#thank you dear <333
leparasite · 6 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3 (no pressure ofc)
shuffle for my beloved tumblr wifey 🥰
Common Sense - Reliks
Children of the Revolution - T. Rex
Four to the Floor - Starsailor
Maybe - Brainstorm
This Love - Craig Armstrong, Elizabeth Fraser
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sherlockig · 2 years
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the-force-awakens · 7 months
for the fic asks: 1, 10 and 28 🫶🏻💓
thank you, El!!! 💜
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Oh now that...is a fantastic and hard question. And one I'm gonna answer with three fics and be a little cheat because technically I write kind of like, three genres of fics that have wildly different audiences (I think).
For primarily canon dynamics, I think an introduction to my fics of the same ilk would be...I waffled here, but probably "are you an angel?" because it focuses so much on Poe, and Poe's dynamic with Leia, and the intertwined familial relationships of the Solos and the Damerons. There's definitely some more shippy fic I like, but this one I think is cute and a good introduction for how I write Poe and Leia, and Poe's dynamics with the Resistance.
Now for reader fics, it's definitely my poe x reader fic, "what it's like when you ain't afraid to fly". I like the characterization in it, and the cozy intimacy of the atmosphere of the fic even if it is technically a fairly suggestive make-out fic.
Annnnnd if you're wanting an introduction on Volya, and her dynamic with Poe...the best fic I think for that would be the one that's part of an ongoing, very convoluted AU @dameronalone and I have for Poe and Volya, where Poe knew a version of Volya years ago, but she left back to her own time, but because the Force is strange and I grew up on Doctor Who -- another version of Volya winds up in Poe's timeline, stuck there, and they have a very long slowburn. Anyway, the fic in question is "my hand was the one you reached for" and takes place the night after tlj. I pick this one specifically for an introduction to Volya because I feel like it best encapsulates everything about her? Her struggles with the Force, her empathic abilities, the push and pull of her relationship with Poe and how much they click but push each other out of their comfort zones, her insecurities, how emotional she can be, and a good sense of her anger as well - which is prominent in every 'verse she's in.
10. How do you decide what to write?
It comes to me in a vision. But like, unironically? Usually an /image/ will pop into my head of the characters and I'll wonder what's happening around it, or I'll get a string of internal dialogue floating around in my head and I'll chase it until it's a full paragraph. It happens either if it's just a plot bunny that pops into my head, or if it's a prompt I'm trying to work on. It's a bit like working on a puzzle for me - if I can find two pieces that connect, then the rest of it comes together fairly easily.
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
Sometimes!! Not always, but definitely a good portion of the time, my partners @dameronalone and @hermitmoss gets to read my fics in google docs. It's been a lot of that here lately, because I've been struggling with some evil Kermit self consciousness about posting so much oc/canon to my ao3...we're getting there tho!
fic writer asks!
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yujeong · 2 months
Earlier I read your post on hoping to see a sex scene between Korn and Fasai so that you could compare their scene to Korn and Tonkla`s sex scenes. Now that we have seen them in my opinion there`s a clear difference. Could you tell more about your thoughts on the differences/similarities in how Korn acts around them and what it tells about these relationships. I have lots of thoughts on those scenes and it would be nice to hear how other people see and interpret these scenes.
OMG a 4 Minutes ask! How nice of you to ask me anon, thank you so much ❤️ So, Korn. What a guy. I'm so happy we got the 2 sex scenes, they give us so much info about Korn's character and what his relationship with both Tonkla and Fasai is. Now, let's start with the similarities, because there's fewer of them: - Korn doesn't initiate the sex on either occasion. Tonkla does by poking at his dick a couple of times and telling him he's "not only good at talking", as well as start kissing him all over his chest during the second round that never happened, and Fasai does by signaling to him he should... well, get on with it lol, - Korn uses nicknames to address both Tonkla and Fasai (I can't hear his words clearly, but I have a feeling he calls him Kla? Maybe that's why the subtitle breaks the name for some reason? - it's Tonkla not Ton Kla lol), meaning both relationships are intimate, - Now, I'm mostly adding this for the lols, but neither Tonkla nor Fasai enjoyed their sexual encounter with Korn. This happens for very different reasons though, which I'll explain later, - This is more of a headcanon than anything, but both relationships are transactional, even if KornTonkla doesn't seem like it is (or even FasaiKorn tbh). On to the important stuff, the differences: - In his relationship with Tonkla, Korn is the one who knows more about things he's not willing to share with him (mainly, his new shady job, though I'm sure there could be more down the line), while with Fasai, Korn is the one who's in the dark, - Korn is the one who controls everything that happens during his time with Tonkla (putting on the condom despite being asked not to + making Tonkla come, even though he was "fine not coming"), while Fasai is the one who's in complete control of the encounter with Korn, - Generally, the relationship between Korn and Tonkla seems to revolve around what Korn wants (what he wants to share, his pleasure, his schedule, his money), while the relationship between Korn and Fasai is completely controlled by her and her alone, - Since it's about Korn's pleasure, Tonkla doesn't get to enjoy the sex they have (it's over too quickly for him to come and he feels self-conscious when Korn asks him if he did + telling him he shouldn't bother helping him). The scene is very cleverly shot in a way that this isn't obvious, but I believe a re-watch and the second episode's context might help the audience see it more clearly. On the other hand, Fasai doesn't seem to be enjoying Korn eating her out, because that's not the point of the scene. It's all about power and control. She doesn't seek pleasure from Korn, she seeks his submission, - And now comes the point about both relationships being transactional: the difference, again, is about who the relationship benefits. With Tonkla, it's all about Korn - he gives him money and glimpses of affection and some of his time, for Tonkla to give back his unwavering love and... well, his body. I might seem harsh with this, but those are the vibes the scene gave me and judging by how he talked to him in ep2, I don't think I'm that far off. However, Fasai wants Korn's submission as I said, for which she helps him run his new business in return. It wasn't clear if Fasai is meant to be Korn's girlfriend or not with what little we've gotten, but I'm willing to believe that's the case - Tonkla knows about Fasai, he didn't seem surprised when Korn mentioned her to his father, so she could be what he passes as an official relationship while having Tonkla on the side, - Oh, very important detail which I shall not forget to mention: Korn wants to have sex with Tonkla, while his scene with Fasai suggested he's not doing this willingly. I'd say he's either coerced into submitting to her or it's just... work to him. Either way, key difference to the two scenes so I had to say it. I think that's all I have for now. I am deeply fascinated by all three characters and I can't wait to learn more about them ❤️ I'm sure Sammon will give us many treats involving their storylines.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 21 hours
I'd like to request some arsonist Neil/firefighter Andrew, I missed last wipw and also them
Happy belated birthday and have a good week <3
WIP Wednesday (9/18) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 237)
When Andrew rings him back, his first words are, “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Thought you said that was me.”
“...It’s still dumb.”
"It's original.” Neil argues. “I've never seen anything like it. And it's lifelike! It genuinely looks like a couple of you guys fighting a fire. Very neat."
"Neat perhaps, but they're missing the sneaky little arsonist slinking away to his car."
"What should I do, knock and tell them they forgot me?" Neil asks, earning a laugh that turns into a yawn. He imagines that scenario wouldn't exactly do wonders for his already problematic social anxiety. But it would be hilarious.
"Yes, you definitely should. The scene is not complete," Andrew says matter-of-factly. "Not lifelike at all without the cute little arsonist."
Neil pumps the brake much harder than he means to, the car lurches back and forth, and he very nearly bangs his head into the steering wheel. After all this time, he assumed he was more rigid than a crash dummy. But apparently not. Neil rubs his ear and wonders if Andrew really said that or if he's hearing things. After waiting for a couple of minutes, Neil decides Andrew isn't going to take it back and that has him a bit flustered. He doesn't remember if anyone's ever called him cute before.
He can't recall whether Andrew's ever said anything similar to him. He doesn't think so. He'd remember it, wouldn't he? Neil thinks for a second. He vaguely recalls Andrew asking whether arson was somehow about sex and Neil had denied it saying he didn't have any sexual desires, unmet or otherwise. But... He never asked Andrew whether he was into men or women. He never felt the need to, since he wasn't interested. But... He thinks he may be interested now. Neil considers asking him then he hears something like a snore from the other end.
"Are you asleep?" Neil asks, making Andrew's breathing hitch into the receiver.
"Huh? No, shut up." The firefighter answers. Neil allows himself a laugh and decides to ignore the ‘cute’ thing.
"Hey, you know... It's late. And you have work tomorrow."
"I'm aware."
"Then go to bed."
"I'm in bed." Andrew claims. Neil hears a sort of rustling sound that could be a blanket. But he can't see him. (Goddamn, he has to get a smartphone. As soon as possible.)
"Then go to sleep."
"Fine, if you insist." Andrew says. "Goodnight, firebug."
"Night, Mr. Firefighter."
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yuwuta · 1 month
i politely demand you talk about your nge/pacrim au!
thank you for enabling my behavior and for all your art omg <33333 i will attempt to coherently and briefly outline my thoughts
the short version is: yuuta/rika saves you post-battle and both are irrationally upset when it turns out that you already have a boyfriend. 
yuuta would like to take some of the credit for digging you out the rubble, but the truth is, it was like his mech was on auto-pilot, overriding all of his controls to dig you out of a lifeless environment and stash your cold, limp body in the center chamber until yuuta and rika were transported back to the base. 
yuuta doesn’t understand why he lost control of rika like that, nor does he understand why he feels so upset when he goes to visit you in the infirmary and there’s already some other man by your bedside holding your hand. he vaguely recognizes kokichi as a junior engineer who’s done a few surface level repairs on rika, and he’s surprised and green with envy to find out that kokichi is also your boyfriend. 
yuuta doesn’t understand the anger he feels, or the headache he gets, or the panic attack that’s threatening to rise in him, or why his feet automatically drag him back to his mech, or why he feels like he could hear rika’s faint sobs and screams in his head and he lay in his pilot chamber. none of it makes sense and he can barely sleep because of it, but it happens every time he thinks about you and kokichi for too long; and strangely enough, if the thinks about how rika seemed to come to life to save you for too long. there’s some kind of missing link he can’t piece together. 
when you’re conscious, you can’t seem to recall any part your childhood, and only have your memories from college onwards, save for bits and pieces of the attack you were a victim of. yuuta learns that you were studying to be an engineer, that you were moving to work at the hangar and be closer to your boyfriend, that kokichi was slated to pick you up from the airport that ended up being the site of attack. a small part of yuuta wishes kokichi had been there, thinks that rika wouldn’t have found him in the rubble. 
you’re the miracle save, and somewhat become the baby of the hangar. world-renowned pilots you’d only ever studied in class stopped by to give you their condolences, offer their help. you try to remain calm when satoru gojo and kento nanami make an appearance as a duo in your tiny recovery room, calling you brave and bowing to you with a home cooked meal in hand. senior engineers do their best to recover your work from college, assuring you that your injuries and recovery period would be a non-factor in the hiring process—that you were free to start as soon as you felt comfortable. you get the most attention from yuuta, who makes himself a friend, and a critical part of your recovery, essentially firing your physical therapist in favor of fixing you himself. 
everyone makes you feel welcome, but yuuta makes you feel safe. he holds your waist while you re-learn to walk, he sneaks you into the pilot’s lounge while the jaegers have their repairs done—and nods in faux-sympathy as you mourn the presence of your boyfriend, who seems busier than ever these days with nuisance repairs, jokes about how yuuji and megumi seem to be particularly reckless with their jaeger lately—he squeezes your hand when you have headaches and fractured flashbacks of your past that you can’t piece together, he holds you when you cry out of pure frustration of not being able to remember who you are
yuuta’s a real smooth talker, too. always knows exactly how to comfort you while your boyfriend is busy, always talks to the press about you so preciously, always makes you feel like you have a purpose even if you can’t remember your past self—maybe you weren’t meant to remember anything before him and rika, maybe it was meant to be this way. it’s a twisted comfort, but it’s something to cling to, it’s better than crying over memories you no longer have.
everyone notices yuuta’s weird reverse stockholm syndrome lol… the way he hovers over you like he’s your sole protector and savior, the way he demands to be privy to all decisions about your health care, the way he remains close to you with no fear of your boyfriend. nobody says anything, though—yuuta’s a pilot, a good one, and one the few solo pilots in the entire world. he’s precious and vital to humanity, worth a thousand men, worth ten thousand engineers. besides, his friends see something special between you two, especially the co-pilot pairs; satoru and kento, megumi and yuuji, choso and yuki—they know compatibility when they see it, and boyfriend or not, you have something special with yuuta. they all share a common thought: kokichi is fighting a losing battle. and even if he could beat yuuta, he’d never win against rika.
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fruitybashir · 3 months
hey hello 👋🏻 i'm sorry im very shy but i'm a huge fan of the holidate and dopamin (closer) was so fantastic and super hot and i was blushing the entire way through, i've reread it maybe five times by now, i'm sorry if that's weird 🫣
if you don't mind me asking, i'm curious about something? in the holidate and in dopamin, there's obvious hints at some of their kinks or preferences in bed (hair pulling, praise....) and i'm just wondering......can you say more about what kinks they're both into? what you envisioned for them? is there more we don't know about yet? i'm a bit embarassed to ask but i'm so curious
either way, i'm a big fan and i can't wait to see what you post next and have a nice day/night bye bye 💌💕
omg hiiiii <3333 dont be embarassed omg i loveeee when people tell me they reread my stuff, thats how i know it actually was good!!! 🫶🏻💖💖💖
and sure i can talk about it! its nothing super exciting tbh but i do have a certain set of kinks/preferences/likes whatever you wanna call it for each of them, im gonna put it under the cut as per usual in case it gets long.
edit yeah this is getting super long. sorry. dont ask me to yap, i will not stop.
starting with kris:
the very obvious: hair pulling. i think that was made pretty clear lmao. in a non-sexual context he looooves having his hair played with, someone just running their fingers through his hair, lightly scratching at the scalp, playing with a strand or two, anything at all gives him very pleasant tingles and practically makes him putty in your hands. find that spot behind his ear like bojan did and his brain shuts off, you have now successfully tamed your kris, congrats.
in a sexual context that translates to him loving having his hair pulled, its a combination of him liking having his hair played with + liking a certain level of pain. and the combo of that really gets him off. obviously.
pain for kris is like. hes into some level of pain, like the hair pulling and he also likes biting sometimes. in dopamin thats bojan biting his butt, but i imagine sometimes when bojan takes his time exploring kris' body, he takes a bite here or there, kris' neck, the sides of his stomach, the inside of his thighs .. stuff like that and kris is also really into it then.
hes not into any bigger levels of pain other than that like he wouldnt like stuff like spanking etc although thats a combination of not liking that type of pain and not liking being in a submissive position
next point: he doesnt like being submissive. its both just a preference thing plus not liking loss of control. he loves being the one to order the other part around and be the one to kiiind of have the upper hand. im saying that a bit vaguely bc he also isnt really a dom, he wouldnt like a very strong dominant role, he just likes calling the shots and being in control of the situation. idk how to put it. ill come back to this later
hes freshly discovering that hes into feminization, as you can probably tell from that last upload lmao, and he likes it both in a non-sexual and in a sexual context. he likes feminine words of affection, being called pretty, likes thinking about how in certain perspectives and moments people might mistake him for a girl, and he could have shopped online for lingerie thats specifically made for men, and buy panties that actually had some space in the front, but he deliberately chose not to do that, he wanted it to be girls underwear. that was important.
holidate kris is definitely not fully cis, but also not really trans either i think, idk what to call it but yeah. he might be a little trans, hes having some thoughts and feelings and maybe ill let him explore that properly one day but basically he doesnt really know what to make of it yet or how to categorise it, but he knows he likes himself exactly the way he is and doesnt want to change anything. he also likes getting called girl-ish things and thinking about how people might mistake him for a girl sometimes. idk
other preferences uhhh he really likes sucking dick lmao, like he genuinely enjoys going down on bojan and it gets him all worked up as well. he just figured out he loves getting eaten out. he doesnt like bottoming and he also doesnt like getting fingered all that much. and the thing with that is that he likes having things in his ass, but he doesnt like the uhhh motion of it? having a dick in his ass is fine, having that dick thrust into him is a big no no. the lucky thing with bojan is that he has really short fingers so when hes fingering kris, hes focussing on kris's prostate and doesnt move around all that much so that is still something kris enjoys. on occasion. he also generally doesnt like coming more than once, bc he tends to be very sensitive after his first orgasm and the second one is often very overhelming and too much
moving on to bojan:
also fairly obvious: likes being manhandled, likes being told what to do, big on getting praised. he also loves servicing and making kris feel good, it genuinely gets him off when he can just worship kris a little.
bojan loves both receiving and giving oral but he really loves bottoming and coming on kris' fingers. he loves getting a little overstimulated like getting teased for a long time before getting any proper attention so by the time kris finally goes down on him or fucks him, bojan is already shaking with it and desperate. or in the way like in dopamin, literally not being able to fully calm down in between orgasms and still being super sensitive from the first one.
i think the praise thing is pretty self explanatory, he really loves getting praised for doing a good job when he follows kris' instructions, loves being called a good boy, loves when kris keeps telling him how good hes being in general, its a major thing for him
he loves getting fucked classic missionary or riding kris, they tried doggy once but he didnt like not being able to see kris and touch him. he loves watching kris' face when he comes and also before that, he just loves fucking face to face.
also he would love for kris to make real on his promise of fucking his tits, neither of them knows how that would work but bojan is heavily into the idea of it
as for both of them:
ive said it in dms earlier but basically like. theyre both still kind of vanilla with their kinks? like there is a dom/sub dynamic there but its a very mild one kinda.
like how in dopamin kris tells bojan hes gonna make him come on his fingers and then give him no break after, but later he still does give him a break and checks with bojan if hes still okay with it, if its too much etc. or how he keeps telling bojan to use his words, but always forgives him when bojan cant use his words or is too embarrassed to say what kris wants him to say. like theres never any real consequences.
and thats the thing with them: they are so in tune with each other and have a level of trust for each other that they never had with previous partners. bojan likes being bossed around but he wouldnt like if anyone was actually mean to him, hes not into humiliation or being actually punished for something.
kris knows when he says it that its all empty threats and he would never give bojan any real consequences, and bojan knows this as well, but he would also never intentionally misbehave bc he likes following commands.
they work so well together like that bc theyre both fully aware of what they and the other wants out of it, they know the others wishes and boundaries and limits etc, like there is just a level of trust and understanding between them like no other.
also theyre super in love. did i mention that. does that come across. thats not a kink thing but theyre just super mega in love and thats so important to me.
uhhhh i think thats basically all there is to them kink wise ✌🏼 sorry this got so long, oopsie
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acrazybayernfan · 9 months
can we talk about how huge manu's hands look
No but for real his hands are almost as big as his head !
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And so beautiful that a photographer has decided to do a special photoshoot of Manu's hands
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gothsuguru · 5 days
i’m here to ask you more about ‘out of my league’ (university au my belovedddd as you already know hehe :3 ) and ‘my love builds coffins’ because they both sound soooooo tasty!!!!
i’m so intrigued by your geto brainrot because you always come up with the most delicious and unique pairings and aus!! <33
much love,
Lily xo @storiesoflilies
THE FACT THAT I KNEW YOU WOULD ASK ABOUT UNI CRUSH!SUKUNA NDNFNFNDNDNF i know you and your love for your husband (sukie) so well 🤭 AND OMFG I’M SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ABOUT HARPIST!GETO THAT ONE JUST RECENTLY MADE ME VERY FERAL :3 putting in the wip ask game here so i don’t forget hehe
ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! you saying that i come up w unique pairings/au’s is literally the sweetest thing in the world i’m tucking that comment 2 my chest <3 hehe
my love builds coffins:
AHHHHHHH YOU DON’T KNOW HOW ECSTATIC I AM THAT YOU ASKED FOR THIS ONE HEHE IT’S A RECENT WIP AND IT’S MAKING ME INSANE!!!!! the title of the song is actually “my boy builds coffins” by florence + the machine but i wanted reader to be the coffin builder so i changed it up :3
okay so BASICALLY the gist that i have set up rn is that suguru is a harp player and ofc it’s such an angelic instrument that brings ethereal joy to others… but two of his friends (haibara & riko) passed away in a tragic car accident on their way to his show… i think suguru genuinely almost loses his way and can’t even look at his harp anymore but his best friend satoru wants him to find his way again — so suguru finds a cottage to stay at while also trying to process his grief.
there he meets a coffin maker who he gets to know a bit and they try and help him through his grief (this reader i think will be very beloved to me in the future… they’re not like my normal brash loud silly readers… they’re a bit more subdued & have an air of calm & mystique that intrigues and entrances suguru!) this fic i think will be about two people bonding over grief and trying to overcome it the best way they can together… i’m actually really excited to write this fic and get more ideas about it so thank you so much lily for asking about it :’) i think this fic will be very near and dear to me and a lot more softer/bittersweet/morose yet hopefully filled w fondness & longing! i’ll try and get ideas to write abt this soon :’)
out my of league:
ok this was actually originally a frat boy!geto fic but as i was writing it i found myself way more drawn to sukuna who is reader’s best friend! i started looking at their dialogue & the way they interact and i just fell in love with the idea of him as the campus crush but reader being the ONLY one he can tolerate! it’s a uni au and also best friend to lovers <333 sukie is so funny to me bc he doesn’t realize he’s in love until it hits him like a freight train & is like damn i like this bitch 😑😒
this snippet is what started it all for me 😭
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satorisoup · 3 months
it’s 1am and i’m in absolute SHAMBLES over this one edit i saw of bokuto & kita with one of my favorite audios ANDDD my favorite bokuto clip… somebody contain me i fear i’ve been screaming with tears in my eyes because it’s so precious to me… this edit will forever be engraved into my mind i fear T^T
the taggies are where things get out of hand methinks… </3
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apricior · 1 year
Thinking abt,,, boys kissing,,, For the kiss asks, mayhaps an Oakworthy with 20, pretty please? Also, hope you're having a lovely day, Kai 🧡🧡🧡
“Does it still hurt?” Normal says, tracing the outline of his burn scar. The touch is so careful and gentle, barely a noticeable caress, that it makes Hermie shiver.
“Not anymore,” he responds after a few seconds. “It feels… strange. I can tell it’s different from the rest of my skin, but it doesn’t hurt.” Normal’s fingers keep going up and down his face, and then they lower down his neck and to his shoulder, where they halt.
“Can you feel it if I do this?” Normal leans forward and places a kiss on his cheek, and Hermie feels his whole face burning, half with embarrassment, half with excitement. There is something about Normal that just feels… healing. Almost magical. He is pretty sure that even holding his hand could cure him on a particularly bad day.
So he does just that, intertwines their fingers and says: “I do, but this feels better.” And, as gently as he can, he cups Normal’s cheek with his free hand and pulls him into a kiss.
the boys are in LOVE!!! <33
[kiss prompts]
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sherlockig · 10 months
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anon's not Committed, I've been following you since 2013. you helped me start flossing !! I'm getting a good grade in dentist these days, so thanks :D
oh hell yeah lets start one of those gatekeep wars based on follow time!!!!!
"oh, you follow carry-on-my-wayward-butt...? name five of their shitposts :/// PRE-destiel-putin-election...... yeah... thought so...."
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shellshooked · 5 months
YOUR ART. GORGEOUS. MANY EMOTIONS. COLORS PREBBY. I'M GONNA EAT IT SLURP IT UP LIKE A SWEET CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE (yes i am a huge zelda enthusiast and blorboer why do you ask- /lh)
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whenever someone compliments my art this is exactly how i react
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stabbyfoxandrew · 9 months
Hey, Happy New year! I hope you'll feel better soon! Fuck depression🤬 if I could I would physically fight it!! It took a long time to decide because I love them all so much, but could maybe have a little bit guardian Angel Neil? He's awesome! They both have so many issues! I love it so much that Neil now actively watches practice and how Andrew participates!???!! Anyways, small geeking cause you are writing awesome! I hope your week is kind to you!
WIP Wednesday (1/10) | Guardian Angel Neil AU (Part 98)
“What’s wrong, Kevin?” Andrew asks. They’re alone on the home bench now. As soon as Coach tossed those losers out, the rest of the team headed off to the locker rooms. Andrew should be in there now, but Kevin still hasn’t moved. Andrew drops his gloves on the bench and nudges Kevin with his knee. “Helloooo. Anybody home?”
“Huh?” Kevin blinks a couple times before raising his head to look at Andrew. “Yeah sorry. Just kind of rattled. Who do you think they were?”
“I think they were a couple of idiots who broke into the stadium,” Andrew says after a moment. Then he adds, “Calm down. I highly doubt the Moriyamas would employ a couple of scrawny goons like that.”
“You never know.” Kevin says with a shuddering breath. “What if they were recording our practice for him? Or what if they were going to hurt me or something—”
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hana-bobo-finch · 1 month
Hello hello my wonderful followers. quick fyi art posting will briefly slow down until I can make enough horn strobe pages to have a decent buffer. I need to have enough pages made in advance for me to comfortably have the time to do other art. so until then you will only get the scraps of sloppy sketches
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