#teen wolf greek gods au
thecalilove · 2 years
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Stiles Stilinski as Athena (x)
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: This is What You Deserve
Pairings: Stosy [Stiles Stilinski + Persephone]
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Word Count: 4,821
Rating: Explicit
Murder Blood Torture Dark Character Cutting Character Death Implied/Reference Terrorism
Square Filled: God/Goddess AU
Written For: @anyfandomfluffbingo​
He decided to take a hot shower and once he was inside, he sighed. His shoulders felt as though they bore the weight of the world on them. He pressed the palms of his hands against the tiles, resting his head against the wall and letting the scalding water remove the tension from his body. His mind was at war with his heart when it came to the woman in his bed. He couldn't bear a repeat of Sasha, but should he tell Posy now or wait and—
The bathroom door opened, footsteps echoing as they came closer and then stopped just outside the shower. He glanced towards the glass to see Persephone watching him with an expression of concern. Her eyes were dark, and she looked even more like something other than she had earlier in the evening.
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New York City, New York - 1947
Senator Stiles Stilinski, known to the darker side as Mieczyslaw Genim Gajos, stepped into the prestigious bar known as Hades Inferno. It was founded by a man named Hayes. It was an establishment only available to a select clientele. You had to be someone, and you had to know someone to get an in. Well, Stiles, Mieszko, was definitely someone and he knew someone. So, he had gotten an in ages ago from the owner himself. The owner was an older man whose looks were not to be trusted. He may have looked older, but he was the strongest man that Mieszko had ever met. His name was Zeno. He was an interesting, but private man.
Mieszko had often gotten a private look at the man's collection of books. He had spent hours reading mythology and lore books when he wasn't running his organization. The bar was a safe haven for the crime boss and that was where he found himself tonight.
Mieszko needed a drink. Yep. He needed to get sloshed and that was what he was doing. Not even an hour ago he caught his fiancé in bed, with one of his men—his now ex-fiancé’s bodyguard—named Jayme. He wanted to make them pay as soon as he saw them together, but he resisted—barely—and merely ordered them to leave. So, really, he didn’t physically do anything except kick them out. Well, he didn’t do anything physically to his ex-fiancé but to Jayme? Well, he was swimming with the fishes as they say. Mieszko smirked at that memory.
He stayed to make sure they both really did leave his home. He may or may not have also broken his ex's finger to get his ring back. Not that he needed to do such a thing but well it was only a finger. He could’ve broken her leg. It wasn't exactly surprising that she was cheating on him. They hadn't had sex in about as long as he found out they’ve been together. He couldn't help the fact that he worked a lot and therefore he didn’t always feel up to it. If she was in need of it, he didn't know as she never asked. He had all these plans and was going to share them with her after they got married. He was going to fucking bring her in on everything.
Normally, Mieszko would be out on the floor dancing with a pretty girl or entertaining himself with a lovely young thing sitting on his lap, but tonight he just sipped his whiskey, in silence. His hand idly played with a lighter in his pocket as he sat in the shadows. The weight of his gun in his side holster and the knife on his belt grounded him. They reminded him of who and what he was.
It was around midnight that a hand gently brushed against his upper arm to get his attention. A young lady with long raven curls and bright green eyes smiled at him. Her clothes weren't as fancy as the girls he had found alluring in the past, but it didn't matter to him. She was gorgeous, her clothes aside.
They got to talking and Mieszko was both surprised and not that they seemed to instantly click. It was more surprising to him that she wasn't shy. He was pleased that she hadn't shown any hesitance or fear in approaching him either. He knew the kind of aura he gave off and it pleased him to no end that she wasn’t deterred by it.
While they were not stumbling drunk, they were pretty buzzed. He left with her house phone number, although he considered asking for more. There was something about her that had him wanting to take her home and ravish her until all she remembers was his name. However, they just met, and he could be a patient man. Sometimes. Yes, he could be patient, especially when it was something he wanted, and he wanted her. He was sure he would hear from her soon.
He was right. They called each other quite a lot, though he couldn't always answer when she phoned him. He did try to pick up every time if he could. He wasn't ready for her to know everything just yet and couldn't risk answering during a meeting or when he was around his frenemies.
His quick answering of the phone and the almost smile on his face when he did, caused murmurs to go through his organization, spreading like wildfire. He didn't care as long as they minded their own business. They all knew what happened to Jayme. So, they kept their mouths shut.
Mostly they were thrilled that he had his eye on someone again. Mieszko did indeed have his eye on someone. Her name was Persephone, and she made him feel much younger than his thirty years. For their first serious date they headed to a restaurant that Mieszko had a share of under his name. Not that she was aware of that of course.
Mieszko was a politician, a senator to be precise, and had to work all day to make sure everything was taken care of. That way he wouldn’t have to worry about it and could just enjoy their evening together. When he told her he would be working a little later than he planned, she suggested meeting him there. He agreed.
When they arrived, she took his arm, curling her hand over his bicep that he may or may not have flexed to show off. As expected, the line was long, but he was Mr. Gajos. So, he was immediately taken to a table once the manager saw him. Dinner was wonderful and Mieszko was captivated by this young woman.
She was extremely smart, observant and drop dead gorgeous. She was very promising as a significant other. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was wearing a short lavender dress and black Mary Janes with her hair in a twisted shoulder braid.
He himself was outfitted in a long sleeved, lavender button up with a black vest over it and a suit jacket over top of that. The suit jacket was now hanging on the back of his chair having found a home there halfway through their meal. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing toned forearms sporting a light dusting of dark hair. He had on black slacks that paired well with his shoes and tie. As they eat, he noticed her gaze raking over him over and over again. A primal part of him preened at the approval he saw in her eyes.
It had been a long time since he had been out with a pretty young thing. With his ex he was monogamous—or so he thought—for about a year at least. His ex was very demanding about where they went, what they wore, who saw them, how much they spent and—Speak of the she-devil and she shall appear.
Sasha walked into the building and sashayed over to their table, apparently trying to hide the splint around her finger. She was wearing a blood red dress that gave Mieszko ideas that were not of a sexual nature. Mieszko had to take a drink to keep his smile from showing.
As she approached their table, he wondered if she was going to ask about Jayme. He kind of hoped she did. He would take great pleasure in telling her exactly what happened to him if she asked.
The look Sasha gave Persephone had him feeling protective and made his hackles rise. He was not expecting her to flirt but he also wouldn’t be shocked if she did. They’d had a conversation about their inclinations when it came to sex, when they got together.
Mieszko knew that Sasha being attracted to both men and women didn't necessarily mean that she would get flirty with his date. He had known for a while that she was into both men and women. He promised not to say anything to anyone, but he was tempted to out her right now. If he did, she would be shunned. The idea was very appealing to him and would serve her right.
However, the words she proceeded to seductively impart into Persephone’s ear were obscene. Mieszko hated how uncomfortable Persephone looked, though he also noticed a fire sparking in her eyes. He could feel the tension building and shivered at the want rising inside him. There was something about Persephone, something other and he couldn't wait to find out what it was, assuming she didn't decide they were better off as strangers.
It was time to intervene and Mieszko spoke quickly, interrupting his floozy of an ex. He kept a detached calm demeanor while doing so. “Sash? Don’t.”
She simply turned to look at him with a quirked brow and smirked. This side of her was what had originally drawn him in. It was different when it was being directed at him and when he knew what she was really like. “You never would stop calling me that.”
“It’s a nickname that—”
“That you gave me,” she sneered. “You couldn’t use just my name like everyone else. You just had to stick out like an eyesore.” She rolled her eyes and flips her hair over her shoulder, popping her hip to the side, her arms crossed over her chest. That was another thing she did to gain attention. Her chest was average in size, and she loved pushing them up and out when crossing her arms. He internally rolled his eyes at her shallowness. Of course, he wasn't super deep either, but he had more to him than she did that was for sure.
Mieszko was really tempted to point his gun between her eyes. The cold metal always felt good in his hand and his mind would be silent, his thoughts focused on his target and his target alone. When he held his gun, he was in control, cool, calm and collected. He was Mieczyslaw Gajos, and he was deadly.
Persephone glared at Sasha and quirked a brow at Mieszko as if to inquire why he was putting up with this. He shook his head. “Don’t, Posy. It’s okay.”
He froze, cold fury sweeping through him, as Sasha laughed cruelly. “Awwww. Looks like someone found a pretty little dolled up floozy to pay attention to them huh? How sweet!” she mocked him with a wink. Her eyes flicked to his date. “Well? You hate it, I’m sure. So, tell him. Tell him you hate it.”
Mieszko swallowed thickly, hating how he let her get away with this. He wasn't planning to waste any more time on her, but he would deal with her if he needed to. In fact, perhaps he would have her tongue. Here he was just trying to have a nice dinner with this young woman who was pretty much his ideal partner in every way and Sasha was sabotaging it. He should’ve gone with his first instinct when he found her with one of his men. If he had, Sasha would be dead, and he'd have Persephone home in his bed.
“Actually, it’s adorable,” Posy said, taking his hand under the table and giving it a squeeze. “Persephone is a family name passed down from generation to generation to the women deserving of it. My brother and my father used to call me Posy when I was growing up. When Mieszko started using it, I felt like the puzzle piece I had been missing fit perfectly. It clicked like he and I clicked,” Persephone said with a soft smile as she met his heated gaze with heat in her own eyes.
Sasha rolled her eyes and then got an evil glint in her eye. “Well, what about his puzzle piece?” she purred. “Is it satisfactory?”
Mieszko blushed crimson, humiliation churning in his gut. He was the one who instilled fear in the hearts of men and women alike. He didn't care what they thought so long as they didn't get in his way, but for Sasha to throw around such blatant lies and slander, her intention of course to defame him, was where he drew a line. How was she getting to him? He was the Mieczyslaw Gajos, and she was just a little gold digging whore. The way she talked about his cock was ridiculous. He was definitely above average by quite a lot.
Plenty of men and women had been unable to walk the next morning because of how good he fucked them. It was interesting that she used to crave being stuffed full by his cock only to decide that little Jayme—who was at least three inches shorter—could serve her better.
Nothing was ever good enough for Sasha. She always wanted more.
Mieszko pretended to pay attention to her endless yammering, even as he subtly made eye contact with the manager who nodded his understanding. “Stop,” he said, voice low but firm. Really, it was a warning. She was lucky he hadn't done more than warn her, that she was even getting a warning, but it was a warning she of course refused heed. Either she didn't hear the warning disguised in his tone or she didn't care.
Her comments got even more cruel, cutting, biting and downright degrading. Everything he did or said while they were together and some things he didn’t were being laid out for Persephone and the rest of the establishment to hear.
The other patrons had various expressions in their faces, ranging from annoyance, disgust, disapproval, and anger. Others exhibited an air of sympathy toward him and Posy. He even saw a few people who were looking at Sasha as if she was insane. Of course, the ones bearing an expression questioning her sanity were his men. They knew who and what he was. Sasha didn't have any idea and it was going to cost her, most likely she'd pay with her life. She would have found out who he was and what he did if they had gotten married, but Mieszko was really fucking glad they didn’t.
He felt the desire to maim someone growing ever enticing. Persephone doesn’t deserve to be treated in such a way and that was the nail in Sasha's coffin. People just continued to stare at them. It made him furious, and his hand twitched as if to grab his gun or perhaps his knife. He did think her crimson dress would look even better bloody.
As he went to stand to put an end to her tirade, he noticed Persephone making a fist, her knuckles white as snow from how hard she was clenching them. She was shaking and she looked pissed. Mieszko didn't want her getting even more upset. It was taking everything in him not to land a killing blow as it was.
It had been an amazing date before his ex had made an appearance. Posy made him feel like it was safe to love again. He had never loved Sasha. The last person he remembered loving was his mother and she had died not more than a decade ago. His mother would have loved Persephone, of that, he was sure. He was sad that he wouldn't be getting another date with her. Then again, he too would probably turn and run away from this if he were her or not, considering who he was and what he did.
He told his ex to back off and she towered over him easily since he remained seated. She wasn't as intimidating as she thought she was, but he did really wish he was standing. Instead of doing so however, he simply took another bite of his dinner. The meal was excellent, and he really needed to come again soon.
It was so tempting to lash out, but his mother raised him better than that.
Apparently, Sasha didn't appreciate his lack of response and asked him if he wasn't saying anything because he was afraid of little ol’ her.
She tried goading him and then Persephone has had enough. She shoved her chair back, standing from her seat. Mieszko noticed that Sasha flinched at Posy's actions. The room felt darker suddenly and the chill he felt resonated deep within him setting fire to his core. He had to subtly adjust himself and had eyes only for Posy as she said, “Hey! Listen up you evil manipulative disgusting bitch!”
Sasha looked furious and turned towards Posy, trying to regain the ground she lost when she flinched.
Said woman smirked. “You better watch it! This man is a-fucking-mazing. He is everything that I have ever wanted. Just because you’re regretting something or missing daddy’s money doesn’t mean you get to waltz in here, act like a whiny bitchy whore and expect us to just sit here and take it.”
“Why you little—” Sasha started but cut off with an indignant squawk when her arms were seized.
Two men came forward with a pair of handcuffs, their badges gleaming in the light. Mieszko smirked at them, throwing them a wink and a nod as they dragged Sasha out into the night.
When he and Posy left, they nodded at the sheriff who nodded back. Mieszko and the man had an understanding. Both Mieszko and Persephone ignored the cries and anger of his ex as she was taken away.
They went home together, his place, and ended up in his bedroom, bare beneath the sheets. It was just as phenomenal as he had imagined it would be. She was stunning and he was going to find a way to make her his.
It was just after one in the morning when Mieszko tore himself away from watching the gorgeous woman as she slept. He slipped silently out of bed and changed back into his date outfit. Before leaving the room, he kissed her forehead, whispering a promise to come back to her.
"Tha epistrépso sýntoma, agápi mou," he whispered, his lips brushing against her temple.
An hour later, his driver pulled up to what looked like a sweet innocent little home in the country, at least from the outside. He smirked evilly at such a naive thought. This home was the antithesis of innocent. It was perfect for what he had planned though.
Downstairs, tied up with mascara stained cheeks was pretty little Sasha. Her eyes widened when she saw him and he couldn't help the scoff, hiding his amusement. The look she gave him was ridiculous and sad. She looked at him as though he would save her from what was to come. Of course, he would be doing no such thing. He rolled up his sleeves and cracked his neck as he rolled his shoulders.
Amber eyes darkened as he stepped up to the table. “You know even though I have all the makings of the perfect surgeon, I prefer to use my anatomy knowledge for more personal projects.” His lips curled into a vicious smile, no sign of anything other than the darkness of his soul.
She flinched back from him as he approached her with a sharp scalpel in his hand. He traced the blade down her cheek and then down her throat. “You’ve been such a naughty girl, sweetheart. I’m so disappointed.”
She looks like she’s trying to speak and Mieszko softens his eyes only slightly to encourage her.
At that she finally managed to speak. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. Please I—”
“Sorry for what? Hm?” he hummed, the blade resting at the column of her throat. He could practically see the skin bathed in crimson, but he had always been a patient man when it counted. It would pair beautifully with her dress when he did finally spill it. Perhaps if she had worn any other color, he wouldn't have been picturing this for hours.
“B-Betraying you by sleeping with Jayme,” she panted out, hyperaware of the blade but her eyes never left his face.
He nodded and just when she looked relieved, he nicked her cheek. She gasped in surprise, choking on a sharp inhale. The pain took a moment to comprehend.
She looked at him as though he had betrayed her. Fuck that. “Let's discuss strike one. You earned your first strike when you stole my money. If you wanted or needed my money, all you had to do was come to me and ask for it.”
He nicked her other cheek near her jawline. “Then of course we have strike two. You earned your second strike when you slept with one of my men. If you were unsatisfied, you should have come to me. We both know how much you craved my cock and yet you went to him.”
The scalpel pressed against her jugular, and he loved the way she trembles with terror. Her throat bobbed as she tried to swallow without pressing further against the blade. “Last, we have strike three. You earned your third strike when you went after my girl. You’re the one who betrayed me. You spread your legs for him like a hussy and did so more than once, yet you the audacity to show up and cause a scene. I was surprised that Posy snapped back at you, but I was also thrilled.” He sent her a cruel grin., his smile all teeth and very much the predator he had always been. “She has more of a backbone than you’ve ever had.”
There was no time for her to beg as he cut her throat.
As she slowly bled, the crimson river beautifully pairing with her dress, he repeated his displeasure and disappointment.
As her eyes grew hazy, he recounted her transgressions: the money she stole, the number of times she had sex with Jayme and then started needling at her confidence. He smirked as he told her what everyone must have thought of her tonight. He called her names and then humiliated her like she tried to humiliate him. He unlike her, knew exactly where to hit to break her.
When he was finished with his verbal assault, she was a mess of blood, sweat and tears. She was limp now and barely breathing.
“You would have had everything. I would have given you everything. You would have had me and now…” He trailed off, clicking his tongue and tsking at her. His lips were pulled into a pout. He knew how it made his mouth look even more tempting. He was amused how despite being close to death, she managed to lick her lips at the sight. “Now everything is what you lost, and now you have nothing. You are nothing.”
When his hand stroked her hair in a gesture of empty comfort, she pushed into the contact with a whimper. Then and only then, did he finally smile at her. She tried to smile back but couldn't and her face was almost ghostly white now.
“Tell me what you need, sweetheart,” he said.
“Kill me, baby? Please!” she begged as best she could.
“Shh,” he cooed at her. “I will. I promise. Tell me why, sweet thing. Why do you need to die?”
With a cough that was more of an exhale, she met his gaze. “It’s what I deserve. Please, baby? Please?”
Mieszko smiled at her. It was not a nice smile. The look she gave him in response though was one of the utmost pure unadulterated devotion and adoration as if she was staring at her salvation.
It was too bad she didn’t show such adoration and devotion before. He would have given her anything she asked for. He would have given her everything.
Long fingers without a speck of blood on them—despite blood being everywhere else—wrapped around her throat. His hand squeezed the pale column harder and tighter, most likely and hopefully leaving bruises behind.
She didn't struggle, couldn't as she believed this was what she deserved. She smiled as the light was snuffed out of her eyes and the last of her tears slipped down her cheeks. Her expression was serene and peaceful. Mieszko did so love bringing people to this place of mind break. Between the body and the mind, he preferred to break the mind. It didn't take much to make them think what he wanted was what they wanted. It was an art that he had perfected as he easily rose to power.
“Clean it up!” he barked at the man in the shadows, a man who had been watching the entire scene with fear coursing through him.
With a gulp as he fought to swallow the bile rising in his throat, the man stepped forward and was shoved to his knees.
Mieszko watched the man cleaning and smiled cruelly. “Good boy, Jayme.”
Jayme and Sasha’s bodies vanished but no one gave a damn. Not that anyone knew about either. It was known they were sleeping together and Mieszko would of course be proven innocent. Obviously.
He had to adjust himself as he watched the cement pour, and the blood drain. He shivered as the water flooded the building and groaned at the fire that lit up his car windows when his driver drove away. The explosion nearly had him cumming then and there. He had sent a tip in to his contact in the government about a terrorist attack. After all, the scene would exhibit the signature of a well known terrorist group. Not that anyone needed to know that the terrorist group didn’t actually exist.
When he arrived back at his house, there was a light on. He stilled in the entryway, concerned that Persephone was awake and had and noticed his absence. So, he stilled, his ears alert for anything out of the ordinary. However, upon ascending the stairs, he found Posy still sound asleep though now she was lying on her back, the sheets leaving very little to the imagination. His eyes flicked to the side, and he sighed in relief. It was just the bathroom light illuminating the darkness of second floor.
He decided to take a hot shower and once he was inside, he sighed. His shoulders felt as though they bore the weight of the world on them. He pressed the palms of his hands against the tiles, resting his head against the wall and letting the scalding water remove the tension from his body. His mind was at war with his heart when it came to the woman in his bed. He couldn't bear a repeat of Sasha, but should he tell Posy now or wait and—
The bathroom door opened, footsteps echoing as they came closer and then stopped just outside the shower. He glanced towards the glass to see Persephone watching him with an expression of concern. Her eyes were dark, and she looked even more like something other than she had earlier in the evening.
When he didn't say anything, she joined him and when he didn’t object, she washed his body with his favorite soap. Not that she knew it was his favorite.
Mieszko knew she couldn't see or smell the blood on his hands and therefore, she couldn't possibly know what he had done but the soap suds trailing down his body gave him a sense of purification. The soap was washing the torture away, taking some of the stain on his soul away with it as it swirled down the drain.
Persephone didn't speak, and it was as if she knew what he had done, what he did and what he will do again.
She always knew when not to push him. She was incredibly smart, observant and calculating. Mieszko was sure that if he didn't tell her, she would figure it out on her own. It was another reason he was torn. He wanted to see her the moment understanding hit her, the moment the realization dawned on her face. He wanted to see her eyes alight with unconditional acceptance of who he was and what he did. Telling her now though, would enable him to gauge her emotions about things and deal with it if need be.
As his eyes slipped shut, relishing the feeling of her fingers in his hair, he refused to tell her. Something told him it was completely unnecessary.
For now, he wouldn't make a decision about anything important in regard to this gorgeous woman. For now, he would give her all of himself—all of himself that he could give—and hoped that when she finally glimpsed the evil darkness of the devil under his mask, that she would embrace it, embrace him. He hoped that she would embrace all of it instead of fearing it and fearing him. By Zeus, he would be hers and all she had to do was be his.
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A Catalogue of Longfics I Want (Plan?) To Write
Only ideas I think would be multiple chapters and 10k+ words; doesn’t even include oneshots like Sisko Negotiates Space NAGPRA or Picard Goes To An Archaeology Conference or Teen Ratthi Angsts About Going To College or The Crew Of The Hermes Gets Murdered And Their Brains Scooped Out.
Ranked from 1 🌱 = this is just daydreams and vibes, to 5 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 = I have a 10-page outline with every plot beat and thematic parallel written out.
A * means that I’ve actually posted several chapters to AO3 already
Wolf 359
The Last Days of the Lovelace Administration 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Lovelace tells Minkowski what happened on her mission. Fully canon compliantly tragic. Everyone dies. Frame narrative. Lovelace-centric.
*To Stand Together Against Fate (Lambert Week fic) 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 An AU that spun off Zach Valenti’s “Lambert Week” streams. Lovelace and Lambert fight fate and REFUSE to let anyone die. The timeline gets slippy and things start getting weird. Lovelace won’t let a little thing like temporal causality hurt her crew though.
*Change the Rules 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Minkowski, Eiffel, and Hilbert do Box 953.
The Tiamat Horror 🌱🌱🌱 Zhang’s mission.
The Murderbot Diaries
Anthropology fic 🌱🌱🌱 Murderbot and Thiago go to a Corporation Rim mine where the miners are trying to unionize and strike, to do linguistic anthropology. They get more than they bargained for. Featuring SecUnit OCs, original filk, worker solidarity, and speculative linguistics.
*Home Again 🌱🌱🌱 The PresAux crew are home after their whole survey ordeal… but changed by the experience. Not the same people they were, and they don’t fit quite the same way. Augh I want to finish this but I’m kinda stuck on some of the chapters
Volescu backstory fic 🌱🌱🌱🌱 What if he was a political refugee and went through Some Shit. Would that be fucked up or what.
Pin-Lee backstory fic 🌱🌱🌱 Her CCC-esque service year before college.
Overse backstory fic 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Moved from a CR station to Preservation as a child. This causes some feelings.
Pin-Lee Exit Strategy POV 🌱🌱🌱🌱 As de facto leader here she was having a fucking Time.
The murder mystery one I started in an AUpril snip and went actually this is a banger concept 🌱 No idea where to go from here but it was a cool idea
Greek Epics And Mythology
Polites perspective on the Odyssey 🌱🌱 He gets to survive actually because honestly. Give one of Odysseus’s men a break. Something about how the men who weren’t kings and demigods and great remembered heroes still went Thru This Shit too. Epic poem in dactylic hexameter because I hate myself apparently
Odysseus adopts Cassandra 🌱🌱🌱 based on a tumblr post hell if I can find again. Clever use of Odysseus calling himself “Nobody”. Means he found a way to hear her prophecies and believe them, so she cuts a deal—she gets him home in 3 months rather than 10 years on the promise that if she does so he’ll adopt her as a legitimate daughter and princess of Ithaca. Very meta. In the format of a classic Sophoclean or Euripidean play.
Brithawon goes with Nestor to the Trojan War, has a bad time 🌱 I just think it would be fun
Star Trek
Kira is upset about Cardassian archaeologists on Bajor 🌱🌱 Sooooo much potential here
Sarina Douglas becomes an advocate for genetically engineered people’s rights 🌱 Here too!!!
‘Emergence’ (Noel/Leon in 10th century Chaco Canyon) 🌱🌱🌱 An alternate ending to the Time Trap! series. No I never read the real ending that’s irrelevant. Noel and Leon fuck in this one. Also there is political intrigue regarding a Chaco elite marriage
The Tiamat Horror… 2! Primordial Deep version! (Sirena Halcyon and the 10 years she spent trapped in an underwater ocean research station) 🌱🌱🌱🌱 God!!! What was she DOING for ten years stuck in the place where her one surviving colleague killed all the rest of them! Featuring cuddling, horrifying transformations, and cannibalism.
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lefaymorgan · 4 years
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Teen Wolf AU: Greek Gods
Scott McCall as Apollo. Greek god of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young.
“Always remember, the goodness of man still exists, no matter how far gone hope may seem. Wherever darkness lingers, so too, does light.” ― Shari Lopatin
This God was a wise one, but he was wise without being dull. He was mostly a cheerful person and sometimes he could be jealous. Apollo was mainly a kind God, energetic, and always truthful. Although Apollo rarely got upset, there were a couple of things that could really offend him. One of them being any insult towards his mother. He had a clear idea of what was right and what was wrong. He was a firm believer in law and order, and he believed that society could live happy and peaceful with strong laws. Apollo was an overachiever.
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sarcasmandships · 4 years
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god of the dead and riches | king of the underworld
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themoonslore · 2 years
Greek mythology/ hades and Persephone AU Teen wolf fan fic rec part 3
If Cupid Had A Heart by eatasourwolf
Word count: 1081 Chapter 1/1 Sterek
The one where Derek is cupid, and he might just have a heart.
Twins of the Hunt by stilesinwonderland (itsabravenewworld)
Word count: 3222 Chapter 1/1 Sterek
The story of Stiles upbringing, as the God of the Sun, with his sister Allison, Goddess of the Hunt.
In which Stiles and Allison are Apollo and Artemis, and Derek is Python.
i'll make a god out of you if it kills me by calculus
Word count: 3721 Chapter 1/1 Scallison
Scott McCall is on a quest to prove his birthright as a god by becoming a 'true hero'. Sort of.
(or, wherein Scott is the most reluctant Hercules ever, Derek is most certainly not a damsel in distress, and Stiles is literally a horny bastard)
And So The Wind Blows by Archer973
Sord count: 531 Chapter 1/1 Pydia
On the shortest day of the year, the people pray for their spring goddess. Below them, Persephone luxuriates in her lover.
(Restricted) Satyr and Cerberus by. arrafrost
Word count: 8204 Chapter 8/8 Sterek
An Ancient Greece AU where Derek is a Cerberus and Stiles is a Satyr
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
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voidstilesplease · 4 years
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teen wolf characters + camp half-blood cabins
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friendofhayley · 4 years
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I’m back after my hiatus from fanfiction, to give y’all the best multifandom recs of the fics I read this month. Shoutout to all content creators who helped us live to see the close of this year. This fic includes 15 fics for Sterek, Larry, Winteriron, and Geraskier. The starred ones put me through heaven and hell *chef’s kiss*.
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
1. Six Letter Word for Romance by @troubleiwant | domestic kink - omg there’s only one bed - soft Derek - oblivious idiots in love - 6k
Stiles definitely starts off thinking it’s fucking hilarious that Derek-sourwolf-Hale does crosswords and cares about scuffs on his furniture.
But at a certain point, and he can’t pinpoint exactly when, “fully functional adult couple” somehow becomes a massive fetish of his. Derek in sweats and bare feet, nudging his glasses up his nose while he does the Sunday crossword? Unff. Derek filling out forms to get some renovations on his property approved? Oh God, yes. Derek putting away groceries and bitching that the corner store was out of the right type of Greek yogurt? Take me now, Stiles thinks, worrying at his lower lip with his teeth.
This can’t be normal.
2. *Dirty Little Secret* by @isthatbloodonhisshirt | Cora & Stiles bffs - no one can resist the Stilinski charm - celebrity Derek - human au - 91k
“Holy shit, this is a date!” he blurted out, turning back to Derek wide-eyed. “This is a date! You intended for this to be a date, this was supposed to be a date!” He figured if he said it enough times, maybe he would believe it, but so far, no dice.
Derek was scowling again—seriously, did he want wrinkles?—but he just reached into one of the bags and pulled out a burger, checking what was written on the foil in sharpie before handing it over to Stiles.
“Of course it’s a date, what did you think this was?”
3. Can You Feel A Whole New Part of Your World? by @isthatbloodonhisshirt | i genuinely don’t look at authors names i just click i am sorry for spamming you but you write too good - neighbors Sterek - emotionally mature Stiles - the ideal fluffy world you’d want to live in - 53k
Can you hear me singing in the shower?” Stiles blurted out, because he had to know, now. If one of his neighbours had slid that note under his door, then it meant Parrish as another neighbour could hear him, too! He had to know if this was all a huge joke and one person had walked by and overheard him and decided to fuck with him.
Parrish gave him a weird look at the question, but answered anyway, making Stiles’ plans to leave the country speed up in his mind.
“Of course I can. You’re actually not bad. Though you have been singing a lot of Frozen lately, getting kind of tired of the soundtrack.”
4. Theory of Overprotective Canines by @petals42 | derek can turn into wolf - oblivious Stiles - future fic - mutual pining - 11k
Stiles is totally looking forward to living alone in his super cool apartment off-campus. He is. He is also very excited to bike to school every day, ready to set up an awesome game room, and definitely over his crush on Derek Hale. Completely over it.
Or at least he is until Derek decides he's moving in with him. And then turns out to be the perfect roommate. And then starts attending all his classes. As a wolf.
This is not going according to plan.
Larry (One Direction)
5. **The Changer and the Changed** by @homosociallyyours | literally the best fic of all time i want to live in there - girl direction - NYC ‘70s au - trans Zayn - the girls are so lovely - 59k
It’s the spring of 1977 and Harry Styles has just moved to New York City after graduating college. She knows she’s a lesbian. She just needs to figure out how to meet other lesbians.
Louis Tomlinson works at a popular women’s bookstore in the Lower East Side, Womon’s Direction, where she spends her days reading feminist literature, writing poetry, exchanging friendly barbs with her boss Niall, and dreaming of finding someone to love.
When Harry and Louis meet, their connection is instantaneous. Slowly but surely, Louis welcomes Harry into her community of women. Stonewall veteran and old school butch Niall; Liam, a land dyke who’s moved to the city for love; and Zayn, a lesbian musician who’s been ostracized by a vocal part of women’s community for being trans, welcome Harry with open arms, ready to help her find her place in New York City’s bustling lesbian scene.
6. others i’ve seen might never be mean (but they would never do) by @cherrylouvol6 | aaaaaaaa it’s lesbian When Harry Met Sally !!! - rom com - girl direction - coming out and first times - really great sex - 20k
Louis sighs.
“Do you remember what I said to you the first time we met?”
“That I’m naive and neurotic and would be hard pressed to ever find someone who could put up with me?” Harry snaps.
7. some things fade (some never do) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed | aaaaaa this story took me apart and back together again just like Louis and Harry - urban fantasy au - second chances - exes to friends to lovers - hurt/comfort - 25k
Matching tattoos. He’d never thought he’d be the type for tattoos to begin with, let alone matching or magical ones, but once Harry had put the idea in his mind it had never quite managed to disappear. And it had made sense. With their relationship a long distance one, this was simply another way of feeling close to one another. Of knowing where the other was, how they felt. It had made so much sense.
Back then.
8. we can take the long way home by @eleadore | i usually don’t rec my porn but there’s so much feels in this one - canon-divergent - kink discovery - friends to lovers - this was written in 2015 as a future fic but it felt like it was taking place now so good job - 27k
“Fertile,” Louis says, and then laughs because it sounds stupid to say out loud. He hasn’t ever really thought of himself in those terms. Baby-making terms. It’s just one of those things his body can do, like exercise, or go without tea. Doesn’t mean he will.
Winteriron (MCU)
9. **Dig No Graves** by @missaphelion | Tony finds out about his parents right after winter soldier au - Tony Stark has a heart - Bucky heals with bots and lots of sugar - slow burn - 142k
"I'm here to kill you, Terminator," Tony said slowly, "does that compute?"
The soldier looked up at him with wide blue eyes and no expression. "Okay."
Tony froze. "Okay," he echoed. "I tell you I came here to kill you and your response is 'okay'?"
10. A Rifling Matter by Penndragon27 | Winter Soldier has such a big crush on Tony’s weapons, he escapes Hydra au - identity porn - pining Bucky - fluff and angst - Winter Soldier is a fanboy and it’s cute - 37k
All the Asset knows is fighting, killing.
He also knows a good weapon when he sees one and Stark Industries... they make some great weapons.
11. *Winter is Coming (aka Fifty First Avengers Dates)* by @tisfan & @everyworldneedslove | enemies to friends to lovers to 50 first dates - pining Bucky - Tony gets amnesia - no Steve bashing but he’s a little bit of an ass - mental health issues - 109k
Bucky Barnes is still mostly The Asset, and he's pretty sure Hydra is going to come back for him soon, so in the meantime he's just going to keep an eye on the Avengers for them. But then Clint spotted him hiding in the shadows, so Tony came out and dragged Bucky back to the Tower, threw him in the shower, and fed him cheeseburgers.
Now The Asset is having anomalous feelings. In his pants.
Geraskier (The Witcher)
12. *no reason to run* by @yoursummerfrost | different meeting au - only one bed but camping - cursed Jaskier - soft Geralt!!!! - poly negotiations - 61k
"You'll change your mind one day," says the innkeep. "The road can't love you back."
What a strange way to flatten something so beautiful, Jaskier thinks. What a small way to love.
13. *He Fell into a Faerie Ring* by @geraltnoises | Jaskier gets bardnapped after the fight au - non-human Jaskier - soft Geralt - Jaskier encourages people to be kind and becomes a god - emotionally mature Geralt - 57k
Traders are a gossiping sort. If there was a scandal within the noble houses of Posada, you’d hear about it in Cretegor by the end of the week. So, the quick spread of a rumor about a little village in the Kestrel Mountain range was not at all surprising. What was surprising was the story that the traders wove. They said that Luibhtorrach, a sad, ghost of a farming town, had miraculously become a hub for trade, as if overnight. Their lands unbelievably fertile and brimming with crop. Even stranger, each and every one of Luibhtorrach’s people professed that their good fortune was the work of a mysterious beast they’d claimed as their personal deity. Most recent news foretold of their plans to throw a midsummer festival celebrating this newfound god. In preparation, silken blue banners were erected in every corner of the town, each bearing the symbol of their new patron: A delicate dandelion wrapping around a golden sun.
14. Barking Up the Wrong Tree by KHansen | 5+1 things - I’m worried about Geralt’s skills - non-human Jaskier - monsterfucker Geralt - crack treated seriously - 11k
Geralt is 100% certain that Jaskier is a vampire.
He's 100% proven wrong.
15. Bardic Idyll by Lisztful | fake relationship - Geralt is soft and oblivious - pining - fluff and angst - Jaskier you can’t show your emotions mainly through song! - 13k
Jaskier is certain he can win the Continent's annual bardic competition, but he needs to be accompanied by a dashing romantic companion in order to enter. Enter Geralt, who is definitely, for sure, only interested in the free food, and not at all in staring lovingly into Jaskier's eyes.
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thecalilove · 2 years
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Derek Hale as Ares (x)
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: This is What You Deserve
Pairing: Stosy [Stiles Stilinski + Persephone]
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,821
Murder Blood Torture Dark Character Cutting Character Death Implied/Reference Terrorism
Square Filled: Criminal AU
Written For: @anyfandomangstbingo​
He decided to take a hot shower and once he was inside, he sighed. His shoulders felt as though they bore the weight of the world on them. He pressed the palms of his hands against the tiles, resting his head against the wall and letting the scalding water remove the tension from his body. His mind was at war with his heart when it came to the woman in his bed. He couldn't bear a repeat of Sasha, but should he tell Posy now or wait and—
The bathroom door opened, footsteps echoing as they came closer and then stopped just outside the shower. He glanced towards the glass to see Persephone watching him with an expression of concern. Her eyes were dark, and she looked even more like something other than she had earlier in the evening.
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New York City, New York - 1947
Senator Stiles Stilinski, known to the darker side as Mieczyslaw Genim Gajos, stepped into the prestigious bar known as Hades Inferno. It was founded by a man named Hayes. It was an establishment only available to a select clientele. You had to be someone, and you had to know someone to get an in. Well, Stiles, Mieszko, was definitely someone and he knew someone. So, he had gotten an in ages ago from the owner himself. The owner was an older man whose looks were not to be trusted. He may have looked older, but he was the strongest man that Mieszko had ever met. His name was Zeno. He was an interesting, but private man.
Mieszko had often gotten a private look at the man's collection of books. He had spent hours reading mythology and lore books when he wasn't running his organization. The bar was a safe haven for the crime boss and that was where he found himself tonight.
Mieszko needed a drink. Yep. He needed to get sloshed and that was what he was doing. Not even an hour ago he caught his fiancé in bed, with one of his men—his now ex-fiancé’s bodyguard—named Jayme. He wanted to make them pay as soon as he saw them together, but he resisted—barely—and merely ordered them to leave. So, really, he didn’t physically do anything except kick them out. Well, he didn’t do anything physically to his ex-fiancé but to Jayme? Well, he was swimming with the fishes as they say. Mieszko smirked at that memory.
He stayed to make sure they both really did leave his home. He may or may not have also broken his ex's finger to get his ring back. Not that he needed to do such a thing but well it was only a finger. He could’ve broken her leg. It wasn't exactly surprising that she was cheating on him. They hadn't had sex in about as long as he found out they’ve been together. He couldn't help the fact that he worked a lot and therefore he didn’t always feel up to it. If she was in need of it, he didn't know as she never asked. He had all these plans and was going to share them with her after they got married. He was going to fucking bring her in on everything. 
Normally, Mieszko would be out on the floor dancing with a pretty girl or entertaining himself with a lovely young thing sitting on his lap, but tonight he just sipped his whiskey, in silence. His hand idly played with a lighter in his pocket as he sat in the shadows. The weight of his gun in his side holster and the knife on his belt grounded him. They reminded him of who and what he was. 
It was around midnight that a hand gently brushed against his upper arm to get his attention. A young lady with long raven curls and bright green eyes smiled at him. Her clothes weren't as fancy as the girls he had found alluring in the past, but it didn't matter to him. She was gorgeous, her clothes aside.
They got to talking and Mieszko was both surprised and not that they seemed to instantly click. It was more surprising to him that she wasn't shy. He was pleased that she hadn't shown any hesitance or fear in approaching him either. He knew the kind of aura he gave off and it pleased him to no end that she wasn’t deterred by it.
While they were not stumbling drunk, they were pretty buzzed. He left with her house phone number, although he considered asking for more. There was something about her that had him wanting to take her home and ravish her until all she remembers was his name. However, they just met, and he could be a patient man. Sometimes. Yes, he could be patient, especially when it was something he wanted, and he wanted her. He was sure he would hear from her soon.
He was right. They called each other quite a lot, though he couldn't always answer when she phoned him. He did try to pick up every time if he could. He wasn't ready for her to know everything just yet and couldn't risk answering during a meeting or when he was around his frenemies.
His quick answering of the phone and the almost smile on his face when he did, caused murmurs to go through his organization, spreading like wildfire. He didn't care as long as they minded their own business. They all knew what happened to Jayme. So, they kept their mouths shut. 
Mostly they were thrilled that he had his eye on someone again. Mieszko did indeed have his eye on someone. Her name was Persephone, and she made him feel much younger than his thirty years. For their first serious date they headed to a restaurant that Mieszko had a share of under his name. Not that she was aware of that of course.
Mieszko was a politician, a senator to be precise, and had to work all day to make sure everything was taken care of. That way he wouldn’t have to worry about it and could just enjoy their evening together. When he told her he would be working a little later than he planned, she suggested meeting him there. He agreed. 
When they arrived, she took his arm, curling her hand over his bicep that he may or may not have flexed to show off. As expected, the line was long, but he was Mr. Gajos. So, he was immediately taken to a table once the manager saw him. Dinner was wonderful and Mieszko was captivated by this young woman.
She was extremely smart, observant and drop dead gorgeous. She was very promising as a significant other. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was wearing a short lavender dress and black Mary Janes with her hair in a twisted shoulder braid. 
He himself was outfitted in a long sleeved, lavender button up with a black vest over it and a suit jacket over top of that. The suit jacket was now hanging on the back of his chair having found a home there halfway through their meal. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing toned forearms sporting a light dusting of dark hair. He had on black slacks that paired well with his shoes and tie. As they eat, he noticed her gaze raking over him over and over again. A primal part of him preened at the approval he saw in her eyes.
It had been a long time since he had been out with a pretty young thing. With his ex he was monogamous—or so he thought—for about a year at least. His ex was very demanding about where they went, what they wore, who saw them, how much they spent and—Speak of the she-devil and she shall appear. 
Sasha walked into the building and sashayed over to their table, apparently trying to hide the splint around her finger. She was wearing a blood red dress that gave Mieszko ideas that were not of a sexual nature. Mieszko had to take a drink to keep his smile from showing. 
As she approached their table, he wondered if she was going to ask about Jayme. He kind of hoped she did. He would take great pleasure in telling her exactly what happened to him if she asked.
The look Sasha gave Persephone had him feeling protective and made his hackles rise. He was not expecting her to flirt but he also wouldn’t be shocked if she did. They’d had a conversation about their inclinations when it came to sex, when they got together.
Mieszko knew that Sasha being attracted to both men and women didn't necessarily mean that she would get flirty with his date. He had known for a while that she was into both men and women. He promised not to say anything to anyone, but he was tempted to out her right now. If he did, she would be shunned. The idea was very appealing to him and would serve her right.
However, the words she proceeded to seductively impart into Persephone’s ear were obscene. Mieszko hated how uncomfortable Persephone looked, though he also noticed a fire sparking in her eyes. He could feel the tension building and shivered at the want rising inside him. There was something about Persephone, something other and he couldn't wait to find out what it was, assuming she didn't decide they were better off as strangers.
It was time to intervene and Mieszko spoke quickly, interrupting his floozy of an ex. He kept a detached calm demeanor while doing so. “Sash? Don’t.” 
She simply turned to look at him with a quirked brow and smirked. This side of her was what had originally drawn him in. It was different when it was being directed at him and when he knew what she was really like. “You never would stop calling me that.”
“It’s a nickname that—”
“That you gave me,” she sneered. “You couldn’t use just my name like everyone else. You just had to stick out like an eyesore.” She rolled her eyes and flips her hair over her shoulder, popping her hip to the side, her arms crossed over her chest. That was another thing she did to gain attention. Her chest was average in size, and she loved pushing them up and out when crossing her arms. He internally rolled his eyes at her shallowness. Of course, he wasn't super deep either, but he had more to him than she did that was for sure. 
Mieszko was really tempted to point his gun between her eyes. The cold metal always felt good in his hand and his mind would be silent, his thoughts focused on his target and his target alone. When he held his gun, he was in control, cool, calm and collected. He was Mieczyslaw Gajos, and he was deadly.
Persephone glared at Sasha and quirked a brow at Mieszko as if to inquire why he was putting up with this. He shook his head. “Don’t, Posy. It’s okay.” 
He froze, cold fury sweeping through him, as Sasha laughed cruelly. “Awwww. Looks like someone found a pretty little dolled up floozy to pay attention to them huh? How sweet!” she mocked him with a wink. Her eyes flicked to his date. “Well? You hate it, I’m sure. So, tell him. Tell him you hate it.”
Mieszko swallowed thickly, hating how he let her get away with this. He wasn't planning to waste any more time on her, but he would deal with her if he needed to. In fact, perhaps he would have her tongue. Here he was just trying to have a nice dinner with this young woman who was pretty much his ideal partner in every way and Sasha was sabotaging it. He should’ve gone with his first instinct when he found her with one of his men. If he had, Sasha would be dead, and he'd have Persephone home in his bed.
“Actually, it’s adorable,” Posy said, taking his hand under the table and giving it a squeeze. “Persephone is a family name passed down from generation to generation to the women deserving of it. My brother and my father used to call me Posy when I was growing up. When Mieszko started using it, I felt like the puzzle piece I had been missing fit perfectly. It clicked like he and I clicked,” Persephone said with a soft smile as she met his heated gaze with heat in her own eyes. 
Sasha rolled her eyes and then got an evil glint in her eye. “Well, what about his puzzle piece?” she purred. “Is it satisfactory?”
Mieszko blushed crimson, humiliation churning in his gut. He was the one who instilled fear in the hearts of men and women alike. He didn't care what they thought so long as they didn't get in his way, but for Sasha to throw around such blatant lies and slander, her intention of course to defame him, was where he drew a line. How was she getting to him? He was the Mieczyslaw Gajos, and she was just a little gold digging whore. The way she talked about his cock was ridiculous. He was definitely above average by quite a lot. 
Plenty of men and women had been unable to walk the next morning because of how good he fucked them. It was interesting that she used to crave being stuffed full by his cock only to decide that little Jayme—who was at least three inches shorter—could serve her better.
Nothing was ever good enough for Sasha. She always wanted more. 
Mieszko pretended to pay attention to her endless yammering, even as he subtly made eye contact with the manager who nodded his understanding. “Stop,” he said, voice low but firm. Really, it was a warning. She was lucky he hadn't done more than warn her, that she was even getting a warning, but it was a warning she of course refused heed. Either she didn't hear the warning disguised in his tone or she didn't care.
Her comments got even more cruel, cutting, biting and downright degrading. Everything he did or said while they were together and some things he didn’t were being laid out for Persephone and the rest of the establishment to hear. 
The other patrons had various expressions in their faces, ranging from annoyance, disgust, disapproval, and anger. Others exhibited an air of sympathy toward him and Posy. He even saw a few people who were looking at Sasha as if she was insane. Of course, the ones bearing an expression questioning her sanity were his men. They knew who and what he was. Sasha didn't have any idea and it was going to cost her, most likely she'd pay with her life. She would have found out who he was and what he did if they had gotten married, but Mieszko was really fucking glad they didn’t. 
He felt the desire to maim someone growing ever enticing. Persephone doesn’t deserve to be treated in such a way and that was the nail in Sasha's coffin. People just continued to stare at them. It made him furious, and his hand twitched as if to grab his gun or perhaps his knife. He did think her crimson dress would look even better bloody. 
As he went to stand to put an end to her tirade, he noticed Persephone making a fist, her knuckles white as snow from how hard she was clenching them. She was shaking and she looked pissed. Mieszko didn't want her getting even more upset. It was taking everything in him not to land a killing blow as it was.
It had been an amazing date before his ex had made an appearance. Posy made him feel like it was safe to love again. He had never loved Sasha. The last person he remembered loving was his mother and she had died not more than a decade ago. His mother would have loved Persephone, of that, he was sure. He was sad that he wouldn't be getting another date with her. Then again, he too would probably turn and run away from this if he were her or not, considering who he was and what he did.
He told his ex to back off and she towered over him easily since he remained seated. She wasn't as intimidating as she thought she was, but he did really wish he was standing. Instead of doing so however, he simply took another bite of his dinner. The meal was excellent, and he really needed to come again soon.
It was so tempting to lash out, but his mother raised him better than that. 
Apparently, Sasha didn't appreciate his lack of response and asked him if he wasn't saying anything because he was afraid of little ol’ her. 
She tried goading him and then Persephone has had enough. She shoved her chair back, standing from her seat. Mieszko noticed that Sasha flinched at Posy's actions. The room felt darker suddenly and the chill he felt resonated deep within him setting fire to his core. He had to subtly adjust himself and had eyes only for Posy as she said, “Hey! Listen up you evil manipulative disgusting bitch!” 
Sasha looked furious and turned towards Posy, trying to regain the ground she lost when she flinched. 
Said woman smirked. “You better watch it! This man is a-fucking-mazing. He is everything that I have ever wanted. Just because you’re regretting something or missing daddy’s money doesn’t mean you get to waltz in here, act like a whiny bitchy whore and expect us to just sit here and take it.”
“Why you little—” Sasha started but cut off with an indignant squawk when her arms were seized. 
Two men came forward with a pair of handcuffs, their badges gleaming in the light. Mieszko smirked at them, throwing them a wink and a nod as they dragged Sasha out into the night. 
When he and Posy left, they nodded at the sheriff who nodded back. Mieszko and the man had an understanding. Both Mieszko and Persephone ignored the cries and anger of his ex as she was taken away. 
They went home together, his place, and ended up in his bedroom, bare beneath the sheets. It was just as phenomenal as he had imagined it would be. She was stunning and he was going to find a way to make her his.
It was just after one in the morning when Mieszko tore himself away from watching the gorgeous woman as she slept. He slipped silently out of bed and changed back into his date outfit. Before leaving the room, he kissed her forehead, whispering a promise to come back to her.
"Tha epistrépso sýntoma, agápi mou," he whispered, his lips brushing against her temple.
An hour later, his driver pulled up to what looked like a sweet innocent little home in the country, at least from the outside. He smirked evilly at such a naive thought. This home was the antithesis of innocent. It was perfect for what he had planned though. 
Downstairs, tied up with mascara stained cheeks was pretty little Sasha. Her eyes widened when she saw him and he couldn't help the scoff, hiding his amusement. The look she gave him was ridiculous and sad. She looked at him as though he would save her from what was to come. Of course, he would be doing no such thing. He rolled up his sleeves and cracked his neck as he rolled his shoulders. 
Amber eyes darkened as he stepped up to the table. “You know even though I have all the makings of the perfect surgeon, I prefer to use my anatomy knowledge for more personal projects.” His lips curled into a vicious smile, no sign of anything other than the darkness of his soul.
She flinched back from him as he approached her with a sharp scalpel in his hand. He traced the blade down her cheek and then down her throat. “You’ve been such a naughty girl, sweetheart. I’m so disappointed.”
She looks like she’s trying to speak and Mieszko softens his eyes only slightly to encourage her. 
At that she finally managed to speak. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. Please I—”
“Sorry for what? Hm?” he hummed, the blade resting at the column of her throat. He could practically see the skin bathed in crimson, but he had always been a patient man when it counted. It would pair beautifully with her dress when he did finally spill it. Perhaps if she had worn any other color, he wouldn't have been picturing this for hours.
“B-Betraying you by sleeping with Jayme,” she panted out, hyperaware of the blade but her eyes never left his face. 
He nodded and just when she looked relieved, he nicked her cheek. She gasped in surprise, choking on a sharp inhale. The pain took a moment to comprehend.
She looked at him as though he had betrayed her. Fuck that. “Let's discuss strike one. You earned your first strike when you stole my money. If you wanted or needed my money, all you had to do was come to me and ask for it.”
He nicked her other cheek near her jawline. “Then of course we have strike two. You earned your second strike when you slept with one of my men. If you were unsatisfied, you should have come to me. We both know how much you craved my cock and yet you went to him.”
The scalpel pressed against her jugular, and he loved the way she trembles with terror. Her throat bobbed as she tried to swallow without pressing further against the blade. “Last, we have strike three. You earned your third strike when you went after my girl. You’re the one who betrayed me. You spread your legs for him like a hussy and did so more than once, yet you the audacity to show up and cause a scene. I was surprised that Posy snapped back at you, but I was also thrilled.” He sent her a cruel grin., his smile all teeth and very much the predator he had always been. “She has more of a backbone than you’ve ever had.”
There was no time for her to beg as he cut her throat. 
As she slowly bled, the crimson river beautifully pairing with her dress, he repeated his displeasure and disappointment. 
As her eyes grew hazy, he recounted her transgressions: the money she stole, the number of times she had sex with Jayme and then started needling at her confidence. He smirked as he told her what everyone must have thought of her tonight. He called her names and then humiliated her like she tried to humiliate him. He unlike her, knew exactly where to hit to break her.
When he was finished with his verbal assault, she was a mess of blood, sweat and tears. She was limp now and barely breathing. 
“You would have had everything. I would have given you everything. You would have had me and now…” He trailed off, clicking his tongue and tsking at her. His lips were pulled into a pout. He knew how it made his mouth look even more tempting. He was amused how despite being close to death, she managed to lick her lips at the sight. “Now everything is what you lost, and now you have nothing. You are nothing.”
When his hand stroked her hair in a gesture of empty comfort, she pushed into the contact with a whimper. Then and only then, did he finally smile at her. She tried to smile back but couldn't and her face was almost ghostly white now. 
“Tell me what you need, sweetheart,” he said. 
“Kill me, baby? Please!” she begged as best she could. 
“Shh,” he cooed at her. “I will. I promise. Tell me why, sweet thing. Why do you need to die?”
With a cough that was more of an exhale, she met his gaze. “It’s what I deserve. Please, baby? Please?”
Mieszko smiled at her. It was not a nice smile. The look she gave him in response though was one of the utmost pure unadulterated devotion and adoration as if she was staring at her salvation. 
It was too bad she didn’t show such adoration and devotion before. He would have given her anything she asked for. He would have given her everything. 
Long fingers without a speck of blood on them—despite blood being everywhere else—wrapped around her throat. His hand squeezed the pale column harder and tighter, most likely and hopefully leaving bruises behind. 
She didn't struggle, couldn't as she believed this was what she deserved. She smiled as the light was snuffed out of her eyes and the last of her tears slipped down her cheeks. Her expression was serene and peaceful. Mieszko did so love bringing people to this place of mind break. Between the body and the mind, he preferred to break the mind. It didn't take much to make them think what he wanted was what they wanted. It was an art that he had perfected as he easily rose to power. 
“Clean it up!” he barked at the man in the shadows, a man who had been watching the entire scene with fear coursing through him. 
With a gulp as he fought to swallow the bile rising in his throat, the man stepped forward and was shoved to his knees. 
Mieszko watched the man cleaning and smiled cruelly. “Good boy, Jayme.”
Jayme and Sasha’s bodies vanished but no one gave a damn. Not that anyone knew about either. It was known they were sleeping together and Mieszko would of course be proven innocent. Obviously. 
He had to adjust himself as he watched the cement pour, and the blood drain. He shivered as the water flooded the building and groaned at the fire that lit up his car windows when his driver drove away. The explosion nearly had him cumming then and there. He had sent a tip in to his contact in the government about a terrorist attack. After all, the scene would exhibit the signature of a well known terrorist group. Not that anyone needed to know that the terrorist group didn’t actually exist.
When he arrived back at his house, there was a light on. He stilled in the entryway, concerned that Persephone was awake and had and noticed his absence. So, he stilled, his ears alert for anything out of the ordinary. However, upon ascending the stairs, he found Posy still sound asleep though now she was lying on her back, the sheets leaving very little to the imagination. His eyes flicked to the side, and he sighed in relief. It was just the bathroom light illuminating the darkness of second floor.
He decided to take a hot shower and once he was inside, he sighed. His shoulders felt as though they bore the weight of the world on them. He pressed the palms of his hands against the tiles, resting his head against the wall and letting the scalding water remove the tension from his body. His mind was at war with his heart when it came to the woman in his bed. He couldn't bear a repeat of Sasha, but should he tell Posy now or wait and—
The bathroom door opened, footsteps echoing as they came closer and then stopped just outside the shower. He glanced towards the glass to see Persephone watching him with an expression of concern. Her eyes were dark, and she looked even more like something other than she had earlier in the evening.
When he didn't say anything, she joined him and when he didn’t object, she washed his body with his favorite soap. Not that she knew it was his favorite. 
Mieszko knew she couldn't see or smell the blood on his hands and therefore, she couldn't possibly know what he had done but the soap suds trailing down his body gave him a sense of purification. The soap was washing the torture away, taking some of the stain on his soul away with it as it swirled down the drain.
Persephone didn't speak, and it was as if she knew what he had done, what he did and what he will do again. 
She always knew when not to push him. She was incredibly smart, observant and calculating. Mieszko was sure that if he didn't tell her, she would figure it out on her own. It was another reason he was torn. He wanted to see her the moment understanding hit her, the moment the realization dawned on her face. He wanted to see her eyes alight with unconditional acceptance of who he was and what he did. Telling her now though, would enable him to gauge her emotions about things and deal with it if need be.
As his eyes slipped shut, relishing the feeling of her fingers in his hair, he refused to tell her. Something told him it was completely unnecessary. 
For now, he wouldn't make a decision about anything important in regard to this gorgeous woman. For now, he would give her all of himself—all of himself that he could give—and hoped that when she finally glimpsed the evil darkness of the devil under his mask, that she would embrace it, embrace him. He hoped that she would embrace all of it instead of fearing it and fearing him. By Zeus, he would be hers and all she had to do was be his.
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
Halloween Master List {2020}
Mind  Games {Spencer Reid x Reader}
Twisted Lies {Spencer Reid x Demon!Reader}
What A Tease {Derek Morgan x Reader}
Undercover {Mafai!Luke Alvez x Reader}
Find Your Love {Luke Alvez x Reader x Spencer Reid}
Till Death Do Us Part {Spencer Reid x Reader}
“I thought you agreed I should wear this costume to the party tonight?” “Oh I agreed to you wearing it tonight, but I had no party in mind”{Chole Decker x Reader} *NSFW*
Under Arrest {Chole Decker x Reader} *NSFW*
In A Blink Of An Eye {Jay Halstead x Reader }
Spooky Season {Kelly Severide x Reader}
Lust At First Bite {Vampire!Antonio Dawson x Reader  } *NSFW*
Double The Fun {Antonio Dawson x Reader x Matt Casey} *NSFW*
Deadly Obsession { Demon!Dean x Angel!Reader}
Stop And Stare {Stiles Stilinski}
Haunting {Pack x Reader}
Sugar Daddy!Drew McIntyre Hc
Naughty Nurse {Kyle O’Reilly x Reader} *NSFW*
Haunted House {Undisputed Era x Reader}
Keep You Safe {Alpha!Triple H x Omega!Reader}
Bad Moon Rising {Werewolf!Seth Rollins x Werewolf!Reader x Demon!Finn (Balor)}
Assassin Hc w/ Finn Balor
Spy Hc w/ Cesaro
Drunk In Love {Buddy Murphy x Reader} *NSFW*
“You look so sexy in that costume.” “Feel like making a deal with the devil?” “You will never leave this place.” {Seth Rollins x Devil!Reader} *NSFW*
Angel!Reader x Demon!Finn Balor Hc
“My head is a very dark place.”  {The Miz x Assisan!Reader}
Different {Demon Hunter!Triple H x Demon!Reader}
Into The Sea {Merman!Seth Rollins x Reader} {Merman AU}
Stronger Than You Think {Dom!Triple H x DemiGod!Reader}
She Wants Revenge {Vampire!Triple H x Vampire Hunter!Reader}
Bleeding Love {Vampire!Drew McIntyre x Reader}
BANG BANG {Roman Reigns x Reader} {Bonnie and Clyde AU}
Poison {Mob!Boss!Roman Reigns x Gangster!Reader}
In My Nature {Roman Reigns x Reader} {Greek Gods AU}
Way Down We Go; II {Werewolf!Roman Reigns x Human!Reader} {Werewolf AU}
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rippaers · 6 years
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ad1thi · 4 years
au masterlist
okay ive been meaning to do this for a while, and ive finally got the time to do it so here’s a list of all of my aus!! this is divided by ship for ease, and i do have a lot of pieces that don’t fit into any specific au - so this post is specifically for aus (this is a rly long post so im hiding it under a read more) (also please nobody comment on how similar the summaries are ive never had to think of how im summarising these aus before this post)
all my writing on tumblr // all my writing on ao3
1. your pain (is my burden to bear) AU 
Summary: soulmate AU where you can feel your soulmate’s pain, and marks that originate from your soulmate’s injuries can be found on your body
2. target and assassin AU
Summary: The Asset has been tasked with the mission of killing Antonia Stark. Falling in love with her along the way was never part of the plan.
3. park bench AU
Summary: they’re both running from their past. in New York, they find each other.
4. taste of your lips AU
Summary: TVD au. Bucky wasn’t planning to stick around in New York, just drop in long enough to fix whatever his brother had fucked up and then leave. But then he meets Toni Stark, and against all odds - he finds himself staying in the one city he’d sworn never to step foot in for all of his immortal life. 
5. the second (love of his life) AU
Summary: greek gods AU, Aphrodite!Bucky x Hephaestus!Bucky . Bucky has spent over a thousand years resenting his marriage to Tony, content to ignore his husband in favour of his lover, Steve. but when he’s captured by Joann Schmidt and its Tony, not Steve who comes to his rescue - Bucky finds himself falling for the husband he spent so many years ignoring. Is it too late, or can he fix a marriage that was doomed from the start?
6. waste my time AU
Summary: Tony doesn’t do boyfriends. Tony has a boyfriend - Tiberius, or he will anyway once he convinces Ty that breaking up with him was a horrible idea. But then he meets James Barnes at a bar, and suddenly things don’t seem so black and white anymore
7. elite AU
Summary: a/b/o dynamics. Bucky isn’t planning on starting anything up in his new school, and would’ve been completely content to keep his head down until he graduates. But after a chance kiss with a bambi-eyed omega at a party in the beginning of the school year, things weren’t looking so simple anymore
8. 1000 lives (for you) AU
Summary: James hasn’t been subjected to the Chair in close to 3 years. After all, why would HYDRA use the Chair to control him when they’ve got his soulmate instead?
9. Secret Love Song AU
Summary: Marrying Steve wasn’t what Toni had in mind when she pictured the rest of her life, but it wasn’t any hardship. Of course, that was before James came into her life. (this au has been race and gender bent since the original post)
10. Dilwale AU
Summary: mafia au. Tony and Bucky used to be in love. Now they’ve sworn never to see each other again. ‘Course, MJ and Peter falling for each other puts a kink in those plans. 
11. K3G AU
Summary: desi au. As a member of the illustrious Barnes dynasty, Bucky is expected to undertake certain responsibilities; chief of which is marrying someone from a respectable family. Tony Stark from Chandi Chowk might just put a wrench in those plans.
12. buckytony teen wolf AU
Summary: when Tony and Rhodey went searching for a dead body in the woods, a rogue Alpha werewolf was not what they were expecting to find. Overnight, their entire lives change
13. undercover cop AU
Summary: After the events of Afghanistan, Tony can’t bear to work at Stark Industries anymore. Handing over the reins of the company to Pepper, he quits and starts working at Midtown High. but the US government isn’t about to let one of the country’s biggest assets work at a public highschool without even the smallest bit of protection. Enter Agent Barnes, or as Tony knows him - Midtown High’s new gym teacher
14. the K2 AU
Summary: Bucky just wanted to live his life without the Army ever finding him again. Saving Tony Carbonell at a metro station and getting sucked into the intricate life of the italian mafia was never on the agenda. 
15. Mara Dyer AU
Summary: fem! Bucky. Bucky was an extremely normal 16 year old girl - if you discounted the fact that her bestfriend and boyfriend died after an abandoned building collapsed on them; and that she was the only person to survive. Then bodies started dropping around her, people that she imagined dying who died in the exact grotesque way she pictured is. and suddenly, there’s nothing really normal about her at all.
Summary: fem! Bucky. Bucky kills a wolf. Except its not a wolf, its a Faerie and the High Lord of the Spring Court comes collecting his pound of flesh. 
17. centre of his universe AU
Summary: The Asset is fascinated by the Stark Heir. 
18. one shot AU
Summary: highschool AU. nerd! tony x punk!bucky. Bucky has has a crush on Tony Stark for his entire highschool career, but he’s never thought he had a shot - choosing instead to pine uselessly while Tony dates what feels like the entire highschool body. Bucky’s resigned himself to the belief that Tony will never be his, until Tony breaks up with longtime girlfriend Rumiko Fujikawa, and suddenly - Bucky has one shot. 
19. 1000 lives (for you) AU
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes and Anthony Edward Stark are impossible soulmates - separated by time, distance and space but brought together by horrible pain and suffering. This is their story. Starts from TWS, and is largely canon compliant.
1. student of the year AU
Summary: Steve was supposed to keep his head down, get good grades and get a scholarship to a university far enough away that he wasn’t even breathing the same air as his family. But then he becomes bestfriends with Bucky, falls in love with Bucky’s boyfriend Tony - and things get a bit more complicated along the way
2. just friends(?) AU
Summary: Tony did this, thing where he fell in love with his friends. All of his friends, except maybe Steve. (too bad nobody told Steve)
3. captain americana and the heartbreak prince AU
Summary: Steve Rogers has known Tony Stark for 10 years, 4 months and 11 days. He’s been in love with him for the exact same time. 
4. om shanti om AU
Summary: It should be noted, for the sake of posterity - that Steve usually wasn’t one to buy into the craze that surrounded celebrities. At the end of the day, they were still people. Tony Stark though, that was his exception.
5. stevetony lawyer AU
Summary: raising a 14 year old boy while juggling a demanding job at the DA’s office wasn’t easy, but Steve made it work. It wasn’t an easy life, but it was a good life. They were happy - and then Peter gets charged with the murder of his classmate Wade Wilson and everything falls apart. With his son facing life in prison, Steve does the only thing he can and calls the best defence lawyer he knows - his almost fiance Tony Stark.
6. schitt’s creek AU
Summary: David! Tony x Patrick! Steve
7. kidnapped! tony stark AU
Summary: Tony gets kidnapped and Steve loses his mind.
8. zindagi na milengi dobara AU
Summary: desi AU. in college, Steve, Sam and Bucky made a promise. 3 weeks, 3 activities, 3 boys and the country of Spain. 15 years later, Sam is getting married and its time for them to make good on that promise, to give him the send-off of the century. But between Sam’s conflicted feelings over his engagement, unresolved tension that threatens to break up the trio; Bucky’s secret agenda and Steve’s workaholic tendencies - it definitely promises to be a trip they’ll never forget
9. arranged marriage AU
Summary: desi AU. Steve has been in love with Tony for years. So when his mother asks him to settle down, he impulsively sends a rishta to the Stark residence; and thinks nothing of it. And then - they reply.
10. betrothed AU
Summary: Tony and Steve are princes of neighbouring kingdoms, promised to each other at birth. But the life of a royal is not as smooth as it seems.
11.  the salacious bisexual life of tony stark AU
Summary: As a journalist, Steve Rogers is expected to write articles on a great many number of things. He didn’t realise that could include his ex boyfriend.
12. Civil War AU
Summary: everything’s the same except: (1) Steve and Tony are dating, (2) Steve doesn’t know Tony is Iron Man
13. stevetony lucifer AU
Summary: Tony is tired of being the Devil, tired of following Howard’s order, tired of all the bullshit that comes with divinity. Malibu isn’t great but its a refreshing change of pace, a nice break from the screaming and the pain. And then he meets Detective Steve Rogers and Malibu suddenly has a lot more to offer.
Note: this AU was started by @imposter-human and all credits for it rightfully go to her. i just piggybacked onto it and added a couple of my own thoughts, but this AU is hers. 
1. Dostana AU
Summary: Rhodey and Tony desperately need a new apartment, and there’s a brilliant one that’s close to where they both work. There’s only catch though, the landlord, Pepper (who is stunning) only accepts applications from couples. After a night drowning their sorrows in the local bar, they come up with the brilliant idea to pose as a gay couple for the apartment. They move in, and come up with increasingly stupid ways to impress their new landlord without exposing that their marriage is a shamNeither bestfriend likes to lose, and both of them have their eyes set on one person: Pepper (or do they?)
2. rajput tony stark AU
Summary: desi AU. Toni Stark comes from a long line of rajput royalty. (this au has been genderbent since the original post)
3. civil war rhodeytony AU
Summary: civil war scenes re-imagined with an established rhodeytony and a past stevetonyrhodey otv.
4. me and my bestfriend but make it rhodeytony
Summary: memories of me and LRP but re-imagined as Tony and Rhodey
5. meri pyaari bindu AU
Summary: To the rest of the world, he’s always be a Mr someone - but to Rhodey, he has and forever will be, his very first love, Tony.
6. doctor who AU
Summary: Doctor! Tony Stark x River Song! fem James Rhodes
7. female tony AU
Summary: Tony doesn’t like Rhodey’s new girlfriend. (he’s still trying to figure out why)
1. stephanie rogers AU
Summary: Steph Rogers was never supposed to find herself on the frontlines of World War 2. Then again, she wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things. - the mcu re-imagined with genderbent Steve. eventual stevetonybucky otv
2. on your knees AU
Summary: dom/sub AU. Tony is relearning what it means to be alive in a world where he’s not in the clutches of HYDRA, and misinterprets a scene between dom! Steve and sub! Bucky
1. president tony stark AU
Summary: Tony Stark is sworn in at the 46th President of the United States. Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are assigned to his detail.
1. the Carbonell Family AU
Summary: Anthony Carbonell is the patriarch of the Italian Mafia, Natasha and James are his bodyguards (and lovers). Steve Rogers is the FBI agent who’s vowed to bring him down.
clarktony (superiron)
1. bound by blood AU
Summary: when Clark’s parents die, Howard Stark takes him in. Desperate to recreate the serum by any means necessary he starts experimenting on both his new foster child, and his own flesh and blood son in an attempt to create the next supersoldier. Years later, Clark has broken free of Howard and is now Superman; but he and Tony are connected in ways he couldn’t even begin to understand
1. morgan stark’s villain origin story AU
Summary: Morgan Stark isn’t a normal girl. It might have something to do with the death of her father.
2. blind tony stark AU
Summary: Tony loses his sight when he’s 15 after a kidnapping gone wrong.
3. desi! tony stark AU
Summary: just a link to all pieces that have desi! tony stark in them.
4. slytherin! tony stark AU
Summary: just a link to all pieces that have slytherin! tony stark in them.
5. AU-gust 2020
Summary: a masterlist to all the AUs i did for AU-gust, spanning various ships and fandoms
6. sins of the father AU
Summary: Harley has always known who his birth father is. It just never occurred to him, that his birth father might not know who his son is. im3 compliant. slightly aged up harley keener (he’s in highschool not middle school)
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lefaymorgan · 4 years
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Teen Wolf AU: Greek Gods
Theo Raeken as Dolos. God or daimon of trickery and guile. He is also a master at cunning deception, craftiness, and treachery.
“A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.” ― Criss Jami
Dolos (or Dolus) was the god or daimon of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, guile, and treachery. He was a companion of Prometheus, the titan of crafty council, and The Pseudologoi (lies). His female counterpart was his sister Apate, the goddess of fraud and deception. Dolos is the son of Nyx and Erebos or of Gaia and Aether. He might have been apprentice to the titan Prometheus.
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sarcasmandships · 4 years
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goddess of spring and flowers | queen of the underworld
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hi! are there any dancer!theo or dancer!liam fics? i’m a dancer and i’d love to see a little dance w my favorite ship!
Heck yes there are!! Unfortunately not too many, but I have it on good authority that another is coming from two talented authors teaming up!
Married to Darkness by Endraking (Teen | Complete | 124K) Tags: Slow burn, guilt, angst, self-doubt Summary: Post series- What happens to the members of the pack that remained in Beacon Hills. While some problems remain, new ones creep up that require the pack to act. Mainly told from Theo's point of view. Without the remainder of the pack, the young members must deal with the morally grey world of conflict within Beacon Hills. A Peek Inside: As soon as the words exited his mouth a scent caught his nose. Anger, followed by pain. The unmistakable scent of a werewolf: Liam. Internally he rolled his eyes and drove toward the scent.
See You Later, Boy by LI0NH34RT (Teen | Complete | 2K) Tags: Dancer Liam, skater Theo Summary: Roughly based on the song ‘Skater Boi' by Avril Lavigne. But not really? A Peek Inside: At first it was with his mother in the kitchen, the radio turned up on full volume or alone in his room, headphones in his ears when he couldn’t sleep, and as soon as he learned about the Beacon Hills Ballet School he pestered Jenna about joining the classes there.
Learning to Bend by xTarmanderx (Teen | WIP | 3.2K) Tags: Yoga instructor Theo, dancer Liam Summary: Liam’s dance instructor tells him if he doesn’t work on his flexibility, he’ll be dropped from the program. He ends up attending a yoga class and finds more than he bargained for in instructor Theo Raeken. A Peek Inside: “Me?” Liam jabbed his thumb against his chest, trying not to wince. Heat pulsed through his cheeks and he bit down on his lip, wishing the ground would swallow him up. Of course the Greek god of a man meant him. He was the only one without a cheerfully colored yoga mat. “It’s my first time,” he admitted meekly. The instructor’s eyes danced in amusement as he took a mat from one of the young women and approached Liam, kneeling down with it.
Sculpture In Briefs by saawinchester (Explicit | Complete | 20K) Tags: Smut, heartbreak, breakup Summary: Liam’s parents left him the house and very little cash before they scurried away to go live their life of adventure. Forced to be independent too soon, Liam had to look for a means to pay the bills, keep himself in school and put food on his table. That leads to him displaying his body for people to drool or ogle at while he swerves to the music and for the right price- get to touch. Of course none of his schoolmates and pack members know about his late night activities. Enter the ever inquisitive Theo Raeken who comes into the picture with his flirty smirk, stupid perfect hair and hypnotic hazel eyes. Liam never hesitated to show his dislike for the other werewolf. Not even when Theo Raeken gets to discover his night job and….. pays for a lap dance? A Peek Inside: Theo never displayed his like for men to anyone. He was met with many scenarios where he had to control his urges just so he didn’t jump any hot guy he saw. And he had been managing fine until he came back to Beacon Hills and met Scott McCall’s rather angry and grumpy beta Liam Dunbar. The kid was drop damn gorgeous with his pouty lips, raunchy attitude and appealing apricot scent. 
Something’s Got A Hold On Me by NekoAliceYamiYaoi (Mature | WIP | 17K) Tags: Stripper AU Summary: Where Theo is an FBI agent investigating some murders and they're all linked to the prominent gay club Sinema and Liam is a stripper/dancer at that club. Their paths cross, and whether Theo likes it or not, they somehow end up working together to try and catch the serial killer. Sure, Theo wasn't expecting to fall for the blue eyed stripper called 'Little wolf'. A Peek Inside: The guy had his head bow down and so his face couldn't be seen. He was wearing a white button up shirt with a blue collar and wearing obscenely short shorts and Theo's gonna admit it. His heart accelerated a little. He had short brown hair but Theo couldn't see his eyes-
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