#tfa one shot
payaso-gomi · 1 day
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i really wanted the colors to pop in this piece so i decided to do it traditionally! decided to enter in @characterhub-com 's art contest! really tried my best on optimus too, and he came out pretty well i'd say!
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cyberrose2001 · 2 months
(Not a request dw) Just imagining rn how Ratchet (TFP but also especially TFA) would react to a reader, who usually acts shy and innocent, saying all kinds of dirty depraved shit while high on painkillers/anesthesia after surgery
I'd imagine it'd go similar for both TFP and TFA Ratchet
You just got your wisdom teeth out and you get dropped off at the base to recover, still doped out on anesthetics with a bandage wrapped around your chin and cotton buds stuffed in your mouth, then you spot Ratchet
Whether or not you had the hots for him before, you either do now or you're suddenly struck by cupids bow with the poison tip of confidence because hot damn is he looking like a juicy slab of porterhouse. Your sexy home doctor, your angel with the antibiotics
You'd be confined to the couch as Ratchet takes one look at your beaten up jaw and holds his helm in his hands because what the frag did he just sign himself up for
"Heeeeyyy how big is your dick?"
"My what?"
"I'm juuss curious, I bet it's thick too heheheeee."
"Primus help me, what did they give you?"
"I don't knowwww but I know what yoooou can give me-"
"Please stop talking before you rip your stitches out."
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cheesarbles · 10 months
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And a wip :)
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I’m making a lot of these
the cube >:)
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mskenway97 · 7 months
What about human reader meeting armada starscream for the first time? I'll let the rest be up to you.(Armada Starscream is a pred)
First touch
Tf armada Starscream x Fem!human!reader
Words : 1,050
Summary: Starscream was the first to explore planet Earth to find the minicons but there is something about the native creatures that had called to him.
Warning: g/t content, safe vore, soft vore, first contact, crush kink a little
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I will put the links of pillowfort and ao3 to publish this application if you want to read it enter there no problem ok?
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riverofjazzsims · 1 year
Queues up Ron Isley ....
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@cinamun .. it was in this moment I thought the story was gonna go left instead of right .. because just KNEW this was Darren and OG might have caught a case if he caught his baby girl at any hotel where a family trip wasn't involved... upon closer inspection, my heart rate settled when i realized it was just an ol regular smegular simbot😵‍💫🙄😒
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sayuricorner · 1 year
Rise of the TMNT X TFA: Former cybertronian gladiator!Splinter(Lou Jitsu) AU: One-shot 3 - A Blast From the Past(Ultra Magnus’s version)
 One-shot 2: A Blast From the past (Splinter’s version)
AU concept
Warning : English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing ! 😅
Hi everyone! Here's another one-shot I wrote for the AU! ^^ This one-shot will be about Ultra Magnus's pov about Lou Jitsu and his past as a gladiator cybertronian! ^^
(I hope I got the characters right! Sorry if it appear a bit OOC and/or confusing! T_T)
If you want to use this AU go ahead, just tag/credite me in return please! ^^
Ultra Magnus was in his office looking at the latest report he received from some of his autobots teams.
From what the report said, Decepticon activities were becoming more and more frequent with autobots teams being attacked and reports like this keep adding up to the pile.
The Magnus was about to look up another report when the voice of one of his secretaries in his communicator interrupted him.
"- Ultra Magnus sir? I'm sorry to disturb you in your work but Team Athenia came back from their mission on the space bridge 687-030 and Rodimus Prime is here to give his team's report !"
Ah yes, Ultra Magnus remembers this mission! The space bridge 687-030 was threatened to be taken by the Decepticon team "team Chaar" and team Athenia had been sent to defend it.
"-Tell him he can enter!" The Magnus answered solemnly.
"- Very well sir! "
A few nano-seconds later, Rodimus Prime entered the office, his face was professionally neutral not showing a bit of disappointment nor of satisfaction.
For Ultra Magnus this was a good sign, usually, even the most experienced and professional autobots tend to show disappointment when a mission had gone wrong so that Rodimus Prime showed neither disappointment nor satisfaction more than certainly meant that the mission did go well.
However, when he looked closely he noticed something behind the young Prime’s professional mask.
He seemed to be… Confused and hesitant?
“-Rodimus Prime reporting sir!” The young Prime saluted.
"-At ease Rodimus Prime !" Ultra Magnus answered."I could guess that the mission was a success?"
“-Affirmative sir!” Rodimus confirmed."The space bridge have been secured and the decepticons team who attacked us had been defeated! However the way which permit us to turn the situation to our advantage was… Weird?”
“-What do you mean?” The Magnus asked, confused.
“-Well, we were fighting the Decepticons and, to be honest sir, the situation was not at our advantage, when unknown neutral mechs came out out of nowhere and had fought the Decepticons and beat them with fighting techniques we had never saw before! Once the Decepticons retreated, we tried to interrogate those mechs but they disappeared before we could ask any question!”
“-Unknown fighting techniques?”
“Yes, sir! It looked similar to ninjabots fighting techniques but at the same time it was very different!”
“-I see…” Ultra Magnus answered thoughtfully.”Did you or your team noticed anything with those mechs which could give a clue about who they are or at least which faction they belong to?”
“-Well, not really… The only things we saw with those mechs is that none of them were wearing one of the two factions’s symbols so they’re more then probably neutrals, two of them were warframes and the other two civilframes…”
This interpellated Ultra Magnus, even among neutrals it was unusual for warframes and civilframes to willingly team up together.
“-...And there was also a battle cry they were often shooting during their fight! If I remember well it was… “hot soup”!”
Ultra Magnus froze at the two words, to Rodimus’s shock, the Magnus was staring at him with wide optics and a stunned expression the young Prime never saw on his superior before.
“...Hot Soup?...” Ultra Magnus repeated in a shocked whisper.
Rodimus Prime, still confused by the situation, noticed the whole room becoming silent and when looking around noticed much to his surprise that all everybot else present in the room were all staring at them in shock, one staff member even unconsciously dropped the datapads he was holding due to the shock.
This confused Rodimus Prime even more, what was going on with them? Was that something he said?
“-Ultra Magnus sir? Are you alright?” The Prime asked his superior.
Ultra Magnus blinked a few times before breaking from his shock but still looking a bit confused.
“-Hum… Yes I am fine! Thank you for your report Rodimus Prime! You are dismissed!”
Still confused, the young Prime saluted the Magnus before leaving the office.
Once Rodimus Prime left the office, Ultra Magnus turned his attention toward the bots who were still staring and made them sign to go back to what they were doing before going back in his thoughts.
It can't be HIM! It was so long ago! Could it be HIM? After all this time?
Is HE really back?
The gladiator that everybot on Cybertron knew as “Lou Jitsu”?
He remembered it as if it was yesterday.
Eons ago before he became a Magnus, even before he even became a Prime.
Back when he was known simply as Ultra, a young cadet still in the autobot academy.
Even back then, he was a serious mech who preferred working on becoming a competent and professional autobot rather than going out to drink with his fellow cadets and “having fun”.
That's why when he heard news about a big gladiator fight event which was going to take place on the colony Tsiehshi, he didn’t pay much mind to it, it wasn’t like he planned on going anyway!
Or at least he wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for Kup practically dragging him to Tsiehshi to attend the gladiator fight despite his protestations.
“-You work all the time Ultra! It’s not bad to let go of work once in a while! And besides, it’s Lou Jitsu’s potential final battle! It’s not something we can just miss!”
Lou Jitsu… A designation that he, like everybot else, knew very well.
A mysterious mech who appeared from Primus only knew, who did not have any form of identity registered in any cybertronian databases.
A mech who managed to go through and win every battle he faced in the gladiator arena of Tsiehshi despite being a civilframe.
A mech whose reputation and mystery got to such level that his designation was in everybot’s mouths.
A mech who was about to have the battle of his life, who will potentially win his freedom back in a fight against the monstrous Skullcrusher and get the right to one thing, anything, he wishes for if he wins the fight.
A fight he was dragged to by Kup and had attended to.
Even to this day he remembers this fight, the brutality, the intensity.
He remembered when Skullcrusher had Lou Jitsu trapped in his grip and was about to live up to his designation.
He remembered when just everybots in the public thought this was over, the table had turned in one battle cry.
A battle cry who ended up marked in every cybertronian’s cpu.
“-HOT SOUP!!!!”
In one battle cry, the battle drastically turned in Lou Jitsu's favor in a fight like Ultra had never seen before.
He was amazed by what he was looking at, never in his life had he seen such fighting techniques!
It was like Lou Jitsu was an unstoppable force that nothing nor nobot could stop.
It was like he was invincible!
He saw Lou Jitsu throw a final powerful blow and Skullcrusher fall knocked out on the arena's floor.
Lou Jitsu had won! He won his Freedom back!
When Skullcrusher was out the audience, and surprisingly he included, wildly cheered for Lou Jitsu's Victory, scanding his designation in a Infinite choice and amazement.
But Ultra's surprise wasn't over when Lou Jitsu told his wish to the arena master:
The liberation of all the gladiators of the arena and all of them receiving monetary compensation.
This had taken Ultra and the audience by surprise, many had made bets and theories about Lou Jitsu's wish but nobot expected it to be that.
However when the arena master tried to refuse Lou Jitsu's wish, something in Ultra made him act on his own.
Maybe it was from the excitement from the fight? Or the autobots in his programming who were scandalized by the arena master's behavior? Or maybe a mix of both?
In any case something deep inside of his CPU was telling him to act against this injustice right now!
"-IS THIS A JOKE?!" Ultra had screamed, scandalized much to Kup's surprise, who was sitting right beside him, and of the audiences, the arena master's and Lou Jitsu's who all turned their attention to him.
Normally, he would never act like this, he wasn’t the kind of mech to drag attention on himself, especially in such a way, but once he began his protest, he couldn’t stop.
As soon as he finished, another bot in the audience followed next.
Right after that the rest of the audience joined in, protestating loudly against the arena master.
Soon enough, the whole stadium, even the other gladiators, was protesting and booing at the arena master who was panicking and trying to find a way to take back control of the situation.
The arena master’s gaze ended on Lou Jitsu, who looked at in defiance with a smirk;
“-So, what is it gonna be arena master? ‘cause it look like the public is gonna riot if you don’t take a decision, or rather the right decision, right now!~”
The arena master ended up giving in, the fear of a riot actually happening overthrowing his greed.
Ultra Magnus remembers the whole Arena exploding in cheering when the arena master had given in, everybots, spectators and gladiators alike, were scanding Lou Jitsu's name.
After that the arena master kept his word and gave their freedom back to all the gladiators and gave all of them monetary compensations to the point of ending up ruined and forced to close down his gladiator arena, marking the end of the age of gladiators.
Lou Jitsu, once free, just left Tsiehshi without leaving any traces and was never to be seen again.
Like he never existed.
But no cybertronian ever forgot about him, not even Ultra Magnus.
Even eons after he vanished, even after the start of the war with the Decepticons, even after Ultra became a Prime and eons later a Magnus.
Lou Jitsu's legend keep living on with cybertronians, Autobots and Decepticons alike, knowing him as the hero who put an end to Gladiator fights.
On Tsiehshi, a statue was erected in honor of him at the place where the gladiatorial arena was before.
Despite the eons, the memory and legend of Lou Jitsu still keep living in Cybertron history and was never forgotten by anybot.
"- Ultra Magnus sir? Ultra Magnus sir! '
A voice of Cliffjumper through his communicator broke the Magnus from his thoughts.
"-Yes, what is it?" Ultra Magnus asked when answering the call.
"- Pardon me for bothering you sir, but we just got reports of strange activities going on on Earth! According to the reports, a non identified ship has been spotted going to the sector where Optimus Prime and his team are located! "
This got Ultra Magnus's attention.
Could this ship be linked to the group of neutrals that helped Team Atenia?
This could be just a coincidence but it wasn't impossible!
"-I see… Get in contact with Sentinel Prime, Jazz, Jetfire and Jetstorm to report to my office immediately and prepare the Steelheaven! We will go investigate those activities!" He ordered.
"- Understood sir! Cliffjumper out! "
As soon as the communication was cut, Ultra Magnus began to make all the preparations needed.
Whatever those neutrals were in relation with Lou Jitsu or not, he was going to get the bottom of this!
"-Rodimus Prime! Happy to know you came back from your mission in one piece!" The young Prime was greeted by Kup in the hall of the building.
"-Kup Minor sir!" Rodimus saluted his old mentor.
“-Now now Rodimus, don’t forget that I’m retired now! no need for military titles!” The old mech corrected, smiling.”Now how about you tell me how your mission has gone? I heard from Red Alert that something really strange happened!”
Rodimus then re-told once the mission’s events, telling Kup exactly everything he told Ultra Magnus earlier.
As he got to the “Hot soup” part, the young Prime noticed that his old mentor got a shocked expression just like Ultra Magnus’s earlier.
He was about to ask Kup if everything was alright when the old mech put his hands on his shoulder and stared at him with a serious look on his face.
“-Kid, I’m gonna ask you a question and I need you to answer clearly okay? Are you ABSOLUTELY sure that their battle cry was “Hot soup”?”
Rodimus Prime was getting more and more confused.
“-Yes! I’m more than certain, this is what they said! Why?”
“-Rodimus, does the designation “Lou Jitsu” ring any bell to you?”
“-Of course it does! Lou Jitsu is one of the most well known celebrity figures in Cybertron’s history! The mech is seen as a hero, there’s no one in cybertronian kind who doesn’t know him! But what does this have anything to do with…”
Rodimus stopped on track, suddenly connecting the dots.
The battle cry… “ Hot soup”...
It was Lou Jitsu’s battle cry!
“-... No way!” The young Prime slowly exclaimed, his optics wide in realization.
“-Yes way kid! If what you heard turns out to be his war cry then it more than probably means one thing…”
                                                 “Lou Jitsu is back!”
TAG list:
@roseofdarkness0 , @skyite , @skatermusic , @yourpoin
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arriettyspin · 2 months
They should just retcon the time period of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy at this point. It is absolutely insane and unbelievable that the events of those movies happened over the course of one year. Narratively, the lack of time jumping from The Force Awakens to The Last Jedi made sense. But there should've been more time for the events of each individual movie to unravel, and multiple years between the Rise Of Skywalker and the Last Jedi.
The short timespan really limits the supplementary material that can be produced between the sequel films. Think of the two Clone Wars TV series, multiple books and comics that take place between the prequels. The many comics and EU novels detailing what happened between the original movies. How are they supposed to cram that type of lore and character development between the sequel films when there's hardly any time to do so?
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ultralaser · 2 years
anyways so also i'm still thinking about that mary sue jackass on twitter whining about rey still bc the complaint is always 'rey beats kylo ren easily out of nowhere' and that is just fundamentally not what happens in that movie
-- one of the first things we see rey do is absolutely demolish a bunch of guys on jakku, so we know she can fight
-- one of the first things she does in the saber fight with kylo ren is echo her staff fighting motions and try to lunge at him, but she doesn't have the same range w the saber
-- so she holds her own defensively but is literally on the run and ends up pinned between ren and a sudden cliff edge as a crevasse opens up
-- she doesn't actually turn the battle against ren until she
wait for it
(which is exactly what LUKE did!)
also that whole fight kylo ren is literally dying after being gut-shot, bc chewie blasted him with his fkn bowcaster, which is ALSO set-up earlier as being strong enough to send dudes FLYING after a hit
so kylo ren took a GRENADE to the stomach and STILL nearly won that fight!
just absolutely no reading comprehension at all, it's almost like they haven't seen the film more than once and remember it wrong, or are deliberately or unconsciously lying about to serve a reactionary agenda, and it doesn't matter how rey won but rather THAT she won, at all
the only actual mary sue in that movie is kylo ren
the only other mary sue in that movie is poe dameron
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void-botanist · 1 year
Six-sentence serendipity
I was tagged by @sarahlizziewrites and I thought it would be much longer until I could post six new sentences (I don't think that's a requirement, but it's fun to do it), but I had an idea for Nicea. After finding out Cady is alive, Isabel has to explain to the local pub owner why she suddenly isn't going to meet the terms of their music performance agreement.
“You know Declan’s husband, Cady?” “I know of him,” Mal said. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him.” “Well, he supposedly died ten years ago.” Mal treated her to half a scowl. “Maybe you should have led with that.”
Tagging @kahvilahuhut, @sunset-a-story, and @vacantgodling (as always, no pressure)!
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Fir the MegOp request: TFA Megatron reaction that TFA Optimus is a space bridge repair worker
Finally I found your ask! I spent a century combing through my notifications XD
Aaaaanyways, here it is! Hope you like it ^^
Megatron swung his swords at the Prime, missing by a wire’s breath when the Autobot ducked and returned the attack in kind. It was a familiar song and dance for the warlord by now, though usually their fights were not so… private.
As luck would have it, both of them had answered an energy anomaly in the forest near Detroit. It had been a rather pleasant surprise to find the young Prime all by his lonesome right after locating the Allspark fragment in the middle of a small clearing in said woods.
“Not too shabby, Autobot. A few more millennia and you might stand a chance at defeating me!” he mocked as he kicked his opponent to the ground. It was almost too easy sometimes, but the Prime always pulled through one way or another.
“I have a name!” snapped Optimus as he rolled just out of reach of Megatron’s pede which left a small crater right where he had been a moment ago, “I am Optimus Prime, and you ought to remember that!” he growled and slashed with his axe at the pede, only grazing the thick warframe armour. Megatron couldn’t help but laugh at the feeble attempt to injure him.
It was always fun to see his enemies infuriated at the fact that he didn’t know their names. He did, but one thing he had learned early on in his gladiatorial career was that an unconcentrated opponent was a weak one. That practice of his had helped him all throughout the war and even after that. It wasn’t often that he met an opponent that kept their cool so well in the face of such disrespect.
“Ah, yes, the rank of Prime. The standards for it have fall quite a bit, haven’t they?” he chuckled with a smirk and parried the angry swing aimed at his helm, throwing the Autobot into the air. Megatron watched with a hint of surprise as his foe flipped in the air and landed square on his pedes, ready to resume their fight. “Or maybe not.” he muttered to himself and went in for another attack.
Few survived an encounter with him and lived long enough to tell the tale. Even fewer willingly went against him again, which made fighting the young mech such a delight.
The little Prime never ceased to surprise. He was always so resourceful and selfless – two qualities he had long believed to be extinct when it came to Autobots. He fought rather rigidly, yes, but he knew when to change tactics in order to secure an advantage. That, he could respect, he could use. If only the Prime wasn’t so foolishly loyal to his rusted cause.
Optimus dodged blaster fire with ease as he shot a grappling hook at one of Megatron’s swords, attempting to seize it.
Megatron grabbed the chord and pulled, sending Prime once again flying through the open sky, but this time luck was not on his side. He smashed against a tree, with a loud crack before falling to the ground, heaving.
“You Autobots never learn, do you? You can not defeat me, even the best of you.” he knew that praising him was a contradictive move, but he had earned it.
It came as a surprise to hear the Prime snort and try to stifle a chuckle.
“What’s so funny, Autobot?” the reaction puzzled him. He was about to be offlined and yet here he was, laughing like Megatron had told him the funniest joke in the galaxy.
“Oh, it’s nothing, really. It’s just that, if you really think that an academy washout, space bridge technician is ‘one of the best’, then it’s not the Autobots’ standard that has fallen.” snickered Optimus as he looked up at Megatron with a slag eating grin.
The warlord froze in place, his CPU attempting and failing to process the new information.
Optimus laughed even harder, wincing when his vents, damaged by the hit he took, expelled a wheezing sound.
Megatron pressed the tip of one of his swords right against the Autobot’s main fuel line, effectively silencing him. “Explain yourself, now.” he growled menacingly.
“What exactly is there to explain? I already told you the truth. I’m not a fully fledged Prime. Officially I’m not even considered a warrior, no one on my team is. We’re space bridge technicians. Our job was to travel around the corners of the galaxy and repair the Autobot space bridge network.”
Megatron looked at the Prime in disbelief, every interaction they had ever had, replaying itself in the warlord’s mind as small, incongruous details about the team of Autobots slotted themselves into place to finally reveal the horrific truth.
They were no warriors, they were civilians who had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. That was why the Elite Guard had done next to nothing to help them. To the great Autobot machine they were fodder, disposable.
Disgust and hatred flashed through Megatron’s field, making Optimus flinch minutely when his own tense one came into contact with his.
This changed everything and nothing at the same time which only infuriated Megatron even more. It was dishonourable to fight against someone who could not face you properly in battle, who was not a warrior. It was Descepticon code, something he himself had put into place to prevent unnecessary carnage in the name of keeping Cybertron populated. Overtime, even the worst of the Descepticons had accepted it as law, even he himself had begun to view it as something on which his honour depended.
And here he was tarnishing it in the worst way imaginable.
“You know, if you ask me, I would much rather fight Cons for the rest of my life than go back to the most boring job in the universe.”
Immediately, Megatron’s helm snapped to the location of the voice only to see the bright yellow Autobot speedster sitting on a tree stump, looking at the bots before him while twirling the forgotten Allspark fragment in his servos.
“Personally, I’d rather be a space bridge technician. Bossbot is right, we aren’t warriors, and I’ll be more than happy to go back to doing what I signed up for.” came the voice of the big green Autobot from the other side of the clearing.
“Quit yer whining, will ya? We still need to save Optimus from Buckethead!” barked the team’s medic as he primed his magnets.
“I do not believe Optimus needs our saving.” chimed in the ninja bot who appeared from behind a tree.
Megatron took in all of the newly gathered Autobots, ignoring the last comment. Before, all he saw was a bunch of low-class warriors with lacking training, but now, he saw them for what they really were. It was so obvious in hindsight, he wanted to kick himself for missing it.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Prowl, I really appreciate it.” Megatron snapped his attention back to his original foe, having thought him incapacitated. Clearly, he had miscalculated again, as a spray of foam hit his faceplates, completely blinding him. He tried moving back, only for his pedes to be restrained in Prime’s grappling hook.
Megatron fell backwards with a grunt. As he tried to regain his sight, he could hear the commotion around him.
“Let’s go before he gets back up and hunts us down!” yelled Optimus. His command was met with no complaints and soon enough Megatron found himself alone on the clearing.
He growled and muttered curses as he cut the chord around his pedes. The mission had been a disaster. Of course, he could give chase to the Autobots and try to retrieve the Allspark fragment, but ultimately decided against it.
Once he finally deemed himself presentable, he gave one last glance to the direction in which the Autobot team retreated, sighed, and began the journey back to the Descepticon hideout. He was in no mood to rush back just to deal with his subordinates, so he opted to walk. That way he had some time to mull over the new information he had obtained and formulate a plan…
And think of a way to break the news to his Descepticons without causing a riot.
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scribe-of-hael · 3 months
I think with the new Skybound comics and ES2 I am just tired of Starscream just being evil.
"Well he's always been evil!"
Debatable , but even if he was you have NEW universes where different shit happens, different events and butterfly effects. Do, somthing, eles. It is repetitive, it is tiring, you CAN do somthing different. Marvel does it , DC does does it. This is a series built of the concepts of multiverse.
Tfa is arguably one of the more different world considering the Autobots "won" , the Decpeticon forces are scattered and functionalism is VERY present. It was wildly popular! Optimus and Megatron didn't even KNOW each other, hell Megatron never even bothered to remember his name !
Armada acutally tried to give Starscream some sort of conflict, even CARING about the children even if a little.
Skybound is a just a psychopath and its just honestly for shock value and a way to make the squeaky seeker more "menacing" and honestly I roll my eyes. I'm tired of gore p*rn tbh.
Anything to do with a character that be worth wild, to go beyond the constant characterization after so many years is just tossed aside. I'd even argue they tried to tackle it in IDW. But nothing in video media.
It is the most devastating thing to present a character, a FAN favorite and hint at change but then whom ever is calling the shots just doesn't follow through.
Starscream can still stumble and fall , he can still struggle to be a good person. And I honestly WANTED to see that for him in es2. He can fall back into his habits, his unhelpful coping mechanisms. It's apart of untangling the trauma one has to go through to grow as a person and that's NOT a bad thing!
That is a very REAL thing people have to go through. Learning to be better is not an over night thing and I honestly wish we did see him stumble, regret it and try to do the right thing.
Instead they just in a kinda fucked up way JUSTIFIED what Megatron did to him. "He was crazy somtimes so I had to beat him up" like that shit wasn't funny then, and it's not now.
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mskenway97 · 7 months
What about armada hotshot being cuddly?(With some vore with it). The rest? go wild.
Dangerous cuddles
Tf armada HotShot x Fem!human!reader
Words : 1,263
Summary: You hadn't had a good week, Hot Shot decided to give you a pampering session until you tried things that might be a little strange.
Warning: g/t content, safe vore, soft vore, g/t fluff, comfort vore
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I will put the links of pillowfort and ao3 to publish this application:
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windydrawallday · 2 months
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[A Different Type Of Hunt]
[...] “Well then,” he capitulated, “if you won't interrupt, I'll allow your presence for the time being on this hunt,” he said, before he thought about the other a little longer, and spoke up cautiously: “Unless you wish to compete for the ‘bounty’?” “Is there anything to be gained from it?” came an immediate ask, which made him relax as he almost let out a snicker. “Nothing but personal satisfaction.” […] “It's almost cute how much you want me gone, Prowl.” “After all this, you better hope you won't find me straight up adorable,” Prowl shot back with irritation, making sure to cause the branch he was holding to hit the hunter straight in his stupid face, even if he had to jump up to reach one at the adequate height.
➡️[Keep Reading the Full Story HERE]⬅️
My art entry (and first year participating) for the @tf-bigbang ! And because this was a "Mini-Reverse" version, I took the opportunity of illustrating a very BIG COMPLEX picture of my fav TFA rascals of course 🐦🦡💚
🌟 And I matched with @ivycorp as a writer pal! She did such an AWESOMESAUCE job portraying them in this dynamic! Practically a 1:1 of how I see them personally: lots of funny, endearing, bantering, and even somber moments plus a delightful of descriptions that's like taking a sip of a tropical drink 🍹
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✨ Please, give it a read! Or if you know someone who likes this pairing, recommend it! We tried to make something that can be enjoyed by many without the need to support them as a pairing and I think this will be one of the few SFW fics on AO3 of them LMAO that was a plus goal achieved.
Under the cut, I'll keep babbling about my piece because... this had quite THE journey of a process for me, enjoy!
If you think the final thing looks already complicated: watch again, here is the ORIGINAL PLAN...
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I usually don't render this refined because I don't use textured-pattern-ready brushes but work stroke by stroke on the canvas like an old oil painting. Most of the time I render all in one layer (or merge various layers at the end). So it ends quite taxing, but so rewarding to look at!
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It got quite the amount of rearranging and redrawing of scenes to fit better in each place, so that was another factor that burned me up slowly, I guess...
Sadly, I didn't take into account how much time these took, and because I'm not the same person from years ago with free time to sit down and focus for more than 3 hs on a pic (these usually demand between 6 to 8 hs of attention without counting extra corrections) I ended cutting down half the planed scenes :')
But hey! Probably I'll go back to them and finish them to set everything how originally was supposed to be. But for now, I'll take a good rest (my wrists are still trembling a bit) and bask in the beauty of my pal's work too... and bless the admins of the event FOR BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME orz
Thank you, from the moon and back! 🌙💖
87 notes · View notes
sayuricorner · 2 years
Rise of the TMNT X TFA: Former cybertronian gladiator!Splinter(Lou Jitsu) AU: One-shot 1 - A Blast From the Past (Megatron’s version)
Hamato family’s cybertronian forms       One-shot 2: A Blast From the past (Splinter’s version)
AU concept
Warning : English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing ! 😅  
Hi everyone! Here’s a one-shot I wrote for the AU! ^^
This one-shot will be about Megatron’s past with Lou Jitsu in the gladiatorial arena! Hope you’ll like it! ^^
(And I hope I get the characters’s personality right or didn’t at least wrote them too OOC! T_T)
If you want to use this AU go ahead, just tag/credite me in return please! ^^
“-My glorious lord! We just got a report from General Strika on team Chaar’s mission!” Lugnut announced to the warlord.
“-A report you say…” Megatron said from his throne.”Show it to me!”
“-Right away oh Lord Megatron!” The cybertronian cyclops exaggeratedly bowed before going toward the monitors to activate them.
The video showed General Strika with a grave expression on her face.
Megatron frowned, Strika was a femme who was always serious but when she had this expression this mean things didn't go as planned.
"-Greetings Lord Megatron ! This with displeasure and regret that I announce you that the mission to secure the Space bridge end up in a failure due to unexpected interferences!" Strika exclaimed.
Megatron frowned at this statement, "unexpected interferences"? What could it been? From what Shockwave reported to him only a little team of Autobots was in the sector, nothing that a team like team Chaar couldn't handle! Did those blasted Autobots used some new secret weapon that even his best spy wasn't able to find out about?
"-On the mission, we were engaging against the autobots team, team Athenia, and tried to secured the space bridge!” The video continue.”But then four unknown mechs appeared out of nowhere and attacked our team using fighting techniques we didn’t recognised!”
This statement confused Megatron, “unknown mechs using unknown fighting techniques”.
“-With those unknown mechs and the autobot team getting the upper hand we got not other choice but to retreat!” Strika explained, her faceplates becoming sourer.”In the name of all team Chaar I’m expressing to you my deepest apologies for this failure! As general I accept the responsibility of the failure of this mission! We are now heading back to the headquarters and will be waiting for your next orders my lord! I also send with this report the video surveillance of the ship’s exteriors which show the mechs who attacked us! Strika out!”
As the video shut down, Megatron just stand on his throne frowning.
“-Blitzwing! Show me the recordings that general Strika send!” The warlord ordered.
“-Yes Lord Megatron!” The triple-changer obeyed and turned on the video records.
Megatron stared at the now playing recording, it was showing team Chaar fighting an autobot team, the decepticon team seemed to get the upper hand until four mechs suddenly attacked the decepticon team, just like Strika said in her report. 
The warlord's Eyes narrowed at the video, those mechs didn't appear to belong to any faction as they didn't seem to wear any factions symbol which mean they’re more than certainly neutrals, they looked rather young, probably barely younglings, their group was composed of both warframes and civilframes, a rather strange composition as warframes and civilframes being willingly in the same team was rare, even for neutrals…
The mysterious mechs shared similar green and brown paint jobs and each of them had a color specific to them.
The tallest of the group, a car warframe, had red, the second warframe, a copter, had purple, the first civilframe, a car, had blue and the last one, a civilframe and minibot, orange.
But what get Megatron’s attention was their way of fighting.
It wasn’t any kind of cybertronian combat style he saw before!
And yet… It was familiar…
Keeping looking at the recording with more attention, Megatron then noticed a symbol on the mysterious mechs’s chest plates.
A circle divided into five slices with a dot on each slice.
Megatron’s optics went wide, those combat techniques, this symbol…
“-Lou Jitsu?...” Megatron whispered in shock.
At the mention of the name, both Lugnut and Blitzwing quickly turned from the monitors toward their lord, Lugnut’s optic was wide in surprise as well as Blitzwing’s.
Megatron just stood here in silent, still staring in shock at the still playing video.
“-My lord?” Blitwing Icy’s confused voice broked Megatron from his shock.
The warlord regained his composure and quickly get up from his throne.
“-I’m retiring in my quarters! Do not bother me unless it’s important!” Megatron ordered in a, strangely, calm voice.
“-Yes(glorious) lord Megatron!” Both Blitzwing and Lugnut answered as Megatron left the throne room.
Once he entered in his quarters, Megatron reflected in silence on what he just so.
He then got remindings of his youth during his times as a gladiator long time ago, when his life took an unexpected turn, when he met HIM.
He remember the gladiatorial arena, the smell of dust and energon, the cheers of the crowd, the constant fights, the imposing presence of the area master…
As long as he could remember, this was all the things he knew in his early days, fighting as a gladiator and fighting for his survival for the entertainment of the crowd and the arena master.
The gladiatorial arena he was in was a very harsh environment where only the strongest survive and the weakest beat the dust.
This is in this environment that one day HE appeared.
A blue and orange car civilframe with a symbol of a circle divided in five slices on his chaste plate, wearing ridiculously big stylized yellow glasses and harboring a smile full of determination and arrogance.
When he first arrived, Megatron didn’t paid him much mind, didn’t even really bother to remember his designation, nobody in the gladiatorial arena did, civilframes never lasted long as gladiators, they were way too weak and not build up to face warframes and in everyone’s optics this civilframe wasn’t going to make exception. 
That’s was until the new comer’s first fight, during which they realized how wrong they were.
Megatron remember how shocked he was when this civilframe, this very small civilframe compared to the gigantic warframe he was facing, beat his opponent with a ridiculous ease and using fighting techniques he never saw before.
It reminded him a bit of the ninjabots fighting style but at the same time it was different.
And with this way of fighting, the civilframe was able to easily take down his opponent like it was nothing.
Like he was invincible!
Since this moment, the civilframe’s designation was in everyone’s mouth: Lou Jitsu!
A strange designation for a cybertronian.
Megatron, although impressed by Lou Jitsu’s abilities, haven’t tried to talk to him, in the gladiatorial arena it’s was everyone for themself, gladiators weren’t up for such things like “Comraderies” and were rather messing with each other.    
However, Primus seemed to had other plans as one particularly event brang Megatron to get to know Lou Jitsu.
He was in one of the training rooms preparing himself for his next fight, he have been a gladiator for a good time now and was beginning to build himself a notoriety as a gladiator as was even on good tracks to become one of the arena master’s “champions”.
However, this also made him a target for the other gladiators.
For gladiators being a champion was the ticket for glory with “luxurious advantages”, Megatron always thought those to be a bad joke. What is the use of glory and luxury in the detriment of freedom? But it wasn’t like he had any choice, none of the gladiators had.
By so, a lot of them were ready to do anything to level up their chances to become one even to the point of putting the dirtiest stunts.
Which is why that day, Megatron have been beat up by two other gladiators who profited from him being alone in the training room to take him by surprise.
The young gladiator tried to face them, unfortunately, due to the surprise ambush the two aggressors didn’t let him the time to fight back and were even laughing at him and taunted him for “his weakness” as he was heavily injured by their punches.
“-Ah! Not so great now, are we Megatron?” One laughed.
“-Look at him! Looking like his is about to “break apart”!” The other joined before smiling sinisterly.”How about we test how much his body can take? I’m sure once he is in bits the arena master will gladly remove him as a potential champion! Weaklings are no use among gladiators after all!”
His accomplice grinned at the suggestion.
“-Good idea! Let's see if he is this tough!”
Megatron tried to free himself as one of the gladiators lift him and trapped him with his arms as the other was in front of him and was getting ready to begin to throw the punches.
Megatron just gritted his dentas and stared at the gladiator in defiance, he wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of showing he was in pain! they could hit as hard as they want, he will not break down!
He. Wasn’t. Weak!
But as Megatron was getting ready for the first impacts, a small hand, very small compared to the gladiators, was grabbing the gladiator’s in front of Megatron hand, stopping him from punching Megatron.
“-Now, now! Is this really how you should treat one of your gladiator comrades?” A familiar voice with a foreign accent playfully asked.
Right there was standing Lou Jitsu holding the gladiator’s in front of Megatron fist with a surprisingly strong grip and looking at the three of them with a smirk.
The two aggressor stared at the civilframe gladiator before the one who Lou Jitsu was holding the fist frowned and scold.
“-Tch! None of your business Lou Jitsu So if I were you I’ll go bother somebody else!” 
The second aggressor then tried to pull away his fist, only to realise that no matter how strong he would pull, Lou Jitsu kept a strong grip on his fist.
“-You know…” The civilframe started in a strangely calm tone.”I am someone who don’t usually lose his temper very easily, despite what I show of me, I’m open minded and comprehensible and know when to had some common sense…”
For some reason this was begin to make feel the two aggressors very uneasy, Megatron swore he could feel the atmosphere becoming very thick and almost unbearable.
“-But if there’s one thing I hate it’s cowards who use such shameful tricks to get what they want even if it’s mean attacking and hurting others, so here’s how it will go!”
The three other gladiators’s optics became wide at the darker and threatening tone in Lou Jitsu’s voice.
Ever since his arrival in the gladiatorial arena, the civilframe had always be nonchalant and easy going, no bot ever saw him angry, or at least “angry serious”.
“-Either you will let him go WITHOUT making any kind of damages and leave without making a fuss… Or you decide to be stubborn and I’ll gladly show you what I do to the lot like you!” Lou Jitsu warned as he cracked his knuckles.
Megatron stared at the scene in apprehension, like everyone else in the arena, those two idiots witnessed Lou Jitsu’s fights, they knew what he is capable of when he is his nonchalant self would they be stupid enough to take the risk to try to take on him when he is this unusually serious?
The response came quickly as he felt “idiot N°1” quickly drop him on the floor and leave the training room with “idiot N°2” as if they were chased by scraplets.
Groaning a a bit in pain from the beating from earlier, Megatron was about to get up when he saw Lou Jitsu, having once again his confident smirk on his face, right in front of him and extending a servo to him to help him to get up.
Although wary, Megatron took the servo and easily got up.
…Just how strong was this civilframe?
“-Well, I think those two will not bother you for a good while! Not with the scare I gave them!” Lou Jitsu laughed.”Anyway, you alright there buddy?”
“-... Nothing that I couldn’t handle…”Megatron answered stoically.
“-Eh! I guess so!” The civilframe laughed before extending his servo in salutation.”Megatron right? I don’t think we really introduced each other! I’m Lou Jitsu nice to meet you!”
The gladiator stared confused at the civilframe’s friendliness for a few minutes before ending up returning his salutation gesture and shaking his servo.
“-So am I!”
From this meeting, Megatron and Lou Jitsu crossed paths more than one time as if fate wanted to make sure they would interact as much as possible.
The greediness of the arena master even made them “roommates” much to Megatron’s annoyance.
If one would ask him from his few “meetings”, Megatron found Lou Jitsu… Rather annoying!
The civilframe was abrasive, arrogant, over-confident and on top of that: He. Wouldn’t. Stop. Talking!
And he was forced to share his “dorm room”, his only space of peace, with him.
For hours Lou Jitsou would talk about his “homeworld” about how he was apparently a celebrity, a “very talented one” in his own words, how he get in “this world” thanks to a weird artifact and how a misunderstanding lead him to become gladiator among a lot of other things about himself in a very abrasive manner.
Megatron was doing his best to just half listen to him and honestly he was wondering how much of what he was saying was actually true.
Then, one day, Lou Jitsu found out some of his poems.
For a long time, he found himself a passion for writing, especially poetry and had wrote a bunch of them some were about space, the flora and fauna of Cybertron and also about an utopia of Cybertron where everybot could be what they want to be regardless of their frame type.
This was, however, a hobby he kept a secret and his writing hidden in his “room”, having been constantly denigrated in the past as “a warframe has no place being an artist nor an intellectual”.
So when Lou Jitsu found out some his writing, Megatron expected to be laughed at.
What he didn’t expected, however, was to get genuine compliments from the civilframe for his writing.
Lou Jitsu actually liked his poetry and even said he had a great potential…
He didn’t know what to think about it…
Since then every time he would write something, Lou Jitsu would insist on reading, the civilframe would be excited when learning Megatron wrote something new, he would even reading it out loud, reciting it in a theatrical manner.
One thing he could give to Lou Jitsu is that he was a good speaker, listening to him reciting his readings was very entertaining, more appreciable than listening to his bragging anyway.
“-You know, your writing is very good!” He remember Lou Jitsu tell him one day.”Maybe when you’ll be able to leave the gladiatorial arena you could try to publish your work?”
“-Really? You think a warframe would have a chance to be published?” He asked sceptical.
“-Pffha, that’s bollocks! Let me tell you one thing Megs! If a civilframe like me can kick the aft of warframes way bigger than me, you, a warframe, is capable to write amazing writings and get recognition for it! I mean those poems are proofs of it! As your friend I’m telling you this: you had a big potential as an author and you shouldn’t let frame prejudices keep you to develop this potential!”
This statement put Megatron into a lot of thinking, never in his existence somebot actually encouraged him to do what he wanted despite his frame type, it was confusing and… Kind of nice?
And “friends”? Lou Jitsu saw him as such? He doesn’t really remember what happened nor when it happened which made them “friends”, he didn’t recall anything special happening which made Lou Jitsu see him as a friend… Was Lou Jitsu just the kind of bot with who it was easy to become friend with?
Truly, Lou Jitsu was a mech very hard to understand!
As time passed, the two have gone through a lot of battles becoming famous champions in the gladiators world, the arena master even put them in co-op fights for more entertaining fights.
One of those fights made them face Lugnut back when he was known as the gladiator, the “Kaon Krusher”.
The fight has been rough, even back then Lugnut had always known to be very brutal, however Lou Jitsu and him have been able to take him down and win the fight.
He always wondered if they didn’t had damaged to cybertronian cyclop’s processor as ever since the fight Lugnut idolized them both, particularly Megatron, putting them on a pedestal and showering them in admiration and praises much to Megatron’s embarrassment and Lou Jitsu’s amusement.
During those times he also get to learn more about Lou Jitsu, where he was from, what he was, thought, he don’t know if everything the civilframe told him was true… Because, an organic who became a cybertronian? Seriously?
There has been nights during which he also got to see his "hidden" side
During those nights, he would find himself bringing an overcharged Lou Jitsu, by high grade gifted by fans, back to their dorm room after finding him lying down in the middle of the battle Arena and "stargazing".
In those Lou Jitsu would blather a ton of confusing things like how Megatron was "the best buddy he ever had" or "if he ever had kids one day he will make him their godfather" whatever all those worlds mean.
He would also sometimes becoming suddenly sad and burst into cries about "family sacrifices" and "his regrets" and would trap Megatron in a tight hug.
The young gladiator would just awkwardly let him do it, he wasn't able to get him to let him go anyway, until the civilframe passed out.
Thanks Primus, all this happened sometimes at night and in their dorm room, Megatron didn't know if he would have survived the eternal embarrassment if anyone saw them during those moment.
He was also very grateful that Lou Jitsu always acted the next day as if anything which happened the night before didn't happen.
As Time passed and the two's nautoriety as gladiators became bigger, Megatron's distaste for Cybertron's society growed bigger and bitter.
He standed less and less the way warframes like him were treated and wished more than anything than to overthrone this foolish government and crush them under his peds.
He began to write more revolutionary essays against the autobots politics, against the class system and preachings about freedom for all warframes which lead him to write his most important work.
"-"Towards Peace" uh?" Lou Jitsu commented as he read the title of his latest work."Well, let's see how it's goes!" He added with a smirk.
As he startled reading the text the way he always had done, Megatron smirked as he listened the civilframe.
He was quite proud of his work and the more he hear Lou Jitsu recite it, the more confident he became about his convictions to get rid off the current cybertronian society and it oppressive system.
“-”Be happy in your work, they say, for it enriches you. Be grateful for your alt mode, for it defines you. Be thankful for the system-it protects you. Be mindful of your betters- they think for you. I say enough. Reject your work. Reject your alt mode. Resist the system and your “betters”? You have none. We are all equals. And we have a right to decide how to live our lives.” Megs, this is amazing! Probably one of your best writings!”
“-Thank you! I’m quite happy with the text myself!” Megatron nodded.”Though, it’s only a first step of what I want to accomplish, if I am out of there one day, I plan to shake Cybertron to it’s core and eradicate all this oppressive class system and change everything for the best of the cybertronian kind!” He explained stoically.
“-You had big ambitions, I can tell! As for getting out of here, well, I would be you I wouldn’t say“if”, in fact getting out of there should happen really quickly!” Lou Jitsu cryptically said.
“-What do you mean?” Megatron asked confused.
“-Oh you’ll see! Just wait my fight against Bonecrusher tomorrow!”
The fight against Bonecrusher, he would never forget this fight.
In this time, gladiatorial fights were losing popularity and were on the verge of disappearing, so, in a desperate move to revive the gladiatorial fights and keep his arena alive, the arena master decided organized a big event, a fight between two massive champions: Lou Jitsu and one of the biggest champion of gladiators, Skullcrusher.
And to spice the event, the arena master added an award: the winner of the fight will be granted freedom and one wish that the arena master will grant no matter what it is.
At the time Lou Jitsu’s cryptic words confused Megatron, he couldn’t understand what the civilframe’s fight against Skullcrusher had to do with him getting his freedom back.
The response only came the day of the fight.
In the arena the fight intense, the public was over-excited as Lou Jitsu and Skullcrusher fought with an extreme violence while Megatron and the other gladiators were looking from the “backstage”, which was just a fancy word for the brigs build around the arena.
Lou Jitsu seemed to had difficulties despite holding up well the pace, which was not really surprising.
Skullcrusher was known to be an extremely violent gladiator who was rumored to be so brutal with his adversaries that he even reduce their bodies to dust which grant him his designation.
Then suddenly, Lou Jitsu got trapped in Skullcrusher’s grasp, everyone on the arena was holding back their breath at the sight of the giant gladiator tightening his grip, menacing to break the civilframe into bits at any moment.
But, as everybot thought this was the end, Lou Jitsu then let out a cry which is still marked in everybot’s CPU to this day.
“-HOT SOUP!!!” The yell resonated in all the arena as Lou Jitsu suddenly freed himself from Skullcrusher’s grip with an newfound strength.
His adversary, shocked by this turn of event, tried to attack again only to be caught short by Lou Jitsu who hit him with a gigantic strength with a metal bar which was in the arena.
Everybot could only stare in shock and amazement as the civilframe fought Skullcrusher with a power which was nothing like they ever saw before, Lou Jitsu was stronger, faster and more agile and was fighting with the most mundane things which fall in his servo and turned them into deadly weapons.
Finally, when a beaten up Skullcrusher fall on the arena’s floor, the verdict came up.
Lou Jitsu won.
At the victory, the public exploded in joyce, celebrating Lou Jitsu’s victory’s, even the other gladiators were celebrating.
In the whole arena could be hear Lou Jitsu’s name in acclaim over and over.
This was until the arena master make sign to the public to calm down and then standed up toward Lou Jitsu with a solemn expression.
“-Gladiator Lou Jitsu!” The arena master announced.”You had fought and defeated the gladiator Skullcrusher in one of the most impressive battles that this arena got the honor to hold! As promised to you and all the bots present today, you are rewarded with freedom and the right to ask for ONE wish! Anything you’ll ask for! So tell me great champion, what does your spark desire for?”
The whole arena got silent, everybot was waiting in anticipation what Lou Jitsu’s wish would be.
The civilframe smirked at the arena master and after a few seconds of silence begin to speak.
“-Arena master…” Lou Jitsu begin, the tension was getting thicker on what the wish could be.
This is when Lou Jitsu announced what will change the whole cybertronian society forever.
“-I, Lou Jitsu, wish for all the gladiators to had their freedom back and that each of them receive a good monetary compensation for all the time they were forced to fight in this arena!”
Megatron remember how shocked everybot was, him included when Lou Jitsu announced his wish, nobot expected him to make this kind of demand.
This was when Megatron realized.
This was what Lou Jitsu meant the night before, he planned to use his wish to free him, to free all of them.
The arena master tried to refuse the wish which didn’t surprised Megatron at all, the scumbag would rather drop deactivated than giving away his “business”.
What Megatron haven’t expected was for the audience beginning to protest the refusal.
First the protest begin with a young blue and white bot who looked like he was from the autobot academy, then others in the audience joined in and soon after the whole audience was protesting and booing at the arena master.
With the pressure of the protests, the arena master got no other choice but to give in and granting Lou Jitsu’s wish provoking the audience to burst into celebration, scanding Lou Jitsu’s name and were soon joined by the other gladiators, Megatron surprised himself joined them as well.
After all that all the gladiators were able to leave with a compensation like promised, the arena master have been fuming as all his gladiators left but there was nothing he could have done to stop them without taking the risk to feel the wrath of one them, especially Lou Jitsu’s.
This was when Lou Jitsu and Megatron parted ways, it has been weird for him after all the time Lou Jitsu and him have hanged out together, he could even tell he was… A bit sad to say “goodbye” to the mech who he saw as a “friend”.
Both, especially Lou Jitsu, wished good luck to each other for the future, Lou Jitsu with his quest to “find a way home” and Megatron for his “projects to change Cybertron for the better”.
He remember the last thing he say as they parted way.
“-Knock them dead Megs!” Lou Jitsu had said to him before leaving primus know where.
Time passed and Lou Jitsu was never saw nor here from again, but the civilframe gladiator definitely marked Cybertron’s history and was now known as a hero.
Time passed and Megatron trying to bring changes to Cybertron became bitter from the injustice of the system, seeing that reason wasn’t getting him anywhere, Megatron realized that violent means was the only solution, if the society didn’t wanted to change then he was going to force them to by conquering them.
This is when he joined the Decepticons, this is when he challenged and defeated that Megazarak fool and took his place as the leader of the Decepticons.
This is when he went from Megatron the gladiator to become Megatron the warlord of the Decepticons!
(Flashback end)
“-Mein lord do jou receive me?” Blitzwing’s voice from the warlord’s communicator interrupted Megatron’s reflection.
“-What is it? I ordered to not be bothered unless it was important!” Megatron asked irritated.
“-My deepest apologies lord Megatron! But ve just get an alert from ze spy scatelites! Four unknown mechs have been spotted on Earth and seem to fit general Ztrika’s description of ze mechs vho attacked her team!”
“-... I see… I’m coming right now Lugnut and you prepared yourself and wait for me! We will give those mechs a “welcoming committee”!”
“-At jour orders mein lord! Oooooh a velcoming committee? Iz there gonna had a party? I love parties! Especially zhose involving bloving up other mechs to bits! ahahaha” Blitzwing’s random persona commented as Megatron closed the line.
Megatron’s thoughts went back on the mysterious mechs and their potential connection with Lou Jitsu, it was a very long time since the last time Lou Jitsu was even heard of and he often wondered what he could have became. Could those mechs had a real connection with the former civilframe gladiator? Was this just a coincidence?
But if it’s turn out to not be a coincidence and those mechs truly know Lou Jitsu, would the presence of those mechs mean that Lou Jitsu was back?
This is something Megatron will have to find out, he was curious about what Lou Jitsu had became after all this time and deep down, he wouldn’t been against to see him again.
However, a traitorous little voice keep ringing in his CPU one single thought, a thought that the warlord was trying to ignore as he left his quarters.
“But would Lou Jitsu be happy to see you again after he learn what you became?” 
TAG list:
@roseofdarkness0 , @skyite , @skatermusic
39 notes · View notes
blueikeproductions · 12 days
The Trigger collab animation came out and it’s the best thing Transformers has done in the current decade.
Truly a love letter to Transformers from G1 to EarthSpark, it squeezes in everything it possibly can from most media. However the catch is that it’s only animated media and the live action movies, the comics (any assorted manga, Marvel, Dreamwave, IDW & Skybound) aren’t referenced, while some Japanese exclusive stuff gets a lil’ bit more attention (understandable since it’s, y’know, Japanese fans being nostalgic about the anime they grew up with).
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Transformers Go, Q-Transformers, and the Beast Wars anime got particular attention.
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This shot of Liger Megatron and Green Lion Lio Convoy is especially cool.
I think initially I was expecting a Trigger animated greatest hits from select moments from each show, and while they still technically do that in spots…
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It’s mostly a mega crossover with different characters interacting otherwise.
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And it’s all the better for it.
I mean where else are you gonna find TFA Optimus about to smash Masterforce Overlord’s face in?
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There’s no real narrative, it’s just random cool shots though the closest thing to a framing device is the PV opening with Vector Prime looking down on Cybertron across all time lines.
Regarding EarthSpark’s contributions to the short, they’re minimal. The Terrans and Mandroid don’t appear at all, which is a little bizarre.
ES Megatron appears among the other Decepticon leaders instead of being with ES Optimus on the Autobot leader side.
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You’d think Mandroid would be there next to BWII Galvatron instead, but I guess not. Sadly they omitted RiD15 Steeljaw too, instead using RiD15 Megatronus Prime’s floating head.
SatAM Robotnik voice: Ah well, life is not perfect.
The main ES rep are the Maltos.
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This just reinforces ES needed to be 2D, because they actually look good. Roche’s style doesn’t work in 3D.
Anyway the human cast they chose for this final shot amuses me.
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Love seeing my favorite Clays being included. The lack of RiD Steeljaw (G1 Steeljaw did appear with Lio Junior and RiD15 Aerobolt though) is forgiven.
Anyhow, the specific use of the Clays, the (S3) Witwickys, the Maltos and the Onishis (this is especially funny since Koji’s mom never met her universe’s Optimus) is somehow very random, but also kinda appropriate. Like I get Spike and Dot’s families, since it serves as bookends, but the Clays and Onishis still feel a bit random. Still, including both Robots in Disguise families is a nice touch in my book!
The short ends with a different bookend as mentioned.
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What starts out as G1 Prime & Megs transitions to ES Prime & Megs shaking hands. The old with the current series. It works~! I admit I’m surprised they didn’t include TFONE somehow. I know it’s technically not out yet, but there’s enough material to have had Orion and D-16 have some kind of tussle. It would’ve been an interesting way to tie it into the above scene and this one:
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When it comes to general rep, the stuff that gets the most focus is G1, Beast Wars, Animated, & Galaxy Force. Cyberverse doesn’t really get anything beyond the leader shot, but there is this awesome but very random shot of Croaton over looking Holi’s Rescue Patrol walking on a beach littered with the dead bodies of the generic Decepticons from “War Dawn”.
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Sucks to be you guys.
It also occurs to me the Rescue Bots cartoons appear to be omitted along with BotBots, but that might partly be due to them not having Japanese releases? I’m not sure, but it’s funny how Q-Transformers is acknowledged of all things, but not Heatwave or Burgertron. Maaaaybe that’s for the best on the later…
Still the PV is a blast and is pry the most earnest passion project that GETS Transformers vs what we’ve been getting post Aligned cartoon wise.
I still hope this leads to a proper TF anime series made by Trigger, like what happened with Gridman. We need a return to good 2D animated TF shows and not more CGI slop like WFC or S2 ES. That Beast Wars and Machines are still superior despite being retro by today’s standards says something…
The catch however is the original video is region locked…
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but some fans have ripped it and posted it on their YT:
So go check it out while you can! It’s pure Energon-y goodness!
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disformer · 1 year
What do you feel is more concerning for children with what is in the EarthSpark series; all of the clear terror and death, or having a they/them pronouned character?
Because the terror and death is seemingly entirely looked over but the ONE CHARACTER going by different pronouns is apparently nothing short of outrage.
Anon, I Am Nonbinary.
I’ll put a more thought out response under the cut
Earthspark drinking game take a sip every time an extremely young child has to emotionally support an adult or is put in life-threatening danger.
1. Steven Universe really ruined a generation of children’s media by making showrunners think they had to tackle issues like PTSD and trauma.
However, to give SU some credit, Steven was not 9 years old at the start of the show. It’s a really jarring choice that was probably made to capitalise on a more marketable demographic for TF and to keep the children’s play more lighthearted, but you get some really weird moments like (checks notes) a nine year old giving advice to an adult on how to handle trauma.
The issue with this is no nine year old should ever have to do this for an adult. They do not need to be wise beyond their years. They do not need to be a therapist for their caretakers. Grimlocks PTSD episode is one of the most egregious examples of this, where (not only is this depiction extremely one-note and weird) the narrative punishes Jawbreaker for not realising Grimlock is having a panic attack in the middle of their play.
As a framing device in a kids movie, what is a nine year old viewer supposed to take from this? The child brain is going to think ‘the adult lashed out and hurt Jawbreaker, it was his fault for being too rowdy.’ LIKE YOU WOULDNT SEE THIS IN PEPPA PIG.
And you do need to consider this when you’re writing children that young in your media, because kids are going to watch shows that have other kids the same age as them in it. There’s an almost instinctive camaraderie in seeing a fellow nine-year-old on TV when you’re at that age. So, the show is very likely going to be watched by 8-15 year olds which brings us to
This show is way way way too interested in putting children in extreme danger. Constantly, towards the end of the series.
I’ll make a note first that it’s okay if kids shows have fun play-violence; kids like action. Children like low-stakes explosions. It’s not super serious and most TF media does this well, even if it’s tonally a bit more serious. This is not really an issue in a show like TFP or TFA which also had young kids.
Earthspark does not make its action low-stakes. Earthspark treats its violence extremely seriously; children cry, they scream, they get bruised, their parents wail when they see them in danger. Violence has a lasting impact, it has to because the show constantly wants to talk about trauma, so they can’t have video game rules. If they get hurt it has to impact them. Robbie and Mo are in consistent, life-threatening danger. They’re always being shot at or dropped off cliffs or almost killed and it always harrows them.
And kids can pick up on this. They’re going to realise that this is something that’s Serious, and Scary, and they’re going to be FREAKED out.
They’re also going to be freaked out when the children are fuckin. Tied into the bio-wall with tubes by Mandroid, or when Robbie has alien leukaemia and his parents are so so scared and has to rush him to the hospital and Mo is crying so much, or when their parents are seemingly killed and the kids are screaming and punching the ground and blaming themselves.
And that last part is important, because on several occasions the narrative reinforces this. The narrative. Of a children’s show. Says yes; Robbie and Mo have powers, and this makes them responsible for the well-being of the adults around them. Mo literally gets told this. By GOD. Before her parents proudly watch on without interfering as she fights in hand to hand combat with the villain (WHO IS, AS WE HAVE SEEN, FUCKING DERANGED AND WOULD LOVE TO KILL A TEENAGER JUST ONCE PLEASE PLEASE)
In conclusion, what this tells me is the showrunners are inexperienced. They didn’t consider what is appropriate for the subject matter of a children’s cartoon. They wanted to write about trauma, and war, and think kids are cute! And didn’t want their TF fanfiction to be narratively compromised by having to ‘dumb it down’ for kids.
The result is this is never a show I would ever put on for a 4th grade class in break time, at the risk of severely upsetting a lot of them. And it’s also a show I can’t enjoy as an adult, because it uses the language of a children’s cartoon to make nuanced topics more binarised and soppy.
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