rev-wrath · 2 months
As promised, I am dropping my thoughts on the Eldritch betting pool about Bruce + R's love life-
Gotham is literally fine with anyone and everyone from within her boundaries. She's also chill with Clark and Diana, but anyone else can stay away from her precious lil protectors.
Epithumia is... also fine with anyone bc they're the anthropomorphic embodiment of Desire. If R + Bruce desires any or all of them, they're fine. Epithumia does have fun with all the desire all but dripping from several of those potential candidates. However, they'd rather let things stay like that bc desire is stronger when left unfulfilled. But out of all the candidates, Harvey's the one they're most inclined to.
Teluete (Death) has seen R grow up since she was the patron Endless in their parents' time as head(s) of house. As one of the elder Endless and one deeply related to Destiny, she simply goes with the flow. R's death and destiny are... weird, and as she's fond of R, she'd rather have more hands to catch them than less.
Arkham likes their inhabitants and they are infinitely fond of those that try to better themselves. Amadeus can go fuck himself for all they care. They are heavily inclined to shipping Eddie with the two and gets into rather regular fights with Blüdhaven about it.
Blüdhaven ships Bruce + R with any of the Heroes. He will fight Arkham about this. Bruce and R are heroes with strong moral codes!!! ofc they should bond with another similar to them!!!
Central just wants R to visit more often :(
Epithumia favoring Harvey makes the most sense honestly. Arkham favoring Eddie is fun, a little surprised it’s not Jonathan though. Counterpoint: Selina went to Blüdhaven after Eddie broke the dam, so they like her too.
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wrathofthestag · 1 year
15 questions, 15 people
Tagged by @cricketnationrise. <3
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes and no. My dad wanted name number one. My mom wanted name number two (which was after her favorite actress). They compromised with name number three, but my mom---and everyone else---called me by my nickname that my mom gave me, which was the actress' name, and worked as a shortened version of name number three. So I guess she won.
2. When was the last time you cried? When I dropped my kid off at his dorm for the first time.
3. Do you have kids? One. That's plenty for me.
4. What sports do you play/have played? Nothing on a team. Does yoga count? I box. I'm also a certified battle ropes specialist.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Fluently.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes and then their smile.
7. What’s your eye color? Hazel.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?? Scary movies with a happy ending---particularly of the feminist final girl ilk.
9. Any talents? Writing.
10. Where were you born? Chicago.
11. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, sewing, knitting, listening to music, writing papers (for real).
12. Do you have any pets? Two torties.
13. How tall are you? 5' 6.5"
14. Favorite subject in school? Grammar school - writing and science; high school - English lit and bio; my undergrad major was English Lit with a creative writing concentration and secondary ed minor. My graduate degree was in Liberal Arts, so at least I'm consistent.
15. Dream job? Writer---but I do really like my job (I'm an educational administrator and occasionally do consulting work) which involves stuff I enjoy: writing, editing, working with people, ABAR/DEI, working with children, creating policies and procedures.
Inviting the following 15 people to play along, if they'd like to:
@mamashitty. @labelleizzy. @paperheartsandparachutes. @fragile-teacup. @theseavoices. @devereauxsdisease. @paolarq. @antiparse
@lttrsfrmlnrrgby. @annechen-melo. @evertonem. @zacharybosch. @teluete. @sakon76. @rembrandtswife
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hello darcy- sorry to be a busybody- your tags on that teluete fanart you reblogged read #ofmd and #gentlebeard (which gave me a little giggle) but yeah just letting you know in case you didn't see and wanted to fix it
thank you!! i have one-click tags set up for ofmd and go and i must have just clicked the wrong one <3
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samwell-sweethearts · 5 years
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@teluete  You’re an amazing artist and I love all your contributions to the fandom.  I’m so glad we’re friends. <3
signed @wrathofthestag
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bittysvalentines · 6 years
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@teluete Thanks for all of the beautiful artwork you share with the fandom.  You’re work is gorgeous and you’re amazing. xo
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17piesinseptember · 6 years
I really hope Nursey, Dex, and Ford dress as Harry, Ron, and Hermione for Halloween this year
I LOVE this idea. So great :D I’d love to see that and I’m sure you would too. Alas, I’m a mere writer, but hey, anon, I got your back!
Keep you eyes on @teluete for something magical…
EDIT: Here’s the magical post. Fanart + fic!
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halfabreath · 7 years
Jack/Holster, “why do i even bother?” :D
big ol’ thank you to @chocolatechipcookiesplease for listening while i hashed out this verse and for the cutest suggestion in the world.
Adam might be a morning person - he’s a farmer, it comes with the territory - but his partner is not. Jack, inexplicably, is neither a morning person nor a night owl. Instead of thriving at a certain period of time, he just requires at least seven, preferably seven and a half, hours of sleep. His body usually doesn’t allow him to get more than that and if he gets less he’s impossible to wake without becoming irritable and grouchy.
The second Adam opens his eyes, he knows what kind of a day it’s going to be. He’s laying on his side, Jack’s arm draped over his waist. Jack’s pressed close, tucked up against Adam’s back, and when Adam shifts to turn off his alarm Jack doesn’t move at all. His breathing is even against the back of Adam’s neck, and there’s no harm in giving him another few minutes before they have to get up.
Adam reaches for his phone, content to scroll through trade speculations (there are rumors that Chris Chow might end up with the Falconers) or stream an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine before waking the beast, but after he unlocks it with sleep-stupid fingers and adjusts the brightness, the page refuses to load. Adam stares at the blank, still-too-bright screen for a long moment, then drops the phone with a groan. There’s no service and the wifi’s out, leaving them technologically stranded in the wilderness. Sure, there’s the landline Jack insists on keeping, but Adam can’t watch 30 Rock through a Stone Age artifact, can he? They have to upgrade to a better plan. Adam can’t live like this - he won’t live like this.
Annoyed, Adam picks up Jack’s arm by the wrist and tosses it behind him, letting it flop onto the mattress. He’s already sitting up by the time Jack reacts, burrowing into the pillows and wrapping his arm around Adam’s waist as he sits on the edge of the bed.
“Nope,” Adam says, voice deeper than usual from a night of disuse. He removes Jack’s arm again, this time gently setting it on the bed. “I’m mad at you.” How did he manage to fall for someone who thinks the Internet is an optional amenity? Blasphemer.
“Oh, okay.” Jack mumbles, accepting the news easily. He rolls over, taking the blankets with him. Double blasphemer. Adam stares at the back of his head until his breathing evens out again, smiling softly despite his annoyance. Ugh, love. He pulls the blankets up over Jack’s shoulder and stands, stretching before beginning the day.
When Adam steps back in the house after feeding and milking the animals Jack is standing by the stove, stirring a pot of oatmeal. The sun is just beginning to rise, weak rays streaming through the blinds, but Adam only has eyes for the mug of tea waiting for him and the unfairly attractive man holding it. He tears off his boots and slides across the hardwood floors, coming to a stop just before he crashes into Jack. Just when he reaches for the mug, though, Jack pulls it back deftly. He moves the mug around, deftly keeping the hot liquid from sloshing over the sides, playing a quick game of keep-away until Adam pouts.
“Jack,” He whines, leaning to the side dramatically. “Why? Why are you like this?” Jack just grins and turns off the stove, still holding Adam’s beverage hostage.
“Why are you mad at me?” Jack asks calmly.
Adam rolls his eyes, leaning against the counter for support when the full-body motion disrupts his balance. “Jack Zimmermann, I cannot believe you’re willing to deprive me of sustenance in your sick manipulative mind-games.” Adam says, swiping at the mug in a lame attempt to take it back. Jack just raises an eyebrow and moves it further away.
“Tea doesn’t contain any proteins, carbohydrates, or calories.” Jack reminds him, the anchors of his lips curling up in his smug chirping smile.
“Emotional sustenance, then.” Adam amends, drawing himself up to his full height. He pulls two bowls down from the cabinet, setting them beside the stove for whenever Jack deigns to serve them. His partner waits patiently, leaning against the counter with that same smug expression. Adam sighs and opens a drawer, digging around for two spoons. “The wifi’s out again.” He says, letting the metal utensils clatter against the clay bowls. Jack hums and hands him the mug and turns back to the stove to begin portioning out the oatmeal.
“You’ve only been awake for an hour, Holtzy. When did you have time to use the internet?” Jack hands him a full bowl, their fingers brushing during the hand-off.
Adam immediately dumps cinnamon and honey into the oatmeal, mixing it in with more force than necessary. “When I woke up, obviously, and if we had service I could check traffic, e-mails, the weather, figure out where Chris Chow signed, if the world ended during the night or something. Important stuff!” He tosses in a handful of the blueberries Jack had set out, doing the same to Jack’s oatmeal as he speaks.
“No,” Jack steps into his space, reaching around him easily to pick up the jar of honey. “You wanted to watch the Forty Rocks and - ”
“Don’t you dare.” Adam says, interrupting Jack decisively. “Not under my roof.” He punctuates the words with a firm poke to Jack’s chest with the end of the spoon.
“Our roof,” Jack corrects, bumping against Adam easily on his way to the table. Adam groans and follows him, dropping into the chair across from him. “And you know we don’t need wifi. The money has to go towards things that keep the farm running, like new fences.” They’ve been over this too many times to count, but Adam rolls out his old argument anyway.
“Fences are dumb.” He says, brows knitting together in annoyance when Jack chimes in with him.
Jack continues, stirring his oatmeal in a perfect inward-outward spiral. “They’re your cows, Adam, and I know you don’t want them roaming away.”
Adam’s just taken a huge bite of oatmeal but he speaks through the inconvenience. “They would never.” He protests, the words only slightly muffled by the food in his mouth. He swallows quickly, hoping to continue before Jack chimes in again, but he’s too late.
“They would, actually.” Jack says. “The pasture fences are on their last legs and if we save the money we were using on premium wifi we can repair them this fall.” He’s had to make the same argument again and again but he just continues to eat his breakfast. “But what do I know? Bees don’t need fences.”
“Bees don’t need fences.” Adam mimics, flicking a blueberry at him. It goes wide, sailing over Jack’s shoulder before it lands on the hardwoods. Jack, the bastard, just laughs, stupidly handsome in the morning light. “Why do I even bother?” Adam asks, but doesn’t move away when Jack presses their knees together under the table. Jack shrugs and takes a bite of oatmeal, and Adam finally takes a sip of the tea he fought so hard for. It’s perfect, because Jack always makes it exactly how Adam likes it. It’s endearing and annoying all at once.
Adam plays the FRIENDS theme song in the truck on their way to the market in retaliation, because sometimes that’s all you can do when your boyfriend is thoughtful and doles out crucial financial advice to keep your dairy cows from wandering away.
It’s a busy day at the Providence Green Market. Jack’s stock is wiped out - he always underestimates how much he’ll sell - but luckily the crowd thins out an hour or so before closing. Adam’s just selling the last of his “Ewe Calf to be Kidding Me” blue cheese when Jack appears behind him, hand settling low on Adam’s back. He can feel the warmth of his partner’s palm through his shirt, and he can’t help leaning back to press against the contact.
“I have to run an errand but I’ll be back before the market closes.” Jack says, and he’s already on the other side of the table by the time Adam processes the news.
“You can’t just leave me here!” He calls out, but Jack just keeps walking, raising his hand in a wave goodbye. Adam rolls his eyes and turns back to his customer, a short blonde guy who’s looking up at him with big, brown eyes. “You see what I have to put up with?”
The customer laughs, adjusting the tote bag full of produce on his shoulder so he can cross his arms. “I know exactly how you feel. My boyfriend ditches me whenever I come over here.”
“Why’s that?” Adam asks, carefully transferring the cheese from the wire to the paper he’s placed on the cutting board.
“Oh, he’s weird about talking to people he admires. Apparently y'all are both hockey,” The man waves his hand in a vague gesture as he searches for the right word. “People?”
Adam huffs out a little laugh, looking down the cheese he’s wrapping. Jack’s past is more well known than his stint in Juniors, but every now and again some hardcore hockey fan realizes who they both were. “We used to be. Now we’re cheese people. Well, Jack’s a bee person. I’d sell you some of his honey but we’re all out.” He nods at the other half of the booth, where Jack’s neat display was laid out earlier in the day.
“I’ll have to come back next week, then. I’ve got a couple recipes I’ve been meaning to workshop that all need honey but I’m not sure which kind is best yet.” The man says as Adam tapes up the corners of the paper neatly. He handles it gently when Adam passes it to him, tucking it carefully on top of the other products in his bags.
Adam’s fingers fly over the calculator as he adds up the customer’s order. “I’ll make sure we set a couple jars aside for you, and you should bring your boyfriend. Jack will walk you through the best honey for different recipes and I always want to talk about hockey.” He explains, turning the calculator to show the man his total.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He reaches into the pockets of his - okay, those are really short - shorts and digs out a neatly folded bill. “I’m Bitty, by the way,” he says as Adam counts out his change. “College nickname, but it stuck.”
“Hey, I was Holtzy for a few years so I know how you feel. You can call me that or Adam. The asshole who ditched me is Jack.” Adam explains with a smile. Bitty matches his expression as he collects his change and tucks it back into his pocket.
“That’s Justin, back there.” Bitty thumbs over his shoulder, gesturing towards a tall man who’s examining the books at Connor Whisk’s antiques stall. He’s got cheekbones that rival Jack’s and his full lips are turned up in a small smile as he carefully thumbs through the yellowed pages of an old book. “I’ll see you next week!” Bitty says, disrupting Adam’s staring with a cheerful wave. Adam blinks and somehow manages to wave back, watching as Bitty meanders through the thin crowd to end up at Justin’s side. Bitty goes onto his toes to whisper into to Justin’s ear, and as Adam watches his cheeks darken as he drops the book. Justin look back at Adam in shock, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, before he hurries away. Bitty laughs and chases after him. They look good together, in their bright clothing and easy smiles.
Yeah, Jack definitely has to meet them.
The final hour drags by as a few more people stop for samples. He doesn’t sell out of anything else, unfortunately, which means Jack’s going to gloat all night because they have to channel their competitive natures into something besides sports and board games.
When Jack returns he doesn’t offer an explanation but he does press a kiss to Adam’s cheek before he begins loading the coolers into the truck, and really, that’s all Adam needs. He wrestles Jack’s arm across the console during the drive home, lacing their fingers together while he sings along to the radio. When they reach the farm the move seamlessly into their routine: Jack unloads the truck while Adam heads to the barn, where a handful of needy goats and cows are waiting for him. By the time he’s finished there are muddy goat-prints covering his jeans, an ache in his lower back over and a scratch from the grouchy barn cat he always tries to pet on the back of his hand, but at least there’s food in the oven when he trudges back inside. Jack’s not in the kitchen or bedroom when Adam walks through to change, but when he comes back after a shower there’s plastic bag on the kitchen table.
It’s stuffed full, the white plastic stretched around the ninety degree corners that stick out in all directions. Adam ambles over, his long day and various aches and pains forgotten as he reaches inside. His calloused fingers close around smooth plastic and when he pulls the object out Rachel Green is staring out at him, her friends asleep around her. He reaches back in and pulls out another DVD case, then another, and another, until scattered seasons of his favorite shows are spread out on the kitchen table. Community, FRIENDS, 30 Rock, The Office, Arrested Development, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Parks and Recreation are all there, as is one season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta.
“Oh, no.” Jack’s disappointed voice cuts through the silent kitchen. When Adam turns he’s leaning against the door frame, toeing off his shoes. “I didn’t think you’d be done yet.” He’s frowning as he walks across the room, blue eyes narrowing. “You weren’t supposed to see until I had all the seasons.” Jack glares down at the DVD cases like they’ve betrayed him, and Adam reaches out to pull him in by the collar of his flannel.
“You remembered all my shows,” He says softly, the words murmured into the short distance between them. Jack just nods, and looks at Adam like he’s just said something stupid.
“You talk about them all the time.” Jack explains, tilting his head to the side in confusion. “Even in your sleep.” And, okay, that’s new information, but Adam doesn’t have time to process it. Jack remembered his shows. It shouldn’t be surprising, not really, because Jack’s absolutely right. He’ll ramble on about plot twists from seasons past or describe scenes in detail but as much and as loudly as he touts his opinion, he doesn’t ever assume someone’s actually listening to him.
He shakes his head and opens his mouth to try to explain, shakes his head, and then tilts his head forward to kiss Jack instead. Jack wraps a strong arm around his waist and holds him tight, only pulling back when the oven timer sounds. The shrill beeping continues even as Adam places another short kiss on Jack’s lips, then another on his cheek, an another on his forehead. Jack just squeezes his hip and hurries to the oven.
After dinner, a second shower, and a quick sheet change, Adam’s queued up the first episode of Parks and Recreation. “Now, bear with me through the first couple episodes, but I think you’ll like it after that.” He explains as Jack crawls into bed. “You’re like, an amalgamation of a bunch of these characters.” Adam lifts an arm so Jack can rest against his shoulder.
“I bear with you twenty four hours a day. I think I can handle thirty minutes.” Jack shoots back, and presses play before Adam can retaliate.
“Hello. Hi. My name is Leslie Knope and I work for the Parks and Recreation department. Can I ask you a few questions?”
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alphacrone · 7 years
teluete replied to your post “usually reading juices up my writing mojo but i just finished a book...”
I feel ya. I went through a two-year period without painting anything. I hope the muse finds you soon as I adore your writing. :)
thank you :)))
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Thanks to @thegreatorangedragon for tagging me to post GIFs of some of my favorite films.
Tagging @petitloup , @kleeklutch , @rhysiana , @wrathofthestag , @poindextears , @birlcholtz , @hawthornhedge , @buttercupisbrainless , @likeshipsonthesea , and @teluete .
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mamashitty · 5 years
some zimbits fic recs.
Basically, all I have been reading for the past month or so has been Zimbits fics. I decided to do a quick fic rec post. And I’ll also happily take any suggestions of more fics to read. So! Without further rambling, here we go.
a really good deal on craigslist by heyfightme: it is a Check, Please! New Girl AU and was such a fun read. It made me miss New Girl and it was fun reading Check, Please! characters in this situation.
The Book of Love by RabbitRunnah: I am a sucker for authors AUs. This one is incredibly precious and both Jack and Bitty are authors on it who meet during a book tour.
My Big Fat Southern Wedding by WrathoftheStag: A Zimbits AU that is inspired by My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Another AU that makes me want to rewatch what inspired it once again. This was a fun read.
The Very Thought of You by teluete and WrathoftheStag: Jack is a Novelist in this one. Again, I am a sucker for writer/author AUs. Ugh, it so so so good.
Easy P-Z  by ebjameston: Jack and Kent are retired from hockey and host a home remodeling show on HGTV. Bitty gets hired to be the caterer. And fun ensues! HGTV is such a guilty pleasure of mine.
Prove To Me You’ve Got Some Coordination by amalnahurriyeh: Stripper AU and there are unions and it is just a great read.
Vague summaries to not spoil things, and I stopped at six just because that is my favorite number.  Plus, I end up sounding like a broken record because of my “this is so good” but like really they ALL are. 
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me-diumdrip · 4 years
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No one tagged me, but I saw this post by @teluete and just had to do it.
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wrathofthestag · 2 years
🥺, 🍦, 🏆 for the asks!
Thanks for the ask! :)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
When either of the characters realizes they are in love. That one moment of the italicized oh is always so emotional.
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
I think it's probably a three-way tie between:
Bus Stop - Jack bumps into the same beautiful stranger at the bus stop every day. Will he gather the courage to speak to him?
My Fair Bitty - Whip cracker, Jack Zimmermann, had been working the Ren Faire circuit since childhood. One day he meets silk aerialist Eric Bittle, and his life suddenly makes much more sense. A little story about soul mates and love at first sight. Featuring amazing artwork by @teluete
the stars look very different today - After 204 days on the International Space Station, Canadian astronaut Jack Zimmermann is ready to go home. His husband and daughter await his return. A ficlet on science, longing, and home.
🏆 What’s your most popular fic?
Definitely Weekender - Jack hates conventions—the crowds, the noise, the forced socialization, but it's a work thing that must be done. Enter Samwell Hockey player, Eric Bittle, who attends the convention with a group of friends. Suddenly things begin to look up.
I love that fic because it's my longest fic at close to 35K, and I pounded that thing out in less than a month. I was out of town most of that time, too! It was so much fun, and the energy and support all the readers were giving me were amazing. As of now, it has just under 19,000 hits.
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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The 48 Hour Draft Challenge Starts Tomorrow! 
Keep your eyes peeled for our official post inaugurating the 2019 48 Draft Challenge! Until then, here are a few details to break down the event and get you started. WHAT is this? For two days, we’ll be accepting submissions for angsty Kent-centric headcanons. What constitutes as angsty? Really anything that can kick people right in the feels for our favorite character, Kent. (So if your OTP is Kent/Happiness, this event is for you too!) The submission process is short, simple, and won’t take more than a minute of your time.    WHO can participate? Anyone who appreciates Kent and wants to see more Kent-centric hc’s in the world!  WHERE is this happening? Right here on the KPBB blog!  WHEN is this taking place? Friday June 21st @ 1pm EST until Sunday June 23rd at @ 1pm EST
HOW can I participate? We’ll be rolling out our official start post tomorrow that will include a link to our submission form (google form). Just follow the directions on the form and give us your best headcanons. Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged!  WHY are you doing this/WHY should I participate? This event was created last year as a part of @pimmsweek​ to create a low stakes opportunity for people to a) commemorate the 2009 Draft in the Check Please Universe b) celebrate angst (and also, Kent Parson). So you SHOULD participate if you want an easy way to contribute angst to this fandom, but if that doesn’t entice you please consider THE FABULOUS PRIZES!
We have commissioned 2 guest artists to turn their favorite submissions from this year’s challenge into illustrations. First prize will receive an illustration from @teluete​!  Samples of Teluete’s works can be found here.  Second prize will receive an illustration from @omgpieplease!  Samples of Omgpieplease’s works can be found here. Here are examples of last year’s first and second prize-works to get you inspired and motivated.   That’s not all, however. This year we’ll also be aggregating honorable mentions into compilation posts. So even if your hc isn’t turned into artwork, there’s a good chance it’ll be featured on our blog leading up the reveal of this year’s birthday bash works.  That’s everything for now! Keep your eyes peeled for our post tomorrow and remember to reblog this post and share it with your friends/followers/enemies/anyone you think would want to see cool Kent works. 
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bitty-davis-eyes · 5 years
The 20 questions thingy!
I got tagged by @wrathofthestag to answer 20 questions! Woohoo! Let’s go!
1. Nickname- I usually just go by my name, Dylan, or Dyl
2. Zodiac sign- I’m an Aquarius, on the cusp of Pieces
3. Hogwarts House- I’m a Hufflepuff and proud of it!
4. Hight- 5’9”
5. Last thing googled- Schitts Creak TV Tropes. I just started this show and it’s funny you guys.
6. Favorite Musician- Oh so many! Beatles and Queen are ranked up high for sure, so is Carly Rae Jepsen. Felix Hagan & The Family is my latest obcession, so are the Front Bottoms
7. Song stuck in head- Kiss the Missfits by Felix Hagan & The Family
8. Followers- 16 lol
9. Following- 34
10. Do I get asks?- I don’t, but I like answering questions!
11. Amount of sleep- last night was the first night I was able to fall asleep before midnight, and I wake up at the ass-crack of dawn because I had to for years.
12. Lucky number- I don’t know? I usually say 13 because I’m That Guy but I’ll probably say 18, because that’s the day I was born.
13. What are you wearing- lilac shorts, a plain white tee, and some Keen sandals
14. Dream job- I don’t have a single job in mind, but I’d love to work in customer service/sales/hospitality. I love working with people, but I’m getting tired of healthcare work after working in that field for almost 8 years.
15. Instrument- I played Clarinet in school band, but then quit that. Then I played Piano, but the lessons got too expensive
16. Languages- English, and a VERY rudimentary amount of Japanese
17. Favorite song- I Really Really Really Really Really Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen
18. Random Fact- When I was 15, I went shark diving. Didn’t see anything, kind of a waste of money. Did you guys know they don’t put you in the tank when they lower it in the water? They straight up gave me a wooden dowel and said “hit the sharks with this if they get too close. Aim for the eyes and gills”
19. Aesthetic- Hipster without all the pretentiousness
20. Dream trip- I would LOVE to go to Japan, I have been off-and-on teaching myself Japanese for a few months!
Hmmmm.... I’d like to tag @tonytangredis and @teluete and anyone else who wants to do this!
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teluete · 6 years
In light of recent news, just wanna remind y’all that I’m also teluete on @pillowfort-io. 
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17piesinseptember · 7 years
Jack for the omgcp-themed asks :)
Jack: Tell us about something you’re passionate about.
Music ♪♩ My parents are both musical so I’ve grown up surrounded by it. I’m basically constantly listening to music—during dinner, on the bus, when I’m cooking, showering, cleaning, breathing :P. I play a few different instruments (my first was piano at age 4) and am currently in a brass band and a choir. During high school and uni I was in bands and/or choirs and/or musicals and some of my best memories from those times are related to those. I try and see a lot of concerts. I’ve got three lined up over the next 2 weeks which, yes, is a lot and not my normal rate!
Anyway, I could go on for much longer, but I won’t. Thanks so much for this question—it was great fun to answer :D
Ask me an ask :)
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