#thank u boredom anon
Not really bored this time, just don't want to work on these questions my history professor has given us so allow me to procrastinate by sending you another ask. I know this pairing isn't really our focus rn but honestly I find the Jake/Neytiri/Tsu'tey thing kind of cute.
For one I totally agree with your 0 romance between Neytiri and Tsu'tey take. I think they are really close friends but could never be romantic partners.
I imagine it's Neytiri who tells Tsu'tey to wake up and realize he likes Jake. She gets tired of him grumbling about him non-stop and is finally like "For Eywa's fucking sake just kiss him already".
For some reason the thought of not just Neytiri but also Tsu'tey reacting to the realization of Jake's betrayal gets me. Like, Tsu'tey had begun to fall in love with this man, but not just any man. A man who is working for the people responsible for killing the love of his life. And after months of building trust and finally thinking that he can let this person in Jake admits to his initially less than innocent intentions. Crushing.
I think that it would take Jake and Tsu'tey longer to mate before Eywa. Not exactly sure when or if Na'vi culture even permits it, but I think they would just because now Jake is Tsu'tey's mate for life as well.
I feel like Tsu'tey would commune with Sylwanin all the time in the beginning and tell her about Jake, especially during the very start when he's just beginning to feel these emotions towards him and feels not only guilt for "betraying" Sylwanin and having feelings for a Sky Person but but also just a yearning to get her advice.
I like the idea that somehow Jake gained the nickname "American Boy" from Tsu'tey one day, probably when he made some correction to a comment Tsu'tey made and was all like "technically I'm American" and Tsu'tey latched onto it. At first it was just used to tease but now it's a fond nickname.
I picture Jake taking them on separate date nights. Neytiri and him fly on their ikrans every friday evening while Jake and Tsu'tey go for evening rides on, like, saturdays after a long week of olo'eyktan duties on Tsu'tey's part (for some reason my mind just associates this man with pa'lis even though I know he has an ikran?? Like???). I like to think that Jake never really manages to vibe with any of the pa'li for the longest time and Tsu'tey enjoys watching the struggle and so he insists on pa'li rides (plus I feel like a part of him would see ikran rides as Jake and Neytiri's "thing" and want to do something different) but after awhile Jake finds one that he just kinda clicks with and by that point pa'li rides have become his and Tsu'tey's thing. Once a month all three of them will do something together too like have dinner or go for a swim or basically whatever else they feel like doing.
Don't even get me started on when the kids come into the picture. I'm fully committed to Neteyam being a mommy's boy with Neytiri and Kiri being a daddy's girl with Jake. Lo'ak is a daddy's boy too, but with Tsu'tey. From day one I picture Lo'ak just deciding that daddy #2 is his favorite person on the planet lol. Jake pretends to be offended, but both him and Neytiri are secretly really happy that Tsu'tey is getting to experience what they're experiencing with Neteyam and Kiri respectively. When Tuk is born she goes back and forth between all three of them with seemingly no preference.
I like the idea of Tsu'tey speaking mostly Na'vi with the kids, Jake speaking mostly English with them, and Neytiri switching in-between. Due to this, it became clear very quickly which parent had more influence on which kid when they began talking. Neteyam's first word? A weird hybrid of the English and Na'vi words for "where" (Neytiri handed him over to Jake and Neteyam reached out towards her retreating form and said "where" as if to ask where she was going). Kiri's first word? "Dada" in English (Jake stepped into their tent and Kiri saw him, perked up, and cried "Dada!"). Lo'ak's first word was "no" in Na'vi (he went through this phase where whenever Tsu'tey would try and put him down or hand him to Neytiri or Jake he would cling to Tsu'tey and say "no" over and over again. If they still managed to get him into someone else's arms he'd start crying and just throw a major fit). Tuk's first word was "'Teyam", which Jake claims doesn't count for anything since it's a name but he sure wasn't saying that when Kiri said dada (they may or may not have turned this into a competition).
When the kids are younger they love it when Tsu'tey takes them on pa'li rides and Neytiri or Jake takes them on ikran rides.
Also, when they are infants Neytiri, Jake, and Tsu'tey apply the "divide and conquer" method to them. Neytiri takes Neteyam, Jake takes Kiri, and Tsu'tey takes Lo'ak. Put them all in baby slings and boom, that's one less problem to worry about. I feel like Kiri outgrows the sling first but it's anyone's guess with Neteyam and Lo'ak.
I fully support the "Norm and Max reopen Grace's school" idea I've seen along with your "language beast Norm" idea. I picture that part of the reason he opens the school is for his 50+ adopted children who he wants to introduce to English but also he just loves sharing knowledge with others. I think he would introduce new things to the school that Grace maybe hadn't considered, like his horrifyingly extensive lecture on looming on Earth as a way to bring in an important part of Omatikaya culture but also educate them on English looming terms and human looming culture.
At first both Neytiri and Tsu'tey aren't all that keen on the idea of the school reopening, but Jake is all for it and they talk about it for weeks before Tsu'tey finally brings the idea to the children of the clan. A surprising number of them (of which Norm's adopted children make up a suspicious majority) agree to give the school another shot and so Tsu'tey and Neytiri agree that letting their kids go would be a good thing.
When it comes to Spider I'm uncertain. I know Tsu'tey would side with Neytiri far more than Jake when it comes to how he sees the boy, but Neytiri lost her sister and father whereas Tsu'tey lost the love of his life so maybe Neytiri would still be the more intense of the two? Feel free to give me your thoughts on it. Part of me wishes they would adopt Spider but I think we both know that with both Tsu'tey and Neytiri in the picture that would never happen.
I love the idea of Tsu'tey and Neytiri both just being so fascinated by Lo'ak and Kiri's little eyebrows and four little fingers. Like, Lo'ak's little baby eyebrows scrunch up and they're all like: "My Jake, look at them 🥺, What does it mean?" And Jake, who sees eyebrows as completely normal is all like: "Haha oh yeah, they do that. Might want to check his diaper."
I like to imagine that when it comes time for the alphabet in Norm's little preschool section of the class Jake gets everyone on board with singing the apples and bananas song. "Okay guys, one more time! I like to ate, ate, ate, ay-ples and banay-nays!"
Norm and his boyfriend definitely babysit for them on date nights lol, and they expect the favor to be returned whenever the situation calls for it.
Tsu'tey still communes with Slywanin a lot, but now there is nothing but happiness in the stories he has to tell her.
This somehow turned into a whole Neytiri/Jake/Tsu'tey as parents thing I apologize 😂
So many things I love about this first paragraph:
First, the boredom era escalating. I love that ur the same anon every time I guess we name u Boredom Anon I'll go backtag. Any anon can feel free to be named lol.
ALSO the idea that we are all on the same thing on this blog at all times, I love that sm I was worried I was forcing you all into a nocorro era. But literally no worries hit me with anything at any time, I love it.
-EXACTLY Neytiri and Tsu'tey can be platonic soulmates.
-Tsu'tey is like THAT'S YOUR MATE and Neytiri's like "Jake has... two hands??? You can hold the other???"
-DUDE TSU'TEY LET HIM IN AFTER SYLWANIN. Jake knows that trusting him was so hard, and the betrayal Tsu'tey must've felt like he'd done to Sylwanin? Insane. Not only did he forget her and move on and fall in love again, but it was with one of the people who caused her death. Yeah Jake wasn't there but he's one of them.
-Absolutely Tsu'tey and Jake would take longer to mate before Eywa, this man does not make impulse decisions like Jake and Neytiri. He had thought through every consequence and every worse case scenario fifteen times. He's probably convinced himself if he even looks at Jake wrong he's Avatar will collapse due to some butterfly effect.
-Oh lol you hit the guilt angle too! Can you tell I'm responding to each one as I read it so my thoughts are all fresh? Sylwanin is very encouraging, to the point that she goes full in in hopes of scaring him into it like "no I bet Jake is good at sex u gotta find out" and Tsu'tey can't go back to the Spirit Tree for like a week.
-I LOVE the separate date nights, that's so cute. How did this man Jake Sully stumble into the forest and just steal Pandora's two most influential and eligible bachelors, what's next, Tonowari??? He's insane. Jake only vibing with one Pa'li is canon and sometimes Tsu'tey has someone take that Pa'li away so Jake is all fucked up.
-THE CHILDREN I'm obsessed. I love the idea of Jake pretending to be offended by Lo'ak preferring Tsu'tey. He's like "that's not your Dad, Lo'ak, I helped make you!" and Lo'ak is like "gross, get away from me." Jake is always insisting this entire operation falls apart if he isn't at the center (of the sleeping pile which is where he sleeps) and then everyone always almost unanimously pretends to vote him out of the family.
-Norm in his school, teaching all the kids to knit and telling them all Tsu'tey needs a sweater: i'm gonna ruin this man's whole career.
-I agree, I don't think we'd get Spider Sully here. I do wonder how him and Lo'ak's relationship is affected if Tsu'tey is Lo'ak's favorite parent and Tsu'tey is against Spider. I don't see Lo'ak not standing up for Spider, and I see this causing a rift between them faster than it would between Neytiri and Lo'ak just because Lo'ak's relationship with his mother is different than with his fathers. I think the issue would've been pushed sooner, and Kiri would jump rIGHT the fuck in as soon as it started.
-HOW DARE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE NORM AND HIS MADE UP BOYFRIEND RITU TO ME I'm crying real tears this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Although, you have given me a thought... Why have we never considered... Tsu'tey surviving and then HIM being Norm's boyfriend....
nEVER apologize for sending me long headcanon asks, wether they are for me to enjoy or just situations you want to to write about or expand on. It's called 'we are mindmelding get in' for a reason, we are all melding minds. I love them sm and I hope I do them justice!
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lizdive · 2 months
being older sibling to boothill and him following u around when he was first adopted and you putting the hat on his head and its way too big for him and and and
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HIHI FIRST ANON 🫶 Boothill,,, oh the potential this man has,,,, ilysm anon <3 thank you for requesting ! if you are unsatisfied, just tell me and i’ll redo it !!
notes 𐙚 gender neutral — "you" used to refer to reader ,, pre-game boothill ,, reader as an older sibling ,, platonic ,, pre-game boothill’s name is unknown so he will still be referred to as boothill but his name is never said in dialogue ,, autumn is up for interpretation tee hee ,, not proofread so ignore any typos auhm
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Winter is cold with it’s blanketing snow. Your fathers have both went out for reasons you didn’t care to listen to, too busy finding relief next to the fireplace. They would return soon as they always did, so you didn’t worry much. Wrapped nicely in a blanket as the flames’ orange light frames your figure, bathing you in it’s warmth.
The winter is cold, but the fire is warm. Your other siblings are either fast asleep or in their rooms. The winter tends to make them lethargic, and the boredom seems eternal when there’s nothing to do. You and your siblings cannot tend to the farm as easily as before, especially during the night when the cold seems all the more prominent due to the lack of sun.
The fire is loud, but the sounds of a wailing baby are louder. And when the door finally opens and you see your fathers enter, you spot the red-faced baby wailing and shivering.
You did not panic, you had seen the sight many times. It’s how your siblings came to be your siblings. And so, as Nick and Gray rushed to prepare accommodations for the youngest addition to the family, you held the baby in your embrace, warm from the fire and the blanket.
The baby’s wails calm quickly once his eyes make contact with yours, and they are quickly replaced by giggles.
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Spring is nice and warm with a bit of a cold breeze. You and your other siblings had went out to tend to the farm and the spring harvest. In your hand you held a basket, and in your arm you held a toddler. His curious eyes didn’t look at a particular thing. Everything that was around you both was glanced at.
"You’re gonna help me harvest the veggies, right?" You ask, and the young boy nods happily as he is placed down on the floor. He stumbles, but soon regains balance.
That was the entire reason he was with you. He saw you leaving the house, and of course got fussy because how could big sibling leave him alone? (Gray and Nick were a bit offended.)
"You can go pull out the carrots." Boothill nods and quickly begins his assigned task. His eagerness makes you laugh faintly, and you begin to harvest the other vegetables nearby.
The minutes pass by as you hum a tune. You don’t know it’s name, but you know it’s your fathers’ favorite because every night while you were tucked into bed by one of them they would sing it to you and it would always lull you to slumber.
Once you were done with your part, you turn to look at Boothill. "Are you done?" You ask, and the loud laugh that leaves you almost surprises you from it’s abruptness. "Look at you!"
Your laughter makes Boothill giggle and laugh as well. To him your laughter was always contagious. "C’mere," you sigh with a smile, picking the young boy up with one arm and the basket with another.
"You’re a mess — how did you manage to get so dirty so quickly?" You ask, sliding the basket down to your elbow as you wipe his dirt-stained cheeks with your sleeve. Boothill squirms but does not complain. "Sorry.." he murmurs, but you shake your head as you make your way back home.
"It’s okay, we all get dirty. But you’re gonna have to take a looong bath!" Boothill’s eyes widened as he clung to your neck, tugging at the material of your attire. "Noo!!" He whined. "Yes~!" You reply in a sing-song tone. He squirms more in your hold until he is able to free himself, falling to the floor with an 'oof!'
Before you are able to check on him for injuries, he’s already running off in the vast fields of the farm, and you panic. "Wha- Get back here!!" You shouted, and so began the chase.
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Summer is hot with it’s merciless heat and humidity. You try to find relief in the shade your hat brings to your head, shielding you from the blazing sun’s rays. The horses of the stables relax in their respective areas, and you make sure to greet them all with a pat between the ears before you guide one out, yours, and pet their mane with a smile.
What better way to spend the hot summer day than take a nice ride, the wind hitting your face as your horse gallops across the grassy fields?
Just as you place your foot on the stirup, you hear soft huffs from behind. You already know who it is as you sigh. "Didn’t I tell you to stay inside? It’s too hot for you," you say, turning around to face Boothill. The child pouted. "Y-You’re not my dad!" He retorted weakly, trying to catch his breath.
You smirk. "But I am your older sibling, so what I say goes," you tease, ruffling his hair. You retract your hand quickly, however, with a small hiss. It’s damp from sweat, no surprise, but it is also as hot as an oven. "Goodness- you’ll burn your scalp to a crisp," you frowned. Boothill does not say anything at first, looking away as he crossed his arms stubbornly.
"I’ll be fine!" He insisted, cheeks flushed from both the heat and embarrassment.
You rolled your eyes. The last time he got sick he was insufferable, especially since he got fussy anytime anyone other than you gave him his medicine.
Sighing, you lift a hand to remove the black hat on your head. You could handle the heat, he could not. Lazily, you drape it over his head, watching as it slid down over his eyes and eventually his entire face. He panics for a second at the sudden darkness, and you can’t help but laugh at him.
"Stop laughing!" He shouted in embarrassment as he adjusts the hat. You, in fact, did not stop laughing. Picking up the young boy, you plop him down onto the back of your horse before hoisting yourself up as well. "If you get sick, I’m not taking care of you," you said as your horse begins to move at a leisurely pace.
"That’s unfair!!"
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
hiii Iris! as the biggest fan of ur rockstar!Gojo drabbles....... is there any room for a humble request between Gojo and reader attending an event where he gets recognized with an award and he thanks her in his speech? something along those lines but ultimately whatever u want... i just want ALL THE TEETH ROTTING FLUFF AND A FLUSTERED READER THANK U <3
OOOOOHHHH this is GOOOOODD (thank you anon for your request and sorry it took so long to get to lol hope you like it <3)
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green light.
the cameras were on him again for what felt like the twentieth time. you bump your shoulder against him before he can do it to you and he clicks his tongue, defeated again.
"this isn't fair," he whispers into your ear. "i think you have a better angle than me." you bite your tongue to stifle a laugh, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
"or, you just aren't fast enough," you tease and he rolls his eyes, lacing his fingers into yours and resting it on his thigh. "i like this little game of punch-buggy."
"be grateful it's just us two today. i've almost been kicked out when it's me, shoko, and suguru." another green light, another shoulder bump. he meets you halfway, though, and you find yourself pushing against him as he insists on winning. he pushes you back, eventually, but drapes an arm around the back of your chair to keep you from going too far. "i cannot wait to leave," he murmurs.
"you're getting an award tonight, satoru," you point out and he shrugs a lean shoulder. "they'd be idiots not to give it to you." he's still not convinced, boredom apparent on his features. "'breakout star of the year?' who else would it go to?"
"megs and yuuji have been doing pretty well for themselves," satoru recalls and you have to agree, but you both know no one in the world comes close to your boyfriend's level of fame. green light, right before a commercial break. he's faster than you this time; but, instead of bumping you, he presses his lips to the side of your head, leaving you warm from the sudden show of affection. "god, you're so fucking pretty. i'm still wondering how i got you to come to this with me."
"i figured we've been to the boardwalk and the beachwood enough that it's about time i show up with you at an awards show." the cameras were a shock the first few times he'd taken you out to lunch, but now you'd become so acclimated to their presence that you could catch when the green light blinked on.
"still, you're not too overwhelmed by everything? we can still disappear after the ceremony ends and ditch the afterparty," he reminds you and you brush your thumb over the skin of his cheek. he was yours, body and soul. "i'm only ever looking at you and following your cue."
"it's up to whatever you wanna do, satoru. i'm with you wherever you go."
"you're too good to me."
"yeah, and you're stuck with me, so get used to it," you smirk and he chuckles. a few green lights linger at tables near you, but for now, it's just you two. the band plays the ceremony fanfare and various artists return to their seats, anxious to know if their predictions of who wins the most sought-after award of the night are correct.
tonight, we recognize an artist whose exponential growth and unique artistry have captivated the world. his singles, "hollow purple," "limitless," and "six eyes," have remained in the billboard top ten for a whopping 18 weeks. give it up for 'breakout star of the year' gojo satoru!
you watch dozens of green lights flicker to life across the room, all pointed at you and satoru. his face breaks into his signature dazzling smile as you both stand, embracing for only a moment. "just like we practiced," he murmurs. "don't be scared if they stay on you for the entire time." before you can respond, he disappears into the crowd of standing admirers, shaking hands and expressing his sincerest gratitude.
just like you'd practiced.
the green lights surrounding you are blinding. green, green, green, green, green. everywhere.
and yet, satoru's voice cuts through the cacophony.
"wow, i-uh, i don't really know what to say." it's exactly what he means to say. "i'm honored to receive this and i wanna thank all the people who voted to give this to me." he hated most of the board that voted for him, always trying to make him into their puppet. they wouldn't have even given him the award if the public weren't absolutely obsessed with him; somehow, that made the victory a little sweeter. "i wanna thank my team, my managers, and my best friends, shoko and suguru. i hope you guys aren't getting too wasted right now," he laughs and the crowd mirrors him, following his lead like moths to a flame. he glances down at the award in his hand again, thinking, and then finds your eyes from across the ballroom. "and lastly, i wanna thank the one i love more than any award or honor. you are what i do this for, and i am yours until the end of everything. thank you."
green lights catch your stunned expression as satoru gives a final bow and exits the stage, returning to your side in record time. your hands are shaking when he takes them in his; your face is burning when he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"i'm gonna marry you," he whispers so that only you can hear it. no thoughts run through your mind, just satoru, satoru, satoru, satoru.
and the green lights become dimmer.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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scremogirl · 11 months
HII LOVE UR WRITING,, MAY I REQUEST (if no, pls ignore! :')
so theres this thing i do,,, as a clingy partner,, was wondering how ur yanyans will react?
Whenever reader wants some quiet quality type, they sit on the floor near where yandere's chair is, and lays their head on their lap and js continue scrolling on their phone...yanderes reactions??
How my yans react to you putting your head in their laps
GN! Reader, ❤︎︎!!! Your words are in italics theirs are in bold. Check out their stories here ✩ ✰ 𖤐. I LOVE U FOR THIS ANON(•̀ᴗ•́)و
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✩Does not know what to do
✩Literally will freeze like a deer in headlights when you show him any kind of affection.
✩Wants it so bad though!
✩Will act slightly like a tsundere if you call him out on how much he’s blushing
☆The head in the lap thing tho? You’re actually trynna kill him
He’s yet again invited you over under the guise of a study session. You knew this because A, you're not stupid and B, you’ve finished your work for the week. It was Friday and you had nothing better to do, so why not? The chance to lay in his large bed plus free snacks and fast internet? The chance was too good to give up. So here you are. Splayed out in his bed as he sits hunched over his desk to engrossed in his studies. You’re kinda scared he’ll get scoliosis from how long he’s been in that position. It’s been about an hour and some change since you’ve been here and you’re starting to get bored. And hungry. Your stomach growling over the video playing on your phone was enough to get you up and moving.
You call out to him and in an instant he drops the pen in his hand and turns all his attention to you. Before you get to tell him why you interrupted him so abruptly, your stomach answers for you. With a teasing smile it clicks in his head what you were gonna ask him and he asks you to grab some of those disgusting kale chips he likes on his way up. His house is basically a maze so you have enough time to think about the many ways you could clear your boredom.
Finally arriving at the kitchen you grab a handful of snacks and wave at the butler who's already stocked up once he learned of your arrival. This dude is loaded so he won’t miss anything, besides he got ‘em for you anyways. Speak of the devil, he hasn’t paid attention to you not once since you got here, it was his idea in the first place! Making your way upstairs you finally decide on the perfect way to clear that thought.
Handing him his snack of choice he thanks you before immediately returning back to work. However, he doesn’t get through much as he notices you haven’t moved. He’s about to ask what you're up to before you drop down to your knees and place your head in his lap.
“He-hey! What’re you doing? I can’t work like this,” you ignore him completely before whipping out your phone and opening your bag of chips. He’s about to continue his questioning when you raise your arm up and hover a chip close to his lips. He shakes his head to the other side but as soon as you see it snap back you shove it past his soft lips. You make sure to press down on his tongue just a little before pulling back and whipping the remaining saliva in his lips.
“Shut up,”
Not another word was spoken from him the rest of the day. You could feel his bulge against your head but didn’t pay it any mind. Who knows, maybe if he finishes fast enough you’ll finally get the attention you wanted.
✰A common occurrence between the two of you tbh
✰It’s usually from him but he obviously doesn’t mind being on the receiving end; prefers it actually.
✰Can actually be quiet for once. He just loves to sit in the silence of such an intimate moment.
✰You on the other hand just wanted a comfortable place to take a nap.
“(Y/nnnnnn), I’m boreddd,” jeez can this guy exist without making noise. It’s not nothing you didn’t expect though, that’s just Micah is. You’ve known him too long to be annoyed by things like this so you just sigh.
“Put on a movie or something,” you don’t give him the. You don’t even give him the courtesy of eye contact seeing as they're closed. The bags under your eyes and slug of your shoulders as you lay down on the couch don’t go unnoticed. Yes! The perfect excuse for a cuddle session. Rising from his spit across from you he moves his way over to the kitchen, not forgetting to hand you the remote first already knowing he’d probably spend 10 min just looking for a good watch. Opting for YouTube instead you quickly put on some random try not to laugh in order to provide you some stimulation, resisting the cusps of sleep. Your eyes shift to the soft snow falling past the window, the cold not helping as you snuggle deeper into your blanket making you even more tired.
He returns with some hot cocoa and cookies as he takes a new spot next to you. You sit up and take the surgery treats as your eyes refocus onto the screen. His eyes stay on you though, enchanted at the thought of you. Ever since you were kids he knew he was gonna make you his and nobody would get in the way of that m. Not even you.
Too absorbed in la la land he fails to notice that you’ve already chugged down your drink and eaten your full of the cookies. He only snaps out of it when he feels pressure on his shoulders. As he lets you lay him down on the couch, he’s watching as you readjust the blanket to cover your whole body. You scoot your body down and lay your head on his lap snuggling closer into his warmth. Smoothing his hand through your hair (or scratching your back if your hair’s too short/thick) he listens to your breathing become more even. So happy that his sweet little angel finally catches some z’s.
✫I really CANT decide if he or Micah like it more.
𖤐The thing is with Micah, he’s been able to have his hands on you for years so he’s more used to affection.
𖤐Miylo on the other hand, before you “truly noticed” him has only ever been close enough as sharing a desk with you. There was that time when he had to help you out of a sticky situation(insert anon of him helping you become unstuck), but other than that he’s never felt your skin. (Besides the time he broke into your house and wacked his shit to your sleeping face before stealing your underwear (●’◡’●)ノ )
𖤐After you got over the fact that he wouldn’t leave you alone/became popular, he will never stop touching you
𖤐Putting your head in his lap is only sending yourself down into a long rabbit hole
You’ve been putting off this project for god knows how long. Being in various different clubs, applying for colleges, and the stress from your parents did no good for your health; physical or mental. The student council have all been divided for the purpose of a fundraiser you’re putting on for donations to various types of charity’s. You got satlled with the easiest so you couldn’t be to mad but the exhaustion from life was killing you.
“Finally! Now I can finally get some rest,” Christ, if you knew being apart the council gave you this much work you would’ve opted for something more functional. You hear a chuckle from beside you. Oh right… he’s here too. He wouldn’t stop bombarding you with his assistance, saying that “two heads are better than one,”. Luckily, you were able to block him out for most of this project but now you can’t. There’s only so much about his rambles on quantum theory and the newest Spider-Man movie you can take. What a fucking nerd. No matter though, all you're worried about is flopping down and living in your own world for a while and he wouldn’t stop you from that. He tries to say something but you're not having any of it.
Grabbing him by the tie, you yank him towards you. You feel just a little bad for how aggressive you were but knowing him he probably likes it. The blush in his cheeks and rubbing of his thighs only emphasizes your point.
“Listen close, all I want is to lay down and not have to worry about anything. So do me a favor and shut your mouth for a while and read a book or something; got it?” The nod you receive from him is timid but filled with obedience, that makes you smile a bit. You reach up and pay his head a little “Good boy,”
You shift him so he’s sitting up straight and shove his discarded book in his hands before laying down with your head in his lap. He’s frozen and shaking slightly but you don’t care. He realizes that and snaps back into himself probably realizing he won’t get you to be so willing to touch him next time. Getting comfortable he decides that maybe you wouldn’t mind him reading to you. And you don’t. His voice doing justice as you rest your eyes and continue to listen to the story.
Y’all I am so mad because I was writing in tumbler and my phone shut off and all my shit got deleted. I had to re-write Kenya's whole part and deleted most of the earth. N E WAYZ hope this what you asked for my love, ENJOY( ˘ ³˘)♥︎!!!
-Sos ❤️
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urrockstar-xe · 10 months
study buddy - c.m.m x gn!reader
posted nov 27th, 2023 4:47 pm
Anon asked: hi, can you do a chad meeks martin x reader where reader is trying to study but chad is trying to get their attention? i love your writing btw!
it's so short but I think it's quite cute :) sorry for the wait, love. hope u enjoy xx
wordcount: 0.4k
song rec by @f4irylid :D thank u!!
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Coming to your boyfriend’s place to study had sounded great a few hours ago, you’d get things done with someone to hold you accountable and it just so happened to be your favorite guy. 
You had gotten here around an hour ago and had grown to seriously regret this decision, it’s like Chad felt it whenever your pencil hit the paper.
“Baby, should we get pizza from Leo’s or Luna’s?” he asked, mindlessly leaning down to place his chin on your shoulder for what felt like the hundredth time. “Chad, sweetheart, I honestly don’t know the difference” You shrugged slightly, not wanting him to think you were shoving him off as you wrote down another note for your essay. 
He sighed, not because of your answer but because he wanted you to ask what was wrong, but you continued writing down what mattered and resumed reading from the website on your laptop. 
Sigh, you managed to fight off the smile on your face and remained stoic as Chad sighed a second time, he stood up straight just to move to your other side and place his chin on your left shoulder this time. 
“Siiighhh” This time you didn’t bother to hide your smile or your laugh as he dramatically spoke. Chad smiled at the sound of your laughter, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek before standing up and walking to his bed to get his phone and order your pizza.
A few moments of attempting to focus had passed and now it was your turn to sigh as you set down your notebook, “okay, you’ve done it, I officially cannot focus due to my boyfriend’s face floating around in my mind” you said dramatically, turning the chair to smile at Chad as he laughed, fist bumping the air in victory. 
“Let’s go get our pizza, baby,” He said happily, standing from his spot on the floor that he had taken to be as close as possible, you took his hand, using it to pull yourself up from his desk chair and closing your laptop, smiling at how he brought the back of your hand to his lips. 
“We’ll keep studying when we’re done eating,” Chad said in a matter-of-fact tone, grabbing his keys. You rolled your eyes, smiling. 
“Whatever you say, Charming” you responded, happily following him out of his room. 
“You’re an awful study buddy, you know that?” “I’m a fantastic study buddy!”
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clownmoontoon · 2 months
i was watching a stop-motion short on youtube called 'puzzle and sling: boredom killers' and it made me think of u! it's about a pair of lil clowny creatures who are running a kids show, but it's also kind of chaotic and idk, dark? sad? anyway it's a good time! ✨🌈
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deadass i feel like i just watched 10 seasons of this show in this 10 min video LMAO
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wanderingblindly · 8 months
hi liquid!! suzzzzuka here, on anon bc sideblog functionalities suck lmao.
☰ for the ask game? with let’s say… ybmctg & enemies to lovers?? <3
suzzzzuka darling!!!! hello!!!!! ((also can i just say i was so excited when i saw u were on tumblr after i read your landoscar office AU oh my god))
This is a CHALLENGE but I'm into it, let's go!!!
☰ send a fic and an unrelated trope and I’ll remix it
I have no idea what this is, but I wrote a thousand words of something!! It's almost, in a weird way, a preface to YBMCTG?
Concept: Oscar fucked up their first meeting when he started working at the bar; Lando's held a one-sided grudge ever since, and Oscar has no idea why his coworker hates him so much.
Jenson hadn't warned him about this.
Admittedly, he's not entirely sure what Jenson could have said. 'The talent's hot, by the way. Be cool 'bout it, yeah?' wouldn't have prepared him for this. 'This' being the man sitting dead center at his bar, an aura of otherworldliness emanating from him like a halo. He’s not like anything Oscar’s seen before – not in the streets of his suburban hometown, not in the ungodly boredom of his seminars. He’s something that can only exist here, in the spaces drenched in alcohol and debauchery. 
Oscar’s gaze quickly flicks down to his shoulders, his chest, hardly covered in anything more than fishnets.
The man’s eyes are icy in their intensity, fixated on Oscar's hands as he grips the necks of a couple beers between his fingers, popping the caps efficiently. Before Oscar can open his mouth to ask what he's drinking tonight, he beats him to it. 
"Archers and lemonade, pleeeeease." Oscar's eyes are glued to his lips, stretching into a lazy smile as he leans over the bar. The glossy shine of his lipstick looks dangerous in the dark bar, beckoning to him like a siren's song.
He's quiet for just a beat too long, brain running in every direction besides the sorry excuse for a mixed drink on his to-do list. Oscar moves quickly to compensate, the pours brief and easy. 
"I see you've met our star of the night." Jenson smiles as he slides next to him, grabbing the drink out of Oscar's hand before he can place it in front of him. The musician makes a noise of offense, flashing Oscar a look that makes his stomach churn. He doesn’t know what to do with this, with black-lined eyes clearly asking him for something as his boss sits right there. Another drink? Telling Jenson off? 
“So you’re in the band?” Oscar finally manages to say something, keeping an ear out for his response as a man flags him down for another round of shots. 
“Lead singer, at your service.” He does a faux salute, Oscar notices the broad span of his palm with entirely neutral feelings. 
Oscar slides him another archers and lemonade, hopeful that Jenson is adequately distracted by Sebastian to keep away. “What kind of music? You look very…” Oscar wracks his brain for any band to reference, realizing he’s accidentally put himself on the spot. “KISS.” He hopes they're still relevant to anyone besides his dad.
The singer’s eyes darken as the track shifts, Oscar’s sentence exposed in the moment of dead air.
“Thanks for this,” He hops to his feet, tone flatter and mesmerizing lips tighter than when this all started. Sebastian looks over with a raised brow at the sudden movement. As Oscar opens his mouth to reply, the musician reaches out with a steady head and places his fingers on top of the glass, eyes trained on Oscar’s face.
And pushes.
“Oops.” He faux-winces as the drink spills across the bar, splashing Oscar’s shirt in its force – he jumps for a rag instinctively, grabbing the glass before it can roll and shatter. “Sorry ‘bout that.”  
Someone needs another mezcal old fashioned, someone’s drunkenly calling for sex on the beach, Sebastian is looking at him with a look he doesn’t understand –
And the musician is gone.  
“I’m gonna go talk to him,” Jenson whispers into Sebastian’s ear, stopped in his tracks by a deceptively strong grasp on his thigh. 
“No, you won’t.” Sebastian smiles, the one that sends a shiver down Jenson’s spine – trouble. “We’ll see what happens.”
Maybe this job isn’t working out for him. His bosses are fine, if not a little odd, and the crowds are vaguely well-behaved. Surely it’s no worse than any other bar in London, definitely better than the proper dives closer to campus. 
The main problem is right in front of him, unavoidably sitting in the center of his bar. Again. 
“What d’you mean y’don’t know how to make a hitman?” Lando asks, the heavy black around his eyes making him look vicious in the low, shifting lights. It’s the same conversation they had last week, the week before – Lando asking for a drink Oscar’s pretty positive doesn’t even exist with the confidence of a seasoned mixologist. 
“Tell me what’s in it, and I got it.” Oscar replies, sparing him a glance as he dumps a few glasses into the dishwasher. His glare makes his stomach twist painfully, like being flayed and gutted by someone seeking vengeance – not someone well-acquainted with delicacy. 
He rolls his eyes and yells towards Sebastian, half occupied with whatever concoction Jenson is creating between their two drinks. “Ya gotta hire someone more comp…” He furrows his brows, “good at the job, Seb.”
“He is perfectly competent,” Sebastian calls back, reaching out to pat Oscar’s arm gently.
Ignoring the sting of his invisible wounds, Oscar moves down to figure out what the bickering gaggle of French speakers need. 
Can someone be beautiful because they’re mean? Or is it always in spite of it? 
Oscar’s eyes, against his better judgment, gravitate towards the stage. But perhaps that’s just inevitable, eyes following Lando when he’s steps above everyone else, bearing down on them with the sheer force of his presence. 
His voice, usually spitting something acidic and pointed at him from across the bar, is raw – vulnerable – as he grips the microphone with both hands. They envelop it, smothering it, as his lips press against it and he croons out the opening to a ballad.
Goosebumps break out across his skin as the bass creeps in, lifting Lando’s voice up like a prayer over the crowd. 
The lights, flashing their usual pattern of red blue red blue, reflect against the summer-bleached gold in his unruly curls – another halo. 
“KISS doesn’t do it like that, do they?” Lando says, rough voice almost haughty as he sits down in his seat – black shirt completely unbuttoned, chest glistening with sweat and metal. 
He puts a glass of water in front of Lando immediately, dropping in a black straw. “Uh, I guess?” Oscar replies, not entirely sure where Lando’s going with this. But he’s being less abrasive than usual, the glare in his eyes a bit less pointed. “Don’t really know KISS all that well, mate.”
Lando stares at him, narrowed eyes blowing wide. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
Oscar pauses, hands freezing around the martini shaker he’d grabbed for the girl to Lando’s left. “No?”
“You don’t know KISS.” He doesn’t say it as a question. Like there’s some connection Oscar isn’t making, some red thread on a corkboard he can’t connect, Oscar looks at him in confusion. 
“...No?” Oscar’s stopped moving all together now, other patrons temporarily forgotten as he watches the range of expressions dance across Lando’s face. Surprise, maybe? Something like shock. “Why?”
“I… hate them.” Lando says simply – if not a little absentmindedly. “Sorry about, um. Well.” He puts down his glass, hand visibly shaking; before Oscar can ask if he’s ok, ask what he’s even talking about, Lando stumbles off his barstool and paces over towards Sebastian. 
He watches as Sebastian laughs, clapping Lando on the shoulder and waving cheerily towards the bar. Oscar flashes a weak wave back, uncertain, before noticing that Lando’s looking over as well – his face is red. Not just from the lights. But his cheeks, down his neck, the exposed planes of his chest, they’re red. 
Oscar flushes, too. 
Maybe if he’s sorry…
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seneon · 1 year
payback the 10k kakera I gave you by writing about my Lord Aizen, who is still a division captain (him and his glasses nghh), x me/reader (of course) who is a member of another division (you can write however you want it, whether a one-shot or hc)
and no, this is not shira, definitely
LETTERS ──── ft. sosuke aizen.
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about. gn! reader | hcs of forbidden love with squad v's captain.
notes. HEY YOU OFFERED ME THE KAKERA BRU (i told anon to request me something) 💀🤞 anyways thank u my boredom has been cured and i hope this is worth 10,000 kakera LMFAO
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— nobody knew and would never ever know for a fact that you and the captain of the 5th division are a thing
— communications with aizen involves secrecy. A LOT.
— being in a different division with him is somewhat hard, but aizen always finds time to spend it with you. preferably during late nights where everyone is sound asleep
— actually, it's been a thing between you two ever since you both were back in the academy together to sneak out at nights
— in public for any seireitei events, you both would attend it separately but will always find a way to be together and celebrate it in secret
— he'd train with you during his free time and teach you some new combat stuff that he knows ever since he became a captain
— the type to poke his nose into your business everytime he feels your spiritual pressure grow shaky
— writes you letters everyday. lots and lots of letters.
— would encourage and praise you very often for your successes or accomplishments. 100% loves seeing you flustered and just laughs it off
— love language is definitely quality time. he spends way too little with you but when he does get to spend time you, it's always little. so, writing letters is also one way to express his feelings through his writings 💯
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a/n — then the betrayal happens 😈 btw guys come request for bleach i'm bored and i wanna write for bleach LOL
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 6 months
hi, im a mutual of yours who is too shy/on&off tumblr to interact, but i do look up to you; and your blog and way of seeing things helped me in the past when i was struggling quite a bit.
Lately I feel as if im lost in life, lost my passions and floating aimlessly without a real goal, detached from the future etc. Do you have any advice? I appreciate ur view on things, hope this isnt overstepping 🌦🌈
hi its ok no pressure too interact w me ona personal level just cus were mutuals i enjoy the ambient bonds that can form on this website its why i stay ^^ and no it's not overstepping at a;ll sorry it took me a lil while to respond i was trying to think of good advice since i often feel lost too---
well firs t n foremost to give credit where credit is due, this bjork reddit AMA response really gets to the bottom of it , ever since i first read this here on tumbr a few years ago it really rly stuck w me:
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the way this answer helped me is like, it helped me realize i dont need to be so regimented i dont need to put all this pressure on myself to create..All that does is feed into self inflicted guilt when i cant live up to my own expectations u.u you see for my whole life i've never been able to plan anything. yes i can think about the next steps i want to take, i can assemble a plan, i can see the logical way forward, but my moods. or like, idek. how to explain..
i cant force anything. if im not feeling it, i cant force it. ive STRUGGLED w this like i dont wanna be this way. because my feelings i cant predict. like for example i worked on music all winter because thats what i was feeling. then suddenly in march i just like, wasnt feeling it all of a sudden. As soon as it hit me i was like Fy767*T&UG*** because i didnt know when it was gonna come back. i still dont know!! im just trying to be patient waiting it out..in the mean time i have suddenly become enthused with drawing again after not ~feeling~ drawing for most of 2023. sometimes i go for weeks where i dont take a single photo and then suddenly it starts flowing again.. my website was also left untouched for most of 2023 until recently.
thats just one example of this repeating pattern in my life that i didnt understand for so long. theres years of my 20s where i couldnt feel passion for anything at all, looking back now i believe those times i was meant to be focusing on stuff in my psyche that needed healing to clear out some headspace for art. and this bjork quote put a lot into perspective it showed me how to reformulate my thinking to be more accomodating to my disposition. when i'm patient & kind w myself, take each day as it comes, let go of the imaginary pressure, let go of "the future", stuff starts to come thru easier.
and maube its gonna show up in ways you dont expect but its true that the mundane world offers so many ways to practice being creative & giving u stuff to weave into the art u want to create.. every water fall starts w a single drop its trueits true :] thats my advice i spose i really didnt meant to write this much but im boooored.. actually my nighttime boredom writing is one of those habits i never considered to b creative until very recently. there's so many small & automatic things we do that can lead to a meaningful life & purpose.
thanks for the question anon i hope this helps in some way , this is whats helped me but everyone's process is different. and i still have moments where im like WTFFF is happening but its easier to ride it out now. i wish the same for you just give it time <3 thanks again xPmd9
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flameohotfamily · 1 year
hiii, do u think Mai would make a good fire lady? Do u think she would want to be ? And do u think she would be happy with that life or she’ll want to do something else?
i love your love for maiko, u have a nice vlog!!
hii, thanks for the sweet words <33
uhh it's a tough question you're asking anon. but i do love thinking about mai and her emotions because she's such an interesting and sometimes confusing character. i think she might've made a good fire lady since she is from a noble family and has good education, plus her father was a politician so i think she has enough knowledge and understanding. she's strict, she's sharp, she's witted... she looks like a ruler and imagining mai in royal clothes like a fire lady is my jam.
the question is would she really want to? i don't think so.
in the series mai's life was quite complicated, it was proved by cricket leigh (mai's voice actress that is a therapist now) that mai had/has depression disorder. we saw mai as a person prone to apathy and boredom but i think it was a coping mechanism. i have this huge headcanon in my head where mai is fighting depression, finds herself again and things that are making her feel alive and joyous (and it has nothing to do with zuko or ty lee or people in mai's life). fire lady's position is definitely not mai's priority. i think she would've hated to do all of this.
maybe healed and emotionally mature mai could've become a fire lady but i don't think it would've been her genuine choice. she would've done it purely for zuko, just because she loves him and always stays by his side and doesn't want him to struggle so she helps him to rebulild and fix broken to the core fire nation. but honestly she would've just changed one cage to another, the golden one, zuko's cage. maybe she would've willingly done so.
i think mai as a character has so much depth and vulnerability. even if she becomes a fire lady, she wouldn't be just another silent addition to the fire lord. i think she'll always want to do something else.
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fyodior · 9 months
About Shibusawa and Mori being fathers.
Shibusawa is always bored, so getting himself a child and heir will decrease his boredom, yes? He did not care for you first, you just an incubator and when finished you will cast aside. BUT being near you after getting pregnant, awaken something in him. He want to spend more and more time with you, maybe because of his ability he sees you as his mate now? Even after birth, he won't let you go, EVER. Mind you he got an unhuman cock/2 cocks, so you are for an ride. As for his "hatchlings", he will spoil them and will teach them to be cunning and strong as their daddy.
Mori will love his children (especially girls), he will give them best education, toys, books, food, medicine, clothes, protection, etc. but also teach them important medical knowledge, how to fight, educate them, help them to grow to be cunning, strong and mature human beings. I think he would prefer his child/ren to choose their own path, other than mafia, and even after possible parting ways will still love them will all his heart.
i love the idea of shibu falling in love with the forced mother of his children (esp if this is an ovi situation...) and calling them hatchlings... anon u get me so much omg. but maybe in a scenario where like u said he purely just saw you as a means for incubation, he never quite pays attention to you. to who you are beyond what you (your uterus) can provide. until … he does. the man starts to notice how loving and caring and patient and kind you are in the way you take care of and love on his hatchlings. and of course he was possessive over you the second you got pregnant with his babies but it was different - in his head, you were a thing; a means of production. but you became his. and by god you better feel lucky and special because tatsuhiko shibusawa doesn’t fall in love with just anyone. but when he does, he falls hard. he’s so obsessed with every little thing you do, just wants you by his side 24/7. and now he’ll use those 2 cocks to actually pleasure you vs. only just impregnating you :)
and abt mori - i agree!! i think how he raises his own real children would be a bit different than how he treats elise. he’ll genuinely try to raise them and shape them to be the (like you said) cunning, strong, sophisticated people he knows they can be. they are mori children after all. i think he’d maybe give the illusion that he wants his kids to have freedom outside of the mafia and be able to choose their own life path, but he’ll always have them under his thumb i think. he’ll always have some semblance of control over their life whether they see it or not. and i can see mori choosing one kid (not even necessarily the oldest) to act as his heir, but they’d definitely have to pull their own weight and prove that they genuinely have what it takes to fill his shoes and potentially follow in his footsteps. as doting and spoiling as the man is, i don’t think he’d just hand the title of pm boss down to any of his kids if they didn’t deserve it.
thank you for sending this in hehehe i love talking abt this
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ssreeder · 2 months
Hi, genuine question for Ur well being
Since this Is the last part/book of the Fanfiction i wanted to ask if u would be 'retelling' the whole series like if u would have to rewrite the whole season (cuz that would be SO MUCH WORK ITS CRAZY😭) or if u will like stop at some point of thr 'og timeline' bcuz from there on its almost thr same as the original (ex: aang's final battlr w ozai or the last agni kai of Zuko n Azula)
If u had to rewrite the og-show w a new timeline' how will the povs work? Like will u write aang's pov in the final Battle against ozai (cuz if u do ESP the part where he Is in the A.S the Kyoshi novels DID a pretty good job explaining It when Kyoshi entrrs It)
This Is Just for pure boredom 😭 cuz im so curious abt how u will write EVERYTHING (cuz its a LOT. Especially rewritin S3 tbfh)
LIKE thats ACTUALLY a LOT of work and i dont know if u have the sanity for that 😭😭 (NOT IN A NEGATIVE WAY IM JUST ADMIRINF UR MOTIVATION🙏🙏)
antways i LOVED the new chapter SM It was SUCH A chill n cozy One that now im so scared abt the next cuz Ur... EVIL(/j)
I also expected the cliffhanger to be DEVASTATING SND CRY ONCE AGAIN 4 THIS FIC but It wasnt ACTUALLY so bad but NOW U MADE ME CURIOUSSSSS
(will We get to see the Fire NATION Boys flashbacks back when they we're on the ship e zuko? Im still waiting to find out if IROH know abt jee.)
Now im even more frightened abt the next haha
Ok im done lol, love Ur work and KEEP UP (Sorry u had to read alltat:P)
ok anon so I’m not sure if you’re asking me if I plan to rewrite season 3 and the shows canon ending? But if you are, let me reassure you that I am absolutely not going to do that haha. LIAB won’t even end the same way the show ended so it wouldn’t even be possible for me to do that anyway
I love that you assume they’re gunna win the battle in BSS and go on to fight ozai -
what if they lose? Maybe the city falls and they have to leave it all behind and hide from the FN? Regroup, care for the injured, mourn the dead…
Speaking of dead. Fuck if what if Aang dies? Can’t fight ozai if he’s dead.
Azula loves to throw lighting & hates to lose so anything’s possible when you believe in yourself that much.
or maybe everything will be fine?! They will all be ALRIGHT because it’s liab and nothing bad ever happens in LIAB :D :D
sorry anon I won’t say what happens but I can promise you one thing FOR SURE - I will not be rewriting canon season 3 haha.
YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAAAA I’m super happy you enjoyed the last chapter haha the plot is beginning to move and we are headed towards the battle!!
as for flashbacks, the iroh zuko talk is an iroh pov and he’s super focused on the convo so unfortunately there won’t be much “flash-backing” but the ship will be mentioned so you never know haha.
thanks for the ask anon!!!
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irisintheafterglow · 9 months
hi iris i hope u have been well!!
wanted to request a little fluff/mutual pining moment between Satoru and reader who's also an instructor but they only ever get to see eachother during exchange events/higher up meetings/a mission every now and then (it's not for a lack of wanting to pursue eachother but neither of them have put in the effort bc they're both have commitment issues and deem themselves unworthy of trying) i think it would be soooo cute and i'm just dying to see Satoru and reader's students tease them about their VERY obvious chemistry... and hopefully something finally coming out of it in the end :-)
hehe thank u so much and as always you're the best!!
i hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this!
wc: 2.6k
cw/tags: coworkers to lovers, idiots in love, reader and gojo have no idea what they're doing, swearing, mentions of drinking, fluffy fluffy fluff
note: hi anon! thank you so much for the ask, hope you like it!! i definitely got a little carried away writing it just because it's such a cute premise lol
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated !!
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A piece of paper slides inconspicuously into your peripheral vision and it takes all of your willpower not to smirk. With equal nonchalance, you carefully peek under the ripped corner of the meeting agenda and can’t help smiling at the message scrawled on it. 
We’re drinking after this (not optional). 
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye and see him leaning back in his office chair, arms crossed and looking like he’d rather be dipping his limbs in molten lava. Even with his blindfold, you can see the boredom in his expression and you bite your tongue to keep from laughing. His inability to appear professional was going to be the death of you both. 
“Gojo, are you listening?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” he says with blatant dishonesty that makes you bite your bottom lip and carefully observe the dusty ceiling tiles. “I was just in…deep thought.” He tastes the last two words like philosophies to be pondered and it suddenly becomes much harder to continue to have a blank expression. Their first mistake was picking a verbal fight with him. 
“Deep thought about what?” Their second mistake was letting him keep talking.  
“Ah, you know, the usual things.” You can feel his attention flick to you for a moment and it gives him a wave of confidence to continue to be a little pest at a meeting neither of you wanted to be attending. It was his favorite pastime, after all, to get you to smile at his shenanigans despite the bullshit you were hearing. “The meaning of life, the wonders of love,” he begins before his volume drops so that only you could hear it, “Why this couldn’t have been a fucking email–”
“What was that?” You suppress a snort into your fist and take a sip of water, hoping the other meeting attendees couldn’t see that you were tearing up from trying not to laugh. The angry-faced higher up scowls at him, catching the biting tone but not his words. Satoru merely smiles innocently, like every utterance was of the purest and most amicable intentions. 
“Nothing,” he sings and you cough into your sleeve to hide a laugh. The other higher ups with their ugly suits and balding heads look at you curiously, but all you can see is Satoru’s shit-eating grin from beside you. “I’m just worried for you, is all.” The higher-up at the front of the room scoffs, still believing the show. 
“Worried? For me?”
“Mhmm,” he nods, his brows drawn in fake concern. “I just know you don’t have a lot of time left on this plane and, well, wonder why you’re choosing to spend it here,” he states with a vague gesture around the musty room. An embarrassing noise of amusement escapes from your throat and you try in vain to regain your composure, only to fall into a fit of uncontrollable coughing. Satisfied with his achievement, he abruptly stands from his chair and pulls yours away from the desk. “My work here is finished. We’re leaving.” His finger gently taps your shoulder twice and you obey, standing and heading for the door while he pushes in your chair behind you. The official at the front of the room has turned beet-red.
“The arrogance of you two–”
“We’re done here. If you say anything important, Ijichi will tell me. I doubt the possibility, though,” Satoru states with finality, opening the door for you and shooting the room of stunned officials one last smirk. Too lazy to walk through the winding halls or take the snail-paced elevator, a flick of your wrist opens a portal into an alley on the side of the building. Your colleague lets out a whistle of approval as your shoes cross from dirty carpet to asphalt, finally taking in fresh air after hours of sitting in the stale conference room. The moon shines in all of its winter glory and you shiver against the welcome chill, comforted by the chatter of the city’s nightlife. “Still up for that drink?”
“As long as you’re buying it,” you reply. “I’m gonna call the kids first and let them know I’m out.”
“Tell them I say hi,” he says without missing a beat, leaning against a nearby wall to wait for you to finish. Utahime picks up after two rings. 
“Hello? Ah, you’re finally done. That’s great!” Your coworker’s voice temporarily becomes muffled while she answers questions of who she’s talking to, followed by a chorus of your name imploring you to come back. “Everyone, say hi!” Your beloved students greet you enthusiastically and you smile at their enthusiasm. “Will you be on your way soon?”
“In a little,” you say, slightly sheepish as your eyes flick over to the man behind you. “I’m gonna get a drink.”
“You’re going by yourself?” 
“Not exactly,” you answer slowly and the realization hits Utahime as she breaks out into a lecture on how Satoru isn’t good enough for you. “Easy, easy. It’s just a drink, nothing else.” Your whispered attempts to placate your friend’s indignance prove futile and you settle for letting her get all of her complaints out. 
“He’s a no-good playboy with a rock for a brain and a chatterbox of a mouth, you idiot,” she concludes after her lengthy rant. “I don’t want you getting hurt because he’s too scared to make any commitments.”
“I’m not making any commitments either, Utahime,” you remind her and you can imagine her rolling her eyes from the other side of the line. “It’s just a drink,” you reiterate, but you still hear her grunt of disapproval. “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”
“Mhmm,” she responds skeptically. “Don’t do anything dumb.” 
“Love you too, Utahime,” you laugh, hanging up the phone and sticking it back in your pocket. “Alright, let’s go,” you call to Satoru, who eagerly pushes off the wall and drags you out of the alley. “We haven’t eaten, so we’re getting dinner too.” 
“Whatever you want,” he grins. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t harbor some sort of romantic affections toward Satoru, but you were also resigned to the fact that you’d never act on it. He was the most powerful human being on the planet; how could you be worthy of loving such a man? Still, in times like this, where it was just the two of you walking hand-in-hand to who knows where, your mind tended to drift into thoughts of what could be if you weren’t in this line of work. It would be nice to love him, that’s all. Yeah, it’d be really nice to love him. 
You couldn’t explain any of this to your students the next morning, though, when they interrogated you on who you were with the entire night. When you let his name slip, the shock in the room was palpable. 
“See, I knew you guys had a thing for each other!” Miwa points her sword at you accusingly, far more fired up than you’d ever seen her before. “I thought I was the only one who noticed how he looked at you!”
“There is nothing of the sort, so I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you counter, pushing the sheathed blade to the side. Your other students fight back with full force. 
“It’s so obvious that he likes you,” Mai says, like it’s an insult. “Teasing you all the time? Making excuses to crash your meetings?”
“Bringing you lunch if he’s within a fifty mile radius of our campus,” Nishimiya adds and her classmates nod in agreement. “Do you know how many times I’ve caught him trying to surprise you by air?”
“That could be just part of a working relationship,” you argue, but they’re relentless. “How would you know anything about his intentions? Maybe he’s just being nice!”
“I believe his intentions with you are, indeed, romantic,” Kamo reiterates and you groan, hiding your burning face in your hands. “I can’t say I don’t see the vision. You’re a powerful duo.”
“Your marriage would make the brass shit themselves,” Mai muses with a cynical glint in her eye. “Can you imagine having a baby that can send Hollow Purple through a portal?”  
“Oh, their children would be so beautiful,” Miwa squeals and it’s like waterfalls of sweat come rushing from your forehead.
“Alright, alright. Let’s not talk about marriage or babies, please,” you cut in, quick to nip that conversation in the bud. You can’t tell if it’s the weather making your palms clammy or the unending tirade of comments about your dating life. “We can change the topic of conversation now,” you say in an attempt to get the heat off of you for a little bit. “Todo, how’s that idol you like so much doing?” It’s a good idea, initially, but the thought of you and Satoru together seemed to be brainwashed over your students.
“She’s wonderful, just as the two of you in love is a wonderful sight.” Todo can’t seem to help himself as he announces his enthusiasm for your romantic endeavors, teleporting across the room and swapping positions with his classmates from claps of pure excitement. Mechamaru provides a single thumbs-up when you look to him for support, and you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers.
“I think it’s cute how you act like you hate him and then can’t seem to stay away during events like this. Love is so complex,” Miwa sighs, resting her chin on her hand and staring off dreamily. You scoff, hoping they can’t tell how fast your heart rate has picked up. “I wish I were in love.”
“It’s not love. If anything, it’s just admiration. Yeah, it’s just admiration,” you conclude and you’re met with skeptical stares. 
“Yeah, admiration of his hot bod,” Miwa mutters and you open a portal without thinking, allowing some fat drops of rain from who knows where to fall on her head. It was a common form of discipline, summoning portals to unruly weather conditions, and your students sit up a little straighter in understanding. “Fine, okay, okay. I’m done.”
“You sure? If you’re not done, I’m gonna send you to the Amazon again.”
“Yes, fine. I’m done, I promise.”
“Done with what?” You stiffen, mentally kicking yourself for not registering his presence sooner. Had he not taken up your entire attention, you would have sent Miwa to South America for the gasp of excitement she let out when Satoru appeared. It seemed that none of you knew he was listening until he leaned against the doorframe, all six feet of height taking up the entire space. He was wearing his signature shit-eating grin that made you want to choke him with his own blindfold. “You gossiping in here?”
“Nope, just going over strategy,” you lie straight to his face and he hums, not believing you for a second. “Shouldn’t you be doing that, too? With your own students?” You stand and attempt to push him out of the room, only to find him completely immovable. His hand covers yours, lacing your fingers together in a way that makes you a little dizzy. 
“All in good time,” he says carefreely, as if the action with your hands was second-nature. “For now, can I steal you away for a moment? It won’t take long.” You can practically hear the waggling eyebrows from your students and nod, unable to form a biting response because of the crashing trains of thought in your mind. His hand remains holding yours as he all but pulls you outside, finally dropping it when the excited chatter of your students has subsided. “You okay? You seem a little frazzled,” he asks once you’re far enough from any eavesdropping attempts.
“Yeah, my kids are just being a little…funny, today,” you exhale, trying to hide your unease with a nervous giggle. “You know them; they love to make up their own little stories.” He raises his eyebrows in amusement, matching your pace as you walk down a random outdoor corridor of the Tokyo campus. 
“Mine have actually been doing the same thing,” he confesses after a brief moment of awkward silence. “Making speculations, drawing connections. Seems to be a good exercise in pattern-recognition.” You know he means it as a joke, but all you can think about is Miwa’s comment on admiring Satoru’s ‘hot bod.’ Had his students picked up on your behavior, too?
“What are some of these connections they’re drawing?”
“Connections about my behavior around…hmm,” his voice trails off and the corner of his mouth turns down into a frown, like he was unhappy with his students’ observations. “They’ve noticed things about the way I, well,” he stammers and for the first time, you witness Gojo Satoru get tongue-tied. “Somethings that they’ve seen and heard and–”
“Satoru.” You halt both of your strides and cross your arms defensively over your chest, slightly uncomfortable from Satoru’s inability to express himself when he would otherwise be talking your ear off. “What is this about?”
“My students know I like you,” he states bluntly and your heartbeat momentarily stops pounding in your ears. His students know that he what? “And they also theorize,” he stops to clear his throat, adjusting his collar and avoiding your eyes, “that you may reciprocate the same feelings.” Any words that you can form get caught in your throat, an odd mixture of happiness, shock, and pure dread stirring around in your brain. All you could do is blink at him, dumbly, while he shifts between the balls of his feet. “Please, say something.”
“You like me,” you repeat, tasting the words like a fancy wine you’ve never tried before breaking out into the widest smile you’ve ever felt. “Holy shit, you like me?”
“You’re smiling,” he states, still trying to process what was happening. “That’s a good thing, right?”
“Holy shit, you like me!” Your voice raises on its own and you take a step back in surprise, covering your face with your hands to try and contain your emotions. “What the fuck, Satoru?”
“Yeah, that’s,” he mumbles as he watches you celebrate, “that’s how I’m feeling too.” 
“Wait, so what do we do now?” 
“I have no idea. I didn’t expect to get this far,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck and combing his fingers through his hair. “I was waiting for you to slap me and tell me to go to hell.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I didn’t think you liked me back,” he sputters and the joy in both you and Satoru’s chests finally breaks loose in a fit of unending laughter. “Holy shit, I was so worried for nothing.”
“They’re gonna be so excited when we get back, they won’t be able to focus on the Exchange Event.”
“I don’t think I can focus on the Exchange Event.”
“Then we can postpone it!” You both flinch as a voice that was definitely not one of yours calls from behind a nearby wall, followed by a terrified oh, shit! as Satoru goes barreling around the corner and drags out the culprits by the collars of their shirts. Yuuji, the pink-haired student from Tokyo, and Miwa both try to explain themselves as they dangle weightlessly from Satoru’s hands. “Gojo, sir, we swear we weren’t trying to–”
“Hold on,” you pause Yuuji’s explanation, sensing some extra energy signatures that weren’t succeeding at hiding themselves. “Come out now, or I’m opening the portal to the Arctic,” you command in the open air and watch the leaves rustle as the rest of the Tokyo and Kyoto students fall from a nearby tree. “It’s rude to eavesdrop,” you chuckle as Nishimiya picks a few branches from Mai’s hair. “Go clean yourselves up and then we can begin the games.”
“You free this weekend after the games to go someplace?” Satoru whispers in your ear once all of the students are gone. “I need a break from the prying eyes of teenagers.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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daiziesssart · 5 months
First off, can I just say that I love your style?? Your line work is so nice and you make characters so expressive. I recently came across your art while searching up Jily (out of boredom lol) and thought your style looked really familiar. Then I realized I saw your atla art a few years ago. Excited to see what more you create <3 Second, and I’m sorry for bringing up discourse 🫠 but I honestly appreciate reading your and your friends’ takes on Lily. It's almost frustrating seeing people (1/2)
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OMG!!! thank you SO MUCH! and yes, i’ve gotten “wait, YOU drew [insert atla fanart here]????” LOLLL i’m glad our paths have crossed again, anon!
also, please never apologize! i love talking about lily and i LOVE character analysis! anyone who has adhd can probably relate but two of my hyperfixations are the marauders and doing in depth psychological analysis on character pffft
i agree with everything you said 100%, omg. it’s so frustrating especially because it feels as though, not only (male) death eater characters are given more grace, but they’re also explored more and have more ‘fanlore’
you've actually inspired me to respond in depth about lily's character and how she's perceived and. embarrassingly enough, it went far beyond the max character limit for answers to asks. so i made a separate post about it here
anyways THANK U again for the lovely message <333
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stevebabey · 2 years
𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 ! - this celebration is closed!
hello my beloveds, i recently hit a bonkers milestone so ofc, i would love to celebrate with u all !! whether you’re new here or a long time follower, i’m so v glad to have u here in my corner of the internet :’) mucho thank u’s and too many mwah’s to count, just know i’m giving u all a big sloppy kiss <3
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now, without further ado, i humbly invite you along for 6 days (from the 16th - 22nd of jan) of ruby’s very own tour of hawkins, indiana :)
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you’re new in town, you say? hmm, you might like to head to STARCOURT MALL; it’s best and brightest in the town! seriously, it’s filled w some very fancy stuff, there’s something for everyone, believe me
alongside a🍦emoji, send in your favourite fics, favourite authors, really anyone you want to shout out and think deserves sum appreciation ! this is just to spread some love :’) and hey, if u send ur own fic on anon, i ain’t gone be none the wiser hehe
or maybeee, you’re more of a hopeless romantic like me and would prefer a trip to LOVER’S LAKE: whether for first time dates or late night make-outs — looking at you, harrington 👀 — all good romance blooms lakeside
alongside a ❤️‍🔥 emoji, send in some blurb requests! [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] <- these are some prompt lists but they’re not required :) remember to tell me what list u got ur prompt from!
okay, neither of those pique your interest? well, FAMILY VIDEO is great for curing boredom! and the staff are easy on the eyes as well, which totally helps
alongside a 📽 emoji, send in thoughts and concepts hehehe - any genre, any length. you can even go behind the beaded curtain to the 18+ stuff if u want (sfw or nsfw allowed)
oh, there’s also the RADIO SHACK, though it’s a bit run down. probably only go in there if you’re a mutual i reckon, just to be safe
mutuals, send in a 🎧 and i’ll assign u a song from my music + some lovely words from me
oh dude, i forgot to say! i got us invited to a legendary STEVE HARRINGTON PARTY🕺🏻we’re gonna play all the classic party games it’s gonna be totally tubular
you guys know these ones :D fmk, this or that, cast your mutuals, any ask game ur pretty lil head can come up with + if you’d like, tell me what 80s song you love the most and wish would play at parties (i’m always lookin for more hehe)
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i sincerely hope you enjoy your stay in hawkins! MWAH, ruby x
(some do’s and don’t’s for requests are below the read more if you’re on the fence about an idea !)
i’m pretty vanilla in all senses: no non-con/dubcon, no pregnancy, no hard kinks, no x reader for anyone besides steve, no steddie x reader, that’s about it :)
as this is a follower celebration, it is intended to be for followers of the blog <3 i ask that if you’d like me to put the time & effort into writing something for u, mayhaps u shud follow if you don’t already :D idk i’m not a cop and technically nothin bad will happen if u don’t but u shouldn’t :) ok
if i don’t respond to your ask, i’m probably working away at it but also hey, it just might not scratch my brain. i’ll do my best to get them all written but absolutely no promises.
tagging sum mutuals <3
@hawkinsindiana​ @spideystevie​ @harringtonbf​ @familyvideostevie​ @sanguineterrain​ @katsu28​ @stvharrngton​ @sunshinesteviee​ @plainemmanem​ @teenbiology​ @stevestummy​ @augustslippedavvay​ @husbandharrington​ @joellkeeny​ @keeryshouse​ @sparklingsin​​
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book-girl4evaaa · 3 months
Which character (only one allowed) do you wish was there right this moment to share your boredom and/or hangout with u?
Hi anon!
Hmmmm... For a written character probably Cress, and for an oc I would say Nics
Thank you for the ask!
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