lost in absolute bliss.
- The best moisturizer against stretch marks. - he panted with a mischievous grin on his face. - Look at you! Gorgeous carrying my child, gracefully growing together with out girl. Producing golden milk for our baby-
-and husband. - he finished his sentence.
All the while Y/n's eyes were closed, listening to every praise that left his mouth. If she would've had underwear on they would've been ruined that's how wet she's gotten. But a particular word made those eyes pop open with the speed of lightning.
- J-Jungkook... - she moaned.
The boy wasn't ready to get up yet. He was hungry for what she was giving him. All to him. All because of him.
He closed the space between his mouth and her wet lips, which proved to be difficult with a big curvy barrier that his forehead bumped into. But this couldn't stop him from getting what he desired. Not after so many months of silence.
- Nghh.. ahh! - she tried to muffle her moans of absolute pleasure to no avail.
The boy quickly turned the water back on to hopefully drown their sounds from other ears, all the while not stopping what he was busy with.
- I'm... I'm cumming!
Jungkook didn't free his mouth, he simply just lifted his hand to run it along he sides as a sign of permission.
The amount of precious juice she gave him made his already standing length harden even more.
- Fuck, princess...
He was gonna have to take care of that later.
- Let me help you. - she panted after coming down from her high, catching a glimpse of his throbbing member.
She was preparing to het on her knees with the help of leaning onto the shower door handle, but muscular arms cought her under the armpits to lift her back up.
- No baby, today is all about you. - he reassured her all the while his body protested with raging hormones.
Y/n wanted to protest, but his hungrily soft lips shut her up with a passionate kiss.
It was no secret to either of them that after he lovingly dried her off, helped dressing her, waited for her to close her eyes while he tucked her in for another well-deserved nap, he'll be going back into that damned shower to finish his business thinking about those milk-filled blossoms and child-filled womb.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/n: Holy ****... First time writing smut. Won't make a habit out of it probably, since I find it a bit boring XD but it's part of their relationship, so it had to be included at least once. Hope it wasn't too bad 😞
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swmeltem · 1 year
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He is so cute😊
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aloneatpeace · 2 years
Library of aloneatpeace
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐛𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟.
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Hello there , this my masterlist for all my work .I'm mostly writing about tv shows , movie and series that i like .my first language is not English so there might be some mistakes so don't mind it . update will be slow so be patient and thank you for reading ❤️✌️.this is my Wattpad
The incorrect quotes will be in the blog you can search it by using the tag i decided to shorten my masterlist
All updates will be slow.
✔️ complete |. 🖋️on going. |. 📌 on hold
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TV Shows
Teen wolf,vampire diaries, supernatural,wandvison
1.In another universe ✔️
Find chapters here
2.Cosmic Chaos 🖋️
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3. BTS
1.Fall Of Empire 📌
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5.Shadow of the past 📌
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reddean · 8 months
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The consequences of stanning BTS as a preteen is being able to draw the members from memory
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hectorfrombritain · 8 months
Found myself coming back to this video quite a lot, so lemme post it here perhaps
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hi-avathisside · 24 days
It was all about giggles and sunshine, happiness and blushing, singing and dancing. It was sunrises and joy. It was unhinged happiness and carelessness. Things weren't so good, but we managed to cling onto whatever happiness there was. And, believe me it was enough. Enough to make us feel alive. It was good music and love. The sheer experience of unrequited love, silly things, affection. Feeling giddyness in your body. I just miss that so much.
The room is empty now. Darkness resides in the brightest of days. Everything has lost colour, as if someone drained the colour from the walls, the sunshine doesn't come and fill up the room even though, I have dug up all the walls to make windows. Come back home, it misses you.
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itboytrends · 2 months
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Calvin Klein Boys! 🤍
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moonchimm · 2 months
Recommendation :
. Opposite's Still Attract
By hyunniee
When Jimin first stepped foot in University, he had his head held high and his record clean. Enter Jeon Jungkook, head of one of the most feared Gangster's in the underground-The Ace of Spades.
After a cup of searing hot coffee is spilled and a bunch of lab experiment's later, they're finally left to fight their own dilemmas: their obvious attraction for each other.
As the saying goes,"Opposite's attract".
Who even believes that these days?
Get ready for some whipped and overprotective Jeon jungkook and our sweet and cute Jiminiee!!
A teen romance story with lots of fluff and light angst.
I hope you enjoy this fanfiction.
Please read the tags before you read the fiction.
Happy Reading!!💜❤️
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lyriumsings · 9 months
i don’t really go in kpop areas as much as i used to when i was at the height of my bts army fixation but i get kpop stars on my fyp from time to time and i just gotta say i LOVE that kpop stars are putting their feet down and drawing a line with fans who are like “i broke up with my bf for you” “we’re getting married”type shit like idk i don’t really care if they’re 16 or 27 the weird sense of ownership and entitlement towards kpop stars is insane and shouldn’t be encouraged. they are people. whatever weird life youre living in your fantasy where they’re married to you etc is just a fantasy. and in itself whatever do what you want i can’t stop your thoughts i really don’t care, but when you bring it to their face and assert it? it’s fucking weird. That’s a person. They can read. They see you in their chats. they’re not your friend they don’t know you. you’re a weirdo in a screen to them. if a random man walked up to me and told me he was gonna marry me i’d be fucking horrified let alone 49749282 of strangers on the internet.
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0funsite0 · 2 years
Only Teens 3
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Warnings: teen pregnancy, bullying, blood, mentions of hospital, panic (oh boy, what’s happening?)
Wordcount: 3.2K
- Alright! I'll print these pictures out for you, and yes, I'll make extra copies for you Jungkook. - Dr. Kim giggled along with the both of you, but a second later his tone became much more serious. - However, here are a couple of things I'd like to suggest for the remainder of your pregnancy, Y/n, and Jungkook.
You instantly tensed up. You knew teenage pregnancies carried a higher risk usually. But you've been doing everything in your power to prevent possible complications. You were scared to hear what Dr. Kim had to say.
- I assume you know how pregnancies, where the mother is under the age of 20, carry higher risks. - he glanced at your concerned expression. - Don't worry, Y/n. There are just a couple of things you need to be cautious of. Both you and baby seem healthy, however, you are a little underweight. This is due to the harsh vomiting you've been experiencing even now at 28 weeks. This may affect the baby's birth weight. To prevent that I, unfortunately, have to prescribe you medication you'll have to take until our next appointment. Then we'll decide if you'll have to continue taking them.
He scribbled a word on a piece of sticky note and handed it to Jungkook who stared at it confused.
- Uhh... what does it say exactly?
Dr. Kim chuckled and took the paper from your boyfriend's hand. He handed it back to him, this time with nicely curved, big, printed letters.
- Py-ri-do-xine. - he read it out slowly. - Ah! Thank you.
- Of course. These are B6 supplements. I also suggest you try things with ginger content, such as BIO ginger candy, ginger tea, and ginger ale... Whatever works best.
- Thank you, Dr. Kim. - you smiled while cleaning the gel off of your 7-month bump with a paper towel.
- Now, after you feel like the supplements are working try increasing the amount of food you consume a day. But only do that slowly, step by step. And see you at our next appointment in a month. - he smiled.
- You walk like a penguin. - Jungkook giggled as he led you to his car.
- That's not funny, Jungkook! - you said on the verge of tears.
- But you are the cutest little penguin ever! - he looked at your sad face and saw how you were fighting back tears. - Oh, baby, please don't cry... I didn't mean it in a hurtful way.
He opened the door for you and held out a hand to help you get in the passenger's seat. All you did was push him away, slam the door and open it again for yourself. He just stood there and rolled his eyes before walking over to his side and getting in as well.
- It isn't funny regardless! You don't know how much I'm suffering to carry this baby. I waddle because there is a sudden couple of pounds on my front.
- Love, you know I-
- Don't talk to me! - you cut him off.
- How about-
- No!
- Alright, then I guess I'm gonna eat two huge cones of ice cream all alone, without you...
You looked at him like a pouting child who got scolded for eating too much chocolate at once.
- So, - he started. - Do you want to get ice cream after I pick up your medicine from the pharmacy?
- Okay... - you turned away and buckled your seatbelt and Jungkook moved the strap under your stomach so it didn't hurt either of you when he hits the break.
Jungkook bought your medication as well as a couple of bags of ginger lollies and candies you can munch on throughout the day.
After he was done with that, he pulled up in front of your guys' favorite ice cream place. He walked over to your side, where you were struggling to get out of your seat. You gladly took your boyfriend's helping hand. His arms laced around your waist and gently lifted you from your sitting position.
He giggled at your cuteness.
- Stop that! - you wined.
- Sorry...
- I can't eat anymore... - you wined with a half-eaten ice cream in your hand.
- Oh come on, Y/n! I know you can!
- Baby's taking up a lot of space in my tummy, I can't fit this big ass dessert in there as well.
- Well we need to work on that then! - he caressed your cheeks. He only now began to realize your cheekbones began to stand out more. - You need to start eating more. For you, for baby.
- Jungkook, I don't want you to think I've been starving myself.
- I know you haven't.
- I just keep throwing everything back up but believe me when I say I absolutely love this baby. And I'm doing everything possible to make sure they are healthy and growing perfectly.
- I know, baby! You've been doing an amazing job with growing our baby, and-
- Is that Jungkook and Y/n?
You heard a gossiping voice from somewhere in the distance.
- They definitely are... - another voice could be heard. - I haven't seen them since winter break started.
- Jessica was right, she is pregnant! Look at her belly!
-If I were her I'd be so ashamed of myself for falling pregnant at 17... not walk around town with my belly out...
You instantly zipped your pullover up in hopes of covering some of your obvious baby bump.
Jungkook embraced you tight. One hand around your waist, making sure not to smear his ice cream into your clothes, and the other at the back of your head, bringing it to his chest. He swayed with you from side to side.
Your shoulders jumped because of your sobs.
- Shhh, baby... Don't listen to them, okay? They have nothing... they are nothing... But you... you are the whole world... to me and to baby!
The winter break was quickly coming to an end. You were sad for multiple reasons. One, you spent every day with Jungkook unbothered and without worries - almost... Now, you'll have to be separated from him for most of the day, since there were only very few classes you had together. Second, even if the whole school didn't already know about your pregnancy, it would be impossible to hide it now. Your 30-week bump wasn't something you could easily hide behind one of Jungkook's or Jin's hoodies.
- Good morning, Мила! (sweetheart) - your dad treated you from the kitchen.
- Good morning, Pa! Where is Mom?
- She went for her morning jog.
Of course...
She's been doing this since the day she found out about the baby. She gets out of the house every morning to avoid being in your "pregnant ass' presence" - as she said. That hurt you a lot and added up to your stress. Stress you didn't need at all.
- How are you feeling? - your father's voice dragged you out of your thoughts.
- Scared. - you admitted.
Your father was like your rock during your pregnancy. You could tell him anything and he didn't make you feel ashamed of talking about what was happening to your body, or how his grandchild is doing.
- Why is that?
- I'm just scared of school and the people there. They already know and now that it's evident... - you ran a hand over your bump. - ... everyone is going to be staring at me and talking about me.
- I know it's hard, Мила! - he hugged you. - But I know you are strong and will be able to get through all that, right.
You nodded.
- And besides, if you stick with Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, they will for sure protect you. - he giggled, thinking about how protective Jungkook and your best friends are of you.
They are truly my blessings.
- Here, I made you breakfast. - he helped you sit down at the table.
He made you an avocado toast and one with ham and tomatoes on it.
- Thank you, Pa! - you began munching on the avocado one.
- Of course. - he set a glass of water in front of you with two tablets of your B6 supplements. - Is the medication working?
- It looks like it. I only threw up twice since I began taking them.
- I'm happy to hear that! But just to be safe, put ginger candy in your backpack, okay?
- I already put them in.
- Alright then. - he pressed a kiss on the top of your head. - I'm gonna head out to work. Have a nice day, Мила!
- Have a nice day, Pa!
- What's up, whale? - Jin laughed while sprinting down the stairs.
- Who? - you angrily turned in your seat, finishing the rest of your toasts.
- Whale. You. You look like a whale!
He continued chuckling at his humor. He didn't realize how his words had hurt you until you slammed the chair against the table while standing up.
- Oh my God, chill, Y/n. - he put his hands up in front of him. - I was just kidding.
- You're a jerk!
- Okay, do you want this jerk to give you a ride, or not?
- No!
- Then how will you get to school?
- I'll... walk. - you whispered, knowing how ridiculous that sounded.
- Hahahaha! As if! - he burst into loud laughter. - Come on! Get in the car.
The drive went by in silence. You were mad at him for commenting on your weight and appearance.
- Y/n... You know I didn't mean it like that...
- I know, I'm sorry...
- What are you sorry for? - he was surprised.
- For lashing out at you like that. I know it wasn't nice of me to yell at you.
- Oh, sis! - he leaned over the armrest and hugged you. - You don't have to apologize... You're pregnant I should've known better than to piss you off like that.
- I love you, Jin! Thank you for the ride.
- I love you too, little sis. - he leaned down to the level of your stomach. - And you two, little niece, or nephew. - he looked at you curiously. - What's the gender?
- Jin! I told you one hundred times! We. Don't. Know. Yet.
- Why?
- Baby is shy... - you smiled. - He or she is always in a position where Dr. Kim can't tell.
- I bet it's a girl then.
You heard the bell ring from the distance.
- You better get going!
- Bye!
You were nervous... Extremely nervous.
You waddled your way to your first class and already saw the judging glares you received. You were wearing stretchy leggings that comfortably fit around your bump and Junkook's most oversized hoodie. That still wasn't quite enough to hide the changes in your body. You were even holding your notebooks in front of your belly.
What's the point? They already know anyway...
Eventually, you made your way to the door of the classroom and took a deep breath before you opened it. You were alone in this class. No Jimins, no Taes, and definitely no Jungkooks...
I'm so, so scared!
- Look who decided to show up!
You got startled and jumped back slightly at the cold, sarcastic voice. You looked around the room and realized the voice didn't come from a professor. Mr. Han-gyeol was late, as usual...
- Come, take a seat if you can!
What do they mean by that?
You slowly approached your usual desk. You observed your chair carefully, expecting it to be either broken on smeared with glue. But nothing...
As you attempted to sit down, you realized the desks in front and behind yours were pushed so close to you, that there was no chance you could fit between the desk and your chair.
You gulped and everyone burst into laughter.
- Guys, look! She can't fit! - someone shouted. - The “skinny actress” is too fat to fit in her seat!!!
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...
Not here...
You looked down, fighting with tears.
- C-can someone p-please help m-me make some space? - you asked in a low voice.
No one paid attention to your request.
- I'll help!
Ana... thank you!
Ana was the biggest nerd in your class - as the others called her. She was shy and quiet, but very smart and kind-hearted.
- I'll do it, okay? Don't lift. - she told you.
- What? She's disabled now? - the bullies asked, still laughing.
You didn't say anything, just thanked Ana for her generousness and took your seat.
To your relief, Mr. Han-gyeol entered, which meant there weren't any more mean comments toward you.
All your classes went by like that... almost. Literature was a bliss. Not Just because it was your favorite subject.
You sat in your seat followed by Jungkook, who reserved the seat right next to you behind the desk. Not long after that Jimin and Jungkook showed up too. The four of you made a well-thought-out little formation in your seats with Jungkook and Taehyung sitting on either side of you and Jimin right behind you, so Jihoon couldn’t put gum in your hair like he did a month ago.
Back then, exactly before the winter break, nobody knew about your pregnancy. You hid it well. But when you accidentally dropped your sonogram picture on the floor with Jihoon sitting behind you, and you struggled to bend down to pick it up, he put two and two together.
- Is this yours? - he laughed.
- Give it back, please!
- Wait a sec...
With that, he ripped the picture in half right in the middle.
It’s fine, it’s fine... Jungkook has a copy of that... - I kept calming myself.
- Hello fuckface!
- Hi to you too Tae...
- Wow, Y/n you are never so calm with me! - Jungkook protested.
- Baby daddies get what they deserve. - Jimin said.
- Good for me... - your boyfriend rolled your eyes and you giggled.
The teacher entered the room and started his speech. It was boring... as usual. Your bladder was filling rapidly despite the lack of fluids that entered your body. Your doctor wouldn’t be happy.
15 more minutes... you have to bare that much!
- Mrs. Jung, can I use the restroom? - that’s for that.
The old woman looked you up and down with a judgemental stare.
- Go ahead...
- Thank you.
You got up with minor difficulties and headed to the bathroom. You got into one of the cramped cabins. You struggled to even turn, that’s how tiny it was. Well... maybe it was the very evident bump that grew on your front.
You pulled down your pants and underwear. That’s when you spotted...
Oh no no no no!!!
Luckily not a lot of it and it was only on the sanitary pad, but bleeding was never good during pregnancy. Actually, you were aware that a little amount of bleeding in the third trimester was okay, but it still scared you. Especially with your risk of going into early labor. And...
You didn’t have your phone on you.
You finished your business, cleaned off your pad with some toilet paper, and exited the restroom.
As you entered the classroom all eyes were on you, but you were used to it. You slowly took your place between the boys and seamlessly whispered into Jungkook’s ear:
- There’s some blood on my pad.
He looked at you with eyes full of fear and looked into yours, then down to your stomach and back to your eyes again.
- Are you in pain?
- Just light cramping but I think that was because of them moving around.
Taehyung and Jimin caught up to your back-and-forth whisper session and you could sense how tense they had become.
- I read light bleeding is normal at this stage. - you tried to calm him despite your worried state.
- I don’t care, Y/n! We’re going to the hospital.
- Kids, shut up for these remaining 8 minutes for God’s sake! - Mrs. Jung scolded.
- Actually, Mrs. Jung, Y/n isn’t feeling good. Can you please excuse us?
- You and your excuses... - but in the end, she nodded.
You packed your stuff, promised the boys to update them later, and headed to the door with Jungkook right behind you carrying both of your bags and with one of his hands on the small of your back.
Before exiting the teacher muttered something, clearly addressed to you:
- Should’ve kept your legs closed...
You were fighting tears as you walked down the corridor.
Meanwhile, Jungkook’s anxiety rose and he struggled to keep his breathing under control. You felt a similar rush of emotions in you.
Firstly hurt, because of all the bullying from both students and teachers, and secondly worry. Worry for your child’s safety. Minor cramps were forming in your back and lower stomach which didn’t ease your concerns.
- Sit down and stay here while I get the car. - Jungkook instructed you since he parked far from the entrance.
You did just as he told you.
It only took him a couple of minutes to get there. He got out of the vehicle, guided you to the passenger seat's door, and gently lowered you down on it. Before you were completely sat on the soft material you glanced at him and asked:
- Shouldn't we put something under me so I don't stain the seat?
- You said it wasn't that much...
- Just in case? - your voice cracked.
- Shhh... - he kissed the top of your head and lowered you to sit. - Don't worry about that.
He was so good at calming you, but not himself. His trembling hands were something you couldn’t miss as he gripped the steering wheel.
- Owww... - you whimpered as the cramps became more intense and moved from your back to the bottom of your belly.
This wasn’t good... Not one bit. You read on the internet labor can start with subtle pain in the back or thighs as the contractions began, not necessarily in your stomach.
But that can’t be! You were only 30 weeks pregnant. You knew the risk of this happening, but for it to be this early? You have never imagined.
- W-we’re a-almost there! - Jungkook tried calming you.
But it wasn’t working anymore.
- It hurts, Kookie! - tears streamed down your cheeks.
- I know b-baby! You’re g-gonna be okay. Both o-of you.
Barely 6 months ago you were terrified. You weren’t happy about this baby. You wished it never existed. But now... now you were praying she would survive and be with you until the last breath you take. You grew so attached to their little movements behind the thin layer of skin that kept her separated from this cruel world.
My little baby
The last thing you saw was your love’s panicked expression, his delicate features as they held signs of fear.
And then everything went black.
A/n: So... here is chapter 3! I know it took a looooot of time and I’m so sorry. I kind of got lazy so it’s not that I don’t have time (which I don’t but that isn’t the main factor that kept me from writing) it’s simply the will and motivation I’m lacking :(
But recently so many of you liked, reposted, and recommended my stories and that gave me wings!
So thank you to everyone who has supported me!
Ps.: I haven’t reread it to check for mistakes so I’m sorry about that. I just really wanted to get this out ASAP! <3 <3 <3
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bumblebwii · 2 years
Louder Than Bombs
BTS x The Walking Dead
(Part one)
Yoonkook - Jungkook Centric - morally grey Jungkook (the apocalypse is difficult, okay?)
<3K words >4K words
The smell of gunpowder and wet mud clung in Jungkook’s nose, it was far from pleasant but had served to be a much nicer aroma than that of the dead. Flesh - rotting and raw - had to be one of the most disgusting smells on planet earth. Jungkook was sure that if times were different and he could be picky he’d revert to a strict vegetarian diet. 
He would visit the store freely, loudly, explicitly and he’d grab one of the trollies with a now-dead joy, even if it had squeaky wheels that barely rolled in a straight line, and fill it with fresh fruits and vegetables, puddings - lots of puddings - he’d buy shower gels that smelled like heaven in a bottle, laundry detergent that made him feel safe and warm and he’d pay at the till with the largest grin on his face; thank the cashier, wish them well and be sincere about it. If times were different, he’d rush the food home so it didn’t go bad, wrestle his bike out of the little shed he had in his garden and head to the gym, spend an hour or so there before he’d head back home and message around to see if any of his friends were busy because he’d finally got a day off. 
If things were different, Jungkook wouldn’t take the little things for granted. But things were not different, everything had reached its terminus, an end to those little segments of euphoria; an end to mankind as he once knew it. He probably wouldn’t last much longer, it was morbid but he’d grown to accept it, everyone in an apocalypse is just simply waiting to die; procrastinating the inevitable because humans could never really process abruptness. 
Jungkook knew he’d die soon. If the living-dead didn’t get him, and the living-living left him be, then the hunger would take him out. He was surprised that it hadn’t already, he often ate not nearly enough or things that were so past its sell-by date that in the world before he’d have thrown it away in fear of food poisoning. Let it rot and mould over in some rubbish heap far away, wasteful but out of sight and out of mind. 
The greens and browns of the forest were bright and refreshing, it was more life than Jungkook had seen in a year. A year. Jungkook could hardly believe the time that’d passed him by. A whole year since he’d lost everything he held dear to him, a year since the dead no longer stayed dead. A year since humanity died. A year since he watched the world darken like paper held tauntingly at the breadth of a flame. 
The forested mountain range around him provided shelter; hid him from any potential threats but also hid the nightmares that lurked in the dark corners, the threats that he needed to see. Jungkook learned that the hard way over the past year; the bullet wound in his thigh was proving to be a scarlet revision card of the dangers that came with roaming the forest at the end of the world. Jungkook had travelled the country to get here, here to Busan. He’d be damned if he’d be taken out just as he arrived. The gun in his hand was heavy as he raised it to shoot.
He had lived sneaking around Korea alone for the past ten months, but originally started the first two months of this whole apocalypse malarkey with his boyfriend and brother. Jungkook had no sense of survival back then; could hardly hold his own weight, never mind a gun, he hadn’t been a threat to anyone but he pretended to be so he could become something of a rock for their terrified trio. A leader. Bluffing your way through an apocalypse was not wise. It was dangerous and risky because it was curtains if someone called your bluff. Granted, bluffing helped so much more than Jungkook gave it credit and he eventually could stop pretending. Although, by that point, he was alone and his heart had been consumed by the fall of humanity. 
Jungkook remembers the day he was separated from the two most important people in his life. There were strangers trying to grow their group because safety was in numbers, mercilessness and strength, they’d offered to band together, said they liked the strength and stubbornness, but Jungkook didn’t trust them - he may have hated zombie movies but he knew well enough that stranger danger was intensified in an apocalypse. Jungkook couldn’t forget the narrowed eyes of whom he’d placed as their leader or the way his cheeks dimpled when he spoke and made a very contrasting attribute for a man of such intimidation, the stranger had power and planning, whoever he was, he definitely did not have to bluff like Jungkook did. 
They’d all been milling around, too afraid to turn their backs on each other, it was no surprise when the hoard showed up, growling and groaning, a haunting noise that echos in his ears every time he tries to sleep. They let themselves be stupidly unaware for just a fraction of time and then they were surrounded. 
He remembers catching one of the strangers huddling beside his brother, weaponless and terrified; Jungkook remembers the tears in the man’s eyes and the shaking in his hands. Jungkook trusted them at that moment, the group of strangers, that is, he realised that they were equals just trying to procrastinate the painfully slow process that was death. He thought it would be alright from there, there was safety in these people, they could survive together, they could trust each other. They were human, not yet the walking dead. 
It was a small hoard to begin with, one they could tackle easily but there was a second wave stumbling not too far behind, lured in by the sounds of them all fighting. They fought together, bathing each other in clotted, rotting blood, the thick and sticky half liquid-half solid matter clung to everything like dead weight - literally - but at that moment, Jungkook hadn’t cared, he was too focused on getting Yoongi and Jimin and the lost looking stranger into safety. 
Jungkook needed to be that one person he knew he’d shout at if he were to watch the scene play out on the television, because this was his reality now and he understood those foolish people on the screen. He needed to make some kind of escape for these people, otherwise they’d get too tired and all this fighting would be for nothing because they would be eaten anyway. 
Jungkook remembers calling for everyone to head up the fire exit right beside them, remembers holding back a cry as he ran past it, hitting the top of a dumpster and began yelling, “keep going! Keep climbing! I’ll keep them distracted!” Jungkook’s heart hammered away in his chest like the drums of a heroic death. He needed to keep the dead’s attention on him so they would not grab at them as they climbed the ladders, but he was not going to die today, not a chance.
The hoard - about thirty of the dead - were quick, hissing as they stretched out their decomposing hands in close attempts of grabbing him, Jungkook was getting tired; struggling to keep his stamina in check. Jungkook realised he was stuck pretty quickly and groaned outwardly, this is why he hates these characters, this is why bluffing his way through the apocalypse was not a good idea. 
Once he had lured them into the corner, he pushed the dumpster around to trap as many as he could before swinging his bat at whatever was left, but it was not enough and he fell, buried beneath gnashing teeth and rotten flesh. They were heavy and Jungkook cried out in a whirlwind of emotions but managed to use the kitchen knife in his hand to stab at the two above him before using the last string of strength to push them off and cursed the government for having the strict gun laws he had once admired.
He ran to the fire exit, unscathed and shaken, but stopped when the ladder was gone and the others were looking over the edge of the building. Jungkook cursed and ran to the next one, climbing quickly to reach the top. He had not expected to be met with a gun barrel, that had probably been stolen from the military sites, poised hauntingly at his glabellar once he had clambered to safety. “I don’t think so. We saw you go down. You've been bitten.” 
The memories from there fade a little, between getting shot in the side - the angle of the shot skewed by his brother’s intervention and Jungkook waking up, covered in dust and blood beneath the rubble of the shop he had been standing above. At that time, he was sure he’d been reanimated - he sure felt like he had, the pain was unbearable -  but once he came to, he knew he was alive, breathing, oxygenated, full of coherent senses and he had called out to anything, anyone above him, supposing it’d been no more than a few minutes and they’d be there to get him anytime soon. He had waited patiently, painfully using whatever he could to keep the slice along his hip clean, and the bullet wound uninfected but as minutes turned into a day and a day turned into a week, he knew they were not coming. They had abandoned him after he had risked his life to keep them alive. 
For Jungkook, God - though he had never really been religious - had died and so had the only people in his life that he had left to love. Jungkook was alone and if he wanted to survive, he needed to move. So he left, forced his healing body to heal quicker, scavenged, learned how to survive alone, began to understand weaponry and bittered his heart for survival of the fall of humanity over the course of ten months.  
Jungkook, who bluffed his way through absolutely anything and everything was dead too, he was still wasting away on that deserted shop floor, hoping that his long lost love would return to him. This Jungkook, the one calculating his next move, this Jungkook was a killer. Cold blooded, maniacal almost. He had become the walking dead. Sly, malicious, tactical in everything he did. This Jungkook had a rebirth, he was no longer the feeble caterpillar writhing around on the nearest leaf, he was a moth stuck in a person’s ear canal, dirty and irritating, awaiting the next host he could feed off of whilst simultaneously eating away the flesh around him. 
Yoongi and Jimin were dead to Jungkook, it was what kept him moving, they were no longer there to weigh Jungkook down and pull him into tough situations like the last one they were in. Jungkook was free now, he could be selfish and survive peacefully, he let himself forget their faces, their voices, their habits, he forced away the memories of the gentle way Yoongi used to dance his fingers over Jungkook’s back and lull him into sleep. Jungkook forced his brain to discard all memories of Jimin sticking to the protective hyung role in all ages of their life and the way Jimin would come home with black eyes and busted knuckles for fighting the kids who dared to bully his nerdy little Jungkookie. They were gone and Jungkook forced himself to make sure they were completely gone, not even existing as one of the unfathomable walking dead.
The apocalypse was something weird to Jungkook, he wasn’t sure how it worked, even if some fancy scientist had explained it to him once, before he blew himself to smithereens, it still didn’t make sense, it wasn’t possible; how could it be possible? Bodies rot and, judging by the rate of decay in which the hoards he’d fought off were at, they rot faster when they’re reanimated, Jungkook couldn’t understand how they moved and saw and smelled their prey. There was no logic in the dead being able to hear and pinpoint the smallest of pindrops, how their rotting, sticky, foul smelling hands grabbed as harshly as they did or how they still had the need to eat. Jungkook had never understood it, all those comics and shows he could never really get into about the days of the dead had always made him want to roll his eyes; he preferred the slices of life, the plot lines that made sense and gripped your heart, the angsty stories and movies that have you sobbing into your blanket at three am. 
It was ironic now, those slices of life were no longer slices of life, they were the fantasy, a fiction, a daydream some teenager would mope about wanting to happen, they would mope about being born into the wrong era, they would pout and hum long forgotten songs as they washed away the clotted blood and rotting organs from their clothes. That calm wave of life had gone, that normalcy that had been taken away from them, was a utopia craved by those within this dystopia that was created by the global governments royally fucking everything. A combination of population control, greed, medicine and poor communication skills. They let their dysfunction eat away at good, innocent people, it destroyed the world like everyone said it would but never stopped because no one can benefit from an equal world. Apparently.
The smell of gunpowder returned to his nose and reeled back his thoughts, away from what was to what is and what is, is fighting the living. The throbbing in his thigh needed to be pushed away, swallowed down to be digested for adrenaline. This was not how Jeon Jungkook died. Not yet, it was too abrupt and nowhere near as dramatic enough. 
A group, three or so - Jungkook didn’t really get a good look at them - had not even given the lone survivor a chance before opening fire, they started this but that was okay because Jungkook would finish it. He’d survive this and win, even if it meant turning the beautiful forest into a cemetery. He wasn’t sure why they were shooting at him but he suspected stranger danger and desperateness for supplies, not that Jungkook had many of those - unless they were cannibals, he supposed; Jungkook had been there, tried that, it had been keeping him alive when stale food was unavailable. He’d already shot one of them, he heard the commotion of it, the loud thud of their body and someone’s gentle cry for them to stay awake.
Taking a deep breath, Jungkook pushed himself up on his uninjured leg and pulled up the small pistol he had stolen from one of the few untouched military bases at the edge of Busan, and he aimed right for where he saw an arm poking out from behind a tree and he pulled the trigger, hating the ache that the kickback sent jeering up his arms but cheering in a silent pride that he’d got another one of them, their cries of pain cutting over the gunfire echo that rained over them. He moved his gun again, aiming for the head that poked gently out from behind another tree to look at the one Jungkook had just shot, He pulled the trigger, taking a step forward as he did so, a mistake, he missed them by a couple of inches, hitting the tree instead, “bastard.”
Jungkook stumbled forward again, gun clenched tightly in his fist and he was on full alert, turning to shoot as he saw someone step out from behind a tree on his back left. They moved too fast for Jungkook to react to and he was tackled to the floor, the thud of it had been echoed by a desperate, pained, drowsy, “Yoongi!” 
The dead would be there soon, Jungkook needed to get this over with and move on, he shoved the person off harshly and did not think twice about pulling the trigger. His unstable balance and tug of his heart at the name threw his aim further off and he hit the stranger in the side and there was another pained, drowsy, barely hanging on, “Yoongi!” 
It made Jungkook’s fist clench tighter around the handle of the pistol in his hand, turning to the source of the shout. Gun aimed and hands shaking as he refused to let that voice, that familiar voice and the man trying to wrestle him to a stop with such a familiar name be the cause of his defeat. The voice was something soft and soaked in pain, something familiar, as their body could be heard crawling across the forest floor, held back and weak from where Jungkook had shot him. He knew that voice, knew that face, that cry, it reminded him of days running through the fields of the farm he grew up on, it reminded him of sick days in bed spent watching movies, it reminded him of light and happiness and the only family member to ever really enjoy Jungkook’s presence once he hit his teen years. It reminded him of everything he forced himself to forget.
He must have faltered for a second because he was soon met with a body, heavy and well built, overpowering him entirely tackling him to the floor. He relented with a grunt, his arm caught and twisted beneath the knee of whoever had pounced on him and his gun thrown off to the side.
“Don’t move or you’ll lose your head.” Jungkook huffed at the threat but remained still as the sting of a blade made its way across his throat. There was a ringing in his ears, probably from the come down of adrenaline, and the bullet wound in his thigh began throbbing in a way that brought Jungkook to breathlessness. He kept his eyes closed, doing his best not to writhe in pain but the person on top of him was heavy and sitting on the many wounds and their hand was pressed painfully into his chest as they kept themselves somewhat balanced; if they weren’t holding a blade to his neck, he’d have flipped them over easily. “I said don’t fucking move.” Their voice was deep and gravely, it sent chills down the back of Jungkook’s neck.
“It’s hard not to when you’re sitting on my gunshot wound and pushing your hand into my fucking sternum.” Jungkook groaned, opening one of his eyes to scowl at whoever was above him. He couldn’t see them clearly, however, because the sun was far too blinding to keep a focused eye.
“Jimin,” the man above Jungkook said tenderly, sadly, Jungkook couldn’t really see what was happening though and the blade at his neck seemed to dig in harder so he didn’t dare crane his head around. “How bad is it, Joon? Is he alive?” There was fear in the man’s voice, that deep gravel had long since cleared up, he sounded smooth and melodic, a love song Jungkook once played on repeat.
“Yoongi move, move so I can fucking kill him myself.” The leader scowled, his own pistol pointed at Jungkook’s face, his hand was shaking and there were tears clouding his eyes. The wounded shoulder he was spotting looked awfully painful and it brought Jungkook’s attention to his own wound once again and to the man atop of him.
Jungkook felt his heart plummet to his stomach, fear and excitement bubbling through him. “Park Jimin?” Jungkook frowned, his brother was alive and Jungkook had just shot him, apparently. There was something buzzing around his head and it made him light headed, there his brother lay, turned onto his back by the tall stranger and he was agonisingly still because Jungkook had shot him. The man Jungkook had once loved more than life itself was pinning Jungkook down in fear and hate, a boiling anger that could be felt in the reflection of light from the blade at Jungkook’s throat. It was an odd realisation, like a horde of the dead had fallen on him. 
It was a pin drop moment, when the man above him leaned closer, a frown pulled together on his face and realisation flooding his brain, “Jungkook?” The relief in the man’s eyes had washed out instantly, replaced with a layer of white-hot anger. Jungkook didn’t understand why Yoongi would be angry, he was the one that left, he took everything they had for survival and they had taken Jungkook’s plan of returning to the farm in Busan and left him to become one of the rotters as if they were never in love, as if Jungkook was the stranger. 
Min Yoongi was Jungkook’s first love and last string to the peace of the living world. Yoongi and Jungkook had been together for a majority of their lives, they dreamed of getting married one day but the laws were never passed and times changed and life - what was left of it - moved on. Still, they had worked to the bone to get a cosy little house and a garden, good jobs that they’d plunged themselves into student debts for, they worked hard for each other and their love and gave each other something that their outside world couldn’t. It was cheesy as cheesy could be but Jungkook loved that and would not have changed it for the world. They had been soulmates through and through and accepting that Yoongi had left him all those months ago - left him to die and turn - to do nothing but stumble around this grim abyss alone had been impossible. Now here they lay, Jungkook seeming to be the villainous dragon that Yoongi the noble, valiant knight would be protecting his people from if he chopped off its head with this big shiny sword. 
Jungkook fell placid, all tension that had built up inside of him disappeared, as a menacing, taunting laugh broke past Jungkook’s chapped lips, a sound so unstable and crafted by months and months of poisoning his own humanity and smashing his once perfect moral compass into a million fragments and the name of his lover rolled off of his tongue like a poisoned arrow, “Min Yoongi. We meet again.”
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I swear to the gods....if y'all dont stop telling The Jeon Jungkook how to live his life, I'm taking away your internet privileges.
He's a grown ass man. If he wants to drink and show us what he bought at the liquor store, let him.
If he wants to use his little harmless flavored elf bar sometimes, let him.
If he wants to get emotional reading comments, let him.
If he wants to look like a sexy professor and ask his man to come over, let him.
Stop psychoanalyzing his fucking lives. Not only will I take away privileges, I'll send his man after yall. He does have 8 years of training in kendo and is a black belt. He probably isnt taking kindly to some of you little bitches calling his hubby an alcoholic.
I'm done. Now do what JK said and watch his hubby's music.
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
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unwantedalien · 7 months
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Changes - THE FAMILY (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1427635907-changes-the-family?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=wantedalien Shin Mi Rae, wait no, now I'm Kim Mi Rae, my mother married her boyfriend who just so happened to be Kim Ji Sook, owner of multiple restaurants, hotels, and resorts in Korea (and outside). He has seven sons, and I'm just supposed to accept all these new changes in my life? Well it's a lot but, hey, what's the worst that can happen? Someone dies? lol
it ended up being shorter than I expected, but its fineeeeeee, size don’t matter the plot is more important :)
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hywnie · 1 year
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Capa teste
Futuramente disponível para doação
Sim, eu tentei uma capa inspirada em Teen Beach
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