squids-and-waffles7 · 2 years
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pov your two moms finally meet 
[ID: Camila, Eda, and Luz are hugging each other. Camila is on the left with her arms wrapped around Luz, tears in the corners of her eyes and smiling. Luz is in the middle holding her arm, also with tears in her eyes and smiling. Eda is on the right with her arm touching Camila’s, grinning. End ID]
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deoidesign · 5 months
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ok guys sorry I was mean to him
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yourbuddykermit · 3 months
“wanna be sexed up abusive lesbians?” “fuck no”
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happyfoxx-art · 4 months
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Cliva for your Sunday, anyone?
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jadecantcreate · 8 days
i always see scenes / mentions of kremy and gideon kissing in fanwork and i can suspend disbelief / enjoy it regardless but when it comes to what i create it kinda bugs me? i tend to have this nagging thought in the back of my head — alligators don’t really have lips (as far as i know?) and kremy’s long snout has to be at least somewhat uncomfortable to kiss as someone w/ a human head
in other words its not really something id like to include in what i make
so i raise you this: every single other way to touch
im talking holding hands (its ironic. ironic itch scratching), cuddling (IRONICALLY), standing as close as possible to one another, doing the mischievous laugh thing, elbowing, brushing dust / soot out of each other’s clothes, placing a hand on the other, literally taking every opportunity to touch even it’s just a graze, etc
please please add on to this list if you’d like i need fuel for the coalecroux machine that is my brain
(extra points if all of this is without them realizing that’s what they’re doing. theyre not the smartest men in the feywild)
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chernyrubium · 4 months
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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grrgrgrrr bites them affectionately 
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bzil111 · 1 year
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a little late but im hopping on the komahina sanrio collab bandwagon
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 4 months
This one’s gonna be a first to see around here but the thought struck me and I saw someone say that if Zack survived, him, Aerith and Cloud would’ve been a triad and I one thousand percent agree.
So! Zack and Aerith would dote on Cloud so fucking heavily. Not in any, outstanding, buys him gifts and whatever he pleases sort of way but just in all the small gestures they do for him.
Cause Cloud is so effortlessly thoughtful despite being so painfully awkward sometimes. He hears Aerith has run out of tampons and he goes and gets her favourite brand even though her period is still weeks out.
Zack mentions his bike is making funny noises and he’s gotta wait for the next pay check to take it to a mechanic and he’ll just go and fix it himself without prompting.
Aerith complains one time about him and Zack hogging the blankets again and Cloud wraps her in her own blanket that same night, putting Zack in the middle so he can still cuddle both of them but will only fight Cloud for the blanket since they’re the two sharing.
It’s just all these little actions that he does because he’s so endlessly caring and he doesn’t even realise it sometimes and Zack and Aerith wanna return the favour however they can. But Cloud’s so quiet and is always content to just go along with them and whatever they want.
It’s embarrassingly hard to return such thoughtless actions when Cloud usually looks after himself whenever he needs or wants something. Always putting their priories ahead of his own and thinking it too bothersome to ask anything of them.
So they dote on him in other ways. Any way they can get away with and that won’t make Cloud clam up and isolate cause he thinks he’s being too much. Which is ridiculous cause he’s quite literally dating the human embodiment of a puppy and the sun, but they’re still working on that.
So Aerith gifts him flowers. Making crowns and placing them in his hair when it’s a day he can just sit back and relax. Or tucking them away in places he can find them easy when he’s moving around their shared spaces for jobs.
Zack goes out of his way to pick up food from Cloud’s favourite Junon place every so often, always lying and saying it was on the way back so Cloud doesn’t pout at him.
They both shower him in affection near constantly, brushing fingers through his hair and placing soft kisses on his cheeks and shoulders. Wrapping arms around his waist and leaning up against him or pulling him down, into their laps and simply holding him quietly.
Sometimes they manage a gift when he’s in one of his better moods. A new set of wrenches cause he somehow lost a few in the last set. A pair of riding goggles cause when he got tossed from his bike the last pair came off and broke. A new book or some graphite pencils for him to sketch the landscapes he sees when he’s out on deliveries that take him away from them.
It’s all in the little things they do for him. Cause they love him dearly and only wish for his happiness. Cloud had lived a tough life, they all had really, but Cloud always seemed to struggle with it the most. Still woke up panting and looking around frantically without actually seeing anything.
Still looked at them with so much longing and heartache that it broke their hearts to know they were technically the reasons it was there. Still sometimes hesitated before coming to them for affection. Like he was scared they’d turn him away or disappear the second he so much as breathed on them.
So they tried to dote on him as much as they could. Tried to return his effortless care and quiet affection in any way they could manage. Just for the hope that one day he wouldn’t be quite so scared anymore. That maybe he wouldn’t hesitate in letting them know when he needed them, and just so he knew they loved him. No matter how long any of it took.
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parabugz · 5 months
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murder drones if it was awesome
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naycelium · 7 months
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bfdifan26 · 6 months
T4T lesbian snowpie please <3
somethings happening
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deoidesign · 6 months
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horror-aesthete · 9 months
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Stephen King's IT, 1990, dir. Tommy Lee Wallace
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sour-sailin · 16 days
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estrangedandwayward · 2 months
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Young love, in color this time
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