#thank god this actually works in firefox
tuesday again 8/20/2024
a little light this week bc i had a fairly wretched week, medically speaking
hozier's nobody's soldier would have been on every 8tracks mix for every character. THEEEEE blorbo song of all time to the point i am already annoyed at the thought of seeing it on every spotify mix. fuckin owns tho. very fun mod sixties heist taste to the horn arrangement
thank you philip.
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polished off the Marauders (2019-2022) comics. i liked the first volume way more than these three-- they didn't quite deliver the same quality of art or swashbuckles-per-minute. also this was probably not a great choice for someone who has forgotten what little she once knew about the xmen, even though they came at the beginning of a reboot.
why did i read these? mostly bc they were readily available or with short wait times at my library and my bestie is making me watch all the xmen movies. a girl gets curious about comic books sometimes
surprisingly, i came across this one from the Pocket integration on the firefox new tabs
McDonald likens the functions of Spotify to Google Maps. “Google Maps doesn’t do the exploration for me, but it’s helpful if I go somewhere,” he says. Rather than taking us on guided tours, it provides the tools for us to navigate somewhere new. Much as it shows us what’s nearby and how to get there, and flags notable landmarks others have visited, Spotify helps us access most music, lists global listening trends, and introduces us to artists similar to those we already know. But it’s communities that help us home in on a destination Spotify can help us explore.
part two of breaking down infamous academic paper mill Hindawi and why it was bought by Wiley anyway bc they did seemingly no due diligence, bc as a whole they do very little actual work in the publishing process.
i have included a very long quote bc it is one of only two things that made me genuinely laugh out loud this week (the other was phil unsticking a claw from the couch by backflipping herself out)
One issue of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing from 2022, edited mostly by Hamurabi Gamboa Rosales, took an average of about 20 days to go from initial submission to revision submission. This is not unlikely, it’s impossible. The easiest way to explain this is with an analogy. Say there’s a pothole outside your house, and you call the council. You tell them ‘there’s a big hole in the road outside my house!’ The person at the other end, rather than tiredly telling you to fill out a form - which is what councils do all over the world, in my experience - instead yells ‘MOTHER OF GOD! WE’RE RIGHT ON IT!’ Twenty minutes later, a bitumen truck comes HURTLING around the corner of your street at full send, with the road workers hanging out the back of it, the driver leaning on the horn and yelling ‘GET OUT OF THE WAY! POTHOLE!’ They pull up outside your house, and you see the brakes go hot. But the guys don’t even wait for it to stop, they jump off while it’s slowing down, and they grab pry bars and a burner and a kettle of bitumen, and they start hammering out the edges, pour the bitumen and start slamming it with hammers almost at the same time. In about six minutes, the hole is filled and flattened, and they admire their work for about four hundred milliseconds and SCREAM off the way they came. No sooner has the truck disappeared, then your phone rings - and it’s the council worker from before. ‘POTHOLE! *pant* *pant* FIXED! Happy to be of service!’ *click* That’s how likely the entire editorial process taking 20 days is.
i don't understand why the third xmen movie isn't named x cubed. it extremely is not their last stand there are like a dozen more movies to go. gun to my head i could not tell you what happened in this one. whatsherface did look good as hell though
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and now for the movie i actually want to talk about, Monkey Man (2024, dir. Patel). imdb says:
An anonymous young man unleashes a campaign of vengeance against the corrupt leaders who murdered his mother and continue to systematically victimize the poor and powerless.
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i am so so so lucky that my favorite kind of fight scene — fast, brutal, right spaces with improvised weapons-- is fashionable. pour it DIRECTLY into my open mouth
i think i generally agree with a broad sweep of reviewers here when i tell you that this movie is gorgeous and grossnasty at the same time, there are a lot of ideas that aren't all quite resolved, and i am much more interested in why it has a hell of a lot of ideas (part of why they don't all get resolved).
patel's first movie, it feels very much like a movie of someone who isn't sure they'll be able to do another one, so throw everything you've got in here. a sort of famously rocky production and shoestring budget, but you would not know it. the club scenes are especially dripping in glitz and, like many stage productions, have a lot of clever editing and strategic deployment of mirrors and repeats. there's a fight scene with hanging mirrors near the end where the mirrors can't have been more than fifty bucks each but it looks SO fucking sick.
i am much more willing to go to bat for this movie and ignore some of the rough edges bc it is so refreshingly earnest, and despite the style references, is very focused on being its own thing. at some points it's going to feel like The Matrix (1999, dir. the Wachowskis) bc every movie made in a post- The Matrix (1999, dir. the Wachowskis) world is going to feel a little bit like The Matrix (1999, dir. the Wachowskis). or like when the above gif happened in the movie it did not make me want to turn it off and go watch the first john wick.
people who live in india or are part of the diaspora are a little cranky about the political parties of the film, which had to be neutered for release. while i don't think i would have grasped all the nuances even if we did have the original cut, i think it's likely some of the characters would have resolved a little cleaner if that original intent was still there.
why did i watch this? i think patel is easily as hot as tumblr darling mifune. while drafting this post i got distracted sooooooo many times trying to pick the perfect gif. some of them are too hot!!!
fallow week
just stayin alive! just livin the fuckin dream!!!
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loving-family-poll · 9 months
I promise it's true ❤️ it was 14 hours before the poll closed and gallaghercest was at 46.3% before I gave it a 0.5% lead, that apparently became a 0.7% lead in the end!!! good for us :) anyway for anyone wondering it's actually really easy to sockpuppet on tumblr because making a new account doesn't require a real email or a captcha test. it took me about an hour and a half, it would've been even faster but my keyboard's broken so I was using my mouse and the on-screen keyboard to type the emails and urls (I was using firefox's auto-generated passwords to save time). also it'll silently lock you out of creating accounts once in a while but I use a vpn and switched to a different server every time and kept going unhindered. I hope this encourages more people to commit voter fraud :)
Oh my god I'm fucking hyperventilating. Incredible work anon thank you for ur service and dedication to voter fraud
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drbased · 3 months
I genuinely don't understand why tech guys love the command line so much. Literally I have never used the command line without having to install package after package, only to find that something is deprecated, or missing, then having to look online for similar questions and see guys snarking each other for not knowing enough. There's this hostility built into the entire thing.
So I haven't done tech stuff for a while (thank god), but I was given a chromebook and I'm trying to install firefox on it, and the better version of that is to install linux on it first. So I follow those instructions, and literally the first thing I try to do on the command line is install flatpack (because you always have to install an installer if you ever want to do anything on the command line, something that using a standard gui will never prepare you for, also there's also more than one installer and tech guys will be assholes about which one is their favourite, but choice is good capitalistic thinking something something) and I get
Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state informtion... Done E: Unable to locate package flatpack
Like.... what? this is literally a brand new unused untouched chromebook of the corrent specifications, I'm following the instructions exactly, and the very literal first thing I try to do with the command line on it doesn't work.
This is not an isolated incident in my experience of tech stuff - this is the rule. No matter what you're trying to do, the command line is a nightmare. The idea that you can 'do more with it' is fucking propaganda - because there's no point in that if the most basic tutorials are broken, or if your packages rely on other packages that update every two days and deprecate leaving entire deadends to the package that you REALLY needed for your project. And when you ask tech guys about this shit, it's always your fault for not knowing enough. But computers aren't like DIY, or gardening, or anything that operates in the real world - the vast majority of complications are entirely man(!)-made, and nobody talks about this. Nobody talks about this kafka-esque nightmare that is the tangled underbelly of the tech world; that there's no such thing as 'dipping your toes in' because the moment you even attempt to try it casually you have to learn an insane amount of unsatisfying things that probably won't work before you even start. I don't think this is explicitly by design, but I do think it's representative of the insular and competitive culture of tech guys.
Throughout my teens, I became entirely averse to following 'troubleshooting' instructions because there was always - and I MEAN always - some arbitrary point where the instructions I was following just didn't work, and after searching and searching and trying tutorial after tutorial I would give up. My dad, in his 60s, has echoed having exactly the same problem with these tutorials. In the end, I learned the hard way that if the first tutorial doesn't work, don't bother, because for whatever reason, none of the other ones will. It was only when I entered my adulthood that I think the world of software started becoming a bit more fleshed out and accessible, and I remember when I first encountered troubleshoot tutorials that actually worked!! And I can confidently say that most of them do now - for the basic, for the obvious, for the user-friendly software shit. The moment you want to do anythig more complex in terms of coding etc., you're going to have to face the command line, and good fucking luck to you.
Now I'm going to find out what arbitrary thing is wrong with my specific chrome-book and see if I can sort this error out, or maybe I can use a different installer - who the fuck knows!
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pancakeke · 11 months
legitimately baffling how many people seem to have just accepted youtube's ad bullshit until posts started popping up spoon feeding everyone how to fix it by updating ublock origin. these posts have sooo many replies along the lines of "omg thank you for telling me there's a fix!"
also for the past day or whatever now people have been reblogging a post related to the youtube issue directly from me just so they can bitch at me for adding a "use firefox" comment onto it. they seem to think I'm a dumb fucking moron because the problem affects firefox now too (though few have also noted that there is also a fix).
apologies for not clarifying but I thought it was normal for people to pop a query into a search engine if they are having trouble with something. because doing that gives you the exact information needed to fix the problem a large percentage of the time. chrome has overwhelming market share yet openly stated that it is going to stop allowing ad blocking extensions so step #1 is to ditch it for firefox. if you still experience issues after this, how should you approach the situation logically? think that because you are currently unaware of a solution then no solution exists or could ever possibly exist? so there is no longer need for any thought or action?
you can not be telling me that people experienced a problem they considered significant enough to yell at me over it but did absolutely nothing else. did they really not even try to look it up? are they really lacking not only a desire to solve problems but also whatever exists in ordinary thought processes that makes you aware problems may be solvable in the first place?
maybe I am taking things at face value here. maybe the issue is more like, they heard this is a problem from a third party but it doesn't affect them so they had no reason to find a solution, yet still felt the need to repeat what they heard. or something like that. but this attitude of stubborn helplessness and anti curiosity is something I deal with at work so much.
the way people irl treat me like I'm just weird and stupid and the way they get hostile with me by immediately assuming I have no idea how things "really work" and that my actions are "wasting time" when I can't get what I need initially and try an alternative method. god it gets sooo exhausting and makes me feel like I'm going insane. because why else would I get so much anger and resistance? if this behavior is so widespread then I must be the actual problem right??
these people act like it's always better refusing to communicate, trying nothing beyond the bare minimum (which often means not trying anything at all), and then shifting blame elsewhere when the problem gets worse. admitting their first thought didn't work and pivoting is unacceptable because *huge list of vague excuses that are either bullshit or irrelevant*
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence at all btw. it's gotta be ego related or a weird pride thing. or like how for whatever reason some people feel too much shame to ever admit they don't know something or aren't an expert at something. or they are too paralyzed by fear to attempt anything new if they might not become perfect at it immediately. but christ you can not let that kind of stuff fester amd become the normal way you live your life.
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ragecndybars · 7 months
🥝🍐🍈 for the ask game! <33
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
Last time I did this ask game, I went with a cop-out answer and said angst, but that's really more a genre than a trope imo, and as an AO3 tag it's verrrry broad. The funny thing is that, since I'm not letting myself say angst, I think I'm instead going to have to say Time Travel, which is very funny because I haven't posted very much time travel, lmao. The reason for that, though, is that every time I start a fic which involves time travel, it spirals massively out of control and ends up becoming such a large project that I never finish enough of it to post... 😭 But god I just love time travel so much, it's so juicy, there's such wide potential for both angst and comfort, fixing things and making them worse. Someday one of the many time travel fics rotting away on my computer will come to fruition... I swear it...
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Oof. Uh. Yeah... 😅 There's usually at least one of these in every fandom I get really into, and depending on what it is, I go back and forth on whether I subscribe to the "canon isn't real it can't hurt me" philosophy, where I just pretend it never happened, or the "canon is real but I came with a hammer" philosophy, where I acknowledge the event as canon but then explore whatever the problems are with it in my writing. Sometimes it just depends on the tone of the fic, too, haha. As a good example of this, I love Kanji from Persona 4, and depending on the fic, I'll either choose to explore the way he continues to reject his sexuality and the homophobia he suffers from the rest of the cast..... orrrr I'll just quietly sweep canon under the rug and write both him and the rest of the cast the way I think they should've been written to begin with. (I do the same with Naoto, lmao, he's my special little trans man)
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
I've ranted at GREAT length about my Minato headcanons before, so I'll just pick one I haven't really focused as much on which I've been thinking about more while playing Reload. My god Minato is so autistic and I love him so much. I basically always write him as having an extremely limited understanding of social cues, and, in an effort to make up for this, he kind of just defaults to being a passive yes-man since that's what's gotten him the least negative results in the past. This is how I understand him through the lens of his most criticized social links (such as Kenji, Kazushi, and Hidetoshi) where the "correct" answers tend to be just agreeing with people and letting them do as they please. The way I see it, he's just... so tired of trying to interact with people earnestly only to be misunderstood and accused of being an asshole just because he can't pick up on the silly little social dance that everyone expects him to know instinctively. It's only as he experiences his character development over the course of the year that he begins to hit his stride as a leader and therefore learns to step outside of his comfort zone a little and speak up for himself with the understanding that he might still be misunderstood sometimes and that's something he's willing to risk.
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dumelax · 1 year
shit I can write before the title uh, anyways
wha happen
Jesus it's a story. I created this account... god I don't remember when Hold on, how do I check that OKAY I found an email from May 23rd, 2021 asking me to verify my email, so I guess I've been dormant for two years huh why did I join again I don't know why I joined. But I am HERE! And I actually know why I did. Twitter crashing down, so my good pal COOKIE (hello cookie 👋🏻) showed me this website, with the lot of awesome things you could do with it. Including writing walls of text! Which I LOVE to do! Anyone who knows me knows I do!
The step after that was kinda funny. See Cookie (wassup cookie ✌🏻) was nice enough to welcome me in a voice call to teach me the ins-and-outs of tumblr. I do not think either of us expected what followed. I definitely remembered having an account, but the first challenge was just about to rise: remembering my PASSWORD ⛈ (it was actually okay- I remember those). The most difficult part was actually entering it in the browser. For some reason Firefox does not like showing the part that comes after entering your email address. Trying to clear the cache and tweaking settings for half an hour, I finally decided to switch browsers, but then... THEN!
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The cone of shame! And a bland background picture! These two were assigned to my profile. I tried to change them, but for some reason, tumblr wouldn't let me... Leading our investigation further in my account's settings, it appears my blog was flagged as “explicit” (reminder: I've been as useful and active as a rock for the past two years). Action had to be taken.
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Much better, right? All it needed was aesthetic colours and definitely not suspicious looking titles. We actually had a lot of fun setting these. I tried to understand the basic features that Cookie (how r u cookie 🤟🏻) explained to me to the best of their ability as my account was very restrained, it took one email to user support and three weeks and VOILÀ! I'M FREE kind of a mistake but THANK YOU nonetheless tumblr support ❤
what now
oh my god I can select F.O.N.T.S. and play with sizes I mean you've probably seen it many times in many places already but MAN this is NEW to me And it feels really good too!! I've always loved to scribble and write down shit for no reason note: I'm scared to swear because of the recent flagging I've been a victim of 😨 (<- scared emoji) I have no idea what I'll write how long I'll write it if I'll write more?? You're witnessing the live production of my tumblr discovery
what's next?
I want to do many things I want to do... everything 😩 no but for real I think trying to find a nice layout for a first could be nice. Like a theme and all. Ideally something similar to what cookie (hey cookie 👉🏻) cooked, someday :3c I'm also gonna follow all the cool artists I saw around (like Sirope who's the one who drew my current profile pic she deserves your love (and your money)). Tumblr feels more like a place for friend with lots of MAYHEM! while I like to use Reddit for games and communities, and Twitter for a bit of both. I like making friends and following game accounts there, but for Tumblr I wonder if that would work... I guess I'll dig deeper and see for myself!
Right now, this is the start of a NEW ADVENTURE! ⛵ Until next time,
take care and drink some water
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softpine · 2 years
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aw thank you!! i just gave them one outfit with cc, since it’s the outfit they wear the most often and i don’t want to overload my gameplay save with cc. i have a whole separate mods folder and everything to keep myself in check lol
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whenever i get the chance to retcon things and call this time period the 2000s, i take the opportunity 😌 even if it’s just gameplay
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we have the same eye color for sure and i can see the nose too! i wish i had his teeth tho 😭 the only picture i have of myself from this angle is when i was drunk off my ass FJSJDKSJ enjoy this cursed image
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@maturation​ hmmm not really :( i wrote some tips here for making teenagers look like teenagers, but it’s even harder to make them look like preteens 😭 i think the only time i pulled it off was with casper, and that was really just because he has a baby face without trying. i didn’t even try with asa because he’s so big, i just did a time skip to avoid the whole thing. i’m sorry i can’t help more!! it’s such a huge limitation of the sims :/
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hey! i thought i had removed everything by pandasama, but there was actually a file called “animation_injector_changingtable” in my mods folder that was causing problems. delete it, then delete localthumbcache, then reload the game to see if it worked :) otherwise my other problem was an outdated TOOL mod, i thought i updated it but i actually downloaded an old version! (btw, pandasama’s other stuff works fine now, i put it all back after i finished testing. just make sure to update the childbirth mod if you have that)
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@moresimming​ omg thank you so much 🥺 not to sound morbid, but making people cry because of my story is the biggest compliment fjksjds media that makes me cry is genuinely my favorite thing, so hearing that i can do the same thing for someone else is awesome. i’m so happy you’re enjoying it!! thank you ;-; 💖💖
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yes it’s a main blog!! i would 1000000% recommend creating a new account for your simblr! it’s huuuge for visibility. it would be really hard for people to follow you back if your main blog is the one whose url is showing up; most people won’t go to the effort of clicking on your blog to find out if you have a simblr somewhere else. i created a separate email so that i could keep my personal blog as my main blog, but still have a new account for simblr :) also if you use firefox (which everyone should tbh), you can use the containers extension so that you don’t have to log in and out of your accounts all the time, you can just open them in two tabs!
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↓ GHOST STUFF BELOW, trigger warnings apply ↓
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right??? that’s the first question i wanted to ask, but honestly i don’t know if i want the answer fjksjds i’ll just choose to believe that ghosts know the concept of privacy 😌
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okay it's kinda funny you said this because... well i don't want to give too much detail but i used to live between a historic cemetery, an honest to god abandoned psychiatric facility, and a building that's known to be one of the most haunted places in the state. but i still never felt or saw ANY ghosts. that's why i didn't believe for so long, because how can i be in the freaking bermuda triangle of ghost activity and never see one?? i'm still mad about it lmao, whether i believe in them or not, i've always wanted to see a ghost so bad. especially if they're just lonely! come to me and we can chill lol
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oh wow yeah it’s always freaky when people who don’t seem like the type to believe in this kind of stuff tell you stories like this; it adds a new layer of credibility if you can eliminate all other options. like when people are grieving their loved ones, it’s normal to see/hear/smell them everywhere, and when you’re living in that fog of grief, you can mistake a lot of things for ghost activity that are actually just a result of you looking for patterns to make sense of it all. and i still think this is the case most of the time. i remember when my grandma died, my mom was understandably a complete mess, and she was always misplacing things in that time. but to this day, she still claims it was my grandma who was moving her water bottle, turning the stove on, etc. i’m still (and always will be) a very science minded person, so i’m always going to look at the other explanations first. sorry that was a tangent lmao but my point is, it’s always weird when someone down to earth says stuff like this. that would be so sad, but at least he was able to comfort them a little bit :( what an awful way to go :(
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dragonmarquise · 9 days
I found out that some stupid Windows update was the reason my computer kept tanking these past few nights, to the point where it kept making Firefox and other programs freeze. Last night I just let the update run by itself, while closing everything else and keeping an eye on its progress. It managed to finish and everything's back to normal.
... that being said, this really feels like a sign I should finally get a new computer. My desktop is 9 years old, it's probably a little overdue. e_e;
I don't want to just upgrade the parts and risk breaking something, but I don't want to buy completely brand new either. Both to avoid Windows 11 and because most brand new PCs right now tend to be overpriced like hell!!
There's a really nice refurbished mini PC I found that more than fits my needs (plus it has Windows 10 instead of 11 thank god). But it's still like $500. And I want to get a new monitor with it, that bumps it up to a little over $600 for a good monitor plus adapter cable.
The monitor I'm using right now is actually "work equipment" from my company's office, but I've been using it for both my work laptop and personal desktop. Sure, no one will probably care, but it would probably be good to have a separate personal monitor in case something happens to the work monitor, y'know? :u
I think I should be fine to buy it maybe by the end of this month or next month. Then again, I'm also considering opening some quick commissions (like, very simple doodles and maybe chibi drawings) via Ko-fi to help with this too. Even if I don't get enough to cover the full amount, it'd still be helpful!
I'll just have to see how this works out. Hopefully the mini PC won't be gone by the time I'm ready to buy it. D:
Edit: Just to clarify, if it weren't for the fact that a couple of programs I rely on are exclusively Windows (and it's iffy whether Windows emulation/virtualization will work for them), I would probably just switch to some flavor of Linux, probably Ubuntu. But yeah, I gotta cling onto Windows 10 for the time being...
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citiesmmorg · 2 years
Problem with minimed carelink usb device driver
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(He somehow configured something and magically, I have a Firefox browser that is…workable.) If I didn’t have an amazing husband who is a web developer and happened to be home and was willing to sacrifice a pocket protector to the Geek God, I would have been not been able to upload my data. And wait, they don’t have a version for Mac. (Not Firefox 5.)Īnd by the way, if I wanted to download Internet Explorer right now, it’s IE 10 - or 11. I’ll fire up the Firefox browser I have… Version 21. My Safari was “too up-to-date”, so I couldn’t access CareLink through that browser. I got this screen when I went to Medtronic’s CareLink link on their website: So, the other evening, when I needed to upload data so that my trainer and I could look at it together while talking on the phone to adjust settings, I thought it would be easy. I know that CareLink works on a Mac, because I’ve uploaded my pump data before on this laptop.
(According to Dexcom, I’m already a complete loser, as their CGM software won’t even run on a Mac unless you use a PC emulator program.) I have two browsers downloaded on my system: Safari (which comes standard on most Macs) and Firefox (which is easily downloaded and what I use occasionally for some banking transactions that demand Firefox). Other browsers might still work although Medtronic Diabetes is not able to guarantee proper operation of those browsers. The system is currently validated to work with Microsoft® Internet Explorer® version 7, 8 and 9, Internet Explorer 10 Desktop, Apple® Safari® 4, 5 and 6, and Mozilla® Firefox® 5.0.1. Which web browsers can be used to access CareLink Personal software? Thanks in advance for your kind assistance and help.On the FAQ pages of Carelink. I have installed TeamViewer and am quite happy for you to log in remotely and have a look at the problem. Please find attached herewith, a number of computer screenshots, as well as the CP210x driver, which I hope you may find useful in ascertaining the exact problem and providing a solution.
Please note that I have, over the past six months, attempted to install the CP210x driver on various laptops and desktops, on Windows 10 as well as Windows 8.1, and always experience the same problem (driver installation failure). So, the problem appears to be essentially one of Windows not accepting or loading the driver, when this is done and the com port created, the rest should (hopefully), be relatively straight forward. I have been grappling with for the past six months. I have also tried to uninstall the silicon lab software/program and cannot be located in features and programs so that l could delete the above files manually. I am using an HP 280 G2 Minitower business PC running Windows 10.
I have further tried to uninstall the Silicon Lab drivers and delete these OEM files with silabenm.sys and the associated files and fails to delete as they are in use. I have noted that the system registry does actually recognize both files as active drivers for the silabvcp.inf. What is interesting is that the installation has created two OEM.inf files (OEM28.inf and OEM40.inf) and both seem to be in use. I have also reset the VID and PID as recommended in some forums. When l click on device manager the com virtual port allocated for the USB to UART bridge has a yellow exclamation mark.
I am using the recommended CP210x drivers version for the VP and give an error message Code 10. I have installed recommended Silicon Labs CP210x driver, downloaded from the official Silicon Laboratories website. I am experiencing problems with the installation of a Virtual Port (VP) to connect my USB to UART. I intend to use the USB cable for rig control using the Ham Radio Delux software, as well as digital modes, which all require a functional USB connection to a computer. Am currently running Windows 10 Operating System on an HP Desktop computer. I have an ICOM 7300 Amateur Radio Transceiver which has a USB port, for computer connection.
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salty-dracon · 6 years
ace hang plays calling cipher part 2
(Last Time on Calling Cipher... )
Lily, screaming, and banging her hands on the table: LET RILEY SAY FUCK
(jump cut)
Brid: Lily, I am begging you to calm down. This is a video game! 
Lily: *literally falls off her chair* 
Brid: Lily? Lily, are you okay? Lily?
Brid: Hey guys, Ace Hang is back again with more Calling Cipher! I’m Bridget!
Lily: And I’m Lily!
Brid: When we last left off, we finished the prologue, met our protagonist, thirsted over her... 
Lily: Mostly that. 
Brid: She was so cute, though... 
Lily: We also met a few characters, thank god we’re not the only girl here, learned there was some kind of conspiracy going on, and now we’re playing detective because we’re dumb and foolish, and we’ve recruited our friends to help us. Because we are all dumb and foolish. 
Brid: So what exactly did we learn? 
Lily: Maybe they should have watched the first video in the series. 
Brid: ... Yeah. Anyway, we stole a file from a school computer and some short kid thinks we’re our long-distance boyfriend. 
Lily: Plus we ran into our ex, and also got teased over us accidentally thirsting over our calc professor. 
Brid: By everyone and their mom. And our mom too. Like damn, she’s thirsty.
Lily: Not fun. 
Brid: I think the fact that we’re making a second part makes us qualify as masochists. 
Lily: Oh, hey. Chase. What’s up?
Brid: Rich people things. The economy. Republicans. Nyu hu hu hu hu. 
Lily: Never say that again. Anyway, we’re really diving right into the investigation, aren’t we? 
Brid: Yeah. Wrong route, girl. 
Lily: Nah. 
Lily: She’s out here wondering if he has a swimmer bod.
Brid: I don’t actually know any swimmers, so... no wait, actually, Narin’s older brother does swim a lot, so...
Lily: But you’ve never seen him shirtless.
Brid: Yeah, no.
(five second asexual silence while music plays in the background)
Lily: Are all straight people like this?
Brid: Aw, he just winked. 
Lily: AW????
(some lines of text later, the protagonist just straight up says that the professor has a spider on his head, without making any side comments on how stupid that move was)
Brid: W O W. that was... a move. Not a power move. A move.
Lily: She doesn’t even regret that one. Holy shit.
Brid: If I said something that stupid I think I’d die of embarrassment. “Hey, Mr. Balls. There’s a spider on your head, that’s why I was staring at your piercing.”
Lily: I love how he fell for it, too! 
Brid: Fucking hell. He might actually have a personality that isn’t just “horny”. 
Lily: Oh my god, isn’t it funny that he joked about the spider and his name is Mr. Parker?
Brid: There is no way they’re going to pull a spiderman joke.
(the option to pull a spiderman joke)
Brid: So Riley wants to take over her parents’ network security company, while Chase wants to take over the pharm business, and... 
Lily: Guess so. And? 
Brid: Well, my parents do financial consulting, and they want me to take over. And you know how Nick’s parents are, like, huge stockholders in Kronus Technologies? 
Lily: ... Nick... who? 
Brid: Nick Kronus. I don’t think you’ve met him, but he stays at Mr. Perch’s place sometimes. He and Val... don’t exactly get along. 
Lily: Oh. So... rich prodigal son. 
Brid: Yeah. So.... actually, it’s kind of cool that both Riley and Chase want to take over their respective businesses. I mean, I don’t, and like... I’m hoping Mr. Perch will let me take on an internship or something. 
Lily: Dude, you know he’d do anything for you. He likes you more than he likes his own kid. 
Brid: I feel bad, honestly. 
Brid: “What are you up to, Chase Colton? What’s your deal?” Oh, man. He’s trying to look for information on Reynolds, isn’t he? 
Lily: Yeah... We did tell him, yeah? 
Brid: Of course. He was with us when we were looking over the computers. 
Lily: Wait, but familiar word-
(Matt walks in) 
Lily: Oh, he knows who Chase is, too. 
Brid: Oh no. Also, I love how Chase is taller. That’s so funny. 
Brid: Oh yeah, I forgot that this was a community college. Yeah, why is Chase attending a community college? 
Lily: I love how Matt is just chipping into him. 
Brid: Man, Riley doesn’t even give a fuck. 
Lily: Oh. “There are rumors of an undercover cop working the case”. That’s interesting. 
Brid: Wait. Wait. Could that be referring to Kai? 
Lily: ... Huh? 
Brid: Remember he was chatting with that guy that called him “shorty”? 
Lily: Oh, yeah. 
Brid: But first, lemme go grocery shopping! 
(The let me take a selfie song plays in the background with a bunch of grocery store vines displayed on screen for like 30 seconds) 
Lily: Love this elevator music. 
Brid: (laughs out loud) She hit someone with a shopping cart! 
Lily: Fucking disaster bi! Lily: OH MY GOD IT’S THE FUCKIN. THE FUCKIN CALC GUY
Lily: “so anyway you just killed my foot”
Brid: “no i didn’t”
Lily: “fuck you i’ll sue”
Brid: “you’re poor”
Lily: “and now you’re roasting me”
Brid: “shut up and i’ll buy you coffee”
Lily: “and now you want to poison me”
Brid: “ha joke’s on you i’m a mess”
Lily: This fucking banter, dude. 
Brid: She’s a PALADIN who rides a GIANT FLYING MANTA???
Lily: I LOVE her. 
Brid: I’d die for her. 
Lily: Damn, he sure knows a lot about network security. HMMMMMM
Brid: Oh would you calm down?
(more witty banter until he calls her cute)
Brid: “HE JUST CALLED ME CUTE!” Fool, I’m in love with her too! 
Lily: You’re out there, and she’s- OH SHIT! SHE JUST GOT HIT IN THE FACE WITH A DODGEBALL!
Brid: Ouch!
Lily: Okay, but like, seriously? I’ve gotten hit in the face with dozens of balls and yeah. Ouch. 
(romantic scene) 
Brid: She is so cute. 
Lily: Wait. He has a ponytail? 
Brid: So? Sam has one. Anyway, she’s precious. 
Brid: Great. We call our mom and get even more roasted. 
Lily: I. Hate this. But at the same time, I wish my mom were, like, cool. 
Brid: Okay, but like, yeah. I’d take being roasted over the bullshit I have to deal with every day. 
Lily: Anyway, I now know where she got that sass of hers. 
Lily: “I’m a romantic, honey! Also, like... make sure you get me some of that”
Brid: Oh, she’s asking about that program that deletes the original from the original IP. 
Lily: Right. I love how the mom’s just like- “no. don’t do this again, honey. you promised”
Brid: This fucking MC... she is so valid. 
Lily: Oh hey. It’s Kai. 
Brid: Time to pull out my Val impression. 
Lily: Can’t wait! 
Brid: “How the hell should I know? Did you give all of the computers nicknames?” Pff. I love doing my Val impression for this guy. It’s so on point. 
Lily: What did Val say about your Val impression, anyway? 
Brid: He said that my voice was too high pitched to sound anything like his voice, but Arthur said the inflection was spot-on!
Lily: I definitely see that, yeah. 
Brid: I mean, he’s so Val, though... 
Lily: Don’t start assigning kins, now. 
Brid: I’m not looking to get murdered by one of my co-stars. Oh, hey, Chase is here. 
Lily: And looks like we’re actually going to learn something. 
Brid: Dyphine! 
Lily: A drug they’re working on. Stolen two years ago... 
Brid: And Jennifer Reynolds stole it and deleted every other copy. 
Lily: Damn. 
Brid: And you could net a lot of cash for it. 
Lily: ... Wow. And he needs our help to track her down. 
Brid: Do you trust him? 
Lily: Do I trust anyone? 
Brid: Yeah, good point. I mean, it’s Big Pharma, but at the same time, he’s been earnest with us. 
Lily: Oh, but wait! We have the formula! 
Brid: Yes! Let’s solve this case. 
Lily: I swear to god, if we head back home and it’s deleted. Because that’s totally going to happen. 
Lily: OH NO. We’ve been hacked. 
(text on screen pointing to brid with her eyes wide at the art)
Brid: Well, shit. Cinematic hacking time! 
Lily: And this music is epic! It’s like final boss shit! 
Brid: Go girl! Go counter hack them!
Brid: “If I’m going down, you’re coming with me, motherfucker! Yeah baby!”
Lily: I can’t believe she’s spamming the connection with pussy pics. 
Brid: ... did you have to phrase it like that
Lily: Hey, they’re saying something. I’ll voice it. “Bitmap? Really?”
Lily: “You have something of mine...” Oh no, it’s Jennifer!
Brid: Oh my god. 
Lily: Wait, no...? “I’m the guy who’s about to break your last shield”...? 
Brid: What? 
Lily: Wow, this is intense. “Nice job with the flooding btw.” Damn. “Would have worked if I weren’t on Egon.” Where was that mentioned before?
Brid: Huh. 
Lily: “Cute pic, though. Later, kitten.”
Brid: ... Is it... the teacher? 
Lily: Let’s see... yarn... crap, I can’t see past the dialogue box. 
Brid: Mah girl’s fired up! What’s next, baby! 
Lily: ... 
Brid: ... 
(post video)
Brid: So what are your theories regarding Calc Daddy?
Lily: ... did you have to call him that
Brid: *snort*
Lily: Okay, like in all seriousness... hold on, give me like, fifteen minutes to collect my thoughts, because I have a lot of theories and they need some time in the Brain Oven. 
(one jump cut later, Lily is holding up a sheet of paper, which Brid is trying to look at, but Lily isn’t letting her)
Lily: Okay, so my conclusion from what I saw so far is that there is a 90% chance that he is, at the very least, connected to Juh-Reynolds and he’s either Jennifer herself, or working with her. My reasons are thus. First, you saw in the prologue that he called Ry-Ry “his little thief” indicating that she stole something from him. And he traced it using an IP address. So unless ya boi Cipher somehow VPN’d and made us a puppet, that file was somehow “his”. But wouldn’t it belong to Jreynolds, since Dyphine was HER research?
Brid: A-jreynold-in.
Lily: Fuck you. Second, and this one’s more of a symbolism thing, you might recall that password for the file was “icarus”. You know who he is, right?
Brid: Yeah, the guy who sculpted wax wings, flew into the sky, and then they melted and he fell.
Lily: You know how his sprite has a necklace shaped like a wing when he’s not wearing clothes?
Brid: When he’s not wearing clothes?
Lily: When he’s not wearing his suit and tie. Oh my god, we’re not at third base yet!
Brid: *laughs* Okay, but like, actually... that is interesting, I never made that connection.
Lily: Third, you saw how hard he grilled Chase over the whole “why the fuck are you attending a community college” thing. We didn’t notice because he was literally doing exactly what we wanted to do, and giving us the answers without us even needing to ask.
Brid: Yeah, and Riley was like, “yeah, keep saying shit”. I don’t know if he thought we shared the same goal or something... or if it was just a coincidence. Or, no! He probably wanted to know what we needed to know for J. K. Reynolds.
Lily: And number 4 does fit in with all of these, plus it also gives a clue to his motive. He said some things that would sound normal, except, they might not... I forget the exact context, but something about buying something expensive came up, and Riley said something like “aren’t you a community college professor, why are you doing something expensive, you don’t get paid for shit” and I think it was about moving into the neighborhood, though I could be wrong. And like, even though Riley is attending a community college, her parents are like network security people, she’s rich. And he’s... not?
Brid: Okay?
Lily: Recall that Chase said that you could make a shit ton of money from selling that formula. If he’s not J-Money herself, I think he’s working with her for a cut of the profits. More than enough to buy a house.
Brid: Right, and whatever answer he was about to give, we never got to hear it because mah girl got hit in the face with a soccer ball. 
Lily: Also, this one might be weird, but remember when we were hacked and we were sent a kitten picture?
Brid: Yeah?
Lily: Wasn’t the kitten sitting on a really pink blanket?
Brid: Yeah, it was, I think. Why are you asking?
Lily: It was shown off, so I think it’s relatively significant. This might be a long shot, and it does have a few conditions, but recall that he said at some point that he was staying with a friend. And I think he does chat with Riley at some point about high level computer stuff. Assuming he was the hacker or knew the hacker, I think from that, and the fact that the blanket was pink, that we can infer that his friend is a woman. And who’s the only adult woman in this series? ... besides our dirty minded mom?
Brid: It’s Jennolds!
Lily: That was... actually really clever. And we know that she can’t exactly show her face with Chase around. So she might be sending someone to do her dirty work for her. *eyes light up* ... wait, who’s the professor he replaced? Because he said that he’d be subbing for someone, some female professor, and then he cancelled all of our tests-
Brid: ...
Lily: ...
(they both dive for the keyboard)
(Text pops up on black: It was “Professor Mendez”, not “Reynolds”. Well, shit.)
(More text: The wing necklace part was correct. The grilling Chase part was also correct. However, though the pieces about him not getting paid much as a community college professor was mentioned, there was nothing about how much it cost to move into the neighborhood. We might have been thinking of the cosplayer character. But we forgot the fact that he happened to know network security programs pretty well when we were talking about the manta ray mount.)
(More text: Also, we were wrong about the pink blanket. It was more of a grey-ish-purple, but there was also a ball of yarn and a folded blue striped something on the blanket. Wonder what it could be?... seriously Lily thought it was his tie, but the text box is a bitch)
(More text: Anyway our conclusions are the same. Unless these were a bunch of red herrings.)
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clockways · 2 years
Finally downloaded Libby and put it to use! I still prefer paper books, but there is no denying I'm more efficient reading on my phone. As in I'll actually manage to read what I've checked out.
I quite like the text options, thank gods for left aligned. I wish I could kill hyphens too though. I really like the tags! Nice and easy to make groups. I wish that unread was a smart tag though. So far I have my own too read and fantasy, sci-fi, period(ish), and queer(which has a lot of overlap).
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I do accidentally keep opening Firefox instead like I'm going to Ao3. Woops.
But I did manage to get through the first book of the Simon Snow series, so, you know, it's working out!
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Mortal Kombat 11 Michiko vs Canon intro fight dialogues pt 2
CW: PTSD mention  Michiko, Reiki, Nozomi, and Krow are my OCs. Reiki is genderfluid and goes by she/him pronouns.
here you go @deepinthefog here is the rest of the dialogues 
please read below the cut
Michiko: Just how sharp are your teeth Baraka?
Baraka: Sharp enough to tear through your bones.
Michiko: I’d like to see you try.
Michiko: So how long have tarkatans been around?
Baraka: Long before either of your kind.
Michiko: That’s not what the books in Fuyuka’s temple say.
Michiko: You may have blades, Baraka, but I have saws!
Baraka: But aren’t you scared of-
Michiko: werenotgonnatalkaboutthat!
Michiko: Cassie….Cage is it?
Cassie: The one and only!
Michiko: Oh good! Thought I had the wrong Cassie for a minute there.
Michiko: Did you and your dad really come up with “ship names” for Reiki and I?
Cassie: Yup! I propose the idea of… FireFox!
Michiko: .. oh by the gods.
Michiko: I heard someone’s got a little crush on a certain ice gal.
Cassie: Who told you I liked Frost?
Michiko: You did!
Michiko: For the last time. I. am not. From. the Netherrealm!
Cetrion: But wasn’t your mother a corrupted Nymph?
Michiko: Both my parents were corrupted and none of them are from the Netherrealm.
Michiko: Were you one of the Gods responsible for the massacre of the Karasugawas?
Cetrion: No, but I know of the Gods who were.
Michiko: Names. Now!
Michiko: Why are you crying?
Cetrion: I can sense great pain in you young one
Michiko: please don’t read any further…
Michiko: Did you seriously try to stab my fiancé!?
D’vorah: She tried burning the hive
Michiko: You keep your hive the fuck away from her!
Michiko: Are you seriously trying to say that you’re the one responsible for the massacre of the Karasugawas?
D’vorah: And this one will finish the job!
Michiko: Nice try D’vorah, but I know bugs hate fire.
Michiko: You hate fire, but do you like ice?
D’vorah: This one would like it to see a demonstration.
Michiko: Then you’re gonna get one!
Michiko: I have found something other than buzzsaws that I hate
Erron: And would that be, Michiko?
Michiko: Guns! Why are they so loud!?
Michiko: For the last time, I did not lie about what happened between me and Bi Han.
Erron: I was told y'all hooked up at the tournament.
Michiko: What idiot told you that?
Michiko: How much did my brother pay you?
Erron: He paid me half a million to bring ya home.
Michiko: So how much would I need to pay you to drop this hunt?
Michiko: I’m sorry, you want me to what!?
Frost: Take me with you and Reiki!
Michiko: Are you really willing to leave everything behind?
Michiko: Alright kid, rule number one, no keeping secrets
Frost: What if I just don’t want to talk about something?
Michiko: I can respect that.
Michiko: I need to know exactly what my brother and Bi Han have said about me.
Frost: All good things.
Michiko: I think you and I have two very different version of good things.
Michiko: Step aside Fujin.
Fujin: Whatever Cetrion told you, was a lie!
Michiko: Do you still think I can achieve humanity Fujin?
Fujin: You were raised as one, so yes.
Michiko: Oh was I?
Michiko: Ok but like, do you know any Elder God that would bless Reiki and I?
Fujin: Michiko, they've been slaughtered by Cetrion.
Michiko: …. Oh. Damnit!
Michiko: Hey, how old would you say I look?
Geras: Without the knowledge of your origins, I say 31.
Michiko: You’re actually right.
Michiko: What does a demon benefit from a titan?
Geras: What did the Nymphs do for the Gods?
Michiko: Everything, with nothing in return.
Michiko: if there is no assurance for Reiki’s safety then I cannot work for Kronika
Geras: What if I told you, she could return your bloodline to you?
Michiko: I could not live with myself if Reiki were to die.
Michiko: How do you plan a wedding?
Jacqui: still working on that myself
Michiko: ah damn. Good luck though.
Michiko: Do you have any more relationship tips?
Jacqui: Boundaries and communication are key.
Michiko: We got the boundaries covered
Michiko: Normally I wouldn’t say this, but your arm enhamencents are cool!
Jacqui: What do you mean, normally?
Michiko: Have you seen what happened to the Lin Kuei?
Michiko: Where did you find all that information from
Jade: In a hidden temple on Shang Tsung’s Island
Michiko: So that’s where it is. I’ll have to inform Nozomi.
Michiko: So, why did you want to know if I worked for Quan Chi or not?
Jade: To see if you were friend or foe. 
Michiko: I think you Mama Nozomi would get along.
Michiko: Ok, look, I’m not gonna beat in Hanzo’s head with your staff.
Jade: Then who’s head are you going to beat in?
Michiko: Sektor’s.
Michiko: What’s the worst form of therapy one could get?
Jax: Electric shock the-Michiko?
Michiko: I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean
Michiko: If you must know, my brother, Sektor, used to call me little birdie
Jax: Oh, is that still a good thing?
Michiko: Yeah it is. But you’re not telling him that!
Michiko: How’d you lose your arms?
Jax: It’s a long three part story.
Michiko: I have time.
Michiko: I never said you were cooler, I just don’t argue with children.
Johnny: You’re one to talk, kid!
Michiko: Fight me old man!
Michiko: So, what nickname should I give you?
Johnny: How about, Mr. Cool guy? No no! Superstar!
Michiko: I got it! How about, foolish star!
Michiko: Here you go!
Johnny: What is it?
Michiko: an invite to mine and Reiki’s wedding.
Michiko: The difference between life essence and souls is, you can live without one. Kabal: Which one?
Michiko: Would you like to find out?
Michiko: Just how fast are you?
Kabal: Faster than the speed of light.
Michiko: I would be impressed if I knew how fast that was.
Michiko: Your speed, my snow drift, let’s go! Kabal: When and Where?
Michiko: Right here! Right now!
Michiko: I’m sorry, my brother paid you HOW MUCH!?
Kano: Poor blokes desperate to get ya home.
Michiko: My home is with Reiki!
Michiko: Um, Kano, I’m not gonna bring you the medallion
Kano: Not like anyone would know you’ve gone back.
Michiko: That thing almost broke and I died the last time I touched it. So no!
Michiko: Look, if Reiki gets hurt, deals off
Kano: Look, Shang Tsung just need a bit of Reiki’s fire and we’ll be good to go
Michiko: Ok deal’s definitely off! When the hell was he involved?
Michiko: So you were adopted too?
Kitana: In my circumstances, unfortunately.
Michiko: Ouch! I feel that.
Michiko: Hey, who told you that I was called a princess?
Kitana: Noob Saibot.
Michiko: Oh of course he- wait what!?
Michiko: Reiki and I appreciate your refuge
Kitana: Must you go already Michiko?
Michiko: Until the hunt stops, Reiki and I must travel.
Michiko: Hey Kollector! Here’s your coin!
Kollector: I’ll teach you to throw ice balls!
Michiko: And I’ll teach you to try and mess with my mate!
Michiko: If you should know, I am a balance of both
Kollecter: I would still like my wage
Michiko: Ha! Fat chance!
Michiko: I would never be ally to those who hurt my Reiki
Kollector: She’s a seer and a Nymph! Do you not know the value she is worth?
Michiko: She’s my fiance! 
Michiko: So you and Jade had history?
Kotal Kahn: It’s a long story.
Michiko: I don’t think there’s much story there.
Michiko: Give this to Kitana for me
Kotal Kahn: Why can’t you do it?
Michiko: I just learned a shadow is now after me, so I gotta dip.
Michiko: Heard you got defeated in the Snow Forest
Kotal Kahn: Sub-Zero and his Lin Kuei outclassed my legion
Michiko: Be lucky you encountered him, and not me
Michiko: You’re not standing in my way
Kung Lao: I can’t let you attack the temple of elements
Michiko: I have an appointment with two Gods, SO MOVE IT!
Michiko: If you have see my brother, turn him away
Kung Lao: Now why would I do that? He has to pay for Shaolin lives!
Michiko: Turn him away before he picks up on mine and Reiki’s trail!
Michiko: I wish I would’ve met Bo’ Rai Cho sooner
Kung Lao: I’m just still surprised that you managed to out drink him.
Michiko: That’s because he gave me regular alcohol instead of demon elixir. 
Michiko: If you don’t move I will kill you
Liu Kang: Michiko, the monks, they can-
Michilko: I DON’T CARE, MOVE!
Michiko: Reiki’s fire is hotter than yours!
Liu Kang: A fire hotter than dragon’s fire?
Michiko: Hotter and deadlier!
Michiko: How does Bo’ Rai Cho hold that much alcohol?
Liu Kang: How did you not get drunk at all?
Michiko: I’m a demon. Regular alcohol doesn’t affect me
Michiko: You, Tanya, Reiki and me, double date!
Mileena: Ooh yes!
Michiko: Sweet! Tonight at 8?
Michiko: Bi Han and I never dated. We were just close before I died.
Mileena: He said you two made a promise.
Michiko: A promise that no longer means anything to me.
Michiko: Hey, thanks for not calling me a nymph in a mocking way
Mileena: Thanks for not calling me an ugly monster.
Michiko: That’s it. We’re friends and you’re gonna tell me everything bothering you
Michiko: I have had it! Move or die!
Nightwolf: I cannot not let you attack the gods!
Michiko: I don’t need your pity, and I don’t need your counsel!
Nightwolf: If you would let the Great Spirit help-
Michiko: Help me or hinder me from the truth?
Michiko: I hate that place and would rather it burn like my old home once did
Nightwolf: You would rather have innocents suffer over your anger?
Michiko: Why don’t you take the hourglass, go back about 31 years, and tell the two gods that!
Michiko: Keep the fuck away from Reiki!
Noob Saibot: I’m just trying to protect you!
Michiko: Protect me from what?
Michiko: You best keep my name out of your goddamn mouth, Bi Han!
Noob Saibot: You and I made a promise! It is best to honor that!
Michiko: That promise and our friendship was a mistake!
Michiko: I’m only letting you help cause Nozomi’s making me.
Noob Saibot: Oh she’s definitely Quan Chi’s daughter.
Michiko: Hey! We don’t say his name around her, got it?
Michiko: I want to tell you a little story.
Raiden: This should be interesting.
Michiko: It's a story of how two angry, petty, benevolent gods destroyed a bloodline and a village, leaving only one little girl to suffer the aftermath.
Michiko: You know of the lost realms?
Raiden: Someone I called my family was from one of those realms.
Michiko: It wouldn’t happen to be Krow of Hinpar would it?
Michiko: I’m not going to kill you! I just want my family back!
Raiden: I can’t do that-
Michiko: You’ve dealt with a cryomancer, but have you dealt with an ice demon?
Rain: What’s the difference?
Michiko: I’m not buying that you want me as your ally for one minute.
Rain: If I made you my servant, Nozomi would kill me.
Michiko: Ok, that I can believe.
Michiko: in case no one told you, I don’t worship. I work with
Rain: You best treat Nozomi like the Goddess she is you imp!
Michiko: Hey! Watch it with that word!
Michiko: Don’t try to stop me Hasashi!
Scorpion: I’ve lost my family too Michiko. This is not the way to go about it.
Michiko: You at least got to know them before they died!
Michiko: You weren’t entirely wrong about it being of a Nymph, but why did you guess that?
Scorpion: Because Reiki is of Nymph origins too, and your ice matches his fire.
Michiko: I… I haven’t thought of it that way.
Michiko: Hasashi, look, I appreciate your offer, but I can’t accept.
Scorpion: Reiki grew up in the Shirai Ryu! You’d fit right in!
Michiko: I have my daughter to consider too, Hanzo.
Michiko: Unbind my thoughts from Sektor’s now!
Shang Tsung: And if I refuse?
Michiko: You won’t live to take another soul.
Michiko: I will bring my family back! And you can’t stop me!
Shang Tsung: Why would I want to stop you? I find your in vain efforts amusing.
Michiko: You’re lying! The Karasugawas will be restored!
Michiko: Have you found my soul yet, Tsung?
Shang Tsung: Don’t you dare mock me, you pompous little imp!
Michiko: No Nymph nor demon would ever serve you
Shao Kahn: You and your Nymph wife will do so imp! Michiko: HE IS MY MATE AND YOU’RE A DEAD MAN!
Michiko: I may not consume souls. But I do eat life essence
Shao Kahn: What’s the difference?
Michiko: I’ll show you!
Michiko: Let me use your hammer
Shao Kahn: Ah! And why would I let a weak puny mortal touch my hammer?
Michiko: I’ll freeze you in a block of ice and kick you into the void if you don’t give me the hammer.
Michiko: I don’t care how much the Lin Kuei needs me, I’m not going back!
Sheeva: You would abandon your home? Your friends?
Michiko: They can handle themselves! 
Michiko: Thanks for the training lessons
Sheeva: You certainly do not hold back
Michiko: Fight to the death or die fighting!
Michiko: Have you ever had a lover you fought for?
Sheeva: A queen I failed to protect
Michiko: I’m sure she holds no ill will towards you Sheeva
Michiko: Hey don’t worry, I’m not gonna take your screaming title.
Sindel: You can keep it!
Michiko: Aww, not even a friendly competition?
Michiko: Kitana Kahn of Outworld says she’d like to see you sometime
Sindel: That is wonderful to hear.
Michiko: I also know of a four armed queen that would like your company too
Michiko: Hey, you should go talk to Sheeva sometime
Sindel: But would she want to see me?
Michiko: I know she misses you more than anything.
Michiko: Sorry Skarlet, my blood’s not compatible.
Skarlet: I need no type. Just blood
Michiko: Ah, so you’re a type O.
Michiko: Wait, you’re of nymph origin too?
Skarlet: Blood nymphs.
Michiko: Huh, you really don’t hear about them a lot.
Michiko: You and Nozomi have really cool blood-bending!
Skarlet: You know of another blood bender?
Michiko: Nozomi is the best there is!
Michiko: You better back down Blade!
Sonya: Your God hunt ends here Karasugawa!
Michiko: Raiden got your future self killed! Why do you defend him?
Michiko: I will not repeat myself. I’m not going back.
Sonya: But Grandmaster Sub-Zero has specifically requested your help.
Michiko: He of all people should know why I cannot go back.
Michiko: How do I make my own legacy if I don’t want kids?
Sonya: You inspire others to be like you.
Michiko: I am the worst demon to follow. It’s not going to work.
Michiko: I can’t help you Kuai, I just can’t.
Sub-Zero: I know our last encounter with Sektor was shocking, bu-
Michiko: I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean
Michiko: Will you please get your brother off my back!
Sub-Zero: Michiko, you know Bi Han won’t listen to me.
Michiko: Not even as the Grandmaster?
Michiko: Where I was and where I will go is none of your concern Liang
Sub-Zero: Michiko please. Don’t leave me in the dark.
Michiko: It is best nobody knows.
Michiko: You.. You really don’t understand do you?
Michiko: I won’t come back, but I will invite you to my wedding
Sektor: Thank you sister.
Michiko: Don’t push your luck.
Michiko: Was the binding of our minds really “fathers” idea
Sektor: Not entirely..
Michiko: I KNEW IT!
Michiko: When do you plan on marrying Sektor?
Cyrax: Sometime in the summer.
Michiko: Very specific Mykel.
Michiko: So.. how’s life as a cyborg going?
Cyrax: Awful.
Michiko: Thanks for the update!
Michiko: Hey, where’s past you?
Cyrax: Probably trying to flirt with Shi in the worst ways possible
Michiko: As if you don’t do that now.
Michiko: Hey, I may be leaving for good, but I promise you I-
Smoke: Wait, you’re leaving for good!?
Michiko: Tomas I have made it clear so many times that I do not like this place.
Michiko: Would you like to come to my wedding?
Smoke: Like to? I have to! I’m your bridesmaid.
Michiko: umm… that’s going to Frost.. 
Michiko: Hydro been over training you too, huh?
Smoke: Speak for yourself Karasugawa!
Michiko: At least he has a reason to do so with me.
Michiko: Can we take a break?
Hydro: Not until you master your ice
Michiko: Look, I appreciate your concern Bo Hai, but please don’t worry
Hydro: What if Reiki snaps and loses control of her fire? Michiko: That’s the beautiful thing about her, she’s not a monster like me.
Michiko: Where have you been all this time?
Hydro: Hunting your killers down.
Michiko: But, Hydro, I died in the tunnels below the temple.
Michiko: Ok, 1, didn’t realize you were flirting with me, and 2, I’m engaged
Sareena: Demons and Nymphs never work well together.
Michiko: I’M A NYMPH TOO!
Michiko: Your efforts are but in vain Vixen!
Sareena: Don’t you have the fox-like animal form?
Michiko: That’s not the point!
Michiko: You said there were other ways to release my pent of rage?
Sareena: Yes..
Michiko: Can any of them help me take down two gods?
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genius11rare · 3 years
Chit Chat 72821 AH 13 year anniversary
Chit Chat 13 year anniversary stream 72821 with Jack Michael Jeremy and voices of Geoff , lindsay , sudden matt and Ky
Jack: welcome to our birthday stream , sponsored by expressvpn if you don't have a vpn why don't yo- and i already lost all my frames…. Its our 13th bday we are no long preteens we are teens (someone , i assume michael uses airhorn sfx) Jack: hang on i got one (sarah no sfx x7) , we also got voices of geoff , alfredo is here , weve got Ky Deafened (jeremy wheezzes) and lindsay possibly and see trevor too… ok lindblad im switchin to firefox this is broken. Geoff: earlier we had our company wide All Hands meeting talking about whats going on… i don't expect you guys to go (jeremy uh oh) but i go cuz i care , trevor gave a speech about AH history and it was great , better than i couldve done so thanks trevor. Michael: wish i had boos and Hisses on my soundboard but i don't. Jack: todays also my wifes birthday so… im actually not supposed to be here today so *laughs* thanks to everyone whos supported over the last 13 years… Ky qwasnt even born yet (Michael: and she already made that joke) i know i said that in hope to get her to respond but shes deafeand. Michael: but that's how Deafen works… Jeremy: no shes like a jedi she would feel the joke. GeoffL di you get your internet fixed this week which then broke it 2 more times (jack: no , sounds like you tho) oh i guess that's just me then. Jack: geoff you hit record? Geoff: you know i didn't! *showing lucky 13 merch , at a poker table* Jack: so now that were 13 we can gamble. Geoff: 13 is legal gambling age in some counties of west virginia and mississippi  Jeremy: and we should ALL model ourselves after those 2 states. Jack: the beacons of america. Michael: if you can see over the poker table you can play Jeremy: well guess im out Geoff: hes 5’4! Lindsay: are we sure about that? GeoffL some of us are , some of us have never not been sure . *moves onto Camp Betrayal* Geoff: out of curiosity who were your fave non AH on that shoot Alfrdo: ooohh calen (i think?) was a lot of fun but Noel surprised me the most. Michael: Kayla was fun cuz it was 3 overnite shoots so we actually somewhat hiung out… also charlotte (jack jeremy and lindsay: yeah charlotte was cool) Jeremy: is this a camp betrayal thing or a face jam thing , everytime i see someone post a pic of Eric everyone in the comments tell him to eat dirt. Michael: its camp betrayal Geoff: speaking of eating dirt  were you ever the kids that ate worms for like a trick or to be brave (jack michael and jeremy: no) i wasn't either but… i feel like Matt Bragg probably did Matt: hey you're wrong *lindblad switches to a zoomed in photo of matt from the earlier lucky 13 merch drop shoot , starts shaking camera as he talks a bit* Jeremy: nice lindblad Matt: -et fucked geoff ! “are AH crew fans of cake or pie for bday?” Jack: who eats birthday PIE?!?! Ky: im just gonna step in , what about Ice cream cake (paraphrasing)... Geoff: …. I had cotton candy for dinner last night… whole kerfuffle getting it at HEB , grabbed it and the whole display fell on my head “Whose standup in austin have you seen and whos fave?” Jack: i havent seen stand up in a long time… last time i saw a routine of some kind was Penn n Teller in vegas 4 or 5 years ago. GeoffL i  just saw Tom Seguarra (idk how to spell) in vegas a bit ago , and he moved to austin recently… *moves on to Season Pass* Geoff: talked about how i lost millie at that park once… tune in to find out if i found her. Michael: oh replaced her like Avril Lavigne? Geoff: yeah an almos identical millie… doesnt sound the same when she sings but its close….. Michael: and that's the one question… “Phoenix Edit: what has been  proudest moment at AH?” JAck: doing any live show like selling out chicago… Michael: just hanging on i mean… Ky ill jump in (jack: whats your proudest moment at AH) you mean for the last month you mean? (Michael: yeah you have it alot easier) id say representing AH in last laugh season 2 Jack: you got knocked out like immediately though Geoff: can i give a sappy geoff answer? Its the day i invited you guys to my GFs house and we went swimming (michael: oh that was cool - i wasn't there) it was basically a perfect day , everybody - well almost everybody that mattered was there (michael laughs) and THAT day was when i told Jack and Trevor i was leaving AH . those conversations were really hard to have .. and i ws so comforted by how.... Oh idk *sigh* i just - i - i just how good a hands i felt it was in and you guys seemed so ready, and i knew it was going to continue and grow without me… sorry im getting so emotional in my old age, i yelled to much when i was younger. Michael: its weird to geoff cuz i couldnt make it and you went “oh no big deal, nothings going on anyway” and then trevor told me after wards geoffs leaving , and trevor kept saying “ive been waiting for this day ive  ben waiting for this day” Geoff: he hi5 me before i even got it out of my mouth….. He fist bumped himself it was weird… Trevor: yeah did that and said “God took ya long enough”  *cue airhorns and sarah nos* Jeremy:… alright let's play golf Jack: thanks for showing support from our live shows to our.. Our… idk the shows weve done *laughs* Geoff: GET IT OUT CMON! (Lindsay: GDI *jeremy and matt laughing* )  Jesus Christ! Jack: i had weird place , hardcore minigolf i got all them stuck in my head and couldnt get out the door
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Custom Dashboard Themes on Tumblr
Hiya! Don’t you get bored of the default Tumblr themes? Sure, there are *some* options, but they can easily get boring after some time. So here’s a tutorial how to add custom ones! Thanks to @slashedout​ for helping with this! This works as of October 29th, 2020.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
1. Download the Stylus browser extension.  This extension adds the option to add custom styles to websites, including Tumblr! It works on Opera, Firefox and Chrome.
2. Add this specific theme to your browser. It’s pretty fresh, so it works, unlike most pre-2020 I found. If you found this post deep in the future, look for the newest theme that looks like it changes the dashboard. It will probably be different, but hopefully it will be similar enough.
3. Open the styles manager and click on the theme you’ve just added. You should get a lot of css. Since I already edited it a lot, it looks like this for me:
Tumblr media
BUT you probably won’t have the background part. Nor the --black nor --white parts. Nor lots of the comments. Your colors will be different too. Yeah.
So, what can you do with this?
a) Add your custom colors! Despite what I showed here, I do NOT recommend making everything the same color. Especially not the --accent, --second-accent and --follow. How you choose your colors is up to you. The original theme that you’ve download doesn’t have --black nor --white elements though so you’ll need to add them if you want to change your text color and your text background colors.
b) Add a background to the dashboard! It’s not the thing added on the top though - you should actually add it at the bottom of the “Code 1″ section. Thanks to slashedout, I added this:
#base-container > div:first-child {
   background: url(https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Zall_Dajti.jpg') !important;
   background-attachment: fixed !important;
Keep in mind you can change the link! I recommend making sure that this image is the same width as your screen. If it’s too small, it will repeat, if it’s too big, some part will be cut off. You can even add gifs!
c) Add a background when you edit! Well, I’ve picked the same background as before, but they can be different too! Add this bit between “/* --- MAIN --- */” and “:root, .xkit--react {”:
Body {
 background:url("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Zall_Dajti.jpg") no-repeat fixed !important;
 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,1) !important;
 background-position: 0% 0% !important;
 background-size: cover !important;
Aaaaand that’s it! That’s all I know. God. Oh, also, don’t forget to save. And, I got the editor BG code from here: https://userstyles.org/styles/100097/haikyuu-10-9
Also, if your tags and notes don’t look too good or even are invisible, change your in-tumblr theme.
Sources for the photos I added as my BGs:
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Do you play minesweeper or solitare or anything to pass the time? >> Ah, back in the day... I used to bang out games of solitaire like it was my job. Started with actual cards while I was in the psych ward and then when I got a laptop years later it was over, lmao. Anyway, nowadays my “mindless digital fun” of choice is this Kitten Match game on my phone or playing the flash games on Flight Rising. Also, crosswords, although that’s a little less “mindless”. Like, I could listen to music while playing Kitten Match, but I could not do that with crosswords.
Do you believe in life after death? >> It sounds like a horrible concept, to me. I mean, I’m sure it could go well (Inworld is an example of an afterlife I could get behind), but frankly, one life is so intense and difficult and exhausting that I can’t imagine having to go through another one after this one. And a possibly-eternal one, at that?? Oh, dear god please no.
What do you think of Oprah? >> I don’t have any thoughts about her. I like most of the movies I’ve seen her in and I never really watched her show. She’s mostly a meme to me now, I don’t even know if her show is still on the air or not. (Although, come to think of it, the other day a mutual posted a video of her with Brené Brown, who is a pretty new sensation, so... yeah, maybe she is still on the air.)
Do you write a lot of surveys or do you just take them? >> I don’t make them anymore, I just take them.
What’s something you’re really good at? >> I’m not sure yet.
How big is your bedroom? >> Not very. It’s the smaller of the two bedrooms in this apartment and you feel it pretty quickly once you start putting furniture in. It’s why I only have a twin bed and not a full. But I’ll gladly take a small bedroom of my own over having to share, any day.
Do you like to go bowling? >> No.
Do you usually remember your dreams? >> I usually don’t, unless they’re one of the formulaic “I am homeless in a metropolis that also has weird incongruous natural features in the middle of it like mountain ranges” dreams. The formula is so well-known to my brain that it’s not hard to recall those dreams upon awakening, but anything that deviates from the formula is harder for my brain to hang onto and convert into images that my waking brain can recall.
Do you think they mean anything? >> I don’t know if my dreams mean anything, especially when I so rarely remember them and cannot track patterns or anything.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? >> Something like that.
Besides bzoink, which websites do you frequent? >> I don’t frequent bzoink, but I do frequent tumblr, Flight Rising, various streaming websites, reddit (through a third-party app), and the Lifehacker suite of websites.
Who was the last person to come to your house? >> ---
What’s your birthstone? Do you have anything with it? >> Emerald. No.
Have you ever had carpal tunnel? >> No.
Are you one of those people who is really smart but has no common sense? >> No?
Do you think fast? >> I don’t know how fast I think.
What browser do you use? >> Firefox is my default browser, but I use Edge Chromium for tumblr and Flight Rising because they work better here for some reason.
Are you clumsy? >> No.
Paste the last thing you copied. >> The last thing I copied was this survey...
Have you ever eaten at Hooters? >> No. I am completely opposed to eating there.
Do you like turtles? >> Sure.
Do you have to have goggles when you swim? >> ---
How long can you stay awake? >> Nowadays, no longer than about 18 hours. I mean, I could push it if I really had to, I guess, but my well-being would deteriorate pretty rapidly.
Where were you going the first time you were on a plane? >> From North Carolina to New Jersey.
Do you have a good memory? >> My short-term memory is unremarkable in its averageness but my long-term memory is heavily fragmented and unbalanced thanks to both trauma and drug use.
Are you usually more blunt or polite? >> I think I do pretty well balancing assertiveness with tactfulness. Sometimes I’m probably less tactful than I could be, but I do my best.
Does it take a long time to get to know you? >> It depends on how much of me someone wants to know. It’s very easy to gain a superficial knowledge of me, because I have social media accounts and Discord and what-not. But to plumb the depths probably takes a long time. I say “probably” because I have no real data for this since... uh, no one’s really... well, you know.
Is there a specific historical period that you’re interested in? >> Most of them are some level of interesting.
Tell me something funny that happened today. >> Nothing funny happened today. Except stuff on the show I was watching.
Do you know anyone with a really obnoxious laugh? >> No.
Do you hold grudges? >> I mean, sometimes.
How much was your allowance when you were a kid? >> Ha! As if.
Can you do push-ups? >> I can do a few from the knees.
I usually assume people online are girls. Do you do anything like that? >> No...
When you were growing up, did your family move around a lot? >> I wouldn’t say “a lot”, but the few times I did move were traumatic enough, so.
Do you use public transportation? >> Yeah, when it’s not COVID times.
What’s your favorite punctuation mark? >> I don’t have one.
Have you ever had surgery? >> No.
What’s something you’re really proud of? >> I don’t know.
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nightklok · 4 years
chickles for 2? or toki for 3 if someone asked for chickles already :3
Fandom Memes [open!] (shout out to firefox for crashing and making me rewrite this like twice-so i continued to add more to this because why not)
When I started shipping them: Oh this is actually a funny story- I can’t quite remember when I started shipping them but according to AO3, I read a chickles fanfic in November 2019 (the only one i didn’t reread because im sure there were others i read too) and that was around when I began starting the show. But around that time, I SWEAR when I looked at Charles wiki, there was some line there that was along the lines of  ‘Charles and Pickles had slept together sometime before Dethklok. while pickles doesn’t remember it, charles does’ I don’t even know if it was possibly a fever dream, mixing up a fanfic as canon, or I just happened to scroll through it when someone threw the line in BUT I CONSIDERED IT CANON and I lowkey waited for that scene as I remembered it on/off and it didn’t take until April 2020 when I finally finished the show to realize that it wasn’t canon D: so thanks to fanfics and probably misreading something in November-december 2019 that’s when I shipped them :D (Also if anyone knows where I may have gotten this from pls link me)
My thoughts: I love them!! They’ve made me happy shipping them and they’re just a good and wholesome ship to me! I think it has everything I could ever want in a ship; the angsty and sad moments but also the happy ones- I don’t know how I can articulate just how much they clicked with me but they really did! They’re like the ultimate band parents,
What makes me happy about them: I think I love how they can bring something in each other that they normally wouldn’t be able to do themselves. I headcanon Pickles as someone with ADHD (and aries because hi im an aries with ADHD) and I think Charles would be able to help calm him down and keep him focused or at least stimulated when he needs to be. Being with Charles can help him be a bit controlled (Though sometimes not by much when he wants to be a tease haha). I love the idea too of Pickles being able to bring Charles to have a more exciting day or just being able to help break routine a bit. Pickles sometimes likes to do things on the spur of the night just to keep himself entertained and Charles prefers to keep things in a schedule. They would find a compromise where Charles clears out a day and Pickles just takes him somewhere random. Is it a concert? Forest? Amusement park? Half the fun’s in not knowing! But Charles enjoys that he can be a bit looser and actually get to laugh and smile and just be having the time of his life with him-
What makes me sad about them: I think Doomstar/Post-doomstar and even the events between season 2 and 3 makes me sad, it breaks my heart in two just thinking about it. Pickles...would be so fucking devastated  when Charles died, especially if we go by if they met during Snakes N’ Barrels and he may have never gotten a chance to confess his feelings (or he did for more sadness) and Post-doomstar? He probably ends up blaming Charles leaving on himself and- though depending on where we’re thinking of the possibility of the timeline of their relationship, Going Downklok may have wrecked their relationship because alternatively, Pickles may not have flirted with Abigail but probably something else caused them to break up or destroy their relationship. There was a lot of tension/build up in that episode so I guess their build up and eventual burst would be feelings having to resurface, possibly Pickles getting too far in his addictions and Charles still revealing nothing about what happened during his absence or why he came back; so then you get  the dinner scene and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back to get him to quit and then all the events unfold and Pickles just blames himself so heavily on it  oh god i need to WRITE THIS
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t think there’s anything in fanfic that annoys me when people write them- It’s more of being uncomfortable/disturbed?...there were a few fics I came across where Charles was borderline abusive/overly sadistic (and one where I wish I hadn’t read-) that left a bad taste in my mouth after reading it. I just feel like that’s way too OOC and Charles definitely isn’t the type of person to be an abusive asshole and/or would definitely know the boundaries of being sadistic in the bedroom while still making sure his partner is into it/feels safe. But i guess that kinda goes in general for any Charles/character fics- 
Things I look for in fanfic: I think them being in character, an interesting plot line, and just it being well written is all i can ask for haha-I honestly love any Chickles fanfic out there; I think the things I look for in particular are either his reactions to seeing Charles when he comes back or anything post doomstar but also implying that they met during Snakes N Barrels help
My wishlist:
I guess I’m just gonna shove in things I hope to write actually- (screaming at me to write particular fics helps motivate me so go @ it-)
A Star reader AU: this actually would be the one of the first (probs second or third) Chickles fic I had ever written as I had drafted it around ago even though I had initially planned for the Chickles to kinda be hinted at but with what I know now, would make it more prevalent. If anyone has read Blood Red Road by Moira Young you might see where I’m going but basically, there was a character who was able to read the stars and predict the future. (if you’re hoping the novel goes more into that i’m sorry-) So if we make Charles one of those people, then probably adds more depth to why he chose to work with Dethklok right? :D  Secret singer fic: I AM writing that one!! I just got sidetracked but God I’m gonna get back to it as soon as I can!! Basically for anyone else reading this, Charles and his friends put up a bet to see how difficult (or easy) it would be for Charles to become internet famous by having him post covers/original songs under an anonymous name. It becomes a chaotic mess when he gets more than he bargained for and does end up gaining some popularity, someone on the internet spreads the rumor the singer is someone famous, and a particular someone came across those songs and finds the lyrics almost a little too relatable. That fic where instead of Pickles being happy that Charles is back from the dead and they can live happily ever after, he becomes incredibly distressed and heartbroken because he ends up suffering major trauma. because seeing your bf ‘die’ all bloodied and mangled and coming back with only a scar and secrets he won’t tell you? That’s definitely years worth of therapy right there. That is like the only fic of this list even remotely close to finishing but God, definitely one of the most difficult to write- Fics where they met before/during Snakes N’ Barrels. I need to write one or two fics on that because I consider it canon. I’m sure I have mentioned drafting one or two fics like that?? Gotta look through my evernotes-
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I’m sorry but no my mind refuses to delve further- And i mean I’ve been digging Magnus/Charles lately and we all know how that wouldn’t last either so they’re meant for each other fjkdsfjlk
My happily ever after for them: The boys defeat Salacia, Charles and Pickles reunite and kiss for the first time in such a long time. They’re finally happy together and get to officially date (or continue where they left off). Charles is able to retire as the priest as his work is completed (or he manages to get it more public considering they saved the world so most likely it’d be a recognized religion) They get married, and when Dethklok officially retires, they buy a few houses, maybe even do music projects together or Charles takes over Crystal Mountain Records actually and Pickles helps out by being one of the music producers, they adopt a cat or dog or both, and just be happy with each other :D
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