#thank you again darling!!!!!
kedsandtubesocks · 9 months
erika babie pls close your eyes and walk with me here a minute 😌 all the characters played by pedro pascal have entered a mud wrestling tournament to compete for your affections. who will win your hand?
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ok but honestly the idea of this wild mud gladiator wrestling match is kinda hot?? 👀 LMAO
But omg you really are one of the champs of “best questions to ask” 🥹
I think honestly… that fight is gonna come down to a four way tie between these babes LOL ✨
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Joel is a stealth specialist and we don’t see him do much hand to hand in the series but we know he can fight!! Like there’s this scene in first episode of TLOU where he flat out just tackles this guard like it’s nothing 🥵
Our lovely Mandalorain, Din Djarin is honestly I think the best hand to hand combat out of all the Pedro boys and we’ve seen him during the series to flat out fight against opponents bigger than him, or enemies that our number him, and with his bare hands he wins???
And then Dave York and dear Frankie Morales (Dave is in the top right and Frankie is below!) are both military co op specialist, like…super trained in the special elite forces and I honestly can imagine them both hanging in the fight and making it to the end!!
there’s also a Pedro boy that’s a vampire but I’m not counting him because supernatural strength or not in my mind he can’t fight compared to these guys LMAO
In all honestly…between these four…I think the one who is winning is maybe Din 😭
And it’s mainly because i see him taking Joel out by his poor old knees and maybe managing to just be faster than the other two 🫢
Also thank you I love you so much
NOW!! You gotta tell me…
…is there a Pedro boy that’s caught your eye?? 👀
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yooboobies · 9 days
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Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes? | for @jung-koook ♡
{cr. 0613data, ouranxingg}
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ir-dr · 3 months
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Day 3647 - 8 July 2024
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a funny lil flower that suits a funny lil guy
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you know the distance never made a difference to me.
@whimsybrain // @diabolicjoy // 10.6.21 — silas denver melvin (@sweatermuppet) // sue zhao // 亲爱的, 2021, @disasterzoo // @the-ghost-king // @1anonyymous1 // @fluffysheeps // mountain dew commercial disguised as a love poem, matthew olzmann // @jeichi // terms of endearment, silas denver melvin // unknown // on coming out to my mother as trans, joan angel // what mary magdalene said to the young transsexual, elle emerson (@transsextual ) after clint smith // unknown (angel to me), hozier
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liminish · 1 year
Hi I have no idea if you allowing any requests but I hurt all over, and I'm not feeling the most up in my feelings. Could I possibly see wally giving a hug and reassurance? I love your art and I lost ur blog for a little bit but I found it!!
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i'm sorry you're not feeling well! hopefully wally can help with a hug <3 (also forgive me i couldn't pass up drawing wally going limp)
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b-o-e · 1 year
first date
Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: a lil silly if you don’t imagine yourself and Wally to be similar in height, bahahah! also, 'tis a biggin! plus, an important note at the end if you'd like to see!
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #10, wowzers! :)
Wally asks you out on a date, but little does he know.
“I think I’m all set,”
Wally stared at himself in the mirror, pushing a stray hair into place with his fingers. He inhaled a deep breath, brushing off his outfit.
“What do you say, Home?” He lifted his arms to the side, presenting himself to his friend with a spin, earning squeaks and creaks of approval in return.
“Oh, you,” He swatted playfully at the air, holding his cheek in response to Home’s (supposedly) kind words. 
Wally ensured to get the bundle of flowers Frank and Eddie put together for him off the table, announcing that he was off as he started toward the door, only for it not to open for him. He paused, confused. Oh, was he forgetting something?
“Picnic basket!” he snapped his fingers, smiling brightly. “Goodness, my nerves must be getting to me,” he grabbed the basket and adjusted the gingham blanket on the top.
“Is that everything, now?” He questioned aloud, unable to recall anything else. Home squeaked, door swaying open. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” he smiled, heading out and waving farewell, on his way to your house.
Despite the anxiety bundled in his belly, Wally had an excited pep in his step, confidence peeking through. He felt good about this. Excited!
He had flowers and a basket of your favourite snacks for you two, along with a perfect set-up planned for the dishes, too! With his outfit looking spiffy and hair looking chic, he was set!
In no time at all, Wally stood before your door, lifting his fist and knocking, swaying back and forth on his heels. Deep breaths, Wally!
Barely two seconds passed, and it swung open. It looked like you had just been getting ready to leave.
“Wally?” you smiled, seeming pleasantly surprised by his appearance. “What are the chances?”
“Oh, my. I hope I’m not disrupting any plans,” he fretted.
“Not at all,” you reassured. “Actually, I was about to go looking for you,”
“Is that so?” he asked, head tipped to the side with curiosity. 
“Yes,” you leaned back, grabbing something off the table. “I was going to bring you these,” 
You held a bundle of tulips out to him, red, orange, and yellow. Wally’s eyes widened, his smile growing.
“Well, isn’t that a silly coincidence?” 
He untucked the bouquet of flowers he brought for you from under his arm, holding them out, though his expression fell as he noticed their appearance.
“My… I guess I should’ve been a little more careful,” he sheepishly shifted around the slightly squashed flowers, attempting to fix them up a little better. “I’m sorry,” he apologized shyly, a little downed by his mistake.
Despite the disheveled appearance of them, you happily accepted, handing him his as you examined the beautiful bouquet. “They’re wonderful, Wally,” you awed with delight. “Why don’t you step inside for a few moments? I’ll get these in a vase real quick,” you opened the entrance further for him, walking over to the kitchen.
Wally followed you inside, staring down at the flowers you’d given to him, a giddy little smile playing at his lips. Great minds think alike, don’t they?
“So,” your voice recaptured his attention as you snipped away at the stems of the flowers, carefully sliding them into a vase filled with water. “What else brings you here? Were you just passing by?” you questioned as you walked over, placing the colourful display on the coffee table in front of your couch.
“Actually,” Wally began, holding out the picnic basket. “I came to invite you for a picnic with me,”
“A picnic?” 
“A picnic,” he affirmed. “I figured, it’s a beautiful day outside, and I would like to take you on a proper date. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Why, isn’t that just charming of you,” you teased playfully, although the light flush on your cheeks displayed your true feelings. 
“I do try,” Wally grinned. “Would you do me the honour of accompanying me?”
“I would love to,” you agreed. “I thought you looked a little extra handsome today, so I was wondering what you were up to. But, those simply may be my thoughts everyday,”
“How very sweet of you,” Wally reddened a little now, walking to the door, pulling it open for you and gesturing you through. “Shall we head out, then?” he asked. 
“We shall, I suppose,” you chuckled. Something caught your eye first, your face lighting up with realization. “Oh, right! I grabbed this for you while I was at the store, too. Couldn’t resist,” you plucked the Red Delicious apple you’d gotten for him off the table, offering it to him. He accepted it gladly, smiling.
“How thoughtful as well,” he smiled. “Thank you, I appreciate it. It’s nice to know I seem to be on your mind as much as you’re on mine, too,”
Your cheeks darkened at his comment. “More than I’d like to admit, personally,” you grumbled under your breath, walking through the door, Wally following behind, sliding his hand into yours.
“Oh yeah?” he hummed, watching you in amusement as your cheeks brightened ever so slightly. 
“You weren’t meant to hear that.”
It wasn’t long before you two arrived on a hill you frequented together, treading up to the shade of the tree that sat at the top. Wally took the blanket off the basket, laying it out on the ground, allowing a clean place to sit.
“What a nice day it is,” you mumbled, laying back in a starfish position and enjoying the warmth in the air. A gentle breeze drifted by every once in a while, rustling through the leaves above.
“Agreed,” Wally said, watching you with an adoring smile on his features. “Although any day is a nice day with you around, in my mind,”
“I could say the same to you, Darling,” you peeked up at him with a grin, propping yourself up on your arms.
“Why, thank you,” he grabbed the apple he’d been carrying, lifting the lid to the picnic basket to place it inside for later. He froze halfway through the action.
His brain went blank.
“... Wally?” you questioned. “Are you alright?”
… Where was the food?
He slowly shut the basket’s lid, lips slightly agape, eyes shyly meeting yours as you scooted over. 
His shoulders sunk, embarrassment bubbling in his stomach as you peeked inside the basket for yourself.
“... I grabbed the wrong basket,” he whispered. 
Your eyes locked with his guilt filled orbs, surprise filling your own.
Wally’s head dropped as he deflated a little more with shame.
But then, you laughed,
“You grabbed the wrong basket?” you sniggered, Wally offering a little nod of confirmation. “That’s no big deal at all, Wally” you claimed, reaching out and tilting his chin back up to make him look at you. “Guess we just have to ration the apple, huh?” you teased, pecking his forehead.
“Consider it yours,” 
“I’m only kidding,” you giggled, pushing it back towards him. “It’s all yours, Darling,” you said, twisting your body to lay on your back, head resting in his lap.
Hesitant, his arms slowly snaked loosely over your shoulders as he gazed down at you, fingers toying with the fabric of your shirt.
“... you’re not mad?” 
“No, I’m not mad. Not at all,”
“Truly,” you smiled, hands coming up to rest on top of his. “I’m more than happy just to spend time with you. I was glad to have this outing as an excuse to,” 
“Goodness me,” he mumbled, cheeks flushing lightly. “I sure am a lucky one, aren’t I?” he sighed in relief, thumbs brushing along your jawline. 
“You sure are,” you jested, grinning up at him. 
Together, you sat in an equal amount of talking and silence, simply enjoying the other's company. Wally became a little less uptight, trying to relax and enjoy the moment more, despite still feeling discouraged over all the things that had gone wrong so far. 
Everything that could go wrong already has now, hasn't it? The hurdles had been passed, and you didn’t seem put off one bit.
He watched you as you animatedly retold a story, hands waving in the air as you explained it to him. You were much too preoccupied to notice the absolutely smitten look on his face, entranced by your every move. 
Until he felt something on his shoulder.
And then something on his other.
And then, a big wet drop hit your forehead.
“Uh oh,” you chuckled, wiping a droplet away and holding out your hand. “Looks like it’s starting to rain. Those clouds sure blow in quick, I didn’t even notice,” you sat up, standing to your feet.
“Oh no,” Wally mumbled, “we’d better get inside before it begins to pour,”
And as if those were the magic words, it did just that.
The sprinkle was swift to turn into a drizzle, and that drizzle soon turned into a shower. It left next to no time for you to get to any proper cover, apart from the tree. 
The leaves of the tree blocked out some of the rain, however you were still getting a little wet. Unsure whether to wait it out or leave, Wally watched the rainfall, disappointed with the way everything just had to turn out.
“Say, maybe we can use the blanket as some extra cover an–”
He was cut off as his foot slid on a patch of slippery mud, leading him down, flat on his back with a grunt. Out in the open, not to mention.
At this point, he couldn’t even bother anymore.
“Are you okay?” you worried, sliding down onto your knee next to him, uncaring toward the mud that got on your clothes.
Wally stared blankly up at the sky, his smile pitiful at this point.
“This is quite the downer, isn’t it?” he uttered.
Wally gazed at you, his eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to escape.
“I messed everything up today, huh? Ha ha,” he forced a chuckle, looking to the side as he lifted an arm to wipe at his face. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I wanted to treat you today, to impress you,” his wet hands covered his face, humiliated.
“I wanted to show you how I love you so deeply, and to ask…” he hesitated. Should he even say it now? He just felt like it would go poorly, anyways. Instead, he sighed, dropping the subject.
“Never mind, all that…” 
His hands fell to his sides, spread out as he accepted his miserable fate. He felt so defeated. Thoroughly, downright destroyed, by now. 
Not a single thing seemed to go his way today. Murphy’s Law was on his tail! From when he grabbed the wrong basket, he smushed the flowers, he forgot to take the weather into account, he slipped and got you both all muddy... What's next?
With how poorly this outing with you has gone, why would you want to go on any more with him?
As he went to apologize to you once more, you beat him to speaking.
“Dance with me,” you said.
Your hand came into Wally’s view, palm up, requesting his.
He met eyes with yours, lost. 
Shouldn’t you be upset with him? Or anything that's not wanting to dance?
“I ruined our date,” he voiced.
“Well, I don’t see it that way,” you disagreed, “I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. Maybe some mishaps have happened, but…” you trailed off as you looked around, peering back at him.
“I see it as a memorable first date with you,”
“Memorable is one way to describe it, I suppose…” he grumbled. You giggled, shaking your head.
“I mean that in a good way,” you chuckled. “I’ve enjoyed this. A lot. Maybe things didn’t go according to plan, but… sometimes, it’s fun when things go astray,”
“So come on,” 
He stared at you, befuddled by your words. He had been unsure that he could love you any more, but with each passing day, you seemed to prove that assumption wrong.
“Dance with me, Wally. Please?” 
So, timidly, he accepted your hand, standing back to his feet with your help.
His hair was drooped in front of his face, dampened by the rain, as were both of your clothes by now. And yet, you showed no sign of caring. 
Instead, you led him further away from the little cover the tree provided, stopping in the middle of the road. 
“We have no music,” Wally pointed out as you turned toward him, his hands in your own.
“Won’t you sing for me, Wally?” You joked with a giggle. He chuckled weakly, shaking his head.
“You and I both know I’m not the best singer,”
“And yet, you and I both know that’s not what it’s all about,” you begged to differ, “It’s about the enjoyment, and I enjoy the sound of your voice, personally. Plus, you and I both know I’m not the best dancer, but here I am, asking you to dance with me,”
“I think you’re a wonderful dancer,”
“As I think you’re a wonderful singer,”
He opened his mouth to reply, only to close it right back up.
He couldn’t come up with any argument for that. So, with an amused huff, he pulled you closer and began to hum a tune for you, leading you into a slow, simple dance.
As you swayed lazily in the street together, Wally could almost feel his tension melt away in the rain. He felt as if his cares had faded, with you in his arms. 
Sure, the picnic was ruined (though it seems that it was from the start), his hair was sopping wet, and his clothes weren’t much different, he could put up with it, if this feeling of tranquility with you is what he gets in return. 
As he continued to hum, Wally lifted his arm, twirling you in the dance and carefully dipping you, smiling as you giggled.
When he lifted you back up out of it, you pulled your grip away from his, leaning against him.
Your arms wrapped loosely around his hips, the man stood still as a statue in your embrace for a moment, before he carefully laid his arms over your shoulders. He’d gotten better, with time. He wanted to improve for you.
“Wally?” you murmured quietly, catching his attention.
“Yes?” he replied.
“Tell me what you were going to say, won’t you?” 
It took Wally a moment to comprehend the meaning behind your words, but soon, he understood. The corners of his lips tugged up a little more, and he gently pulled you closer.
“Well, I wanted to ask you a question, since it had come to my attention we hadn’t spoken about it before,” He said, pulling back slightly to have a better look at you.
“So, I wanted to request of you, if you would please accept me as your significant other,” He murmured, eyes gazing lovingly into yours.
“I’d be glad to, Wally,” you smiled back at him. “I would love nothing more than that,” 
Wally’s smile grew wider. Thunder rumbled gently in the distance, the warm rain continuing to hit against your skin. Both of you were completely drenched by now, soaked, muddy, and yet none of that mattered, with how incredibly content you were in each other’s presence.
“I desire nothing more than that,” Wally hummed, his hands cupping your cheeks. Your own found his wrist, gripping them lightly. 
“You know, my darling,” you hummed, his surname falling from your lips with more meaning. “I’m completely and utterly in love with you, Wally,” 
His lips tugged upwards. 
And that’s all he needed to hear.
Eliminating the little space between the two of you, his lips met yours in a slow, tender kiss, while the rain continued to pelt down around you.
“Same to you, my love,” Wally murmured, forehead pressed to yours.
“Yes!” Julie leaped up, fist pumping the air, rain poncho shielding her body from the rain.
You jumped back from Wally in shock, cheeks flushing deeply with embarrassment.
“Julie!” Frank scolded, yanking her back down behind the bush.
FINALLY!!! IT'S HERE!!! I am so sorry for the long wait!!! hopefully this long fic makes up for it!!!
it has been a month since i started this series!!! wow, has it ever flown by!!! thank you to everyone for their support, especially to those of you who have interacted with all of my stuff. I notice you. you pop up in my notifications and i occasionally say aloud, "thank you kittenpickles692" or whatever your strange url may be!!! i do not believe a kittenpickles692 exists, but perhaps i should look into it!!!
but!!! thank you all!!! i really truly appreciate it!!! i won't lie, with how this fic goes, i may consider leaving this 'series' here. what i mean by this though, is the pulling away from the fics following a 'storyline'. i will more likely than not still write these and they will still be considered part of it, but they will be much more random moments instead, bahah! simply different tidbits of your relationship with wally, all in this same 'world' i have written about.
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
alas!!! I believe this is all for now!!! i truly hope that you enjoyed, and i will be back soon!!! likes and reblogs are very appreciated! MWAH!!!
Posted Friday, May 19, 2023, at 11:18 AM
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thedevillionaire · 1 month
Much shorter than it has any right to be, given how long it's taken me to actually finish. Plot? Uh, no, not really. But anyhow... She's been away. He's been unwell.
He looks at her like she’s the most welcome hallucination he’s ever had.
Kia closes the door slowly behind her as she takes in this chaos of a makeshift apothecary, the loungeroom in an utter state of disarray and her beloved not faring much better, red-nosed and unshaven and dressed in a black silken pyjama and robe ensemble which, while inarguably stylish, was very definitely not his usual late afternoon wear.
And not at all what she had been expecting to come home to.
A miscellany of potions and concoctions and gods-know-what-elses lie scattered across the coffee table. A teacup, mostly empty. Two tissue boxes, one apparently even emptier than the teacup. Some sort of book...no, manual. Looks instructional. A wilderness of failed curatives.
Oh my god.
She walks further into the room. The air smells of menthol and embers.
“Babe, what are… Are you… What have you even been doing h…?”
You absolute beautiful total disaster.
“Trying not to… hh-HH …let thi…this-damn-cold…” Cerberus turns from her as his sentence dissolves, the syllables collapsing against one another in a desperate rush to give way to greater need and deep breath of purpose, and he raises a finger in urgent, undeniable pause. "Huh-TSSCH-uu!" Hurriedly claiming a series of tissues in a brief, expectant hiatus, he surrenders completely and sneezes again. "Hh-AATSCHH-uu! *snff-FF!*" A quiet groan in the aftermath. He excuses himself, adds another tissue to the set, blows his nose and immolates the lot. "Pardon me." He sighs. "Trying not to let this godsdamned cold win,” he manages, with an accompanying sharp sniffle. Neither heavy congestion nor the way his voice cracks slightly lessens any of the seething distaste in his tone.
“Oh, honey.” Kia brushes some errant hair back from his face. :Bless you.: She touches a tender kiss to his temple. “You’re getting your ass kicked.”
She offers him a soft smile to hopefully lessen a little bit of truth's sting. "C'mon, shift over," she says gently as she joins her beloved on the couch, nestling up beside him, resolutely ignoring every caution he tries to give her advising against doing so. Notably half-hearted as those cautions are.
Because while it’s true that he very much doesn’t want her to catch this, he’s also well aware it’s more than likely already too late for such concerns. The entire house is probably some sort of incubation epicentre. And, sincerity of expressed warnings aside, the entire sorry vista surely constitutes warning enough. He's fairly certain he couldn't look more biohazardous if he tried.
Cerberus sighs again, sniffling again immediately afterwards, and gives his bonded a look of resignation.
Further elaboration hardly seems necessary.
But also he doesn’t press the issue because in truth the last thing he wants is to send her away. He’s not even sure he has the energy to insist on it, anyway; he’d be infuriated about this entire ridiculous circumstance if he wasn’t so damn exhausted. So, small obligatory protests done, with another damp sniffle Cerberus shifts some disarrayed blanketry out of the way and wraps an arm around Kia’s waist, drawing her close.
Her soft perfume of violet, strawberry and vanilla is lost on him anywhere outside of memory right now, but her presence is more than enough and he closes his eyes for a moment, just appreciating the simple fact of her being here beside him at last; he's missed her immensely, constantly.
“You know, you could’ve just asked me to come back, if you wanted me here,” Kia muses as she nestles further into his heat, adding, “It wouldn't have been a big deal,” without accusation. She leans her head against his shoulder and looks up at him with gentle azure gaze, her unspoken thoughts of I’d always choose you. How do you still not know that? readable despite her not voicing them.
And he does, of course, know that – in fact, it’s the very reason he wouldn’t ask. Cerberus sniffles thickly, wiping his nose. “Ah, love. I'd hardly ask you to put yourself anywhere near this—" He gestures around the room in a general presentation of contempt for the whole situation. "—vortex of infectious absurdity,” he concludes, thick congestion lacing his words. He clears his throat but it doesn’t make any notable impact against the wreckery his voice has become. "And it's about your... *SNFF!* ...your autodoby."
Kia peers at him. “My…what?”
“Your au…” Cerberus, all too aware that several critical consonants are unequivocally not working for him, rolls his eyes at himself. Honestly. Taking another fresh succession of tissues from a very rapidly depleting supply, he blows his nose forcefully but completely ineffectively.
He excuses himself once more and tries again; it goes equally badly.
Kia, baffled, raises her hands in a friendly but very clear nope sorry babe no idea expression, accompanied by a gentle little laugh that she just can’t help.
A long-suffering and immensely frustrated look comes her way, followed by a resigned, defeated sigh as her beloved entirely gives up. “Free will.”
For a moment, this makes even less sense to Kia. “Why would…” she begins, but cuts herself off in triumphant realisation. “Oh, autonomy!” She laughs. "Oh, sweetheart."
“That’s what I s… hh-hh! I...” And even this is hijacked, and the Demon king capitulates entirely, doubling over desperate into crooked elbow, “Huh-TSCHH-uu! Ah-HEHTSCHuu!” 
He takes some moments of bleary recovery, Kia's heartrate spiking alongside the :Gods, forgive me: Cerberus Mindsends her.
"Oh, bless you, babe." Kia doesn't try to fight the thrill that flashes through her and she wraps herself around her bonded to kiss him again; a kiss deeper, more needful, than is probably wise. But wisdom isn't what she's craving right now.
“You know what? You’re going to stop talking and let me make my own choices.” She brushes a stray lock of hair from his eyes, touches the softest of lingering kisses to his forehead and meets his gaze. :Talking really isn't working out for you anyway.: "And besides—" Another kiss, deeper again, and she presses her arousal against his, salacious, wanton.
:—you know we both want the same thing.:
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write-it-motherfuckers · 10 months
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jessamine-rose · 28 days
*lovingly tackles Aine*
Read my Yandere! Pierro longfics first ♪( ´▽`)
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Last week, my beloved mutual @ainescribe surprised me with Savior! Darling fan art and AHAI9232@2-!/! CRYING SCREAMING I WANT TO LOOK AT THIS ART AND WORSHIP YOUR VERSION OF SAVIOR THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BLESSING ME WITH YOUR ART—
*clears throat* Anyway, now that I finally have the time to properly sit down and comment on the fan art, I’ll do just that. Feedback will be in the tags and it will be unhinged. Once again, thank you so much to Aine for drawing this <3
#feedback#fan art#ainescribe#AIIINE ;-; once again. thank you so much!! it rlly means a lot to me that you enjoyed my writing and felt inspired to draw this :'>#and as someone who loves fashion and character design. it's so so interesting to analyze your version of savior#there's so much symbolism and visual storytelling in each sketch/ outfit and i shall now proceed to pick apart each detail as best as i can#her snezhnayan fit.....god i love it. it's regal. distinctively snezhnayan. and draws attention to her--and you just know that was pierro's#intention when he dressed her in those garments. IT'S JUST SO...!! savior's wardrobe scrubbed clean of her original culture and preferences#replaced with the foreign garments of her captor's nations.....in line with this. i love how her kokoshnik and khaenri'ahn earrings are big#and attention-grabbing. you can't look at her without taking note of those accessories. it begs the question:: how many times has savior#looked at the mirror after being dressed up in snezhnaya and was unable to recognize her own reflection?? :'>#also shoutout to some details aine shared with me: 1) the face marks are inspired by weeping angels 2) the kokoshnik was traditionally worn#by married noblewomen BUT the veil was normally for unmarried women so savior's outfit can be seen as a form of compliance + rebellion#(though later on in history it became accepted for married women to also wear that veil. also my apologies if what i said is inaccurate)#lastly shoutout to savior's expression!! very poised and mysterious....due to her emotional state or pierro's rules on how to act as his#spouse in public?? we'll never know~ the first drawing hits even harder when you compare it to the next one!! such an interesting contrast~#savior in her plain attire. casual and domestic with a smile on her face....i'm guessing this is her pre-fatui version?? she looks so warm#and friendly. and i can definitely understand why pierro fell for her smile <3#also i fucking love the caption. sorry pierro but you are cursed to be a loser/ simp/ pathetic man in all of my fics and AUs xD#NOW ONTO GODDESS! SAVIOR AAAHHHH!! i love the greek goddess motifs. she looks so regal and awe-inspiring but in a different way from her#snezhnayan attire--archaic. divine. and more suited to her personal style.....yet both versions of her look so painfully isolated :'>#her blank eyes. emotionless face. and veil give me the vibes of a spooky victorian ghost...or would a statue/ portrait be more fitting??#the lack of a necklace is also an interesting design choice given what happens in the fic. and now i realized i forgot to comment on your#version of her snezhnayan necklace oops. similar to the kokoshnik and earrings. the size + grandeur makes it impossible to ignore#that and big jewels = expensive af. ohhh and i love the sparkles on her veil!! pierro rlly spared no expense in dressing up his wifey <3#it's also funny how all of these outfits are similar to my own version in terms of 'savior wore grand clothing during her glory days as a#goddess -> wore simple attire after her decline for practicality and to blend in with humans/ disassociate from her old identity -> is now#dressed in even grander clothing as the harbinger's spouse. but it's used to reinforce her new identity and pierro's control over her'#tldr:: your design is so creative and i can see the effort you put in analyzing her character and depicting her based on your interpretatio#thank you for being my mutual + reader and i hope we can share even more harbinger/darling brainrot in the future :>
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 1 month
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Look!! A rare pair sighting!!
Listen, I didn't have a cute lil scenario to add to this AMAZING commission by @fittsythesnail. I just can't get over how adorable it is 🥺🥺 (also, Ushijima is a giant and him wearing a matching hoodie is doing things to my brain!!)
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cookietastic · 8 months
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Commission for @nanuk-the-bat of some Jess x Darling from Control! 💙
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
kara i wanna know allllll about your reg. tell me EVERYTHING <3
so obvs canonically pretty much the only thing we know about reg is his betrayal of voldemort and the cause etc etc so i like to centre that in most of my thoughts about him……
he joins the death eaters bc he’s a loser w a freakish voldemort obsession who has like three friends and bc he’s lonely and he hates sirius and he wants to spite him by joining the group to which he’s so opposed. he wants to prove sirius wrong and prove himself right and i believe wholeheartedly that, even if he was influenced somewhat by the way he was raised and by the circles he runs in, he joined the death eaters completely of his own volition!!! i’m passionate about this!!! i think it destroys the nuance of his character to say that he was forced to join or that he joined w the intention to betray them all along or whatever . to me, he was fucking gagging to be a death eater and he’s so smug when he’s allowed in. i picture him ranting to barty and evan about ‘the great honour that has been bestowed upon him’ whilst lovingly stroking his dark mark
anyway, then he gets scared. he’s just a boy!!! and he realises he’s in too deep when it’s far too late… to me he just can’t stand the violence of the death eaters. like he’s a blood purist and further than that thinks he personally is superior to pretty much everyone else, on account of his black blood, but he hates that he has to get his hands dirty in order to see his idealised vision of the world (sans mudbloods and blood-traitors) realised…. he’s soft and weak and squeamish and lonely and always so so miserable at all times as a rule. he also tries to hide how scared he is by being a massive bitch. classic.
then he realises that tom has a horcrux (and imo he would figure this out fairly easily after the kreacher thing, bc he’s smart but also bc tom read about them in a book in the HOGWARTS LIBRARY!! so it’s not much of a stretch to say that the same book and probs further, more detailed books would be in the library at grimmauld, likewise in most of the darker pureblood family libraries…. this is another thing i’m passionate about. horcruxes aren’t this big secret. nobody makes them bc nobody’s a fucking idiot like tom is. they’re also warned off properly by their rents. tom doesn’t have this…. ANYWAY) he realises tom has a horcrux and that the guy he’s idolised and basically sold his soul to is fucking bonkers (shameless self promo - i write a bit about this realisation in the regulus letter in my fic ‘where can i put it down?’…. makes me crazy) and he’s scared and alone and he wants out and he does the one brave thing of his life in dying…..
and he doesn’t think it’s a brave thing. he tells himself that sirius was a coward for running away and betraying them and specifically him. he tells himself he’s being brave, braver and better than sirius, when he’s like sticking it out, joining the death eaters, following the role prescribed to him, so when he decides he’s gonna go to the cave it’s like giving up, it’s being a coward, its admitting to himself that he’s never been better than sirius no matter how much he want or tries to be, it’s betraying the cause and everything he’s stood for but he HAS to do it. for sirius and for kreacher and for himself and for the chance that maybe he’s not past saving. he spends his whole life trying to be good but in the sense of behaving and then his death, his first (and last) real rebellion, is the only time that he actively attempts to be good in terms of a moral act even if it has nothing to do w a renouncement of blood purity. and i don’t think he fully realises that when he does it bc it’s all so tangled up in other things. and i’m not saying that he’s like morally reprehensible the rest of the time (he’s just a boyyyy) but the majority of his active choices have been kinda bad ones up to this point even if he’s been like . passively good . and also literally just a child. an angsty teen if you will
his life is marked by inaction and bad decisions and his final act is kinda the antithesis of this and it’s tragic bc he’s not ever going to survive it. and sirius is never gonna know. it makes me miserable. does any of this even make sense lmaooo basically he’s a loser and he misses his brother and he’s so lonely and he loves sirius so much even as he hates him and he’s quiet and he wants so desperately to be a good death eater bc this is everything he’s ever wanted but he just can’t in the end!!! he’s just a boy!!! a boy who would nurse birds with broken wings back to health and cry when they flew away, a boy who would hold his brother’s hand and hang on every word he says and exist almost entirely in sirius’ shadow until said shadow is suddenly gone and he’s left reeling, a boy who’s so so soft and gentle but who hides it all behind layers of barbs and cold remarks, a boy who is desperately desperately sad and scared and GOD I LOVE HIM……
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reinbouxsworld · 1 year
🐰For the ask game
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? For Yuno x Leona💖💖💖💖
7. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Since I see Yuno as a big touchstarved bug, I can definitely say it's physical affection for her. Just being close with Leona honestly makes her feel better if anything, and I don't think he will complain about having a exclusive weight blanket 🫢🫣
But Leona (even if I die on the hill that this man is the biggest on quality time), I just KNOW he gets flustered at words of affirmation when he's in a relationship, even more if someones pretty bold like Yuno, who doesn't actually thinks too much before speaking her mind out loud. So he pretty much prefers verbal affection. Bonus points if it is alone so he doesn't have to pretend that it didn't affect him.
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She's so supportive that sometimes he just can't.
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redstoneofaja · 2 months
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hi everybody, @ufonaut and i are back already with another comic. enjoy enjoy!
takes place about a month or so after this!
also posted on ao3 here
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hyperrealisticblood · 4 months
"its so crazy how everyone thought wally darling was this scary domineering yandere sexyman when hes actually a silly little goofball" yes you are correct about the first part!! unfortunately you seem to have completely lost the plot otherwise!!
is wally darling a silly guy?? yes!! he is silly and whimsical and he loves his friends and wants people to smile!! objectively a nice, silly guy. unfortunately you seem to have missed the fact that he is also prone to emotional instability and becoming some kind of analog horror entity. you see this clearly in the old hidden audios, where he slowly drops his "show" persona and becomes more intense and demanding and disturbing. same with the ending of the homewarming storybook where he starts getting frustrated with his inability to make home happy. (btw speaking as a fellow autistic person with bad emotional control and anger management, real recognizes real) i don't think wallys entire personality is a facade or anything like that, but i think it's becoming clear that there's a lot about him that we don't know. i'm not even getting into The Mold That Makes You Hallucinate because that might be a home thing and not a wally thing, but him being the one causing it is still very possible!!
we know that the idea of wally being the cut and dry antagonist of the story was scrapped when the story was reworked, but it's extremely likely that he retained at least SOME of his less savory traits from his original incarnation. i don't think he's a bad person or intentionally malicious or anything like that, but we need to remember that no matter how silly and wholesome wally is on the surface, he's the neighbor we know the least about.
and there's very likely a reason for that.
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