#teppei x gn reader
theholypeanut · 6 months
Peanut Wheel of Fortune Event
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Cw: 2,3k, hurt to comfort, angst, Kiyoshi getting hurt (as in knb plot), one curse word, gn!reader
Plot: Kiyoshi was your biggest love, but it’s not easy to date a person who will sacrifice themselves on every chance they got
Event Masterlist
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Kyoshi Teppei was a perfect guy. 
When you met him at the beginning of your high school life, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was anyone who embodied Golden Retriever energy better than he did. He was so nice to everyone, energetic, polite, and well-mannered, and he simply shined everywhere he went. You couldn’t believe how that happened, that one rainy day he confessed to you, with this bright smile, a tiny blush, while rubbing his nape from embarrassment. You could guess he asked at least three different people for their good luck before talking to you. Of course, you liked him too, how could you not? It was Kiyoshi Teppei. 
The first month of our relationship felt like a dream. He was Prince Charming, the greenest flag, the person who, on hearing you say you were thirsty, would run to the shop to get three of your favourite drinks and a soup just in case and sprint back before you even noticed. He always put you first and talked to you for hours, and your family loved him too. You cheered him on at every game and you became friends with his team, it all felt like the high school romance manga of your dreams. Until it started to fall apart.
Kiyoshi not only put you first, but he put everyone first. He was the most selfless person you knew. When Seirin started to get far in Inter-High elimination, he was the one working the hardest and sacrificing the most. It didn't surprise you that you spent less time together as a result: you couldn't be angry, and you'd support him no matter what. Or so you thought. Kiyoshi would never talk to you and tell you what was wrong, but you noticed a change in his behaviour at some point when his shine was no longer so bright. You noticed micro-expressions on his face like he was in pain - but whenever you asked him about it, he'd brush it off and tell you everything was fine.
Your dates became less frequent, but you were okay with that. Having a boyfriend with big dreams wasn't going to be easy. And then the Kirisaki Daiichi match happened. 
At this point, you already noticed that Teppei was overworking himself. He always put everyone first without looking back - that was what you loved and hated about him at the same time. But when you saw him get hurt during the match, it broke your heart. The whole scene looked awful and you had to cover your mouth in case you were going to throw up. The match was stopped and everything was chaotic. You barely remember anything until you got to the hospital. You wanted to be there for him, to support Kiyoshi in his worst moments. But your final straw was when he refused surgery because otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to play basketball in high school. 
You yelled at him to the point that the nurse asked you to leave. You cried and just told him you won't take it anymore. You refused to just stand there and watch him kill himself for basketball. He didn't say anything.
And that's how your relationship with Kiyoshi Teppei ended. 
People always say that your first love rarely is the last one. You wouldn’t know - even after some time had passed and you hadn't talked to Kiyoshi since the break-up, you couldn't imagine dating someone else. You were partly grateful that he was in hospital for so long and that you didn't have to see him, because deep down you knew that if he asked you to come back, you'd do it in a heartbeat. Your friends stayed by your side, telling you that you deserved to be with someone who didn't put basketball ahead of his health and, well, you. But as the year went on, you couldn't help but wonder if you'd ever loved someone as much as you loved him.
The graduation passed and you still didn’t even see him in the school. At first, you were angry, but as time went on you had to fight the temptation to call him and ask how he was. You avoided his friends from the team till graduation, but it was eating you from the inside how you couldn’t even catch a glimpse of him at school. Graduation of the first year, spring holidays, beginning of the new year. No sight. No call, no message. You were going through all stages of grief. You heard rumours about the basketball team being amazing again, without Kiyoshi. „Good for them” you replied to your friends when someone tried to break the news to you as a kind of small talk. Everyone around you knew not to mention basketball anymore. At that point, it almost felt like it was basketball that took away your first love.
But deep down, you were rooting for Seirin. How could you not? This team was built with your lover's sweat, tears and blood. But it made you sad that he was not here to contribute to its success. Until Kiyoshi showed up for the winter semester. And instead of feeling relieved that he was well, you were angry again. When he didn't even find a second to write you a single message for a year, you kind of wished he had a good reason: not that he'd just come back to school, all bright and shiny like before, without a proper explanation. Or has he moved on?
You wouldn’t know, and to be fair, you didn’t want to know. Because the idea that Kiyoshi simply moved on, because it was not as important to him as it was to you was as painful to you, as getting hurt during the match was to Teppei. So you decided to ignore him. Pretend that you never crossed paths. Sometimes it was less painful than seeing him behave like nothing had happened and that you had never been together.
You didn’t come to any games, you didn’t want to listen to the exciting news about how Seirin had a realistic chance of winning this time. Until one day, out of nowhere, you got a message from an unknown number. 
You hadn't really blocked Kiyoshi the year before, because he never really tried to contact you. But one day, a month after you broke up, your best friend invited you over for a sleepover, you had two beers together, and after being influenced, you deleted his number and all his messages. But you knew his number by heart, so when it popped up on your screen, your heart skipped a beat.
„If we win this game, please let’s talk” it’s all it said. Of course, that was so Teppei. He was at the school for almost four months and needs a fucking game to schedule when he will talk to you. You didn’t answer. There weren't enough words in the vocabulary to describe how angry and sad you were, and you didn't want to be the salty ex who wrote him an angry essay and made him lose a game.
But it happened: Seirin won. And just out of curiosity, you actually watched the game this time. You couldn't get rid of the painful feeling in your chest when you knew how much it had cost Teppei to achieve all this. On the one hand, you were relieved that he finally made it, but on the other hand, you couldn't deny the sadness. You never replied to that text, partly out of fear: you didn't really know what to expect from him anymore: it had been a year since you broke up, what was there to say? You felt stupid for never really moving on, but life went on without you. And maybe Kiyoshi too.
Days after the game, you stayed longer at school, stuck with your class responsibilities. It was quiet and the evening sun was glowing through the window, as you stapled the notes teacher asked you to bring after classes. Just as you finished, the classroom door opened abruptly. "A perfect student as always?" You heard a familiar voice and felt a shiver run down your spine. "Stop making fun of me, I've never been a perfect student anyway" you replied, slightly annoyed. This was so him: trying to make up for the year of ghosting with a friendly joke. "You never replied to my text. Did you change your number?" He ignored your answer and asked without further small talk. You avoid his eyes as you reply, avoiding the question: "Congratulations on your win, Kiyoshi."
Your tone was neutral, cold. The worst part was, it’s not like you hated him. How could you? But the wound was too deep to just fall into his arms like in a cheap romance novel. You heard his footsteps as he came closer, sitting on the table right next to you. „I’m so sorry.” You heard his full of regret voice. „I don’t even know where to start with all of the things I should apologise for. But what you need to know is that for all this time I could never stop thinking how I want to make it up to you.” He stopped for a second, and continued, hesitantly: „All I want to know, is if you… still love me enough, to give me a second chance. Or love me at all.”
You smiled, to his surprise. You finally looked at him, for the first time since he had entered the room. "How is it that after all this time you still know exactly what I want to hear?" He smiled back, but before he could say anything, you continued in a serious tone: "Why didn't you say anything for a year?" This was no time to beat around the bush - no amount of sweet words would change the fact that he had simply let you go and only returned when he had achieved his goal. No matter how you look at it, it seems that you were never his priority, only basketball.
Kiyoshi felt slightly intimidated by your straightforwardness, but sent you one of his branded bright smiles. 
"You know, that's one of the things I've always loved about you: you're the most honest person I've ever met. I still remember you yelling at me in the hospital. I have thought about your words ever since." He paused for a moment, looking down at his huge, calloused hands. "At first it took me a long time to process what had happened. Can you imagine that the whole time I was in hospital, I didn't believe it was over? I just refused to believe it. All the time I just believed that we would talk it out and it would be the same. Every day I rehearsed in my head my apology when you'd walk through the hospital door like you used to. But you never did. It seems so silly now, but all the time I thought that if I wrote to you, the break-up would be real. It wasn't. I think I only realised it when I came back to school and you refused to look at me. I don't think I've ever felt so empty in my life. Not even Hanamiya's foul came close to that pain. But I didn't want to just come crawling back to you and repeat the exact same pattern as last year. I did not want to... disappoint you like that again."
After you heard him pause, you couldn't help but wonder if there was any way you could have resolved this sooner, by communicating. You looked at his face attentively. "But now… I guess after we won with Hanamiya… All I could think about was how much I want us to be together again. It is embarrassing to admit how much I missed your voice. Even if you'll just scold me. But at least" he hesitated, and you noticed a tiny blush on his cheeks, "at least I had the courage to finally ask you if there was any chance that you felt the same way." His face became even more red as he quickly added: "I heard from Riko that you don't go out with anyone, if you do, I'm so sorry for saying such things."
You looked at him, still stunned by everything you'd just heard, and you couldn't help but think that Kiyoshi Teppei really is a perfect guy. No matter how much you wanted to hate him right now, to scream at him for all the time he hadn't reached out to you, you felt the anger just go away by looking at his face, all red, and his beautiful eyes trying to avoid your gaze out of embarrassment and fear that he might have said all those things to a taken person. How could you be so angry with him? You moved slowly towards him and rested your forehead on his chest. He was surprised by the sudden touch, but didn't move. 
"You're so stupid" you said as you grabbed his shirt. You waited a second to not let him notice that your voice was cracking. "Promise me you'll never do anything like that again? I never want to hear you put basketball before your health again." You couldn't see his face, but he sighed and put his hand on your head. 
„I promise” he said with the most gentle voice. 
You know what they say, that love is not enough for a relationship to survive. But this time you really think it will be enough to fuel both of you to work it out and grow together so that you'll never break up again.
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1lenii · 1 year
Can you write a short oneshot for Teppei Kiyoshi from KNB where he's holding his s/o's hand and says "you're hands are so small"?
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Handy Date
Kiyoshi Teppei x GN!Reader
❀Thank you for requesting! Bueno anon I hope this was to your liking!
❀Gender Neutral Reader!! Fluff!! Mentions of the hot(kagami)head 1x
❀No Warnings⚠️❗️
❀ In the chilly nights of Tokyo, we see a normal couple on a date!❀
“C’mon Kiyoshi we’re gonna be late!” Y/N says rushing the man who’s now currently slipping on his shoes
“I’m coming I’m coming”
Kiyoshi officially stands up taking his jacket from the coat hanger and open the door allowing Y/N to exit first.
Exiting their home and onto the blinding streets of tokyo. The night time rush crowding the roads and sidewalks to a full.
Y/N and Kiyoshi went out to eat in celebration of his recent game, the boys had won and went out to eat as a whole while kagami and Kiyoshi rejected to offer to celebrate alone with their loved ones
While walking Kiyoshi takes in the sight of his lover who quite literally beaming with happiness and rambling on how they were proud of him and how he came a long way, in the midst of your rambling the hand you had linked on his bicep slithered down his arm and into his hand interlocking at contact
Almost in surprised Kiyoshi cuts you off
“Wow your hands.. they’re ”
“They’re??” Y/N dumbfounded, feeling Kiyoshi pulling their interlock fingers up to his face
“They’re really small!”
“Well maybe yours are really big”
Kiyoshi laughs at your counter urging you to finish what you were saying while pressing a quick kiss to your hand before bringing it back down to your sides continuing forward to your reserved destination.
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pairing: teppei x gn traveler reader
req: yes? highly needed | wc: 610 | set after the archon quest
more teppei fic prompts
a/n: oh teppei <3
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“Hey, Teppei! Help me out over here will you?”
Teppei, eager to help out his rival –he used to envy your fighting prowess, but now that he was captain of Herring I, he regarded you like his rival more than anything, though all he really did was banter and try to one-up you occasionally while bragging of his achievements– and find out why they so possibly need his help. After all, they’re captain of Swordfish II, they can handle themselves can’t they?
He waves off his curious soldiers’ interest –he was sparring with them, it was one of the last few days until they'd return to their families and their normal life so he wanted to make the best of it– and jogs over to you. “What’s up, (y/n)? Hey,” You stand with a cart in tow, “What are those?”
You smile brightly, “Uniforms! I know the war is over, but her excellence insisted we still get new uniforms. Like… a parting gift maybe?”
“That’s cool of her,” He seems to have a bounce in his step as he gets to the boxes. “Which one’s which?”
“Oh, no, I got ours.” You brandish the two out from behind you, seemingly out of thin air.
Both are blue, standing out amongst the usual magenta of a regular soldier’s. Teppei would surely be excited to stand out. Captain, along with the name of your respective units, are etched into the shirts. Your uniform is equipped with somewhat angular armor like a swordfish’s nose, and Teppei’s is somewhat lacking armor in comparison; but you suppose Herring I sneaks around, as his story for acquiring the title of captain had been that he’d ambushed a shogunate army. The clank of armor wouldn’t help that.
“Woah!” There’s a sparkle in his eye and he wears the widest grin you’ve ever seen. He pulls you into a quick hug and a little kiss on your cheek subconsciously, like it’s natural to him. “Ah, thank you!”
Teppei was the cutest person you’d met on your journey by far. “Forgetting about our rivalry, dear Herring Captain?” You snicker.
“Pfft,” He scoffs, waving you off. He totally had, but he wouldn’t dare admit it. “of course not, dear Swordfish Captain.”
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“Ta-da!” Teppei pulls open the curtains separating your separate changing areas, doing jazz hands like a dork while showing off his clothes. “It feels lighter than the previous uniform. How’s it look?”
“It looks great.” You remark, brushing an arm down one of his sleeves.
He clears his throat to hopefully clear the flustered look on his face, “Same goes for you.” But as much as he tries, he can’t. Being with you… it makes him feel soft. He pulls you into another hug with an indeterminate duration, it seems.
“You good, Teppei?”
“Yeah,” His voice is muffled against your hair. “I’m fine, just… thank you.”
“Thanking your rival again?” Before he can retort, you speak up again, “What for, anyway?”
“Making me happy, cheering me on, I have many reasons.” He sighs dreamily into your embrace and your warmth and the fiddling of your fingers in his hair, “You may not think so, but you’ve even helped me become captain of Herring I. My pursuit of one-upping you has brought me here, and now I only want to be your equal.”
“Teppei.” He thinks he’s about to be embarrassed because you’re gonna tease him about what he just said but, “I heard half of what you said and the rest was plain gibberish.” apparently not.
“Honestly, I’m kind of glad.” He pecks you quickly. “I’ll tell you another day.”
“Can that day be today?”
“You’re pushing my generosity.”
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evelxtus · 3 years
*slides into your inbox again today bc of another brainrot*
HI, KOI SANNNN!! here am i again i hope u dont mind me wrecking your asks again lmaoo. I just thought of this while im washing the dishes like...🙄🙄🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂
It goes like this...character is famous (i mean that is obvious ig shsjs) and yk how...fans write fanfics of famous ppl rite xD then one day, s/o and character found out that ppl tend to write fanfics about them lmaooo. maybe even nsf* LOL
who do u think will be the "WHAT THE FLIPPING FCK IS THIS ATROCITY-" gang
the "*obviously screeching and embarassed gang who just wanted to burn every piece of fanfic there is" gang
and...whatever gang is there really xD
ugh...i have so many brainrot i dont even know where they coming from ehsjs
- 🐦 birb anon / raven
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warnings─ ⸝⸝ gn! reader with no pronouns specified, stablished relationship, suggestive content, implied having sex. dni minors or if you're uncomfortable with this type of content.
note─ ⸝⸝ lmaoo you never miss with your random brainrots😭 ty for sharing it!!
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They are so scared when they see these things written on various social networks. They don't know how they came to read something like that, the only thing they know is that they were better minutes before, when they didn't know about the existence of those fanfics so... hot about them and you. Poor boys are so nervous when they want to tell you, that you end up with more doubts than before. They are too shy to talk about it out loud…too flushed to even think or form proper sentences.
─ ⸝⸝ diluc, GOROU, teppei, dainsleif.
They are surprised. Literally speechless, their minds go blank processing what their eyes have been lucky to read. Everything is so graphic that they can imagine it perfectly, every feeling or touch that the author writes. Every position he makes you get into, or how every part of your body reacts. And what to say, reading that causes great amusement to them, especially if they can use it against you to make you blush.
─ ⸝⸝ kaedehara kazuha, tartaglia, venti, arataki itto, KAEYA, baizhu, KAMISATO AYATO, tomo, scaramouche.
They don't want to know anything about those topics or fanfics written about you or him. If they could erase everything they read about it, they would certainly stay calmer. The boys have read them, unfortunately, and they wouldn't want you to go through that too, in case it makes you uncomfortable or scares you, or changes something between you two. They will act as if nothing happened, but inside there is a feeling of uncertainty if one day you will find those fanfics... But sometimes it is better to stay silent, so they can protect you and your pretty pure mind.
─ ⸝⸝ ZHONGLI, xiao, thoma, albedo.
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sorahui · 3 years
morning flower | teppei x gn!reader
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summary: betraying the shogunate was one thing, falling in love with the enemy was another.
warnings: angst, mentions of death, fluff if you squint, enemies to lovers
wc: 0.4k
in the midst of the battle in nazuchi beach was where you first met him.
you had fainted in the heat of the battle due to the current tenryou commission general’s strict training regime and was brought back to the resistance camp.
you were hesitant of his intentions at first but, when he laid his palm on you gently to check your temperature, you let down your guard.
if only you hadn’t.
days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months.
"i'll leave tomorrow," you say to yourself, wanting to convince yourself that you hadn't turned your back on the shogunate. but those thoughts quickly wash away whenever he holds your hand.
you never thought you would have fallen in love with someone in a war torn era more so you had never thought you would have fallen in love with the enemy.
though your time with him was limited, you've known this from the start. you had to go back, you had to leave him.
the memories you've shared together, him caring for you, holding you gently as if he held you any tighter you would shatter into a million pieces.
you couldn't believe the feelings you've harbored for this man. you remember it just like yesterday the first time he said he loved you,
"Y/N?" teppei called out to you and closed the door behind him - he had just finished today's patrol and was given time to rest. he saw you laying in his bed, looking out the window as the birds chirped.
"welcome home, dear." you called out to him, sitting up.
his heart skipped a beat. 'this is heaven.' he told himself. he got in bed with you and held out his hand.
the bed smells like freshly bloomed flowers in the midst of the summer rain. it smelled like him. it was as if by his touch the room had turned into a garden and the bed into a bed of flowers as they grew around him.
"I love you."
now here you hold a single letter in your hands addressed to you directly from sangonomiya kokomi herself.
the letter disclosed the death of your beloved.
there you stood, not being able to move. as the house you both resided in grew colder by the second. his presence not beaming in the warmth you so crave. he was gone for far too long, and not even with a proper goodbye.
"I'll come home soon, my flower."
were the last words he said to you; before leaving you with a love that was once was.
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lamnwar · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if I could get some headcanons with Kiyoshi and murasakibara about you meeting their family for the first time? (Reader and characters are in a relationship)
Thank you so much (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Hiiii 🥰 loved that you've requested two of my favourite boys so this is so fun to me <3 hope you enjoy it too!
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Context: you meet your boyfriend's family for the first time, how does it go?
Pairings: Kiyoshi + Murasakibara x gn! Reader
Warnings: none, fluffy fluff, mention of marriage even because yeah 🤭
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He's so hyped to make you meet his grandparents!
It's so cute, because he's been talking about you to them since day 1, so they're really impatient to meet you
They're also the only family he has so it's very important for him that you meet them
Which makes you fairly nervous, you understand how much this matters to Teppei
You'll probably go have lunch to their place (they insisted on it)
It'll be love at first sight for them too
They will shower you in compliments (now you see where your boyfriend got it), telling you that you are so beautiful and cute
And don't count on Kiyoshi to stop them from praising you, if anything, he'll encourage it
His grandma will certainly insist on showing you Teppei's childhood's pictures
They're very jovial people so you're guaranteed to laugh a lot in their presence
You'll definitely get bonus points for helping them around (even though they beg you to sit down and enjoy)
Won't let you leave without boxes of food
They'll basically adopt you because this is just how much they love you
Will probably have a serious talk with Teppei to tell him that he should think of marriage because they are convinced that you are the one
That will fluster you a bit, but they might be right, you know?
Now, see, he has a huge family (both literally and figuratively)
So you're intimidated when he brings it up
Not to mention that he's very casual about it
"You're coming for diner at my parents' tomorrow?"
Literally, he'll ask it like it's nothing
You say yes, but you are frankly quite nervous
What you aprehend the most is if his siblings will like you
He doesn't talk much about them, but you know that Atsushi matters a lot to his siblings since he's the last one
So when you go to his family house of the first time, you are scared
Imagine being surrounded by a bunch of giants with bored eyes and purple hair
But the fear doesn't last long
His siblings are less unexpressive than him, so they show easily that they like you
Same goes for his parents, they appreciate that you are so good at loving their boy <3
They will feed you so well!
Overall you'll win over all of their hearts, because there's no reason for them not to love you
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achelouise · 2 years
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For context, please read
words: around 1k
fandom: genshin impact/原神
pairing: (hinted) shikanoin heizou x gn!reader
warnings: no beta we die like tEPPEI
summary: you pay the consequences of underestimating heizou’s stubbornness.
a/n: how we all doing!! im just exploring golden apple archipelago and i can definitely see why everyone wanted it to come back. its really BIGGG and a lot of quests! i especially loved fischl’s play and the ravens, what a performance~ also the treasure hunting quest, it was so adventurous, and mona’s tower is SOSOSOSO pretty i took a bajillion pictures. i hope everyone else is enjoying this summer as much as i am! relax, have fun and enjoy it while it lasts~
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Honestly, the trip to Seirai Island would’ve been much smoother if a certain crow wasn’t crying like hell by your side.
You will never, ever admit this, but you don’t exactly know how to drive a waverider. Usually, you would let your master show you the way, but he’s being occupied by some business with the Tenryou Commision. No form of communication was available without the police finding out, so you both had to stay out of touch for now.
That being said, you could always ask the traveler for help- it was them that introduced you to such a mechanism, after all. But they’ve got enough on their plate, returning from the Chasm and all that. Plus, they’re planning to go to Sumeru next, and as much as you’d love to go with them, your duty binds you to this archipelago.
You swore it, after all. To die on the same soil that you were given birth into, is one of the many, many oaths you had to swear before being passed on your father’s handguard.
Sometimes, you wonder what it would be like- to travel vast seas and let the world become your home. But you would have to be frail to the point of settling down by then, in order to give up your current life. It was either that, or death.
You shake your sentimental thoughts away. Inazuma is plenty big. 
The clouds turn from its thundery grey into a vast purple. 
You’re not completely aware of the history of Seirai, but from the traveler’s letters, it seemed like a Thunder Manifestation once struck the land with its storms. It lives on the top of a peak, or, at least, its phantom. You have no intention of fighting it. Though the traveler is amazing and exceeds at every turn, they too found the manifestation to be annoying and time-consuming.
If the legendary traveler who split waves to cross Inazuma (maybe this was an exaggeration, but you learned the stories from Teppei, so) found an opponent to be annoying, how would you find it? You don’t want to find out.
The traveler also dealt with the Electro Thunderstorm in both Tataratsuna and on Seirai Island. Bless them. It seemed like they were erasing the burdens the gods from years ago laid. What next, were they going to remove the thunderstorm on Yashiori Island?
You did end up staying at the House with a Wisteria Crest, welcomed by a group of enthusiastic women who were saved from the clutches of a demon by ‘a man who looked just like you, dear, are you his relative?’, your stomach sank but you said nothing.
Maybe the stay was what angered the crow to annoy the hell out of you during this trip.
No, not a maybe. It’s a definite reason.
“Oh Archons above, shut the fuck up already!”
You never liked your crow. You always hesitate in receiving orders from a person who shouldn’t have authority at all.
“We are nearing Seirai Island! Prepare yourselves, for danger looms! Caw!”
You glance at the unnatural landscape. Even from a distance, you see groups of Kairagis and Fatui walking in their own circle. “Yeah, totally didn’t notice that, thanks for the heads-up.” You roll your eyes.
The traveler never mentioned anything about a shrine… was it irrelevant? It seemed like it was, compared to a ruin deep below simmering waters and ‘annoying as hell primarily-colored barriers’. You couldn’t see how the shrine would survive in such hazardous circumstances; hell, you don’t even know if there are any actual residents here- whether by its nature or by demons.
Right, demons. 
“Do you have any more information on this supposedly attacked shrine?” You ask the crow.
It ignores your question with a loud shriek, and you have the thought to choke the bird again.
Yes, you had a very bad temper, but it’s a miracle anyone wouldn’t be living such a life. Perhaps it’s because you’re too young and still have that youthful passion or whatever, but you’d rather burn yourself alive than stay tired and dry.
… Huh. Maybe that was the Pyro vision’s origins.
Anyway, your vision has saved you on numerous occasions, so you have that to thank. Your rebellious streak would have caused you to die ten times over before your slayer path could even begin had it not existed.
The waverider pulls to a slow stop, with the casual waves of the ocean rocking it back and forth towards land.
You glide off the wind current the waverider provides you, and you glance at the sky. The crow is gone again, meaning that your destination is probably not far-off. You probably won’t see it again until your mission is complete.
… Could the maidens guarding the shrine possibly wait for a week or two?
You slap yourself. Hold yourself together. You’re here to save, not to get rid of that pesky bird.
Surprisingly, despite the threatening vast purple cloud that looms over the crackling sky, you don’t see thunder tailing your ass every five seconds. You’re not complaining, of course. This makes exploration much more convenient than Yashiori Island.
“Jesus f-”
You brandish your sword with a wave. God, you’re really not on your A game today-
What the hell?
At your confusion, the detective chuckles. That irriating, stupid chuckle that makes you want to sock him in the face.
“Wha- but how?” You fumble. 
“Hm? Did I make you speechless?” Shikanoin grins from ear to ear. “Well, there are some things in this world that should remain a secret-”
“You got a waverider here, didn’t you.”
It wasn’t a question; it was a statement. Otherwise, how would he have come here? By riding a magical dragon? Please.
Shikanoin shrugs. “Would you believe me if I said I swam my way over?”
“Impossible.” You scoff. “Not with that little body.”
“The smallest are always the most cunning. They will do everything to reach the top.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “Oh, you’re a rat, then? Gonna rat me out to the officials?”
Shikanoin feigned thinking about it. “Hmmm, no. How about I let your bird do all the talking?”
He grabs a rattling cage from behind and- your heart drops as you see your crow going haywire in it.
As much as you find the crow a pain in the ass, it’s your messenger, the loudness to fill in quiet nights. 
Nights without flare, knowing at least one person slipped from your grasp and being victims of the demons, can be quite easy to succumb to without the crow’s annoying jabs.
Plus, while you could replace a crow, you’ve gotten quite attached to yours- even if you remember it as annoying and loud, the crow reflects your own personality- hence you’re also annoying and loud, in other aspects.
“CAW! Absurd! How dare you capture me?!”
Pyro flickers on your fists, but you calm yourself. “What do you want?”
“I want to join your journey.” Shikanoin replies, without elaborating further.
You have half the mind to just steal it from him, but while Shikanoin isn’t a samurai, he can put up a fight. You will never let yourself live it down if your irrationality injured your crow.
“Argh, you little s- fine.” You bite out, a hand gesturing Shikanoin to hand it over, but he merely smiles and waves his index finger.
“Nope, I’m keeping this.” 
As if you would let him go the second you get back your crow. He’s going to get himself killed if he continues running around like a headless chicken. 
“If you want to get killed so badly, I suppose I can’t stop you.” You roll your eyes. 
“I won’t die.” Shikanoin smirks. “I have you after all- my knight in shining armor~”
You whirl around and shoot a glare. This is why you prefer solo missions..“If you keep joking like that I’ll become the dragon that traps you in a tower.”
You ignore his comment and begin to walk.
Honestly, walking around with Shikanoin is just as annoying and you’d expect- only this time, he isn’t a crow that fumes at your retorts. It’s you that keeps ending the jabs with a huff.
You’re an introvert, through and through- just one of those extreme kinds where everything is a nuisance to you.
And yet, you can’t bear to see the world crumble because of your ignorance, so you push on.
“Sooo, where’re you from?”
“Inazuma City.”
“Your parents?”
“Doesn’t concern you.”
“Your occupation?”
“… Really?”
“Archons, you’re so boring to talk to.”
“I’m sorry, did I ask for you to, oh great and noble one?”
Shikanoin pouts, and you find it strangely suiting the brat. “We’re partners now. Speaking of, I don’t even know your name!”
“Again, none of your business.” You snort, your eyes still scanning the area. “It said there was a shrine… what’s that all about?”
At this, Shikanoin perks up. “Shrine? You mean the Asase Shrine?”
“… Yes. It refused to elaborate.”
“Hm? How can a shrine survive in such a deserted environment?”
You shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t think anyone’s been here for years. Except for the traveler, of course.”
Shikanoin squints his eyes, and points. “There’s a Statue of the Seven… we can probably get a wider view up there.”
“… Doesn’t having a Statue of the Seven usually mean it is a sign of having a god’s protection?”
You both share a look. “Probably not. Not with this… mess.”
“Then why…?”
“A sign of sympathy? Or was it originally there, and the storm had appeared only after?”
Thinking about it, you snort. Yeah, right. Sympathy your ass. The Raiden Shogun, preserver of eternity and killed those who defied against her, sympathizing with a product of another god’s death? The two can’t possibly be linked.
Be careful.
There is life everywhere. You don’t wield some super ability to be one with nature- but you don’t remember when this voice has ever crept into your head. 
It has never once harmed you, and aided you on many occasions, especially during the final selection, so you trust it, more than yourself… even though you’re sure relying on this voice too much will one day be your downfall.
Your senses sharpen at the sudden thought. “Be on your guard, detective.” You remind.
Shikanoin was silent, and you turned around to face him. His face has dropped its playful grin. Hmm, good. At least even people like him takes things seriously.
Something is circling this area.
But what?
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constellarations · 3 years
blood is red, but so is my heart
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gorou soulmate au!! secret santa gift for @haliya-mori , i apologize in advance for the lack of quality... ;;
pairing: gorou x gn!reader
warnings: gore, violence (war), implied death, archon story spoilers? (the resistance), mc has a cryo vision, mentions of blood
notes: eifjiejfiejrigjeifjs
soulmate au: when you make eye contact with your soulmate, your vision bursts with color.
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“I-It’s cold…”
“I know.” Gorou’s ears flick, gritting his fanged teeth. But we must keep going. For our freedom. For Her Excellency. His troops are trailing behind him, they trust him, they trust me.
But I do not trust myself. The general looks back, they are shivering, his people are shivering. The world is dull, and the air reeks of carnage. This is war. The war between mortality and immortality, between humans and eternity. I will breach the barrier. He growls. I will breach it, until it no longer exists.
Why must his soldiers suffer the wrath of an archon? The wind carries the scent of rain, and Gorou immediately turns out. His comrades are first — always. No matter what.
“Seek shelter! There is a storm incoming!” Two storms. One made of rain and thunder, the other made of weapons and people.
They scramble. Gorou knows each and every one of their names, their hometowns — if it was not in the Sangonomiya territory. He knows, and he carries their will, their future.
“General Gorou!” One of them, Teppei, exclaims. He is new, it is obvious in his fear-stricken eyes and shaky handling of his spear. “Shall we build a fire?”
The general’s — colored eyes, flicker over to the clouds. They smell earthy, freshly, dangerously.
“Only build a small fire, but put it out after you get warmed up.” He feels his tail swishing slowly. “If it burns for too long, the enemy will be able to see the smoke.”
“Yes, sir!” Teppei salutes, before running back. Gorou sighs, overlooking his men before sitting down, lacing his fingers together as he hunches over.
The grass is… nothing. Gorou has heard that it’s a color called “green”, but he has never seen such a hue. His world is dull. Why would there be vibrancy in war, anyway? The blood of his fallen comrades is the same color as water, he cannot tell the difference, even though he should, he should.
Where are you? He has long given up on looking for his soulmate, at least, after the war started. He doesn’t remember life before the war, he doesn’t want to. Peace will never come for a warrior, only silence. The yells of his soldiers, the clanging of metal, it all resounds in his dreams. An endless timpani drum, a gong to reality.
I want to see color. Gorou has heard from his lucky men that his eyes are a brilliant shade of blue. What is blue? He brushes his hand over the grass. It is nothing, his hand is nothing. He is nothing in the midst of a cyclone.
I want to see you. He wonders what his soulmate is like. Are they nice? They better be — Gorou wouldn’t be able to stand someone who is mean to his men. His ears subconsciously flick, and the hairs on his neck and tail rise.
The storm is here. He feels it. The thunder of the Earth is here, and the thunder of the Shogun is yet to come. I’m sure they’ll attack during the rain. He stands up. That’s just how Kujou Sara is.
“Do not lower your guard!” He announces, hands on his hips. His… ‘blue’ eyes flicker over to the campfire that has been lit. “Warm yourselves up. We have a war to fight!”
“Are you sure this is it?” Asks [Name], who is, playing Tic-Tac-Toe by themselves on the beach’s sand. This is totally anticlimactic! They glance up. Where’s the battling? The excitement?
“I assure you, this is where the map marks.” Their companion, Kaedehara Kazuha, is too used to their antics to say anything. “Stay vigilant, [Name]. We do not know when they will strike.”
“Okay.” [Name] stood up, stretching their arms.
Kazuha took a deep breath. This was the part where [Name] would sa—
“Soo… where’s the battle?”
He closed his eyes, mentally applauding himself. “Soon. This is where the resistance and the Shogun’s army will meet up. We are just here in advance. You should not rush the rotation of the Earth, [Name].”
[Name] sat back down again, continuing their one-man game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
Kazuha, too, has never seen color before. If he did, his haikus would be filled with the descriptions of colors for decades. [Name] shivers. I’m glad he hasn’t, honestly.
The two wanderers were content with not being able to see color. The world was still beautiful, even if it was simply black and white (that’s what Beidou described it as. Lucky captain met her soulmate in Liyue).
“Bummer.” [Name] grins, sparing a glance towards the man before ushering him over to where they sat in the sand.
“Wanna play Tic-Tac-Toe with me?”
The sound of the soggy sand was not very pleasing.
Gorou ran quickly through the barraging thunder, his men following suit. This is where Kazuha should be. His ears twist and turn to their greatest lengths, trying to distinguish something beyond the rain. His vision… his eyes, are of no use to him. They see, but cannot pick up each individual color. Everything is a shape, there is no beauty.
This war is essential. Every battle, every inch of land, it will be accounted for in the factor towards victory or defeat. Her Excellency has a section prepared for this. He opens a small notebook mid-run. Passage 52: Beach Terrain.
Keep a supply of fresh water near. Do not cross the river to meet your enemy, wait for half of their army to get across before launching an attack. Gorou hastily shields the pages with his hand. Water fills every crevice of the world. He manages to squeeze in the last line before closing the book.
The difference between life and death is between freshwater and saltwater sources. Gorou averts his eyes from the ocean. Great. Gorou remembers much of Her Excellency’s writings, but they all seem to leave his mind when in the midst of a battle.
Kazuha. He continues his search, there are people in the distance. It’s the Shogun’s army.
“Prepare to fight!” He yells, his throat no longer hurts, he is running on adrenaline while he is running with his feet. Where is he? Where is the other person he said he’d bring? Every vision counts, every man does too. They all matter to him, anyway.
The world is dull. Gorou takes out his bow, flaring his nose slightly. I must prepare for the scent of blood. He raises his weapon as some of his men charge forward. One eye closes, and he hones in on the distant figures.
This is war. The general subconsciously bares his teeth. They are sharp, but he cannot bite. Today, I might die.
“They have arrived. Prepare your will and your weapon.” Kazuha stands up, unsheathing his sword. [Name] follows, albeit, too lax for the wanderer’s liking.
“Are you going to take out your spear?”
[Name] grins. “Yep.”
Kazuha’s irises flicker to the vision on their neck. It has a cryo emblem screwed onto it, far below the transparent exterior. It’s supposed to be blue. He wonders what color his own vision was.
“Goodbye, Kazuha,” they say, seriously. They are serious — he is, too. This is life or death, one of them may not be returning to this same shore. This Tic-Tac-Toe shore.
“Goodbye, [Name]. See you soon,” he adds. He adds the ‘see you soon’ part in order to reassure his own mind. ‘I will be back’ he tells himself—but will he? He hopes so. This life is far too gorgeous to stop living.
“Of course.” [Name] does a two-fingered salute. They’re smiling, but it doesn’t reach their eyes. The samurai contemplates whether or not he’ll ever be able to see its color.
There are cries, and yells, and screams. Gorou knows these sounds, he’s far too attuned to them for his liking. This is for freedom. He repeats over and over, freedom, freedom. His muscle-memory does everything for him. Arrows are fired, his vision charges. We will win. It is not false hope. It is the truth.
Wisps of wind brush through his ears. Kazuha? There’s also something cold. He hopes that the source is on the resistance’s side, and not the Shogun’s. The smell of blood is back, but he cannot see it. It’s water. It’s water. Blood is not red, like the elderly couples say, blood is nothing.
Everything goes by so slowly yet so quickly. His men writhe in agony, but so do the Shogun’s. Stay alive. Stay alive, he chants to no archon. There is no archon left for him. Stay alive so you too can see color! He notices that boy — Teppei, on the ground. He’s clutching his side, but he’s still putting up a fight with his spear high in the air.
He’s a warrior. They all are. Not anybody can fight in a war, not anybody can keep doing it after one battle. These men are all exceptional. He glances over and notices a stranger. They wield a spear and seem to be freezing some of the Shogunate soldiers. You, who are you?
As if they could sense his stare, they looked back up at him.
Everything exploded. Nothing became everything, his world was no longer dull. The general stumbled back, eyes wide — were they blue?! He darted around anxiously, bow still firing as he aimlessly stared at his enemies.
They wore … uniforms. The uniforms were something — they were no longer nothing. What color was this? He glances up at the sky. He’s heard the sky was blue, but right now, he hopes that blue is not the color of those clouds. They are dull and dark.
The clouds were the color his world was, before he saw them. Who are they? He glances back, they’re gone. Of course. He grits his teeth. This is war.
Stay alive — you! His tail swishes back and forth, his ears flickering back and forth uncontrollably. A growl escapes his throat, and his canines finally bite. It reeks. The Shogunate soldiers are retreating, they do not have Kujou Sara with them today. He curls his fingers. That is probably why they are running.
“General Gorou!” A familiar voice yells. They are all familiar, for they are all his men. The general is too lost in his thoughts, examining each and every one of his soldiers with the widest smile imaginable. His canines are showing, his tail wagging. This is embarrassing. But it is them, these are his troops.
“They have retreated!” His throat still does not hurt. His adrenaline has yet to wear off. “We will stand guard here for a few days before returning to the shrine!”
“Yes, sir!”
“[Name].” Kazuha deadpanned for the nth time today. The said individual was busy admiring themselves in the pond, tracing their finger through their cheeks and lips.
“Kazuha.” [Name] stands up. “What color are my eyes?”
He blinks once, then twice. “Surely you are not asking me such a question?”
“But I am?”
“[Name], I have yet to experience color.” He strikes a ghost of a grin. “Surely you haven’t forgotten life for us lowly ones at the bottom?”
“Hey! I did not!” Their accused expression morphs into a strict one. “I’m just so very… colorful.”
They grinned, and Kazuha resisted the urge to turn around and walk away.
“I know, wasn’t that so funny?”
Gorou wove through the crowds of his soldiers. His eyes were so fixated on the blades of grass, and the speckles of rain. I can see blood. He shivers, red was a ferocious color, but it was devastatingly beautiful.
He remembers their face, and the cryo vision on their neck. [Surname] [Name]. His tail is, regrettably, wagging passionately.
“Gorou.” A wisp of the wind tickles his ear. He turns around, and there is Kazuha. He’s calm, and his clothes are red, but it is not devastating. He is the crimson side of peace, the opposite of blood.
“Kazuha! It’s good to see you!”
The general instantly notices that same person from before, [Name]. It’s [Name], it’s them, the person who brought his dull world color. It’s beautiful. They’re beautiful. He examines them closely. He’s lucky.
“Oh, it’s Mr. Soulmate.” They hold their hand out, and Gorou gazes at it in confusion.
“A handshake. You grab my hand and shake it lightly,” they explain, waiting for his own callused hands to meet theirs.
He nods stiffly, holding his own hand out. I’m sweating— AH! I’M SWEATING!
Gorou quickly wipes his hand on his leg before grabbing onto [Name]’s palm. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Gorou!”
[Name] is many things. Gorou has only known them for a few days, but he knows that, as fate had planned, they are the one.
War is inevitable. The general doesn’t like war, even though his occupation relies on it. He longs for a day where he can simply reside in the countryside with a fishing rod and sunhat, throwing bait into the ocean instead of his arrows.
“Is there a reason why you’ve joined this war?” Gorou glances over to [Name]. Their eyes are pretty. He muses silently, expectantly waiting for their answer.
“No.” [Name] looks away. Gorou wonders why, but they are speaking faster than he can get his words out.
“I wanted an opportunity to go beyond the restraints of my parents,” [Name] pauses, “they’re back in Liyue.”
[Name] stops moving, and Gorou does, too. He freezes, the subconscious wag of his tail when they’re around — also, stops.
“I’m tired.”
He perks up. “Oh! You’re right, we should head back to cam—”
“No.” There’s a bittersweet smile on [Name]’s face, as if they were reminiscing a memory. “I was… tired. I just…” Their expression is fatal to his heart, and he already regrets asking. Don’t force yourself. His throat hurts, but he didn’t even yell that much today.
“I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m kind of lame, so—”
“It’s okay.”
Gorou’s eyes widened at his own response. “I mean, wait, it’s not okay to be burnt out— but like, it’s okay to feel that way and—”
[Name] laughs, and for a second, Gorou wonders if this is his future. The war — one day, it too, will be a memory. And then what? Will he live the rest of his days on Sangonomiya Island? As much as he appreciates Her Excellency, the cakes on this island were not as magnificent as back in Inazuma City.
“Gorou,” [Name] says, and he shuts up. For real, this time. His stomach flutters, and even his ears seem to freeze in order to hear what [Name] has to say.
“Yes?” His voice is meek, and he flushes at the sound of it. I sound totally dumb right now! He hopes [Name] won’t make fun of him for it later.
“Thank you. For everything.”
“[Name].” Gorou is awfully used to saying their name, he finds himself always having it in the back of his throat. His throat, which is now suffering from the repercussions of his robust commands and booming voice.
“Gorou.” [Name] doesn’t look up — they’re too busy doodling a snowman in the sand. It’s a sandman. He suppresses a grin.
“Once the war is over…” He knows he is speaking boldly, and there’s a higher chance that they may not make it out alive than the chance of the war ending, “would you—”
“But you don’t even know what I was going to say?”
“It doesn’t matter.” [Name] still doesn’t tear their eyes from their doodle. “We are bound together. By colors.”
The world was dull. It’s dull, it was — it’s no longer dull, it’s beautiful. They, they are beautiful. But wait—
[Name] no longer waits for him to respond. They know him well enough, so well, that the flick of his ears and the shake of his tail is enough for them to understand. Reds, oranges, pinks… They are gorgeous. Of course, of course they are. He was also… gorgeous. We are bound together.
“We will be okay.”
He nods, his bashful smile turning into a determined grin. Of course. If not, what are we?
It’s warm. He notices. It’s warm, you’re warm. I’m warm. There are butterflies, and they no longer remain in his stomach alone.
“Yeah.” He curls his fingers, the knuckles of his hand turning white. “We will.”
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verxsyon · 3 years
·:*¨༺ ❝ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐗 ❞
@bluexiao​ “thank you.”/ “for what?” / “for being there for me when no one else has.”
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. arataki itto + gorou + yoimiya x gn!reader
✧ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭. headcanon (written) ; 0.7k
✧ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. immortal au ; hurt/comfort, fluff
✧ 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚. kinda hate the title because i got nothing better to put lol, but it’s a reference to the voicelines when you ascend characters to phase six, or in other words, from level 80 to 90. they’re part of the dialogue, which will be italicized. the tag system is still screwed up due to tumblr and ios guidelines, so as always, please reblog! special thanks to @bluexiao for hosting the collab.
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with your kin swept away by the cataclysm, you have no one to rely on other than your wits. the curse of being immortal has you start fresh in the modern world as a citizen of inazuma, living alongside humans and yokai.
throughout your residency in the nation, you’ve encountered many pleasant people and not so pleasant people. out of all of them, there is one who becomes your rock when everyone else before them has passed. when the city is getting ready to sleep, they’re there beside you when you can't, letting your head rest on your shoulder. out of the blue, out of sincerity, you say whatever is in your heart. they’ll reach out for your hand to let you know they're listening.
“thank you.”
“for what?”
“for being there for me when no one else has.”
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𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨. 
immortal x half-immortal
once an oni, always an oni. that’s a farewell from the villagers when they drove him out of his home for an incident he wasn’t involved in, just because of his half-immortal heritage. the streets ridiculed him; he spent so long fending off for himself until he met granny oni. you remind him of his younger self, even the strongest people need support the most.
“this is the cliff that me and the boys go to sing our hearts out to, you know, loosen up,” he says. “if you want, make sure you’re loud and clear so the ocean can hear you. i gotta warn you though, my voice is so amazing that it’ll blow you away.”
“but in all seriousness…” he helps you up on your feet, and you’re able to see the beauty of the world down below — the ocean that is waiting to hear you sing and the unknown ahead. “just because i made it to the top doesn't mean i’m gonna forget all the things you've done for me, okay? i’ve still got your back, anytime, anywhere.”
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immortal x immortal
top dog. the ever-victorious pointy-eared general. those nicknames are what he believed he didn’t deserve. an immortal like yourself, he has lived through and fought in countless wars for centuries to be acquainted with loneliness. most of his best soldiers are gone. that kid teppei, one of his brightest, is gone. he’s never been so afraid.
“out of all the wars i fought in, this war against the shogun scared me the most,” he confesses, squeezing your hand tightly. “i wasn’t ready to face any more casualties after teppei. i wasn’t ready to lose both kazuha and the traveler after almost getting executed by her judgment. and when i thought all hope was lost…”
“… you were there beside me to assure me that it’s not. i should be the one thanking you. to return the favor, i’m always here to listen if you need me.” his face lights up and his tail starts to wag. “with momentum on our side and close camaraderie, we are unstoppable. thank you for your guidance. this is a victory that belongs to the both of us.”
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immortal x mortal
despite being a mortal, she understands the perspective of an immortal through fireworks. mortal lives are fleeting, she had said to the traveler. once launched into the sky, they disappear. whereas for immortal lives, they can keep watching them disappear forever and ever. she knows that she’ll be gone while you continue to live on, but it doesn’t explain her rather cheerful demeanor.
“oh, why am i happy?” she tilts her head to the side. “well, it’s not because i’m about to leave eventually. it’s because you’re here with me. i’m glad to be able to spend this moment with you. whenever i look at my creations, i don’t think of them being a representation of every mortal living here.”
“i think about the enjoyment i had watching them with my pops, my friends, and my special someone. even when i’m gone, you still believe i’m here.” she stands firm and proud, flashing a peace at you. “never fear, yoimiya is here! evil begone! justice prevails! think this is a good way to introduce the powers you've taught me to the children? isn’t it cool? hehe! hey, tell me if anyone picks on you, too. i’ll stick up for you!”
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✧ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬. if your url is in bold, it means i can’t tag you!
@aibiito​ ; @aqualesha​​ ; @blissmal​​ ; @bokutosworld​​ ; @dreamiehrs​​ ; @fadedjae​​ ; @help-wtf-am-i-even-doing​​ ; @lilikags​​ ; @philosopher-of-fandoms​​ ; @shxnosuke​​ ; @sleepyyangyang​​ ; @sucrosia​​ ; @sunfloweritea​​ ; @xriin ; @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst​​
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mirasolis · 3 years
Ehe maybe a Kazuha x GN! Traveller reader where Kazuha accompanies us in our journey since he knows what's it like to be separated from someone so close to you- also because he noticed that even if we reached Inazuma we barely received any help back in return? Can be brainrot, headcanons, a little scenario, it can be anything as long as your comfortable writing it ^^
Ik it's anonymous but ty for reblogging and liking some of my posts 👉👈
Goodluck on future genshin pulls :3
Kazuha x GN! Reader: Together, Freedom Sounds Sweeter
I don't know if you wanted something platonic or romantic, so I opted for something that can be interpreted as both. I made it kinda long, so I hope you like it! :D also thank you for the luck, and good luck to you as well<3
Word Count: 822
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Finding your sibling was a taxing endeavour. All it was to you was day after unrelenting day of adventuring, running around to do commissions, and fighting whatever enemies came your way. The feeling of loneliness echoed in your mind every time you went to sleep, taunting you in your dreams.
You ventured through the lands of Mondstadt and Liyue for leads, but none were there no matter how hard you searched. All that you did find yourself doing was helping the people of the lands with their problems, and what do you get in return? Missing posters. Very helpful.
So you tried your luck in Inazuma, ruled by the God of Eternity. And once again, you had to help the people with their problems, as they were rebelling against their archon for stealing their Visions and closing them off from the rest of the world.
You asked Beidou to haul you across the sea as a favour, and on the way, you introduced yourself to the Inazuman fugitive, Kazuha. On the way to Inazuma aboard the Alcor, you both talked about your adventures. His voice was a tender and pleasant sound to your ears, which let you slow down and enjoy the world around you, even though you were rushing to find your sibling.
Once in Inazuma, you carried out your promises and helped the people. You witnessed firsthand just how brutal this world could be. Your fellow comrade who had not once asked you of anything, Teppei, succumbed to the machinations of the Fatui, and you strived to avenge him.
You get your shot at revenge and being able to convince the archon to change their mind inside the palace of Tenshukaku, challenging La Signora to a duel, and winning. But, Snezhnayan diplomat or not, she dies to the might of the Raiden Shogun, who acknowledges your strength and allows you to leave Tenshukaku alive, and only Tenshukaku. You reach the outer steps of the palace and see Kazuha, General Gorou, and a few resistance soldiers, run up and see you. But they stare in horror when they see the Raiden Shogun appear behind you from her Plane of Euthymia.
With little time to react, you stare down her blade and brace for an impact, when a strong gust of crackling wind rushes past you. Kazuha is in front of you, blocking the blow, and pushing the Shogun back, which leaves you enough time to enter the plane and face the archon with little more than your blade and the ambitions of the people, and win.
After the battle, you decide to take a rest at Watatsumi Island. You're just sitting under a tree while Paimon is napping, when you hear gentle footsteps approach you. You look to your right and see the anemo swordsman himself.
“Hi Kazuha, what’s up?” You greet him kindly.
“May I beg for your indulgence for a minute?” Kazuha asks, and you nod. “Why is it that you are helping so many people, yet you receive very little in return? Surely you must be rewarded for your deeds.”
You open your mouth, hesitant to speak, but you voice your concerns. You trust Kazuha. “Well, it’s about my sibling. I’ve been searching for them all over the place, and I’ve tried asking for help by doing things for others. But even that has proved to do very little to benefit my search. I’m just trying to do my best to find them. It…it gets hard to keep searching sometimes. I really want to see them again, but they are always out of reach.”
Kazuha was solemn and silent. “I see. If I may offer my two cents, let me tell you about my friend, who told me how to brave the lightning’s glow. He wished to face the might of the Musou no Hitotachi on his own, and he had died for it. I'm not angry about that, he knew what was at stake and died honourably. Yet at times, I do miss him dearly. We wandered, and we were free. That was all we ever needed to survive.”
“Really? Well, I do hope you’re not too lonely any longer Kazuha. You are a delight to be around.”
“About that, may I ask to accompany you on your journey? Though I love my homeland, I long to be free and wander like I used to. With a partner like you, I believe that I will experience much more than what I had in the past,” Kazuha suggested.
Your eyes widened in surprise. You never expected to have someone besides Paimon beside you on your journey. “Actually, I think me and Paimon would like that very much.”
Kazuha nodded, and pulled out a leaf to whistle a tune that carried itself all over the island with the wind. What a pleasant sound to hear: the sound of adventures and companionship, and a song that only freedom could bring.
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jardinsdeminuit · 3 years
Genshin Impact Fanfic Masterlist
Genshin is probably the fandom I’m most active in right now, so please check back to this masterlist for updates!
Important notes:
All links are for AO3.
The rating of each fic is given. E (explicit) is for 18+, M (mature) is for 16+ and T (teen) is for 13+.
I am a young adult who writes primarily adult content. As such, a lot of these fics have smut, violence and dark themes. Please only click on E rated fics if you’re 18 or over and read the tags carefully at the start of each fic.
Most of these fics are x Reader (F or GN - each has been marked), but a couple are x Traveller. I’ve put all of these under the same heading to make this list as simple as possible. Any other ships will be in the ‘Multiple Characters’ section. For example, Dainsleif x GN!Reader and Dainsleif x Lumine will both appear under the ‘Dainsleif’ heading, but Dainsleif x Kaeya will appear under ‘Multiple Characters’.
Fics have been organised by region, then character. Longfics (ie. those more than a couple of chapters have their own section.)
I haven’t written word counts for short fics to make this easier to read, but in general, drabbles are less than 1000 words and one-shots are 1000-5000 words.
Please note that this masterlist is for Genshin Impact only. More fics can be found in my Dialovers and Otome/General masterlists.
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Cold Eyes, Cold Hands
Kaeya x Albedo / M / 4/5 chapters
Albedo is kidnapped from his lab in Dragonspine. Kaeya goes to rescue him. It's a simple, foolproof plan. That is until Kaeya gets captured, too.
Everything to Lose
Dainsleif x Kaeya / M / 7/20 chapters
Kaeya and Dainsleif search for Gold’s dagger to prevent the fall of Khaenri’ah.
In These Hands (You Will Break)
Scaramouche x Mona / E / 11/15 chapters
Mona arrives in Inazuma and has to make a choice: become a Harbinger’s pet, or lose everything she’s been working towards.
Under a Grey Banner [On hiatus]
Kaeya x OC / M / 2/20 chapters
Ilse is drawn into a Treasure Hoarder plot after she sets out to rescue a kidnapped Kaeya.
Blood on Snow (Dark Genshin Fairytales 1)
Childe x Lumine / E / 3 chapters / Little Red Riding Hood AU
Ajax stalks a red-hooded girl through the forest. Little does he know she is far from the clueless prey he was expecting.
The Bamboo Cutter and His Firefly (Dark Genshin Fairytales 2)
Thoma x Lumine / M / 2/5 chapters / Kaguya-Hime AU
When Thoma finds a tiny woman in the stalk of a bamboo plant, he has no idea what to do except take her home and keep her for himself.
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Chemical Theory (Albedo x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
Equivalent Exchange (Albedo x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
Kaeya Alberich
Prince of Ruin (Villain!Kaeya x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
Stupid Games (Kaeya x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
To Catch a Thief (Kaeya x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
A Voice of Reason (Kaeya x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
Lisa Minci
“Is that blood?” (Lisa x GN!Reader / T / drabble)
Diluc Ragnvindr
Jealousy (Diluc x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
Reassurance (Diluc x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
“Wake up!” (Diluc x GN!Reader / M / one-shot)
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In a Snowless Land (Childe x Lumine / M / one-shot)
Pinned (Childe x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
“Are you flirting with me?” (Childe x GN!Reader / T / drabble)
Top of the World (Xiao & Lumine / T / one-shot)
Silken Tea (Zhongli x F!Reader / M / one-shot)
“Can we stay like this forever?” (Zhongli x GN!Reader / T / drabble)
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Arataki Itto
Master (Arataki Itto x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
Break (Scaramouche x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
A Toast to Ambition (Teppei x F!Reader / M / one-shot)
On His Knees (Thoma x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
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And the Abyss Stares Back (Dainsleif x Lumine / M / 2/3 chapters)
Captured (Dainsleif x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
Summer’s End (Dainsleif x Lumine / T / one-shot)
These Lonely Years (Dainsleif x F!Reader / E / one-shot)
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Multiple Characters
A Golden Memory (Kaeya x Albedo / E / one-shot)
A Reluctant Engagement (Arataki Itto & Kujou Sara / T / one-shot)
Like Dust Through Desperate Fingers (Azhdaha | Retuo Longwang x Zhongli | Morax / E / one-shot)
Sinners (Dainsleif & Gold / T / one-shot)
What Writhes Below (Childe x Mona / E / one-shot)
126 notes · View notes
cuddlyreaper · 3 years
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Entry 11: Day 22 Kiyoshi Teppei x GN! Reader KNB x Reader
“Okay I know you told me your grandmother wanted to get me something...”
You wrapped your arms around you closer to keep yourself warm while you kept the door open for Kiyoshi.
He rubbed the back of his neck, an embarrassed blush on his cheeks as he moved the two, quite big, bags into your entry way.
“She just means well.”
“Oh I know,” you said with a soft smile. His grandparents had been lovely from the start but when it became obvious that your relationship with Kiyoshi was more serious, they’d been absolute sweethearts, loving you as their own.
“Tell them I’m very grateful, okay?”
“Of course”
“And that nothing will stop me from helping them with the Christmas dinner”
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pairing: teppei x traveler gn reader
req: no but we all wanted it | wc: 766 | cw: angst, inazuma act 3 spoilers
a/n: look at this post
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“Hey, Teppei.”
You sit cross legged in front of his grave.
You haven’t been able to visit him yet; what with fighting Signora and the Raiden Shogun and generally helping Inazuma City recuperate from the vision hunt decree and the strict rules that came with it.
You didn’t like the fact it took you so long to be here, but it was to be better late than never.
“I’ve done so many things since you left us,” since he left the Herring I unit, General Gorou, Kokomi, and the general army of Watatsumi Island. “and, well, me.” You laugh bitterly, “That sounds so selfish of me. If… if you were here, you would tell me that it isn’t. Well, I should tell you what happened afterwards.”
“I went to the delusion factory to avenge you and… I’m sorry to say this, but I didn’t shut it down completely. That damn harbinger, Balladeer.” Scaramouche. You would take your revenge one day.
“Then I met the Raiden Shogun’s servant. I should tell you of the other servants of the archons I’ve met, Dvalin and Azhdaha. Actually, that’s a story for another day. The servant was Guuji Yae! Can you believe that?” The lack of response brings a pan of pain to your heart, as if you hadn’t registered his parting yet. “She taught me how to defeat the Shogun.”
“Then, I met Kujou Sara. As much as you hated her, and as much as I also did before getting to know her, she’s actually a good person.” You wonder how he would react to that. How shocked would he be? Would he refuse to accept it? “Turns out the Fatui were in cahoots with the Tenryou Commission. The damn head of the Kujou clan thought he was stronger than the Fatui. He was impeding the Shogun from getting real reports of all the lives lost at war. Then, Sara stormed Tenshukaku to tell the Shogun of the real events of war.”
“That’s when I met Signora, another harbinger.” A shudder crawls down your spine as you remember her execution by the Shogun and that immense feeling of lightning and thunder you felt when you walked outside of the Tenshukaku. “I was still so mad at what she’s done. She took the Anemo Archon’s gnosis right in front of my helpless eyes and she was surely a part of the delusion manufacturing. So, I challenged her to a battle before the throne.”
“I won.” You laugh, knowing for sure how Teppei would react. He would declare that if he beat you, then that means by correlation that he defeated Signora. And then if he knew you defeated Tartaglia as well, he would brag about that too.
“The Raiden Shogun, as a prize for winning, let me leave the Tenshukaku in one piece. However, as soon as I stepped one foot out of the place, she came behind me to strike. Unhonorable, am I right?” You know he would agree to that. “You remember Kazuha, don’t you? And Tomo too? Well, Tomo’s ambition was to be able to withstand the Raiden Shogun’s most powerful attack. Kazuha was actually able to do it, thanks to Tomo’s vision which reignited when they both shared that same ambition. He… he saved my life.”
“Though, I knew the army wouldn’t be able to withstand the Shogun’s next few attacks, so I fought against her myself, just like how I told you I did the first time.” You recall the powerful feeling of all the visions embedded in the statue of the Omnipresent God and their ambitions. “I could… I could feel your ambition fighting with me as I faced her. And guess what, Teppei? I won.”
As you move to stretch your arms, you remember the things you brought for him. “Here, a Herring I Captain’s uniform.” The neatly folded uniform is, for a lack of better words, hard to look at. It reminds you of broken opportunities, now that he’s not here to take the mantle of captain.
“I brought daffodils.” You place the bouquet atop his grave, “I’m… going to be leaving Inazuma. I’m going to Sumeru next. I’m still looking for a way to bring my brother home but… I promise I’ll come back.”
Tears begin to well up in your eyes. You hate it. He wouldn’t want you to be crying over him. If he were here, he would cup your cheeks and… wipe the tears from your face, whisper reassurances in your ears and kiss the top of your head. But he wasn’t here.
“I’ll come back for you.”
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Daffodils, for this fic, represent new beginnings and unrequited love. The traveler's love for Teppei has been unrequited since his death, and their journey starts/begins again when they get to Sumeru.
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mhynvxii · 3 years
Hey ! I’m gonna update this post from time to time from now on to reassures everyone who sent something in my ask box and waiting for their request !
If in the 24hr or 2 days you don’t see your request here : I probably didn’t receive it because I deny request I don’t want to do.
Last updated : 27/03/2022/ 03:21
Edit n3 : I was to lazy to update this in the delay and I may admit I was confused with some request but it’s okay now.
Edit n•4 : Edit n3 is still valid.
Request in drafts :
GOM+ Kuroko and Kagami x male reader fic. « Departure and Reunion. »
GOM+Kuroko, Kasamatsu and Hyuuga being locked up with their crush in a school room for a night and caught hugging them in the morning.
GOM + Kuroko, Kagami and Momoi flirting with you at the night club when they’re hanging out all together.
Momoi Satsuki analysis
Everything with 💙 is what I am very likely to work on soon.
Bunch of smut ideas, I’m ashamed.
Useless opinions of mine and ramblings.
💙 Personnal presentation
Kise x fem!reader one shot : « Gender envy. »
💙 Akashi, Aomine, Kise and Nash being a part of a mediatic scandal fall in love for their lawyer.
💙 Aomine, Kise, Kagami and Kasamatsu sleeping in your embrace before practice.
💙 GOM+ Kuroko, Kagami and Momoi morning headcanons.
Aomine, Kise, Murasakibara, Teppei and Kagami with a black!fem reader with insecurities.
Haizaki introduction to black culture headcanons.
University headcanons and NBA career headcanons GOM+Kagami.
💙 Murasakibara, Himuro, Aomine, Midorima and Kise having a gamer! girlfriend.
💙 Yandere general headcanons : GOM+ Momoi, Kuroko, Kagami and Himuro.
What’s in my inbox :
GOM x fem! INTP reader with an abusive dad. ( I’m hesitant to separate the ask in two : making general headcanons about them dating an INTP and another scenario about the abusive dad.)
GOM + Imayoshi, Haizaki and Kagami with a gn! s/o who knows martial art but is a big softie.
Kagami, Teppei and Murasakibara with an agender s/o.
Akashi being low-key jealous and deceived of his s/o imodeling with Kise hanging out with him too much.
GOM accidentally hurting you when playing basketball.
Kikuro headcannons.
Teppei, Hyuga, Kagami and Murasakibara with a gender neutral s/o who has heart palpitations when anxious.
Akashi seeing his s/o getting a confession from a senpai.
Seirin trivia headcannons
Momoi and Aomine friendship and how it will end.
New additions :
Murasakibara, Teppei, Hyuga and Kagami with a s/o who has heart palpitations when anxious.
GOM hurting their girlfriend when playing on accident.
Midorima, Kise and Aomine walking on their girlfriend changing on accident.
Akashi ANGST x reader proposing to a reader already in a relationship with Kagami.
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lamnwar · 2 years
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All NSFW work has been properly labelled as mature content in accordance to Tumblr's community guidelines; I'll still specify for minors not to interact (MDNI 18+). All NSFW work is done with aged-up characters (even when not explicitly specified). ALSO please read the warnings before proceeding thank you :)
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THE KNB CHARACTERS’ GO TO DRINK // (an alcoholic’s) headcanons
Part 1 | Part 2
A SOAPY STORY // KNB Headcanons
WISER (OR NOT) // KNB Headcanons
わからない - 我不知道 // KNB Headcanons
SHE'S A PRINCESS // KNB Headcanons
GOM + Kagami AS GIRLS // KNB Headcanons
HOLD ME FOREVER // Aomine Headcanons
THE BEST BOY // Aomine Headcanons
THE BEST BOY // Kise Ryōta Headcanons
TALL AND GORGEOUS // Imayoshi Shouichi Edition
YOU KNOW I'M BIG // KNB Headcanons
LOVE 'EM LIKE THAT // KNB Headcanons
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I Can't Remember // KNB Characters x gn! Reader
Stargazing // Aomine Daiki x Reader
Fine Line // Aomine Daiki x Reader
We’re just hanging // Aomine Daiki x Reader
Flowers // Aomine Daiki x Reader
It's you, dummy // Aomine Daiki x Fem! Reader
Sunkissed // Midorima Shintarō x Fem! Reader
Clueless Little You // Akashi Seijurō x Fem! Reader
Curious Thing // Akashi Seijurō x gn! Reader
Always There For You // Akashi Seijurō x gn! Reader
Loss and Win // Murasakibara Atsushi x Fem! Reader
Summer Rains // Kiyoshi Teppei x Fem! Reader
Forever? // Kiyoshi Teppei x Reader
It just makes sense // Kagami Taiga x Reader
Doubts // Kagami Taiga x Fem! Reader
When Our Spring Comes // Nijimura Shuzo x fem! Reader
Dragon Girl // Aomine Daiki x Fem! Reader
Look at You // Aomine Daiki x Fem! Reader
Liquor Kiss // Aomine Daiki x Fem! Reader
Surprises // Kise Ryōta x Fem! Reader
Like my hair, sweets? // Kise Ryōta x Fem! Reader
You’re Something // Midorima Shintarō x Fem! Reader
Two steps ahead // Akashi Seijurō x Fem! Reader
Never Again // Akashi Seijurō x Fem! Reader
Surreal // Akashi Seijurō x Fem! Reader
You're My First // Akashi Seijurō x Fem! Reader
Speak Up // Murasakibara Atsushi x Fem! Reader
Thursday Nights // Kiyoshi Teppei x Fem! Reader
Up to Expectations // Hyuga Junpei x Fem! Reader x Kiyoshi Teppei
Till The Rain Stops // Kagami Taiga x Fem! Reader
Coach Harasawa
Come here, old man ♡ // Harasawa Katsunori x Fem! Reader
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Friendly neighbour-ly activities // KNB scenario
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Putting oil in Murasakibara’s hair
Barman! Aomine
Kissing Kiyoshi at the club
Ryōta is your sun <3
The 3 things Taiga loves!
Asking Kagami for a dog (goes wrong)
Teppei Kiyoshi's happiness
Flustered and horny! Midorima
Birthday boy! Akashi
Aomine's first time seeing tits!
Baby making with husband! Kiyoshi <3
Aomine vs. Your blue silk robe
630 notes · View notes
verxsyon · 3 years
@yanbub​  gorou picking you flowers a small gift bc he got busy with the resistance and he had to cancel in on your date, you know that he’s busy so you were okay with it but you felt bad that he had to go through the efforts of picking you flowers just to make it up for you. bonus i imagine a relationship with gorou would be those awkward anime couples HAHA. he'd also nervously scratch his head while thinking of a way to apologize to you but you just pull him for a small kiss on the cheek wwwdhsjdjxjxjdkskdkdk he’s so cute i love it.
@fadedjae​ gorou teaching you how to use a bow bc you wanted to help in the resistance 🥺.
@pastelsicheng​ gorou and his fox ears hmmm what if he likes getting ear scratches? fluff where ur just chilling and u scratch behind his ear and he loves it.
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. gorou x gn!reader
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. drabble ; 0.4k
✧ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. established relationship au ; fluff
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Gorou tries to compensate for the cancelation of the date with flowers, but they become wilted by the time he arrives at your tent.
Being the second-in-command of a movement bears the responsibility to take charge of the military front and rebel against the opposing side. As Her Excellency is rarely present around her soldiers due to her duties at another island, Gorou spends most of his time training new recruits and defending the fort. A medic such as yourself understands that the future of Inazuma is at stake, so you don’t mind when the both of you are unable to make time for leisure.
“Dendrobriums?” you chuckle at his choice of flowers and not at their current state, which makes sense given that they are mostly grown near the front lines. “Thank you, though. I can place them on the graves if I come across one.”
“Oh, of course…” Gorou becomes embarrassed at the fact that his gift is meant for the dead. You feel bad that he has to go through the efforts of picking them just to make it up to you.
“Come here, honey.” You coax your boyfriend to come closer so you can pull him for a kiss on the cheek and scratch behind his ears. Off the battlefield, he tries to maintain his persona as the general of the Resistance but ultimately fails since his tail wags every time he sees you and when you are being affectionate towards him. “Good work out there. Are you hurt anywhere?”
Gorou takes your hand and puts it on the left side of his chest. “My heart hurts because your touches aren’t enough to make it beat as fast as it should.”
“You’re so cheesy.” You burst into laughter. Hopefully Teppei and the others didn’t hear you, or else the situation would be very awkward. “I know a way for you to compensate me.”
“Oh? What is it?”
You stare at his weapon lying beside him. “I want you to teach me how to use the bow.”
Both his ears and tail straighten in surprise. “You want to fight in the front lines? I’m not against it, but—”
“Just for self-defense,” you clarify. “I’m aware that I’m needed here to tend to the wounded. In case the Shogunate invades the fort, I’ll be here to shoot them down.”
You note that Gorou cannot contain his happiness because his tail is wagging as fast as the wings of Cincins. “I’m honored to be your teacher.”
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✧ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬. if your url is in bold, it means i can’t tag you!
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