#thank u for sending these in <3 choosing only one for eyes was very difficult lmfao
rebeltarot · 7 months
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RELATIONSHIPS ➕ Your next friendship
"[...] and then she knew that you could become homesick for people too."
[3 piles] ・ [6 decks] ・ [12 cards for each pile] ・ [letters, songs]
Hello friends, we will investigate who your next friend is in this reading. What is their personality, and how will you guys meet? All these questions will be explored within this reading. I wish you and your upcoming blossoming connections all the very best. ♡♡
Painting: The Triumph of Venus - François Boucher (1740)
Helpful Links: How to choose your pile ➕ Request a reading
18+ only - This is not a blog for minors. Warnings: None.
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© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 01 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
C, U, R, E, L, G, Aries, 2nd House, Jupiter
Song: Water - KREAM, ZOHARA
Tarot: 3 of swords, the world, page of wands, (5 of pentacles)
Oracle: seeker rx, humpback whale, occupation, mule, fly, boot, broken ring, don't make plans
Their Personality
Hello, Pile 01, and welcome to your reading! Your next friend is someone who has a keen eye for warning signs. I feel like this person has experienced their fair share of trauma and heartbreak, which makes them a great detector of red flags. Your friend is someone who might very well still be in a grieving process when you guys meet. They might have recently experienced a loss, and generally, I do feel like your friend might be leaning toward the realistic/pessimistic side. Some of their behavior might be strange to you too, given that they were coming out of a difficult situation. The world card is all about completion, success, clarity, celebration, and travel. Your new friend is an accomplished person—someone who has achieved their fair share of success. I do think that your new friend is aware of things and can discern situations accurately. In this specific deck, this card is associated with fans. This is a cheerleader—someone who loves seeing other people win. This new friend of yours will live through your highs and lows with you, and they will continuously cheer you on and support you. They might also be the type to motivate you to celebrate small wins. They might send you gifts and flowers for your achievements, no matter how little they are. A genuine supporter. They are also well-traveled, or they might be from another part of the world. Either way, they are cultured and can adapt to new circumstances and surroundings. We are looking at someone who is curious and shows genuine interest in others. Your new friend is also creative; they might be involved in the arts in one way or another. I do think that this is a fun friend—someone with whom you can go on spontaneous adventures and someone who inspires you to be more confident and to follow your intuition. With this friend, the sky is the limit, honestly. They will be on board with the wildest ideas and support you through them. This is someone who is free-spirited. They have broken free from society's expectations. It's the type of friend that, if you like it, they will love it! We are looking at a confident person here, or at least at someone who appears to be this way. Again, your new friend has experienced their fair share of trauma and heartbreak, and I do think that based on their past, they do tend to struggle with a pessimistic outlook at times, especially in areas regarding security and safety, aka. money. They might have a lack-mindset, but again, it feels mostly related to jobs and food security (there is an apple on the woman's head in this particular deck). I also feel like this is someone who struggles to commit. Again, this does not relate to your friendship but more to areas where your friend struggles with a lack-mindset. Anything that promises security is something they struggle to trust, so they might be the type to do job-hopping, etc. Your friend could have a beautiful and soothing voice. They might even be a great singer. What's certain, though, is that we are looking at a truly wise person here, someone whose words can soothe one's soul. Your friend is a great guide, especially because of their own life experience. They have learned a lot of lessons and accumulated tons of valuable and life-changing wisdom. Again, their words have the power to touch one's soul. They are determined. Even if they are capricious, especially when it comes to their work, they are clear on what they want. They have direction, and they are true go-getters. Their approach is just unconventional. Your new friend is someone with a purpose, and they are doing their best to follow it and be worthy of it. So in essence, this is a person who takes their roles seriously. They try their utmost to be deserving of their titles (be it a friend, a position at work, etc.).
How will you meet?
You guys will meet at work, that is for certain. I feel like the person who is new to the job will be you, given the sequence of the cards. The mule card shows us that there is a situation that seems hopeless; this most likely relates to a person who is stubborn and unwilling to change. This will lead to a period of bad health and even a depressive period for you. You might be struggling at your previous job. These circumstances will lead to you looking for new positions and eventually severing ties with your previous employer. This all seems unplanned; this change was not something you expected or even planned for, but something that was inspired by your experience with this stubborn person. And wherever your career journey leads you, that is where you will meet your new friend. 
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 02 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
A, D, I, E, U, A, 1st house, Gemini, Pluto
Song: Hate Myself - Tate McRae
Tarot: the moon, 7 of pentacles, queen of wands, (wheel of fortune)
Oracle: judge rx, tiger, mature man, forest, pig, eye, camel, arms
Their Personality
Hello, Pile 02, and welcome to your reading! Your next new friend is someone who holds a lot of depth. They might feel magical and maybe even a bit unreal to you. It's a person who religiously follows their intuition and is just really good at picking up subtle signs and changes. Your new friend might struggle with anxiety, though, as they tend to overthink a lot. But yes, this person is hard to read and hard to decipher. Your friend's motivations are often honorable. They tend to do the things they do for the right reasons, usually to uplift others and improve given circumstances. They are a hard worker, someone who is constantly learning, growing, and changing, and has a lot of stamina. They persevere, and their hard work usually pays off well. Everything they achieve, they deserve. They also pay attention to what they do and what they invest their time in. Your new friend is an intentional person; they always know why they are doing something. This by no means indicates a calculated person, but rather someone who is present and mindful. Your new friend is confident and courageous. They are truly independent and get along well with the people around them. Again, we are looking at a driven person, someone who does not shy away from hard work. They are determined to achieve what they set their minds to. With the wheel of fortune as their bottom deck, they might feel like someone who is quite lucky at times. Yes, they work for what they achieve, but their achievements might come with extra benefits, etc. They might be coming from a privileged background. This is genuinely a kind and good person, and they are always teachable. This is not the type of person to get their ego in their way when it comes to criticism, etc. They remain teachable because they know they are not always right, which just brings them a lot of good karma. I do think, though, that they can be harsh with their words. This is a pragmatic person—a person with reason. They never do anything without intention, so their criticism might sometimes appear destructive to others as they apply their values and their idea of the world to their judgment. They are not the most sensitive and delicate with their words. Again, this is a fiery and driven person. They appear to be unstoppable. Their passion is their driving force and their power, and they are bold and brave. Things always seem to work out for them, honestly, because their force is so powerful that everything just seems to align for them. They put their money where their mouth is.  How will you meet?
You might meet your new friend through a mutual connection—most likely a mature man. This could indicate someone who is in their 50s or upwards, someone who is just simply older than you, or someone who is more mature or has more experience. I feel like this person will connect you two during a time when you are confused. When you might not see clearly and when your values are all over the place. I do feel like you will follow your intuition here. You might reach out to this mutual connection in hopes of help or guidance, and they will connect you to your new friend. Again, you are reaching out for help to overcome a problem in your life. It might not be the easiest journey to one another, but in the end, you guys will embrace each other, and I do feel like your new friend will be more than willing to help you; they will be welcoming. 
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 03 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
B, I, N, G, O, H, I, Libra, 8th House, Saturn
Song: Me & U - AleksSounds
Tarot: the high priestess, 5 of cups, the magician, (9 of wands)
Oracle: angel rx, swan, house, fair woman, broom, may, mountain road, back
Their Personality
Hello, Pile 03, and welcome to your reading! Your new friend is a wise and intuitive person. Someone who is in alignment with their subconscious mind and who can read others easily. This person might seem magical to you, but in a way, they might be hard to read, and they might seem unpredictable. Sometimes their actions might be without rhyme or reason, but there is always consistency behind them, which is them following their intuition. Your friend might have experienced some losses in their life, and there might still be situations that are eating away at their conscience because they are regretful. The past might still be hunting them, and I do think that they struggle with letting go, especially when they know that they failed a situation or someone. Your new friend is truly resourceful, and they know how to wield what they have to achieve their goals. They are great at manifesting and achieving their desires. This, to me, feels like someone who is lowkey a perfectionist. They struggle with failure and they struggle with loss, and when experiencing it, they might be pessimistic about it. Your new friend is a powerful person; they are unique and authentic, and again, they follow their intuition. The only action your new friend takes is inspired action. They are resilient, for sure, and extremely courageous. They fight for what they want and protect their loved ones fiercely. This is not the type of person to give up easily; they are persistent and also great at setting, keeping, and respecting boundaries. I do not think that they are easily approachable in the sense that they are guarded. They are protective of themselves and the people in their lives, but once you are in, you are in for good. I feel like your friend's first impression can be misleading. They might appear innocent and angelic at first, but they are quite the opposite. Again, this is a strong person, but it might not be evident in their appearance. First impressions are misleading here, and they usually tend to use this to their advantage as they are aware of others's perceptions of them. Your friend is quite graceful. They hold so much wisdom, and it feels like the way they go through life is just effortless. They are a great teacher, especially when it comes to elegance and grace. They inspire with dignity, and I do think that they have a great eye for beauty and aesthetics. This seems like a truly classy person.  How will you meet?
You guys will meet at someone's home. This is either the housewarming of someone you both know, or you might be moving to a new neighborhood or a new home, and they might be living in the same apartment complex or on the same street. Either way, a fair woman is involved; this specifically describes their hair color, which ranges from blonde to gray and white. Whatever it is, it will most likely happen in May or start in May. Your move or your way there might not be easy, and there might have been a few hiccups along the way, but eventually, you are getting there, starting a new life and a new path. I do think that this person is meant to support you through your new chapter in life. You might even share a home, perhaps? For some of you, this could indicate a roommate, etc. For others, it's a neighbor, and for a small group of you, it's the housewarming of a close friend. But what all of you in this group share is the fact that you will meet this person during a new chapter in your life. And May does play a role in one way or another. It could be either timing, someone's birthday, or hold another meaning. Take what resonates, and leave the rest. 
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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sweetshire · 1 month
for the ask game- 3, 8 and 14?
hello hello!! this was sm fun, i love gushing abt fics i love. thanks for sending in the ask <3 (these questions are from this ask game)
3. 😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
oh man. i experienced momentary blackout, as one does, when asked abt what one particularly likes haha. hmm let me see, let me see - i remembered SEVERAL such fics, and i shall list them all:
• “And Glorfindel Shall Be For The Elves…” by she_who_recs :D
• The Curious Tale of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and Her Magic Ring by Prackspoor — sauron’s probably crying in his tower LOL. i didn’t know how much i needed this until i read it XD!
• ARES III TWITTER TAKEOVER by mazzawitz — my favourite The Martian fic!
• feels like we only go backwards by oldpotatoe — ok i’m only putting this here for myself, bc i stopped reading it midway & i need to get back to it asap. anyway, sokka’s inner monologues in this are freaking HILARIOUS. and i’m not particularly into shipping, especially in atlaverse - but this fic single-handedly converted me into a zukka shipper so
• THIS SAGA OF FELLOWSHIP SHENANIGANS — u’ll laugh until there are tears in ur eyes <3 beautiful. just beautiful *mimes wiping away tears from my eyes*
8. 🥰 A fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings
THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTION EVER. how am i meant to choose JUST ONE?! and so, of course, i shan’t ;)
• The Quiet Ones by @fruitviking — cute CUTE CUTE. nonverbal holmes my beloved. i’ve nothing more to say
• Oddity & Honesty by @lovely-v / mangostrawberry — gives u the warmest fuzzies <3 sweetest fic in the world 🧡 also they’re THE (only) samfro writer to me
• as i have heretofore -- and i’ll continue to forevermore, i’d be very remiss if i didn’t mention with every seed you sow, let it wash away, wash away by @afaramir — it feels so. hopeful despite, - no INSPITE, - of all the grief amidst the joy. i’m as addicted to this fic as sherlock holmes is to cocaine. abby i’ll rec this fic until you’re sick of me CHEERS <3 xo
14. 🤩 A fic that made you SLAM that “subscribe” button
i’m gonna be real with u friend… most of the time i forget that this button even exists ajfgsjksh. i’m always on the lookout for more fics on tumblr tho, so i don’t really miss out much.
BUT i will say that @emyn-arnens’s On These Hither Shores -- another favourite! -- instantly drew my attention & i blitzed through her other works. this fic qualifies as an answer to the above question as well as to the re-read one, i guess. it’s warm & lovely and i’ve read it more times than i can count. rushing back to go subscribe now; i’m shocked and appalled that i haven’t done that already!
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maaarshieee · 3 years
I got idea from the gojo story.
What about reader with inumaki’s power? Maybe siblings or something? Both are in ua and maybe reader is dating someone (u can choose).
maybe everyone thinks her quirk is like shinsou’s, but it’s so much more powerful.
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➢ Cʟᴀss 1-A x F!Iɴᴜᴍᴀᴋɪ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➢ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
Class 1-A's reaction hcs to the girl who only speaks with Riceball fillings but incredibly powerful~!
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➢ Cʟᴀss 1-A
A villain, that’s how many kids of your childhood called you, just because of your quirk. Many feared you for your quirk, not wanting to be at the receiving end of it. But when they found out you’d never say anything to harm them, they began to make fun of your limited vocabulary.
That led you to barely speaking, only to your family and relatives. Growing up has been difficult, but that didn’t deter you from pursuing being a hero.
But seriously, a villain that only says riceball fillings? Imaging getting attacked and the last words you hear are "Tuna, tuna,"... I guess that's why they're afraid of you?
You’d always carry some flashcards with written answers for when people asks you things, since you don’t have friends to speak for you. Flash cards include; greetings, introduction, your quirk, the reason why you can’t speak properly, your class, and extra information of you like your favorite drink, food and many more.
It was a difficult life style, but you managed. Now, you’re nervous if your new classmates treats you the same as everyone else.
You aced the U.A Entrance Exam, both written and practical test, easily making your way on top 10. You’ve also made a friend! Who is it? A certain purple haired boy named Hitoshi Shinshou. 
You rescued him from a 3 pointer, shouting “Crumble away!”. In Hitoshi’s awe, the robot easily got crushed down on the ground from an invisible weight. You coughed, breathing heavily from all the screaming and running. 
Helping the stunned boy up, you drank some cough syrup to make your irritated throat feel better.
“W-what’s your quirk?” He blurted out, completely forgetting to thank his savior. You frowned at that, looking around for more robots to take down. Before you leave, he cleared his throat, ashamed. “Sorry! Thanks for saving me... It’s just... I’ve never seen a quirk that can easily do that...” 
“...?” You tilted your head to the side, but gestured your hand to tell him to go on. He began to look uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well... We have similar quirks... Mine is called Brainwashing, I can make people do what ever I want unless they reply to what I say...” He said with a solemn look on his face, averting his eyes away from you.
Oh, you understood now. You frowned at the unfairness of the practical test, and it seems like a powerful quirk too. You put a hand on his shoulder, and giving him a thumbs up.
“Shake,” You said reassuringly, then you pointed at his neck, eyes sparkling in awe as you murmured, “Tsuna!”
S-salmon? Tuna!? Hitoshi thought, giving you a bewildered look. You sighed, then gave him your ‘quirk’ flashcard, sending him a small smile.
Then he nodded in understanding, relaxing. Just from that, it seemed like the two of you understood each other immediately, even if you just met.
Two aspiring heroes perceived as villains, just because of their quirks.
You two kept in touch, hanging out and preparing for U.A. Hitoshi immediately gave you his plan on Sports Festival, so he’d have a chance in Class 1-A, which you wholeheartedly supported him for. 
You’re really glad he’s quick to pick up your vocabulary, having conversations with you and becoming your personal translator.
School rolls in finally and you’re nervous. You’re glad Hitoshi will be there to walk you to school. You’re wearing a scarf around your neck, pulling it up to cover your mouth and the marks. 
Class 1-A was very welcoming, excluding some students. Not one of them called you a villain when Tenya Iida, a very interesting classmate who’s strict and pretty respectable, read your flashcards out loud for you, much to your relief.
Although you heard some giggles from other students when Tenya read the part where you can only speak with Riceball fillings, but was quickly scolded by Tenya, and a pretty girl named Momo.
You quickly found yourself hanging out with the more quieter students, seeing that they don’t mind hanging out in silence, but also stuck around Tenya, one of the students who’s quick to defend you even if you just met. 
But being with Tenya meant being with Izuku and Ochako. Honestly, the wholesomeness the two of them exudes makes you glad that you went to U.A in the first place. It’s refreshing and relieving when Ochako praises you on how strong your quirk is or how Izuku would ask you about your quirk.
“What other commands can you say? What do they do? Is there a limit? Does your throat hurt-?” The boy blasted you away with questions while holding a pen and notebook in his hands. You pulled down your scarf, a little more open to your new found friend, chuckling.
“Tsunamayo...” You cleared your throat, pointing at your throat with a small frown. Izuku widened his eyes, face flushing in embarrassment and bowing to you, sputtering apologies.
When you walk... You feel two eyes burning holes behind your head. It seems like you’ve made rivals by simply existing... Which are Katsuki and Shoto, but the group of friends that gravitates around him, allowing you to approach him from time to time.
Shoto though... He doesn’t even speak to anyone, save Momo but that’s really rare.
You’d invite Hitoshi to your table with Izuku, Ochako and Tenya, allowing him to make more friends, and to also share your excitement to the purple haired boy from being accepted quickly by Class 1-A. 
Because of Hitoshi helping Tenya, Ochako and Izuku with your vocabulary, the 3 of them became your official translators of Class 1-A. 
Izuku went the extra mile of course, writing a ‘help’ book for anyone who wants to understand you, and asking you for more of your ‘safe words’ to translate. 
Your heart would explode because of this and you’d do everything for him. He’s such a nice friend!
Every time Katsuki bad mouths Izuku, you’d command, “Shut it,” and let him target you instead of Izuku, except he’s not barking anymore and instead biting by trying to explode your face.
You still stuck around him, just because you thought the angry boy entertaining, but also curious what goes on inside his head.
You officially became “less annoying” than your other classmates along with Ejirou. What an honor! And yeah, because of that you and Ejirou got really close.
You’d help him with his studies but... you know, your quirk.
You instead found this hilarious. He’s trying to hard to open his mouth but can’t. Aizawa-sensei doesn’t approve of this but ‘forgets’ to scold you about it and sometimes whispers you to command the class to be quiet.
A lot of your classmates carries things for you to soothe your aching throat. Izuku gave you a tiny kit of medicines and cough syrup. Shoto (you know, once you all get close) prepares you tea on the spot. Momo would take out a tea cup, let water boil with Shoto, then Tenya gives her remedial tea he always carry for you. 
Huh, you have a whole protection squad.
Oh? Katsuki gave you a piece of candy that helps soothe the throat? He’s so nice! Ah, he threatened to kill you if you told anyone about this? Classic Katsuki.
You’re Ejirou’s back up as the class’ “Bakugo’s impulse controls”. When he becomes too much to handle, even for Ejirou, you’d command him to stop. At first he’d try to kill you even more, but now he’s pretty okay with it.
You might want to be careful once you go out after Sports Festival... You got villains eyeing to take you in because of how powerful your quirk is.
Mei, the support class girl who shamelessly used Tenya for an advertisement during Sports Festival, makes you a lot of experimental equipment for you. You get to use a megaphone to avoid straining your throat! (I just HAD to add that in, Toge’s megaphone.)
You team up very well with you classmates, but that doesn’t mean you can rely on them all the time!
Katsuki really wants you to use your full potential when you spar with him but no matter how much you arm him that it could literally kill him, he’d still pester you about it.
Stopped asking when you said “Explode” to a horde of robots during practice. 
I think you’d definitely need a weapon to be able to help more.
“Woahh, Y/n! I really like the marks on your mouth, how did you get them!?” - Denki
“K-konbu...” You said, flustered, then pointed at your neck, and shrugged. 
“She said ‘thanks’, also how the fuck did you just notice??” - Katsuki
Yep, even he picked up your vocabulary.
Over all, the class adores you even though you can’t communicate well.
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✦ YALL COMING IN WITH THE JJK X BNHA REQUESTS HUH?? DW, IM LIVING FOR IT! i love jjk,,,, screw yall ill probably start writing for it,, huhu.. I didn’t add Toge in it since I’m not sure how to write him, so I hope you don’t mind!! Thanks for requesting~ Also wow 35+ follows already? Thank you so much!! I hope you like this, anon!! Have a good day/night~!
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hi!! I just want to say that you're awesome and I love everything you write 💖 I would like to request a scenario with Yamato and female reader who has the same role as Hiyori, so reader is the daughter of Oden and Yamato son of Kaido... Normally they should be enemies but they are very attracted to each other. I hope this made sense 😇 with 14, 23, 45 from the spicy list and everything you want please! Thank you Sashi, take care! Sending you a hug ( ˘ ³˘)
Hi!! OMG of course!! This is my first time writing for him so I hope I get it right ♥ I love Yamato so much 🙈🙈🙈 I hope you enjoy this little (not so little) scenario darling!! Thank u for your cute words! ♥
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NSFW ~ Yamato x F! Reader ~ Play That Melody For Me ~ [PART 1]
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TW: HE/HIM pronouns used for Yamato (as it should be). Nipple play, oral sex, toys (strap on), face sitting, usage of alcohol, wet dreams.
WC: 1.9K
Tag list: @undercoverweeeb @mistyroselove @onepieceya (tagging you because you love Yamato :3)
There is a second part for this fic, read it here ♥
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“My dear Tayu, Yamato, Son of Kaido is here” one of your helpers announces from behind the folding screen. The shadow of a tall man awaits you outside. “Son of Kaido, tch” you grunt, tightening the knot of your kimono strap around your waist...
You open the folds to appreciate your next “client”. There he is, long white hair, taller than anyone there, strong arms. You scan his whole body, from up and down. He smiles at you, yellow intense eyes fixed on yours.
“Please, come in” you tell him. He follows you inside. “Take a seat” you command. Yamato sits over a few cushions, crossing his legs. He ties his hair up in a ponytail, and when he does so, his clothes show a sideboob that it’s impossible for you to ignore.
“So, Mr. Yamato, what service would you like?” you ask him, trying to end this situation as soon as possible. The white haired man looks at you and smiles kindly. “Please, call me Oden”, he says.
You gasp and shut your eyes… Your blood boils. “Oden? Oden is my father and your bastard father killed him” you think and avoid shouting it by biting the inside of your mouth. Yamato notices your lack of words, and probably the fire in your eyes.
“Are you ok?” he asks. You shake your head, fighting between jumping and stabbing the man in front of you, or simply accepting his request. If you ever tell him the truth -especially to him-, Denjiro and you would have wasted almost twenty years and the plan to take down Kaido would be ruined.
“Ok, Oden... Tell me then, what’s the service?” you ask him again, choking back tears as you pronounce your dad’s name. He tilts his head and stands up. Yamato approaches you, brushing soft, slender fingers over your cheek. He lifts your chin up and stares into your soul for sure. “I don’t think you are ok right now; I will come back tomorrow” he says. You notice the gold shackles around his wrists and wonder why Kaido’s son has them.
You nod, out of words. You’d lie if you don’t find Yamato, not only intimidating, but also handsome as hell. The man that dares to act like your father leaves the room, but not before flashing you a sexy smile. His huge anatomy, then, disappears as he slides the paperlike door close.
Your legs turn weak, and you fall to the ground. Your knees hit the wooden floor under them, but it doesn’t hurt. Your heart does. “Why… Why me?” you say as warm tears run down your face.
Night comes, and you flop into bed, exhausted. You watch a bright half-moon shining on the dark blue sky of the night through the window. Sakura flowers falling like snow, dancing with the warm breeze of that summer, summer number nineteen… you only have to wait for the next summer… Mum's promise… Your eyelids fall and you slowly travel to the oneiric world.
Images of the despicable son of Kaido over you, his hands on your body. Cold metal feeling over your skin as his shackles rub your flesh. Your fingers tangled around white strands of hair. Your breathing accelerated.
You suddenly open your eyes. Panting, you only realized this was just a dream. “Just… a… dream…” you reassure yourself. Yet, your inner thighs feel wet. Your skin burns, your cheeks too. Heartbeats you can hear. Aroused.
Your fingers travel from your naked belly towards your underwear. You feel how wet that dream has made you. But quickly guilt hits you, hard. “What are you doing, (name)?” you say to yourself, taking your hand off your core. “He is your enemy, stop” ...
“Mrs. Oiran… good morning!” a little pink haired girl wakes you up. She greets you with a big smile, laughing as always. “My darling!!” you say and snatch the little bean into your arms. You hug her, you love the little girl. “(Name)! Someone sent you something today! Hahaha” she informs you. “Oh, really? What is it?” you ask. The little girl stands up and runs towards a box decorated with the finest rice paper and some flowers. “Here! Open it!” she says.
The box holds a note that says, “I want you to play the "Tsukihime" melody for me today”. Tears sprout from your eyes, blurring your vision. Inside there is a new Shamisen. And despite being brand new, it looks exactly the same as the one she used to play when she was a little girl. The one that your father, Oden, gifted to you. The one that got burned when his father burned the castle. You hated the man with burning passion. Why does he have to call himself like your dad, why did he have to give you that exact same shamisen as a present… Why from all the songs in the world, he had to choose your father’s favourite melody?... Why does he have to be so handsome?...
And the afternoon is here, and he is too. Again the shadow of your enemy. He is there, behind the paper folding screen, waiting for you… You look through your window, Kyoshiro -Denjiro- looks up to you from the entrance of the Okiya. His sleepy eyes beg for you to bear with it just a little longer. He knows how difficult this is for you, he really knows.
The voice of that man pulls you out from the unspoken connection you have with your friend and protector. You don’t turn around; you just move your head to your shoulder. You feel him approaching you. “Did you like my gift?” he asks, whispering softly near your ear. It’s insane how much his simple presence can make you weak, confused, aroused.
“I did, thank you my Sir” you lie. “Please, play that song for me” he asks. You turn around, looking up at his face. He looks at you, fixing once again his golden eyes on yours. The tension between your bodies is so strong, your skin burning.
You take your gaze off him, grab the instrument, and sit on your turquoise cushion. He does the same in front of you. Your skilled fingers start playing the cords, the melody from your childhood resonates all around the room. Yamato enjoys the notes of such beautiful song. “I wanted to hear this for so long… it is just amazing” he says, as if it was the first time, he was hearing the melody…
Soon, the melody stops. You wait for him to speak, but he doesn’t. So you take the lead. “So.. Do you want me to play another song?” you ask. But he is lost in your body. Yamato approaches you; his soft thumb grazes your lip. You gasp, something feels fancier on your core. Yet, you take your head off to the side. He is your enemy, how are you supposed to be with the son of the man that killed your dad?... but your thoughts got interrupted…
Yamato grabbed your chin and aligned it with his mouth. Soft tender lips over yours, his tongue separating yours. You can’t resist, you don’t want to resist. You want him…
Gently, your back hits the cushion. Yamato straddling over you, white strands of hair falling on each side of your face. The sound of the cuffs he has on his wrists hitting the wooden floor around you.
Lustful sights on each other, your hands travel through his back. He kisses you again, your tongues dance around. His hand little by little sliding the side of your kimono off, until your breasts get completely exposed to him.
Yamato’s mouth traces a path from your lips to your neck, and then lowering until it reaches your breasts. His hands squeeze gently the flesh of your tits, his lips rub your hard nipples. You moan, feeling a mix of lust and guilt, but you don’t stop him.
The son of Kaido deliciously sucks your sensitive nipples, he nibbles and pulls from them. You squirm at the sensation; the pleasure he makes you feel slowly fades the hate…
Yamato stretches his arm to reach for the sakazuki of sake you have served on the side. He lets the alcohol drip over your chest. The cold drops of it make your skin react with little spasms. Your lover licks every drop from your chest, the dry taste of the sake mixed with your skin makes Yamato relish at such a delicious flavour.
His lips lowers and lowers, until they get to your belly button. He traces a circle around it, you whine and extend your arm. Your fingers around his long hair. He grunts. His tongue finally gets to your core.
“I love your taste” he mumbles. You just babble in response, as his skilful tongue makes wonders with your sex. “So tasty, so wet” ...
Your inner thighs get bruised with the horns of his head, as your legs try to close due to the intense stimulation. But that’s not enough, not for him, not for you.
On the verge of an orgasm, Yamato stands up. He walks towards his bag and brings a strap on. Black phallic figure that hangs from a red string. Red string that he quickly ties around his hip bones after letting his clothes slide to the ground.
You wait for him to pound into you with your legs spread open and your eyes scanning such an amazing body. You call him with a beckoning finger. He smiles, sexily and approaches you.
The cold material of the strap on gets damped in your arousal, as he rubs it up and down your sex. “Yamato, fuck me” you beg. He flinches at that name but doesn’t pressure you to call him Oden… and then, he penetrates you, sliding inside, so deep, and steady.
Your nails carve the skin of his back, his breasts fall over your face as he thrusts you. Your tongue stuck out grazing his nipples. Both of you moan, whine, enjoy.
And your orgasm inevitably arrives, and you come shouting his name. Your head thrown back; your mandible hurts from sucking his hard nipples. And even if you were exhausted, there is no time to waste. Is Yamato’s turn to come, and you are an expert in such practices.
“Why don’t you sit on my face?” you command him. “Are you sure?” he asks, aware of his huge anatomy. “Please, I wanna get suffocated under those thighs” you tell him, and he does not think any further. Soon his sex is over your mouth, and you enjoy every single part of his core. You suck, lick, taste his arousal, until Yamato comes squirming over your countenance.
Both of you lay over the cushions on the floor, admiring the sakura petals rain over the city through the window. He caresses your body, and softly tells you “I’m sorry if I asked you to call me Oden…”. You don’t really understand why he says such a thing… Does he know who you are? “What do you mean?” you ask. “I know who you are, (name)” he whispers, low enough for just you to hear it.
You stand up, scared. “How… how do you know my name?” you tell him. “I have your dad’s diary… that’s why I asked the only person that knows how to play that melody to do it for me… I’m on your side, Princess..." ♥ ~
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
I just re read ur five birthdays fic and suddenly many questions E and L 's kids popped up in my mind!!! So here they are..
1. How apart are the 4 kids in age? I mean twins not aprt but they are aprt by minutes right?😂
2. Do they attend private school or public school?
3. God parents?
4. Who are they closest to in the gang?
5. Are they planned(I like to think they are unplanned😂)?
6. What's E and L's reaction when they find out they r having twins
7. E and L's reaction them being twin girlssss😍😍?
8. Does any of them have blue eyes? It would be nice to have one of them with ethan's blue eyes instead of hazel🥺
9. What are their nick names?!
10. Out of four who is most similar lilac and who is most similar to ethan?
11. Are they close to alan or lilac's side of the family?
12. How many languages do they speak? I like to think at first 2 english and spanish and they learn some more as they grow
13. Who is the laziest child and sassiest child? I loveee kids with sass😂
I know these are LOT of questions but I am almost embarrassingly involved in the lives of these fictional people😂😂 sending u hugs!! 😍Have a good dayy🤗
Hi! I know this is so late and I hope you can forgive me. Thank you for reading that fic and for these lovely questions:
1. How apart are the 4 kids in age? I mean twins not aprt but they are aprt by minutes right?😂
Jonah and Dolores are 2.5 years apart. Dolores and the twins are 3 years apart. So Jonah is almost 6 when the twins are born, Dolores is 3. Violet was born first so that makes Jasmine the youngest.
The twins were born 27 minutes apart.
2. Do they attend private school or public school?
Hmm. I can see Ethan and Lilac placing value in the public education system while also wanting the educational experience from private school. I'd say they enroll them in public elementary and middle school. When it's time to move on to high school, the kid decides if they want to go on to a public high school or a private. I can see Violet and Jonah choosing private solely for the STEM programs offered there.
3. God parents?
Jonah: Sienna and Naveen
Dolores: Bryce and Jackie
Violet: Rafael and Kyra
Jasmine: Aurora and Elijah
4. Who are they closest to in the gang?
They adore Uncle Bryce and Aunt Sienna with all their hearts. Bryce is the cool, fun uncle and Sienna spoils them with treats. Individually, I see Dolores really jiving with her godmother, Jackie. Jonah with Bryce (as he eventually aspires to be a surgeon). Violet with Elijah and Aurora. Jasmine with Sienna!
5. Are they planned(I like to think they are unplanned😂)?
Jonah was 100% unplanned but never unwelcomed. Dolores was a bit more planned, though they were still surprised she got pregnant so soon after trying. And the twins... lol. They only wanted one more and got two so.. half and half?
6. What's E and L's reaction when they find out they r having twins
They are stunned. Lilac cries tears of joy (and a bit of anxiety lol). Ethan holds his wife's hand and mentally kisses the little amount of sleep he gets goodbye. They're both a little bit terrified because caring for one baby at a time was so difficult.... Now two? Little do they know, their friends and family are all in to help them out in anyway they can.
7. E and L's reaction them being twin girlssss😍😍?
Overjoyed. Neither of them could have imagined it that way. Lilac teases Ethan about having to deal with four Allende sassy girls. "You know what? Throw in Jonah too because that boy's sarcasm is unmatched."
8. Does any of them have blue eyes? It would be nice to have one of them with ethan's blue eyes instead of hazel🥺
Lilac has green eyes and Ethan has blue, both recessive genes. I picture both Jonah and Dolores to have hazel eyes. The twins are the ones who inherited his blue eyes.
9. What are their nick names?!
Jonah: His sisters call him J. His mother's side of the family often calls him "Jo". Alan calls him "little Ethan" affectionately because of how much he looks like his father. When he was a baby, his mother called him "bunny" because of the cute little way he scrunched up his nose.
Dolores: As a child, she was called "Lolly" by the family. Her father calls her "Captain" or "Cap" because she calls the shots in the house and in his heart. Her mother's side of the family jokingly calls her "Alivios" (which means "relief" in Spanish because "Dolores" means "pains"). Later, when she grows older, she decides to go by "Lori"
Violet: She goes by "V" or "Vi". When she was a baby, her mother called her "tater". Bryce called her "Thing 1"
Jasmine: "Jazzy" by the family. As a baby, her mom called her "tot". Bryce called her "Thing 2"
Both twins are affectionately called "florecitas" ("little flowers") by the Allende family side.
All children are referred to by their mother and her side of the family as "mijo/mija" and variants of "mi vida", "mi cielo", "corazon"
10. Out of four who is most similar lilac and who is most similar to ethan?
Ah! They're all a mix!
Jonah is similar to Ethan in looks. Dolores is similar to him in personality.
Dolores is similar to Lilac in looks. Violet and Jasmine are very similar to her in personality.
11. Are they close to alan or lilac's side of the family?
They're close to both! They love Grandpa Alan and Abuelitos Allende! All three grandparents spoil them so the kids live for it lol.
12. How many languages do they speak? I like to think at first 2 english and spanish and they learn some more as they grow
Ethan and Lilac are passionate about teaching them both English and Spanish, especially during their formative years. Ethan makes a point to use his Spanish around the house and to address his children. As the children grow up, they are fluent in Spanish in various degrees. Some can speak it better than others, they can all understand it, read it, but not write it.
13. Who is the laziest child and sassiest child? I loveee kids with sass😂
That would be Jasmine, without a doubt. Though, for sass, Dolores gives her a run for her money. Poor Ethan and Lilac when they have to deal with an argument between those two.
*Anon bless you! Thank you for these! I love talking about these fictional children!
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dyaz-stories · 4 years
Out of The Woods — One: Acceptance
It’s here!! You guys might remember this post of mine, and that is what this story is based on! I had planned to have everything done by Inukag week and... yeah that didn’t happen, but this is chapter one, the next ones will be based on prompts, though I definitely won’t have them all out this week. Let me know if you want to be tagged for this specifically (tagging everyone just for the first one) and I hope you’ll enjoy this first one!
Thank you so so much to @sweetchcolate for being my beta for this chapter, you helped improving the final result so much and you’re amazing ❤️
Tagging: @shinidamachu @sailorbabydoll92 @sweetchcolate @clearwillow @zelink-inukag @cstorm86 @digital-art-monster @danycontreras90 @redflamesofpassion @lost-amidst-the-stars @eternalnight8806-3 @desiree239 @keichanz @ashleys-canvas @mustardyellowsunshine​ @meggz0rz @contacting-u @ramen---boi @superpixie42 @kazeinori @disgruntledbeast
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The full moon shone high in the night sky, its soft light falling on empty streets and tightly shut windows. The villagers laid restless in their beds, waiting for the morning to come, pretending nothing would be happening tonight, pretending that they didn’t know about the white form dashing through the trees in the forest, pretending they hadn’t left him an offering that was far more than they had ever expected to pay. Pretending that the moonlight was enough to repel the darkness.
In the forest, things looked very different. Even the midday sun hardly pierced the thick foliage, and the moonlight barely reached the ground. Unlike the village, the forest was full of life and movement, even at night. Small demons, animals, owls and bats… It was like they knew the humans wouldn’t venture in here tonight, and they intended to make the most of it.
Sometimes, however, the noise was interrupted for just a moment. Silence fell brutally on the trees, as a flash of white appeared, only to vanish just as quickly, letting the animals resume to their lives as though nothing had happened. The silhouette stopped in front of a clearing, sniffing the air, as it checked its surrounding. Once it was satisfied, golden eyes focused on a bag laying on the ground. Good. Relief overtook it for just a second, before resolve flashed in its expression, and it jumped in.
The action was only a matter of seconds. The form jumped in, easily threw the bag over its shoulder, paused, only long enough for an exterior observer to discern red clothing underneath long white hair, before he ran away, just as fast. A blink, and you could have missed it.
It didn’t stop until it had reached a small river. There, it took north, going up stream, the sound of bare feet on rocks barely audible over the brook’s whisper. Finally, the shape slowed down as the banks of the river started to rise to form a small ravine. After one last glance over its shoulder to make sure it wasn’t being followed, the white shape disappeared behind the rocks.
As it walked to a small wooden hut by the lake that had formed there, the moonlight revealed a definitely humanoid shape, an impression that was only disrupted by the two triangular ears on top of its skull. He unceremoniously dropped the bag onto the grass, only to freeze when a yelp came from the bag.
Slowly, he knelt down next to it. The moonlight caught onto claws, and they briefly shone in the dark as he prepared to open it.
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Kagome didn’t regain consciousness until she was moving. She remembered the men, showing up in her house, dragging her out as she asked, begged, for an explanation. She remembered Mo, the leader of the village, telling her that he was sorry, that this was for the best, for everyone. She remembered the pain exploding in her temple. She remembered hitting the ground. And nothing after that.
She woke up, disoriented, unable to see, terror coursing through her veins, aware that someone was moving with her at full speed. Her stomach immediately protested against the up and down movement, and made it all the more difficult for her to fight her first instinct: to scream. She dug her teeth into her lower lip in order to keep from making a noise. Trying to calm herself down, she took a few quick breaths. That, however, only fueled her panic as she realized with horror how hard breathing through the cloth was, but she somehow managed not to have a complete meltdown. She could breathe, after all. It was just difficult. She focused on that for a moment, and used that to consider her situation.
It wasn’t easy to form coherent thoughts, not with the fear that was infecting her system, and certainly not with the fact that she could feel the youki of the person carrying her. Her reiki was always under control, and she had never had any problem with it, but as it was, it took everything she had not to let it spike. If she did, it could have disastrous consequences.
She swallowed, and forced herself to focus. What did she know? The men of the village had knocked her out, but clearly, she wasn’t with them anymore. She closed her eyes, both to calm down her breathing and to try to remember Mo’s words.
“I’m really sorry, Kagome,” he’d sighed, shaking his head dejectedly. “If there was any other way, I would choose it, but you’re the village’s priestess, and I know you understand why you must offer yourself in this situation.”
“What are you talking about?” she’d asked, tensed, not aware of the gravity of the moment yet.
Her eyes shot open as his words finally came back to her.
“I’m sorry,” he’d repeated. “I believe what we need right now is a virgin sacrifice.”
‘The situation’ had to be a reference to whatever lived in the forest. From what she’d been told when she had joined the village as a priestess, only a couple of weeks ago, in replacement for a distant cousin of hers who had been murdered, everyone believed it was a god that they had angered. They made regular offerings to it, once a month, on the full moon. And tonight was…
Gods. She was tonight’s offering.
She had just realized it when she felt herself falling, and let out a cry of protest when she hit the ground. She closed her mouth shut, but the damage was done already.
The silence that followed was excruciating. She felt the bag being lifted as though she weighed nothing, and she knew that it wouldn’t be long until it was open. Concentrating her reiki in her hands, Kagome prepared for a fight. She would not go down easily. She knew herself, knew her power, and she didn’t doubt that she would be able to take out a demon, even without her bow, if she had the advantage of surprise.
But, as she prepared to deal it a death blow, knowing that she wouldn’t have another chance, she hesitated.
Maybe she was being unfair. Maybe it was her fear speaking, and not her reason. Her work was not to inflict death. It had never been, and in fact, she had always held strong beliefs against that practice. Kagome knew that gods and demons could often be reasoned with, and that they would rarely go out of their way to attack humans unless provoked.
It was stupid, not to kill the demon instantly. An act of folly. It was taking a chance on something nonsensical.
Kagome took it anyway.
When the bag was finally pulled down, she held back her power, only sending a flash strong enough to make the demon jump back with a surprised growl. Sharp pain to her cheek told her she’d been hit, but she didn’t care as she stared at the supposed god that terrorized the village, and all she found was…
A young man. No older than herself, probably under twenty. Sure, his hair was white, his eyes seemed like liquid gold, and the dog-ears on his head weren’t human, but other than that— He was practically a boy. Skinny, almost to the point of being called scrawny, and his entire body tense as a bow string.
Kagome slowly lowered her hands, though she didn’t disperse her reiki just yet. The man kept growling as he glared at her, claws in evidence. His eyes moved over her clothes, a priestess’ garment, and the growl only became louder.
“What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s my food?”
Fear was soon replaced by anger, and Kagome shot him a death glare that would have made most men cower. He didn’t react to it — she hadn’t expected him to. Clearly, he was not ‘most men’.
“Oh I’m sorry, am I not a sacrifice satisfying enough?”
“Sacrifice?” he repeated with a frown. “The hell sort of sacrifice are you? Am I supposed to— eat you?”
People didn’t eat other people, did they? He couldn’t say he was tempted, even if she smelled a lot like fresh meat.
“No, I’m—” Kagome rolled her eyes. She had not expected to have to explain that part of the situation, and now it was weirdly uncomfortable. “They said they needed to make a— a virgin sacrifice. To appease you.”
A puzzled look appeared on the man’s face, and for a second, Kagome really feared that she would have to explain to him what a virgin sacrifice was. But then, his eyes widened in understanding, and, much to her surprise, his cheeks heated up. He glanced away from her, blushing and clearly embarrassed, which only made her feel more awkward.
“K-keh! So there’ll be no food this month?”
The question took Kagome off guard, yet again, and she was starting to realize that she really did not like that sensation. Why was she always one step behind? Something was wrong here.
“I… suppose not.”
For a few moments, there was only silence. He was crouching and glaring at her and she was trying her best to assess the situation, now that her fear was mostly gone, but she still was far from having enough information. First things first, then. Clearing her throat, she asked him about the thing that had been on her mind ever since she had felt his aura.
“You’re… not a god, are you?”
His lips curled to reveal his fangs, and his growl, which had stopped when she’d mentioned being a virgin sacrifice, picked up again.
“Are you making fun of me?”
His voice was defiant, and Kagome didn’t doubt that he would have attacked her if he hadn’t feared her powers. She swallowed as she looked him over once more. His youki was extremely powerful, so she had assumed he was a demon from the beginning, but now that she was looking at him, there was only one explanation that made sense. She hadn’t even considered it before, but the ears spoke for themselves.
“You’re a half-demon,” she said slowly.
“Gotta problem with that?” he snapped.
“Everyone believes you cursed the village,” she said, shaking her head, just trying to understand. She didn’t know how such a mistake had been possible. She’d only ever met Kikyo a few times, but based on what she’d heard about her power, there was no way she wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. Maybe, maybe, she would have believed him to be a full demon, but she doubted even that.
“Sounds just like those assholes to blame their problems on me,” he mumbled bitterly. “Been blaming me for their priestess’s death, too.”
That caught her attention again.
“You’re Inuyasha?” she asked.
He almost jumped when she said his name, before focusing back on her. His eyes were shining dangerously, and Kagome resisted the urge to lift her hands defensively in front of herself. She didn’t want to risk escalating the situation.
“How would ya know that?”
“I was told that, on her deathbed, Kikyo said you were responsible for her final injuries.”
She watched his face crumble. The shock in his eyes, the way his lips fell. He whirled around, turning his back on her, but his reaction told her everything she needed to know. Having seen that— she couldn’t believe he had anything to do with her cousin’s death.
“She said that, huh?” he asked, voice sounding a little too loud and too clear. “Sounds just like that bitch. Keeping me her dirty little secret and stabbing me in the back last second. Nothing surprising about it.”
Kagome watched his back, silently. She didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know where she went from here.
“I’m Kagome, by the way,” she said, awkwardly.
That snapped him out of whatever emotion he was feeling, and he turned around.
“I didn’t ask,” he growled. “So ya said ya were— a sacrifice? Were ya okay with that?”
Her lower lip started to tremble, as it finally dawned on her what the men from the village had been willing to let happen to her. Whether they expected she’d be killed or— It would all have been horrible for her. The worst part was that she was pretty sure she could have been guilted into accepting it.
“Well, that’s humans for ya,” the half-demon said with a shrug, able to tell what the answer was from her silence.
Kagome forced herself to breathe in, but it didn’t help. She had been called to the village. They had asked for her presence, and she hadn’t thought much about it. She travelled a lot, usually going where she was needed. When they had called for her, she had assumed they wanted someone powerful, given what was living in the forest. She hadn’t doubted their intentions at all. Did they know then? Had they planned this all along? Did they think of it whenever they saw her walking through the village in her robes?
Inuyasha cleared his throat, right before she lost herself completely in questions she didn’t have any answers to, and she looked at him, blinking the tears away.
“What are ya gonna do now? Going back? Are ya gonna tell them that I ain’t a god and I haven’t cursed their village?”
He was trying his best to sound detached but, judging by his previous reaction, he did count on the offerings of food, which meant he did care about what her answer would be. She wanted to give him something, she did, but she didn’t know what to tell him. Even if he hadn’t killed Kikyo, he had injured numerous villagers who had ventured into the forest. She couldn’t find it in herself to feel bad for them right now, but he was still very much dangerous, even if he looked so young and normal. He could probably feel her reiki, and that might be why he hadn’t done anything to her yet. He might very well be waiting for her to lower her defenses to strike.
“I don’t know,” she admitted regardless, voice weak. “I can’t say I really want to go back there.”
The silence that followed was heavy and uncomfortable. Kagome wrapped her arms around her knees, pressing them against her chest, and finally let the reiki dissipate in the air. She would be able to summon more energy if needed, but it didn’t look like it. For now, at least.
“I guess ya can sleep here,” Inuyasha finally said, reluctantly. “’s not much, but it’s warmer than outside, and demons don’t come here.”
She could understand why. The air was infused with his youki, clearly marking the place as his territory. It made sense that other demons wouldn’t want to challenge him.
“…I think that would be for the best,” she said.
His reaction was less than enthusiastic. He sighed, obviously considering retracting his offer, then pointed at the hut with his chin.
Kagome pushed herself up, wincing at the sudden wave of pain that shot through her head, where she had been hit. If Inuyasha noticed it, he didn’t show it. In only a few large strides, he was in front of the hut, pushing the curtain that served as a door.
“You comin’ or what?”
Well, even if he didn’t kill her, he was pretty insufferable, Kagome decided as she followed him, walk a little wobbly.
The hut consisted of one room, with no furniture whatsoever. In a corner, there was some straw and what looked like a blanket, laying directly on the earth, and that was about it. It was not, by any means, comfortable, and Kagome found herself almost horrified at the thought that he lived here. These conditions were definitely not good.
“I told ya, it ain’t a palace or anything, but unless you wanna sleep outside, you should get your ass in here.”
Inuyasha’s annoyed voice — though Kagome was pretty sure she detected a hint of shame in there as well — finally got her to step in.
“You can sleep there,” he said, pointing at what was probably his bed.
“But what about you?” she questioned, concern filling her voice despite the fact that she wanted nothing more than to collapse on there to soothe her throbbing head.
In the darkness, with the only window in the hut being the sole source of light, she missed the suspicious glance he shot her. When he didn’t find anything in her behavior that should keep him on his guard, he merely shrugged.
“I’ll be good. I’m not like you humans, my body can handle a lot more.”
Kagome accepted his explanation, too tired to object that demons, while more resistant, still needed sleep.
“Well, if you’re fine with it…”
The only response she got was another shrug, so she slipped under the blanket and did her best to wrap herself in it. As expected, it wasn’t pleasant, but it was better than nothing. She watched as Inuyasha went to sit against the wall opposite her, putting as much distance between them as he could in this small space, and closed his eyes. She hesitated a second before rolling around, turning her back to him. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest decision, as she wouldn’t see him coming if he attacked her, but she knew she’d hate it if someone watched her as she slept.
Even with her exhaustion, sleep wouldn’t come to her, and the pain did not help. After a while, she rolled over again, attempting to find a better position to sleep. When she moved, she saw his eyes opening. It lasted less than a second, just long enough for her to see a golden flash, but it told her that he was keeping track of her actions.
It seemed that he was as weary of her as she was of him. The thought was almost reassuring. She wouldn’t attack him, unless he did first, and if he felt the same, well, they were both probably safe.
And with that thought, Kagome was finally able to find sleep.
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When she stepped out of the hut in the morning, Kagome at least felt a little better. Her head still hurt, and the cut on her cheek stung, but she assumed she would be okay. The first thing she did was to examine her surroundings, something she hadn’t been able to do when she’d arrived at night.
There was something surreal about being here, in the middle of a forest she’d been told was inhabited by dangerous monsters since she’d arrived, and to see that it was, actually, a really normal place. The sun was shining bright in the sky, the birds were chirping in the trees. Today was looking like a beautiful day.
Looking around, she realized the hut was by a lake, in an enclosed area surrounded by cliffs. There was a small waterfall just a little further, making the river the only easy way out, though she assumed Inuyasha had other ways. The scenery was idyllic, in stark contrast with everything she’d imagined about the forest. Sure, she could feel youki all around her, even with Inuyasha’s so present, and she couldn’t forget that this place clearly wasn’t inhabited by humans, but it was all so… peaceful.
She heard a noise above her, and was startled when Inuyasha simply jumped down from a cliff. He landed with a grunt, and she took her chance to examine him as he pushed himself back up as though he hadn’t fallen from at least ten meters.
She hadn’t noticed in the night that he was dressed entirely in red, and that was not the only way he looked very different in the daylight. He went from a mythical being to— a person, simply put. She noted his sharp jaw, the hard glint in his eyes, the frown that she doubted ever left his face. When his eyes turned towards her, she glanced away quickly, then berated herself for her reaction. She hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Hey!” Inuyasha yelled at her, “I got some food for ya!”
Joining her, he hastily handed her some fruits.
“It ain’t much, but ’s all the forest gives at this time of the year,” he explained.
“It’s fine,” Kagome replied, forcing herself to smile. “Thank you for that.”
A look of suspicion passed on his face, and he had to bite back a comment. He didn’t like her behavior, not one bit. People were never nice to him. He definitely expected her to try some shady shit. Maybe she wanted something from him. He couldn’t figure out what for the love of him, but that would explain that ‘virgin sacrifice’ story she’d told him. After all, he’d never asked for that. Surely, those guys weren’t twisted enough to get that in their mind without any suggestion?
Keh. All things considered, he wouldn’t put it past them.
Humans couldn’t be trusted, after all.
“You should try to wash yourself,” he said bluntly as she bit down on a pear. “You reek.”
In fact, she smelled like animal blood. That was why he hadn’t been able to tell she was in that bag. Which was definitely weird and—
“Excuse me?” she protested, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry I didn’t have time to wash myself before I was given as a sacrifice, you—”
Was she insane? Did she think that, just because she was a priestess, there’d be nothing he could do to her?
“Whatever, wench,” he growled. “Should probably take care of your clothes, too, ‘cause it ain’t any better.”
Kagome didn’t think she’d ever been so insulted. It took a lot of her self-control not to shoot some reiki at him. She tried to tell herself that he had helped her so far, and that it was probably a bad idea, but damn if it wasn’t tempting. She folded her arms on her chest, self-consciously tightening her clothes around her.
“And what am I supposed to wear then, you pervert?”
The way his eyes widened as color rose to his cheeks his face told her that he had not considered that difficulty.
“That’s not what I— Ah, fuck.”
He quickly got rid of his haori and pushed it in her hands.
“Just get it done. I’ll be— around. Scream if a demon starts eating you alive or— something.”
With that, he was gone, and Kagome was the first surprised when she felt a grin lift the corner of her lips. She’d been told before that she trusted too easily, clearly she had, and perhaps this was another one of those situations, but Inuyasha just seemed weirdly… inoffensive. She didn’t doubt that he could be dangerous, however it was also strangely easy to forget.
Shaking her head, she walked to the lake, and found a place where she would be hidden by rocks to take off her clothes, before taking a deep breath and plunging in.
It was the middle of spring, and the water was biting cold, which didn’t stop her from immersing herself completely. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Inuyasha was right about her needing a bath. She didn’t think she reeked — jerk —, but she didn’t think she smelled great either. She took the time to rub her body energetically, then to rinse and disentangle her hair. She was almost done and was about to start working on her clothes when she felt a disturbance in the forest’s youki.
She only had the time to look up before a giant centipede, with a woman’s chest and head, came out of the woods, screeching in a high-pitched voice. Instinctively, Kagome tried to reach for her bow and arrows, only to find them missing. She didn’t have time for anything else, so she moved as though she did have them at her disposal. With only her mind, as the Centipede was closing in on her, already opening its mouth wide enough to swallow her whole in one bite, she shot a reiki arrow.
The shot was unfocused, difficult to maintain, and it wasn’t nearly as efficient as an actual arrow would have been, but the creature was close enough that there was no way she could have missed it. Fortunately, purification was her strong suit, and the Centipede was destroyed in an inhumane scream.
Kagome remained there, trembling, frozen in place, unable to comprehend what had just happened. She was still immobile when Inuyasha burst into the clearing, jumping in the water in front of her, fully clothed.
“What the hell was that? What—”
His eyes widened and he spun around, though not quite quickly enough for her to miss the blush forming on his cheeks. Kagome slowly realized, while staring at his back, puzzled by his reaction at first, that it was because she was naked. That finally got her to move, and she wrapped herself in his haori, hands shaking so hard that she had to try several times before she made it.
She forced herself to breathe in. She’d fought and killed demons before. Sure, this time she’d been taken completely off guard, and she didn’t have her weapons here, but still. She’d been through worse. She couldn’t let this affect her that much.
“Wash your clothes,” Inuyasha ordered, though the effect was undercut by the fact that his back was still turned to her. “I’ll be closer, ‘kay?” Then, after a moment of awkward silence, he added “Good job on that one”, and took off as fast as he had the last time.
Kagome didn’t even have it in herself to protest his manners right now. She started to wash her priestess garment, with regular movements that she had done a hundred times before. Still, the Centipede’s scream kept replaying in her mind, and she couldn’t seem to shake off that horrible feeling she’d had when she had realized that her bow wasn’t there.
Despite all her efforts, her hands didn’t stop shaking.
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Inuyasha watched the woman from above. Seeing his haori on her shoulders made him feel— weird, to say the least. He hadn’t expected her natural scent to be so pleasant for his nose, and he knew his clothes would definitely smell like her afterwards. Right now, though, the aroma from the mix of their scents was having more of an effect on him than he’d have wanted it to. Stupid demonic instincts…
It would probably only get worse if she chose to stay. He didn’t have much experience in that domain, because he hadn’t been in contact with many dog demons, or not for a long time, but it was likely he’d start to consider her part of his pack. Which meant he’d feel protective of her. Get attached to her.
He sat up with a growl at that thought. He knew he should have wanted her to leave, if only to avoid that. She was human, after all. She wouldn’t have the same instincts as him, and judging on how easy it had apparently been for Kikyo to stab him in the back, he didn’t have many hopes for that one.
Keh. He couldn’t believe Kikyo would have done something like that to him. He’d— Fuck, he didn’t know if he’d loved her, not when they’d spent so long openly distrusting each other, but saying that, on her deathbed? She’d really done him dirty.
And it sucked, because he hadn’t been able to mourn her. He’d been preparing himself to meet her, in the clearing when they found each other, when it had happened. It was like a refuge for them, a place where they just— sat, next to each other, and talked, ignoring their differences. She spoke a lot about not wanting to be a priestess anymore. He listened, mostly. Let her daydream out loud about a world where they’d both be simple humans. Normal.
It had almost made him want that, too.
But Kikyo had died, and the villagers had tried to kill him, almost succeeding that night, because they’d taken him by surprise, and he’d been all alone once more.
He swallowed, risking another glance at the new priestess. He should have gotten rid of her as soon as he’d realized she was a— a person. Should have made sure she wouldn’t be able to guide anyone to this place, and shouldn’t have looked back. However, even though she clearly viewed him as a threat, judging by that first shot of reiki she’d fired at him, she hadn’t commented on the fact that he was a half-demon. Her gaze had lingered on his ears, but outside of that, she hadn’t shown she was even aware of the implications of his status, something humans were usually very keen on reminding him.
That had gotten him… curious. Not hopeful, he didn’t do that anymore, but if she proved to be somewhat interesting, if she could dull the loneliness, even just a bit… Let’s say he wouldn’t be opposed to her presence.
He’d been alone for almost as long as he could remember. The memories of his mother had been fading, and he now tried his best not to think about it, because he couldn’t take that her face wasn’t as clear in his mind as it used to be. He clung to her scent, which he still knew, but he didn’t have much else, and when that’d be gone— He’d have nothing left. He knew it was stupid, to try to make new memories, hadn’t worked well with Kikyo and wouldn’t work with that one either, and yet he couldn’t help but try.
He could take being alone, had for years. He couldn’t take not having a single good thing, a single good person to remember. He just couldn’t.
Down there, the priestess was done with her washing and had laid her clothes on a rock, waiting for them to dry, and he decided that was his cue to go back down.
She jumped when he landed next to her. In other circumstances, he might have found that funny, but right now, he was just satisfied with her reaction. She should be afraid. This place was deadly, and ignoring it wouldn’t do her any good. If she was on her guards, it was all for the better. As long as she didn’t zap him with her reiki, at least.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, frowning, when he didn’t talk immediately.
Yeah. Fine. Just, there was this weirdly childish part of him that liked to imagine that she wouldn’t remember she was supposed to choose whether to leave or to stay today, and that she’d just end up… Well. Staying.
Like she could fucking forget something like that.
“’s all good. You?”
She shivered at the question, but quickly caught herself.
“I’m… fine. I didn’t think a demon would come here. Your youki is pretty powerful. I thought it would keep them at bay.”
“It usually does,” he replied, shrugging off her concern. “Could be ‘cause they smelled the blood, or ‘cause you’re a new smell. Some find reiki… tasty, I guess.”
She threw him a horrified glance, and he took offense at that.
“Calm the fuck down. I don’t eat people. Would be shit if you taste as bad as you smell anyway.”
Kagome rolled her eyes, reminding herself that she should not waste her energy on getting offended because this jerk implied she would taste bad. It just was not worth it.
“Men at your village did that?” he asked, pointing at the injury on the side of her head.
She had done her best to clean it, and she didn’t think the wound was infected. It still throbbed painfully, and it couldn’t possibly look good, but there was not much she could do about it right now.
“They did,” she replied, mouth dry. “They knocked me out before… You know.”
He did, and it still didn’t sit right with him. He wondered if they just wanted to get rid of her and were hoping he would do the dirty work for them, or if there was something else underneath it all, but he just couldn’t come up with an answer.
“So? You gonna go back there or what?”
She flinched, suddenly snapped out of her thoughts, and Inuyasha cursed himself. He was supposed to approach the subject carefully — or, ideally, not at all — and that just wasn’t the way to do it. Especially since he had this irrational wish that she would stay.
“Well, I clearly can’t for the moment,” she said, finally. “My clothes are drying, and I don’t think I feel well enough to travel. But…”
Inuyasha’s ears had perked up, which was pretty pathetic in his opinion, but at least she hadn’t noticed. That wasn’t definitive, not by any means, but it was something, right? If she stayed for a few days, he could perhaps— pretend. Pretend she was something for him that he could never even hope for. Pretend that, maybe, she didn’t feel sick and disgusted from being in his presence.
“I just— I have nothing here. I’m not talking about the food, you can clearly find those things, even without the offering—” Inuyasha felt his chest swell with pride, as his instincts to provide for his pack kicked in. “—but there isn’t much I can do about the creatures here. I mean, I barely took down the Centipede, and you and I know it’s not the most dangerous thing to live in those woods, not by a long shot. Not to mention I don’t have herbs to take care of my wounds, or…”
“I know where herbs humans like grow,” Inuyasha interrupted her. “Can’t help you with picking them, don’t really know the difference between ‘em, but I can take ya there. I can go steal stuff from the village, too, but if you’re talking ‘bout your bow, I don’t think I’d make it to the temple. That’s usually under heavy guard.”
Kagome frowned, but nodded.
“I suppose I could learn to focus my reiki without it. It’s doable, in practice. If you know where herbs grow, that would be great, though.”
Inuyasha couldn’t help but think that there was something weird in the way she spoke to him. He was vaguely aware that it was because she talked to him normally, without calling him a monster, a half-breed, or an abomination every sentence, but there was something other than that. He couldn’t identify it as respect — he hadn’t been faced with it enough — however he could hear the underlying kindness in it.
That definitely played a role in him letting her stay, in walking her to the spot where herbs grew, later in the day, and in waiting around to make sure she wouldn’t get in trouble. It was rather nice, to have someone talking to him like that, he wasn’t gonna complain, that was for sure, and yet…
There was also something worrying about it. If she kept it up, it would probably get harder to endure the way others spoke to him, so, when he recognized it for what it was, he told himself he shouldn’t get used to it.
But fuck if he didn’t want to.
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Days passed. Kagome was healing slowly but, though she appreciated not feeling pain every time she got up anymore, the idea was more worrying than pleasant to her. Every time she thought about it, and about going back to the village, she felt a pit in her stomach. She hated it. She had always lived to help others, devoted herself to it body and soul.
And they had betrayed her so easily.
She didn’t think she would be able to change her behavior, even after that. She knew herself well enough to be able tell that if someone was in danger, she would jump in without a second thought. She spontaneously took action for others. It was just who she was, what she did.
Now though, the thought of doing this for them was actively sickening. The thought that they would use her, would take advantage of her again, and the knowledge that she probably wouldn’t be able to stop them— it hurt in so many ways. She didn’t want to be the type of person who couldn’t trust. It was— She believed people were good. Maybe not entirely, and maybe they hadn’t always been, to her and to others, but all in all, she thought everyone deserved her help, her kindness. If they talked to her about their issues, she wanted to be able to listen to them and  to believe them.
The idea that she might not be able to do that anymore was soul-crushing.
Inuyasha, as it turned out, wasn’t of much help when it came to her moral dilemma, and she hated that he had been the first recipient of her new-found mistrust. He didn’t deserve that. Clearly, he had been through enough already.
Not that he had talked to her about it. In general, they didn’t talk much. She’d tried to engage in some conversations, but he’d shrug her off quickly, take off in the woods, or close his eyes, leaning against the wall of his hut. She knew he could probably still hear her, because there was no way he fell asleep that fast, but she got the message, loud and clear.
It didn’t mean there was no communication between them, though. It wasn’t much, and he certainly didn’t make any grand gestures, but if she mentioned something, he’d make sure she would get it. It generally manifested in food, but he also stole some items she’d brought up. She knew she should have said something then, but she hadn’t found it in herself to berate him.
“Thank you,” she’d just said, genuinely grateful.
“Keh. If it can get you to stop talking my ears off, it’ll have been worth it.”
But she was starting to be able to read him, and even if his arms were folded on his chest, and he was frowning, she knew that when his ears perked up that way, it meant he was happy about the attention.
It was the cutest thing ever.
“You shouldn’t put yourself in danger by going to the village, though,” she’d added, genuine worry piercing in her voice. “I can make it without these. I really don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”
As most of their conversations, it had ended abruptly, with him rolling his eyes and growling “Whatever” before running off in the forest, and she’d let out a long sigh. Just once, she would have liked not to feel like a complete nuisance when she talked to him. Was that really too much to ask?
It wasn’t even like they could avoid each other completely, otherwise she would have given him as much space as he wanted. Instead, they lived together, in a really small space. He had taken to sleeping regularly outside, and when she’d voiced her concerns, because she really, really didn’t want to push him out of his living space, he had vaguely replied that he did that before she was here, that he liked sleeping in trees, and that she was overestimating her own importance.
Another extremely fulfilling conversation.
So Kagome had done her best to use the same language as him. She couldn’t be as silent as him, because she was the type of person to express herself vocally, and not with growls and grunts, but she could pick herbs and fruits, even if she still didn’t stray far from the hut, and she could kill small demons. So that was a start.
She did her best to pay attention to him silently, to avoid scaring him off, which wasn’t simple for her. It was obvious that he was used to a rough existence. There was no hidden softness in him. Whether in his body, all muscles and bones, or in his behavior, he seemed to treat everything with the same harshness, including himself. It was that very harshness that came out when he was talking to her. That became a lot easier to accept once she realized that it was just who he was and that it was very likely that he hadn’t received anything else.
She wanted to show him something else.
That turned out not to be such an easy task. He always pushed her away when she tried to show him kindness. She didn’t know if he just really didn’t like her, or if it made him uncomfortable for some reason. She didn’t want to impose anything on him, she just wanted him to know. Not everything needed to be so hard all the time.
When she was coming back from picking fruits, she found him knees deep in the lake, and chest bare. It wasn’t the first time, and she was pretty sure he had caught glimpses of her naked as well. Normally, she would have been uncomfortable with it, but her attachment to privacy had greatly diminished recently, so she just watched him from the corner of her eyes, absent-mindedly noticing his toned chest.
She heard him groaning in annoyance as he attempted to untangle his hair. His claws seemed to be doing a pretty good job at that, but it still looked like an unpleasant experience. She winced in sympathy for him, and then the idea hit her.
“Do you want me to brush your hair?” she asked, words leaving her mouth before she had really decided whether or not it was a good idea.
The look he gave her told her that it definitely wasn’t one. Yet, because she just didn’t know when to quit, she insisted.
“You got me a brush, remember? That would be a lot easier, and I would actually see what I’m doing.”
Inuyasha glared at her, and Kagome swallowed. She was pretty sure that was an argument she’d just lost. It was obvious, from the look in his eyes, that he was doubting her. Well, it would just be another failure to add to her list. No big deal, fine, whatev—
“Okay. But if you try anything funny, I’ll tear off your hand.”
“That’s great!” she beamed. “Just give me a second to get the brush!”
He was still eyeing her suspiciously when she came back, and she wondered what he thought she would do. Beat him to death with the brush?
She sat on a rock, and he took place between her legs, back turned to her. He tilted his head, and she got to work, an inexplicable grin forming on her lips. His hair was surprisingly smooth and silky between her hands, and it was a pleasant feeling underneath her fingers. After the first tense minutes, Inuyasha started to relax. His shoulders fell down, and she heard him taking in a deep breath, followed by a long exhale.
Her movements were slow, careful. Soft. Evidently, he didn’t mind the treatment.
“Can I touch your ears?” she asked, curious, after a while. She had wondered about them since she had first seen him.
“Don’t pull on ‘em,” he mumbled back, voice almost slurred, as though he was falling asleep.
She decided to take that as a yes. Hesitantly, she reached to take one in her hand, and let out a small exclamation when she found it feeling like real fur. Not just that, but it was pleasantly pliable, and she had to actively resist an urge to play with it.
Don’t, Kagome, she told herself. She didn’t want him to push her away again.
But Inuyasha didn’t say anything as she massaged them. Instead, he let out what she thought was a contented sigh.
“So,” he said, still with that half-asleep voice, “your injury’s better. Are ya, y’know, going back there? Have ya made your mind ‘bout that?”
Kagome froze and let go of his ears. She cleared her throat awkwardly as she took back the brush and got back to taking care of his hair.
“I’m in no hurry,” she admitted, voice small. “Why, do you want to get rid of me that bad?”
She had intended to say it as a joke, but it sounded desperate instead.
Inuyasha’s long silence after that only made her feel worse. If he was trying to find a nice way to say it, it was more than she had expected. She thought she would only receive bluntness in response, but she could take him at least not wanting to hurt her feelings too badly.
“…nah,” he said, so low she almost missed it. “Y’can stay a while longer. Or a lot longer. I don’t mind.”
That almost had her dropping her brush.
“Really?” she asked in disbelief. “You told me I was breathing too much of your air.”
“Didn’t mean that.”
“You said if I hurt myself when picking fruits, you’d me get eaten by the wolves.”
“I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Ugh, fine, go, see if I care!” he finally exploded, standing up and stepping away from her.
He found her with a bright, wide smile on her face, and his heart skipped a beat.
He didn’t know he was capable of making someone smile like that.
“I’d love to stay,” she said softly. “I just didn’t think you’d want me to.”
“Well I told ya. I don’t care.”
“Actually,” she grinned, leaning forward, “you said you didn’t mind.”
“I meant I didn’t care!”
“I don’t care! I fucking mind if you’re going to be like that!”
Then Kagome bursted out laughing, and Inuyasha felt like he couldn’t breathe simply from listening to her. The laugh flew high in the sky, losing itself between the clouds, and Inuyasha felt lucky from having been there to witness that. Hearing her laugh. Certainly felt like an event in and of itself.
“Thank you,” she said, simply.
“Keh. You’re welcome.”
When she pushed herself off the rock to get up, he held out his hand for her. He didn’t know why he did, certainly couldn’t find a good reason, but he did anyway.
She took it without any hesitation, ignoring the calloused palms and the claws. This time, he felt like he could finally breathe, like she was injecting air directly to his lungs.
He could get used to that feeling.
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draw-you-coward · 3 years
“Till death do us part. And forever until the end of eternity.” pls? For sweet Trahearne and Roza?:3
ohh this turned out longer than i thot ;;3;; hope u like it tho! might post it as a second chapter in that fic since it could fit nicely
Roza’s step is silent, as it always is. Trahearne only knows he has come to visit when Harley leaps off his lap with an elegant swish of her tail and patters off, mewling plaintively.
“Hello, princess,” he hears from the kitchen. “I’ve brought treats for you, like I promised. Yes, I have.”
Trahearne shakes his head with a smile, putting his current crafting project aside and rising from his large armchair (Roza says it is a rocking chair, but he isn’t certain it is supposed to move like that). He has protested before, without much intent, about giving Harley food, since he still cannot find anything resembling a litterbox. But Roza has only pointed out that she is finding things to eat anyhow, and it serves little purpose to “starve her of deserved treasures,” as he puts it. Trahearne does not even know where he is buying cat treats from.
He reaches the kitchen and leans against the doorframe, watching Roza pamper his overpampered cat with a wide, foolish smile he cannot keep from tugging at his cheeks. “Good morning.”
“Good afternoon, dear lover.” Roza puts Harley down on the counter, and she rubs against his arm. “You are depriving her, I see. It is a good thing I am here.”
Trahearne doesn’t know whether he’s serious or not, even when he picks up the bag he has dropped on the floor and brushes past him with a wink. “I have something to show you,” he calls over his shoulder.
Trahearne joins him on the couch as he opens his bag and rifles through it, ducking his head to peer inside. “Did you get me food as well?”
“I am your treat. Do not get greedy,” Roza scolds, although it is with a flash of teeth. He pulls out a small scroll, and pauses. After a moment, he hands it to Trahearne.
“I do not know if I want this, but if you like it you can keep it.”
It is an odd statement, coupled with an equally odd discovery: the scroll is of sylvari craftsmanship, made from finely-woven pith turned light from a few years of aging. Trahearne unrolls it curiously, and reveals a coloured ink portrait of a sylvari, with a young smile and deep indigo bark. His branches bloom into brilliant violet foliage, and his blue eyes seem to sparkle from an unseen light.
“It’s beautiful.” Trahearne glances up to find Roza watching him intently. “Did you paint it?”
Roza barks out a sharp laugh, and Trahearne, although not one to laugh at someone else’s expense, lets himself smile. Roza is many wondrous things, but artistically gifted is not one of them. Trahearne had a small collection of hideous painted pots in his old office that proved it.
“No,” Roza replies. He nudges his chin towards the scroll. “Do you recognize him?”
Trahearne looks at it again. His first thought is that it reminds him of Dagonet, back when they were saplings, but the physiology is wrong. Large eyes, long ears, a thin, hooked nose, a segmented pattern outlining his cheeks…
Trahearne looks at Roza in growing surprise, and then, at his slight smile, back at the scroll. No, it can’t be. But… “This is you. The resemblance is uncanny.”
Roza nods. Trahearne holds the portrait up next to his head, still half disbelieving, and he rolls his eyes but holds still. Side by side like this, there is no denying it. That is his Roza smiling at him from the scroll, steeped in colour and joy he does not have.
“How?” Or perhaps why? Had he commissioned this?
Roza sighs, squeezing his largest branch and slumping against the couch. “Long story short, there is a seer, living in the Grove, who is very skilled with inks and paints. Their life’s work—ah, Wyld Hunt—is to document our kind. Due to their connection to the Dream, they sometimes paint the faces they see in there. I had… a thought, so I went and asked them a few questions. And lo and behold,” he gestures loosely to the scroll.
Trahearne runs his thumb over the material, staying shy of touching ink. “That is amazing—I have never heard of anything like it before. So this is… what you looked like before you awakened?”
Roza shrugs. “I do not know; my memory of the Dream is hazy at best, and there are no mirrors there. But presumably, yes.”
“Amazing,” Trahearne repeats, staring at the portrait once more. Roza only looks at him.
“Is that what you think?”
His tone is what makes Trahearne glances up at him. It is worryingly difficult to read, as is his expression, and for the first time he considers why Roza wanted to show him this.
“I think is a lovely painting,” he answers honestly, “But it is not the Roza I know.”
Roza’s lip pulls back in a wry smile. “It is the Na Rós you never got to. A perfect, unmarred sylvari.”
Trahearne frowns in concern, touching his wrist. Roza’s eyes flicker with movement, and although they are pitch black instead of brilliant blue, they are familiar, and Trahearne would know them in the most turbulent storm on the darkest night. This is his Roza. The painting is a stranger.
“He is everything I can never be,” Roza says simply. “Look at the light in his smile. Would you not prefer someone who could laugh with all their heart?”
“No,” says Trahearne.
Those eyes he loves fix on him, large and dark. He used to think they were vacant, unknown, even eerie. Now he can navigate through their depths with only his heart to guide him.
“He is a beautiful thing, so young and happy.” Roza leans closer. “Are you not drawn to beauty?”
“There is beauty in fragments,” Trahearne replies. He traces the pattern on Roza’s cheek, carved from colourless bark, with his forefinger. “In mended shards glued back together.”
Roza smiles without humour. “Are you calling me broken pottery?”
“Do not make me tear this painting to make a point.”
Roza makes a noise like a laugh, more of a hiss. He surges forward to kiss Trahearne, wanting for—love, confirmation, a promise—whatever he is searching for. Trahearne kisses him until he calms, until the shoulder beneath his hand slumps, until Roza’s emotion bleeds out with his breath.
“I am sorry,” is the first thing he utters when they part. He bows his head against Trahearne’s neck, as if too cowed to meet his eye.
Trahearne tilts his head upwards. “Do not be.”
“Do you ever wish that—”
“No.” Trahearne doesn’t let him finish his sentence. “And no, and,” he pretends to consider. “No.”
Roza grins weakly. “You must get tired of me sometimes.”
“I think I already answered that.” Trahearne leans down to kiss him once more, and meets lips that are soft and yielding. “Dearheart, know this. I will not be tired of you when you are at your best, nor at your worst, nor at any point in between. Did I not tell you that I weighed all my odds and chose you? I will continue to choose you, my dear Roza, for forever. Past your fleeting life. Until the end of eternity.”
Roza hides his face into his neck, the long bridge of his nose a hard line below his ear. His chest quavers lightly, and Trahearne strokes his back in slow, soothing motions.
The scroll lies to his right, forgotten. It is a lovely painting of a stranger. Perhaps one day, if he is willing, he will ask Roza to commission a portrait of himself. It would be nice to have one to hang up.
thank u so much!! <33
send me a soft starter?
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soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels & Devils Part XIV : Who’s a Liar?
Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle ~ l a n g u a g e : English ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.) ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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“Yeonjun, I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“Baby, please, wait. Please, take 3 deep breaths and try to calm down. Hear me out. Please.”
“Yeonjun, no. I can’t do this. I don’t know how I can possibly get past this. I don’t think I could ever let this go.”
“So what do you want to happen now? What do you want me to do? Tell me anything, and I’ll do it. Baby, I’ll do anything for you. Just please tell me how I can make this right.”
“You want to know what I want to happen? I want this to stop. This, us, this evening, this pain, this nightmare, I just want this all to stop. I think the best thing you could do for me now is just let me go, don’t make this hurt any more than it already does. Just let me go. Yeonjun, please, just let me go.”
“Baby, please, don’t.”
“This is goodbye, Yeonjun. I’m breaking up with you.”
3 weeks before… The past couple of weeks have been difficult for Soobin.
First, the Fall Ball was coming up, and as Student Council president, it was a bit of a burden on him. The Fall Ball was one of the biggest social events at MOA, and it was the first of the 3 annual school dances that took place at the school every year, followed by the Winter Formal and Prom for the Seniors. The Student Council, along with the respective committees in charge of the Fall Ball, had been meeting at least thrice every week now.
Second, he’d been trying his best to keep his distance from Yeonjun and B. Knowing what he knew about what happened the night of Yeonjun’s birthday party 2 weeks ago, he felt as if there was a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment. So far, Yeonjun had showed no signs of recalling just how far things with Rose went that night, and B hadn’t shown any signs of remembering the conversation that she and Soobin shared in the utility closet while she was crying her eyes out, which ended with him admitting that he currently had feelings for her, which he was really struggling with.
And third, he just seemed to be falling more and more for her everyday. No matter how much he tried to keep her at a distance, the little smiles she’d send his way and the mere way she said his name just made his heart flutter every damn time. The butterflies in his stomach were inescapable.
He felt guilty for thinking it, but on more than one occasion he’d fantasized about having B as his date for the Fall Ball. He’d imagined what it would be like to drive to her apartment on the night of the ball, and how breathtaking she’d look as she’d greet him at her apartment door wearing the most gorgeous dress, how her eyes would sparkle when they’d take pictures at the photobooth before the dance, how tender she’d feel in his arms as they slow-danced in the middle of the school’s event hall, and even the things that they could do after the dance, which may or may not have included the tantalizing thought of him unzipping her dress to reveal her slender bare back and more.
His imaginations of everything that he wanted to do with B’s bare skin made Soobin feel guilty, but he couldn’t stop the fantasies from playing in his mind from time to time. He found that the best way to shut them down was to remind himself that Yeonjun had probably already seen or done everything that Soobin could only fantasize about, which effectively made Soobin feel sick to his stomach. He didn’t know just how far Yeonjun had taken things with B, but he had definitely insinuated that they’ve done more than just make out, and frankly, Soobin didn’t want to know just how much more.
Besides, Soobin was well aware that his thoughts were nothing more than fantasies, that Yeonjun would be taking B to the Fall Ball, and that his reality would probably end up with him ensuring that the event would be running smoothly the whole evening, too busy to actually dance with his date, if he’d even have one.
Taehyun had tried, on more than one occasion, to suggest who he should take as his date to the Fall Ball.
“How about Tyuzu, that shy girl in your Maths class? She seems really nice and graceful, and with her height I’m sure you 2 would look amazing together.” Taehyun suggests. It was lunch time, and the 6 of them were sitting at their gazebo. Yeonjun and B were busy feeding each other and giving each other googly eyes, while Beomgyu and Kai seemed to be laughing over a video Kai had seen on Twitter.
“Chou Tzuyu? She is really nice, kinda shy, and I have to admit that she’s very pretty.” Soobin says, considering Taehyun’s suggestion. “But I don’t know if I can ask her, we’ve never had any conversations before so it would be a bit weird, she might say no.”
Kai lets out a snort. “Yeah right. Soobin, do you know how many girls at this school would go crazy if you asked them to be your date to the Fall Ball? Have you forgotten who you are?” he says. “Heck, remember that one year when a couple of girls asked you to be their date? I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens again this year.”
Beomgyu nods in agreement. “That’s right, you’re Choi fucking Soobin! President of the Student Council, Ecosave club ambassador, president of the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of MO Academy’s elite Basketball team, a main vocalist of the Jazzed club!” he exclaims, holding his hands up in the air as if there were a billboard with Soobin’s name on it. “Choi fucking Soobin.”
Soobin laughs, embarrassed. “Thanks you guys, but I don’t think I’ll be taking a date this year.”
“No, what about Tzuyu? I’ve been thinking about who the perfect date for you would be, and after much consideration and deliberation, I know she’s the one.” Taehyun says.
“And she seems great, Tyun, and thanks but no thanks. Why don’t you ask her instead?” Soobin suggests, politely turning down his suggestion.
“I would, but she’s too tall for me.” Taehyun grumbles. “Plus, there’s already someone else I wanna go with.” he says, subtly shooting a look in Beomgyu’s direction. Noticing this, the ever-so-confident Choi Beomgyu looks flustered for a moment, not expecting the sudden interaction.
“Oh? Our Taehyunie actually has a date in mind?” Kai says excitedly. “Finally! Who’s the lucky date?”
“I haven’t asked them yet, so still no date for me.” Taehyun backtracks. “What about you, Hyuka? You got a date in mind?”
Now it was the younger boy’s turn to be flustered. “I, uh, I’m kinda dating Yuna, and we already agreed to go to the Fall Ball together.” he mumbles.
“Whoa, you asked Yuna out? Why didn’t you tell us!” Beomgyu exclaims, surprised.
“I’m sorry, I thought I did!” Kai says defensively. “I definitely told B about it though. Right, Baba?” he says, turning to B.
B breaks out of the little love bubble she shared with Yeonjun and nods. “Yup, and I think you 2 are adorable.” she says. “Yuna, Ryu and I will probably be going dress shopping this weekend. Do you have any preferences? Anything in particular you wanna see her wear? Any color or style in mind?”
Kai starts to blush. “N—Not really, I think she’d look great no matter what she wears.”
The whole group in the gazebo collectively goes “Aw.”
“Sounds like our darling boy is in love.” Soobin says affectionately, ruffling his hair. “Yuna’s a lucky girl! No wonder you seem like you’ve had your head in the clouds lately.”
“Oh stop it.” Kai huffs, his cheeks heating up as he tries to brush away Soobin’s hand. “At least I have a date. Really, Soobin, you could ask literally any girl in this school and she’d say yes.”
Except the one girl I actually want to ask, Soobin thinks to himself, his eyes sneaking a quick glance at B, who currently had Yeonjun’s arm casually wrapped around her shoulders as he absentmindedly scrolled through his phone and she continued to tease Kai about his new relationship.
B was pretty, but it wasn’t like she was the prettiest girl in the world. Heck, he knew that there were a lot of other pretty girls at MOA, so he didn’t know why he was so captivated by her. Soobin had never considered himself to be the kind of guy who’d have a type, so he didn’t know what exactly made someone attractive to him. He just found himself attracted, and he had no idea why. Out of all the girls at MOA, why did she have to be the one to catch his attention?
At that exact moment, B turns her head towards him and their eyes meet. She breaks into a giggle, causing Soobin’s heart to skip a beat. He starts to panic as he realizes that she had caught him staring.
“Soobin? Do you want my help in the date department?” she asks teasingly.
“Ah, nope, I think I’m good. I really don’t think I’ll be asking anyway to be my date this year.” Soobin says, flustered by her catching him staring at her.
“Dude, it’s our last year and it’s our last Fall Ball. Are you sure you want to do it solo?” Yeonjun pipes in.
Soobin shrugs. “I don’t mind, really. I’ll focus more on organizing it and making sure everyone has a good time, so being dateless is alright with me.”
B sighs. “What a shame, you could’ve made one very lucky girl at MOA really happy.” she says. “But whatever you say, Soobinie. Just make sure you let yourself enjoy the Fall Ball as well instead of just focusing on everyone else having fun, alright?”
Soobin nods. “I will, don’t worry.”
Once that was settled, the school bell rings then, signaling the end of their lunch break. The group pack up their stuff and walk back to the main building, going their separate ways to class.
2 weeks before…
“Hey Tyun, do you have a date to the Fall Ball yet?” Soobin asks absentmindedly, his eyes on the screen and his fingers expertly smashing buttons on the controller as he did his best to beat Kai at this round of Tekken. It was Saturday, and the guys had come over to his place to play video games.
Taehyun sighs, scrolling through his phone while the boys focused on their video game. “No, Soobin, I don’t. I haven’t had the chance to ask yet.” Which was true. It was only when Taehyun had started seeing someone in their friend group when he realized just how hard it was to be dating someone in the same friend group, especially when they he and Beomgyu had both agreed to keep things lowkey. He could see now why Yeonjun and B hadn’t told anyone about their relationship when they first started dating.
He thought it would be easy, since he and Beomgyu saw each other everyday, ate lunch together everyday, hung out at his family’s café after school everyday, and even got to hang out during the weekends. The problem was that the 2 could never find time to themselves, the rest of the friend group always seemed adamant on hanging out together, and if both of the boys would say no to hanging out at Soobin’s place on Saturdays, then it would come off as suspicious. Whenever they were together, they could hardly sneak in some quick hand holding, much more a few private words between them.
His eyes dart to Beomgyu, who was sitting in the middle of Soobin and Kai on the sofa. He looked adorable between the 2 giants of the group, sitting with his legs tucked under him, making him look extra tiny. Taehyun’s heart fluttered when Beomgyu meets his gaze and gives him an understanding smile, which he returns.
Taehyun knew that he could just ask Beomgyu to be his date through text, but Taehyun was a bit of a romantic. For the past year, he could only ever fantasize of what it would be like to kiss Beomgyu, of how soft his hands would feel, of the warmth of his body if he were to embrace him, of dancing with him in the middle of the floor at one of MOA’s school dances. Now that it was all a reality, he wanted everything to be perfect, or to at least be able to ask him in person.
“What, why haven’t you asked yet?” Soobin exclaims, surprised. “Kang Taehyun, are you…nervous?”
Kai bursts out laughing at the thought. “Taehyun? Nervous? Please, I bet that word isn’t even in his vocabulary.” he says, keeping his eyes on the screen. “If anyone should be nervous, it should be whoever Taehyun plans on asking. No offense, Tyun, but you are intimidating as hell. Even as your friend, I would probably pee myself out of nervousness if you wanted to ask me to the dance.”
“Lucky for you I don’t want to ask you, then.” Taehyun replies dryly. His brows furrow together with worry. “Am I really that scary?” He knew he had a reputation at MOA, that everyone had him on a pedestal as this perfect untouchable being, that most students were afraid to speak to him unless he acknowledged them first, but he didn’t think even his friends would feel that way.
“No, I don’t think so. Hyuka’s just saying that cause he’s scared of you but I don’t think you’re that intimidating, but that might be cause I’m the oldest one here.” Yeonjun pipes in, his eyes on his phone. “What do you think, Gyu? Is Taehyun scary or is Kai just a scaredy cat?”
Kai lets out a “Hey!” in protest, but Taehyun’s focus is on Beomgyu now, who tapped a finger on his chin as he thought of his response. “No, I don’t think Taehyun’s scary at all. In fact, I think he’s adorable. Like a cute little squirrel, with his big eyes and his fluffy hair.” he says thoughtfully, smiling fondly at the said boy. “In fact, contrary to what Kai thinks, I’d be ecstatic if I knew that Taehyun would like to ask me to the dance.”
Taehyun feels heat start to creep into his cheeks, flustered by Beomgyu’s opinion. “Really? You’d be ecstatic?” he says, not really knowing what else to say.
Beomgyu nods. “Definitely. I would say yes, without a doubt.” he says, his smile growing.
Without a second thought, Taehyun suddenly says “So do it, then. Be my date. Go to the dance with me. Say yes.”
Once his words register, everyone goes still, their heads all turning towards him, as if he had just transformed into a squirrel in front of them. Taehyun didn’t think he’d just blurt it out, but the words came out of his mouth before he could even think about it. He knew they were all looking at him as if he were crazy, but he only had eyes on Beomgyu, who was looking at him with wide eyes, caught by surprise.
After a moment, Beomgyu’s smile grows even wider as he says “Yes. I’ll be your date. I’ll go to the dance with you. Without a doubt.”
Taehyun can’t stop himself from smiling upon hearing this, his jaw stretching out to its limit and his eyes crinkling with glee. Meanwhile, their friends suddenly unpause, jumping out of their seats and staring at the 2 boys.
“Oh my god! What just happened?” Kai exclaims, covering his mouth with his hand to stop himself from smiling.
“Wait, Tyun, when you told me you’ve been in love with someone for like a year now, was it Beomgyu this whole time?” Soobin says, the realization hitting him like a truck.
Taehyun nods. “Yes, but there’s no need to talk about that.” he says, trying to politely tell Soobin to keep his mouth shut. Now, he was shy.
“In love, hm?” Beomgyu says teasingly, standing up as well to walk over to Taehyun. “For a whole year? Didn’t know you had it that bad for me, Tyun.”
“Don’t let it get to your head now, just cause you’re my date.” Taehyun says casually, trying to hide his giddiness. Beomgyu was his date. He was going to the Fall Ball with Beomgyu.
Yeonjun walks over to the 2 and envelops them into a hug, squishing them together. “I’m so, so happy for you two.” he says wholeheartedly.
“Thanks, YJ.” Beomgyu says, laughing as Yeonjun squeezes them even tighter.
“Congratulations you two! I’m so happy!” Soobin squeals, joining the group hug.
“Congrats! I’m happy, too!” Kai says, trying his best to wrap his arms around the 4 older boys. “What should we call you now? Beomhyun? Taegyu? Tyugyu?” he says playfully.
“You’ll call us Tyun and Gyu cause that’s who we are.” Taehyun responds. “Look, I love you guys, and I’d like to thank you all for being happy for us, but I can’t feel my ribs so please let go now.” he manages to say, trying his best to wiggle his way out of the group hug, which was impossible since he was right in the middle of it.
“No, I want this moment to last forever. So happy for you guys.” Kai coos, squeezing even harder.
“Hey, please don’t crush my date!” Beomgyu laughs, attempting to protect Taehyun from being squeezed to death.
“You heard Gyu, hands off his date!” Soobin says, stepping away from the group. The 2 other boys hesitantly follow suit, leaving Beomgyu and Taehyun standing together in the center. The two boys look at each other, their eyes both sparkling with joy as Beomgyu reached out and took Taehyun’s hand in his.
“My date.” Beomgyu says, keeping his eyes on his boy. Once again, Taehyun can feel his cheeks go red, and it takes his entire willpower to stop himself from leaning in and kissing Beomgyu right then and there.
Their 3 friends coo and squeal in awe, amazed at what they were seeing.
“How are you 2 so sweet? How did this happen without any of us suspecting anything?” Soobin asks curiously, looking at the 2 with a bit of jealousy. Why couldn’t he have what they did?
“Actually, yes, I think we all want to know how exactly this happened.” Yeonjun agrees, taking a seat on the sofa.
“Will you tell us? Please? I wanna hear a love story.” Kai says, plopping himself down next to Yeonjun and giving the 2 boys puppy dog eyes. Soobin soon follows, seating himself on the couch, and looks at the 2 pleadingly.
“Alright, children, settle down.” Beomgyu says, taking over. “Allow me to tell you the story of how Tyun fell head over heels in love with me—”
“Oh shut up, you’re the one who kissed me first.” Taehyun says, making the 3 boys gasp.
“B—but, no! That was a game!” Beomgyu interjects, referring to the game of Kiss or Tell at Yeonjun’s birthday party. “I panicked and kissed you cause you were gonna tell everyone about that one time we tried this new Ramen place near the subway and I ended up shitti—”
“You know that’s not the kiss I was talking about.” Taehyun cuts him off, echoing the exact words Beomgyu had said to him when they first talked about it at Kang’s café. Beomgyu’s face goes red as the 3 boys practically die of curiosity.
“Oh my god, Gyu kissed Tyun? After the game?” Kai screeches, unable to stop his dolphin-like squeals from coming out due to his excitement.
Taehyun nods. “There’s not much to it, really. He kissed me during that game, then he kissed me again after, we talked about it. We started kissing and talking more, and then I asked him to be my date today in front of you guys.” he says matter-of-factly.
“Don’t forget the part where Soobin said you’ve been in love with me for a year now.” Beomgyu butts in, recovering from his flustered state.
“Soobin, you’re lucky I like you and consider you as one of my closest friends.” Taehyun says, looking at him pointedly.
Soobin laughs nervously, knowing that he was referring to the fact that he told Taehyun practically everything about his feelings for B. “Yeah, thanks, Tyun.” he says sheepishly.
Taehyun simply nods at him, signaling that his secret was still safe with him. “Now that we’re all caught up on me and Gyu’s history, can we let it go and move on now?” he says, not really used to being in the spotlight for anything other than his academic achievements or extracurricular talents. And he definitely wasn’t used to being fawned over for his love life, which had been nonexistent up until that moment.
The 3 boys nod. “Okay okay, let’s talk about something else. How about the Fall Ball? What will you guys be wearing?” Kai asks, gamely changing the topic.
“Yeah, I mean, a suit? What else?” Yeonjun says. “I have like a hundred suits just waiting to be worn, I just have to pick one out.”
Beomgyu nods. “I’ve got some suits at home too.”
“I don’t have a suit yet.” Taehyun says quietly, as if he were a bit shy and embarrassed. “I—I kind of just rent a suit every time I have to attend an event that requires it because…” Because I can’t afford to buy it, he wanted to admit. Even with the scholarship, it was hard to maintain his lifestyle as a student of MO Academy. He did his best so that it wouldn’t be a financial burden to his family. He walked to and from school everyday, brought packed lunches, recycled notebooks and used textbooks, and worked part time at the café so his family wouldn’t need to pay for an extra set of hands.
Being one of the school’s scholarship kids never bothered him much, especially since he knew his performance as a student was exemplary and he knew he deserved the honor of studying at such a prestigious school, but he couldn’t stop himself from those moments when he just couldn’t afford to live as lavishly as his friends did. But when he saw his friends’ faces showing that they understood, he felt like he didn’t have to say it out loud.
Beomgyu clicks his tongue, looking at him playfully with disapproval. “No way, my date deserves to own a suit. The most handsome guy at MO Academy, apart from myself of course, should definitely own a suit.” he says, smiling at Taehyun thoughtfully. “What do you say, I take you out shopping tomorrow? We can go to the shopping center near that subway station, I could meet you there for lunch?”
Taehyun beams at him then, nodding his head. “It’s a date.”
“Our first one.” Beomgyu says, winking at him.
“But the fact still stands that I can’t…afford to buy a suit.” Taehyun says sheepishly.
“Darling, don’t worry about that. I’ll get you a suit as pretty as your face, which is impossible because you are the prettiest person I’ve ever seen, but I can sure as hell try.” Beomgyu says, lifting a hand up to cup Taehyun’s cheek, making him blush.
“Alright, but nothing too extravagant, and definitely no designer brands.” Taehyun says, giving in. “And I’m buying you lunch.”
Beomgyu beams. He didn’t think Taehyun would say yes, but he was set on buying him a suit whether he wanted it or not anyway. “Deal.”
The 3 boys watching them from couch squirm, trying their best to hold in their awe, but upon seeing that, Kai couldn’t hold it in any longer.
To everyone’s surprise, Kai lets out a squeal, making them all jump and stare at him. “You guys are so cute, I wanna cry.” he says, making them all laugh fondly at the youngest boy.
“We are adorable, aren’t we?” Taehyun says, wrapping an arm around Beomgyu’s waist.
“Couple of the year.” Beomgyu agrees, kissing the top of his head. “So what kind of suit do you want?”
“Just a standard black suit, so I can wear it to any occasion.” Taehyun says. “I mean, it’s not like there’s a wide spectrum of styles to choose from anyway.”
“This topic would’ve been more fun to talk about if we were girls.” Soobin pipes in thoughtfully. “It’s kinda boring how guys just wear the same thing for every formal event. Meanwhile, girls can pick any dress color and any style of dress they want!” he says, suddenly going on a mini rant. “It seems so fun in movies when girls go dress shopping and fix up their hair and do their makeup before a big event. I wish guys could experience the same thing. Shopping and getting all dressed up and excited for a big night sounds so fun.”
“Speaking of girls going shopping, I’m pretty sure Baby, Yuna and Ryujin are doing exactly that right now.” Yeonjun says, taking out his phone and tapping it a few times before holding it up to his ear. “Hello? Baby?”
“I—I was talking to her, not you, Gyu.” Yeonjun says, surprised when Beomgyu responded. The boys in the room snicker, and Taehyun smacks his arm.
“Baby? You there?”
‘Hey there, yes I’m here with Lia and Ryu.’ B responds over the phone.
“Hey Baby. Ah, dress shopping, I presume?” Yeonjun says knowingly.
‘Yup! We’ve been walking around and trying on dresses for what feels like decades. I think this is the 5th shop we’ve been in. I’m exhausted.’ B says, and she did sound tired.
Yeonjun pouts. “Oh no, is my baby tired? Want me to come over and help you girls? I can carry all your bags and stuff.” he offers.
B giggles. ‘Thanks, but I think we’re good here. I don’t want to interrupt your time with the guys, plus I kind of don’t want you to see my dress until the Fall Ball. I want it to be a surprise.’ she says mysteriously.
“Oh, you have a dress already? No fair, I wanna see it! Send me pictures please.” Yeonjun says pleadingly.
‘Well, no, but I’ve tried on a few dresses that I might end up buying so I have a few prospects. And no, I want it to be surprise!’ she laughs. ‘I gotta go, we have to finish this by 6pm and we haven’t even thought about looking at shoes yet. See you later, and say hi to the boys for me!’ B says quickly before hanging up.
“Was that Yeonjun?” Ryujin asks as B puts her phone away.
B nods. “Yup, he was just checking in.” she says, going back to scanning the clothing rack for any dress that would catch her eye. “God, I hate shopping. I’m so tired, and I haven’t even bought anything yet. This feels hopeless.”
“Hey, lighten up, this is supposed to be fun!” Ryujin laughs. “Why haven’t you bought anything yet? I thought that blue dress you tried on at the shop before this one looked amazing on you. The one with the thigh high slit? It was gorgeous.”
B bites her lip. The dress was gorgeous, but she didn’t feel gorgeous when she wore it. The truth was, the closer the Fall Ball was getting, the more self-conscious she was growing about her body. She had strived to maintain her slim figure. She had always watched what she eats and tried her best to get in some exercise whenever she could, but ever since she moved away from her home, she hadn’t been able to find the time or the equipment to exercise, and she felt like it was starting to show. “Honestly, I thought I looked a bit fat, but I’ll keep the dress in mind. I think I can lose a few pounds in 2 weeks, right?”
Ryujin’s jaw drops as B says this. “Fat? Please tell me you’re joking.” she says, horrified. “B, no offense, but you could use a few extra pounds. I love you, I love how you look, but sometimes when I hug you I feel like I could snap you in half.” Ryujin admits.
“Ryu, no, I just feel like if I lost some of this fat right under my belly button, any dress would look just right.” B says, pinching the nonexistent fat.
“Please don’t.” Ryujin says. “If I see you dieting, I will force feed you. You are beautiful just the way you are, and if you don’t see that, then maybe you just need a little nudge, or a gently shove.”
Just then, Yuna calls the girls to the dressing room. “Guys! Come look, I think I’ve just found the perfect dress!” she squeals.
As the 2 girls head over to the dressing room, Yuna pulls aside the curtain and steps out of the booth dramatically, giving a twirl and a pose. “Ta-dah! What do you guys think?”
Ryujin and B looked at her in awe. She was wearing a satin gold slip dress that elegantly hung off her frame, highlighting her delicate shoulders and accentuating her long legs. The dress was held up by thin straps and fell down right above her knees.
“You look amazing.” B says. “Kai is going to love this.”
“Yes. Absolutely yes.” Ryujin says, howling with approval. “Damn, I wish I could pull off a slip dress. It’s like the right amount of chic and sexy.”
“Ryujin, please, you’d slay anything you wear.” Yuna says, blushing from their compliments.
“Easy for you to say, I’ve got man shoulders and thick thighs. Not exactly the right body fit for a dress.” Ryujin groans.
“Don’t say that!” B says. “You look good no matter what you wear!”
“Ha, and now you know how I feel about you saying the same thing.” Ryujin says, referring to their conversation earlier. “Let’s just agree that we’re all gorgeous and that we’re all gonna rock whatever dresses we buy today, alright?”
B giggles, realizing how Ryujin had cleverly turned the tables on her. “Alright. But Yuna, you definitely have to get that dress. It’s perfect.”
“Only if you get that gorgeous blue dress you tried on earlier.” Yuna sing songs. “The one with the slit. I can’t believe you didn’t get it right then and there. You looked amazing! Like the Greek goddess of the sea or something.”
“Yuna, the Greek god of the sea is Poseidon.” Ryujin informs her.
Yuna simply shrugs and cheekily says “God is a woman.” before turning back to her reflection in the fitting room.
B laughs. “Fine fine, after you buy that dress, let’s go back to the previous store and I’ll buy the blue dress. I guess it was perfect. The only thing I didn’t like about it was that I couldn’t unzip it on my own. My arms couldn’t reach the zipper.” B huffs.
“That won’t be a problem when you wear it for the Fall Ball since you’ll have Yeonjun to unzip it for you.” Ryujin says teasingly.
B blushes bright red. “Ryu! Don’t say that in front of our baby.” she shushes, motioning to Yuna, who was too busy twirling around and admiring her dress in the mirror to notice what the 2 girls were talking about. “We agreed to keep our discussions PG in front of her.”
“Don’t worry, when you put her in front of a mirror, she could stare at herself for hours.” Ryujin says dismissively. “Also, yes we did, but things between you and Yeonjun definitely aren’t PG anymore.”
It was true. Over the past few weeks, things with Yeonjun had advanced faster than she realized. They quickly went from kissing and caressing to, well, let’s just say that the kisses have gone below the neck and that the caresses have gone under their clothes.
B’s cheeks burn even hotter as the non-PG moments she shared with Yeonjun began to play in her mind. “I—well, yeah, but we shouldn’t be talking about it in front of Yuna.” B says, trying to steer away from the conversation.
Ryujin decides to steer them away from Yuna instead, leading B out of the fitting rooms and back into the racks of dresses, out of earshot. “Okay, now that Yuna’s out of the way, I want to talk to you about this.” she says, trying to maintain eye contact with B. “I know things with Yeonjun have been going great, and although I have an idea of just how far things between you two have gone, there’s just something I wanna say.”
“Alright then, what is it?” B asks, ready to hear whatever sex advice Ryujin would tell her.
“I just want to say, be careful. Your first time should be special, with someone special, and if you decide that going all the way with Yeonjun on the night of the Fall Ball will be the way to do it, then I’m 100% routing for you. But I just want to make sure that you’re 100% sure about it too.” Ryujin says, completely sincere. “And you don’t have to tell me whether or not you decide to do it, you don’t have to let me know because that’s between you and Yeonjun, but I want you to know that I’m always here if you want or need someone to talk to about it, okay?”
B blinks a couple of times, surprised by Ryujin’s sudden advice. She always pegged Ryujin to be the supportive friend who’d bring out the inner hoe goddess in her, but seeing how genuine and concerned she was made B feel a newfound fondness for her.
“Aw, Ryu, you’re so sweet.” B says, unable to stop herself from wrapping her arms around her friend. “Thank you. I promise, I’ll only do it when I’m 100% sure and ready. And I promise I’ll let you be the first to know all about it, not because I feel the need to, but because I want to.” B says, winking.
Ryujin chuckles. “Alright, but I don’t want to hear any gorey details.” she says. “Now, let’s pull Yuna out of the dressing room and to the cashier so we can buy our dresses and get the hell out of here.”
1 week before…
“Soobin! Soobinie! Hey!”
Soobin turns to look back, stopping his tracks in the middle of the hallway. He was on his way to meet up with his friends at their gazebo for lunch when a familiar voice called out his name in the hallway.
As he turns around, he’s surprised to find his cousin, Choi Arin, waving at him. He smiled and waved back, not noticing that she had a friend with her. He stays still as the 2 girls approach him. “Arin, hey, what’s up?” he asks politely. Even though he and Arin were cousins and grew up seeing each other on family occasions, he never seemed to see her around MOA. They never shared any classes together, they didn’t have any mutual extracurricular interests, and they had completely different social circles. Arin’s friend group consisted solely of girls, and until recently, Soobin’s friend group was composed of all boys. He had mentioned before that he had a cousin who studied at MOA, but he never really got the chance to introduce her to any of his friends.
“What’s up? I feel like I haven’t see you in forever!” Arin says, playfully hitting his arm. “I guess Mr. Student Council President is too busy to check up on his cousin?”
“Ah, I’m really sorry I haven’t been able to see you around campus lately. Senior has been hectic, especially these past few weeks with the Fall Ball coming up.” Soobin says apologetically. “I promise, when the whole Fall Ball thing is over, we’ll hang out, alright?” he offers.
Arin laughs lightheartedly. “Lighten up Soobin, I was just teasing! I do miss seeing you around though, and maybe we could hang out even earlier? Say, the night of the Fall Ball? I have you don’t have a date yet, is it true?”
Soobin rubs the back of his neck, flustered at the topic of his date, or lack thereof. “Um, yeah, no date for me, but it’s completely fine with me. I didn’t really have anyone I wanted to ask to the Fall Ball anyway.”
“Oh is that so?” Arin says mischievously. It’s only then when she steps aside and pulls her friend forward, introducing her to Soobin. “Soobin, this is my friend Yiren. She also does not have a date to the Fall Ball.”
Ah, so this was where this was going.
“Hello, Yiren, it’s nice to meet you.” Soobin says politely, putting on a charming smile. Yiren blushes visibly and says hi back.
“Now Soobin, I was wondering if you could help my friend Yiren here about her dateless situation?” Arin says, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Soobin knew that she wanted him to ask Yiren to the dance now, but he didn’t have the heart to force himself to go to the dance with someone he didn’t know. It wouldn’t be fair to Yiren to spend her evening with someone who was too busy wishing they were dancing with someone else to even pay attention to her.
Instead, Soobin quickly scans the hallway for any familiar face, until he spots one. “Oh, Jangun!” he says, spotting the boy walking out from one of the classrooms along the hall. “Jangjun, come here!” Soobin calls, motioning him over. When the boy notices Soobin calling him over, his face lights up and he waves back, quickly making his way to meet them.
“Soobin, hey!” Jangjun says excitedly. “You called me over?” Soobin had always thought that Jangjun was a nice guy, he was one of the students at campus that Soobin considered as his friend outside of his friend group. Jangjun was always willing to help in any way he could, and boy could Soobin sure use his help now.
“Jangjun, yeah, I just wanted to know if you have any plans for the Fall Ball. You taking anyone?” Soobin asks.
“Oh, no, sadly I was too busy dealing with some family business these past few weeks. I didn’t notice that the Fall Ball was getting closer until it was too late. It’s 1 week away and I still don’t have a date, so I thought it seemed hopeless to try to look for one now.” Jangjun admits, genuinely bummed out.
Soobin deliberately lightens up, straightening out his posture and tilting his head up, as if he was hit by a stroke of genius. “Ah, it’s never too late! Jangjun, this is my cousin’s friend. Her name is Yiren, and my dearest cousin Arin has just informed me that she doesn’t have a date yet either.” he says, stepping aside as he introduces the two to each other.
“Yiren, yes hi, I’ve seen you around. I think we had Biology together last year.” Jangjun says, smiling brightly at her. “I’m Jangjun, nice to meet you.”
Yiren smiles shyly at him. “Hi Jangjun, I’m Yiren. It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Well, it looks like we’re being set up here.” Jangjun says lightheartedly, laughing nervously. “I don’t mean to be too straightforward, but is there any chance you’d like to go to the Fall Ball with me?”
Yiren’s face lights up as she smiles at him and nods. “Yes, I’d really like that.”
“Great! Uh, can I have your phone number? And let me know your social media accounts too so I can add and follow you.” Jangjun says, enthusiastically giving her his phone.
As the pair walk off and get to know each other, Arin turns to glare at Soobin.
“You know I was trying to pair you and Yerin together, right?” she huffs.
“Yes, I could tell, I’m not that stupid you know.” Soobin chuckles. “Sorry cous, I just really don’t want to ask anyone to the dance. I’ll be too busy making sure that nothing goes wrong to even entertain a date anyway.”
“Oh, Soobinie, when will you learn to put yourself first.” Arin says, shaking her head. “Well, although my plan to set you up with Yerin failed, at least she got a date out of it anyway.” she says, amused as she watches her friend giggle at her newfound date.
“Don’t get me wrong, she seems like a great girl, I just… I’m not interested in taking anyway to the dance.” Soobin says. “Speaking of, who’s your date to the Fall Ball?”
Arin smiles with a glint in her eyes. “Hwang Hyunjin.”
“Wow, Hyunjin?” Soobin says, impressed. “Great catch, cousin. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your evening.” he says, knowing that Hyunjin was one of the more popular guys in their grade, and that he was always great company judging by the amount of people he was constantly surrounded with.
“Thanks, cous. I was thinking of asking you to introduce me to your student council buddies since I’ve been dying to meet them since you became president, but then Hyunjin asked me and that was that.” Arin says.
“Ah, really? Sorry, I can’t believe I haven’t introduced you to my friends yet. They’re all unavailable though so even if I had introduced you to them, you wouldn’t have gotten a date out of it.” Soobin laughs, making Arin snort. “But I’ll introduce you to them soon, I promise.”
Arin sighs. “It’s fine, Soobin. Just make sure you come find me at the Fall Ball and say hi, alright? I’m sure you’ll have the time to do it, since you won’t be glued to a date all night.” she says, playfully pinching his cheeks before walking away.
4 days before…
“The more I think about it, the more it hurts. I don’t know what to do, Binnie. I just wanted to get away.”
She moves closer to him, her ass sliding against the cold hard floor, closing the gap between them as she leans her head on his shoulder. She feels him go still for a moment, before he takes a deep breath, her head rising and falling along with his shoulders as he does so, as he takes one of her hands in his and starts to trace gentle circles on her skin.
He speaks, and she sees his mouth moving, but no sound seems to come out, the words lodged deep down in her memory.
When he finishes speaking, she sighs and says “Maybe it should’ve been you, Soobin.”
B wakes with a start, her whole body visibly tensing up as her eyes fly open. She instantly lifts her head up and sees both Yeonjun and Soobin looking at her with concern.
“Baby? Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?” Yeonjun asks, putting his hand on top of hers. She looks around and realises that she had fallen asleep during class, Creative writing, their last period for the day.
B squeezes her eyes shut before she lets them meet his. “Yeah, a bad dream I guess.” she says. “Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have fallen asleep in class in the first place.”
Yeonjun smiles at her fondly. “Sir Kim’s just letting us discuss ideas for our projects, and since my partner’s not here, I’m hanging around with you and Soobin.” he says, and that’s when she remembers that Soobin was seated next to her on the other side.
She turns to him, unable to meet his gaze just yet, still confused by the dream she just had.
“B? Got any ideas you wanna share?” he asks, his dimple popping out as he gives her a small smile. “It’s alright if you don’t, you can just sleep if you want. I’m sure we’ll come up with something.”
What was up with her dream? And why did it feel so real? She remembers the feeling of his hand on hers, of his thumb tracing circles along the surface of her skin, she felt is as clear as day now.
“Maybe it should’ve been you, Soobin.”
Why would she tell him that in her dream? Was it possible that she had some underlying feelings for him? What should’ve been him? What was her subconscious mind trying to tell her?
“B?” he asks again, his smile faltering.
She finally meets his gaze then, and she plasters on a smile. “No, I shouldn’t sleep in class. I guess we’ll just go along with what we’ve been doing so far. We can just take random pictures of each other whenever we hang out and make stories out of them in our posts.”
Soobin nods. “That’s what I was thinking. It shouldn’t be too hard since we’re stuck with this until the end of the term.”
“Yeah, it’ll be a breeze.” she says, feigning positivity. The truth was, the dream she just had was worrying her and was very confusing.
Why would she and Soobin be in that position? Why would she say that to Soobin? She knew it was just a dream and probably just her subconscious mind making up scenarios, but why did it feel so real?
1 day before…
It was Friday night, the night before the Fall Ball, yet B still couldn’t get the strange dream with Soobin out of her head.
It constantly replayed in her head, like a broken film reel, and the more it played, the clearer the picture became.
Although some parts were still hazy and some words still came to her memory as muffled sounds, she was able to discern that she and Soobin were alone in a small space, that they were sitting on the floor together, that she was wearing the dress she wore the night of Yeonjun’s birthday party, that she was very very drunk, and that she was crying.
Now her main question was why.
Why was she alone in a small space, sitting on the floor on the night of Yeonjun’s party, very very drunk and crying…
...with Soobin?
Letting her curiosity get the best of her, B decides to send Soobin a text, wanting answers once and for all.
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Upon seeing her final question, Soobin froze. He could feel himself start to sweat as he contemplated what he should do next. Although B’s recollection of the night of Yeonjun’s birthday party was clearing, it was still painfully clear that she had no clue about Yeonjun locking lips with Rose later that evening. What Soobin didn’t know was if Yeonjun’s recollection of that evening was coming to him as well.
Soobin found himself facing the very dilemma he wanted to avoid.
Should he tell B the truth, the whole truth about what else he saw that night? Or should he lie and let Yeonjun deal with the problem of telling B about the kiss?
Soobin had a method of dealing with such dilemnas. He simply closed his eyes, took 3 deep breaths, and made a decision.
He typed out his reply and hit send before he could second guess his decision.
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His heart ached as he realized that he had just lied to B, but he knew it was the right, or rather the less evil, choice. She didn’t need to know that he had practically confessed to having feelings for her that night, nor did she need to know that she had wondered out loud about the what ifs between she and him. He didn’t mean keeping those parts of the night in the dark.
But what he truly felt awful about was the one thing he witnessed that he didn’t have the authority to tell her. As he texted B goodbye and wished her a good night, he quickly sent a text to one more person.
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luvdsc · 4 years
first off, that soulmate au abt jaemin was top notch! i loved it so much, i just started reading ur works n they're absolutely amazing 🥺 when i finally caught on to what was going on in the fic, u have to know that my heart began ACHING istg 🗿 secondly, i aspire to be as good of a writer as u are, any tips on how to start off my writing blog?? super sorry to bother u, i just love ur works sm omggg
brb gonna print this out and pin it to my wall, so I can read it whenever I feel sad and instantly feel better because you are the absolute kindest, honey bee, omg thank you so much!!! 😭💘 thank you for enjoying ellipsism and for giving my writing a chance! I don’t write angst as often, so I’m very happy to see that the angst hit its mark :’)
You are so cute omg, I’m positive your writing is already as amazing as you are!!!! 💗 I’m not sure if you want writing tips or tips about how to start a writing blog? So I’ll put a bit of both! And it’s not a bother at all, lovebug, thank you for showering my writing with love 🥺💚 I’ll put the tips below under the cut!
utilize your own experiences — this is something I do the most with my writing. My blurbs are oftentimes based on things that happened in my life. The reason why I hold tddol so near and dear to my heart the most is because the entire thing is heavily based on my own college shenanigans and each character emcompasses personality traits and quirks of my own irl friends. It makes the fic more believable as well because you can pull from your own emotions and thoughts from that time and put it into words. I gravitate towards college au the most because there’s no research involved when I’m the primary source :)
daydream — sometimes, it’s best to just let your mind wander and conjure up make-believe scenarios at 3 in the morning when it’s quiet and only the moon and stars are awake with you.
draw inspiration from your surroundings and people around you — this might be a little difficult if you’re in quarantine right now, but pay attention to who and what’s going on around you! go to a coffee shop and observe the different people that come and go. is there something going on with the couple sitting the corner or maybe the barista and her obviously favorite regular that she always gives a free scone to? Or maybe there’s something about the cute boy with the maroon beanie who taps away at his laptop, sipping on a hot chocolate. Make up random scenarios and back stories for these people!
dialogue — read what you write for your character’s dialogue and ask yourself, “do people actually speak this way?” People use the same words often in their speech, use contractions, have um’s and ah’s scattered here and there, trail off mid sentence, randomly go from one thought to the next, etc. Make sure the conversation sounds natural and flows well!
detail — detail is something I struggle with writing, but I feel like I’ve improved on it immensely with this little rule I’ve given myself. Each paragraph (?) has to be three to five lines long on a google doc, unless it’s a short dialogue line that I want to pack a punch with. By doing this, I’m making myself stop and think about the surroundings and what’s going on through my character’s mind or what they’re feeling. As the writer, you already know all of this and may not feel the need to write it down, but to a reader who’s unfamiliar with the universe you created, they won’t know any of it at all. So make sure to add in detail!
write when you feel like writing — this is just my personal opinion on this, but my writing comes out infinite times better when I write when I want to and not force myself to word vomit onto google docs. I kinda did that with I Dare You, and it’s actually my least favorite fic I’ve written on here because I’m not satisfied with the forced execution of it. I know some people prefer to set goals for themselves and write 2k a day regardless, which is incredibly awesome and I admire their determination and will power, but that’s not for me. I only write when I feel like it because I want it to be enjoyable and not feel like a job I’m forced to do. Unfortunately, that means I don’t have a set posting schedule, and fics often get scrapped midway when I decide I don’t want to write it anymore.
write what you want to write — I’m a firm believer in this. Indulge in your favorite au’s and tropes! Write a million bff2l stories (like I do lmao) if that’s the trope that makes you happy!!! Don’t worry about the notes, the number of reblogs, the word count, etc. Please don’t force yourself to write something you’re uncomfortable with or dislike for the sake of notes or readers. Your stories are for you first and foremost, so use them to make whatever your heart desires come to life!
choose a clean blog theme — make sure your blog is easy on the eyes and simple to navigate! You could be putting out god tier writings like Rick Riordan, but there’s a high chance people will give up on reading it if it’s in neon green, comic sans size 7 font on your flashy blog.
create a master list — this goes into the easy to navigate component as well! It’s best to have all the links to your writings and other important info in one post that you can put in your description for others to find.
use tags — I believe it’s only the first five tags that matter, so make it count! for instance, with ellipsism, it’s a jaemin angst, so I used #jaemin angst, #jaemin scenarios, #jaemin imagines, #nct imagines, and #nct scenarios as my first five tags. They’re pretty popular tags that correlate to my fic, and they’ll bring my fic to the attention of new readers!
reblog your fic — people are in all different time zones, so some of your followers might be asleep when you drop a fic and unfortunately miss it. you can queue a reblog of your fic at different time intervals after you posted it, so that your followers who missed it the first time have another chance at seeing it!
open requests / drabble games — i don’t know if this is your cup of tea, but if you’re stumped on what to write or are looking for inspiration, you can open requests/suggestions or hold a drabble game! This also can bring in new readers and allow you to interact with your followers :) but again, please don’t force yourself to write all of them if you don’t want to or if you’re comfortable with a certain request. At the end of the day, you reserve the right to say no to any request.
I hope these were helpful, honey bee, and please feel free to send another ask in if you want me to elaborate on anything or have any more questions! (Or if you just want to talk, that’s a-okay, too!!!) 💓💓
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haillenarte · 5 years
uniqlo x ffxiv collab;
Here are translations of the Uniqlo x FFXIV advertisements that hit Japanese stores in December 2019.
Wait... What? An announcement was posted on Lodestone today that tapestries (basically just banners) of FFXIV characters would be displayed in select Uniqlo stores in Shinjuku and Ikebukuro.
I’ve heard of Uniqlo, but I don’t know what it is... Uniqlo is a Japanese fashion brand that’s pretty much known for selling basics — think single-color shirts, sweaters, pants, coats, and scarves. While I won’t speak for everyone, and I’m sure some people have wildly different opinions, my personal experience is that in Tokyo, Uniqlo is thought of as a very basic, bargain-bin place to buy clothes: yeah, it’s normal to shop there, and pretty much everyone has some item from Uniqlo in their closet somewhere, but it’s not really considered fashionable, and it’s honestly a bit uncool to wear Uniqlo from head to toe. In New York, however, Uniqlo is generally thought of as basic but trendy — people tend to like the quality of the clothing even though individual items can be pricey. In the end, a brand is a brand. If they operate in your country, you may as well head to their website to get your own idea of it.
So this is basically just an advertising campaign? Yes, and a very limited one. If I understand correctly, the ads are only running in three Uniqlo stores in all of Tokyo. They’re pretty big stores in trendy neighborhoods, but not the flagship store or anything. (Their flagship store is in Ginza, which is very nice, but rather mature and austere.) Also, they are specifically advertising Uniqlo’s “HEATTECH” clothing line, which, I don’t know, uses science to keep you warm or something. I have never tried HEATTECH clothes, though I have other pieces of clothing from Uniqlo, but I am told that they are pretty warm.
How weird is this for Uniqlo? Honestly, not that weird — Uniqlo does a lot of collaborations with popular series, mostly thanks to their T-shirt line that’s collaborated with such characters and series as Mario, Gundam, Pokémon, Hello Kitty, and all manner of mangas. I don’t know whether or not they’ve run fake testimonials from characters before, but the testimonial-based ads themselves are just a thing that Uniqlo does. I’m pretty sure they’ve done comparable campaigns in Singapore and Taiwan, albeit with real people giving their opinions and not Final Fantasy characters. Their “Voices of New York” series was somewhat similar as well — they got a bunch of famous New Yorkers to wear Uniqlo and do little interviews, basically.
How weird is this for Square Enix? Honestly, not that weird — I mean, will anything ever be as weird as when they decided to have Lightning and other characters from FFXIII model for Prada and Louis Vuitton? FFXV had fashion collaborations with Vivienne Westwood and Roen built into the game, too, although that was a little more... serious. I’m actually just disappointed that they didn’t whip up a Uniqlo HEATTECH shirt for the characters to actually wear.
How weird is this, like... generally? Oh, it’s very silly, but character collaborations are all kind of a big joke anyway. And, to be honest, they do get nerds to get into their stores and buy shit.
Photos were taken randomly off Twitter. Thank you to everyone who visited Uniqlo just to share the banners with social media.
As for the text itself, I... I don’t want to talk about it...
HEATTECH x FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE The reason I wear Heattech every day...
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ESTINIEN Former Azure Dragoon Heattech lover for 5 years.
Under my armor, I’m always wearing Heattech. Has it already been 5 years, now? 'Twas Ser Aymeric who originally recommended to me these garments. At first, I was half in doubt as to the veracity of his claims, but once I equipped mine own apparel, I was stunned by how well it performed. It doesn't matter how high I jump through the frigid air of Coerthas — I never get cold. Now I can't even imagine fighting in the skies without Heattech.
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ALPHINAUD LEVEILLEUR Academician of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 1 year.
In Heattech, I'm warm from the tips of my fingers down to my toes. During my journey through Ishgard, a companion of mine recommended that I wear these curious garments to stay warm, and I have not been parted from them since. Even as I gathered bits of brush and kindling in the Churning Mists for our campfire, I felt not the slightest chill.
ALISAIE LEVEILLEUR Red Mage of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 1 year.
When something red catches my eye, I just have to have it. And each time a new Heattech product comes out, I'll add it to my wardrobe without hesitation. These garments don't get in the way during frenzied combat, and they provide the ease of movement that I need in the heat of battle. They come in so many tempting colors that I do find it difficult to choose between them every now and then — but in the end, I always pick red!  
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Y’SHTOLA RHUL Sorceress of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 6 years.
Every sorceress worth her salt keeps a few secrets... and Heattech is one of mine. Naturally, these vestments will keep you warm, and I particularly appreciate that they feel smooth to the touch. ‘Twould be an exaggeration to say that I could forget that I am wearing them, but... I do find myself advantaged by the way that they do not obstruct the flow of magic. As Master Matoya has chosen to reside in a rather dark, chilly cave, I thought it prudent to send her a selection of Heattech raiments. I wonder how well she found them.
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CID NAN GARLOND President of Garlond Ironworks Heattech lover for 9 years.
Heattech is our company's hidden uniform. Garlond Ironworks engineers often work in cold environments, so Heattech garments have become indispensable to our performance. Anyone who's ever flown an airship knows this well: when you're at the helm, you're at the mercy of the winds, and those winds are cold. That's why every engineer in our organization is provided with a Heattech undershirt. And you? Will you join our number?
NERO TOL SCAEVA Freelance Genius Engineer Heattech lover for 9 years.
This is something I might engineer — which is how you know it’s good. Garlond’s Heattech undershirt is naught but a simple garment, whereas mine is fitted with a magitek weave that promotes superior heat retention!
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KRILE BALDESION Archon of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 3 years.
Do you suppose we might call this... the power to transcend the cold? Thanks to the raging aether surrounding the isle, Eureka Anemos undergoes volatile changes in temperature, making Heattech an absolute necessity for exploring the more frosty areas of the Forbidden Land. Even that obstinate Ejika hides an undershirt beneath his robes, you know! I myself am rather partial to sporting a good pair of Heattech short pants whilst on expedition. I don't believe even the brightest minds at the Studium could have conceived of such practical use for this technology.
Please note that Sharlayan lore isn’t my strong suit, and I never set foot in Eureka, so it is possible that there are better ways to interpret some of Krile’s remarks here.
also here’s my version thank u good night
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manggojooz · 5 years
Pick A Side (Part 4)
pairing: Taehyung x reader
word count: 2,050 approx
genre: university!au; angst; romance; slice of life stuff
warnings: none
previous part: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
comment: sorry this took long, I hope it’s not too shabby.. sending thanks to every one who gave me support for this series! 
taglist:  @destiel1597 @mila271 @hopetookmysoul @ximaginx @honeyursosweet 
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You had swapped your photograph on the photo wall to a new one – a shattered window in the night, the street lights filtering through in wildly refracted ways. In fact, it was just one of the broken windows on the first floor of the school dorms, but through the viewfinder, it looked wry and distorted. An entire week passed, and then there was a post-it stuck to the corner of your photograph again:  
“A sound of something breaking I awake from sleep A sound full of unfamiliarity Try to cover my ears but can’t go to sleep”
The words dug deep into you, especially after what happened a few days ago.  
That lesson came and went again. The professor had instructed Hyesoo to split the class into groups for the next assignment. At the end of the class, you waited for Haejoong to submit the assignment to Hyesoo together; it was a convenient enough excuse to not face her alone. The two of you were one of the last to go to her.  
“Haejoong, seems like you are close to Y/N in class, I’ll put you in the same group as her then”, Hyesoo smiled charismatically at him, as she took in Haejoong’s report.  
“And Y/N...”, she smirks again, “I think you will enjoy your project very much, you should really thank me for grouping the both of you together with Taehyung and Jihyun, since you guys hang out all the time.”  
It was not surprising but still irritating that she would abuse her power as the teaching assistant in this way and your expression must have been a tad too obvious.  
“What’s with the face? Didn’t you always like being in the same group as Taehyung. I was still hoping to receive a ‘thank you’ for helping you with this”, she scorned.  
You knew what she was hinting at, and you couldn’t believe her childishness for being still hung up over something that happened more than a year ago. This is a fight you can never win. But the considerate guy standing next to you was not prepared to let it slide. “Do you want to swap with someone?”, Haejoong asked you, while Hyesoo side-eyed him in anticipation, waiting for him to challenge her directly.  
“Y/N...”, Jihyun’s voice came out of nowhere. She walked over, Taehyung trailing behind her, “... don’t ask to swap groups please.”  
There was a serious urge to roll your eyes at her feeble demand but Jihyun continued talking, “You don’t want to hear our explanations, that’s fine, we won’t force you to. But you just stopped talking to us, left the painting club and now you want to swap out of the project group because of us? I don’t want people to think that we are...  
“That you are what?”, you squinted a little, taunting her to complete her statement.
“That you know... we are...”, Jihyun was dragging out her words, perhaps reluctant to say it herself.  
“Why do you keep saying ‘we’? Does Taehyung share the same sentiments?”, it was even refreshing to yourself, that you were able to say such things now that you were no longer afraid of being branded as the petty other half.  
Jihyun could only wonder why Taehyung had no response, did he not hear you, did he not want to support her? She always thought that Taehyung will take her side but what’s with him now?  
There probably isn’t another situation more complicated and full-circle than this.  
Haejoong glared at Hyesoo, annoyed that she is taking advantage of her position as the TA; Hyesoo sneers at you, just because she never liked you in the first place; you looked at Jihyun in confusion, wondering if there was a sliver of yourself that you saw in her, now that she is assuming the role of the ‘petty’ girlfriend; Jihyun in turn glowers at Taehyung, finding it increasingly difficult to swallow his lack of support for her yet again; and Taehyung, just trying his best to pierce Haejoong’s face with his stare, bothered by his constant presence next to you.  
Jihyun stormed down the sidewalk leading to the hostels, Taehyung followed half-heartedly behind her.  
“Kim Taehyung!”, she suddenly stopped and spun around, shouting at him. “Why are we even together when you keep doing this?”  
“Doing what?”, he raised his voice a bit too.  
“Why do you always just say nothing when I... You know what? I'm just gonna get straight to the point, if we are together, you should be siding with me! Stop acting like a freaking diplomat. Yes I know you are a very social person and you don’t like to offend anybody but you can’t keep doing this!”, she lamented.  
“I have always been like this, you know I hate picking sides! You were fine with it before. Why are you so worked up about it now?”, this just felt somewhat of a déjà vu to Taehyung.  
“I was fine with it because I wasn’t your girlfriend at that time!”, Jihyun spat.  
He was suddenly floored and had no words as he processed hers. He has to admit, when you blew up a fuss about him not taking your side, he thought you were just being petty. After you broke up with him over it, he thought the rumours held water and that you were jealous of Jihyun. But... what’s with Jihyun now... why is she acting this way too?
“Taehyung-ah, you had difficulty siding your girlfriend against me, your best friend, that’s normal... but now I’m your girlfriend, she’s your ex... what is so difficult? Why can’t you just take my side?”, she was almost pleading at this point.  
Yes. Why couldn’t he? Wasn’t that the plan?
In the days after you broke up with him, Taehyung had been somewhat lost. The two of you hadn’t been dating for that long and he wasn’t one to pine over a lost relationship, but there was just a dent left in him. Something was just not right.  
Was it the abruptness of it all? Or perhaps, the lack of a reasonable explanation as to why it had to be this way? His mind was in such a mess. He wanted to call you, but no he shouldn’t, because he never u-turns in relationships, but he really wants to talk to you. And there it was again, that indecipherable noise in his head, was it even a sound?
Someone near him must have been talking to him this whole time but all he heard was just vague mumbling, until he suddenly snapped out of his daze when he felt a sharp pain on his right arm.
“Were you even listening to me?”, an exasperated Jihyun exclaimed, right after she had pinched him hard since her attempts at using words were not working.  
“Huh?”, Taehyung obviously did not catch anything she had said.  
The two of them were the only ones left sitting in the empty cinema. Jihyun had asked him to watch this movie with her, thinking it would help to lift his mood, after all it was a comedy.  
“I asked if you are hungry...”, Jihyun repeated, leaving out the bulk of the conversation that she knew he did not hear.  
“Yeah, sure”, he replied soullessly.  
“Yeah sure?”, she turns to look at him in disbelief, what kind of response was that?  
“Eo?”, he was still not fully there with her. It made her even more exasperated, she has never seen him so affected by anyone.  
“Kim Taehyung, get over it. It's just another break up...”, she suddenly asserted.
“What?”, Taehyung turns sharply to look at her, but she was staring ahead at the blank screen.  
“I said get over it... it’s just another break up...”, how many times exactly does she have to repeat everything she said for him to register it?  
“I’m trying, if you can’t tell... I'm trying to but -”, his words were fragmented, just like his thoughts.  
She exhaled a tiny puff of air, resolving that this is probably time for her to take that step she always contemplated, “If you need a distraction, or I guess, if you need a rebound, I’ll do it...”
His dazed eyes started coming back into focus, as he observes her side profile, slowly taking in what she was suggesting.  
She squeezes her eyes shut for a few seconds, then turns to look him at him with some form conviction, leaning in to kiss him lightly on his lips. There was a weird situation where a thousand things went through his mind yet there was no one thought that could actually be crystallised. His best friend just kissed him – that is a line either you choose to cross or choose to walk away from forever.  
He did nothing as he waited for the confusion to wear out, the two of them just looking at each other, inches apart, waiting for the other to make the next move. If that was the game, Jihyun must have lost. She could not outlast the indecisive idiot who always made her impatient.  
“Since you can’t decide, I'll make the call. Let's try it... this dating thing. Don’t they always say that it is a blessing if your significant other is also your best friend? We are already best friends, so let’s try this significant other thing then. I’ve always wondered what it will be like if we dated each other.”
That was one way to sell it. And it was probably the easiest way for Taehyung to buy it. Right, if his best friend was also his girlfriend then it should solve the problem. There would only be one side to take, right?  
Perception is often relative to position; just like how the angle of a camera can change how a subject appears in the photograph.  
“Why can’t you just take my side?”, Jihyun’s words were as piercing as her voice. “I am now your girlfriend, what do you think the other people will think if you remained neutral like that?”, Jihyun demanded a response from him again, as they stood on the gravel pavement.
“What would the other people think? Shouldn’t everyone just come to their own conclusions anyway?”, Taehyung retorted.  
“No! They will take it that I have lost... do you not see it?”, she was exasperated by now.  
A frown appears across his face. 
“So you are saying that... if I didn’t take your side... then you have lost... because we are together?”, he was trying to keep up with the logical chain. “Wait, was that what you thought all the while... when I was together with Y/N? When... when I didn’t take her side against you? Did you think that you... won?”, Taehyung’s mind was quivering to wrap around the revelation.  
“Wasn’t that the case?”, she was shocked that he never knew the kind of signals he was sending.
Only Jihyun could have made him see it. Because she reveled in victory while he took the middle high ground when she was his best friend, yet now, in this moment, she is defeated, because she couldn’t get from Taehyung the same thing that you had always yearned from him. What changed? The only difference is her position – she is now his girlfriend.
Your words came into his mind. “But sometimes, when you choose not to pick a side, you have essentially picked a side.”
It gradually shattered; the belief that if he picked no side, he will hurt no one. It was foreign to him; the recognition that he must have hurt you with what he did, or more accurately, didn’t do. He finally deciphers those unsettling noises he senses every now and then; it was his heart quibbling that something went wrong between him and you, and it was the voices of regret within him. 
“Jihyun, I’m sorry... I think... I think I must have made a mistake...”, he mutters, his voice husky and low in its usual way but with more resemblance to his mood.
“About what?”, she was the one frowning now.  
He looked straight into her resentful eyes. He was sorry to her, this was his fault. But this time he knew, he was going to hurt her, and it will be his choice to bear.
“About us”, he whispered, forlornly, finally. 
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guruji · 4 years
What The Font? – Understanding Typefaces On The Web
Do you operate a website, send out electronic newsletters or e-mail campaigns? Have you ever experimented with the different fonts (typefaces) available? If you have, you probably discovered there are numerous fonts available on your computer – in some cases 100-200 or more. How then do you decide which font to use?
This article will give you a brief overview of choosing fonts for the internet, so that the next electronic piece of information you send achieves the desired effect.
Where the Font Do We Start?
First, even though there are thousands of fonts available to us, each computer usually only has a hundred or so installed for use. Different operating systems, and various other files or programs you obtain can install various fonts on your computer and add to that number. Those fonts are usually compatible across programs, meaning you will be able to use all of your system fonts in any program. Let’s say your computer came pre-installed with 150 fonts. Then you bought a common software program that added 50 more fonts to your computer. You now have 200 fonts you will be able to use in any program that is designed to allow font selection.
Isn’t that great? You instantly have more fonts to choose from. If you’re working in print materials or graphics, then you actually do have the freedom to choose whatever fonts you want. However, if you are not printing the final version but instead delivering your material via the internet, whether it be on a website, by email, or any other type of electronic media, you don’t actually have as much freedom as you may think. There are several factors to take into consideration that could influence your choice, including perception, usability and availability.
The typeface that you select needs to accurately reflect the mood of your message. Do you want the tone conveyed to your reader to be formal or informal, friendly or serious, professional or playful? If the message is of a professional and formal nature, then your font should accurately portray that. But if the message is to a group of friends inviting them to a party, you can have a little fun and take a more informal approach with your fonts. Always consider the audience for which the piece is intended, and then choose a font that achieves the perception you desire.
After you have established the intended audience for your message, make sure they can actually read it! Many fonts are hard to read simply because they are so small in size (like 8 point or 10 point). Cursive and italic fonts can be hard on the eyes and are strongly discouraged for the purposes of main bodies of text. Italics should only be used for emphasis or as graphical elements. You also don’t want your font too large, as this can make it difficult for the eyes to scan across a large body of text. There are many fonts available intended specifically for headings and logo text that would be inappropriate for the main body of a message. To maximize usability, make sure to choose a font that is legible and easy on the eyes.
This is the most easily overlooked aspect of font selection and can result in completely unexpected results. To insure the recipient sees the same message style you created, the fonts you use must be available on their computer. When you create a website for example, the HTML code will “call” the font that is supposed to be displayed. This tells your browser program what font it should display on that particular page. Even though you may have 200 fonts installed on your computer and you see your fonts fine and dandy, that doesn’t mean that the person on the other end viewing your website has the exact same fonts as you. In a case where he doesn’t, his browser will substitute a different font of its own choosing, which could completely change their perception of your intended message. At the very least, they may think you were sloppy in putting your material together. Email programs, and electronic newsletters, all work the same way. So bottom line, you need to use fonts that you are positive your entire web audience will have available on their computer. We call these “Web-Safe” fonts.
With thousands of fonts out there, you’re probably thinking, “No big deal, there are still plenty of choices”. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are only 9. Yes, you read that correctly, there are only NINE web-safe fonts that you can be assured are on every single computer out there! Those fonts are Arial, Arial Black, Courier New, Comic Sans, Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, and Verdana. Let’s take a couple of minutes to understand the differences in these fonts.
There are two basic types of fonts; serif or sans serif. Serif by definition has a fine line finishing off the main strokes of a letter, or letters may end with a rounded tip. And “sans” is a French term meaning “without”, so in the case of sans serif it would be without those fine lines. The most common serif font is Times New Roman and the most common sans serif font is Arial, both of which are web-safe fonts. Of the nine web-safe fonts there are only 3 serif fonts; Courier New, Georgia and Times New Roman. Serif fonts in very small text sizes can be hard to read, therefore caution should be used when selecting those for small print.
Arial (properly pronounced "are-ree-al")
Arial was introduced as the default typeface for Windows 3.1 when it was released by Microsoft in the early 1990s. It is not difficult to read unless used in very small sizes, and it is the most popular sans serif font today. It is however quite plain, and people tend to get bored of Arial because they see it every where. But, since it’s so widely available, easy to read, and the default for Microsoft products, it is a great font to use for main content areas of your marketing materials, newsletters, websites, etc.
Arial Black
Arial Black is one of many versions of Arial, released with Internet Explorer 3. It is a bolder font than Arial and is great for headings and short sections of text that require emphasis.
Courier New
Courier New, a serif font, was primarily a font used in old typewriters. Not normally used as main bodies of text, it is still used to display code in documents or when the writer wants the old-fashioned typewriter look in their document.
Comic Sans
Comic Sans started shipping with Windows 95 as a preinstalled font. Designed to look like comic book lettering, the font was created for informal copy. Regarded today as unprofessional, this sans serif font is not recommended for materials of a professional nature. Comic Sans became a more popular font when it started being used as the text inside the tags on Beanie Babies!
Georgia, a serif font, was created for Microsoft in 1993 to provide a clean font for use on the web that would display well even in small sizes. Georgia font letters are taller than most other web-safe fonts, making them easier to read when used in smaller sizes. Georgia is a great alternative when you’re tired of traditional Times New Roman, but still want a serif font.
Impact is a very bold sans serif font. By it’s name, it was designed to impact the reader, and is therefore recommended only for headings, small blocks of text, areas on the page that you want to grab the readers eye. Because of it’s thick block style, Impact looks best when there is plenty of space around it otherwise it looks cluttered.
Tahoma, a very close cousin of Verdana, was designed in 1999 for Microsoft. It is so similar to Verdana that many don’t see the difference in the fonts. Mainly, Tahoma keeps its lettering tighter so that text does not spread out as far as Verdana does. Tahoma is a great font option for those needing a sans serif font but who are getting bored of Arial.
Times New Roman
Times New Roman is the most widely used serif font, developed in 1931 for use by The Times newspaper in London. It has remained a very popular font for setting type in books, magazines, newspapers, etc. The U.S. State Department has been using Times New Roman 14 point on all diplomatic documents since 1994, replacing their old font of choice Courier New 12 point.
Trebuchet (properly pronounced "treb-u-shet”
Trebuchet was designed in 1996 for Microsoft and is a popular sans serif font for those bored with the plain appearance of Arial. Having a definite style all it’s own, Trebuchet is easy to read for large or small type and works well for main bodies of text. Due to its unique styling though, it can be seen as a feminine font and if your audience is all men they may not relate well to that font.
Verdana, designed for Microsoft in 1996 is probably the most easy to read web-safe sans serif font available. With its taller lettering, and more evenly spaced letters it can be easily read in larger sizes as well as small sizes. It does extend the width of text on a page, so it’s great for filling design that have a lot of space with a small amount of copy.
What Font do YOU Want?
Now that you understand the differences between the 9 web-safe fonts, which one will you choose for your internet communications? If you’re looking for a serif font, then Georgia is our recommendation. It is the clearest serif font on the web, since it was designed for just that purpose. If you are looking for a sans serif font, Verdana is the clearest on screen font for readability and is our number one recommendation, with good old Arial pulling up a close second.
Thanks and regards,
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emeraldwaves · 5 years
Title: A Dragon’s Magic Epilogue (FINAL CHAPTER) Pairing:  Kacchako Rating: M   Word Count:  2,673 Summary: Uraraka Ochako has always believed in dragons, though she was constantly told they were long since extinct. Now an adult and professional mage, she’s ready to help her parents as a healer for their village. The last thing she expects is for her beliefs to become a reality, but when a dragon attacks her village, she learns there’s more to magic than she ever could’ve realized. Read on AO3 Thanks to @its-love-u-asshole and @amaisenshi for reading this ahead of time. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED AND READ THIS FIC! I APPRECIATE IT <3
"You look absolutely beautiful, Ochako," her mother said, cupping her cheeks.
"It really does suit you! I can't believe you're going through with this," Mitsuki sighed. "My idiot son better know how lucky he is."
Ochako turned to look at herself in the mirror. Her stomach was completely exposed, her upper half covered by traditional dragon garb. The edge of the wrap was covered with fur and the long skirt she wore was also lined with fur. A necklace made of dragon scales sat around her neck and her boots were covered in scales as well.
Somehow, the traditional wedding garb of the dragons oddly did suit her.
"My perfect girl... I never thought I would see you again, and here you are about to get married!" Her mother pulled her into a hug, holding her close.
It was strange, a few months ago, her mother had hugged her before sending her off to take her magic proficiency test and now they were practically reliving the moment. Only, Ochako's life was going in a very different direction.
"I'm so happy you came, Mom," Ochako whispered, wrapping her arms around the woman.
Even after only a few months, so much had changed. Magic had mostly returned to the dragons, their current flowing like normal, and Ochako and Bakugou were finally getting married.
"Sweetheart, you know your father and I wouldn't miss this for the world," she said.
After returning the magic, one of the first things Bakugou and Ochako had done was go visit her parents. Though she wasn’t supposed to return to her village, her parents were on the outskirts enough they could hide for a short period of time.
"Thank goodness you’re okay," her mother had said, wrapping her arms tightly around her daughter. "Though I am surprised to see you still with the dragon who almost destroyed our village."
"I know it’s strange," Ochako had admitted, "but I promise, he’s not a bad person… er… dragon..."  
"I fucking love your daughter," Bakugou had blurted out after that. Leaving both of her parents dumbfounded at the outburst.
It was strange, Ochako had expected her parents to be angry she was choosing to marry the person who had almost destroyed their village, but upon more conversation, they were mostly happy.
Her father was a little concerned, frowning at Bakugou through the majority of the conversation. But while Ochako told them of all her adventures, his face grew warmer.
She had explained the bond to them… how she had helped dragons find their magic again. It was so different from anything her parents had ever done, the two of them had been completely enthralled by the tales of her adventure.
"I guess I can’t complain if you’re taking good care of her," her father said.
"I already told you, I fuckin’ love her!" Bakugou snapped, folding his hands over his chest while Ochako wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Don’t worry I think they know that," she giggled.
The two had agreed to travel with them to dragon island to watch the marriage ceremony; Ochako’s mother was more than thrilled and had jumped into celebration planning with Mitsuki. Her mother was of course, going to make the cake.
Currently, her mother was trying to convince her father to move to the dragon village so they could be close all the time. Talk of babies had come up, and though Ochako wasn’t against the idea… it did seem a little soon. There were more adventures to discover.
As excited as her parents were, Iida and Deku, had been a little more difficult to convince. They were her two best friends though, and Ochako wanted them to be there.
"He's the dragon who almost destroyed our village!" Iida had proclaimed loudly.
"Y-You're going to marry him!?" Deku had looked pale.
Of course, Bakugou didn't do much to help his case when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and got a little possessive despite Ochako mentioning multiple times Deku and Iida were simply childhood friends. "Hell yes she's going to marry me, nerd!" he had snapped.
"O-Of course! R-Right!" Deku flailed, obviously not wanting to get into a fight with a dragon.
Regardless of their slight reservations, Ochako was happy Deku and Iida had come to watch the ceremony. She had missed them and was happy to share this occasion with them.
The door to the room creaked open, bringing Ochako back from her thoughts. "Knock knock!" Mina's cheerful voice called out, and her, Momo, and Kyouka peeked their heads in.
"Girls!" Ochako smiled. "I didn't expect you to come back here."
"Well, we're not the groom so it's allowed!" Mina said, stepping inside. Her pink robes were wrapped tightly around her swollen belly. Her and Kirishima were expecting their first child in the next few months, but Mina was still so full of energy. Kirishima seemed stressed she wouldn't calm down a little.
"Actually we didn't bring any of the boys," Kyouka chuckled. "I wasn’t going to let Denki in here even if I have been watching his every move." It was true. Ever since they’d returned, Kyouka had barely let Denki out of her sight. He had been forgiven when he had profusely apologized, especially since the magic was slowly returning. Still, he was doing everything in his power to not piss anyone else off, and Kyouka was making sure he stayed in check. She rarely left her mate’s side.
"Shouto wanted to come but I figured we shouldn't let any of them see you just in case," Momo said. Ochako was happy to hear she was finally calling him by his first name, especially since they were going to be completing the magic ritual in a few short weeks. "We were going to sit down first, but we wanted to come tell you how excited we are!" Momo continued.
"And maybe sneak a peek at how cute you looked!" Mina cheered excitedly, rushing to her to squeeze her hands.
The four girls had grown extremely close over the past few months and Ochako was grateful they had been so welcoming despite her being a human. Especially now their magic was back and no one was trapped in dragon form or forced to show their scales, everyone was in a much better mood.
Things on the dragon island had mostly returned to normal.
Which was why Mitsuki insisted Katsuki go through the traditional marriage ceremony. They did however compromise about reading aloud long vows, since the two of them had already done so privately during their magic ritual. Admittedly, Ochako wouldn't have cared if she had to say them again, but Katsuki much preferred to be private and Ochako was happy to oblige.
"You girls are too good to me," she giggled. She really was grateful to all of them for being so loving and welcoming.
"The outfit suits you so much!" Momo said, her eyes scanning her.
"Really? You guys don't think I look silly?"
"Well, normally we have our scales out a bit more, tail... or wings..." Mina hummed, "but since you don't have those things, there's no reason to feel silly."
"Okay..." she mumbled, knowing that was impossible for her anyway.
There was another knock at the door and Masaru peered in. "Hello?" he said, a smile pulled across his face. "Katsuki is ready for you! Just thought I'd come over and let you know." Masaru was a kind man, one Ochako had enjoyed getting to know since he had returned to his human form. She could understand why Katsuki would fight so hard for him. She was happy to see he was doing well.
"Ready?" Ochako squeaked. "He's always so fast!"
"Mhm..." he nodded. "Don't worry, if you need more time he can wait."
"Damn right he can wait! Ochako is too good for him," Mitsuki repeated, snarling as she stepped towards the door.
"Oh my gosh! We gotta go sit down!" Mina giggled. "You look perfect Ocha!" she said, waving her hand through the door as she and the other girls headed back out to the main hall.
"Good luck!" Kyouka teased.
"It'll be so beautiful," Momo sighed.
The room was oddly quiet, leaving Ochako with her mother alone. She chose to have both her mother and father to accompany her down the aisle, but for now, she didn't mind being alone with her mother.
"You seem... so much happier here, Ochako," she said, taking her hands.
"I really am," she whispered. "I never expected to... meet dragons and help them find their magic and... fall in love."
"You know the day you finished your magical test... feels so long ago," her mother sighed. "You had a look on your face, after everything was all said and done... and I knew," she said, gently stroking through the small side pieces of her hair, so not to ruin the small crown Mitsuki placed atop her head.
"You knew?" Ochako asked, tilting her head.
"Mhm. I knew you were going to find an adventure... something bigger than our small village. I was very right."
"You were," she giggled. "I blame Grandma."
Her mother let out a soft sigh, cupping Ochako's cheeks again. "She would be so proud. So excited to see you marrying a dragon."
"I wish I could tell her she was right... After all these years, she knew."
"I'm sure she knows she was right. I think she always knew."
"Me too," Ochako nodded.
Well... are you ready?"
"Mhm," she nodded. "Let's get Dad."
The two stepped outside of the room, her father was waiting by the exit. "There's my girl," he smiled. "You look stunning."
"Thanks," she said, blushing as she linked arms with both of her parents. "Are you sure you're both okay with this?" she asked, looking at both of them.
"I don't care who you marry as long as you're happy," her father said, gently tapping at her hand.
"I am. I'm so happy," she giggled, and she took the first step forward, opening the door.
"I think we can see that," her father chuckled.
Music began to play as she proceeded down the aisle with both of her parents. Deku and Iida both waved, smiling at her. Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire had even decided to join, despite Tamaki being terrified to interact with other dragons. The girls were bouncing with excitement. Todoroki was sat next to Momo and he nodded when Ochako walked by, a small smile on his face as well. She knew there was a part of him that, like her, still couldn’t believe this was real. However, he seemed much happier here as well.
Having all of her friends there made her want to cry. This was her life now, and she'd never felt more lucky.
Her gaze then fell upon Bakugou Katsuki and where he stood at the end of the aisle. His pants were heavy, and his boots were thick, lined with fur. His shirt was tight fitted and of course, his cape was draped over his shoulders, fur lining the hood. His wings stood proudly behind him and she could see the golden scales glistening on his cheeks. He looked similar to how he had when she first met him and it made her heart skip a beat.
He was looking at her too, his red eyes following her every move. It made her heart throb, and her stomach wiggle. She was excited and he was too, their bond deeper than ever before. She could even tell Katsuki was in the mood just from looking at her. It filled her heart with a little extra pride.
When they made it to the end of the aisle, Ochako turned to kiss her mother and then her father on the cheek, smiling as she let go of them to stand in front of Katsuki.
He smirked when she stepped in front of him. "Lookin' good, Cheeks," he muttered.
"Thanks," she giggled softly, her hand reaching out to touch his cheek. "I missed these."
"It's.. just tradition or whatever," he scoffed.
"They look nice," she said.
"'Course you think that," he teased.
"Morning Ladies and Gentleman!" the head dragon began. He spoke loudly, interrupting Bakugou and Ochako's conversation. Not that she minded, she couldn't keep bantering with him, as much as she enjoyed it.
She took her hands, wrapping them around Bakugou's and his fingers squeezed hers. She glanced at him, her brown eyes wide and full of excitement. His red eyes stared at her with an intensity she knew well. She could feel how much he loved her.
"We’re gathered here today to officially proclaim Bakugou Katsuki and Uraraka Ochako to be mates. Though this woman is a human, she has agreed to share in our customs and our rituals and the magical bond these two already share is nothing to scoff at.”
Ochako’s chest felt warm, buzzing with excitement and it was a mixture of his joy and love and her own. She glanced down at his chest, wondering if he felt it just as much as she did.
It was strange, even knowing she wasn’t a dragon… this moment felt perfect, comfortable. Like she was meant to be here. Fate had finally led her in the proper direction.
The dragon head turned to both of them. "I suppose this whole thing might feel a little strange, since you two have already mated and bonded but… let’s do this the proper way shall we?"
Ochako nodded quickly. There was nothing she wanted more, and though Bakugou rolled his eyes, Ochako could see the red on his cheeks dusting over his scales. He was always so damn stubborn.
"Do you, Bakugou Katsuki, choose Uraraka Ochako to be your mate? Do you promise to protect her and care for her and never break this sacred bond you two will soon share?" The lead dragon spoke, turning to Bakugou first.
With a long huff, Bakugou nodded. "I swear I will," he stated, his eyes burning bright. "I love her."
Her chest felt warmer.
"Do you, Uraraka Ochako, choose Bakugou Katsuki to be your mate, despite being human? Do you promise to care for him and never break the sacred bond you two will soon share?"
"We already share a sacred bond," she whispered. This only made it better. "I promise. I love him with all my heart."
The leader smiled. "Perfect. Please seal your bond with a kiss, the final ritual will take place in private amongst you two, but let it be known to your friends and family you two are now mates, the strongest connection dragons can share, and no one can break the bond tying you two together for eternity."
Katsuki stepped forward and wrapped his hands around her cheeks, pulling their lips together. He kissed her gently, sucking softly on her lower lip. She let out a quiet hum, excited for later when they could have the private time the leader spoke of.
The entire crowd cheered and Katsuki pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. "I love you, Cheeks," he muttered, soft enough that only she could hear, private words just for her.
"I love you too, Katsuki," she said, knowing she meant every word. A smile pulled across her lips. "Should we go... celebrate?"
He took her hand in his own. "Hell yes!"
They were mates now. Officially together forever, though regardless of the ceremony, Ochako knew Katsuki would never leave her side, just as she never wanted to leave his.
As they ran down the aisle, hand in hand, Ochako just knew there were going to be many more adventures for them in the future. She had no idea where they would go or what they would do, but she had a feeling she was going to love them all almost as much as she loved Bakugou Katsuki.
Together, they would always be by each other's side; connected by their hearts and their magic.
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The Great Kiss Poll results are in...
Thank you to all 266 people who voted. I don’t think there are many surprises here, so let’s just get straight to the results.  The winner, with 27.8% of the vote, was Bergamo.  It is therefore crowned the most popular kiss.  If you’re forgotten it, it looks like this:
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It was very closely followed by the first kiss/the berm with 27.1% of the vote.  Yes, you read correctly, there was less than 1% between them.
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Most people gave a second and third choice.  I had a play around with giving the different choices points and adding them up (e.g. 3 points for a first choice, 2 for second, 1 for third) but however you look at it, you end up with basically the same results.
The only slight difference in order is if you add up every vote- so first, second or third choice all get 1 vote.  As you can see below, the first kiss gets very slightly more overall votes than Bergamo- therefore the highest number of people have the first kiss as one of their top 3 kisses compared to the others.
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(The after midnight kiss is the least popular whichever way you look at it.  I don’t like to judge but what’s wrong with you all?  It’s not my absolute favourite but everything about that kiss is gorgeous.  Call me by your name and I’ll call you by mine, Elio, Oliver, Elio, Oliver, Elio... let’s seal this deal with a kiss, Elio grabs Oliver, Oliver with his eyes closed, blissfully happy, Elio with his eyes open, rolling onto Oliver...  Anyway.  Back to the point.  Got distracted there for a moment.)
And there were a lot of comments.  They’re below the cut if anyone’s interested!
Comments- alphabetically, just because that’s how the spreadsheet organised them.
((cries internally))
Actually my fav is the one i havent seen yet!!!
All of them make me cry and but at the same time
All of these are legendary but I guess the hip rolling really did me in and I chose that (Midnight) as my fave. Peach is the second because it's SO intimate, they are the most naked here emotionally and literally. I chose garden to finish my top3 because it's just so tender and lovely. I mean that could be said about each of these but since u made me evilly choose.... And I've got no idea how much I've written here because I only see this one line so I'll stop here. Have a lovely weekend and can't wait to see what is the fandom consensus
Bergamo is still the hottest
Choosing was the hardest thing ever
Cruel to make us choose!!!!
Gahhh the amount of sheer love in these gifsets makes my heart lurch
I can watch a 2 hour movie with those 2 just kissing. You think Luca could give that to us? Seriously, though, thanks for doing this!
I could watch the Bergamo kiss until the day I die
I like the garden because Timmy/Elio is so thirsty for his boy.
I love all the kissing!
I love them. Love to see how they touch each other, how they kiss, how they want to eat each other. I adore them.
I love you for this poll but I hate you for making me choose!!
I surprised myself by not picking Bergamo which is supposed to be THE kiss...
I'm in love with this survey, keep it up!
Im pretty sure this is the most difficult poll ive ever taken
It's really hard to choose all of them so so good. Thanks for this research and stay peachy!
Just love em
My fave is the Garden that evening. Timmy leans in and is controlling the kisses - maybe 1st tongue??
Not nearly enough kisses
Now I live here! Do I have to send or can I watch some more? Fuck! Ok bye!
Out of all the polls I’ve taken in my life this one is the best by far.
Peach scene because a) raw emotion and tenderness b) skin
Such a hard decision
Thank you for this heaven!
That little foot rub scene and how close they seemed even then, rubbing his hands on elios legs so lovingly and the little foot kiss afterwards
The first kiss scene is going to be remembered in film history as one of the most iconic kissing scenes ever.
The garden is the best but couldn’t see jt
The kisses feel so different to me. I find myself watching different ones at different times depending on what mood I’m in. The peach scene kiss makes me tear up. Bergamo almost makes me gasp for breath. With midnight/after midnight their being together just feels so right, after waiting so long. For weeks the garden scene was my favorite for the way Elio falls in to Oliver. And you can’t beat the anticipation from the first kiss. I love them
the peach kiss isn't the prettiest, but it's the charmiest
They are all perfect
They're all amazing but I'll never get over that kitten lick. The Post Midnight, Garden and Bergamo kisses all ended too soon.
They're all ridiculously well-done. This is impossible. Kinda have to vote by emotional weight instead of the kiss itself because the chemistry is off the charts in all of them. First, Peach, Midnight, Garden, Bergamo, After
This film singlehandedly revives the Art of the Kiss. Thanks so much 4 the poll!!
This was impossible. I may have already changed my mind.
This was really hard to choose!
Toughest poll yet.
Unpopular opinion: I think Armie chickens out of the Bergamo kiss by wrapping his arm round Timmy in the classic Hollywood fake kiss fashion way... so we can't see their mouths anymore.
you're doing the lord's work, thank you
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
Movie Night?
Genre: fluff (lmao do i write anything else??)
Member(s): Stray Kids’ Minho (Lee Know)
Word count: 1566
Warnings: none
Summary: minho’s friends were SICK of him pining over the cute cashier at the cinema so they decide to put a plan into motion. is the operation a success or will drink!gate be repeated?
Authors note: i am finally back again with a stray kids’ scenario bc lee know is RUINING me at the moment. all mistakes are my own and if u have any requests for ANYONE pls send them in! 
-It was Thursday night and the kids were on their biweekly movie night at the local cinema
-Minho, the resident film buff, was very excited
-Not because of the film they were seeing
-(if u don’t think that they spent their whole time on the way arguing about what film they were seeing before Chan stepped in and threatened not to buy them all snacks to get them to choose one,,, you’d be dead wrong)
-It’s because of a certain someone who worked there
-It’s you
-You had been working at the cinema for the past few months and you genuinely enjoyed it
-I mean, yeah you had the awful customers who tried to swindle getting into an R rated film even though you knew they were at least 2 years younger than you bc you saw them around the area in their school uniform
-BUT that’s beside the point!
-You had a job that you enjoyed that helped pay for all your expenses, as well as a few extras
-And you looked forward to every fortnight, when your favourite customers came to visit
-A bunch of rowdy but very polite boys came every Thursday every two weeks, almost without fail to watch the latest film
-They were normally seen (lmao heard lbr here) arguing about which film to watch, which snacks to get, who was sitting where you get the gist
-So anyway, the real reason was bc one of them really caught your eye
-He was tall, almost fox-like in his features, blonde hair (fight me: blonde hair Minho is very superior) and for some reason, quiet around you
-He never seemed to talk when he went to the counter you were at when he ordered food with the others
-He always let the others talk and he just normally helped carry whilst one of the oldest, Chan you knew, ended up paying most of the time
-You and Chan were friendly as he ended up staying behind to pay, so he always struck up conversation
-You knew most of their names, whilst the blonde boy remained a mystery to you
-Little did you know the reason he wouldn’t talk to you was bc he was NERVOUS
-You were just too much for him to cope, the way you cracked a smile whenever you served someone or the excited look in your eyes when they would actually talk to you about the film they were about to see
-You just oozed enthusiasm about your job and Minho was whipped!
-It’s honestly the main reason the kids all frequented the cinema so often
-To see Minho fail at trying to talk to you tbh
-They had never seen him so nervous before and it was extremely funny to them as they only saw the real Minho, not this nervous wreck around his crush
-One day, the boys minus Minho sat down to discuss
-“Just make him pay for everything!”
-“We tried that and it didn’t work”
-“Make him go on his own”
-“He would never!”
-It’s safe to say that suggestions were being thrown all over the place until Seungmin yelled at them
-(lbr this soft boy would have thought of a plan but these kids are so loud he wouldn’t get a look in)
-“We plan to go and then….. we just don’t turn up and he’d be forced to talk to her”
-“Seungmin you genius”
-“This could actually work wow”
-Before they put this plan into measure however, they went to the cinema a few more times
-Sometimes it was all of them, other times just Minho and a few others
-One time it was just Chan and Minho
-Let’s just say that Chan embarrassed Minho to the high heavens
-(chan spilt his drink all over Minho after paying causing you to laugh as you grabbed a mop and a tissues, handing them to a profusely blushing Minho who stuttered a thanks in return…. It’s safe to say Minho never went with just chan again)
-After drink!gate, the [OPERATION GET MINHO TO TALK TO THE CUTE CASHIER Y/N AT THE CINEMA] was put into motion
-The new Avengers film had been in the cinema for a few weeks and getting tickets was difficult with the boys’ busy schedule
-They managed to get some free time one Thursday and they were excited for a number of reasons
-1. It was marvel, they loved marvel
-2. Their operation was finally in motion
-3. Minho didn’t know it was happening
-Minho, none the wiser, turned up to the cinema at the designated time and waited for the rest of them to turn up
- Weird, he thought, he was never the first one
-Shrugging, he waited around for a few minutes figuring they would turn up soon
-7:40pm rocked around
-The film started at 7:45pm and they still weren’t there
-Frowning, Minho pulled out his phone to see a text from Chan
-Good luck buddy! Now’s your chance with Y/N ;) 
-Minho was not impressed
-Not only did he look like a fool for waiting for nearly 15 minutes for them to turn up, he was now coerced to talk to you with no buffer
-Sighing, he put his phone in his pocket figuring it wasn’t worth a response and wasn’t worth leaving the cinema awkwardly
-Lbr here, it’s marvel Minho wasn’t about to turn that down
-He approached the kiosk where you worked
-You turned away from your colleague to be surprised with Minho’s face
-“Oh, you’re on your own today? The others couldn’t make it?”
- You even knew that he never came on his own, he panicked internally
-“Uh, yeah. They’re all busy I guess”
-“I hope they can all come soon” CRAP you didn’t mean it like that
-You groaned internally, making such a fool of yourself in front of this highly attractive boy
-To your side you could hear your colleague snicker at your suffering
-“So, haha, what can I get for you today……”
-“Minho, my name is Minho. And can I get nachos, a coke and your number”
-You nearly choked taking his order
-“Umm, the first two definitely, the last one? Ask me on a date first and I’ll consider it”
-“Fine, after your shift, let’s go for ramen. My treat” he smiled at you
-You nearly overfilled his drink as he was so forward after being so quiet for goodness knows how long before
- “Why couldn’t this Minho be like this when you first came here hmm?” you asked, handing him his drink and nacho tray
-“Guess you just startled me too much and besides, the other boys are much more rowdy than me so you always talked to them first”
-“Well maybe you should’ve done a chan and paid for them then you would’ve talked to me”
-“Oh so it’s chan you’re interested in?” he asked quietly
-“Would I nearly make chan nearly late for his movie by flirting with him like I am with you?”
-You laughed at his reaction, he really was cute
-“I’ll be waiting outside for you Minho, text me when you’re done” you yelled as he rushed to his screen
-Minho was very glad you couldn’t see his blushing face as you all but confirmed your date
-As he sat down in his seat, he couldn’t help but think about what you said
-“text me when you’re done” ????
-He didn’t have your number though???
-He went and grabbed his drink
-Minho looked down and couldn’t help but smile
-You should smile more, it makes you even more attractive 😉 text me when your film finishes, I get off work at 8pm [XXX-XXXXXX-XXX] Y/N xx
-Guess he finally did have a chance with you huh?
-And if when he got back to the dorms much later than film should’ve been well……. the boys teased the hell out of him lmao
-Safe to say you two had a great first date and as he went to bed, a notification popped up on his phone
-Sleep well, Minho. Let’s catch a movie sometime. Y/N x
-Hmm, any recommendations? You’re the expert here x
-“oh shut up Jisung, you’re just jealous that you’re not on the receiving end on hyung’s texts right now”
-Minho laughed throwing a pillow at Jisung’s bed before settling down to sleep, recalling the events that evening and thinking of your infectious laugh and the way your eyes sparkled
-Yeah, he thought, Y/N really does have me whipped
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inbtswethrrust · 7 years
Hello I’m alive (barely!!!) I’ve decided to make this random masterpost (of yoonmin, for now) bc I feel really bad that I haven’t been able to be an active admin on here because Life(TM) and I’ve been too tired to go on tumblr :( So, here’s a bunch of stuff that I’ve read recently (never too tired to read fics amirite ha h a send help) and I hope you enjoy them! Drop a fanmail in the inbox and yell w/ me when you’re done!!! More random masterposts coming your way soon~
This is a long one my dudes, so all the juicy goodness under the read more :)
Sleepovers in My Bed by baepce [T, 12k]
“You should just sleep here, hyung. It’s still raining hard.”
“Should I? My house is literally in front of yours though.”
The fingers in Jimin’s hair continue combing through the locks, soothing and gentle. Yoongi’s ministrations help him dip slowly into sleep. “Just listen to me, hyungie! I’ll make you pancakes in the morning.”
How can Yoongi say no to that?
; or Yoongi and Jimin get to know their selves, each other, and fall in love through a series of sleepovers.
Admin’s Note: SO GOOD!!!!!!! Friends to lovers always gets me especially when it’s one of those that start off as childhood friends it got me right in the heart strings
all the currents lead back to you by anyadisee [M, 19k]
Jimin doesn’t really lie so much as he chooses not to mention a certain truth to a certain witch, but he has his reasons. And they’re perfectly valid reasons, thank you very much, as a certain fairy and a certain half-human, half-pixie have constantly reassured him. Reasonable reasons. A surprise won’t exactly work if the person meant to be surprised gets a heads-up about it, after all.
Still, that logic doesn’t stop the little twinge of guilt in Jimin’s chest when he sees Yoongi’s text saying, Have a safe trip, I’ll see you in two days <3 (he even used a heart, Jimin thinks dazedly) when in fact Jimin a) is already out of Busan and has been crashing on Taehyung and Jungkook’s couch since yesterday, and b) will be seeing Yoongi not in two days, but just one. He just tries to shake it off by imagining the surprised look on his boyfriend’s face when he comes knocking on his door bright and early tomorrow, armed and ready for their first date.
And, wow. Their first date.
[or in which jimin and yoongi finally go on their first date]
Admin’s Note: This is part of the moonlight on your skin, ocean in my veins series w/ witch!yoongi and mermaid!jimin and lemme tell u this is the fluffiest and sweetest thing I’ve read in a long time
What's Up, Buttercup by springrain21 [Not Rated, 14k]
Jimin meets Yoongi, the grumpy buttercup fairy, and proceeds to worm his way into his heart.
Admin’s Note: I was so surprised when I first read this because buttercup fairy???? What type of Soft am I gonna witness and then I was attacked by Actual Softness you won’t regret reading this (and squealing)
Love me this Christmas (and forever) by Imperatritsa [Not Rated, 12k]
Jimin had an album full of his most precious memories. He started it two years ago, going through his parent’s physical albums and his friend’s digital ones, picking all the pictures that made him smile bright enough to hurt his cheeks, the ones that made him feel warm, made him want to never stop looking at them because they brought back the sweetest memories.
Also all the Holidays he spent with Yoongi.
[or "childhood friends!au/friends to lovers!au where with each Christmas & new year's yoongi and jimin's feelings grow for each other"]
Admin’s Note: More friends to lovers!!!! This kind of reminded me of the sequel to When You’re In Love by jflawless bc of the photo album so if you liked that softness you’re gonna love this Trust
a gift wrapped in yellow by abdicar [T, 15k]
It was perfect.
Yoongi had taken a single look at it and decided that it was the ideal gift for Jimin. Yet, somehow, he managed to underestimate exactly how much his friend would love it - or how much Yoongi would resent having bought the damned thing in the first place.
(Or: the one in which Yoongi is Jimin's Secret Santa and gives him a really good gift which ends up backfiring. Or maybe not.)
Admin’s Note: More friends to lovers bc ohohohohoh also mutual pining and a super oblivious yoongi pls help him
Peach Kiss by BabyLove (sugamins) [T, 92k]
Pepsi Cola Queens Hang On, Baby!
Admin’s Note: 80s!au and I suddenly feel the need to wear bell bottoms again
what the headlines don't tell you by anyadisee [T, 14k]
People call them Shadow and Hurricane.
Jimin calls them a pair of giant headaches, one a lot more so than the other.
it's already difficult having a college-student-by-day, crime-fighter-by-night kind of lifestyle. jimin doesn't really need to be stressing over reckless fellow superheroes and crushing on cute bookshop workers on top of everything going on with his life, but here he is anyway.
Admin’s Note: Superhero au!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So good s o g o o d!!!!!! Warning: some violence but not anything super graphic or anything like that :)
in this blue light by anyadisee [T, 20k]
For a second, the dragon looks as though it's going to bump its head against Jimin’s palm, giving him the chance to graze his fingers over its glinting scales.
But then the second is over, and the dragon snorts instead, warm smoke coming out of its nostrils and blowing Jimin’s hair back. Then it turns around and goes back into its cave, leaving Jimin standing there and feeling like an idiot.
Taehyung appears by his shoulder seconds later, whistling lowly. “Well, that didn’t work. No worries though, Jimin! I’m going to find another way to get my necklace back. Sorry for dragging you all the way out here.”
Jimin says, “It laughed at me.”
Taehyung blinks. “What?”
“Taehyung, that dragon bastard laughed at me.”
[or in which taehyung asks jimin, who has a calming aura towards animals, to help him get his necklace back from a dragon. only, it gets personal.]
Admin’s Note: This was so cute the dragon yall the d r a g o n
stay up (talking to the stars) by realitygetsdestroyed [t, 4k]
“Do you believe in the stars?”
Eight year old Jimin’s eyes bug out before he rapidly turns his body to Yoongi. “Do they have magic powers?”
Yoongi laughs, his chubby fingers rubbing against each other in order to get his blood circulating. “Sort of.” He looks up at the sky. “If you wish on some of them, they will grant that wish for you."
in which childhood friends yoongi and jimin stargaze every Christmas.
Admin’s Note: This was angsty but cute and growing up makes me emo
Sleepy by Whatev3rs [Not Rated, 1k]
After that, it's quite. Jimin starts getting very sleepy, and he's so comfortable right there, in Yoongi's bed, with his arms around the older's neck. So he doesn't realise it when his thoughts drift to his hopeless, hopeless feelings. And the illusion that everything was so perfect at that moment that he could get away with anything.
And before he realises it, he tips his head up and places a small kiss on Yoongi's neck, making the older's breath hitch and his own heart stop beating.
Admin’s Note: Non au gets me in the liver
After-school Deception by AriaHann [T, 7k]
She was the most beautiful girl Park Jimin had ever seen.
And yet, she was a strange girl. She was as tall as him, acted slightly boyishly, and had a deep voice. Her hobby was breaking other boys' hearts. Despite this, Jimin was only intrigued even further.
Jimin learned her name: Min Yoon(ji).
Admin’s Note: MIN YOONJI
Best Kept Secret by small things (lost_things) [E, 2k]
Yoongi is a lot of things, including something that A.R.M.Y. doesn't suspect. Jimin is a good dongsaeng in the best way possible.
Admin’s Note: who would i be if i didnt put any smut
soju and i love you by daegu1310 (jeonseokf) [T, 1k]
jimin is a star, yoongi wants to watch him shine.
My Soulmate Who Reads Smut by pseudo_nim09 [T, 2k]
Prompt: On some days, whatever your soulmate thinks of is something you can hear in your mind and your soulmate is currently reading smut fics and you’re trying so hard not to mess up this class presentation which shoulders half your mark for the semester.
Where Yoongi is going to strangle his soulmate for reading some Taekook smut fic at a really shitty timing.
Baby Fever by sobermilk [E, 9k]
Jimin wakes up one afternoon feeling like he's been set on fire. Yoongi's not there to help him, so he helps himself instead.
I Swear by bramblejelli [M, 10k]
You gain a tally mark every time your soulmate swears.
Jimin swears like a sailor and Yoongi's never sworn a day in his life.
Bring On The Sunshine by smoljean [G, 42k]
With the help of their five year old "matchmaker" Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin stumble into each other's lives. Cue the awkward, messy pining and dating adventures with a noisy kid in their way.
I blush every time I see you by dmingi [T, 10k]
After the incident, Yoongi the wizard and Jimin the water nymph met again at Santa's Christmas party where they share their first ever kiss.
Magic AU where if you get stuck under the mistletoe, you wont be able to get out until you get kissed.
I Call Him Daddy (He Calls Me Baby) [Not Rated, 8k]
Jimin likes money. Yoongi likes fucking. They work out a deal.
Practice Makes by signifying_nothing [E, 4k]
the facts in the case of the unfortunate min yoongi: the Gay that Can't Suck Dick.  
i'm just going with the flow by arsen [T, 3k]
"I took advice from my friend and pretended to trip in front of you to get your attention except I fell harder than I thought and now my arm is broken can you drive me to the doctor please"
park jimin doesn't know if he should punch kim taehyung or thank him. kim namjoon either will go to jail or will be killed by kim taehyung and kim seokjin. min yoongi is confused and he takes advantage of namjoon's card, jung hoseok and jeon jeongguk just hangs around.
Yuletide Baby by MiniBunny [Not Rated, 12k]
With the help of their friends, Jimin and Yoongi realize their feelings for each other. And it goes a little too well.
Santa tell me (don’t make me fall in love again if you won’t be here) bySlytherintimelord [T, 4k]
- jimin, a 22 year old man, still believes in santa claus, and on christmas morning he finds a man not much older than himself sitting on his couch -
“At least you’re not like ‘Santa doesn’t exist’”, Mystery man whined and made air quotes, “I’m supposed to be the next Santa, but red is not a good colour on me. Also, I’m not short. And reindeers are useless in this day and age, when I can just ride a motorcycle or some shit. I mean, my grandfather was Santa, and he learned from this other old dude, and apparently I’m supposed pass down the lineage, but honestly, it’s a boring job-PUT THE BOOK DOWN,” hot mystery man yelled in panic as Jimin held the book up again from where his arm had lowered.
Minutes to Midnight by WeirdButIloveIt [Not Rated, 9k]
Park Jimin was your average fanboy: Poor, sleep deprived, and in love with someone who didn't even know he existed. A surprise Christmas gift may change that though, and maybe he was a little bit in over his head.
Yoonmin YouTuber AU
What I Like About You (Everything) by DIMPLEDJIMINIE [T, 3k]
After a long day for Jimin, Yoongi just wants to remind him why he likes or— loves him so much.
Yours by mochiJimin [Not Rated, 4k]
Jimin has a habit of not returning anything he borrowed from Yoongi. The older guy never complain tho until one day he did. And it just happen to be at the time when Jimin was drunk.
All I Want For Christmas (Is You) by ayumin [G, 6k]
So, yeah, it is likely that at some point in their lives everyone has had a crush on Jimin, or still has one, but at least Yoongi has the privilege of being one of his closest friends.
(Except Yoongi doesn't want to be Jimin's friend. Yoongi wants to kiss his neck.
And, unfortunately, it seems like his friends are very aware of that.)
No Spell Can Cure Shyness (except maybe love) byMissterMaia [T, 29k]
Yoongi really doesn’t expect the witchboy who sent him an accidental text to be the prettiest boy he's ever seen in all his life. Or the nicest. Or the kindest. Or just the best in every possible way.
Painfully shy and (un)smooth as he is, Yoongi decides the best way to approach this Jimin person is in the form of a cat. A cat who can't talk.
Great plan, Yoongi.
Admin’s Note: YA L L F L OOF TO THE M A X
Red's Big Bad Wolf by TheOrgasmicSeke [E, 31k]
Yoongi takes the journey to see his Nana once a week but ending up with a wolf stalking after him was the last thing Yoongi expected. Add in that the wolf is maybe the most gorgeous creature he has ever seen, and seems intent on making Yoongi his, just completes the list of problems Yoongi never wanted to have.
Or, Yoongi is Red Riding Hood and Jimin a rather gorgeous wolf who has easily fallen so very in love with him.
Admin’s Note: who’s cryin itsa me also i love yoongi’s grandma that is all
- A
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