#tendou ryuu
northescere · 6 months
Haikyuu!! as things my friends and I have said (part 2)
edit: part 1
Once again some of these have been edited slightly to make more sense in Haikyuu context. 
warning: idk like one sexual joke
Tendou: Put whatever the fuck you want on pizza, just not in front of the Italians
Daichi when someone falls asleep during study group: Can you please kick him and wake him up
Tanaka: Noya what’s with the all caps bro
Hinata: (stepping onto the court and inhaling) Smell that volleyball scent
Kageyama: (frowning) Body odour? 
Bokuto: I remember I once read that male tits are one of the most useless body parts. But what will gay people bite on when they’re fucking?
Kuroo: The feet? Obviously they would bite on the feet
Kenma: What the actual Hell
Sakusa: My lap is cold for some reason
Atsumu: Need someone to sit on it?
Suna: just backwards shrimp
Osamu: that is NOT how you solve scoliosis
Tendou: If crossing lights are shaped like people, why aren’t traffic lights shaped like cars?
Ushiwaka: (eyes going wide)
Tanaka (talking about Zyrtec): IT DOESN’T WORK.
Saeko: THEN DOWN THE WHOLE FUCKING BOTTLE, RYUU. TAKE IT LIKE A SHOT (aggressive drinking movements)
Terushima: I won’t find a shit husband, I’ll find a piss husband
hoshiumi: im amazing. I know everything 
hirugami: are you god 😟😟😟
hoshiumi: no
hoshiumi: im a threat start running
counsellor: has anyone here ever had a disagreement with their parents?
oikawa: I once had an argument with my dad over the existence of aliens
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justicerikai · 2 years
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #26 Visitor
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Amahiko: Pouring quite heavily, isn’t it
Fumiya: Yup
Amahiko: It’s getting colder too, ought to be careful and not catch a cold
Fumiya: Right, let’s have something warm for dinner tonight
Amahiko: Yes
Fumiya: Ah
Amahiko: Hm? What’s wrong?
Fumiya: There’s something
Amahiko: Eh?
Fumiya: What do you want?
Unknown boy: !
Amahiko: What’s wrong, young man. You don’t even have an umbrella, you’ll catch a cold like this. Here, come inside
(The boy backs off)
Amahiko: No need to be scared
Fumiya: Huh..? Don’t tell me you’re…
(The boy runs off)
Amahiko & Fumiya: !?
Amahiko: I wonder what he wanted
Amahiko: Hm? What is that?
Fumiya: Looks like something he just left behind
Amahiko: A skateboard…?
Amahiko: Fumiya-san?
(Fumiya knocks on the door)
Fumiya: Kei. You here? I’m coming in
Fumiya: Kei.
Sarukawa: Oi! The hell you waltzing in here for
Fumiya: There was a middle schooler outside the entrance just now
Sarukawa: Haaah?
Fumiya: He left this
Sarukawa: That’s…!
Sarukawa: Ryuu!
(Sarukawa runs of and Fumiya holds him back)
Fumiya: Wait.
Sarukawa: Let go!
Fumiya: Kei, wait.
Sarukawa: I’m tellin’ ya let go! I’ll fucking kill you! Gaaah!
Amahiko: C-calm down Sarukawa-kun
Amahiko: Fumiya-san, what is the meaning of all this
Fumiya: He already went home. He’s not here anymore.
Amahiko: Th- this is…
Amahiko: Ryuu? Who in the world is that boy?
Fumiya: Can I talk?
Fumiya: …Yamaguchi Ryuu, 15 years old. Has no relatives and recently disappeared. There’s rumors he’s meeting up with some nasty people from the underworld.
Fumiya: These guys are most likely interested in getting him on their side.
Amahiko: Hm… but when why would such a boy come to seek out Sarukawa-kun
Fumiya: Both are from “Picasso”
Sarukawa: ! Tch…
Amahiko: Picasso…? What might that be. Fumiya-san, please explain it more clearly-
Sarukawa: Can’t say I like you bastard, how did you snoop this out, sure know your stuff don’tcha
Fumiya: I only know, it doesn’t mean I understand.
Fumiya: Kei, I’ll say what I think
Fumiya: What he left behind was probably something you had given to him. That’s why he came to return it. In this rain. Without an umbrella;
Fumiya: Something has happened. This situation is about to take a turn for the worse.
Fumiya: I want to lend a hand to you. These people are the type to do whatever it takes.
Fumiya: Going alone could result in death.
Fumiya: For you. And for that kid.
Amahiko: …! Sa-Sarukawa-kun.
Fumiya: Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. Don’t blabber as if you know shit
Amahiko: But going on your own is-
Sarukawa: You can’t be sure it’ll happen.
Sarukawa: But, all I will say is this
Sarukawa: Fumiya
Sarukawa: No matter what happens to me, you’re the only one I wouldn’t want help from
Fumiya: …I see
(Sarukawa storms out)
Amahiko: Sarukawa-kun! Please wait!
Amahiko: He isn’t here anymore!
Sarukawa: No, he’s still close. I know he is.
Amahiko: Sarukawa-kun, an umbrella
Sarukawa: Don’t need it
Amahiko: Sarukawa-kun! He was frightened! He didn’t come to say goodbye! I know that much! He came to ask you for help! There’s no doubt that you’ll get through him!
Amahiko: But, please promise me this, to make sure to come home.
Amahiko: Whatever may happen, this is the place where you belong!
(Sarukawa runs off)
Amahiko: Sarukawa-kun!
Amahiko: ….
Fumiya: He’ll come back.
Fumiya: Sorry. I went too far
Amahiko: Fumiya-san?
Fumiya: I’m going to get information
Amahiko: Information? From where…?
Amahiko: Fumiya-san, umbrella.
Fumiya: Don’t need it. He didn’t take it, did he
Amahiko: …Eh? Fumi…
Amahiko: ..Perhaps it could be said that, all of us still don’t know anything about one another…
Woman on the phone: Yes, this is with Tendou.
Woman on the phone: A-Amahiko-sama!? What is the matter!?
Woman on the phone: N-not your mother but master instead..?
Woman on the phone: Ah, no, understood.
Woman on the phone: Please excuse me for a moment.
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because i was a fool for loving her over you (and if i call i really hope you’ll call me ‘cause i’m not over you)
Fandom: Choujin Sentai Jetman
Characters: Tendou Ryuu, Yuki Gai, Rokumeikan Kaori, Hayasaka Ako
Song: “Empress,” Morningsiders (playlist here)
Note: Alternate title for this story is “The Jetman Trap (1992) starring Hayasaka Ako”
Directly following the defeat of the Vyram there are several days of frantic, exhausted reports and debriefings and meetings, some of which take place in hospital rooms where the various team members are receiving medical care, and then once those are done there is a month total, blissful peace. The Jetmen return to their homes to rest and recuperate. Raita is able to begin the spring planting, Ako to consider and then reject university entrance exams, Ryuu to mourn the second death of his first love, Gai to brush up on his saxophone in preparation for going back to his usual occupation, and Kaori to spend a day with her parents for the first time in ages. Perhaps they’ll be called upon to save the world again, but hopefully not.
At the end of that month, though, comes a strange moment of confluence as in a sumptuous mansion, in a mediocre bar, in a sparsely-decorated military apartment, three people find themselves staring into space and sighing heavily as they murmur, “Well, I screwed that up.”
Gai is there when Ryuu finally asks Kaori to dinner, and he’s mature enough by now to admit that it stings somewhat to hear, just as he’s still immature enough to find Ryuu’s gut-punched expression when she turns him down a little bit funny.
“Why?” Ryuu manages to stammer out after a moment, and then he visibly backpedals—“which is to say, of course if you don’t want to I respect that.”
She folds her arms across her chest. “Why now?”
“Well, I, I…I just realized that I’ve wasted so much time on obsessing over the past that I never actually gave…other options…any fair consideration. And because I like you, Kaori, you’re a dear friend, and I’d like to have dinner with you.”
“Well, I’m not interested in being your runner-up.” And that haughty little chin tilt, the one she doesn’t actually pull out too often, and Gai is trying not to eavesdrop, really he is, but she’s just so wonderful to watch when she decides to put the rich blood on. “Ask me again when you want me and aren’t just ‘giving me fair consideration,’” with a hand gesture that manages to indicate quotation marks while concealing how hurt she actually looks.
Then she leaves, and Ryuu stares after her until she’s out of sight before turning to Gai and saying, sounding bewildered, “I did something wrong there, didn’t I. You heard all that, right? Did I do something wrong there?”
Gai takes a sip of his drink—a soda water, he’s trying to drink less alcohol. “I think you might have messed up a little, yeah. Nobody likes to feel like they’re a fallback option.”
Ryuu is there when Kaori asks Gai to try meeting her parents again, and it’s a little painful to hear, but not as much as the hissing argument that it devolves into. Nothing that either of them says is untrue, but all of it is put unkindly, two injured people cutting further pieces out of each other in the hopes that it might make everything more even. He’s unexpectedly hurt by the realization that they slept together, probably more than once, even though they’re both mature adults and certainly didn’t need to consult him about it.
Of course, in the end, Gai is the one who stalks off, mouth tight and brow furrowed, and Ryuu almost chases after him—but that would mean leaving Kaori by herself. She stares after Gai for a moment, looking forlorn, and then turns and buries her face in Ryuu’s chest and bursts into tears. “I don’t know what I did wrong,” she sobs, and he pats her shoulder awkwardly and offers reassurances that he’s not sure he means.
“It’s all right,” he says, staring over her head in the direction Gai went and trying not to focus too much on the warmth of her body pressed up against his. “I’m sure you’ll get another chance to talk things out with him.”
Things are still very busy on the farm, so Raita’s not with them, but the other four meet up at a park as the weather starts to warm up. Ako and Kaori are sitting together sharing a thermos of tea and a basket of cookies while Ryuu and Gai play catch when Ako says, “So how are things with you guys?”
Kaori blinks down into her cup and says, carefully, “It’s a bit lonely without the team all together, but I’ve been doing well, thank you. How is school? You’re graduating soon, right?”
“I am, but you know that’s not what I was asking. How are things with you three. You and Ryuu and Gai.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh, don’t give me that, you totally know what I mean.” Ako shoves an entire cookie into her mouth, chews, swallows, and continues with her mouth still partially full. “Honestly if I didn’t already like girls better I think watching you three would have made me prefer them, guys just seem like a hassle.”
Kaori does not choke on her tea, but only through main force. “You like girls?”
“Don’t you? I mean, have you seen girls?”
“I…I suppose I’ve never considered it.”
“Huh. Well, anyway, girls are amazing, not the point, I’m worried about you guys. Which one of them do you actually like?”
Kaori doesn’t answer, she just stares down at her hands.
Ako’s eyes go wide. “Ohhh. It’s like that.”
“What, what do you mean, it’s like what?”
“Have Ryuu and Gai figured out that they’re in love yet or are they still being dumb boys about it?”
“Have—Ryuu and Gai are what?”
“Come on, you have to have noticed.”
Kaori looks over at where Ryuu and Gai have abandoned their game and are sprawled on the ground side by side, catching their breath. Their hands just barely touch, there in the grass, and. She knows. She does know. She’s known for ages now. She’s just been pretending not to, because it hurts to be certain that in the end she won’t ever be the one. But all she says is, “Oh.”
Ako nods, looking unwholesomely knowing for someone who’s not even out of high school, and eats another cookie.
“Hey,” Ako says over the phone, “can I introduce you to a friend of mine?”
Kaori thinks about it for a long, long moment, and then says, “Yes, I would like that.”
Ryuu says, “I don’t really think I’m ready to try to meet someone new yet, but…sure.”
Gai says, “My number isn’t listed, how did you even get it? Don’t answer that, I don’t want to know what you get up to. Yeah, why not.”
None of them quite process what she’s done to them until they’re all seated at the restaurant and a waiter is approaching with a telephone to inform them that they’ve received a call. Ryuu is the one who answers, and he doesn’t even start with a greeting, he just says, “Ako, I hope you can understand that I’m a little upset with you right now.”
“You’ll get over it,” she says cheerfully, her voice tinny through the phone receiver. “I hear that restaurant’s really nice, anyway, I hope you three have a good dinner!”
“Don’t hang up, Gai wants to speak to you.”
Gai takes the phone and says, in the most affectionate, big-brotherly voice he can summon, “Ako, you’re a horrible brat and the next time I see you I’m going to spank you because clearly your parents never did it enough.”
“I love you too, and you’ll have to catch me first. Is it Kaori’s turn to be mad at me now?”
Kaori does take the phone, but all does is say, stiffly, “Goodbye, Ako,” and then hang up, turning as she does to smile at the waiter (who is doing his best to not look interested) and say, “If we could have ice water, please, we’ll need a few minutes before we’re ready to order.”
An uncomfortable beat after the waiter leaves, in which they all keep glancing at each other and then looking away, before Ryuu said, “So are we ordering? Or are we all just leaving? Because I want to say we leave, but honestly I’m hungry.”
Gai pinches the bridge of his nose. “Lady’s choice, I guess. I need a drink, but I can get that anywhere.”
They turn to her, and she looks between the two of them, how they incline ever so slightly towards each other even as they’re also inclining towards her, and how could she choose? Even if she did want to separate them when they were clearly so perfect for each other, how could she pick one and leave the other?
Ako’s knowing voice echoes in her head. “Ohhh. It’s like that.”
Oh, says her heart. It’s like that.
She covers her face with her hands, not crying, because everything makes sense in a way that she’s not entirely prepared for and if she starts crying now then she may never stop. “I think,” she says into her palms, breath not hitching, she is speaking so evenly that they certainly won’t be able to tell how overwhelmed she is, “I think, I think we should order dinner, and I think we all need to talk.”
Ryuu and Gai both speak at the same time, and what they both say is, “Whatever you say, Kaori.”
“So that sounds like it went well,” Kyoko says, not looking up from where she’s hunting through her box of nail polish. “Which one of them threatened to spank you? Was it the hot one with the motorcycle? He seems like he’d be into that.”
“Kyoko!” Ako throws a pillow at her. “Don’t be gross, he didn’t even mean it like that.”
“What? I’m not saying I want him to spank me, I’m just saying he seems like that kind of guy. There we go.” She lifts a bottle of deep blue polish out of the box. “You want your fingers and toes to match, or do I need to find another color too?”
The next morning the phone in Ako’s little apartment rings, and when she picks it up, Gai just starts in with, “Look, threat rescinded, but don’t do that to me ever again.”
She giggles. “So did you have a nice time? I hope you were safe.”
Sputtering on the other end of the line. “You’ve got a dirty mind for a kid. Nothing happened. We talked.”
“All night? I can hear Kaori’s voice. And Ryuu’s. Who was in the middle?”
“Threat unrescinded, you’re going to catch it the next time I see you.” And in the background, Kaori’s joyful laughter, Ryuu asking where the coffee is, something muffled from Gai as he definitely covers the receiver for a moment, and then, “Thank you. Stay out of my love life from now on, you’re a nightmare.”
Ako says, “Love you too, Gai. Tell the other two I say hi,” and then drops the phone back onto its cradle. A moment to just grin smugly at nothing, and then she whirls around to shout, gleefully, “Kyoko! I didn’t screw it up!”
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redriottrash · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys x Reader
I don't even know how to title this one, it's the one tiktok texting trend where someone accuses their s/o of being in someone else's car and sends them a pic of a cockroach instead. That's literally it.
Featuring: Tanaka, Bokuto, Tsukishima, Tendou, Ushijima, Kenma, Kuroo, Oikawa, Nishinoya and Iwaizumi
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buckybardot · 4 years
What They Smell Like
A/N: this is purely for my own selfish indulgence and dreamy fantasies
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warm cookies and milk; ‘creme’ if you will
blood orange & vanilla; subtle potency
mahogany; an intoxicating cologne
lemon drops & lavender fabric softener
fresh cinnamon rolls; you can’t change my mind
sea salt & cologne; not subtle
toasted coconut & sandalwood
honey & nutmeg; comforting and warm
Coffee beans & strawberry pocky
cherries & chocolate; spine tingling
creme brulee; toasted caramel
light buttercream & espresso
mint; with a soft cedarwood undertone
Black currant & vanilla; deep but rich
candied apples; the inside of a candy shop
natural musk & cherry blossoms; deep inhales for more
white tea & amber; not too intense
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holyshit-im-hot · 4 years
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some babes and a couple of relatable posts for support. who do yall kin from haikyuu tho🤨im a mix between oikawa and kageyama mostly. but then im also in love w them. but look i feel like i relate to them but also that my comfort characters r tendou and tanaka. but i dont KIN them. anyone else who has a problem like this
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lotus-duckies · 4 years
Haikyuu? More like Get these kids a therapist please.
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mirakeul · 3 years
i don't love you anymore
or how they act when they've fallen out of love
notes ; my apology is....non-existent HAHAHA this was inspired by a tiktok but ngl, i drafted this a few months ago and i kinda don't know what tiktok i am talking about so im sorry JHAKJHFKA but please let me know what you think! send more characters if u want <333
warning/s ; angst, no comfort
character/s ; oikawa tooru, tanaka ryuunosuke, daichi sawamura, kenma kozume
part 2 ; akaashi, hinata, bokuto, kuroo part 3 ; semi, tendou, terushima, kunimi
taglist in the reblogs ! if you want to be added to the general taglist, click here!
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he would probably go back to the days when he doesn't listen to anyone
who says he can't practice for hours on end?
and he'd be friendlier to his fans, knowing your insecurity about them
"tooru," you called his attention from beside you. "can we talk?"
the looks between his teammates went unnoticed as oikawa put up a happy front and walked you out of the team's earshot.
"what is it, y/n-chan?"
"are we okay?"
"why wouldn't we be?" tooru dryly laughed. "i'm gonna go practice some more, okay?"
his back was turned when you called out to him once more. "please don't lie to me...why does it feel like something changed?"
his days of simping over kiyoko was over when you guys dated
but...lately, he would be all over her that the team was actually concerned
like,,, don't you have a partner, dude?
"kiyoko!" your eyes travelled to tanaka's figure, close to kiyoko's. "let me help you with that!"
unshed tears were in your eyes as tanaka continued to ignore you, occasionally brushing you off if you tried to get near.
after practice, you pulled him aside, eyebrows furrowing as you asked, "ryuu, is something wrong? did we break up or something?"
he cursed under his breath, did he forget to tell you?
he's probably the least toxic out of the four in this scenario lol
he would tell you he doesn't love you anymore once he's sure
sure, he told you to lessen the hurt but...it still did
you were seated beside asahi and suga when suga pointed out daichi...who was with yui, oh. your eyes looked at their intertwined hands, quickly looking away.
this didn't go unnotice by the two as they looked at daichi and then, you.
"y/n," suga called you with asahi gently patting your back. "will you be okay?"
you sighed, putting on a smile as you look at them, "of course! why wouldn't i be? it's not like daichi and i are still together. it's fine."
i feel like kenma would be even more isolated than before...
like every time you'd ask him to hang out or go on a date, he'd brush you off, saying he's busy
but when you try asking the others, they tell you he's answering and going with them to practice and hang outs...
"kenma!" you ran to him before he has the chance to leave, your hand gently holding his arm. "is there something wrong?"
"no," he simply said, turning away.
"then why are you avoiding me?"
"...i'm not."
your hand dropped to your side, kenma taking his cue to leave. you watched his back until he disappeared...why did it feel like you were alone again?
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© mirakeul ; do not modify or reupload anywhere else but reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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wysteria-bloom · 3 years
☁️Kissing them out of the blue☁️
Haikyuu!! x Reader
A/n: Osamu my beloved ♥ sorry y'all, just wanted to write somethin' for all my favs
WARNINGS: None! :)
Characters: Osamu, Tendou, Kageyama, Goshiki, Tanaka, Atsumu, Bokuto, Kuroo
(Bokuto’s is a little longer than everyone’s but that’s cause he’s my favourite so I’m sorry lol)
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The second you had pressed your lips against his in a short kiss, he was frozen in place.
He didn’t realise how wide his eyes were until he began to feel them burn from not blinking for a straight 10 seconds and at your amused grin, he could probably guess that he looked like a love-struck moron.
Osamu cleared his throat and looked away from you, cheeks as red as apples,” Wh-what was that for?” He mumbled, continuing with cutting vegetables he was going to be using for your dinner.
You only hummed, tapping your chin in faux-thought,” I dunno~ Ya just looked so cute makin‘ dinner for us and I felt like you needed a reward!” You sang out teasingly.
Osamu huffed out a little chuckle through his nose, shaking his head at your antics,” A better reward woulda been a longer kiss.”
“Do you want a longer kiss?”
“ Yeah, a little.”
You snickered and poked his cheek,” Wow, you’re so greedy ‘Samu..”
He turned to you and stopped cutting the vegetables, hands moving to rest on your hips comfortably. He leaned down a little, your noses pressing together as he smiled warmly,“ I am, ain’t I?”
Then he trapped your lips in a loving kiss that would be much longer than the first one.
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At the feeling of your soft lips pressing against his so suddenly, he just stopped what he was doing to pay full attention to you. He leaned into your kiss almost instantly, eyes shutting slowly.
But when he began to get too into the kiss, that’s when you pulled away from him. But his eyes were still shut, making you giggle a little.
Eyes opening to look down at your pretty smile, he felt his heart do a happy flip. The he grinned crookedly,” Hey, babe. Maybe you should start lookin’ for a wedding dress soon.”
You rolled your eyes at his statement but you still found yourself smiling fondly at the thought, ” Ryuu, we’re in high school.” 
There was silence as you gave him a look that read,’ we’re not getting married at the age of 17′.
“… Can I have another kiss?” He pleaded cutely, innocent smile on his lips, hand moving up to cup your cheek gently and lovingly.
You snorted and flicked his forehand teasingly,” Why should I? I think you’re getting ahead of yourself.” 
You could only sigh, giving into him the second he used that whiny tone and he smiled victoriously when your lips molded together once again.
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All it took was a quick peck.
Just a little push of your lips onto his to make his whole face be considered a heat hazard. 
The raven haired teen let out a little squeal of embarrassment, face hidden in his hands,” WhYy do you do thHhiiis?” He croaked out, his voice cracking from anxiety. 
“Aww, I’m sorry baby-” 
“ You’re not, though.”
You giggled and grabbed onto his hands, pulling them away from his face but his eyes were scrunched shut the second the light hit them, refusing to open to look at you.
You smirked a little at your boyfriend,” Tsutomuuu~” You sang, leaning close to his face, his hands being held gently by yours. 
You pecked his nose lightly, smiling the second you saw his body flinch, cheeks reddening even more (if thats even possible at this point). He whined and pushed your face away from his with a free hand,” You’re evil!!”
“It’s cause I love youuu!” “I’m dating the devil.”
“I’m sexy, stop pretending you hate me.”
“…sh-shut up.”
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He was just casually reading his manga, it was the newest issue of Jujutsu Kaisen so its safe to say he was pretty invested in it because of how much he’s been enjoying the series lately. 
But the second he felt your warm lips press against his forehead, he stopped reading it completely.
He looked up at you and saw you beginning to walk out of your room, muttering something about wanting to get snacks for the both of you.
“Hey, hey~ Where do’ya think you’re going?” He called out to you before you could take a step out of the door of your room.
You look at him from over your shoulder, raising a brow,” Uhh… Getting snacks? Hello? Are you that invested in your manga?” You taunted him lightly, amusement swirling in your eyes.
He pouted at you cutely and set his manga down, pointing to his pouting lips with expectant eyes,” Want a kiss here, not my forehead. Gimme one,” He demanded childishly.
You snickered lightly and rolled your eyes. You walked back over to him and leaned down, your lips pressing lightly to his own. His lips curled up into a smile during the kiss. 
When you pulled away, you raised your brow at him again,” Does that satisfy you, your highness?”
He only nodded his head cutely,” Thank you, babyyy~!” 
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A grin broke out onto his face when you pressed your lips against his in a quick and simple kiss.
He felt his heart thump and spread warmth throughout his body and his eyes couldn’t stop crinkling from how happily he was smiling down at you,” Aww, babeeee~!!” He whined out at how cute you were and grabbed your face with both hands, smooshing your cheeks so that your lips were puckered a little.
He began placing quick kisses all over your face, ignoring your whines and protests for him to cut it out. 
He kissed everywhere on your face,” Yer so cute when ya wanna be, babe!” He snickered out, pulling away from you and smiling pridefully at the pink blush that had appeared on your face,” Coulda sworn I felt my heart swoon for a second there.”
“Oh, shut it, Miya.”
“Yikes! Using my last name?? That’s so harsh!” He pouted, eyebrows scrunching together,” D’ya realise how hurtful that is? Using my last name, jeez… what’s wrong with ya, seriously? My heart has been broke so many times—”
You interrupted his complaining with a harsher kiss.
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“ I-I… Uh… Wh..why… Y-you… dumbass…” This was the effect your kisses had on him.
His cheeks tinted a light red as his eyebrow twitched a little, the back of his hand was pressed to his lips and he was glancing away from you,” Wow, I really caught you off guard, eh?” You chuckled out.
“Sh…shut up…” He muttered, eyes looking down at you with a glare,” That w-wasn’t fair..” He claimed simply.
You rolled your eyes,” Does everything need to be a competition?”
“Yes.” “You’re so immature—” But you stopped talking whenever he murmured something that was barely audible to you. You leaned closer to his face with a raised eyebrow,” What was that?”
He murmured again, even less audible than the first time.
“Ayo, stop being so edgy and speak up.” 
And speak up he did. He groaned and grabbed both of your shoulders with trembling hands, his lips pressing against yours in a sudden kiss. Your eyes were wide as you stared at him.
He pulled away slowly and stared down into your eyes, his face still flushed as he panted a little,” I asked for you to kiss me again, dumbass… get better ears.” 
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He whined when you pulled away, pouting at you like a kicked puppy.
“ Moreee!” He demanded.
“But you pulled away too earlyyy!” He whined, grabbing onto your hips securely and safely, pulling your body flush to his chest. His heat consumed you and made you feel safe in his arms. 
You hummed a little,” Don’t think I did.”
“You did, you did!” He denied,” You kissed me for like… -0 seconds.” 
“ Kou, thats not even a number.”
His pout deepened, “Yeah it is… in my world…” He mumbled, forehead leaning against yours,” C’mon… dont be so mean… I love your kisses.” 
Your eyes softened at his words, his brown eyes that were speckles with gold were drawing you in. You knew that you could never resist him when he pouts and gives you puppy eyes. 
You pressed your lips against his and he leaned into your heat, pushing you back a little until your back hit the wall behind you softly. Your lips melded together perfectly and instantly filled the two of you with each other's heat. 
After a full minute, the two of you pulled away, panting a little but not looking away from each other’s eyes.
“ Was that long enough for you, Kou?” You sent him a small smile.
He could only smile happily and nod his head, pulling you into a tight and affectionate hug as the smell of your shampoo calmed down his fastly beating heart.
“ Love you 3000, baby…”
You always told each other you loved each other in this way. Marvel movies are what brought you two closer together in the first place, so it was pretty fitting for the two of you.
You felt your heart leap,” Love you 3000, Kou.”
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Kuroo paused his whole spiel about chemistry whenever you had shut him up with a kiss to the lips. 
When you pulled away, he could only stare down at you with thoughtful eyes, his cheeks heating up ever so slightly. His eyebrows furrowed a little and he frowned,” You could’ve just told me to shut up like a normal person, y’know?”
You scoffed,” You’re complaining that I gave you a kiss? You’re literally always whining about how I don't give you enough kisses.” You argued back, an amused undertone to your voice.
He wouldn’t admit it, but the reason he was reacting this way was because you had actually caught him off-guard. He’s never been caught this off-guard before, so he’s a little salty about it. 
“ M’ not complaining.” He shrugged, looking away from you before you could notice the clear reddening of his cheeks,” You… just could’ve… warned me, you know? Simple.”
“Simple?” You repeated with a deadpan expression,” Hon, you know you can just admit that I caught you off-guard, right?” 
He flinched, guilty smile on his face as he sweat dropped a little,”… Dunno what you’re talking about.” He cleared his throat and turned to you with newfound confidence after giving himself time to think,” But since we’re on the topic… How about another kiss, eh?” He smirked, leaning down to you with an expectant smirk.
You raised a brow and pushed his face away with a finger on his forehead,” What’s this now, huh? You were acting like some shy school girl a second ago.” 
“Was not!” He snapped instantly.
“You were.”
“Were.” “Not!”
“Uh huh.” “Shut up!”
You smirked and tilted your head to the side,“Make me.” 
He instantly pressed his lips to yours after that, cupping the back of your neck to bring your face closer.
You couldn’t help but give into his antics. 
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lilspotofsunshine · 2 years
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source: [1 & 2], [3]
stumbled on this comic i’d not seen before on fumino-sensei’s twitter, so i thought i’d share a rough t/l!
Page 1 & 2
BREAKFAST [Left] Team Bread (Kouhei, Maya, Tendou, Ryuu) [Right] Team Rice (Chiba, Taichi) Taichi: Rice and shine!
RED BEAN PASTE [Left] Team Smooth (Kouhei, Maya, Tendou) [Right] Team Chunky (Chiba, Taichi) Taichi: Chunky for sure! Tendou: If I had to pick one... Maya: It’d be smooth. Placard (Ryuu): I hate sweet things.
ROASTED SWEET POTATOES [Left] Team Sticky & Gooey (Kouhei, Maya, Tendou) [Right] Team Soft & Crumbly (Chiba, Taichi, Ryuu) Taichi: Right??? Ryuu: *nodding* Tendou: Oh~ Annou potatoes are delicious, aren’t they? Maya: Y-yes!
GYOZA [Left] Team Boiled (Kouhei, Tendou) [Right] Team Pan-Fried (Chiba, Maya, Ryuu, Taichi) Tendou: Well actually, I’m Team Shumai. Kouhei: ......
KINOKO VS TAKENOKO* (*referring to the longstanding rivalry between 2 brands of chocolate snacks sold by Meiji, called Kinoko no Yama (Mushroom Mountain) and Takenoko no Sato (Bamboo Shoot Village))
[Left] Team Takenoko (Kouhei, Maya) [Right] Team Kinoko (Chiba, Taichi, Tendou) Placard (Ryuu): I hate sweet things.
Taichi: Awesome! We both like all the same things!! I really am your disciple! Chiba: It's just a coincidence. Tendou: Oh dear... Maya: It's okay, senpai!! We may have lost by numbers, but Team Takenoko will persevere!! Kouhei: Why......
Page 3
Kouhei: Taichi! Which do you prefer, udon or soba!? Taichi: Udon. Kouhei → Team Soba
Kouhei: How about cola or soda? Taichi: Cola! Kouhei → Team Soda
Kouhei: Cream stew or beef stew...? Taichi: Beef stew~ I'm hungry... *grooowwlllll* Kouhei → Goes without saying
Kouhei: So then... between cats and dogs, it must be... Taichi: Dogs! 'Cuz we can go on walks together!
Kouhei: Right, of course you'd pick dogs... Kouhei: Wait, dogs!?
Kouhei: Me too! If I had to choose, it'd be dogs! Taichi: Oh, guess we've the same taste! Kouhei: Yeah! Same taste...
Kouhei: (...But not in food!!!) Taichi: Kouhei?
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved AU
[edit: check out the link at the bottom of the post for more buzzfeed unsolved au content :)]
hinata and kageyama:
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90% of the show is them yelling and nobody watches it with earphones on
both of them believe in ghosts but that doesn't mean they want to see one
hinata will literally go to the bathroom five times before going to the spooky house and kageyama gets mad at him for it but there is Fear in his eyes
producer: 'were you scared?'
kageyama: 'pfft, no'
cameraman: *points camera down to show that kageyama's legs are shaking*
they also bring a shit ton of food with them when they stay the night at a place and they'll deadass be eating while talking about the history of the place
‘this house *crunch crunch* was built in *crunch crunch* 1972'
the producers tell them to stop bringing snacks but fans of the show love it
sometimes they'll shoot a mini mukbang video
SPICY, BARBECUE POTATO FRIES | Mukbang at the Waverly Hills Asylum'
hinata: *looking up how to do a seance on wikihow* it says we gotta offer some food for the spirit
kageyama: *spills the doritos he was eating on the table
*after 20 minutes*
kageyama: fuck this
hinata: *starts eating the doritos*
producer: ...
the ghosts: ..................the, audacity
tsukishima and yamaguchi
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pretty much a ryan and shane duo right here
yamaguchi: we'll be visiting this place as part of our ongoing investigation on the question, are ghosts real?
tsukishima: *shakes head*
yamaguchi just wants to see the look of fear in tsukishima’s eyes at least once
yamaguchi: *hears a random thump sound* fUCk tSuKkI a gHoSt!!!
tsukishima: *sees a chair being tossed across the room* huh, the wind is pretty strong today
he likes to stick his head into attics to scare yamaguchi
yamaguchi always carries a water gun full of holy water
yamaguchi: i have holy water with me and i'm not afraid to use it! but i'm also sorry you had to die such a horrible death i hope you find peace soon
tsukishima: *walks into a basement that is supposedly a portal to hell* fuckin’ take me already
so many 'yamaguchi being an angel and tsukishima being a demon for 10 mins' video compilations 
daichi and sugawara
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a very chaotic buzzfeed unsolved duo
suga, who is satan’s child himself, and daichi, who needs a raise
daichi: hello everyone! this is daichi,
sugawara: and suga
daichi: and you’re watching...
sugawara: jackass!!
daichi:...buzz...buzzfeed unsolved??
daichi started out being afraid of almost every place he had to walk into but after having to deal with the chaotic mess that is suga for an entire season, he no longer Feels Fear
this is because suga will deadass film a tiktok dance video no matter where he is
daichi: suga, someone was literally axe-murdered there
suga: *dancing along to ‘I’m a Savage’ or whatever that tiktok song is called*
daichi: *at cameraman* do you see what i have to deal with every day?’
suga is only genuinely scared by ghosts when his followers point out that a ghost was caught on camera in one of his tiktok videos
suga: *watching the video*
that was the end of suga’s tiktok career
tanaka and nishinoya:
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another bunch of loud bois but they are much louder than kageyama and hinata
they’re very much into proving the existence of cryptids and are most known for that episode they spent hunting bigfoot by dressing up to look like bigfoot
tanaka: ‘you know that thing they do in cartoons where they stack on top of each other under a coat so they look like just one big guy?’
nishinoya: ‘ryuu i love you so fucking much’
other guy there who is also trying to catch bigfoot: oMg ItS bIgFooT *takes picture with the blurriest camera he could find*
both of them are very committed in their investigation of the supernatural and they’re very unconventional approaches
nishinoya: *lying on the ground in a creepy basement* EAT MY HEART DEMONS! WE’LL PUT THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!
tanaka: *takes out a spirit board* *spells out O-M-A-E  W-A  M-O  S-H-I-N-D-E-I-R-U*
ghost: *spells out N-A-N-I*
tanaka and nishinoya: *screaming*
kuroo and kenma: 
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kuroo deadass flirts with any ghost or demon they encounter and kenma would sleep over in a haunted asylum for ten bucks
kuroo: *sidles up to the infamous annabelle doll* hey there little lady, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a locked, glass case with a ‘don’t touch’ sign like this?
kenma: kuroo, there’s a demon inside her
kuroo: well, i’m a bit of a demon myself
kenma: she attempted to choke a guy in his sleep
kuroo: oooh, choking. i can get behind that...
kenma: *looks at camera*
the demon in annabelle: d-daddy??
“kuroo flirting with demons and kenma looking at the camera for 5 minutes”
kuroo’s actually a huge fucking scaredy cat and kenma secretly tries to push him over the edge
kenma: *plays computer-generated screams of the damned on his phone*
kenma: ...I didn’t hear anything *looks at the camera as if he was on the office and plays the sound again*
kuroo: i was too scared to close my eyes last night
kenma: i was actually able to catch a bunch of pokemon last night. who knew the winchester mansion is such a hotspot
producer: did you catch any evidence of ghosts?
kenma: ...i caught a gastly
bokuto and akaashi:
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bokuto is a die-hard mothman fan and akaashi is emotionally involved in proving that ghosts exist he will stop at nothing
akaashi: all of the evidence on the shadow figures and orbs spotted in this place can only suggest one thing...
bokuto: mothman did it
akaashi: no
bokuto: yes
akaashi: mothman is literally five states away
bokuto: he has wings
during their individual investigations, akaashi has already foreseen how bokuto is going to react
producer: it’s been quiet for a while. do you think bokuto’s no longer scared?
akaashi: oh no. he should be screaming right about now...
bokuto, inside the haunted house: *screams and waves his flashlight around*
akaashi:  and then he’s gonna call for help
*few hours later*
bokuto: i saw my life flash before my eyes in there
akaashi: *muttering incoherently near his ‘evidence wall’ full of blurry pictures and red string*
bokuto: i must’ve stared into the abyss at one point
akaashi: this place is fucking haunted. can i go back? it’s for sale right?
ushijima and tendou:
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ushijima’s knowledge of ghosts is based on hollywood movies and tendou has exorcised places just by vibing
ushijima: *brings out a pottery wheel* if there are any ghosts in here, you know what to do
he’s actually never watched Ghost he just knows That One Scene
tendou: *naruto-running through the goatman bridge with a go-pro strapped to his head* IT’S MY BRIDGE GOATMAN, IT’S MY BRIDGE!!!
the Goatman Himself: i’ve never felt so fucking scared in my entire fucking life
ushijima believes that chanting in latin will Summon the Ghosts and tendou takes full advantage of that
tendou: *handing ushijima a slip of paper* here, apparently this will summon a full-bodied apparition
ushijima: thanks *begins chanting*
producer, interviewing tendou to the side: okay, what did you make him read this time?
tendou: i typed out ‘let me eat your ass’ in latin on google translate and went from there
cameraman: *zooms in on ushijima chanting*
the ghost haunting the castle: *is confused in French*
in the end neither of them get evidence on ghosts
ushijima: well, we'll have better luck next time
tendou: maybe even revisit this place ?
the ghosts: i know i'm dead but this is the first time i've been scared for my life
[EDIT: for more buzzfeed unsolved au content written by me, check out The Search for the Mysterious Mothman, a headcanon set feat. bokuaka]
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extant-exhaustion · 3 years
Haikyuu!! Headcanons (5/?)
Who always wants to cuddle?
KageHina: Kageyama is so clingy when he and Hinata are alone. Hinata can't stay still for very long, always bouncing up to do something, but Kageyama isn't afraid to squash his boyfriend to convince him to snuggle (which Hinata will pretend to be annoyed with, but actually thinks is super cute).
BokuAka: To no one's surprise, Bokuto loves to cuddle. And Akaashi is almost always cooperative since he hates to see Bokuto mope. If Akaashi is busy, though, he and Bokuto have a compromise—Bokuto lays with his head in Keiji's lap and Keiji runs his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. That way Akaashi can still get work done with his free hand, but Bokuto can be as close to him as possible.
IwaOi: Everyone knows Oikawa is high maintenance, and Iwa has known this longer than most. In fact, it's one of the reasons that it takes them so long to get together—since Tooru has draped himself over Iwa for years on end, Iwa doesn't notice at first that the physical affection has turned to hopeless flirting. Luckily, even after they're together, Tooru is as cuddly as ever, and now Iwa actually cuddles him back.
KuroKen: Kuroo is an absolute sap and will pull Kenma close to him any time Kenma lets his guard down. True, they grew up draped across each other's beds playing games or talking, so it's nothing particularly new, but Kenma still blushes when Kuroo picks him up and puts him in his lap, somehow smoothly enough to not disturb his PSP in the slightest, Kuroo's chin coming to rest on Kenma's shoulder and his smile just visible out of the corner of Kenma's eye.
(Keep reading: DaiSuga, AsaNoya, KiyoYachi, UshiTen) (all headcanons here+)
DaiSuga: Suga uses cuddles to his advantage, especially when he's procrastinating on finishing something. He knows that Daichi will never reject him, so he often curls up in his boyfriend's lap when he's avoiding some chore or other. Which Daichi thinks is very cute, especially considering it's normally Daichi himself who wants to go to bed early to snuggle before they fall asleep.
AsaNoya: Asahi is the clingiest boyfriend you can imagine. Literally any time they're alone, Asahi wants to be in Noya's arms. Noya finds it so endearing, but also has to develop techniques to still be able to do other things even when Asahi falls asleep wrapped around him and Noya was "trying to text, Ryuu, Asahi, c'monnn."
KiyoYachi: Yachi knows that no one would believe her if she told them Kiyoko was the cuddler in their relationship, but she's determined never to reveal that anyway. Yachi loves when Kiyoko comes home and immediately curls against Yachi's side, wrapping her arms around her shorter girlfriend's waist and sighing happily. It's as if Kiyoko needs to recharge after being around people all day, and holding Yachi is how she does that.
UshiTen: Tendou is a very touchy-feely person in general, so he loves cuddling Ushijima any chance he can get. But he's also got a pretty short attention span, so it's usually Ushijima cuddling him while Tendou reads or draws or plays games on his phone. Ushijima is happy to sit with Tendou between his legs and leaned against his chest and just hold his person while Tendou chatters away about this or that. And since Ushijima enjoys all the moments that Tendou spends with him, he is of course happiest when his boyfriend is in his arms.
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ankailosaurus · 2 years
So, this is my first post. Obviously.
Most of my posts, if not all of them, will be writing-as in stories. A lot of them will be character headcanons, x reader stories (female, male and nb), or sometimes character x character.
The first thing I'm going to start with is a thing I've called "Haikyuu character reactions." It's long, considering I tried to get most of the popular characters. There might be multiple parts, depends on how much people like this one.
Them reacting to you saying ‘I love you’
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(If I have missed any characters or you want me to add some tell me)
Y/N: Bokuto!
Y/N: KO!
Bokuto: What?
Bokuto: What’s going on?
Bokuto: Are you hurt?
Y/N: I love you <3
Bokuto: !!!!!!
Y/N: Ko, you ok?
Bokuto: Bokuto-san has passed out. (It’s Akaashi btw)
Bokuto: He’s fine. Just a little dazed.
Bokuto: He says he loves you too.
Y/N: Tooru.
Oikawa: Yes?
Y/N: I love you.
Oikawa: Oh...
Oikawa: Really?
Y/N: Yes.
Oikawa: I LOVE YOU TOO <3 <3 <3
Kuroo: Do you wanna meet up at the park today?
Y/N: Yeah.
Kuroo: Sweet.
Kuroo: See you there!
Y/N: Oh, and Kuroo…
Kuroo: Yeah?
Y/N: I love you.
Y/N: Taro.
Suna: Hmm?
Y/N: I love you.
Suna: I know.
Suna: I love you too
Y/N: skskjhahakfk
Y/N: Tsumu!
Atsumu: What?!
Atsumu: What do ya want from me?
Y/N: I love you.
Atsumu: WHAT?!
Atsumu: Why didn’t you say so? I would’ve been nicer.
Y/N: Samu.
Y/N: Osamu~
Osamu: Yes sweetheart?
Y/N: I love you.
Osamu: Ok.
Osamu: Wait-WHAT?!
Tendou: I love you!
Y/N: You beat me to it. You asshole.
Tendou: You don’t love me?
Y/N: Nononononononono
Y/N: Iloveyoutoo
Y/N: Ryuu. I need to tell you something.
Tanaka: What’s up?
Y/N: I love you <3
Tanaka: Damn. Really?
Y/N: Yes
Tanaka: I needa..change..my feet.
Tanaka: Brb
Ushi: Do you prefer roses or do you like azaleas?
Y/N: I love you.
Ushi: Yes, but that doesn’t answer my question.
Y/N: Aren’t you going to say it back?
Ushi: What?
Y/N: Are you going to say I love you back?
Ushi: Oh..uh..yes.
Ushi: I love you too.
Ushi: Now which one?
Ushi: Or do you want other flowers?
Y/N: oml
Y/N: Aone
Y/N: I have to tell you something
Aone: What is it?
Y/N: I love you!
Aone: You do?
Aone: Really?
Y/N: Yep!
Aone: I love you too <3
Y/N: Baby!
Asahi: Hi gorgeous!
Asahi: What’s up? What do you need?
Y/N: I love you
Asahi: HUH?!
Asahi: YOU WHAT?!
Y/N: I love you!
Asahi: I’m crying rn
Y/N: Awww baby
Y/N: Don’t cry
Daichi: I’m picking up some things from the corner store. Do you want anything?
Y/N: I love you
Daichi: I don’t think they have that brand.
Daichi: Wait-let me reread that.
Daichi: I don’t think my phone is working right now.
Y/N: Why? What happened?
Daichi: It looks like you said ‘I love you’
Y/N: Oh
Y/N: That’s because I did.
Daichi: Do you want a ring to go with that?
Y/N: khsdsgdofssfja
Suga: Good afternoon beautiful~
Suga: How has your day been?
Y/N: It’s been alright.
Suga: Oh no. What’s wrong?
Y/N: Nothing. I’m just madly in love with you.
Suga: Really? I wonder why?
Suga: I love you too sugar.
Y/N: You just made my day better.
Suga: :D
Noya: Y/N!
Y/N: Bitch. I was gonna say the same thing.
Noya: So you love me too?
Y/N: Yes.
Noya: Tanaka was wrong
Noya: You are the best person in the world <3
Y/N: <3
Y/N: I love you.
Tsukki: No you don’t.
Y/N: Yes I do.
Tsukki: Well don’t. It’s annoying.
Y/N: Hey! Don’t be a dick.
Tsukki: What are you going to do about it?
Y/N: I don’t know but I’ll figure it out.
Y/N: And you will regret it.
Tsukki: Mhm...you do that.
Tsukki: I do love you too though
Tsukki: Don’t make a big thing of it.
Y/N: I love you.
Yamaguchi: Awww baby
Yamaguchi: I love you too!
Y/N: Holy shit!
Yamaguchi: Yes…
Yamaguchi: Why would you think otherwise?
Y/N: Because you’re so perfect.
Yamaguchi: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hinata: Do you want to do laser tag or go to the beach?
Y/N: Laser tag!
Hinata: Awesome! I’ll tell everyone else.
Y/N: Before you leave…
Y/N: I need to tell you something.
Hinata: Do you not want to go with everyone else?
Y/N: It’s not that.
Y/N: What I wanted to tell you was that I love you.
Hinata: OH
Hinata: Why?
Y/N: What do you mean why?
Hinata: I just wanna know why you love me.
Y/N: Yuuji!
Terushima: What’s up?
Y/N: I love you <3
Terushima: Wait-
Terushima: Hold up-
Terushima: WHAT?!
Y/N: I love you!
Terushima: Omg. Don’t say it again!
Terushima: I’ll pass out if you do.
Y/N: Do you love me too?
Terushima: Nah…
Y/N: What? :(
Terushima: I’m kidding. I’m kidding.
Terushima: I love you too. <3
Y/N: Kags
Kageyama: Yes?
Y/N: I love you!
Kageyama: Why?
Y/N: Because I do.
Kageyama: Yeah..but why?
Y/N: You can’t explain these things Kags. Ok. I just do.
Kageyama: Oh...Ok
Kageyama: Well I love you too.
Kageyama: And at least I love you enough to know why.
Y/N: Why do you love me then?
Kageyama: Because you’re beautiful. And nice. And AMAZING!
Kiyoko: How’s my beautiful lover?
Y/N: I’m doing ok.
Y/N: But there is something I wanted to tell you.
Kiyoko: What do you need?
Y/N: I love you <3
Kiyoko: You do?
Kiyoko: I love you too <3
Kiyoko: Can I come over and kiss you?
Kiyoko: It’s easier to do in person.
Yachi: Hey!
Y/N: I love you!
Yachi: Excuse me?
Y/N: I. Love. You <3
Yachi: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg
Y/N: Are you ok?
Yachi: yachi.exe has stopped working
Y/N: Flower?
Yachi: I’m here. I’m here. Just malfunctioned there.
Y/N: lmao
Yachi: I love you too <3 <3 <3
Y/N: Kozume!
Kenma: Yes, pudding?
Y/N: I love you.
Kenma: Wow. I love reading that.
Kenma: Say it again.
Y/N: I love you!
Kenma: I’ll never get tired of seeing that.
Kenma: I love you too <3
Kenma: Pudding?
Or, there's the accurate version.
Y/N: Kozume!
Y/N: I love you!
Y/N: Lev!
Y/N: I love you.
Lev: I’m coming over.
Y/N: What?
Lev: Where’s your house?
Lev: I’m coming over.
Y/N: Why?
Lev: Can’t text. Rungni rlealy fsta.
Y/N: Hajime
Iwaizumi: Hmm?
Y/N: I love you!
Y/N: Hajime?
Y/N: You disappeared.
Y/N: I’m looking out the window but you’re not there anymore.
Y/N: You ok?
Iwaizumi: Go downstairs.
Y/N: No...you haven’t..right?
Iwaizumi: Just let me in goddammit.
Iwaizumi: I need to say it back.
Y/N: I love you
Akaashi: My phone isn’t broken is it?
Akaashi: Like, you actually love me?
Y/N: Yes.
Akaashi: I love you too darling
Akaashi: I’ll tell you every day from now on.
Y/N: I’m gonna cry
Y/N: How are you so perfect?
Akaashi: If I am, it's because I get to be with you.
Yaku: Ok, so for date ideas I have decided on an amusement park, zoo, water park or just a nice trip around the city. We can get ice cream, go shopping, do whatever you want.
Yaku: Your pick.
Y/N: I love you <3
Yaku: I...I…
Yaku: Wow-I’m blushing so much rn
Yaku: I love you too, Sunshine <3
Y/N: I love you
Kyotani: I love you too
Y/N: This isn’t Kyo is it?
Kyotani: Nope ;)
Y/N: Hanamaki?
Kyotani: Yeah…
Kyotani: He saw your message and turned red. He’s currently curled up in a corner with his head buried in his knees. He won’t talk to any of us. I think he’s malfunctioned.
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cass-cc · 2 years
Hello @skittidyne ! It's me from twitter!
I know I have another version of this somewhere because that's the one I was thinking of originally as it was a bit more detailed/refined, but this is the very first draft doodle of the BBAC wrap cover / cast lineup I made back in maybe 2015 or 2016. It was on literally the last page of the composition notebook I found, so any others I made would be elsewhere.
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If I'm remembering correctly (or at all) character placement was based on which category of 🔔 📖 &🕯️ I felt each character/group were best represented by (at least at the time of drawing this). It's been several years now so I'm going off what I remember from that time to justify things. It's quite long so it'll be under the cut!
🔔 - Yamaguchi is surrounded by his luck spirit entourage, as I feel that storyline is tied closely to bells, what with all the cat collars. Tsukishima is actually the "Bell Representative" with the bell choker on full display. The 🔔📖🕯️ each have their own character(s) that I considered most prominent for their category. Yachi and Kiyoko are by this group, but we'll get to them later.
📖 - Sugawara and Yui are the Book Representatives because of all that necromancy research they did. Specifically, I think I thought of it because of the book with the chapter on demonology that Kenma gets his hands on. Yui is off to the side while Suga is between her (holding one of his many notebooks) and Nishinoya, Asahi, Daichi, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi. I think I did this is because Suga was a literal line between life and death - or more accurately "here" and "gone," as Asahi is very much dead, but still around after the crash, and Yui was apparently still alive, just no one had seen her in a long time and thought she was dead. Daichi is there because of both the romance and the magic learning with Suga. Oikawa and Iwaizumi are there because I felt the whole dreamlands adventure fit here because of the research that required and inspired, plus Oikawa and Suga's previous relationship. But I guess I wanted to insert the Tanaka siblings between them? Probably so they could be closer to Noya, but I'm not 100% sure on that tbh.
🕯️- Kenma and Kuroo represent the Candle because of that whole demon summoning for sacrifice fiasco, and Kenma's general use of them. Lev is there because he learned about magic from Kenma and that scene with Lev stumbling upon the aftermath never failed to make me laugh. Bokuto and Akaashi because of their relationship (plural) and their part in Kenma's plan to pause the apocalypse.
& - There for characters who I felt fit into multiple storylines equally or I wasn't sure where exactly to place them but wanted them to feel included. The & category is also used to tie 🔔📖🕯️ together into one long string of characters, which I felt was fitting because that's what the word "and" does.
In &, we have Yachi & Hitoka, Kageyama & Hinata, Ushijima & Tendou in fox form (+ the lurking presence of The Thing That Should Not Be), and, of course, Ryuu & Saeko. I think having them in pairs like this was intentional because "&," but also that might just be how things turned out because of how their storylines were working out at the time of drawing this. no clue, but I probably drew this in literature class lol.
Anyways thanks for coming to my TED Talk! Hope it makes sense.
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sleepy-exe · 3 years
Mechanic AU - 6
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Kyoutani x f!reader
<< Part 5 | Part 7 >>
Summary: The Subaru gets some upgrades. The boys are fun to work with.
Word Count: 3.4k
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Warnings/Genre: some strong language, bitch (affectionately), some inappropriate jokes between the guys
a/n: smaller part, I think it’s still fun tho, car time, Kyoutani, Tanaka and Noya, some Keishin thrown in. Fun stuff. Next part just needs edited so it should be up within a week - lots of warnings for part 7 so please read them
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Part 6: Uwubaru
Inspired by some of the cars from the meet up you went to with Kyoutani last week, you picked up a few new cosmetic pieces for your WRX. You had ordered a couple of things before the meet that have since arrived, waiting for you to install them. Now that you have a day off and the weather is clear, what better time to get on it.
Some of what has arrived is being stored at Karasuno Auto, thanks to Keishin being so nice. He also doesn't mind you using the shop for your own car after hours - a bonus when you live in an apartment with outdoor parking.
What parts you have at home, you carry out to your car. It’s not quite closing time at the shop yet, but you figured there’s no harm in getting things packed up now before heading back up to your room.
On your desk you lay out three samples of vinyl wraps. Wrapping the car isn’t happening anytime soon, but you thought you could at least try to pick something out. There are three colors that caught your eye, so you wanted to see them in person and they are just as pretty here in front of you as you thought they’d be.
A dark burgundy in a satin finish - you picked this one thanks to falling in love with Kyoutani’s dark green wrap. A bright teal, because why not. Bright colors are always fun options. And a blue-purple colorshift. Most of what you’re adding to your car today is carbon fiber parts, so you’ll want a color that fits well with that.
>> From Ryuu: “we are closing up now”
Is it that late already?
The time on your phone confirms it’s late afternoon, and the shop does close a little earlier on Mondays.
>> To Ryuu: “thanks! :D”
Pocketing your phone, you compare the pieces of vinyl spread out on your desk. You’re not set on any of them yet, but that doesn’t matter. You have plenty of time after all.
“Indigo!” You call out for your dog. Your boss has no problem with dogs in the shop, as long as they’re well behaved. Tendou is out, so why leave your baby crated at home when you can bring him with you - you can keep each other company.
The large dog happily trots alongside you to the door before he starts getting excited. You pick up his leash from its designated spot and he sits still to let you clip it to his collar, tail thumping excitedly on the wooden floor. “Let’s go!”
Packing everything into your car ahead of time was a good idea. Letting you get into your car and head straight through town and to the shop with no time wasted.
Instead of parking in the back as usual, you pulled in front of the garage door closest to your work area. Leaving Indigo in the car temporarily as you head around to the back door to let yourself in, and make your way through the building to the garage, flipping on lights along your path.
Opening a single bay door, you’re met with your favorite sight, your dog and your car. You make quick work of pulling into your bay of choice, and opt to leave the door half-closed so Indigo can watch the liveliness outside for entertainment.
Starting off with something simple, you grab the side skirts and a few tools you're sure you’ll need. Laying down on the cold concrete next to one side of your car, you get to work.
When you’re halfway through adding a diffuser to the rear end, your phone dings. Luckily it’s within arms reach, so you don’t have to crawl out from under the car and disturb the dog resting between your legs.
>> From Kyoutani: “what’s up?”
Smiling at the screen as you hold it close to your face with the minimal room around you due to the low height you lifted your car to. Why stand and work when you can lay down and work at your own pace. You sit your phone next to tools you’re not currently using and tap the screen until you’re calling Kyoutani.
He’s slow to answer your call, but you pay it no mind and use the opportunity to drill another screw in place.
“Hey! Thought I’d just call. Got my hands full.” You trade the drill for a screwdriver to make less noise. You’re aware of how unpleasant power tools can sound when right in your ear.
“Oh, don’t worry about it if you’re busy. I was just wondering if you’re free.”
You fumble the screwdriver and it clangs against the ground on contact. “Ah, no, no. It’s cool. I’m just fucking with my car is all.”
“Is that what that is? Thought a pro wouldn’t drop shit so much.”
You scoff at the playful jab. “Thought wrong, bitch. I’m clumsy as fuck.”
“I’ve noticed.”
Tightening down the last screw, the rear diffuser is now secured in place. You softly giggle as you crawl out from under the car, being sure to drag your tools out loudly with you.
Phone in hand, you stand back to look at your handy work.
“What are ya fucking up on your car anyway?”
“Hopefully not much. I’m glad to get this done finally though. Glad my boss doesn’t care if I use the shop; doing this outside would’ve sucked,” you trail off on the last few words.
“That’s nice of them.”
“Yeah,” you lay your phone near the front of the car and grab the boxes your fog lights are in, “It is. I should thank him again..”
Kyoutani chats with you while you install the fog lights and front lip made of carbon fiber to match the side skirts. And with those finished up, you’re down to items you could use a second pair of hands for. Instead of dragging someone out here last minute, you call it quits for the night and clean up your mess so the guys won’t complain when they come in tomorrow.
You finally take your friend off speakerphone and bring your phone to your ear. You give your car one last look over now that it’s back on its wheels again. “Well. I think that’s gonna be it for tonight. I’m kinda getting tired anyway.”
“You’re not too tired are you?”
“Nope! I’ll let you know when I get home.”
“Aight. See ya.”
You walk through the shop and make sure everything is locked up and the lights are out before returning to the car and letting Indigo hop into the back. Starting up the engine, you check your phone while you give your car a minute.
>> From Kyoutani: “how do u like your coffee?”
A smile graces your lips. “Hey, Indy. Why don’t I get you home to Tori real’ quick.”
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Looking at the day’s schedule you’re pleased to see you will be working with Tanaka and Nishinoya. Kiyoko’s out today, but you see a certain blond is sitting at the front desk in her place.
As you push away from the computer, Keishin speaks up, “If those two get to be too much, smack ‘em. Or come get me.”
You shoot your boss a small smile and a forced giggle as you walk around him. Watching his lips curl into a smirk when you playfully murmur, “Yes, Sir.”
And what would you know, the boys are at it all ready. You walk towards your workbench and see that Tanaka is under a truck and Noya appears to be energized as ever.
“What are ya doin’ down there?” The smaller man places a hand against the truck as he peers under it.
“Oh, ya know. Fuckin’ around,” Tanaka says, poking his head out from under the truck to look at Noya who squawks at his words.
The two laugh loudly and Tanaka adds, “Wanna join me?”
“Nah, better not. Think I’m good.” Noya taps the truck before heading off elsewhere.
You can only chuckle at the two.
Watching Noya walk out one of the bay doors, your phone buzzes, getting your attention. It's Koganegawa letting you know he has an appointment today for those rear brakes. You quietly mumble to yourself, “I wonder if they’ve started grindin’ yet.”
“Hey!” Tanaka, no longer under the truck, is waving you over. “Dude, I’m filthy. Care to drive this out for me?”
You hum and look at the sorry state of his clothes. “I guess. Do you have something to change into?”
“I think I do in my car. Probably. Hopefully.” He scratches his head, unknowingly getting grease into the short little hairs as he leaves the shop.
Once the truck is parked out in the lot, you bring the keys back to Keishin where he seems to be ringing out a customer.
The customer eyes you before catching sight of the keys you drop into Keishin’s hand. “Ah! You have my keys then. Say, you work out there?”
You glance at the door to the garage. “Uhm, yes sir.”
“Hell yeah!” He reaches a fist towards you expectantly, a toothy grin reaching his eyes. “We need more women in this industry.”
“Uh, thanks!” You bump your fist against his and turn for the door. “Well, I better get back to work.”
Back in the garage, Noya is hopping out of a Subaru Outback and Tanaka is standing in front of it with his hands on his hips. You join him in looking at the front end of this SUV. Half of the grille is banged up and crinkled, a headlight is in a sorry state, the fender and bumper near it are cracked.
“They got in an accident on their way to work, I guess,” Tanaka states.
You cross your arms and nod. “I think it’ll buff out.”
Tanaka laughs and walks off.
“Hey, where’re ya goin’?”
He stops and turns to you. “To help Noya with it.”
“What are ya doing to it anyway?” Your eyes trace over the damage. This garage isn’t a body shop, but it sure could use going to one.
“We’re taking care of that mess of a front end,” he calls from the other side of the doorway.
“But we don't do body work..”
Noya pops through the doorway with a box of things. “Yeah, but they have parts to replace most of the damage, so we’re just gonna swap what we can.”
“Is it going to match?” You watch him toss the box down, the contents rattling.
“Nope! But that's not my problem.”
Shaking your head with a laugh, you pop the hood to get a look at any hidden damage under there.
Before you know it, it's time for Kogane’s appointment, and of course he requests you. It's not that he doesn't trust the other guys. He just likes to chat with you while you work, as well as tell people his good friend works on his car.
Just like last time, he sits on a stool, hovering over you as you work. This time, trying to guess what’s next in between telling you about work, friends - and then Kyoutani.
Kogane’s knees bounce with his usual bubbly smile, showing sparkling teeth. “You guys still talking any? You are, right?”
Ratchet in hand stops momentarily, attention drawn from your current task. “Yeah. Why?”
“I just-“ The pro setter looks around the room as if searching for a response to what would be a simple question. “I just.. Think it's really cool that we have another friend in common. That’s all, yeah.”
Eyebrows drawing together at his stammering, you slowly return to the job at hand. “Yeah?”
“Yup!” He watches you tentatively before going on, “Have you, like, hung out or anything since your last little outing?”
Throwing parts of the old brakes on the ground, you answer without a second thought. “Yeah, last night.”
Maybe it's the wheels on the stool, but it's like he teleported into the side of his car.
“Careful!” You hiss.
“Sorry!” He leans away from the car and towards you instead, making you eye him wryly. “Last night, huh?”
“..Yeah. He invited me out for coffee after I told him I was tired.” You knock away the rest of the old parts, avoiding his uncomfortable staring.
“So.. Like a coffee date?”
You rear up from your spot, putting a pause to fighting with a stubborn part while installing the new brakes. “Not a date. Just as friends.”
“If I asked you if you wanted coffee after you told me you were tired, would you consider that a date?” Your words come out calm, but your movements don't quite match. You aggressively snap more parts in place. Why does this one have to be more difficult than the one you did on the other side?
He hums in thought, or maybe defeat. “No. I guess not.”
While you finish up that side, he’s oddly quiet. It feels strange, so you break the silence with the first thing that comes to mind. “Hey, Nobu get the truck looked at?”
“No, it still sounds like shit.”
You snort. Apparently you're not the only one getting frustrated with the truck situation, or namely Aone dodging you two and not getting it taken care of. Quietly, you try to think of something you can do to resolve the problem.
“What if.. you bring it in?” You suggest, standing with Kogane’s brakes finished and wheels returned to their rightful place. “You know his info for the truck?”
“He’s not going to go for that or he would have already.”
“No, like.. What if you just bring it in and I just look at it?”
“I don't think he’d be happy about that.” He watches his car as it lowers back to the ground, nudging lift arms out of the way for you once the lift stops.
“Maybe, but have you ever seen him mad?” You laugh softly, returning to the back wheels once more.
You whip your head his way. “Really? He’s like a big teddy bear. And he's so soft spoken.”
“Well, it's rare, but possible,” he deadpans.
“Huh. What was it over?” You ask, face scrunched in disbelief.
He clasps his hands together, rubbing the fingers of one hand against the back of the other. “Not really my business to tell.”
You nod affirmatively, not wanting to press further, even if you’re curious. “Fair that.”
“I’m still determined though. Anyway, your car is pretty much ready.” You pat the roof like a salesman.
“Sweet! Thanks again. We’ll figure something out for Nobu.”
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Tanaka walks with you into the garage, helping you carry parts and tools to a 2002 “Bugeye” WRX that you’re about to replace the exhaust on. Lots of banging and clanging can be heard from under a truck next to the car and Nishinoya yells out, “I fucking hate trucks!”
You and Tanaka both stop in your steps, your laughter echoing off the solid walls of the garage. Looking each other’s way with shit eating grins.
“Doesn’t he have a truck?” You ask Tanaka even though you know the answer.
“Yeah.” He sets a few things down on a tray for you and grabs his phone from his pocket, checking the time. “Aight, I’m gonna head out.”
You glance up at him from your new spot on the floor, hands unwrapping the new shiny pieces. “Lunch? Coming back, right?”
“Ehh. We’ll see. See ya!”
“See ya.” You look at the Bugeye WRX from where it sits on the lift. “Okay..”
Let’s get started.
Bugeye in the air and secure, you step under the car and look over the current pipes running along the center and to the driver side rear. Luckily for you, the exhaust appears to be stock or at least the equivalent. But the bolts on the mid pipe are rusted and seized. Even after spraying them down they fail to budge. You pop a wrench over the hex nut and a breaker bar on the bolt head to see if that does the trick.
Nope, not budging. Frustrated, you drop the tools and place your hands on your hips, shooting a dirty look at the stubborn bolts.
You startle as the small man jumps beside you. With a sigh you wave a hand at what’s causing you trouble. “Help. I can’t get it off.”
He half holds back a giggle and smiles, mischief glimmering in his eyes, “I wanna say something, but I’m not. I want to, but I don’t know if I should.”
You only shake your head, holding back a smile while you watch him make quick work of the rusty hardware and even crack the others loose while he’s at it.
He turns to you and drops the breaker bar in your open hand. “There you go!”
“Thanks.” You move on to removing all of the now loosened bolts from the midpipe, leaving it and the muffler hanging from rubber hangers.
“So, are you just swapping out the catback or going for the whole exhaust?”
Glancing at him you see him smiling at you. “Catback. She ordered it through us and now I’m installing it.”
“Huh. Simple enough.” He stops watching you pull the old exhaust free from the car, and crouches over the new one on the ground, looking it over. “Are they going quieter? Isn’t that kinda backwards?”
You chuckle, sitting the old muffler and pipes aside. “Guess so. But the Hush still gives that nice boxer rumble, so it’s not a bad choice.”
Inspecting the old, rusty system that’s now on concrete, you chew your lip. Realizing now that you didn’t ask the client what they wanted done with it once off the car. “I don’t know if they were keeping this or what.”
“Just stick it in the back,” he suggests as if it's the obvious answer.
You hum. “Yeah. Good plan.”
You lucked out installing the new system. Things lined up as expected for once, making the job easier for you. The adapter that was ordered to fit the new and old pipes together worked, so there was minimal modifying needed.
Back on the ground, you reach into the WRX and start it up. You let it run for a bit and warm up so you can hear how it’s really going to sound. Once the idle smooths out, you listen to the low rumble reverberating from the tailpipe before getting in the car and revving the engine a few times, and it’s like music to your ears. You’re sure the customer will be happy too.
This little project is the last for you today, so after getting the car parked in the lot you head inside to where Keishin is working.
Walking up to the front counter, you drop the keys on the countertop. “The ‘02 WRX. Didn’t see anything about what to do with the old parts, so I just put them in the back. If they don’t want ‘em, I can go grab them.”
Keishin looks up from the newspaper he was reading, a cigarette hanging from his lips. “Thanks, Y/n. I’ll let ‘em know.”
You push the keys his way as he fails to be as quick as Kiyoko to grab them, but before you can pull away his fingers graze your own. Catching your eye, he pulls the cigarette from his lips and speaks quietly, “Have any plans for later?”
Your eyes quickly search the empty room before snapping back to him and you lean in, pulling your hand back to your side. “Yeah,” you lie. “I better go clean up so I can get going. See ya, Keishin.”
Back in the garage, you find a stool next to your workbench and take a seat. You don’t have much to take care of before you can leave. Really, it was just an excuse to pull yourself away from Keishin before you get any ideas.
You pick your phone up from where you had tossed it into an open toolbox and send Tanaka a few texts to give him shit about not returning from lunch.
A loud roar has your head snapping up from your screen to see Noya pull in a familiar 2003 Nissan 350Z. The bubblegum pink, the heart-shaped tsurikawa hanging from the passenger visor, and various stickers and decals - no doubt this is one of the cars you saw at the Subaru meet up a week ago. The meet you briefly met up with Kyoutani at after Koganegawa basically made him ask you to go. Though he didn’t seem particularly bothered by it. In fact, the two of you have been friends since.
With the fresh memory dancing in your head, you snap a photo of the pink car to send to Kyoutani, then quickly put things away so you can clean yourself and head home for the day.
“See ya later, Noya!”
Part 7 >>
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lettrespromises · 4 years
#LettresPromises informs you : You have one notification. ──➤ 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐕𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋!
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─➤ @theastroooooworld​ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 : ❝oi oi oi nikki ♡! i hope you are well as always. can i have hc's for Tanaka, Ushijima and Bokuto (separately) ? how would they behave with their childhood best friend who supports them since their beginning in volleyball but with whom they gradually fall in love ? thanks !!je t'aime tant, prends soin de toi et des tiens 🧡🌅❞ ─➤ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 : ❝my dearest cam,  forgive me for the terrible, terrible sense of never being on time but i’ve heard this letter comes at the right time (hopefully this letter will help a tiny bit while you’re healing.) je t’aime fort fort, prends soin de toi (et de ton tibia et de tes cervicales) et des tiens! sealed with a magic kiss to blow your pain away,  nikki.❞
──➤ 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐎𝐁𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 : Tanaka, Bokuto and Ushijima gradually fall in love with their childhood best friend. ─➤ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : mentions of a nose bleeding.
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──➤ Tanaka Ryuunosuke sent you a letter, would you like to read it?
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Despite his flamboyant sense of worship for Kiyoko, Tanaka does not know how to handle emotions, romantic ones, that is. Sure, he (alongside with Nishinoya) are willing to kiss each centimeter of concrete blessed by Kiyoko’s footsteps, but despite his burning passion, Tanaka is rendered into a stuttering mess when the attention is focused on him.
He has hidden and sometimes projected his blooming crushes for other people onto proves of love for Kiyoko, and in that sense, knowing he could solely focus his attention on her brought him a sense of security because he is so scared of the unknown, especially romantically-wise.
Hence why, whenever he would find himself appreciating someone who wasn’t Kiyoko a bit too much to his own liking, he would bury that feeling deep down and instead transform these hushed sentiments into demonstrations of love for his one and only goddess. 
Sometimes, feelings tend to be a bit stronger when they are mixed with nostalgia, that is, childhood nostalgia. Truth be told, you, Tanaka and Noya were always found together... And often in the worst scenarios (just like that one time you and Ryuu were waiting for Nishinoya and you had to help Tanaka contain all the blood leaking from his nose at the sight of the bombshell accompanying Nishinoya’s grandfather.) 
Surely enough, Tanaka had always seen you like the equivalent of Nishinoya, meaning that he would confess every little secret locked in the back of his mind, even those including Kiyoko. 
Your presence was comforting, and he always considered you extra fuel to animate his fire whenever you would watch him during practice (and you were the first to throw an empty bottle straight to his head whenever he would throw his shirt off after scoring an impressive bottle.)
But in a very, very dramatic way, Kiyoko found herself become gradually set free of Tanaka’s romantic antics and devotion which led her to question the cause of all of this— despite her dislike for any kind of grandiose display of devotion, the fact Tanaka had started to stop giving her attention was a huge red flag regarding his state.
She hesitated to go talk to Nishinoya, but she was expecting to be met with no serious answer, and instead, just watch him drool during several minutes. 
She, thus, went to the next best person who would be able to comprehend this sudden switch in attitude: you, and your lifelong experience regarding Tanaka.
You were undoubtedly quizzical, but things took another turn when Tanaka himself showed up around the corner of the gym, and an uncharacteristic blush crept on his cheeks, Kiyoko took it as a clue to leave you alone.
“Is there anything you wanted to tell me, Ryuu? Are you sick or anything? You haven’t been, you know, following Ki—“
“I like you a whole lot. A lot. Like, a lot.” He confessed, his body was rigid but his eyes testified of all the love he had for you.
You couldn’t help but allow a soft giggle to break free from your lips, “does that mean you’re going to be worshipping me now?”
And as soon as the words died on your lips, his dropped on one knee, and delicately reached for your hand which he enveloped with his palms and soon smothered with love-infused pecks. “Anything for you, my beautiful divinity. I’ve been waiting for this day since we were kids, now I got to worship you everyday, the sunshine of my life.”
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──➤ Bokuto Koutarou sent you a letter, would you like to read it?
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Before Akaashi came in the picture, you’ve always been his pilar, his rock, his pivot, his safe person. Bokuto soon learned to identify you as the person he could go to if anything were to happen.
You knew firsthand how to handle his emo mode since you were kids, and as a child, Bokuto would make himself appear look sad on purpose just so you could focus your attention on him and smoother him with love and kind touches.
Years later, this side of his personality never faded away, but never did your calming antics, nor did you stop always keeping an eye out on him during practice.
Bokuto expressively asked you to be the manager of the team, he said it was to “give you the best seats in the house to admire the way of the ace”, but truthfully, you were the fuel to the fire burning like an inexorable inferno within him.
You and Akaashi completed one another perfectly to find a balance for Bokuto, but at times, when Bokuto would find himself being overwhelmed by sad thoughts on the court, Akaashi would always suggest him to look at you, sitting on the benches.
It had become a ritual, each time Bokuto felt nervous or tortured by his own emotions, his shining golden orbs would find your frame, and a smile on your end was enough to make him feel at peace again. And that, ever since Bokuto started playing volleyball.
One day, during training, Bokuto had ententered a severe streak of shots, and each time the ball slammed the ground loudly in victory, his eyes darted on your form to study your reaction. He started doing anything to impress you since that day, even the silliest things like carry all the water bottles for you until (inevitably) tripping on the ground.
But striking for your attention and validation over and over again also meant that his emo modes were going to be even more intense too.
As his palm slapped the surface of the ball into a diagonal strike, his body shifted in a straight position, thus transforming the shot into a straight line.
The whines of protest were already leaving his lips, and soon enough his entire body language testified of how his emotions got the best of him: his shoulders were slumped, the tips of his hair faced down, his brows were weakly furrowed. It was a crisis situation.
“Agaaaashehhh! Can you get me Y/N, pleaaaase? I feel like I’m gonna melt and freeze at the same time.” Bokuto pleaded, his golden orbs were glossy under the gathering of the salty pearls in the corner of his eyes.
Without wasting more time, Akaashi jogged to you, and quickly explained the situation with a hint of worry in his tone which was unsual for him.
Your palm brushed Bokuto’s back in a soothing manner, only to find yourself prisoner of his embrace as his forelimbs found shelter on the small of your back, the tip of his nose nestled in the crook of your neck.
“Y/NNNN, I can’t even do diagonal shots anymore... It’s, like, my body goes for diagonal but I keep on hitting straight lines, I feel so dumb and useless...” His words were accompanied by whines of discontent, clearly indicating that this emo situation was more alarming than the others.
Your palm rubbed invisible shapes on his back in a soothing manner, humming at his confessions, “I can’t do anything right, can’t hit diagonal shots, can’t be a good captain, can’t even confess to you that I’ve loved you since day one.”
An angel passed.
“Kou, did— were you serious?”
“Does that mean you don’t like me? ‘S fine, I swear.” He now had his state focused on you, eyes as glossy as ever, and it took you all the strength in the world not to soothe his pain away by smothering him with kisses.
“I like you too, Kou, as big as the sky.” You offered him a genuine smile, your palms having moved to cup his palms while your thumbs were brushing the skin of his cheeks.
The tips of his hair immediately quirked up, and his signature grin throned once more amongst his facial features : “Wooooah! As big as the sky? That’s so big, sunshine! Guess what? I love you as big as the court!”
Another giggle found its way past your lips, soon quieted by the way your planted a peck on his cheek, “That’s a lot, Kou, more than I could’ve ever hoped for.”
And as Bokuto cradles you in his embraces, he excitedly stares at Akaashi who has a hint of a smile on his face, jumping a bit over the excitement.
“Kou, I know you’re happy and all but it’s hard to keep up with your hug if you’re jumping all over the place.”
“My bad, sunshine, you just make me so happy, ya know?”
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──➤ Ushijima Wakatoshi sent you a letter, would you like to read it?
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Now, I have already stated that Ushijima is not emotionless, rather he decides whether or not something or someone is worthy of the reveal of his emotions. And only three things fit on this list: Tendou, volleyball and yourself.
You actually met Ushijima as a child at an art discovery class for children. Ushijima had isolated himself from the rest of the children because the remarks of his mother were still ringing loud and clear in his head, but when you approached him and complimented how unique of an approach his left hand offered, he was over the moon (not that he showed it though.)
Much like Bokuto, Toshi is the kind of person to associate someone as his safe person, someone he can go to if needed, or at least feel their presence for reassurance. Needless to say, you are this person to Wakatoshi, always have been since the first doodles you’ve shared together.
In his case, Tendou actually pushed you to be the manager of the team, remarking that your presence would probably motivate Ushijima even more and make him more grounded if he had someone to hold on to during games.
To this day, you’ve always stayed late after practice and watched over Wakatoshi, spike after spike, serve after serve, until his fingers were bleeding and the moonshine outshone the neons of the gym.
You always carried medical tape with you, because you knew he was always bound to push behind his limits, only because he knew that you’d always be there for him, which happened to be true.
Now, now. Wakatoshi does know what feelings are, he knows how to recognize them kinesthetisically and tends to do mental notes of how people manifest their own emotions. Thus, he starts to notice the way his stomach creates knots whenever you’re in the same vicinity.
After training, Tendou finds him reading ads in the latest Jump edition, but Ushijima is quick to interrogate him : “Ah, an ad for plant medicine. Do you reckon this would help my stomach ache, Tendou?”
Tendou blinks once, then twice “Mhm, ‘depends on what kind of stomach ache we’re talking about here, Wakatoshi-kun.”
“It‘s odd. It’s not so much painful but it always happens when Y/N is near me.”
Tendou wipes an inexistent tear away in a dramatic manner, “Toshi-kun, you’re not sick at all, you’re in love.”
Since this sudden realization, Wakatoshi tends to avoid you because he believes that despite the sweet nature of this feeling, this stomach ache is taking a bit too much space to his liking.
He realizes soon, however, that the longer he waits, the worse it becomes.
After practice, and in an ever so natural manner, Ushijima grabs your wrist, and sends a glare to the rest of the team in order to silently tell them to leave the gym now that practice is over.
“Y/N, I’m sorry for taking some of your time so suddenly, I hope I did not startle you.” His grip on your wrist fades away slowly, and you offer him a hint of a smile.
“Don’t worry, Toshi, you’re all good.”
“I requested your presence because it seems I have developed feelings for you.”
A vivid blush colors the apples of your cheeks, your mouth is set agape for a few agonizing seconds: “You think or you know?”
“I don’t know.” He replies, and there’s a hint of disappointment in himself at the lack of retrospection on his end.
“Well, let me help you then.” Your palm is now enveloping his cheek in a loving hold, whilst your lips plant a lingering kiss on his opposite cheek, leaving Wakatoshi at loss for words.
“I, um, I’m positive now. I truly have feelings for you.”
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