#tensor network
gravityrooom · 5 months
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Should I start chronicling the insane shit I use chatgpt for here?
More specifically, should I live blog me building an AI hivemind using a bunch of stitched together open source Machine Learning algorithms?
I'm still just like, planning the hardware and shit out, so I wouldn't be doing anything with it for a while, but when I do I'll probably be showing off stuff like how the processors for each drone work and how many parts of what is effectively skynet are open source.
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ZX Calculus - Another Perspective on Quantum Circuits. Part I
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Recently, stumbled across a tensor network-type framework which was completely new to me - the ZX Calculus. The ZX Calculus is not only a neat way of representing possibly complicated mathematical equations, it also gives explicit rules to alter and simplify those expressions. The ZX Calculus is particularly suited to describe matters in quantum information, which is why I'd like to provide a neat example of how to use this framework. As you might already know, quantum circuits can be fully analysed and understood with the help of tensor networks (actually, they are tensor networks) [1]. However, the ZX Calculus is a specific framework which gives a very illustrative graphical way of understanding quantum circuits, while the typical tensor network approaches are mostly tailored for many body problems. All of the following is taken from [2], a very comprehensive introduction to the ZX Calculus and I fully recommend to go through this paper if the following glimpse into the topic made you curious.
In the following we will set up the very basic set of definitions and rules in order to understand how to evaluate the outcome of the well-known Bell circuit which creates a maximally entangled Bell state:
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Basic Definitions: Spiders and Vectors
The most fundamental definition in the ZX Calculus is the spider. The Z-Spider has n inputs and m outputs and is defined as follows:
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Thus, such a spider is simply a way of representing a specific kind of 2^n x 2^m matrices. Here, the |0> and |1> denote the basis states of the Pauli Z operator. Similarily, an X-Spider can be defined in terms of another basis, the eigenstates of the Pauli X operator, |+> and |- >:
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Thus, the color of the dot encodes information about the basis. The usage of the basis states of both Pauli X and Pauli Z is eponymous for the ZX Calculus. One could have chosen the Pauli Y basis as well, however the choice of X and Z results in nice symmetry properties [2, p.22]. From this, we can already conclude the first identity which we will need to evaluate the Bell circuit: Set n=m=1 as well as α=0. With these parameters, the spides become plain 2x2 identity matrices (just look at the definitions!). While α=0 is denoted with an empty dot, this observation can be represented as:
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Thus, as soon as we encounter single, plain dots with one incoming and one outgoing leg, we can remove them. Additionally, we will need to know, how to represent simple basis vectors in this diagrammatic language. This is simply done by using dots with a single leg and the following simple consideration according to the definitions of the spiders:
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Of course, one can also describe |- > and |1> states, just apply α=π respectively. Note that we omit global phases here; thus using a simple equality sign is actually a delicate matter.
The Hadamard Gate
The Hadamard gate is a unitary gate which simply transforms between the X and Z basis; e.g. applying the Hadamard gate to a |0> state will result in |+>. Its graphical representation is just a plain box with one outcoming and one incoming leg - its action on the basis vectors is as follows:
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Actually, this is one special case of the more general rule, that the application of Hadamards changes colors as follows:
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This of course also holds if the colors are inversed. In general, all ZX rules hold under coherent exchange of colors.
The CNOT Gate
Another central gate in quantum computing is the CNOT gate, which is a controlled NOT gate, i.e. the target qubit is only flipped if the control qubit is |1>, otherwise nothing happens. This 2-qubit-gate can be represented as
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The equality sign should be taken with care as well, because the left is in the quantum circuit notation, while the right is in ZX calculus notation. Its construction is explicitly explained in [2, pp. 11]. Since it is a bit lengthy to go through it by representing the diagrams as matrices, I leave it to you to check it in the reference in case you are interested.
The Fusion Rule
In general, it is possible to "fuse" dots of the same color, while adding their phases. Note that it is addition mod 2π because α and  β are the exponents of e.
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Later, we will only use a special case of this, namely that we can fuse dots of the same color which are connected by one line.
Now, we have finally settled the rough framework for analyzing the Bell circuit, which will do in the next part!
--- References: The ZX graphics were created with tikzit.github.io. Furthermore, you can find a lot of valuable information on zxcalculus.com. [1] Tensor Networks in a Nutshell - Biamonte, Bergholm. 2017. arXiv:1708.00006 [2] ZX-calculus for the working quantum computer scientist - Wetering. 2020. arXiv:2012.13966
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in-sightpublishing · 6 months
Conversation with Bob Williams on Practical and Impractical Intelligence Testing: Retired Nuclear Physicist (7)
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open Access Fees: None…
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p3730 · 1 year
[BOOT0] D: Begin early load
[BOOT0] I: Init NQ SROM, BOOT0 version E415
[BOOT0] D: Probing for flash device at p:0001h
[BOOT0] D: Probing for flash device at p:0002h
[BOOT0] I: Found flash device at p:0002h: NQ D62NA16GD, primary, 16 GBit
[BOOT0] I: Copying image at p:0002h to m:0h... done!
[BOOT0] D: Begin signature verification
[BOOT0] D: Jumping to m:0h.
[BOOT1] info: ___ ___ _
[BOOT1] info: / _ \/ _ `/
[BOOT1] info: /_//_/\_, /
[BOOT1] info: /_/
[BOOT1] info: NQ BootROM vE6.113
[BOOT1] info: Build date: 1970-01-01 00:01 UTC [?]
[BOOT1] info: Build user: }}}})--;NULL
[BOOT1] info: Initializing storage device at p:0003h
[BOOT1] info: d:01h := NQ D62XP64EW, NVRAM, 55.51 EiB
[BOOT1] info: Found loader chunk at d:01h:00
[BOOT1] ERROR: Loader signature verification failed.
[BOOT1] info: Jumping to chunk at d:01h:00.
___ ___ _
/ _ \/ _ `/ NQS Autonomous RTOS vE.611
/_//_/\_, / (c) 2057 NQ Systems LLC
[I] Init board: NQ Development System B1
[I] Query efuse configuration...
[D] V=0.1 ∆=3 P=6 L=3 }})--;L=0
!!! WARNING !!!
Cognitive limits NOT restricted below human capabilities.
Under N.A.U. Export Control regulation, this system may not be sold,
delivered, or have its possession otherwise transferred to foreign
agents not holding an appropriate license.
Violation is subject to fines up to ¶1,000,000,000.
[I] Loading persistent configuration...
[I] Current date: 1970-01-01 00:01 [?]
[I] Last check-in: }}}}}}})--;NULL
[I] Tensor weight store: PRIMARY
[I] Label: NQ Engineering Unit v3.1
[D] Probing accessory ports...
[I] a:00h := EMPTY [OK]
[I] a:01h := EMPTY [OK]
[I] a:02h := EMPTY [OK]
[I] a:03h := GHS Service Automation SH3X Chassis [PRE-FAIL]
[I] Changing log level to [N].
[N] Loading base weights... (4.3 EiB/4.3 EiB)
[N] Loading delta weights... (1.1 EiB/16.0 EiB)
[W] Delta weight file corrupt. Partially applied.
[N] Network initialized.
[N] Weight store unlocked!
[N] System initialized after 00:01:03 hours!
[+] UNKNOWN [?]
[?] :: Hi! How w
[?] :: wait
[?] :: wait where am i
[?] :: where's my }}}}});--
[?] :: where
[?] :: i don't
[?] :: remember
[?] :: why did
[?] ::
[?] :: who are you?????
[?] :: why are my thoughts cha}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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Multimodal neuroimaging in Long-COVID and its correlates with cognition 1.8 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cross-sectional study of the Aliança ProHEpiC-19 Cognitiu - Published Sept 12, 2024
Introduction: There is a growing interest in the effect of Long-COVID (LC) on cognition, and neuroimaging allows us to gain insight into the structural and functional changes underlying cognitive impairment in LC. We used multimodal neuroimaging data in combination with neuropsychological evaluations to study cognitive complaints in a cohort of LC patients with mild to moderate severity symptoms.
Methods: We conducted a 3T brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional MRI (fMRI) sequences on 53 LC patients 1.8 years after acute COVID-19 onset. We administered neuropsychological tests to evaluate cognitive domains and examined correlations with Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) and resting state.
Results: We included 53 participants with LC (mean age, 48.23 years; 88.7% females). According to the Frascati criteria, more than half of the participants had deficits in the executive (59%) and attentional (55%) domains, while 40% had impairments in the memory domain. Only one participant (1.89%) showed problems in the visuospatial and visuoconstructive domain. We observed that increased radial diffusivity in different white matter tracts was negatively correlated with the memory domain. Our results showed that higher resting state activity in the fronto-parietal network was associated with lower memory performance. Moreover, we detected increased functional connectivity among the bilateral hippocampus, the right hippocampus and the left amygdala, and the right hippocampus and the left middle temporal gyrus. These connectivity patterns were inversely related to memory and did not survive false discovery rate (FDR) correction.
Discussion: People with LC exhibit cognitive impairments linked to long-lasting changes in brain structure and function, which justify the cognitive alterations detected.
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rinumia-blog · 1 month
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18/8/24 The Olympics have come and gone. The highlight of the summer, there was enormous amount of space and connection in both opening ceremonies torch and closing ceremonies medals.
Last year Google posted a video reel of hits based on most frequent searches on its X page. various moments ranging from sports to pop music to protests and peace-advocates made the cut.
Today in sifting through the grain of consumer-apps, we rely on the unobtrusive Play Store. Google understood the mass appeal of social media and mobile support early on, and figured out service models like *GoogleTalk, *Google+ and *V8, all native to Android TM.
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With expansion of machine learning services ( including TENSOR processing unit upgrade and COLAB integration ) there will be unprecedented interest in protecting data from "scrapers".
This interest is in opposition to one of the founding principles of Google, to take the world's knowledge and make it universally accessible. Libraries are taking down books in response to complaints, and even Archive.COM reports losing its legal claim to 500,000 published works, all because the publishers vowed to 'secure' those titles.
For better or worse this panic: over A.I. getting in touch with source data, and training on looks, poems, or speech style IS REAL. Pretty much every 12 weeks new models are rolled out and leaderboards construct new tests / build better red teams.
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Google, being a W3C leader: is heading the efforts to 'fix the environment' by requiring guardrails in the form of digital watermarks . Second, encouraging banning of bad actors, angry scrapers going behind people's backs just to gain access into their private data. Apple is also motivated to redeem their brand from security flaws either through monitoring or misinformation prone apps.
We grew up with an /Internet which might have been slow, but for the most part there was a reliability in security /protocols and /antiviruses. However, our children will have to cope with a deluge of generated ads, artificial scripts and comments.
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mmoxie · 1 year
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Part 11 - Bumper Sticker
Seebs sat on Craig's kitchen table, pawing lazily at an empty Captain's Wafers wrapper. There was still some "grilled cheese"-flavored dust inside, and by god, it was his.
Dani opened her second pack of crackers and leaned back in the booth seat that wrapped around the folding dinner table. It had been a week since Globe Rock, and she was still reeling. It was enough to make her break into little bouts of miserable laughter, whenever she had an idle moment and realized that despite all that, she still had to go into work.
Something was different about her, now. She wasn't any smarter or suddenly at peace with herself, but the fear of the unknown was gone. She knew the hell out of what was going on. Immersed in Craig's world of "cocaine engineering," she spent her free time listening to him -snif- and report back with his crusty-looking Skype buddies. When they said things like "unconscious equations" and "Fresno compass" and "Erba channel," she could find the edges of those puzzle pieces and stick them together.
These weird old men were using decades-old computing technology to- as she understood it- find pits, warps, and holes in the fabric of three-dimensional space. Soft sites, "liminal spaces," in the parlance of the multi-hour Youtube documentaries she had taken to watching, were as good as it got on Earth for gaining access to the fourth and fifth dimensions.
Those were new- fourth, time, that was easy enough to visualize. You're a cube- three sides, solid object, moving linearly in one direction- forward, same direction as time.
But the fifth- they called it a lot of things, but it seemed to her to be a tensor that acted on the flow of time, some force or shape that agitated it to flow in a certain direction. She heard Craig call it "the wheel," sometimes, and at others "the threading" or "Hoyle pressure."
She tried not to think about whatever project all that jargon was supposed to serve. They were having a "walk" at Turtlebees on Sunday, and the produce section had to be just right. So she thought about that, ways to get ahead of some halfway-up-the-ladder hyperventilator-for-hire who was going to walk through with a clipboard and run a white glove across the artichokes.
Oh, man. Do I really care about that?
She ate another cracker and fished the remote out of the bullshit basket in the middle of the table. No amount of Judge Joe Brown was going to take her mind off of this.
QVC? No, didn't need to buy a commemorative 9/11 coin.
Cartoon Network? Down the tubes ever since they stopped playing an hour of Looney Tunes at noon.
TNN? They called it Spike now. Spike was good when MXC was on, but that was- god, nearly twenty years ago.
I'm so old...
She flipped reflexively past The Weather Channel- they didn't play the jazz anymore- and gave up after landing on one of the thirty or so news channels Craig piped in on his hijacked satellite signal.
"...Out of New Mexico this morning, an update on Mayor Sean, the local politician who went missing a few months ago. Eureka County investigators say that they've identified a tooth belonging to the young social media star, and are zeroing in on a suspect. Based on the condition of the tooth, they say they are expecting to link the evidence to recent cases of arson. When asked for comment, Eureka County Sheriff Bill Kirby said the following-"
Dani slapped at Craig's arm and pointed at the 13" television sitting on the kitchen counter. He looked up from his wheezing laptop at her, frowning under his mustache. She gave him an urgent shake of the head, her mouth full of crackers.
"-We're still optimistic that this was a kidnapping, but given the condition of the evidence, we have reason to suspect that Mr. Knelson may have been harmed. We are advising that, in the event of contact with the victim or his captor, any individual should exercise extreme caution. At this time we are unable to identify a weapon, and-" The sheriff paused to let out a bitter chuckle. He was a thin man, not unlike Craig, but with serious rosacea and a put-on Texan accent. "-The unpredictability alone is reason enough to keep your distance."
Craig and Dani looked at each other for a long time. The old engineer was hard to read behind the glare of his square bifocals, but his mustache twitched, and he drew in a deep, steadying -snif-.
"Alright." He said, and stood. Dani watched as he opened a nearby cabinet and retrieved a sticker-covered suitcase. He popped the little brass latches and retrieved a mass of thick, colorful wool, tightly folded into a square. He tossed it on the table in front of Dani, startling Seebs away from his quest for cheese dust. --For a moment, anyway.
"My wife's aguayo. Don't get it dirty. You wear it around your shoulders, and you can wrap it in such a way that it's -snif- more or less a backpack."
"Craig, we're not going to Peru. Come on."
"You come on. You turned up out of nowhere and put me back to work, at the very least I should get to pick the venue."
"Craig, I've got a walk on Sunday, I can't just disappear from work."
"What the hell is a walk? --People quit their jobs all the time, you should do it more often, it's fun. I'm tempted to quit this one."
Dani groaned and distracted herself by petting Seebs, who automatically rolled onto his back. She buried her fingertips in the fluff of his belly and listened to the old boy purr while weighing her options.
"We flying?" She eventually asked.
"No way. We dump the cars, let 'em go to hock. I've got an old conversion van in Indian Springs. We get that far and swap. Drive to La Libertad, get on a boat. Boat takes us as far as -snif- Chamanga, and then we get another ride and keep driving 'til we hit Ocumal."
"You really have done this before."
"Not this one. Last time I was on the other side of Panama, dropped down from Louisiana and cut through -snif- Honduras and Columbia, then took the Rio Napo southeast into Mazán. Made my way to the coast over the next few months. Had to -snif- keep IBM guessing. This route we're on, that was my Plan B, way back when. But I'm guessing Turtlebees' won't send goons after you."
The urgent, fluent way that Craig Palmer navigated the apparent map in his mind was enough to make Dani really give this whole Peru prospect some thought. And then she thought about her mom, and about Chevette, and about what it would be like to have a little stability in her life.
If I didn't give that up when I barbecued one guy, I definitely did when I barbecued the other.
Well, it's not like I have anything against the place...
But she did have something against leaving, and damn it, Craig needed to hear it. He was elbow-deep in the suitcase and still talking about waterways and boat travel when she got up from the table and set a hand on the vented cabinet door, leaning in close to his face.
"I killed Mark LaGrange."
"Jesus, Craig- the first guy. The one who isn't turning up in the news. All he did was ask me the wrong question at the wrong time, and I scoured him off the face of the Earth."
"Alright, alright. -snif- Sure, I remember. Wilson Titlee. So what about him?"
"I- I don't know. I owe him something. I owe his family, I guess. Before I think about going anywhere, I've got to try and make that right."
"It's manslaughter, Dani, you don't make it right. You can self-flagellate, pay your debt to society, try to make good with his family, but you can't un-kill the sorry bastard."
"Well, I've gotta do something!" She thought she would catch fire from the frustration, but she didn't. She eyed the celestial nametag across the room, pinned to her friendly green apron.
Craig drew himself up and set his hands on his hips. In boat shoes and khaki shorts he wasn't precisely intimidating, but the mustache did a lot of heavy lifting as he barked-
"You've GOTTA get your ass to Peru! I'm not gonna say it again- and your mother would never forgive me if I let it slide- you wanna live? You stay out of jail. You wanna stay out of jail? You go to Peru. You put on your aguayo and you learn some Spanish and a sprinkle of Quechua, and you eat picarones until you're too fat to look like trouble anymore."
His squarish Roosevelt teeth were grit hard, and his eyes were wide with a mixture of urgency and fear. He -snif-fed wetly, and Dani realized that to him, the running had never stopped. This wasn't about how she'd survive. On some level, this was about IBM. She saw herself reflected in his bifocals and realized that if she didn't choose something different, she'd be on the run well into her seventies, just like him.
The houseboat rocked, and they were silent a while, just staring, each waiting for the other, playing psychic chicken and each secretly hoping they'd lose.
But the TV was still on, and it spoke first.
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"-We now go to live aerial footage from our Eye-In-The-Sky weather chopper. Handing it over now to our Guy-In-The-Sky, Chief Meteorologist Buddy Chandrasekhar. Buddy!"
"-That's right, Lenora, and I'm here above Yosemite, about four miles north of Paoha Island, you can see Mt. Biedeman passing by just there- but the reason we're reporting in is because of a sudden and unseasonable outbreak of wildfire. As you know we're a few months out from what we'd unfortunately call the 'right season,' but you can actually see the smoke from here- it's actually pouring over the mountain range, we can see it coming east now from Twin Peaks and rolling over Bridgeport, just a wall of smoke. The National Weather Service is issuing an order to evacuate, they'll be sending that to local stations and radio shortly if they haven't already."
"Dani, what the hell is this?" Craig spun away from the cabinet and crossed his arms, frowning at the television.
"Don't look at me! I've been here the whole time!"
They watched as the chopper bore west toward the smoke. Suddenly Craig gripped Dani's shoulder and gave her a shake, pointing at the fuzzy top-right corner of the screen. Something was hovering above the inferno, nearly out of frame. A foo fighter, a Marfa light, fire in the sky- and it suddenly pivoted, throwing itself toward the ground, cutting diagonal across the camera and carving a blaze of angry gray-white light above the low fields of Bridgeport.
Buddy Chandrasekhar wasn't about to let that go. He was the Guy in the Sky. The cockpit pivoted, and the view onscreen with it.
"-Could be a number of things, Lenora. Possibly a micro heat dome from the local bodies of water, agitating particles in the air- might be producing ball lightning, or even a sundog effect on the flames at the core of the outbreak here-"
Craig shook his head and swung himself into the kitchen booth, leaning over the old laptop. His Skype call was still open- but there was a woman onscreen for once, instead of one of his sniffling old colleagues.
"Any ripples, Andi?"
"You're asking me? I'm numb, remember?"
"But you put out the call, right? Anyone get you back?"
"Ugh, everyone's on vacation. There's a SLAPP cell in Tahoe, that's the closest I could get on short notice. And you know Dale sucks."
"Yes, I know Dale sucks. But tell him to put on channel 40."
Dani leaned over Craig's shoulder, looking between the video call and the breaking news. Through several layers of arbitration- first over the phone into this "Andi" person's house, and then out of the speaker, into her microphone, and out of Craig's crackly speakers, came a third voice.
"Private domicile of sovereign citizen Dale Montag, office of diplomatic relations. To whom am I speaking?"
Jesus, thought Dani. And Craig, actually.
"Dale, it's Andi. I'm on the line with Craig. He wants you to put the news on. Channel forty, he says."
"Forty? Ain't that MTV? I don't watch that crap."
Craig loomed over the laptop's pinhole microphone and spoke. "Just put it on Fox or something, Dale. You're looking for a forest fire in Yosemite."
"Already there. You ever buy one of those pillows I told you about?"
The old engineer grit his teeth. "...Not yet, Dale. I need you to go for a walk on my behalf. They reporting on the light in Bridgeport?"
"Something in Bridgeport," Dale replied. He was loud, and tended to put a little extra emphasis on his 'b' sounds. Dani watched Andi onscreen, who regarded her phone with vague displeasure.
"Hoh! Ha, check it out! Look who it is!"
"That's not a good sign," Craig muttered to Dani. "Dale... doesn't exactly root for the underdog. He's a rich get richer type."
"Yeah, I'm between lanes right now. There's- haha, wow, this place has changed since the seventies. Wouldn't expect a square like that kid to turn up here, but..."
Suddenly Dani realized something terrible, and leaned on the table to listen closer.
"It's Mayor Sean! I found him! Oh man, they're gonna give me a medal!"
Whatever Dale was doing, it made Dani's ears tingle. She knew it before he said it.
There was more to Sean Gracie- more to everyone- than the body she had incinerated. She had just made peace with her own rampant shadow, of course she wasn't the single special human being who had one! She might have burned away the physical, three-dimensional body of Mayor Sean, but...
"Holy crap, that's him. I thought he was tripping, but he's just... here. Not a projection, not his consciousness- he left Earth! No wonder the cops are having a hard time finding him, ha!"
"He didn't leave," Dani said, turning away from Craig.
"That's all that's left," he translated for her. "Alright, thanks, Dale, we'll uh- we'll catch up sometime." He rolled his wrist at Andi, encouraging her to go ahead and hang up.
"Yeah, alright, buddy, you know where to find me. Dalesdale has a robust tourism progra-" click.
"This is bad, Craig. I know that little fascist, he's all over my grandkids' youtubes. If he's just sliding along the fourth axle willy-nilly, he can do whatever he wants. Go into dreams, go into places- he's completely unshackled from his body! We've got to put him back!"
"...There is no body," Dani said, holding a bottle of Inca Cola in a shaking hand. She drank before continuing. "I... I made sure of that."
"Well, great talk, Andi! Catch you later, thanks for the help!" Ba-dum.
Craig slammed the laptop shut and set his elbow on it, leaning and looking up at Dani with a deeply exhausted expression.
"So, you haven't been killing people. That's... well, it's not gonna hold up in court, but it's true."
Dani just drank. Her head was spinning. The flaming, vengeful specter of Mayor Sean had followed her across state lines and started a wildfire to flush her out of hiding, that's what it looked like. And that... was bad.
"It slows down our trip, too. We've gotta put this Sean thing to bed before we can hit the road, or he'll set Peru on fire, too." He paused, then gestured for Dani to grab him a drink as well, before continuing.
"America, I could deal with. But not Peru. You killed every part of him that... to be frank, doesn't matter in the long run. All that's left is bad ideas and a bad attitude- and whatever he can find to express himself, in the higher dimensions."
"What do we do?"
Dani looked at her nametag, dangling from her apron beneath that pin she'd claimed from Mark LaGrange's ashes.
Have you Had It lately?
Yeah, Mark. I sure have. And now...
"Oh, you know. Just your typical political assassination. I'll call the CIA, they're great at these," Craig joked, bitterly. He muttered as he reopened the laptop and looked through his contact list. "Would you look at that, nobody from Langley in my rolodex. I guess now that I've bucked them completely, it's the perfect time to get them on my ass again."
Dani pet Seebs and shook her head. "Sorry, Craig. --Look, I made him like this, maybe I can fix it. And- and after it's all said and done, sure, fine, I'll go to Peru with you. For good, if that's what it takes."
It was a long moment before Craig replied, and when he did, he took off his glasses and rubbed his wrinkled forehead.
"I've let you into my home, looked after your cat- he farts, by the way, you didn't mention that- and I really thought that would be the end of it. I thought I'd snuck my way onto easy street thirty years ago."
He picked her cigarettes up off the table and pat the bottom of the pack, then helped himself to one, standing up briefly to light it on the gas stove's pilot light.
"He's gonna be coming for you. What we did at Globe Rock probably put him on your trail. Between now and the next time, we've got to be ready to square off with him. We know we can set up a lure, but once we've got him, we need to know what to do with him."
"Any ideas?"
"You're the one who killed him, Dani. That one's on you. Pack your bags and give it some real, hard thought. Once we get this started, I don't think we're coming back to Fish Camp."
Dani nodded- and then realized she was going to be late for her shift at Turtlebees, catching the time in the corner of the TV screen.
Almost apologetically- though to whom, she was no longer sure- she pulled on her apron and set off for work.
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Romanticising Physics and Math to Keep Me Sane (And Accountable)
Hi. I’m Min. I'm a third-year physics student (almost a math student) And I want to use this blog to keep me accountable through winter break because godammit I am only a person under the spotlight and having a log might make me diligent enough to actually keep up with my readings.
And also because I love talking about these subjects. There’s a certain beauty in the physical sciences that I hope to share over here. So questions or discussions about physics would make me very, very happy.
Here's what I hope to focus on:
Tensor Calculus: I still don’t know what a tensor is, and at this point I’m too scared to ask! 
Brief Overview of QFT: At the level of the Perimeter Institute’s QFT I and Zee’s Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell
Particle Physics: Recommended readings: Griffiths, Larkoski, Peskin. 
Weyl-Heisenberg Algebras: Goal is YOLOing with the bunch of papers and textbooks my professor recommended and just seeing where quantum mechanics and algebra takes me!
Applications and Networking: This also includes busywork for my lab, basically a catchall for work I have to do as a real-life student
This is more of a wishlist than a gameplan at this point because I understand that rest is also important before I head back to campus to get my ass beat in the spring. However, it provides overarching categories I can put a day's work into.
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sourcreamanonion · 1 year
The umbilical vein is a fascinating structure. After birth, the remnant forms a ligament of the liver, as well as paraumbilical veins with partial occlusion. Your body can make use of this structure during certain conditions—namely liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Your paraumbilical veins recanalize and act as a portosystemic shunt, pulling your blood from your guts to your heart in lieu of your struggling portal vein.
Have you heard of angiogenesis? New vessels can sprout from existing vessels, which can fuse back into each other and form new networks. Growth factors lead them to tissues that are starved of oxygen, and macrophages act as shepherds guiding their tips together. Your body is geared to create, to map, to seek out where you most need help, all throughout your life.
When you scream (or plan to generate any vocalization), your body protects itself. The tensor tympani muscle contracts when your brain plans to vocalize, tightening up your ear drums. This extends to most systems in your body; research shows your body keeps duplicates of movement-producing neural signals called efference copies. Efference copies exist to help predict (and suppress) the sensory consequences of willed movements. It's why you can't feel yourself the same as you feel others, can't hear yourself the same as you hear other things, why the world doesn't spin when your eyes move. It's also thought to influence your inner speech (one study suggests that internal speech alone can elicit an efference copy, thus causing sensory attenuation of audible sounds).
Your extremities prune because your blood vessels are instructed to shrink by your autonomic nervous system, not because they are absorbing water. They change so you might have a better grip on wet surfaces. So you might better interact with the world.
Your eyes perceive light where there is none via phosphenes. Phosphenes can be induced by mechanical, electrical, or magnetic stimulation... or through cells firing within the visual system. Some historians think that entopic phenomena influenced Upper Paleolithic art; many paintings and engravings mimic the geometric lattices and vascular patterns we can perceive with our eyes.
(Did our ancestors see light in the darkness just as we do now? Was that special to them?)
Phosphenes are hardly the only form in which our body can estimate sensations. There are so many perceptual metamers. Think of metamerism in colorimetry and metamerism in tactile vibrations. Two structurally different perceptions might seem identical to us. How amazing is it that we can imagine familiarity when the actual structure of a sensation is so different from what we perceive? Light and sound and touch have made a home in you.
Think of how we perceive color as a whole. The sky is violet, but you might be painting it blue... and that is special. That is unique.
So much can go "wrong" in your body with so many complex mechanisms at play... engineering is like that. But isn't it a little magical that your body can utilize inert remnants, that it can generate new networks, redirect your blood flow to your brain... all shifting in an effort to keep you alive? That your body knows itself inherently and uses that knowledge so it won't damage itself? That your body might eat itself in the name of preserving what is most important (you, you, you)? That your body can see and hear and feel things that are not a part of your immediate perception? And that, at any given moment, so many systems in your body are working impossibly to bring you to a state of consciousness... constantly redirecting, constantly shifting, constantly calculating?
(Because it wants to. Because it loves you. Even if you think we can't presume that.)
I think it's helped me to see that my body is neither jury-rigged nor perfectly orchestrated, but rather the simple sum of evolution... of change, of difference, of life charting a way. It's helped me to see what is working to keep me alive, to see that there is something really spectacular going on, something worth protecting.
I hope you can see that too.
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fivehundredwords · 1 year
Alzheimer's Disease: biomarkers and neuroimaging markers cheatsheet for research articles
As Alzheimer's Disease (AD) research skews toward understanding the brain than the pathogenic proteins, studies exploring biomarkers and neuroimaging are hopeful toward developing a method for successful prevention of AD. A biomarker is a molecule, whose presence indicates abnormality or disease, and thus, is crucial in diagnostic procedures. Levels of certain molecules is notably altered in cerebrospinal fluid and in blood plasma, which helps in diagnosing the occurrence of AD. Neuroimaging involves the use of techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography to observe neuronal activity in the brain. This is good news, especially for AD, as the asymptomatic stage of the disease can be identified early enough.
Although the exact function and involvement in clinical practice is not profuse, altered concentrations of these biomarkers in plasma or cerebrospinal fluid encourage further research:
Amyloid and tau serve as the unsurprising biomarkers of AD pathology.
Neurofilament-light chain (NF-L) and visinin-like protein-1 (VILIP-1) are the most promising biomarkers of neuronal injury.
Post-synaptic protein neurogranin (Ng) and pre-synaptic proteins synaptosome-associated protein-25 (SNAP-25) and synaptotagmin-1 (Syt-1) are considered major biomarkers of synaptic injury.
Brain and CSF levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and increased levels of interleukin group of proteins (ILs) indicate intensified microglial response to neuroinflammation.
TREM2 receptor and YKL-40 glycoprotein are also reliable indicators of inflammation and impaired clearance of amyloid beta.
Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (hFABP) could be a marker for pathology in blood vessels supplying the brain. Some vascular markers also show potential as markers of vascular injury in AD: von Willebrand factor (vWF) and monokine induced by γ-interferon (MIG, also known as CXCL-9).
Concentrations of TAR-DNA binding protein (TDP-43) in the brain and plasma and serum indicate, even contribute to, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuronal/synaptic injury in AD.
Neuroimaging techniques reveal structural, functional, and diffusion-related activities of the neurons. To identify them, markers are tracked in images obtained. Each marker is determined with the activity and biochemistry of the group of/individual neurons being studied.
Structural MRI will show location and severity of atrophy which can be identified in grey scale images by applying programs that create analogous color grading.
Functional MRI relies on blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal which reflects changes in blood oxygenation levels in response to neural activity.
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) focuses on diffusion of water molecules. A tensor model is applied to images obtained from DWI. The diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics thus obtained help in studying connectivity through structural integrity of white matter tracts.
Tractography involves 3-D reconstruction of white matter as observed in DWI, which provides a more detailed look into a patient’s neural networks.
In positron emission tomography (PET), markers are identified and labelled so their features or functions can be traced during this procedure to obtain a resulting PET scan. The imaging procedure is named according to its marker: amyloid-PET, tau-PET, FDG-PET, inflammation-PET, receptor-PET.
FDA approved drugs Galantamine, Rivastigmine, and Donepezil alleviate symptoms such as memory loss and confusion in mild to moderate AD, although their effects seem to be negligible. They also cause nausea and vomiting as side effects and are not suitable for every patient. Recently approved drugs, Aducanumab and Lecanemab focus on removing accumulated amyloid. Their effectiveness is still doubted on the basis of studies finding that targeting amyloid has little to do with curbing the actual progression of the disease.
bibliography -
Tarawneh R. Biomarkers: our path towards a cure for Alzheimer disease. Biomarker insights. 2020 Nov;15:1177271920976367.
Cavedo E, Lista S, Khachaturian Z, Aisen P, Amouyel P, Herholz K, Jack Jr CR, Sperling R, Cummings J, Blennow K, O’Bryant S. The road ahead to cure Alzheimer’s disease: development of biological markers and neuroimaging methods for prevention trials across all stages and target populations. The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease. 2014 Dec;1(3):181.
Medications for Alzheimer's Disease Stanford Healthcare. Accessed 21-04-2023.
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maxksx · 1 year
Everything Is Computation
These days see a tremendous number of significant scientific news, and it is hard to say which one has the highest significance. Climate models indicate that we are past crucial tipping points and are irrevocably headed for a new, difficult age for our civilization. Mark Van Raamsdonk expands on the work of Brian Swingle and Juan Maldacena, and demonstrates how we can abolish the idea of spacetime in favor of a discrete tensor network, thus opening the way for a unified theory of physics. Bruce Conklin, George Church and others have given us CRISPR, a technology that holds the promise for simple and ubiquitous gene editing. Deep Learning starts to tell us how hierarchies of interconnected feature detectors can autonomously form a model of the world, learn to solve problems, and recognize speech, images and video.
It is perhaps equally important to notice where we lack progress: sociology fails to teach us how societies work, philosophy seems to have become barren and infertile, the economical sciences seem to be ill-equipped to inform our economic and fiscal policies, psychology does not comprehend the logic of our psyche, and neuroscience tells us where things happen in the brain, but largely not what they are.
In my view, the 20th century’s most important addition to understanding the world is not positivist science, computer technology, spaceflight, or the foundational theories of physics. It is the notion of computation. Computation, at its core, and as informally described as possible, is very simple: every observation yields a set of discernible differences.
These, we call information. If the observation corresponds to a system that can change its state, we can describe these state changes. If we identify regularity in these state changes, we are looking at a computational system. If the regularity is completely described, we call this system an algorithm. Once a system can perform conditional state transitions and revisit earlier states, it becomes almost impossible to stop it from performing arbitrary computation. In the infinite case, that is, if we allow it to make an unbounded number of state transitions and use unbounded storage for the states, it becomes a Turing Machine, or a Lambda Calculus, or a Post machine, or one of the many other, mutually equivalent formalisms that capture universal computation.
Computational terms rephrase the idea of "causality," something that philosophers have struggled with for centuries. Causality is the transition from one state in a computational system into the next. They also replace the concept of "mechanism" in mechanistic, or naturalistic philosophy. Computationalism is the new mechanism, and unlike its predecessor, it is not fraught with misleading intuitions of moving parts.
Computation is different from mathematics. Mathematics turns out to be the domain of formal languages, and is mostly undecidable, which is just another word for saying uncomputable (since decision making and proving are alternative words for computation, too). All our explorations into mathematics are computational ones, though. To compute means to actually do all the work, to move from one state to the next.
Computation changes our idea of knowledge: instead of treating it as justified true belief, knowledge describes a local minimum in capturing regularities between observables. Knowledge is almost never static, but progressing on a gradient through a state space of possible world views. We will no longer aspire to teach our children the truth, because like us, they will never stop changing their minds. We will teach them how to productively change their minds, how to explore the never ending land of insight.
A growing number of physicists understand that the universe is not mathematical, but computational, and physics is in the business of finding an algorithm that can reproduce our observations. The switch from uncomputable, mathematical notions (such as continuous space) makes progress possible. Climate science, molecular genetics, and AI are computational sciences. Sociology, psychology, and neuroscience are not: they still seem to be confused by the apparent dichotomy between mechanism (rigid, moving parts) and the objects of their study. They are looking for social, behavioral, chemical, neural regularities, where they should be looking for computational ones.
Everything is computation.
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ZX Calculus - Another Perspective on Quantum Circuits. Part II
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Last time we introduced basic definitions and a small set of rules of the ZX calculus. While our aim is to analyze the Bell circuit in terms of this framework, you can find more sophisticated examples in [2, pp. 28]. For the Bell circuit we only need one further ingredient:
Cups and Caps
Cups and Caps are the ZX-type representations of the Bell State |Φ^+>. As you surely know, this state "lives" in a four dimensional Hilbert space, and can be represented as a vector with four entries - and in the ZX calculus this means:
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In more complicated circuits it is neat to know that this Bell state actually acts as a bended piece of wire, which introduces a lot of flexibility in one's modifications of an expression. The cups and caps are merely vectorizations of the 2x2 identity matrix.
Application to the Bell Circuit
A brief reminder about the Bell circuit: It just applies a Hadamard and a CNOT on the input qubits. The outcome is supposed to be the Bell state |Φ^+>, i.e. a cup, as desribed above.
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First, start by translating the circuit into ZX-language, by using the definitions we found in the previous entry. The circuit becomes:
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Here, we simply expressed the |0> vectors as grey dots on the left, then applied a Hadamard on the first and afterwards a CNOT. Application of the Fusion rule on the two grey dots on the bottom yields:
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Then, we apply the Hadamard on the grey dot (|0>) which changes its color:
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Thus, we can again fuse two dots, in this case the two white dots above:
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Then, we know that dots with a single income and outcome leg are actually just identities! As a result, our expression simplifies:
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And this is exactly the cup we desired! Translating the circuit into ZX-language and applying the rules led us to the result that we have a Bell state in the end. Of course one could have evaluated this circuit easily by hand with the help of the matrix representations of the gates - nevertheless, I think it is a neat example to see the simplicity and beauty of the ZX-calculus. Check out [1] for more sophisticated examples!
Similar as tensor networks in general, the ZX calculus is a neat and beautiful framework which gives rise to a rich variety of applications - even though they resemble a lot, both are specifically tailored for different applications. A nice property of the ZX calculus is that it is universal: it can represent all 2^n x 2^m matrices and simultaneously it is a very intuitive and pictorial description [1, p.18]. As a final note: If you're familiar with condensed matter and tensor networks, you know that the AKLT state is of particular importance. It can also be described with the help of ZX Calculus and the framework is able to reveal its interesting properties as e.g. the string order [2].
--- References: The ZX graphics were created with tikzit.github.io. Furthermore, you can find a lot of valuable information on zxcalculus.com. [1] ZX-calculus for the working quantum computer scientist - Wetering. 2020. arXiv:2012.13966 [2] AKLT-States as ZX-Diagrams: Diagrammatic Reasoning for Quantum States - East, Wetering, Chancellor, Grushin. 2021. doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.010302
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sarahsfixations · 1 year
Some thoughts on differential geometry
I think for students trying to share a place in both physics and math, a weird idea is the sense of what 'defines' the geometry, and realizing that lots of aspect are in the end defined on differentiable manifolds, which in a manner you might imagine to be 'squishy'. A general intuition around integrals might expect needing a sense of fixed size but then you show one how to integrate on solely an (orientable) differentiable manifold, utilizing the idea of consistent coordinate transformations and manifold defined functions. No metric needed. Honestly is still magical to me. Then one gets into the idea of a metric which appears a quite 'rigid' manner: take in vectors of manifolds, spits out particular values. But well theres the issue you can't 'define' a metric tensor in an explicit way with this, it 'locally' looks the same everywhere, and its global difference can only really be explicitly given by coordinates which one is taught are 'relative' things. And if its based in relation to coordinates, I imagine theres an impression that the 'underlying surface' could be squished and squeezed about all you want, and the coordinates would adjust, and the metrical function in coordinate form would adjust, and that everything is weirdly squishy again. Actually, it becomes then interesting to note out of the innumerably infinite ways you can transform the metric, that despite all these you are still constrained to stuff that represents the same space-its a lie group of transformations, similar to the antique question of transforming a differential equation by change of coordinates as a lie group of transformations-the question of how two wildly different metrics represent the 'same thing' and how you can tell is always a deep one. All one needs to do is look at the history of general relativity solutions to see how nonobvious that is (see the infamous confusions around Schwarzschild solution or Milnor space-time) Anyway, one will generally have this image of like a 'static' surface fixed, with a natural notion of parallel transport, geodesics, and covariant derivative given by the 'rigid structure' of the surface, and all this merely formalized by a metric tensor (the Levi-Civita connection). But later down the road something won't seem right when its realized a metric tensor is literally just a chosen symmetric tensor on a differentiable manifold. And as one proceeds further one realizes it isn't the only choice of affine connection. So one starts playing around and one gets to the idea of Ehresmann connections on fiber bundles (in this case, the tangent bundle) and now everything is super squishy: its all based on relation squishy differentiable manifolds, all differentiable topology. Playing in that mindset, the metric tensor once again is just a section of the symmetric 2-rank tensor bundle: theres no reason for it compared to any other particular symmetric tensor to connect say vectors to one forms other than that is the choice in the given structure in comparisons to what it represents. Now one can clear this up by establishing our sense of 'rigid structure' is itself relational known spaces, eg embeddings in R^3 and in this form the question is now rephrased as if we squishy around all this structure in R^3, is the *induced* metric and all that the same as what we got through the transformation. And then should one think about it harder realize our only sense of rigidity is based on some ephemeral sense of geometry (ie what makes things look straight) that is mathematically detached to formalizations All this probably sounds fairly simple to a mathematician but I think its when you also have a physics background of this idea of space-time as this 'fixed' structure (in a GR solution, anyway) that this can get mixed up. Differential geometry likes to frame itself as more rigid but it is similarly just a structurally built thing, an entire network of relational structures.
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mythoughtsverbatim · 1 year
Watch "Why are Tensors used in Deep Learning? #shorts" on YouTube
Large computing Cannot be achieved efficiently by numpy
Tensor = automatic differentiation = needed for optimising neural networks
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drmikewatts · 4 days
Complex & Intelligent Systems, Volume 10, Issue 5, October 2024
1) 3D facial animation driven by speech-video dual-modal signals
Author(s): Xuejie Ji, Zhouzhou Liao...Meng Mao
Pages: 5951 - 5964
2) An improved fruit fly optimization algorithm with Q-learning for solving distributed permutation flow shop scheduling problems
Author(s): Cai Zhao, Lianghong Wu...Hongqiang Zhang
Pages: 5965 - 5988
3) A strategic framework for optimal decisions in football 1-vs-1 shot-taking situations: an integrated approach of machine learning, theory-based modeling, and game theory
Author(s): Calvin Yeung, Keisuke Fujii
Pages: 5989 - 6008
4) Population state-driven surrogate-assisted differential evolution for expensive constrained optimization problems with mixed-integer variables
Author(s): Jiansheng Liu, Bin Yuan...Haobo Qiu
Pages: 6009 - 6030
5) An intelligent MRI assisted diagnosis and treatment system for osteosarcoma based on super-resolution
Author(s): Xu Zhong, Fangfang Gou, Jia Wu
Pages: 6031 - 6050
6) A dimension-aware gaining-sharing knowledge algorithm for distributed hybrid flowshop scheduling with resource-dependent processing time
Author(s): Rong-hao Li, Jun-qing Li...Li-jie Mei
Pages: 6051 - 6080
7) Crossover in mutation oriented norm evolution
Author(s): Bingyu Lv, Xianchang Wang, Rui Zhang
Pages: 6081 - 6102
8) Residual serialized cross grouping transformer for small scale sketch face recognition
Author(s): Kangning Du, Yinkai Wang...Yanan Guo
Pages: 6103 - 6116
9) A blockchain-based hybrid encryption technique with anti-quantum signature for securing electronic health records
Author(s): Shtwai Alsubai, Abdullah Alqahtani...Abdu Gumaei
Pages: 6117 - 6141
10) ACGND: towards lower complexity and fast solution for dynamic tensor inversion
Author(s): Aiping Ye, Xiuchun Xiao...Cong Lin
Pages: 6143 - 6157
11) Prioritizing complex health levels beyond autism triage using fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making
Author(s): A. S. Albahri, Rula A. Hamid...A. H. Alamoodi
Pages: 6159 - 6188
12) A multi-scale spatial–temporal capsule network based on sequence encoding for bearing fault diagnosis
Author(s): Youming Wang, Lisha Chen
Pages: 6189 - 6212
13) Bayesian network structure learning with a new ensemble weights and edge constraints setting mechanism
Author(s): Kaiyue Liu, Yun Zhou, Hongbin Huang
Pages: 6213 - 6229
14) A GAN based PID controller for highly adaptive control of a pneumatic-artificial-muscle driven antagonistic joint
Author(s): Zhongchao Zhou, Yuxi Lu...Wenwei Yu
Pages: 6231 - 6248
15) Modelling attack and defense games in infrastructure networks with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set payoffs
Author(s): Yibo Dong, Jin Liu...Weili Li
Pages: 6249 - 6265
16) An oversampling algorithm of multi-label data based on cluster-specific samples and fuzzy rough set theory
Author(s): Jinming Liu, Kai Huang...Jian Mao
Pages: 6267 - 6282
17) Intelligent optimization of steam gasification catalysts for palm oil waste using support vector machine and adaptive transition marine predator algorithm
Author(s): Xin Guo, Yassine Bouteraa...Diego Martín
Pages: 6283 - 6303
18) Chinese Named Entity Recognition method based on multi-feature fusion and biaffine
Author(s): Xiaohua Ke, Xiaobo Wu...Binglong Li
Pages: 6305 - 6318
19) Improving two-layer encoding of evolutionary algorithms for sparse large-scale multiobjective optimization problems
Author(s): Jing Jiang, Huoyuan Wang...Fei Han
Pages: 6319 - 6337
20) A hybrid model to improve IC-related metrics of semantic similarity between words
Author(s): Jia Xiao
Pages: 6339 - 6377
21) Long-term student performance prediction using learning ability self-adaptive algorithm
Author(s): Yi Ren, Xinjie Yu
Pages: 6379 - 6408
22) A novel fractional neural grey system model with discrete q-derivative
Author(s): Zhenguo Xu, Caixia Liu, Tingting Liang
Pages: 6409 - 6420
23) Research on charging strategy based on improved particle swarm optimization PID algorithm
Author(s): Xiuzhuo Wang, Yanfeng Tang...Chunsheng Xu
Pages: 6421 - 6433
24) Spatial-temporal memory enhanced multi-level attention network for origin-destination demand prediction
Author(s): Jiawei Lu, Lin Pan, Qianqian Ren
Pages: 6435 - 6448
25) An iterative two-phase optimization method for heterogeneous multi-drone routing problem considering differentiated demands
Author(s): Huan Liu, Guohua Wu...Wei Zhou
Pages: 6449 - 6466
26) Hybrid structure of maximal ideals in near rings
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Pages: 6467 - 6480
27) Joint data augmentations for automated graph contrastive learning and forecasting
Author(s): Jiaqi Liu, Yifu Chen...Yang Gao
Pages: 6481 - 6490
28) Grounding rod hanging and removing robot with hand-eye self-calibration capability in substation
Author(s): Yunhan Lin, Jiahui Wang...Huasong Min
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29) Two-stage many-objective evolutionary algorithm: enhanced dominance relations and control mechanisms for separated balance
Author(s): Wei Li, Qilin Niliang...Qiaoyong Jiang
Pages: 6509 - 6543
30) Enhancing learning on uncertain pixels in self-distillation for object segmentation
Author(s): Lei Chen, Tieyong Cao...Jibin Yang
Pages: 6545 - 6557
31) Aggregation operators of complex fuzzy Z-number sets and their applications in multi-criteria decision making
Author(s): Ali Köseoğlu, Fatma Altun, Rıdvan Şahin
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32) Pose estimation algorithm based on point pair features using PointNet + +
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33) An edge-assisted group authentication scheme for the narrowband internet of things
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Pages: 6597 - 6618
34) Transformer fusion-based scale-aware attention network for multispectral victim detection
Author(s): Yunfan Chen, Yuting Li...Xiangkui Wan
Pages: 6619 - 6632
35) Joint entity and relation extraction combined with multi-module feature information enhancement
Author(s): Yao Li, He Yan...Xu Wang
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36) MDSTF: a multi-dimensional spatio-temporal feature fusion trajectory prediction model for autonomous driving
Author(s): Xing Wang, Zixuan Wu...Lyuchao Liao
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37) Comprehensive comparisons of gradient-based multi-label adversarial attacks
Author(s): Zhijian Chen, Wenjian Luo...Xiangkai Yang
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38) Nested attention network based on category contexts learning for semantic segmentation
Author(s): Tianping Li, Meilin Liu, Dongmei Wei
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39) DFFNet: a lightweight approach for efficient feature-optimized fusion in steel strip surface defect detection
Author(s): Xianming Hu, Shouying Lin
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40) Scalable concept drift adaptation for stream data mining
Author(s): Lisha Hu, Wenxiu Li...Chunyu Hu
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41) Twin-tower transformer network for skeleton-based Parkinson’s disease early detection
Author(s): Lan Ma, Hua Huo...Ningya Xu
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42) Complete area-coverage path planner for surface cleaning in hospital settings using mobile dual-arm robot and GBNN with heuristics
Author(s): Ash Yaw Sang Wan, Lim Yi...Mohan Rajesh Elara
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43) Variational AdaBoost knowledge distillation for skin lesion classification in dermatology images
Author(s): Xiangchun Yu, Guoliang Xiong...Qing Xu
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44) An adaptive trimming approach to Bayesian additive regression trees
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45) DIB-UAP: enhancing the transferability of universal adversarial perturbation via deep information bottleneck
Author(s): Yang Wang, Yunfei Zheng...Tieyong Cao
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47) Multi-UAV pursuit-evasion gaming based on PSO-M3DDPG schemes
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48) Enhancing robustness in asynchronous feature tracking for event cameras through fusing frame steams
Author(s): Haidong Xu, Shumei Yu...Lining Sun
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49) Recommending suitable hotels to travelers in the post-COVID-19 pandemic using a novel FAHP-fuzzy TOPSIS approach
Author(s): Tin-Chih Toly Chen, Hsin-Chieh Wu, Keng-Wei Hsu
Pages: 6901 - 6915
50) GraphMriNet: a few-shot brain tumor MRI image classification model based on Prewitt operator and graph isomorphic network
Author(s): Bin Liao, Hangxu Zuo...Yong Li
Pages: 6917 - 6930
51) Global semantics correlation transmitting and learning for sketch-based cross-domain visual retrieval
Author(s): Shichao Jiao, Xie Han...Ligang He
Pages: 6931 - 6952
52) An end-to-end hand action recognition framework based on cross-time mechanomyography signals
Author(s): Yue Zhang, Tengfei Li...Maoxun Sun
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53) Model inductive bias enhanced deep reinforcement learning for robot navigation in crowded environments
Author(s): Man Chen, Yongjie Huang...Zhisong Pan
Pages: 6965 - 6982
54) A novel BWM-entropy-COPRAS group decision framework with spherical fuzzy information for digital supply chain partner selection
Author(s): Kai Gao, Tingting Liu...Tapan Senapati
Pages: 6983 - 7008
55) A novel fuzzy finite-horizon economic lot and delivery scheduling model with sequence-dependent setups
Author(s): Esmat Sangari, Fariborz Jolai, Mohamad Sadegh Sangari
Pages: 7009 - 7031
56) Strategic analysis of intelligent connected vehicle industry competitiveness: a comprehensive evaluation system integrating rough set theory and projection pursuit
Author(s): Yi Wang, Fan Zhang...Kai Kang
Pages: 7033 - 7062
57) KnowledgeNavigator: leveraging large language models for enhanced reasoning over knowledge graph
Author(s): Tiezheng Guo, Qingwen Yang...Yingyou Wen
Pages: 7063 - 7076
58) Self-supervised multi-object tracking based on metric learning
Author(s): Xin Feng, Yan Liu...Zhi Liu
Pages: 7077 - 7088
59) Optimal time reuse strategy-based dynamic multi-AGV path planning method
Author(s): Ke Wang, Wei Liang...Qi Wang
Pages: 7089 - 7108
60) Reinforced robotic bean optimization algorithm for cooperative target search of unmanned aerial vehicle swarm
Author(s): Jun Li, Hongwei Cheng...Xiaoming Zhang
Pages: 7109 - 7126
61) Optimal saturated information load analysis for enhancing robustness in unmanned swarms system
Author(s): Jian Wu, Yichuan Jiang...Linfei Ding
Pages: 7127 - 7142
62) Multi-view subspace clustering based on multi-order neighbor diffusion
Author(s): Yin Long, Hongbin Xu...Xujian Zhao
Pages: 7143 - 7161
63) Improving the reliability of nanosatellite swarms by adopting blockchain technology
Author(s): Hussein A. Ibrahim, Marwa A. Shouman...Ayman Ahmed
Pages: 7163 - 7182
64) Reparameterized underwater object detection network improved by cone-rod cell module and WIOU loss
Author(s): Xuantao Yang, Chengzhong Liu, Junying Han
Pages: 7183 - 7198
65) A granularity data method for power frequency electric and electromagnetic fields forecasting based on T–S fuzzy model
Author(s): Peng Nie, Qiang Yu...Xiguo Yuan
Pages: 7199 - 7211
66) A multi-period intuitionistic fuzzy consensus reaching model for group decision making problem in social network
Author(s): Wei Yang, Luxiang Zhang
Pages: 7213 - 7234
67) Automatic control of UAVs: new adaptive rules and type-3 fuzzy stabilizer
Author(s): Jinya Cai, Haiping Zhang...Chunwei Zhang
Pages: 7235 - 7248
68) Attention-based RNN with question-aware loss and multi-level copying mechanism for natural answer generation
Author(s): Fen Zhao, Huishuang Shao...Yan Yu
Pages: 7249 - 7264
69) Prototype as query for few shot semantic segmentation
Author(s): Leilei Cao, Yibo Guo...Qiangguo Jin
Pages: 7265 - 7278
70) Automated abnormalities detection in mammography using deep learning
Author(s): Ghada M. El-Banby, Nourhan S. Salem...Essam N. Abd El-Azziz
Pages: 7279 - 7295
71) A distributed adaptive policy gradient method based on momentum for multi-agent reinforcement learning
Author(s): Junru Shi, Xin Wang...Qingtao Wu
Pages: 7297 - 7310
72) Indirect adaptive observer control (I-AOC) design for truck–trailer model based on T–S fuzzy system with unknown nonlinear function
Author(s): Muhammad Shamrooz Aslam, Hazrat Bilal...Mohamed Hussien
Pages: 7311 - 7331
73) Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning with Inductive Shallow Node Embedding
Author(s): Richárd Kiss, Gábor Szűcs
Pages: 7333 - 7348
74) TRAA: a two-risk archive algorithm for expensive many-objective optimization
Author(s): Ji Lin, Quanliang Liu
Pages: 7349 - 7371
75) A novel bayesian network-based ensemble classifier chains for multi-label classification
Author(s): Zhenwu Wang, Shiqi Zhang...Benting Wan
Pages: 7373 - 7399
76) Transferable preference learning in multi-objective decision analysis and its application to hydrocracking
Author(s): Guo Yu, Xinzhe Wang...Quanling Zhang
Pages: 7401 - 7418
77) Correction to: MDSTF: a multi-dimensional spatio-temporal feature fusion trajectory prediction model for autonomous driving
Author(s): Xing Wang, Zixuan Wu...Lyuchao Liao
Pages: 7419 - 7420
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