#tenten the rescue
comfy-whumpee · 2 years
what's Help At Home? can you make a lore post? i don't think i've seen anyone else talk about this part of the BBU
That's because it's mine!
Help At Home is a BBU company targeting the affluent upper-middle class prospective. Mostly focused on wealthy individuals and families, and exclusively for Domestics, their unique selling point is that they position themselves as more ethical and personalised than those big, soulless corporations like WRU.
Key marketing points for H@H are:
Their pets are never tortured or otherwise harmed by handlers in training
They donate to charity and run community events
They promote a 'family feel' where you are part of the Help At Home family, as much as you made one of their pets part of yours
Their founder and CEO Alexis (they/them) is a #queericon
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Tenten and Roman are both from Help At Home. Tenten is a standard-range housekeeper Domestic, whereas Roman is from the newer line of workplace Domestics, which is why he appealed to the office tech bros, who style themselves as radical and cutting edge. Mysteriously, both of them have problems with their stamina, are often cold and aching, and struggle with steady hands and grip strength.
I'm planning on making some more epistolary stuff with marketing materials for the Help At Work line as part of my current focus on Roman's story!
All my BBU writing can be found under #the birdhouse and the best demonstration of H@H so far is here https://comfy-whumpee.tumblr.com/post/692669181476438016/the-feed
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everyneji · 4 months
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zanypaintertriumph · 11 months
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not sure if youve talked about this before but what are your headcanons for how kakagai + gaalee + who ever else you ship got together?
i made a 2 part series about kakagai confessing to eachother during tanabata here:
part 1 part2
Then gaalee, i hc lee wrote gaara letters after the sasuke rescue arc, and they just kept writing back and forth and becoming good friends. Lee doesnt pick up on gaara developing feelings for him (both the autism and gaara is equally bad at conveying it) After the war and so many fumbles (that team gai and sand sibs cant take it anymore. gai and tenten have bit chairs watching lee be oblivious), they eventually sort it out. lee freaks out slightly when he realizes how he feels, but does NOT cause an international incident (tho he comes close). Lee loves romance and gaara was deprived of love for so long, he loves that shit. they just fit.
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xxstormyprincessxx · 5 days
“If you choose him don’t expect me to come rescue you.” You heard him say anger evident in his voice.
“You’re not my fucking dad Kakashi. I’m 17 I can do as I like. Who are you to tell me what to do?! You’re not my boyfriend OR my lover. You’re a friend. Well. WERE.” You screamed back tears spilling down your cheeks as rage flooded your eyes.
“Were? What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked not missing what you’d said.
“Get out.” You said through ragged breaths.
“Fine. But I’m not coming back. I’ve watched time and time again you being hurt. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Good luck.” Kakashi turned on his heels and slammed the door as he left. Your eyes stared after the man who had just walked out of your life. He’d been your best friend forever. You’d met him when your older brother Asuma had introduced you to him when you were younger.
“Fucking bastard” you screamed at the door launching a cup at it. You watched the porcelain shatter. You felt like you’d been punched in the chest. It hurt losing your best friend but you weren’t about to dump your boyfriend all because Kakashi had heard rumors. Rumors that Sasuke was a serial cheater, pathological liar, and master manipulator. Sinking down the wall you hugged your thighs as your chubby frame prevented you from holding your knees without your chest being shoved into your face.
A knock landed on your front door. Looking up from the floor you snarled “go away Kakashi! I want nothing to do with you.” The door opened revealing your boyfriend.
“What happened babe?” Sasuke asked concern lacing his voice.
“Doesn’t matter.” You mumbled anger still searing your veins.
“Well get up and get ready we are going out tonight. My brothers in town.” He said nonchalantly. “Make sure you
look good.” He said off hand. You looked up staring at his back. “Don’t I always look good?” You thought.
“Of course baby. I’m gonna shower can you pick out an outfit for me?” You asked softly.
“Yeah. I got you.” He said as he headed for you room shuffling through your closet. Pulling out a black dress and black heels he left them on the bathroom counter.
That night you’d gone out with his brother, he was a decent man kinda gloomy but cool none the less. Sasuke dropped you back at your place telling you he had work in the morning.
“Love you babe. Sleep well.” You said
“You too.” Was all you got as a response watching him pull off.
~time skip~
3 years had passed. They had been a bit rocky. Okay a lot rocky it sucked. It started small back handed compliments, small jabs at your body, style, weight, career, and other things. Then it was bigger things going through your phone and computer claiming it was safety, him watching other girls thinner girls, prettier girls, better girls. Before long it was outright “well if you were better I wouldn’t have to look at other woman”, and constant gaslighting to make you think it was your fault. It all came to a head when you had decided to surprise him.
“Oh Sasuke, feels so good, fuck you’re huge!” You heard a woman’s voice call out from behind the closed door.
“Fuck you’re so damn tight so much better than the used toy I have to put up with.” You heard him groan back. Your hand hovered above the door knob. You’re heart hurt. You felt sick. Memories of you and him flooded your mind, the hugs, kisses, sex, fights, comments, the lies. You’d known, known the whole fucking time. Slowly you slid your key into the lock. Turning it slowly so as not to be heard you slammed the door open. Both people stared at you. Sakura on top of Sasuke both completely naked. You looked at both of them before dropping your key on the floor turning and running.
“Well at least I don’t have to put up with her now.” We’re the last words you heard him say.
“Hey wanna go out tonight? I need a girls night or something.” You typed out to the group chat. Tamari, hinata, ino, tenten, and your brothers wife kurenai in it.
Temari: I’m down shikamaru and choji are going for drinks with Naruto and kankuro they both just got back from uni.
Hinata: sure what time are you thinking? 😊
Ino: absolutely where should we go? Isn’t there a new club in town that opened like 3 weeks ago?
Kurenai: y/n you don’t often ask to go out, what’s going on? I’m absolutely available Atsumas working late want me to see if he can meet us?
You: he was right. He was no good for me. He… he was cheating.
Your phone immediately rang Kurenais caller id flashing.
“Hi sis.” You said your voice quiet, broken, hurt.
“What happened?!” She said but before you could answer the other girls were calling. You decided jumping on Skype would be easier.
“I. I went to surprise him after work. But he was balls deep in Sakura.” You said.
“Are you fucking serious?! YOU SAW THEM?!” Ino said anger dripping from her voice
“Oh y/n I’m so sorry! That’s horrible.” Hinatas soft voice said.
Tenten and temari were both beside themselves ranting and raging on about filthy pigs.
“I vote we meet at y/ns place in an hour and we all get ready together” kurenai suggested everyone agreed. Hanging up you went to eat something real quick and grab a shower. Stepping back into the living room you heard multiple knocks and voices at your front door. Pulling it open you saw the girls holding snacks and candy and Ino had brought flowers from her floral shop.
“These are for you hun.” She said hugging you.
“Asuma said he will meet us there he’s also bringing one of his friends not sure who just said a buddy from work” Kurenai said hugging you and dropping the snacks on the couch
“Let’s get this party started!” Temari said turning on the speaker and playing some music as everyone began unloading bags, eating snacks and getting ready. It still hurt. It had been a couple days since you walked in on what happened. You however weren’t going to let that bastard get the best of you.
“Group photo girls! Get over here!” You shouted over the music laughing as everyone gathered around for the photo. All of you were in short dresses, heels, make up, and hair done.
“Mind if I post this?” You asked the room everyone said go for it! Smiling you uploaded it to Instagram with the caption “girls night with these ladies can’t wait!” You smiled as it posted.
“Ubers here!” Hinata said as she looked at her phone screen. Everyone began heading down stares to the suv. Climbing in you all chatted happily. You couldn’t wait, you needed this, a night out drinking, dancing, hell maybe you’d find something fun for the weekend. The drive took about 30 minutes everyone slid out of the suv and headed for the door showing ids. The bass hit you like a hammer it pounded beyond loud, the strobe lights flashed on the dance floor as people danced on the floor.
“I’m heading for the bar!” You said grabbing kurenai and tamari’s hands knowing they like to drink before hitting the floor the other girls head straight for the floor and began dancing. 4 shots of tequila later you found yourself on the floor dancing with some guy. You had to admit he was pretty damn hot. His hands rested on your hips as your ass ground against him. Swaying to the music you slowly began to relax.
“I’ll be right back!” You yelled to the guy, he nodded showing he’d heard you. You headed to the bar ordering a couple Jell-O shots and 2 shots of Jose Cuervo. Downing all of it you turned around only to find the guy dancing with someone else. You felt a pang in your chest. Suddenly you felt an arm sling across your shoulders
“I heard what happened.” You heard your brothers voice by your ear. You let out a mhm nodding that you understood.
“Is kurenai on the floor?” He asked you nodded and watched Asuma head for the dance floor. You looked around wondering who your brother had brought. You didn’t see anyone you recognized. Shrugging it off you headed back to the dance floor swinging your hips back and forth hands in the air just letting the music and lights wash over you and take control. Suddenly you felt two arms snake around your waist and pull you back into a solid body. You didn’t turn around, didn’t check to see who was touching you cause honestly you just didn’t fucking care. You were drunk and hurting all you wanted was to feel something. Anything. Half an hour you spent dancing with the mystery man. You called over your shoulder saying you needed to use the restroom. You felt the arms loosen but not release as they helped you get through the crowd. Smiling, you entered the bathroom. You quickly pee and wash your hands.
“Hopefully this guy still wants to dance.” You whispered as you fixed your hair and applied lip gloss. Heading for the exit you realized something too late. You had no fucking clue who it was you were dancing with. You hadn’t caught his name or even seen his face. Deflating you left the bathroom. Suddenly you looked up scanning the crowd when you saw a sight that absolutely stopped your heart. There he stood in all his glory. The man you hadn’t seen or heard from after that huge fight 3 years prior.
“K-Kakashi.” You breathed out suddenly much more sober. Before you could stop it your eyes brimmed with tears, a hurricane of emotions swirling in your head and heart. Your stomach fell through the floor. You felt like you were gonna be sick.
“You ready to return to dancing?” He asked staring at you. Your face drained of color. You’d been grinding against Kakashi. The entire time. Turning on your heels you re-entered the bathroom entering a stall you collapsed and proceeded to vomit the contents of your stomach into the toilet. Breathing hard you stood flushing the toilet and rinsing your mouth with water from the sink. Staring into the mirror you couldn’t help but wonder what the probability was that he was here by accident. Suddenly Kurenai entered.
“Are you okay? Kakashi said you had come to use the restroom and when you came out and saw him you quickly came back in. What’s wrong?” She asked concern, lacing her voice as she stared at you brushing hair from your face.
“I. I just spent half an hour grinding on him. In his arms. Running my hands through his hair. I. I didn’t turn to look at his face. I didn’t realize. I only realized when he asked me if I was ready to dance again.” You said staring at your feet. “I had to come back in here because I ended up vomiting from the shock of it. I haven’t talked to him for three years and suddenly here he is holding me to him as if we were best friends or…. Lovers.” You finished whispering the word ‘lovers’. You continued to stare at your feet.
Little did you know Kurenai wore a very guilty expression. Placing her hand on your shoulder and watching you look up finally she admitted “I knew. I knew who Asuma was bringing. I knew it was Kakashi dancing with you because I helped him find you. He’ll never admit it but that day you fought was really hard for him. Losing you was hard on him. And we both know you went through hell.”
“You WHAT?!” You said indignation crossing your face. “Why didn’t you tell me?! I never would have come. WHY?!” You said pain seeping out of your voice. You could lie to the world, your friends, even your own big brother but the truth was you loved Kakashi. Always had. You loved the way his hair was always spiked up, the way he made you laugh, his face as he read one of those erotic novels, his voice every time he called your name, the way his muscles flexed as he worked out or moved. Staring down you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of arousal bloom.
“Because. We both know you need him.” She said. “Don’t give me that look you may be able to lie to others but I see the way you look at him.” She continued “now. Get out there to him.” She finished pushing you back out of the restroom. You stumbled some and looked up.
“I’m right here beautiful.” You heard Kakashi say from the left. Spinning you stared at him. You took in his face. Always so beautiful. Swallowing hard you turned and walked out the back door. The cool air hit your face making you sigh. It felt good as it was quiet hot in the club. You didn’t know if Kakashi had followed but soon got the answer when he leaned on the wall next to you.
“I’m sorry.” Was all that came out of your mouth.
“Don’t be. I shouldn’t have been so rude.” He said back
“So. What’s new?” You asked staring at the wall to the side of his face. You couldn’t look him in the face.
“Was promoted to manager. Other than that not much.” He said shrugging. “How about you?” He asked
“Nothing really.” You responded looking down.
“Heard what happened. Are you okay?” He stared at you eyes fixed on your beautiful face.
“M’fine.” You grumbled you really didn’t want to talk about this. “But honestly I may just catch an Uber home I just. I don’t know don’t really feel like being here.” You mumbled out pulling your phone out to book an Uber.
“I can take you home. I’m sure Asuma would feel safer if I did. I’m sober so don’t worry.” He said as he pulled his phone out to let Asuma know he had you and was taking you home.
“Come on y/n/n” he said leading you to his car helping you in as you still were very uncoordinated from all the alcohol.
“No problem.”
“Will you stay with me tonight? Just in case something happens.” You asked meekly.
“I was lying when I said I’d never come back.” He said rubbing the back of your head like he did when you were younger.
“Thank you.” About 30 later you were being helped out of Kakashi's car and guided into your apartment.
“Bed or couch? And what do you want to eat? You’ll feel better if you have food in your stomach to absorb the alcohol.” Kakashi said looking you in the eyes as he held onto your waist to keep you up right.
“I want you.” You mumbled before trying to pull him into a kiss only to be met with his palm against your lips.
“Couch or bed Y/n?” He asked again removing his hand some.
“I said you.” You said again, annoyance evident.
“You’re drunk. I’m not kissing you y/n. You’re to far gone to be in your right mind. If you still want to kiss me hell if you want to fuck me in the morning when you’re sober that’s fine. But right now your judgement is skewed and I’m not gonna be your one night stand or way to feel better about yourself I refuse to be your emotional support fuck toy.” He said calmly. Pouting you pushed away and collapsed on the couch.
“Take the bed.” You grumbled before falling into a deep sleep the emotional exhaustion mixing with the alcohol to lull you into a deep sleep. Kakashi watched your sleeping form wishing more than anything you were sober. Wishing you were pinned to the wall in a heated make out session with him but you weren’t sober. Letting out a soft sigh he made his way into your bedroom only to be met with a sight he didn’t expect there on your dresser was a photo of the two of you, your arms wrapped around his neck as he sat eating. Your brother had snapped the photo claiming it was “just to cute to pass up taking a photo”. He picked the photo up sitting on the edge of your bed.
“If only I’d followed your advice Asuma. If only I’d listened. Maybe she wouldn’t be hurting so much right now.” As if on cue Asumas ring tone blared through the room.
“Hey you got y/n right? Is she okay?” Asumas worried voice asked through the receiver.
“Yes I have her, she’s fine, asleep on the couch I’m sitting on her bed currently.” Kakashi replied, setting the photo next to him with an edge of defeat in his voice.
“Are you okay?” Kurenais voice could be heard.
“Yeah. I’m fine just told her I won’t be her emotional support fuck toy after she tried to kiss me. Told her in the morning when she’s sober if she wants to kiss hell if she wants me to fuck her I absolutely will but only if she’s completely sober and in a state of mind to make the judgment.” Kakashi replied. “Asuma. I’m sorry. I doubt you wanted to hear any of that about your sister. But I’m also sorry I didn’t take your advice.” Kakashi said laying back on your bed staring at the ceiling willing the twinge of pain in his chest away.
“Thank you for refusing her while she’s drunk instead of taking advantage of it.” Asuma said in a rather impressed and proud voice. “Now. If you follow through I’d rather not hear about that.” Asuma quipped.
“I won’t tell you. Honest.” Kakashi huffed out a laugh before saying good bye and hanging up. But, would you still want him tomorrow? Once you were sober would you be happy to see him? Would you still want that kiss? All these painful thoughts ran through his head. He finally had you back; he didn't want to lose you.
~following morning~
Groaning you toppled off the couch and landed splayed on the floor.
“Never drinkin again” you groaned into the soft carpet. Yawning you reached for your phone that was set on the coffee table.
5 missed calls 5 voicemails and 20 texts. Everything was similar where are you? Are you okay? Who did you leave with? Are you alive? At least your friends cared. You text everyone saying you’re okay and alive but aren’t sure what happened.
Y/n: did any one take photos last night?
Ino: ya all of us did. You want the ones of you and the guy you were with?
Y/n: I was with someone? Everythings really blurry. I’m not to hungover so that’s a plus.
Suddenly you had a dozen photos flooding your phone. A couple from ino, tenten, temari and even kuranai.
Ino: so who’s the hottie you were with?
Opening a photo you saw a man standing behind you, his hands gripping your plush hips as you ground your ass against him. Suddenly a sick feeling hit you as you looked at the other photos one of which showed part of the guys face. “It. It can’t be.” You muttered hastily you rang kurenai.
“Kurenai is that who I think it is in the photos?!” You shrieked.
“Ya. It is. You threw up after seeing him because you went into shock. He took you home.” She explained. Suddenly you hung up on her. Pushing yourself up off the floor noticing a note on the coffee table.
“Grabbing breakfast and coffee. We will talk about what happened last night when I get back. -K”
You knew the hand writing. Sure enough Kakashi had brought you home. But what had happened? Slowly you made your way to your room to grab some shorts and tank top and clean under garments. Hurrying you took the quickest shower of your life, brushed your teeth, and tossed your hair up into a messy bun. What had happened last night.
“Dear god I hope I didn’t make a fool of myself. Oh god did we do it?!” You thought allowed.
“No. We didn’t have sex. You did try to Kiss me though. I did however tell you ‘You’re drunk. I’m not kissing you y/n. You’re to far gone to be in your right mind. If you still want to kiss me hell if you want to fuck me in the morning when you’re sober that’s fine. But right now your judgement is skewed and I’m not gonna be your one night stand or way to feel better about yourself I refuse to be your emotional support fuck toy.’ You got upset collapsed on the couch and fell asleep.” Spinning around and nearly knocking yourself off balance.
“Jesus Christ Kakashi! Warning next time.” You said trying to soothe your racing heart beat.
“Sorry. I got your favorite breakfast and coffee.” He held up the cup of coffee and breakfast.
“Thanks. So uhm. What exactly happened last night? Like…. I saw the photos of us uhm dancin.” You said your voice much quieter now as you took the coffee and food and sat on the couch. You watched as kakashi sat on the opposite end of the couch keeping a good distance between you too.
“Well Asuma told me what happened. He than asked if I’d come with him to meet up with you all to kind of surprise you, I decided to agree because if I’m being honest with ya the last 3 years have been pretty shitty without you in my life.” Kakashi finished staring at his hands his normal cool collected composure gone replaced with clear emotional turmoil.
“Did I really try to kiss you?” You meekly asked.
“Ya. You ended up kissing my palm because I wouldn’t let you kiss me while drunk didn’t feel right because you weren’t in your right mind. I didn’t want to do something and than you hate me. I just got you back in my life I mean if you want.” He said looking over at you only to find you standing in front of him.
“Wha-“ Kakashi started but you planted yourself on his lap straddling him.
“I’m sober now. Can I have that kiss?” You asked staring at him. “Can I have you? I remember clearly saying ‘you’ when you asked bed or couch. So can I have you now?” You asked shyly. Expecting him to push you away and get upset he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you into a breath taking kiss. A small whine left your throat as you braced yourself on the back of the couch.
“When I saw you in the club dancing and I grabbed you and held you close I was beyond hard. When you kissed my palm last night I wanted so desperately to kiss you but it wasn’t right.” He whispered against your lips.
“I’ve missed you Kakashi.” You mumbled against his lips. His hands held your plush waist as you leaned back in to kiss him. A jolt of pleasure immediately ran through your body as his tongue swiped across your bottom lip. Parting your lips you were met with his tongue and a moan escaped your mouth. You could feel yourself grow wet deciding it was time to finally take what you’ve wanted since you were barely 15 you ground your clothed cunt against Kakashis ever hardening cock.
“Fuck. I want you so bad. I want all of your beautiful body” Kakashi groaned loudly as you continued to roll your hips against him. Standing up you removed your shirt as you walked towards your bedroom. Reaching back you unhooked your bra letting it hit the floor.
“Then come get it.” You said sheer lust oozing from your voice. Kakashi was up and following you riding himself of his coat and shirt and undoing his jeans as he entered the room to find you sitting on your bed completely naked. He froze staring at you.
“So. Fuck so fucking beautiful.” He quickly crawled onto the bed. “You ready baby?” He asked as he rubbed your thick thighs.
“Please touch me. Need you so bad.” You whimpered. Squeaking Kakashi pulled you so you laid flat on your back your legs wide open every inch of your dripping pussy on display.
“I’m gonna make you cum so fucking hard.” He said before diving between your thighs. The sound you made wasn’t human. Your hands tangled in his hair twisting the soft white hair around your fingers as he lapped at your absolutely drenched pussy.
“So good. Fuck so so so so so good Kaaaakashi” you moaned loudly as he slipped two fingers into your clenching pussy curling them and twisting them as he fucked you with his fingers. You’d dreamed of this so many times craved this thought of him when another touched you.
“You taste like heaven princess look at your pretty cunt taking my fingers you like that baby girl? Tell me how long have you thought of me? How long have you touched yourself thinking of me?” He asked his voice dropping several octaves.
“Since I was 15…. When I first saw you shirtless when we all went swimming. When I got home I tried taking an ice cold shower. But it didn’t help. I had to cum 3 times before I felt relief.” You admitted looking over your breasts and belly.
“Well now I don’t feel like such a dirty pervert. Getting off to you after you turned 17.” He admitted before returning to sucking on your clit. Your back arched off the bed as he continued fingering you, suddenly you screeched as he nailed your gspot.
“KAKASHI RIGHT THERE FUCK RIGHT THERE FUCK FUCK FUCK” you damn near screamed as he assaulted that spot.
“Cum for me my sweet girl” he said and watched as you arched your back and did exactly as you were told. Your thighs locked around his head as he continues to fuck you on his fingers. “Look at you pretty girl.” He moaned before pulling his fingers out as you laid panting.
“Switch. Me. Want. To. Taste.” You said through your pants. You moved and let Kakashi take your place before laying flat on your plush stomach. Staring you released him from his jeans and underwear. The sheer size shocked you. It wasn’t huge but it wasn’t small it was just perfect. Your face flushed crimson as you took it in your mouth. Breathing slowly through your nose as you forced his dick down your throat.
“Fuck so pretty with your mouth stuffed with my cock pretty girl. You take me so good.” He moaned as he grabbed your hair controlling your tempo.
Whining you continued to suck him off desperate to see him cum. Looking up through your lashes you watched as he slowly lost the calm. Suddenly you were pulled up, flipped and felt Kakashis dick right at your entrance.
“Can’t wait are you ready?” He whispered in your ear. You nodded and in one swift movement he was sheathed fully inside you your walls clenching around his dick. “Fuck you’re so fucking tight.” He moaned as he began pounding into you as he gripped your hair pulling your head back.
“So big. So fucking good I’m so fucking full baby.” You moaned loudly as he gripped your hips and absolutely plundered your cunt. The only sounds was moans, grunts, and skin on skin. You didn’t know how long he was fucking you, alls you knew was you were dripping wet, your hips were bruised in his crushing grip, your eyes were watering drool dripping down your chin. You were an absolutely fucked out mess under him.
“Baby do you want to ride my dick?” He asked as he slowed down. Alls you could do was nod. You watched as he leaned back against the headboard beckoning you forward as you crawled into his lap sinking down onto him. “I’m gonna fill that pretty little cunt with my cum. You hear me? Tell me my sweet y/n who do you belong to?” He asked, that cool demeanor mixing with a sultry edge.
“You. I belong to you.” You whined out as he lifted and slammed you back down on him. Collapsing forward you felt another orgasm wash over your overstimulated body. Suddenly you felt his thighs tensing under you and with one last hard slam down he held you still painting your insides white with his seed a loud moan leaving his lips as he buried his face in your neck. Whining at the feeling you both took a minute to breathe and let your heart rate settle.
“That was incredible.” Kakashi mumbled against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your plush body holding you to him one of his hands tangling in your hair to keep you in place. “Please. Please don’t walk out of my life again.” Looking down you saw a Kakashi you’d never seen. You saw a broken man who’d suffered without you.
“I’ll never leave you again.”
~4 years later~
“Kurenai, where are we going? Can’t I take this damn blind fold off?” You asked, annoyance obvious in your voice.
“Absolutely not. Sorry!” She chirped clearly enjoying your annoyance. “We’re almost there anyways!” About 10 minutes later you felt the car stop.
“Hold still I’ll help you once we get to the area I’ll remove your blind fold okay?” She said, guiding you out of the suv. You could hear gravel beneath your feet. After about 3ish minutes she stops you. You feel her let go and hear her move away.
“Take it off.” She says. Removing your blind fold you see a long path lit by lanterns. Looking towards kuranai you let out a soft gasp. There she stood in a simple red dress holding 4 red roses with a small poster that read ‘one for each year we’ve been as one’. Taking them you feel a warmth spread through your chest.
“Come on” she says taking your hand and leading you on. Soon you meet up the ino. She has 7 more roses with a note saying ‘one for all the years I’ve loved you.”
Continuing on being led by both ladies you meet your brother about 100 feet from a clearing he’s holding a single rose.
“A rose for you from the man who will always love you.” Asuma says as he gently takes your hand pulling you into the clearing. Your heart absolutely burst. There stood Shikamaru, kankuro, temari, choji, naruto, hinata, tenten, lee, sai, and even gai. You watched as ino, kuranai, and Asuma all joined the line half circle of people. Slowly you approached the line to find one person missing.
“Where’s Kakashi? And what’s going on?” You asked peering at everyone’s faces.
“I’m right here y/n” you heard his voice call from behind you. Spinning around you were met with a sight that made your heart leap into your throat right there down on one knee was Kakashi holding a small box open that contained a beautiful ring.
“Y/n l/n, will you marry me?” He asked looking into your tear filled eyes.
“YES OH MY GOODNESS YES!!” You yelled in a matter of minutes you could hear cheers erupt behind you as Kakashi lifted your plush body up kissing you.
“I love you beautiful.” Kakashi breathed out as he slid the ring onto your finger.
“I love you more.” You said as you kissed him.
~5 years later~
The wedding had been incredible. Everyone had come. Asuma stood in as your father given your guys father had passed when you were fairly young. To everyone’s shock Gai had been Kakashis best man. Hinata, ino, temari, and tenten all served as bridesmaids. Kuranai served as your maid of honor. Naruto, shikamaru, sai, and lee served as groomsmen. It had been and absolutely beautiful affair.
“Mom. Minato took my car.” You heard your son obito yell.
“Minato you give the car back to your brother!” You snipped at your older son.
“Now boys. Play nice your poor mama doesn’t need any extra stress.” You heard your husband say. Smiling you took in the sight of Kakashi with the boys. Your life was complete.
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kankuroplease · 10 days
I almost wish you had an prganozed master post with links to all your different things. You have SO MANY DIFFERENT oc's and ships and I feel like every time I get on Tumblr I find something new. You're so talented! ❤️🔥
Thank you! I could try, I do have a lot going on though 😆 the best organization ones would be the founders AU and TSAU, which both have masterpost
BEWARE: lots of links, lots will need to be updated, and lots of ships because I let my followers play match maker dhvosbusb
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My General OCs + their ships I chose (🌕) and their ships my followers picked (🌑) for them
Aori - 🌕 Yamato and 🌑 Tobirama
Yamato/Aori - Aio and Haruki (next gen)
Team Aori - Momotarō, Aoka-Chan, Benkei
Katsura - 🌕 Shino and 🌑 Madara 🌑 Shikamaru
Shino/Katsura - Shigeki, Yasuo, Niwa Aburame (next gen)
Okami - 🌕 Kiba and 🌑 Kawarama
Kiba/Okami - Ashi and Kumo Inuzuka (next gen)
Yuuta - 🌕 Daisuke 🌕 Tenten 🌑 Hanabi
Yuuta/Hanabi - Mihana Hyuga (next gen)
**he also hits on a LOT of canon characters
Haiiro - 🌕 Shizune
Haiiro/Shizune - Dan Hyuga
Gou - 🌕 Kankuro 🌑 Itama
Kankuro/Gou - son
OC Parents
Isamu/Mari - Aori and Katsura
Asa/Pia - Gou
Okami’s parents - Okami
Jon/Umi/Zenbe - Yuuta
Umi explains
Aoka’s father/Isamu’s cousin/Katsura’s sensei
FOUNDERS ERA (oc x canon and OC x OC)
Butsuma/Asako 🌕
You know the Senju bros lol
Butsuma had a mistress named Kane
Tajima/Sumi 🌕
You know 2 (Madara, Izuna), Inari, Kota, Tenko, and Ringo
Tsuna(Butsuma’s brother)/Ebba/Sara 🌕
Tsuna/Ebba - Wolfgang Inuzuka
Sara (Tsuna’s legal/platonic wife)/Kane
Kane had a child with Butsuma - Meiko
Founders Era Inuzuka Clan
Madara/Katsura 🌑
Riki, Kazuha, and Noaki Uchiha
Izuna/Mate 🌑
Son and a Daughter
Wakaba/Tenko/Runa 🌑/🌕
5 kids total
Inari/Yaya 🌑
Nene + two boys
Kota/Gin 🌑
2 boys
Okami/Kawarama 🌑
Miu, Sora, Kōmori, Akiko, Suzaku, and Tora Senju
Gou/Itama 🌑
Goemon and Kaga Senju
Tobirama/Aori 🌑
Nagisa and Tomoe Senju
Nagisa/Naori 🌑
Kakuzu/Riki 🌑
Kagami/Miu 🌑
Arata Uchiha
Arata x Sawa - Shisui Uchiha
Sora/Rei 🌕
Botan and Akihito Hoshigaki
About (no tag)
Sakumo/Kōmori 🌑
Kakashi Hatake
Erika/Suzaku/Aja 🌕
Michiko, Michiyo, Manami, and Megumi
Michiko/friend’s OC 🌕/🌑
Michiyo/Ken 🌕- the two Akimichi’s
Manami/Kisame 🌑
Megumi/Suigetsu 🌑
Orochimaru/Tora 🌑
Nisshoku (Sho) Senju
Manda/Nisshoku - Misaki (next gen) 🌕
Wolfgang/Ringo 🌕
Asahi, Kuri, Frederick, Leonie, Mika, Sena, Elke, and Arashi Inuzuka
Asahi/the Uzumaki that moved in/never left 🌕
Leonie/Arlo - Jugo 🌕
Sena/Tsume - Hana and Kiba 🌕
Elke/her partners 🌕
Arashi/Agapito 🌕
** working this out, but he’s getting one of each because he wants to and wouldn’t settle for less✨
Tsau (canon x canon + oc children + Canon x OC)
All links in the masterpost for the TSAU
KakaObiRin 🌕
Ryujin, Copy and Paste (not their real names but yeah)
HashiMadaMito 🌕
Neji/Tenten/Michi/Lee 🌕
Mugen and the twins (Neji’s future kids)
Naruto and Chiha
Naruto x practically everyone tbh.
Naruto x Shikamaru endgame
GaaSaku (early but still)
Kira (future kid)
Future Daughter
**swingers. Do not attend one of their parties if not one like Yamato accidentally did and to be rescued
If you’ve made it to the end of this post, apologies and thanks for reading all this 🖤😄
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
Shino coming back from his clan mission: hey how’s it been guys, I brought back some souvenirs B)
Everyone else, exhausted from the rescue mission: …okay yeah you’re excused
Shino: ????
I think Shino would go "you all went on a super team mission without me? No gifts for any of you!"
And gives them to Tenten who also didn't go 🥲
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team7-headquarter · 12 days
Dropping the official teams for the first Konoha 12 come back mission. As a treat <3
The kunoichis of the Konoha 12 are back, but after so many years of working for Tsunade or spending time perfecting their clan techniques, they have to prove themselves.
The operation belongs to Konoha Police Force and is directed by Fugaku Uchiha. Since the whole goal is to prove that a) the kunoichis are capable of holding their on and b) they are loyal to Konoha, Tsunade can watch, but she cannot participate in any way.
Fugaku decided to separate the girls from their genins teams to truly test them.
Mission Status:
Konoha Police located a rogue nin base that they have been following for quite some time. The orders are to get in, neutralize the enemy, contain the situation, rescue any hostages and get out without casualties.
The Teams :
They're the first step. The "previously".
This team is full of deemed specialists in what one could call espionage. Be it shapeshifting, mind control or remote control of elements able to transfer information, they know how to get in, blend in, find the information they are looking for and get out as if they were never there to begin with.
Since they work mostly alone, they're some of the most in danger. There's also a myriad of unpleasant situations they'd have to participate in. Long range is preferable, either that or the type of subtle technique that can be used up close and leaves no evidence.
Unlike many other infiltration teams, this one focuses on details that no many would pick up on. Sound, smell, even your mind. No one is safe with them around.
EXTERNAL TEAM — Shikamaru, Tenten, Choji.
Once the infiltration team relies all the info they need, the external team sets in.
Their job is to prepare the operation so nothing would go wrong. They set a perimeter, fill the selected space with traps to avoid any enemy escaping, they lay the basics of the mission and connect everyone to the headquarters.
Although Fugaku is leading the operation, it's more of a supervision than anything else. The external team must control the scene with the parameters they were given.
Since they have to keep an eye on everything and everyone, there's often a specialist on every attack range (close combat, middle range and long range combat). They must be tricky and hard to evade, but also low-key enough that the enemy won't spot their exact location.
ATTACK TEAM — Sasuke, Hinata, Naruto.
They kick-start the real action!
( and cause everyone else a headache)
This team's job is to directly engage with the enemy, to both neutralize them and to provide a distraction for the retrieval team to act. They must be loud, they must be capable of being lethal, they must be capable of taking damage or at least capable of engaging for long periods of time.
In truth, the top requirement for anyone who wants to join an attack team is to be annoying and resilient. Attack teams don't really know what they'll find, for how long they'll have to fight or if the other teams would be available to give them any help.
Along with the unpredictability and endless energy of a jinchuuriki, the attention to detail and the battle IQ of an Uchiha, they have the high range vision and chakra blockage of a Hyuuga. Nothing screams Konoha like three of the best clans on the attack team.
RETRIEVAL TEAM — Neji, Sakura, Rock Lee.
The shifters. They can become any of the other teams if needed.
In a perfect scenario, they never engage with the enemy, follow the info provided by the infiltration team to get to the hostage, get the hostage out the place and into the protection perimeter set by the external team and repeat until everyone is safe.
In the real world, the retrieval team often fights their way to the hostage only to find one too many problems to fix at the second if they do want the hostage alive. They're the backup for every other team, they are the ones running in and out of the battlefield, as many times as it's needed. Although, while the hostage is alive and it's capable of being saved, they maintain their status and only the retrieval matters.
Long range is not really necessary, 'cause their mission is not to be noticed. They need to be fast as to not get caught and in case there's no way around it, close combat is a priority. They
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dualityvn · 1 year
No, i wont come over! Carry me, tenten. I wanna be snuggled the moment you step on my house, I want you to extend your arms and carry me while I kiss you all over your neck saying how much I love you. Please?~
You have to understand, I want a romantic kidnapping (idk how else to say it??) I want you to take me away like a prince (BC YOU ARE, DONT U DARE DENY IT) to rescue me from the loneliness of not being with you!!
"I don't think it's kidnapping if you wanna come. But alright, I'll carry you. Just take it easy with the kissing until I get home." - Tenebris
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sugutoad · 2 years
Naruto Oc Template
Japenese Voice:
Eng. Voice:
Personal Status
Sexual Orientation:
Blood Type:
Home Village:
Current Village:
Team Members: 
Kekkei Genkai:
Chakra Type:
Favourite Food:
Favourite Places to Eat:
Least Favourite Food:
Favourite Drink:
Least Favourite Drink:
Favourite Colour: (can include different shades of blue, red etc)
Least Favourite Colour: (can include different shades of blue, red etc)
Favourite Scent: 
Favourite Sound: 
Favourite Sight: 
Favourite Subjuct:
Favourite Time of Year: 
Favourite Time of Day: 
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Song: 
Favorite Movie / Film Franchise:
Love Interest :
Clan Abilities:
Clan History:
Clan Village :
Clan leader(s):
Clan Colours:
Clan Looks: 
Financial Status:
Power Structure:
Physical strength and Chakra:
Nature Transformation:
Medical Jutsu:
Part 1:
Land of Waves:
Chunin Exam:
Konoha Crushed:
Search of Tsunade:
Sasuke Recovery:
Save The Hot Spring's Water Mission:
Academy Student Lead Mission:
Land Of Rice Fields Investigation Mission :
Mizuki Tracking Mission :
Bikochu Search Mission :
Kurosuki Family Removal Mission :
Gosunkugi Capture Mission :
Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission :
Kaima Capture Mission :
Buried Gold Excavation Mission :
Star Guard Mission :
Peddlers Escort Mission :
Third Great Beast Arc :
Konoha Plans Recapture Mission:
Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission :
Gantetsu Escort Mission :
Menma Memory Search Mission :
Sunagakure Support Mission:
In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths:
Part 2:
Tenchi Bridge:
Twelve Guardian Ninja: 
Akatsuki Suppression Mission:
Three Tails Appearance: 
Itachi Pursuit Arc:
Tales of Jiraiya:
Fated Battles Against Brothers:
Six - Tails Unleashed:
Pain's Assault:
The Locus of Konoha:
Five Kage Summit:
Genjutsu on the past : Twisted World:
Paradise life on a boat:
Fourth Shinobi War: Countdown
Fourth Shinobi War: Confrontation 
Fourth Shinobi War: Climax
Birth of the ten-tails:
Jiraiya Shinobi Handbook: The Tale Of Naruto The Hero: 
Kaguya Strikes:
Blank Era
Kakashi Hiden:
Sasuke Shiden:
Shikamaru Hiden:
The Last:
Perfect Day for a Wedding :
Sakura Hiden:
The Day Naruto Becomes Kage:
Academy Interest:
The Lost Ring:
Sarada Uchiha :
Parent and Child day:
School Trip:
Graduation Exam:
Genin Mission:
Byakuya Gang:
Beyond the Edges:
Verses Momoshiki:
Chocho arc:
Mitsuki disappearance: 
Konohomaru’s Love:
Time Slip Arc:
The Teacher’s star pupil:
Kara actuation:
Ao Arc:
Kawaki Arc:
Code Arc:
The Unheard voices of truth:
Ninja Clash In The Land Of Snow :
Legend Of The Stone Of Gelel :
Guardians Of The Crescent Moon Kingdom:
Naruto Shippuden the Movie :
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Will of Fire :
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Bonds :
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Lost Tower :
Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison :
Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie :
Boruto: Naruto the Movie :
Naruto Uzamaki:
Sasuke Uchiha:
Sakura Haruno:
Kakashi Hatake:
Ino Yamanaka :
Shikamaru Nara:
Choji Akimichi:
Asuma Sarutobi:
Hinata Hyuga:
Kiba Inuzuka:
Shino Aburame:
Kurenai Yuhi:
Rock lee:
Neji Hyuga:
Might Gai:
Teammate 1:
Teammate 2:
Parent 1:
Parent 2:
Sibling ( delete if none ):
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comfy-whumpee · 1 year
How old is everyone in the birdhouse?
I usually dodge these questions because I have a terrible memory for numbers, but your tags literally made me roll around grinning today so I'll do it. If I contradict these later just pretend it was on purpose.
In the present day, it's been something like 2-3 years since Franco disappeared. That makes him 23-24. The trip to the USA where he caught WRU's eye was his graduation present. Avis is around 45.
Florence's age is unknown. They signed up later than 18, but as a refurb, they're missing even more of their years. They've been at the shelter for the longest and were barely with their Sir for a month, but nobody knows how long they were a pet before their refurb. Arimura specified that they had to be 22 at the oldest, which would make them no more then 24, but who can say if Refurbox held up their end of the deal?
Tenten is considered the oldest rescue and was with his family for around six years. I think he's about 24 - he signed up very shortly after coming of age. This also makes Tenten the person who was in captivity the longest and thus the longest 'living memory' of the rescues, and he would have continued in his role for the rest of his life if not for his ever-increasing need to be free.
Boo's age is also unclear. Though they were also repurposed by a second owner, they remember their life before Tara turned them into a pet-hunter. They are at least three years past their sign-up, but they were one of the older 'volunteers' at Euroboxies. They have the second-longest 'living memory'. Avis thinks of them accurately as the middle sibling, 22-23.
Kamala is one of the younger ones, for sure. Her time with Mrs Darren was cut short but she was delivered to Avis fairly soon after and it's been nearly two years… She's not even 21, I don't think. Kamala has always had issues with self-worth and I suspect she was a genuine volunteer for WRU, but I'm not as sure of her as the others.
Then there's Roman. I don't think Roman lasted more than 6-9 months in the office, and I don't think the company lasted much longer. (Buying a box boy and then losing him, plus a police investigation, plus their decision not to fill Tyler's role, and they folded fast.) He's the baby of the shelter in both ways. He wasn't as young as Tenten when he totally-noncoercedly signed up, but he's still probably barely 20.
The oldest person in the cast, barring Arimura (who can blame Florence for running tbh) is Sunita Kaur, a happily married mother of three, who Avis seriously looks up to and couldn't get by without.
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everyneji · 5 months
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zanypaintertriumph · 9 months
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
Hyuga Neji
The way he smile’s when he see’s Kakashi and Gai racing through the village. Competitions and rivalry may not be for Neji, but he clearly understands and enjoys how much his Sensei loves them and he supports it in his own little way.
Reading the Hyuga clan for filth. Will always love the chunin exam arc and how Neji got to call out the first family for all their bullshit and pull everyone’s attention onto what happens behind closed doors. Should have been allowed to hate Hiashi for life but *sigh* a person can only dream sometimes.
Being the first person ever to get a double promotion. I still think he deserved to be promoted after the first chunin exam’s, but setting his own record with promotion is an absolute win for Neji and I support him.
Fighting back to back with Hinata. Not Hiashi, but Hinata. In his recovery Neji came to bond with Hinata above all other’s and i really love that. I think they could have been really close if Neji had just survived and i’ll forever be upset that didn’t happen.
Saying ‘absolutely not’ to Lee when he wanted to carry him on his back to Konoha. Neji is not having it with the rivalry and I support him.
Being the last one of team Gai to give in on the group cheer in the rescue the Kazekage arc. He was so strong willed, but not even he can stand up to Gai’s determination. Poor dude.
Calling Naruto out on not really ‘growing up’ when they go on a mission together (anime only i believe). It’s just nice to see someone point out Naruto still has a lot of growing to do without having to punch him. Also, he’s right and he should say it.
His SMILE. Have you seen that smile? It’s gorgeous. Need more of it in my life.
How he and Tenten go looking for Lee in the chunin exam arc and call him the ‘mo howard haircut having dude’ (or something along those lines). He clearly cares about his teammate but that doesn’t mean he won’t roast his ass XD
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hi!! i just found your blog and i really appreciate your insight on the uchiha family! i was reading this ask you received: https://www.tumblr.com/theheirofthesharingan/738877810361401344/what-do-you-think-about-mikoto-and-fugaku-as?source=share and i was wondering if i could get your input on how mikoto and fugaku would be as parents if they were to have a daughter as well. i've seen and read some fics where reader/oc was sasuke's twin or the brothers younger sister, so i was curious to hear your thoughts on their parenting if they were to have a girl. i'm not sure if you answered something like this before, so i apologize if you've already done so! :)
Thank you.
I've never really thought about it, but I feel that the gender of the child would not matter as much as the age would, to some extent. Shinobi world doesn't care about if you're a woman, man, or a child. You have to be a human and the world would devour you. It doesn't discriminate based on your gender.
The characters in the story also don't seem to take into account if the opponent is a woman or a man. This is the only instance of a case being made with "because you're a woman." (Chapter #503)
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If you can offer yourself to the Shinobi world, nothing else is relevant. There is no evidence of the parents opposing their daughters being taken to the dangerous missions. Sakura in the Land of Waves arc and Chunin exams and all, Ino against Kakuzu and Hidan, and Tenten accompanying her team to rescue Gaara are all life-threatening missions, yet we never see their parents objecting to them going to these missions.
How different would Mikoto and Fugaku be if they also had a younger daughter?
I'll say, Fugaku and Mikoto were gentler towards Sasuke, so they would certainly be gentle with their daughter. Itachi was the older child with much more responsibilities on his shoulders, and also his own deviance and independence made everyone believe he could handle things on his own, even if that wasn't true. Sasuke was a little boy and a sister his age would also be seen with kindness, but not as a delicate child, because everyone's perception here is distorted by how the world works.
Mikoto as a mother would be gentle with her and Fugaku might as well just compare her with both her brothers, if she wouldn't be good enough. But again, who knows her presence would actually soften him and make him see the flaws in his plans?
Honestly, most of it is just based on assumptions and how the writers writing these characters would interprete them. Some who hold a more positive view of Fugaku (and Mikoto) would write a different version of the characters than those who don't like them.
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wendyfulmother · 30 days
N.aruto Verse!
Wendy's relationship with the Konoha 13 Part 2: Team 8 and Team 3 (aka Team Guy)
Some Spoilers Ahead!
Kiba: Wendy and Kiba have a sweet bond. He, like everyone else, sees her like a big/little sister. He's so protective of her and Wendy is very protective of Kiba as well. She also adores Akamaru as well. She thinks he's a very good boy. Shino: The least close out of everyone to her. She admires his skill but they don't usually talk too much. They do respect each other a lot though and often work well as a team when paired together. Hinata: Wendy will protect Hinata with her LIFE. That is her little sister. She will defend her with her LIFE. Anyone try to hurt her, and you will get a VERY stern talking to from Wendy. Seriously though, Wendy and Hinata are very similar in personality that they get along very well. Rock Lee: Wendy and Lee's dynamic is esstinaly just the Kakashi and Guy dynamic. They are literally Kakashi Jr and Guy Jr. Lee always challenges her to things and Wendy does oblige most of the time but it leaves her EXHAUSTED by the end of it. She adores Lee though and sees him like a brother. TenTen: Wendy and TenTen are on good terms with each other. The least close out of the girls' but that doesn't mean they dont hang out every now and then. Sometimes TenTen will train Wendy with weapons as Wendy does learn how to use a sword in the events of Shippuden. TenTen sees her like a little sister. Neji:  Oooooh BOY Neji and Wendy DID not get along at first. He was very critical of her. Wendy SLAPPED him after what he did to Hinata during the preliminary for the chunin exams...but something managed to change once the final exam was suddenly interrupted...and after Neji was critically injured in the mission to rescue Sasuke, a change overcame Wendy noticing his new nature. She leaves him yellow roses in his hospital room every day. Going into Shippuden, they get very close. So close in fact that everyone was convinced they were together, (which the two got EXHAUSTED of telling people they were not together). Neji and Wendy really respect each other and he even ends up training Michael during the Blank Period.
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