#thank you Caravaggio
teenagenutant · 1 year
Wait so his name is titian... at 1st I read that as titan???? What does titian mean?
all of the fusions names are plays on the italian renaissance theme the boys have!! (also sorry im using your ask to answer for all of them lol)
titian is named after titian, the italian renaissance painter! it looking like 'titan' was a fun bonus, hehe. parmigianino sounded like the cheese and was apparently a natural talent and prodigy, which i thought fit. he also had an interest in magics, coincidentally!
galileo was italian but not renaissance... but WAY too funny of a fit to not use. big space guy. inventor. donnie loves the dude. galileo. (and also had a youngest brother named michaelangelo..?!)
fra angelico was early renaissance painter and apparently pretty universally beloved, caravaggio was wayyy later and fought people in public. constantly. with swords
...newtons kinda cheating, though. he's not italian OR renaissance. but i thought his whole scientist/philosopher/alchemist/artist deal would fit (and also that having the 'laws of motion' guy with a yo-yo would be funny. mainly that.)
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crescendoofstars · 2 days
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the magnificent isa machine 🤎
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efficiar · 19 days
someone just asked if my art was AI and i have the visceral urge now to chew on glass
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bravopotato · 3 months
I got very excited doing a project :3 (uh content warning cropped head ig cuz a guy is pretty ded but it's a school project soooooo)
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mochiwei · 2 years
omg I literally GASPED at your Link as Narcissus art! It’s incredible and breathtaking and so fitting, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your lovely art ☺️
Thank you so much!! 🥹💕 I’m so glad you like it! As soon as I saw the Caravaggio piece I immediately thought of Link and Dark Link haha. The folds on his tunic sleeve took f o r e v e r but in the end I’m glad it came together nicely!
But for real I wouldn’t have painted it if not for the Atelier Hylia Blood Moon Tomes zine! It’s free to download and there’s a lot of amazing spooky art by my favorite artists! Check it out when you can!
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I never posted about my own tmnt iteration (Next Gen, might change the name but I don’t know what to ((give me ideas in the comments will be nice)) and with the name you can infer it’s the next generation of turtles, similar but different to the last ronin by a lot) (they’ve been bouncing in my head along with TAAK ((I’ve been working on the 2nd chapter but life has been busy, should be up maybe next week some time)) ) and I am making a reference to their main outfits now, I just don’t have access to my drawing tablet at the moment, so have what I’ve labeled as “Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle Pat 2 Electric Boogaloo” with outfits from @citrus-sours fruit outfits drawing challenge
Will put more information about them in more in depth post about the kids individually
But here is Caravaggio (blue mask), Virginia(orange mask), Carracci (purple mask) and Rosa (red mask) (tumblr mobile click for better quality)
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Will also be talking about their parent and aunts and uncles in a separate post
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svampira · 10 months
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theonevoice · 5 months
Art teachers: "Don't take shortcuts with your art, try to understand anatomy, fabric draping and volumes and fix your mistakes when you spot them! Learn from the Great Old Masters!"
Meanwhile the Great Old Masters: "Yeah if you can't draw a finger just put the heaviest shadow on it and you're good."
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Thank you Caravaggio, sir, your mastery did not come in vain.
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Commission piece drawn by the talented @johannathemad based on the Caravaggio original, which was also fanart. Thank you Jo for making my concept a reality 💞
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moossings · 8 months
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drawn in
the f1 mafia au that no one asked for and won't leave my brain at all. mainly charlos, but featuring most of the grid and ex drivers. i've been worldbuilding with @5ainz (bless for bearing with me) and in between drawings and character sheets, i ventured to write this tiny snippet to hype myself (and be less scared of writing). if you read this, thank you and enjoy! ✨
“You shouldn't be here.”
Carlos’ eyes don’t move from the painting. The Death of the Virgin, by Caravaggio. He smiles to himself, shaking his head. He wouldn’t expect less from the Rosso Corsa, always proud and ready to show off their legacy. Come to think about it, everything in his life was linked to red somehow. And at the same time, inevitably, to the wounds it left.
“Are you going to kick me out, altezza reale? Like a bad behaved dog?” He does turn his head then. His tone is supposed to be mocking, but the moment brown eyes meet green, his resolution falters.
Charles Leclerc, composed as ever, stands on the door, as if he had just closed it. Carlos swears he hears the lock turn as well, but his mind is rather busy tracking every single hair out of place, from the top of his head to the strands scattering on his forehead. His gun feels heavy where it rests in its holster under his jacket.
“And aren’t you the most loyal one? Fernando must be proud.” Charles leaves the door to stand next to Carlos, shoulders almost brushing but not close enough. It’s their thing, throw knives and dodge, push and pull. The Inspector’s little prince and the right hand of the Spanish Samurai.
The silence between them is not awkward, but it feels tense in the same way the air is charged right before a storm. They look at the painting, but the details they recollect are not the brushstrokes or perspective of the piece. It’s the subtle hints of cologne coming off Charles’ skin when he tilts his head, following the lines of the old wood on the frame instead of the ones of Carlos’ perfectly tailored suit. It’s the flex on Carlos’ clenched fists as his mind repeats over and over how very not good it would be to reach and find out how Charles’ hands feel with their fingers laced.
“Did you know,” Carlos says, his voice almost a whisper. “This painting was rejected by the patron who commissioned it. No one had ever painted the actual death of the Virgin, it was a dogma, and Caravaggio depicted her as mortal: pale, bloated and devoid of spirit.” He sighs and looks sideways at Charles, from under his lashes. “It is also said that Caravggio painted her after a prostitute, so maybe that was the real reason.”
Charles tries to school his features, to stop the smile from being evident, but those sweet dimples betray him. Time to stop pretending, it seems. “I didn’t know you were interested in art.” He turns to face Carlos fully, carefully studying the strong features he usually only catches in glimpses. He is setting the ground for truce, building the bridge.
Carlos chuckles, and it sounds tired. “Really? Don’t tell me Sebastian didn’t include it in my file. He used to be more thorough with his research, he is starting to slip.” But he still faces Charles, willing to meet him halfway. “There is a lot more that you couldn’t possibly know.”
“What if I wanted to find out? What would it take?” Charles takes a step forward. Carlos lets him.
“Stupidity. Recklessness. Naivety.” He counts with his fingers, brows furrowed but playful smirk. Charles can’t really tell which one he actually means. “Trust.”
“That sounds like a challenge, Sainz.” And Charles has never backed up from one. Today is not the day he’ll start.
He extends his hand and, in seconds, a warm bigger one takes it in a firm but soft grip.
“It’s Carlos.” A smirk draws up the corners of his full lips. “You are in for a ride, cariño.”
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helloo since we're on the topic: top historical fiction (or adjacent) ? can be any time period I just really love your taste in shows/games/etc and am always on the lookout for history inspired media !
thank you!!! im rly glad im like. inspiring other ppl to engage w things im insane abt hudofajsdfdassfsad. anyways. i will probably expand that list bc i literally forgot every single thing i ever read. also i havent watched that many movies so far
ancient times: i havent really watched a lot of movies/series set in ancient times so far :(
rome HBO (2005-2007) (tv series) - OF COURSE. i personally think its one of the best series ever made. they combine political, miliatry history with the lives of every day people in an incredible way. they never let you once engage with the series through modern lenses. according to my teacher (a historian, archeologist & self described 'romaphile') its incredibly historically accurate, mostly the clothing, set designs, characterization, military practices, etc. except for the things they straight up made up, of course.
i really enjoyed gladiator (2000), i think its a masterpiece.
prince of egypt (1998) i guess?
all the asterix movies of course, all the animated ones and most of the live actions. but i wouldnt really call it historical fiction
ok i havent actually finished watching it for now but sebastiane (1976) - an erotic, x rated, gay interpretation of the martyrdom of st sebastian. its in latin also.
wait i cant believe i forgor about assassin's creed odyssey - so far the only one ive played. its so fun and incredibly immersive visually. especially pour moi who cries into the pillow about how ill never experience the ancient world. also you can b a faggot which is always fun. i have things to say about their portrayal of same-sex sexuality and slavery in classical greece but i get why they did that considering its supposed to like. appeal to a lot of people, and a more "historically accurate" portrayal (for example of pederasty or how common slavery was etc.) would b v difficult for a lot of their target audience. alas.
medieval and early modern era:
the name of the rose (1986) - my medieval history teacher literally showed us bits of this movie to teach us about monasteries and monks fhdosiasdjasd.
the borgias (2011-2013) - incredibly messy, lots of political intrigue, and so so fun to watch. about the history of the borgia family. filled to the brim with drama.
the three musketeers (1993) - my favorite adaptation, also coincidentally the one i grew up on. casting tim curry as richelieu was genius. he slays so hard.
i also like bbc's the musketeers (2014-2016) - a neat little series. very fun and entertaining to watch.
outlaw king (2018) - like i dont think most ppl heard of this movie. its about robert the bruce's fight to reclaim the throne of scotland. starring chris pine
vikings (2013-2020) - its fun. i havent watched the entire series tho. dont expect anything resembling historical accuracy
the northman (2022) - you will see something resembling historical accuracy
mihai viteazul (michael the brave) (1971) - a fun movie. very much romanian propaganda tho.
1670 (2023-) - such a fun series!!! incredible cast, shows respect to the actual history and the lives of historical people. really cute and funny.
caravaggio (1986) - a biopic about caravaggio.
wait i also forgor about pentiment - an intriguing, immersive, and incredibly beautiful video game! it has a lot of 'the name of the rose' vibes, with it being a medieval murder mystery taking place in a monastery. its incredibly touching and made me cry, and in the last few years i very rarely cry. also im 99% sure its an indie game? go support the creators!
vaguely-medieval/early modern fantasy:
mirror mirror (2012) - a retelling of snow white. a very fun movie imo, with incredible costume design. julia roberts plays the evil queen and she SLAYS. armie hammer is unfortunately in that movie.
stardust (2007) - one of my fave movies growing up. more modern-inspired but still.
the green knight (2021) - controversial i know but i actually loved this movie! i liked it both as a standalone movie but moreso as a 21st century adaptation to sir gawain and the green knight.
galavant (2015-2016) - !!!!!!! one of the most series ever! they manage to tackle such difficult concepts and conversations with a hilarious wit. so fun to watch. i listen to a lot of the songs still, and rewatch every once in a while.
disenchantment (2018-2023) - very fun to watch, especially the first season.
i also really liked the novel uprooted by naomi novik. its a polish-inspired fantasy.
modern era:
killers of the flower moon (2023) - of course. a masterpiece
aferim! (2015) - a romanian movie set in 19th century wallachia, about two officers, a father and son, who were sent by a nobleman to retrieve an escaped enslaved romani man. a lot of the people in the comments were calling the movie humorous and funny, maybe im missing smth (as im watching with subtitles n dont understand the original language) but it was a very difficult watch for me??
the handmaiden (2016) - need i say more
black sails (2014-2017) - a prequel to the famous novel 'treasure island'. not an easy series to watch. incredibly good.
the favourite (2018) - need i say more pt 2
the rabbi's cat (le chat du rabbin) (2011) - animated movie set in early 20th century algeria. a rabbi's cat learns to talk overnight.
the nice guys (2016) - a fun murder mystery set in the 1970s
o brother, where art thou (2000) - a retelling of the odyssey set in the southern us in the 1930s
victor/victoria (1982) - set in early 20th century paris. julie andrews pretends to be a man and takes on a job as a drag queen. extremely fun, extremely gay movie.
lady chatterley's lover (2022) - very much porn for moms but it was a nice watch imo
amulet (2020) - set in like. idk. sometime in the 20th century. this is a horror movie, deals a lot with misogyny, sa, and so on. i really like it, personally. a lot of people, mostly weird men, dont tho.
the great (2020-2023) - i have mixed feelings about this show. on the one hand, its really fun to watch. on the other hand, its basically ofmd for girls who have public mental breakdowns whenever someone claims corsets were oppressive. and theyre so weird about russians, jesus christ.
domina (2021-) - i just couldnt get into it, esp since i tried right after finishing rome hbo. it was kind of silly, and not in a good way. takes itself wayyyy to seriously.
i didnt like spartacus (2010-2013) - the dialogue was almost grotesque and the editing, especially the transitions, straight up killed me
damsel (2024) - holy fuck what a trainwreck of a movie. absolute waste of angela basset and robin wright. the only good thing were the costumes.
lancelot du lac (1974) - i just didnt like it at all. couldnt get into it. i guess it was way too french and artsy fartsy for me. a movie that was trying to say both too little and too much at the same time.
i didnt rly like bram stoker's dracula (1992) - i mean. it was a fine movie. it was definitely not the godfather. the movie itself was meh. the visuals tho? absolutely stunning
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snoopyreadsliterature · 5 months
[13.01.2024: saturday]
12/100 days of productivity
first of all, i want to thank all the people that have been engaging with my posts. there are good and bad days and it honestly really helps to have that extra bit of motivation and encouragement that this gives me. so, thank you! the studyblr community is awesome.
back onto our regularly scheduled content: two days left until my exam, and the motto is practice, practice, practice.
goals for today: - 2x practice exams - full revision, first of cold war & 1848 since those are still shaky and then everything else - as with yesterday, have a reading break once in a while - drink, eat, and sleep enough so i'm well rested
have a great study day!
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left: messy notes & Stephen Greenblatt's 'Tyrant'. right: i can NOT for the life of me find out from what painting i took this detail from, but it was in the National Gallery of Ireland, right next to Caravaggio's 'The Taking of Christ'.
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liminalmemories21 · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @three-drink-amy, @carlos-in-glasses, @strandnreyes, @whatsintheboxmh, @heartstringsduet, @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @vineofroses, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @ladytessa74. Thank you!
This fic is a hot mess, and I keep losing track of why. Anyway, have a bit from a section I actually like.
TK wins the first hand, which is approximately the least surprising thing Carlos can imagine.  He can actually usually tell when TK is bluffing, he has tells if you know where to look, but right now he's too busy trying to figure out what's going on to pay attention.  He folds and looks at TK.  "You won.  Hit me." TK reshuffles the cards for the next hand and doesn't meet Carlos's eyes. "What happens when I graduate?" He stares at TK blankly.  "We have a party?" he hazards.  "Maybe we take one of those trips we keep talking about, you can finally show me the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum?  Or we could go to Malta?  See where that Caravaggio you didn't steal used to be; give you some better memories." "You don't like traveling."  And, TK still isn't looking at him. He frowns. "Who told you that?  My mother?" TK snorts.  "Your mother, your dad, approximately all eighteen of your cousins."  He pauses. "[redacted].  Your dislike of leaving home is well documented." He wants to say the prospect of leaving home is easier if he gets to take home with him.  He wants to say TK has been his home for so long now he can't remember when he first realized that.  He wants to reach for TK, they always do better with touch, but TK is sitting across the table from him and carefully out of reach. 
Not sure who is left to tag, so open tag, but also but @paperstorm, @lightningboltreader, and @freneticfloetry
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teenagenutant · 1 year
hello! obsessed with your fusion au, the designs are so good! i love how the way the fusions speak is such a perfect mix of both voices, you’ve got the characters down so well. also what pronouns do the fusions use? i’ve seen some people use he, but it looks like you only use they/them for them? swag either way (curious in case i want to write them!) very excited for the donnie raph fusion and the donnie mikey fusion, that’ll be a fun pair to combine (important are galileos eyebrows real or not)
aw, thank you so much!! this au is partially an excuse to draw silly fusion designs and part an excuse for character/relationship studying, so it that me happy to hear- id like to explore it more soon!
and yeah, pronouns!
galileo- i use mainly they/them, but i think he/they also vibes parmigianino- he/him but frequently uses we/our for himself in a host kind of way lol angelico- he/her, and uses third person about as often as raph does caravaggio- he/him, also uses third person sometimes but its mainly accidentally calling himself raph or leo and confusing himself LOL
(and also while we're here, these guys!) don+raph- it/its, but rarely refers to itself as an individual don+mikey- any/all, i think!
and to answer your final very important question: one of them is real and they have to draw the other one on
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annawayne · 28 days
Hey, so this question might sound completely dumb, but as someone who has no clue about art and especially digital art I was wondering: what creates this texture (is this even the right word) in your WIPs that makes it look like the colours are filled in with pencil? Is it a brush or a filter or something? Idk it just looks really cool and fits the vibe of your art perfectly so I thought to ask... 💕
Hello, Myrtle! Oh, thank you so much for asking and no, the question is great, don't worry!
I guess you're talking about this grainy effect on my WIPs, which is more prominent in WIPs since they are flat colours, but in fact, this effect is present in all my drawings. In full render results, it's not so noticeable because the heavy render hides these grains. As an example:
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I use the grainy texture with a Color Dodge overlay, which creates these effects and many other textures that imitate real paper and traditional drawings.
Personally, for me, it's crucial to keep the physical touch of the actual painting as if it were done on paper. Therefore, I use paper texture, grain texture, several scratches texture, etc.
If you ask me WHY, I have a very simple answer—my prime inspiration for the arts is the romanticism movement, more precisely, pre-Raphaelites such as John Everett Millais, John Collier, Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti, John William Waterhouse, etc, and baroque artists such as Caravaggio, Jan Brueghel the Elder, Claude Lorrain, etc. Some of the works from the list above that are the main inspiration for me:
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So I hope this answers your question and I got rightly what did you mean ;D
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chenkingart · 2 years
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"That's Bertrand Bell. What a tale to tell." Dorian Storm as the Suonatore di liuto by Caravaggio
Do not repost or reproduce in any way, please and thank you
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