#thank u again anon that’s so so sweet of u!!!
bright-and-burning · 9 months
end of year asks 18 and 22!!
also happy new year! I'm new to tumblr and you've been one of my favourite blogs to follow this year
omg anon that is so incredibly kind of you (especially since i only made an f1 blog in october)!!! i’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my silly thoughts
18. A memorable meal this year?
hmmmmm. ok homemade wise i hosted a like easter/spring brunch for people who didn’t go home from college that weekend and we made so much food. i made like 9 loaves of rosemary bread. i love cooking w friends so it was really fun to share my kitchen w like four of my friends as we cooked for like . 20 of our other friends. pictured: half of the food we made and our dying plants lol
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22. Favorite place you visited this year?
i didn’t really go many places this year between finishing undergrad and being unemployed. panama city beach was fun (i went w 37 people from my college team on spring break. 20hr drive down, 20hr drive back. and my car went to nyc beforehand for a track meet too lol). here’s me on the beach!!
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oh wait i also went to canada w my friends after graduation i totally forgot abt that. i still think PCB wins for sheer degeneracy (walked two miles to and from waffle house at 4am for example) and good vibes, since the canada trip we had to stay inside half the week for wildfire reasons
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grumpyghostdoodles · 2 months
thank you for your comics and your cool comics!! yyaayayaya and the hot starlo
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hodinodi · 5 months
I'm sorry if this sounds rude in any way but all the persona 1/2 art you have drawn recently I want to let you know it's giving me alot of comfort! :-''') ur art feels lively n healing and I'm especially joyous that you are into oldsona <3
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anon what..!!!! this is not rude at all ouuuhhaghhHH 😭😭❤️❤️!!??!???!!! this genuinely, super duper made my day and im so glad my oldsona art is comforting for u it means so SO much ;;
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mitcheechee · 2 months
Hey, new follower here! (I'm actually in the wrong account so please don't mind me being anonymous!) I really love your art and I mainly wanted to say that your art and style is amazing and beautiful! Secondarily, do you have any tutorials or tips on drawing bodies, hands and I noticed you do blood? I understand if you'd rather not answer that; if so just only the first half! Love your art! Thanks for existing (if that makes sense)❤️
wah... first i just wanna say tysm!!! youre so sweet 😭
i unfortunately dont have any tutorials or anything made already and i dont really want to make any as of right now because i feel like i have a long way to go in terms of learning how to properly draw a lot of things. since i don't know what im doing id feel really lousy putting out a tutorial when i dont even have a lot of the basics down yet...
im gonna blab under the cut about tips (not really tips on drawing bodies themselves as a guideline, but what has helped me practice and thus allowed me to get better at drawing bodies in my own art), so u dont have to read all that if it doesnt interest u! but regardless thank u again for being so sweet!!! sorry i couldnt give u what u wanted.. maybe one day... 😭
again this is just how i practice, but its GENUINELY helped me get so much better.
all i can say as far as tips is to definitely practice with references as much as u can, it really will help u improve. i know people often dont like that advice too much but its really true... every time i use references to practice for a bit i can tell it helps me, and looking back at older art i know its true. i dont often use guidelines (i really need to...), or at least not in the sense that i do in most of the guides i see so i feel like i cant give much else in terms of advice tho, other than that.
anyway, its one thing to just use a reference, but really trying to get it down and learn it (learn the body, anatomy, how to draw it all) so u carry that knowledge on is sorta different, for me
what has helped me to really learn is this method of practice where i
draw a reference photo based off what i see
trace the photo
overlay both my trace and the first drawing i made
go back and choose key points on the photo/trace where i was very off and mark them as a little dot/line and then try to fix the original sketch with those dots/lines to match the photo (look below to understand what i mean LOL sorry)
try and draw it again from scratch based on what i see visually
and for number 4, what i mean is this:
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lets say the 2nd is my visual (rough) drawing based off of the original
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overlaying my original sketch on the reference i can see where a lot of points are off!
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ill make note of a few of the areas that were very off and mark them, then get rid of the reference underneath. ill still look at it as a guide on the side, but overall try to just change the original sketch to match it instead of directly tracing!
i feel like this may not have been exactly what u mean as far as tips for drawing bodies, but ive found that in order to grasp them better in a way that helps u draw them on ur own, doing studies like this really helps! for me, at least, it allows me to better store things in my memory--because looking at the image and practicing doesnt feel like it really CEMENTS any knowledge, but seeing where i went wrong and then working backwards to try and alter it shows me where im lacking in skill, and helps me use that information later!
doing this allows me to understand how bodies take up space. it has helped me to see the body as more of a tangible thing while i draw freehand, and do it more accurately as well, instead of it feeling like its. a limp noodle i cant grasp LOL
i will say, tho, that for hands especially i almost always use my hands as a reference for what i want. like i dont even have a guide for that in terms of what i do to draw them out or guidelines i follow, i just straight up draw them based off what i see or imagine, i dont really do those step by step guidelines...
im sorry again i couldnt rly give u what u wanted, i just dont think im at that level where i can truly give any advice since im not good enough (yet ! we hope) for a genuine tutorial. if u mean something as far as like... body shapes and stuff im still not rly there yet either. i hope this helps even a tiny bit tho, if u read this far!!!
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hoshiina · 2 months
I just read an ask with a person telling you off pratically for mentioning height something like that in your story... And that was very disrespectful I feel...
What I mean is that person has a wild sense of entitlement to say that to a writer who's putting work out here for free for everyone's enjoyment. Furthermore, I'm unsure what their goal was but your work is absolutely YOURS I don't see why you need to adhere to everyone's personal preference. I personally, enjoy reading even if the character used doesn't necessarily fit my own features, and if something is weird to the point I can't read it, I simply go on with my day. It is not that hard to do.
Moreover, it wasn't an actual trigger worthy thing to mention, so it was acceptable that you didn't mention it, and even if it was something triggering that you maybe forgot to mention, anon could've spoken a bit better than that so you could responded in a dignified manner where you recognize it was an issue you should fix.
In any case, please accept my own apologies for having to deal with such a person. Perhaps they were having a rough day and height was the one thing that set them off. Who knows, but even if heats of moments it's a true testament to yourself how you react, and if choosing to communicate to another person they should have tried to be respectful at the very least.
Your works are very enjoyable, I read them and find myself fully engrossed, I love the way your imagination works to bring forth these stories to us. Please continue your enchanting writing. <3
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUCH A THOUGHTFUL ASK OMG this is so insanely sweet but by no means should you have to apologize for something silly someone else decided to ask. TYSM FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO THOUGH it is so incredible kind of you.
I think my biggest issue was the fact that i had put it in the notes like twice (now re-labeled as warnings) before the fic itself so i truly think they could have just read the notes to confirm that they wouldn't mind the fic before they started reading but perhaps they had a bad day who knows... and you're so right i feel like a kind tone always goes a long way
TYSM FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO SEND THIS IN THOUGH it means the world to me truly i hope u have a lovely day and thank u sm for reading my works!! truly means a lot to me
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illyrianbitch · 2 months
okay I know some people just want to write as a hobby and that's chill but I just want you to know I would use all my money to publish your books you are so so so talented
ive been staring at this ask since this morning bc this is such a huge compliment to me 😭 i cant believe that people actually enjoy reading my silly little works. my dream was to be an author but i gave up and decided to pursue law bc i didnt think i was talented enough to make it/people would never wanna read-- so hearing (well reading) this is crazy🥹🫶🏻 thank you so much my love
@writingcroissant has been a lil devil on my shoulder slowly hypnotizing me into thinkin i could publish something (specifically rewrite n turn malice into a romeo/juliet type book)
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tianshiisdead · 7 months
While scrolling through your blog I saw a post that said that you don’t like white/Japan ships. I’m curious what are your favorite Japan ships? Personally I think that Turkey/Japan is very underrated as well as most EA/Japan ships. You’re one of my fave EA centric blogs so I’d love to hear your thoughts!
WAHHH ANON THANK U THAT IS SO SWEET ;;;;;;;;;;; I’m giggling and kicking my legs wawah i’m so glad you enjoy my stuff!!
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As for Japan ships!! I agree hehe I love turkpan :3 I like when turkpan is like… japan -> <- <- <- turkey, but japan is surprisingly more active about it when they get down to it and turkey is surprisingly quite flustered, I think that’s cute. Honestly I have generally positive feelings towards most Japan ships as long as there’s some history/current relations/interesting parallels to go off of (personal preference, I like leaning into the countries aspect of it) barring the white ships for reasons I listed before (for people who haven’t seen that, it’s fine if you like white/japan etc etc I’m not judging I’m just personally not a fan).
My favourite is fairly obviously nichu, which is my favourite ship in general which I could talk about for ages and in fact have a half-finished essay about, and nichukor/korpan is closely behind that. Since the three of them go way way back and still have a sort of closeness that only countries from a single region can have, in terms of trade and pop culture and movement so on and so forth, outside of fascinating history I also can’t help but think it’s endlessly cute. It’s difficult to take one country without traces of the other, not just from ancient history (so Chinese influence on korpan, Korean influence on Japan, etc etc) but also from the early modern era (Chinese modernity takes a significant amount from Japan due to Chinese intellectuals and many political leaders studying in Japan, leading to things such as many modern terms being loanwords from Japan) and the modern era (The influence Japan’s fashion, pop culture and so on and so forth on China and Korea, the movement of popular trends between the 3 countries, the continued development of loanwords, etc). Of course this is quite normal for countries within one region to have this sort of closeness as well as this sort of mutual dislike, but it’s still very cute to me. Self is defined by the other after all, and for much of history that ‘other’ was each nation’s immediate neighbours, but now in our globalized world a single region has also become a sort of in-group… I think the three of them play off each other well. I like korchu a lot as well :3
I like Mongolia/Japan as well, they share a surprising amount of culture? The biggest example I can think of right now is actually wrestling (lol) there’ve been some really prominent/successful Mongolian Sumo wrestlers in the past! They also share a sort of martial culture for much of history that seem to value similar things, if they set aside their differences they’d have a lot in common I think. Falconry, archery, these are all things common in all of East Asia but seem to have a particular prominence in Mongolia and Japan. And then also Manchuria/Japan, which is as expected quite difficult to talk about and I generally stay away from the topic publicly for obvious reasons, but I’m quite fond of it… I think the modern day situation where Japan has basically forgotten about Manchuria completely is painful-cute and also kind of funny in a dark sort of way. But again… hard to talk about LOL
With regards to Manchuria/Japan, since I have a deep knowledge of this region and am personally from this region, it’s quite a bit easier for me to handle shipping it, but as such I don’t feel as comfortable talking about Japan/Taiwan because of a lack of knowledge/experience means it’s more difficult to treat it sensitively I think 🤔 Although I don’t dislike the ship. I should note I see it as somewhat different from nichukor, who all have way longer histories with each other that balance out the power dynamics in history, so it feels more sensitive and difficult to address.
Thailand/Japan has a lot of potential also I feel, there are some really fun and interesting parallels between Thailand and Japan, as well as the most insanely romancecore letter in the world between the Tokugawa Shogun and King Songtham of Ayutthaya, with King Songtham writing: ‘The existence of a sea separating Thailand and Japan has made contact between our two nations difficult. However, merchant ships of both nations now ply regularly between our two countries, causing relations to become even closer. It is now apparent that you (the Shogun) have sincere affection for us, an affection even stronger than that of our immediate kin.’ And the Shogun 's letter in return wrote: ‘The cordial relations between our two countries cannot be destroyed. Since we both have mutual trust, the existence of a sea between us is not of any significance.’ CUTE… (<- hetaliabrained voice) Well, trade relations wouldn’t last forever but still.
Rapidfire other Japan ships I’ve seen and enjoyed, Brazil/Japan, Pakistan/Japan (kind of a crack ship), Egypt/Japan (<- modern history and orientalism parallels!!!!!!!!!!)
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roitaminnah · 2 years
the fuvsjcdking VEST on noelle
noelle lei fashion icon <3
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
Congrats on your internship and presentation, what an accomplishment🤓
I was so happy to see an update from you; I’ve missed your wirings and thoughts about the girls! Kennedy and Bucky, and Annie and Brady, continue to occupy my thoughts lol.
I’ve been super busy as well and think I’ve fallen behind on reading your most recent updates. Time to go back and then drop another ask. I love love love your stuff!!
AHHHHHH SUNSHINE ANON HELLOOOOOO!!!!!! it’s so nice to see you in my askbox again omg!!!! 🥹🥹✨🫶 i hope you’re doing well!!!!!
absolutely a massive thank you for that! it means so much! 🥹 it was a lot of hard work and stress at times but so worth it so i greatly appreciate it!!!!! <33333
AWWWWW IM SO GLAD! i missed getting to be on here and posting about the SB girlies and writing in general. so i’m glad to be back for a bit before the semester cranks up again!!!! TRULY!!!! i’ve missed all the SB girls and their duos and chatting about them all! THEYRE JUST SO SPECIAL TO ME 😭😭😭😭😭 (and im glad they’ve seemed to be meaningful to you too!!!)
omg don’t you worry at all!!!! read if you can and when you can, don’t worry!!!! i totally get being busy - i work a lot and with the internship finishing - it’s all i was doing, so it’s okay!!!!! they’ll be here for whenever you want!!! <3333 i always love to see your reactions to them too hehe! thank you for the love and support! :)
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causenessus · 2 months
first time sending a non anon message but hi!!
i just wanna say im so glad i found your blog, your writing is just spectacular you are so flippin talented ^^
and for the ask games : 🥤🍓
i hope you have a lovely day !
AW thank you so much love!!! hello hello <3 thank u for sending something in i'm so greatful for your compliment!! i hope you have an even more lovely day <333
ask game :)
🥤 -> recommend an author or fanfic you love
i DID tag six people when i answered this previously 😭😭 and i feel bad i've already double tagged some people so i'm just going to link where i answered this emoji previously!! i hope that's okay <3
🍓 -> how did you get into writing fanfiction?
crazy story!! the short and simple of it is my sister kind of introduced me to the art since she had been writing fanfiction as well. so i read a lot on like...wattpad and quotev when i was younger LMAO i think the first fandom i wrote fanfic for was fairy tail... 💀 and then i kept writing for many different fandoms and here i am! writing has been a big outlet and comforting distraction for me <3 but even more so now, it's honestly become less of an outlet and more of something that's just super fun for me!!
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honeydots · 5 months
thank you so much for sharing your fanfiction online. your leokumi fic To Prune a Grapevine was a constant nice thing to look forward to every week during a really bad period in my life. even though it has been almost two years since it finished, I think that has genuinely been the best fanfiction I've ever read (out of thousands). I always look forward to seeing what else you have in store <3
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WAH ohhhhh anon you're too kind!!!! ;A; thank you so much for reading, im so so so glad it was something to look forward to <33333 and im so flattered, thank you for your kind words ;w; im really really happy you enjoyed it so much!!!
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mandiemegatron · 10 months
Hiiiii, I'm so sorry to bother you with this, but I have been reading your last kid fic, and I was just wondering if you were planning on maybe a part 2? Maybe kid earing shit and seeing reader and law (no matter what the dynamics between them)? I'm just a petty bitch and I love that drama so thank you so much for that fic 😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕
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IM GUNNA SOB, you are just so sweet! Thank you for this ask 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I'm going to be honest with you, and with everyone else who keeps asking for a part two -
There is no part two planned - YET!
Losing The War took me almost a month to write. It was... draining, to say the least. I would love to write a second part to this, but I don't want to make a promise that I'm not sure I can keep. 😞😞😞😞
So for now I will say, it's schrödinger's cat. I hope that answers things, for now at least!!!
Thank you again, you are so sweet for this ask, I hope you have a wonderful night pumpkin!!! 🤭🤭🤭💖💖💖💖💖💖
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mossmotif · 9 months
hiiiiii! I hope ur having a wonderful start to ur new year! 🩷 I was actually wondering abt one of your tags that you made ages ago about king!suguru x butcher!reader and its all I can think about in my brain omg i was wondering if you had any ideas that you wanted to put out about that? I’m still so obsessed w your stablehand!reader x prince!gojo too! I love the way ur mind works and I love the professions you give to the reader characters and the way you characterize them! 🥹
hii !! and the same to you ofc<33
and oh my goodness, i would love to! (and i hope u meant knight! suguru bcs thats the post that came to mind but if not im so sorry :'))
where to start omg,,,the draft that i have is more of a jumble of words at the moment but im hoping an idea is still conveyed pretty well (
"beauty and being comfortable in your own skin, heroics and selfishness in loyalty, finding gentleness in places you were never taught to look..."
this is part of the first sentence within the draft and its basically the rough version of the vibe i want to set up! i actually ended up researching a but more after making that post and apparently very few butchers are part of the slaughtering process of their animals (technically the reader would be a slaughterman) !! but i think it would be pretty important for the reader to be an exception somehow :) i think there's a connection here to the qualities of knighthood and things of the sort, because the profession is very intimate in my opinion!
i have their first meeting in my head already!! which is exciting im really excited to flesh it out. it's a very fleeting moment, but there's this transfer between the two of them, and because im predictable, it will haunt them<3
i think their relationship is disguised as very simple at first but then it's kinda slimy and hard to cut into and a little too tender...
anyway! i dont want this to get obnoxiously long but im so happy u were so interested in the idea!! talking about it a bit more actually cleared it up for me. and thank u so much for also enjoying stablehand!reader, i seriously need to give them and prince!gojo som more love soon,,my babies
im so glad u enjoy my characterizations!! it means the world to me truly
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taegularities · 1 year
please dont leave</3
love you all to bits 🤍
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elena-illustration · 2 years
Hi! I’ve been absolutely obsessed with your artworks recently and they’ve been occupying the rest of the space in my brain for like a month lol, you inspire me a lot.
With the obligatory (painfully true) flattery out of the way, I do have a question. Apologies if this has been answered or just isn’t part of the story, but I’m really curious so here goes haha.
What actually happens to the Cadogan, Ernest and Mouse after they meet? Whenever I look for more information it seems to cut off at the same spot and I was just wondering if there was more :)
You're too kind!! :゚。⋆ฺヽ(*´∇`)ノ
This question hasn't been answered yet - so far, the animatics only cover their backstories up to the point where they meet. There is a whole adventure ahead of them!
I plan to someday complete and upload the continuation of their story (which *does* exist), but the process takes a while. The actual campaign was long and convoluted, so I have to decide what to keep and what to cut in order to create a legible story. In its most streamlined form, their adventure is as follows: as they uncover more about who Mouse is, why Ernest is the one who found her, and try to reclaim Cadogan's soul, they realize that they are all key pieces in a cosmic plan of apocalyptic proportions. I don't want to spoil too much, but suffice to say things don't go smoothly, and there will be romance, tragedy, violence, betrayal, and a lot of action scenes :^)
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httpiastri · 11 months
to make you happier today 💓
please this video gets me every time 😭😭😭 they’re so unserious i can’t
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