#thank u ...... thank u for existing is was i told him .... his hand šŸ„ŗ was so nice i just want to treasure that memory ..... it must be nice
anyasathenaeum Ā· 1 year
Can i request vash & wolfwood his wife didnt know she pregnant, so reader do overwork until pass out in the end both of them know reader is pregnant, and the reaction his wife giving birth the twins i wanna see how absurd they face it šŸ„ŗšŸ™āœØ thank you
And really love u writings anyway
A/N: WAIT THAT'S KINDA CUTE, headcanons coming up! Thanks for the request and thank you so much for reading my stuff! :D
Warnings: Mention of pregnancy, childbirth, blood, slight violence in Wolfwoods', reader is AFAB in this one
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Vash the Stampede
Given that Vash is... Vash, there was no way either of you knew if you could even get pregnant in the first place.
Seriously - no known plant/human hybrids existed, so the two of you never really thought much of it. You both just kind of assumed hybrids couldn't exist because plants couldn't reproduce with humans
Well, how WRONG you both were
But of course, because neither of you knew it could happen, neither of you caught on when you eventually started feeling nauseous, throwing up at random points in the day and feeling gently under the weather
110% you and Vash both were like "aww dang a cold? That sucks" and Vash would cuddle you lots to try and make you feel better cause he just thought you were sick
You also didn't let this sudden "sickness" slow you down - you kept working hard, on the run with Vash and the others, moving constantly, sleeping under the glow of the worms in the warm sand, hauling your weight and then some as the group continued to travel across No Man's Land
However, what you hadn't anticipated was suddenly not being able to do as much as you used to be able to - suddenly the sun beating down on you was too much, the heat overwhelming, and before you knew it, you had collapsed
Vash and the others were definitely concerned, but the concern turned to confusion and disbelief when they accidentally got a look at your stomach when your shirt had ridden up as you sat up once you regained consciousness - your stomach was SWOLLEN.
Everybody was a bit freaked out, you very much included, until you started to put the pieces together - your "illness", your sudden inability to tolerate things as you had before, your stomach swelling
"Vash... I-I think I might be... pregnant?"
Honestly, I think Vash would be stunned at first but once he realizes that what you're saying makes sense (and after the confirmation of a doctor from one of the nearby towns you guys travelled through), he'd be DELIGHTED
Would be the type of husband/partner who would never let you carry anything heavy anymore, hovering over you protectively, always worrying and making sure you were comfortable and not endangering yourself or your baby
"You need to rest, (Y/N)! You're growing a whole new being, you and I have gotta make sure you're taking good care of yourself now!"
Would give you ankle/foot massages A LOT to help with discomfort
Vash would definitely spend a lot of time talking to your tummy as it grows bigger, pressing soft kisses to your stomach and caressing it gently
Vash would be excited but TERRIFIED simultaneously to be a dad - so much sadness, death and regret followed him everywhere he went, and he was terrified to bring you into it, let alone an innocent child
You would have to comfort him and reiterate that you were in it together and that you think he'd be a wonderful dad
Also, because Vash is a plant and they age rapidly compared to humans, the pregnancy would be faster than a traditional human pregnancy
Vash has seen births before, especially given how long he's been around, so that part of it all doesn't make him nervous. The fact that now, it's HIS child, THAT makes him nervous
Would absolutely cry during the birth of your twins, partially out of fear, partially out of joy, and also partially because you'd gripped his hand so hard that you'd likely broken several of his fingers (oops)
Borderline passed out when they told him there were TWO babies - he wasn't expecting that at all
IDK why but I can see him being a dad to either twin boys (like him and Nai), or 1 girl, 1 boy.
It doesn't matter though, cause Vash would love your babies from the moment they let out their first cry, the reality hitting him - he's a father now.
Would give anything to protect you and his children - you're his world. His family. <3
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Unlike Vash, you and Wolfwood absolutely knew that pregnancy could happen
You and him both were sorta neutral about it - not actively trying to prevent a pregnancy, but not actively trying to conceive either.
"If it happens, it happens," Wolfwood said with a shrug when you brought it up to him
And so, you two just went about your lives together as always.
Of course, neither of you really bothered to keep tabs on your pregnancy status because you were busy travelling (and being on the run) with Vash and the others
Everything was as it usually was, with the group trying to escape from another disastrous clash with a police force of some kind, bullets flying past you all
You were hiding behind a corner, covering Wolfwood as he managed to fend off the cops coming after Vash and the rest of you, when a stray bullet struck you in the side, causing you to cry out and fall back
"(Y/N)!" You heard Wolfwood scream out your name, but you couldn't seem to see where he was anymore
Before you knew what was happening, the world went black
When you woke, your eyes opening to bright light, you quickly gasped and sat up only to cry out from the sharp pain in your side
Wolfwood was by your side, a deep scowl on his face, but you could see in his eyes that he was scared
"Mornin', sweetheart, nice of you to rejoin us in the land of the living."
Once you were more fully awake, the doctor came in to speak with you and Wolfwood, cheerfully reporting that "Thankfully, the bullet missed anything important, and the baby is just fine, too."
Umm, what?
Both you and Wolfwood choked slightly on your own spit as the doctor said that, with you coughing out "What baby?"
Yup, turns out you were pregnant and had been for a little while already at that point
From that point forward, Wolfwood becomes EXTREMELY protective of you, refusing to let you walk in front of him or even stand in front of him (he plans to use his body to protect yours if something bad happens)
He'd do his best to smoke less and not do it around you because it isn't good for the baby (he's trying hard but he still forgets sometimes)
Wolfwood would be the kind of guy who outwardly seems very relaxed and unphased by the situation but secretly has tried to read through every parenting book he could get his hands on
And when it's time for you to give birth? Listen, Wolfwood has seen a lot of things in his life, but he was NOT expecting birth to be that gruesome
Would become very pale, sweating profusely before dropping like a stone, out cold
Comes back to life when your baby begins to cry, announcing their arrival into the world
You would witness a rigid man bend and soften in front of you - you'd see Wolfwood's gaze soften and a genuine smile appear on his face as he holds your and his baby in his arms, a tiny hand wrapping around one of his fingers
Love at first sight for Wolfwood - he never thought a family would be something he wanted, but now that he has one? He's never letting go of it
Until the doctor announces that the second baby was coming
Thankfully the nurse had enough sense to take your baby from Wolfwood's arms shortly before the doctor announced that because he ended up back on the floor, out cold again
Kind of a wuss around childbirth but he loves his babies (and you) more than anything else in his life
I can definitely see him as a dad to twin girls (idk why he gives me girl dad energy)
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headkiss Ā· 2 years
I have a chronic illness (POTS) that makes me prone to passing out from my heart rate dropping super low. Maybe have a little fic about Eddie taking care of the reader after a bad flare or Eddieā€™s first time seeing the reader get sick? Please and thank you!
hi lovely!!! tysm for the request i hope u like it! <3 please let me know if anythingā€™s inaccurate | 0.6k words
The day started with a headache, which wasnā€™t rare for you in the slightest. Your pain relief was reminding yourself that you had plans with Eddie. Though, that only went so far.
Heā€™s an incredible boyfriend. Sweet and patient, understanding. Youā€™ve had to cancel plans on harder days time and time again and not once has he complained.
Sometimes, you canā€™t even believe youā€™ve found him.
You missed him, and you wanted to see him, so you knocked on his door just as planned.
ā€œHi, sweetheart,ā€ he greets you with that grin of his.
ā€œFeeling okay today?ā€ He asks.
ā€œMy head hurts. Itā€™s not that bad.ā€
He nods, but he knows youā€™re probably downplaying it for his sake. He ushers you inside with an arm thrown over your shoulders and a kiss to the top of your head.
ā€œHow about we stay in and binge movies?ā€
ā€œDepends,ā€ you say. ā€œWill you cuddle me?ā€
ā€œWill I- who do you think youā€™re talking to?ā€ He guides you to the couch once youā€™ve taken your shoes and jacket off, leaving you to grab some blankets and coming back with his arms full. ā€œYeah, Iā€™m gonna cuddle the shit out of you.ā€
Being with Eddie is easy, a no-brainer. He brings you the sort of stability thatā€™s hard to come by in your life, and you could never thank him enough for it.
The first movie is his pick, one youā€™ve both seen a bunch (mostly together). The lightheadedness doesnā€™t come until about halfway through. Again, itā€™s not uncommon, so you try to breathe through it.
It doesnā€™t work for long, and you reach weakly for Eddieā€™s hand. He gives it to you without question.
ā€œWhatā€™s wrong, sweetheart?ā€
ā€œI might faint,ā€ you warn him.
Youā€™re not sure how Eddie hasnā€™t seen you have an episode yet, but itā€™s very, very likely that heā€™s about to.
Heā€™s nervous. Of course he is. Youā€™ve told him what to do, how to help you best, and heā€™s known about your POTS since your first date, but heā€™s still nervous. Eddie doesnā€™t want to do anything that might hurt you.
He squeezes your hand in his.
Itā€™s not long after that your eyes are fluttering, your hand loosening its hold. Your body leans forward, headed off the couch, but Eddie uses his free hand to catch you as gently as possible, redirecting you so your head rests on his shoulder.
His hand strokes over your hair softly, smoothing it away from your face. Through your episode heā€™s whispering quiet ā€˜youā€™re okayā€™s and ā€˜Iā€™ve got youā€™s. Heā€™s reassuring himself and you.
Eddie canā€™t help but think of how strong you are. To be such a bright person dealing with so much. He turns his head and kisses yours for it.
Itā€™s only a couple of minutes, but to him, it feels like hours before you rouse, blinking your eyes open slowly and grasping his hand back.
ā€œHi, baby,ā€ he says quietly.
ā€œHi. What happened?ā€
He knows about the brain fog, too. He simply continues to pet your hair and says, ā€œyou had an episode. Iā€™ve got you, though.ā€
It takes a bit longer for you to come back to him fully, but heā€™d hold you all day if it helped.
Eventually, you push yourself up to look at him, your head off his shoulder but hand still stuck in his. His grasp isnā€™t tight, but itā€™s unfailing.
ā€œYou okay?ā€
ā€œMhm. Thank you.ā€
You feel like a simple ā€˜thank youā€™ isnā€™t enough. Eddieā€™s the best person you know, and heā€™s supportive in a way you never thought existed in a boy. You bring his hand to your mouth and press a kiss into his knuckles.
ā€œNo problem.ā€
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ducktoo Ā· 6 days
Syncing Dream [Aespa x M!Reader]
4. Day offā€¦not?
Note: just fluff
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Y/n woke up to the sound of nothing. No buzzing alarms, no frantic phone calls about schedules, and no urgent notifications lighting up his screen. For the first time in what felt like forever, it was quiet. He stretched lazily, savouring the peace. It took him a moment to remember what was so special about todayā€”his first day off in weeks.
"Finally," he muttered with a smile, sinking deeper into his pillow. No errands, no last-minute crises, just a day to himself. Maybe heā€™d stay in bed all day, watch some TV, orā€”
Ding. The unmistakable sound of a text message cut through the silence.
ā€œPlease donā€™t be whoever I think it is..ā€ Y/n groaned and lazily reached for his phone on the nightstand. It couldnā€™t be work; the staff knew he was off today. Still, out of habit, he checked the screen.
Oppa, can you do me a huuuge favor?
ā€œYizhuo, u kidding meā€¦ā€
Y/n rubbed his eyes, blinking at the message. He hesitated, half-considering ignoring it, but something told him that wasnā€™t an option. His thumbs hovered over the screen before he typed a quick reply.
Ning, itā€™s my day off.
He felt a small surge of pride for setting boundaries. Today was about him. He wouldnā€™t get sucked into their usual chaosā€”
But I forgot to pick up my laundryyyyy šŸ„ŗ Please, Oppa, Iā€™ll owe you big time!
Y/n sighed, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. Of course, Ningning had a way of getting what she wanted. He typed out a reluctant, ā€œfine,ā€ and tossed the phone aside. Maybe he could do just this one thing. How hard could it be?
As he moved to get dressed, his phone buzzed again.
Y/n, I think I lost my keysā€¦ help?
Y/n stopped mid-motion.
ā€œSeriously?ā€ He thought, staring at the screen. This was supposed to be his day off. He shook his head and responded.
Aeri, itā€™s my day off.
I knooow, but itā€™s an emergency!
Sighing deeply, Y/n realised the quiet, relaxing day he had envisioned was rapidly slipping away. He grabbed his jacket and keys, already resigned to his fate. First stop, laundry for Ningning.
The laundromat wasnā€™t far from aespaā€™s dorm, so Y/n made quick work of grabbing Ningningā€™s clothes and heading to drop them off. On the way, his phone buzzed again. He didnā€™t even need to check the notification to know who it was.
As always, the comedy (pain) comes in 3 acts.
Pabooo, can you get me some snacks? You know the ones I eat all the time. Pleaseee?
You do realise Iā€™m not working today, right?
Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking! Youā€™ll be free later, right?
You dipsh-
Y/n sighed. He couldnā€™t win with these girls. After dropping off Ningningā€™s laundry and being thanked with a bright grin and a peace sign, he made his way to the convenience store. If he was going to spend his day off like this, he might as well commit.
By the time Y/n reached aespaā€™s dorm, bags in hand, he felt more like a delivery boy than a manager. He pushed open the door, greeted by a mix of tired-but-not-really faces and a familiar tension in the airā€”mostly from Karina, who barely acknowledged him with a curt nod.
"Didnā€™t expect you here on your day off," Karina said, arms crossed, her tone neutral, but Y/n could feel the underlying coolness. She still wasnā€™t completely over the fact that he had been thrust into the role of their manager with little experience.
"Yeah, well, apparently days off donā€™t exist when youā€™re the manager," Y/n replied dryly, his eyes briefly meeting hers before shifting to Winter, who was eagerly waiting for her snacks.
Winter popped her head out of the practice room and grinned. "Letā€™s goooo, good job, Y/n!ā€ she chirped, grabbing the snacks he had brought. "I knew you couldnā€™t resist helping your best friend."
"I had a flipping choice?" Y/n quipped, though he couldnā€™t help but smile. He watched Winter tear into the bag like a kid on Christmas, feeling the warmth of their friendship creep in. Despite the tension with Karina, Winterā€™s presence always brought a sense of ease.
Karina, though, stayed reserved. Even now, after weeks of working together, there was still a quiet unease between them. It wasnā€™t like they openly disliked each other, but there was something unsaid lingering between every glance and conversation.
Later that day, Y/n had finally managed to leave the girls alone and get some semblance of quiet when his phone buzzed again.
Any update on my keys?
Y/n rolled his eyes. He had scoured half the dorm for those stupid keys, and they were nowhere to be found. He groaned, heading back to the practice room where Giselle was crouching on the floor.
"Aeri" he sighed, "Where did you even lose them?ā€
"If I knew, I wouldnā€™t have lost them, would I?ā€ she replied with a grin, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Karina, who came to help out, leaning against the wall with her arms folded, shot Y/n a look, as if to say, ā€œYou see what I deal with?ā€
"Letā€™s retrace your steps, I guess," Y/n said, rubbing his temples, though he couldnā€™t help but smirk at Giselleā€™s casual attitude. Karina reluctantly followed suit.
As Y/n sat up from the couch he accidentally crashed in aespaā€™s dorm, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the sound of giggling caught his attention. Ningning, Winter, and Giselle stood over him, smirking in a way that made him feel a little uneasy.
"Good morning, oppa," Ningning teased, barely containing her laughter as she nudged him lightly.
Y/n frowned, still groggy. "What time is it?ā€ he groaned, trying to shake off the fog in his brain.
"Late," Winter replied, tossing him a water bottle. "Didnā€™t know youā€™d stay all day.ā€
"Neither did I," he muttered, taking a sip of water.
Something feltā€¦.off. The way they were all staring at him, the mischievous grins they were failing to hideā€”it didnā€™t sit right with him, but he was too tired to dig into it.
Just then, Karina appeared at the doorway, arms crossed as usual. "Go home," she said, her voice softer than usual. There was an unfamiliar warmth in her tone. "Youā€™ve done enough for today. Sorry that you have to deal with these children even on your day off.ā€
Y/n blinked, a little thrown off by the sudden kindness, but he wasnā€™t about to question it. "Donā€™t have to tell me twice,ā€ he mumbled, getting to his feet.
"Y/n, you look... different," Giselle said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Ningning and Winter tried to stifle their laughter, looking away.
"What are you talking about?ā€ Y/n asked, confused. He glanced down at his clothesā€”everything looked normal. Shrugging, he grabbed his jacket and started to head out the door.
"Nothing! See you tomorrow, Oppa!ā€ Ningning called out, bursting into giggles.
"Yeah, see you...idiotā€ Winter added, her voice trembling from trying to hold back her laughter.
Y/n gave them a suspicious look but didnā€™t press further. He was too tired to deal with their antics tonight. He left the building, heading out into the cool night air, finally ready to go home and get some real rest.
As Y/n made his way through the convenience store to grab a drink before heading home, he noticed a few people staring at him strangely. A cashier gave him a weird look as he paid for his drink, and a couple of girls passing by couldnā€™t stop giggling when they saw him.
ā€œWhatā€™s their problem?ā€ he thought, feeling a little paranoid. Shrugging it off, he pulled out his phone to check the time. But as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the dark screen, his eyes widened in horror.
There, scribbled all over his face in colourful marker, were ridiculous doodles: a poorly drawn moustache, cat whiskers, and the words ā€œManager Oppaā€ and ā€œBest Idiotā€ written across his forehead.
Y/n stood frozen for a moment, processing the full extent of what had happened. Those friggin devils! No wonder theyā€™d been giggling! He must have looked like a complete idiot walking around with his face like this.
With a sigh, Y/n rubbed his templesā€”thankfully, the markers weren't permanent. Grabbing a napkin from his bag, he tried wiping it off, but some of the ink had already settled too deep for a quick clean-up.
ā€œI canā€™t believe I didnā€™t noticeā€¦of course Kim Minjeong was the mastermind of this crimeā€¦ā€
As he walked out of the store, trying to hide his face from any more passersby, his phone buzzed. A message from the group chat appeared on his screen.
You looked soooo cute with your new look today, oppa! šŸ˜‚
Weā€™re so proud of you, ā€œBest Idiotā€ šŸ˜ø
Thanks for being such a good sport!
Y/n groaned, but couldnā€™t help the smile tugging at his lips. Sure, theyā€™d tricked him, but it was harmless funā€”typical aespa chaos. Tomorrow, though? He was going to make sure they paid for it.
With that thought, Y/n trudged home, already mentally planning his revengeā€¦after he had his sleep.
The next day, after washing off the colourful madness on his face since he was too tired to do so last night, Y/n was just about to fully enjoy his day off on his bed when his phone buzzed again.
He sighed, part of him tempted to just throw it under the pillow and pretend the world didnā€™t exist for a few hours. But when he glanced at the screen, he saw three unread messages, all from the aespa group chat.
Y/n, I lost my keys again...
I tried washing my clothes but messed up the detergent ratios. Now thereā€™s foam everywhere.
Please get some snack. Thanks lol
Y/n rubbed his temples. ā€œDay off?ā€ He scoffed to himself. ā€œYeah, right.ā€
Despite his fatigue, he found himself grabbing his jacket again and heading back out. He figured he could at least get Giselleā€™s keys sorted, swing by Ningningā€™s place to fix the laundry disaster, and grab Winterā€™s snack in one go.
But first, he made a quick stop at a nearby convenience store.
By the time Y/n got to Ningningā€™s place, it looked like a small laundry soap apocalypse had occurred. She stood in the middle of the room, her hands covered in suds, giving him a sheepish grin.
"Help..." she pleaded, pointing to the washing machine, which was overflowing with bubbles. "I thought more detergent would make it cleaner, but now itā€™s like this.ā€
ā€œWell, they clearly not, Ning.ā€
ā€œI know! Help me out please!ā€
Y/n let out a deep sigh, but couldnā€™t help smiling at her cluelessness. "Alright, step back." He quickly adjusted the machineā€™s settings, drained some of the excess water, and cleaned up the foam. "Next time, use less detergent, okay?ā€
"Thanks, oppa!" Ningning beamed, but before Y/n could leave, she added, "Oh, and can you fix my bed too? It keeps creaking loudly for some reason."
After taking care of Ningningā€™s detergent disaster and bed crisis, Y/n swung by Giselle at the practice room to help her find her keys. They were wedged between the couch cushionsā€”again.
"You really need a keychain or something, Aeri" Y/n sighed as he handed the keys to her.
"I know, I know... I keep losing them," Giselle admitted with a grin. "But hey, youā€™re always there to help, so thanks Y/n!ā€
Y/n chuckled. "Yeah, maybe I should start charging."
ā€œAren't you already charged from the company?ā€
ā€œYes, but Iā€™ll get my overtime from you all.ā€ Y/n joked.
With those dilemmas sorted, Y/n made his final stop: Winterā€™s room. She greeted him at the door with an eager smile, immediately grabbing the bags of snacks from his hands.
"Finally! I was starving." She didnā€™t waste any time ripping open the snacks.
Y/n rolled his eyes. "You couldā€™ve just walked out and bought them yourself, you know.ā€
"But then whatā€™s the point of having you around?" Winter teased with a grin. "Besides, you do the whole manager thing so well now. Itā€™s almost like you're used to dealing with all our nonsense."
"Am I now?" Y/n muttered, though he couldnā€™t deny that things had become somewhat smoother lately. "But seriously, donā€™t call me on my day off unless itā€™s an emergency."
"Is snack hunger not an emergency? Is your best friend wanting to snack not one at all?ā€ Winter retorted, eyes sparkling with mischief.
Y/n shook his head with a sigh. ā€œYouā€™re lucky youā€™re a small bean, Minjeong.ā€
ā€œI know, Iā€™m abusing it.ā€ Winter snorted.
As he walked out of Winterā€™s dorm, he hesitated before making one final stop. Karinaā€™s room was next on his mental checklist, though she hadnā€™t messaged him today. Their tension had been palpable for a while, and he figured it couldnā€™t hurt to try and lighten the mood.
Knocking lightly, he waited a moment before Karina opened the door. She looked surprised to see him, after he fully declared he will enjoy his day off.
"Uh, hey," Y/n began, rubbing the back of his neck. "I... uh... didnā€™t get any distress signals from you, but I brought you something anyway."
Karina raised an eyebrow, curious. Y/n handed her a small bag containing her favourite snack. "Just... you know, a peace offering or whatever," he added awkwardly, not quite sure how to approach the tension between them.
She stared at the bag for a moment, then back at him. A small, almost imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Thanks," she said quietly, taking the bag from him. The awkwardness between them hung in the air, but something in her expression softened.
"Karina," Y/n continued, fidgeting a little. "I know weā€™ve been... off lately, and I just wanted to... you know, make sure weā€™re cool. I mean, Iā€™m still figuring this whole manager thing out, but I donā€™t want us to be at odds all the time."
Karina looked down at the snack in her hands, then back at Y/n. "Itā€™s not that I donā€™t appreciate what youā€™re doing," she said slowly. "Youā€™ve improved a lot since the beginning... itā€™s just..."
She hesitated, as if searching for the right words.
"I guess itā€™s hard to adjust to someone new in the group. Especially someone who used to be a trainee, like us, with skills that does and does not correlate with the role" she finally admitted. "But I donā€™t hate you or anything. Itā€™s just... a weird transition."
Y/n nodded, understanding. "Ahhh, I get you.ā€
Karina took a deep breath, then gave him a rare, genuine smile. "Thanks for the snack, though. It helps."
Y/n chuckled softly, feeling a bit of the weight between them lift. "No problemā€¦Jimin. Just... donā€™t let the others know Iā€™m handing out free snacks. Theyā€™ll start demanding a whole shop."
Karina laughed lightly, the sound easing the remaining tension between them. "Deal."
As Y/n turned to leave, he felt a little more hopeful about where things stood between him and Karina. Small steps, but steps nonetheless.
Heading home after the dayā€™s unexpected chaos, Y/n finally felt like he might actually get that day off... tomorrow, maybe. But for now, heā€™d settle for some well-deserved rest. He pulled out his phone one last time and texted the group chat:
Next time, Iā€™m charging you all for manager duties on my day off.
$50 USD per hour. Take it or leave it, suckers.
Unknowingly, Winter replied.
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stunie Ā· 1 month
hihi mrs umemiya :3 first of alll, i must let you know that youā€™re so so kind and thoughtful to be holding these matchups for everyone!! i just hope you take some rest and donā€™t overwork yourself with them šŸ„ŗ if you feel overwhelmed you can absolutely ignore mine! ā™„ļøŽ and if you feel like doing one for me, surprise me with a man from any fandom!!
mmm, iā€™m a bit unsure of what to write here ā€” it feels rather embarrassing to talk about myself! ą«®ź’°ą¾€ą½²āŠƒāø āø āøāŠ‚ź’±ą¾€ą½²įƒ iā€™m on the shy and quiet side, especially with strangers ( and double especially with people iā€™m attracted to T///T ) but i also have been told that iā€™m warm and friendly and approachable . . as well as being a total klutz and just as spacey ^^; i donā€™t do too well in large crowds or very noisy places ( at least, when iā€™m by myself ) and i have pretty bad anxiety :C as a result i worry about a lot of things but i try my very best to hide it behind a smile; i would really hate to burden anyone with my own troubles when they have their own to worry about! my friends call me out on my people pleasing + pushover tendencies but i personally donā€™t see it ehe . . . iā€™ve always really enjoyed helping people and making them smile ā€” perhaps itā€™s really selfish, but it makes me happy to be able to make others happy!
as for my favourite things: winter and snow and the holiday season! i really like sweet treats ( both baking and eating them :9 ) and dainty, delicate clothing. i play a few instruments and i listen to a lot of classical music! overall, though, iā€™m really just average girl!! not particularly talented at anything, but iā€™m good enough at things to get by ^^ ahh iā€™m very sorry for rambling i shall hush now . . thank you in advance sweetest girl!! i love you so much! ą«®ź’°ą¾€ą½² Ā“āˆ©āˆ©` ź’±ą¾€ą½²įƒ
omg nonnie ā€¦. youā€™re so cute ?! literally so cute hello ?! i love you. youā€™re so sweet for checking on me )): i really appreciate it!! thank u so much. i am hugging u so tight šŸ«‚ (PS: itā€™s almost funny how fast i made my pick!!!)
umemiya hajime. UMEMIYA HAJIME!! if youā€™re shy around him? heā€™s the middle pic. and the right pic. heā€™s so happy that you exist that his smile might start to rub off on you a bit ā€¦ and as soon as it doesā€” ā€œoh! youā€™re smiling now, huh? what a pretty smile!ā€ HEJSNDNND šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ a klutz you say ā€¦ itā€™s okay! & btw let me just add that umeā€™s mastered the hand around the waist to pull you right before you bump into a table > < heā€™s got you. if youā€™re anxious, anythingā€” heā€™s got you, you can count on him. the smile he gives you when he learns you love helping others is ā€¦ that softā€¦ soft smile of his. i know you know the one !!! heā€™s fallen hard. everyone can tell too. also ā€¦ any treat you make !! please let him have a taste. heā€™s practically wagging his tail waiting :ā€™) he has a photo of all of it
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barzzal Ā· 7 months
Be warned this is gonna be long i apologize in advance, but this is all just me giving a massive kudos to you and your work. Iā€™m so happy to see this updated thank you for your hard work and talented writing.
After reading interlude ii for CMC and as usual I loved it to bits but also I AM SUDDENLY CONFLICTED? With BOTH SIDES????? The whole time I was like ā€œYeah Sidney take the fucking Lā€ but now that we have the full detailed story of how it led up to that moment, suddenly the situation is so much more complicated. HE ACTUALLY WAS READY AT THE LAST MOMENT OH GOD HE WAS GOING TO DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO MAKE IT UP TO HER AND THE BABY HE WAS READY TO BE A PARTNER AND DAD-
And now my head is in my hands as I think: ā€˜Oh my god. Reader didnā€™t give him a chance to be a dad to Lucas for NEARLY SEVEN YEARS (even though she was justifiably pissed at him) AND HE THOUGHT HIS BABY WAS GONEā€™
And, please hear me out. The pregnancy and the actual birth of the baby are two different parts of the process. Itā€™s different for everyone, but sometimes it takes a few weeks or months for the parents to feel a connection with their baby once theyā€™re born; Itā€™s actually quite common among parents. Same goes for the pregnancy term. Itā€™s fucking scary, raising a child; Youā€™re not just living your life for yourself, youā€™re living your life for the best interest of your child. And while thereā€™s absolutely no excuse for Sid and his emotional distance/neglect (believe me when I say I still want to sock him in the face for his initial reaction), it does bring perspective at to why he reacted that way. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but he was scared that his commitment to his career would end up hurting his kid, not being able to be there for them. Of course, dumbass man sucked at communicating that to Reader properly huh
But he did come back. He did return. He was ready to begin repenting. Lucas wasnā€™t even born yet and he was ready to do right by him and Reader both.
Suddenly I am now in full panic mode because once Lucas gets older enough to question why did his mom keep him away from his dad if both parents loved and wanted him from the start. And I know reader said in previous chapters that everything she did was for her son and his happiness and safety which is an absolute HELL YES THATā€™S WHAT BEING A PARENT IS ABOUT, but did she ever consider the possibility that keeping them both hidden away from Sid would potentially hurt all of them more than it would help? Lucas never got to meet the other side of the family; Troy and Trina never got to be grandparents, Taylor never got to be an aunt. They werenā€™t able to see Lucas grow up, and I just know they wouldā€™ve loved him the moment they were told of his existence.
Am I allowed to feel angry at both Sid and Reader? I am so sorry Iā€¦ just love this story so much, Iā€™ve never felt so many emotions reading before. Please correct me if Iā€™m wrong in any way.
first of all, ily oh gosh. i never expect a comment this long from anyone but omg thank you!! i appreciate you taking the time to lmk which part/s u like/impacted u most šŸ„ŗ not lying when i say i was smiling as i read it entirely itā€™s truly fulfilling to come across a reader as passionate as u so endless thanks my dear šŸ«¶šŸ»
second, ALL FEELINGS ARE VALID! i honestly canā€™t wait for them to be happy why canā€™t they just sit together and talk things out itā€™s not that hard šŸ˜­ had enough of little lukey having to bear poor adult choices!!
to clarify tho, since iā€™ve been mia on here and on the updates, the series was supposed to be done in 2022 šŸ˜« so our timeline for cmc would be that itā€™s still 2021 going 2022 (refer to teaser #3).
for everyone to be on the same page, allow me to recapitulate:
april 2015
refer to teaser #1
sidney is 27 yrs. turning 28 yrs. in aug
reader is 26 yrs.
first month of summer, 2015
june: reader finds out sheā€™s pregnant
july: miscarriage scare; sid and reader break up before krisā€™ wedding
post breakup, 2015-2016
sidney wins the cup, oct 2015 to june 2016
post breakup, 2016
january: luke is born on 6th of january (kind of like his dadā€™s bday 8.7.87 = 1.6.16)
post breakup, 2016-2017
sidney wins another cup, oct 2016 to april 2017
post breakup, 2019
reader moves back to pittsburgh; hides sidā€™s son
post break up, 2021 [weā€™ll go back to this timeline on ch. 6]
sidney is 33 yrs. going 34 yrs. (refer to teaser #2)
reader is 31 going 32
luke is 5 yrs. a few months older than genoā€™s son, nikita
minimum age requirement for sidā€™s little penguins hockey is 5 yrs.
luke enters hockey program, meets sidney; sidney meets luke and reader
timeline for ch. 6 until stated otherwise
ANYWAY, iā€™m so excited weā€™re now on the second half of the series!!! āœØand the plot thickensāœØ
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satoruzlove Ā· 2 years
HELLO HELLO HELLO CONGRATULATIONS ON 1K šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ !!!!! Im still new here but i love ur works and ur blog in general ure awesome and u def deserve more recognition šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ‘šŸ‘
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And if you dont mind me joining ur 1k event, mayhaps a yamaguchi tadashi with the prompt hallway crush? šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
AAAA TYSM BABY, I APPRECIATE U SMšŸ’—thank you for reading !!! and of COURRSSEE!!!! i was hoping someone asked 4 him cus there isnā€™t enough writing for him):
[ yamaguchi tadashi ]
tadashiā€™s locker closes with a soft ā€˜clickā€™ and a deep gulp.
tsukishima had bumped his shoulder softly, sending him a sly grin. the freckled boy knew what this meant, seeing as they had made up a little code gesture for whenever you came around. this gesture came about maybe two weeks after tadashi laid his eyes on you - his hallway crush.
he was just joking around with his best friend on a certain december 3rd, it was chilly but he hadnā€™t felt a single tinge of cold that day. his skin was warm, flushed and felt as if there were little bubbles of adornment popping under it. his pupils dilated widely, lashes fluttering as his neck moved smoothly because in that moment, he felt as if he would simply whither if he ever took his eyes off of you. the movements you made were soft, elegant, affectionate towards your friends. he loved how your hair was done, the way it complimented your outfit. he thought your smile was gorgeous, your teeth sparkling under the sunlight streaming in from the hallway windows. tadashi thought you were unreal. he had even told tsukishima that you reminded him of a butterfly .
so as the boy heard your shoes against the tacky flooring of your school- his heart rate sped up dangerously and his palms began to sweat. what was he gonna say? were you gonna bully him? no, you would never. he knows that. youā€™re far too kind, too compassionate to do that. itā€™s what he loves about you- although heā€™s never experienced it first hand- via stalking your social media he knows. you tap his shoulder and apart from him towering over you, he feels tiny. ā€œhi, tadashi right?ā€ you start. he nods with a boyish smile, ā€œ yes! yeah! thatā€™s me. do you need something, yn?ā€ he asks nervously. your eyebrow quirks at him knowing your name, and of course it doesnā€™t go unnoticed. he makes a mental note to kick himself in the shin later.
ā€œ no, i just wanted to say i love your sweater actually,ā€ you explain shyly. tadashiā€™s heart thumps loudly, a single beat felt in his throat and in his tummy as the already existing butterflies uproar. he giggles, fiddling with the hem of said sweater. it was a pretty greyish blue - and it had little daisies on it. it suited him. when you made a comment about it to your friends, they had all pushed you to tell tadashi because oh- what dā€™ya know?
tadashi was your hallway crush too.
ā€œoh! thanks it uhm,ā€ he pauses, stuffing his hands into the pockets, ā€œ it has pockets !ā€ tadashi exclaims. you laugh, fully and happily at his excitement towards the pockets. he laughs along, attempting to ignore the affection growing in his stomach, his chest, the dizziness he felt. your laugh was beautiful. soft, melodic and dreamy : standard qualities that you also held. ā€œ thatā€™s awesome, huh?ā€ you reply, your laughter dying out. he nods again, words evading him as he admired the flutter of your eyelashes while you tried to stop laughing. he would never know that it was from your own nervousness.
ā€œthe sweater wasnā€™t the only thing i came here for, actually,ā€ you say. his head perks up, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. you looked up finally from your hands, ā€œ i actually wanted to ask if uhm,ā€ you pause. taking in a breath and trying to ignore tadashiā€™s sparking eyes. ā€œ do you wanna maybe , go out? with me?ā€
tadashi felt warmth. light, giddish and free. like the wind in a field of cold air and warm sunlight, like cool sheets on a hot day, like sprite down your throat. happy, nervous, beautiful .
just like a butterfly.
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whumpsical Ā· 11 months
šŸ„ŗšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ’– omg thank u!! This was so much fun to compile!
each of the snippets below the cut will have their own content warnings <33
ā­ share a snippet where a character is the best at something
contents: trafficking/forced prostitution, mention of snuff, dissociating, internalized slut shaming, a hint of nsfwhump
Jian tried his best not to think about it anymore. If he stopped caring about what happened to his body, if he lost his mind enough, he could take a cock down his throat like he was still getting paid for it.
That was why Lucia was keeping him out of the snuff rooms, anyway. He had a pretty face and even prettier screams for the position, a fact that Lucia was happy to remind him of every time he was chosen to serve another violent but non-lethal client, how his skills in cocksucking made up for the one-time profit. As long as he kept it up.
He could do that. He could check out, let his eyes go blank and let Lucia's clients do what they wanted to him, work his dumb whore magic and swallow, keep them coming back for him, keep himself alive. As long as Lucia didn't expect him to show some kind of gratitude to her for holding him just above the chopping block.
šŸ’™ share a snippet where a character falls out of love a little
contents: a drug/alcohol relapse fueled booty call, a whole stockholm/lima syndrome mess
this comes from an au with @yet-another-heathen where Garcia kept Jian as his pet <33
"...with your invitation? Believe me, if you wake up tomorrow morning and still have the mind to I would love nothing more in the world than to fuck you so good neither of us manage to get out of bed for days."
Jian set his frosty down and hugged his knee to his chest, bracing his foot on the rim of the empty Home Depot bucket.
He wasn't scared of Garcia. For some bizarre reason, he could trust him. Somewhere deep in the demented chemistry of his brain, he still knew he could trust him. That's why he'd called him. Not because he hoped he'd get whisked away to be held in indefinite captivity, but because he knew he wouldn't.
And right now, that realization made the thought of going back to him like this so wholly unappealing that he couldn't help but sniffle out a tiny, derisive laugh at his own expense. This whole stupid scheme of his was supposed to hurt. Garcia had said it himself, Jian was out here looking to take his punishment into his own hands.
Still, to have such bad taste in men that Garcia was off the list was an unexpected blow.
"I don't... I don't think I will."
šŸ‘ share a snippet where the character is very visually engaged/a snippet with description
contents: Jian being drunk, back in his whoring era
Someone touched him from behind, shoving past. Someone else nearly knocked the cup from his protectively raised hand, but Jian just flowed with all the movement around him, swaying between and bumping into anonymous bodies who blinked in and out of existence along with the rhythm of the strobe lights. A girl in front of him, he couldn't remember what she'd just introduced herself as, but right now they were headed towards the back patio to meet one of her friends.
Jian liked her shoes. Tall studded platforms in lime green, their apparent hue shifting dramatically with the utra-saturated red and violet and blue lights that flooded the space. Each of the metal studs on the heel reflected every single little light that surrounded them, making the girl's shoes glitter and flash in Jian's eyes like disco balls.
He knew they had made it outside when the thrumming in his ears reached a pitch louder than the noise around them, and the girl's shoes only shimmered with the golden string lights that stretched across the patio.
šŸ˜­ share a snippet that will break our hearts
contents: trafficking/forced prostitution, discussion of death
"Chris is dead," Jian told Greta plainly, once both of them had been locked into their room early the next morning, hours before sunrise. Jian didn't feel anything saying it out loud. Maybe relief. He was too numb to really know.
Greta gave a wry chuckle and a nod, but her veil of sarcasm was moth-eaten and rotting. Even in the dark, Jian could see an emptiness in her eyes that must have matched his own.
"If... if I ever..." Jian stuttered and fell from his track. He averted his gaze, finding Greta's impassive, moonlit face unsettlingly lifeless. "Don't let me go like that, Greta. If I get sick, don'tā€“ don't let me die like that. Please."
For a long time, Greta didn't say anything, and Jian was already mentally fortifying himself to take on the task if it came down to it.
When she did speak, Greta's voice was unnaturally flat and quiet.
"That's a lot to ask. You'd do the same for me?"
"Yes," Jian said without hesitation, not knowing yet if he actually did have the courage to deliver on his end of the promise. But he knew he couldn't bear an ending like the one he'd just watched Chris endure.
"Okay," Greta agreed, and the two of them never said another word about it.
šŸ§  share a snippet where the character realizes something important
contents: slavery in a historical fantasy setting, failed escape
another crossover with @yet-another-heathen!! this one's how my Morgo entered his Jackal universe <33
The creature approached them once more, and Morgo watched, paralyzed with overstimulation and aching from the heat, as the ifrit handed over a selection of raw emerald along with a small handful of gold coins. Morgo stopped breathing entirely. That was more than enough to--
No. NO. He was not fucking leaving with these demons. If he had one choice left to make in his life, he would choose how he fucking departed from it. He would prefer to perish in the open desert and be buried alone under whirling sands than spend his final few hours among these horrible creatures. Without any care for how savagely it shredded what skin remained on his wrists and neck, Morgo used his body to wrench the rope from beneath Ashokā€™s foot and sprinted off, making for the clearest horizon line he could find.
His feet never touched the sand. In less than a blink, the ifrit took him down with one huge hand and laid him flat to the fibers of the rug, forcing out a strangled moan from deep in Morgoā€™s gut.
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moonchildstyles Ā· 2 years
older h meeting her parents!!! And sheā€™s nervous cause sheā€™s never introduced a boy to them let alone a MAN! And heā€™s just the sweetest helping her around the flat preparing everything with her just kissing her ā€œdo they even know I exist?ā€ He as,s her and sheā€™s all šŸ˜® ā€œof course they do h!ā€ And he brings her into him calming her telling her to take a deep breath ā€œif they ask we are not having sexā€ she blurts out and heā€™s full on laughing ā€œwhy would that even be brought up?ā€ She shrugs her shoulder ā€œjust making sureā€ he kisses her lips ā€œyou are old enough Iā€™m sure they know youā€™ve done it by nowā€ heā€™s smirking she hits his shoulder ā€œstop they donā€™t! Do they?ā€ She asks he smiles ā€œi donā€™t know you tell meā€ kissing her neck just kissing everywhere he can besides her face since she has on some makeup and he was threatened not to ā€˜ruin itā€™ ā€œstop messing with m-me they donā€™t knowā€ and heā€™s focusing on a spot he knows she likes ā€œHarry donā€™t leave a mark Iā€™m not changing p-pleaseā€ he stops ā€œokay letā€™s get ready for your parents and tell them how Iā€™m your boyfriend and pretend I have never seen you nakedā€ pecking her lips
Literally so obsessed w this idea Iā€™ve read it SOOOOOOOO many times since u sent it in Iā€™m def def def going to be writing a whole blurb w a moment like this soooo obsessedšŸ„ŗ like itā€™s so obvi sheā€™s nervous fluttering around the place trying to straighten pillows and dust shelves and keeps checking in the status of the takeout she ordered for lunch that sheā€™s going to pretend she made and every time h asks her if she wants help or if sheā€™ll sit w him she just is like oh no Iā€™m okay thank you!!! All smiley even tho he can see sheā€™s soooo nervous and like she already told him heā€™s the first guy sheā€™s introduced to her parents so there just lots of extra tension in her bc of that and h is just leaning against the counter while she fussed around in the kitchen and ā€œlove they know who I am right?ā€ Bc now heā€™s getting nervous that this is all a big mess that is going to surprise everyone but thatā€™s the first thing that gets her attention and ofccthey know ab u h! I talk ab u all the time! And they follow me on insta so theyā€™ve seen all of our pics!! And he just relaxes after that feeling a little better before sheā€™s all stiff and just when heā€™s ab to ask what happened sheā€™s like ā€œwe also have never had sex before and Iā€™m still a virgin if anyone asksā€ and heā€™s so ?????? Bc ā€œwhoā€™s going to ask that?ā€ And sheā€™s just idk!! I just want to make sure in case my mom says something idk! And h is just so endeared by her bc what a cutie she is all nervous over this and he stops her from flirting out of the kitchen w his hands on her hips and heā€™s got a smile on his face and ā€œdarling I donā€™t think u need to worry about that okay? I donā€™t think theyā€™re gonna ask and besides ur old enough to make those choice Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve already assumed as muchā€ and she just deadass šŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø u think they know? Are u serious? And he just canā€™t help himself before heā€™s teasing her and idk baby do they??? Have u said anything that might make them think that???? And then sheā€™s all omg eyes wide and omg I think I might have told my mom I stayed the night at ur house a few weeks ago omg they totally know oh no and he just shakes his head and canā€™t help himself before kissing over her neck to leave her makeup alone and heā€™s like ooooh youā€™ve definitely done it now making it clear heā€™s teasing her and thatā€™s when she pushes him away a little tho it barely does anything since she keeps laughing and h stop teasing ur being meannnnn and heā€™s just being annoying and cute before heā€™s pulling back and chancing a kiss over her lips and alright alright they donā€™t know so I guess weā€™ll all have to play the game where I pretend I donā€™t know you have a body under ur clothes and I only hold ur hand when u stay the night and she canā€™t help but laugh at him bc heā€™s being so annoying but cute and itā€™s just the biggest stress reliever to have him there w her:(
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arknights-imagines Ā· 2 years
ok so can i ask a relationship hc with blitz or maybe ash? also the doctor is gn! thank u for answering this one <3 (ē¬Āŗā€æĀŗē¬)ā™”
Shhshs hiya Mahribee šŸ„ŗšŸ’•! It's super great to see you again, I hope you're well~
Anywho I hope you can forgive me for taking so long to get to your request svshsg ty for your patience šŸ˜­!! It was in my queue for v long but I was stumped on what to write for it for quite some time aaa...
But finally here it is now avshs šŸ„³šŸ’ž!! I know lots of people were looking forward to these so I really do hope everyone enjoys šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ!!
Taglist for All Writing!:
Being in a relationship with Blitz and Ash
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Headcanon format; From the perspective of the reader for the most part, written in second person!
Contains: Blitz, Ash, gender-neutral Doctor as the reader, acquaintances to established relationship progression, a few mentioned side characters, mentions of canon events, lots of soft lovey-doveyness and fluff sgshgs šŸ„ŗ!!
Word count: 3.5k in total!
ļ½„ Admittedly, after being informed of the ā€˜Watchtower 33ā€™ Incident, meeting this Team Rainbow intimidated you like a battle with the odds against you would've.
ļ½„ Aliens - that was the image the written and verbal reports created of them, if there was anything much said at all.
ļ½„ Much of what was gathered from them by Rhodes Island was quoted under ā€˜the team member with the shieldā€™; or, as he was also called, ā€˜Blitzā€™.
ļ½„ ā€œHe uses a gun, but he clearly is clueless about Originium Artsā€, ā€œDoctor, do healing potions exist? The one from Team Rainbow who carries the shield asked me about that once and- uhm, well, I didn't know how to replyā€, ā€œBlitz, is that his name? Yes, he told me he came from Southern Sargonā€¦but Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ve never heard of a single soul whoā€™s from thereā€.
ļ½„ This uncertainty of yours dissipated however, once you finally personally met Team Rainbow - and you witnessed the unexpected bright smile belonging to Operator Blitz.
ļ½„ With eagerness in his gait, the man approached you; you flinched just a little, worried for the worst, only to blink at him as he sent you a wink and a playful salute. ā€œTactician of Rhodes Island, Codename Blitz! These guys with me are Team Rainbow. Itā€™s about time all of us had the pleasure of meeting you, ā€¦?ā€ Unsure of how to address you, Blitz trailed off, motioning to you expectantly.
ļ½„ A moment passed - as it did, the anxiety in your chest became a gentle warmth -, then you smiled and outstretched your hand and told him your name, adding that he could simply refer to you as ā€œthe Doctorā€. The lopsided grin on the man's face grew wider, something in his eyes glinting brightly as he looked at you, ā€œWell then! I hope this is the beginning of a very beautiful relationship, Doctor.ā€
ļ½„ And that it was; that it most definitely was.
ļ½„ After your initial meeting, Blitz apparently went searching for you very often - you knew this how? Your Operators would tell you with worry in their voices that he would ask everyone and anyone about your whereabouts.
ļ½„ Eventually, he finally found you by happenstance and - before you had even the chance to ask ā€˜what is it, Blitz?ā€™ - he suddenly presented to you an obvious collar-like item bearing luminescent turquoise highlights, ā€œDoctor! Iā€™ve got a question, what is this thing?ā€
ļ½„ Your brow lifted very slowly, however his expression spoke honest curiosity to you and so you couldn't help but let yourself soften. Smiling slightly, you explained, ā€œThatā€™s an Infection Monitor.ā€ In the way he furrowed his brows, you could tell that answer didn't exactly satisfy him - and so, you added, ā€œIf you come walk with me to my meeting, I can tell you more.ā€
ļ½„ The man lit up in a manner you hadn't seen before, causing your grin to widen; he nodded and stood so he could walk abreast with you, ā€œAwesome, we should do this more often, don't you think?ā€
ļ½„ Blitz coming to bring you Terran objects or items exclusive to Rhodes Island, and asking if you had a second to spare to enlighten him on their purpose became an occurrence you grew used to - and might you say, began to eagerly await -, even if he often appeared to be a hassle on you to onlookers.
ļ½„ ā€œDoctor, check this shotgun out! This can definitely make a good ā€˜kapowā€™!!ā€ ā€œBlitz, where did you get that..?! Thatā€™s a prototype for an improved version of Executorā€™s weapon, we need to go return it to him right nowā€¦!ā€, ā€œDoctor, I think this energy drink here mightā€™ve gone bad, should I toss it, you think?ā€ ā€œOh no, Blitz, that's not an energy drink- thatā€™s one of Thornsā€™ paralyzing elixirs! We need to go to the infirmary, don't drink any more of that and follow me pleaseā€¦!ā€, ā€œIs this some kind of computer- whoa, wow! Itā€™s making a hologram!ā€ ā€œThatā€™s a hologram-projection map device. It can show you any place on Terra, for example, where Rhodes Island first met Team Rainbow was around hereā€¦.ā€
ļ½„ One afternoon, Blitz came to find you as you expected him to - however when you turned to look to him, your eyebrows furrowed upon noticing nothing was being held in his hands.
ļ½„ He greeted you as always and took his place to walk by your side; the man lessened the gap between you until your arms were touching, before speaking up about his curiosity for the day, ā€œSo, Doctor. Here, in your world, do people take each other on dates?ā€
ļ½„ Your heartbeat grew faster as you replied softly, ā€œYes, you can still take anyone on a date. We do those here.ā€
ļ½„ From the corner of your eye, you saw Blitz grin and redness come to his cheeks, ā€œGood, great. Want to go on one with me, then?ā€
ļ½„ Stifling a small chuckle, you brought your warm gaze to meet his own expectant one, then your answer came fast and sure, ā€œYes, Iā€™d really like that, Blitz.ā€
ļ½„ And at that, his grin shined the brightest you had ever witnessed; you couldnā€™t help but beam just the same as you watched him celebrate to himself with a fist pump to the air and a gale of elated laughter.
ļ½„ Perhaps on the surface it seemed that being in a relationship with Blitz meant dealing with his constant playfulness, however that wasn't completely the case.
ļ½„ Truthfully, towards you, Blitz was abundantly intimate.
ļ½„ While such was against many expectations and caused surprise-filled faces from others at Rhodes Island, as for you, you weren't incredulous; it very quickly had become common knowledge to you that the man was never out of surprises, even long before you two had became a couple.
ļ½„ And once you were his partner, you realized truly how much that title - his significant other, his lover - meant to him. While his responsibility as an Operator was important, his responsibility as your boyfriend was most important.
ļ½„ The man was so very affectionate, albeit in his own manner.
ļ½„ More often than your name or ā€˜Doctorā€™, heā€™d address you by a nickname he choose himself with pride and insisted suited you perfectly:
ļ½„ ā€œLiebling! Found you, finally.ā€, ā€œInstead of standing around, liebling, how about we walk together? Just a suggestion.ā€, ā€œTime to get the bad guys? Just give me the order, liebling.ā€
ļ½„ The name would come through his lips in uplifted tone regardless of whether you two were alone in one of your rooms or in a briefing room surrounded by other Operators.
ļ½„ By extension, he constantly reminds you to call him by his real name instead of his codename - no matter the environment.
ļ½„ ā€œIā€™ll take attendance now before we begin the Operation, please listen for your name. Codename Blitz-ā€ ā€œRight here, but why the need for code names with me? I am your boyfriend, after all, and I think ā€˜Eliasā€™ rolls off the tongue really nicely.ā€ ā€œOkay, okay, Elias. Elias is present, then. Now, codename Exusiaiā€¦ā€
ļ½„ He doesn't say so out loud, but heā€™s sure heā€™ll never tire of hearing ā€˜Eliasā€™ from you.
ļ½„ Blitz conveys almost all of his love towards you through physical touch - holding you close and having your form against his own, warm and secure, he likes that the very most.
ļ½„ Each greeting or goodbye from Blitz would be accompanied by a kiss or affectionate rub at the top of your head - in fact, the man refused to allow you to join up with or part from him without it.
ļ½„ Heā€™d feign offence half-heartedly and gasp, ā€œHey! Come on, arenā€™t you forgetting something? ā€ Every time, youā€™d smile and roll your eyes a little, before coming closer so he could give you his little piece of affection.
ļ½„ When you two are alone, the man can't restrain himself from pulling you to sit in his lap; he's almost certain nothing will make his heart more full than the warmth that surrounds his body him as you relax against his chest and he coils his arms around your waist.
ļ½„ Unfortunately, this also means that - even if you had something to attend to - he isn't in any rush to release you from his lap. Being accustomed to combat, he was in no way feeble and his strength wasn't something you could easily win against.
ļ½„ ā€œElias. I have to go, Kalā€™tist needs me to be at a meeting with her soon-ā€ ā€œLiebling, ease up. And stop squirming, maybe.ā€ ā€œEliasā€¦Iā€™m seriousā€¦ā€ ā€œYou know, if you keep moving around, Iā€™ll only end up keeping you here longer.ā€
ļ½„ If he happens to be nearby you, rarely are you without Blitzā€™s arm around your shoulder; those at Rhodes Island have gotten used to having work-related discussions with you while Blitz listens from his spot at your side, and Team Rainbow always make sure to yell ā€˜get a room, you guys!ā€™ whenever they spot their teammate with an arm wrapped around you.
ļ½„ However, his insistence to be right next to you, as a loving dog would be to their owner, was not only because he adored the contact - his protectiveness over you was the primary reason behind the arm he constantly had around you.
ļ½„ Blitz was never laid-back when it came to your safety, and he always reminded you of this anytime he noticed anxiety take hold of you - when you tensed, and uncertainty weighed on your facial features.
ļ½„ ā€œLiebling, hey, look at me.ā€ The man would tilt your chin to his direction, ā€œYouā€™re good, Iā€™m here after all. You should already know, as your boyfriend, I have a responsibility to look after you and I take that very seriously.ā€
ļ½„ Even in situations absent of any hope, he was light - shining you with warmth and security. Youā€™re never be without Blitz; and you so deeply hoped it would always remain that way.
ļ½„ Whenever you were worried, mind uncomfortably full with thoughts of him eventually leaving should he ever be presented with the opportunity to return to his ā€œEarthā€, you confessed so to him.
ļ½„ Confusion would paint the manā€™s face, then he would chuckle and pull you in by the waist, ā€œYouā€™re adorable, but thereā€™s nothing to be nervous about, because I donā€™t need to go back to my world.ā€ Your brow would lift a little as you mumbled, ā€œBut why?ā€
ļ½„ His smile - the one with brightness you could argue rivalled that of his shield - grew on his lips and shined as he spoke his next words, ā€œBecause this one has you,ā€ He leaned down to rest his forehead to your own, ā€œand I don't need anything else.ā€
ļ½„ Following your formal debrief of the ā€˜Watchtower 33ā€™ Incident, you had asked to make arrangements so you could meet Team Rainbow; the Operator acting as the liaison between you and them audibly winced at your proposition.
ļ½„ ā€œWell- itā€™s just, their leader.ā€ Unsure, the Operator teetered on what they were saying, ā€œMs. Ash isā€¦maybe unfriendly is the best way to say it? Harsh is probably more accurate.ā€ They rubbed the back of their neck as they lowered their voice, ā€œThat Drudge gentleman I mentioned to you, she almost beat him to death for justice over that young doctor they met. It wasnā€™t wrong of her, in my opinion, but I just worry since we don't know what she or any of Team Rainbow are capable of just yet.ā€
ļ½„ You lifted a brow; you understood what they were trying to explain, however it wouldnā€™t have been your first experience with Operators who were challenging or who's actions were disagreeable.
ļ½„ Therefore, you shook your head - your thoughts hadnā€™t changed, you wanted to meet Ash and Team Rainbow personally and as soon as possible. Now with their order, the Operator left, albeit with some still-remaining hesitance.
ļ½„ They returned to find you just a few hours later - with four unfamiliar individuals armed in tactical gear following behind them. ā€œDoctor, meet Team Rainbow. This isā€¦ā€ For a moment, the Operator trailed off with hesitancy, before motioning to the woman with red hair, ā€œ...Ms. Ash, their leader.ā€
ļ½„ With an audible huff, Ash stepped in front of the Operator brusquely, ā€œAre you the Doctor? Codename Ash, Operator with Team Rainbow.ā€ The expression on her face was austere, it seemed as if she was bracing herself for an unpleasant response from you.
ļ½„ Instead, however, you answered with a smile, ā€œHello Ash, itā€™s nice to finally meet you and your team. I appreciate your hard work in collaboration with our Operators from Rhodes Island, thank you.ā€ You then outstretched your hand slowly and with hesitance, ā€œSorry, is handshaking also a custom on yourā€¦.ā€™Earthā€™?ā€
ļ½„ Ash didn't answer you for a moment. Gentle surprise came on her countenance - the softening of her eyes, her lips falling agape, and her eyebrows lifting -, however it was gone too fast for you to notice it, ā€œHah, yeah. We do shake hands over where Iā€™m from.ā€ She shook your hand, then held onto you for a few moments longer than would be considered typical for a handshake, ā€œ...Good to meet you. Iā€™m looking forward to spending some more time with you, Doc.ā€
ļ½„ Ash and Team Rainbow tarried at Rhodes Island after that. To recuperate and devise a plan as to where they would go or what they would do next, you figured.
ļ½„ However onlookers observing from outside took notice of an oddity - Ash spent more hours with you than her team.
ļ½„ The woman would tap your shoulder and ask if you had a moment to talk with her regarding a variety of things. Every time, she remained with you for longer than the last; clarifications on orders youā€™d given or inquiries about mission plans developed into questions about Terra that would unfold into hour-long discussions between just you and herself.
ļ½„ The Ash you heard of from other Operators wasn't at all the Ash who spoke with you.
ļ½„ Ashā€™s teammate Tachanka happened to be one of said onlookers; his closer relationship to the woman meant he understood what he was observing from her at a depth none of the Rhodes Island Operators could've.
ļ½„ ā€œ...Cohen has taken a serious liking to you, comrade. You see it, donā€™t you?ā€
ļ½„ Disregarding the abruptness of Tachanka approaching you and suddenly saying what he did, perhaps the statement itself wasn't something that shouldā€™ve caused you to fluster. However, the lift in his tone was nearly teasing, obviously suggesting more than what he said.
ļ½„ ā€œI should tell you, she isn't too fond of creating close bonds. She never has been.ā€ His hand came to pat your shoulder with an amused huff, ā€œYouā€™re special. She really likes you, I can see it on her face when she comes to talk with you.ā€ And then, already taking his leave, Tachanka left you with one last thing, ā€œYou know, I personally think one of you should do something already.ā€
ļ½„ But the next time you saw Ash, you acted on Tachankaā€™s advice.
ļ½„ ā€œAsh?ā€ ā€œHey Doc-ā€ Your hand came to take her own; your sudden, uncoordinated movement caused the position to be a little uncomfortable, but her mouth shut as soon as you touched her and her eyes were wide when they met yours. Finally, you asked her, ā€œ...would you like to go out and get something to eat?ā€
ļ½„ Ash was silent. Then, in one swift move she readjusted the position of both your interlocked hands to tug you gently in the direction leading towards an exit, ā€œ...Well? Letā€™s go.ā€ You blinked; a smile and soft blush painted your face soon after. ā€œYes, letā€™s go, Ash.ā€
ļ½„ You caught a glimpse of a small growing on her lips before she turned around and began leading you down the hall with purpose, ā€œStay with me, now.ā€
ļ½„ Quick after you and her had become a couple, you discovered that the woman was unexpectedly capable of being affectionate.
ļ½„ It was unfathomable almost, how Ash who was reputed as being harsh and unapproachable was thoughtful and tender in regards to you. Operators insisted that Team Rainbow Operator Ash must be a whole different person from the Doctorā€™s girlfriend.
ļ½„ However, truly her heart desires nothing more than for you to be safe and away from harm; this displays through her subtle protectiveness over you.
ļ½„ Before you depart for Operations, Ash never forgets to tell you ā€œbe careful out thereā€ or ā€œdonā€™t do anything stupidā€ as she levels you with a very particular expression on her visage - her facial features would be nearly stone, though behind her eyes would be sincere concern over your safety.
ļ½„ You would receive earfuls from Team Rainbow about how Ash became anxious or refused to take some ease whenever you were away on a mission; ā€œCohen just couldnā€™t sit still while you were gone, Doctor! You never left her mind, I thinkā€, ā€œNext time you plan to leave for a while, could you reconsider? Cohen isnā€™t the same when youā€™re away for so longā€, ā€œIf youā€™re going to be gone for lots of time, bring Cohen with you. Trust me, it will be better that wayā€. They would only cease their teasing chatters the second their leader would come into earshot.
ļ½„ Even in circumstances where you arenā€™t in any direct danger, if Ash begins to feel unsure about your surroundings or the people around you, her hands find you right away - one takes yours or both grab your waist - and sheā€™ll explain quietly, ā€œJust making sure youā€™re okay and that Iā€™m right here in case anything happens.ā€
ļ½„ ā€œDonā€™t worry, Iā€™m just fine Eliza.ā€, you would always assure her; ā€œI know, I know. Iā€™m justā€¦being extra careful.ā€, she would always huff in reply, while pulling you a little closer.
ļ½„ Ash didnā€™t call herself someone who enjoyed physical affection nor physical touch, and yet she did adore one certain and sole thing - when you played with her hair.
ļ½„ Initially, she stared at you as if you had three heads when you expressed a desire to touch her hair.
ļ½„ ā€œYou really want to touch my hair that bad? I donā€™t get it.ā€ ā€œIt just looks so soft and it's such a nice colour of red! How could I not want to?ā€ ā€œ...What, is this a special thing couples do on Terra to show love or something?ā€
ļ½„ Now, however, she absolutely can never tire of your hands in her hair; of you combing your fingers through, twirling the strands around fingertips, and slowly braiding only to undo it then start all over again.
ļ½„ As you occupy yourself with her hair sheā€™s helpless to resist, her eyes flutter shut while warmth fills her chest. You snicker at her reaction - similar to an ice cube melting under heat - everytime, ā€œHaha, this isnā€™t so bad, right?ā€ And though she rolls her eyes in reply, she doesnā€™t deny anything, ā€œShut it, you. Butā€¦this is really niceā€¦ā€
ļ½„ What Ash may lack in eloquence or a warm touch, she makes up for in thoughtfulness and her ability to imbue you with her love through acts of service.
ļ½„ If you happen to be deluged in paperwork, buried in piles of Operator applications or Operation reports, Ash takes notice right away; sheā€™ll remove the papers from your hands despite any stubbornness you manage and place her palm on your cheek as she speaks, ā€œAlright, times up. Thatā€™s enough sitting at this desk for you. Go get some rest, now. Iā€™ll take care of this for you.ā€
ļ½„ The woman regularly gifts you items as well, however perhaps they wouldn't be considered gifts to anyone else.
ļ½„ A coffee in the morning, a new stapler to replace your broken one, a packaged meal if she noticed you hadnā€™t eaten lunch.
ļ½„ And often, when she passes by the window displays of shops sheā€™ll pause and think, ā€˜Would they like this?ā€™, ā€˜Maybe theyā€™d find a use out of thisā€™, ā€˜I should get that for themā€™.
ļ½„ To say Ash thinks of you often is an understatement; truly, there isn't a moment when she doesnā€™t have you in her thoughts.
ļ½„ She adores the effusive grin and sparkle in your eyes whenever she brings you a small gift, though she wouldn't admit so outloud.
ļ½„ When youā€™re with her, Ash is able to encapsulate warmth she didn't know she had even the slightest capacity for. She never restrains herself once there is no one watching; her love for you floods her and spills out on the floor.
ļ½„ Her hands would slowly slide upward from your waist, settling to cup your face, ā€œBefore I came to this world and met you, I never really expected myself to accept that Iā€™d feel this way about anyone.ā€ For a small while she quietly studied your facial features, then her fingertip traced the outline of your lips. You would have to speak first, ā€œAnd now, Eliza?ā€
ļ½„ ā€œHah, and now?ā€ In reply the woman pressed a kiss to the corner of your lips and smiled softly, pulling away to whisper in a warm voice meant only for you, ā€œI want us to always be together.ā€
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idv-marythefairy Ā· 3 years
Hello! Can I loved the relationship headcanons you did for Eli x reader! Can I request that too but with Luca? Thank you :D! On a side note, you might want to turn on Anon since some people might not want to reveal their blog when requesting. Anyway, I canā€™t wait to see more of your work (^u^)/
thank you for the support!!! i felt pretty bored and decided to start doing something i've been doing for years: write fanfics and headcanons ^^. sure thing! i just did it and i hope i did it correctly lol!
Luca Balsa x reader (relationship headcanons)
ā€¢ luca -according to my friend- gives off ā€œbad boyā€ vibes, i say otherwise!
ā€¢ i believe that luca is a jokester, a tease, a bit of a baka-dere, if you get what i mean
ā€¢ basically, heā€™s a bit of an idiot but in a good way, i canā€™t really explain it that well, letā€™s hope i got what i wanted to say through
ā€¢ you two didnā€™t even interact at first
ā€¢ you acknowledged each otherā€™s existence but didnā€™t really bother
ā€¢ plus, luca was a bit absorbed in his own thoughts and inventions to think about starting new friendships even though heā€™s extroverted and laid back
ā€¢ it was you who made the first move during a match
ā€¢ you were SO IMPRESSED by his knowledge and he was more than happy to share his newest invention with you because BABE YOU GOT HIM SUPER PUMPED UP āœØ!!!
ā€¢ thatā€™s where you, guys, started hanging out with each other
ā€¢ this way, you grew close, VERY close
ā€¢ luca woke up, one day, and felt... different?
ā€¢ he didnā€™t know what it was but he was sure he might be excited to continue his invention but all of this changed the moment you sat next to him on the table
ā€¢ he felt oddly nervous but, why? youā€™ve been hanging out for so long, why feel nervous now out of all times?! heā€™s super laid back and rarely ever -or never- gets anxious talking or hanging out with other? why is it different with you?
ā€¢ people on posts say that heā€™s pretty shy, doesnā€™t make a move on you but i say that heā€™ll started flirting HARD with you
ā€¢ he throws those corny and basic pick-up lines to get you to laugh
ā€¢ he started being all over you, his attention was focused more on you than his inventions which seemed peculiar to his friends and more so to him
ā€¢ he couldnā€™t possibly be in love, now, could he?
ā€¢ ...
ā€¢ could he?
ā€¢ i think he got to the point where he would ask his friends about his feelings and thatā€™s when he realized that he was LEGITIMATELY. IN LOVE. WITH YOU!
ā€¢ i guess, this is the part he doesnā€™t want to tell you but wants to make it obvious enough for you to make the first move but seeing how supportive his friends are, he decided he was going to tell you himself
ā€¢ you got this man sweatinā€™ and of his heart keeps beating like that, iā€™m certain itā€™s going to burst out of his chest āœØāœØ
ā€¢ ā€œiā€™m stuttering! why?! iā€™ve never done this before! i donā€™t stutter!ā€
ā€¢ poor boy, someone help him šŸ˜©
ā€¢ your guysā€™ date was so sweet!!!
ā€¢ he told you to meet him at the entrance of the garden
ā€¢ when you got there, you saw him all dressed up, holding a bouquet of roses
ā€¢ heā€™s the type of guy that would get to the agreed spot 20 minutes earlier because heā€™s too nervous and doesnā€™t know what to do
ā€¢ you guys stargazed for hours on end, he told you the basics he knew about some constellations and/or space
ā€¢ dates arenā€™t fancy and romantic, heā€™s never done this before so forgive him, please šŸ„ŗ
ā€¢ heā€™s rant about his inventions too
ā€¢ if thereā€™s anyone in the manor that knows if heā€™s getting started on a new invention, itā€™s you
ā€¢if he gets too stressed over something (match, invention), heā€™s come straight to you for cuddles and headpats
ā€¢ he LOVES holding your hand
ā€¢ sometimes, if heā€™s feeling brave enough, heā€™ll kiss you in front of everyone
ā€¢ if youā€™re not into this, please, let him know, he strives to be a good and loving boyfriend, not someone who wants to makes you feel uncomfortable
ā€¢ catch him off guard with a hug from behind or an unexpected kiss on the cheek/lips/forehead, do it and see the look on his face lol
ā€¢ mah boy can be such a bragger sometimes šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
ā€¢ donā€™t get him wrong, he does this in order to impress you
ā€¢ he wants you to feel safe around him, knowing that you have a MAN whoā€™s got your back, not a BOY
ā€¢ he LOVES LOVES LOVES teasingly pinching you cheeks, it makes him so happy istg šŸ–šŸ»šŸ˜­
ā€¢ he zaps not only the hunter who dares come even an inch close to you but a survivor who is bold enough to flirt with you (most likely kevin, i think kevin would do that, yes)
ā€¢ ā€œget away from my s/o, you dumb b!tā‚¬h!ā€
ā€¢ luca and you act like besties, you hang out A LOT and basically do everything together
ā€¢ forehead kisses are his personal faves
ā€¢ he likes treating you like a queen too and, thus, he takes your hand, bows and kisses its knuckles
ā€¢ fiekjxirjw
ā€¢ heā€™s a very sweet and caring guy
ā€¢ i donā€™t think that heā€™d be closed off namely locking himself in his room and working on his inventions
ā€¢ i believe that heā€™d do that BUT heā€™d make sure to spend much more time with you than with his so-called ā€œmajestic creationsā€ šŸ™„
ā€¢ heā€™s a good person and a good boyfriend, overall
ā€¢ heā€™ll protect you with his life and would go to hell and back for you, legit
ā€¢ heā€™s zap the life out of whoever hurt you and wouldnā€™t bother going back to prison, if that means that you wonā€™t be bothered by any idiot from that point on
ā€¢ 9/10 would recommend bestiešŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ˜ŒāœØ
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floralseokjin Ā· 2 years
ā¤‘ 9 months to fall in love 11 replies.
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@starbtslove replied:Ā He still came for you. To talk to OC. Ā Babe donā€™t be mad at Jinnie šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ poor guy šŸ«£šŸ’œ
How can she be mad at such a sweet man šŸ„ŗ
@areumhope replied:Ā chapter 11 is hereee!!!! *pterodactyl noises of joy*
I hope you enjoyed!Ā 
@sanzig-ot9 replied:Ā Love love love! Now we know Jin behaved on his 'date' and he is head over heels with oc, but that is still a cheeky cliffhanger! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Yes, thereā€™s no doubt! Thank you for reading!Ā 
@nanied93 replied:Ā Yoona never fails to make me laugh! He didnā€™t wanna wipe her lipstick of his mouth . ā€œFlex.ā€ šŸ˜‚ Seokjin teasing Ā and accepting her bodily functions is so nice to read. What better way to say ā€œI am comfortable with youā€? I need to know what happened on that date!!!
The flex line had me laughing so hard to myself šŸ˜‚ Yuna is the funniest! and I agree, seeing how comfortable both Oc and Jin are together makes my heart burst! All shall be explained today! Thanks for reading!
@vicki1031 replied:Ā Giirrll a part of me wishes Jin was the petty type and did something at the date (like kissed the cheek or something) for the ocā€™s stupid decision of making him go (he couldā€™ve said no bc heā€™s a grown man and can make his own decisions but the oc was adamant of him going šŸ„“ so he listened) Ā and that cliffhanger of her getting a little snappy(?)ā€¦girl how r u gonna be like that when youā€™re the reason šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ lmao
She knows sheā€™s the reason but she canā€™t stop šŸ˜‚ if anything that makes her angrier because sheā€™s annoyed at herself LOL ahh emotions, they really donā€™t make sense at times!Ā 
@rvluviewendy replied:Ā I'm always here for the pettiness
When you canā€™t control the petty šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚
@pinkseokchim replied:Ā I felt that last sentence. :(
Seokjinā€™s gonna be likeĀ ā€œ....oh noā€ šŸ˜‚
@seokjinsyoonji replied:Ā Oh god Jordan you are so cruel for ending the chapter on that sentence!! Now how tf will I manage to study physics and not think about what's gonna happen next? And I feel like smacking oc's head, sending 'her man' on a date is ridiculous but ik seokjin, the gentlest of all gentlemen, must've behaved. Now, we need to know what happened of the damn date and I hope things go well between oc and seokjin bc oops she really snapped for no reason.
I hope you studied physics!!!!!Ā ā€œseokjin the gentlest of all gentlemenā€ šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ so true! Iā€™m sure things will go well with the, donā€™t worry šŸ¤§
@sweett-nightt replied: Jordaaaaaaaaaan agshskslgwg poor Jin heā€™s probably feeling so bad šŸ˜©, why you end it like thatttttt šŸ˜¢
Poor guy, he probably thought nothing of it and now heā€™s like shitttt šŸ˜‚
@seanachais replied:Ā OC being downright petty, but damned if we've not all been there. JIN, YOU A GROWN-ASS MAN, JUST SAY NO TO MAMA KIM. āœØļøBoundariesāœØļø
We definitely have, thatā€™s why I canā€™t be annoyed at her lol. Thank you for reading!Ā 
@stealth-liberalĀ replied:Ā On the one hand, I get Seokjin not being able to say no to his mother. Korean and Korean diaspora cultures are NOT big on that, no matter how old you are. On the other hand he absolutely should have told Y/N no. He could have just said "Y/N, I really don't want to do this, it makes me uncomfortable, please don't ask me to."Ā As for Y/N, I'm glad she's beginning to realize just how self sabatoging she is. Again, in addition to Seokjin, I ship her with a good therapist. She makes a lot of her own problems. Ugh! It is a testament to your writing that 2 people who don't actually exist can make me this frustrated with them! They may as well be real with the yelling I do at them! You should be complimented on that, because it means that you give them a weight that translates to realness.Ā However, I really do hope Y/N gets the help she needs. I want to see this woman happy goddammit! Can't wait for the next installment.šŸŒ¹
She definitely makes a lot of her own problems, but at least sheā€™s realising it. Itā€™s all about those life lessons, and she has had a LOT of them in these past four months hahaha. (and will continue to have them). Thank you for reading and sending in your thoughts from time to time, I enjoy hearing them!Ā 
@bri-mal replied:Ā Oooh that last line! That cliffhanger! Just another hump that YN's gotta work through. I feel like this will propel then to either define the relationship or come clean to their families.
I feel like it will too šŸ‘€ thank you for reading!
@jkkkkkay replied:Ā OMG that last line!!!! Yunaā€™s so right with the 1 step forward 2 steps back analogy (love her btw & her absence of filter). I am so excited to how Seokjin will react!!!
She was exactly right! even if she speaks without thinking the majority of the time lmao!Ā 
@oneposhgirl replied:Ā Baby mama has got a spicy zinger for Seokjinnie. Do you think he deserves it?
Probably not no, but being petty is satisfying LMAO
@cravingforhotchocolateā€‹ replied:Ā Whoā€™s in the wrong here? I certainly canā€™t decide šŸ˜‚ Contender #1 : Seokjin who didnā€™t text OC goodnight (and put her in misery for the rest of the night) OR Contender #2 : OC who didnā€™t text Jin goodmorning back (and put him in misery for the whole morning) šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”Ā Seokjinā€™s reasoning might be that he didnā€™t want to bother OC incase sheā€™s sleeping already. But his dinner started at 8.30pm. How long can it take for someone to eat his food?! But then again OC is the cause of this date šŸ˜‚ Omg theyā€™re idiots.. but what does that make me? Mulling over 2 fictional characters says a lot šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
I can imagine that Seokjin wolfed down his food as fast as he could trying to leave as early as possible but then his date wanted dessert šŸ¤£ and nooo, it doesnā€™t make you anything! Iā€™m so touched that youā€™re thinking about my characters and story šŸ’•
@younghee-17 replied:Ā I read this almost 24 hrs ago but I can still feel the pain from ā€œYou always message me goodnight too.ā€ HELP šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Poor Oc šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
@majamarantha replied:Ā I am a 101% Seokjin bias but damnnnnn. Why no goodnight? šŸ„²
I wonder what his answer will be šŸ¤”
@lookhere-2seok replied:Ā IM SCREAMING!! this chapter wheww šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø that makeout scene in the alley?? it was so mf hot, i swear this ā€œtaking it slowā€ plan isnā€™t working out for these two šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and omg that cliffhanger! iā€™m sure seokjin has a good reason as to why he didnā€™t text her goodnight, but iā€™m all for the drama!! iā€™m obsessed with this fic, canā€™t wait to know what happens next šŸ¤© ty for writing šŸ’œ
They have both shown impressive restraint but it can only work so far..... especially when theyā€™re kissing like THAT out in public lmao! Thank you so much for reading and always sending your thoughts! I love hearing them!Ā 
@arisud replied:Ā This was a roller-coaster, gir hahahah I have a lot of feelings, what happens to her? I mean!!! It is so clear! Thank God Yuna is there! Christ! And i need to say: I love that hot kiss!!! šŸ”„ it was a great chapter. Thank you!!!!
Thank you so much, Iā€™m happy you enjoyed!!
@notfunnybutfunny replied:Ā I can't help laughing
Theyā€™re both idiots lolĀ 
@leanimal90 replied:Ā I am also mad at Jin first for going on the date second for no good night text and third for ignoring OC sexual needs !
awww no, bless him, heā€™s only trying to do the right thing šŸ„ŗ
Theyā€™re back!!!!
@mxxyxxg replied:Ā damn. the last line lmfao
Petty Mode: ActivatedĀ 
@purest-expressionofgrief reblogged and said:Ā seokjin is an angel. i trust him with all my heart. but also! i know that just like oc i too am dumb enough to make the same decision of sending my baby daddy on a date THEN still proceed to feel upset and jealous about it later ā€“ so i feel her <3+ comfortable domestic moments like the fart convo crack me up so much but i love them AKSHAJ they seem so realistic to me like i'm pretty sure i've heard my parents joke abt sounding like a motorcycle taking off, or something similar, too šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
Iā€™d probably do the same tbh, so I canā€™t be mad at her lol and šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I probably heard something similar from my parents too! Thatā€™s how that line made it in here šŸ˜‚
@codeinebelle reblogged and said:Ā NOOOOOOOO šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they are so stupid and so in love šŸ˜­ I might have cried a little, and that ending??? Iā€™m devastated (and hoping for seokjin and Yn to sort themselves out)Ā 
Iā€™m sure they will sort it all out with some healthy communication!Ā 
@minttangerines reblogged and said:Ā See! I blame Yuna! OC was feeling good until Yuna started running her mouth! And then her attitude shifted! I canā€™t wait until her showdown with Jungkook. Yuna is that friend who knows the taste of your hand because of how often you have to cover her mouth.OC just needs to figure out her feelings. Its not fair to Jin. Heā€™s trying to remain loyal and keep everyone happy but its putting him in really uncomfortable positions.Ā 
In Yunaā€™s defence, Oc was having doubts the day before, she just hadnā€™t let on. If Yuna knew how much she was regretting it, she wouldnā€™t have said the stepmom thing, but then again... itā€™s Yuna so idk šŸ˜‚Ā ā€˜Yuna is that friend who knows the taste of your hand because of how often you have to cover her mouthā€ is SO spot on, I canā€™t stop laughing! and I agree, this chapter wasnā€™t very fair on Jin and Oc will realise that too.Ā 
@purpuravm reblogged and said:Ā I just want them to be together, is obvious that they love each other ! Ā I hope that y/n could be clear with him and tell wich ones are here real feelings. Those two are the perfect couple. Btw, Yuna is rigth with everything that she said about the date. She's my favorite character šŸ’œ
I donā€™t think theyā€™re in love yet, but itā€™s definitely getting there! With better communication, they have the potential to be a great couple, they suit one another really well and their chemistry is šŸ¤§ Yuna is great, Iā€™m glad youā€™re enjoying her!Ā 
@rj-moon reblogged and said:Ā Oh my god my heart dropped. Iā€™m feeling every emotion. Iā€™ll be back to write a thorough response. Let me just wallow for awhile.Ā  +
Okay Iā€™ve had time to wallow. Though I wonā€™t think that helps what I feel. Ā 
So I know yn must be going through it. How can she really ask him not to go on the date when theyā€™ve decided to take it slow and by ear. Iā€™d feel ā€œam I being too possessive?ā€ Or ā€œdo I even have the right to ask?ā€ But at the same I can imagine Seokjins inner dialogue of how he received hearing yn tell him he should go on the date. He could just be like ā€œjust tell me you donā€™t want me to, I wonā€™t.ā€ Or he could just even want to hear it from yn that she just doesnā€™t want him to. Hearing her kinda of go ā€œyeah go for itā€ (even though I know thatā€™s not how she said it) he could feel.. in his feels about it. Ā Theyā€™re so scared of ruining what could potentially be, but at the same timeā€¦ I feel like this could also hurt their relationship as well. The kicker is, is that this situation is so realistic, and I mean how theyā€™re approaching it, their hesitance. The fact that theyā€™re scared they feel more than the other, or they think the other is only staying with them because of glob. Ā 
Jin doesnā€™t want to freak yn out by wanting too much think she doesnā€™t want the same. And yn is insecure that the only reason why jin is even here and staying at all is because of glob. It hurts, so much? But in a good way. Well. In that good way someone reading would appreciate a book is even making them feel something so real and visceral.
Ahh, Iā€™m so happy youā€™re feeling their hesitancy with the whole situation! Itā€™s a tough one because we as readers know that they both really like one another but are afraid for the same reasons. We want them to talk it out, but at the same time, can understand why theyā€™re not. But donā€™t worry, because all of this is happening for a reason! Itā€™s pushing them to be honest with one another despite how difficult it is!Ā 
Iā€™m hurt but in the best of ways. The cliffhanger was powerful, the nail in the coffin if you will. I could feel the hurt that yn felt with that one phrase. I can feel her insecurities literally manifest in one night. I canā€™t wait to find out how the blind date went with Seokjin and Suzie?? Was it?? Iā€™m sick to my stomach thinking about it, but Iā€™m too curious.. the worst part is, is that suzie is probably a really great person. Yn probably canā€™t help but feel like sheā€™s in the way of his great romance. But what she doesnā€™t realize, and what jin wants her to realize, is that they could have their own great romance too. šŸ„ŗ
K I hurt my own feelings too much for one night.
Aw, youā€™ve hurt my feelings too :((( now I feel emo for my fave couple šŸ˜­ but youā€™re right, they can and ARE having their own great romance šŸ„ŗ Thank you so much for reading! I hope chapter 12 eases your pain!!!
@munirecs reblogged and said:Ā ā€œyou always message me goodnight tooā€ayooooā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. no words.
She really went there LMAO
@moonsrecs reblogged and said:Ā Ahhhhh this update!! My inner Yuna really came out and I was mentally scolding OC for that *thing* she did šŸ˜© like maā€™am, seriously! šŸ˜­ Seokjin was being super attractive in this one, I just hope the both of them stop being silly and talk about what they are. Aside from that though, the angst was really good and despite the frustrations I am here for any and every angsty moment I get šŸ¤§. Such a good chapter, and that endingā€¦ oof. Canā€™t wait to see what Seokjin says.Ā 
I love it when our inner Yunaā€™s come out!!! I do love me some angst, I have to keep things exciting! and of course it helps them confront their feelings šŸ„° Thank you for reading!Ā 
@louisianaspell reblogged and said:Ā ā€œItā€™s basically one step forward, two steps backwards with you two!ā€Yuna is out here speaking the gospel truth about these two dummies in loveĀ 
Yuna the voice of (annoying) reason šŸ˜‡
@ot7borahae reblogged and said:Ā I have a million and one things I should actually be thinking about but I just know this will be the only thing on my mind until the next update šŸ˜­
hahaha thank you! I hope you enjoy chapter 12 šŸ’–
@moonchild1 reblogged and said:Ā WHAT A CLIFFHANGER!!!!! oc is one confusing women and cue the slow burn, maybe talking to yuna and looking at the girls insta was a bad idea... poor seokjin i feel for him he obviously likes oc and just went on the date to get his mom Ā off his back and clearly he didn't want to go on the date but you have to admit not texting wasn't a good thing she was already acting weird after he told her about going on the date so he should have texted but ooh i can't help but love the drama i can't wait to see his response to that...
Poor Oc is confused at herself donā€™t worry šŸ˜‚ Seokjin made an error in judgement, bet heā€™s regretting it now lol! Thank you for reading!!!
@kookierecs reblogged and said:Ā Omg that ending!!!!! Why didnā€™t he text her tho? I would have reacted the same way.Ā 
I would have too šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø so at least we made Oc feel better lolĀ 
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