#terminale date
terminale-mobile · 6 months
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nullsleepy · 2 months
“A hundred? One thousand? A million? How many lives will it take for Marinette to go insane? Personally, she thinks she officially went insane during her 35th time, but she’s still kicking!
But wait… something is different this time? After this many times reliving the past, Marinette is certain this wasn’t supposed to happen. No. She’s certain of it. Who are-?”
Chapter 1: Greeeeeeen
“ADRIEN!” A hoarse, painful scream rang out as the boy turned to her, giving the small girl a bitter smile. His eyes shared a feeling of hopelessness with the girl as he stepped back, right into a ravine of complete and utter darkness. Tears streamed down the girl’s face as she watched her world, in shades of black and white, disappear.
“This is your loss, Ladybug.” The ear screeching, headache inducing voice taunted her from behind as she crawled forward to the ravine, reaching her hand out to nothing. “But you know that, don’t you?”
She didn’t respond, crying her voice out to the darkness, unable to do anything but hope it was all a dream- a nightmare beyond any nightmare she ever had.
“It’s a pity, but this is goodbye.” A small weight found itself on her back, pushing her closer to the ravine. She couldn’t find it in herself to resist.
“Adrien…” She mumbled one last time as she clutched her chest, the weight kicking her over the edge and into the ravine- into the darkness. Tears and blood flew off her face as she felt nothing, once again.
Once again.
Marinette’s eyes fluttered open as her hand shot out to turn off her phone. A groan escaped her lips as she checked the date, one she knew very well.
September 2, 2045
The date burned itself into her eyes, taunting her. Her least favorite day of this year, her reset day. The day school started, the day she met Adrien and Alya, and the day it all began. Her senior year. The terminale.
Marinette shrugged out of bed, grabbing some nearby clothes and found her way to the bathroom. She let out a sigh as she stared at herself in the mirror, noticing her bright, freckled skin that stood without many blemishes, her blue eyes that sang stories of innocence, and her forever unchanging height of 5'4. Perfect.
Her hand stung as she put it under the burning water of the shower, but she bit back the pain and headed into the bath. She watched her porcelain skin turn red and angry as she stood underneath the shower head. She barely had it in herself to wash her hair and body before slugging out of the shower. She collapsed onto the ground, hugging herself as her skin screamed in pain.
“Are you alright, Marinette?” Her mother’s sweet voice rang into the room as Marinette cried. They would go to doctors, therapists, and hospitals to find out what’s wrong with her. None of them would give the right answer.
“Are you alright, Marinette?” Her mother’s sweet voice rang into the room after giving a small knock on the door.
“Just fine, maman!” Marinette responded, voice just as sweet and kind as it was any other day. Her mother could feel the smile in the girl’s voice.
“Alright then, dear. Check on your papa for me before you head out. He has a surprise for you!” Marinette listened to her mom’s footsteps leave before hesitantly standing up, tugging on her clothes. The red had begun to fade from her skin as she stood there, looking in the mirror.
A small bluenette stood in the mirror in front of her, wearing a short sleeved, stylish white top underneath a pink dress with a built-in apron and bow. She put on some plain stalkings before putting her hair in its signature pigtails. She then grabbed a small locket and slid it over her head. She gave the image a small smile before dropping all emotion from her face.
Why was this all so hard? Why did she have to do this all again? Marinette leaned against the door, just breathing as she pondered her difficult life- lives. All of her miserable, unfortunate lives.
Her hand reached for the doorknob as she began to hear commotion in the bakery below, signaling its life. She forced on a smile before leaving the bathroom and heading downstairs.
“Papa!” Marinette grinned as she saw her father kneading some dough, before he turned towards her and wrapped her in a hug.
“No, I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She just- she woke up and hasn’t moved since. Please, save my daughter.”
“Marinette!” Tom picked her up, twirling her around. “How’s my big girl today? It’s your final year! Aren’t you excited?”
“As ever! But maman said you have a surprise for me?” One for me to squish when I save an old man.
“Of course, of course! Here you go, dear. Make some new friends, you hear me?” He smiled at her as he gave her a box of macarons before going to wash his hands. “Make me proud!”
“Of course, Papa! Love you both!” Marinette raced out of the bakery, before stopping, looking around her. She quickly found Fu and pushed him out of the way of a moving car.
“Oh gosh! I’m sorry- but you were about to be run over!” Marinette helped the man up, looking at him with concerned eyes.
“It’s fine, young lady. Thank you.” He gave her a small smile before disappearing in the crowd, but not before Marinette felt a weight be added to her bag. Kwami secured.
Marinette quickly checked her phone, 8:26 on the dot. 4 minutes to get to school, just like every other time. Marinette stuffed her phone back into her bag, making her way across the street and up the stairs leading to her school.
“I’m late, I’m late- oh Kwami I’m late!” Marinette made sure the people around her heard her cries as she made her way to the classroom.
“I’m sorry Miss Bustier! There was a-” Marinette was bent over, catching her breath as she looked up and noticed she wasn’t there. But she was always there?
Suddenly, Marinette’s expression fell as she looked around the room, not seeing her teacher among the groups of students. Her eyes landed back on the door as suddenly-
Blue met Green.
Notes: IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEA FOR LITERALLY ANY BIT OF THIS FIC, PLEASEEEEEE TELL ME! I WROTE IT OUT OF BOREDOM AND NOW IT EXISTS! 😭😭😭 But seriously, any ideas or comments are appreciated. Thank you!
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theoriedelesthetique · 3 months
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NOM : Jung Juno. -  DATE DE NAISSANCE :  1er juillet.  - SURNOM : Junnie.  -ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : Hétérosexuel.   - MBTI : entj.  - ALIGNMENT :  lawful evil.  - LOCALISATION :  Né à Seongnam, vit à Séoul.  - HOBBIES : Juno est un grand amoureux des soirées, et du plaisir qui vient avec. Il aime énormément jouer aux échecs avec sa sœur.  - PEURS :  Juno est tellement traumatisé de sa relation avec Lalie qu’il est terrifié à l’idée de tomber amoureux à nouveau.  
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La famille Jung, à Seongnam, est présente depuis la création de la ville. Quand le marché du textile s’ouvre, les Jung se font une place - et aujourd’hui, le patriarche est à la tête d’une des familles les plus influentes de la ville. Pour autant, c’est une famille respectée, aimée, mais bien trop occupée. Juno naît dans ce cadre, deuxième enfant de la famille, après sa grande sœur Poppy. Parce qu’ils sont très occupés, Juno ne voit que très peu ses parents, plus souvent ses précepteurs, et souvent, il se demande si ses parents savent au moins comment il s’appelle. Très tôt, donc, le monde de Juno tourne autour de Poppy. Ils savent qu’ils n’ont qu’eux, dans cette grande maison vide d’affection de toute façon. Pour autant, Juno, depuis tout petit, est élevé comme le prince de la famille, le futur héritier. Mais le garçon n’en veut pas, de l’entreprise de sa famille. Cette envie de rébellion grandit quand Juno rencontre Chin-Hae, au parc de la ville, alors qu’il a six ans. Parfois, Juno est envieux de son ami, parce qu’il a davantage de liberté. Il n’est pas scruté dans tous les sens, sous tous les angles. Si Juno et Poppy apprennent à se fondre dans les exigences de leurs parents, aux côtés de Chin-Hae, ils apprennent aussi à connaître le goût de la liberté.
A l’école, Juno est un élève plutôt bon, sans trop se fouler. Malgré lui, il apprend rapidement que lorsqu’on possède son nom de famille, tout lui est servi sur un plateau d’argent, sans avoir à se forcer. Grandissant, la relation entre Juno et Poppy se renforce toujours. Juno a Poppy, Poppy a Juno, et tout se présente merveilleusement bien. Jusqu’aux quatorze ans de Juno. C’est un repas de famille ordinaire, et les parents Jung balancent à table, ouvertement, qu’ils n’ont jamais eu l’idée de laisser Poppy leur succéder. C’est Juno, qui reprendra l’entreprise. Et ça, ça met en colère le garçon. Il sait pourquoi c’est lui plutôt que sa sœur. Parce que c’est un garçon, parce que leurs parents ont une façon de penser très conservatrice, et que Poppy n’a, selon eux, pas autant le droit d’exister que lui. C’est la première des disputes avec ses parents, entre cris de colère, et assiettes brisées sur le carrelage marbré de la salle à manger. Poppy met fin à la dispute, en prétextant que ça n’est pas grave - mais Juno a dû la serrer dans ses bras, toute la nuit, quand elle pleurait.
Juno n’est pas très fort pour aimer les autres, mais il donnerait tout pour Poppy. Il le comprend, quand elle lui explique qu’elle est terrifiée, parce qu’elle aime les femmes, mais l’absence manifeste de tolérance de ses parents l’empêchent de pouvoir l’admettre. Alors, Juno a le plan de l’année, qui fera grincer les dents de Chin-Hae. Les copines de Poppy, il prétexte que c’est les siennes. Il a seize ans, Juno, et se crée déjà une triste réputation de tombeur, alors qu’il se contente de couvrir Poppy. ça dure un an. Tout le lycée, maintenant, sait qui est Juno, au-delà de son nom, mais par sa réputation, et ça commence à l’embêter. Parce qu’il y a Lalie, et Juno, putain, il est stupidement amoureux de Lalie. Pour elle, il donnerait tout, et il le fait pendant un an. Un an entier où il ne se consacre qu’à elle, cesse de couvrir sa sœur, parce que tout son monde ne tourne qu’autour de Lalie. Alors ça fait putain de mal, quand Juno la voit littéralement le tromper devant tout le monde, à une des soirées de fin d’année, lors de leur terminale. Il perd son sang-froid, la confronte, mais Lalie rigole. Comme les autres, elle connaît la réputation de Juno : à ses yeux, ils n’étaient pas vraiment ensemble. Juno n’était qu’un très bon coup, avec un merveilleux compte en banque.
Juste comme ça, le monde de Juno s’effondre. Le garçon avait imaginé un avenir avec Lalie, loin de l’entreprise familiale, loin de ce qu’on lui impose. La chute est donc douloureuse. Humilié, blessé, Juno se promet de ne plus jamais se laisser tomber amoureux. Il en a terminé de l’amour, et il se referme sur lui, coupant momentanément les ponts avec Chin-Hae et Poppy, qui s’inquiètent pour lui. Les parents de Juno voient bien qu’il déraille complètement, et ils lui proposent alors un marché. Une année tranquille, où il fait ce qu’il veut, mais à la rentrée d’après, il doit reprendre ses études, pour pouvoir s’engager à reprendre la direction de l’entreprise après. Tout ce que Juno voit, c’est la possibilité d’une liberté, et il accepte presque immédiatement. Cette année sabbatique aurait pu lui faire du bien, si elle ne lui avait pas servi à se forger sa nouvelle personnalité. Il est dur, enchaîne les filles pour de vrai, cette fois, à Seongnam ou ailleurs, parce qu’il est difficile de savoir où se trouve Juno, durant cette année. Il y a un endroit, cependant, où Juno s’est retrouvé plus souvent qu’il l’aurait aimé, et c’est dans les draps de Lalie. Malgré la douleur et la trahison, Juno est sous son emprise, parce que Lalie lui fait régulièrement miroiter une relation, avant de lui rire au nez de nouveau. Juno, bon toutou qu’il est, continue de revenir vers elle. Il se transforme, peu à peu, en un connard acerbe, déçu de tout et qui n’attache que très peu d’intérêt à ce qui l’entoure. Et quand l’année sabbatique touche à sa fin, c’est naturel pour lui de suivre sa sœur et son meilleur ami, déjà installés à Séoul. 
Il s’installe avec Chin-Hae, rejoint la filière de commerce exigée par son père, et on pourrait s'imaginer que tout rentre dans l’ordre. Mais Juno est ressorti plus blessé qu’il ne l’imaginait - il continue d’enchaîner les soirées, et puis les filles aussi, pour se sortir Lalie de la tête. Pour autant, tout connard qu’il est, Juno ne promet pas monts et merveilles aux filles qui viennent le voir. Il sait très bien qu’il ne peut pas accorder sa confiance, pas véritablement, et que les corps qui s’enchaînent dans son lit ne sont là que pour la somme d’argent qu’il représente. A force d’être l’héritier, à force d’être le séducteur, Juno ne sait plus qui il est, de toute façon. Au moins, il a les garçons, se liant d’amitié avec Eujin et Haoyu, les nouveaux amis de Chin-Hae. Juno est drastiquement différent, avec eux, parce qu’il est le même qu’il était, enfant, aux côtés de son meilleur ami. 
Et puis, Sadie. Ça part d’une affaire idiote, quand Juno doit la séduire pour aider un étudiant à sortir avec sa sœur. Alors, Juno, bien que forcé, joue la comédie. C’est les faux sourires, les faux rendez-vous. Mais ça sera les vrais sentiments, quand Juno découvre à quel point le sens de l’humour de l’univers peut être salé, en choisissant de le faire tomber amoureux de Sadie. 
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Juno est d’un naturel charmeur, et il est extrêmement poli en société. Il est connu pour être très rationnel. Juno est particulièrement protecteur, notamment avec sa sœur. Il est pourtant très pragmatique, bien qu’il soit plein de ressources, et qu’il se suffise à lui-même. Juno est connu pour avoir des mœurs légères, et c’est un fauteur de troubles, qui fait preuve régulièrement d’une grande impulsivité.
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trivia; 001. Juno prenant souvent des décisions impulsives, il a pris l’habitude de laisser son téléphone à Eujin en soirée, pour éviter d’envoyer des messages à Lalie. Cependant en cours, il a toujours son téléphone sur la table, pour envoyer des messages à Sadie. 002. Ayant rejoint sa sœur à Séoul, Juno habite désormais avec Chin-Hae. Il passe cependant plus de temps avec lui en-dehors de la colocation que dans l’appartement. 003. Juno est secrètement passionné de musique, mais c’est un centre d’intérêt qu’il a du mal à partager avec les autres. 004. Juno n’accorde que très peu d’intérêt à ses études : il sait bien qu’il est là pour la forme, et que son avenir est déjà tout tracé au sein de l’entreprise de son père.
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riuterlabs · 5 months
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(English follows Spanish)
NOMBRE: Katherine Gamoux / Santa Katarina del Tiempo y su Eterna Gracia ESPECIE: Plasmoide. SUBESPECIE: Hidráulica Tipo 1. MATERIAL: Agua FORMA DE VIDA: Yulva Maltarum. NÚCLEO: Tiempo INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL: ~Date~ 9:41 del 4º de Yul del 171 del 6º eón. ~&Date~
~Comm~ _¡Así que al final fuiste a ver a Kat!_ Sí. _¿Y qué te pareció?_ Curiosamente ya la conocía. No con ese nombre, pero ya la conocía. _OH_ _¿Te acompañó en tus viajes o algo?_ Sí, se podría decir que sí. _¿Con el tío Dairam?_ También, sí. Digamos que siempre estaba ahí, vigilando. £Como estoy haciendo ahora mismo£ _AH_ £Hola, Meg, recuerda£ £Yo siempre he estado aquí£ Tú y tu cronomancia ominosa, como siempre. _NO NOS PEGUES ESOS SUSTOS_ Pues eso, Meg, que fui a verla. _¿Y qué te dijo?_ Pues me dijo… ~&Comm~
~Desc~ Inicio del registro de formas de Vida maleables apartado 1 subapartado 1 sujeto 6.
Saludos, aquí la Doctora Yulva Maltarum. Cuando mi preciada hijita Meg me dijo que debería ir a ver a las actuales líderes maleables, al principio intenté darle poca importancia, digamos que no me gustan las labores diplomáticas inherentes a mi estatus como entidad cósmica reguladora de esta galaxia y parte de la vecina (Entidad cósmica, que no Diosa, ya sabéis como me pongo cuando la gente comete la desfachatez de llamarme de esa forma, es insultante), y cuando me es imposible evitarlo, suelo delegar en otras personas, mis múltiples hijas (Ya sean las tres biológicas o las millones metafóricas). Sin embargo, esta vez no pude escaparme de mis obligaciones, por lo que decidí empezar una ronda de grandes líderes, al menos las más cercanas.
Lógicamente, decidí empezar por la facción y el país más afines y cercanos a mi persona, Las Plasmoides tipo 1 de las Hermanas de Santa Megu-Lena (Perdón, la costumbre), cuya sede principal está en Placer de MaiYahn, la capital del país del Lecho de la Santa. Pero claro, viendo que estoy casada con su consejera política más importante y que mi hija es literalmente LA PRINCIPAL FIGURA SIMB��LICA DE SU TEOCRACIA, igual tenía la falsa impresión de que esta facción ya estaba cubierta, pero, oh, sorpresa, me equivocaba (Por supuesto que me equivocaba, si no no estarían leyendo esto, Yul, es que tú también). Resulta que justo me faltaba conocer a la que actualmente es la mayor figura de poder político de las Hermanas, una espía infiltrada en la inspección y la anterior Madre Superiora, título que perdió al ascender, después de una votación casi unánime en la que participaron las principales hermanas y santas, al puesto de Santa.
Pero dejémonos de preliminares y hablemos de quien importa ahora mismo, Katherine Gamoux. Nacida en la ciudad de Placer, en el seno de una de las múltiples familias de migrantes de la Hegemonía, Katherine nació siendo una humana normal y corriente, ya que su madre estaba embarazada de ella justo al inmigrar, pero no tardó mucho tiempo hasta contagiarse a la tierna edad de 12 años. Tras contagiarse, decidió ingresar en el convento de Santa Lena y estudiar las vías de los núcleos de la tierra y el vacío, cosa que definitivamente pudo hacer. Sin embargo, ella no se conformaba con estar encerrada, (Normal, como todas las hermanas) decidiendo así ingresar en el grupo de espías propio de la congregación, Los Ojos de Mai-Yahn, empezando así sus andadas en el arte del subterfugio y la infiltración.
Tras unos años en los que no pudo hacer más encargos que meterse en algunas cafeterías de la frontera para escuchar a los inspectores hartos de trabajar, se embarcó en su primera misión importante, un ataque a una de las dos centrales nucleares de Libertas, en la que se estaba explotando el poder del núcleo del tiempo para conseguir energía (Y dar cánceres terminales a la gente que trabajaba allí), así, llena de entusiasmo controlado por su profesionalidad, se puso manos a la obra. El núcleo estaba bien guardado, pero no lo suficiente para ella, solo tuvo que escurrirse por la ventilación, usando el repicar de sus gotas de agua para distraer a los guardias y atravesar un par de rendijas en las paredes de hormigón armado del propio reactor. Pero ahí estaba. Sobrecargó los sistemas de control, provocando su explosión programada y la activación de todas las alarmas. Todo se venía abajo, pero curiosamente ella no pudo hacer más que quedarse cerca del enorme orbe azul, blanco y verde mientras todo parecía detenerse. Fue ahí cuando, al tocar el núcleo sobrecargado, este desapareció por completo en una explosión de luz.
Tuvo una visión, un hombre de piel grisácea con engranajes brotando por todo su cuerpo y el perpetuo chasquido de un reloj escuchándose desde su pecho. Se presentó como Cronte, anterior portador del ahora destruido núcleo del tiempo, y expresó el gran interés que había tenido por ella desde su nacimiento, así como su continua presencia protectora a lo largo de su vida. Katherine en ese momento comprendió que claramente estaba abdicando a su favor, instantes antes de empezar un gran viaje por todos los momentos de la historia Aelfatiana que debía proteger a toda costa, desde la formación del planeta tras mi pequeña batallita contra el Mago y el Extraño, pasando la Ascensión de la Tejedestinos, mi retorno y llegando a muchos de los futuros posibles: una masa de carne palpitante asimilando y transformando todo planeta a su paso, un planeta destruido por la rabia de una Madre dolorida y, el único positivo, una familia preciosa, de dos madres y una hija de color azul intenso, así como varias hijas adoptivas, protegiendo y cuidando el planeta de posibles invasiones.
Tras esa revelación, Kat volvió en sí, todavía en el reactor medio destruido. Y fue entonces cuando le vio, un inspector que apestaba a muerte. Vestido de operario de limpieza, con una pala desgastada con cristales pegados, la ropa completamente sucia y la piel llena de cortes y magulladuras. Llevaba a varios trabajadores en brazos y corría todo lo que le permitían sus magulladas y partidas piernas, haciendo varios viajes hasta que no quedó nadie. Finalmente, en el último de todos, vio a Kat, comprimida y de aspecto completamente humano, la agarró de la mano y la llevó a un lugar seguro. Ahí, se presentó como el Agente de Rescate y Purga Harold Phlecks. Se le heló la sangre. Harold Phlecks, El Pastelero de Libertas, el mayor asesino y purgador de Maleables de la ciudad y parte del país, una persona despiadada, fría y calculadora, estaba sacrificando toda su integridad física y hasta su propia vida para salvar a los operarios de una muerte injusta, siempre con una sonrisa en la cara y un chiste en la boca.
Justo después, Katherine inició una misión de infiltración como agente encubierta dentro de la Inspección bajo el nombre de Cathe Euler, una embajadora de la Hegemonía en territorio plasmoide. Y fue así como pudo conocer más de cerca al tan horrible Pastelero, que resultó ser un hombre justo y recto con pasión por su trabajo, solo que brutalmente adoctrinado desde pequeño para ser una máquina de matar maleables. Ella, en su infinita (estupidez) sabiduría, pensó esas horribles palabras que tanto daño podrían llegar a hacer en un futuro, “Puedo arreglarle”. Por lo que tras varios años de contacto y cortejo, acabaron los dos casados en un muy feliz matrimonio y teniendo una preciosa Hija, Ana. Y así están ahora mismo, una pena que dentro de un par de semanas van a tener la maravillosa noticia de que su cuñada era una Transmutada encubierta, pero esa es otra historia.
En fin, eso, que fui a verla y me encontré con una cara muy conocida. La tabernera, la tendera, la sacerdotisa, mi doctora de confianza en Aurgentia... Según parece, ya conocía a Santa Katarina de mis viajes con El Mago y el Extraño, puesto que llevaba usando sus capacidades de viaje temporal para vigilarnos y protegerme desde siempre. Lógicamente me alegré de ver la cara de la persona que me había ayudado tanto, y fue más una reunión de viejas amigas que una diplomática. Finalmente, tras horas y horas de hablar del pasado, accedí a que me leyera el futuro usando cartas, siguiendo la vieja técnica de Chrum interior.
Las cartas me revelaron una “Misión”, bueno, fue más una confirmación de algo que llevaba queriendo hacer durante los últimos milenios. Tenía que buscar sucesoras. Y lo más importante, y lo que más temía, jubilarme… ~&Desc~
~ImgInfo~ La imagen es la ilustración de su carta en el tarot Aelfatiano, la carta correspondiente al núcleo del Tiempo, que curiosamente va cambiando dependiendo de su situación, al igual que el resto de ellas.
En el centro de la composición podemos ver a la propia Kat, con su figura llena de agua y administrando un goteo desde su pecho hasta su abdomen, a una velocidad de una gota por segundo, efectivamente convertida en un reloj de agua perpetuo. También podemos apreciar que sus dos brazos aparecen contorsionados y estirados hasta recordar levemente la forma de dos relojes de arena, con sus dos piernas agarradas a sus centros como si fueran las agujas de otro reloj.
Pero en fin, lo importante en este caso son las cartas. Podemos apreciar dos grupos de tres, a la izquierda, las correspondientes a las entidades del pasado y a la derecha, las correspondientes a mis herederas.
Empecemos con las del pasado: En primer lugar tenemos a la carta del Extraño, la cual cuenta solo con su heráldica, una serpiente roja tumbada en forma de un reloj de arena perpetuo sobre una espiral de luz púrpura, con los iconos en la parte inferior de las esencias del inicio, el tiempo y el final.
En segundo lugar, El Mago, Dairam Tarum, con él creando una estrella brillante con su arma principal, un báculo cuyo nombre me niego a pronunciar (Es denigrante y un juego de palabras tan malo que literalmente hay gente que ha muerto al escucharlo, aunque según él es por su graaan poder mágico, magucho…), con los iconos de las esencias de la energía, la unidad y la materia.
En tercer lugar, La Madre, poco que añadir, ya me conocéis, soy yo en una pose extraña y desproporcionada y una cara de drogada increíble, acompañada de lo que supongo que serán dos versiones alegóricas de mis dos primeras hijas, Gabrielle a la izquierda y Diana Drake Dhurgor Domi Cent, también conocida como MC Draka, a la derecha, con los iconos de mis esencias, Control, Vida y Protección (La próxima vez me sacas bien)
Y después tenemos a mis herederas: En la punta superior tenemos la carta de la Jueza, la figura mitológica cósmica que usa la esencia del Control para velar por el cumplimiento de las leyes naturales. Curiosamente, según Kat, ese puesto recaería en Beatriz Papill, una plasmoide tipo 1 que parece que ya conocéis.
En la inferior izquierda tenemos la carta de La Hija, mi sucesora en la esencia de la Vida. Ya sabéis quién es, es literalmente mi hija, la pequeña, Meg (Sí, lo siento, voy a llamarla por ese nombre porque es el que usamos en casa)
Y en la inferior derecha tenemos la carta de La Científica, mi sucesora en el ámbito de la investigación, descubrimiento, medicina y demás. Y, ¿Sabéis?, esta es la única a la que no conozco, solo sé su nombre, Tiffanny Hall, creación de Hellen Hall y una persona que actúa como una bimbo sin cerebro, no sé, pero tiene pinta de que igual debería hablar con ella.
Y otro estudio acabado. Este ha sido bastante interesante, por eso de poder hablar un poco de aspectos más cósmicos y demás, pero bueno, tampoco me he pasado tanto, ¿No?
Un saludo, un beso y un abrazo de vuestra madre que espera que tengáis la decencia de darle nietos. Doctora Yulva Maltarum Directora RiuterLabs
NAME: Katherine Gamoux / Saint Katarina of Time and her Eternal Grace SPECIES: Plasmoid SUBSPECIES: Type 1 hydraulic. MATERIAL: Water LIFEFORM: Yulva Maltarum CORE: Time ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~Date~ 9:41 of 4º of Yul of 171 of the 6º eon ~&Date~
~Comm~ _So you went to see Kat!_ I did. _And what did you think of her?_ Curiously, I already knew her. Not by that name, but I knew her. _OH! Did she accompany you in your adventures or something?_ You could say so. _With uncle Dairam?_ Yes, that too. Let's say she was always there, watching. £Like I'm doing right now.£ _AH!_ £Hello, Meg. Remember, I've always been here.£ You and your ominous chronomancy, as always. _DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT. _ Well, I went to see her. _And what did she tell you?_ Well, she told me… ~&Comm~
~Desc~ Start of the registry on Malleable life forms, section 1, subsection 1, subject 6.
Greetings, Yulva Maltarum speaking. When my precious daughter Meg told me I should go see the current malleable leaders, I initially tried to act like it wasn't so important, let's say I don't like my diplomatic obligations as the cosmic entity of this galaxy and part of the one next to it (cosmic entity, not goddess, you know how I am when people have the gall to call me that, it's insulting), and when it is necessary, I still try to delegate on other people, one of my daughters (be it my three biological ones or the millions of metaphoric daughters I have). However, this time I couldn't get out of it, so I chose to start a round of the great leaders, at least the ones closest to me.
Logically, I chose to start with the faction and country more related to my person. The type 1 Plasmoids of the Sisters of Saint Megu- Lena (I'm sorry, force of habit), which main headquarters is in Pleasure of MaiYahn, capital city of the country Litter of the Saintess. But of course, seeing how I'm married with her most important political counselor and my daughter being literally THE MAIN SYMBOLIC FIGUREHEAD OF THEIR THEOCRACY, perhaps I had the false impression that this faction was already covered but, surprise surprise, I wasn't right (Of course I wasn't, if I were, they wouldn't be reading this, Yul, you're no better). It seems I had to meet the biggest figure of political power the Sisters have, a spy infiltrated in the Inspection and former Mother Superior, title she lost when she got promoted, after a near unanimous election in which the main sisters and saints, to being a Saint.
But let's end our foreplay and let's talk about who's important right now, Katherine Gamoux. Born in the city of Pleasure, in the bosom of one of the multiple families of migrants of the Hegemony, Katherine was born being a regular human, as her mother was pregnant just when she immigrated, but it would be long until she got infected by the virus at the young age of 12 years. After being infected, she chose to enter the congregation of Saint Lena and study the ways of the Earth and Void Cores, which she definitely could do. However, she wasn't happy with being imprisoned (like all Sisters), deciding to join the group of spies the congregation has, the Eyes of Mai-Yahn, starting then her road in the arts of subterfuge and infiltration.
After some years in which she couldn't do more assignments than being in some cafes in the border to hear the inspectors sick of working, she embarked on her first important mission, an attack on one of the two core centrals of Libertas, in which the power of the Core of Time was being exploited to get energy (and give terminal cancers to the people who worked there), and thus, full of enthusiasm controlled by her professionalism, she got to work. The Core was well guarded, but not enough for her, she just had to slip through the ventilation, using the drip of her water drops to distract the guards, and pass through a couple of slots in the reinforced concrete walls of the reactor. But there she was. She overcharged all control systems, triggering a programmed explosion and the sounding of all the alarms. Everything was falling apart, but curiously she couldn't do anything other than standing near the enormous blue, white and green orb while everything seemed to stop. Then, when she touched the overcharged Core, it vanished completely in an explosion of light.
She woke up, in front of her was a man with gray skin, cogs piercing his entire body and she heard the perpetual ticking of a clock coming out of his chest. He called himself Cronte, former bearer of the now destroyed Time Core, and seemed to have been interested in her since her birth, interest which seemed obvious due to his protective presence all along her life. Katherine then understood his words, he was abdicating in her favor. Realization that was soon followed by a trip to all the main moments in Aelfatian history, whose integrity she was now in charge of protecting at all costs, from its formation after my fight against the Outsider and the Magician, going through the Fateweaver Ascension, my return and many of the possible futures: A mass of pulsating flesh assimilating and transforming every planet she comes across, a planet, destroyed by the wrath of a grieving Mother, and, the only good one, a beautiful family, with two mothers and a charming blue skinned daughter, protecting the planet against any kind of threat.
After that revelation, Kat woke up, still in the half destroyed reactor. And then she saw him, an inspector followed by the foul stench of death. A man clothed like a regular worker, with a torn, weared shovel full of stuck crystals, and his bloody skin full of tears and injuries. He was carrying many workers over his shoulders, getting in and out of the reactor room until no one was left in there. No one but her compressed and human body. He grabbed her without a second thought and took her limp body to a safe place. There, he introduced himself as Rescues and Purges Agent Harold Phlecks. Her blood froze. Harold Phlecks, the Baker of Libertas, the worst and most bloody Malleable killer of the country, a cold, calculating and brutal person, who was sacrificing his health and life just to save the workers from an unjust cruel death, always with a smile on his face and a chuckle in his mouth.
Soon after, Katherine started a quest of infiltrating as an undercover Inspection agent named Cathe Euler, a Hegemony ambassador in plasmoid territory. And thus she was able to know the dreaded Baker a lot better, who ended up being just a kind and righteous man with his heart filled with love for his job and the brutal indoctrination he was subjected to since he was but a child. Kat, in her endless (idiocy) wisdom, spoke those horrible words which could have lead to the most toxic of relationships, “I can fix him”. So after many years of meeting and flirting, they ended up having an extremely happy and loving marriage and a precious daughter, Ana. And there they are, such a shame they are going to get the wonderful news that their sister in law has always been an Rubber Transmuted in disguise in just a few weeks time. But that is a whole other can of worms I am not going to open right now. So, well, I went to meet her and found a very familiar face. The innkeeper, seller, priestess, my family doctor back there in Aurgentia… It seemed I already knew Saint Katarina back from my travels with the Magician and the Outsider, as she had been using her time traveling abilities to watch over and protect us since the beginning. I was obviously overridden with joy when I saw the face of the person who had helped me so much, so it was more like a meeting with a good old friend rather than a diplomatic one. After many hours of reminiscing about our past, I finally ended up agreeing to partaking in a ceremony of foreseeing following the old techniques of Inner Chrum.
The cards told me about some kind of “Quest”, well, it was more a confirmation of something I was planning to do for millennia. I had to look for some Heirs. And the most important, and dreaded by me, thing, I had to retire…
~ImgInfo~ The picture above is the illustration of her card in the Aelfatian Tarot, the one corresponding to the Time Core, which is constantly changing depending of her current state, as all of them do.
Right at the center of the composition we can see Kat herself, with her water filled body dropping a single drop of water from her torso to her abdomen, just one per second, effectively turning her into an eternal water filled hourglass. We can also appreciate her two arms, twisted and stretched in a way that they resemble two hourglasses, and her two legs, wrapped around their centers like the hands of a regular clock.
So, let’s cover the main feature, the cards. We can observe two arrays of three cards, the one on the left, corresponding to current cosmic entities, and the one on the right, my heirs.
Let’s begin with the left ones: Firstly we have the Outsider Card, which only consists of his icon, a red snake laid down in the shape of an hourglass over a spiral made of pure purple light, with the icons of the Beginning, Time and Ending Essences below.
Secondly, The Magician, Dairam Tarum, creating a star with his main weapon, a Staff, which name I refuse to even pronounce (It’s degrading and a pun so bad that people have literally died after hearing it, he says they did because of his greeeat magic power, Wizardass…), with the icons of the Energy, Unity and Matter Essences.
Thirdly, The Mother, not much to add, you know me, it’s me in an strange and oddly proportioned pose and a very high and drunk face, joined by what I suppose are allegorical versions of my two first daughters, Gabrielle on the left and Diana Drake Dhurgor Domi Cent, also known as MC Draka, on the right, with the icons of my Essences, Control, Life and Protection (You’d better take a better picture of myself the next time)
And then we have my heiresses: In the upper part we have the Judge card, a mythological cosmic figure that uses the Control Essence to ensure the fulfillment of the natural laws. Curiously, Kat said that position would be filled by Beatriz Papill, a type 1 plasmoid that it seems you already know.
The one in the left corner is The Daughter, my successor as the bearer of the Life Essence. You already know her, she is literally my daughter, the youngest, Meg. (Yes, I am sorry, but that is the name which she goes by at home, and her preferred one)
And the right one is the Cart of The Scientist, my successor in the fields of investigation, discovery, medicine, and many more. And, you know what? This is the only one I have not met yet, as I only know her name yet, Tiffanny Hall, one of Hellen Hall’s creations and a person which only seems act as a brainless airhead bimbo, but I don’t know, it seems like I have to meet her.
And thus, we reach the end of another study. This one has been interesting, you know, as I have been able to talk a bit about cosmic beings and more, but, I mean, it is not been thaaat long, isn’t it? A greeting, a kiss and a hug from your Mother who expects you to have at least the decency of giving her grandchildren. Doctor Yulva Maltarum Principal RiuterLabs
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blogdukosova · 7 months
Concours d'Entrée à l’École Polytechnique de Thiès (EPT) 2024 : Modalités, Dates, et Inscriptions
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1. Date et Heures du Concours
L'École Polytechnique de Thiès (EPT) organise un concours d'entrée en première année le Samedi 1er juin 2024, de 15 h à 18 h, dans toutes les régions du Sénégal. Le concours est ouvert aux élèves des classes de Terminales Scientifiques ou Techniques (S1, S2, S3, T1, T2), aux bacheliers et aux candidats libres au baccalauréat âgés de moins de 22 ans au 1er octobre 2024.
2. Dossier de Candidature
Pour les Élèves des Classes de Terminales- Fiche de candidature dûment remplie (disponible à votre établissement ou sur le site www.ept.sn). - Bulletin de notes du 1er semestre de la classe de Terminale et les bulletins des deux semestres des classes de Seconde et de Première. - Frais de dossier de 7 000 F CFA (non remboursables). - Fiche de candidature dûment remplie (disponible à la scolarité de l’EPT, au Centre Académique de l’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle (CAOSP) de leur région, ou sur www.ept.sn). - Photocopie légalisée du diplôme du Bac. - Photocopie légalisée du relevé de notes du Bac. - Bulletins de notes des deux semestres des classes de Seconde, Première, et Terminale. - Frais de dossier de 7 000 FCFA (non remboursables). - Les dossiers peuvent être déposés au niveau des établissements ou des Centres Académiques de l’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle (CAOSP) de chaque région. - Dépôt possible à la Scolarité de l’EPT à Thiès, ouverte de 8h à 14h30, du lundi au vendredi. - Les candidats peuvent s'inscrire en ligne sur le site du concours à l’adresse concours.ept.sn.
4. Date Limite de Dépôt des Candidatures
La date limite de dépôt des dossiers à la Scolarité de l’EPT est fixée au lundi 15 avril 2024.
5. Contacts et Informations
Les candidats peuvent obtenir des informations auprès du Service des Examens et Concours de leur établissement, du Centre Académique de l’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle (CAOSP) de leur région, ou du Service de la Scolarité de l’EPT au 76 223 61 77.N.B: Les informations sur le concours sont également disponibles sur le site Web de l’École Polytechnique www.ept.sn. Read the full article
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lebibliocosme · 7 months
Scholomance, tome 2 : Promotion funeste
Titre : Promotion funeste Cycle/Série : Scholomance, tome 2 Auteur/Autrice : Naomi Novik Éditeur : J’ai lu Date de publication : 2023 / 2024 Synopsis : À la Scholomance, El, Orion et leurs camarades sont enfin en terminale, année sur laquelle plane le spectre de la remise des diplômes, rite de passage mortel… au sens propre. El est déterminée : ses amis et elle survivront. Pourtant, ce but paraît…
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yespat49 · 1 year
Le coup de gueule du Bourguignon : Macron, le caporal de semaine, par Anatole Castagne
 par Anatole Castagne — 29 septembre 2023 Notre chef des armées n’a jamais fait son service militaire ; Il aurait dû, cela l’aurait un peu assagit.  Il s’occupe de tout, s’agite partout : il gère le nombre de textes pour le BAC de français, les dates des épreuves de spécialité pour les épreuves en terminale. On se demande à quoi sert le ministre de « l’Education nationale » et ses services. On…
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ka9oukeuktakal · 1 year
Le président de la République, Macky Sall, a reporté la reprise des cours initialement prévue ce mardi à une date restant à fixer, en raison de contaminations au Covid-19 chez les enseignants. ‘’Des cas de personnels enseignants testés positifs au Covid-19 ont été enregistrés dans la région de Ziguinchor (sud)’’, écrit le ministre de l’Education nationale, Mamadou Talla, dans un communiqué. A lire aussi  🔴 DIRECT - suivez la déclaration de Ousmane Sonko sur les mesures prises par Macky Sall ‘’C’est pourquoi (…) le président de la République a décidé de reporter la reprise des cours initialement prévue le 2 juin 2020 (…), afin d’annuler tout risque de propagation du virus dans l’espace scolaire’’, ajoute M. Talla. renvoi de la reprise des cours jusqu'à une date ultérieure Macky Sall a demandé au ministre de l’Education nationale, à ses collègues chargés de la Formation professionnelle et de la Santé, et aux autorités administratives de ‘’poursuivre les efforts déjà [fournis] en vue d’une éventuelle réouverture des classes’’. Macky Sall reporte la réouverture des classes d’examen Le 11 mai, le président de la République a annoncé un ‘’assouplissement’’ de l’état d’urgence sanitaire comprenant plusieurs mesures, dont la réouverture, à partir du mardi 2 juin, des classes d’examen (CM2, troisième et terminale) et des établissements d’enseignement technique et professionnel. Cette reprise devrait permettre aux élèves des classes concernées de se présenter aux examens scolaires et académiques, dans les prochains mois. Les enseignements scolaires, techniques, professionnels et universitaires sont suspendus depuis le 16 mars en raison de la pandémie de coronavirus, qui continue de se propager au Sénégal, faisant 42 morts. Plus de 3.000 cas de Covid-19 ont été recensés par le ministère de la Santé.
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micro961 · 1 year
Minimal - Lettera Viola
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Il primo singolo che il giovane cantautore umbro firma con la Orangle Records per Gotham Dischi
Atmosfere intime e apocalittiche per accogliere il dolore di una morte Il progetto Minimal nasce dalla mente di Giulio Rossi con l’obiettivo di ricercare un sound originale e allo stesso tempo condivisibile con chiunque. Sono racconti le sue canzoni, sono storie che prendono ispirazione dal vissuto privato e personale. La sua musica si distingue per la ricerca sonora e autorale, dove vecchio e nuovo si incontrano col fine di creare un nuovo sound popolare, ma anche estremamente caratteristico e personale.
Scritto e cantato dallo stesso Minimal, “Lettera Viola” prende spunto, ad esempio, dal libro di Josè Saramago dal titolo “Le intermittenze della morte”.
«Il testo narra la storia di Carla, protagonista fittizia malata terminale, e racconta in prima persona i suoi pensieri. La crudezza del testo scorre con la musica che conduce l’ascoltatore nella stanza d’ospedale dove la ragazza sta combattendo la vana battaglia contro la morte. Si giunge quindi allo special della canzone, il quale è interamente accompagnato dai suoni tipici dell’elettrocardiogramma fino alla comparsa di una linea piatta, indice del triste epilogo: la ragazza stringe alle braccia una lettera viola (popolarmente il colore della morte) sulla quale è impressa la terribile sentenza, e accetta infine il suo destino. L’epilogo del brano s’impregna dunque di teatralità, grazie ad un intenso assolo di chitarra che porta gradualmente alla chiusura.» Minimal
Guarda qui il video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCOWConTfJo
Il brano è prodotto da diego (Diego Ruco), con le linee di basso a firma di Nicolò Mecarelli. Al mix e al mastering troviamo Stefano Pettorossi.
Etichetta: Orangle / Gotham Dischi Radio date: 2 giugno 2023
Giulio Rossi, in arte Minimal, nasce a Orvieto il 2 settembre 1997. Il percorso nel mondo della musica ha inizio all’età di cinque anni, quando comincia a prendere lezioni di musica classica, per poi abbracciare il clarinetto come primo strumento. Da adolescente scopre il canto, attività che pratica con passione dentro e fuori le mura scolastiche, ma la svolta avviene nel 2020 quando incontra il suo attuale produttore Diego Ruco, inaugurando così un progetto solista al quale lavora attivamente. Il 3 febbraio 2023 esce il suo primo singolo indipendente intitolato “SCALA TABOO”, che lo porta all’attenzione di Gotham Dischi e Orangle Records, etichetta discografica sotto la quale pubblica nel giugno dello stesso anno il singolo “Lettera Viola”.
Contatti e social
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VWTDPv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@minimaal Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3O3Jz5j TikTok: https://bit.ly/41zLbaa Facebook: https://bit.ly/3MjZVp8
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Time for another highly specific fic idea that's definitely not inspired by real life
AU Concept: French people have to sit through a day of civic duty presentations, an introduction to the military services and various tests to measure the young population's literacy and other stuff when they're in 1ere/Terminale (it's called the Journée de Défense et de Citoyenneté, aka the JDC). The dates they pick are somehow always the most inconvenient ones, and that's without juggling a superhero job on the side.
If you give them a good enough excuse or if you delay it enough times, then they kind of leave you alone for a couple of years before coming back to pester you again (at a time where it's probably even more inconvenient because studies).
Now what if Adrien and Marinette were still fighting evil at the end of Lycée, and so kept pushing back their appointment for the JDC (if Marinette has an Italian passport, maybe she used her binationality to get exempted temporarily in a "I'll do the equivalent in Italy!" way, which she knows she won't; Gabriel might bribe some people to delay it because of Adrien's busy schedule)? What if years later, things have settled down but somehow an identity reveal still hasn't happened, Adrien and Marinette kind of stay in touch but their lives are very busy and they're almost never in the same place at the same time, but somehow end up with convocations to the same JDC? What if they sit together and keep bantering about everything because they're bored out of their minds and also they just want to catch up? What if the reveal happens that way because one of them ends up making a comment on how ironic it is to be told about civic duty when surely they know better than anyone what it's all about - leading to conversations about the "minor" heroes they both were, but also "I mean, I can tell you this secret, I trust you..."
What if they get so excited and emotional about it that they get kicked out of the place, but they don't care because they found each other, and it ends with them crossing the champ de Mars to go to the place it all started - the Eiffel Tower 🥺
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chrwrites · 4 years
Bad Ideas - Chapter 1: “I'm his girlfriend”
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I wrote this for @astronavigatrix for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Secret Admirer Exchange! The prompt was Fake Dating and I decided to write '5 Times Luka and Marinette pretended to be dating and one time they didn't need to'. I had a lot of ideas for this and I ended up splitting it in chapters. I hope you like it! 💖
read on ao3
Marinette's mouth twisted at the scene in front of her, an unpleasant feeling making her stomach twist.
Luka was standing in front of his locker, nodding at a girl Marinette had never seen, a polite smile on his face as she got way too close. She was tilting her head, one finger twirling around a strand of platinum blonde hair as she raised her free hand to his arm. Her long fake nails danced slowly up and down his bicep. 
His expression twisted in annoyance and he tried to shrug her off and put some distance between them, but yet again she leaned in and all Luka could do was roll his eyes at whatever she was saying. 
Marinette grit her teeth. Didn't that girl notice how uncomfortable she was making him? Or how he wasn’t really enjoying her presence at all? Damn, Luka wasn’t even the type of person to show his annoyance like that. He was usually calm and collected. What had she done to make him act like that?
Marinette couldn’t just stand there and watch without doing anything. She had to do something before that girl, whoever she was, made Luka feel more and more uneasy. She watched him look down, his fingers twisting the spinner ring on his thumb, before deciding to take action.
“Lu!” she called, sliding her arm into his as soon as she was close and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as a greeting. She felt Luka stiffen before he relaxed into her, his eyes wide in surprise at her unexpected display of affection. “Marinette?”
The girl in front of them finally took a step back, a startled expression forming on her face while she studied them. She blinked before speaking. “And you are..?” she asked, her eyes narrowing as she focused on Marinette. 
Marinette frowned, but her mouth twisted in a sweet smile as soon as she looked back at Luka, “I'm his girlfriend,” she chirped.
Fortunately, her voice didn't betray her. She slid her hand to hold Luka's and squeezed tight, looking up at him.
His eyes were wide, and a strangled sound escaped his lips before he shut it close. Marinette giggled and gave him a confident smile in the hopes that it would  reassure him. She leaned her head to his shoulder and Luka didn't flinch away, but all he managed to let out as his thumb brushed the back of her hand and tried to keep himself grounded was a choked out “Yeah…” that got him to clear his throat.
“You have a girlfriend? Since when?” the girl asked, feigning innocence in a way that sounded so familiar that made Marinette's blood boil.
Luka opened his mouth to speak, but Marinette cut him off, “That's none of your business,” she snarled. The girl huffed in annoyance, and Marinette glared at her. Luka next to her straightened up and took a deep breath, and Marinette gave a comforting squeeze to his hand.
She then  turned her attention back at the girl, who had crossed her arms as her eyes went up and down to study her.
Marinette held her gaze and didn't flinch at the disgusted expression forming in front of her. If she was going to come up with a hurtful comment, Marinette was ready to snap back. It’s not like she hadn’t dealt with disrespectful brats over time, and she wasn’t letting some cheap dollar store Barbie imitation — okay no, actually, she was pretty, but that couldn’t make up for her personality — put her down or harass her best friend. She was Marinette, she was strong and—
“But aren't you a seconde ? Such a shame Luka here's into little girls… you could do so much better,” the girl said in a saccharine voice while fluttering her fake lashes at Luka.
Marinette felt Luka's hold on her hand tightening. She raised her free hand to his chest and gave him a reassuring look, trying to wordlessly tell him that she could handle it, but his jaw was still clenched when she spoke. 
“Yeah, I know, a 16-year-old dating a 17-year-old. Shocking,” Marinette gritted through her teeth and pulled Luka towards her, making the girl scoff and check her nails. Good, now they could leave.
“Come on, I don't want us to be late for class,” Marinette said, holding Luka’s hand tighter and walking past the girl. She didn’t miss the chilling glare Luka sent her way. 
When they were far enough from Luka’s locker, Marinette started walking faster, as Luka didn't have trouble following her nervous pace with his long legs. The closed doors of the classrooms and the colorful posters on the walls passed through her eyes in a blur even as she tried to focus on them instead of the anger that was building inside her. Marinette didn't want to let some stupid Barbie wannabe ruin her day, but all she could think about were the girl’s words. The deprecative tone in her voice when she called her a seconde and told Luka that he could do much better. She didn’t know what she was talking about.
That was stupid, Luka never failed to remind her how extraordinary she was. Even now as she led him through the school and he followed her quietly, he took the first chance he had to shake her from her thoughts.“Marinette, that's not where your class is…”
“I don't care,” she said, looking for an empty classroom she could calm down in. Luka squeezed her hand reassuringly, and his thumb slowly brushed the back of her hand. Marinette took a deep breath, but his action didn't help her forget about long nails moving on his arm and the words still ringing in her head. It actually made her think about it more. 
Who the hell did she think she was?
She had no right to belittle her, to imply that she wasn't worth enough for Luka to spend time with. It didn't matter if it was only because she was trying to hit on him and Marinette was rightfully putting herself between them. She was being disrespectful towards him, invading his personal space, and Marinette couldn't just stand there and watch, right?
No, Luka was her friend and she had every right to rescue him from unwanted attention. It's not like anyone cared about who they were da—
Just as the thought crossed her mind, she realized what she had done, and how Luka had just silently rolled with it and was still holding her hand. Why would she even say something like that?
She picked a turn, opting for the art classroom that was always empty in the early hours of the morning and, when she finally found it, she slammed the door closed behind them.
“Marinette, what the fuck ?” Luka said. His bewildered expression made Marinette’s stomach twist unpleasantly.
She groaned, letting his hand go to hide her face and lean to an empty desk. “I’m so, so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have said it, but she was making you uncomfortable and I wanted to help you get rid of her.”
Luka let out a breathless laugh. “By saying that you’re my girlfriend?”
“I couldn’t come up with anything better, I’m sorry! And if you think she’ll spread the rumor, we can just say that we broke up or something. We’re not even together in the first place and I know I was stupid and I understand if you’re mad at me, but I did it because—”
“Marinette,” Luka interrupted her, his hands reaching for her wrists to gently pull her hands down and reveal her face. As he looked her in the eyes, he held a soft expression that made her feel incredibly better. “I don’t care about the rumors. Honestly, I should thank you for stepping in. I’ve been trying to let her down gently, but it didn’t work. I’m sorry you had to deal with her, too,” he said, his voice tense.
She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently before speaking. “It’s alright, Lu. I’ve learned to deal with that,” she said. 
“I know, but you shouldn’t have bothered...” he sighed.
Marinette rolled her eyes. “I’m your friend Luka, and friends help each other out,”  she said. Luka nodded, but something about him seemed off. She knew Luka was the type of person to handle things by himself, but he never rejected Marinette’s help when she offered it. 
“Are you sure you’re not mad at me for saying that I’m your girlfriend?” she asked hesitantly.
Luka looked up at her and gave her a small smile. “I’m not mad at you, Mari,” he reassured. “You’re fine. Just… don’t catch me off guard with stuff like that.”
Marinette nodded and leaned to wrap her arms around him. She felt his chuckle rumble through his chest as he held her, and when she pulled away, she could finally see the easygoing smile she liked so much. 
“Who was she, by the way?” Marinette asked.
“Just some girl from Terminale D. We met at a party last weekend and she got a bit clingy,” Luka said sheepishly, one hand going up to rub his neck.
“That's putting it nicely,” Marinette chuckled.
“Well,” Luka sighed, “I did tell her I wasn't interested in her, so having her still trying to catch my attention was kinda frustrating.”
“Just a little bit,” Marinette teased, pinching her thumb and index together. 
Luka chuckled. “Yeah, okay. Thank you for coming at the right time.”
Marinette giggled, and the uneasiness she felt from making up a lie to rescue him from someone's hold disappeared. “I'll be your fake girlfriend whenever you need.”
You could be my real one.
Luka shook the thought out of his mind. Sometimes the feelings he hid deep down in his stomach made their way back up to his heart, and all he could do was push them down again. They'd already been through this, and Luka was happy with being close with Marinette without wanting more. It was only in times like this, when she was careless and maybe made some stupid choices to help him out (like, for example, saying that she was his girlfriend) that they would resurface.
But he learned how to deal with that. A few deep breaths, thinking about the smell of the Seine, and he would be fine. No more thoughts about being more than friends with Marinette.
They had known each other for years and, now that they went to school together and grew closer, he was happy that Marinette had found he was someone to count on. It was the same for him, even if sometimes it meant that he had to control the impulse to kiss her on the spot or scold himself for staring at her for too long.
The sound of the first bell rang, making Luka wince and Marinette giggle in response. He shook his head, taking a moment to recollect himself and clear his throat before speaking. “Can I walk you to class?”
“Don’t you always do that?” Marinette teased before walking to the door. 
There was only easy chatter after that, and Luka took a breath of relief as he realized he was listening to Marinette without focusing on the way her lips moved or the feeling of her shoulder brushing against his. She was complaining about some group project she had to work on in the afternoon when they reached the door of her class.
“Well, let me know if you need to be rescued again from some overly-clingy girl,” Marinette said.
Luka shook his head, letting out a small laugh. “Of course, I will.”
Marinette smiled at him but, before she could reply, the second bell rang.
Luka's hand ruffled the hair on top of her head, making Marinette wince, and his mouth moved before he could even realize what he was saying.
“See you at lunch, girlfriend.”
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blogdukosova · 7 months
Concours ENSA 2024 - Informations Essentielles
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1. Validité des Candidatures
Les élèves sénégalais des classes de Terminales S1-S2 – S3 – S4 – S5 et les bacheliers de mêmes séries, âgés de moins de 22 ans au 1er janvier 2024, peuvent postuler. La date du concours est le samedi 25 mai 2024 à partir de 7 h 30, et les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au samedi 11 mai 2024 à minuit.
2. Dossier de Candidature
- Le dépôt de candidature se fait en ligne sur concoursensa.com. - Prérequis: adresse e-mail valide, numéro Orange Money avec frais d'inscription (7500 F CFA). - Procédure:- Cliquez sur INSCRIPTION. - Remplissez le formulaire et enregistrez. - Sur la page suivante, cliquez sur le logo Orange Money. - Entrez le numéro de téléphone Orange Money. - Tapez sur votre téléphone: #144#391# pour obtenir un code d'autorisation. - Entrez le code dans le formulaire et cliquez sur SOUMETTRE pour valider la transaction. - Attendez quelques secondes pour la confirmation. - Le Matin: Mathématiques (2 h), Science de la Vie et de la Terre (2 h). - L’Après-midi: Physique et Chimie (2 h). - Photocopie légalisée de la Carte nationale d'identité. - Photocopie légalisée du relevé des notes du bac. - Carte nationale d'identité. - Relevés de notes des classes de Seconde, Première et Terminale. - Consultez la liste des centres répartis à travers le pays pour trouver celui qui vous convient.Assurez-vous de respecter les dates limites d'inscription et de bien vous préparer pour les épreuves. Bonne chance dans votre parcours vers l'ENSA 2024 ! Read the full article
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la-bucolie · 3 years
Jour 2 : L’oubli
C’est juste avant le départ en vacances. Tu prends ton maillot, tu l’enfiles devant le miroir, tu rentres le ventre. Les autres filles seront sûrement plus belles que toi sur la plage, alors ta mission, ce sera de t’aimer, de t’assumer. Chacun son truc, faut croire. Les amis t’attendent dans la voiture, harnachés, certains les pieds déjà en l’air, calés contre un siège ou une fenêtre. Tu tires tes sacs et les enfonce dans le coffre, là où on t’a fait une place. Puis tu t’assieds devant, là où tes jambes ne frôleront celles de personne, et encore moins celles de Tom, parce qu’avec Tom c’est bizarre et ça te tord le ventre. Vous démarrez, mettez la musique. Tu ne t’entends plus penser, ou plutôt si, tu t’entends, mais tu n’écoutes pas et tu fais des blagues à Marie qui conduit, tu joues avec tes créoles en toc de chez H&M, tu t’arraches la peau des doigts. Tu as l’impression d’oublier quelque chose, mais quoi ? Tu te repasses la liste de ce que tu as fourré dans ta valise : crème solaire, bouquins, chargeur, casquette. Tu fouilles dans ta tête et ressors de vieilles bribes de cours de terminale, des dates, et même des repas pris à la cantine en automne, poulet, petit pois, piémontaise. Tant d’informations inutiles. Tu dis à haute voix, pour te rassurer : « J’ai grave l’impression d’avoir oublié un truc. » On te répond à demi, maillot, serviette, portable ? Tu souffres un peu du silence de Tom, assis à l’opposé de toi, dans la diagonale, contre la fenêtre, à regarder la route. Il s’en fiche on dirait. Tu repenses à ce soir où vous avez bu et regardé un truc idiot à la télé, Ma Famille d’abord, et qu’il rigolait pour rien, qu’il calait son rire avec les bandes pré enregistrées. Ce soir où vous vous êtes couchés l’un contre l’autre comme si vous étiez torchés, avec à peine une bière dans le sang. Il avait posé sa main sur toi comme s’il te trouvait jolie, et tu t’étais sentie exploser de l’intérieur. Mais voilà, aujourd’hui, départ en vacances et tu as oublié quelque chose. Ton doudou, tu l’as laissé, c’était voulu. Pas besoin de faire plus gamine que tu n’es. Et d’ailleurs, tu as laissé ta salopette dans le placard, ta chemise, tout ce qui fait bûcheronne, garçonne, dure à cuire. Il ne faut être ni trop douce ni trop forte, une fille équilibrée. Lucie, elle y arrive bien, elle. Forte, avec du caractère, mais sexy et minuscule dans ses fringues décontractées. L’idéal pour un garçon comme Tom. Il bouge la tête et soulève ses cheveux. Tu voudrais faire comme lui, tu as lu qu’imiter les gestes de l’autre était un truc de gens amoureux. Mais tu hésites. Tu te retiens, il ne faut rien laisser paraître. Les pieds de Tom perchés en l’air et ceux de Lucie juste derrière ta tête, bronzés, bague à l’orteil, pas un détail laissé de côté. La ceinture te rentre dans le ventre et te scie, c’est rouge, tu n’oses pas ouvrir ta braguette parce que ce serait un truc de grosse, et les grosses Tom n’aime pas ça, alors tu étouffes en guettant ses moindres gestes, tu oublies toi-même de respirer, pour lui laisser la place de venir vers toi. La voiture vibre. Tu regardes dehors, le soleil te brûle les épaules, tu es mal à l’aise dans ce haut court et serré, tu n’as jamais aimé porter ça, mais bon, pour une semaine... Pause pipi et sandwich. Tu sors, tu as mal au ventre à force de te dire que tu as oublié quelque chose. Quelque chose. Tom vient s’asseoir près de toi. Il te regarde comme s’il y était forcé, comme si tu te trouvais dans son champ de vision. Tu as oublié quelque chose. Tu tires sur ton t-shirt, les bretelles sont insupportables, et ces foutues créoles aussi, et ces tongs à lanières fines, tout, tout, tu as tout pris, mais tu as oublié quelque chose. Quelque chose d’important. Toi.
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emsylcatac · 5 years
Oh man, really appreciating the extra French cultural insight on ML, so thank you for all of your elucidating! Have you made any posts covering common school events/milestones, and/or how teens tend to celebrate holidays in Paris? I know exams are different and that proms aren't really a thing, and the show has given us some insight into field trips (not too different), but do you know of anything else fandom tends to miss?
Heya!! :D
Thanks for your feedback & you’re very welcome!!
I haven’t done any post regarding school events or holidays yet, so let’s do that now!
School events/milestones:
First just a quick explanation of the French scholar system:
Maternelle (= Kindergarten): 3 years, from 3-4yo to 5-6yo – Petite section · Moyenne section · Grande section
Primaire (= Primary school): 5 years, from 6-7yo to 10-11yo – CP · CE1 · CE2 · CM1 · CM2
Collège (= Secondary school | Junior high school): 4 years, from 11-12yo to 14-15yo – 6ème (said sixième) · 5ème (cinquième) · 4ème (quatrième) · 3ème (troisième) – school start around 8:30am and ends around 4:30pm, with 1h lunch-break and 15min break in the morning & afternoon. – except on Wednesday ends around 11:30 or 12:30.
Lycée (= High school): 3 years, from 15-16yo to 17-18yo – 2nd (said seconde) · 1ère (première) · Tale (terminale) – Same about breaks & lunch breaks & start of school, but usually ends around 5:30pm. – except on Wednesday ends around 11:30 or 12:30 (or if you’re unlucky like I was the school organises exams on Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 4h straight but most schools have free Wednesdays afternoon)
Currently, Marinette & Adrien are in their finale year of ‘collège’ so in ‘3ème’ (called ‘troisème’).
So about major end-of the year exams:
End of 3ème (around the end of June usually): ‘Brevet’ – it’s a national exam and every student in the whole France have the same examination questions. They have to revise courses they had during the whole year and can be pretty much interrogated on anything they’ve learned. One exam per subject. Writing exam subjects are: French, Mathematics (main ones), History/Geography, Sciences (with Physics/Chemistry and/or Earth&Life Sciences and/or Technology). Added to that, they have an oral exam. It’s about Art History or a project they’ve conducted throughout the year (alone or in groups, however they get an individual score) Side note: this one is pretty ‘easy’ to have and you really need to want to fail to actually fail. It also takes into account the general score you have during the year and allows you to have a few points in advance. For instance, I was a good student and my general score was high enough for me to have enough points to already have the ‘brevet’ before even taking up the exam. It’s usually the case if your general score is equal or above 16/20 I think)
End of Terminale (around mid-June): ‘Baccalauréat’ – it’s again a national exam but much more important. You can’t pursue your studies if you haven’t passed it and will need to repeat the Terminale year. Subjects vary depending the course students chose when they entered their ���1ère” year (it’s kind of a lot to explain everything there especially because the system have completely changed this year and teachers & parents are complaining about it, so I’m going to quickly talk about the ‘old’ system where basically you chose between scientific course, economic & social course or arts course; there’s others but those were the main ones). Again, you need to revise everything you’ve learned throughout the year and can be interrogated on anything. There’s writing exams as well as oral exams and practical exams (for sciences).Side note: Contrary to the ‘brevet’ this one is harder to get. I’m not saying it’s super hard, but students with school difficulties can fail even if they worked for it. Only the score you get at this exam is taken into account, not the general score you got during the year so you can’t “have” your Baccalauréat before taking up the exam.
End of 1ère: some exams of the “Baccalauréat” occur in the 1ère year but not a lot as well as a group project.
Proms, holidays & others undercut to avoid long post:
Regarding school proms, we indeed don’t have them as much as people in Canada or the US. It mostly depends of your school: some will organise them at the end of 3ème or Terminale because it’s the end of a ‘cycle’ sort of, but they’re mostly just events with food brought by everyone and music. You rarely have to find a partner to go to a prom with you, except maybe if the school you’re in has decided on that. Some schools don’t organise any.
Other special event that can be organised in your school (and again it depends how strict the director is and all) is carnival. We all come with disguises for the day. My ‘lycée’ was pretty strict about it but we managed to allow it during my finale year and organise a concert during lunch-time. We had to be recognisable though so no full-mask or full-makeup. But the previous years it was forbidden. We didn’t have any carnivals during collège. It again also depends on your school’s policy.
We have 4 in-between holidays and one summer holidays:
“Vacances de la Toussaint” (vacances meaning holidays): 2 weeks around end of October & Beginning of November, including the 1st of November. Usually, people tend to stay at home or visit family members that are living far from their home. Some might travel a bit as well but it’s not often. So some teens will visit their friend, maybe celebrate Halloween but Halloween isn’t that big of a thing here and it’s disappearing more and more.
“Vacances de Noël” (= Christmas holidays): 2 weeks including Christmas day and New Year. Mostly spent in family, some might go skiing but it’s rare and there’s less chance to have enough snow for that in the mountains.
“Vacances de Février” (February holidays): 2 weeks in February, sometimes a bit in March; dates change every year because all of the French regions don’t have the same dates for these holidays so teenagers will be in holidays 1st, 2nd or 3rd depending the year & region. Lots of people who can afford it will go skiing in the mountains one week; it’s pretty expensive so not everyone do that but still a lot.
“Vacances de Pâques / vacances de printemps” (Easter holidays / Spring holidays): Again 2 weeks, with dates changing like in February. Mostly around April, sometimes end of March. People tend to stay home or go a bit in the South of France if they can afford it or have enough time where the weather is warmer, some will visit family members, etc.
“Grandes vacances” (= big holidays or as you would say, Summer holidays): Lasts 2 months in July & August. School ends either end of June or beginning of July depending the grade you’re in and the end of the year exams you have, and will start again at the beginning of September. Some teens would go on family holidays somewhere (mostly to the sea or the mountains or abroad), some in summer camps, some would stay at home, some all of those.
Anyway, in all those holidays teens can meet-up and hang-out with their friends, do sleepovers, etc.
School trips
School trips always have a cultural & educational purpose and will depend on the subject they’re being made for. You can visit museums, special cultural or historical places, etc. Most of the time you leave for the day by bus.
In some cases you can do a 3 to 5 days (or more depending your school) trip to another European country like England or Spain or Germany, maybe Italy. Those are opportunities to learn more about the other country’s culture (I know that when we did those trips we stayed in hosting families) learn and speak a bit the language, and learn history of the country depending on the outings of the day.
Anything else fandom tends to miss?
Ok so it could take a lot of time and everything isn’t coming to my mind but one of the main thing I tend to see in fics is “Americanisation” of the French school system if that makes sense. Which is logical because it’s kind of hard to understand how everything works in another country without living in it.
For instance lots of people in fics write things like “they share maths classes together but not French, so Adrien takes Marinette to her class before going to his” and not really: you stay the whole year with the same classmates and share all your courses with them. Only exceptions are if you took some particular options (like someone took Latin and the other took ancient Greek or nothing), or depending the 2nd language you chose to learn (German or Spanish usually but some schools offer more choices). Or if you’re in a practical course, then you class might be split in half but with Marinette & Adrien’s class, they’re already not numerous so I’d say the whole class would share them together.
There’s a lot of other things but they’re not coming to my mind right now or are too long to detail there (for instance what I said above about scientific/economic&social/arts courses), but I’ll make sure to share them if I think about it :)
Thanks for the ask, I hope I answered what you were looking for!! ♥
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maddiesbookshelves · 3 years
May the Best Man Win - Z. R. Ellor (May 2021)
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Jeremy Harkiss, cheer captain and student body president, won’t let coming out as a transgender boy ruin his senior year. Instead of bowing to the bigots, Jeremy decides to make some noise—and how better than by challenging his all-star ex-boyfriend, Lukas for the title of Homecoming King?
Lukas Rivers, football star and head of the Homecoming Committee, is just trying to find order in his life after his older brother’s death and the loss of his long-term girlfriend—who turned out to be a boy. But when Jeremy threatens to break his heart and steal his crown, Lukas kick starts a plot to sabotage Jeremy’s campaign.
Would I recommend it to anyone? I don't know, maybe if you like cliché love stories set in American high schools.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I thought I knew what to expect but I was disappointed to see that it was just like watching an Amerian movie with a teenage love story.
My thoughts on it? I have to admit that I really wanted to slap Jeremy for at least half the book because he keeps doing sh*tty things, he does everything that makes me hate romance movies (especially those set in high school): lack of communication, dumb stuff that makes him fight with his friends and end up isolated. Also, he's really selfish at the beginning, it was insufferable. As for Lukas, I just wanted to give him a big hug when he wasn't being an idiot too.
All in all, I don't think it's a bad book, I just think it wasn't the right book for me. I realize that it's really hard for me to find books that I like when the plot is centered on the romance. Probably because the characters NEVER talk thing out correctly, it makes me want to beat them up.
French version under the cut
Jeremy Harkiss, capitaine de l'équipe de cheerleading et président du corps étudiant, ne compte pas laisser son coming out en temps que garçon transgenre ruiner son année de terminale. Au lieu de s'incliner face aux bigots, Jeremy décide de faire du bruit. Et comment faire plus de bruits qu'en défiant son champion d'ex petit-ami, Lukas, pour le titre de Roi de Homecoming.
Lukas Rivers, star du football américain à la tête du comité pour Homecoming, essaie juste de remettre de l'ordre dans sa vie après la mort de son grand-frère et la perte de sa petite-amie de longue date, qui s'est avéré être un garçon. Mais quand Jeremy menace de lui briser le cœur et de lui voler sa couronne, Lukas mets en marche un plan pour saboter la campagne de Jeremy.
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Bof, il faut aimer les histoires d’amour un peu clichées qui se passent dans les lycées américains.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? Je pensais savoir à quoi m’attendre mais j’ai été un peu déçue de voir que c’était vraiment comme les films américains avec des histoires d’amour de lycée.
Avis sans spoiler ? J’avoue que j’avais très envie de frapper Jeremy pendant la moitié du bouquin parce qu’il fait vraiment n'importe quoi, il fait tout ce qui me fait détester les films d’amours (surtout ceux qui se passent dans des lycées) : manque de communication, des bêtises qui font qu’il se dispute avec ses amis et se retrouve isolé. En plus il est vraiment égoïste au début, c’est insupportable. Lukas j’avais juste envie de lui faire un gros câlin quand il faisait pas l’idiot à son tour.
En soi, je pense pas que ce soit un mauvais livre, c'était juste pas le bon livre pour moi. Je réalise qu’en fait c’est dur pour moi de trouver des romans qui me plaisent quand l'histoire est centrée sur l’intrigue amoureuse. Certainement parce que les personnages ne communiquent JAMAIS et ça me donne envie de les tabasser.
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actualitesconseils · 1 year
La rentrée scolaire : nouveautés et conseils pour bien réussir
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La rentrée scolaire : nouveautés et conseils pour bien réussir Chaque année, la rentrée scolaire est une période de grands changements pour les élèves, leurs parents et les enseignants. Entre les nouvelles épreuves, les spécialités au bac, les dates importantes et les décisions prises par le ministre de l'Education nationale, il y a toujours beaucoup à prendre en compte. Les principales nouveautés pour cette rentrée scolaire Pour cette rentrée scolaire, plusieurs changements ont été annoncés dans différents domaines : - l'organisation du bac, avec notamment des mises à jour concernant les épreuves et les spécialités à choisir; - des ajustements sur les dates de vacances scolaires et d'examens; - le port de l'uniforme dans certains établissements scolaires; - et même quelques incidents liés au respect des règles vestimentaires. Le baccalauréat et ses modifications cette année Cette année, le baccalauréat connaîtra certaines modifications, notamment : - la suppression des épreuves anticipées en fin de première; - la réduction du nombre de spécialités en Terminale s'allaigeant ainsi aux années scolaires 2023-2024 ; - et l'adaptation des examens prévus en mars et juin pour tenir compte de ces changements. Les dates importantes pour la rentrée scolaire 2023-2024 Plusieurs dates clés ont été annoncées pour cette rentrée : - le jeudi 17 août, début des pré-rentrées dans certains départements du sud ; - le jeudi 24 août, rentrée officielle pour l'ensemble des établissements en France ; - et le vendredi 1er septembre ou le lundi 4 septembre, retour en classe pour les enseignants et les élèves. Quelques ajustements sur les vacances scolaires et les examens En plus d'une modification des dates de rentrée, on notera également quelques changements concernant : - les périodes de vacances scolaires, avec notamment un allongement à certains moments de l'année; - ou encore l'interdiction d'utiliser certains objets (comme les téléphones portables) lors des examens. L'uniforme fait son apparition dans certains collèges Cette année, l'uniforme sera obligatoire dans plusieurs collèges en France. Une mesure controversée qui suscite de nombreux débats et qui a été défendue par Elisabeth Borne, ministre de l'Éducation nationale. Pourquoi imposer l'uniforme ? Selon la ministre et d'autres défenseurs de cette mesure, l'uniforme contribue à instaurer un climat plus serein et respectueux au sein des établissements scolaires. Il permettrait également de lutter contre les discriminations liées aux vêtements, ainsi que les inégalités sociales. Des concert de casseroles pour dénoncer la décision Cependant, nombre de parents d'élèves et enseignants ne sont pas convaincus par ces arguments et ont manifesté leur mécontentement lors de diverses actions symboliques (par exemple, des concerts de casseroles) organisées pour protester contre cette décision. Incidents autour du respect des règles vestimentaires En parallèle de la question de l'uniforme, quelques incidents ont eu lieu dans certaines écoles sur le respect des règles vestimentaires. En effet, plusieurs élèves se sont vu refuser l'accès à leur établissement pour cause de non-respect de celles-ci, comme le port de l'abaya. Une problématique complexe qui soulève des questions sociétales Derrière ces incidents isolés, ce sont des questions plus larges qui apparaissent : respect de la liberté individuelle, égalité entre filles et garçons, signes ostentatoires… Autant de problématiques qu'il est difficile de traiter de manière simpliste. Conseils pour aborder la rentrée scolaire sereinement Pour finir, voici quelques conseils pratiques pour aborder la rentrée scolaire avec le moins de stress possible : - préparer les fournitures scolaires et vérifier que l'on dispose de tout le matériel nécessaire; - s'organiser pour être à l'heure à l'école, afin d'éviter le stress des premières heures ; - se familiariser avec le nouvel environnement, en visitant l'établissement avant la rentrée si possible; - et ne pas hésiter à poser des questions aux enseignants ou au personnel administratif, qui sont là pour accompagner élèves et parents dans cette période de transition. Read the full article
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