#teensy tiny bit of
stef-rambles · 1 year
obsessed with the hc that Thoma can, in fact, go absolutely apeshit when pushed to his limits (in all senses)
like, he's all adorable and sweet and soft smiles but once someone either disrespects him or the people he cares for, or just so much as touches them— you can see his eyes turn cold and his smile vanish as he grows terrifyingly quiet before completely losing it
he won't talk much nor will he scream— he'll just put people in their place with unmistakably clear actions
I imagine him pushing people against walls with his forearm pressed against their throats, asking them to repeat what they'd just said or if they wanna rethink it before talking again
or staring them down and uttering a warning through gritted teeth, while pinning them to the spot with the tip of his polearm slightly boring into their chest
his face would turn so dark, one would hardly recognize him anymore until the situation is over and then he'd be all smiles and bright eyes again
I just... ugh! I can totally imagine that 😩
bonus: the moment Diluc witnesses such a situation and sees Thoma lose it, he's totally mesmerized and smitten, unable to form a coherent thought other than "oh fuck, he's hot..." 😏
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thedvilsinthedetails · 7 months
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sunnibits · 7 months
loving reminder as someone who struggles with food: you are allowed to add joy to your food. you are allowed to add a little joy even if it’s a tiny thing, something silly or something weird. you are allowed to do it whenever you want, as many times as you want. anything that makes food easier and more enjoyable for you is worth it!! it’s your food, you can decide what to do with it!! you can add rainbow sprinkles to your ice cream. you can cut your food into little heart shapes. you can pack your snacks into cute little bento boxes. it is not pointless or childish, it is an effective and active coping tool that you are allowed to use.
give yourself a little joy. the little things add up.
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rwibbonz · 1 month
i <33 men’s biceps
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alvojake · 4 months
guys I think I like jake just a little bit 🤏
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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next // previous
august 25, 2021 10:00 p.m. good luck arcade
✨🎵 wannabe! 🎵✨
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rookflower · 4 months
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the way this is phrased ("some of our POV characters", "our first young POV character") heavily implies that leafstar, tawnypelt, and moonpaw are not going to be the only pov characters this arc, which i kind of suspected since i couldn't imagine them going a whole arc with two old ladies and some teenage girl the way that they do them currently. this is interesting as a potential break away from the three-protag formula we've had for a bit and might lead to a shakeup of some minor significance, but it does carry the fear that it means that alderheart #4 aka brambleclaw #5 is not off the table yet. we WILL see angsty insecure boy who is bad at hunting and struggles with his family's legacy or expectations in this arc as well at some point i hate to say it. this does have a lot of potential for good tho... they are straying from the weirdly rigid recent formula... what are they cooking.
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also very expected but booo boring etc. moonpaw dont worry im manifesting you wants that are in fact all that different from other apprentices ok. maybe moon^2 can be real
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commodorecliche · 4 months
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when you feel strongggggggg 💪🥵
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1alchemistart · 11 months
i just read the latest sxf chapter! so cute! and the first thing i thought of was your art and comics. i hope you enjoy/ed the new chapter too <3
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mauveberries · 3 months
this is so weird but like. i like bellamort, alright. i like them a lot. but as soon as someone starts talking about them wayyy tooo much i start getting an ick. 😭😭 like idek why, i can't explain it. maybe it's because i find their dynamics a bit boring? idk.
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astralzeraphias · 1 year
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i love you ada wong
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saintshigaraki · 1 year
love it when love stories involve a bit of unhealthy obsession . i simply can’t help it. i’m very predictable in that sense
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shimmershy · 2 years
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I drew myself a new icon because I'm epic like that
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mybodyfails · 1 year
jeff satur - always you for @arewedoneyet
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"An unsolved mystery—why do we grow old?  The elixir of life remains a dream."  From The Australian Women's Weekly, 1951.
to growing older, better, wiser and sillier @santicazorla 🧡
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
dear barb;
hello hello >:) i come bearing a letter. general warning: this is in first person, because there's no way else to write a letter...so if first person pov is not your thing, kindly keep scrolling! <3 i'll be uploading this to ao3 too, if anyone feels more comfy reading it there!
i don't do taglists, but dio asked so kindly to be tagged so!! @flowercrowngods !! <3 now, onto the letter!
i don’t know why i’m writing this. max said it helped, and i miss talking to you, so here we are. i brought you some flowers. tulips, your favorites. i don’t even know if you can hear me, wherever you are, i hope you can. i hope it’s nice.
a lot has changed since that night. they found will, they found another girl too. they built a mall, then it got destroyed. then hawkins got split in half.
there’s a lot that’s changed, not just in hawkins, but everything. i’ve changed. for worse or for better, i’m not sure i know yet.
i broke up with steve. turns out we weren’t good for each other, and i wasn’t really myself when i was with him. you knew that, too. you were right about him, about me.
i guess you also know about the upside down. i won’t have to sugar coat anything.
we tried to find you, by the way. jonathan and i. we went out in the woods trying to hunt the monster that got will and got you, too. we thought if we found it and killed it, we’d find both of you.
we were wrong. i’m sorry. i should’ve listened to you. maybe if i had you’d still be here. or maybe if we had never gone to steve’s house at all. maybe we could’ve avoided all of this.
you want to know something really selfish? when will came back, i was angry. god, i was so, so angry. i mean, i was glad that jonathan got his brother back and that mike had his best friend back but…i don’t know. i couldn’t stay in the room long, it hurt too much. to know that they got their friend back but i couldn’t get mine. it didn’t make sense. it wasn’t fair. they were allowed to get their best friend back but mine was dead because of me. you weren’t coming back. we wouldn’t have anymore sleepovers and movie nights and study sessions. you were gone.
gone. gone. gone.
i waited until i got home before i started crying. i didn’t want mike to see me upset after his best friend came back. i ran upstairs, locked the door, grabbed an old sweater that you left at my house and cried until i threw up. i still have the sweater. it was the one you gave me on halloween in ’82, when it got so cold it snowed.
after that everything was blurry for a little bit. numb. i turned sixteen and didn’t even care because we made plans for that and you weren’t there. my mom tried to make a big deal out of it, but it wasn’t the same. i needed you.
i still need you.
then your birthday came up, in the summer. you were supposed to turn seventeen. i don’t think i even got anything done that day. mom thought i was sick but i just kept playing every moment back in my head. every movie night, every sleepover, every phone call—all the way up to knowing you were gone. to knowing i couldn’t call you that day and say “happy birthday,” because there was nobody to call.
it was also the same day i decided that whoever did this to you, whoever created the upside down, needed to pay. i know i can’t ever really give you justice, but i can try. the lab—the ones who created all of this—got shut down. we had to water the story down though, had to say that it was a chemical spill that killed you. not a monster from another dimension.
not that it was me.
we had a funeral for you. i couldn’t stay there too long, either. it hurt too much. The funeral and the fact that you weren’t even in the casket. it was a nice funeral though, the parts that i stayed for. i left before they lowered the casket in. i didn’t want to say goodbye to you, even if i knew you weren’t even in there, it just made it too real.
i still think about that night. i think about how i should’ve listened to you and that maybe we could’ve stopped it and maybe then you would’ve graduated with the rest of us, instead of rotting in the upside down. how maybe we would’ve gone to the same college like we had planned to do. how we would’ve gone to prom. how we would’ve celebrated your eighteenth, how you’d had that planned for years, and how we were supposed to celebrate it together.
how you’re sixteen forever.
how i should’ve listened to you. how it should’ve been me instead. how maybe i could’ve stopped it. i used to spend every night hoping, praying, that it was all just a bad dream and that i would see you at school the next day. that you weren’t gone, you were still here with me. i’d spend those nights wrapped up in your sweater sobbing, wishing that it would take me too. i didn’t know what to do without you. but i kept going, even if i hadn’t wanted to.
i killed the son of a bitch who did it. partially, at least. i had help from a girl with superpowers, which is…a crazy sentence to write, but, it’s true. we took him down. made him pay. i just wish we hadn’t had to do it at all, you know? i wish that we could’ve been normal teenagers and you would’ve been there to see it.
i didn’t make friends for a long time. not until recently. her name is robin. she reminds me a lot of you, actually. not that i’m replacing you, you can’t be replaced. she said that you guys were friends before we were, which is insane to me. maybe that’s why we work, she’s so similar to you anyway, it almost feels like you’re still here. she’s like another connection to you, someone who actually remembers you. someone who actually knew you. maybe in another life we could’ve all been friends. i like to think we would’ve been. i would’ve liked that.
i’m leaving you with an old photo of us, the ones we took at that little kiosk in that mall in Terre Haute, so you’ll have a little of me with you. there were two copies, one for me, and one for you. i know those were your favorites, and i hate to think that you’d be lonely wherever you are, so I’m leaving these with you.
i’ll write you another letter sometime, it might be a while before the next one, but for this, i really just wanted to say; i’m sorry. i should’ve listened to you.
i’m sorry. i wish you were here. it should’ve been me.
i miss you.
i love you
yours always, nancy.
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