#tftsmp bartholomew
I'd like a mead, please!
Bartholomew, Tales From the SMP
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On the one hand, I was really rooting for Phil Watson to win his fight against Jack Bartholomew if only because I couldn’t wait to see what else he would do
But on the other hand... it’s just really freakin’ funny
Like! Watson is immediately introduced as a badass who is an absolute crack shot with a bow! He’s a shoo-in for becoming the general! And he’s being pit against a man who is perpetually dead drunk and overall very un-self-aware! His victory is basically assured!
But NO! The king instead decides to turn on the anti-gravity mode on the arena, and Watson f**king loses to the drunk guy who entered the arena complaining about the sunlight
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Watson and his now adopted son Bartholomew, my Beloveds
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arturo-giles · 3 years
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Not me getting attached to one-time characters.
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mesmir-ized · 3 years
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tales from the smp . . . the pit !
(doodled all these gamers :D !!!)
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teehee-vibes · 3 years
What’s the best Tales from the SMP character dynamic:
1) Any actual canon selection from a variety of great dynamics, ones that we actually see on the screen?
2) Whatever Sir Billiam and his presumed dead butler, the one Dream was meant to play, widely called Hubert by the fandom, have going on?
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I am not immune to the aristocrat/butler dynamic, I guess. I am also not immune to ooc angst, lmao
(May need to click for better quality!)
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catzgam3rz · 3 years
The only character trait I really remember from Watson beside him being pretty nice is that he likes puns ;w;
He's the only thing I care about from Tales today lol
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faeryfay · 3 years
I only got around to watching The Pit yesterday, so these are a bit late but I haven't seen them yet so here you go 🤲🏻
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Hi fuckers here are some headcanons
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revarova · 3 years
My gripe about how it’s so difficult to get attached to any of the characters in tftsmp, because we railroad into the ‘plot’ and there’s so many of them in one episode that no one ever gets a chance to really shine and develop. And the skins, nice as they are, are very sameface and the only real difference between them is their outfits, which are often similar (how many characters have had that gold eyepiece?). Plenty of these characters have the potential to be very interesting (using examples from The Pit; Watson being immortal Phil, Porkius being connected to Billiam, Levi’s brief backstory sounds interesting, Bartholomew having purple eyes in comparison to Jack’s red and blue, I want to know more about Genevive in general, what ever the hell was up with Ran he was clearly supposed to have lore where the fuck was it). But we’re never shown more than surface level, more often then not characters are either jokes, or come across as slightly bland because we don’t know anything about them, and we’ll never get to learn.
My immediate reaction to Bartholomew being ‘BARTHY MY BELOVED’
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deepfrost-citadel · 3 years
Ran was probably just ranboo poking fun at the time traveller theories lets be real
But there's a good chance he's gonna have a hand in taking down the empire since he managed to survive the arena so thats cool
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lemonsslemonss · 3 years
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Self indulgent Bartholomew moodboard, themes of drinking, fighting, yearning for watson and fear of love. 
Im just a simp lowkey. anyway-
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fivemetersofawesome · 2 years
So my friend sent me this comic here (kudos to the creator) and I was telling them about how I fully believe in the time traveler Ranboo theory because it would explain him during the red banquet and also Ran during the tftsmp The Pit episode. BUT THEN THAT GOT ME THINKING.
Refresher for anyone who doesn't remember or just didn't watch it but at the end everyone except Jackie is killed by lava. EXCEPT Karl and the viewer can see that Ran and Watson escape and are talking about something, but Karl is killed before we find out what.
My theory is that Ran was sent to The Pit to bring Watson back in time. Why? So that Watson could grow to be c!Phil.
Now Kira, you may be saying, what proof do you have that c!Phil is Watson other than that they're both played by cc!Phil? WELL SURPRISE I ALREADY THOUGHT OF THAT
First of all, Phil and Watson look similar, period. While its not perfect, it would've taken AGES for Watson to become the Phil we know, as he's canonically centuries old. While Watson's eyes are grey, we've seen Tommy's eyes change from grey to blue so that's not much of a stretch. His hair could've easily lightened from sunlight after all his time in hardcore worlds, and immortality and wings are already usually brushed off by Phil being married to Lady Death.
SECONDLY, it could explain why Phil has only one life. Yes, Techno does say that where he comes from people only have one life, but honestly that's a pretty vague statement guys. I believe that Phil, while he was Watson, lost his first life in the fight with Bartholomew and his second when the lava came in at the end, leaving him with only one life left.
Speaking of such we are brought to my final piece of reasoning that I made in my genius ranting brought on by a sugar rush and hyped up by my friend. Phil's belief in anarchy. After escaping the pit and Emperor Porkius, no shit Watson would hate monarchy and governments! He probably had those feelings stewing in him for centuries, and when he met Technoblade, if he didn't already harbor those feelings towards authority, Phil likely would've told his friend the dangers of governments and corruption. It's even possible Watson saw a bit of Porkius in Techno and did his best to make sure his friend would heed his warnings and not turn out like the man that led to the suffering and deaths of so many people.
So, thats my theory/headcannon. Ranboo is a timetraveler, and in The Pit episode he brought Watson centuries back in time so that he would eventually become the c!Phil we know and love.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
Levi said he has siblings and they had to fight for food so I imagine him being one of the youngest of his siblings. His family is poor-ish.
Genevieve I dont know if she has siblings but with my headcanon yes she does. She is the eldest of 4 siblings the only girl. Went to school to fight and was in the top range of the class. Her siblings can fight too and they spar with her.
Bartholomew is a only child and he is only 18. He has no parents and was raised by his grandparents. Worked at a pub. Lost said parents at 8. If he had lived he wouldve wrote letters with Watson and others he befriended.
Watson as he said is a traveler and I headcanon him traveling since he was 18. He has collected some cool stiff. Since he lived at the end I imagine him just continuing on his journey and writing letters with Ran and maybe Jackie.
Edward I headcanon as having siblings but being a decade plus older than them. Went to school and was top of his class. While greedy is sweet sometimes.
Laggius. He was mistakely picked to be a gladitor as he cannot fight. Can bake and works with his family's bakery. Cant decide if human or Dog hybrid but his mom is a Dog hybrid.
John was the bullied kid in school. John can fight because of that. Was training to be a blacksmith sort person. Middle child of 5 and the only son. Very quiet so wasnt really heard over his sisters.
Porkius was the ruler since he was 15 years old. He loves fighting and was trained to fight. He is around 25-30 years old. He is very hybrid friendly considering he is himself a hybrid. Actually not that bad of a ruler could be worse. (What I mean is it sucks but have you seen how bad some people can be at ruling at least so he is like 3 or 3.5/10.
Ran has no siblings and was raised by his enderman-human Dad. Mom was a enderman and dad was enderman-human so he is mostly enderman. Traveled with his father till he found a group of people who wants to take governments down.
Jackie was orphaned at 12 and had people teach him to fight and kill (he was taught to fight before just killing is new) and I think canonically he is 17 so he has been doing this for atleast 4 1/2 years. He as general (that was the title right?) Gets a year to two years of training.
(CB) 2/2
(If you want the other hybrid headcanons for the other tftsmp I can)
the sibling hcs really help flesh out the character more imo, it helps me understand their backstories/where they come from
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biggestgrianfan · 3 years
tftsmp cast: karl, techno, punz, bad, tubbo, hannah, ranboo, sapnap, jack manifold, phil, and fundy.
tftsmp summary: techno is the king/emperor (porkius the seventh if i remember correctly?? something like that) of the southern empire, and karl was himself but roped into being a cameraman for the gladiator-style events, determining a general.
the first fight was jackie (tubbo) vs laggius maximus (fundy), jackie won. (not a battle to the death, but until unconsciousness). the second was bartholomew (jack manifold) vs watson (phil), bartholomew won. also, bartholomew was very drunk the entire time. the third was genevieve (hannah) vs levi (punz), genevieve won. the fourth was john (sapnap) vs edward (bad), john won. also, techno renamed john ugly. ran (ranboo) got a free pass to the next round because his name was cool, and also there were an odd number of contestants.
the next round was jackie vs genevieve, jackie won. then it was a three-person round, john/ugly/grievous (they renamed him again) vs ran vs bartholomew, john won but ran said that "you will see me again". the final fight was jackie vs john, jackie won.
jackie was given a last trial, to kill all the losing people (he had weapons, they didn't), and succeeded, although watson and ran did not die and instead hid on the side. (blooper note; punz was accidentally in creative mode for the last fight lmao)
karl, the cameraman, was supposedly filming with the lens cap on the entire time, and techno had jackie execute him.
the inbetween:
the duality between the hidden books (the ones warning him that the inbetween is dangerous) and the showcased books (the ones insisting it's safe) continues, and a few times karl gets glitched back or forward a room or two.
he goes to the starting room, where there's a book saying it's all in his head, and then he goes to leave, and gets glitched back to the room. this repeats once more, and then the room is dark, and there's text on the screen telling him to follow the torches. it is set up as though there is something chasing him.
he does, running through the darkened castle, and there are a few more glitches (although not moving him, just with the text on the screen), and he follows the torch path to the portal. there is one final book there, trying to convince him to stay, but karl goes through the portal.
the place he appears in is called the other side, and is a dark grey castle with orange lighting. there is one book, telling him that he's home, and then he ends the lore part of the stream and plays the credits.
oh my god thank you gjsnkadsjknsdfgjkn 
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db4yup · 3 years
tftsmp index
Karl/The Camera Man - KarlJacobs
Genevieve - Hannah
The King/Porkyous the 7th- Technoblade
Watson - Philza
Ran - Ranboo
Jackie - Tubbo
Bartholomew - Jack Manifold
John/Old Sap - Sapnap
Lagiolus Maximums - Fundy
Levi - Punz
Edward - BadBoyHalo
They are in the Suben Empire
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