#tell me you are obsessed with arms without telling me you are obsessed with arms
wannaeatramyeon · 2 days
Gun Park x Reader: Protective (feat Goo)
G/N. Goo is a menace and Gun loves you.
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"Who's that pretty thing?"
Goo cranes his neck, adjusts his glasses at who Gun had his arm around mere moments ago, and tries to take a closer look at you.
Gun refrains from snarling, knowing the reaction would only spur him on.
Using the act of taking a drag on his cigarette, Gun subtly moves closer to your body, shielding you from his partner's malicious gaze.
"Off limits," he replies, blowing smoke in Goo's face.
Gun knows he can be possessive, obsessive. 'Gets hooked on people' as Goo put it. However, he has never thought of himself as any sort of a guardian figure, preferring if people could hold their own in a fight.
Yet with you, he can't help the flare of protectiveness. The need to keep you safe. From dangers and wandering eyes and interest from over curious fools.
"Now now, no need to be like that." The blonde responds, wafting the smoke away with a cough and a sputter.
How intriguing that Gun is working so hard to hide you away. You must be a lot of fun. Simply precious.
Undeterred, Goo re-angles himself; directing his smile, stretched too wide and dripping with ulterior motives, past Gun's tense and defensive stance to you. Decides to go for charming instead of predatory, opens his mouth, prepared to sweep you off your feet and-
Gun steps completely into view, shifting in front of you so Goo has no choice but to stare at the black eyed demon and to face his wrath.
Gives his first and last warning, "Look for a second longer and it'll be your last breath."
"Ugh!" Goo pouts, visibility deflating at how serious Gun is. "You used to be a lot more fun," He mutters, then perks right back up without missing a beat, "Sweetheart, I can show you a much better time-"
The cigarette falls from Gun's grip and his hand snaps to Goo's arm, seconds away from weaselling its way around your shoulder.
Obsidian eyes flashing dangerously, "Don't you dare-"
With a sigh, Goo retreats and wriggles free. 
Takes a step back and holds both hands up in surrender. 
"Touchy." He tuts, throwing a dirty look at Gun.
"Nevermind," he shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs, "I have some secret friends to meet anyway. Let me know if you ever get bored of him, sweetheart."
Goo grins at you before striding off and you feel a shiver down your spine.
You felt like prey trapped between two monsters. No, that's unfair. One monster that looks like they want to devour you alive, and the other - Gun Park. Your Gun.
Who has tried to shield you from everything. From the rain to the unsavoury side of his life and now to his unhinged coworker. Who kisses you intensely and treats you like you're the only one, the only thing that matters.
Gun senses your discomfort, notices the tightness in your body language. He reaches for you, pulling you into his body and wrapping his arms around you.
His eyes bore into yours.
"Are you ok?" He asks, and you can feel his voice rumbling in his chest.
The tension had also crept up on Gun. With each word from Goo Kim, each moment his eyes were on you.
It's unnerving. He's not used to this. He never expected to care about anyone's wellbeing except his own but now he's in your orbit - you're all he cares about.
"M'good," you tell him, leaning into him and voice muffled, feeling safe in his embrace.
Gun exhales.
At your words, the unease finally starts to drain away.
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oncomingnight · 1 day
The Best of You, Belongs To Me.
yandere! death metal singer x fem reader
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Andrew is the farthest thing from shy when it comes to showing you affection in public. He'll pull your chair closer to him as the two of you sit in a practically barren cafe, using the closed off distance between the two of you to his advantage in order to kiss you with so much passion that it feels as if he's attempting to rob you of all your breath. His inked hands are constantly interlinked with yours, gently leading you towards the end of never ending crowds, pulling you closer to his side, bringing your buttery smooth hand up to his lips in order to press sugar flavored kisses onto the surface.
He's also a huge fan of standing behind you with his hands planted on your shoulders + hugging you from behind as he nuzzles his head into the ivy scented crook of your neck.
What you're about to read may seem weird but Andrew is absolutely obsessed with the way you smell. He finds himself within the very realm of heaven when he catches a whiff of your jasmine scented perfume, pomegranate body wash accompanied with hints of cherry. He'll write down the names of your most used fragrances and make it a mission to always stock them back up for you.
He is constantly wearing his silver chain with your name as the charm dangling from it. He is never seen without it.
Andrew's skin is almost completely covered with tattoos and he found a way to incorporate his love and obsession for you in this artistry. He has your name displayed across the side of his neck along with a depiction of your angelic-like eyes on his forearm.
He loves partaking in activities that have to do with the outdoors and would love it even more if you were to join him. Andrew is the absolute best when it comes to planning the perfect hiking/camping day out. He grabs a little backpack for you and fills it to the brim with your favorite snack bars and makes sure to have your favorite beverage in clutch within a thermos. He takes an insane amount of photos and videos of the two of you going on these little outdoor adventures.
Gets on one knee to re-buckle your heels or tie your shoes.
holds your bags when he takes you on a little shopping spree.
Andrew hardly ever lets you pay for things yourself, he will somehow always pull out his card faster than you can manage. One day, you accidentally let slip that you paid for a case of lipstick with your own money after he complimented you on how the shade 'made you look like an angel'.
He keeps a careful eye on you as you apply the cherry shade of lipstick onto the sultry outline of your lips before asking you, "when did you get that, princess?"
"oh, just the other day when you took me to the mall!" "why...wait why didn't you just ask me to buy it for you?" you giggle for a split second before replying with, "baby, you were already carrying all of my bags I didn't want you to do another thing by-"
"I don't care what I was doing. Plus, I wanted to carry your shit. Just ask me next time, okay? You already know I'll say yes just don't do that again."
He somehow convinces you to quit your job as that'll be beneficial in you being able to accompany him when his band goes on tour. This is a bit toxic but what else did you expect from reading this? Andrew would never want you to have to deal with a hostile work environment, faltering pay checks or mentally challenging hours. So, of course he succeeds in getting you to drop your job no matter if it's something you enjoy doing or not.
He manages to remind you that he's always there for you no matter what life throws at the two of you. He makes sure you know he cares even if it's through the little things, ordering breakfast & dinner to your apartment door when he isn't able to be home and is spending extra hours in the studio. He sends you voice messages throughout the day/night telling you all about his day, whining on & on about how much he's missed you and how he can't wait to feel you in his arms again.
"I'm almost home, cutie, do you want a coffee?"
says, "there you are, my sleepy head", every time you come out of your shared bedroom after a long night's rest.
Andrew is incredibly talented when it comes to knowing how to comfort you in the most efficient manner possible. He'll gently caress your face, placing his hand on your cheek for a second longer before leaning in to kiss your forehead. "baby, hey, can you please look at me? What's gotten you so upset?" He would never allow you to feel as though the reason for your sadness is stupid or irrelevant because "if it hurts you, it hurts you". He'd practically force you into getting into the bath with him, allowing for the two of you to be engulfed within lavender scented bubbles and the feeling of him threading his fingers through your hair. Then, he'd have you step within the comfort of a fluff filled blanket, resulting in a drowsy appearance to find a home upon your features.
He'd take your newly found calmness to his advantage as he's now able to get a clear cut story on what made his little angel's face fill with such sadness.
Listens to your ramblings with a look of nothing but pure adoration and listens to you talk about your interests while storing all of the topics you're so infatuated with within his schema.
"oh, that's a shirt from her favorite show. I'll go ahead and get that."
Takes a bunch of screenshots of you while the two of you are on face time.
You're his lock screen
Whenever his mother calls him she'll never fail to ask about you and questions him on how you're doing, if you've eaten, etc. She'll eventually ask him to pass the phone to you and it'll take hours for the call to end at that point because she's convinced you're the one for her son, and why wouldn't she want to speak to her future daughter in law for hours on end?
Andrew takes photos of the two of you in every single destination him and his band stop at while they're on tour. He has tons and tons of Polaroids showing you and him having the best time together in various cities inside of Asia, Europe and the US. They're all titled something along the lines of, "Me and the Mrs in __, "Me and my one and only."
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perfectlysunny02 · 3 days
I was literally just telling ellie i suck at coming up with prompts 😭 but if it helps at all
More ghost au (jk i’m just obsessed with it)
Buck finding out Tommy has a hatred of birds
Tommy coming home to find Buck asleep at his house
just for you, moon, i'll give another sneak peek 👀
“Can you see me?” The girl asks, unbearably close, bringing with her a gust of cold air, and the smell of damp dirt. “Yeah,” Buck whispers out in the dark. “I see you.” He sees them. Has his whole life.
Buck finding out Tommy has a hatred of birds
"No," Tommy is adamant for some reason. "Not that way, Evan. Let's go a different direction." "Babe," Buck says. "This way is the quickest way to the car. What's the problem?" "Baby," Tommy says, and as Buck studies him, he seems wildly uncomfortable. "Please, can we just go the other way?" "Yeah," Buck says, crossing his arms. "Yeah, we can. When you tell me why." "Evan, there's geese over there." "Yeah, so? You don't mess with them; they won't mess with you. And they're federally protected, so you can't mess with them, or you'll go to jail. Can we go this way?" "No." "Tommy, babe, I love you but I don't understand the issue. They're just geese." "They're not just geese! They're birds and birds, Evan, birds are evil." Evan thanks the universe that he somehow managed to get out of that without laughing, and nods, trying not to cackle as Tommy looks at him so seriously
"Alright," he says. "You're afraid of birds, we can go that way, we're late to pick up Jee though, so we have to hurry." "I'm not afraid," Tommy says on their way to the car. "Uh huh, baby, whatever you say." "I'm not. Just a deep hatred." "Okay, baby, you wanna drive or me?"
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strawberrystepmom · 2 days
but how does that first time with Umemiya actually go? 🤔
honestly? he’s more intense than you expected. you’re too used to his jovial nature, his grins and his big hand always wrapped around your shoulder to keep you close to him. you never doubted he’d make you feel good but it is pleasantly surprising to see how bad he wants to the first time.
“just one more for me?” he asks, fingers crooked with expert precision inside of you, rubbing that spot that has your toes curling against his sides. his tongue laps at your clit. he backs his face away to kiss your inner thighs, leaving traces of his front teeth behind in the form of tiny love bites, thumb replacing his tongue to toy with you.
“but i wanna cum on you,” you whine breathlessly, back arched, elbows propping you up. his hair falls in his face and you do your best to lean up and push it away from his eyes.
(those honest, beautiful eyes you can’t believe look so different from how they usually do when glancing up from between your thighs.)
“you’ll get to once you give me one more,” he teases with a raised brow, leaning back down to sloppily kiss your drenched cunt, tongue softening while he drags it through your folds and tensing when he presses the flat of it against your clit. your eyes flutter shut, chest heaving, and he knows he’s about to get what he wants.
you shiver gently, another orgasm shimmering through your body, and he laps at your droplets of release. sweeter than anything he could’ve imagined. he groans, low in his throat and deep in his chest.
“hajime.” his eyes flit from your pretty, shiny pussy to your face when you say his name. “please, please fuck me. i need to feel you.”
no longer a mere want, he’s a need. something you can’t live without. umemiya’s eyes drift down your body and back to your pretty cunt that clenches around nothing, all thanks to the mere weight of his gaze. your body is so tense and taut despite the three orgasms he has already pulled from you using his tongue and lips and fingers and you are overwhelmed.
“please,” you beg again, the word far more high pitched at the end than at the beginning. every part of you needs to feel how well you’ll stretch to accommodate him.
he smirks and rises to his knees, heavy cock bobbing with every scoot upward onto his bed, nearer to your spread thighs, your soft skin, your unapologetic beauty. obsessed feels like too light of a word for how he feels about you.
you gasp softly when he grips his cock and bounces the flushed head of it against your sticky, sensitive folds. his hips grind and you watch him slip through them, frustrated whines you cannot stop spilling out every time he grinds against the spot that is most sensitive. your face contorts in impatience and pleasure and when he’s certain you’re going to open your mouth to ask him for a third time, he slips in.
just the tip. just enough that you can really feel how you’ll have to stretch for the rest of him to be buried inside of you. you moan and it’s a symphony, music to his ears he wants to hear constantly, pulling his tip out and slowly sinking it back inside of you. he leans over you, one strong arm holding him up, holding you close to him with the other.
“i’ll let you cum as many times as you want as long as you tell me you’re about to, alright?” he commands against your cheek. you wanna argue, to tell him the way your body is going to grip him and pulse around him will be enough to warn him, but you nod. you’re too relieved to be full to put up too much of a fight.
he sinks deeper inside of you and you gasp. “fuck…” you breathe out and he chuckles, kissing your cheek gently.
“what did i say?”
you open your eyes to look at him, hand cupping his face to keep him close to you.
“i think i’m gonna cum, hajime.”
he sinks just a little deeper and you further tighten around him. another sweet, smooth chuckle leaves him.
“you think?” he raises a brow, sinking even deeper, torturously slow and methodical. “i know you’re about to cum again.”
hand sliding from cradling your shoulders to the backs of your thighs, he pushes them upward toward your chest, that little glimmer of intensity in his eyes flowing through his body and driving his movements. he pins you beneath him with his chest and his thighs and his hands and all you’ll be able to do is cum.
just for him.
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simping-writting-mess · 8 months
I thought I have a pattern when I choose Poseidon and Hades as my husbandos but then Tesla and Leonidas came and fuck the pattern
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aoitakumi8148 · 3 months
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...I’d make you look, I’d make you lie, I’d take the coldness from your eyes...
𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒯𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝑀𝑒: ‘𝓘𝓯 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝓮, 𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝓘𝓽 𝓓𝓲𝓮’.
[v.1-v.6] Some gaps left to fill ✏/✏ The answers would not have any weight on the LO𝓟 content.
The Law 𝟘. I thought I'd somehow learn something that'd drastically change the way I feel about... quite the oposite. More questions now to Venigni, Sofia and Manus, rather than to...
What Is The Principle Of ‘Communication Through Ergo Wave Lengths’?
What Is The ‘Ergo Amplification’ Effect?
Is Romeo's ‘Deal With The Devil’ About Becoming A Puppet?
What Is The Interval Between The ‘Deal’ & The ‘Experiment’?
Does The Creator Still Work With The Organization? 𝒫.𝒮. It Is Coherent On A Short-Term Basis, ‘Former Colleagues’ [+ Before The KD]. Systematically? Doubtful. Why Would He? If Not Only As A ‘Compulsory Measure’. ✒ The Creator And Manus' Goals/Views Are Fundamentally Conflicting. ✒ & His Sceptical Attitude is Plausible, Persuasive. ✒ Not To Mention The Leader Of [The Alchemists] Almost ‘Praise[s]’ The PD. 𝒫.𝒮. Which Exactly Causes Carlo's Death.
Rhetorical Question. Why Admonish 𝓟? ‘Read’ Geppetto's Mind? Think You Know? Leave It Be.
A plan that is complicated to proceed, a combination of provoked events and ‹fortunate› circumstances, generating one genius technician's intention growing stronger each day... or all at once. It matters not.
Despite everything he observes, discovers, hears from others, the boy is eager to be with Geppetto, to reconcile x make him happy. Even at the cost of his life, even if that happiness will not be theirs. 𝓟's Creator, his Trigger, his Father gave him the reason to. The reason to feel like a real human. Because of the man's craft, he regrettably missed the time for Carlo in the past, but it's 𝓟's present that does define him… Our crippling, gentle, disorienting, astonishing present.
LO𝓟 is a great writer's philosophically fond tale taken by great minds & implemented in the form of melodius x glamorous ideality, NOT destined to burn the ‹core› of this tale to dust. Something that intense cannot be an illusion.
...With the full force of a dying star ~ I will find you, If you’re near or far, wherever you are...
#Aoi Takumi#blog#my gifs#NEOWIZ#ROUND8 STUDIO#Lies Of P 2023#Lies Of P#2023#game#NG+#Winter Holiday Edition#license version#v.5#PC#/#𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿#everyone [but not literaly] in Krat lie to 𝓟 one way or another...#his secrets are -fed- by the extraordinary love towards Carlo... his guilt x anguish eventually driving the man...#to choose x overconcentrate x exaggerate x ignore the obstacles around him... bottle up the feelings for his 𝓟uppet at some stage...#because this die is cast... / only in the effort to shield his gone son's ♡ ~ he is able to behold the will x realness of his alive 1's ~#the same human form but a different substance / geniuses have their -gaps- too...#*𝕒𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕... 𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕖#𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼#-pouring fuel on the fire- x persistently vilifying your -best friend-'s family ain't quite smart ~ tell me 𝕀'𝕞 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘#𝗣𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝘀#a -world without lies- is the man's -grandiose moralistic performance- /#though what he demonstrates is basically how to -play- with Ergo/the Arm of God x hold the object of your obsession captive [...]#doesn't know from personal experience about care [fatherly care included] and consequently...#has no clear notion of what it is like... to bear the same burden with someone you love most... to -breathe- that someone's aura...#*𝕝𝕚𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 & 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘
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saudrag · 2 years
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// tw blood // tw knife
“the third death”
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torchickentacos · 1 year
theatre or open mic night would fix me
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thefallofruins · 7 months
Bully! Sukuna
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Bully! Sukuna who unhealthily obsesses over you. He loves your cute little face, loves it when you stammer and stutter over, loves how adorable you look when you study, glasses resting on bridge of your nose as you focus on taking down your notes.
Bully! Sukuna who sits next to you in class, hands shamelessly resting upon your seat, thighs occasionally nudging against yours, watching you with a smirk as a blush spreads across your cheek.
Bully! Sukuna who has no business with the library, but he comes anyways because he know you'll be there. Trapping you between a shelf and him, watching you look like you're about to pass out. Saying, "What d'you want, shorty?" when you can't reach a top shelf, only to tease you about it.
Bully! Sukuna who playfully tugs onto your hair, makes fun of you for being such a nerd, for not having a boyfriend, for being no fun. He sometimes snatches your glasses away and watches you desperately jump as you try to get it from him. To see your tits bounce...it makes him so fucking hard.
Bully! Sukuna who, every day, after returning to his dorm, has to "relieve himself" and it's all thanks to you. Imagining your lips glossed up, wrapped around his cock, slurping, licking— it makes him cum like no one before, not even the previous girls he has slept with.
Bully! Sukuna who glares holes into the guy who was hitting on you in the corridors. Only he can make you blush. He stalks over, arm wrapping around your waist possessively. "Fuck off." he growls, and the guy respectfully backs off.
Bully! Sukuna who, for the very first time, looks upset when he sees you cry out of frustration.
"What is your problem?" you sob, wiping the tears with the back of your palm. He pushes you against the wall, hand next to your face, trapping you, the other reaching to wipe the tears falling out of your pretty eyes as he leans down to whisper into your ears, lips brushing against your lobe, "You."
Bully! Sukuna who avoids you ever since that day. Too emotionally constipated. Not sitting next to you, not teasing you, barely even looking at you. You feel strange—strangely empty without having him annoy the crap out of you. The thought of him pressing you against the wall, so close to you- making you heat up as you think of it again and again.
Bully! Sukuna who absolutely did not expect that you would approach him as he smokes, back resting against the wall. Who is glad to see you, but doesn't show it. Instead, conceals it with a cocky smirk and says, "Missed me, eh?"
Bully! Sukuna who loves the sight of your cheeks flush at his words, the angry pout upon your lips, your inability to speak from how flustered you feel. But can't help but freeze when you reply with a small, "Y-Yeah."
Bully! Sukuna who discards the cigarette butt instantly, grabbing you by the hands to pull you flush against him, pulling your chin up to see you closely. Fuck you for being so beautiful. "Why don't you tell me how much you missed me?"
Bully! Sukuna who is taken by surprise when you tiptoe to press a kiss on his lips. He growls lowly, the feeling of your soft, plump lips making him go wild with thoughts— all the ones he pent up in his mind. He bites your lower lip, tongue embracing yours.
Bully! Sukuna who's so glad he found his sweet little girl. Surprised that you even liked him, but decides that you're his now. His sweet girl he'll protect at all costs. Of course he's a bit mean, but it's only him who can tease you. The rest will face instant death if they even try.
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"So fuckin' wet..." he growls into your ear, fingers rubbing your swollen nub through your pink panties, the cloth dampening with every touch he gave you. God knows how many times he has dreamt of this moment, only to have to jerk himself off the next morning. But to finally have you like this, it felt so fucking good.
He nibbles onto your neck, finding a sensitive spot that makes you gasp. Pulling your panties aside, he rubs the entrance of your cunt before he inserts a finger, walls shamelessly clenching around it. "Such a tight pussy..." he growls as he easily, through experience, finds your g-spot and nudges against it. A single finger is enough to make you wither. Pathetic.
"S-Sukuna..." you moan out, the sound of it making him add another one of his long fingers inside you. You gasp as they curl against a particular spot, more of your slick covering his fingers as he continues abusing the particular spot. "How cute," he chuckles darkly, loving how desperately your virgin pussy is squeezing around his fingers. He pulls it out, a dark expression on his face when he says, "You've got no idea how much I've dreamt of having this."
He chuckles upon seeing your cheeks flush deep red, arms on your hips, pushing you up to sit on the wooden bench. He parts your legs, kneeling to get a better view. "You gonna let me have a taste?" Before you can say a word, his tongue grazes your slit, making you yelp "Suku—ah..!"
His tongue works wonders, lapping against your puffy folds, teasing you, driving you crazy each time it so agonisingly grazes your sensitive clit. He slurps around shamelessly, making you moan quietly, afraid that someone will hear you.
"Nggh...k-kuna..." you moan messily, slick dripping down his chin, creating a mess. He loves every second of it. It's just like he imagined. Lapping up your sweet juices skillfully with his tongue, hands holding your legs apart, nails digging crescents into the soft, plush skin of your thighs. His actions drive you to the edge, your hands desperately clamping down your mouth to remain quiet, "Mmh...C-Cumming!"
He parts from your lower half, the sight of your hazed, flushed face, looking at him so adoringly— making his cock strain painfully against his pants. He captures your lips in a kiss, leaving them swollen as he parts. You look at him, collecting all the boldness you can possible muster when your hands reach to tug at his belt.
"Sukuna...let me return the favour."
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divider: @/cafekitsune
thefallofruins2023 © plagirising/translation/repost of my work is not permitted.
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nanaslutt · 8 months
PLEASE write more of geto being a perv🙏🙏
“pt.1” here
Geto x reader, in showing you how sorry he is for being a creep<3
perv!geto is my obsession atm
contains: fem reader, non consensual photography (reader is kinda ok w it), pervy roomate!geto, crack, gojo makes an appearance, talk of gojo wanting reader, sexual tension, cunnilingus, masturbation(geto), degradation, soooooooo much dirty talk, sweet!geto at the end<3
About a week ago you were watching a scary movie with geto on your laptop, drinks placed on the table next to it; dumbly.
So of course when the scariest jump scare you’ve ever seen in your life occurred, your legs jerked into the glass of liquid, spilling it all over your laptop and absolutely ruining it.
“God- Fuck! Noooo! nonono!” you shot up to grab a blanket, pillow, anything, to soak up the liquid, “TAKE YOUR SHIRT OF NOW,” you yelled in a panic to your dark haired roommate, who; you noticed throughout this entire excursion had barely moved a muscle to help, besides the muscles used to laugh at you.
“Babe I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that shit is beyond saving,” he laughed, placing his hand over his chest while he did.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck, I use my laptop every single, and day I absolutely cannot afford to buy a new one right now.” you placed your head in your hands in defeat.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” geto said, at the end of his fit of giggles at your expense.
“Yeah right, ur broke as shit too, that’s why we’re living together.” you said, muffled into your legs as your body had now fully collapsed in on itself.
“Yeah ur right, but that kinda hurts my feelings,” he said, smirk showing through his faux pout, “thought you liked livin’ with me,”
The two of you bickered back and forth for a while. You ended up putting the laptop in a bag of rice; to no avail, it was completely ruined.
Geto had been nice enough to let you use his laptop in the meantime; only when he was with you though, which you found slightly weird but at least you had access to it to some degree.
Right now you had the house to yourself though. Satoru had picked him up half and hour ago, saying something about wanting to try some new coffee shop with word famous sweets; that meant you had free range of his laptop.
You knew how to clear search history, so you would be fine. You just wanted to watch a movie anyways, nothing criminal.
Sneaking into his room, you unplugged the silver electronic, sliding it under your arm as you took it back to your room. Placing the laptop on your bed and getting comfortable against your pillows, you cracked it open, You had accidentally seen him type in his password before, so getting in was no problem.
What was a problem is what was on the screen when the laptop came to life. An entire folder of up skirt panty shots; and not just anyone’s panty shots; they were yours.
Scrolling through the decently filled folder, you noticed ones that dated back months ago. You saw a picture of you laying on your bed, head in your hands while you kicked your feet behind you; the short skirt you were wearing gave geto the perfect view of your unobstructed ass, slight pink peaking between your cheeks.
Other too, you doing more mundane things like sitting on your knees on the barstool you had in the house, poking out your ass, once again giving that dark haired pervert the perfect shot of your clothed mound.
You were almost impressed at how many there were, and how make different angles he was able to get without your knowledge.
Trying to wrap your head around the idea that yes, your sweet roommate who has never attempted to come onto you once, had a secret folder filled with lewd photos of you.
Saving the file, you sent it to yourself. Once you heard the chime on your phone you quickly copied the link, and sent it to the culprit himself, no other message attached to it but the folder alone.
“Ummm ooh, I’ll also get the triple chocolate cream filled crepe cake please! What do you want suguru?” gojo chirped.
Geto started at him with disbelief, he had just ordered 5 full size deserts with the longest name he’d ever heard; all sounding like a stomach ache and a half; and they were all for himself.
“Right..uh, i’ll just get the vanilla scone and a black coffee please.” Geto politely spoke to the man taking his order.
Gojo continued conversing with the cashier, finishing up ordering any last minute items and paying.
Geto felt his phone buzz in his pants, checking it quickly while gojo finished up the interaction; both of them starting to walk to booth in the corner of the cafe.
Suguru’s heart sank to his balls when he opened your message. He knew you were mad too, because you didn’t say anything else other than a link to his private folder of your panty shots. “Fuuuuuuuuuck haha,” geto laughed, hand coming up to cover his smirk as they slid into the booth.
“Huh? let me see, what happened?” Gojo nosed, trying to peek over the table at geto’s phone when he noticed it was the source of his distress.
“I might have to sleep at your house tonight, maybe for the rest of my life I don’t know.” he said, hand dropping back into his lap as he shut his phone off.
“Did you forget to do your dishes or somethin’?” he asked, knowing how angry you got at Geto when he didn’t pick up after himself.
“Yeah maybe, or maybe my roommate just found the upskirt pics i’ve been taking of them for the past couple months.” he giggled, slight remorse in the back of his head. Not from doing it, but from being caught.
Gojo’s jaw dropped, covering his own mouth as he let out a boisterous laugh. “Hahaha oh man, you really are fucked.” the blonde slapped his own knee, “I’ll let you co-sign my lease tonight,” he said, scared that if suguru went home, he might actually get murdered.
Geto kicked satoru’s shin underneath the table, making him wince. Their giggles died down at geto’s misfortune after awhile. “So..” gojo started, “Yer’ gunna let me see the pics right?” he asked, “Already hurt you didn’t tell me about this,” he pouted,
“In your fucking dreams satoru,” geto snorted. He already saw the way gojo looked at you when he was over, always making passes at you and touching you any chance he got.
He would be damned if his bestfriend got his hands on you before he did. “WHAT???” gojo yelled a little too loud for the tiny space they were in, resulting in him getting shushed by geto, “pleaseeeee, I know how good you are at taking pictures I bet they’re soooo gooood.” gojo wined, crossing his arms on the table and laying his head against them.
“Keep dreaming satoru.” he laughed. The whine haired man kept his pouting up for awhile, calling Geto selfish and unfair, his sorrow immediately being forgot about when the massive tray of his deserts finally came out.
When you heard the front door to your shared apartment finally crack open open a couple hours later, you were in your bedroom.
His laptop had been tucked away in your bedside table in confiscation, while you awaited with a racing heart, for him to knock on your bedroom door.
You heard him place his keys on the table through the thin walls, then you hear his heavy footsteps as he starts to make his way to your room.
The air was still when the footsteps came to a stop in front of your door. You were feeling a lot less confident than you were before he got here, now the thought of confronting him made your mouth feel dry; heart beating out of your chest.
Finally, the knocks were being rapped on your door, you swear you died for a second when you heard his familiar voice call your name, followed by him asking politely if he could come in.
"Its open," you yelled back. When the wooden door creaked open and his frame came into view, you had to fight off all the neurons in your brain telling you to look away from his hooded eyes.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, the tension in the room was so thick it could be cut through with a knife. You had no idea why, but the current situation was admittedly arousing.
You stayed silent for a while, just staring at each other, neither one of you daring to break eye contact first, "So? What do you have to say for yourself?" you asked, voice coming out a lot less confident than you wanted.
"Im sorry." he replied, swallowing thickly, quickly sucking his lip into his mouth to wet it.
"You're sorry for what?" you asked clarifying, This wasn't going how you expected.
"I'm sorry for being a pervert and taking panty pics of my roommate." He said, taking a couple steps towards where you were sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Are you really sorry?" You asked, voice full of need, as you did your best to supress it, trying to ignore the growing heat in your stomach.
"So sorry" he answered, having made his way inches away from you, eye contact still not being broken. You both noticed how heavily you were breathing, his eyes flitting down to your lips for a second before he sucked his lip into his mouth again, and letting it slide out, dark eyes meeting yours again.
The only thing you heard was your heart beat loudly in your ears as you spoke your next words, "Show me how sorry you are."
"Mm so fucking sorry," geto's voice vibrated against your clit.
"F-fuck ohmygod," You moaned at the feeling of him wrapping his lips around the bud, tongue peeking through to flick at it.
"A-again-" you whined,
"'M sorry," he groaned, staring up at you with a smirk as he released your clit, flattening his tongue over the sensitive bud.
You were laid back, ass placed at the end of the bed, Geto was sitting back on his heels as he perched himself on the floor between your thighs, hand rapidly stoking over his throbbing cock.
"W-wipe that sm-ile off your face" you wined, trying to keep the little hold you had over geto.
He didnt stop smiling, but you could'nt tell when he burried his tongue inside your pussy, pressing his face hard into your wetness and shaking his head. His pointed nose rubbed your clit in the most delicious way when he did that.
"S-so fucking dirty" you chastised at how sloppily he was eating your cunt. He was trying to fuck his apology into your pussy with his tongue, really trying to prove how sorry he was.
Loud slurping noises bouncing off the walls and going straight to your head; and to his cock; making you both dizzy at the situation.
"Sorry I'm so nasty," he groaned, muffled by your folds as he tongue fucked you like his life depended on it.
Quickening the pace of his hand against his cock, he was squeezing it the same way your walls squeezed his tongue, trying to mimic the feeling. Pre was dripping steadily from his cock and onto the floor, leaving a little puddle there.
Geto was getting off on this so hard.
Every time you squeezed your thighs around his head and degraded him, his abs clenched, balls tightening with the need to blow his load.
"O-only thing youre good for is eating my pussy, f-fuck" you said meanly with a whimper, eyes dropping down to his handsome face and seeing how fucked out he looked from your words, as he nodded his head and moaned into you, agreeing with you.
He needed to you keep talking to him like that, to keep humping his face, suffocating him, treating him like a bitch, he needed it.
"Use me-" he cut himself off as he moved his mouth back up to your clit, making out with the little bud messily, "wanna show you how sorry I am." he drunkenly smiled at you.
You gripped his hair in a makeshift bun, rolling your hips against his face as he stuck his tongue out for you to get yoruself off on.
Groans of "mhm mhmm" could be heard from Geto between your legs, pumping his cock impossibly faster feeling your wetness gush out of you from his minstrations.
"Ohmygod feels so good- shit-" You wined, tipping your head back, feeling your orgasm build quicky as you rubbed against his tongue just right.
His chin was absolutely covered in your slick, pretty eyes rolling back in his head as he felt himself get pushed towards the edge as well, abandoning his hand keeping your thigh spread to join his other between his legs. He massaged his balls between his fingers, increasing the pleasure he felt while you worked towards your end together.
"Fuck t-tell me your sorry again," you whimpered out, teetering on the edge of your orgasm, "Sorry" his deep voice immediately groaned out, cock throbbing when you yanked on his hair.
"Ag-ain" your moans broke up your speech,
"Sorry, m' sorry, sorry-" He kept babbling against your pussy, sending delicious vibrations through you.
You were feeling hotter at the strange power dynamic going on, using that to your advantage as he kept mumbling the word into you, sending you straight into the most mindblowing orgasm of your life.
"Coming f-uck fuck f-" your voice getting cut off as your stomach started contracting and jerking, you rode your high out on his tongue while he groaned a lengthy moan into you.
Behind where your vision was blocked by the bed, Geto was cumming all over his hand and the bottom of your comforter.
Geto's eyes repeatedly rolled back in his head, hand massaging his cum out of his balls as he stroked himself roughly through his orgasm.
Finally being able to breathe when you loosened your legs from their hold on his neck, dropping your hands from his hair as you laid back on the sheets. Geto's hands wet with his seed came up to massage your thighs, his head rasing from between them.
You both took a second to breathe heavily into the open air, your cunt as his cock alike twitching in the aftershocks of your orgasms.
You felt his hold on you cease for a moment, a couple seconds later something was bouncing heavily next to your head. When you turned your head you were faced with a brand new, rose gold laptop, still in its packaging.
You looked back up at geto, who was now standing, running one of his damp hands through his hair, "If me eating your pussy didnt prove how sorry I am, I hope this will." He smirked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Fuck, Geto are you serious?" you beamed, picking your limp body up from the sheets and holding the package in your hands, he smiled at you fondly, watching you tear it open like a kid on Christmas.
Peeling the plastic from the cardboard you spoke, "Still making you delete all those photos by the way," resulting in him tipping his head back in a loud groan of defeat.
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asilentsongbird · 10 months
Neuvillette pines for you.
Furina learns to avoid him simply so she doesn't have to hear about whatever thing you've done lately that Neuvillette is obsessed with.
The ache is so deep in his soul it almost hurts.
The rain comes in a downpour sometimes. To match the wetness on his cheeks. Though sometimes he can't tell if it's the rain or his tears on his face.
You find him like this one evening. An umbrella tucked under your arm as you find the Chief Justice on the shore, head bowed and completely soaked.
"Monsieur Neuvillette?" you ask softly, coming up behind him. Your umbrella is just big enough to protect him from the rain. "Are you alright?"
He turns to you with shock on his face, tears still running down his face. A thousand thoughts race through his head, everything from did you see him crying to why in the world are you out in the rain?
A soft, gentle hand touches his cheek. It takes him a moment to realize it's your hand, the softest thing he's felt. Instinctively, he wants to lean into the touch. So he does.
"Are you crying?" your voice is soft, concerned, without the barest hint of judgement he so easily passes on to the players of his court.
The umbrella is shoved into the crook of his arm, and another hand reaches up to join the other. You cup both of his cheeks, though he has to bend slightly to allow you to do so, which he does so easily.
"There," you murmur, brushing your thumbs under his eyes. Your smile is so soft, even softer than your touch. "You have beautiful eyes, Monsieur Neuvillette. I hate to see you so sad."
The rain stops suddenly, as though someone has turned off a switch in the sky itself. His cheeks are dry and the sky is clear, and before he can say a word, you're looking up at it instead of him, still smiling.
"The rain stopped." You sound so happy about it, he almost feels bad for making it rain. You press the umbrella further against his hand.
Your touch feels warm. Inviting, and soft. Everything about you feels soft to him.
"Keep it for next time, okay? I'd hate to stumble upon you wandering through the rain again. You could catch a cold!"
He clears his throat softly, trying to figure out words. He's pretty sure words didn't exist before you started talking to him, and now he's floundering over them like a child.
"Allow me to walk you home," he finally manages, as though he didn't stumble over words for the first time in his life.
You smile, and link your arm through his own when he offers it. The sky above you two hasn't been this clear and blue in ages.
Perhaps, after he finishes walking you home, he can figure out how to finally ask you to dinner.
But who knows, really. After all, if he cries again, will you touch him as softly as before?
There's only one way to find out.
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cerisereids · 2 months
𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂- 𝘀.𝗿.
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pairing- s1!spencer reid x bau!reader
w.c.- 3.9k (wtf omg)
summary- spencer reid is your best friend. you’re in love with him, he wants someone else.
warnings- the jeid narrative in s14 pissed me off so bad i wrote this, miscommunication trope, reader obsesses over his hair (same), idiots in love, wingwoman!penelope
a/n- to be clear i am not a jj hater, i love her. i just don’t like what the writers tried to make happen between her and spencer
the soft glow of the morning sun floats through the window, coating the bullpen of the behavioral analysis unit in a peaceful golden light. you bask in the soft start of your morning, a rarity in your line of work, sipping your coffee as your fingers clack against the computer keys. the peace of your morning is ripped from you suddenly, though, when gideon and hotch barge from their offices in quick pursuit of the conference room. the team immediately follows suit, scurrying after one another to follow the two men.
hotch stands at the head of the room, sternly describing the case file he’s just received. there is a serial killer in the d.c. area, obsessed with leaving texts of ancient egyptian script at the crime scenes. as an analyst for the bau, you’re assigned to stay in the conference room with spencer in order to help decipher what the killer is trying to tell authorities. you share a smile with the boy next to you, both eager to tackle yet another assignment together.
you were hired to the bau as a young academic fresh out of graduate school, the same year as spencer. you two initially bonded over your shared love of reading, of analyzing text. it’s this skill that’s made you an asset to the team. you can decipher handwriting left by criminals in order to profile them; you can understand and analyze complex documents left for you at crime scenes, just like in today’s case. you found a partner in spencer very early on. you two were assigned those kinds of analytical tasks often, and proved to be very good at it, good at working together, at being together.
it wasn’t long before the mere sight of him started to give you butterflies, your chest constricting with affection. you cherish the late nights you’ve spent with him, in and outside of the office, inspecting documents and handwriting samples, the times where you’ve reached for the same file and your fingers brush together. movie nights at his place on the weekends, when you get so tired you allow yourself to curl into him, to let him wrap his arms around you, to pretend you’re something more. something in your stomach grows hot, and your palms start to sweat. you barely even notice that everyone else has gone off on their own assignments, leaving you and spencer alone in the conference room together. he sends you a million dollar smile and you get to work.
after a few hours of hard work, you suggest taking a lunch break. your lungs rejuvenate from the fresh air as you eat in the courtyard. you close your eyes and tilt your head up, feeling the glow of the sun warm your face, sighing as the vitamin d floats through your body. you can feel spencer’s eyes on you, and your heart kicks against your chest. how much longer you can take without confessing to him, you’re not sure. the limbo of being in love with your best friend is a torturous predicament to be in, especially when you work with him.
“hey, i need to ask you something,” spencer mumbles, and you see him pull out two tickets to a cowboys football game.
your heart now hammers against you, like a boulder spasming in your chest. your hands are sweating, shaking; is this it? could he be doing the hard part for you?
“gideon gave me these on my birthday. i don’t know if you knew this, but it’s j.j.’s favorite team. i was thinking of asking her on a date with them, but i haven’t watched a football game in over ten years,” he chuckles sheepishly, squinting his eyes down from the sun. “do you think it’s a good idea? i thought i should come to you since you’re my best friend, you wouldn’t steer me wrong.”
best friend. those words pierce through your gut like you’ve been shot with an arrow. you’re thankful his eyes are turned away from you, so he can’t see the infliction of those two fateful words.
“um-yeah,” you breathe out, barely audible, “i think it’s a great idea. it doesn’t matter if you don’t really watch football. if she likes you she’ll want to spend time with you, no matter what,” you fake a smile and pray to anyone that would listen to please convey the true message of your words, what you’re really saying. you know it falls on deaf ears, though, as you turn to throw your half eaten lunch in the trash, returning inside 30 minutes earlier than agreed upon.
“woah-where are you going?” spencer hastily cleans his things and jogs to catch up with you.
“i just think we need to get back to work. this case isn’t going to solve itself,” you shoot him a bitter smile, opening the door and not holding it open for him behind you, like you always do.
j.j.? you think to yourself as you now delegate your portion of the work at your desk. the thought of being trapped in that conference room alone with him after your conversation at lunch unzips a shiver down your spine. your forehead is resting in your palm as your brain fights to focus on the case, and not drift back to spencer.
you were in complete and utter disbelief that the object of his affections has been j.j. this whole time.
j.j. is your friend, and you’re not mad at her. it’s not her fault that she’s the one spencer’s developed feelings for. you’re just completely caught off guard, utter shock clinging to every nerve in your body. you thought, after all of those shy smiles you’ve shared alone in conference rooms, the late night conversations on the jet, the nights you’ve spent at his place, that they meant something more. you’re just shocked none of it did, and that you’ve completely misread your entire relationship with him.
if gideon gave him the tickets, that means he sees what’s going on between them, too. you furrow your brows, squeezing your eyes closed at this revelation. god, you feel so stupid. how could you have let your own feelings blindside you from what your best friend actually wants? you have no future in profiling, that’s for certain.
you see a shadow looming over your desk from your peripheral vision, and you know who it is merely from the outline of his hair. you look up to find a sheepish spencer reid, seemingly nervous to even be approaching you. you hate that. you hate the idea of him on a date with j.j. even more, though.
“what’s up?” you try to sound interested, but you can both hear the restraint lacing your tone.
“i think i found something. we, uh-we need to gather the rest of the team,” he states.
his voice is quiet, small, his big brown eyes are boring into yours. you nod. the tension grows thicker the longer you stare at each other, eyes desperate to convey everything your mouths are too afraid to say. the file spencer was holding slips through his fingers, falling on your desk with a crisp clack. the noise cuts through the trance you find yourselves in, and you go red as a tomato, looking in your lap to avoid those lethal eyes.
“let’s go,” you mutter, walking past him without so much as a glance.
over the course of the next week, you spend many work hours nursing your bruised ego in penelope’s batcave of an office. as the two analysts of the team, a lot of your work overlaps, so hotch didn’t raise a brow at the sudden change in your routine, not working with spencer so much. you’re able to tell her about everything going on with him during your brief moments of down time, when you’re filing paperwork or doing light research.
“oh. my. god.” she gasps, aware of your feelings of him from the start, “babe. no way,” she swivels her chair so she’s fully facing you, “i’m sorry! i thought he was into you, too,” she frowns, handing you a unicorn plushie from her desk drawer, “here, take mr. unicorn. he’s the best man on the planet.”
you chuckle sadly and squeeze the soft animal, utilizing its comfort as much as you can. “thanks, pen,” you settle your cheek on the squishy animal’s head and look at her sadly, eyes glassy and big, “i think it was too good to be true. he’s almost too perfect, maybe this is a sign.”
you see her deflate at your defeated tone, her hand reaching out to grab yours, running her thumb over your skin. you stay like that for a moment, allowing yourself to feel the complex emotions you’ve suppressed throughout the week. you’ve only spoken to spencer two or three times this week, about work things only, and it’s wednesday. each day that passes like this weighs heavy, like an anvil on your heart. the feeling is so overwhelming you have no choice but to suppress it until you get home, lest the floodgates are unleashed in the same vicinity as the perpetrator.
paperwork it is.
that following monday, you sit, stewing at your desk, desperate to blend in to the background. you think back to one week ago, one week since you’ve had that fateful conversation with spencer. you nearly have whiplash from how fast things have changed in only a week. you yearn for the softness of that morning, of the blissful ignorance in thinking that you actually had a chance with spencer reid. your heart aches, the vulnerable throb in your chest paralyzing you. you rest your chin in your hands as your eyes mindlessly drift over emails you missed from the weekend, willing your brain to not work so hard unless absolutely necessary.
you’re snapped out of your pity party by the click of a door unlatching, the soft patter of converse on tile filling the bullpen. your eyes involuntarily follow spencer as he barges in. he’s impossible to ignore, clad in the most adorable button up/sweater vest combo you have ever seen in your life, walking full speed ahead with a scowl planted firmly on his face. the look on his face is so wholly unfamiliar, a look of hurt masking his usually soft features, the light in his eyes gone. the contrast is enough to shock you back to life once more, now registering a flustered penelope hot on his tail. the click of her heels echo through the bullpen in a desperate attempt to keep up with a man who is nearly a foot taller.
“spencer-wait! ugh!“ penelope grunts as spencer falls into his desk chair, immediately using work as a means to deflect. his back is to her as he sifts through the files littering his desk.
you study him from where you sit, his brows furrowed, his shoulders slumped, and lips in a tiny pout that pokes and prods at your heart. penelope gives up quick, turning away with a grunt and a look on her face that read ‘don’t ask’. on her way past your desk, though, she leans in and whispers, “meet me in my office after our meeting,” making your eyes go wide and your heart pick up in speed.
you use the new case to distract your mind from what could possibly be going on with spencer, and opt to stay back with penelope during this case. when you make your decision known in the conference room, spencer flinches. you just barely catch it out of your peripheral, you’re not sure you would have even registered it had garcia not smacked you in the thigh immediately after it happened. hotchner’s eyes flit from you, to penelope, then to reid. morgan coughs. the team is then dismissed.
“she brought you to the date?!” you can’t believe what you’re hearing.
“yes! i had no idea it was the date,” penelope gushes. you’re setting up materials for the case, waiting for the team to land for more information. in the meantime, she fills you in on the weekend, “i’d just assumed it was a separate event. it never occurred to me that she would invite another person to that. poor spencer’s never been so disappointed to see me,” her tone turns a bit guilty at that, and now it’s your turn to flinch at his name.
“that’s insane, why would she do that?” you ask, bewildered.
“to be honest with you, i have a few ideas…” penelope teases, setting up her computer for the day.
your eyes narrow into slits as she files her nail, feet up and resting on the desk as the rest of her equipment loads.
“what?” you breathe out, even though you both knew.
“come on,” she kicks her feet off the desk and swivels to face you, frozen in front of a box of files, stricken by what you both know is coming next, “it’s you. he has feelings for you, for sure. j.j. knows it too, everyone does. we all see it.”
“really?” you once again can’t believe your ears. relief floods your veins, the rush too sweet to pay attention to your conscious, desperate to sprinkle some guilt in there. you don’t care, though, not after the pure and utter agony of the past week.
“yes, of course! he likes you, i have no doubt about it,” penelope states matter of factly.
you round the corner of the desk and come to sit on a chair opposite her, “what makes you say that?” you’re unintentionally severe, palms resting flat on your thighs, leaning into her as to not miss a word. luckily for you, though, penelope is just as intense.
“it became clear to me when i saw them interact at the game. yes his ego was bruised a little, but he was light, airy. almost relieved. nothing like how he came in today,” she remarks, and your brows knit together in confusion.
“so you’re saying he was at ease with her, but nervous and grumpy when he had to be around me. that doesn’t make any sense,” penelope rolls her eyes at your denial, but you’re quick at the defense with a new argument, “and he told me gideon gave him those tickets to ask her out on a date. it’s her favorite team.”
you cross your arms across your chest and lean back, “i appreciate what you’re trying to do for me, penelope, but if the best profiler on the team could tell he likes her, then he likes her. not me.”
just saying it causes the crack in your chest to reappear, callusing your heart once more.
“ugh, no!” she exclaims, “you two are the most stubborn people i’ve ever met in my life, i swear!” she rolls her eyes and turns back to her now fully loaded equipment as your jaw hangs open in shock.
“what is that supposed to mean?” you lightly scoff.
“all i’m saying is that he was relieved that j.j. brought me, that he was being rejected. after the initial disappointment passed, that is. you’re going to have to get the rest of the information from spencer himself,” she decides, just as her phone starts to ring. saved by the bell, damn her. “talk to each other. you miss each other. everybody can tell and it’s getting sad, like watching two lost puppies roam aimlessly without each other.”
before you can give an answer to her crazy analogy, she turns away from you and flips open her cell phone, “talk to me!” she chirps, and hotch’s stern voice brings you back to the task at hand. you’ll simply have to talk to spencer later. great.
the team was able to land back at home that same night, luckily closing a quick case. after penelope says goodbye to you and spencer, you’re both the last ones in the bullpen. you two anxiously glance around, desperate for anybody else to be there, to break the suffocating tension between you two, thick and heavy with unanswered questions, words unsaid.
as you walk past spencer’s desk, he goes to walk with you, next to you. you haven’t been this close in proximity to him in a week, and the smell of his cologne, his aftershave, makes you heady. you both stop at the elevator, unsure who should go first. you decide on impulse that it has to be you, you can’t take this any longer. you turn to face him, and say the first thing that comes to your mind,
“she brought penelope?”
had it been anybody else, you may have kicked yourself for shoving your foot squarely into your mouth, but it’s spencer, so he laughs. it’s an eye creasing, cheeks bunched up, teeth showing kind of laugh, and you have no choice but to laugh, too. there’s a pang in your heart as this familiarity dawns upon the two of you once again. you’re desperate to keep it, so much so that you don’t move when the elevator dings and the doors open. neither of you do. you stand there, taking each other in, cheeks warm and breathing heavy, as the doors slide close once again.
“yeah. yeah, she brought penelope,” he remarks, red ears hiding behind his slickened hair. your eyes focus on one particular lock that’s fallen over his forehead, nearly in his eye. a sense of longing pierces your heart like cupid’s arrow, you fall in love with him all over again.
“you should wear your hair curly more,” you croak. spencer is unphased at your sudden change of topic, and sends you a small smile.
you’re the only one on the team that’s seen him with his hair curly. you revel in it any time you’re lucky enough to get a glimpse, when you’re sharing a hotel room or his couch on movie night. a strange nostalgia seizes you as you take in his hair, not realizing how much you’ve missed it, missed him until you’re standing there, taking all of him in.
“maybe i’ll start,” he says back gently, another silence falling between the two of you.
“l-listen, i have something i need you to know,” he says, turning to face you, tone growing more confident as he speaks, “gideon told me to ask out j.j. because i’ve been heartbroken over you for weeks.”
time stops.
“heartbroken?” you’re incredulous. “why? what did i do?” you’re nearly panicking, racking your brain for what you could have done to your best friend.
“n-nothing really. i think i heard you talking to penelope about me one day, about how you don’t see me in that way,” he stutters a bit, his head turned down to hide his flushed cheeks, “i thought there was something between us, but after hearing that-i-i just assumed you didn’t feel the same. it made sense, girls like you don't typically go for guys like me.”
your heart cracks in your chest, “spencer,” you whisper out, “don’t say that,” it’s all you can muster. he’s the most beautiful man on the planet. you’ve never been so sure of anything.
he rolls his eyes and you want to shake him until he believes it, “well, he gave me the tickets to try and put myself out there with someone else. j.j. is great, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not you. no one is,” he says, eyes boring into yours.
you take in every word falling from his lips, your brows marrying together. your brain is flying at a mile a minute trying to remember the conversation he’s talking about. suddenly, you stop. your gaze turns to him, eyes wide as the memory comes to you. it had to have been two months since then, but you knew that wasn’t a problem for spencer. if he overheard, he remembers every word out of your mouth.
you were chatting with penelope in the empty conference room. it was a monday, and you had gone out on a date the weekend before. he was the topic of conversation right before spencer came in, how he was ‘so cute’ with his ‘brown eyes and curly brown hair’, how he was ‘the perfect height- like 6’1-6’2’. and yet, you only liked him as a friend. the reality was, you were searching for spencer in every man you pursued, and none of them ever measured up to him. how could they?
“spencer,” you groan, hiding your face in your hands, “i went on a date that weekend. that’s who i was talking about. not you,” the last part comes out in a whisper as realization dawns on spencer’s face, uncertainty dancing through his big brown eyes.
“why didn’t you tell me you had a date?” he asks, puzzled, “is that why you couldn’t come over for movie night that weekend?”
your heart breaks even more, if that’s possible at this point, you wanted to be there. you wanted to be there so badly.
“i had convinced myself that it would never happen. you and me,” you start, and his eyes grow even wider than before, “i was looking for you every time. in every date. that’s why i never told you. it would never work out anyway, because they weren’t you. i wasn’t brave enough to admit that to myself until just now, i guess,” you grow a bit sheepish as you finish your explanation, your eyes glossy. your gaze finds the floor to avoid his piercing gaze. those eyes will kill you one day.
“what does that mean?” he says, so gentle, so spencer.
“it means i’m in love with you. i have been for years, since we started together,” you gush, tears finally falling over your lash line at your confession.
his eyes shut too, a gentle flutter of lashes against his cheek. you see a tear escape down his cheek, too.
“i love you, too. god, i love you too,” he whispers, moving immediately to scoop you up in his arms. he presses the elevator button again, finally getting you two out of there. he keeps you in his arms, carrying you into the elevator, refusing to let go as he squeezes you tight, legs wrapped around his waist as the doors close shut behind you.
as you descend, you reluctantly put your shaky legs on the floor, pulling away slightly to find his gaze.
“hi,” you whisper, biting your lip to try and suppress the cheesy smile taking over. you fail, grinning so wide and so bright, you’re afraid you might blind him.
“hi, beautiful,” he whispers back, brushing your hair back softly with his hand. he then cradles your jaw in his palm, pressing his soft lips against yours.
it’s a gentle kiss, but a passionate one. you both wish desperately to convey every single time you wanted each other, how long you’ve loved each other.
spencer pulls away from you for a brief moment to ask, “do you want to be my girlfriend? i think maybe we should try dating each other,” his sarcasm has you grinning from ear to ear.
“i think that’s the most genius idea you’ve had yet, doctor,” you lean in to kiss him again. he groans at the title, lips surrendering back into yours.
the ding of the elevator breaks your kiss, and you can’t hide your cheesy grins as you walk into the parking garage, your pinkies linked together.
“do you wanna come back to my apartment tonight? we can watch a movie?” spencer suggests nervously, like you’d say no. god, you love him.
“that sounds perfect,” you smile, pulling him in for another kiss. you can tell he’s expecting a light peck, but you deepen it, your hand finding the nape of his neck. your lips softly click together as you move against each other, your tongue just barely slipping into his mouth.
“see you at home,” you wink and get into your own car, leaving a flustered spencer reid in your wake.
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lina-lovebug · 4 months
I'd Fight The Devil
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Alastor x fem! reader
Background: (Y/N) is the elder Morningstar, and wants to fix her relationship with her dad. But her dad hates her boyfriend.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - Finale
Allusions to sex, actual sex, angel being angel, and cannibalism
Angel spit out his drink, "You're with Alastor?!"
"Yeah, thoughts?"
"And prayers, girl," Angel could never imagine a sweet girl like (Y/N) getting it on with the Radio Demon himself.
But everyone has their kinks, he supposed.
Alastor manifested behind her, and she immediately felt his presence. Pressing herself against him, he leaned into her warmth and kept his arms around her shoulders.
"How was your day, mon amour?"
"It'll be even better," She trailed off, turning around to face him, "when we meet my dad for dinner."
And not even radio silence.
"Not to be rash, but I'm sure your father would sooner see my head on a pike than on my body," Alastor adored the fact that she was mending their bond, even more so when Lucifer makes the effort.
But announcing their relationship to him?
He could see it ending in flames.
"I know you two don't get along, but I thought a nice dinner might smooth things over."
"And if he disapproves of us?" He lifted her head upwards with his finger, bemused as to what her answer may be.
"Then he'll have to get used to it," (Y/N) replied, sending a shiver of excitement up his spine.
Only a feeling that the she-devil he was utterly obsessed with could provide.
"Ugh, can you guys go fuck somewhere else?" Angel said, "or at all? I can't imagine going a lifetime without dick."
Alastors eye twitch, "now that's our business, isn't it?"
"Okay, okay," Charlie spoke up, "you guys go get ready."
Charlie couldn't help but notice the change in Alastor. It had only been a few months, but being in her sisters presence alone has made him kind. Sure, the both of them would skin someone alive over an insult, but Alastor would rip out his own eyes if (Y/N) asked.
A perfect match.
(Y/N) dawned a black dress with a pearl necklace that Alastor bought for her. Well, she thinks he bought it but he actually stole it off of a fresh kill.
How sweet.
"Pumpkin! Oh look at you! You're as radiant as ever!" Lucifer fawned over his daughter as they made it to the restaurant, making it a point to ignore the red demon behind her.
"Catching strays?" Lucifer gestured to him.
"Lovely to see you again," Alastor retorted.
"Dad, why don't we go inside? And Alastor will be joining us," now, Lucifer didn't forget what he said. He recognized that the fearsome deer demon had the intention of claiming Princess (Y/N) as his own, but did his daughter return such feelings?
Honestly, Lucifer feared that.
Not it being Alastor persay, but his little girls being hurt.
He knew how awful it felt to go through the divorce with Lilith, and then her disappearance.
He didn't ever want his daughters to feel that way.
"So, Alastor, what do you do again?"
"I have a radio broadcast. Your daughter has actually helped me repair the studio after the attack," He laid his land on hers.
And Lucifer picked up Alastors hand.
And placed it away from hers.
"Uh, dad-"
"Look, if you two are fucking, don't tell me."
"Dad!" Her face burned red, "we aren't-that's not. . .I love Alastor, and he loves me. I want you to accept us both."
"Love? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Pumpkin, I don't think-"
"I'm not a little kid," She interrupted, "I'm a grown woman, and I'm able to make my own decisions. I want to be with Alastor because I love him. You may not think I know what love is, but I know it's what I feel with Alastor."
That's when he saw it.
That look.
Whilst (Y/N) was defending herself, defending their love, Alastor looked at her. Only her. And it was like he was staring at the nebula itself, seeing all its beauty in the Heir of Hell. His smile faltered, closing his mouth, and his eyes softened.
It's the same look that he used to give Lilith.
"If I ever hear that you've made her cry, or even laid a single hand upon her," Lucifer stared him down, "I'll make you disappear."
"A man true to his word. Looks like we have something in common," Alastor agreed, his hand back on hers. She gave him a smile, one that reminded him of Lilith.
The rest of dinner went off without any incidents. The small jab here and there, but no one died, and no one was stabbed. Lucifer learned more about his daughters business and how she lit up talking about it.
"You hardly ate, Alastor. Is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked when her father went to the restroom.
"Oh no, my dear. Just hungry for something else, is all," His eyes raked up her form, earning a cough from the she-devil.
Honestly, she didn't know where he was on his spectrum. She was fine never even being intimate, so long as he was happy, but this spark in his eyes lit a fire within her.
"O-oh. . .are you sure?" Believe it or not, (Y/N) had only had sex twice and both times she'd call it lackluster.
"I don't want you to force yourself if you don't want to," oh how innocent she was. Honestly, Alastor assumed he was aroace before he met the she-devil. Her ferocity - her chaos in fights, her genuine kindness, and her soul - itself brought out that spark.
There are moments where the carnal desire needs to be satisfied.
"Mon cher, I'd never ask if I didn't mean it."
That look, it made her softly gasp.
He showed up from his restroom break and found the pair giving eachother "fuck me" eyes.
"Could I eat my dinner without you groping my child?" Lucifer hissed, despite Alastor only touching her hand.
He blinked, thinking how he's never even groped a woman.
Sick bastard.
_ _ _ ☆ _ _ _
"Fuck! Alastor!"
(Y/N) had never cum before, so Alastor being her first to ever do so and smiling away at her quivering legs made it so much better.
"Oh fuck. . ." She moaned weakly, his tongue slithering in and out of her to lick up every last drop.
"Al. . ." She was breathless, staring at his strained member. Reaching up to unzip his pants, he tutted as he grabbed her wrist.
"It's about you. Don't worry about me, amour," He purred, kissing the bite marks on her thighs.
"But you-"
Before she could detest further, wishing to satisfy him, the door opened.
"Oh my God, they were right! Alastor, you sly dog," Angel Dust was at the door, and Alastor quickly covered his beloveds' body with the covers before his horns started to grow and his back stretched.
"I'm going to kill you."
"Not before you make love to me, you're not," still in his demonic form, (Y/N) blew a gust of wind to slam the door shut.
Her body displayed on the bed, Alastor agreed.
"And stay in that form. It suits you."
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iicarused · 5 months
##my wife, my wife, my wife, my wife
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y!vox x ex!reader / alastor x reader also because he stole vox’s bitch if you squint
part ii
synopsis: from this ask / reader is vox’s ex and he’s not too keen of the separation — you were supposed to come back to him! not run around with his rival and get rid of his only access of looking after you (removing any/all electronics from your life)
beware: DARK THEMES / heavy yandere aspects, obsession (vox’s end), territorial aspects, manipulation, implications of a toxic relationship / let me know if i missed anything!
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he’s been watching you. what, did you think you could just leave? no, that will not do for him! you’re his wife, his lover, his other half that he cannot live without! you brought him fame and so much fortune with just your pretty face.
through the camera of your phone, the security cameras that litter hell, he’s been keeping an eye on you. however, you know that.
after a year of maintaining a relationship with one of hells overlords, you finally snapped and broke it off. the press were eating it right up. “y/n, can you tell us why you and vox are no more?” “y/n, who broke it off first?” “y/n, is there a chance you’ll both get together again?” you laughed at the last question
there was only one place in all of hell to hide — a place where no electronic bothered to exist — hazbin hotel
you came tired. hair a mess and a fluffed robe over your shoulders. “i’m begging of you, please take me in, i prefer learning some shit redemption arc than to deal with a crazy ex.” you cried. of course charlie said yes.
since then, vox has been searching for you:
“i swear to FUCK — !! “ vox heaved. when valentino walked in, the tv host seemed to pause on his theatrics. “she couldn’t have gone far.”
“face it, at this rate she’s done with you.” the moth insisted while getting comfortable on the couch.
but those words didn’t sit right with vox. the multiple screens in front of him flicked through different channels, eager just to find a clue of your whereabouts.
to say vox was pissed when finding out where you were was an understatement. a camera zooming in on the sight of you having some fresh air — right outside that stupid hotel
picking at a daisy, someone else came into the frame. alastor knelt to your side with a cup of tea, or so he assumed, sitting down next to you while basking underneath the stars. vox couldn’t hear any audio since the radio demon seemed to mess up the frequency, but he could see that familiar smile that pulled at your lips
you used to smile at him just like that
in less than a day, vox came straight to the hotel. demanding for you to come out. come on home! you both can work through it! this is just another bump in the road, there’s no need to hide!
from the balcony, your gaze settles on vox down below. you almost feel sorrowful and your heart begins to ache. sometimes you miss him, and sometimes you miss the comfort of his arms. he was a hurricane just as he was a summers day, and that was the man you fell in love with. you knew his love was sick, but that was expected from demons… right? not his though, it was far too gone to be considered a daydream.
“doll, we were meant to be!” vox pleaded, his gaze never leaving yours.
you never answered to his pleas.
“it’s that fucking radio demon, right!?” vox accused. here comes a tantrum.
you turned to face away.
“please, we were going to be overlords — together!” back to broken promises you were unsure if it were true.
a yandere is someone who is in love with you, and that’s a dream come true for anyone who wishes for love. but god, do you wish it wasn’t you.
vox never stopped sending gifts to the hotel after that. nor has he stopped coming by to the building just to try and convince you to leave. his heart is aching, and only you are his medicine.
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aztops · 7 months
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You waited on your knees, wearing nothing but your pink panties when I walked into your room.
I ignored you and looked around at all the pink. Pink walls. Pink bedspread. Pink furniture. Even Pink stuffies.
I open the drawer to your Pink night stand. I smiled seeing all the toys. A Pink skinny vibrator. A light up butt plug. A bumble bee. And a set of Pink furry handcuffs. Underneath all that was your journal.
I pulled the pink vibator from the drawer and walked over to you. I run my fingers into your hair and kiss you. I lift by the hair, pulling your butt from your heels.
I rub your pussy through your panties. They are already soaked. I smile and turn the vibrator on before working it in your pussy slowly. You gasp at first but relax into its gentle vibration.
I use your panties to keep it in there. You pant a little as I pull the handcuffs from the drawer. Your eyes widen for a moment and then soften. You put your hands behind your back.
I lock them in place and return to the drawer. I pull your journal and flip through it.
Your eyes bulge and you begin to protest. Your face beet red.
I stand in front of you and pull out my throbbing cock.
I want you to suck my cock while I read your journal.
You resist at first, but were defenseless. You take me in your mouth and begin to suck.
I make sure I turn each page loudly to remind you of what I'm doing.
I get to the time you lost your virginity. I read every word out loud and slowly. You sucked a little faster as I read.
You must have felt so ashamed afterward. You know you were supposed to save yourself for true love. What were you thinking?
You suck harder.
I read out loud how you were obsessed with the boy in your class, but he ignored you.
What? Were you too shy? Not pretty enough? Not slutty enough? Just think of the things that beautiful boy could have done to you.
You suck faster.
I read about the first time you got high and that pervert wouldn't take his hands off you. And how you finally gave in.
Really? You gave in? You let that perv fuck you? It's embarrassing how weak you were. You probably felt that shame for a long time. Didn't you?
You slow down and pull away, but I guide your mouth back on my cock. You eagerly take it.
I read about that night where you were really drunk and got fucked by a stranger in the backseat of that car.
That must have been the night you truly became a slut. I mean. That could have been anyone. And you just gave it up without trying to resist. You're such a dirty little slut.
You take me all the way down in your throat. You hold it there, literally trying to choke back tears.
I read about that time you kissed a girl and ate her pussy while getting fucked from behind.
Oh, see now, that's my good girl. I'm so proud of you. I like when you are fun like that.
You ease up but still choke back tears.
Then I read about your latest entry. How you met me. How you like when I call you a good girl, or my Pretty girl, or my Pretty Little slut.
I read how you like the way I look at you, especially when you're dressed up. The way I make you feel when I'm dominating you. The way I love when you please me. How I treat you like a princess and a fuckdoll.
I stop reading and pull your hair back so you can look at me.
I smile down at you while I cum in your mouth.
That's my good little girl. I'm proud to have you.
I take you in my arms and set you on your bed. I lie next to you. Hold you and tell you everything is alright. You are safe and secure.
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peachesofteal · 9 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: discussion of past abuse, Simon’s trauma Request: take your baby to work day
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You're wide eyed at the front door.
"You sure you guys will be alright?" Your voice is clear, but your hand trembles on the door handle, bottom lip tugged across your teeth.
"We'll be okay sweetheart. But if you're uncomfortable, or it's too much, you should take him-"
"No, no. I'm fine. You're not supposed to bring the baby to OB appointments anyway. It's frowned upon." You roll your eyes, tipping up to kiss Ry on the cheek. "Just... don't let anyone breathe on him, or kiss him, okay? His immune system is still fragile compared to ours. I packed you like, three bottles so hopefully he'll take them if he gets hungry. Text me if-"
"Mama." He holds Orion in one arm, and grabs your hand with the other. You're frightened, and stressed, and he's driven to comfort you, the need to soothe you throbbing across his skull. "I've got this. We'll be just fine. Text me when you're done. Get yourself a tea or something afterwards, alright? Everything is going to be okay." You nod.
"Right, of course. You're... you're right. And you're going to a military base, I doubt there's a safer place around."
"C'mere." He tugs you into his side, and you wrap your arms around his stomach, nestling in opposite Orion. "I need you to do something f'me."
"I need you to swear to me you'll tell your doctor about the dizzy spells." There's been a reminder card about your twelve week postpartum appointment on the fridge for two weeks now, and after you finally confessed you have been getting dizzy since Orion was born, and one time had even fallen, he decided to skip several steps by making the appointment for you. You were... not pleased, but he made it very clear, he's not playing a game with your health. He's planning his battles strategically now, putting pieces in play slowly, working towards his larger goal, but this was something he refused to compromise on.
"Okay." You whisper, burying your face in his chest. "I will." He lands a kiss to the top of your head.
"We'll see you soon. It'll be over before you know it, and maybe we can get a takeaway for dinner?" Your lips crack into a toothy smile.
"Sounds good to me."
"Alright, lad. Let's go see daddy's team." Orion stares at him, brown eyes curious, and watchful. He’s still not used to it, this feeling. This life, with you and his baby. Everyday, he has to stop to ground himself, anchor himself. Break from the cycle of a downward spiral, obsessive thoughts playing with his mind, counting down the million and one ways he could lose you, or fail you, or both. He’s careful, he’s diligent, he’s in control. He’d never make a mistake like he did before, the error of judgement that cost him his mother, his brother and his family-
But the incessant fear never ceases.
Fortunately, his anchor now is you. You, when you let him carry you to bed, when you watch him rock Orion to sleep as you stand in the doorway, you who curls up next to him on the couch now, fingers curled into his shirt like you’re afraid he might disappear. Your touch heals. Your words comfort. He can't fathom a future without you, or Ry, now.
If he thinks back on it, he wonders if he knew all along. If all the things he felt the night he met really meant forever, just like he had wished. A fantasy turned reality-
to have and to hold.
His stomach turns, wondering if his father ever felt this, if he ever loved, or if he was always just a monster, the ouroboros of victim turned abuser, the man who terrorized his mother, his brother and himself, long past the time Simon finally tore him to pieces, cracked his ribs, beat him into the ground.
Tommy broke the cycle, and from the moment he laid eyes on his son he knew.... he would too.
Price's secretary looks like she's seen an actual ghost. "Hey, Lindsey. Is he in?" She's staring, flicking back and forth to Orion and then up to his face, mouth slightly agape.
"Y-yeah he's..." she points over her shoulder at his closed door. "Lieutenant, did you... is that... is that your baby?" He nods, mouth curving into a proud smile, stepping close enough so she can get a good look at him. She almost jerks back, clearly not used to being so close to him. He's been here and there, off and on base all week catching up on a backlog of reports, but hasn't said a word to anyone, and he keeps everyone on base at arm's length except the 141.
"It is." Her shocked expression melts, hesitantly reaching her pointer finger towards Ry, allowing him to wrap it up in his chubby little fist. "This is Orion." She smiles at him, and then the baby, kindly.
"He's beautiful." She excuses herself when the phone rings, and he settles the tension burning between his shoulder blades. He didn't mentally prepare for this moment, didn't believe he had to. The expectation of Price's acceptance was assumed but now, his trepidation is a surprise.
He told his captain he needed to take leave for something really important, but never said for what. All he told him is that he'd loop him in soon, and that he was sorry he wouldn't be available for the next op. If John was curious, he didn't let him know, didn't push him for more info, didn't pester him. He just sent the forms to Simon's email to be filled out with a postscript:
Looking forward to hearing what this is all about.
And when Simon crosses the threshold of his office, baby in one arm, backpack stuffed with nappies and bottles in the other-
John Price laughs.
It's not the huff of a chuckle that Kate usually gets out of him, or the rolling guffaw that he gives the guys sometimes when he's particularly amused.
No, this is different. It starts in his belly and then rolls upwards, all the way until his shoulders are shaking and he's wiping his eyes.
Simon scowls, and John holds both his hands up, palms out. Surrender. "This is a good enough reason as any to take a chunk of all that leave saved up." He stands, stepping around to get a closer look. "What's his name then?"
"Orion." John nods thoughtfully. The backs of his fingers brush along the baby's arm, gently, slowly, a flicker of longing, of sadness, arcing across his face before it dissipates.
"The giant hunter Zeus banished to the skies." Organized stacks of paper sit in neat little piles on top of John's desk, authorizations he'd know anywhere. They're moving out. "Where's his mum?"
"At a doctor's appointment." Orion gurgles, and Simon pats his back, bouncing him slowly from side to side.
"You with her?" The answer is immediate.
"Gonna marry her." John's eyes fill with mirth.
"But she doesn't know that yet, does she."
"No," Simon sighs, "but she will. 'ts why I needed the leave. Besides," he motions to the infant tucked in his arm, "this, helping take care of him, taking care of her, I need to get them moved to a secure location. She's in a second level flat right now, with street facing windows. It's makin' my skin itch." Price will get it, Simon knows he will understand. He has his own secret at home, tucked away in a house only Simon and Laswell know about, just in case.
"Take it slow, don't want to spook her. Although I can't imagine she's too skittish if she took you to bed." He smirks. "You've got the time you requested. Had to call in a substitute for this one, but we'll need you on the next."
"How long?"
"Five weeks, maybe more. I'll ring when we're back on base." Five weeks. The clock is ticking, a bomb waiting to detonate, a guillotine waiting to sever his time with his family, his duty dragging him away.
"Alright." He concedes. Cross that bridge when he comes to it.
If Price sees his reluctance, he doesn't comment on it. "Bird'll be here in six hours. Boys are in the rec room, if you want to see 'em." Simon nods, shifting the baby in his arms as he heads towards the door. "And Simon," he turns, locking eyes with his captain, raw emotion plain on both their faces. Price gives him a genuine smile. "Congratulations. You're going to be a great father."
There's a lump in his throat as he crosses the campus to the rec room, his nose dipping across Ry's head, breathing him in as deep as he can behind the black cloth mask. "He's gonna be your godfather, little man. We just have to get Mama to agree, don't we?" He tugs the building's door open, ignoring the streams of chatter suddenly grinding to a halt in the hallway. Once he makes it to the rec room and sees that no one else is inside, just Johnny and Gaz battling it out in an intense game of pool, he slips the mask off his face and locks the door.
Soap is the first one to see him. "Steeeamin' jesus, LT is that a bairn!?" Kyle chokes on his water.
"Is that your baby, Riley?" They both scramble forward, Johnny whistling in disbelief.
"Aye, he's got to be. Look at the size of 'im."
"Johnny." Simon gives him the 'settle down' look, but the Sergeant only grins impishly.
"He's hers, innit he?" Gaz reaches, and Orion watches him with interest. "The girl from the bar. The one who lives close to me." Johnny's eyes go wider than globes.
"Ach Ghost, ye been busy wit' that boa-"
"Johnny." He hisses, and Kyle barks a laugh, reaching. Simon doesn't balk about handing Orion over, even though you were cautious about letting other people be around him. This is his team. He trusts them implicitly.
"He's a heavy lad, isn't he?" Kyle bounces him back and forth, all the while Ry stares at him with his head tipped back, mesmerized. "Looks jus' like you."
"Maybe a wee bit more handsome." Johnny's leaning around Kyle, his hand on Ry's back. They're mooning over him, two decorated, strategically brilliant sergeants, cooing at a baby like a bunch of sooks, as Johnny would say.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, a text from you letting him know you're finished, and heading home.
>Has he eaten?
>No, hasn't seem interested.
>Thank god.
Knowing you're probably in pain makes him antsy to get back, and he glances at the guys. "You movin' out in a few hours?"
"Aye, lookin' for some sort of stolen intelligence. Shouldnae be too long. Got a rent-a-Lieutenant and everythin'. Ye'll be back for the next?"
"I will. Stay frosty out there. I expect you all back in one piece."
He triple checks the carseat, testing the straps and the strength of the seatbelt before finally deciding it's secure enough, for the hundredth time today. He takes one last look, and presses a kiss to Orion's head. "Ready, bub? Let's go home and see mama."
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