#thank you for askin Anon
jasonsthunderthighs · 2 years
G, are you ok?
I'm Not Okay. (I promise.)
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bepoucorp · 5 months
Thoughts on batman: white knight and batman: beyond the white knight? (Ps: your super super cool and amazing! 💗💗)
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I havent read them yet! but from what Ive seen, the art is amazing!
And joker's design?? omg... hes so pretty?? his heterochromia(?) is so cool and i love that he has a bat in his eyes!!
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he's so beautiful and his hair?? I want to get a physical copy so I can have this artwork with me...
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Hey how are you feeling?
I think I’m doing okay!! Cried for like an hour for no reason yesterday but I’m PRETTY sure that was after 9pm brain
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doodlboy · 1 year
What about Gundham Tanaka in mon prom style? :D
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I might have gotten a little over-excited ^^'
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brutal-nemesis · 6 months
Happy Whumpmas (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*🎅⛄❄️!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice.
Here's mine for you: what are your favorite and least favorite whump scenarios?
Hmm...that's hard to decide, cuz it depends on how specific of a scenario we're talking. If it's very general, captivity is my favorite. More specifically, I prefer lab whump scenarios or ones where the whumpee is being hurt for the sake of it. If it had to be, like, a scene, I would say intimate female whumper vivisecting a defiant guy who's strapped to a table and struggling cuz,,,,,yeah,,,,,
Least favorite is probably any scenario where the whumpee is conditioned to like whatever's going on or like wants to please the whumper or something cuz i want the whumpee to be very visibly not having a good time it takes the enjoyment out of it for me if they're into it somehow
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omegalomania · 1 year
If you had an actual brain, you’d understand that whatever happens behind the scenes of a band we will never truly know. People can claim this and that but is all conjecture. All word of mouth. Its utterly pathetic that the reason you all harass and aim to destroy this man’s mental health and well being is over some band drama. As if this shit doesn’t happen with every band from Paramore to Evanescence. There’s ALWAYS drama. And always members pitted against each other with different accounts of what happened. You all need to seriously grow the fuck up. Regardless, your little online crusade didn’t stop Brendon from reeling in millions from another successful tour and critically acclaimed album so eat shit.
anon i am beyond flattered that you think i am personally responsible for breaking up panic at the disco. im framing this.
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todayisafridaynight · 18 days
Okay so how’s your dad (who we need to dub as Daikawa) doing?
well he just asked me if i was down to go deep sea fishing next month so there's that
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navree · 2 years
thank you for holding alex accountable for being awful and not infantilizing her like some sexist misogynistic people are
The thing is, Ned absolutely has the lion's share of the blame for being the person who put the company in serious legal and financial jeopardy by going after an employee.
But Alex is a very senior employee (I think she's been with them since the company started in 2018 and was possibly at Buzzfeed with them beforehand tho I'm not sure if that's true) and one of the most notable Try Guys related public figures beyond the guys themselves (only Rachel and Miles likely top the Food Babies in terms of exposure and constant presence in content), so while the power imbalance isn't non existent as he was still very much her boss and a literal company CEO, that imbalance is as negligible as it can be in that situation.
It may come out that there was More To This, but given how extraordinarily unlike that is given the lack of statement from Alex, YB being shady about both Ned and Alex (good for you YB I'm so sorry people are dragging you into this), and the available information that we have, I feel very comfortable in pointing out that Alex is a grown woman capable of making her own decisions who chose to enter a relationship with a man she knew had a wife and young kids, while also in a long term relationship herself, and knowing that this would be a huge problem if it blew up, not to mention just the moral indecency involved in deliberately hurting two other people who've done you no wrong in such a deeply humiliating way. She is not a child and it is ridiculous and yeah, borderline sexist to treat her like she is, not to mention hugely disrespectful and trivializing to actual women who are harassed and preyed on in the workforce and who actually are taken advantage of by employers with more power.
Is she the most to blame? Not by a long shot. But is she completely blameless then? Not by a long shot.
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antisatiric · 5 months
will orion ever successfully find twain ? What would happen if he did ? How would twain react ?
oh goodness lol someone has clearly been paying at least a little bit of attention to my slightly more niche twain lore!
the answer to this is going to be a little bit more nebulous since what happens with twain's future largely depends on the branching path he chooses to go down after the destruction of the guild, so forgive me for that. anyway, in the verse where twain returns to backpacking across america, i'd like to think that they might run into eachother eventually, although it's probably more a matter of coincidence than it is orion's detective skills. conversely if twain chooses to remain with fitzgerald or with steinbeck's remnants, orion doesn't even know he was with the guild to begin with, so the chances of orion knowing he's in japan are... slim. in that situation a meeting would be much less likely.
as for what would come of a reunion between them, it's something i've given a lot of thought before but haven't ever put into words. i think twain would be completely baffled as to how he even wants to react. he has a lot of complicated feelings towards his siblings, but perhaps orion more than the rest of them, since he'd looked up to orion the most before the incident that led him to run away. after that, he tended to view orion through a sort of vindictive and spiteful lens, because he percieved orion as having failed him. i think it's difficult for anyone whose heroes are people they can tangibly interact with, but from his perspective, orion was practically willing to allow him to die.
that said, he's grown a lot since then, so i can't see him turning orion away outright. while he'd be angry and generally go into that interaction interpreting everything orion says and does in bad faith, i think he would be willing to listen the more they talk. ultimately i've always thought it would be a good thing if twain was able to reunite with ANY of his siblings, because even if their perspectives are different they're the only people in the world who might be able to understand the fundamental events that shaped him into the person he is now.
that said, twain's not going to be super chummy with him after just one conversation. in an ideal world, i think twain would agree to let orion travel with him for a while against his own better judgement and then slowly come to realize the circumstances they were both in back then were more complicated than he wanted to admit they were, and that orion not living up to the role twain wanted him to fulfill wasn't entirely his fault.
... well, and even more than that, twain is a very lonely person in that verse, as i've said a few times before. i think ultimately it would end up helping him to have orion around, since orion had already decided that when he found twain again he'd have his back unconditionally to make up for his previous inaction. unconditional love like that is maybe one of the only things that COULD help twain out of the mindset the rest of his life has put him in, though he'd take some time to really actually BELIEVE in the fact that it's unconditional.
unprompted. / always accepting.
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
what is something you shouldn't eat that you still do?
finally goin thru my asks!! 💌
i still drink a fuckkk ton of soda, and i really shouldn’t 😩 that and fried foods of any variety dhshdh
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yyxandere · 7 months
Ur vocab is very nice tbh! Do you have any writing tips!
-ˋˏDEAR NOONIE. . . ->
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Hi anon! I’m really flattered I think my writing/vocabulary is very average so it’s really nothing to be awed at but I guess? ( ╥ω╥ )
I really don’t have any writing tips tbh but I uh..read books though! It helps me visualise of and analysis the writing styles of other authors! Sorry anon I’m not very confident when it comes to my writing, very much the last person you should ask ( ; ω ; )
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bepoucorp · 5 months
do you have any tips for a beginner digital artist? (I love ur art sm btw))
Hmm... Idk what kinda advice/tips that would be helpful... but,
if you have experience with drawing before this, the same methods carry onto digital art! it might seem a little overwhelming w/ the amount of options you have, but learning what works best for you important! if anything, CTRL + Z or two finger tapping to undo, are my saviors when it comes to digital art <3
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astrumocs · 2 years
Reshaper! i don't know what to bring to trade for a hello and a quick chat, any ideas?
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"It's incredibly dangerous of you to let me set the bar when you don't have something specific in mind, you know."
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"That being said, I'm off the clock and not in the mood for trying that hard to ruin your mind. If you're not asking me for anything intensive or difficult, then I don't usually force a payment."
"However... I wouldn't say no to a treat or trinket of some kind. You may also offer up a small memory you don't mind losing, and that would be sufficient as well."
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pikkish · 2 years
Sorry if it's been asked before, but what are your pronouns?
You're good! I use she/her
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omegalomania · 2 years
Did u see the creator of dead end paranormal park's tiktok? patrick apparently invited the crew to a fob concert and its so sweet
i have tiktok blocked so i never see tiktoks. but thats really really cute and i hope its true!
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whatyadrawin · 2 years
I love you and your art. It’s so good. How are you so good?!?
Oh my godddddddd I appreciate you Anon, you made my entire day 💓
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