#tfa swap optimus prime
mariacardenas162002 · 10 months
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TFA-SWAP:Swap optimus prime y swap Bumblebee 💗🩷💗🖤😳
Este es el hijo de swap optimus prime swap Bumblebee el es muy protector con su hijo y no le gusta que se metan con el incluso pierde el control 💗🩷💗🖤💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼
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sonicasura · 5 months
Alternate idea for TFA Optimus being stranded on Arachnus Seven instead of Elita-1. First off he doesn't turn into a spider. Nope, I'm going for another creature that lurks in caves but tend to eat critters like spiders: BATS.
Fun fact: Optimus Primal's original design had been a bat before it was replaced with the gorilla we know and love. As for the OP here... I'll going for multiple inspirations so he can truly be alien like. Mainly because the 'bat' Animated became was an equal level predator to the Arachna Seven Spiders.
This four winged species which I'll call 'Arachna Nebulas' went extinct due to outside interference as the bat genus in general are very sensitive to changes in their environment. We all know what happens when an ecosystem is heavily disturbed. Optimus was lucky enough to find intact enough remains to become Vetaleus Prime.
Vetaleus being a word play on Vetala, a mythological vampiric bat like entity that takes over cadavers. Fitting as in a way OP is dead whether it be to those he once knew or his old self. For Arachna Nebulas, it's from the Cosmic Bat Nebula that can be found in Orion's Constellation.
Now I have two types of inspiration for Vetaleus Prime. One from the real world while the other is media consumed over the years. For bot mode, I introduce you to Yu-Gi-Oh's King of the Feral Imps and Digimon's VenomMyotismon.
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Considering he had remains for this reformat than an alive specimen, OP's techno-organic nature has glaring differences when it comes to his modes. His thick fur becomes large mane like clusters around the helm/wrists/ankles while thinning out half way down his torso as defensive measures shift to the bones of the secondary wings become spikes and horns.
A 33 ft bulky frame meant for sheer force whether it be large powerful claws n talons, sharp piercing teeth to drain a prey's life, powerful tail that can flatten, or even large ears which can hear an ant breathe. Vetaleus Prime's bat like face doesn't help in portraying his gentle yet nervous nature and his still Autobot colors remain under scrutiny. No stereotypical evil Fateswap OP's in this house.
Onto the Arachna Nebulas' mode, I have fictional inspiration alongside three real world ones. Meet the Golden Crowned Flying Fox, Vampire Bat, White Honduran Bat and Monster Hunter's Paolumu!
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Optimus is very fluffy in alt mode as the Nebulas' thick fur prevents the spiders from injecting their venom into him. Akin to the Paolumu inspiration than just visage, there's a special air sac in the neck that allows the species to not only float but also spit large blasts of pressurized air if their hammerlike tail slaps don't do the job. Here's the boss fight from Monster Hunter World for further details.
Vetaleus Prime's alt mode is built with the 'bob and weave' concept. Dodging the opponent's strikes while landing your own attacks on them. His larger upper arm wings makes it easier to move and adjust his trajectory in float as the secondary protects the less fluffy parts of the body.
In alt mode Vetaleus has more animalistic mannerisms. Growling, purring, roaring, and whining to convey his mood. He grooms himself like any other animal much to confusion of those around him.
Those mannerisms are still present in bot mode but Optimus tries not to unless alone or around others he trusts. He can't escape from nesting though. One of the ways to our bat bot can make himself feel comfortable and safe.
Like with Arachnus Prime, Vetaleus Prime goes into self exile knowing that Cybertron will never accept him. He ends up on Earth because of poachers who visited Arachnus Seven to capture some spiders to sell on the black market. A conflict that leads to a crash landing before canon occurs.
Optimus here has a more harsher craving when it comes to organics as his primal nature no longer has those giant spiders to satisfy him. It isn't uncommon for the deer and bear population to decline but also poachers or illegal hunters to disappear. You can say Vetaleus Prime holds a feral grudge on this specific group. Unless he has a good supply of oil than Cybertronian are in sheer danger from a feral episode.
Vetaleus craves companionship but isolates him due to fear. He has hurt others before and doesn't want to harm innocent people or much worse a companion. A fear made more apparent from his feral outbursts if refueling needs aren't satiated.
Ways to sustain this primal nature becomes more difficult once Vetaleus is forced to make the sewers his den. Stealing from food delivery trucks WILL happen if he cannot find ample resources in time. A desperate action that solidify his cryptid status as the 'Detroit Devil', escaping with the quarry in hand before anyone fully sees him.
Vetaleus Prime does his best to remain being hidden and indulge soothing hobbies like reading or knitting than cause people potentially dangerous strife. A task that might become impossible when the past ends up in Detroit. Or the haunting realization of what can happen should Vetaleus fail to satisfy his other side.
Team Elita-1 best be careful. An innocent monster is just as dangerous as any other. Optimus rather not sink his fangs into someone he considers a dear old friend but evil will not miss an opportunity like this...
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back at the crossroads between Detroit and Cybertron! Now Transform and Roll Out!
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Memes I made for a tfa swap au. Just to let you know I haven't finished the series yet, I just started Human Error, so this wouldn't be a flushed out au until I finish it. And I'm also thinking about a Shattered glass au as well.
Edit: the first one shot for thia series is here
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Double swap au
Just some random thoughts I've had about this au
Bulkhead won't fight Goldbug
Goldbug will stare at Shockwave for long periods of time and not say anything to him and then walk off Shockwave finds this behavior strange but never comments on it, however he's glad that Bumblebee is living up to potential he saw in him
Wasp apologizes every time he fights Goldbug
Megatron enjoys listening to Optronix talk about his time in the autobot academy mostly for information but also because he finds the dynamic if Optimus, Elita and Sentinel and the way it changed interesting
Elita and Prowl go bird watching
Wasp loves finding bugs and learning about them from Prowl and Sari
Makes sense Goldbug won't fight Bulky!
Hmm interesting on Goldie staring Shockers down, there's .•°~emotions~°•. there
Okay I'm imagining Wasp consistently dodging Goldbug's punches while trying to apologize
OOO ON OPTRONIX BEING FULLY WILLING TO SHARE ALL HIS PREV INFO ON THE AUTOBOTS TO MEGATRON. Like, dude was a history nerd and part of Magnus's chosen trio of primes of sort. He knows shit. And Megatron naturally finds it all fascinating, especially in regards to future fights with Elita Prime who has proven a tougher autobot than first anticipated to be
Prowl would absolutely bring Elita bird watching yes yes
Aww on Wasp having a thing for entomology
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cartoonslovers · 1 year
Ok but Ulta Magnus saying to Sentinel that he isn't program to be a hero in aus where he is swap with Optimus is ten times sadder when you think about it meta wise considering most versions of Sentinel are evil or corrupt.
Like it doesn't matter what continuity it is Optimus in the end with always be the one to rise up to a hero or is already one while Sentinel will be the one that will always fall from grace whether it him dying or turning into a antagonist.
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paradimeart · 1 year
Also, fun fact: the original pitch document for TFA Season 4 featured an episode titled “Arachnus Prime”, which would've explored an alternate universe where Optimus was turned into a techno-organic and Elita-1 leads Team Prime, so now I’m hella interested in seeing your take on that.
anon we r on the same wavelength i did a lil exploration of that a while ago too but here's a remake. btw 2 me he would also be called blackarachnia in a swap scenario
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If you could mix transformers universes what would you do
Hm. Well honestly that is a question that would require a bit of thought to answer well. But off of the top of my head I feel like bayverse and tfp could mix well due to the relatively similar personalities of the bots involved. Or better yet, G1 and Animated due to the ties between the two.
In tfa the G1 war is a canon thing that happened (at least I am pretty sure), meaning it would be quite easy to swap around a little lore and make everything work out well.
G1 & TFA Lore Mix
It wouldn't be hard to drop G1 Optimus in there and throw him into the plot as an ancient war hero who fought for the Autobots. He would have the Matrix and be a true Prime, an actual herald of Primus during the early years of the war. Whatever his origin story, him and Megatron would hate each other but have this odd Perry the platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz like relationship to keep with the fun G1 feel. But sooner or later Optimus would start becoming a threat to the Autobot high council and eventually he would see the corruption. At some point during the height of the war when the council believed themselves near victory, they would try to get rid of him due to his too good morality getting the way of their goals. At some point Optimus would disappear without a peep, prompting intense backlash from Autobots and Decepticons alike.
Megatron and his Decepticons, while still not fond of Optimus, respected him greatly and would lash out, knowing that most likely the Prime had been killed. And Optimus's most loyal Autobots would rebel but ultimately find themselves slowly being picked off and mind wiped or sent out to dead-end positions where they would have no influence. The council would rewrite the story of Optimus Prime, turning him into a fairy tale figure, a made up story of loyalty and bravery to the Autobot cause for young sparklings. And with time, Optimus Prime would fade into obscurity outside of the imaginations of sparklings, his legacy quietly removed and his records and assets destroyed.
Optimus's young son Bumblebee would be put into stasis, too small to remember just about anything in regards to his Creator. He would only be woken vorns upon vorns later when not a spark would remember his lineage, at which point he would be drafted into boot camp. All of Optimus's old comrades save Ratchet, Kup, and a few others would be... removed, new sparklings being given their names to make up for the loss. Ratchet and the few that remained would be blackmailed into remaining silent, their skills too useful to be lost and their disappearances being far too suspicious to be acted upon. Ultra Magnus hoping to save at least some of the legacy of his old commander and Prime, would take control of the Autobots as best as he was able. He would try to stop the implementation of the title of Prime as a military rank to no avail and struggle viciously to preserve the ideals he and his fellows fought for. He would try, but with time he would grow apathetic and detached from it all.
Eventually a young bot would be given the name Optimus by Kup in the hope that the youngling might live up to his namesake. And with that done, transformers animated would proceed as usual, with Optimus taking the fall for Sentinel and going to earth with his repair crew in an attempt to get the Allspark. Shenanigans would ensue and very little would change story wise besides a few small cultural things and perhaps a snippet or two of Bumblebee still loving the old sparkling tale of Optimus Prime the war hero. He would also definitely poke fun at the current Optimus all the time for being named after a fairy tale figure while secretly admiring him for it. Ratchet would also likely struggle to treat Optimus normally considering he served under the original and was his best friend. But overall everything would be normal... until the last of the Primes is unearthed trapped in a stasis pod.
Cue everything going to heck in a handbasket as the original Optimus wakes up very much confused, angry, and unsure as to what in the pits he is supposed to be doing. Not only that but he would have a bit of a breakdown trying to find his sparking, likely going onto believe that his little one is either dead or long gone. Ratchet would do what he could, but the original Optimus and the new would bicker, not really angerly, just because of differing styles of leadership and cultural misunderstandings. Maybe to make everything better the original Prime is weak from slumbering for so long, not at full strength or otherwise being mostly out of action for quite some time. He would become a mentor figure and work from the sidelines for most of the show, adding a more mystical element to everything or even a humorous aspect due to his age.
It could go many ways, but it would be fun nonetheless and has amazing potential for fluff and angst.
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creampill · 2 years
YESS TFA ASK!!!! Of course you can! I love sentinel and optimus and I feel like this scenario is very in character lmco :) light angst because jealous yearning of course
TFA! Optimus/Reader/Sentinel - Jealousy
If someone were to ask Sentinel Prime, he would not admit he was jealous.
Not out loud, not in secret, not even under the threat of death. He hadn’t even admitted it to himself.
Because Sentinel Prime doesn’t get jealous. That’s something for lesser bots- what could he possibly be jealous of, anyway? He’s… himself. Nothing could top him.
…if you were to ask if he was jealous? If he envied the wonderful relationship you had with his friend of decacycles, if he could feel that unfamiliar sting in the depths of his spark whenever you kissed or held hands with someone that wasn’t him?
That would be a different answer.
You and Optimus Prime were, from the day the two of you met, obviously meant for each other. Not only did you get along well, sharing in jokes and quiet moments that nobody else truely understood, but you were both incredibly intelligent and strategic in the way that allowed you to bounce off one another, improving the other and benefiting from your combined ideas.
Nobody was surprised when the two of you announced a relationship, least of all Sentinel Prime. He spent the most time around the two of you compared to the other bots, he saw firsthand the longing looks and gentle touches and smiles that nobody else did.
He wish he didn’t have too.
A familiar giggle rang out across the room, followed by the gentle sound of a kiss and more laughter.
You and Optimus were cuddling with you on his lap, smothering him in smooches and sweet words. This was a common occurrence for the two of you: brazen and adorable displays of your love for one another.
Sentinel had never outwardly complained against this, just overdramatised vomit-noises and shouts to “get a habsitute”.
On the inside? His spark was writhing.
With every happy smile between you and Optimus, with every kiss and nuzzle and reminder of your love, that stinging sensation got worse….
But he knew the feeling was immature.
He was Sentinel Prime, god damnit, he needed to get his shit together and just be happy that you were happy.
…even so, he couldn’t help but look at the two of you and wish he and Optimus could swap places.
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mariacardenas162002 · 10 months
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TFA-SWAP: Swap optimus prime 💗🩷
Swap optimus prime es la contraparte psicópata de optimus desde que el era un niño ha estado en un hospital psiquiátrico pero es muy astuto para escaparse del lugar sin que ningun vigilante lo vean además el cuida a su pequeño hijo recién nacido su nombre es swap Bumblebee no le gusta que se metan con el y hace lo posible para proteger a su hijo 💗🩷💗🖤💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞💞🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼
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sonicasura · 9 months
Me: *sees AUs where if Transformers Animated Optimus and Black Arachnia switch places* Let me give you all something better.
First off Optimus' robot mode. His will be based on a drider, a mythological creature with a human top half and a spider lower body. Retains Autobot colors but with additional orange markings on the abdomen similar to a jumping spider in pattern.
Alt Mode? Goliath Birdeater aka the world's largest spider and a tarantula. These beauties right here! I like to mention Goliath Birdeaters are actually gentle giants who only bite when threatened and rarely eat birds.
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Optimus is a BIG BOI particularly around 32 ft in size as he had some growing to do so his body could fully support this new frame. If you are wondering, yes he does molt like spiders. And Optimus also kept them as a morbid reminder that the bot is now a monster.
Yeah I forgot to mention the guy went into self exile. Instead of the behavior people usually portray Arachnus Prime, he's still a kind soul but now layered with self depreciation, loneliness and thinks 'monsters like him' don't deserve companionship. OP more likely to run away than chase someone off.
He ends up on Earth ten years before Megatron and made his own nest somewhere near Detroit. Optimus becomes a local cryptid akin to Big Foot on levels of popularity. The only proof people could gather is the tracks he leaves behind, empty punctured oil drums, or molt fragments.
Spider brain tends to go off where he tries to catch birds and other critters. Only casualties were a few deer alongside the realization Optimus can subsist on organics too. He shuts himself in whenever this new craving occurs as he rather not eat a human during a feral state.
The rapid rise in technological advances for Detroit later forces him to relocate within the sewer systems since his previous den faced absolute destruction. Feral episodes become more difficult to manage as Optimus resorted to fishing to satisfy himself. It takes awhile before things become normal for him.
Then a repair crew from Cybertron emerge lead by his dear friend, Elita-1. A blast from the past Optimus wished to never face again. Nor the Decepticon threat that will soon expose his existence.
Good luck Optimus as you'll need it.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Double swap au
Yes you did remember correctly, Bulkhead blames the whole thing on Wasp there was no reason for Bumblebee to become Goldbug if it weren't for the stockades
Yeah after Goldbug is revealed Bulkhead won't hesitate to play the blame game with Wasp and use Goldbug as evidence
I have the whole thing about Goldbug being in stasis set up in my head. So Optronix and Goldbug get split up from Lugnut at Blitzwing they meet up before Bumblebee wakes up but Optronix won't join the search because he's looking out for Bumblebee. Blitzwing tries to wake his friend up and is disappointed when it doesn't work. Anyway Optronix captures Sari has his reveal with Elita but not before baiting her away to capture Sari. Sari is put down near Goldbugs room and she goes up to him because she's cold and this thing is fluffy and warm, but she somehow manages to wake Goldbug up. Elita gets to her before much happens but Goldbugs now up and Bulkhead and Wasp get to see him. Despite the weird buzz Bulkhead recognizes Goldbugs voice as Bumblebees. Wasp apologies over and over but it means nothing to Goldbug (Mostly because was doesn't even have the I was ticked by Shockwave reasoning yet). Yeah Wasp avoids Bulkhead after that
Makes sense yep yep, Bulkhead is thoroughly not happy with Wasp
Oooo on Optronix and Goldbug getting split from Luggy and Blitzwing because that's what I imagined but I hadn't quite imagined how
The reveal has gotta be cool as hell and full of cool parallels to the scene we see in Along Came A Spider, but with so many interesting changes (such as Optronix's goal being revenge rather than purging his organic half)
Ooo on Sari waking Goldbug, that's gotta be an interesting interesting scene
The confrontation between Goldbug, Wasp, and Bulkhead has gotta be pretty tense, with neither of them all that happy with Wasp (which in his defense he was duped, but none of them know he was duped yet yeah)
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elfdragon12 · 9 months
I was wondering why GI Joe as a franchise hasn't really landed a mainstream come back like Tranformers.
I have three big guesses.
First, Transformers is much more character driven than GI Joe. Yes, there's the big Autobots vs Decepticons, but the characters are the most important part of the story. The characters tend to have some pretty strong personalities. If you swapped Optimus Prime's lines with Rodimus Prime's, there would be an obvious difference. If you swapped Duke and Hawk's lines? I don't think any but the most obsessed fans could tell. I mean, sure, if you swapped Cobra Commander's lines with Destro's, folks could tell, but 80s villains pretty much always have strong personalities.
Second, there are a number of ways you can play with the main conflict of Autobots vs Decepticons. Just looking at the shows: the Beast Wars Maximals and Predacons are suggested to have a tentative peace treaty that t-rex Megatron is breaking, TFA suggests that the Decepticons have valid reasoning to why they're fighting, TFP does play it classic but is more dire in the fact that the Cybertronians are a dying race, and Earthspark has had hints, but we are seeing the conflict in hindsight. The GI Joe conflict is just... American military force versus terrorists. There are really only so many ways to approach that. Either play it propaganda straight or critical.
Second and a half, there's very little that's universal about the GI Joe story. I believe an attempt was made in the UK by calling it "Action Force", but even then.
Third, the Transformers toys (what these stories were all made to market)... Just have better gimmicks. It's a robot that transforms into a car! Or a truck! Or a plane! Or a microscope! Or a dinosaur! Or a motorcycle, etc. The GI Joe toys are just dudes. From what I remember of the 90s, they had some pretty good articulation from one of the few times I played with one, but eh.
I think GI Joe as a franchise is ultimately one of those concepts doomed to be dated.
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cartoonslovers · 11 months
In the original TFA, the Elita backstory does not exist, with Blackarachnia instead presented as Catwoman to Optimus Prime's Batman. Optimus would get Blackarachnia to accept herself instead of considering herself a freak, but it would subvert audience expectations with her deciding she was superior to other Transformers, thus plotting to kill and replace them all with technorganics. Blackarachnia's techno-organic state was caused by "an encounter with the ALLSPARK" in the past! 🕷️
That actually sounds kinda of cool as fuck. But I don't know I still like the friendship drama thing that is going on since you know nuisance and that would probably mean Rodimus and Sentinel wouldn't swap places and Rodimus stay as the rival character to Optimus. Since fun fact originally Rodimus was going to be the rival character to Optimus and was going to be exactly like Sentinel but the writers swap their positions.
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What if TFA Optimus Prime was the retired war solider, and Ratchet was the one that was expelled from the academy?... What if Elita was in the war with OP and she died (or became corrupted into Arachnia by Megatron)?... What if when Ratchet was expelled, his BFF Arcee quits the school and stays by his side?... What if Sentinel was Ratchet’s jerky former friend, instead of Optimus?... What if the TFA Team was Older Optimus, Ratchet, Arcee, Bumblebee + Bulkhead?... (Prowl is on Jazz’s team!) =D
So would this be an age/character swap AU???
It would be nice as I always wanted to see more about Ratche's background and his relationship with Arcee.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
So I'm already immensely intrigued at the idea of Imani and Malina swapping roles in a techno-organic/spider Optimus AU and I just have to ask: do you have any other lore regarding your take on such an AU? And, potentially as a fun little thought experiment, any lore regarding a take on a techno-organic/spider Sentinel AU?
I remember seeing some fan art of Sentinel becoming tfa's version of Tarantulas, also some theories that he'd be called Blackarachnel (imagine the horror j/)
But my idea for Mutant!Imani came after learning about an episode for canceled s4 where Optimus would've went back in time to try to save Elita. My interpretation happens differently: it's Sentinel who goes back in time bc he just couldn't accept her transformation, he thinks being Magnus means doing whatever the heck he wants & deeply resents Optimus for "lying." But his actions cause Optimus to be abandoned; seeing for himself the damage his selfishness cause forces Sentinel (& the bots from the regular timeline) to restore back. These events creates a whole new timeline.
So in this AU Imani gets kidnapped by disgruntled ex employee Prometheus Black. With a mix of bird, lion & goat dna he mutates her but she escapes and seeks refuge on dinobot island. Knowing how dangerous Prometheus is she vows to stop him at any costs. Through the year she becomes something of a local legend. Nobody has seen what she looks like. The only proof of her existence are claw marks through solid metal and damage seen on Sumdac properties. One night Imani discovers some strange activity thinking it's Prometheus but encounters Arachnus Prime instead.
After that misunderstanding Arachnus just wants to be left alone but Imani is just happy to find another outcast like her. She promises to help him but in the case they do find a cure she won't take it until Meltdown is stopped for good. After all she still needs her abilities to even have a fighting chance. So they work together under a tentative partnership.
I might throw in bumblebee in there as well taking over Wasp's role and becomes Goldbug. Just a trio of techno-organics fighting capitalism!
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fangirlingpuggle · 3 years
AU where Megatron and Optimus of TFA and Prime swap minds
So TFA Megatron and Optimus are in their prime counterparts’ bodies and vice versa
TFA Optimus suddenly being leader of all autobots in a way higher stakes game and is so confused
Optimus: What do you mean me and Megatrons history? He doesn’t even remember my name!
Ratchet:...I don’t think i’ve heard Megatron speak without him mentioning you
TFA Megatron also being very confused and very interested in this rivalry but also
Megatron: HA no Magnus, no council only the little prime oh this will be easy
Knockout:...who are you and what did you do with Megatron
Prime Megatrons eye twitching at the shenanigans of Blitzwing and Lugnut and OH GREAT Starscreams immortal and WHY THE FUCK ISN’T OPITMUS IN CHARGE OF THE AUTOBOTS....and then he sees his Optimus in TFA Optimus body and is just ‘...I take it back this is the greatest day of my life’
He’s also loving seeing Optimus getting so annoyed with the Autobot high command and the Magnus and Sentinel...because Prime Optimus is having to deal with no-one but his team taking him seriously or listening to him and he is so done.
Sentinel: Please what does a repairbot like you know about the Decepticons
Optimus*I have literally fought Megatron for longer than you’ve been alive*:....
Megatron watching this ‘Oh primus Optimus is going to kill him this is amazing...I love this Universe’
Megatron is having the time of his life teasing is Optimus and flirting and everyone else is so confused.
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