#text: rosalie
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Twilight Text Post 8/???
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jasperhaleobsessed · 9 months
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I am half way through Midnight Sun and I can safely say Stephanie Meyer or Edward Cullen hates the Hale twins (Rosalie and Jasper but especially Rosalie). I feel like she prolonged Rosalie's anger and it was just too much. It made her unlikable. I also find Edwards' relationship with Rosalie awful. I just find it so hard to believe with them being siblings for 80 something years they wouldn't do something to make it better or where Edward doesn't think so little of her. And Jasper I feel that she writes him to be so cold and very much of a weak link at least in Edwards mind.
I do understand where they're both coming from. Rosalie doesn't want her family to move and there to be this big change. I wonder if she doesn't like change? I know Edward makes it out to be that she's self centered, jealous, etc etc. But I think one of the biggest problems is that he's not very sympathetic or empathetic. Another problem is that Meyer prolonged Rosalie's anger and resentment towards Edward and Bella. And honestly it was unnecessary. It just made her unlikable. I do understand why Rosalie was angry but the way it was executed and viewed by Edward was not pleasing to read.
I understand that Jasper most likely didn't want to move either and that he was probably worried it'd cause some problems for his family. Again it was not fun to read how Edward viewed it and how it was executed. In all the way Meyer wrote and how Edward viewed Rosalie and Jasper as characters didn't do them justice and it wasn't pleasing characterisation.
Honestly though I've probably read to many Jasper and Rosalie fics that did them more justice than in the books. I will say there are things I like about Midnight Sun. I just didn't like how Edward views his siblings. Let's be honest , he could be a little nicer, empathetic, and sympathetic.
And if this makes no sense I'm so sorry I wrote this 8:00 at night and something to know about me is that I'm an early bird and this is very late for me!
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miss-morgans-lover · 7 months
Some Twilight Textposts I've Made:
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@denalilily @clarasogatsby @bellasdumptruckass @jasperhaleobsessed
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myz-wykkyd · 1 year
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"Rosewood is a small, wealthy garden town known for it's quaint architecture, carefully tended flower fields, and natural elegance. It's a popular destination for those with an appreciation for art."
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My Animal Crossing: New Horizons island. I thought I'd go ahead and post it to my tumblr since Rosalie is my Island Representative- and I may be redoing my island eventually.
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juricore · 9 months
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posthumanwanderings · 4 months
trying to use my OCD for the Powers of Good here
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Rosalie was so right about everything. And I love a judgmental blonde.
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avornalino · 1 year
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gen 1 of the joy of life challenge by @simelune
remade this sim bc shes the perfect fit for a legacy founder and im super excited to get started w this legacy !! (once i'm not super busy with school lol)
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dazzling (shimmering, shivering)
She was his mate, she had wholeheartedly accepted that claim, and who was I to stick my nose in where it clearly wouldn’t be wanted? // I couldn’t put my finger to it, couldn’t figure out what it was - couldn’t figure out why on earth I was so invested in my moody brother and his besotted human either. // The only logical solution was, of course, to stalk them. Febuwhump2024, day 04: obedience. Twilight, AU.
cw: mind control pairing: bella/rosalie, past bella/edward.
fill for @febuwhump day 04: obedience
I hadn’t thought about it, not really - I mean, of course I knew Bella was beautiful, I have eyes and I’m not stupid, despite my hair colour. It didn’t quite register, however, considering how Edward had made his claim on her clear from the very beginning.
She was his mate, she had wholeheartedly accepted that claim, and who was I to stick my nose in where it clearly wouldn’t be wanted? 
That is, until I saw them together. There was something off about it - she adored him, that much was clear - but she wasn’t fawning over him the way she should have. I had seen Carlisle and Esme find each other, and I saw how Jasper treated Alice, and it was nothing like the dynamic that was Edward-and-Bella. 
I couldn’t put my finger to it, couldn’t figure out what it was - couldn’t figure out why on earth I was so invested in my moody brother and his besotted human either. I talked to Emmett about it, he was my best friend after all, but he was of absolutely no help - he just stared motionlessly at me for a minute before breaking out in great honking laughter. 
The only logical solution was, of course, to stalk them. Easier said than done, of course, considering one of them is a mind reader, but I did have several decades' worth of experience avoiding Edward’s intrusive gift. The key was to simply think in several layers, where the topmost layer was so annoying he would never go digging deeper. In my case, I just kept the script to Bee Movie running on repeat through my mind. He hated that movie.
The only reason I followed them that day was that it was sunny. We usually all went hunting when the sun was out - as rarely as that happened in Forks, Washington - but that day, Edward had begged off. Carlisle hadn’t questioned him, just accepted it straight off the bat despite how Edward’s eyes were turning darker almost by the hour. 
In and of itself, Edward not going along for a family hunt wasn’t all that unusual, he had that whole lone wolf schtick going for him, but the weird part was that Bella had called in sick at school. She had seemed fine the day before, and it was incredibly unlike her to in any way neglect school, so like any concerned friend would be, I was worried. 
Swinging by Bella’s house revealed that she and Edward had already left - luckily, I’m a decent tracker, and I could have followed Bella’s scent even if I was the worst tracker in vampire history.
Coming upon the Volvo parked at the end of a secluded forest road, Edward and Bella nowhere to be seen, actually made me slightly worried. It was probably just superstition, but it was also the exact kind of scenario like half of all murder mysteries ever began with. 
Trekking through the woods, carefully following their tracks while doing my best to not alert them to my presence, did nothing to lessen the unease in the pit of my stomach. At the same time, I was also arguing with myself - it’s not like I had any business following them, they’re mates and want to be alone, it would be so much easier to just turn around and leave them be.
And yet. 
Something pulled me forward, Bella’s scent filling my nostrils, my entire being demanding I track the two of them through the forest. 
I reached the edge of a large clearing, and there in the middle, I found them. It was a beautiful clearing, and I could fully understand why Edward had led her here - it was beautiful, in a monstrous way, the way his skin glittered in the sun, throwing reflections across the entire clearing. 
I settled down, twenty feet up in a tree where the branches had grown to make a quite comfortable little nook for me to hide in. I could certainly hear them, and if I craned my neck a little I could see them as well. 
Bella was facing in my direction, and there was something about her expression that put me on edge. Despite her vicinity to Edward she looked almost uncomfortable, a glint in her eyes that I wasn’t used to seeing. 
“Don’t you love me?” I heard Edward say, in a tone I hadn’t ever heard him use before - and Bella’s face lost the uncomfortable expression as if it was a slate wiped clean, and the glint in her eyes turned to a cloudy, unfocused gaze, almost as if she was sleepwalking.
“Of course I love you,” she replied dreamily.
Honestly, I’m not entirely certain what happened next, because all of a sudden I was standing before Bella, eyes trained on Edward, the thunderous sound of me hitting him still ringing out through the clearing. It looked almost like I’d tackled him, considering how he’d been thrown back several feet, but I genuinely had no idea how I’d ended up where I was. I knew why, though.
“How dare you, Edward Anthony Masen!” I hissed, venom flying like spittle from my mouth. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Rose!” Edward said, still lying prone on the forest floor where he’d landed. “What are you on about?”
“You’re mesmerizing her!” I yelled, still carefully keeping Bella behind me. She wasn’t doing anything, just standing there. It was like she was in a fugue, and how had I not seen it before? “How dare you mesmerize your mate!”
“Leave it, Rosalie,” he replied, tone suddenly much harsher than it had been. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The fuck I do! You’re mesmerizing her, does she have any idea what you’ve done to her?” 
“She’s mine, Rosalie, don’t you dare do anything to her.” He crawled his way to his feet, eyes intently trained on her. 
“Me? I won’t do anything to her, it’s all what you have done to her!” Edward started circling us, and there wasn’t much else for me to do but start circling as well. He was much faster than me, I knew that, but I hoped I would be able to protect Bella anyway. “I know what mesmerized humans look like, but I’ve never seen someone mesmerize their mate before - it’s always been the prey that’s been mesmerized.”
That sentence was enough to make him stop in his tracks and straighten up from the crouching stalk he’d been using to circle us. 
“I don’t - I wouldn’t - I love her,” he said beseechingly, sounding and looking most of all like a lost little boy. 
“Not a good way to show it, Edward,” I bit out, cautiously straightening from my crouch. Behind me, Bella stood stock-still, neither moving nor speaking. “Look at her, she’s so lost to the world she’s not even reacting to either of us! Is she even your mate?”
“I don’t - ” he violently shook his head before turning on his heel and running off. I knew there was no chance of me catching him, and for that matter - Bella was still lost to the world. Turning to face her, I could tell she hadn’t registered anything of mine and Edward’s exchange, but then again - she wouldn’t have registered if a clown was dancing the macarena in front of her either. 
I inched closer to her, as slowly as I would close in on a spooked horse, carefully lifting my hands to place them on her shoulders. What I didn’t expect to happen when my hands made contact with the skin bared by the tank top she was wearing, was the zing that went through me. 
Static electricity wasn’t usually something a vampire experienced, but it did happen. Weird though.
“I hope you’ll forgive me for this,” I said to her, all while knowing she couldn’t hear me. The easiest way to snap someone out of hysteria, panic or what have you - the way I’d learnt when I was a human, anyway - was to slap them. It gave them a shock and something to focus on, rather than the spiral of thoughts that had brought them to the state. 
Of course, I’m a vampire and she’s a human, and while I do have a lot of experience regulating my strength in normal interactions, I really don’t want to take the risk of snapping her neck in the process of snapping her out of her fugue. 
That just leaves the other way. The other way, unless you had tranquilizers on hand, was to kiss them.
The first thing I noticed when my lips descended on hers was the sheer warmth she was emitting - I hadn’t felt this warm since before my turning, and it was absolutely beautiful. The second thing was that the static electricity hadn’t abated, and actually, wasn’t that one of the signs of meeting your mate? 
Third of all, Bella was a really good kisser.
I broke the kiss with an unnecessary gasp, breath heaving despite having no need for it, and was gratified to see Bella looking back at me, gaze clearer than I’d ever seen it - in hindsight, someone should have seen what Edward was doing to her. 
“You’re welcome to do that anytime,” she murmured, hands tightly clasped behind my back. At some point, I had apparently buried my hands in her hair, and it was even silkier than I’d thought. “What happened?”
“Edward’s been - well, it’s a way of catching our, that is to say, well… prey, really,” I replied, well aware of how horrible it must sound to a human who had not that long ago learnt about the existence of vampires. “Hypnotizing, in essence, so that our prey will follow us to a more secluded area - and we can hide our nature. It keeps them pliant and unafraid.”
I could see the revulsion in her eyes and tried to take a step back, mindful of hurting her with the tight grip she had on me. In spite of what she was clearly feeling, however, her grip tightened further - she didn’t have a chance of stopping me unless I let her, but I wasn’t of a mind to let go either.
“It’s not you, Rose, that terrifies me,” she said, raising one hand to feather it through my hair. “It’s what he did to me that disgusts me, and that I did nothing to resist him.”
“You couldn’t have,” I said soothingly, trying not to arch into her hand like a pleased cat. “It’s not something any human could resist, even if they wanted to. It’s like a drug, insidious and turning you against your very self if necessary.”
“Well, I should hope so - I’ve never been interested in men, before, and to be entirely frank - that first day in the cafeteria? You were the one who caught my attention.”
If I still could, I would have blushed. I was used to people looking, but the frank admiration shining out of her eyes would be my undoing. 
“I’m hoping I’m not the only one who felt the jolt when you kissed me?” Bella said teasingly, looking like she knew exactly what she was doing to me. 
“I - didn’t want to say anything, I don’t want you to feel pressured - not this soon after what he did to you,” I replied bashfully. Bashful wasn’t a word I’d ever used to describe myself, certainly not a word anyone else had ever used either, but in that moment, it was the only applicable one. “I think it was, well, it is often one of the more obvious signs of meeting your mate, especially when one isn’t a vampire.”
“Yes, I did read some of Carlisle’s literature on the subject - I didn’t think much of how I’d never felt it with Edward, I just assumed it was because I was human.”
“I think he just… mesmerized you into not caring.” 
She hummed thoughtfully, one hand fiddling with my hair. I was fairly certain that if she kept it up I’d melt into a boneless puddle, but I wasn’t complaining. I certainly wasn’t complaining when she kissed me again. 
“What do you say to getting out of here? I hope you know the way back to your car, because I have no idea how we got here in the first place. I would really like to be anywhere else but here, to be honest.” She looked around, a faintly repulsed look on her face. 
“Of course,” I said, not letting go more than absolutely necessary to swing her onto my back, gratified to hear her surprised squeal turn into helpless peals of laughter. 
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nedlittle · 1 year
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[id in alt text]
vera kelly is not a mystery by rosalie knecht
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dizzydispatch · 2 years
do you think the cullens could use smart phones?
like aren’t touchscreens heat based?
how would that work
maybe smeyer would just use it as another way to reinforce the “old-fashioned good, modern bad” thing
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icemankazansky86 · 2 years
Edward: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Rosalie: Wisdom is not putting it in fruit salad.
Emmett: Philosophy is wondering if that means ketchup is a smoothie.
Jasper, from the next room: Common sense is knowing that ketchup isn’t a damn smoothie, ya nasty.
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kristenspychox · 1 year
Sentaíta, la' mano' la' juntaba
Que al compás, por bulería'
Parecía que rezaba
Junta la' palma' y las separa
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myz-wykkyd · 1 year
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Name: Rosalie
Age: Mid-Late Twenties 
Birthday: Spring 14th
Description: Rosalie was born in Sandrock and, for much of her early youth, lived a carefree life alongside her friends in the small, desert town. However, when her mother won the affections of a rich businessman, her family moved to Atara and Rosalie was forced to leave everything she’d ever held dear behind. For years, Rosalie struggled to adjust to all the changes expected of her in order to fit in amongst her new peers. However, though her rough manners were often a point of contention with her mother, Rosalie eventually gave up pretending to be someone she wasn’t and chose to leave her comfortable life behind to return to her childhood home as a Builder. She has an intense temper and stubborn disposition, but her devotion to Sandrock and its inhabitants has never wavered. She’s ready to take on whatever challenges the desert may bring.
Her Full Bio (WIP) can be found on my TH!
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juricore · 9 months
they have robbed my friend andre of his whimsy and my dear friend rosalie of not only her lesbianism but her quest for vengeance
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beevean · 2 years
Under the read because it's long
ENG, first draft:
He isn’t a boy anymore. This time, he doesn’t take nearly as long to understand that they’re falling in love.
It’s in the way Rosaly can’t look at him without giggling, in the way her hair shines gold when struck by the morning light, in the way her nimble fingers carefully fix the collar of his shirt, in the way the house feels so cold when she leaves to do her errands, in the way she tucks a strand of hair behind his ear, and her light touch lingers on his skin, like the heat coming from the hearth of the house.
She wouldn’t let him go. She worries about him, about this stranger whom she welcomed without any strings attached – why, he can’t begin to guess, but he already learned to accept things he couldn’t understand.
(Hasn’t this happened already? Should he risk it again?)
Rosaly smiles the sweetest of smiles when her gaze falls upon him, and his debt has been repaid in full, and he doesn’t want to leave her either.
ITA, rewritten:
Non è più un ragazzino. Questa volta, riconosce fin da subito i segni.
Si celano nel modo in cui Rosaly non riesce a guardarlo senza ridacchiare, in cui i suoi capelli splendono dorati quando colpiti da un raggio di sole, in cui la casa è così fredda quando lei è via, in cui le sue dita affusolate gli aggiustano il collare della camicia, in cui gli sposta una ciocca di capelli dietro l’orecchio, in cui gli tira le maniche per portarlo con sé e si dimentica di lasciarlo andare; e il suo tocco leggero gli rimane sulla pelle, come il calore che viene dal caminetto, e le prime volte Hector trasaliva e voleva sottrarsi, e ora non può più farne a meno.
Hector è guarito quasi del tutto, può muoversi senza difficoltà, e sono solo le tre cicatrici al petto che ancora si fanno sentire. Non ha più bisogno di Rosaly. Ma lei non vuole lasciarlo andare.
Si preoccupa per lui, per questo forestiero che lei ha accolto senza chiedere nulla in cambio – perché, Hector non lo comprende, ma non è la prima volta che accetta qualcuno che non comprende. Si sentono brutte voci, dice Rosaly, le persone parlano di epidemie ed eretici e litigano e si fanno del male e non voglio che anche tu venga coinvolto, rimani qui, ti trovi bene, non è vero?
Neanche Hector ha fretta di lasciare la collina, il suo rifugio,
(la sua casa, potrebbe quasi dire)
e la consapevolezza lo spaventa.
Non può, non può, non può commettere lo stesso errore, già si fidò di una persona che era così buona con lui, già diede tutto sé stesso, consegnò il suo cuore e fu trafitto…
Ma Rosaly non è come lui.
Gli sorride il sorriso più dolce quando i due incrociano gli occhi – ha il cielo mattutino nelle iridi, è il sole che ha accolto Hector nel mondo degli umani – e lui non può non ricambiare, e come potrebbe dirle di no?
Si trova più che bene, insieme a Rosaly.
ENG, retranslated:
He’s not a boy anymore. This time, he recognizes the signs right away.
They're in the way Rosaly can’t look at him without giggling, in the way her hair shines gold when struck by the morning light, in the way the house feels so cold when she leaves to do her errands, in the way her nimble fingers carefully fix the collar of his shirt, in the way she tucks a strand of hair behind his ear, in the way she tugs his sleeves to lead him somewhere and there her hands stay; and her light touch lingers on his skin, like the heat coming from the hearth of the house, and the first few times Hector flinched and wanted to get away, and now he longs for nothing else.
Hector is almost completely healed, he can move with ease, and only the three scars on his chest flare from time to time. He doesn’t need Rosaly anymore. But she doesn’t want to let him go.
She worries about him, about this stranger whom she welcomed without any strings attached – why, he can’t begin to guess, but it’s not the first time that he accepted someone he doesn’t understand. There are bad rumors, Rosaly says, people talk about epidemics and heretics and they fight and they hurt each other and I don’t want you to get involved, please stay, you’re happy here, aren’t you?
Hector is not in a hurry to leave the hill either, his sanctuary,
(his home, he could almost say)
and the realization freezes him.
He can’t, he can’t, he can’t make the same mistake, he already trusted a person who was so good to him, he already gave all of himself, he gave his heart and it was speared through…
But Rosaly is not like him.
She smiles the sweetest smile when their gazes cross - she has the morning sky in her irises, the sun that welcomed Hector into the human world - and he can’t help but smile back, and how could he say no to her?
He is more than happy with Rosaly.
(she’s not like him)
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