oof-ow-my-bone · 6 months
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ohhh yeahh the gang is finally all here
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darter-blue · 2 years
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obstinator · 7 months
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(via "Ninjesus " Premium T-Shirt for Sale by obstinator)
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gainerbf · 6 months
Would you ever consider doing a burping vid?
Me? Moi? Burp? Don’t be silly. I am a CLASSY BROAD. Elegant if you will. I haven’t burped a day in my life. Why ever would you ask such a thing? Is this what they call a Fe-TEESH? I don’t know why you would think a distinguished gentleman like I would do such a thing 😌
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starstrike · 1 year
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Some memes I've made for my city of mist campaign, Here's What You Mist, which you can listen to here:
City of mist is a ttrpg where you play as everyday people posessed with the power of a story- a Mythos. We explore some rough themes, so mind the trigger warnings! You'll find action, community building, characters recovering from abuse, a coming of age story, metareferential esoterica, claymation, a nonbinary slow burn romance, political machinations, and much more inside.
In order:
Teesh, she/her: Parkour streamer, Mythos of Fujin
Kaz, they/them: Mafia courier and street racer, Mythos of the headless horseman
Agave, they/them: Mafia family member and rave dj, Mythos of Dionysus
All character art here was commissioned from an artist of the book, Ario Murti.
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hebrewbyinbal · 11 months
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The last month in the Jewish / Hebrew calendar is /e-'lool/. It visits us in Aug-Sep, right before the holidays of /teesh-'rey/ marking the new Hebrew year.
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midnightcreator12 · 1 year
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@cupcakeslushie said I could do an AU crossover with Feral!Leo and Hunter and Turtle.
Dabble under the cut! VVV
Krang blood smelled weird.
Chula felt she was safe in thinking that. She’d smelled the blood of dozens of sentiants, on dozens of planets, and even than, Krang blood smelled weird.
Or maybe it didn’t and it just smelled weird when compared to the wasteland that was this corner of space she was trapped in.
But the blood scent she’d picked up on wasn’t Krang blood.
Krang blood smelled like ozone and fire, sharp and powerful and almost painful to her senses.
But the blood she smelled now was different. Copper-y, rich in iron, and more importantly, fresh.
Something or someone else was here, in this hell.
So Chula followed the scent.
And it led her to a child.
He was so small. Tiny compared to her, even smaller next to the average Krang, and wounded pretty badly. Yet despite his clear disadvantage, he hissed at her, bared his sharp little teeth, probably would have taken a swipe at her with his claws if it weren’t for the wounds slashed across his shoulders.
Curious and concerned, Chula moved closer.
The kid did swipe then, despite the movement ripping at his wounds. He scrambled away, hissing and growling as he tried to clamber over the rumble surrounding them.
Chula let him, taking a moment to take the kid in.
He had fought Krang, the myriad of scars was evidence of that, almost as many as she bore on her own skin. His current injuries probably didn’t come from a Krang, however. Those things would have taken off the kids head.
He had also been here awhile. Prolonged time in this place tended to promote...feral actions. They were needed to survive but everyday was a struggle to not become more beast than sentient. And the kid was clearly fighting that same battle.
He paused at the peak of a large chunk of rock, looking over his shoulder to hiss at her again.
And Chula, maybe desperate for contact or heart bleeding for the kid, responded with a low churr.
The sound surprised both of them. Chula froze while the kid frowned in a confused manner.
Slowly, he let out another hiss, but this one sounded more questioning than threatening.
Chula churred again, adding a few sharp chirps as she moved closer. The kid didn’t run this time, but did not move to meet her.
He watched, wild eyes fixated on her.
Words, words might help ease his fear....she hadn’t used words in a long time...
“Morut'yc,” her voice was horse from disuse, but the word was loud enough for the kid to hear.
He shied away, hissing when she got a step too close.
Maybe he spoke Basic? What was the Basic...
“Safe,” her voice was stronger the second time. She reached a hand out, palm up and open. “Safe.”
The kid frowned, eyes flicking from her hand to her face.
Slowly, so, so slowly, the kid settled his gaze on her face.
“Safe,” his voice was even more raspy than her’s, almost sounding like it physically hurt to speak.
But he spoke.
Chula grinned, wide and giddy, “Elek, elek, morut’yc. Safe.”
She stretched her hand out, mentally begging him to take it.
He looked at her hand again, head tilting as he studied the faded armor, the tattered jumpsuit underneath.
And slowly placed his hand in hers.
“Elek,” she praised. “Jate Ade. Jate.”
Chula is speaking Mando’a, which is translated here!
Morut’yc (moh-ROO-teesh) - Safe, secure
Elek (EL-eck) - Yes
Jate (JAH-tay) - Good
Ade (AH-day) - child
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kurlyfrasier · 2 years
8) Beskar Kisses & Someday
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader Synopsis: One of your many questions gets answered A/N: Not gonna lie; idk what this is. I only like how Reader gets her answer and the keldabe kiss, but that’s a given lol ENJOY! Click here for previous parts and other fics! Warnings: none. no use of y/n, if you like that
Disclaimer: I do not own any Mandalorian/Star Wars anything. Word Count: 803
- Gar (Gahr): Your
- Ner Kar'ta cuyir morut'yc (Nair Kah-ROH-tah KOO-yeer moh-ROO-teesh) My Heart is safe (Cuyir lit: exist, be)
Mando’a words and pronunciations found here
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“Aha!” A loud clap rang through the throne room. “There he is! The Great Mand’alor himself-”
“Mayfeld,” Din growled, turning to find a short, bald man walking towards him and yourself.
“Long time no see, man. Ya know, when Fett said you were here I hardly believed him. I mean, ya don’t visit. Ya don’t call. The whole runnin’ a kingdom thing-”
Your ears rang. Your breathing quickened, short and breathy, burning your lungs. Your eyes never left Din as he grabbed the front of Mayfeld’s shirt and dragged him away. Your feet followed.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mayfeld’s hands were up in surrender. “Your majes-”
Din slammed him against a wall. “Say one more thing and you're a dead man-”
“Still makin’ threats? Are kings allow-”
A blaster was pointed at the man’s head, the fastest you had ever seen him draw.
“Kinda hard to kill a dead man, Mando,” Mayfeld said, voice shaking.
“Not from where I’m standing.”
“Don’t,” you set a hand on Din’s arm before you could think. Both men faced you: one with clear blue eyes, the other hiding behind a dark visor. The arm beneath your hand fell, yours following along with it. “You're friends.”
“Never pegged you one for takin’ orders, Mando,” Mayfeld huffed out, deeming it safe to lower his arms. “Who is this pretty lady, anyway?” He smiled.
Heart pounding, embarrassed and overwhelmed, you stayed silent. Din moved in front of you, effectively keeping Mayfeld out of sight. You were grateful, really, too shocked to speak, let alone, keep up with conversation.
Din was a king. You wanted to save that thought for later, muddle over the implication, but the word continued to echo through your mind as conversation flowed before you.
“How’d you get here, anyway?” 
A king.
“Hitched a ride with your crew.”
He runs a kingdom- no, a planet.
“My crew,” Din deadpanned.
Were you supposed to bow?
“Yeah, you know,” You saw Mayfeld lean in, hand gesturing for Din to do the same. When Din didn’t move, he continued, voice quiet. “Other Mandalorians.”
Other Mandalorians? His people. They were here.
“Dank farrik-”
“Mand’alor,” all heads spun to find a red-headed woman marching your way, helmet held under her arm, a mischievous glimmer in her eye. 
You noticed Mayfeld slink off in your peripheral. 
“I can’t believe you thought you could keep this a secret. From me, of all people.”
“I hear there’s even been kissing,” she smirked.
“Hello,” she focused her full attention on you, hand held out. When you tentatively reached to shake it she firmly grasped your forearm instead. “I’m Bo-Katan Kryze, of Clan Kryze.”
You introduced yourself, adding “-of Naboo” at the end, just to sound like you knew how Mandalorian introductions worked.
“Not of Clan Mudhorn?” Her head tipped to the side as she glanced at Din.
“No,” you answered quietly, unsure of what she was speaking of.
“Would you like to see Mandalore?”
Your head snapped to Din, silently asking permission, but he wasn’t paying attention as he seemed to glare at Bo-Katan.
“Uh,” you swallowed down your nerves, giving the woman a small smile. Your nicknames in his foreign tongue meant Beautiful and Heart. He won’t fire you for wanting to see his planet. Right? “If I could, yes, I would love to.”
You felt, since you refused to look at him in that moment, Din’s helmet look your way.
“Perfect,” Bo-Katan smiled back at you, but it felt like a trap. “Djarin,” she reached out to, presumably, grasp arms with Din, who crossed his arms over his chest. She dropped her arm without taking offense. “Sounds like the perfect time to come home from your long vaca-”
“Hunting trip.”
“Your what,” Bo-Katan’s eyes turned to steel. 
“Fett had some bounties he needed taken care of.”
“And that Clone,” she spit out, stepping chest to chest with Din, “doesn’t have his own people to take care of that?”
“And you put gar Kar’ta in danger?” Bo-Katan said after several long, seething seconds. Din flinched, one arm dropped as the other entwined with your fingers. As though he needed to know you were there. That you were safe.
You squeezed his hand in reassurance.
“You did, didn’t you?” Bo-Katan’s gaze bounced back and forth between the two of you as Din pulled you to his chest, other hand cupping your cheek as his helmet rested against your brow, chest expanding in a deep calming breath.
“Ner Kar'ta cuyir morut'yc,” he said, voice soft, but steady.
You hummed, eyes closed and a content smile on your face. “I like it when you speak that language.”
He chuckled, “Mando’a.”
“Mando’a,” you repeated, eyes opening to meet his visor. “It’s calming.”
“Then I’ll have to teach you someday.”
Someday. You smiled wide, liking the sound of that.
- Gar (Gahr): Your
-  Ner Kar'ta cuyir morut'yc (Nair Kah-ROH-tah KOO-yeer moh-ROO-teesh) My Heart is safe (Cuyir lit: exist, be)
Mando’a words and pronunciations found here
TAGLIST:  @againstacecilia​ @djarinslove​ @bxmxtx​ @takeyour-pants-off​
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its-tortle · 2 years
HI you said to ask about the shrunky fic bc it might help motivate so consider this
✨ asking ✨
Is it AU? Modern? A surprise? Start of a series? Est WC? Give us one (1) tag to build hype 👀
hiiii! thank you so much for asking, teesh <3
so basically, this fic is an attempt to combine two of my very favorite things: shrunkyclunks, and captain america: the winter soldier (2014). my first working title was 'catws except there's no ws'
you know how steve and nat seek shelter at sam's after the camp lehigh disaster? yeah, well what if bucky, sam's bestie and running buddy, had been over at sam's that morning? what if he still had a history with hydra and a metal arm, but was just a millenial with a crush on cap and eager to get in on the action and punch some nazis?
i'm almost scared i bit off more than i can chew with this fic -- and the fact that i have been a total nut case the last few months is not helping -- but i really want to make it work and am trying my best. hopefully it will see the light of day soon.
anyway, i made this meme about it
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oof-ow-my-bone · 1 year
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heehee vampire :3
teesh, gangrel, enjoys changing their hair and stuff :3
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heyitsaloy · 1 year
Of Ash and Traitors: Mando'a Translations
This is a list of Mando'a translations, and pronunciation that will be used throughout Of Ash and Traitors. Please note, that not all the translations will be used straightaway. This list will be updated as the story progresses. Everything is under the cut. Translations provided by mandoa.org
Ad (ahd): a gender-neutral term for son or daughter
Aliit ori’shya tal’din (ah-LEET or-EESH-yah tak-DEEN): Family is more than blood (Saying).
Aruetyc (AH-roo-eh-TEESH): Traitorous
Beskar (BESK-gar): Mandalorian Iron
Cuyan (koo-YAHN): survivor 
Buir (boo-EER): a gender-neutral term for parent, used to describe a father or mother
Cabur (KAH-boor): guardian, protector
Cuyanir (koo-YAHN-neer): survive
Darjetti (dar-JAY-tee): Sith
Echoy’la (eh-CHOY-lah): searching, missing, lost
Di’kut (DEE-koot): idiot, useless individual, waste of space (lit. someone who forgets to put their pants on).
Di’kutla (dee-KOOT-lah): useless, stupid, worthless
Elek (EL-eck): yes [‘lek as yeah]
Haatyc or’arue jate’shya ori’sol aru’ike nuhaatyc (HAH-teesh ohr-AH-ray JAH-tay-SHE-ah oh-ree-SOL ah-roo-EE-kay noo-HAH-teesh): Better one big enemy that you can see than many small ones that you can’t. [A Mandalorian Proverb]
Gai bal manda (GUY bal MAN-da): adoption ceremony, lit. name and soul
Jate’kara (JAH-tay-KAH-rah): luck, destiny - lit. good stars, a course to steer by
Jetii (JAY-tee): Jedi
Jetii’kad (jay-TEE-kahd): lightsaber
Jetiise (JAY-tee-see): Jedi plural, Republic
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wayward-lives · 2 years
Hi Lee! Thank you for having public bookmarks - I haven’t had to search for a fic in weeks because your bookmarks are so well-stocked and organised xx
You are so welcome teesh my love 💞💞 I redid all my bookmarks a few months ago to make it easier for me to find what I wanted and I’m so glad it’s helping you out too xx
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stfacat · 1 year
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Collab 🤝 avec Picole in Hell, scène locale artisanale, collectif non lucratif de collaboration artistique en édition limitée!
Réalisation d'une linogravure qui a été sérigraphiée par Dahu Edition, et imprimée sur ces teesh en coton bio au grammage lourd couleur mangue 🥭
Edition ultra limitée, disponible via le big cartel de Picole in Hell!
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sara12e2 · 1 year
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(via HUMOROUS FUNNY SAYING FUNNY SARCASTIC WITH SAYING SARCASM Classic T-Shirt by SARA SHOPPY ★★★★★) #logo #logodesigns #campinglogo #campinglife #artforsale #campingadventures #design #illustration #graphicdesign #france #appareldesign #tshirt #tshirtdesign #teesh #freelance #freelancedesigner #mountains #camping #builtforadventure #alien #ufo #badgedesign #vectorart#beach#dubai #astronaut #usa#nft#logodesigner #designforsale
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Wait it's your birthday? Happy Birthday!!!
How are the rocks you said you were going to get?
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Also i did get the rocks theyrre so cool i even got 3 shark teesh and a coprolite (fossilised shit) i need to sort them out but i have not the energy right now
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hebrewbyinbal · 10 months
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/teesh-'rey/ is the 1st month in the Jewish / Hebrew calendar. It visits us in the months of September-October, and is the month of חגי תשרי /kha-'gey teesh-'rey/ the holidays of the new Hebrew/Jewish Year: From /rosh ha-sha-'nah/ to /yom kee-'poor/, /soo-'kot/ and /seem-khat to-'rah/ this is a holy and important month on all the key holidays taking place during it.
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