#thank you darling!!
senditcolton · 3 months
🏜️ 🐇 🍄 🐝
- @comphy-and-cozy
writer truth and dare ask game!!
🏜️: what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
any, haha! but in reality, i love when i get the "i don't even go here" comments because it means that my writing was enough to at least convince you to read a story about someone that you don't regularly seek out. it's pretty cool to me!
🐇: do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
i used to be reader insert only because i often get too caught up in world-building with OC fics that i don't actually write the plot. but i've really enjoyed OC's because there is just so much more that you can fit in so nowadays, it's both! [although i still occasionally get caught up in world building ]
🍄: share a head canon for one of your favorite ships or pairings
we'll go with Abigail and Matt for this ask (because I'm also very excited to get back to them come May). i love thinking that for their wedding, they have a little bit of an argument on what to do for their first dance. Matt would love to learn some choreography, maybe even a lift or something, because Abby's a dancer and that is such an important part of her that he wants to 'honor' it. however, Abigail doesn't want to do any choreography because she is a dancer. she already has to memorize multiple dances for her job so for their wedding, she would like to relax and not worry about steps. (they compromise on learning the waltz box step so they are doing more than swaying + an easy romantic dip for the ending pose)
🐝: tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
oh there is so many of them!! and for that reason we'll stick this under a read more!
@texanstarslove one of the first people i followed thinking "oh my god they are so much cooler than me" but now someone i consider a great friend!! best person to scream about Tyler Seguin with - for both fluff and smut reasons.
@fallinallincurls a winter fic exchange connected us and i couldn't be more thankful!! always reblogs my writing and adds the sweetest comments!! so superbly supportive!
@comphy-and-cozy C, you know you're in here! best person to send depraved thoughts to because you'll hit me with even more depravity (and we all need someone like that). also, just amazingly gifted at creating worlds and universes that i get completely entranced in!
@smileysvech insanely talented human who has been responsible for planting the coolest fic ideas in my head with her moodboards. Prince Andrei would probably not exist without you!
@wyattjohnston backbone of hockeyblr, i swear! amazing writer, amazing person, and the person that brings so many people together and encourages so much content making & sharing with her fic exchanges!
@laurenairay umm, sunshine incarnate!! one of the most active people in messages and askboxes for no other reason than to spread cheer and well wishes! sweetest bean in the bunch!!
i'm sure i'm missing some amazing peeps but that doesn't mean that i love them any less! there's is an abundance of love to share here at senditcolton!! 🤍🤍🤍
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blindmagdalena · 7 months
writer asks: 💫💝💌
first one answered here!
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
oh, absolutely Make This Heart a Home. the response to this fic has absolutely blown me away. I wrote it on such a whim, but it really resonated!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I finally got an idea for my vampire!homelander x reader fic that I'm very excited about. it's supremely self indulgent. the title is 'The Drug In Me Is You.' the premise is fairly simple, so here's a little preview!
Setting the drinks down on the nightstand, he sits down next to you on the edge of the bed. He touches your bare shoulder; the heat of you compared to the chill of his fingers nearly burns. He drags his touch down your arm, pulling the blankets down as he does, revealing your bare figure bit by bit. Your skin is adorned beautifully with the history of your night. You bruise easily for a supe. Your blood just loves to rush to the surface for him, vessels full and bursting under his grip. The memory of inflicting these marks is so intoxicating he can’t help but lean down and drag his tongue over one of the bruises that mottle your pretty skin. Under his tongue, you feel like ripe fruit yearning to be bitten into. That finally causes you to stir. He sits straight and watches you wake, a predatory tilt to his smile. The smell of you alone is washing away the stress and stink of his day, and the promise of what’s to come is enough to rouse even his lifeless blackened heart, among other things. “Evening, buttercup,” he purrs, sliding the blanket further down so that he can admire the mixture of new and faded puncture marks that dot your body in matching pairs, trailing down from your throat to the curve of your breasts, your hips, your thighs. Fuck, you’re beautiful.
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bubblespalace · 5 days
Hellooo!! Hru? I’ve read your blog and thought that your writing is very well done and the characters are very accurate to the ones presented in the games and other sources of media. Well, I just wanted to ask you for this interaction with the Sakamaki and Mukami boys meeting a girl ask them why do they act the way they act, if the girl is 15 even better (totally not a self insert). It’s just cause it’s something I wonder about day and night, not for the reasons of course, but for their reactions after someone innocently calls them out on their views. No hate, just curiosity!!! Lots of love from Portugal!!! ❤️🇵🇹
Btw sorry for my English, it’s not my first language!!
Bubble: Hello, love 💗! I am doing great and I hope you are too! And thank you very, very much, I try my very best! What I'm understanding is basically a younger girl asking them why they act the way they do, if you didn't mean this, just ask again, I don't mind 💕. Sending love back. I hope you enjoy this answer! Under the cut, since it's both families.
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"Huh? How bothersome of you to ask. You shouldn't be curious, it's not going to do you much good to go into others business."
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"It is of none of your concern why I am the way I am. But maybe if you would use your mind to actually think, you would be able to inference."
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"You don't have any right to ask ore-sama that, chichinashi!"
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"Well, unless you're asking why I'm the best at everything. I'm good because my name is Ayato-sama!"
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"Huh? Teddy? Should we tell her? It's none of her business... But do you think our prey deserves an explanation? ...Right. Well then, I guess I can tell you some. But that is all. And you will never bring it up again."
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"I don't like talking about the past, Bitch-chan. It's not... a favorite subject of mine."
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"Maybe we could talk about something different~? Or possibly, do something instead~?"
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"Why the hell do you want to know? It's not like it's gonna change anything. Just... go, okay. You don't need to know how I became such a monster."
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"Livestock, I get that you're curious but you should not be so comfortable openly asking me such questions. Never ask me anything about the past again."
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"M-Neko-chan, I would hold that tongue of yours... I think you know though. You've seen me during my nightmares of course. Why ask when you know?"
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"I'll be honest Sow, I don't remember much of the past. Everythings kinda a huge blur. But whatever! It's not like I'm as bad as those frickin Sakamaki idiots."
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"Eve... wants to know why I like pain...? Well Eve... other kids would do anything to help me feel... alive... Can I... help you too?"
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i know its a really old fic but i just read the viper & the wild thing after watching s4 for the first time and being absolutely heARTBROKEN over oberyn so i wanted to come on here and let you know how much i loved it!! it was the perfect balance between smut and hurt/comfort <3
do you still write oberyn or is there any chance youll continue this at some point? no worries if not ofc <3
Hellooo to you, too! :) I hope you are having a great day (or night!) and that you're doing well!! Thank you so much for sending this - it made me smile!!
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I am SO HAPPY to hear that you enjoyed The Viper & the Wild Thing!! I am in love with Oberyn Martell and always have been and always will be and his canon ending is absolutely soul crushing, so there will be none of that on this blog. This blog is for letting him live his best life, and I'm glad you found it after your heartbreak and that it helped. <3
Good news! TV&TWT is actually not a really old fic , and I definitely will be continuing it! I haven't updated it super recently, but its in no way shape or form done or discontinued. Since it's not a chaptered series, the updates are sporadic and usually come from a prompt or ask or just random inspiration. I have a few more installments that I know I want to write for that pairing (+ Ellaria) but I'm always open to suggestions or requests for it, too!
I am also currently co-writing an Oberyn Martell Vampire AU Series called Aphelion with @something-tofightfor which has been a lot of fun to work on together. It took an unintentional break for a while, but the next installment is about 3/4 of the way done so it will be coming back very soon! And I am REALLY excited about that!!
Thank you again for dropping in with this message and for reading and being so kind and lovely.
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keithsandwich · 8 months
13 15 16 19 ❤️
Thank you, Michelle! ❤️❤️❤️
[OC Ask Game]
13. Do they enjoy poetry?
She enjoys poetry, although she's not as much of a bookworm as Emma. Maeve truly prefers poetry readings and watching bards perform.
15. What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
Answered here.
16. Do they have or want kids?
ABSOLUTELY SHE DOES WANT KIDS. She and Keith are filling that palace with little princes and princesses and proving that Jade is indeed the land of fertility and life.
19. How easy is it to become their friend?
Answered here.
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coiled-dragon · 9 months
"jasmine" for the ask game. :)
Random Get-To-Know-Me Asks!
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
Hmm.... I was gonna say 'I cant think of any' because it takes a fair bit to put me off something if I loved it, but I do recall one book that ultimately shifted something in me but that I don't think I can re-read again. 'Impulse' by Ellen Hopkins. Her work is painful and real, and I remember reading the book and crying to my mother after... won't spoil it though, in case anyone wants to read it ♥
Movie wise, I don't know if I will NEVER watch it again, but each time I think about it watching 'Hereditary' again I feel a visceral jerk inside. It's great, amazing even, but it strikes a nerve that still stings to be touched.
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inklore · 8 months
ur themes always scratch my brain in the nicest way possible
everything you post, the beautiful simple aesthetic of it, always pleases my eyes and fills me with warmth <3
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its-tortle · 11 months
Albums: you signed up for this (idk if someone already asked but I love that album so much) ✨
this has not been asked and omg you are so right to it's a materpiece
you signed up for this by maisie peters:
favorite lyric: there are so so many but "you're the one that got away and you got away with a lot" is super clever and always stands out to me
favorite song: choosing this hurts but i'll go villian
song that makes me cry: tough act, most likely
song that’s a fucking bop: it's gotta be i'm trying (not friends)
least favorite song: maybe hollow? which i know is ironic cause i listed the lyric from it haha
send me an album!!
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way-to-go-lad · 9 months
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Those are breathtaking 😍😍LOVE THEM
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scattered-stardust · 1 year
for your ask game:
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Kim crying, people hugging
I never intend to put them in my fics, but they appear all the time, not that I mind but I should really write a fic where Kim isn't crying for once
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hephaestn · 2 years
Sigh for the WIP game~
He lets out an exasperated sigh as he rests his forehead against the steering wheel.
“He’s dead, Steve. Dead. What could you possibly want to know about him now?” Steve gingerly hits the wheel with his palms. “You stupid, stupid fucking moron.”
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mutatedangels-a · 11 months
Mun ask: 💍 🖊 🎄 
munday asks! // @sympathyforawolf
💍 — any piercings?
NONE, except the standard ear piercings. i was double pierced at one point in 2021 for maybe one week until i had to go to the emergency room bc they were hella inflamed after a plane ride and needed to be taken out. i do want to double pierce my ears again one day, and maybe a nose stud!
🖊 — any tattoos?
none! if i were to get one it'd probably be of a little butterfree from pokemon. but i don't think i'm ever gonna get one. it's just one of those things!
🎄 — favorite holiday(s)?
people say it's the most shallow love language and it probably is, but i love gift-giving, so christmas is definitely top tier for me. i like picking gifts out for people that they've either really wanted for a long time or have mentioned, or it could be something out of the blue that i think they'd really like.
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mister-eames · 2 years
4 and 5 for the wip game! ❤️
Thank you so much my darling Alicia!!!! ❤️
4. Untitled, Arthur/Eames, Sobb, mostly unwritten Ghost!Mal fic
Arthur lays on his side, fast asleep on the sofa. Mal kneels in front of him, heart twinging sympathetically. He appears to be caught deep in a natural dream, eyes moving rapidly under his eyelids, mouth pursed in an unhappy frown. 
“You are a clockwork man, Arthur,” she whispers. “You do not need to be.”
Unable to help herself, Mal cups Arthur’s face, regretful that she could not comfort him like this, before, that she did not know him as well as she could have. He might never say it, might scoff if someone ever dared to, but Arthur, who cares too deeply about everyone else, needs someone to care for him too. Someone to help carry the burden he won’t stop appointing himself to bear. 
At her touch, he curls into himself further, shivering, retreating, and her heart hurts then for a whole other reason. 
Arthur continues to shiver, his fingers twitching against the sofa, his breath forming visibly in the air. A lump forms in her throat. She pulls her hand away. 
It’s at this moment that Eames’ enters the warehouse, gaze instantly falling on Arthur. He pauses in the doorway for a moment, seeming to collect himself before he moves forwards to the sofa. 
Wordlessly, Eames shrugs off his blazer, a taupe affair that Mal can smell the body heat and nicotine from where it hangs inches from her face. She moves out of the way as Eames steps closer and delicately drapes the blazer over Arthur’s form. 
“Like clockwork, you are,” Eames muses, crouching down so his face is level with Arthurs. He hums, thoughtfully tucking the collar up close to Arthurs’ neck, seemingly satisfied when Arthur stops shivering. “What am I to do with you?”
She closes her eyes. When she opens them, she is by Dom in his hotel room. He is on the phone.
 5. Untitled, Arthur/Eames, coin laundry fic (pre-canon, post-canon)
He maintains his silence all the way into the kitchen where Arthur prepares them both a cup of chamomile tea, Eames resting his hip along the kitchen bench as the kettle boils upon the stovetop, hands in his pockets as he scans the room with interest, duffle bag at his feet. 
“Goodness,” Eames says softly.
“It’s just a kitchen,” Arthur shakes his head, retrieving a couple of tea bags. 
“But it’s your kitchen, Arthur,” he shifts towards him. “The decor is not what I expected of you, however.”
Rolling his eyes, Arthur pours the boiling water into the mugs, handing one to his guest. “This is how the house came from the previous owner. My nan bought both the house and the laundry from him,” he watches Eames blow on his tea before taking a sip, suddenly self-conscious about the vintage, floral tea cups they’re drinking out of. 
“I didn’t buy these cups,” he blurts out suddenly, then takes a scalding hot sip of his own tea to shut himself up. 
Eames holds it up to inspect it better, his pinky bent in on itself charmingly where it might otherwise stick out. “I think they’re lovely.”
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shadesofblades · 2 years
🌙 and 🌟
Moon answered here!🌙
🌟GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
Because of Ishgard's frequently cloudy weather, the night sky would be a rare sight for Baatu growing up. When he was able to see it, he didn't think much of it as the lights of the city would block most from view. Leaving Ishgard and traveling southward is when Baatu truly realized just how vast the night sky could be. The first time he saw the millions of stars and galaxies above him he gasped and stared in awe. The night sky reminds Baatu that he is free to go and do as he pleases, that there is enough room in the world as there is in the galaxy. It sparks ambition in him.
One of the first joyous adventures Baatu had with E'mal was stargazing on the beach. He treasures that memory and will always get any opportunity to do that again with him. Since that night brought him so much happiness, Baatu would of course want to share that with his partner Zansei. And maybe one day he will be able to bring his mother down to the beach to watch the stars dance.
The open night sky is a surprisingly common sight for Aoki, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful to him. He has seen the stars from many places throughout his life, and they are always there to stare back at him. Upon the tops of frozen trees, spread out across fields of dry grass, swaying over the ocean with creaking wood. The stars unchanging, they give him a sense of security.
Aoki has memories of times past where he stargazed with others; some more pleasant, some less so. While he might miss some of those people who gave him a gentle smile under the starlight, he would not dare to go back to them. Out of fear, out of pain. Today he stargazes alone... until an armored knight steps up to sit beside him.
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lowlights · 2 years
I got questions!
30 40 48
Hi love!! I got answers.
30. what’s your favorite plant?
Favorite plant (indoor) is a snake plant, favorite plant (outdoor) is a tomato plant because of how the leaves smell, favorite flower is ranunculus.
40. what’s something that immediately makes someone more attractive to you?
Kindness towards others and attentive listening
48. what was the most formative album of your youth?
I was (and still am) a music girlie so there is a lot. I'm gonna go with one that still means a great deal - Make Yourself by Incubus.
Questions bby
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loveyouhomex · 2 years
(4405x here) for the ask game!!! what are ur top3 fav sewis podiums? 💞
Ahh I'm so sorry for only seeing this now! This is such a lovely question though ❤️
So I think my favourite podiums are Malaysia 2015, Turkey 2020 and Budapest 2021! I know that during the Hungarian GP Seb got disqualified but he did stand on that Podium with Lewis and that was the first (and only till now) GP I've ever been to! Turkey 2020 is a no-brainer and kind of self-explanatory ("we're watching you making history" I mean, is there anything more heartwarming??). And Malaysia because I can't stop looking at the pictures of Seb being in heaven bc it's his first win with Ferrari and Lewis just sitting there, admiring him ❤️
So yeah, these are my three favourites! Thank you so much, love 🥰💜
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