#thank you cynda!!!
leonstamatis · 11 months
Top 5 fic ideas or concepts you are currently rotating in your brain
oh gosh lemme look at the ol’ list!
been thinking about a follow up to a veeery old piper/annabeth pjo fic on my ao3. can’t decide if I wanna go with the original outline of a kind of plotty thing or just go for vibes and nonsense. it’s been about eight years ish so either way it’s not as though anyone is expecting anything, but. i am pondering.
a missing scene from fantasy high: sophomore year about gilear and Sandra Lynn on the van together. they had so much time to talk. how goes it, divorcees?
a birds of prey thing involving a fake marriage and undercover work in suburbia. i’m not sure this one will come to anything but it sparks joy.
binx and andhera from a court of fey and flowers should babysit for the lords of feathers. it would be great. i’m not great at writing kids, but.
a prequel to the blue beetle movie about how the fuck ted ended up with a wife and kid. I don’t have much for this one but i’m rotating it.
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imagineitdearies · 2 months
~ A Flawed Eternity ~
(AKA drabbles set in the Perfect Slaughter universe. 🩵 Special thanks to @themoonatmingitaw for the ko-fi request! 🩵)
In which Astarion and Tyrus use the hot springs.
“I don’t trust the druid,” Astarion declared two weeks after the alliance had been struck.
They were attempting to rest again following one of Tyrus’s tranced memories-turned-panics. He frowned down at Astarion now, hand pausing in the midst of playing with those silvery curls. “What’s happened?”
“Oh nothing—yet. But all his blathering on about that forest spirit child, waylaying our mission with superstition . . . more distressing, I couldn’t see past his gigantic hairy arse during that surprise attack,” Astarion grumbled.
Tyrus relaxed a bit. “You don’t like him,” he translated.
“I like his dedication to your sister—those arms are nice to look at on occasion—but outside that?” Astarion huffed. “His prying ‘helpfulness’ certainly wears on the nerves.”
Tyrus sat up a bit, nodding at the nearby spring. “Would a soak help calm them?”
Astarion narrowed his eyes up at him. “Have you tranced a full four hours yet?”
“. . . maybe this could help me trance easier, too,” Tyrus shrugged in lieu of an answer.
“Give you a handful more memories to choose from, at least,” Astarion sighed.
They both still struggled to rest, Tyrus especially. It felt worse falling into a terrible memory these days—like his freedom was being stolen over and over again.
Quiet moments like these felt much more restful.
Later, while leaning back against Tyrus’s chest in the bubbling little pool, Astarion murmured, “Halsin gave me a pat on the back, after we flank-killed the last cultist. And, well, you know—of course I reacted a bit,” he said with an annoyed sniff. “But he couldn’t just leave it alone after. Had to apologize over and over; even approached me today and offered himself if I needed a ‘neutral outsider to talk to about anything.’”
Tyrus contemplated this for a moment. “Might that not be . . . potentially beneficial?”
Astarion sat up from his recline to turn and face him. “What I need is to be strong right now, love,” he said, reaching to cup Tyrus’s cheek with his brows pulled low over his eyes. “I need to keep you safe. I need to stay on high alert, not wallow in pains best left forgotten.”
Can they be forgotten? Tyrus almost asked.
Pain and fear seemed like the only things his mind cared to hold onto, whether vivid or deeply rooted in his subconscious.
But an hour later, after they’d dried off and redressed, the soak seemed to have done its work—Astarion’s irritation melting away into something a bit more vulnerable.
“I . . . well, I told him I’d think about it, actually,” he spoke in a very small, hesitant voice after he’d pulled Tyrus in.
Tyrus offered a small smile up at Astarion and then tucked his head into his partner’s chest.
“I hope you do,” he whispered back.
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bread--quest · 2 years
hi I would like your thoughts on eve mcblase
oh yeah i still have a bunch of those "say the name of a character and i'll tell you a bunch of stuff i just made up about them" asks in my inbox. welp! best time to answer an ask is when you get it, second best time is.....weeks later
eve mcblase hours!!!
-clone. created by...the spies?? the league? not sure. the spies never told eve where she came from and she never asked.
-not a very....good clone. epic cloning attempt fail. came out kind of goopy and not exactly human. human shaped at least but for a while she couldn't even maintain that shape all the time.
-puts up a front of being evil and mean and not caring what other people think most of the time. it's...somewhat effective. almost no one has ever actually been intimidated by her but she's definitely made people not want to be around her! which unfortunately creates this self-fulfilling prophecy of "people don't like me -> pretend i don't care and be evil -> this makes people not like me -> continue acting like i don't care". :(
-however!! if she is in a place or with someone where she doesn't feel like she has to put on that front, eve is actually very enthusiastic and bubbly (although she'd probably resent being called bubbly). very much like that tumblr post that's like "ehehe!!! i giggle and kick my legs while thinking of violence" and "girl writing in her diary with a pink glitter gel pen but she's just writing 'violence and killing and killing and violence' over and over again". but like the violence is cartoon violence? filled with joyous whimsy even if the joyous whimsy is mostly about explosions
-peridot stevenuniverse energy. like a lot.
-did Not like being on the spies. doesn't really like to think about her time on the spies at all. doesn't hold a grudge against any of the players (anymore), but still gets twitchy even if they're just going to houston for an away game
-not really sure what evelton the original thought of her. thinks of her? she never really talked to him. tried to avoid it as much as she could, actually. only kind of regrets it now
-loved the mechanics, a lot. made friends, built all sorts of rube goldberg contraptions, became wanted for numerous counts of osha violation, felt wanted for the first time in maybe her whole life. (aside from being wanted for the crimes. that's a different thing.) however at the end of season 17 the mechanics had the worst record in the league and eve felt like she was dragging them down and she didn't want to do that. so she left.
-while on the lift evelton mcblase ii got swept elsewhere for i think the first time ever? except for one incident where she returned in the same game. anyway they were swept and flipped negative and during their time Elsewhere they had a lot of time to think. and the thought they emerged with was "hmm. what if i was a girl."
-(it is important to Me Personally that eve is like "yeah i was a boy at one point but maybe not really and then later i was a girl". however she is very insistent that gender aside she has never been evelton mcblase)
-the mills are the first team since the mechanics that she stays with for multiple seasons :,) they are important to her because they make her deal with the consequences of her actions but also make it clear that those consequences will not be "we stop wanting you around". if you put eels in the hudson river we will force you to learn about the ecosystem of the hudson river and work to correct the damage you have done but you will still have a room in the apartment and we will still want you to be here. excuse me i made myself cat crying emoji
-likes brecken broken ridge a lot, is taking surprisingly well to being a theater kid. has complicated feelings about there now being no evelton mcblase around for anyone to compare her to. she got her wish: she's just eve, and there's no other her. and that's...good, right?
-final and most important thing: during her time on the mills eve regularly goes down to wall street and does this. with the voice and everything
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lighthouselesbian · 2 years
probably going to cull a lot of the willow followers i got in the last month or so relatively soon. not yet though just till i stop willowposting. which might be never given the double renewal. i suppose we will see.
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cryinginblaseball · 1 year
Goodbye Blaseball
I don’t think I’m being dramatic when I say Blaseball changed my life. I had been a bad place in July 2020. I wasn’t writing anymore, something I had been trying to make a career out of. Then I joined this silly game — there were players like Oliver Notarobot and Eugenia Garbage — and I knew I was in the right place.
What I got out of Blaseball was the best community I’ve ever been a part of. I have said this a hundred times before, but I’m constantly in awe of the community and what they can do — there’s been so much writing and art and music and software projects and all of it is amazing. The community pushed me to try to do better. My art got better and I started writing again — as of this time, I have 24 pieces on AO3, including a collaborative AU with my blesties, Cynda and Kit. I learned how to write faster, my writing matured, and I learned that perfect is the enemy of good.
I made friends, who’ve been an absolute joy and absolute gifts, and I feel lucky to have found them. My team, the Canada Moist Talkers, have been the best team, and I have so many memories hanging out in chat:
celebrating every Garbage Day when Eugenia got a hit
when we somehow managed to get PolkaDot Patterson
who because one of the core members of the team
losing Richmond and then Hobbs in the same season
resurrecting Jaylen and experiencing the Consequences
Ruby Tuesday
Day X
and into Expansion:
Foul ball: 0-2.
I remember getting to work and finding out York Silk was gone
watching us win the Season 14 championships on my grandmother’s couch winning For York, the chat going supersonic
Dot getting alted and the emergence coming together of the Talkers and the Mechs to fix it
Manifest Pressure
You Hate It Here
and hey talkers.
I will never forget Valhalifax and Jasper Coven, my Blaseball son.
I cannot describe these events without sounding unhinged. These events are burned into my brain.
Someone’s brought this up already, but The Garage’s “Everyone That’s Left” has been hitting differently today, specifically:
I want you to feel joyous I want you to feel okay I want you to wake up tomorrow and fight another day
I want you to look back and see how far that we’ve all came I want you to remember them And carry on their name
(God, remember hearing “Everyone That’s Left” at the end of Discipline, after “Godspeed (Revised)”, when the Hallstars are all released and gone, and the melody of “Eyes in the Dark” started playing, and it sounded so triumphant and spirited and new?)
This isn’t the end. Blaseball will live as long as we keep it alive. There will still be stories to tell, there’s still art to make.
Oh, as far as I’m concerned, all of the players — the redacted players, the staticed players, the ones returned to the Hall, the buried players and the players on a quest, the players on current rosters, the season 24 teams, the prehistory players, and everyone left in the Blackhole (Blackhole) are all Released. Everyone gets to go home. Everyone gets to rest.
Goodbye, Blaseball. Thank you for being a turning point in my life. Thank you for making me better. Thank you for the community and the friends. The commissioner did a great job. I am all love you.
And finally, Be Gross, Be Kind.
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keclan · 10 months
tagged by @cynda-queer and the boy was specifically requested :)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
left art by @spindlewit, right art by @kirnet
Name: Osric Viari
Nickname: No nickname to speak of. Despite being hunted by his former colleagues, it never occurred to him to change his name or move. If you call him Ric, he might kill you.
Gender: cis man
Star Sign: hold on i have to google these. on cursory read, Capricorn
Height: 6’5”
Orientation: bisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Osric was born and raised in Baldur’s Gate. Lived there his whole life. Died there too once.
Favorite Fruit: Orange. There’s something calming and methodical about tearing them apart with your hands.
Favorite Season: Winter. Everything slows down. People stay inside. When the cold stings his face, he remembers fighting alongside the Frozen Prince, driving demons into the light of the Companion. Most of his memories of those battles are good ones. Most.
Favorite Flower: Blue bells, no special reason just thinks they’re understated and beautiful.
Favorite Scent: Coffee, whiskey (Gifts for Him type scents). Dirt, the fresh scent of earth. Petrichor. Blood, not to sound macabre, but there’s an invigorating tanginess to it.
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Coffee. Sometimes tea, but never hot chocolate. It’s too sweet and upsets his stomach.
Average Hours of Sleep: 4. It’s usually the most he can manage before feeling like he needs to be up and doing something. It’s not that he tosses and turns or has nightmares (except recently) but he knows his body. He sleeps for a few hours peacefully and when his body says it’s time to be up, there’s no use arguing.
Dogs or Cats: He likes both, but generally prefers cats. They tend to be more independent and require far less attention than dogs.
Dream Trip: He doesn’t think outside the walls of Baldur’s Gate. When he was younger, he wanted to go into Elturel, rather than just fighting the demons outside the city, but he never did and hasn’t thought about it in years.
Number of Blankets: One. Any more than that and he’ll feel weighed down. He needs to feel like he can get up at a moment’s notice, but not so much so that he would deprive himself the basics.
Random Fact: Osric has a younger brother that he practically raised and loves more than anything in the world, but they’ve been estranged for something like 15 years.
Tagging: @spindlewit and @kirnet (thank you both for the art!) @aprobleminthegarden @mistninja @messianicfigure @nsewell @carnationinstantbutch @smeegamae @nauti-ca and anyone else who wants, no pressure obviously 💕
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full---ofstarlight · 10 months
tagged by @sun-marie for this "people you'd like to know better" tag game! ty for the tag :3c
resisting the urge to fill this with my oc x canon ships, sO:
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist I recently finished a book where within the first few chapters, I looked up on the subway and put the book down and squinted, thinking to myself wait. Is this Royai fanfic? Turns out, it probably was! The author posted about finishing the manga back in 2019, the book came out in 2022 (I think) and was billed as Fullmetal Alchemist meets (Something I can’t remember). Anyway, Royai has my entire heart, because if there’s one trope that has a stronghold on me it is Dedicated Leader with a Mission x Their Unflinchingly Loyal Second-in-Command Who Will Literally Follow Them Into Hell. The mission comes first! They cannot admit their love to each other! They’re also childhood acquaintances????? An apprentice x master’s daughter????????? And atoning for war crimes?????????????????? AHhHHHHHhHHhHHHHHHHHHHHH. 
Haymitch Abernathy x Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games: Listen. Listen. I’m rereading the series now and apparently what happens when you read them ten years later is that instead of having a big crush on Finnick and shipping Finnick x Annie, you notice that Haymitch is a fantastic smart, snarky, tortured character and Effie is way more resilient and clever than she lets herself on to be and IDK I JUST. Must resist the urge to write the events of the Main Trilogy, but oops Haymitch and Effie were secretly hooking up the whole time. I have stuff to do. I have other fic to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leorio x Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter: At any given moment, they are constantly in the back of my mind. I have my bad HxH brainworms from 2021 to thank for getting me back into fic and tumblr fandom and I just pulled a 35K fic outta my ass in 2021 somehow and even though I'm not writing for them much anymore, I love them with my whole damn heart and I can summon that love with a snap of my fingers.
I had to watch a movie for work last week that is out this week and I really wanted to like it but it disappointed me SO MUCH. :’( 
I’m kicking off Season three of The Legend of Korra! I finally at long last watched ATLA this year (I KNOW I KNOW), and now I’m working my way through Korra. I’m also watching Spice and Wolf and the new seasons of JJK and Spy x Family. 
I am rereading the Hunger Games trilogy! I also checked out three new books from the library and I'm torn on which one I should bring on Thanksgiving vacation (it's an Agatha Christie, a dark contemporary fantasy, and a witchy rom-com). Might go with the Christie since it is the Lightest (like, physically).
Chunky Monkey Ice Cream <3 (I have a pint in the fridge that my husband specifically got just for me since he's allergic to banana)
Ibuprofen for my sore shoulder :(
Coral Island
A vacation that doesn't involve traveling to two different large Thanksgiving celebrations
A massage for said sore shoulder
A cup of tea (this one, at least, can easily be fixed)
taggingggg @theladysarmor @kelofmindelan @maryxoliver @rowingtherubicon @cynda-queer @gwaindrifter @birbycakes @n7viper @gwynbleidd and uhhh anyone who wants to do this!!!!! i will read your thing!
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lenkagamine133 · 10 months
People You’d Like to Know Better” Tag Game
Tagged by @cynda-queer
Thank you for the tag! It's been a minute since doing one of these but have missed it!
Oh gods, I haven't really actively shipped anything in a while. This question used to be "fuck, too many options" to "fuck, what are my ships now?!?!"
I'm getting back into reading, anime and ect so hopefully be back to that soon. But these are the three that came to mind.
Aladarius - Darius and Alador.
I will already forever be upset that we never got to explore the Coven Heads more, especially their past and especially Darius. Other than Raine, he's my favorite and Alador need someone that's not his ex wife. I think they compliment each other nicely and would have loved to see something more in the show beyond that tiny interaction and Darius blush. Also need Alador to call Darius out for talking shit about his abominations earlier in the series.
Harlivy - Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy
I can do an entire PowerPoint presentation in detail and extra slides on Harley. Mix Poison Ivy in and their own relationship, it'll never end. Harley's DC show is not helping because they are both great on their own and make the effort for their relationship.
Percabeth - Percy and Annabeth.
Rereading the series and getting into the next one just kinda rekindled my love for that ship.
Last Film:
The Greatest Showman
Had dinner with my dad, siblings and nephew the other night and my nephew picked out the movie. I haven't actually watched it before. He really enjoys it so that's what we picked.
Currently Watching:
My cat, I think he's also autistic because neither of us can make eye contact.
As far as shows and movies: SpyXFamily season 2 and hopefully soon JJK season 2.
I believe I'm caught up on everything else I was watching or just don't have access to. Though after posting this will probably try and find something to watch till sleep time.
Currently Reading:
The Lost Hero by Rick Rioden
In Aug. of last year I gave myself a reading goal to reread the Percy Jackson series before the TV show released. I finished all five in little less than a year, after not reading in general for years, and now seeing how far I get before the show starts.
Currently Consuming:
Nothing! Which is bad because I haven't really eaten today. Just some Mac& Cheese since last night.
Currently Craving:
Physical affection, always. Well most of the time.
Actually not really, it's just cold and I do have someone that I've been spending a lot of time with and talking to but he's sleeping (or at least should be!) and has to be up in about 3hrs for work. My cat just laid down with me so that makes up for it I guess.
@freshwater--mermaid @roctaku331 @guinevereslancelot
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polkadotpatterson · 1 year
For the favorite fics, I would say one BUT SOMEONE HASN'T POSTED THEIR SUPER SECRET GRAND SIESTA FIC YET **CYNDA**. But there's scene in it that knocked me out of my chair and I think about it all the time. You know which one.
Also, very biased, but Snowglobe
AND Alto Solo. Dot and Alto finding an understanding is so lovely.
thank you blestie <3 one day I will properly polish that fic and post it and then knock everyone else out of their chairs too
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starshipviolet · 2 years
hello. some music asks: 30, 5, 11
hello!! thanks those are good ones!
cynda also asked about 5 so i’ll copy and paste
5 (A song that needs to be played LOUD): I don’t really play my songs that loud because sensory issues but the first Destroy Boys song I listened to and liked because it felt so cathartic and I was coming to the end of my rope at the end of a roadtrip with my family was I Threw Glass… (part that I would want to cw for but that’s hard on tumblr)…And Now I’m On Probation. Also I’m Gonna Tell My Therapist On You by Pinkshift has similar vibes for me and is so good. Oh wait also definitely She’s A Gun by The Greeting Committee, I love that one so much. Sorry, bad at keeping these short!
11: A song that you never get tired of: I think Better Go by Mal Blum. Spotify always recommends it in my radios and I barely ever skip it because it’s great and it was my top song on wrapped this year. I tend to get really fixated on specific songs and play them a lot so I end up getting tired of a lot of good songs though.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself: Rly Don’t Care by Chole Moriondo because it starts “Think I’m gonna shave my head soon/Don’t think anyone will be surprised” which was just very accurate for me at the time. (Now that I think of it, the same thing kinda happened with her song Bugbear which is about academic burnout and I got into it during online learning, so.)
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transxfiles · 4 years
Heyo I saw your post about the Lumberjanes cartoon and do you mind telling me which character is ace? I completely missed it when I read the comics. Also the fact that they talk about boundaries is amazing because holy crap people need to do that
Hi! Diane from the Zodiac cabin is ace - in issue 68 of the comics Hes tells Diane she has a crush on her, and Diane says “I like you too, but I don’t have any interest in kissing or junk like that,” and then explains that she’s never been interested in that sort of intimacy with anyone, but confirms that she still loves Hes “romantic-style” and “more than [she’s] ever liked anyone” (pages 20-21 of the comic). She and Hes then spend the last four panels of the comic cuddling. Like most Lumberjanes LGBT+ rep, the word ‘ace’ is never actually used. This is common in the comic, as it tends to describe or show different LGBT+ genders and orientations as opposed to directly naming them, mostly because the comic is aimed at kids and is subtle in its rep so that parents are more likely to let their kids read it; for example, Jo never outright says that she’s trans, but throughout the comics and books we learn that she chose her own name, we see pictures of her from when she was younger (most likely pre-transition) and presented masculinely, and she helps another trans character through their journey. This might be why you missed it! 
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leonstamatis · 5 months
I would like to hear about comets
this is a life series au i have been kind of picking at mentally. not much written yet? but here’s a snippet:
Joel and Lizzie go missing on a Tuesday, when the sun is shining overhead and everything feels bright and safe.
Jimmy barely even notices at first; he’s busy wandering, looking for some dark oak or maybe mushrooms for soup. But when he gets back to their little camp, he finds it empty. a campfire sits, unlit and half-assembled, between a handful of unorganized chests and a pile of sticks.
“You guys?” he calls. “This isn’t very funny! Where’d you go?”
No one answers. Eventually, a bird caws; the sudden sound makes Jimmy flinch, then he rolls his eyes at himself. Jumpy. He’s got no reason to be scared.
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imagineitdearies · 3 months
Hello! Just finished PS. I cannot praise you enough. Its easily the best thing ive read this year, and my resolution was to read multiple books a month. You surpass ALL OF THEM!
Saw ur authors note at the end abt an original queer vamp novel- is there anymore info yet? Im sure you've got ppl begging already but id truly love to beta when the time comes- or be first in line to preorder.
I feel like i read this at exactly the right time of my life.
The story was so painful yet rewarding bc i see so much of myself in Tyrus. Astarion and Tyrus truly feel like two different exstensions of my healing self. I wont go into it, but im a survivor to. Like tyrus, it happened when i was a young. Seeing his transformation throughout his decade of enslavement, his hatred towards himslef and the world, all bc of one man hit home. I kept telling myself that if it didnt have a happy ending id have to burn my phone or smthn lol. Seeing Astarion amd Tyrus not just defeat Cazador, but do it together, do it solely through their love of one another, broke me. The power of love, hope, and goodness. I havent cried over a fanfic since middle school. Im in my 20s now. I adored the final 2 chapters of the aftermath- im so grateful we got to meet his sister! And with Halsin, no less!
Im so thrilled you'll be adding oneshots and other stories to the universe. Tyrus is so real, so alive, id hate to see him contained in one story.
I love how Tyrus, ultimately, changeed. He didnt change into a monster like he feared, but what happened to him did changed him. Thats not a bad thing, tho. He's still Tyrus, simply a new version. And im still me, simply a new version.
I dont know if ill ever be able to reread, even skimming over the rougher parts was hard, but im so grateful i was able to see Tyrus and Astarion's journey. All of their triumphs felt like mine, all of their failures. Their never wavering love and trust in one another, that they understood it was Cazador that made them do those bad things. Ur right, pain and love must be intertwined, which is why this fic was so amazing. The highs would have never felt so spectaular without the lowest of lows.
Im rambling, i apologize. I do hope you read this, even if you dont respond. I hope my thanks and praise can give u something in return for what you've given me.
If you've made it this far, have you made any content on ur process? Ur planning? The flow was amazing, ur description, the flashbacks- did you go to school for writing? As a writer myself im almsot jealous at ur talent- but mostly curious :) id love to know anything you're willing to share.
Again, thank you. This was a gift, you know. I wont forget it.
Hi turtleurtle!! Great to see you over here, thank you so much for your kind words 🩵🩵 it means a lot any time I hear people enjoyed PS as much/more than published fiction!!
Speaking of, yes, since you ask I do have a little more to say now on my original story. I took a small writing break for a week or so but have now jumped back into the saddle for the next adventure! Lots of plotting, character creation, worldbuilding, and research happening right now.
Reuben, our first main POV, is almost fully fleshed out as a character and I’m so excited for you all to meet him (he’s an eloquence bard, for starters)!! The first book/part is almost fully outlined and I’ve written the first few pages. I’m really starting to get inspired by where the storyline is going.
Back to PS though—I’m so glad you felt seen with Tyrus’s character. He did inevitably change, but by the end he is (mostly) at peace with that and can still forge a good life and happy relationships. Meeting Cynda again was that last little piece of hope he needed to believe it 🥹
Haha the light does always seem brighter when you’re stuck in pitch darkness! On the other hand, it’s something Tyrus only thinks once, but I would argue love is not intertwined with pain more than anything else. Pain is just an inevitability. No matter what you do, you will experience discomfort, sorrow, loss, physical suffering (see Cazador, with absolutely zero love in his life). While love is not inevitable, it’s a choice. Love is a gift we choose to give and to receive in the midst of inevitable suffering and that is why it is so precious. Having that perspective has really helped me heal and have more hope for the future 🩵
Haha never apologize for rambling about PS! This thing has consumed my soul for the last 8 months so I love the chance to hear from/converse with people especially now that the full story is posted and all is revealed. Honestly wish I could sit down with you all and just discuss everything!! But seriously thank you for this message.
As for my writing, here’s a few writing advice asks I've answered, but i haven’t gotten too in-depth on my chaotic process yet. I will say long walks talking to myself, bullet lists, and brackets are my personal recipe for success (besides just writing for years and years) 😂 I did take a lot of classes in school too! If people have specific questions, I’m happy to give my best go at an answer.
Thanks so much 🥰
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bread--quest · 2 years
21 and 22!
21. a fic about a little-known player
i don't really know what counts as "little-known" but i think you should read! in space no one can burn your life down to a smoking ruin by @burningcrab who is a fantastic writer as well as one of the best titleists(?) i've ever known. this one is about wanda schenn and chicago and ohio and OOOOH the sentient locations are FIGHTIIIING also SPAAACE AAAAA. you know that meme with the astronauts in space and "it's all ohio? always has been"? what if that but it was really fucked up and also sad. woah. i'm not doing this fic justice but please go read it
22. the fic i’m proudest of (if i’m a writer)
HMMMM this is a tricky one because i like. genuinely i think i get a little better at writing with every fic i write!! ...which also means i tend to think all my older stuff is . not so good. but i will say i'm exceptionally proud of ashes to ashes, we all fall down just because it's so weird, and i had so much fun making it so extremely weird. getting to play with language and vagueness in this one was really freeing for me, and now i incorporate that kind of poetic prose into my fics more regularly, so--that was a big thing for me!!
(p.s. its about cote loveless and haunting. im into haunting. happy october! oooo)
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lighthouselesbian · 2 years
all the comments people left on my fic have been so fucking nice im gonna cry wtf !!!!!!!!
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cryinginblaseball · 2 years
top 5 fics you have bookmarked on ao3
Okay so I don't read as much fic as I should, and I don't really stray outside of Talkers stuff, but I think this list is really solid (in no order):
Snowglobe by cyndakip -- I'm biased on this one because of a couple of reasons: it's about Valhalifax, and it's about my Blaseball son, Jasper Coven. Cynda is a wonderful writer, and really captured Jasper and the Valhalifax team, and it was a really nice gift ;-; (On a weird note, I don't have a lot of Cynda's fics bookmarked?? I think I forget I can do that sometimes)
we built this city on rock and roll by mossy_kit -- More Valhalifax, this time with our ancient god, Saturday Elder, and his follower, Jan Via, who refused to stop believing in him. I love these two, there's so much love between them, and showing Valhalifax grow to this place where people come when they are looking for something is just so good!
future artifacts by bloodsweatspit -- bloodsweatspit wrote Ziwa Mueller like no one else, really understanding the mess that was our captain. Starting with Jaylen being resurrected, Ziwa makes a series of bad decisions and does a lot of poorly thought out things. There's a lot of Trauma here, but it's a great journey, and I still remember so many scenes from this one. Do not miss this fic.
Chorby Short's Delivery Service by marquis -- I love a story about someone who's lost being found. (I also love Kiki's Delivery Service, so this works out!) This story is so nice, and I love Chorby in this so much. A nice, soft story.
Mystery Presents by Awesome_Sauce432 -- Speaking of messes, poor Passenger is handling Nagomi Nava not being around badly, and someone (it's Eugenia) is leaving it presents to help it feel better. I wasn't really familiar with Passenger, so this was a treat, and Olive writes Eugenia Garbage (my beloved) so well! This is a very sweet story, and I hope they become good friends.
Thanks for the ask!
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