#thank you all again for your patience!
aerequets · 10 months
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this was a commission for the lovely @nightofnyx8 for her AMAZING AMAZING fic The Woman in Red!!
this scene is right at the end of chapter 3. if you have not read this fic i HIGHLY recommend it! im pretty sure i have recommended it before already HAHA but now i got to draw one of my favorite scenes. i dont want to spoil but it just makes me crazy fr. they're just so...!!! HNNNGHHH!! i've literally read it like 3 times. if you like protective loid + badass yor + the best, coldest serving of revenge justice, you need to read this story! her writing is absolutely amazing and im not gassing this up bc she commissioned me LMAO its genuinely just so good. if ur still reading my little rant pls go read woman in red its 7 chapters and its completed and. Sigh. time for another reread
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choccy-milky · 4 months
Pls I beg Clora wearing only Seb’s shirt
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she just can't wear it if she plans on getting anything done😇
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
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in a little over 2 weeks, I've made enough book sales to donate almost ~$10,000 to Palestinian causes! This means donations to:
MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians)
PCRF (Palestinian Children's Relief Fund)
Safebow (which is currently working to evacuate over 50 Palestinians before Ramadan)
and a bunch of miscellaneous Palestinian escape funds on Gofundme.
I'm incredibly grateful and humbled by the response to my books on this website, and would just like to emphasise that my policy of donating 100% of my profits from my store(s) to Palestine is INDEFINITE. Pick up a book or print any time and know that your money is going to a good cause!
Thank you again, and free Palestine!
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cybersodas · 3 months
Pride pins have arrived!!!
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After much waiting, the pride pins have FINALLY arrived, and they turned out AMAZING!!!
All I have to do now is assemble all the pins from the intial preorder campaign, and then I’ll be shipping em out asap! Be on the lookout for a restock as well!!
(Reblogs heavily appreciated)
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poorlydrawnandroids · 6 months
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Unfortunately they did not get burgers for Hank, but Connor at least learned a valuable lesson. I guess Nines suffers from Amelia Bedelia Syndrome.
Hi guys, this is actually a comic I drew and basically finished 11 months ago. And it’s been just about then since I’ve last really opened my iPad and did any drawing. There’s a ton of half-completed works on there and they’re pretty cute, so I’ll try to post them as I get the motivation. My therapist says posting to this blog will probably improve my mental health and he’s right but >:3c
So yeah! Let’s see what I can toss out this year, wooo!!
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elitadream · 9 months
❗️Important announcement❗️
Hello everyone! 😁 January is finally here, and this is very exciting news for me because I'm going to New Zealand!!! 🤩✈️ It's a huge trip that I've been planning for a whole year now. It will be the first time I ever take the plane. The first time I visit another country in years. The first time I travel so far away from home! And what's more, this will be the longest trip in my life. Over a month. I can hardly wrap my head around it still! 🤯🗓
I've also had some time to reflect, and... I've decided to use this opportunity to step back and go offline for a bit. 🌱 I wanted to tell you about this sooner, and I apologize for how sudden this probably is for most of you. I promise that I'm alright and doing this with a peaceful mindset! Although- I'm a bit sad at the thought that we won't see or hear from each other for a while. 🥺 It's a bittersweet feeling, but at the same time, I'm sure the temporary change of pace will be a good thing. Lately I've been feeling the need to take a break from social media again, and the timing is perfect. I'm ready. 🤲💫
To my lovely friends and followers here: I hope you will all have a great time these next few weeks. I hope the beginning of 2024 will treat you well and that you will get to experience new and exciting things. Wishing you lots of inspiration, fun projects and plenty of fascinating conversations until I return. 🙏🥰
Take care, everyone! I will miss you dearly. 🫂💗 Thank you, and I love you all,
- elita 🌸
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2023legendoflinkzine · 2 months
Shipping Update #2!
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
💌 hi everyone, just letting you know i’m going to take a mini break from tumblr over the next few days. some stuff has come up in my personal life and i need to prioritise my mental health right now. i don’t think i’ll be gone long, because let’s face it - this is my comfort space and i love getting to flail about milex with all of you, but i just need some space for myself as i recalibrate and get back on track. so to anyone who’s messaged me or left me asks/comments on my fics - if i don’t reply, i promise i’m not ignoring you and i’ll get respond very soon! i’ll be back properly with humbug gifsets and general flailing before you know it (and hopefully with a new chapter of four walls too 👀) lots of love, see you all soon 💌
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arcadekitten · 3 months
Arcade! As someone who also has OCD (and autism, but thats besides the point), I just want you to know that it DOES get better! I dont know if thats the only issue youve been dealing with lately (other than the computer one), but I just want you to know that you *can* definitely take a break and that it WILL get better <3 And dont worry about your patrons at all, we're much more worried with your mental state than with our rewards! <3
This message is so sweet of you it genuinely brings a tear to my eye, thank you ♡
I've definitely got a lot of stuff to sort through on my plate right now, while the OCD is definitely a big contributer to all of this I (and people i trust) also think I had a lot of stuff piling up for a while and it kinda became a whole "straw that broke the camel's back" ordeal. Just one of those unfortunate situations where I always tried to look for help but couldn't receive it until it actually became an emergency. (Don't recommend that btw--if you need help then keep pushing for it until you get it)
It really does mean a lot to hear you say though. I feel bad for feeling bad because I care about you guys and especially the ones going out of their way to pay me! I have always been met with so much kindness and generosity and I feel terrible when I can't provide for those who have showed so much love for the things I make! It can be hard not to be impatient with myself because I love making my art and games and I love when I get to share them with you all and seeing the joy you get from them, and I'm sad when I can't do that and I feel bad for you guys when I can't do that!
Luckily though I'm finally receiving much-needed mental health services. I'm still just only beginning but I'm at least seeing the tiniest slivers of progress and it makes me hopeful, at least for today.
I do intend to take the rest and recovery I need, but I will still be excited for whenever I get back to the usual fun we have around here. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and incredibly supportive words. They mean so so much more to me than you could ever know ♡♡♡
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katlyntheartist · 1 year
I know it's taking a while but I wanna assure my followers that I am working very hard on the next SMU update!
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daftpatience · 23 days
it's been a long time and a lot of roadblocks and delays but i'm finally almost caught back up!
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heybaetae · 6 months
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etcnnante · 1 month
i apologize for my absence- i recently underwent a very intensive reconstructive knee surgery and have been dealing with the recovery of it! both on and outside of tumblr i have been quite silent because ive been focusing a lot of my recovery managing my pain symptoms … hopefully soon enough though i can come back and start boy posting again ☺️
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aletheialed · 4 months
Right now, wine glass in hand and staring vacantly into the dark corners of the room in which he dwells - Barok can't help but think about his brother. To think about Klint during hard times, the man who he's always admired so much, has always come naturally to him - but it can't bring him any comfort now.
The truth is, Barok doesn't know what he should feel more betrayed about. The fact that the brother he'd wanted to emulate all his life was nothing but a killer, who's actions resulted in the ending and ruining of so many lives, including Barok's own? Or... is it that, until the very end, Klint was too afraid to share that horrible truth with him, even when that fear allowed him to be controlled into committing the most heinous acts imaginable?
It makes him want to laugh with a bitterness he hasn't felt in years. It makes him feel ill; desperate and angry and like a fraying rope about to snap. Perhaps it's sinful, and a sign of Barok's own weak character, that Klint's lack of trust in him might be what hurts the most. Had he thought Barok would break under the weight of the truth, and sought to protect him from that fate? What's worse is that Barok doesn't know how he would've reacted deep down. What's the scarier thought - that Barok would've turned away in despair and been unable to carry on just as his brother feared, or that he would stand with Klint, perhaps even turning a blind eye to his crimes...?
...There's no point in thinking about it now. But if he doesn't think about Klint, then there's no shortage of other things to take his place at the forefront of his mind. Such as the true identity of the Reaper, and how Barok had been complicit in his crimes for the longest time - allowing himself to be used and manipulated like a puppet on a string, even when he didn't see the full extent of it all.
His whole life, these past ten years in which he thought he'd endured so much, all for the sake of the people of London... what were they all for?
When he hears the knock on the door, it's tempting to ignore it entirely - he barely has the energy to stand, anyway. He doesn't know who it could possibly be, considering everything, but... in the end, he rises like a man possessed, and finds himself walking to open the door as if in a trance. What he sees when the door opens is the last thing he expects.
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"Mr... Naruhodo...? You... pray tell, what are you doing here at this hour?"
@tenacquity ( starter! )
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wildskissed · 25 days
I will get to the starters tonight after my shift. I can't wait to write some more! I really have missed you guys a lot.
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datastate · 1 month
just queued a lot of things and my fever is wavering at 40c so i think i sleep now
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