#thank you for checkin out <3
i think your love would be too much ; satoru gojo
summary; satoru knows that you’re worried about something. he just doesn’t know what.
word count; 4.1k
contents; satoru gojo/reader, gn!reader, sickening amounts of fluff, (that’s literally all. that’s it. thank you for your time), you’re both down horrendous, the ”something” reader is worried about is very very silly <333, mostly satoru’s pov!!
a/n; i love this man so fucking much my chest hurts so i dug up the sappiest wip i could find in my drafts <333 you can tell i completely lost the plot halfway through but just pretend that i didn’t ok. i dedicate this to gojo nation :3
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satoru feels your stare prickle at the back of his neck.
he’s rummaging through the fridge, one hand on his hip, grabbing two cans of iced tea from the bottom compartment. peach for him, lime for you. his infinity is down, the pads of his fingers meeting chilled aluminum, condensation licking at his skin.
but the goosebumps that sensation causes is nothing compared to the ones he gets from this — your stare digging into the back of his head, your attention aimed directly at him. when he turns around, closing the fridge with a bump of his hipbone, you freeze. like a deer caught in headlights. 
satoru grins.
”you checkin’ me out?”
”no,” you blurt. his smile only grows.
”aw…” he waltzes across the room, from the kitchen island to the living room, fuzzy socks against the floorboards. ”what’s up, then? something on your mind?”
with a clink, he puts the cans of tea down on the coffee table. you murmur out a breath of thanks, but make no move to reach for either of them.
now that he’s close enough to see you properly — he thinks to himself that you do look a little ill at ease. something in the crease between your brows, shying away from the eye contact he wants. something in the way your voice comes out somewhat strained.
”it’s nothing… i just —” 
you stop. gaze fleeing from his own, slipping down to your lap. he thinks you look particularly small like this. curled up on his expensive couch, curling in on yourself; gnawing at your bottom lip.
”… i’m being dumb.”
satoru hums. tilting his head, taking you in — wasting no more than a mere moment before taking action. 
you feel him plop down next to you, a shift in the weight bearing down on his couch. comforting. when you glance up, he’s smiling, patient and light. hand sneakily slipping between the cracks of your own, squeezing your palm, running his thumb over the ridges of your knuckle.
”wanna tell me about it?”
from behind the black layer of glass obscuring your frame, satoru watches you intently. watches your expression shift, drinking in the twitch of your brows, how the colour of your eyes flickers in the light. the way your soul sulks and sputters under the weight of his all-seeing gaze. 
you part your lips. slowly, searching for the right words — only to close them again.
you try once more. hesitant. 
all you can manage is a frustrated huff.
”it’s nothing, honestly,” you’re quick to backtrack, wincing inwardly. ”i've just… been thinking. i guess.”
a hum. his smile doesn’t waver. ”about what?”
you avert your gaze. biting your lip, again, turning away from him; resting your chin on the heel of your palm. avoiding his stare like it could turn you to stone. he barely picks up on the words you murmur, flowing out beneath your breath.
”i... can't tell you.”
satoru raises a brow. 
a moment passes. two, three — the silence is telling. you can hear the discontentment in his voice, despite his attempts to mask it.
”why not?”
”i… haah.” you scoot away, just a little more, turning away so he can’t dissect your expression the way he’d like to. ”i just can’t, okay?”
silently, silently, he observes you. the little of you he can see, at the very least; fixating on the side of your face, your cheek, those fluttering eyelashes. as if it could tell him something. you can’t see the way his eyes narrow, behind his shades, black glass shielding you from the weight of his scrutiny.
satoru bites back a huff. 
curiosity and impatience aside, he feels offended. thoroughly so. he doesn't like it when you shut him out, like this, when you don’t allow him to soothe you.
your relationship has been a slow one — steady, a kind of settling in he never thought he’d experience. calm waves lapping along the edges of smooth sand, washing away tiny pebbles and handfuls of sea glass; delicately coming closer. getting him used to the sensation before gently urging him to take a dip. 
that’s the kind of love you share. 
so it stings, a little, when you won’t let him return the favour. it stings in the same way his phantom scars itch on cold nights.
he knows opening up isn't easy. for you, for anyone, least of all for him — but he still finds himself feeling a little bit dejected. because he's supposed to be your safe space. the person you can trust with absolutely anything.
(if he can’t be that, for you, then what the hell is he even good for?)
he can’t help but feel the slightest tug of worry, too. seeing the tight line of your closed lips, that hardness of your expression. the unmistakable stress accumulating in the corners of your eyes.
but he doesn’t voice that worry. he simply gives your hand another squeeze, and smiles a little wider.
”try me.”
a sigh flows from your lips. ”you don't get it, satoru.”
your voice has a bite to it, now, just a little harsh. something akin to a soft hiss — defensiveness, he ultimately settles on. but why?
”it’s —” you muster up a glance his way, the slightest little peek, before turning away again. blurting out the words on the tip of your tongue. ”it’s so fucking embarrassing. you’ll laugh.”
satoru blinks.
”… huh?”
”you’ll laugh, and you'll tease me, and — ” he feels your hand slip from his own, muffling a groan as it covers your face. ”i’ll never live it down.”
you’re hiding, squirming, and satoru’s curiosity increases at an alarming rate. he leans forward, trying to catch a glimpse of your face, but you don’t let him. 
now he’s nothing short of intrigued.
”i won't,” he says, simply. voice as clear as glass. you scoff into your hands.
”you will!”
”i promise you i won't laugh.”
”you always say that.” a sigh falls from your lips, deep and heavy, as your hands finally slip down to your lap. ”but you never mean it. you’ll laugh so much. i know you will.”
you bite down on your lip. he wants to cup your jaw and kiss you, mend the bruising with a swipe of his tongue — but he tactfully decides against it.
”it’s — it's so…” you trail off, fidgeting with your hands, nervously linking your fingers together. gazing down with a pout. ”so stupid.” 
”baby…”  his voice takes on a fond tone, tender and patient. everything he strives to be, when it comes to you; you and you alone. ”c’mon. you can tell me anything.” 
with a sense of delicacy, he takes your hands into his bigger ones. tucking them into his palms, bringing them into his own lap — meeting your meek eyes. 
through the blue of his gaze, he watches you falter. watches your eyes soften, crumbling a little, as you silently weigh your options. you look flustered.
then you slowly part your lips.
”you’re gonna think i’m just joking, or whatever, but — but i mean it. i’m…” your throat bobs with a shallow gulp. ”i’m seriously worried.” 
satoru nods. ”i’ll take you seriously.”
you look up. all you’re met with is a reassuring smile, familiar dimples, the slightest hint of a kind blue behind his shades.
and you finally give in.
”i… i think i might —”
shifting and squirming, your gaze flits from spot to spot, hands still intertwined with his own. you’re caged in, forced to face him, and it only adds to your nervosity. his eyes never leave your face.
”i think… i…”
your voice comes out sounding tiny. gaze stuck to the couch beneath you, as your lips form around the right syllables, and you finally blurt out out the words you've been trying to keep at bay —
”i think i love you too much.”
you still refuse to meet his gaze. a red hue crawls up your neck, spreading to the tips of your ears, heartbeat pounding under your ribs. the sentence spills out of your lips like an arrow; so rushed he barely deciphers it in time.
before the silence can swallow you whole, you continue. trying not to stammer, holding back an embarrassed wince. pouting softly, brows furrowed as your clammy hands twitch anxiously against his own. ”like... to the point where… it drives me a little insane.”
and then you wait. with bated breath, too embarrassed to look up, bottom lip tensing and softening between your teeth. dreading the explosive reaction he’ll undoubtedly give you.
… except it doesn’t come.
he’s not saying a word. nothing. the silence is so deafening you could cut it in half, lingering, festering in the air around you. all you hear is your own stupid, erratic little heartbeat — refusing to settle down. 
a couple painful moments pass, before you physically can't take it anymore.
as slowly as you can muster, your gaze travels upwards — from his lap to his chest to his exposed collarbone, until his face finally enters your field of vision. you can’t resist the temptation.
(why is he being so quiet? satoru is never quiet.)
you meet his gaze. or what you think is his gaze, anyhow, because you can’t see the way his eyes are squeezed shut. what you do notice is the twitch of his lips, quivering ever so slightly, as if unsure of which direction to go — and you know one of satoru’s sharp teeth must be biting down hard to keep them in place. his shoulders are shaking, only barely, and he breathes out sharply through his nose; in a desperate attempt to keep his promise.
desperately struggling to maintain his composure. 
he makes the mistake of opening his eyes, and all that effort goes down the drain. met with the sight of your flushed face, wide eyes, shining with embarrassment and disbelief. 
like a stack of cards blown over by the wind, satoru’s poker face crumbles. he fails to bite back the wide grin that breaks out across his lips, showing off the white of his teeth, and a soft bout of fresh laughter flows from out his lips.
you gape at him. 
then your brows furrow, harshly, and you choke on a scoff. with a start, you’re scrambling to stand up, tugging your hands away from his. 
”see?” you hiss, almost tripping over your own two feet as you shoot up from the couch. ”i told you! you're laughing!”
(you sound so embarrassed he thinks he might cry.)
satoru gives up. laughter reverberating throughout his entire body, deep and loud, from the very bottom of his gut — enough to have him clutching at his sides. that only makes you flush deeper, glare harder, and all he can think is that he wants to kiss you silly.
”you promised!”
”i’m —” he chokes on a sharp wheeze, one hand reaching out to keep you from leaving. ”i’m sorry, baby, i —”
but he only ends up doubling over. sputtering with laughter, feeling the leather of the couch meet his cheek. you turn away sharply, and he pulls himself up again. ”wait — sweetheart —” 
a fond chuckle rumbles through his chest, his long arms circling around your waist and pulling you into his embrace. caging you in. you struggle helplessly, trying desperately to break free, but it’s useless — he’s the strongest for a reason.
all you can do is writhe and grumble under your breath, inhaling a familiar scent of vanilla and musk. the fabric softener he uses puts your senses hopelessly at ease, but he’s still laughing — so you can’t help but kick and struggle seamlessly.
”let me go, satoru!”
said man chokes on another little laugh, shoulders shaking, tucking you so close he can feel the pitter patter of your heartbeat against his stomach. you’re so upset with him. but he can’t stop, can't reel it back in, and every weak punch to his chest and muffled protest just makes his composure feel more out of reach. he tried his best. 
he really, really did. 
he tried so hard not to laugh.
(”i think i love you too much.”)
god. just what is he supposed to do with you, huh?
”i’m sorry,” he grins, almost entirely out of breath. ”’m not doing it on purpose, you're just —” 
a sudden fit of giggles. 
"you're so cute.”
”satoru, it’s — not funny,” you whine, practically burning up. every single sound he makes buzzes in your ear. ”i’m serious. i —”
you squeeze your eyes shut. giving in, finally, allowing yourself to melt into his arms. limbs losing their feistiness. he delights in the sensation.
”you don't get it.”
it’s a whisper, muffled against the fabric of his shirt, but he hears it nonetheless. deep breaths, he reminds himself. it’s hard to take such an adorable confession seriously, but he tries. for whatever reason, you genuinely sound troubled. 
”wait, so you —” he bites back an amused breath, but can’t hide the palpable smile in his voice. ”you love me… too much?”
a groan. you hide away, nuzzling further into his chest; your safe harbour. 
”… i told you it was embarrassing.”
”it’s not,” he’s quick to console you. ”i’m just confused.” a big palm glides across the back of your head, smoothing down your tousled hair. he pats your head softly. ”i mean…” 
a deep inhale. his heartbeat finally settles into a calm rhythm, slow and steady, lungs flooding with oxygen. he breathes out through his nose.
”is that really such a bad thing?”
”it is.” a frown finds its way onto your lips. your reply is instantaneous. ”i don’t think it’s normal. i’m just…”
satoru listens. patiently, feeling your fingers grip onto the edges of his shirt — comforting yourself with the soft fabric. then you sigh.
”i don’t know. i just can’t, like…” you grapple for the right word, moving your hands haphazardly, blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. ”comprehend how much i love you.”
satoru bites back a smile. 
(his heart flutters, flutters, flutters, like cherry blossoms on a windy spring morning.)
before he has the chance to, you part your lips again; speaking in a soft voice. resigned, he thinks. ”it’s just weird. it’s not exactly bad, but —” 
you bite down on your lip. 
”... it’s scary.”
a soft coo buzzes in your ear. satoru can’t help but pull you closer, closer still, smothering you in the warmth of his embrace. conveying what he knows will be too much for you to hear in words — what he knows he couldn’t convey in the language that you speak. you feel warm, still burning up a bit. like a little firefly. 
he isn’t faring much better, though; a vague heat blooming under the skin of his nape. smiling so wide his cheeks are starting to hurt.
(what on earth did he do to deserve you?)
a firm jaw settles on the top of your head. satoru parts his glossy lips, voice flowing out somewhat breathlessly, affectionate as can be. 
”don’t you think i feel exactly the same about you?”
his pulse trembles against you. when you strain your ears, you can hear the rhythmic thumping of his heartbeat, mingling with your own; still resounding in your ears. 
”… i dunno.”
satoru’s hold around you tightens, ever so slightly. something in the way he cradles you, strong arms around your waist, a low hum accompanying the light squeeze of his limbs. he can’t see your face, from this angle, but his pupils still flicker downwards — hungry for a glimpse of your expression.
then he smiles. 
”i’m terrified of you, y’know?”
you blink. once, then twice, eyelids fluttering. a moment of silence passes.
”… huh?”
”beyond terrified, actually,” his smile builds into a grin. ”i’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it. no one scares me more than you do.”
satoru pulls away, just a little, just enough to finally get a good look at you. your eyes are brimming with confusion. a large palm goes to cradle your cheek, and he tilts his head — inhaling a breath.
”i love you so much that it hurts.”
a soft chuckle slips from out his lips, when he catches your flustered, wide-eyed stare. sneaking a hand towards the small of your back, leaning in to press a kiss against the apple of your cheek.
”i adore you,” he whispers, smooth syllables melting into a purr. you stiffen under his touch. his fingertips trace the lines of your jaw, lips trailing down to your neck, chaste and sweet as he nips at the sensitive skin. muttering under his breath. ”you have no idea.”
and you truly, truly don't. satoru doesn't think you even know the half of it. 
you can’t possibly know what you mean to him — that your very presence makes him forget who he is, what he has to be, a weight on his shoulders he grew used to long ago. you can’t possibly know that just the feeling of your hand in his makes the distance between you feel so inconsequential. 
you are the most precious thing in his life. he doesn't think you could ever understand the weight that sentiment carries — he wouldn't want you to. 
and here you are, so awfully worried, because you're too in love with him. he still can't help but grin. you’re so sweet, so silly. the words make him feel as if his heart is crumbling.
”… i can't believe you’re real sometimes.”
something tender rests under the whisper. something frighteningly sincere. it makes you feel a little like you’ve been sliced open. it’s raw, it’s heavy and light and it’s love. it’s satoru — all his little inconsistencies, and the stability beneath it all. 
and some part of you knows that he's telling the truth. that he understands your ridiculous little confession, your embarrassing worries. satoru understands. 
that alone is enough to quell the turmoil in your chest. 
(what he gives you is a love as boundless as the sky; one that covers everything you could ever be. unconditional.)
”so there’s no need to worry.” 
he pulls back, lips leaving your skin. you still feel their warmth linger. his shades have slipped down, barely hanging on to the bridge of his nose, and you can see the blue of his eyes. they’re shining like jewels, soft around the edges. consumed by love.
”there’s no way you could ever love me as much as i love you.”
gazing into his eyes, as if hypnotized by their glow, your own gleam with a mesmerizing shine. glazed over with something sweet and wonderful, something satoru wants to burn into his retinas so he never forgets it. he wishes he could wring it out of you and put it in his pocket — but it looks prettier behind your cornea.
he savours the moment, slowly, until it abruptly ends.
with a second of pause, your brows draw together, forming into an irritated furrow. lips tugging downwards into a frown. ”that’s not true.”
satoru blinks. still smiling. 
”i love you way more,” you huff. petulant, almost, something soft and amused in your tone. he thinks the sound fits you more than anything; unburdened and stubborn.
(as charming as you are, though — this is one battle he refuses to lose.)
”nu-uh,” he pokes the tip of your nose, delighting in the soft flutter of your blinking eyelashes. ”i love you more. sorry, sweetie.”
a huff. ”you don't.”
”i do.”
”you don't."
this time, you're the one reaching out, the pad of your finger landing on the tip of satoru’s nose — teasingly trailing up to the bridge of it. his heartbeat stutters, but he feigns nonchalance, raising an unimpressed brow; eyes unknowingly gleaming with mirth. 
and mischief.
you barely have time to react. one moment you're seated on satoru’s lap, the next you're looking up at him with your back against the couch. he towers over you, keeping your hands pinned above your head with a single palm. 
a familiar chill runs down your spine.
”i do,” he grins, free hand reaching towards you. recognizing the danger of a situation you've been in more times than you can count, you try to squirm away — but you don't get very far.
satoru’s fingers ghost over your sides, and panic floods your wide eyes. 
even though you know exactly what’s about to happen, a yelp still pushes past your lips when he begins to tickle you. mercilessly, fingers trailing over your most sensitive spots. all you can do is squirm, trying your damnedest to bite back the bout of laughter crawling up your throat —
but apparently neither of you are very good at that.
when the familiar cling of your laughter finally spills past your lips, flowing into satoru’s ears, his smile blooms into a grin. big and happy, childish in its innocence — not even attempting to hide his joy. his own giggles melt into your soft wheezes and desperate pleas, as you struggle to break free, straining against the firm hold he has on your wrists.
”i love you way, way, way more,” he continues to tease, halting his movement just enough to let you catch your breath. ”it’s not even close.”
even as giggles breathlessly spill from your lips, you manage a shake of your head. ”no, you —”
”wrong answer.”
he cuts you off with a smirk, and the torture starts anew. you can't get the words out, caught in your throat and muffled by a loud squeak, followed by forced laughter. satoru watches, in pure adoration, waiting for the moment you finally relent. 
it doesn’t take long.
”f — fine, fine!”
he stills. eyes crinkled, shades barely hanging on to the bridge of his nose, fighting the urge to keep going. if only so he can hear your melodic giggles.
”can’t we —” you struggle to catch your breath, words stuck between bouts of leftover laughter. cheeks flushed and chest heaving. ”just call it a tie?”
satoru pauses. he drags it out, exaggerated, building up suspense. eyes narrowing playfully. ”hmmm…” 
then he smiles. a soft, resigned little thing. 
”alright, alright.” he leans forward, keeping you in place. ”that works, i guess.”
and then his lips meet yours. soft and glossy, tasting of cherries, a pleased sigh against your mouth. you’re still panting a little, but he doesn’t seem to mind — slow to pull away, with a drawn out mwah, grinning boyishly at your disheveled state. he lets your wrists go free.
an unimpressed look is all you give him, quick to melt into a soft chuckle. 
”well, that’s that.” you push yourself up with your elbows, fixing your tousled hair. ”now we can forget this ever happened.”
satoru raises a brow. 
”oh, i dunno about that,” he purrs, voice ripe with mischief. a teasing glint flashes in his eyes, as he scrutinizes you, and it’s enough to have your face heating up again. the sight makes him coo. ”you love me so much you can't comprehend it, huh?”
you blink. it takes a moment for your expression to shift, from bafflement to embarrassment — but he thinks it’s all worth it when it does. barely restraining the urge to kiss you again.
a giggle leaves his lips. reaching a hand out, he pinches your cheek. ”you’re cute.”
with a roll of your eyes, you swat him away; unable to bite back a smile. “quit it.”
he looks so smug. you can’t help but want to bite back, somehow — so you muster up your most shit-eating grin, a distinctly teasing lilt coating your sugar-sweet voice. 
”you love me so much that it hurts, huh?”
satoru blinks.
endearment blooms, in the depths of his cerulean eyes. he watches you carefully, awfully amused — thinking to himself that he must be rubbing off on you. what a scary thought.
”yeah,” he breathes, a sigh laced with sincerity. cupping your cheek with the palm of his hand, settling on the option he knows will fluster you most. ”i do.”
this time, you’re the one who blinks. once, twice, before letting out a groan — slumping against his broad frame. satoru chuckles, breathlessly, consumed by you; by every move you make. all six of his eyes aimed directly at you.
(if he gives you the sky, then what you give him is a love as steady as the ocean; one that’ll drown every bit of his sadness. entirely unyielding.)
”can’t you ever just let me win?” you mutter, breathing in his cologne and tugging at his shirt. pressed up against him, on his couch, safe and secure. right where you should be.
he noses at your neck, pressing a little kiss against your pulsepoint. a quiet, quiet offering at the altar of your soul. ”nope,” he hums, smiling cheekily. 
”i love you too much for that.”
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abbyonmars · 5 months
Abby comforting reader who's going through an insecure overthinking phase about her existence and self-worth and confidence
thank u annonie for the request :') sorry this took so long to get to ml
domestic!abby :3 fluffffffyyyy yay
wc: 1.9k ✩
cws: reader has a weak body image/self-confidence. reader is mentioned to be shorter than abby like once, use of y/n like thrice, petnames used (baby, darling, etc)
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
the longer your eyes drifted around what you could call the reflection of yourself in the mirror, the more the minutes dragged into what felt like an endless continuum of picking yourself apart. relentlessly, yet in a somewhat detached grace, trickled paltry reflections upon your own features; the delicacy of your vessel was left completely disregarded, replaced with only disconcertion and contempt in regards to, frankly, who you were.
you knew you were supposed to be getting ready for bed. yet you stood, in almost silence, reflecting on each godforsaken crevice, blemish, shape — consequently distracted from after you stripped for your shower. the water ran soundly as did your mind, and for a while, you were trapped in self-condemnation, all without realising.
all you could hope was for one day, you'd be emptied out. this wasn't the first time you happened to face the reflection in the mirror with such disdain for the thing who stared back; upon a star, maybe, you could have each feature torn from you in your sleep and ideally replaced with ones without fault. then maybe, maybe could you live with yourself in peace. you wouldn't have to tear yourself apart. if only you were perfect.
you couldn't help the tears that now happened to prick at your eyes. bringing your hand to your face, you wiped with the side of it so harshly part of your nose quickly reddened and a dull pain withdrew and thereupon, frustration immediately brimmed and you let out a heavy sob, watching the mirror's reflection start to crumble right in front of you.
"babe?" a muffled voice broke past the persistence of your mind, and also past the closed door of the bathroom. abby's voice resonated with concern. "baby? are you okay in there?"
your lips parted with intent to reply, but nothing came out. even though your mind felt numb and grew number you still saw the hesitance through the mirror. stupid fucking mirror. who even was that, staring back? go away. wish you were someone else.
then the door clicked open and it wasn't just you and that reflection. your eyes averted from it, locking onto anderson's from behind — suddenly, your tongue felt cold and dry, your skin shivering, sprouting goosebumps. you hated the look on her face, blatantly hating it more than the look on your own; her brows were creased with concern, accompanying a frown growing gradually more prominent on her pinkish lips. she knew what you were doing, and it wasn't the first time you'd seen her like this. not the first she'd seen you like that.
"what're you doing?" you muttered quietly, crossing your arms over your exposed torso and lowered your head in defence of her wandering eyes. you wished you had a million more arms to cover the rest of you. "i should've locked that thing. i'm not done in here."
abby blinked. sighing softly, she crossed her own arms after reaching for the control of the water to turn it off, and leant against the misted tiles of the wall. it now felt all too uncomfortably quiet without the echoing of the before falling water. "just checkin' up on you," tilting her head slightly, her eyes flitted from you, and to you in the mirror. "y'must be cold, darling. why don't you get dressed?"
"can't," you sniffed, a small croak released in result of your attempt to suppress whatever more you felt before her interruption. "m'busy."
without a word, she slowly took off from the wall (after quietly acknowledging the hurt in your eyes you tried desperately to hide) and took steps to where you put your sleepwear on the bathroom counter. "let me help you."
you didn't have to verbally express to her anything of what you felt. you never had to — abby had, almost in a natural sense, always been in tune with your emotions, as were you with her. although it did hurt a little with each attempt of yours to conceal the truth, internally she'd attempt to rationalise in order to come to an understanding. she knew you too well, maybe better than a shot of the back of her hand.
with her fingers wrapped around your shirt, (hers, you stole it to sleep in) the mirror's reflection showed her unhurried approach from behind, and the comfort in the form of the familiar gentle smile tugging by the corners of her lips, almost enough to light your own.
slowly she raised her free hand, tentatively hovering over your bare shoulder for a moment. she held your gaze with intent to watch out for sign of repudiation or recoil but when she was met without, she grazed her fingers lightly over the softness of your skin, dampened by the steam of the shower.
"don't you know how perfect you are to me?" abby murmured. her eyes trailed where her fingers did along your arm, tracing along its surface with the most gentle touches ever given.
frowning when you did, she watched your eyes depart from hers to watch her fingers in the mirror, of which they moved downward to where they, with gentle intent, wrapped around your wrist. she tugged lightly, turning you around to face her taller frame, away from the unfavourable criticisms enabled by your lingering eyes on the mirror.
"look at me," she mumbled. she let go her grasp from your wrist and placed the side of her index finger under your centre jaw, with her thumb, upon the position of her hand, pressing lightly against the forefront of your chin to tilt it upward.
"you're perfect. so fucking perfect."
the blue of her attentive orbs bore into yours as she spoke, and she let a moment of silence hover over the two of you in attempt to have her words sink. she begged you silently, unspoken pleas impelled steadily with each word and action — it almost hurt how badly she needed you to believe the words she preserved. through her eyes, you might be well off with sprouting ivory wings and a glowing halo; the human embodiment of a paragon need not of new disposition. oh, if only you could see yourself through her eyes.
she leant down to press a lingering kiss to your forehead, before she pulled back to tug the shirt over your shivering body. as if she was watching your soul bleed dry in her arms, she met you with utmost delicacy, in case you just so happened to shatter or slip right from her fingers.
"that's it," she whispered, guiding each arm of yours to come out through the oversized holes of the shirt, "you got it."
lacing your fingers through her own, she turned to push open the door to the bedroom and led you out with her. supposedly unbeknownst to you, her eyes began to sting with that of her own tears, tears of which she attempted to blink away with her head turned away before you could see.
she set you down on the bed, and pulled the duvet over your body before moving around and sinking into her side of the mattress. she sighed softly, turning onto her side to look at you, glossy remains of woe perceptible in her eyes.
"m'sorry," your voice came small, and the space between your eyebrows crinkled in regret. "i don't know why i'm like this, abs. i hate that you're always doing this for me—"
"what?" frowning, she moved up the bed, and sat with her back against the headboard. "doing what?"
you gulped, shaking your head at her. "... i dunno. it's — you're— you're always.. fixing me."
sighing lightly through her nose, she reached up with one hand and smoothed down the shirt's collar by your neck, before proceeding towards the side of your face.
grazing the back of her fingers against your cheek, she moved to tuck covering strands of hair behind your ear, letting her hand rest flat on your skin. she again guided your face up so she could look at you, and tenderly swiped her thumb back and forth against your face.
"there's no problem with that, my love," she replied, smiling sincerely in response. "what're you worried about?"
you reached up to where she had laid her hand against your cheek and grazed your fingers lightly down the surface of her skin, before allowing your hand's rest upon the back of her hand.
"it's just—" tutting quietly you slowly exhaled through your nose, taking a brief moment to collect and order the doubts bubbling, coursing through your head. "— when it's always, it'll feel endless, and you'll get tired of doing it for me all the time. you'll get bored of me, abs."
during the expression of your concern, abby's lips gradually curved back into a small frown. she shook her head, hooking her arm around the back of your neck to pull you into her. she moved you almost directly on top of her body; your face melted into the warmth of her neck, and your arms instinctively wrapped around the midsection of her torso.
"no," she breathed, although speaking in such a firm tone, her truth laced evident in her words. "don't say that."
"y/n," she kissed the top of your head first, planting another by your temple following. "listen to me. i wouldn't have it any other way, okay?"
she smoothened your hair with the palm of one hand, the other caressing down your back. it grazed, up and down, eventually stopping to rest by your waist.
"you mean the entire world to me, y/n. if you told me to collect all the stars in the entire fuckin' sky for you, i'd do it. anything. i'd do anything for you."
you looked up at her. with adoration expressed and adorned all in the features of her glowing face, she dipped down to kiss between your brows and trailed her lips down the bridge of your nose to kiss the tip of it.
"so don't you tell me i'd get bored," she mumbled against your skin, "i'd have lost my mind if i ever got bored of you."
smiling softly, she then flipped you both over. your head bounced against the cushion of the pillow, and the few loose strands of the blonde's hair tickled the side of your face as she looked down at you. her burly arms either side of your head to support her weight, she peppered kisses over your jaw, behind your ear, the base of your neck.
"i love you," she continued, sealing the deal with a gentle kiss to your lips, "i love you."
tears began to sting your eyes once more with each word she uttered. you sniffled, wrapping your arms around her neck in a slow, shaking motion.
"abby," you sniffled, a tear slipping from the corner of your eye. "abigail. i love you. 'm sorry."
she wiped your tear with an aspirated chuckle, smiling with most fondness. "don't be. i'll be here, y/n. i'll always be here."
"and besides," she grinned, "isn't this what i signed up for when i asked you to marry me?"
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
hello to everyone on my tumblr feed who has been complaining about there not being enough fluff on their feed i'm here to save you all from this drought
i am very sincerely sorry to the anon who requested this i know it sat in my drafts collecting dust for weeks :( thank you so much!! <3
this one's kinda corny but i kinda love it like why do i want her in between my legs rn lol
GOODNIGHT!! need to sleep bye bye
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jobean12-blog · 8 months
Can't Keep my Hands to Myself
Pairing: Pre!Outbreak Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 1,922
Summary: You and Joel have been flirting and dancing around each other for months but neither of you have made a move so Tommy decides to take matters into his own hands and plans a night out.
Author's Note: Here is my second story for Kinktober! One of my favorite things ever are a man's hands and Pedro and his hands are like porn so here we are. I literally just melt when I see them. It's real. LOL Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: flirting, teasing, tension, pet names, light praise, mentions of a-l-co-ho-l, light di-r-t-y talk, semi-pu-b-li-c s-e-x, f-in-ger-in-g.
PS the way he fucking rubs the arm of that chair. IS HE FOR REAL?!?! WTF PEDRO. How am I to live? Anyway, enjoy <3
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Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
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“Why do you keep checkin’ the door?”
Joel’s question makes Tommy pull his eyes away from the entrance of the bar as his lips spread into a wide smile.
“No reason big brother.”
Joel’s eyes narrow as he grinds his teeth.
“What are you drinkin’?” Tommy asks him, ignoring Joel’s gruffness.
“Whiskey. On the rocks.”
Just as the bartender finishes pouring the amber liquid and Joel lifts the glass to his lips he catches movement by the doorway. It swings open and you walk in.
You don’t see him yet but he can’t take his eyes off you. He watches over the rim of his glass as you scan the crowd with slow steps.
“I didn’t know she was comin’,” Joel mumbles before downing the rest of the whiskey.
“That a problem?” Tommy asks with a smirk.
“No,” Joel states. “Course not. Why would it be?”
Tommy and Joel stare at each other, an unspoken challenge in their eyes, until you shout Tommy’s name and launch yourself into his arms.
“Hi Tommy!”
Tommy wraps an arm around your waist and kisses your cheek.
You slip from his grasp and turn to Joel.
“Hey Joel,” you say, more quietly.
You lean in to kiss his cheek, missing how his eyelashes flutter closed and his grip tightens on the drink he’s still holding, the glass dwarfed in his large hand.
“Hi darlin’,” he replies.
You start to catch up with Tommy and order a drink, the whole while feeling the weight of Joel’s eyes on you.
“Do you want another?” you turn to ask him, eyeing the empty glass still clutched in his hand.
Your gaze lingers on his hand longer than it should and Joel clears his throat.
“I’m good,” he answers, still watching you intently.
After Tommy finishes off his third drink he excuses himself to the bathroom and you find yourself at the bar alone with Joel.
“I’m going to have one more,” you state, more to yourself than him.
You lean over the bar and try to get the bartenders attention. As you’re doing so, a body knocks into you, throwing you off balance and into Joel.
With an ‘oof’ you practically land in his lap, your palms pressed to his chest and his hands planted firmly on your hips.
“Oh my god,” you breathe out as your body instinctively moves closer.
“Are you alright darlin’?” he murmurs, still holding onto you.
“What?” you say, blinking at him.
“You ok?” he asks again.
“Um…yeah. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean…that guy is drunk and…”
“It’s ok,” Joel says.
Your hands slide up his chest and onto his shoulders as you right yourself. He still doesn’t let go of you. The man behind you teeters again and bumps you, causing you to slip between Joel’s spread thighs.
“He’s really drunk,” you whisper, your face only inches from Joels.
“Seems that way,” Joel grumbles. “Sure you’re alright?”
“Fine,” you assure him, not wanting to move.
Joel’s eyes drag away from yours as he looks over your shoulder. The drunken man is still wobbling on his feet so Joel slides his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side, getting you out of the way.
When he removes one of his hands from your waist and rests it on his thigh your eyes are drawn to the gesture. Your skin heats as he spreads his thick fingers and rubs his jeans.
“If he doesn’t move I’m going to make him,” Joel growls.”
Your eyes lift and you meet his gaze. “Hmm?” you ask.
Joel studies your face. “Sure you’re ok princess?”
“Princess?” you repeat, glad to have his solid body keeping you upright.
The corner of Joel’s mouth lifts slightly and his eyes sparkle.
“Totally fine,” you whisper.
When the drunken guy doesn’t leave Joel stands, keeping you tucked safely into his side as he shifts his body protectively in front of you to block you from any more harm.
You feel Joel stiffen when the man knocks into him and just as he’s about to tell him off, the man’s friend rushes over and pulls him away from you both and the bar.
“I hope he has a ride home,” you mutter.
Joel just grunts, his body still pressed to yours as he cages you against the bar.
Tommy returns from the bathroom with a satisfied smug.
“What’s goin’ on here?” he asks, raising his brows as he looks between you two.
You and Joel stare blankly back before quickly separating.
“Nothin’. All good,” Joel mumbles, sitting back down on the barstool.
“Some guy was drunk and kept bumping into me. Pretty sure Joel was about to kick his ass but luckily his friend saved him.”
You giggle and look at Joel, grinning when he winks at you.
“You never got your drink?” Joel says as he waves down the bartender.
He orders for you and gets another whiskey for himself.
While you wait for the drinks Tommy fills you and Joel in on his latest dating escapades. You’re listening, trying to focus, but when Joel starts to mindlessly smooth his hand across the bar top it distracts you and you find yourself drowning in thoughts of what his hands would feel like on your bare skin.
“Babe?” Tommy says, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“Yeah! Hi!” you squeak. “What did you say? I missed that.”
“I could tell,” Tommy teases before repeating his question.
You don’t dare look at Joel because you can feel his eyes on you.
You manage to stay involved in the rest of the conversation but then Tommy gets a phone call and walks outside the bar to take it.
You fiddle with your empty drink glass and avoid meeting Joel’s eyes.
“What’s goin’ on with you princess?” Joel asks.
He mimics your movements, twirling the whiskey glass between his long fingers. You watch the action instead of answering.
“Can you stop?” you ask, a bite in your words.
“Stop what?” he counters, leaning into your space.
You huff out a sigh of annoyance and cross your arms over your chest.
“Why do you keep staring at my hands?”
Your mouth falls open and then you close it abruptly.
“I am not!”
“Yes,” he murmurs as he takes the edge of your stool and pulls you and the seat between his spread legs, “you are. Wanna tell me why princess?”
“I’m not a princess.”
You press your lips together and raise your chin defiantly. His lips curl slowly upwards as he lifts his hand and ghosts it along your thigh, his touch so light it makes you shiver.
Your breath rushes out in a sigh and you drag your teeth over your bottom lip.
“You have hands!” you blurt out, feeling flustered.
He stops moving his fingers and presses them into your skin.
“You’re right about that darlin’,” he smirks. “I do have hands.”
“Joel!” you huff. “What I meant to say…”
You trail off and look for your drink but you finished it a while ago so instead you grab Joel’s whiskey glass and throw back the last sip.
“You have really nice hands and your fingers are so…so…”
After you say the words you dip your chin and settle your gaze on his fingers pressed into your skin. “They’re so big.”
When you lift your face to look at him his jaw is clenched, the muscles flexing as he holds your gaze. Your eyes drop to his mouth and then wander over his beard.
“See somethin’ else you like princess?” he simpers.
Your fingers reach out, hovering just centimeters away from his lips and your breath hitches when you feel his grip on your thigh tighten. The air between you crackles with electricity and it feels like your skin is on fire.
He murmurs something you don’t quite catch, tilting his head closer as his calloused fingertips slide over your silky skin.
The moment is broken when you hear your name being shouted over the noise of the crowd. Joel’s eyes snap up and he pulls back. Your turn to see your friend coming toward you. Her excited hello breaks you out of your haze but you barely have time to say anything to Joel before your friend whisks you away to the bathroom, going on about how great it is to see you and how she has something to tell you that absolutely can’t wait.
After giving her as much attention as you can muster without being rude you excuse yourself and sneak out of the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to get back to Joel.
Before you can turn the corner of the dimly lit hallway a strong hand wraps around your arm and you’re yanked into something hard.
You gasp but sag in relief when you lock eyes with Joel’s dark brown irises, feeling his chest brush yours with every breath he takes.
“Where’d you go?” he asks, tension radiating off his entire body.
“Missed me that much?” you counter, batting your lashes.  
His eyes darken at your cheekiness and your eyes light up in victory. He carefully backs you up toward the wall, trapping you against it with his body.
“Think I’ll keep you all to myself for the rest of the night,” he whispers, his voice hot against your ear.
With an arch to your back you press closer, lowering your lashes as your fingers dance up his chest. When you hear your name, a whispered plea on his lips, you comb your fingers through his hair and tug on the soft strands.
His hand slips around the back of your neck and draws you closer, his mouth so close you can feel his warm breath.
You lift a challenging brow and he growls, squeezing your neck harder as his free hand smooths down your curves, teasing the hem of your dress.
He dips his head, inching closer and at the same time his fingers move higher, grazing between your legs. You tremble in his arms.
With a hiss he runs a finger over your soaked panties. His touch is teasingly light and you spread your legs, opening them in a silent invite.
“Good girl,” he praises, pushing your panties aside and sliding his finger through your wetness, gathering it before he circles your clit.
“Tell me princess. What do you want?”
“You…your fingers,” you whimper as you circle your hips. “Fuck me with your fingers.”
His groan is guttural and in sync with your wanton moan as he slips a long finger inside you, pushing deeper when you beg for more.
It isn’t until you’re chanting his name and quietly pleading that he adds a second finger, fucking you in earnest.
Your eyes flutter closed but he slides his hand from the back of your neck and settles it at the base of your throat, putting light pressure before his thumb presses under your chin and he pulls your focus to him.
“No, keep your eyes on me. I want to see you come for me.”
You’re instantly on the edge, teetering so close that the slightest stimulation will make you shatter. With a swipe of his thumb across your clit he pushes a third finger inside you, the stretch bordering on pleasurable pain and you come hard, crying out his name.
He draws out your bliss, fingers still buried deep inside you as he growls in your ear, “you’re going to remember just how much you love my hands with every step you take tomorrow.”
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@lorilane33 @hiddles-rose @littleseasiren @pedritosdarling @kmc1989 @blackwidownat2814
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grimoireofhayley · 7 months
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
Word Count: 1.6k
WARNINGS: Graphic content, Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ Content, Stalking, Possessiveness, Dirty talk, Religion talk, Suppressed Mental Health problems (I.e., reader has some issues that she isn't aware of)
Taglist: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @fanfic-enjoyer123 @darkenwolfie @juda-the-simp  @colsons-baker @junnniiieee07  @ok-boke @ren-ni @katie-tibo @bruce-yamada @kenma-izhu @cookielovesbook-akie @elevenpurple @hyunlix-world @mavix @halleest
A/n: Oh-my-god, I am so sorry for the major delay! Trust me, I was in the middle of writing the chapter the same day I said I would post it, but being a mom is super-duper busy and they will always come first and I completely forgot to post the chapter, but here it is FINALLY.. My twins are now 3 so they’re acting like teenagers, but toddler form; super bossy, extremely demanding, always and I MEAN always keeping me on my feet. Plus, I had to re-write it as I didn’t like how the first attempt at chapter 14 sounded 😮‍💨 Anyways, I barely have time to write, but when I can, I hope you all enjoy it. I hope this chapter is up to your liking! More chapters are still on the way, A LOT MORE. Keep in mind, the Billy scene in previous chapters and this scene is my first time writing smut/smut related things… ��😓😓 Lastly, Thank You ALL so much for getting me to 405 followers! I’m in disbelief 🫢💜
All Chapter Links 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 14
Gulping, you shakily took the phone off the counter, hanging it up and unplugged it from the wall, making sure no calls would come through anymore that night for her sake.
Looking over, you saw Sidney gripping at her brown hair, pulling it in every direction, her jaw clenched, yet, her teeth chattering; she wanted to scream, shout and cry, but couldn’t. Her pale features now a rouge from both exhaustion and terror. Her sanity seemed to slip away bit-by-bit each time Ghostface would call; preying on her, taunting her, humiliating her.
“What, what!?” Dewey came running from his room, waving a gun around in his white t-shirt and blue and white striped boxers.
Tatum tsk-ed at her brother’s tardiness, pushing passed him to follow Sidney.
You rubbed the nape of your neck, placing your other hand on Dewey’s shoulder, “Next time.. maybe be a little quicker.” You laughed, half-heartedly, trying to make light of the situation, seeing how confused Dewey seemed to be.
“(Y/n) (L/n) and Sidney Prescott who were both…”
Before the news reporter finished his sentence, Dewey shut the tv off, pulling a chair out from the kitchen table, sitting down.
“Billy was released.”
Your ears perked at the sound, relief washing over.
Sidney’s eyes lit up, but she still clearly had her doubts.
“His cellular bill was clean. He didn’t make those calls..” Dewey stated, grabbing a carton of milk before pouring some of it into his coffee. “We’re checkin’ every cellular account in the county.” Dewey finished, taking a long gulp of his un-sweetened drink before continuing. “(Y/n), Sidney..” He eyed both of you, “Any calls made to you two or Casey Becker are being cross-referenced, it’s going to take some time, but we’ll find him.”
Tatum nudged you and smiled at Sidney.
Dewey pulled into the school lot with ease, parallel parking at the curb.
He got out and opened the door for you and Sidney.
You smiled at him, thanking him quietly, and he tilted his hat at you as Sidney got out next.
However, your smile quickly faded, seeing a reporter running towards your side; most likely to ambush both you and Sidney about what happened.
“(Y/n) how does it feel to know the murderer is lusting after you and nearly butchering your friends? Do you know who the killer is, are you a part of his twisted game?” A red head asked, shoving a mic at you, accusing you of being his partner-in-crime.
You scoffed, irritated, but somehow calm, honoured that she knows the killer wants you.
“What about you, Sidney? How does it feel to be almost brutally killed?”
Sidney bit her lip, already wanting to cry.
Dewey stepped in front, shoving the reporter away.
“Hey, leave them alone!” He shouted, towering over the petite woman.
She stumbled back, but wasn’t giving up.
“People want to know. They have a right to know!”
You, Tatum and Sidney bolted, getting away from all the interrogations this woman was sure to have up her sleeves.
You were pressed against a locker; your mid back arched causing your torso to move forward; and your arms folded, pushing your breasts together, making them pop out.
“This is a mistake, I shouldn’t be here…” Sidney huffed, grabbing her books and slamming her locker door shut.
You sighed, plopping a sucker in your mouth; twirling the red treat around your tongue, pursing your lips tightly around it and without meaning to, your eyes landed on Stu who was already watching you.
You blushed and he smirked, liking how you looked with your mouth full.
“I want you to meet me right here after class, okay, Sid?” Tatum spoke and Sidney nodded.
“Hey, Stu, I haven’t seen Billy around… is he really pissed?”
Stu tore his gaze from you, looking at Sidney.
“Oh, you mean after you branded him the Candyman?”
You shoved Stu slightly, giving him a glare.
He winced, “No, his heart’s broken—“
Suddenly a scream was heard and the four of you looked into the direction it came from, spotting a student running down the hall dressed as Ghostface.
You blushed again, seeing the full cloaked figure and that ghostly-white mask again.
‘Fuck, that’s hot.’ You smirked slightly, turning your head to the side, trying to subtly check out the student who’s dressed up like the murderer, you let out a quiet “Mmph” squeezing your thighs together.
Unbeknownst to you, Stu heard your moan, and knew exactly what you were doing with your thighs. Luckily, the others did not, but he is so glad that he did. He can smell the hormones leaking off of you; they were practically oozing with want for the cloaked-killer.
He bit his lip, trying to contain his excitement.
“Why are they doing this?” Sidney spoke, watching the student run away.
Stu, glanced at you, “Are you kidding me? Look at this place, it’s like Christmas!” He laughed, a devious smirk prying at his lips as the comment was directed at you. You were his Christmas, knowing the woman he wants is full blown horny for him, for Ghostface.
Tatum huffed, hitting him with the lollipop you had given her prior, “Stupidity leak.”
“Hey!” Stu shrieked, immediately looking at his girlfriend, while the school bell blared, signalling the start of class and students were quick to get going.
Sidney ran down the hall, upset at Stu’s comment and Tatum ran after her. You sighed, looking down, picking up your bag in the process. You went to go wave ‘bye’ to Stu, but he vanished.
“Huh?” You mumbled out loud, seeing how he was gone and so was every other student that was there nearly two minutes ago. “That’s my cue…”
Tapping your fingers against your hip, you hummed to the tune of ‘Your Dead’ by Norma Tanega.
You stopped in front of the janitors closest to reach for your Walkman that was in your bag, wanting to blare the song in your ears, hoping that actually listening to the catchy tune would make it stop repeating itself inside your head.
Though, the universe had other plans…
You felt the door swing open, hitting you, knocking you out of the way, making you drop your only source of music.
Soon after, a hand covered your mouth and an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into the closet.
A scream hitched in your throat as the unknown figure flicked the light on, revealing who the culprit was…Stu.
“Stu, what the actual fuck was that for!?” You narrowed your eyes, clenching your fist, ready to punch him out of fear.
He laughed, but soon afterwards told you to be quiet, locking the door behind him as he stepped forward.
“Shh, I don’t want anyone to hear us.” He whisper-yelled, getting closer to you, placing both hands on either side of your arms.
He was a good two-to-three feet taller than you.
“I saw you, you know…” He bit his lip again, rolling the flesh with his teeth, gripping your arms tighter.
You looked up at him, confused, not sure what he meant, however, a part of you knew where this might be going.
“The way your face went red, how you rubbed your thighs together..” He taunted, poking your nose, “Let’s not forget that sweet-little moan you let out when you saw that student…” He leaned into the crease of your collarbone, nipping at the skin, the coolness of his lips penetrating your warmth.
Your face was hot with yearn, but also embarrassment. “The student who was dressed as the Woodsboro slasher…” He grinned, feeling you shiver at his touch.
“W-what—“ You began, trying to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about; ashamed that you were caught. You were quickly silenced by Stu pressing his lips against yours, his bulge pushing up against your side.
His fingers danced across your arms to the string of your grey tank top, ripping it from your body with force as the sound of the thin material shredding lingered in your ears. Fortunately for Stu, you didn’t have a bra on…
Your breasts jiggled from the impact, bouncing in place which caused a small guttural growl to emit from Stu’s throat.
Stu immediately grabbed your boob in his right hand, rubbing his thumb across the perky bud, while his other hand gripped at your bare side, his fingers digging into your ribs.
He narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the finger prints you already had bruised into your skin. They almost lined up with his own marks, but his were slightly bigger. Stu only quirked a brow, continuing to fondle your breast, not wanting to ruin the moment by asking.
Stu trembled at the thought of someone else having you, but he was sure to find out who and kill him.
“M-mm..” You let out a breathy moan, making Stu lose track of his thoughts,“But T-Tatum—“ you stuttered, holding back another sound as he slid his hand into your shorts, rubbing your clit through the silk of your panties.
He hooked his finger under the band, pulling you even closer, his forehead pressing up against your own.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
<— Previous Next —>
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bryce-bucher · 7 months
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I've been feeling p sick this last week, which for some reason means that my brain really really wanted me to do nothing but focus on creating this render. I created as a means to get better at using Alias Poweranimator 9.0 because I eventually hope to use this program to make environments for games. I am really happy with the process of making this render, and I feel like I learned a whole lot! It's definitely the most detailed thing I've made in any of these old 3d programs so far, and it's given me a lot of confidence that I can pull some cool stuff off. I'm considering making some kinda video documenting some nurbs modeling techniques I learned since this kinda modeling is super dead and there is very little documentation on how they were doin it in the 90s. Lmk if that is something anyone would be interested in. (UPDATE: I did it: https://youtu.be/G8NmDeGIXZE) The only thing blocking me rn is annoying bugs that come up when running this on modern hardware, and the fact that I'm currently having issues getting it cracked on my windows xp machine. Anyway, here are some behind the scenes photos and variants of the wallpaper:
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Here is what the wireframe looks like in tha program
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Here is my initial sketch alongside some theory crafting sketching on how to model certain shapes. Making stuff with nurbs is super fun because everything feels like some kinda open-ended puzzle lol.
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Here are a couple wallpaper variants I made with some color adjustments meant to test how they would look in printing. Modus Interactive and I figured this kinda thing is what gives a lot of 90s renders those distinct colors.
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Here are some 4:3 crops for all of you out there who know what is good and true in this world.
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Here are a couple high contrast ones as a treat.
Last but not least, here is just a buncha random behind the scenes screenshots:
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Thank u for checkin this out I spent a lotta time on it and had a good time yippe wahoo
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thetriplets3 · 9 months
whispering to each other + searching for the other’s hand in bed like theyre both tired but cant fall asleep (matt or chris x y/n or smt)
❝𝐢’𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰❞
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pairing: matt x reader (no defined relationship but mutual pining?)
warnings: brief mention of anxious thoughts, loneliness, depression, vague mention of suicidal wishes
a/n special thanks to @dwntwn-strnlo for editing this you’re the best and shoutout to whoever it was to color code dialogue i took that idea anyways enjoy 🍿
having my 3 best friends away on tour was hard enough but having a rough few weeks physically and mentally on top of that was really hard on me. since i've moved here i haven't really made any friends. parties, events, and crowded loud places aren't my thing which makes it hard to meet people. sure i've met people the odd time the boys dragged me out but i was never able to hold a conversation let alone willingly go up to people. which brings me to now.
the triplets asked if i wanted to come on tour with them but i was in the middle of the semester, the busiest time. so i've spent the past few weeks alone, only leaving when i had to work. it sucks having no one to be able to go do things with, to talk to, and to just be there.
mindlessly clicking through the stories of people i follow, just trying to distract myself from my own thoughts, my screen reveals the faces of the only people i wish i were with right now. my heart aches watching them have the time of their lives being able to explore places they always dreamed of and getting to show their personalities on stage. don't get me wrong i'm beyond happy for them and how successful they’ve become the last few years, but i just wish i were with them. quickly hearting matt’s story of him posing in front of the bean in chicago, i drop my phone beside me and get under my covers, curling up. he seemed so happy being on tour.
i lie there, thoughts wandering, and tears gently flowing as i realize how truly alone i am. my thoughts are disrupted when i feel my bed softly vibrate. lazily rolling over, i grab my phone only to be met with a text from the person i yearned for the most. matt.
heyyy look who’s alive!
where’ve ya been it’s been a while since any of us heard from you?
you doing okay?
unfortunately i've been busy, midterm term time sorry edited
i’m fine
looks like tour’s fun, you look happy
unfortunately? please take time for yourself too you can only do so much if you’re not at your best
you’ll do great on them don’t overwork yourself love
it’s a blast seeing new places, meeting new people, i just wish you were here
shoot i forgot you can see what the other person edited
i was kidding. i’ll try
i wish i was there i miss you but it makes me happy seeing you be successful
we’ll be home before you know it i miss you too
and with that i turn my phone off for the night and bury myself under my covers in a desperate attempt to shut my brain off from thinking things it shouldn't. as the hours passed i tossed more and more not able to fall asleep, stay asleep and get comfortable. peeking at my clock to see the glowing 6:44am, i roll over shoving my face into my pillow and let out an unnecessarily loud groan. seeing no point staying in bed just to not be able to sleep i pad my way to the living room, claiming it my spot for the day. i put on a random season of the office to fill the silence and loneliness that i've sadly become used to. having seen the office far too many times, it's become a comfort background show, making it easy for me to fall asleep.
i accidentally ordered a package to your house from the last time you used my amazon prime to order something. it says it’s been delivered could you just put it aside for me? have a good day
staring at my phone i reread matt's text a few times, my mind still fuzzy and confused thanks to my lack of sleep. finally understanding it after the 5th time, i wrap my blanket around my body and trudge over to the door to pick it up. opening the door and checking the ground for a package i'm met with beat up air forces instead. startled, my head whips just to confirm it's who i thought it was.
all the loneliness, emptiness, sadness, yearning to see you hit me at once, a wave of tears overcame me as i engulf you in a hug nearly sending you and i to the floor. no words have been spoken, there's no need to. i immediately bury my head into your chest, your one hand coming to cradle my head as the other holds me securely to your body. we stay like this for a few minutes before you slightly pull away grabbing my hands and placing them around your neck, sneaking a quick peck to my cheek as you do so. your hands snake around my waist and gently lift me, bringing both of us into my house. closing the front door we make our way to the living room sitting on the couch turning to face each other.
god i missed you. today was our last day of tour but we were gonna stay there and explore the city for a few days but i couldn’t wait any longer i needed to see you. i was worried about you and couldn't bare the thought of being away for another second.
i missed you more. things haven’t been right since you guys left
like what?
it feels stupid to say out loud but ive felt so alone. like i have no one other than you guys and that makes me feel so pathetic that i rely on you guys so much. i haven't been able to sleep that much my mind just won't shut up i kept thinking about you guys and worrying about something bad happening to you it's stupid i know. heavily sighing i roughly wipe my face drying the tears that i tried so desperately to not let fall.
hey what did we talk about? every thought and feeling is valid they’re not stupid don’t say that.
you stand and offer me your hand and lead me to my room where we crawl into bed. you pull me as close to you as you possibly can. my head on your chest with my arm loosely draped across your body, your cotton shirt carelessly balled up in my hand. your arms wrapped around my torso like your life depended on it. god i missed this
i’m here now okay? everything’s okay, i’m okay, my brothers are okay, nothing happened to us. we’re not going anywhere for a while and when we do your coming with us. and don’t try and say you won’t be able to because of school, you’re coming no matter what. i can’t go that long without you, nothings the same
i won’t put up a fight i don’t want to do this again this was horrible being alone for so long. i missed being in your arms, feeling like nothing bad will ever happen because i have you here
as you place a gentle kiss to the top of my head a comfortable silence falls over us and we bask in this moment of being in each others arms again. my eyes grow heavy but my body is still fighting sleep like it has for the past few weeks
you can sleep now i’m here i’m not going anywhere i promise. i love you so much sweet girl
with the hushed tone of your voice and gentle pecks on my forehead, i feel my body grow heavier with sleep. i blindly reach my hand around searching for yours which you seem to pick up on what i wanted, placing your hand on mine and give it a squeeze once and a while letting me know you're right there.
goodnight sweet girl. i’m right here
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo @lollibumblebee @ssturniolo @20nugs
(i can’t remember who it was but i saw someone color coded the dialogue and that makes it so much easier to read so shoutout to you if it was you)
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tinytalkingtina · 2 months
You can't fool yourself forever
Written for the @steddiemicrofic April challenge prompt "fool".
454 words (according to wordcounter.net) | rating G
Tags: Eddie Munson has a sexuality crisis, denial of feelings to self-acceptance, grappling with internalized homophobia briefly, getting together
Ao3 link
Dawn is slowly breaking, the grey light beginning to fill his room. Somewhere outside a bird trills, bearing witness to the end of yet another night of restlessness. A robin his brain unhelpfully supplies. Except, he can’t think of robins, because then he pictures Robin. And he can’t picture Robin. Absolutely can’t, because if he does then he’ll think of hazel eyes and a smile that meant—nope. No, he wasn’t going to think about the robin. Had been avoiding any thoughts of robins for 3 days, 5 hours, and 15 minutes. 3 days, 5 hours, and 15 minutes since a smile made him realize the shape of his feelings. Feelings that sent him retreating into the relative safety of his and Wayne’s new trailer. Shivered in the tub the rest of that night while he did not and could not think about it. Since then he’d dodged talking to anyone in person, but he knew couldn’t skip out on the morning checkins. If he avoided everyone altogether, at best, one of the kids might show up. At worst, Ste-no. But it was going to be fine, because he’s forcing himself out of bed to grope around for his walkie, just as Dustin begins roll call. It’s going to be fine, even if after his tepid “Munson here…over” came the sound of Ste-his voice softly pouring out from the walkie. Even if that alone simultaneously sent butterflies swooping into his stomach and icy dread dripping down his insides. You’re a fool Edward Munson. He had to be, to think that after half the town set out on a witch-hunt, he’d ever be perceived as anything but the freak. Before it was something he took pride in, to spit back at their faces. Now, he’s just terrified. A few hours of circular thinking later, the birds silence as a car pulls up. Eddie gets up to help Wayne with the groceries. Except it’s not Wayne, it’s Ste— “Hey man. It’s just been a few days since we’ve seen you and Wayne said you came down with a bug or…something? He wasn’t super clear when I called and you didn’t sound great on the checkin. So. I figured I’d bring some food over.” “Oh, uh, thanks, come in?” Eddie’s brain supplies on autopilot, too panicked to formulate a reason to slam the door shut. Ste-he sets the Tupperware down before raising a hand to Eddie’s forehead. “You don’t have much of a fever.” He just smiles and slowly strokes his fingers down the side of Eddie's face and-Oh. Maybe Eddie will always be a freak. But he doesn’t have to be a fool forever. He can raise a shaking hand to Steve’s face, finally meeting him halfway.
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
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dating vernon is really like dating ur bsf
he'd definitely treat you like a bro
but we all know how he doesn't take super good care of himself and how he eats (according to the8)
so ofc his s/o would take care of him
i imagine he'd come home from schedules, and you'd already have a dinner ready for him
whether it be something you cooked or something you bought and took out
and he'd be so happy
like that video of him and woozi being roommates one time
and he was like, "oh my god~ hyung prepared dinner for me!"
yeah, that'd be him, no matter how many times you do that for him
"is this for me?"
"yeah, i bought/cooked it just for you."
"wow, thanks, babe!"
and he'd want to sit on the couch with you and watch something as he eats
he'd put on something funny
and every time he'd laugh, he'd smack your thigh or lean on you a bit with his head on your shoulder
(like how he does with svt)
other honorable mentions i'd have picturing hansol as your bf would include:
calling you his cat's mom
always having his arm around your shoulders if you're watching a movie together
sharing his clothes (esp his hats and jackets) / he'd love styling you in his fashion sense
he'd love listening to you whenever you have to vent or need advice
if you get insecure about your looks, he'd reassure you and then remind you that your heart and personality are to die for and that's the main reason why he loves you anyway
sharing airpods/earbuds whenever listening to music (he'd def send you lots of music or make you playlists; i see him sending you daily checkins with a song that he's currently listening to or makes him think of you)
playing videogames together (bonus: him sitting with his legs apart and you sitting between them, resting your head and back against his chest, his arms around your body to play using his controller)
lots of comfortable silence (he values your company)
he'd be your #1 hype man (type to watch you do literally anything with a big smile on his face and big heart eyes)
and he'd def call you "babe" or another super casual pet name cuz i feel like that's such his vibe
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gildasfantasy · 2 months
Id really like to credit my friend panda for helping me out on editing my story because they noticed mistakes I made <3 besides I'd like to have new ideas so it you guys want me to do something new like, new ships or share your plot ideas it'd be great !! I do oc/yn X any character from any show and game and fluff+nsfw+angst ect!!
First times in a relationship's can be scary especially if everytime you've had sexual contact, it wasn't filled with love you so desperately craved
Husk and angel had formed a friendship after their bonding near the bar that night, it was clear to everyone that there was more than friendship between the two and after awhile they made their attraction be known and a loving relationship blossomed between them but they promised to never let this relationship out the hotel to reach the ears of Valentino, angels boss. Many months has passed since they made it official and they found themselves at the 8 month mark, husk being the awkward romantic he is, he wanted it to be something immensely special for angel just to show how much he genuinely loved him.. Husk examined the stores down the pathways of the somewhat busy area but no matter how hard he searched all he could find was bondage stores, lingerie stores ect; and he didn't want that, he didn't want angel to think he was just like all the rest of the men he had to deal with and additionally, husk wasn't a big.. sex fiend.. sure he got urges but he had boundaries and the thought of leather wear and overly threatening sex felt disgusting to him, so he despised these types of stores..eventually after a long day of trying to search he sighed, he'd been to every ring, even the lust ring, but still he hasn't found what he felt was right for angel, what was he supposed to get for someone that gorgeous? He was down on his luck til he heard two strangers talking down the sidewalk as if they were married and raised his head to look at the imps. One imp had black hair, 'a girl' he noted absent-mindedly, and the other imp had white hair, 'a guy'." 'excuse me? Sorry, I don't mean to listen in on you folks but am I right to assume you're both..?" "Together? Yea we're married' the white haired imp spoke, his voice kind of scratchy that made husks ears twitch ever so slightly, 'great! I need help, me and my boyfriends 8 month mark is comin' up and I can't find anything romantic.. everywhere I look it's just.. sex novels or over-the-top sexual stores.'
The black haired imp girl spoke excitedly, her southern accent bounced off of her husband's demeanor like a bouncy-ball on a whiteboard "Well hi thereee! You're alright to ask, sugar —"
"I'd suggest checkin' out LooLoo Land stores! Even though its a theme park they have the gosh darnedest cutest things, my mox got me a thang from there!' 'christ' husk thought to himself, already he formed a headache solely because of her loud voice but despite it, he thanked her, she was kind enough to help "thanks" *his deep voice grumbled but his expression was as if he were genuinely trying to force an awkward smile and eventually they changed paths and husk found himself on the way to the infamous looloo land, loud blaring music and the sound of kids screaming and crying made husk furrow his brows and groan but it was worth it to find something angel could love..perhaps after an hour of searching he found it.. a stand filled with stuffed animals and one caught his eye immediately.. a white bear with crossed out red eyes stitched in along with round red cheeks at each side of its smile,
he knew it'd be beyond perfect for his angel and he threw a coin at the stand-man, a determined look plastered on his face. Husk picked up the toy-gun and shot water at the wooden stands. No matter the amount of times he hit them though, the standman rigged the game and after draining his coin pocket dry, Husk had enough and tackled the man. Pulling him close by the collar and holding a sharp claw up to his neck. "Give me the fuckin' bear." He growled, and while he would usually never lose his composure, he was not going to let that bear be dangled in front of him. Feeling the man shudder with a nod, he backed away to let him grab his prize; the bear and his money back in full. He loved it, the texture of the bear and the way it felt on his fur made him know Angel would adore it. A proud look made its way to his face subtly and he walked out of the park happily, believing that to be enough from LooLoo land today. he deserved everything. Angel deserved the universe, in Husk's eyes and as he walked, he found his eyes gravitating towards a jumper on the way back home. It was beautiful; the jumper was white with flowers trailing up the sleeves in pink stitching and a heart cutout on the chest and on the back. It looked as if it was made for Angel, with a lighter wallet and a newfound bag in his claws, along with a bouquet of Devil-Eye flowers (Mammon Special!) he made his way back home. Husk smiled as he walked through those hotel doors and stood in front of sir pentiouses big portrait on the wall and sighed. "Wish me luck, buddy." he muttered as he made his way to the second floor of the hotel and faced the door of Angel's room, staring at the picture of his boyfriend and their friends. It made Husk's heart melt and his fur grow hot at the beauty of Angel. with courage that took a few minutes to tame, he twisted the doorknob and opened it to see his Angel sitting with a book in his top hands. He cleared his throat lowly and watched as Angel perked up and smiled, "Whiska's! Ya made it!" he said In disbelief
lord, Angel adored husk more than afterlife itself
He knew Husk was genuine, but a part of him still doubted he'd show up for their 8th month. He was pleasingly surprised to be wrong as he pecked both sides of Husk's face and massaged his fingers into his cheek fluff and slid them up to scratch behind his ears; causing Husk to purr and melt lovingly into his touch and for his leg to ever so slightly start thumping "ah what's this then husky, this fa' mee?" Angel said teasingly, his tone joking to ready himself to be wrong. Angel couldn't believe it, he nervously took the gifts and smiled at the bouquet 'husk' he spoke 'i don't know what ta' say..' his voice seemed much softer as he sat down in his bed, the silk curtains draped up and the pink lighting above set such a pretty tone to the scene.. he placed the flowers down against his bedside table before taking a look at the jumper, sliding straight into it and it fit so perfectly. Husk could barely believe his eyes, all four arms fit so perfectly and angel suited it so well, it made husk feel hot N heavy, his cheeks slightly pink tinted 'i knew you'd like it ange' " he smiled softly just before angels tears slipped, his hand covering one side of his face to wipe his tears.. husk didn't know how to respond, 'aye what's wrong ange'.. do you not like it? I can take it bac-" "no!- no I love it I just.. didn't.. expect it' he admitted with a smile.. the two of his arms connected to his waist wrapped around himself like a self hug.. his heart was racing and in that moment husk was the only one he cared for, the only one he ever wanted to be with and die with.. he placed a kiss against husks lips, but it was soft, like their lips had barley even touched.. and before he could respond again he made contact with the bear husk had 'won' for him and got ecstatic "huska' it looks like me' awh you big-' he immediately wrapped his arms around husk and buried his cheek into his head, his fingertips stroking his cheek.. Husk laughed and held angels back to pull him closer, like this hug wasn't enough contact for him.. in the moment it's like a piece of a puzzle finally clicked and he took a deep breath, pulling away and holding one of angels hand 'i.. want.. you to know I'm ready' he smiled and this confused angel, 'ready fa' what huskie..' he responded like his heart dropped to his stomach 'to be intimate with you' he whispered, his eyes drifting up to meet angels gaze 'oh.. huska' don't force ya'self for lil ol' me.. I can wai-" "no, I want this.. I want you but I don't know.. what, I'm doing.. I'm scared I'll embarrass myself y'know' he sighed as he traced his fingers through his hair to push it back, a huff leaving his lips and his eyelashes fluttering shut to avoid angels stare 'aright then but.. I.. can help, we all start somewhere yaknow?'
It'd been awhile since husk had been intimate with anyone, the last time he did he was alive and walking earth, but this felt so different because he WANTED to be perfect for angel.. so he smiled and took his boyfriends hands, and kissing him, a passionate, gentle kiss that burned straight through with not just love but lust too, for once angel felt genuinely... Turned on by the thought of sex and he slowly shuffled down, propping himself up on his bottom elbows while his other arms hoisted around husks neck, the dim room only lit by the pink lighting above angels bed had made it feel so much more perfect, husk, being the nervous guy he was didn't know where to touch him so instinctively he moved his hands up to hold angels chest fluff and immediately angel pushed back, panting with only drool stringing their lips together, 'shit, I'm sorry' husk said immediately before angel shook his eyes, eyes wide and breath heavy 'nono, husk it's okay I just want expecting it, it's hard to..' husk frowned and lay flat against angel, his head against his chest fluff 'we don't have to do this ange' trust me I'm not a sex-maniac, I'll wait til you can feel safer with this whole thing' he spoke reassuringly, his hands moving up to hold angels cheeks, swirling his thumb just under his eye 'husk, it's fine, I want this but it's hard to.. know what people are gonna do when all I've ever been through was abuse and unconsenting touchy sex yaknow..' 'yea I know sweetheart' husk lifted himself up a little, angels legs around his waist as he peppered soft kisses down his neck towards his arms 'ill be gentle with you my love.. let me show you what love is, trust me, all I ever want to make you feel is my love'
And with that angel smiled and nodded, his head slowly cocking back as a sign of angel giving himself over to husk, at this point they could hear their own heartbeats as well as each others heartbeat, the sensuality raising the heat through the roof as husk slipped off angels shorts..his hand sliding down his hips and down his v-line til eventually he found himself grasping at angels cock, slowly moving his hand in a up and down motion while undressing himself, angels moans felt like music to his ears, knowing he was capable of actually making angel feel good sent knots of love and lust into his gut and he craved so much more..
but at the same time, watching angels face, his brows furrow and his mouth agape, his pretty waist jolting up and his hips bucking into husks touch as if he wanted more friction, god he looked gorgeous like that and husk let his desires take control. He pulled his hand away and slid his arms under angels back with his palms behind angels head, fingers interlocked into his hair before finding himself entering angels hole, a groan leaving his lips while angel wrapped his arms around husk, their bodies close enough to make the heat somehow hotter, angel seemed to grip onto husks fur and pull like he needed even closer so husk obliged and pushed himself up against angel, his head buried in his chest fluff and loud purrs alongside moans escaped his lips, he was quite the sensitive man, not very aggressive dominant, and angel adored it, The shockwaves of love being pumped into angel overwhelmed him, when it was more loving, it just felt better to angel, he let this pleasure be known via his whimpers, moans, cries, whispered begs for more, not just that but his body reacted so strangely.. his legs twitched and perked up sometimes and his hips arched upwards, the spiders hands gently stretching behind husks ears 'good kitty' angel whispered 'fuck, my god' hmmnph.." be cried out quietly all the while husk slowly thrusted into angel, his dick twitching inside angel causing a reaction from both of them, husker tightened his hug like grip on angel, holding him closely 'i love you, i love you, god.. i love you angie..' he moaned in chants, his hips bucking and his hands squeezing his hair, gently tugging at it as he opened his mouth, drooling a little as he did so.
Angel let his head fall back and succumbed to husks movements and words, his eyes slowly drifting backwards and eventually his moans became so loud that they clogged his throat sometimes, he was choking on his own pleasure.. his legs squeezing around husks waist and his hands unable to comprehend where to hold next. He wanted all of husk so he tried to speak through his moans despite the struggle 'i love ya.. t..oo..gh..whiskas" he whined out just as he felt himself release on his own chest..his hand moving up to cover his mouth and muffle his pretty moans.. and the sight of that to husk sent electricity down his guts, and almost like a wild animal, his last thrusts became power filled and he moved his arms from under angel, he found himself squeezing under angels thighs while also lifting them up a little, and let himself vunerabalise, his semen filling angel quickly. He forgot how good it felt to be intimate like that with someone and it was enough to make them both moan while hugging at eachother tightly.. the relaxation setting in while they gently rode their high out together "Christ" husk huffed through a chuckle, slowly pulling away from angel and sitting up, his eyes focusing on the quite red and lovely spider Infront of him.. he finally faced his fear and he did it, he let himself be that vulnerable with someone, "You ain't gonna leave are ya?' angel said almost nervously, despite his broken speaking and loud breathing, there was a sense of seriousness and scarseness to it 'what? No, no, baby, I'm just gonna get ya something to eat.. I ain't gonna just have sex with ya and not treat ya like a prince after' he reassured while standing up, sliding on a dark red robe he left behind the last time he went to angels, a smile forming from ear to ear that made angel feel easy 'ya really doin' that fa' me?' he spoke back as he pulled up the silk bedsheets, not taking his eyes of husk the entire time.
'of course ange, sweetheart, you deserve it' husk responded while leaning in and laying a kiss on angels forehead
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
Then and Now
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 4500+
Rating: Fluff mostly, except for one minor scene, but I'm leaving my regular blog warning here…Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: thanks to @marvelousmermaid for the prompt and photo inspo! I've been dying to write Tommy and fluff sounds perfect!
Please excuse any typos as I'm writing this from my phone, which I hate doing. 
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist
Tommy Miller Masterlist
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This had been the work week from hell. Anything that could go wrong or take the most time possible, did. To say I was exhausted would be an understatement. 
I jam the keys in the ignition to my car, flipping off my place of work, immensely grateful I have the next few days in a row off. My cell rings and I groan, assuming it would be work trying to drag me back in because apparently I'm the only one who knows anything. A quick glance at the screen shows me I'm right. 
"Look, I'm off the clock. I'm taking my HR approved time off so figure it out or I'll see you in 3 days."
I hang up the phone, putting the car into drive and pulling out to the main road. I must have blanked out because the next thing I know, I'm parked in front of my boyfriend Tommy's house. 
I sit there for a couple minutes, completely puzzled by my arrival here before a soft knock at my window causes me to jump. 
"Sorry, honey! I was just checkin' on you."
My head turns and I meet his eyes, deep brown and full of concern and love. My entire body relaxes when I see his face and, embarrassingly, I feel tears start to make their way down my cheeks. I hadn't seen him in nearly 2 weeks, a work trip for him butted right up against a week from hell for me. 
I open my door and he's there, kneeling in front of me, his large hands on my thighs, slowly rubbing them up and down in a comforting manner. 
"Honey, what's wrong?" His eyes are wide and worried. 
I shake my head, willing the tears to stop as I wipe at the ones already fallen. "Nothing. Just a hard week."
"You wanna talk about it?"
I shake my head. "Not really."
He nods, rubbing his thumbs into my thighs. "Well let me know if you change your mind."
"Yeah. Ok."
We sit like that for a few more seconds before he speaks again. 
"You're staying for dinner."
It's not a question but also not a strict command. It's then I realize how bizarre this must seem to him, my showing up unannounced at his house in tears. 
"Shit, Tommy I'm sorry. I just.. I had a really long week and I blanked out and ended up here. I can g-"
"Don't you dare say go. Come on, honey. Let's get you inside."
One look into his eyes and he has me, those puppy eyes overriding any feeling I have where I don't want to be a burden. I nod and he smiles wide, standing with a groan as he extends his hand to me. I take it, allowing myself to be pulled up and out of the car. Pure instinct takes over and I nuzzle right into his large chest, feeling his arms close around me, hands rubbing my back. 
"How's a bath sound?"
"Yes please." Tommy has one of those giant soaking tubs where I can fit my entire body and my boobs under the water at the same time. I told him once if he ever broke up with me, I was taking the tub.
A quick kiss to the top of my head and Tommy leads me inside, tossing my bag on the entryway table as he guides me to his room. He sits me on the edge of the bed, cupping my face with his large, warm hands. 
"I'll be right back, honey. Just gonna pour you that bath, ok?"
I hear the water turn on and Tommy returns, kneeling in front of me again, helping me take off my clothes. It's not sexual but tender, Tommy taking great care to make sure I know this is for me and he expects nothing. 
He helps me into the tub, a nice warm bubble bath with the special soap I had left there. He helps me settle and stands there a moment, a stray curl falling forward towards his eyes. 
"I'm gonna whip us up a couple of steaks. Please don't drown."
I smile up at him. "With the promise of a world famous Tommy Miller steak? Not a chance I'd miss that."
He flashes me that smile, lighting up the bathroom. "I'll come back and check on you."
The bath helps to calm me, all the aches slowly leaching out of my body, the tension headache I'd been nursing all week with pain meds completely disappears. Once the water starts to cool, I get out, wrapping myself in one of his towels. It smells like him, wood and cologne and something distinctly him. I pull the towel a little tighter and head into the bedroom, pausing when I remember I have no clean clothes. Then I see them on the bed, one of his shirts and a pair of boxers laid out for me. Smiling, I pull them on, tossing the towel into the hamper before heading downstairs. 
He's standing just outside on the deck, his back to the sliding door as he concentrates on grilling. I slide open the door and walk up behind him. Without turning, he addresses me. 
"How was the bath?"
"Relaxing. Thank you. And thanks for the clothes."
"As much as I'd love to see you walk around naked, I thought you'd appreciate something to cover up with."
He glances towards me and does a double take, his eyes roaming across my body, or what he can see of it under his shirt. His pupils get wider and his eyes darker, swallowing hard. 
"You-you look good in my clothes."
"You should see yourself in them." I run my hand down his back, holding it at his lower back. He shivers for a moment and then shakes his head. 
"As much as I'd love to get in them with you, I want you to relax. This is about you, not me."
"Well what if I want you to?"
He lets out a dark chuckle. "Raincheck? I can see how hard you've been workin' and I know you're hungry."
I've never had a man turn down sex before. But it's not rejection - he's trying to take care of me how he can. 
Before I can reply, he's taking the steaks off the grill, setting one each on a plate where vegetable skewers already sit. Everything looks mouth wateringly delicious. 
"I may not be able to cook much of anything, but I can grill up a steak and veggies."
"Fuck yes you can."
Idle chatter while we eat, Tommy telling me about this asshole contractor him and Joel are forced to work with.
"It's only until the end of the month, right?" I ask. 
"We're hoping we can drop him come October, yeah. September is going to drag on though. I don't know how Joel will make it another 2 weeks."
"Isn't his birthday soon?"
He nods. "Yeah. Sarah's got something planned I'm sure."
The next morning, I wake to the smell of coffee and bacon, faint sounds of Tommy in the kitchen gently bringing me awake. I'm pleasantly sore, Tommy having spent some time between my thighs after I nearly begged him to, saying it would help me relax. And it did. 
I stretch, feeling the soreness and remembering the night when a quiet knock raps on the door. 
"You awake, honey?"
"I aaaammm," I yawn.
I hear him chuckle and when he opens the door, I see that smile I love so much. 
"Mornin' honey." Tommy enters the room carrying a tray of food, eggs and bacon with a mug of coffee and a flower set on the side. 
I sit up. "What's all this?"
Tommy walks over and sets the tray down over my lap, that smile stretching wider as he takes my face in. "I made you breakfast in bed. Bacon, extra crispy, scrambled eggs with Pico de Gallo, and coffee the way you like."
I pick up the flower, smiling. "Is this from outside?"
He laughs nervously. "It…is. It's a weed I'm sorry."
I laugh, touching his hand that was leaning on the bed. "I love it, Tommy. All of this smells amazing. You're joining me, right?"
"If you want me to."
"I always do."
Tommy sits on the bed next to me, eyes bright and wide as he watches me take a few bites. 
"Is it good?"
"Delicious," I say with my mouth full of food. 
There's my favorite smile again as he slaps his thigh. "Good. I wanted to make sure you had a good breakfast in you."
I cock my head to the side. "You sound like you're preparing me for something. Do we have plans for the day?"
He tries to hide his smile, instantly looking guilty. "Maybe."
"Tommy Miller, what do you have planned?" I can't hide the smile from my voice so I shove more food in my mouth to compensate. 
"You'll just have to wait and see."
"I have no clean clothes."
A large hand comes up to rub at the back of his neck. "Actually…." He gets up and walks to his closet, disappearing inside. I hear some rummaging and he remerges with a bag, handing it out to me. I take it and Tommy removes the finished tray of food so I have room. Opening the bag, I pull out a beautiful sundress, a floral leafy pattern embroidered onto the outside.
"Oh Tommy! This is…" I'm speechless. 
"Do you like it? I wasn't sure but I know you like plants and I thought that color would look good on you." 
His eyes are wide and round, like a puppy seeking approval. I set the dress down and cup his face, making sure he looks at me. 
"It's beautiful, Tommy. Absolutely perfect. Thank you." 
I pull him to me and kiss him, deepening it the longer it lasts. Soft moans between us,, Tommy pushing me onto my back, his body hovering over mine. I wrap my legs around his hips and he grunts, grinding into me once before breaking the kiss, pressing his forehead to mine. 
"As much as I want to take you right now, we're on a schedule."
I raise an eyebrow as he pulls his head from mine. "Tommy Miller following a schedule? This must be serious."
He smiles gently, tucking hair behind my ear. "I just want things to be perfect for you. I know I'm not the easiest at times."
I brush a stray curl from his forehead. "You are perfect to me. I wish you wouldn't doubt yourself so much." 
"What did I do to deserve you?"
"I ask myself that same question every day."
An hour later and we're on the road, mysterious bags loaded up into the back of his truck. I ask him repeatedly where we're going but he just gives me that same impish smile and says it's a surprise.
We pulled into the parking lot for the Blanton Art Museum, which I had been dying to check out but never made the time in the 10 years since I moved to Austin. 
"You remembered?"
Tommy parks the truck and shifts in his seat to look at me. "Of course, honey. Ready to go in?"
We spent the next few hours roaming the museum, Tommy not paying the slightest attention to any of the actual artwork as he was too busy taking in my face. When I asked him what he was looking at, he said "The most beautiful piece in this place." I rolled my eyes but smiled, continuing on our way. 
Lunch was street tacos from a food truck, one of Tommy's favorite spots that he'd constantly talk about. And for good reason - they were delicious.
We get back in his truck, starting to drive out of the city. 
"We got a couple hours ahead of us, honey. You need a stop?"
"Not now. Where are we going?"
His lips curve up at the edges ever so slightly. "It's a surprise."
"It's a good thing I trust you, Tommy Miller, or a girl might get worried."
He laughs, chest and shoulders shaking with it. "Oh you should always be worried about me."
A couple hours later, he turns off onto a nearly hidden dirt drive, winding its way through trees and bramble. And then it clears, opening up to a beautiful cabin style house with a lake that I can see through the trees lining the back yard. 
The house was exactly what Tommy had been talking about with me for months on end, asking my opinions on everything from architecture to the paint on the walls. It's like he reached in my brain and made it real. 
"Tommy, this is…beautiful! Do the clients love it?"
His eyebrows pinch together. "Clients?"
"Yeah. Didn't you build this for someone?"
He's quiet a moment, studying me. "I did."
"And they're just letting you use it?"
"They won't mind. Come on! Time for a tour." 
He offers me his hand getting out of the truck and I take it, loving the way his skin immediately warms mine. He doesn't drop my hand, using it instead to pull me to him and giving me a gentle kiss. 
"I love you, honey."
"I love you too."
He leads me inside, his hand never leaving mine as he starts the tour. The house has 4 bedrooms and bathrooms, 2 offices, a large garage, beautiful windows that open to the outside all along the back wall of the open kitchen and living room, with a dining area. The entire place is furnished and absolutely breathing taking. 
"Tommy, this is… you've really outdone yourself!"
He walks up behind me, having dropped my hand to let me explore the house. He wraps his arms around me, kissing my cheek. 
"You like it?" 
"Uh, yeah! You sure the owners won't mind we're here?"
"They're good. I promise. Now wait here a moment while I unload the truck."
I nod, eyes still sweeping over the beautiful brick fireplace in the living room. Tommy takes a few trips to bring in the mysterious bags, setting some at the edge of the hallway that leads to some bedrooms and the rest in the kitchen. He closes the front door behind him when he's done and starts to take things out of the bags in the kitchen. Lots of food, fresh veggies and meats, and..a picnic basket. He puts the food away and turns back to me, grabbing the basket. 
"Hungry? I have a place I wanna show you out back. And I.. I made us a…well, a picnic." He holds up the basket, a slight pink settling on his cheeks like he's embarrassed about it. 
"You made me a picnic?"
"It's… not much but I thought it would be nice. If you don't want to, that's fine-"
I grab his shirt and pull him down to me, my lips pressed against his as I squeeze his shirt tighter. "It's perfect."
"Ok well you better stop with that or we'll never eat."
"Well if that's the case-"
He puts his finger over my lips to prevent me from kissing him, mock shock on his face. 
"Are you trying to take advantage of me, miss?"
"I most certainly am."
His demeanor shifts, a dark lust settling in his already dark eyes. "Save it for later." 
That voice was commanding and it send a shiver of anticipation through me. 
He leads me out back where a nice patio and firepit sit, past the small in ground pool and through the trees at the back. You can see the lake clearly once you pass the trees, a little dock jutting out into the quiet lake. 
He spreads out a flannel blanket and sets the basket down, offering me his hand to help me sit. Once I do, he sets up the picnic, which turns out to be a beautiful board of meats and cheeses, grapes and crackers. A bottle of wine and 2 glasses are unloaded as well, the cork popping when Tommy opens it and pours a glass each. 
We talk about the house and he tells me it was important to the owners that it was self sufficient. They have generators that use the power of the river a quarter mile away, a greenhouse, and 2 cellars, one specification for growing root vegetables. I perk up at that as I've always wanted my own garden and to be self sufficient. 
He explains they're waiting on chickens and such and that a barn will be built on the property to house all of the animals. 
"They appreciated my point of view as a veteran too. Said I would know what is really needed for survival."
"Were they preppers or something?"
Tommy shakes his head. "Not exactly. Just wanted some place where they didn't have to worry about an electric bill I suppose."
"Wouldn't that be nice?"
"You'd live out here?"
I look around, sighing slightly. "I think I would. Especially if I had the right people with me." 
The more we chat, the more nervous Tommy becomes, wiping his sweaty palms against his jeans and stuttering a lot, which is not like him. 
"Tommy… you ok?"
"What? Oh. Yeah I'm… great. More than great really."
"Are you sure? Because you look like you might throw up."
He chuckles, slightly nervous. "I love you, so much, honey. You know that, right?"
"I do…"
"Then that will make this a little easier."
He sits up, shifting his weight to his good knee as he kneels in front of me. Reaching in his pocket, he pulls out a small, black box. 
"I have loved you since the moment I met you. You never judge me for anythin' and always let me be me. You've stuck with me through the nightmares and the good times. You're always there for me. And I hope you'll always let me be there for you too."
He opens the box where a beautiful ring sits, exactly my style.
"Will you marry me?"
Tears cloud my vision as I nod instantly, eyes shifting from his to the ring and back.
"I need a verbal confirmation, honey."
"Oh sorry, YES!"
The widest smile I've ever seen spreads across his face, and yet his eyes still contain doubt, as if he wasn't worthy of love. "You will?"
"You've had me since the moment I saw you, Tommy. I love you."
He takes my hand and slides the ring on gently. I pull him to me, laying back as my fingers pick at the edge of his shirt, finding skin there. He grunts, holding himself above me, kissing me deeply as if I would change my mind if he didn't. 
"Oh there's one more thing, honey."
"There's more??"
"Remember how I told you the owners of the house wouldn't mind if we used it?"
"Well…that's because I..well we, are the owners. If you'd like?"
"You mean…we would own this place?"
"Only if you want to."
I plant my hands on either side of his face, bringing him down to kiss me. "What did I do to deserve you, Tommy Miller?"
"Must have been something bad."
He smirks as I smack him playfully. "I would love this house."
"Then it's ours."
We had planned for a spring wedding here at our house, only wanting family and a handful of close friends to attend. 
Of course that all changed just a couple weeks after Tommy had proposed. When the world went to shit.
I was at the cabin, bringing some boxes of stuff and more foods. I had the brilliant idea to start canning, so I brought along what I had made so far, along with other odds and ends. We had decided I would move in with Tommy at his place in the city and we would come to the cabin when we had time off.
It's very remote, so I didn't think anything of it when I couldn't find a TV station broadcasting anything. I just grabbed my book and headed off to bed. 
A few hours later, I hear the door downstairs fly open and voices float up to me. Instantly I recognize Tommy's voice, but that's not the one I'm listening to. 
It's Joel. The sounds he's making are unrecognizable, virtually inhuman. I have never heard someone make those sounds before then. They dug into me, pulling at every fiber of my being and I lunged from the bed, practically running downstairs, taking them 2 at a time. 
Joel and Tommy are in the living room, both on the ground, crumbled into each other. Tommy is holding Joel, rocking back and forth and saying things to him that I can't discern. Tears are streaming down both their faces and I realize they're both covered in blood, Joel bleeding more from his side as if he'd been shot and it had missed.
It's then I realize Sarah is missing. 
20 years has passed since that day. We've been through so much shit, but so has everyone. Joel eventually left us to do his own thing, and Tommy and I eventually found a place called Jackson in Wyoming and settled down. We did get married there, with mountains as our backdrop instead of our lake house.
It had been a long week, the crops were being harvested and we were behind on preparing for the winter ahead. Tommy and I both had been working our hands raw to get Jackson ready for the season, barely having time for each other due to exhaustion. 
A couple more weeks pass in this manner before a day off. Maria, who ran Jackson, insisted I take a day, as I was always the first to show up and the last to leave. And, as she lovingly said, "You're not getting any younger." 
Light shines in through the window, the curtains blowing in the cool, early fall breeze let in by the propped window. Yawning, I stretch, hand automatically moving to Tommy, except my hand lands on an empty bed. 
Sitting up, I rub my eyes, looking down at the empty space. Just then I hear clanging in the kitchen, followed by swearing. I hear his footsteps on the hard floors, our bedroom door being pushed open with a gentle nudge of his hip. 
"Did I wake you? I'm sorry honey."
"You didn't. Everything ok?"
"All good. Although we may be down a pan."
I chuckle and he moves towards the bed, a tray full of food in his hands.
"What's all this?" I ask, mouth watering slightly.
"You've been workin' so hard and I know your shoulder has been acting up. I wanted you to relax today."
"Tommy. You didn't need to do this."
"I know. And yet, here I am."
He smiles, curls falling forward as he sets the tray across my lap. It's got bacon and eggs, little tomatoes and onions cut up and added in. 
"This looks delicious, Tommy. Thank you."
"Welcome, honey." He leans forward to kiss me, mustache tickling my lips. 
"You're joining me?" I ask and he nods. 
"If that's ok?"
I pull him closer, fingers clutching at his shirt. He chuckles as he scoots closer to me. 
"Ok ok I get the hint."
We finish breakfast and lay in bed, tray put aside, and check in with each other. It's something we try to do at least weekly, wanting to be involved in each other's lives but also to make sure we have time for each other. You'd think there would be a ton of time in the apocalypse, but it's hard when survival is on the line. 
"Ok time to get dressed, honey."
"Well that's a first - trying to get me in clothes and not out of them."
He smiles like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "I'd love to have you out of them but we're expected somewhere."
I cuddle further into his chest. "Can't we just stay here instead?"
A rumble vibrates his chest and he hugs me tighter. "I want to, honey, but we're on a schedule."
"Isn't it our day off?"
He kisses the top of my head. "Just come on."
Groaning, I get up and dressed, Tommy dressing as well. He offers me his arm as we walk out of our home, walking me down several streets until we arrive at the school.
"What are we doing here?" I ask. 
He pulls me inside and I gasp. The entire school had been transformed into an art gallery, pictures painted and drawn by the students of Jackson. Little messages to us both are pinned next to each of them, explaining what the pictures were about. I'm absolutely speechless. 
"Did…did you do this, Tommy?"
He nods. "I did. I know you miss the art galleries and now we have one."
"I… I don't know what to say."
"I love you, honey." He kisses me and we spend more time looking at the pictures before heading out. But he turns away from our home and heads towards the barns on the top of the main hill. 
We arrive at the stables and he hitches a horse to a cart, extending a hand to help me up. He loads a couple of baskets into the back before jumping up himself, grabbing the reigns and leading the horse out of the barn. 
"It's pointless to ask where we're going, isn't it?" 
He nods. "You'll see soon."
An hour or so later, we appear at the lake, a secluded area that we've been to before. It's always gorgeous here and even more so now that some of the trees have decided to start fall a little early.
He helps me down from the cart and grabs the baskets, spreading out the picnic before motioning to me to sit. It's simple sandwiches and veggies, but he's also somehow managed to get a piece of chocolate and my eyes grow wide.
"Where did you score that?"
"Traded with the last caravan that came through." 
"Tommy, this…this was a perfect day. Thank you." 
We eat in silence for a few moments. 
"Do you know why I chose today?"
I wrack my brain. "Honestly I've been going non stop, I couldn't even tell you the date."
He cups my face with one of his large, warm hands. "You have been. Which is part of the reason for this day. But also… I proposed to you on this day, so many years ago, before…" He gestures around. 
"Oh, Tommy." I can't help the tears forming in my eyes. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize what day it was-"
He puts a finger to my lips. "None of that. I just wanted to do somethin' special. I love you, honey. I'm so grateful that we've made it together and I love spending my life with you."
The tears fall now and he uses his thumbs to brush them from my cheeks. Pulling me to him, he kisses me before gently pushing me back into the blanket. I nuzzle into his chest and he holds me to him as we watch the sunset, somehow together after the end of the world.
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage!(It is not required in any way!)
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Biscuits and Gravy
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Word count: 960
Read on AO3
Part 3 of Dark Chocolate
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Finally, the two of you pulled apart. “Did they hurt you?” He asked, his voice low. 
You shook your head. “Not really.” You told him. “The last thing I remember before waking up here was a knock on my door.” You admitted. “I’m guessing that whoever kidnapped me knocked on my door and knocked me out.” 
“Does your head hurt?” He cupped your cheek as Sam peeked in. 
“A little, but not too badly.” You glanced to Sam, making Bucky look over his shoulder at him. 
“Coast is clear, boss.” Sam told him. “Steve’s, uh, with a guy right now. Getting answers.” He explained, knowing that you likely didn’t want to hear ‘pummeling some douche’. “Stark also got back to me about that security. Said it’ll take a week to get it all.” 
Bucky’s jaw clenched as he nodded, his focus back on you. “Let’s get you out of here. You can stay with me until Stark gets some security up at your place.” He told you, making you stare at him. That’s when his eyes went to your neck. They’d taken your necklace. 
“What? I don’t even know what’s going on.” You shook your head. “I want to go home. Chewie is there. My life is there.” You told him. 
“It’s not safe.” He pointed out. “It won’t be long. We’ll bring you home, get you a bag packed, get Chewie and his things, and you’ll come with me.” He really hoped that you didn’t argue with him. He knew you were feisty, and he loved that. However, he was worried that would make it easier for you to be hurt. 
You chewed on your lip. “O-or you can stay with me?” You countered. “I have a spare room, so one of your guys could stay, if you’d prefer?” You didn’t want him to feel obligated to ‘babysit’ you. “And they can stay at my shop with me. Hang out. Eat cupcakes.” 
Bucky sighed. “There’s nothing I can say to get you to come stay with me, is there?” He asked, a slightly amused look on his face. Here you were, being rescued, and you were bargaining with him! Who else would do that? 
You blushed, shrugging a shoulder. “Can I think about it? I’ll make you guys dinner as a thank you for saving me. How long was I here, anyway?” You asked as he started to lead you out of the room. 
“Almost two days.” 
“Oh my God. Chewie! H-he was out back. I had let him out for some fresh air. He’s never outside that long.” You told him, a worried look on his face. 
“Don’t worry, honey. Chewie is fine.” Sam spoke up. “I let him back in and made sure he was fed. Been checkin’ on him.” He assured you. 
You relaxed at that. “Thank you.” You were thankful that Chewie was okay. You’d had him since he was a puppy, and he was your best friend. “Any requests for dinner?” You didn’t want to think about being kidnapped anymore. 
Bucky glanced at Sam, knowing that chances were, that night wouldn’t be easy. He knew what nightmares were like, and hoped that they didn’t haunt you like they haunted him. “Whatever you like makin’, doll.” He put his hand on your lower back, opening the door to the outside for you. 
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Once back at your place, the guys used your downstairs bathroom to clean up. You, however, slowly made your way up the stairs to shower. And throw these clothes away. You doubted that you’d ever look at them and not think of that little room. Chewie was right behind you, not having left your side since you walked in the front door. 
Chewie laid outside your bathroom door the entire time you showered. His tail wagging as you opened the door after. You crouched and smiled at him. “Love you, too.” You gave him a scratch. “Let’s go downstairs and see the guys, huh?” You stood up and walked past him, patting your leg. As he followed, you made a note to get him a treat next time you went to the store. 
You were in a pair of lounge paints, a tank, and a loose zip up hoodie, your hair left down. “That help any, sweetheart?” Steve asked as he saw you. 
You shrugged a shoulder. “A little.” You said softly. “I feel cleaner, at least.” That was something. “How does pasta sound for dinner? I’m not sure if I have much else to just whip up.” You tucked some hair behind your ear. 
Bucky came out of the kitchen, holding out some water for you. “What’s your favorite meal to make?” He asked. “Stevie can run out to the store for what you need. Just gotta give him a grocery list.” He told you. 
You thought for a moment. “Do you guys like biscuits and gravy?” You sipped your water, smiling a bit as all three looked a bit excited at that. When you looked at them, you didn’t see mobsters or whatever they got called. You saw Bucky, Sam, and Steve. Just three really sweet guys. What they did, or what they ‘were’, didn’t bother you. Logically, you knew that it should have, but it just…didn’t. 
“Sweetheart, I haven’t had biscuits and gravy since I was a kid.” Sam told you, making you chuckle. “I will personally make sure Steve here gets the right stuff.” He patted Steve on the back. 
“I hope you like what I put on top as a little extra something.” You told him. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see what it is.” 
Bucky grinned, watching the three of you. You were good for him, and for his men, and you had no idea.
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seas-storyarchive · 4 months
aus with alastor because my brain is crack
TW: contains mentions of child abuse, (implied) mental abuse, (implied) physical abuse.
Feel free to use, just please tag/credit me if you do
1: deer from a goat: alastor is the bastard son of his mother and lucifer. Lucifer was able to escape hell to the mortal realm, wound up in louisiana, during a marti gras, danced with a woman and.. well, 9 months later a son is born. Alastor Altruist - his father knew Alastor wasn't his, the moment he saw the red hair.. thus sealed the boy's and his mother's fates at the hands of the abusive man. option a) it gets revealed the two are father and son, because st. peter has it written in his book, leading to angst 1000xs over for the morningstars and the altruist. option b) it's never revealed until everyone else ascended to heaven, save for him, vaggie -stayed by choice-, charlie and lucifer - his mother comes down and lays bare everything
2. actual dad beat actual dad: alastor spawns a child during his time recovering from the angels assualt on the hotel. and like, he doesn't know what to do. someone help this man. or not.
3. alastor mange: alastor is cast to hell as a baby, a sacrifice made in the name of lucifer by a cult that his family (on his father's side) was apart of. lucifer finds the wee naked thing - deer ears too large for his head, antler nubs and a tiny tail - on his door step during the rain. the man was too much of a softie to leave the baby to die out in the rain. alastor is resented by Charlie's mother lilith, lucifer and him are constantly at each other's throats, and charlie thinks he's the coolest thing ever - especially now that he wants to help with the hotel!! (never mind that he disappeared for 7 years, and won't say why, he's back and wants to help!!)
4. imaginary friend: alastor is a kid, who is scared of his father and wants to protect his mother. there's also a cat who lives under his bed that smells like his dad does after coming home late (alastor pushed his way under the bed in tears, the sound of hitting and yelling getting louder, "move!" he commanded the large cat. he felt the cat's eyes on him, watching him as he cried while covering his ears. "oh, fuck me. don't move kid, ill eat you and your mother if you do." and without a word from alastor, soon the cat was gone, the screaming had stopped. the boy lay there, shaking as he cried, waiting in the quiet. his mother came to him, and held him close, telling him it was alright and his dad was gone from the house for the moment. but he never came home, and the cat under the bed seemed happier. "thanks, friend. name's alastor." "husker, and i don't shake hands unless I'm makin' deals, kid. I'm going back home to hell, just checkin' on yous before i do." "oh, okay.. well, thanks for the help. bye bye." alastor always would remember his imaginary friend, even if that friend no longer remembered him
5. revision: alastor dies, and asks if he can be reborn. on earth. as a girl. named charlotte.
6. alastor is the son of sera. sera won't let him come to heaven, proof of her belief that demons can never change. his entire life, before the hotel, a figment. mimsy? a paid actress
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kaylor · 3 months
Is campaign 3 worth watching 😭 im somewhere near ep 45 and there have just been so many arcs that do nothing for me. The stakes feel absurdly high for uhh level .. 6? and i thought it would get good at some point but if they still cant make a plan by ep 80 i dont think i care to waste my time 😭😭
yuhhhh i don't know man. the malleus key and the fallout of it is pretty dope, and idk how many spoilers you've seen so i'll leave it there. but after that it gets very boring again i can't lie.
you're so right about the high stakes!! these characters haven't had any space to breathe or grow since like episode 20 or whenever it was they found out about predathos and the world ending. they've been chasing a plot they're not ready for without doing any of the character work that makes you care about their goal. it's difficult to see why the party is together in the first place because they don't talk to each other or have any reason care about each other (except fearne/orym and imogen/laudna but the latter is so bland it's actually painful).
the party doesn't gel, there's no motivations from anyone beyond orym having a personal stake in it. imogen is so wishywashy about everything. none of them care about the gods except FCG, and no one in the party cares about FCG. except ashton, who is played so passively and unpleasantly that it doesn't even matter. there's no caleb/vax doing his biweekly checkins with each party member to unlock new dialogue. there's no fjord/grog to make a buckwild (yet thematically relevant) decision to direct the party in any direction. there's no driving force behind any of these characters like sorry liam and travis, turns out if you take a backseat to let your friends have the spotlight, they will do sweet fuck all!!
another problem i think is how they're given so many pieces of the puzzle at once, whilst the big bad is already in play. i don't know if that was matt's intention, but it's led to them barely following up on any character driven plot points because, well, the world might end. so any extracurricular character development is nixed in favor of chasing a maxxed out uberbaddy who is almost definitely going to kill them. any cool character moments kind of happen in spite of rather than thanks to the events, and honestly feel a bit forced sometimes because the characters have all been so stagnant for so long, and honestly the most interesting things about the characters are their backstories, which have already happened. their current motivations are a mystery and none of them seem interested in learning more about each other. it just feels very awkward and stale.
PLUS, the stakes are absurdly high but also there are no consequences for anything!! laudna dying didn't feel important because it wasn't permanent! because they can apparently just ask a member of vox machina for a resurrection!!! absolutely bizarre choice from matt to allow that, if i'm being completely honest. like sorry i know that's your wife but marisha should be 40 episodes deep into her backup character by now because there's absolutely no way anyone in VM would agree to resurrecting a delilah briarwood puppet let's be so serious. the party (especially imogen) dealing with a PC death would have made for some really interesting development, and would have created an opportunity for imogen to either take a leadership role to get revenge on otohan, OR break bad and turn on the rest of the party. some delicious pvp. but unfortunately laura doesn't seem to know what to do with her character and therefore does nothing, so it felt extremely flat and meaningless, which kind of sums up c3 tbh. some of the highest stakes but barely a PC who gives a shit.
the past say 10 episodes have been a slog for only a handful of cool moments, so i really hope post episode 82 it picks up a bit. plot is fun and situations are fun but i'm struggling to care about any of these characters because it doesn't seem like any of the cast care about them either. which is a shame because some of them have huge potential, FCG is literally an aeormaton!!!! my god you have GOT to get into it. why is no one getting into it!!!! will someone PLEASE pick up what sam is putting down!!! the payoff is always so good!!!
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suna1suna1 · 10 months
Hello! It is WIP Wednesday again!
Since I finished the Whispangle one-shot (that wasn't actually a one-shot) I'll be restarting the game! So which wips are y'all interested in this week?
The Heart of the Ark (Shadamy | AI au)
Immortality (Shadamy | Hades and Persephone au)
Boom Dark Gaia fic (Sonadow)
Angels and Demons (Sonshadamy | Fantasy/Pirate au)
Untitled one-shot (Platonic/implied Sonadow)
And here are the last three paragraphs of these wips! Pick whichever ones suit your fancy! You can reply, reblog, or send an ask with whichever ones you want me to work on, and I'll set a 25-minute timer to focus on each one, which means I'll get around 300-500 words written!
Snippets under the cut!
The Heart of the Ark
Amy’s eyes widened. “How–?”
He pointed at Rouge. “I am most optimal when I’m running on Chaos energy,” he said. “Now farewell.” 
Something rumbled through the station, the sound almost deafening, and then a familiar screech tore through the air. Amy’s blood ran cold, and she turned to Knuckles. “We have to find the others!” she said, her voice frantic. 
2. Immortality
But the way she looked at Hermes, the warmth and devotion in her gaze… It made his stomach turn, a cold fire burning in his chest. 
Hades cleared his throat, and Hermes looked up at him with a smirk. “‘Sup, Hades?” he said. “I was just checkin’ in on Kore.”
Kore’s eyes shifted to Hades, and yet her smile didn’t change. If anything she brightened even further, and the flames in his chest banked a little. Still, Hades turned his gaze to Hermes, narrowing his eyes. “I see,” he said. “I don’t remember giving you permission to enter my abode while I was out.” 
3. Boom Dark Gaia fic
Sonic was about to try to follow him when someone called his name behind him. He turned to find a tired beaver with a pair of glasses and a clipboard standing in the doorway. “Your friend is stable,” she said, almost as if she could hardly believe it. “He’s still unconscious but he looks like he’ll pull through.”
Sonic sighed, his shoulders finally relaxing. “Phew,” he said. “For a minute there I thought he was a goner.”
“So did we,” the doctor replied with a frown.
4. Angels and Demons
“Could I get your name first?” Shadow asked. 
“Oh,” the echidna said, as if he’d been startled. “I am Knuckles, the last of the mighty Echidnas.”
Shadow nodded. “My name is Shadow. 
5. Untitled one-shot
Shadow huffed a laugh, then grimaced as Sonic smirked triumphantly. “Who said you were the coolest hedgehog ever? I thought you were just the most annoying.”
Shadow bit back a laugh as Sonic’s smirk melted into a mildly annoyed expression. “The universe has ordained that I’m the coolest. Although you’re a close second.”
“Gee, thanks,” Shadow deadpanned. “High praise. Now get out.”
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ashipiko · 11 months
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"It's getting SUPER hyped in here ain't it! This is TOO COOL!"
HEYHEY AND WELCOME TO MY BLOG~ Thankies a ton for stopping by!!! If you’re lookin for basic info bout me, I got it all here <3 name’s Ashi, I’m a minor and go by she/her, and I’m an ESFP!!! feel free to dive below to check out more stuffs bout me and my blog ☆
my stuff will be shown as followed; (subject) — (tag I use when I reblog!)
FANDOMS! (sorted by most to least into)
A3! — a3!
Twisted Wonderland — twst
NewJeans — newjeans
Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! — proseka
18TRIP — 18trip
Spy X Family — spyfam
Dungeon Meshi — dunmenshi
Ensemble Stars!! — enstars
Haikyuu! — haikyuu
MILGRAM — milgram
FAVES! (red is used for my top faves from each fandom!)
A3! — Kazunari Miyoshi, Tenma Sumeragi, Banri Settsu, Azami Izumida
Twisted Wonderland — Ace Trappola, Leona Kingscholar, Epel Felmier
NewJeans — Danielle and Minji! ♡
Project Sekai! — Mizuki Akiyama, Akito Shinonome, Tsukasa Tenma
18TRIP — Chihiro Natsuyaki, Ushio Kurama
Spy X Family — Loid Forger, Damion Desmond
Dungeon Meshi — Chilchuck
Ensemble Stars!! — Kaoru Hakaze, Madara Mikejima, UNDEADP
Haikyuu! — Nishinoya, Kuroo, Hinata
Milgram — Yuno Kashiki
PERSONAL TAGS! (tags for my posts! kinda)
My Art! — ashipiko draws ♪, ashipiko draws
Me talking about whatev I feel like! — ashi talks ☆
Stuff By Moots! (a little cluttered, sorries 😭😭) — MOOTS! <3
My OCs — ashi ocs ♡
Inbox! — ashi’s asks ♪
me simping — ashi simping hours
Inspiring Art! — inspo
Me CRYING. — ashi is crying
Ashi Tamadai!
TWST VER — twstshi, ashi tamadai
A3! VER — a3!shi, ashi tamadai
PRSK VER — prosekashi, ashi tamadai
MILGRAM VER — atsu tamadai
Twisted Wonderland!
Niko Cimarron — niko cimarron
Cooper Wilmot — cooper wilmot
Pierce Quill — pierce quill
Milo Apar — milo apar
Project Sekai!
@colosplash is my fansekai!! I’D REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU’D CHECK IT OUT 🫶 it has a homepage and everything to find my OCs!!!
Thanks a tonsies for checkin’ out my blog! ♪ been lovin’ it here on tumblr and I don’t plan to leave HAHAHA big shoutout to all my moots (love y’all!!!) and whoever’s reading!!! <333
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"YOU and YOU and YOU, you're all super CUTE!"
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meefling · 10 months
Hello Beau!
Congrats, you've been visited by your LU Self Care Anon!
I hope you had a great day, and if not, don't worry, you did your best, and tomorrow's full of new possibilities!
Have you drank enough water? It can really help, abd since I've bought this really neat canteen with included straw I've been drinking a lot more (I think for me it acts as a stim too) Also, remember to get enough sleep, I might be an hypocrite now that i haven't slept at all this night, but it's only one night and I knew it would come, I'll sleep a lot the next. Did you know sleeping on your side may reduce snore or sleep apnea?
What have you been working on lately? Would you like to show me a wip, or describe it? I'm sure it'll turn out amazing, even if you now think it's nowhere near good!
You can do this! Believe in yourself, you're awesome!
CRIES THIS IS SO SWEET THANK U FOR CHECKIN UP ON US <333 beau themself isnt fronting rn but I am so i can pass the message along!
i slept a good 10 hours last night to catch up since ive been sleeping poorly this week, and today i had a coffee, a bowl of chips, a ramen, and some chicken curry leftovers. i'm about to go out to get some fresh air and head to a friend's house for a movie!
i dont have any WIPs im actively workin on but i did draw a bunch of things today! here they are! 3 LU pieces and 2 TGS pieces
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i do wanna draw more sometime, maybe ill take some art requests here too! :3
see u later, dont forget to care for urself too!! <333
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