#thank God for Columbo
skiploom · 9 months
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columboscreens · 8 months
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manosoc · 2 years
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bklynmusicnerd · 11 months
So Ava's rescue is going to come down to Avery not liking grape lollipops? It's amazing how when a certain duo is shoved into a story these days, you just instantly know that things are about to get extremely stupid and anticlimactic. It's almost a guarantee.
The only thing getting me through these scenes is that Dante's face always captures the weariness of enduring these plots. He gets it.
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betainkfang · 2 years
It's the annual short kings appreciation valentine's day dinner! Everyone is having such a great time :)
(Look I had a vision that I needed to manifest or else I would have exploded for real on god not clickbait)
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t8oo · 8 months
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clowniconography · 5 months
i was going to post something like "god i wish i was columbo's nephew" and then i remembered that i regularly thank my lucky stars that i don't have any known relatives who are cops. the copaganda almost got to me guys 😰
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clove-pinks · 8 months
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
No pressure of course!
Okay, okay. I'm awake due to anxiety and not feeling well, and it's making me punchy enough to drop some forbidden lore.
I grew up watching tumblr darling Columbo! Not by choice, mind you, but my mother always had it on. And I hated Columbo with a fucking passion: I was rooting for the bad guys non-stop, always hoping they would get away with it. And every time that smug jerkass said "And one more thing..." ARRGH!
While my hatred of Columbo is undimmed (not sorry), I would consider giving the 1980s Granada Sherlock Holmes series another try. (I'm not sure if this TV show is a big deal on tumblr in general or just on my dashboard.) I also watched this as a child thanks to my mom, and my abiding memory is an episode where Jeremy Brett does drugs and has bloodshot eyes and looks like death warmed over. My mother very solemnly informed me that SHERLOCK HOLMES DOES COCAINE. I grew up with an idea of Sherlock Holmes as a guy who solves crimes and does cocaine.
Since all of these answers are very tumblr-centric, I will drop my third bomb by mentioning that I met my wife, my honest-to-god real life spouse, on tumblr in 2012. We literally still joke about the fact that thank goodness she followed me first, because I am too shy to follow people (unfortunately then as now). We will be married 10 years in September!!
I'm not going to send this to people because I don't like anything that feels like chain mail and worry that I would be bothering people, but thank you for the ask!
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turianosauruswrex · 2 months
tagged by @freesidexjunkie !!! thank you!!! I don't typically like to bother folks with a tag but if you see this feel freeeeeeeee to do so
Three ships: I'm not really a big shipper but Shakarian just gets me right in the heart place. I don't super think I have any others I'm as fond of? Shout-out to Blood Feud and Unholy Sacraments though which are my OCs and my bestie's OCs so I don't think those really counts. WAIT whatever the Princess and the Long Quiet have going on in Slay The Princess is mad compelling oh my god I cry every time
First ship: Shakarian. Why move on from perfection?
Last song: UHHHHHHHHHHHH I think it was The Future Is A Foreign Land by Ghost! I love to sing along to it in my car and in my house
Last movie: Longlegs. It was... fine? A little too derivative for me to fully go "go see this immediately" but if you want a decent thriller it'll do it
Currently reading: FUCK nothing yet but I need to start Apostles of Mercy by Lindsay Ellis and I found out about a dying earth genre series yesterday that sounds sick as fuck
Currently watching: Columbo kind of off and on. I've been considering starting The Acolyte because I love the cast but I don't like Star Wars anymore LMAO. But truly I want to find a good documentary to watch
Currently eating: Nothing, but I had some eggs and a biscuit for breakfast. Switching to eating breakfast after like 13 years of not eating breakfast is a horrible transition but I'm trying to be better about how I eat 😭
Currently craving: Iced coffee 😭😭😭
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trucoop · 1 year
I would love to hear your absolute favorite trucoop head canons if u have time :)
Hiii!! Thanks for this!!
If I'm honest, there aren't many headcanons about them that I DON'T like, lmao!
But I'm a particular sucker for cosy, domestic stuff. I think Cooper can't cook and Harry is a domestic god. I've talked about that before for sure, but the idea of Cooper being vulnerable by being extremely shit at something in front of Harry, privately, seems so intimate to me? And I love the idea of Harry, who is in many ways an interesting take on traditional hypermasculinity anyways, being a bit of a househusband. It's cute.
I obviously headcanon that in some kind of lodge dodge AU, they don't continue being cops because like. Lmfao. Lol. No. I'm not sure what I'd expect them to do. Maybe Cooper would go back to university? I can see him making a good professor. Otherwise, I could see them working in local journalism or as some kind of independent PI business together, Columbo-style. Harry I would particularly love to see being a writer or reporter or something, given his love of reading.
Overall, I love the thought of them sharing literature together! Cooper and his poetry; Harry and his bookhouse (Re: my last point, maybe they could do the Classic Gay Dream and run a bookshop/cafe hybrid together...). I love the thought of little book club dates. (I think Lucy would stick around there like a third wheel)
In terms of more, like, in-timeline stuff: I headcanon Harry fell for Cooper first, pretty quickly. I think they probably fucked in the police cruiser while on patrol early on in the investigation 🤷
I think Harry likes cream in his coffee but drinks it black like Cooper does, so A. he impresses him?? A macho thing?? B. Because of the whole "little secret" sequence, he doesn't want him to feel awkward.
This is slightly aside, but I also think Harry and Albert have such discourse at first because they're both jealous of the other's relationship with Cooper. On that note, I also think that Harry dated Hank in high school! I think Harry is bi and knows it, but hasn't really acted on it or sustained a relationship with another dude since Hank, until Harry. I think Cooper's probably gay and definitely has history with Albert.
I also headcanon that Cooper was really into cowboys when he was a kid. I can't remember if this is something I've borrowed from like the books or whatever, but I'm thinking of that bit in the return when the child Cooper takes care of for a bit has a yeehaw bedroom and I just. Yeah. I like the thought that it's mirroring Cooper somehow too.
I also think they're both neurodivergent asf (I'm neurodivergent dw)
Thank you for this!! I could go on for SO MUCH LONGER but I think I've mostly covered my favourites! I'll circle back to this if I realise I've forgotten something!
Take care anon ❤️
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mthollowell-writes · 1 year
Nine People Tag
I've been tagged again! Thank you to @vintagecivet for the tag! You can find her original post here!
Last Song: Eternal Sunshine by Jhene Aiko. I've been listening to a character playlist I made a few years ago that I'm still tinkering with.
Last Movie: Rope (dir. Alfred Hitchcock). It was most definitely a Hitchcock movie and if you know anything about Leopold and Loeb you've got half of this movie figured out.
Currently Watching: I'm juggling a number of shows. Episodes of Columbo, The Bear, and What We Do In the Shadows (as the new season updates).
Currently Reading: A lot of books and I'm not close to finishing any of them. Here's the list: Daisy Jones & The Six, NeuroTribes, American Gods (audiobook), and The Kiss Quotient. I had to start Daisy Jones today because there are soooo many holds on it at my local library.
Currently Craving: I developed a new craving for almonds, dried fruits, and cheeses as a snack. I didn't think I was this person but apparently, I am. (What person exactly...shrugs)
Last Thing I Searched (for writing): The taste of champagne for a general search. I also get in the habit of googling words that I already know the meaning of but I want to make sure I know their meaning during drafting. Today's words of the day are "surly," "proclivity," and "overcautious."
Low pressure tagging: @j-hawthorn, @desireesbrown, @friendlyshaped, @maniacthewriter, @digital-chance, @callahanscorner, @nonsenseramble, @leebrontide, and @rickie-the-storyteller but I encourage anyone who would like to participate to go for it!
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skiploom · 2 years
I love your art, especially Columbo art. Please make more, maybe Columbo and his wife have a kid?
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omg anon yeas........ i like to headcanon that columbo is incredibly busy with his job and he is kinda absent, especially in the very beginning 😭😭 anyway here is antonio and lucille (named after lucille ball (NOT columbos idea)) and heres more info abt them here and my inspiration of them and also a small doodle here
bonus, them all grown up!!!!! omg!!! big!!! they are VERY BIG !!!!!!
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columboscreens · 1 year
How much, if any of the scene from Double Shock where Columbo is on the cooking show do you think was ad libbed?
from what i've read, you can attribute the endearing and organic levity of that cooking segment to the fact that its portion of the script was only vaguely outlined as opposed to fully written! the events themselves were scripted, but the actual lines and business were totally up to the actors.
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yes, we like to have fun in improv class...
and thank god for that because martin landau and peter falk couldn't have done a better job if they started taking each others' clothes o--
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hawkeyeslaughter · 7 months
A / T / U
thank you for the ask beloved mutual majorbaby !!! 🫶🫶🫶
— A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
— ugh , y’all know me i’m such a sucker for hawktrap but honestly i’m also down for the hawkeye/trapper/oliver agenda because i LOVE oliver and i miss him every single day of my life . and i always love a good klinger / henry moment ,, as far as friendships go as MUCH as i give bj a hard time i always love a sweet moment between him and margaret and i can’t wait to see that during my rewatch teehee !!
ships from other fandoms !! —
— mcspirk , broppy ( YES i watch trolls and it’s a better franchise than most of them out there do NOT come for me ) , hilson ( although i do think it’s 🤏 overhyped ) , chase/foreman ( bc why do they lowkey have more chemistry than chase/cameron )
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
— you know i do , but i’ll try to give y’all the just a few
— YES henry has dirty mags he keeps in his office for protection but he’s far more worried about keeping his fishing books and gear protected
— radar was one of those double jointed kids in elementary school who was always doing weird stuff with his joints to gross people out
— trapper worked a stint as a mechanic and is a car guy
— bj swears he loses a year off his life everytime someone asks him “ so how’s the weather up there ? “
— closest charles came to swinging at hawkeye was when hawk asked if he wanted his head polished
— hawkeye ate crayons as a kid
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
anyone who has seen any of my posts can infer henry is my favorite so we’re going with three DIFFERENT fandoms buckle up guys
— bones mccoy , star trek
i think bones was my first ever comfort character and it’s because he’s so real . like , he’s just not afraid to call people stupid and i respect him for that . i also like that he’s inherently someone who loves very deeply and wants to help people in every single way he can but it’s also very subtle … like he cares SO MUCH but it’s not in an over - the - top dramatic “ i would die for you “ way ( which he would , undoubtedly ) but more of a “ i love you and cherish you but you’re fucking stupid “ and that’s always been like ,, funny and sweet to me and shows that caring for someone isn’t always being nice to them sometimes you have to be a little cunty .
— elaine benes , seinfeld
— listen it was between her and lorelai gilmore and as much as i love and defend lorelai i love elaine more . y’all the amount of people who have said i���m literally elaine … and it’s a COMPLIMENT because i LOVE HER and you KNOW WHAT ??? i should’ve put her and george on the friends ship list because her and geroge are BESTIES . anyway i love elaine she’s so fucking funny ,, like be mean to jerry yes girl !!!! also she’s so cute i love that she’s so excited and over the top over everything all of the time i love her she’s my baby . is seinfeld even a fandom ? idk but you’re hearing ab it since we’re keeping the older show theme
— james wilson , house md
first of all the FUNNIEST MOTHERFUCKER TO EVER EXIST . second of all he’s MEEEE he’s literally me because i TOO just need people to stay and i also am on the nd meter and no one ever knows what the fuck i’m talking about so !!!!!! he also has the most beautiful big brown puppy eyes i’ve ever seen like okay gorgeous
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amoebaforce · 10 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters
another tag game! thanks to @bisquicklite for tagging me c:
Final Fantasy XIV: Emet-Selch
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Rohan Kishibe
Columbo: Lt. Columbo himself, of course
Hunter x Hunter: Killua Zoldyck
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Feyre Archeron
The Song of Achilles: Patroclus
Phantom of the Opera: Christine Daae
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Quark
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn
American Gods: Mr. Wednesday
i must admit, it was a little challenging to think of 10 pieces of media whose fandoms i GENUINELY participate in, but a fun exercise nonetheless!
tagging @friendofpossum @sunbeasts @angelltheninth and @vaya-mernda because i'm curious what fandoms you might pick :)
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takashi0 · 2 years
In case somehow no one else sent you this link already, here's a crossover fan comic of Frasier vs Columbo: https://twitter.com/joechoui/status/1582419562242273290
I haven't seen a single episode of Frasier, but good God I'm laughing hysterically, thank you so much for sharing this!
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