#thank you for tagging me lin~ when i was doing this i realized you probably thought shua was my bias oops aha
autumnalwalker · 8 months
Character snippet tag
Thank you for the tag, @druidx.
Passing the tag to @writernopal, @imbrisvastatio, @alnaperera, @floweryprosegarden, @ryns-ramblings, and an open tag for anyone else who wants it.
Rules: pick an OC and post a snippet from their viewpoint.
So, this one's perhaps a little bit of a spoiler since it comes from near the very end of @thearchivistsjournal, but it's one of the few times in there that we get to hear the words of anyone other than the titular Archivist. To read the scene being described here from the Archivist's point of view, see Day 12. For Lin's description of meeting the Archivist for the first time, keep reading below the cut:
I actually made a point of avoiding you when you first washed up, especially after I heard you were going to be Archivist.  I still missed the old man and had a lot of tangled up feelings with all my good memories of the archive being tainted by sadness over his loss.  But I couldn’t avoid the place forever and I missed it as much as I did him, so I finally got my courage together and made myself go down there.
I was so nervous about how it was going to go, seeing someone else in his place, watching over our books, intruding in my place to hide from the world.  But then I got down the stairs and you looked ridiculous.  I know I should say I’m sorry for laughing like I did, but I’m still not.  I don’t mean that in a mean way though.  Seeing you there, looking nothing like him but drowning in his clothes like you were his kid that had gotten into his closet and surrounded by an utter mess was just the right kind of silly to get rid of those nerves and make me feel better about, well, a lot of things really.  I know you were embarrassed but please don’t be when you look back on that.  Under the exact context that you couldn’t have known, I don’t think you could have made a better first impression.
And I’ll admit, seeing all the books out of place and hearing they were going to be reorganized felt wrong at first.  The archive means a lot to me, and who were you to change something so important?  But then as you were talking you just got so into it.  Talking so fast you were stumbling over yourself and repeating things but smiling the whole time.  Here was someone else who really cared.  I was afraid you wouldn’t.  
As we got to talking and while I settled back into my old reading spot I started thinking maybe rearranging everything wasn’t so bad.  It was a fresh start.  A way for the archive to keep what it’s always meant to me without reminding me of what I’d lost.
From there, it wasn’t hard to start thinking of you as a fresh start.  Someone who didn’t have any prior history or associations with me to poison the present.  Someone I could do things right with.
You know I’ve drifted away from all my other old friends.  Some of the reasons I’ve told you, some I think you’ve figured out, and some you probably have an idea of now after all that other stuff I wrote.  I’ve had my problems in the past.  Still do.  But I’ve gotten better.  And I’m still getting better.
I know it was never your intention, but thank you for giving me the opportunity to try being a good friend again.  For being any kind of friend again.  I think we both know you can be alone without being lonely, just like you can be with others and still be lonely.  I was definitely the latter for a long time.  Longer than I realized, and you were my first step to getting out of that.  
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids’ reactions when finding out that you’re pregnant ↠ all members
genre: reaction, fluff, angst word count: 3.3k warnings: discussion of pregnancy (obviously), mention of abortion, discussion of sex & kinks, swearing, suggestive request: yes (anon) a/n: i tried to make this inclusive of anyone who can and decides to bear children. this is in no reflects stray kids in reality, as this is purely a work of fiction. also, thanks to lin for the cheesecake and twirling bits~ reminder: respect a person’s right to choose whether they will have a child or not. it’s their business and their’s alone. if you have a problem with that, then perhaps this fic isn’t for you. and, please remember to practice safe sexual habits and always, always, get continued and enthusiastic consent!
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
a year after getting married
the two of you had decided to have children
and had been trying to conceive for maybe 5 months
for the first couple months, you’d both been stressed and so your bodies hadn’t exactly cooperated
but just this last time you’d tried, everything had been perfect
the mood was just right, you’d moved seamlessly together, it was exactly the right time of the month
everything was as it should be
so, a few weeks later
you’d called chan into the bathroom and taken the little test
having woken up feeling a little off
…..well, not necessarily off, but just different
you thought it’d be a good idea to take the pregnancy test
you sat on chan’s lap as the test slowly revealed the information
and since you’d done this several times before,
you leaned your head back against your husband’s shoulder, waiting with bated breath
after a few minutes, chan, who’d been looking down into your lap, rubbed your belly excitedly
“oh love, you’re pregnant!” he said,
you turned in chan’s arms and began to cry from sheer relief and happiness
you’d had a little nagging worry in the back of your mind that you might not be able to get pregnant
but it was just that now: meaningless worry
you couldn’t believe it
you were going to have chan’s baby
and honestly, you couldn’t think of a better person to be a father
chan was practically vibrating
because, oh my gods, he was so excited
i mean;;;
he now gets to channel all his dad energy into
actually being a dad!!!
he’d been wanting to be a father and now he was!!!!
he was on cloud 9
and so he scooped you up to carry you to the bed, gently laying you down
“i’m not going to break like fine china” you giggled, and chan just kissed your nose
for the rest of the day, chan absolutely worshipped you (and your body)
making it extremely obvious that he was even more in love with you than before
that he would love you until the end of time and beyond
lee minho
you hadn’t exactly been trying to get pregnant
but pregnant you were
you’d used protection—two kinds!
and were careful
but sometimes that’s just not enough
you noticed that your period was late
only by a couple days but your cycles were freakishly regular
so, you went and got a pregnancy test
minho was at work when you called him
(he’d had to go in on a saturday to finish something ajhskjfh)
so you really just couldn't wait to tell him
when he picked up, you didn’t waste any time
“minho, i’m pregnant”
you could practically hear minho’s look of shock through the phone
“i’m pregnant, minho. can you come home early so we can talk about this?”
“yeah i’ll be home as soon as i can!!”
you just curled up on the couch with the cats, waiting for him to get home
minho was a little panicky bc neither of you had planned for this
not now, if ever
the two of you were neck-deep in your careers
and had been doing perfectly fine without children
while the idea of it was nice, you knew that, realistically, you probably wouldn’t be able to support children
it seemed like you were being tested by the universe or something
as much as you didn’t want to admit it
the decision was fairly clear to you
so when minho came home
you’d been thinking about the situation for a long time
and had already cried once
“i can’t, min,” was the first thing you said when he sat down next to you
“i know, honey. it’s okay.”
“i feel horrible but i can’t have this child. we haven’t planned for this or anything. this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
your voice was a little shaky as you laid your head against minho’s shoulder
“so, what are you thinking you’ll do?”
minho’s voice is gentle and leaves all the space in the world for whatever answer you’ll give
“i— please don’t be mad?” you’re starting to worry now
“y/n, love, it’s completely your choice. you know that. i support you whether you decide to have the child or not.”
minho wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer
“i don’t think i can see this through right now, min,” you said quietly
he nods, knowing what your next words will be
“i’m going to get an abortion. it’s still so early—it’ll be fine.”
minho just held you as the weight of what you’d just said crashed down
but you knew it was the right choice
there was no way you were ready to have a child
minho was the most supportive and understanding he could be
you were glad that you’d chosen him as your life partner
and, if you ever did decide to have a child, you knew that he’d make a great father
just his reaction and support in this situation alone told you that much
maybe, just maybe, you’d try in a few years
seo changbin
you and changbin were kind of neutral on the whole “having kids” thing
you weren’t trying to get pregnant
but then again, you weren’t trying not to get pregnant
plus, you’d just found a new kink of changbin’s
he’d come home one night and was ~very much in the mood~
he was just praising you over and over, and telling you exactly how he was going to make you feel incredible
then one little thing slipped out, one totally new thing
“i’m gonna fill you up so well”
but there was no denying that it was insanely hot
especially in his slightly husky voice
he’d continued, over and over, his face buried in the crook of your neck
and by the end of the night, you’d felt a bit like an eclair with too much cream in it
it wasn’t your period that had alerted you
no, not that because your period was annoyingly irregular
it was when you started to feel a bit funny in the mornings
that you decided to take a pregnancy test
you’d been shocked (well, only a little bit) to find that you were indeed pregnant
you waited until changbin got home
and then sauntered up to him quite sexily
you trailed your fingers over his chest and whisper “hey baby”
changbin looked more than a little excited and was all “just give me a minute and then i’m all yours”
and then, you just dropped the news into the conversation like a child drops a particularly large rock into a pond
knowing there will be a splash but not really caring
“i’m pregnant” *y/n grinning like a fox*
changbin spluttered and had to lean against the wall for a moment
he finally got himself back under control
changbin: “well, i guess my impregnation kink paid off”
y/n: “fucking hell bin, you’re not supposed to say that!”
changbin: “i’m right tho…..”
yeah okay changbin was right
and it had been a hot several weeks in the bedroom since he’d realized that kink
you definitely couldn’t complain
the two of you decided that you’re ready to be parents
and that, of course, you’d stay together
the child would have two completely devoted parents
who, when the child turned 25, would insist on telling them the story of their conception
changbin was absolutely over the moon
he couldn’t wait to cuddle you while your belly grows
bc you’d be even softer than usual
and absolutely lovely
just knowing you’re carrying his child makes him even more in love with you than he already was
hwang hyunjin
mild panic
nothing major
what if his mother found out
he’d definitely be dead as a doorknob, then
hyunjin would be nothing but incredible
yeah, he wasn’t expecting that he’d get you pregnant
and you’d been on birth control and being very careful
he also completely expected you to not want to have the baby
and, really, he was okay with that
it was your body, after all
but when you told him that you were pregnant
and that you wanted to have the baby
he immediately went into full-on support mode
telling you he’d never, ever, leave you
and that he’d always be there for the kid, too
he snuggled you for hours
(literally some of the best snuggling you’d ever had)
just talking about how you’d be parents
and what color you should paint the child’s room
hyunjin voted for peach, since it’s a warm color that would both brighten the room and calm the little one
you also talked about whether, now that you were pregnant, you wanted to get married
“while i’d be heartbroken if i couldn’t marry you, y/n, i understand if you don’t want to.”
you’d immediately shot down that idea
“nope, i’m marrying you, hwang hyunjin. you’re not getting out of that one so easily!”
hyunjin was extremely relieved, since all he’d wanted to do since you’d started dating was marry you
and now he was going to!!!!
you’d kissed him thoroughly and were well on your way to doing more
when hyunjjin remembered that he should probably tell his mother that
a) he was getting married
and b) he was going to be a father
you promised to tell your parents, too
everyone was surprised, but not too surprised
your mother actually said she’d been waiting for one of those two things to happen so the two of you would just get it together and be together for the rest of your lives
(ajfgakjdfghalkj moooooooom;;;;; )
you decided to have the wedding after the baby was born
after all, you were committed to each other
and there was no reason to think otherwise
all you could think of as you lay in bed that night was how your child would definitely be taller than you by the time they were twelve
as hyunjin lay beside you, all he could think of was that the baby would have your smile
he was sure of it
and he knew that everything would be okay
as long as he kept you smiling
han jisung
jisung’s immediate response was:
“oh my god, we need cheesecake to celebrate!!!”
and proceeded to drag you out the door to buy cheesecake
he’d be just as excited as chan
and had definitely been thinking about what it’d be like to have kids with you
so when you’d told him you were pregnant
jisung was ecstatic
he’d already been thinking about names
and wasted no time in telling them to you
the day after you told him
you spent an entire day in bed, just talking about what you’d name your child
how you wanted to raise them
what you’d like to be called as parents
if there were things that you were completely against in parenting, you’d discuss those, too
aaaand after a particularly lovely morning in bed,
jisung just kinda mumbled to you
“baby, you’re gonna be so hot”
“ji what’re you talking about?? i’m not already hot?“
“you’re gonna be even hotter. when you’re showing. like, holy fuck!! just knowing you’re pregnant with my kid is the hottest thing ever. you’re gonna be an amazing parent—it’s all you! there wasn’t, um, much for me to do…”
“hmmm, enjoy it while it lasts, because i’m gonna have dark circles under my eyes for the next 10 years”
“you’ll still be hot as fuck, though, baby”
he’s just really sweet and excited hhhhhh
jisung would also try to learn everything he could to support you
and make sure that you and the baby stay safe
oh and then that one time you went to the obstetrician for a routine check early on
and welp you’re having twins
jisung kind of freaked out
but mainly around his friends
to you, he was nothing but excited and totally ready to take on the challenge of raising two kids at once
but he would be determined to do everything right for the kids
and would be such a fun and loving father
lee felix
felix hadn’t said anything about it to you before
but once you’d gotten married
he’d really wanted to have kids
felix, though, being a sweetie, hadn’t brought it up because he wanted you to have full choice over whether you’d have kids
but he’d secretly hoped that you’d decide that having kids with him was what you wanted
so when you told him that you wanted to go off birth control
bc you thought it was time the two of you should start a family
felix felt like it was his lucky day
when you told him you’d waited long enough for the birth control not to affect you
felix had texted your friends, who were supposed to meet you for dinner, that something unavoidable and important had come up
and that you had to cancel
then, he’d pulled you into the bedroom and you hadn’t gotten any sleep
two months later, you told felix that you were, indeed, pregnant
he picked you up and spun you around, squeezing you so tight!!
and then put you down quickly, a look of horror on his face
“what if i just hurt you and,,,,the baby,,,,”
“felix it doesn’t work like that, you know that”
“true, sorry. just paranoid.
he kissed you so deeply that you thought he must have some merman in him
no normal human could go without proper breath that long
felix then called every single one of his friends and family to tell them the good news
he called chan twice by accident
and chan just acted like he’d never heard the news before
(chan texted you shortly thereafter, wondering if felix was okay)
felix was all smiles for weeks after,
telling anyone and everyone that he was going to be a father
he’d leave little post-its around for you with baby names
or would add random things to the shopping list, just to see if it was something you were craving
on more than one occasion, your cravings found new and surprisingly delicious food combinations that felix managed to create proper recipes for
once the baby was born,
felix’s favorite thing was to fall asleep with the baby on his chest
he’d sing soft lullabies to them, usually putting you to sleep, too
all he wanted to do was show both of you all the love in the world
kim seungmin
you’d called seungmin a month after a surprisingly wild night together
you’d been seeing each other off and on
just casually, nothing serious
mainly just physical but with a nice friendship
it was the perfect thing for two graduate students who sometimes needed to take the edge off
but now he—
he’d gotten you pregnant
he couldn’t believe it, especially since the two of you were always careful
you sounded so bewildered over the phone
and seungmin insisted that you meet up to talk about it
when he saw you, he immediately wrapped you in the tightest embrace possible
and just whispered “i’m sorry” over and over again
then, you had a long conversation about next steps
you wanted to have the baby,
since you’d wanted to have a child someday
and thought, seeing as you could actually provide for the child, you were fine with being pregnant
but you also wanted seungmin to be in the child’s life
he wholeheartedly agreed
and then…
and then you suggested actually dating
seungmin, who’d “caught” feelings months ago, was overjoyed
he was all for becoming a couple
and being there for you and the child in all ways he could
he began by asking you out on a date
and all you could do was laugh
bc here he was, the man who’d gotten you pregnant, asking you on a date
it was mildly ridiculous
but you said yes to him faster than you’d said yes to anything else before
seungmin researched the things pregnant people should and shouldn’t do
and then made sure not to suggest any of those things for dates
oh and he always had a little note in his wallet with the foods you shouldn’t eat, too
he just wanted the best for you
and completely spoiled you
seungmin felt a little guilty, as if he’d somehow tricked you into dating him
but you insisted that it was nothing like that
you truly wanted to be with him
and had, honestly, just been waiting for a chance to broach the subject
even after you decided to be life partners
and even after the baby was born
seungmin still felt amazed that he’d been lucky enough to end up with you
you were amazing
and the baby had your laugh,
which only made his world all that more brighter
yang jeongin
jeongin absolutely smothered you in kisses when you told him
it was as if he wanted to show his purest self
totally and unashamedly in love
and intent on showing it at all times
he’d carried you to your bedroom and told you to just rest
you’d giggled, insisting that you didn’t have to be bedridden yet
meanwhile, he’d gone to the kitchen and made you breakfast
he was determined to do everything for you
after all, another life was growing inside you
it was the least he could do
later that day, he started dismantling his office so it could be the child’s room
and insisted on going out and buying you every single piece of maternity clothing you could ever want
he researched all the right foods for you to eat while pregnant
and make sure to do a lead test on the paint in your slightly older home
(it was all okay, but he just wanted to check!)
jeongin was so, so excited that he was having a child with you
he couldn’t stop talking about it when you went to a small get-together of friends
he definitely told all his co-workers
and was just glowing with pride
jeongin had a list as long as his forearm of all the different baby names he loved
and he hoped that you would want more than one child
he was incredibly excited for the whole experience of being a father
after being the youngest in his friend group and being babied so much
he wanted to show that he could be responsible and mature
(even though he was already 34 years old and mature enough)
sometimes he acted a little silly and giddy
but who could blame him?!
bc after months of careful planning and attempts
you were pregnant!
and jeongin couldn’t be happier
he would show you and the child (or children!)
that life was sweeter than ambrosia
and that he’d love you with his whole being
completely and utterly, as deeply as he could
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juurensha · 2 years
Hi...if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before...... Thanks....
Ohohoho, I do love this question! I will try to list out my top 10 ships (although if you’re interested in more detail, check out my ship meme tag! I really need to start writing some of those again....)
1. Dabi/Hawks (BNHA)
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This should come as no surprise to anyone hahahaha. I’ve written 30+ fics about them at this point, and I still love them! They’re foils, and no matter what happens in canon, they’ve got some foe-yay chemistry going on there!
2. Li Jinglong/Kong Hongjun (Tianbao)
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Tianbao is my favorite danmei novel hands down, and these guys are a big reason why! They start off just flirty, get a little tragic when you realize they were childhood friends in the past who forgot each other, and they both grow together!
3. Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu)
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Bickering childhood friends! The best trope, and I love all their interactions together!
4. Mei Changsu/Xiao Jingyan (Nirvana in Fire)
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Also childhood friends (are you seeing a running theme here, sorry, I love the trope), although currently Prince Jing thinks that his best friend Lin Shu is DEAD AND HE MUST HONOR HIS MEMORY AND CLEAR HIS NAME. Unknown to him however, Lin Shu is alive, and has changed his appearance into Mei Changsu, Prince Jing’s main advisor, all to clear his family name and make Jingyan emperor. There is TRAGEDY EVERYWHERE in this drama, but it’s beautiful, and the only thing I’m mad about is EVERYONE GASLIGHTING JINGYAN INTO THINKING MEI CHANGSU ISN’T LIN SHU and the fact that MEI CHANGSHU SHOULD HUG JINGYAN GDI.
5. Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham (Hannibal)
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The top mind game ship and the most messed up relationship possibly on this list, but I DEVOURED every episode of Hannibal when it was coming out, and it was so much fun to watch the game between these two. I don’t even need a season 4, I was really happy where it ended for season 3.
6. Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes (Captain America)
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Yet another childhood friends relationship, and yet another one where one person thinks the other is dead, but in this case of course, Bucky comes back as a brainwashed super-assassin. There’s a lot of snark here, and yes, I know Marvel was too much of a coward to make it canon, or even to really let them be friends after the Winter Soldier movie, but that’s what fic is for.
7. Quan Yizhen/Yin Yu (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
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Technically, I guess this could also count as childhood friends, but really, they’re a shixiong/shidi relationship, and in this case, with the shixiong completely jealous of how awesome the shidi has become, and how much he has replaced him, but loving him anyway despite himself. I like to think that the two of the made up after the novel!
8. Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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Foe-yay tastic with former allies turned enemies turned reluctant allies again, Buffy is the Chosen One, until her near death experience means that there’s now a Chosen Two. I will always root for Faith over Buffy’s other love interests because Faith gets the entire slayer thing and has an edgy bad-girl vibe without being a vampire! (Buffy, you need to stop dating vampires, it seems to always end badly)
9. Anne Elliot/Captain Wentworth (Persuasion)
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Former sweethearts, now awkwardly meeting again after nearly a decade! Wentworth so badly wanting Anne to see that he’s DOING FINE DOING GREAT ACTUALLY HE’S A CAPTAIN NOW AND EVERYTHING, while Anne is just sad about the entire thing. Thankfully, Wentworth sees how competent Anne is, and also that them splitting up 10 years ago was probably right, but they manage to find their way to each other again!
10. Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
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Yes, you’ll note how I’m using the old Jeremy Brett version and not the BBC Sherlock version, because honestly, Sherlock doesn’t have the same characterization of the original books, besides not knowing how to resolve a plotline. Anyway, the original detective and assistant duo! Got to love them and how long they’ve endured through the years.
Honorable Mentions: Batman/Catwoman (Dc Comics), Jason Todd/Dick Grayson (DC Comics), Harrowhark Nonagesimus/Gideon Nav (Locked Tomb series),  Homura/Madoka (Madoka Magica), Kashima Yuu/Hori Masayuki (Gekkan Shojo Nozaki Kun), Gu Jianshen/Shen Qingxian (Want to Ascend, then fall in love), Sam Vimes/Havelock Vetinari (Discworld novels), Shen Jiu/Yue Qingyuan (Scum Villain Self-Saving System), and Xiang Cheng/Chi Xiaoduo (Mingwang, part of Feitian’s Exorcist novels).
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 2-24 NIGHT: 时间针脚 The Patchwork of Time Translation
“Acting is inseparable from life, as are shadows to people. It is something that we cannot run away from.“
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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A couple of employees rushed over in a panic. They inhaled sharply at the sight of the mess that laid before them.
MC: Sorry!
Staff A: Don't mind, don't mind. It's not your fault.
Staff B: If we're to fault someone, then it should be that guy who simply ran away after wrecking our stuff. That's so inconsiderate!
Staff A: Let's not dwell on that now. Lin Yao's going to be using this fresh flower assemble for her photoshoot tomorrow. Let's hurry and split up the work so that we can fix it back up.
Lin Yao, huh…
I feel like doing more for her.
I tightened my hold on the paper bag in my hands, deciding to stay behind to help everyone clean things up.
The night grew as time passed. Everyone was almost finished with what they were doing.
One of the employees let out a huge contagious yawn, and soon, everyone caught the yawning bug.
I'd heard that everyone had pulled a couple of all-nighters just to set up everything for this photoshoot. They're all probably exhausted to the bone.
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MC: There are only these fresh flowers left. I can do it myself, so you can all just go home and have a good rest.
Staff A: That won't do…
MC: Don't worry about it. You guys have to run the whole photoshoot tomorrow, so it's better if you use this time to get a proper night's sleep instead.
Staff B: We'll go first then. Thanks. We'll treat you to dinner next time!
The ceiling lights in the distance were a little dim, elongating my shadow. I was alone in this huge place.
I lifted my head to look at the background board, standing high and tall. Only the upper right corner needed a little colour correction. I stood on tip-toes and stretched my arm upwards to reach it, but my arm couldn’t reach high enough.
MC: A little more… Guess it'll be better if I fetch a stool…
??: Want me to help?
A pair of warm narrow eyes entered my line of sight.
MC: …Mr. Lu? What are you doing here?
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Evan: I just came out from the studio next door and saw that the lights were still on here. I decided to drop in for a look, and here we are.
Evan: I never thought that I'd be seeing you here.
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MC: Next door? Is that Team B's photoshoot area? You really do attend to everything yourself...
His gaze lands on the brush I was holding. He immediately removed his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
He smiles, spreading his hand out before me to signal for me to pass him the brush. But, just as I was about to politely decline...
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Evan: Allow me.
Evan: Although, can you guide me? It's my first time doing this sort of thing, so I'm afraid I'll make a mistake somewhere.
He looked at me with a smile, not giving me a chance to turn him down.
He’s helping me again, yet he doesn’t wish for me to feel bad about it; just like the night we first met.
MC: Sure. I'll hold your jacket for you.
Evan: Thanks.
I nodded, holding his suit jacket for him as I pointed to a corner of the background board.
MC: That one on that side needs a little touch-up.
Evan made a noise of approval, turning to look in the direction I was pointing at.
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Arm raised, the strokes he made were bold and firm. The white brush sweeps across the scratched background, covering it with a new coat of colour.
The faded areas regained their colour bit by bit and slowly blended into the rest of the background board.
Evan: Is this okay?
Evan turned back around, his smile tinged with a slight hint of rarely-seen reservation.
MC: Yup! Superb!
He said that it was his first time doing something like this, but he'd gone and executed it pretty well.
Bright moonlight shone in from the windows, illuminating his face, fixed with a look of utter concentration, and casting his long shadow onto the wall.
I don't know why, but I couldn't help the snort that escaped me when I suddenly recalled the shadow bunny from the lift back then.
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Evan: And what are you laughing at?
He’d finished the required touch-ups before I realized that he was done. He glanced at the slight smattering of blue paint that got onto his wrist and shook his head.
Evan: Did you see me accidentally getting paint onto my clothes and planned on not telling me about it?
That man, the very same one who’d been the epitome of calmness up on the stage, so far out of reach, now wore a boyish smile on his face.
MC: This paint doesn't seem like it can be washed off...
Evan: That’s fine. It will serve as a memorable piece of memorabilia.
MC: Because it’s your first time painting?
Evan: Because you don’t seem to be blaming me at all.
Evan: I apologize for not having informed you earlier.
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MC: ...Huh?
I didn’t understand what he was talking about for a while; not until I met his apologetic eyes. Something clicked in my mind.
He must be talking about how he’d hidden his identity from me.
I shook my head.
MC: Don’t worry about it. I know that you didn’t do it on purpose.
Evan: You do?
MC: It was the succession ceremony that day. I’d have known in the end either way, so there’s no point in trying to hide it from me.
Evan: I’d prefer if you could address me the same way you always do, even now.
MC: Okay. Thanks for the help today, Evan.
The night breeze blew past, bringing a slight chill in its wake.
Evan: If I remember correctly… This doesn’t seem like it’s part of your job description.
MC: Yeah, it isn’t…
I nodded, not knowing how I should go about telling him about Lin Yao.
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Evan: You don’t have to tell me about it if you don’t want to.
MC: I was just thinking, that maybe… the people we see might not be their true selves after all…
Evan looked to the front, his eyes as gentle and cold as the moonlight.
Evan: Acting is inseparable from life, as are shadows to people. It is something that we cannot run away from.
MC: Is everyone acting then?
Evan: Everyone is.
MC: But, why?
Evan: Because they’re afraid of being mistaken, looked down upon, and forgotten.
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MC: But, what if they were forced to act? I mean, what if they were being forced to live as someone else dictates?
Evan: Are they fighting back?
MC: I think so, but they're not lucky enough to succeed.
Evan: So, you're worried about them?
MC: Yeah…
Evan: For people to get themselves out of the misfortune that has befallen them, they will first have to gain awareness of it. And it seems like they have already achieved this.
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Evan: There are too many people who do not realize, or have long since gotten used to their unfortunate life.
Evan: That would be truly unfortunate.
The empty room made his words echo faintly, making it sound like some sort of prophecy that was being told.
The wind howled outside the window, the rustling of leaves growing ever stronger. It looked like a storm was brewing.
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❖ Location: Dark Alleyway
The moonlight was like a flower blooming ever so quietly, swaying gently in the wind. In an alley not too far out, a streetlight, illuminating white light, suddenly blinked out of life.
A panicked figure collapsed into the alleyway, holding down onto their hat. It spooked the flock of birds that had taken residence up in the trees. However, he didn't stop there. He hurriedly walked ahead, disappearing into the darkness of the night.
Stepping on the ground illuminated by mottled moonlight, the man that had been chasing after him stopped to pick up an orange-coloured origami butterfly from within the fallen leaves. The faint metallic tang of blood hung in the air.
The erupting blue flames illuminated his sharp, predatory, eyes.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-21) | Next Part: (Chapter 2-24 Light) / (Chapter 3-1)
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Blended - 2
As you can see - so I decided to pursue Blended. Originally, there was no serious plot to this, I swear. I was just winging it but before I knew it - I was exploring this interesting new AU that I’ve unearthed and I thought, eh why not? Now, I have quite a backstory for our main characters here. Which, unfortunately, will not yet be revealed below but just the same, hope you like this!
Title: Blended
Previous installment here.
Legend of Korra, Lin/Tenzin, Modern AU, no bending
Multi-part, WIP
Lin sucked in a deep breath. She released it slowly, counting up to five.
Her eyes blinked, wishing for all the strength in the universe not to forsake her.
She had taught her sons never to play the break-up one-up game but good Agni, she wanted to say that she is winning this particular break-up even a decade or so after.
Yes Lin, you can do this. You have won this break-up.
She tried to give herself an imaginary fist pump.
Yes, sure. Real mature of you.
Feeling that she had done enough pep talk, Lin plastered a smile on her face. She had gotten good at this in the past years after all.
Now or never. For Jinora.
She crossed the room quickly. “Hey kid, sorry I’m late.” Lin pressed a kiss on Jinora’s hair, not meeting the eyes of the other occupants of the booth. The young girl faced her to give a kiss and a hug in return. “Of all the days, I know.” Lin focused on tucking some stray hair strands behind Jinora’s ear. “I don’t even know why Mr Sato has an assistant if the man barely follows his own schedule.”
She finally took a seat and faced the now gaping man across her.
“Ah – this is my mom –,” Jinora started to introduce her at the same time that Lin extended her hand.
“I’m Lin, Jinora’s mom. Nice to meet you.”
The bald man automatically reached to grasp her hand to shake it He was a beat too slow to release her hand and Lin involuntarily frowned at that.
Ikki elbowed her father. “His name is Tenzin.” She added helpfully. “He’s my dad.”
No kidding.
She put up the menu as a shield between them to prolong the inevitable conversation; a ruse of reviewing the food and beverage lists even if the diner has yet to update it in the past five years.
Belatedly, all her uncharitable thoughts about the faceless man that was Ikki’s father came to the forefront of her mind.  
Figures he would be that stuffy businessman who did not have his kids play with the neighborhood kids.
Speaking of kids…
The two girls were sharing a plate of waffles beside them. The waffles were slathered with butter, whipped cream, maple syrup and sprinkled on with chopped peanut butter cups. She frowned and glared at the man across her from behind the menu. That was a sugar overload and sugar crash waiting to happen. And happen it will when the two girls would be in her care later today. He would not have to deal with that.
Tenzin only had a cup of coffee in front of him. She eyed the porcelain canisters at the side containing cream and sugar. The sugar bowl was only a third full and she would bet that it was full earlier before he had his hands on it.
She put down the menu and decided they have had enough time.
Lin waved a waiter over and requested for a tall glass of lemonade.
Tenzin was still looking at her apprehensively.
As he should.
If he thinks I will cash in on this 'renewed' connection, he is very much mistaken.
“So, I believe you have some concerns about Ikki staying over?” Lin was pleased to note that her voice did not even waver at any point.
She felt the curious eyes of the kids turn to them; their own conversation turning into whispers.
That seemed to snap Tenzin out of his thoughts.
“That is - that- no I don’t -.” He stammered unbecomingly.
Lin briefly wondered how this man managed to lead a conglomerate with this level of eloquence.
Ikki pounced on this. “Does it mean I can stay over at Jinora’s and Ms Lin’s? I promise I will behave, Daddy. And I swear we will produce the best project ever – with glitters, and sparkles and all the colors.” She beamed from the side, clutching at her father’s arm in excitement.
“It’s not our first sleepover at the house,” Lin interjected gently. “But I understand it’s Ikki’s first time to sleep over that is not with family. So you might have some questions for me – about the overnight stay.” She amended quickly, if the look in his eyes meant that he did have questions - just not related to the sleepover.
He motioned to speak but was interrupted by the serving placing a glass of lemonade between them.
“Well,” Lin calmly took a sip. “I could probably start with my questions and just chime in if there’s anything that comes to your mind.” She pulled out a pen and a small notepad from her bag. “Does she have allergic reactions to food -?”
“Shrimp and crab.” Tenzin responded in a subdued manner, absentmindedly stirring his coffee. A habit that Lin knew to indicate his nervousness.
“That won’t be a problem because,” Lin began but was interrupted by her daughter.
“Me too!” Jinora pointed to herself with a grin. “I’m allergic to crab and shrimp as well!”
There was a small shriek as the two girls began chattering about being besties and twinsies.
Tenzin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the display.
If that was how they would react over a common allergy (of all things that they could get from their father, it would be his ironic allergy to shellfish, which was to his mother’s consternation – but that’s a different story), wait until they realize they were sisters, Lin idly pondered.
She froze.
It did not dawn on her until then, put in simplistic terms, the two girls are related. She looked at them thoughtfully now, trying to see similarities in their features.
Lin corrected herself. Everyone knew how much she had clung to that particular distinction in her own family.
She clicked her pen and noted down in neat precise letters about Ikki’s allergy. “How about emergency numbers or any medicines that she needs to take regularly?”
Tenzin lifted Ikki’s bag, he showed her the bag tag which has all the emergency numbers. He also stated that there were no other allergies or any meds that the kid needs to take.
The pen continued to scratch on the pad.
Pen scratched on the pad.
“Bed time?”
“I'll leave it to your judgment to what's reasonable.” The fingers continued to hold the spoon that stirred the coffee. “They are bound to stay up later because of the project, I suppose.”
A back and forth of more questions and answers continued in the same vein.
When Lin (and Tenzin) was satisfied with the childcare information, flipped back the note pad and kept it and the pen back in her bag. “Alright then, are you really okay with Ikki staying over? If not,” She peered at him, gauging his reaction. “I can easily bring her back to your house later tonight.”
Tenzin shook his head with conviction. “No need, I mean, yes, it’s okay for her to spend time with you.” His face looked stricken at what he said. “No that’s not why I’m implying – I mean.”
Lin resisted rolling her eyes. “I get it.”
“I get it.”
Did she really, though?
Tenzin tilted his head down, stirring his coffee again, which has gone cold really. He did not dare ask for another refill as he had lost count of how many he had drank in his nervousness.
He inattentively watched the interaction of his daughter with Lin and her daughter.
Lin laughed at something Ikki was talking about.
If nothing else, Lin looked –
Tenzin was happy, truly, that his childhood friend (among other epithets he had for her, he thought heavily) is in a good place. He would be lying to claim that she did not cross his mind once in a while. He did wonder what had become of her. Their parting was not…ideal. And that was putting it very very lightly.
Now, here he was years later, sitting across her, having finished a conversation about their respective daughters. Lin was warm to Ikki, and he was thankful that she did not seem to bear a grudge against his daughter because of their past.
It was a surreal scenario, to say the least.
If Bumi had told him that was what he would be doing that Friday afternoon, he would have probably slapped his brother upside the head. Or checked his breath for the stench of alcohol.
This was not a normal Friday afternoon for him.
When Lin sat in their booth, he felt a chill run up his spine. The air left his lungs, as though someone had punched him suddenly.
No, it can’t be. Was his first thought.
And yet – he knew it was her.
He would recognize her anywhere. There was no mistaking the way she carried herself, the smirk, the flashing of her grey eyes – only a moment of emotion before it was hidden by the veneer of politeness.
It was cold but his palms turned sweaty. It was an odd feeling really, like a memory that was at the fringes of his mind suddenly before him. He did not know what to make of it.
As much as he was sure he has not forgotten her – when she started introducing herself, he wondered if the same can be said for the other way around.
He had moved far to start a new life with his children. Figures, that, with his luck, he lands at the very town that Lin lived at.
But if Lin wanted to keep it like they did not know each other, fine then. He could handle that. It would be simpler that way, he supposed, especially if Jinora and Ikki would remain friends (bffs, Ikki had said).
It was a cliché but he really did think the years were kind to Lin Beifong.
Is it still Beifong?
He surreptitiously peeked at her hands on the table. One of her fingers was sporting a ring.
So maybe not a Beifong…
He took a sip of his coffee and made a face, forgetting momentarily that it was little more than sludge.
 Before long, the bell at the diner’s door tinkled, announcing that more customers had entered.
Lin turned to face the door at the sound. Her face brightened up and Tenzin craned his neck to see who had arrived.
There was a young man with yellow-orange eyes, a messenger bag slung across his body. His eyes alighted at their corner booth and he smiled, more of lifting the corner of his mouth really than an actual smile.
Tenzin barely heard Lin excuse herself from the table; the two girls, still eating their pile of waffles and chatting about some singer or actor (he wasn’t exactly paying attention), took no notice of her.
Lin went to the newcomer, who raised his hand slightly as greeting.
He watched them with curious fascination – or horrible fascination, he wasn’t sure.
There was that odd tug at his stomach (that he would rather not explore, no, thank you) when the young man (boy, really now Lin? He grumbled internally, never mind his own ex-wife was years younger than him) moved to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek.
Yes, it was definitely not Tenzin’s usual Friday afternoon.
Note: I enjoyed writing this. Pretty cathartic - did you like reading it too? Let me know! 
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sambashua · 7 years
8 questions tag~
I was tagged by the lovely lin aka @aceshua ! thank you friend!! your questions were so fun to answer~~
I’m soooo uncreative and suck at questions so I spent the majority of this time trying to come up w those sigh... it’s fine i did my best
I’m going to tag @atshinee (once you’re done w your test tho !) @strawberryboo @yooncheoly @everyonesabiaswrecker @king-hao @s-lay-ing @papadoyoung (idek which tf blog to tag for you) @amessence and @kylamassie1 you guys can do this if you want(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
lin’s questions(✿◠‿◠)
1. If you could have one member’s hairstyle on your own head for a day, who’s would it be and from what era? (this can be svt or not) oh dangg this is a good question ahhhh i’d probably sayyyyy either peach shua (bc ofc) or jeonghan’s pretty u era hair bc i want to try having short hair rlly bad ? but also i’m worried it would look trash soooo (o i just realized this could be any group ah i wanna try sinb’s fingertip hair it was so cute ahhhh also every single one of joy’s hairstyles has been the best thing since sliced bread so yeah~ shoot also rosé’s hair... i just want to try it all man)
2. What’s your go-to snack food? i really like nuts or dried mango or banana chips!! but i mean i’ll eat any snack food tbh i’m a snack ho (why am i like this)
3. If you can only have one piece of Bongbong merch– out of all of the boy’s bongbong drawings, fan made pillows/hats/plushies of various bongbongs, OG gyu bongbongies– what Piece of Bongbong would you want in your room forever and why? uMMMM i’m such a basic ho but probably og bongbongie just bc when i first saw him i was so touched bc gyu is just so soft:(((( ilh nd i wanna put bongbongie in my living room~~
4. You dress up as a piece of food for halloween. What article of food are you? THIS IS SO GOOD i’d probably be cheese bc i love cheese or a strawberry!! or a yellow fruit bc i’m blonde... i’m giving so many options for all these questions i jUST HAVE A LOT TO SAY I’M SORRY
5. You get to give your bias a present but it has to be hand made by You. What do you give them? AW THIS IS SO CUTE BYE (i’m just gonna assume we’re dating bc duh we already are but yes to clarify) i would probably make a scrapbook w little pictures and leave little notes of why i love him and maybe even little poems or smth even softer~ aND I’D INCLUDE PICS OF HIS FAVORITE PLACES AND IT COULD BE LIKE OUR HOUSE OR A PARK WE ALWAYS GO TO TO READ AND I WOULD HAVE JUST PICTURES I’VE TAKEN RANDOMLY OF HIM WHEN I JUST FEEL LIKE IT AND AT THAT POINT HE WOULD BE SO USED TO ME TAKING PICS OF HIM BC HE KNOWS I’M A PHOTOGRAPHY HO SO THEY’D ALL BE CANDID AND HE WOULD BE SO SOFT AND NOW I’M CRYING WHAT WAS I TALKING ABT IDK I LOVE JEON WONWOO
6. Favorite non-MV video of svt? ohhohooho this is so dang difficult... but i thinkkkk their vlive where they were celebrating the end of VERY NICE promotions and they had the barbecue for so so so many reasons man
7. Do you have the names of your future pets planned out? If so, what are they? hMMMM i rlly want to have pets w like... names of household items or foods... like smth dumb like ottoman or pancakes... wtf am i talking abt anymore afhkjad
8. What’s the stupidest thing you did/that’s happened to you this week? (I’ll start- the other day i woke up and my laptop was in my fridge…I don’t remember doing this. why) um literally a couple hours ago sister and i went through the cain’s drivethru and the man on the speaker said “cluck cluck chicken chicken which combo are you pickin’? welcome to cain’s i’m ____” and i literally died EVEN THO THEY SAY SMTH LIKE THAT EVERY TIME I ALWAYS LAUGH FOR A GOOD MINUTE BEFORE I CAN ORDER but my sister was driving and she only recently got her license so she was pulling up to the window and kept inching forward rlly jerkily and i was dying laughing and the window boy was like “are you guys alright haha” and i was like kill me then i triED TO HAND SISTER MY CREDIT CARD AND WE DROPPED IT AND STARTED LAUGHING AGAIN AND HE WAS LIKE “ARE YOU GUYS STRUGGLING” AND I WAS DEDDDD but we gave him a good laugh so hopefully it made his night a bit more entertaining we’re always so dumb omg
mir’s questions(✿◠‿◠)
1. what’s your favorite bridge in a song? (i know this is so difficult but i thought narrowing it to the bridge might help?? but back 2 u’s is honestly so good)
2. how many spoons can you balance on your face? (photo evidence is optional)
3. the ingredients you would put in your ideal smoothie are....
4. what was the defining moment that made your ult bias your bias?
5. would you change your eye color if you could? if so what color? (it can be natural or not have fun w it lol)
6. what are your favorite physical and personality traits of your top bias(es)? (alternatively just your fave picture of our bias if you can’t pick actually just include your fave picture bc why not)
7. do you have a go-to video to make you laugh/cheer you up?
8. end w your favorite quote/emoji/emoticon(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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noirshadow · 2 years
Subtext Ch 5
Subtext AO3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
The wait is over - Aleks and Alina have dinner and a little more. Plus, a new development at work.
*A/N: Happy new year, besties! Please check AO3 for the updated tags. Finally earning its E. 😉
Zoya and Genya were waiting up when Nikolai and Alina got back. Nikolai had already texted Zoya a quick preview from the car so they were already itching for a full debrief as the front door opened. Alina toassed the shoes that were dangling from her finger onto the floor and staggered onto the sofa between the girls. Sighing deeply - as if to exhale the pressure from the night, she sunk back into the sofa. Nikolai went to the kitchen and came back with two large glasses of water and pouches of Liquid IV - handing one set to Alina before plopping himself at the foot of the L-shaped couch, leaning against Zoya’s legs.
“TELL US EVERYTHING.” Genya pressed, turning to face Alina with her legs crossed, leaning forward. She had a throw wrapped around her shoulders, looking like a concerned mother. Hair up in a messy bun with soft velvet knotted headband framing her expectant face.
Alina gulped some of the electrolyte-infused water, trying to figure out where to start. She recapped the night even the work parts. For her interaction with Aleks, she tried to recount it faithfully without leaving anything out - quoting word for word. Saying it out loud let her relive it, warmth flushing through her as the flesh memory of his gaze burning through her and her own feelings bubbling over came back to her in a flash.
“So that’s it. He was just super complimentary and asked me to dinner next week to talk about my script.” Alina said, unaccustomed to the words in her mouth as her brain attempted to keep up - still processing the events that transpired.
“You know i told you he has not dated anyone or been interested in anyone, as far as i know as long as I have known him. This is huge. I mean, I am not surprised, because it’s you, but still…” Nikolai said, before taking a big gulp of his water.
“I honestly didn’t know. He was so cold the first few meetings and he’s just so incredibly business-like at work. But he kept just saying how great I looked and he just keep looking at me.” Alina blushed through this bit.
“Don’t even. I was there. He was straight gawking and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, Lin.” Nikolai countered.
“Oh my god. I knew it. From what Nikolai was just saying, Aleksander is probably just a bit socially awkward. But wow, what a gamechanger. Don’t even pretend like this is about the script. It’s so great that he wants to help but this is clearly a real date. And I am not surprised either - you are such a catch and you deserve this. Shit - we need to go shopping for your dinner!!! You have to look amazing.” Genya bursted with excitement.
Zoya nodded in agreement. “He definitely sounds a bit socially inept but he clearly really likes you. He hasn’t even fully gotten to know you and he’s so willing to help. I’m so happy for you, Lin. How are you feeling about it all? You just realized your own feelings last week.”
“I know. I feel nervous but also excited, I guess. It’s been awhile for me since I had something like this, you know?”
Zoya reached over and gave Alina a one-sided hug. Genya sprang in and joined to sandwich her. Alina was so grateful for her friends. She was still in shock from the evening but their pep talk really bolstered her. They were right and she did deserve this. She never really had a meaningful relationship after Mal, if that was even one, and she didn’t really know how to do it anymore. She had been so focused on her career goals and writing that she hadn’t really had room to give love a chance.
She hugged back, sincerely, so happy and already feeling better about the week ahead.
“Oh fine. You all know I never like to be left out.” Nikolai smirked, reluctantly jumping into the group hug.
“Thanks, guys. I love you all. Thanks for everything. But I need to crash - I’m absolutely exhausted.” Alina looked at each of them gratefully. Giving one last extra squeeze, she curved her spine forward, pulling herself up, peeling herself from the comfort of the couch.
Alina woke up late on Saturday and was surprised to see some texts from Aleksander.
Good morning, Alina. I hope you aren’t too tired today after last night. It was great to see you and I’m excited about dinner. How about Friday? We can go together after work?
Do you like seafood?
Alina’s heart flipped. She was barely awake but the sight of the texts jolted her to full consciousness. She paused for a moment, thinking, and then responded.
Hi Aleks - I’m ok, thanks. Yes, I love seafood and Friday sounds great.
Really looking forward.
She added this last message with a slight trepidation. Alina was nervous - she hadn’t had a real date in ages - but after his open professions yesterday, she felt she could afford to be a bit more frank.
She threw her phone down on the duvet and laid back down, sinking into her pillow. This was really happening. Alina tried to compartmentalize her feelings. It had all happened so quickly. There were her personal feelings for him that were now fully grown into its own entity within her. Then, there were the other anxious emotions triggered by the fact that he could help her career. She had to remember not to forget that part. That was still a major element of her life and she didn’t want to lose that or forget it. She wanted her cake and to eat it too - both the potential for love and a real chance for her career.
Mentally locking in this resolve, she sprung out of bed.
“Morning, Alina!” Tamar chirped, setting down coffee. Alina was on the early shift this Monday. It was a quiet morning, after the premiere, and she spent the hours yawning and counting down the minutes till Tamar showed up with their Starbucks.
“Hey Tamar. How are you - how was your weekend?” Alina asked.
“It was quiet. I slept a LOT after Friday. It wasn’t even that crazy of a premiere but with work being what it is generally, most weekends are just catch-up, you know? What about you? Did you you have fun on Friday?” Tamar queried back.
“It was really fun Friday - and thanks for picking up the slack with Pekka. Nikolai was right - he was sort of a dick! And same - rested a lot on weekend, but I went for lunch and shopping on Sunday too. The reason is…well…let me fill you in from Friday before Vasily gets in…” Alina preceded to tell her about her interaction with Aleks. She still couldn’t recap word for word - it was too soul-baring for a new friend - but she told her coworker most of the main details.
Alina had debriefed Tamar a bit the previous week about the updates with Aleks. Her coworker was shocked at first, unable to fathom it - partly due to the rumors that ran rampant in the office about him. But with the information sinking in, she, like Alina’s roommates, was pleasantly shocked and supportive at the new developments.
Tamar’s mouth gaped open. “Girl, it is too early in the morning for this and I have not had enough coffee. I should have gotten a venti. But holy shit. This is incredible. Of course you got through to him!! I can’t believe how nice he’s actually being. He’s never a dick but I have never heard him compliment anyone. I mean, I guess I can now from everything Ivan said last time but I have never witnessed it myself. I will need every detail from your dinner!”
Before Alina could say another word, Vasily walked in, clearly not in a good mood. He didn’t acknowledge them and went straight into the room, slamming the door shut, the glass vibrating in the aftermath. With the dark cloud hanging over the air, the two girls didn’t dare continue their conversation. They quickly got to work.
The start of the week passed quickly. After the premiere, there was surprisingly still a lot to do. PR and publicity managed the press coverage - copies of the trades were all passed around until seemingly memorized and continously recited by all staff. If a film was bad, the reviews had to be suppressed until the wide opening. Luckily, as was usually the case with all of Kaz’s films, this one was already a critic darling. But also unluckily, because it was a hit, the whole office was busy booking an endless cycle of talent junkets and keeping momentum up in the news and social channels before the official release in a couple weeks.
Alina was daunted by the amount of work. Even as a lowly assistant and not working in PR, her days were filled booking and rebooking appointments and managing all the talent schedules. Because of this, she scarcely had time to think about Friday - which was probably a blessing, as she was still incredibly nervous for it.
On Wednesday, as things were starting to get back to the standard level of crazy busy, she got a surprising Slack from Amy, Heleen’s assistant.
[Rinkova, Amy]: Hey Alina, do you have time to stop by Heleen’s this afternoon - like 5ish? Your calendar looked clear.
Alina reread the words carefully. Why would Heleen want to talk to her? It must be about her script but surely she was way too busy to be chasing Alina for it.
[Starkov, Alina]: Hey Amy, sure - i can make it. I’ll just swing by then. Thanks.
Alina glanced up quickly at Vasily’s office. He was facing the window, on the phone. Leaned all the way back in his chair, his shiny amber brown wingtips were propped up on the Roche Bobois credenza that sat behind his desk. She looked at her phone screen and saw he was on with Pekka. It would definitely be awhile so she went over to Tamar’s and sat on the edge of her desk.
“Hey, you busy?”
Tamar was fully briefed on the previous semi-odd Heleen interactions so Alina wanted her advice on this.
“What’s up?” Tamar said looking up. She pushed up her thick Warby tortoise-shell frames that she wore for computer work and glanced over at Vasily, no doubt also checking his status.
“Amy asked if I had time for Heleen this afternoon. I haven’t talked to her since the premiere and I never actually sent her the script yet. Is it weird she’s chasing me?”
“Hmm…I mean, she does like to help new talent. But given that you have no rapport with her, it’s a bit weird. She’s never read any of your stuff before?” Tamar quizzically inquired.
“Nope. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for any help I can get but she sure seems to be trying hard. And I feel a bit weird about it as I kind of want to wait till I meet with Aleks and see what he says.” Alina knew firsthand from her school experience how writers could easily get completely inundated with edits and suggestions from too many people.
“Oooh, that’s a good point. He did offer first. I guess just see what she has to say. I mean, personally I would rather have Aleks take a look - he’s the one who manages the most writers and Heleen mainly deals with actors. Look what he did for Kaz, you know? But damn, Alina. Looks like you’re golden either way. All these people vying to help you!” Tamar admired.
Just then, Vasily came out. “Oh good. You’re both here. Can one of you book me dinner tonight with Pekka and his guest. Can you get a car sent to pick up my wife? 4 total for 8pm. I’m thinking Mastro’s. I’m going out for a bit to check on a shoot. I’ll be back before dinner.”
With a little airy wave, Vasily strolled out before either girl could say anything else. The rest of the day went pretty quickly. Before she knew it, it was already a couple minutes past 5.
“Shit. Hey Tamar- running to Heleen’s now. Be back soon.”
“Good luck!”
Alina quickly ran a brush through her hair. She had on a black silk headband with a little knot at the top. She checked herself in the little compact mirror she kept in her desk. Today, she had on a tight dark mustard sleeveless turtleneck with flowing wide-leg black pants. She adjusted the tuck of her shirt and smoothed it out. Heleen always looked so glamorous so she wanted to make sure she at least could make as good of an appearance as possible.
Heleen’s office was on the floor below. While she was a bit further away from Magnus and Aleks, as Alina walked out of the elevator, it struck her that it might have been on purpose. The floor seemed to be Heleen’s kingdom. Only her clients’ posters were on the wall and the all the decor of the office seemed to have the same elegant opulence of Heleen’s style. All white and muted greys. There was an ornate overembellished feel to the place too. Even all the assistants and agents on this floor seemed to dress the part. Such a contrast to the standard corporate of Alina’s floor with a few contemporary touches. Even the partners’ floor, which was definitely more grandiose, still had an understated sparse, modern feel. It didn’t try too hard.
Alina approached the end of the main hallway and greeted Amy, who was sat at her desk. “Hey Amy, how’s it going?”
“Hi Alina! Good timing. Heleen’s just got off a call. I’m all good - can’t wait for this day to be over. This week has been insane. We have gotten so many calls for Natasha since the premiere. I’m soooo tired.” Amy whined.
Alina nodded sympathetically. She always liked Amy. She was a cute diminutive girl who always had a positive outlook even in the most stressful situations. She had gotten chatting with her at the assistants’ drinks a few weeks ago and immediately liked the girl. “Sorry. But you got this! If you need anything, just let me know.”
“Thanks - you can go right in.”
Alina swallowed, pulse pounding a bit faster in the anticipation. She walked in. No time for a first impression as she was hit by a wall of Tom Ford Black Orchid that skewed any attempt to gauge her surroundings. Alina’s eyes struggled to keep from watering. Maybe it was the warmer then usual room, but the perfume seemed to have fermented thickly in the air and the heavy scent was seemingly out of place for a regular workday.
“Hi Heleen. You wanted to see me?” Alina said thickly, the scent coating her mouth.
“Alina, hi. Yes, please sit. Can i get you anything? How are you doing?” Heleen gestured to the fluffy Poliform Mad chair.
Alina took in the room as she sat down. Similarly to the rest of the 18th floor, the room was richly decorated. Unlike the vibrancy of Magnus’ office or the clean black of Aleks’, Heleen was direct opposite. White everything with silver accents. The whole thing looked like a showroom. Besides the plush chair she sunk into, there was a white sheepskin on the floor surrounding crisp white BoConcept leather couches. Unlike the glass desks of the other agents, Heleen had a gilded silver-painted desk - Baroque almost in style, Although opposite of the rest of the modernity, this and the other bits of Belle Époque looking pieces, actually worked well in some weird juxtapose of new and old.
“I’m fine, thanks. Can I help with anything?” Alina inquired politely.
“Rather, can I help you with anything? I see that you still haven’t sent me your script. Well, I don’t have much time so I am going to cut right to the chase. But firstly, can i trust you?”
Alina felt a bit nauseous as Heleen stared her down - pointed gaze as direct as her question. She couldn’t think what trust was needed. What was she going to say? She knew the nature of the job was keeping a bunch of confidential information but as she didn’t work for the agent, she didn’t know what this could possibly be regarding.
“Of course.” Alina paled in apprehension.
“Well, please don’t speak to anyone about this, and especially not Magnus or Aleksander. I know you’re a close friend of Nikolai’s but i don’t want this to get around - at least not until after this week.”
Alina nodded, not saying anything - cueing Heleen to continue.
“I have been working on this for a long time now and it’s about to kick off in a few weeks…I am leaving to start my own agency….And I want you to come with me.”
Alina was in shock. This was the last thing she was expecting and she also didn’t know why she would want her to come. The senior agent had no idea on her credentials working for Vasily or anyone else, for that matter.
“Oh..um, that’s really exciting for you. Um..thank you for the offer but I just started here so should probably at least stick it out a year, before considering something else, you know?” Alina tried to keep it courteous and be as deferential as possible. She didn’t want to offend the woman.
“No, Alina. You mistake me. I want to sign you. You know I already think you’re a promising writer. I think you’re ready. I will sign you as one of my clients and bring you over along with my others.”
Alina almost slid out of the furry chair. She couldn't help but gape, mouth dropped open is sheer astonishment. This was the last thing she was expecting from this conversation. She sat there in silence as Heleen continued studying her face. After several long seconds, her brain willed her mouth to speak - to break the silence.
“Oh wow. Um. Wow. This is honestly such a surprise. I don’t even know what to say. I am really, um, flattered by this. But wow. Like, firstly, thank you for the offer and even considering me. I think I would just need to think about it. Could I - could I have the weekend?” Alina stalled.
She definitely wanted to wait for her dinner with Aleks. She knew she promised secrecy to Heleen but with also what was blossoming between them, whatever that was, there was no way she could make such a huge decision without speaking to him - let alone Nikolai and Genya and Zoya. Furthermore, this was a complete blindside and she would need time to process it. Why would Heleen take such a risk on her for her new agency?
“I know it must seem like a shock, but as i mentioned last Friday, I have had my eye on you and I always am open to helping up and coming talent. I think you have potential and I would love to help you achieve your goals. Just think about it. Monday is absolutely fine. The wheels are in motion already. I’m springing it on Magnus and Aleksander this Friday. I just confirmed the final touches to our new office space so I am ready to go. A bunch of agents are coming with me and all my clients so we will be ready to hit the ground running.” At this, Heleen paused, sipping her Perrier from a silver straw.
“And, I would personally oversee you and you would have access to all our resources. Think it over. Don’t hesitate to reach out this week if you have any other questions but I look forward to your response.” Heleen smiled her 100-watt winning smile that seemed to shed years off of her face. A face that was a winning sales face and hard to say no to.
“Of course. I won’t say anything. Thank you again for considering me. I’ll definitely come back to you by Monday.” Alina said softly, already in her own head, thoughts swirling. So Aleks would already know when she met up with him. She wouldn’t have to deal with any fallout of breaking a promise.
At that, Amy knocked and opened the door lightly. “Heleen- you have Natasha on 2.”
“Thanks, Amy. Alina- let me know, will you? Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice evening.” Heleen gave another curt nod and picked up her phone.
Alina nodded and gave a small wave before turning and following Amy out the door.
“Everything ok?” Amy asked.
“Ya, thanks. Just a bit in shock.” Alina confessed.
“I gather she told you about the announcement? I’m going with her. You should consider it. We’ll get paid much better than here.” Amy offered.
Alina looked up in surprise, examining the innocence on the other girl’s face. Clearly Heleen had left out the small detail that Alina would be moving over, not as staff but as talent.
She thought it best to keep it that way. She replied laconically, “Ya, she let me know. Well, see you later. Good luck with the rest of your day.” Alina thought it best to say as little as possible for the moment.
Amy said her goodbyes and Alina trudged slowly back to the elevator. When she got back down to her desk, Tamar was waiting for her expectantly.
“How did it go?”
“Oh, hi. All ok.” Even with her friend, Alina thought it best to proceed cautiously with spreading this around the office. She felt badly about not sharing but she didn’t want to get blamed for jeopardizing Heleen’s exit. It was also a hefty weight on her. In the short time, she did feel loyalty for the company and her coworkers and knew this move would have a huge effect. But she knew who she had to talk to. She pulled out her phone.
Hey guys. Are you all around tonight? Can we have dinner? I just had a bomb dropped on me. Need your advice. @Nikolai, especially you, if you can make it. How do you guys feel about Monty’s? I can pick it up on the way home.
Her phone pinged back instantly with replies from her friends.
Ooh. With my powers of deduction, I am sensing this must be work related. What did my brother do now?
Of course! Everything ok? Can we have a hint - I can’t wait till later!! I’ll be back at 7. Please get tons of tots and i want my burger as a lettuce wrap.
What’s up?!? You ok? Of course, I’m free. I’ll pick up some wine from TJ’s on my way home. Ditto on tots and sweet potato fries. Can i add a Chocolate Dream shake too?
And no, Niko - you can’t have any of it.
Thanks, guys. Everything is ok. I met with that other agent, Heleen, today. And she was the one with the bomb. Will fill you in on all of it later.
As the day wound down, Alina packed up, hurriedly saying goodbye to Tamar before walking out. Consumed by her own thoughts, the remainder of the day had passed quickly and quietly for the two girls.
When Alina walked in the front door, the living area was empty. She went into the kitchen setting down the bags of Impossible burgers onto the dining table. She took the rest of her stuff to her room and was washing up in the shared bathroom when Zoya came in.
“Oh hey Lin. You’re back. Gen just got back too and is changing. Nikolai’s just chilling in my room. We’ll come out now. You ok?” Zoya gave a one-shouldered hug to Alina, sensing her stress, before walking out.
Alina went to her room and also got comfortable - changing into joggers and her favorite NYU hoodie. She fished out her phone from her giant Rebecca Minkoff tote and went out to the living room. The burgers were set on the coffee table and a giant plate, normally used for charcuterie, sat in the middle overflowing with the assortment of tots and fries. The tiny cups of sauces ringed it like a guard of honor.
“Hey Alina. We are eating in here. Thought it would be more comfortable.” Nikolai called out as he started pouring out the chilled rosé into four stemless wine glasses.
“Thanks,” she said, as Genya and Zoya walked out, equally clad in a variety of athleisure.
“Yummm - i am starving.�� Genya intoned, plopping next to Alina on the long L part of the couch and giving her friend’s arm a little squeeze.
Alina felt already much better with the understated but meaningful actions of support by her friends already. Feeling lighter, she took a bite of her burger before starting on recounting the events of the day.
“Wow - good for Heleen. I know she was always a bit jealous of Aleks and how much my dad values him, but didn’t know she had the balls to leave. And to start a new firm.” Nikolai said, a bit impressed.
“I agree with you, Lin. You gotta wait and talk to Aleks about this. If something is really happening with you guys, you need to let him know and get his take. He obviously knows Heleen a lot better so he might have some further insight.” The ginger friend popped a tot into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully.
“It is a bit rando that she is being so helpful when she barely knows you? I wonder what her angle is. And you’re right - Aleks has already read your script so regardless of the personal side, you gotta see what he has to say on it first.” Zoya advised, setting down her empty burger wrapper.
Alina was always grateful for both girls who always had sage advice, but in this situation she was especially attentive to Zoya’s, who was leery of everyone at the best of times but whose constant skepticism had kept Alina out of numerous scrapes in the past.
“Thanks guys - appreciate the advice. As I looked Heleen straight in the face and said I wouldn’t say anything, I’ll wait till Friday to talk to Aleks, which works out super well as that’s when she’s going to do it.” Alina mused.
“That’s nice of you. Him and my dad are for sure going to flip their shit when they hear. My dad personally brought her over with him when he started LMA and he just has such an old-fashioned belief in loyalty. He’s so old-school he’s most def going to take this as a personal attack.”
“Please don’t say anything, Nikolai. I have enough going on with this decision that I don’t want to get involved with that drama. I wish she hadn’t told me cause now I randomly have to deal with the weight of it too, you know?” Alina pleaded.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry. I won’t. I don’t even work there, remember? As your rival, I should be happy the place is imploding. Maybe take a stab at grabbing some clients in the fallout…” Nikolai winked.
“Oh my god. It’s already 9!! The Bachelor finale is on. Everyone SHUT UP.” Genya screamed, scrambling for the remote.
Behind her, Zoya rolled her eyes but smiled at her trash TV smitten friend. Alina laughed and leaned back into the sofa pulling out her phone from the seam of the couch to check it.
There was a text from Aleks.
“Oh god. A text from Aleks, guys.”
Genya paused the TV and turned. “Hold up. Clayton will have to wait. What did he say?!”
Zoya and Nikolai also turned, eagerly waiting for Alina to respond.
Hi Alina. For Friday, I booked something that I think you’ll like. Not super formal - don’t worry. Looking forward. I’ll meet you in the parking lobby on B1 on Friday. Have a good evening.
She handed the phone over to Genya and the couple clambered over to read over her shoulder.
“Oh my god - if he said this, it must be actually really nice. He’s a partner, right? Making them big bucks. Don’t see him roughing it at Monty’s or something. I’m dying to know where he will take you. Thank fuck we bought you that new Reformation dress.” Genya professed.
“You look so hot in that, Lin. Borrow my black Prada block heels. Just in case — since you dont know where you’re going — you don’t want to be stuck in stilettos.” Zoya said wisely.
The busyness of the rest of the work week served as a wall that initially blocked her nervousness for the date. As Friday got closer, it melted away, leaving in its wake a nervous energy prickling through her like tiny electric shocks. A tinge of nausea also developed, lingering around, absolute unwelcome. It’s not like she never had a first date before but over the past few weeks, after she first broke the ice with her confession to her friends, Alina gradually realized just how much she actually liked Aleks. Even if she barely knew him. But the complexity of his personality that she had thus far uncovered intrigued her. And this was all without adding the complication of her script as well, nor the new development from Heleen.
Needless to say, when Friday morning came around, Alina’s nerves were palpable. Even though Genya was between projects, she woke up extra early to help Alina with her make-up and getting ready. The trick was to still look relatively normal for work but be able to jazz it up for after. The square neck, below-the-knee, slitted dark green dress was just about doable for the office with a thin cardigan on top and flats. Thankfully, working in this industry, there was actually a wide gamut of workwear and the definition of appropriate was generously loose.
“Ok. So before you go, just put on this Huda lip. I got it in one of my subscription parcels so it’s brand new and the berry will go great with the dress. Also, just remember to change the shoes. And LEAVE the cardigan at work please!! Show off that figure for once, for the love of God.” Genya said firmly, pressing the lip into Alina’s hand.
“Thanks. I will. I’m so nervous, I hope I don’t faint.” Alina said.
“Girl, stop!! You’ll be fine. You got this. Cannot wait to hear about every sordid little detail after. Good luck, love you.” Genya gave her friend a final squeeze.
With her friend’s support, she resolved to be emotionally stronger. She had to be - both for tonight and in this industry to actually make it. Be strong and bold. With that she grabbed her bag and left the house.
The drive to work was a blur. Alina was consumed in her thoughts, muscle memory the only thing leading the car, propelling her to work. When she arrived, she saw that both Zoya and Nikolai had texted their support for the evening. She loved her friends so much and their messages completely bolstered her confidence. Smiling, she headed up to the office.
The day was pretty uneventful. The excited anticipation of the evening caused the entire day to drag. Minutes felt like hours and the suspense was palpable. To add to that, she had to sit in a meeting with Pekka and Vasily, taking notes, and with their two winning personalities, the half hour meeting felt like an actual eternity.
As a slight distraction, through the day, Alina eyed her coworkers curiously for any hint on the Heleen news. She hadn’t seen her since Wednesday and had no idea what time she was going to drop this revelation. She had lunch with Tamar and Ivan and examined Aleks’ assistant’s face for any clues but if he knew, it didn’t show. Their conversation was benign and they barely spoke about work topics.
Alina had forced herself to not look at the clock for the past while and finally when she allowed herself to look up, she saw that it was already past 6. She hadn’t wanted to tell Tamar when the dinner was until after as someone else’s excitement would just churn up more stress. However, Vasily was still in and had another agent in his office. With her boss not looking likely to leave anytime soon, she resigned herself to having to let her friend know, just for the sake of coverage, if anything. Just as she was about to ping her, Vasily came out with Misha.
“Ladies- we are going for drinks. I should be good for today - feel free to leave now. And have a great weekend.” Vasily pulled on his suit jacket and buttoned it, the cloth tight around his girth. He and the other agent, gave a small wave and left immediately.
Great timing, Alina thought, a sigh of relief. Crisis averted on having to divulge to her friend. It was also still early enough that she would have time to properly get ready to meet Aleks at 7. Surprisingly, Tamar, who always was working late, was already packing up.
“Oh thank fuck. I am supposed to meet my girlfriend at 7 in Studio City and I was for sure going to be late again and she was going to kill me. Do you mind if I head out first? The contracts are all printed for Monday morning so I think we are good on everything.” Tamar looked over, face pleading and a little pitiful.
“Of course. Go go. I’m wrapping up too. Just need to finish one last email to Fedyor. Have fun - see you next week. I’m on coffees on Monday!” Alina cheerfully shouted as Tamar grabbed her stuff and started hurrying away.
Once she saw her turn the corner, Alina reached into the bottom drawer of her desk to grab the Vogue tote packed with her shoes and make-up. She beelined toward the bathrooms. Another pro of this industry: the bathroom had an amazing floor-length mirror complete with ring light and a nice vanity area. As instructed by Genya, she touched up her powder, adding a smidge of illuminator on the apples of her cheeks and sliding the rich berry across her lips. She stepped in front of the long mirror. She took off her cardigan and smoothed out the dress at the waist, impressed with the final result. She did look good.
Speeding back to her desk, her screensaver flashed - 6:56. She quickly scanned her email - nothing new, which was unsurprising for Friday evening - and then shut down quickly.
She darted toward the elevators praying she wouldn’t run into anyone. It was mercifully empty. It helped that the entire PR team was out and a lot of the assistants had scurried out early when their bosses had left for various boozy lunches. Stepping into the empty lift, she pressed B1. She took a few deep breathes to calm the nerves as it descended, feeling the drop in her turbulent stomach.
As the door opened, she spotted Aleks leaning against counter of the empty valet stand scrolling through his phone. He straightened immediately when he heard the elevator chime.
“Hi Alina. Wow, you look incredible.” He sauntered over and gave her a light peck on the cheek.
He acted so natural, it threw her off so that it took her a minute to collect herself. “Thanks - you do, too.”
He was wearing his standard uniform dark suit - this time, a deep charcoal suit with a muted cobalt tie.
“I’m sorry we are meeting here and not in the actual main lobby…I thought it might be best in case anyone saw us and um…well, you may have heard, the reception girls are quite…aggressive.” She glanced at him and although he wasn’t blushing, it was probably the least composed she had ever seen him.
Alina couldn’t help it but she grinned evilly. “So I’ve heard.”
That actually helped break the ice for her and she felt a bit more relaxed. She wondered if he had sensed it and made the joke to ease her stress. If so, she was appreciative.
They got to his car - prime parking spot next to Magnus’ empty spot, his embossed name tag on the wall reflecting from the overhead lighting. The alarm beeped in answer to the disarming click and Aleks quickly swept around, opening the passenger side door for her.
Alina slid in. “Thank you. So, where exactly are we going?”
“Are you super hungry? I don’t know if you know, but I live in Pacific Palisades. It’s gorgeous on the coast at this hour. I thought we could go up to Nobu in Malibu, give us a chance to check out the views. But, if you’re super hungry, Ivan booked Catch as a back-up and we can go straight there now.” Aleks said looking cautiously over at her for a response.
A tiny flutter escaped in Alina’s stomach. Her attempts to remain stoic were quickly failing. The fact that he had booked multiple restaurants for her to choose had her giddy. Adding the coastal romantic sunset for a first date or whatever this was had her swooning.
“Wow, that sounds amazing. To be honest, I’ve only been to the beach a few times since I moved out here. It would be nice to see it. And I’ve never been up that way. I can wait to eat - let’s do it.” Alina agreed.
“You’ll love it. It will take about 40 minutes. Hopefully we can still catch the end of the sunset.” Aleks smiled, turning back to focus on the drive.
He was not wrong. The drive was breathtaking. As soon as they hit the coast, it was like they were no longer in the smoggy city. The sun was sitting low on the horizon, a minuscule half-circle still exposed and too bright to look at. It emanated a fiery ribbon of orange framing the cerulean blue of the Pacific.
They had talked a little about work and the mundane occurrences of the day, but as they hit the PCH, the silence set in as Alina fully drank in the view. Even as the sun fully submerged itself, disappearing into the horizon, the purple and pink twilight shone bright - swirling into an ombré, as it tried to keep out the impending, inevitable dark.
The view and the company made the drive feel quicker than it was. They didn’t speak much but every so often the pair locked eyes, both sets radiating joy. Aleks’ eyes seemd to dance whenever Alina looked at him.
“Mr. Morozova. I hope your drive was pleasant. Your table is ready, please come this way.” Aleks nodded, discreetly handing the host a folded $20. Alina was impressed. This was very different to her previous dates. Even just with the valet, everyone seemed to know and respect him.
As they walked through the restaurant, Alina found it hard not to gawk. One entire side of the restaurant was completely made of glass and hanging right over the sea. Their table was past the wide bar area that opened out to a patio of more tables. Their table was further in the back in a more subdued, darker area of the restaurant. At the square table they sat across from each other right against the glass. Alina looked down. If she leaned her head, almost touching the window, she could see the tides churning.
“Is this table ok for you?” Aleks questioned. Alina’s stomach was a flurry again at Aleks’ attentiveness to her.
“Yes, it’s gorgeous. It feels like we are sitting in the ocean.” Alina replied.
“That is exactly why I like it here. It’s a bit of a drive for work but the views are so worth it. I live alone - I don’t have much family - and I work a lot, so this is what I do to treat myself. It brings me peace.” Aleks confided.
Alina nodded in recognition. She had her parents and her found family with her close friends but she understood the loneliness, even surrounded by people. His openness at his feelings also tugged at her heart. She colored a bit thinking back to when she thought he was a cold-hearted asshole.
“I can see that. The ocean just brings a serenity - from the views and I personally just the sounds it makes. It’s calming and I could listen to it all day.” Alina concurred.
“Well, that got a bit depressing. Take a look at the menu, do you know what you want to eat?”
The food arrived - a colorful assortment of sushi and fish plated exceptionally artistically on modern Japanese-style ceramics. Alina knew LA was known for sushi and Nobu was famous in that regard but she hadn’t expected to love it so much. She had let Aleks lead in the selection and he picked a diverse range of their specialities including yellowtail sashimi with jalapeno, which Alina loved, and their famous miso cod.
As they ate, Aleks was forthcoming in his chat, more like the version Nikolai and Ivan mentioned, and less the one she saw at work. He talked about his upbringing and losing his parents young. Alina felt for him and her heart ached thinking of him going it alone to make something of himself. She felt a maternal need to take care of him - to give him someone to rely on. It deepened her feelings for him as she got to know him better.
After the plates were cleared, they sat back finishing the last glass of sake to cleanse the palate. The hot beverage was restorative, soothing her and comforting her with its warm embrace.
“So, you must have thought I was a real asshole when we first met. You had seemed so surprised when I offered to help you that I knew you must have taken our first meeting with a grudge. You caught me on a crazy day and if you hadn’t noticed, I tend to really absorb into work - it’s like an alter ego.” Aleks explained.
Continuing on, “I owe Magnus everything and maybe…maybe because I have that weight of this debt, I give myself pressure to stay laser focused at work.”
“I get that,” Alina assented. “I have wanted to be a screenwriter for as long as I can remember. Everyone told me how difficult it would be. Knowing that, it’s dictated a lot of my life decisions. I want it so much that sometimes it’s hard to think about anything else, you know?” Alina took a sip - tongue loosened by every drink.
“I know the feeling. I was one of the youngest agents so I know what it’s like to have the constant need to prove yourself. I was super focused and would have continued down this solitary path of forever working if it wasn’t for you…” Aleks forced her to hold his stare.
“Me?” Alina said meekly.
“You, Alina. I don’t know if it was the emotion I saw on your face from our first meeting or what, but I couldn’t get you out of my head. Thoughts of you kept creeping in, no matter what I was doing. When you started taking over the Fedyor meetings, I thought I would going to explode with the pressure I felt. I thought I could help you with your script and that would be a way for me to be able to see you at least, in a more personal setting.” Aleks said slowly.
Alina’s breath caught in her throat as the words seeped in, her mind struggling to fully process the weight of them. She stared down at her cup, completely unable to meet his eye now.
Aleks continued, “And while that was an excuse, your script is amazing. And when I read it, I knew that you had real talent. I knew before that I wanted to help you, but then when I read it, I knew you would make it. With or without my help.”
If the previous words had caught Alina off guard, these smashed into her like a giant wave.
“I thought I could keep it strictly professional. That it would be enough. But when I saw you at the premiere, I knew I couldn’t. I hope this doesn’t freak you out but I am completely mesmerized by you.” Aleks said tenderly.
Alina looked up now, she put her hand on the table - as if to steady herself. “Oh Aleks. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either. Even when I was just angry and thought you were a dick.” She cracked.
He reached over and grabbed her hand on the table, thumb gently caressing the top of her hand. A beat passed and then, “Do you want to see my place?”
Alina nodded.
As they reached the driveway and parked, lights turning off, they sat there, paused for a moment. Alina could hear her heart beating through her chest. Suddenly, at the same time, turning towards each other -a frantic kiss ensued. Hands roving, unable to wait any longer. The tension built up from all those weeks started to dissipate like a wild balloon flying around as it deflated. Alina breathed heavy into him, gasping for air. Their foreheads touching, Aleks brought his hand up cupping her neck. Alina met his with her own hand locked around his wrist.
“Let’s go inside.” He whispered as Alina nodded, their noses touching. Opening the door, the cool salty air actually settled her. It was refreshing and as the light wind met her skin, it brought her back to earth. Lowered her temperature back to normal, her heart rate evening out.
Walking around to his side of the car, Aleks extended his hand, smiling, to grab hers and take her inside. Even in the heat of the moment, Alina couldn’t but admire the stunning house. Set right on the cliff, it was modern and light, but wasn’t out of place in this natural setting - organically nestled into the scenic background. As they walked through the door, her amazement flooded back. She knew he was rich and didn’t have a family but this was next level from anything Alina had seen. The Lantsov family home was bigger but it was the style and feel here that astonished her. While it was definitely grand and luxurious, there was somehow a homey and welcoming feel to it all.
The entryway was open with a high ceiling two floors tall. To the left, a giant sunken living room that led to a full wall of windows opening onto a large patio right on the water. The room was inviting, a mix of mid-century modern with some more comforting touches like a few plusher chairs and pillows strewn in to offset the austere style. The color scheme was still the same as his office, lots of blacks and greys with concrete and matte black metalwear throughout. Despite the darkly muted decor, it actually worked because it didn’t overshadow the real centerpiece of the house: the dazzling azure sea.
“Do you want a glass of wine?” Aleks asked.
“Sure” said Alina, feeling a bit awkward in the limbo - the commencing action in the car unresolved but not quite enough steam at the moment to keep it going.
“Go ahead and sit down. I have a nice Castello I can open - be right back.” He squeezed her arm, gesturing to black L-shaped sofa that looked out to the ocean. Alina tucked her legs under herself. He had opened one of the window panels and the cool air along with the soft lapping of the waves calmed her. She watched him pull out two glasses from the immaculate kitchen and open the bottle on the marble counter.
He walked over and proffered her a glass before settling next to her. Seeing her snug on the sofa, he asked with concern in his voice, “Are you cold? I can turn on the fire.”
Aleksander signaled toward the expansive glass fireplace that sat on one side of the room. Alina turned to study the pebble-filled piece to the left of them. She shook her head.
“I’m ok. And your house is really nice. I can’t believe you live here alone.” She exclaimed, looking around more at the high ceilings.
“I do love it. It’s a bit extra for one person, but like I mentioned, I love living by the ocean.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a bit looking out, lulled by the waves, sipping their wine. Finally, Alina set down her half-empty glass. Completely emboldened by their raw confessions and helped along by the ample sake and wine she had now drunk, she was ready to break the limbo.
She leaned over, put her hand on his knee slowly moving up his thigh. She unraveled her legs from under her, pushing up, kneeling, inching towards Aleks. A look of surprise, and he leaned to set down his glass. He pulled her closer, almost on top of him. His hand reached her chin leading it towards him, meeting her lips with his own.
Alina leaned further pushing him down with her weight. Arms reaching up around his neck, bracing for a firmer position. His hand moved down her spine, sending electric shocks with each touch. Reaching the edge of her dress, he slid his hand up and under, a shortcut through the high slit.
Suddenly, he pushed away a bit. Backing off slightly so they were inches apart. “Let’s go upstairs.”
The next few moments were a blur for Alina, his arms around her leading her up the stairs and to his room. The whole time, his mouth against her collarbone and her neck, blanketing it with his kisses. He pushed her up against the wall of the built-in closet. Alina’s eyes barely had time to register the sparsely furnished room and the wide ocean-view window before her eyes closed, to better feel every sensation of his kiss in her mouth. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, his tongue entering and exploring, eliciting a small moan from her.
He peeled her from the wall and turning her gently, moved her to the bed. His eyes never leaving hers. She lay back, arms around his neck pulled him down with her as his hands supported her waist to softly land on the cushioned mattress.
“Are you ok?” He asked, care flooding those depthless dark eyes.
“Yes” she breathed.
He planted a kiss on her mouth, moving it down to her neck. Simultaneously, he reached around and unzipped the back of her dress, pulling it off her shoulders. His mouth continued to rove, down her chest. Goosebumps rose in the wake of his touch as Alina lifted up slightly for him to pull down the dress completely, taking her underwear with it.
With one hand, he loosened his tie, coming up for air as he pulled it over his head. She ripped off his crisp shirt - no longer unwrinkled and buttons snapping in her grip. He wiggled out of it as she reached behind unhooking and throwing off her bra. Examining her full body on display, he cooed, “You are absolutely exquisite.”
He grinned, straightening out, kneeling over her as he unbuckled his belt. Alina’s hands reached out to help, pulling down the zipper as he slid down his pants and a pair of tight boxer briefs. It didn’t leave much to the imagination but seconds later, she was privy to the real thing - his length already completely hard.
She was about to grab it when he snatched her wrist, grinning. “Not so fast. I have something else in mind first.”
Alina caught by surprise as he began to slink down the bed, his arms spreading her legs as he went. She squirmed a little, half in excited arousal and half at the uncertainty of it.
“What’s wrong.” he breathed looking back up at her.
She looked to see him settled between her spread legs. “Nothing. I’ve…I’ve just never done this…or had this…done…before.”
“Oh Alina, my sweet. How you have been denied. Relax and I promise you will enjoy this. I want you - I want every piece of you. And I have been waiting for the first taste.”
Aleks’ head dips, mouth starting on her inner thigh. A shiver goes down Alina’s spine at the touch. He moves on reaching her center and sliding his tongue across her entire core. The shiver turns into a full-blown tremor threatening to rip her apart. She opens her mouth, breathing heavily.
He continues on sucking and nibbling at her core. With this a moan erupts from her mouth, completely involuntarily. Pleasure floods through her veins, as if her blood was carrying that instead of oxygen.
“So wet, my sweet. I am glad you are enjoying your first time.” Aleks said as his head dipped back down, tongue pushing gently into her entrance.
White light erupted behind Alina’s eyes as these new and unfamiliar sensations left her blind. His touch completely enrapturing her.
At that moment, she could feel her center tightening, so close to release.
“Yes, my sweet. You’re almost there.” He murmured, tongue returning to the bundle of nerves - her throbbing clit threatening to erupt and break her at any point.
“Don’t stop, Aleks…” she manages to breathe out.
One more lick and she was gone. Completely dissolved in pleasure. Her whole body liquifying from the tremor, the release rippling through to the ends of her fingers and toes.
“There you go, Alina, my sweet. ” Aleks comes up kissing up a trail from her stomach up the middle of her panting chest, still struggling to catch her breath.
He sweeps her hair back from her face. She looks into his eyes. Ever black but filled with a bliss she had yet to see before.
He presses a kiss to her face. His hand reaching down and adjusting himself, entering her slowly. He starts to pick up pace and Alina feels the familiar rush of the tension building in her core again. Her whole body contracts and she can feel that he’s getting closer now too - both of them eliciting gasps at the same time. Her hands are on his back, nails digging in, little marks of claim, as the pleasure rises. He hits the right spot and she can feel herself ready to release again. His finger finds her core and presses down. Like a switch, it shatters her, splintering her body into a thousand pieces. Endorphins flooding through her once more as she seems to be floating - out of body - completely unable to feel her limbs.
“Oh Aleks.” she moans breathlessly, still tightly holding onto him.
As a response, he releases too, constricting and relaxing his body in a matter of seconds and collapsing gently on her. He doesn’t pull out for a moment, his body so close to hers, completely soaked into every inch of her. Reluctant to break the connection. Finally, though, he rolls over leaning back into the pillow. His arm is still under her and he turns back to look at her. Alina turns on her side to face him. He reaches his other hand and places it on her face, his thumb smoothing her brow.
“Alina, my sweet. You were amazing. You don’t know how long I’ve imagined that in my head.” Aleks purred, hand moving down to rest on her neck in a gentle cupping.
She reached up and wrapped her arm around his neck pulling in for another kiss. It was slow - not the frantic kisses of earlier - but more meaningful. Lips pressing, holding steady. She pulled away slowly and tucked her herself under his chin, closing her eyes to fully bask in his warm embrace.
“I’m so happy.” she breathed.
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Find the Words tag
Thank you for the tag, @dogmomwrites.
My words were assure, argue, previous, & halfway.
Passing the tag to @talesofsorrowandofruin, @void-botanist, @theimperiumchronicles, @writernopal, and the usual open tag for anyone else who may wish to participate.
Your words shall be harmless, literally, breakfast, & entrance.
Assure: The Archivist's Journal, Day 25
I broke the silence once again by telling her my name.  She told me hers in return.  Maiko, as I noted at the start of this entry.
I told her that next mist night I’d be sure to leave the door unlocked for her and that she was welcome to come inside when it rains instead of just sitting out on the porch.
She told me that she’d been doing this since she found the empty house last rainy season but had been afraid to since realizing someone else had moved in.
I assured her that I was harmless.  Half tripping over my own chair on my way to the sink as punctuation to this statement was only mostly intentional.
Argue: Empty Names - 4 - Prince In Gold
His friend smiles and shakes her head in long-suffering exasperation.  “I can’t argue with that now, can I?”
“I literally won’t let you.”
“Oh rea-”
“Nuh-nuh-nuh,” Sullivan cuts her off, “I said ‘literally’ and I meant it.”
This gets a chuckle out of her.  It’s been too long since Sullivan’s heard that sound.  A sound of old times.  Perhaps the past few years apart for them both to cool down truly was for the best.
“Fine, you win this round you, old rogue,” she says.
“I always do.”
“Only because you cheat.”
“And I say again, touché."
Previous: The Archivist's Journal, Day 95
They were both up before I was this morning.  What was left of the morning anyway by that time.  They seemed to be getting along well enough.  They’d already had breakfast (with promises to pay me back for it) and Maiko had helped herself to a bath.
Lin talked a bit about how strange it was to be back here.  All the same furnishings and decorations in mostly the same places as when the old archivist was living here.  I admitted that I really hadn’t done much to make it my own.  It all seemed good enough so it just didn’t seem worth the effort to go around changing things.  Even the minor rearrangement of furniture was due to the nature sprite messing with me and me trying to put things I hadn’t paid much attention to back from memory.
I asked if she found that strange familiarity offputting and she insisted it was fine.  Still, maybe I should redecorate so that I’m not just living in the shadow of the house’s previous occupant so much.
When I asked if Lin needed to be getting back to the Village and what the note she’d left her parents said, she shrugged it off.  Said she wasn’t in a hurry to get back and that it didn’t matter what the note said because they probably wouldn’t believe it anyway and would assume she was out meeting with some man.  With a laugh she added that’d probably be a relief for them if it was true.
With a glance at the towel-wrapped Maiko coming out of the bath I said it wouldn’t be too far off the mark, and was rewarded with Lin spraying the tea she’d been drinking across the table.  An insult and apology followed in the same breath once she finished coughing.
Maiko asked if everything was alright over there.  Eager to change the topic, Lin quickly insisted everything was great and asked if Maiko wanted to talk about what all she found on that island.
Halfway: Empty Names - 7 - Gathered Here Today
The entrance foyer is dominated by a grand staircase leading to the upper levels whose balconies wrap back around to look down on the visitors.  Above the landing where the staircase splits and turns halfway to the next floor hangs a portrait of a woman in a blue dress of a style as antique as the house’s.  Her smile at the viewer is playful.  Playful in the same way that a cat is playful with a mouse.  Several closed doors line the walls on either side between the entrance and the staircase, although those seem a background detail compared to the small pile of black crates and out of place chairs in the center of the hall.
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vodka-and-tvshows · 2 years
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I posted 1876 times in 2021
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1669 posts reblogged (89%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 8.1 posts.
I added 490 tags in 2021
#kyalin - 111 posts
#cats - 71 posts
#kya ii - 62 posts
#lin beifong - 49 posts
#things lucy says - 42 posts
#atla - 37 posts
#uquiz - 34 posts
#lok - 30 posts
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#toh - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i had to go suuuper late once last month (because i didn't want to run into a coworker) solely because i needed the file and couldn't get it
My Top Posts in 2021
21. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages.”
No one asked for this but I’ve been wanting to write it hehe. A quick Kya and Tenzin talking about her and Lin. This prompt is actually from this list, which is the part one from the list I rebloged a few days ago. I also altered this phrase a tiiiny bit to make it fit with what I did.
Again, I’m an only child so I apologize if this is crap ahsjsjjs
Kya was coming back from the dock, Lin had gone back to the city for the night and Kya was staying on the island as they both had things to do in the early morning. She went to stand next to Tenzin, who was by the stairs, and stared at the city in the distance.
It had been two weeks since they announced their relationship and Tenzin didn’t see his sister for one whole week after. Tonight was the first time Lin had been over for dinner since their official announcement. Tenzin was still getting used to the fact that his ex and his sister were now a couple. If he was honest, he had his doubts at first, about how different the two women were. But they were less and less as he noticed how happy Kya seemed, and tonight any doubts he had left were put to rest.
He had been quietly observing the two women and realized how their differences actually complimented each other. There was an easiness there that not many people might have noticed. He knows his sister well, and he still remembers Lin’s mannerisms from their time together.
There was a gleam in Kya’s eyes and a shift in her tone he hadn’t seen since her last serious relationship. Lin was harder to read but instead of the, admittedly gentler, act of Chief she puts up when she comes for dinner, he noticed her calm expression and relaxed shoulders around Kya. An easy smile forming on both of their faces when they were around the other as if forgetting for a moment others were around them.
He was glad they found happiness together and, knowing Lin had someone in her life who loved her as much as Kya does, it appeased some of the guilt he still carried with him for leaving her the way he did all those years ago.
“I don’t think I properly congratulated you and Lin,” Tenzin said. A curious smile on Kya’s face. “I’m really happy for you both, take care of each other. I can tell what you two have is special. I haven’t seen either of you smile like that in ages.”
Kya blushes at the last part, a gentle look on her face and she is quick to throw her arms around her brother in a hug.
“Thank you, Ten.”
81 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 03:26:36 GMT
(She’s/he’s/they’re) worth the wait.
I have this image that Kya is saying this in reference to Lin to Bumi as they watch Lin and Tenzin together on the island already coupled.
I apologize if this is crap, I’m an only child and don’t get along with my cousins either ahjsjs
Send me a dialogue prompt!
43. “She’s worth the wait.” 
“There you are!” exclaimed Bumi, climbing out through the window and joining Kya on the roof, “Been looking for you everywhere. Uncle Sokka is telling the story about Wang Fire again.”
“And you’re taking me to listen to it, too?” Kya inquired amused. They’d listened to their uncle’s stories countless times growing up, and he’d usually add a thing or two that weren’t there originally.
“Nah, you know he’s probably going to bring it up again next time we’re all in the same place.”
Kya just hummed in response, continuing to gaze over the island.
“Hey, are you okay?” Bumi asked after an uncharacteristically long silence from his sister, “You seem, I don’t know, distracted, since everyone arrived.”
“Just thinking,” Kya replied and rested her head on his shoulder, a tone Bumi couldn’t quite place in her voice, “it’s been a while since I was last home. I mean, when did that happen?” She gestures towards the gardens, “Mom didn’t mention anything to me in her last letter. And neither did Lin.” Kya whispers the last part to herself, Bumi doesn’t seem to have heard it.
It takes him a few moments but he finally spots Lin and Tenzin in a more secluded corner near the trees, and snorts. “What? Those two? A couple months ago from what I’ve heard. Tenzin always did have a crush on Lin. I’m surprised he asked her out, remember how afraid he used to be of her when we were kids?”
Kya hummed again, causing Bumi to worry, “Are you sure you’re alright? Because if this is about your girlfriend, you can tell me. What was her name? Don’t tell me, I know it started with and ‘N’”
Kya sat up straight as Bumi rambled, a look of incredulity on her face as she watched her brother, “Nitta?” Kya provided and Bumi nodded enthusiastically, “Bumi!” She gave him a smack on his arm, “We broke up months ago. You knew about that; I swear it hasn’t even been three months since I saw you in Ba Sing Se.”
“Sorry.” he apologized, rubbing the spot where she hit him. It didn’t hurt at all, but it’s an old habit from when they used to fight as kids. “You can still tell me, whatever it is that’s going on in your head.”
“It is about a girl, it’s just that…” Kya grunts and buries her head between her knees, voice a bit muffled when she speaks next, but Bumi can still make out the words, “she’s great. She’s stubborn, determined; she’s kind and she cares so much. But she’s with someone else.”
Bumi froze at the last sentence, not expecting Kya to like someone in a relationship.
“Damn.” Bumi uttered after a while. Kya looked at him with a pointed glare and he put his hands up.
“She doesn’t know I like her.” Kya sighs and rests her cheek against her knees, looking over the gardens again. “I don’t think they’ll last anyway. She’s worth the wait.”
“How did you even get up here? I’m getting too old to climb out through the window.” Bumi said, sitting next to Kya on the roof.
“You could have airbent. I know you saw me from the ground.”
“I also saw you drooling from there. Your relationship is not going to be a secret for much longer if you keep staring at Lin like that.”
Kya just rolled her eyes at him and turned her head back. Lin has been teaching Korra metal bending, how to use it in a fight. They were practicing in the sparring grounds now and the two could be seen perfectly well from where Bumi and Kya were sitting on the roof.
“I never noticed thirty years ago,” began Bumi, “but it was Lin who you were referring to, wasn’t it? On this very roof.”
A big smile appearing on Kya’s face, bumping her shoulder with his, “I told you she was worth the wait.”
98 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 20:29:23 GMT
if its alright, for the fluff prompts #48 “Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
lin @ kya but kya keeps flirting and lin does fall for it ;)
This should have been up earlier but life got busy after I got off work. After yesterday night my brain shifted to young Kyalin mood so here’s some young Kyalin!
send me a dialogue prompt!
48. “Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
Lin would bet anything at this point that Bumi had put Kya up to this. Since she accidentally let it slip in front of Bumi that she liked Kya a few months ago, he would not stop teasing her every chance he got. Now they were on vacation on Ember Island and Lin could swear this was a game to make fun of her. 
Kya had been flirting with her since they arrived, and that was a week ago. She'd been throwing bad, cheesy pick up lines at her. Lin refused to give the siblings the satisfaction of reacting.
"Hey, Lin. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"
"Kya, we have known each other our whole lives, literally."
"This must be a museum, because I'm seeing a real work of art"
Lin just rolled her eyes at this one and continued reading her book.
"Lin, do you like my dress? Because it's made of girlfriend material."
"That's your worst one yet. And stop flirting with me, I'm not going to fall for it." She grabbed an apple from the kitchen table and turned around, hoping to hide her blush.
Now it was late night and they were on the beach. They lit a bonfire after dinner and all the kids, except for Suying who was already asleep, gathered around it. Tenzin was the first to leave, followed by Bumi and Izumi short after. Kya was lying on the sand next to her, eyes closed. Lin wanted to leave as well before Kya could throw another pick up line at her and save herself from embarrassment. But what if Kya was sleeping? She didn't want to leave her alone either, the nights could get cold by the sea, even in the Fire Nation. But She didn't want to wake Kya up if she was sleeping, she looked too comfortable in the position she was in to be disturbed.
"I can feel you staring at me, Beifong."
Lin blushed again at being discovered, thankfully it was dark enough and Kya remained with her eyes closed. "I thought you were asleep."
"It's a full moon. I feel more awake than ever."
Lin muttered a soft "right" and went silent again, still sitting next to Kya.
Kya turned her head to look at Lin then and sat up, studying her face. "I can also hear your thoughts, you know. What's on your mind?"
"I-" Lin debated, "Did Bumi put you up to it?"
"What are you talking about?" Kya asked confused.
"All the flirting! Did he tell you?"
"Lin, I honestly don't know what you're referring to"
"That I like you." Lin whispered, and Kya began to giggle. Great, there goes my dignity.
"Lin, did it ever occur that I was doing it because I like you?" Lin only let out a confused noise and Kya placed her hand on top of hers. Looking at Lin in the eyes "I like you, Lin Beifong," and then a smug smile appeared on her lips, "you know, your lips are looking lonely, would they like to meet mine?"
With a smile, Lin said "Oh, shut up."
"Make me," Kya dared, and Lin complied.
113 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 01:44:30 GMT
“They’re good for each-other.” 
From Korra to Asami/Kuvira about Kya/Lin at thier wedding.
I think it would be interesting seeing thier relationship described from an outside perspective. Maybe Kuvira/Asami is surprised that someone like Lin could fall for someone as free spirited as Kya and they talk about why the newly weds work so well together. What do you think?
This was so fun to do! I tweaked it a liiitle bit but the idea is the same.
2. They're good for each other
“I think that’s the last of the lanterns,” announced Korra as she sat down next to Asami on the stairs, wrapping an arm around her. “I still can’t believe Lin and Kya are getting married tonight.”
“They’re a nice couple,” added Asami handing her girlfriend a bottle of water, leaning into her embrace. “Just look at them."
Lin and Kya could be seen from where the younger couple were. The older women were on the beach below, taking advantage of some more time together before they had to begin getting ready and everyone arrived for the ceremony. Kya had her legs across Lin’s lap and was resting her head against Lin’s. Asami was almost sure Kya was playing with Lin’s fingers while Lin’s other hand supported their sitting position.
“If you’ve told me, when I first arrived in Republic City, that they were a couple, I would have had a hard time believing you. I still forget for a second sometimes,” admitted Korra.
Asami turned to look at her, incredulous, “How so?”
“It’s just that they’re so different. I mean, Kya is such an extroverted person, the free spirited wanderer. I still remember her telling me stories about her travels and adventures when I was little. And Lin is, well, Lin. She’s always so serious, likes things to be a certain way. I wouldn’t have pictured Lin falling for someone like Kya or vice versa.”
“They’re good for each other.” Asami says, “I think that’s what makes them work so well together. Kya gets Lin to loosen up and Lin keeps Kya grounded. They understand one another.”
“You’re right in that.” Korra agreed. “They complement each other. And I'm sure their relationship goes deeper from what we get to see. They’ve always been more private in that aspect.”
“See! And they've known each other their entire lives, also. They’re connected. They know the other inside out and get to grow from their experiences.”, together.”
“I’m glad they are happy together,” Korra said, bringing Asami closer and placing a kiss to the side of her head before resting her chin on her shoulder, “They deserve it after everything they’ve been through these past few years.”
Asami hummed in agreement, grabbing Korra’s hand and running her thumb against her knuckles. She spoke again after a few moments of silence, “Do you think we’ll be like that when we’re old?”
“Nah, let them be Lin and Kya. We’re going to be like ourselves.”
Asami laughed softly at this, turning to face her girlfriend again, and giving her a sweet kiss.
117 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 00:37:19 GMT
"Fuck you my child is completely fine" your child refreshes the kyalin tag every hour because it's the only thing making them happy
150 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 03:01:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Once Upon a December
Chapter 3: It’s a Rumor, a Legend, a Mystery!
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A/N: This chapter is a little small but has extremely important information, so I didn’t want to write too much and drown out the important parts. Please, if you want to be tagged/I forgot to tag you send me an ask instead of a comment, makes my life so much easier. Hope you all don’t hate this!
Chapter 2 // Chapter 4
Lin couldn’t help but stare at their dynamic.
Despite her initial statement that she had no interest in being close to them, she had to admit that the way they acted around each other gave her a longing feeling. It was the way she had once acted with Lysandra.
Like a family.
Even when discussing what they would do next, if they should leave Orynth immediately or wait a few days, Lin could see how at ease they were around each other. How easy it was for one of them to call the other out, how they kept bickering at each other. Even the ones that looked like complete opposites interacted in the way brothers would.
She was jealous. It was burning hot inside of her and some wretched part of her wanted to scream at them for acting like a loving family when her own family was probably suffering in Inish. She had to bite her tongue several times not to snap at the men.
“I believe that it would be wise to leave as soon as possible, but not tonight.” Gavriel said, always the voice of reason as Lin had quickly realized. He was the oldest one, but his mild behavior was probably what stopped him from being their leader. “It would attract too much attention a group of seven people leaving the capital during the night. You know how the officials are.”
Rowan merely grunted, and that might have been his way of agreement because the matter was settled after it.
“We leave tomorrow, then. Around lunch when it’s not too packed but also not too empty.” Lorcan replied, his arms crossed over his broad shoulders. His midnight black eyes fell upon Lin again and she rolled her eyes when a sneer appeared on his face. “Do you have a passport?”
“Do I look like someone who would have a passport?”
“Your parents never got you one?” His voice was full of suspicion, making Lin roll her eyes again.
“Do I look like someone who has parents?”
“Are you going to answer every single question with another question?”
“Does it bother you?” She asked sweetly, then smiling when Lorcan’s face contorted with anger. She said she would help them, not that she would be pleasant during it. But she also remembered that Lys’s fate depended on these men, so she sighed and added, “I lived my life in an Adarlanian orphanage. They barely bothered giving us names, the idea of an official passport is laughable.”
He nodded, something almost like understanding and empathy shining on his black eyes. “We can get you one. Not an official one, but it will do.” He turned to Gavriel and Rowan. “Go to Faliq and ask for an urgent passport for Lin…”
He looked at her and for the first time, her cheeks heated. “Sirota.”
Most of the kids in the orphanages came knowing their names and surnames. Very rarely an older child needed both a new name and last name, but in those cases they were simply given Sirota as the last name.
An orphan.
In the sense of it all, it was almost being nameless. Kids with the last name Sirota weren’t the kids who had lost everything and went to an orphanage or the ones who had been left there since the beginning. No, these were the kids found when older, the ones who had been abandoned. Problem children, all of them, Clarisse would say. As Lin didn’t remember if her parents had died, she was thrown into that group. Any kid in that piss poor orphanage had a small chance of being adopted, but Sirotas had absolutely zero.
“Moonbeam.” Fenrys said. Lin’s head snapped back to him, and he looked serious for the first time. “Blonde hair and tan skin, we can pass her as our younger sister. No one will believe a girl with the last name Sirota would have a passport, so make her our sister. Lin Moonbeam.”
She was too shocked to form any rational thought, so she only blurted out, “Your last name is fucking Moonbeam?”
Vaughan laughed out loud, and Fenrys gave her a knowing smile. “You weren’t that wrong when you called me wolfie earlier, sis.”
She looked at Connall, but he merely nodded.
And that was that.
“Which one?”
“Which of the cities in the route you need to visit?” Vaughan explained. They were all sitting together in the train station lounging room. No one bothered to approach her, not with six sneering giants hanging around. They all played the role of older brothers just alright— any men or women who looked a little bit too long at Lin was met with the scary stare of her companions.
The cadre, she decided to call them. An easier way to refer to all six at the same time.
When Rowan and Gavriel came back the night before with her new fake passport, they had also brought new clothes for her. Whoever Faliq had been, she was obviously smaller and less curvy than Lin. The linen white shirt was tight around her breasts, and the long and yet simple brown skirt hugged her waist and hips almost uncomfortably. The skirt ended on her ankles, and she tied a thick leather belt around her middle. She was wearing her necklace, but the pendant was hidden inside her blouse.
“What the fuck is the leather thing for?” Fenrys had asked earlier, his brows furrowed.
“It adds form.” Lin answered defensively.
“More?” He replied, faking incredulity. Lin merely flipped him off and went to wait by the castle’s front as the rest of them finished cleaning up. She didn’t tell him that it was also an easy place to store knives and not get caught or hurt. She had two strapped to her right leg and one to her left, but raising the skirt would take too long and putting a knife between her breasts was a stupid idea. Hence the infernal thing around her waist.
“You look like a hot barmaid.” Connall said, being the first one to leave the castle and join her.
She looked him up and down. Grey dress pants, white button down, grey waistcoat and a black coat hanging from his shoulders, Connall looked like…
“You look like the rich brat that would spend hours trying to get the hot barmaid to go home with him.” She replied mildly and he smiled, handing her a leather brown jacket. She shrugged it on, hiding the belt. It was still chilly in Orynth, and the jacket made her feel better. She almost thanked Connall.
Now she was sitting besides Vaughan and Gavriel. The latter was reading a geography book, and Vaughan was just relaxing, asking her questions every now and then. Nothing too personal or invasive, just to kill some time. Lin had the impression that Gav and Vaughan had seated on her side so no one else from the cadre would. It was obvious that the other four didn’t possess Gavriel’s calm or Vaughan’s ability to be civilized.
“Why do you care which city I want to visit?” They had chosen a route with Inish in it, and Lin had almost cried in relief when she saw Lorcan paying for their tickets. There were other several cities in between Orynth and Inish, but Lin couldn’t care less. She was going to see Lysandra in little over a month. That’s all that mattered.
Vaughan shrugged but didn’t stop looking at her. Impulsively, she looked at Fenrys sitting in front of her. “What are you in for?”
“I beg your pardon?”
She rolled her eyes at his tone. “Why are you doing all of this?”
He rested against his seat. His hands rested on top of his stomach and he gave her a lazy smile. “For money, of course.”
She raise an eyebrow at Connall and Lorcan’s direction. Connall was the one who responded while Lorcan nodded. “Same as Fen.”
“Gavriel?” She turned to the older man by her side.
“Money, partially. There’s someone I need to visit in Banjali.” He said calmly, going back to his book.
Lin wisely ignored Rowan, trying to not look at him even though she could feel his gaze burning the left side of her face.
When Aelin turned to Vaughan, he was already watching her. He seemed to hesitate before answering, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Because Connall is going.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion, the frown deepening when she felt all six of them watching her. Fenrys was Connall’s brother, not Vaughan. Unless they were brothers of sort or… Her eyes fell upon the simple silver band on his finger. When she looked at Connall’s hand, a twin band lay there.
Lovers then. That explained why Vaughan watched her suspiciously, as if waiting to see her reaction to his marriage to Connall. She knew that that moment would decide how the rest of their interactions went.
“Being Fenrys’s brother-in-law sounds fucking miserable.” She said flatly. “At least you fell for the nicest Moonbeam.”
Vaughan relaxed and Connall grinned. Fenrys was pouting. “He’s the nicest Moonbeam?”
“He called me hot barmaid. You didn’t. That’s a point for him and none for you.”
“If you wanted me to be a basic asshole, all you had to do was ask, princess.”
For the first time since Lysandra had left the orphanage a year ago, Lin genuinely smiled. It was more of a grin, but it was a good feeling nonetheless. Smiling because someone was jokingly bickering with you.
“Time to dispatch the baggage.” Lorcan announced, standing up. As one, all of them stood up after him, even Lin. He looked directly at her, shaking his head. “During this trip, you are to be as unnoticeable as possible. A 5’8 woman lifting baggage with a bunch of enormous men isn’t exactly inconspicuous. Sit you’re ass down. You,” he pointed at Rowan, “stay with her.”
He turned and left before Rowan could complain. And judging by the look on his face, he was gonna complain a lot.
Alone with him, Lin couldn’t help but analyze his profile. Now that they were in an illuminated place, she could see that his skin was tanned, and that he had a long tattoo that sometimes showed up through his sleeve or the collar of his shirt. She could notice the slope of his mouth, the lines that made up his face. His eyes were of a deep pine green and were watching her as intently as she was watching him. She gave him a lazy smile and he clenched his hands.
“Why do I have the feeling you don’t like me very much, Mr. Whitethorn?”
“I don’t particularly care for you, lady Moonbeam.” His voice was cold and hard as he replied. He used her new surname considering that for the next month or so she was legally a Moonbeam. Well, kind of legally.
“And yet your face almost contorts with anger or disgust when you look at me. That doesn’t sound like indifference to me.” Lin didn’t know why she cared. She had said herself she didn’t want friendship with these men, but something about Rowan’s dislike of her bothered her infinitely.
He crossed his arms, eyes never leaving her face. He looked at her as if she was a puzzle he couldn’t understand and hated himself for even trying. “Have you been staring at me to know my expressions, lady?”
“You do certainly have a pretty face, Whitethorn, so I don’t see the harm at staring.” Her words left her mouth before she could even consider them. They were dripping with sarcasm and venom, and she knew he had picked on the tone when his jaw clenched. Although she liked to believe she was above petty fights, she was also glad to see she could get under Rowan’s skin.
“You enjoy hearing yourself talk, don’t you?”
“Do you enjoy hearing me talk?”
He had already opened his mouth to respond when a woman approached them, her heels clinking on the wooden floor. Slowly, Rowan and Lin tore their gazes from each other to look at the woman now standing by them. She was a pretty thing. Small, pale skin and dark brown curls, she looked like a doll. Her chestnut eyes were going back and forth between Rowan and Lin.
“Rowan.” Was all she said, her accent sounding a little like his but washed down by years living in Terrasen. “Who is this?”
“Lyria.” Was all he said.
Lin just stared at the two of them. The silence got so uncomfortable that she shifted on her seat, careful not to wake Fleetfoot sleeping by her feet.
When she realized Rowan wasn’t on the mood for talking, something Lin felt that was his usual mood, the woman turned to her.
“You are?” She asked, her tone rude and impatient.
“Lin.” She answered, laying her hand on her lap. “And you would be?”
“Lyria. Rowan must have mentioned me before.” Lyria raised her chin, looking down at Lin. The gesture was so Clarisse-like that Lin wanted to get up and beat the pretty girl.
“Actually, no.” She didn’t add that she only knew Rowan for a day. Judging by how Rowan relaxed slightly, it was the correct answer.
“In what can we help you, Lyria?” Rowan sighed, crossing one ankle over the other. If with Lin he seemed secretly enraged, with Lyria he only seemed tired.
“Your Majesty heard that you and your troupe would be leaving the city and asked me to come see if it was true. And why. You know how Maeve can be, especially after she has asked you so many times to join her inner circle.”
“We are going on vacations.” Rowan gave her a fake smile. “To celebrate.”
“And what would you be celebrating?”
“My eighteenth birthday.” Lin butted in and Lyria and Rowan’s head snapped back to her. “It was a few weeks ago but I was visiting my aunt Clarisse in Adarlan so unfortunately we couldn’t celebrate together. The boys were kind enough to give me a belated present. Isn’t that right, Ro?”
He seemed amused. “Yes. Lin has been a friend for a while now and we didn’t want such an important date to go unnoticed.”
Lyria stared at the two of them silently. Lin honestly thought she was going to ask for more information, but the girl merely walked to her side and sat down where Gavriel had been. Rowan’s features were washed in confusion as Lyria got close to Lin’s ear.
“He can’t love anyone.” Lyria whispered, her voice now empathetic and lovely. Lin was so shocked by her words that she couldn’t move. “I know, I’ve been there. There is something always holding Rowan back. Don’t break your heart because of him.”
Lin then looked at Lyria, and for a moment the girl smiled sadly. Only for a second before that cool mask slipped on again. She got up, nodding goodbye to Rowan and looking at Lin one more time. “If you choose to ignore what I said, I hope you are luckier.”
“What did she say?” Rowan asked as Lin stared at Lyria leaving the station. Lin had absolutely no feelings or attraction towards Rowan, but she couldn’t help but be intrigued by what Lyria had said. Couldn’t help but wonder if Rowan was actually incapable of loving or if his relationship with Lyria just hadn’t worked out. She looked back at him, his existence becoming an enigma Lin’s body was aching to understand.
“That you are a miserable fuck.”
Rowan opened his mouth to reply, but he was interrupted again by the rest of the cadre coming back. This time, Fenrys plopped down by her side and put an arm behind her. “Ready to go on an adventure, firedrake?”
She snorted, crossing her arms. “Born ready, wolfie.”
Rowan hated that dog.
He was usually fine around animals, but Fleetfoot seemed to be a little too similar to her owner and had taken a deep dislike on him. They were in one of their cabins inside the train, and he started putting his luggage on the compartment above the seats. However, when he want to sit down on his spot, the dog remained laying there lazily. He motioned to grab her, but she only growled deeply and he wasn’t on the mood to fight with a dog.
He was too busy thinking about Lyria’s appearance to bother anyways. Rowan had dated her for years during his adolescence. She had been funny and lovely and everything Rowan needed at the time. When she said she started working at the palace, Rowan was genuinely happy that she was finally leaving the streets of Orynth to live in the servant’s quarters. In the beginning, everything was fine, but then she started getting more distant, asking more and more of Rowan as she gave him less and less. And then when she was promoted to Maeve’s little inner circle, dating her became impossible. She was always trying to convince Rowan and the others to join Maeve. Every single one of his friends had their reservations about the conqueror queen on the throne, but Lyria should know that he had many reasons not to join that bitch’s reign. Rowan had no interest in helping the woman who had destroyed his life and the lives of the people he loved. Lyria’s blind loyalty to Maeve and Rowan’s complete hate for her was what finally broke the relationship.
Every now and then Lyria would pop up at the apartment he shared with the other five guys, asking them once more if they wanted to join Maeve’s forces. The answer had always been no, but that didn’t stop her from coming back again and again with the same words. Earlier that day when Lyria looked almost curiously at Lin, his stomach had turned.
Lyria’s appearance had unsettled him, and the presence of the woman he was now forced to sit next to unnerved him to no end. She had a mouth too big and a face too pretty and alluring for her own good. For their good.
Lin was splotched against the leather seat, playing with the little pendant from her necklace. It was small enough that Rowan could barely make out what it was, but it looked like a series of overlapping circles. He knew he should just leave her the hell alone, but he found himself saying, “Stop fidgeting with that thing and sit up straight.” Her eyes turned to him and narrowed, making the gold in the center stand out more. “Remember, you’re a princess.”
His last words were filled with sarcasm and there was no way Lin hadn’t picked up on the tone. “And how do you know what princesses do or don’t do?”
He gave her a sarcastic smile. “I make it my business to know.”
“Oh.” She replied, sitting up straighter. She batted her eyelashes at him and Rowan heard Fenrys and Vaughan coughing. “Rowan, do you really think I’m royalty?”
Her voice was filled with mocking, and Rowan clenched his hands as he replied her sarcasm with sarcasm of his own. “You know I do, Aelin.”
“Then stop bossing me around!” She grunted and turned her face to the windows. He heard the others raising a hand to put over their mouths or simply coughing again to mask their laughter. Even Gav reacted at that, marking something on his little journal with a humorous smile on his face.
“She certainly has a mind of her own.” Lorcan murmured, looking at Rowan.
“Yeah,” Rowan said mildly. “Hate that in a woman.”
Lin turned her face back to him to show him her tongue. He had to bite his own so he wouldn’t imitate the gesture. For fuck’s sake, this woman acted like she was five and made him act as if he was five.
“This is going to be a long month.” Vaughan said, looking as if he had found his new source of entertainment. His arm was around Connall’s shoulders and both men were smiling at Rowan like fiends.
“I think I rather like you, firedrake.” Fen said, earning a middle finger from Lin. At least she didn’t dislike only Rowan.
The thought almost made him smile.
Lysandra Ennar hated that pub.
She hated the strong smell of cheap ale, the sweat of the bodies of the people mingling around, the terrible music coming from one of the corners of the room.
She had been here for a year and wasn’t even close to paying her debts. Differently from the orphanage where she would have left at eighteen, here Lysandra had to buy her freedom.
And her freedom costed a fucking lot.
Just thinking about it made her throat constrict, and she had to hold her apron a little bit tightly to keep the tears at bay. She wanted to be enjoying the beginning of summer with Lin in Adarlan. Wanted to be with her best friend while they stole alcohol from carts in the market and then drank their asses off.
She missed Lin greatly. Being taken away from her had been like losing a sister, and everyday Lys planned a way of finding her again even if she still didn’t even know how to free herself.
Her mind was wandering to a place where she and Lin lived in peace. A place where maybe both of them would have normal jobs and would find normal loves, maybe even getting married to them in the future. Lys would be Lin’s maid of honor and Lin would be Lys’s. They would be normal girls living perfectly normal lives.
Her daydream was interrupted by a cloaked man sitting on one of the stools by the bar. Differently from everyone else in this hellhole, this one seemed to have money. Tons of it, judging by the fine material of his cloak and the bejeweled dagger by his side. He sat up straight, and Lys felt his shadowed face analyzing her and then the rest of the room. He shrugged to himself and took off his hood.
Lysandra’s jaw literally fell. She took in the golden hair, the sharp jawline and high cheekbones. She took in the nose and the brows and his mouth. And then her gaze landed on the turquoise and golden eyes watching her.
“Holy fucking shit. What the hell?” She breathed at the man who sat in front of her.
The man who looked so much like Lin that they could be twins.
@morganofthewildfire​ @alyx801​ @ladywitchling​ @westofmoon​ @rolltide7​ @queen-of-glass​ @alifletcher2012​ @rattlethestarsdarling​ @rowanisahunk​ @bilkul-sharam-nahi-aati​ @faerie-queen-fireheart​ @sweetlyvillainous​ @chemicha​ @jlinez​ @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato​ @abookishfreak​ @courtofjurdan​ @acourtofglass​ @maastrash​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​ 
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) Clarence Route Translations (Chapter 16-1 阿萝拉: Aurora)
*For All Time Master-list / Clarence’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Maintaining Si Lan’s name as Clarence *Route Tag is #Chapter of Legacy
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I hid behind the screen but made sure to do it in a way that allowed me to observe the Water Mirror without Sun Zhuoyi noticing me.
Aurora knelt on the ground, her fingertips flashing with white light as the Water Mirror appeared on the ground.
The Water Mirror rippled; and soon enough, the familiar face of Sun Zhuoyi appeared.
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Alert, I tuned my ears into their conversation.
I want to know just what he's talking about with Aurora; just what sort of information is he getting, by maintaining contact with Yemsaiel? I want to know just what he has planned for earth, and why he wished to destroy my world.
Unfortunately, it all ended up in one big disappointment.
He only listened to Aurora's tearful ranting, as patient as ever, even warmly telling her how to regulate her own breathing and teaching her ways to soothe her tummy aches. He looked fondly at the thin young girl that hailed from another world. His face was kindly enough, he kept a reassuring smile on his face throughout everything, and everything he said was done so warmly, gently. 
Aurora: Uncle? Didn't you promise Aurora that you'll learn a new song and sing it to her today? ...Aurora wants to sleep… She wants to hear you sing... 
He nodded, casting his gaze downwards as he broke out into a low song.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
He sang of the nursery rhymes of the modern world. His voice was a very low baritone, but his song was gentle, capable of moving a person's heart.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Stars are sleeping, snow gently falling.
Where has the butterfly gone; for my hand still holds the fragrance of flowers...
Flower buds sprout as the snow melts, where oh where do these little footprints lead…
And at the end of the road, stood her which was lost…
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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Aurora: Sounds nice...
Aurora: Aurora loves Uncle's singing the most...
When facing Aurora, Sun Zhuoyi simply just looked like a father who was gazing tenderly at his precious child, treasuring every second of his interaction with her.
Aurora: Sleepy… Aurora's gonna take a nap first...
Aurora quietly mumbled, lying down on the floor and drifting off into sleep.
Clarence was right; Aurora was close to losing control. She probably only insisted on coming to see the Water Mirror because… Because she really relied on Sun Zhuoyi...
As a Mage herself, there weren't many ordinary people who'd willingly interact with her like that. Maybe normal interactions with someone of another world is absolutely precious to someone like her.
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Sun Zhuoyi: Ngh...
I heard him release a choked sob.
Aurora was already sound asleep. Why… Why is he crying? Unless… Did he really pity her…? Is he truly sincerely crying for the suffering she's facing right now? Just what is he thinking…? What is his intention for wanting to destroy the world?
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Filled with doubts, I walked up and lowered my head to face the Water Mirror.
MC: Hello, Mr. Sun.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
MC: I still wish to speak with you, even if it has to be through the Water Mirror.
He looked a little taken aback to be seeing me here.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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He quickly recomposed himself into the familiar "member of society" that I knew, levelling a calm look at me.
Sun Zhuoyi: Hello, (Y/n). I really never thought that I'd be seeing you ever again.
MC: Yeah, I never thought that you'd sing that we'll either. You're so talented that it's truly such a waste that you didn't participate in the "Starry Cup".
Thinking about how killing Selene was part of his design, I couldn't help but to spitefully snark in his face.
He paid no heed to my sarcasm, only calmly opening his mouth to speak with me.
Sun Zhuoyi: That's right, (Y/n). Selene died on the day of the "Starry Cup"; it was all part of my plan, just like how you were forcefully summoned to Yemsaiel.
Sun Zhuoyi: And to me, that world named "Yemsaiel" is way more important compared to the world I'm currently living in.
Sun Zhuoyi: Because Yemsaiel is where my daughter on the stars is; and I've already lost all my loved ones here on earth.
Saying so, he raised his hand, signalling for me to give him a moment. He whipped out his wallet and flipped through it, taking out an old, yellowed photo.
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Depicted in the photo, was a cultured Scholar accompanied by a little girl that resembled Aurora.
The scholar within was pointing up to the starry skies above while talking to the little girl… He was probably teaching her to recognize the many different constellations.
Sun Zhuoyi: Her name's Sun Lin, my one and only daughter. My wife left me quite early on due to a fall-out, leaving only my daughter by my side.
Sun Zhuoyi: I once pursued my astronomical research like a madman, devoting my entire being into it. I was always immersed in either my observations, or the calculations, for the most part. And I'd once thought the sky above much more interesting that the ground I tread upon.
Sun Zhuoyi: But one day, I tore my eyes away from the Astronomical Telescope and found that she was no longer there.
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Sun Zhuoyi: She went on a Spring Trip with a friend and strayed into a cave that collapsed onto itself, dying of suffocation. Ironically enough, I was still in the throes of excitement, from having observed the collision of two neutron stars, right before I received news of her untimely demise.
Sun Zhuoyi: I still remember not having cried that night. I didn't cry; all I did was to laugh. I laughed so hard the entire night that everyone in the lab thought me crazy.
Sun Zhuoyi: I laughed at myself. I thought that I'd finally embraced the entire galaxy and the universe for what they were. But the truth was that I wasn't even able to protect my one and only daughter.
MC: Even if you did lose your daughter, that's still no reason for you to be harming Selene...
He nodded gently.
Sun Zhuoyi: I know. I know very well. A villain may voice all pain and hardship they've gone through and endured, but it's only capable of gaining the forgiveness of young children and nothing more.
Sun Zhuoyi: I do not wish to defend my case, but I've become very weary of the world after losing her. I delved headfirst into researching space-time resonance, using the transmitter in the Observatory to transmit news about Earth to the entire universe.
Sun Zhuoyi: Perhaps I was truly hoping that aliens would come destroy this planet and end my pain and suffering once and for all.
Sun Zhuoyi: I managed to get a connection with the Water Mirror in Yemsaiel after that, and met the Chief Mage, Clarence. I agreed to cooperate with him.
Sun Zhuoyi: That's right... I was the one who helped him find you. The Water Mirror required a medium before it was able to observe the happenings of Earth. I've seen you before, back when you were still in your hometown. And that's when I realized that maybe you were the one that Clarence was seeking.
He said that he saw me before…? Was that back when I was still thinking of applying for St.Shelter's University? Or was it before that? Maybe that's when he left something that allowed Clarence to observe me through the Water Mirror.
Sun Zhuoyi: I'm willing to cooperate with him for any of his plans, because I saw Aurora within the Water Mirror… And she looks exactly like Sun Lin.
Sun Zhuoyi: For this, I wholeheartedly thank the universe— Oh, how miraculous the universe is to allow me to bypass the galaxies to find my one and only, most precious, treasure in this entire world.
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He looked a little fanatical saying that.
I knew deep down that Aurora wasn't Sun Lin. She was only Sun Lin's counterpart in this parallel world, at most. But I also knew that I shouldn't bring this up, for fear of triggering Sun Zhuoyi. 
To him, the topic of his daughter was the most traumatic and touchy subject.
He'd truly descend to madness if he lost Aurora, if he lost his 'daughter' again. It was the only thing holding him together.
Sun Zhuoyi calmed down from his tirade and continued conversing with me with his usual gentle and composed demeanour.
Sun Zhuoyi: (Y/n), I've told you so much, not because I want to confess everything to you, nor is it a plea for me to win over your compassion and forgiveness.
Sun Zhuoyi: All I want is for us to make a deal— I've also talked to that Mage, Clarence, before about it.
Sun Zhuoyi: I want you to protect Aurora.
Sun Zhuoyi: I'm not stupid. I know that she's losing control of her magic due to overuse. And that Mage, Clarence, he's nowhere near benevolent.
Sun Zhuoyi: Although he did promise me to protect Aurora if I helped him find his blood sacrifice, there's no longer any real need for him to uphold that agreement now that you're already in Yemsaiel.
It was here that his words began to come out in a hurry. I then realized that he was actually literally worried out of his mind.
Sun Zhuoyi: (Y/n), I swear to you. No harm will come upon your world as long as my daughter amidst the stars continue living and breathing.
Sun Zhuoyi: Don't let her use her magic ever again. I don't want to see her turn into an Ice Butterfly… I hope she can live her life like she should, just like the normal young lady that she is...
He gave another dry swallow as he reached the end of his sentence.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
The Water Mirror slowly disappeared as the magic that Aurora had used to activate it began to dissipate. I saw him, right before the Water Mirror disappeared completely. 
His face, full of tears.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥Chapter of Legacy✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 15-2) | Next Part: (Chapter 16-2)
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
find the word tag LXXXXVIII
from @akindofmagictoo remember kids, excalibur was not the sword in the stone. that doesn’t have anything to do with anything but just. remember that. thanks.
victory (Anxiety story 1)
The silence was less heavy this time, but Aiden still found himself gnawing on his lip, only stopping when he remembered that Ree didn't like him doing that. He forced his teeth away from his lip, finding a very minor victory in that. He did something Ree wanted. It felt good. Maybe Ree would be proud. He stopped himself.
"That's good," Ree finally replied, with what sounded like a smile attached to her voice. "Are you okay? Are you having anxiety?"
"Just, uh, just a little. It's not bad. I'm just, um, bad at talking on the phone. I don't, I mean, nobody really calls me, so." For some reason it was tiring to talk so much, but the idea of Ree listening, of wanting to hear what he had to say - that gave him strength. "It's more of a physical reaction."
"Okay," Ree responded. "So, do you want to come over for dinner?"
Aiden nodded, then after a moment, realized he hadn't said anything. "Okay."
vein (Anxiety story -1)
For the first couple of days, he had ignored the lump in his pocket. It wasn't until he starting biting his lip again that he figured maybe the journal could be helpful. The second page had a splotch of smeared blood on it that Aiden wasn't proud of, but Ree said it was an experience and not to feel ashamed.
Ree was always saying nice things in a similar vein that were probably true but that didn't necessarily resonate with Aiden. Or maybe that wasn't the right word. They just didn't stick.
No. Aiden wasn't sure what was wrong with him exactly, but even as he loved to receive comfort and praise from Ree, he was also reluctant to accept it and believe it whole-heartedly. Someday he would champion over that impulse.
It just hadn't happened yet.
vision (Rain story)
"Why," Darsh started hoarsely, "why aren't I burning?"
Jaino shook his head, fighting the pressure in his chest. "I don't know. You're the only person I've ever touched that hasn't felt my fire."
"I feel it," Darsh replied, in awe. "I feel the warmth, but that's all it is, warmth. The air is hot but your hands, they're not hot enough to burn."
"They feel like they are," Jaino whispered, vision already clouding. "It's suffocating, Darsh, it's taking me over."
visible (Blood series - I haven’t mentioned lately that I love Jin Ling. I love him)
“No, we’re going on the nighthunt because of the pressing issues!” Jin Ling finally snapped, though his courage left him almost immediately. “Uncle, I believe there is a new threat in the Jin sect and Lin Meili is going to help me find and deal with it. The nighthunt is an excuse, but only so I can see the techniques she uses. It’s complicated, uncle, please. Trust me, I’m not shirking my duties.”
Jiang Cheng made a visible effort to calm himself, his spiritual tool also dimming. “Nobody is going on a nighthunt until I know what on earth you are talking about, Jin Ling.”
“Right.” Jin Ling turned around. “We’ll go to my office, then.”
mm yesss. wordsss. what wordsss ssshall we give to you? @elysianhymns @hiddenhistoria @andiwriteunderthemoon @klywrites OR ANYBODY air, water, earth, fire and metal BONUS: glass or ocean or spirit.
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Grey Eyes
This is in response to a prompt I received:
camryn-bria I have a Linzin headcanon that there is a secret (airbending) child.  Could you write a one-shot of Tenzin finding out Lin is pregnant after breaking up with her.
I’ll probably put in a better summary, tags or notes later on. But hope you enjoy this 😊 
(So I had too much fun (maybe) with this and it ended up being a two-parter rather than a one-shot, hope this is okay)
Lin/Tenzin pre-canon fanfic | 1 of 2
 Legend of Korra
Despite what the public thought, Chief Toph Beifong was not a heartless person.
While truly a strong woman, it did not mean she did not have emotions. Family and friends played a huge role in occupying a space in her heart.
It was precisely because of family why she was pacing in front of the doctor’s examination room.
Toph closed her eyes in worry.
Of her two daughters, Lin was the one most like her.
Her youngest daughter, Suyin, at her current state, probably was who her own mother wanted her to be.
Initially scoffed at and at the brink of being of being disrespected, Toph Beifong later on was reputed to be one of the toughest police chiefs that the region has even had.
She had welcomed her daughter during her second year as a police chief of Republic City. The father, unfortunately, passed.
Lin’s father was Toph’s fellow detective. Toph had just given birth to her and was out of the force when Kanto responded to a call. He was hit and he died.
Since then, Toph promised herself that it would simply not do to miss time at work.
The first few months of raising Lin were particularly difficult. She had then elected to live near her married friends, Aang and Katara.
Toph took it hard – spent time away from Lin for the next months and sent her to Air Temple Island. She eventually got back to her senses, realizing her daughter needed her and had reached back to take care of Lin.
Lin always wanted to be like her mother and the father she barely met. Suyin, on the other hand, well, that was another story.
Toph’s reverie was interrupted by the soft voice of her eldest child.
“Oh, Lin.”
In Lin’s hand was an ultrasound photo of a child, Lin took her mother’s hand and read out to her the notes on the photo.
Indeed, Lin was the child most like her mother.
What was he doing here? He has some nerve.
“Aunt Toph?
She tried to ignore the tall bald man in her office.
“Aunt Toph?”
Persistent little bugger, eh?
“That’s Chief Beifong to you.” She felt him squirm and fidget. “The citizens desk is on the other floor. Or have you gotten lost?”
“I, uh, no. I actually wanted to see Lin.”
“Captain Beifong, you mean.”
She felt him flinch. Good.
“I -.”
“Don’t you worry your bald head about it, Master Tenzin.” Aspersion dripping with every word. “Captain Beifong is away on suspension. She won’t be bothering you any time soon.”
“But – no! I didn’t come here to complain or file charges.” Toph could here the shock at Tenzin’s voice. “You didn’t have to – she didn’t need to be suspended!”
Chief Beifong ignored him. “Captain Beifong caused destruction to property – Air Temple Island’s reconstruction will be done soonest – and basically threatened you, a government official. She would have received worse.”
“But -.”
“Is there anything else, Councilman?”
“Uhm, no. I’ll just drop by Lin’s.”
“She not there,” Toph felt the airbender pause at her door. “She’s suspended until further notice; and she been sent away from Republic City.”
At least that was what the press was informed, to explain away the disappearance of a prominent person
But internally, with the higher ups in the Republic City Police Department, they knew differently. They were told that she was out undercover and they better not try to make contact – or there will be consequences.
Toph was proud of her daughter’s strategy. She had been an absentee mother in the past years. She wanted to make up for it by supporting Lin’s decisions.
Even if it meant no contact with her in the next months.
Lin found herself in a remote Earth Kingdom town which used to be a Fire Nation colony. She had come to this place years ago in a recon mission and had known that there were a good mix of nations, making it easy to blend in.
Her current mission was not anything dangerous – just another reconnaissance mission to look into whether there was some truth to the formation of a new organization similar to the New Ozai Society, who would seek to undermine the United Republic.
As someone fresh out of her 20s, Lin thought she was (or she should be) fit enough for the job at the local bar. Thankfully, she was able to convince the barkeep to hire her even after telling him of her predicament (she wondered if maybe the man really just needed help so badly). She also figured it was a good place to get in with the locals and, well, the local gossip.
Lin opted to keep her first name (common as it was anyway), rented a small apartment unit walking distance from the city center, and now, had landed a job  (that hopefully placed her in a good spot to fulfill her mission) which paid adequate wages.
She felt she was prepared to start anew – a new job, a new mission, and a baby on the way.
Tenzin huffed as he consulted his map.
He had gone to Gaoling, to the Beifong ancestral home (that was were Suyin was sent there before anyway. But Lin wasn’t there.
He even went out of his way and chanced a visit to Zaofu.
Su was surprised to see him and, no, she has not seen or talked to her sister in years.
Instead, the airbender got a slap for his efforts (“You idiot! You broke my sister’s heart!” “You weren’t even talking to her! You don’t know what’s with her.” “I knew enough to know that she loves you!”).
He tossed the map aside. He was stumped; he didn’t know where else to look for Lin.
He did not even notice his mother, watching from the doorway of his study, looking at him with concern.
“Hey, get away from him!”
“Eh! And what’re you gunn’ do ‘bout that lady?”
“I’ll show you!”
“What the -!”
“Alright, we’re going – we’re going!”
The earthbender turned to the young man on the ground (maybe late teens or early twenties in age, she guessed) who was of Water Tribe ethnicity. “Hey kid, are you okay?”
“I’m fine – didn’t need your help.” The man grumbled, standing up and dusting himself.
“Right.” The woman stated, obviously not believing it as she had just walked across the scene of several benders pulling up by his collar, whether they were mugging him or not, she did not wait to find out before launching some rocks from the road at the thieves. “Of course, you didn’t need help. You had it all in control, didn’t you?” She deadpanned.
The man rolled his eyes. “A truth seer, aren’t you?”
She crossed her arms. “Maybe.”
“No – I don’t think so.” The water tribe man shook his head. “Thanks though.”
The earthbender extended to shake his hand.
He clasped it with his own.
Months passed and Tenzin had not lost hope in finding Lin, but he had to admit that the hope was fast dwindling.
Twice Chief Beifong had said that Captain Beifong’s whereabouts were none of his business and that she will put his sorry ass in jail if he pried once more.
Neither Chief Beifong or anyone from his family shared any input to the media as to his relationship status. The disappearance of Lin Beifong and the sudden reconstruction of some of the pavilions at Air Temple Island made up much of the chatter and gossip though.
His cheerless disposition just about confirmed everything anyway.
Meanwhile, in the Earth Kingdom, Lin finally gathered enough courage to send out a letter to Tenzin. She had used a post office’s box from two towns away to ensure that he would not be led directly to her should he decide to respond.
After contemplating on the matter for the past months, and after finally admitting to herself, she decided to give Tenzin the option to be a father to their child.
It was the least she could do. She did not want her (their) child to grow up without a father if he was willing to be there. She knew, she grew up with, the alternative to that.
We may no longer be together, but it does not change the fact that this child is yours as well. I’m giving you this chance – to either declare this child as your own or to simply ignore and disregard this. I am fully capable of raising this child as my own so I am open to giving you an out.
Well then, so the proverbial ball was in the airbender’s court.
Gently, placing a hand on her now visible pregnant belly, Lin knew the waiting game has started.
In an ill-conceived attempt to raise his spirits, the Air Acolytes of Air Temple Island saw it fit to host a birthday celebration for him. His mother had given it a go signal as she was also at her wits’ end to help bolster his mood. Even the passing of her husband (his father) did not seem to have dragged him down this way.
What Katara did not know, however, was that the press had somewhat managed to get in with the festivities as well.
The papers for the next few days ran a feature on the last airbender’s birthday celebration. They also printed a picture of him with just about any single female he talked to during the party.
This was followed by a steady stream of letters and messages poured into Air Temple Island as well as into Tenzin’s office at city hall.
The first few letters, Tenzin had deigned to read.
But after the seventeenth letter, the airbender, with a furious blush on his skin, went to the kitchen where his mother was calmly instructing an acolyte for tonight’s dinner.
Katara dismissed the acolyte before turning to her son. “What is it?” She held out her hand to take one of the letters that Tenzin was waving at her.
The waterbender briefly went through the letter. It appeared that –
“They have been sending me propositions!” Tenzin exasperatedly explained, showing the envelopes with addresses coming from different parts of the world. “Ever since the broadsheets and tabloids have been putting in these features about me being single.” He continued to pace in the kitchen while Katara went through the other letters. The content was fairly similar – a Fire Nation noble offering his daughter in marriage, an Air Acoylte from the Eastern Temple sharing her daughter’s knowledge of all things Air Nomad culture, an Earth Kingdom merchant living in the upper ring boasting of his niece… “I’m not interested in any of these, Mother. I just – I just -.” He took a deep breath. “I need to find Lin. It’s only been Lin.”
Katara could believe that.
“I know – Mother, if letters come to the island for me, please send it to my office. I’ll have my secretary handle them.”
And with that, Tenzin swept away, leaving Katara to only wonder and hope that whatever he thought of would truly help him out.
I see.
So he has made his choice.
Lin gripped tightly the letter she received in response to the one she had sent.
She tried but there was nothing she owed him now.
The earthbender then tossed the letter into her drawer, to be hidden from prying eyes, to try and forget its existence.
 Thank you for your interest but I already have a life partner.
I would like to request for your respect in this avenue and refrain from sending any more letters in this similar vein.
Respectfully yours,
Noatak knocked on the door one more time.
Lin was nearing her due date and the barkeep had place a notice for a reliever, a substitute while Lin was out.
The Water Tribe man took the opportunity – he had been juggling different jobs in town anyway so what’s one more?
Lin had been showing the ropes to him the past few days and was always ever so prompt so that they have enough time before opening.
This was why he stood at her front door now. The earthbender failed to show up at their regular time and so he worried.
“Lin? Are you there?”
There was no answer.
Something felt very wrong.
He looked to the left and looked to the right. No one was around and so putting his entire weight on it, he hit his shoulder against the door several times until it gave way.
To his shock and horror, the pregnant lady slumped unconscious at her living room, blood surrounding her at the floor.
Noatak hurried to her, feeling her pulse and closing his eyes.
He had been hiding a secret for so long, no one knew in this new life he had been living. As far as they knew, he was a non-bender – no one had paused to ask, except this woman who had asked him and had graciously not pried further when he said he did not want to talk about his past. He knew she was trying to start a new life, but he wasn’t sure why. She respected him enough as well to leave him to his privacy.
That day when the muggers had almost done him in, he thought that would have been the end of it, revenge be damned. To his surprise, someone did intervene for him.
Enough reminiscing for now though, because now, this woman needed him.
Taking a deep breath, Noatak reached forward his arms, allowing him to feel the push and pull from the two lives in front of him, not in the way his father wanted him to but to save these lives.
Tenzin was absentmindedly tapping his pen on today’s agenda in the council meeting.
The monotony of his responsibilities to the city barely weighed on him now.
It was the same old routine at the council.
His interest was peaked when the doors opened and a man, who he recognized as Chief Beifong’s trusted secretary, hurried over to the Chief of Police’s side, whispering quickly.
Toph Beifong suddenly stood up, muttering her excuses to the rest of the attendees of the council meeting and left (something about an urgent matter regarding one of her subordinates’ mission?).
“Chief, it would appear that the Captain has now given birth to a daughter.”
“What! I need to get to her.”
“Unfortunately, protocols still state that no contact be made -.”
“But I’m her mother.”
“Please, Chief Beifong, Captain Beifong explicitly indicated that in her report as well. Everything is okay and not to let you go to her as it would impact her cover.”
Nonetheless, this did not stop Toph Beifong from instructing her secretary to send off a large box of baby things to a remote town in the Earth Kingdom.
The last airbender quickly made his way out of the restaurant where that farce of a stilted family dinner (that his mother insisted on) was still on-going.
It had been uncomfortable enough when Chief Beifong arrived, nary a word towards him but quite civil with his mother and their visitors. At some point during the meal, the Fire Lord started to pass around photographs of his teenaged grandson and even Chief Beifong was obliged to share photos of her own grandchildren.
Tenzin tried to ignore the longing gaze his mother had on the photographs.
He met the eyes of his brother, who coincidentally was stationed this week near Republic City, who in turn shrugged back at him.
Yeah, that’s not happening. Unless someone comes forward to speak up about the fruits of Bumi having sown his wild oats, their mother would need to wait a little longer to have her own grandchild.
“And who might this be?” His mother brought up a photo of a baby.
“Did Su have another child?” Fire Lord Zuko peered at the small plastic booklet that Toph had fished from her uniform’s pocket.
“Eh?” Toph reached out to get it back, fingers running through the little indentions at the edge, helping her identify the labels on the photos.
Tenzin did not miss the quick panic that showed on the metalbender’s face before it was back to her inscrutable expression.
“It’s an old photo of one of her boys.” She promptly placed the booklet of photos back into her pocket. “I must have taken it by accident.”
As the rest went about their meal, Tenzin could not help but revert to the photograph of the baby. The baby appeared to be a couple of months old and…there was something that was niggling the back of his head about the child.
Conversation went to work, the new policies in the United Forces, the statue of Fire Lord Zuko in Republic City… They were all pleasantries that Tenzin did not want to talk about.
As soon as it was acceptable, he had excused himself from dinner, citing an urgent deliverable from city hall. No one tried to stop him and everyone took it at face value. He had, after all, buried himself into work in the past months in between trying to look for Lin. The airbender simply did not believe anymore that she was merely suspended from the Force after being absent for more than a year now.
Tenzin thought that Suyin Beifong, by now, would have an idea as to her sister’s whereabouts. Recalling their last interaction, however, he rubbed his cheek gingerly in recollection, he felt he needed to soften her up first.
Coming from that awkward dinner conversation, he had an idea.
Her children!
 And that was how the airbender found himself at the nearest open store that catered to mothers that carried items (food, clothes, furniture, you name it) for their children.
Tenzin had a vague recollection on how old Su’s children were. He was unsure, though, as to what do kids at those age need or want. He figured that the store’s clerk would know and headed to the store’s counter, waiting until the clerk finished assisting two ladies in selecting the best bassinet that the store offers.
The airbender leaned on the glass counter, tapping absentmindedly as he was wont to do when waiting --- when he saw a brown box just behind the counter hidden from view of the common customer (it just so happened he was tall and nosy enough to see it). There was a small sticky note that caught his attention:
Monthly order of Chief Beifong.
Why on earth would Aunt Toph have a monthly order at this place when her own children have long since grown up?
Tenzin twisted his neck to peer at the label of the box, to check the address, thinking that maybe it was headed to Zaofu for Suyin and her kids.
To his confusion, it was to a place within the Earth Kingdom.
Tenzin froze.
What if…it was to another daughter and grandchild?
The photograph!
He now realized what bothered him – the baby in the photo was relatively fair-skinned and he was sure both of Su and Baatar’s children were tanned. Su was also not pregnant back when he last saw her so it could not have been a new Zaofu Beifong baby.
Toph Beifong would be hard-pressed to care about children or babies unless they were related to her.
This left Tenzin with only one plausible explanation.
 The airbender then left the store, hurriedly making plans to get to the Earth Kingdom by the next day.
And there she was – as radiant as the last time he saw her (never mind that it was in the middle of the unleashing of her powerful fury upon his childhood home).
With a pang, Tenzin saw Lin Beifong carrying a baby, accompanied by a tall (and very young, Tenzin thought unpleasantly) man who appeared to be of Water Tribe descent. The two were engrossed in conversation that they missed the airbender who had been staring after them.
Tenzin had arrived at the town square and was about to head to the address he had committed to memory when he saw Lin. He was about to approach her when the Water Tribe man intercepted her. The airbender noted the familiarity with which the two interacted (it felt like the air was being squeezed out of his lungs). The man offered to take what Tenzin assumed to be a baby bag and Lin had easily acquiesced.
He surreptitiously followed Lin, unsure where they were going but not wanting to take the risk of losing sight of the earthbender he had been searching for quite some time now.
As he watched every exchange of the two, Tenzin could not help but feel at a loss. He had tried to think of every possible scenario, of what he would say, what he would do once he found Lin.
But none of the scenarios he imagined prepared him for the reality.
He never did imagine finding Lin as a mother.
He never did imagine finding Lin with a partner.
And she looked – content.
Tenzin felt a pit form at the bottom of his stomach. Could he – should he – possibly ruin this with his appearance?
Call him selfish but…he’ll try just one last time. If there was an inkling, of the slightest chance of a future with Lin --- he’ll gamble it.
For himself. For Lin.
“Jinora, sweetheart, be a good girl for Noatak first, please? Mama needs to work for a bit.”
The eight-month-old child burrowed herself further into her mother’s arms but nodded nonetheless. “Good girl.” Lin gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead as the younger man hoisted the child, anchoring her to his hip.
Lin had gone back to work on a part-time basis, but more on the management side of the bar (accounting, menu planning, etc) rather than being actually behind the counter, serving the customers like before. The barkeep was pleased with Noatak’s performance during Lin’s maternity leave that he had decided to hire him full-time.
They would usually come to the bar before opening hours, Lin to check on the previous night’s accounting and Noatak with preparing with the rest of the crew.
Lin was scheduled to start with the local bookstore soon on her off-days from the bar.
Today, it was accounting morning at the bar. She would usually be able to have an hour or two of continuous work while the crew would take turns looking after her daughter if she were awake. If not, Jinora would be placed on her sling and Lin could still comfortably work.
Getting out several folders and her writing implements, Lin pulled out a chair near the window, preferring the natural light while working.
She managed to work for around ten minutes when a shadow fell on her work; before she could even raise her head to address who or what was blocking her light, she turned her head to the inner part of the bar as she heard her name being called.
When he saw the Water Tribe man leave Lin with the child, Tenzin saw his chance.
He took some time to deliberate though; he observed her quietly, soaking in his view of the woman he had let go (and would be claiming back, if she would have him).
He took a bracing breath and entered the bar.
Lin would look up at him. “Tenzin! What are you doing here?”
He would kneel – “I’m so sorry Lin, I know you have a child, I’ll love her like she were my own – I promise to treat you better than Mr Water Tribe there. Please Lin Beifong please – I regret letting you go, if you’ll have me, I’ll want to spend the rest of my life proving my devotion to you. Please- Lin please.”
Then Lin would get up, maybe give him a slap harder than what Su gave him then give him a hug before making him work for it.
Before he could even say a single word to put his imagined scenario into action, another voice (that he was starting to dislike) rang out.
“Yes, Noatak?” Lin stood up quickly to address the young man, who was carrying a giggling baby at arm’s length. “What is it? How is Jinora?”
Tenzin felt his heart skip a beat, that Lin named her daughter one of the names he wanted for their daughter… well, he was not sure how he felt about it. Maybe he will explore it a little bit more when he was alone but for now…
“I know I helped bring her into this world –,”
Tenzin blinked at the sudden hurt he felt at his chest at this.
“But please, Lin – take your evil spawn away from me.” Noatak thrusted the still giggling child dramatically back at her mother, half kidding and half exasperated. “You know how much time it takes me each more to fix my hair. Then this little girl here,” He tickles her side and Jinora squeals with laughter. “Decides to blow a gust of air to my face – imagine that!”
The airbender heard this and froze.
“I know you said this brat (“My daughter isn’t a brat!”) is part-Water Tribe,” He gestured to his now unkempt hair. “But I don’t think this is a sign of respecting her culture?”
“My daughter is acting fine.”  Jinora kicked her chubby legs as though to prove a point, disturbing the dust on the floor. “And we did discuss this – no training until she’s older. I want her to have a normal childhood.”
“Ok then,” Noatak waved his hand and nodded, obviously agreeing. “Anyway, I’m in charge of family meal today so I better start prepping.” With one last tickle at the baby’s side, he left and headed to the kitchen.
Lin shook her head and called after him “I’ll pack up and get back to the books later!” It would seem her daughter was in a mood today.
Speaking of meals…
Jinora had been tugging at her chest. “Feeding time is it?”
 Tenzin watched Lin smile softly at the baby, a smile he saw rarely, a smile that he only saw between the dark of the night and daybreak, in between sleep and wakefulness as they laid in bed together.
He cleared his throat to remove a lump that was forming, a signal of impending tears.
Lin had forgotten about the newcomer as she angled the baby go position her for feeding when she heard someone clear their throat.
“I’m sorry, how can I help –,” Her eyes met familiar grey ones. “You.”
There was a lot to take in.
The Earth Kingdom.
The Water Tribe man (Noatak, he spat.)
The baby.
The airbending baby.
There was no doubt on whose child Lin was carrying.
Tenzin pushed forward at the surprised earthbender to take them (her and their daughter!) into his arms.
Note: This is part one of two --- ooor we could end it there? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Let me know!
(how do you tag people anyway?? @camryn-bria
2 of 2 here.
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Return to Me - Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Four: Hey Guys, It’s Me
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A/N: Hi all! Sorry it’s a little bit late, but I hope you enjoy! I am trying to stay caught up on the fic, but bear with me if I fall behind. I just want to make sure it’s perfect! Let me know what you think/if you want to be tagged! Also, title taken from Breathe from In the Heights, which is big reader vibes for this chapter!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 4,060 Synopsis: The reader takes the first step to making ammends.
Tag List:  @xeniarocks​​​, @too-many-baes​​​, @araceli91103​​​, @idocarealot​​​, @treblebeth, @treestarrrrrrrr​​​, @thescarletknight2014​​​, @charlottie2998​​​, @ibikus​​​, @mellow-f1​​​, @mrsdaamneron​​​, @trustme3-13​​​, @missjess71, @ella-solei​​​, @minelskede​​​, @gleigh42​​​, @usuallyweepingnacho, @givemethatgold​​, @and-claudia​​​, @constantdisgrace​​​, @wordsinwinters​​​, @readingvogueonprivetdrive​​​, @trshbb​​​, @kaitlynw011​​​, @ihave2muchtimeonmyhands​​​, @fairytalesforever​​​, @thanos-jeep​​​, @mixedfandxms​​​, @pastelbunny1501, @emotionalcal​​​, @danicalifxrnia​​​, @getyourselfaunicorn​​​, @spider-starry​​​, @jimhalpertcanbuymelove, @angelicaxhouston, @roserrys​​​, @blushingwueen​​​, @americasass-romanoff​​​, @commondazy​​​, @throughparisallthroughrome​​​, @ms-dont-care​​​ , @bubblegumcat229​​​ , @barnesdameron​
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Remaining cautious for your safety, you didn’t move until Serenno guards boarded the TIE fighter. The Stormtrooper reluctantly raised his hands and as the guards restrained him, you finally stood up. The Stormtrooper sighed at the sight of you, understanding how the planet knew he was coming before he was even out of Hyperspace.
One guard stayed behind and gave you a reluctant smile. 
“Your Highness. We appreciate the tip,” he said.
“Of course. Although, I’m fairly certain the only reason he was here was for a scouting mission.” 
“Regardless, Serenno appreciates your help. Senator Lin Ral is waiting for you outside,” he said, holding out his hand. 
You stepped off the ship and took in the sight of Serenno again. Lin had told you a long time ago that you would find Serenno beautiful, and it was never more true than now. The sun was beginning to rise over the castle, making every angle of the castle absolutely glow. 
“Y/N.” You looked away from the castle and saw Lin standing underneath the same lamppost he was under when you and the Resistance had come to him after Crait. You smiled, not even forcefully, and started to walk towards him.
“Lin, thank you so much,” you said, stopping a few feet away from him.
“Of course. I’m glad to see you’re alright. I got a transmission from the Resistance a few months ago, asking that I keep an eye out for you. No one’s heard from you in so long.”
“I didn’t realize you were still keeping in touch with the Resistance,” you said, looking at him hopefully. 
“I’m not. But they know of my affection for you,” he said painfully. He cleared his throat and smiled at you. “Why don’t we go inside? I’m sure you could use your rest.”
“Truthfully, Lin,” you said, taking a step forward, “I’ve done enough waiting around.”
“Well, let’s still take a seat, why don’t we?” he said, guiding you into the castle. You figured he was going to lead you to the same library you had spent all night planning in on your last visit, but he walked right past it and instead led you out onto a veranda that overlooked the sharp cliffs surrounding the castle. You walked to the edge and looked down. Off to the right, just a staircase down was a lake that seemed to swirl with soft pink light. On the left, the cliffs gave way to waterfalls that never seemed to find their end.
“You’ve always spoken of Serenno’s beauty,” you said quietly, “But I had no idea it contained anything like this.” Lin laughed softly next to you and nodded his head. When you turned to look at him he had his hands folded behind his back in his usual manner, but a stern face that was nothing like his. “Lin.”
“Why did they come here?” he asked, looking at you.
“I don’t know for sure. The fact that they sent only one trooper implies that it was probably a reconnaissance mission,” you said. “He had clearance before I got there so it seemed like the trip was planned in advance.” Lin nodded his head again as you turned to face him. “Lin, if I were you, I would prepare for an attack.”
“We already have, Y/N. I suspected as much when I saw it was a lone ship. What I still can’t figure out is what you were doing there in the first place.”
“It’s a long story,” you said, taking a breath. Lin didn’t break eye contact with you, he wasn’t going to give you a chance to run from this. “As you know, I’ve been on the run for a couple of months. Hopping around from place to place after we figured out who the real spy was.”
“Broden,” he said, looking down. “General Organa informed me when she told me of your departure.”
“Poe found me,” you said, your voice cracking when saying his name. You turned away from Lin and wiped at the tears flowing from your eyes. You tried to keep talking but it felt like your throat was closing tighter the more you tried. Lin sighed and it seemed like he was trying hard to not feel sympathy for you.
“How about a swim? The water’s even more beautiful up close,” he said. You looked up and saw he was smiling.
“I’d like that,” you said, your voice finally coming back to you. “I don’t have anything to wear though.”
“I’m sure I can find you something.”
Within the next few minutes, Lin had found you a swimsuit that had belonged to one of his sisters, and the two of you were walking down to the pink water. You dipped your toe in and the water was surprisingly warm. You missed the feeling of being in water, and without another thought, you slipped underneath the water.
You fell into an easy backstroke, looking at the water glistening in bright swirls on your hands. You swam deeper into the lake, letting the water wash away everything you had experienced in the last few weeks. After a while, you remembered Lin and swam back over to him, closer to the water’s edge.
“This water is amazing. I feel . . .”
“It has healing powers,” he said proudly, “It won’t fix everything, but it instantly calms the body and assesses what it can. This is the only one of its kind.”
“In Serenno?”
“Anywhere,” he said, “At least to our knowledge.” You nodded and dipped back under the water, pushing your hair out of your face. “Alright. Now that you’re cooled off, why don’t you explain a few things to me.”
“Okay. What do you want to know?” you asked.
“The truth. All of it.”
“From the start?” you asked.
“From the start.”
So you did. You started with how you met Poe, because that is where you felt your story truly began, it was the start of everything that mattered, but you realized that everything that had led you to where you were had started a long time ago. Instead, you started over and began with your parents and Broden, how you were raised and what plan they had in mind for you before you joined the Resistance.
Then everything had Poe infused into it. You told him how you fell in love, your wedding, everything, up until you made your decision to become queen. Lin knew this story, you had told him a while ago, but your words carried heavier on him now, now that he knew what you were giving up. 
“Broden was my closest friend besides Nové during my time as queen. It was his push that made me take up the crown, and,” you sighed, shaking your head. “I never ever suspected him. I’ve known him my entire life. It’d be like if my parents betrayed me.”
“Which they sort of did,” Lin said softly.
“Yeah,” you said thoughtfully, “But not like this. It’s taken some time, but I know my parents, as diluted as their decisions were, were doing what they thought was best for me. They wanted me to have a great life, they just assumed it would be in politics.”
“So, you ran, because you couldn’t face the truth,” he said, like he knew what it felt like.
“Yeah, like the coward I’ve spent my whole life trying to prove I’m not.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” he said. He gave you a nod to continue, so you told him about your running away, the places you had been, the things you had done to survive, until you came to Poe’s visit. Again, you found yourself speechless.
“Y/N, it’s alright,” he said, “You can tell me. It’s just the two of us.”
“He tried to convince me to come back,” you said after a pause. “He was hurting just as much as I was, but I couldn’t do it. And then I had one of the dreams, and I knew I had to run, and I knew, I’d always have to run. Poe couldn’t live like that, so I did what I had to do. I told him to leave.”
“You love him,” he said. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement, but he was looking at you in bewilderment. You had told him everything, and he saw what you felt. It should have worked. That was what he was trying to say. 
“Yeah,” you said softly. “But he has his temper, and his pride. He wasn’t going to beg me anymore, so we each went our separate ways.”
You told him about Arvala-7, about Khwaabi, and eventually, your trip to see Kylo Ren on Byss. You told him about what little information Ren had given you, and then your escape to Serenno.
“And I think that catches us up. That’s the truth.”
“So what are you going to do?” he asked, leaning his bare back against a rock.
“I’m going back.”
“With nothing?”
“You’ve been gone for months. You think you can just show up to the Resistance, to Naboo, with nothing? Why did you go see Kylo Ren?”
“To see if there was some way to stop him,” you said.
“You’re no fool, Y/N. You knew asking nicely wouldn’t get him to stop. So, I ask again, why did you go see him?”
“Because!” you yelled, growing tired of the condescending look he was giving you, “Because there is still something I can do. I knew that seeing him would give me some information, and he did.”
“Okay, so what did you learn?”
“Ren wants Broden gone, too. As we learned months ago, Broden wanted to bring me to his side, Ren wanted me for his. I forgot what power I had, what power the Resistance has. There are people out there who want to fight, we just need to stand up and show them we’re ready to fight, too. The Resistance needs to stop hiding. We’ve got nothing to be ashamed for.
“So, I’m going back, and I’m going to yell it to anybody who can listen. I’m going to reveal everything the First Order has done and then, I know people will follow.”
“That’s a good speech,” he said with a small smile, “You should save it for the Resistance.”
“I will.”
“So when are you going to head back?”
“I don’t want to go without you, Lin,” you said, moving towards him.
“Because we all have a part to play, I realize that now. You may have been dragged into this, knowing as little as I did about the reasoning, but you’re meant to be there. Meant to be with us, fighting the First Order.”
“I don’t know how I fit in there now.”
“I do. I can’t do this without you. We were right a long time ago. Our galaxy needs the Republic back, starting with the Senate. That’s where we start again. It’s time to use our voices and our good looks,” you added with a smile, “For good. It’s time to use what power we have.”
Lin was silent for a while, thinking over what you had said, probably thinking it was a little bit hokey, but eventually, he nodded. 
“I’ll do it. I’ve had some time to think, too. I’m sorry about everything that happened.”
“Me too,” you whispered. He hugged you tightly, and you stood in his wet arms for a while. You hadn’t been touched by anyone in so long, and it felt good to be in the arms of someone who cared for you once more.
“So,” he said, pulling away, “How do we do this?”
“My parents seem to have things under control in Naboo. I think I need to make another stop on my apology tour. I need to get to the Resistance base.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“I can’t do this.” The bridge of the ship lowered down onto the Resistance base on Chandrila, and you struggled to move your feet. It had been hell to even get you here in the first place. Lin was able to find an outfit for you, after you had claimed you couldn’t go back looking the way you did. The two of you had even taken a shot on the ship to calm your nerves, and yet, while you stood a few feet from the base’s entrance, you couldn’t take that next step.
“Y/N.” Lin was behind you, his voice quiet while the rest of his crew waited anxiously to see if the rumors were true about the Resistance’s new base. “You can do this. It’s your old friends, they’ll be glad to see you.”
You nodded your head, although you were almost positive that he was wrong. You weren’t sure anyone was going to be glad to see you. Not after everything you had done, everything and everyone you had abandoned.
But, knowing that you had nowhere else to go, and not wanting to seem like a scared little girl, you took your first step onto the base. Instantly, you were swarmed by a group of people, including Kaydel Ko Connix.
“Lieutenant,” you said with a smile. She barely glanced at you as she fiddled with her Holopad. She scanned a bright light over your face, still looking unimpressed. “What is all this?” you asked.
“You’re not the first Queen Bhavisama who has shown up since Y/N’s disappearance. Although, I’ll give it to you, you’re the most convincing,” she said. You glanced back at Lin, who was just as confused as you were.
“This is Y/N, I can guarantee that,” he said.
“We have to be careful, Count. They’ll see you in a few minutes,” she said, turning to look at you a few moments later.
“Who will?” you asked. She only smiled in response before gesturing to a couple of soldiers to escort you away. You were brought into a small meeting room and instructed to take a seat. It seemed that they still didn’t know whether you were the true you or not, because this room was directly across from the hangar. You had barely seen any of the base.
“Did you know about other Bhavisamas?” you asked, looking up at Lin, who refused to take a seat.
“No. I suppose I’m not surprised. The news of your departure spread quicker than anyone would have liked. I’m sure a few lowlifes pretended to be you, whether as a sick joke or in aid of the First Order, I don’t know. The Resistance can’t afford to make any more mistakes.”
“I told you, I’m not doing these anymore! This is stupid.” The voice that reverberated from the hall could have only belonged to one person. And it was accompanied by another familiar voice.
“Connix was confident.”
“There’s no way it’s her.” The door swung open with his voice and he stopped speaking when he saw you. You felt a similar wave of speechlessness wash over you as you laid eyes on Poe again. 
You looked into his dark eyes and tried to find the words to tell him how sorry you were, but the only thought you could materialize into your words was a simple one.
“You grew out your beard,” you said softly. Poe opened his mouth just slightly, possibly to smile, possibly to say something, but he closed it just as quickly and nodded his head. He looked to Leia.
“It’s her,” he said. And before Leia could respond, he walked out of the room. You stare helplessly at the door, thinking that he would come back, but he never did.
“Y/N, I’m glad to see you alive,” Leia said.
“You too, General,” you said, turning to look back at her, taking a deep breath to regain your composure. You shouldn’t have expected much more from Poe, and yet you were still surprised by his reaction. Leia smiled at you simply and sat down across from you. 
“Thank you for bringing her here,” she said to Lin. He nodded his head. “Well?” she asked, looking at you.
“I’m sure it’s quite the story.”
“It is.”
“Well, I think we all deserve to hear it. Even if we don’t want to,” she said. You glanced back at the doorway and sighed. “Is that something you can do?”
“Good,” she said, smacking her hand on the table as she stood. “Allow me to show you around the base, then.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Although there was the same spirit of the old base, this base on Chandrila was nothing like the one you had spent so many years on. Simply in size, it was four times the size of the original one. And their numbers were growing, too. Before you left, you could recognize nearly every person in the Resistance, but as you looked around, you saw countless new faces.
“It’s something, isn’t it?” Lin asked, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Don’t leave my side,” you whispered back. Although you were met with dozens of faces you didn’t know, the eyes that looked back at you seemed to know exactly who you were, and they didn’t like what they saw.
Leia took you through the tour and eventually brought you to the situation room. You saw Finn, Rey, and Rose, who each gave you a polite smile. The rest of your friends didn’t have the same compassion for you. And you knew that Finn’s smile was only in reaction to Rey’s gentle shove.
Black Squadron walked in near the end, before Leia called everyone’s attention, and you once again found yourself breathless. Poe walked in last, and this time, he held your gaze. He looked you up and down, checking for any signs of damage, just as you were, but his eyes held no other love for you.
“As you all have heard, Y/N is back. And it seems she has quite the story to tell of her months away,” Leia said, calling everyone to attention. You nodded your head and stood up, trying to ignore the iciness in her voice, just as one more person came into the room.
“Y/N,” she said, her breath catching in her throat as if she couldn’t believe it was really you.
With Nové’s interruption, you felt you wouldn’t be able to get a single word out, but once you started, you couldn’t stop. You spilled your whole story, all the painful bits, except for the part with Poe. You knew that no one else needed to hear that story, needed to know the guilt you both still felt about it.
You expected mixed reactions once you were done, but when you finished, everyone had the same reaction. At least, the three you were looking at closely.
“Are you out of your mind? You went to see Kylo Ren?” Nové asked, voicing the questions that were certainly running through Poe and Leia’s heads.
“I needed--”
“What exactly did you gain from that visit?” she asked, standing up so that she was right in front of you. She was breathing heavily and her face was flushed.
“A reality check,” you said, shaking slightly. “I know it was stupid to leave.” You had held back your tears so well, but now looking into Nové’s eyes, the anger she had for you when she had once been so supportive, you felt yourself slipping away. “I know it was stupid to run. I know now that I can’t make a difference solely on my own, but I want to do everything I can, and I think I can help.”
“And what happens if you decide to run again?”
You turned to Poe, the one who had voiced this question. He had grown out his beard, the usual shadow now a scruff. His eyes seemed darker. He was wearing a new jumpsuit, clearly a reward from all the change that had come from the Resistance’s revival. Yet, when he looked at you, you could only see him as he was on Taris.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said seriously. “I’m going to fight, and keep fighting. Even if it gets hard.” He let out a little laugh.
“The First Order will find you again,” he said.
“I know.”
“And now that you’ve run away from Kylo Ren,” Leia said, pulling your attention. “They’re going to want to send a message. They’re going to want to punish you.”
“I promise you, both of you,” you said, looking to Poe, “All of you, I’m not going anywhere. I’m tired of running. I’ll fight, until I can’t fight anymore. I know the First Order is going to come looking for me, but I’m not hiding anymore. I’m going to proudly stand with the Resistance.”
“Good,” Leia said, smiling at you proudly. “We’re glad to have you back, Y/N. I expect your next move will be to go back to Naboo, but once you’ve made repairs there, we’re going to have to send out a message that you’re back and the Resistance is stronger than ever.”
“Whatever you need, General.”
“Nové will see you out,” she said, nodding towards the door. Her eyes left you and turned to Poe. She was telling you to leave, because it was clear that not everyone was as confident in your abilities. You suspected that another meeting would take place after you left, regarding all the information you had brought with you, and whether you deserved a place among the Resistance again.
Lin ushered you to your feet when you didn’t move again, your eyes looking to Poe, begging him to look at you, just once more. He led you into the hallway and together you followed Nové out, trying to keep up with her fast pace. She sped walked to the hangar, and didn’t say a word as she got your ship ready and bid Lin farewell.
“Will you please talk to me? At least say something?” you asked once he was out of earshot. You had never spent this long in her presence without one of you yammering on.
“I was worried you were dead,” she said quietly. “You were gone for so long.”
“I know.”
“No, you don’t know. I spent every day looking for you, and then when we did found you, you still didn’t come back. We did everything we could, and it still wasn’t enough? Just, tell me this,” she said, taking a breath, “If Leia had sent me instead of Poe, would it have made a difference?”
“No, I don’t think so.” She nodded her head and put on a forced smile.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back.”
“I’m sorry about it all.”
“I know. Let’s go home.”
“. . . he’s not going to forgive me, is he?” you asked, halfway up the ramp.
“Not right away. He was really tore up when he came back. But,” she said, linking your arm in hers, “I know you’ll find a way to fix things.”
“And my parents, are they--”
“Just as mad? Oh yeah,” she said with a smile, “But if we doll you up and make you look like the queen you are, they’ll forgive easier. They’ve got a lot to apologize for, too.”
“Nové! Hang on a moment!” You both turned and saw Connix running towards you with Rey trailing behind you. 
“What is it?” she asked.
“The General doesn’t want Y/N to go anywhere unprotected,” she said breathlessly. “She insists that she has a bodyguard.” You looked at Rey and raised a cautious eyebrow.
“Rey?” you asked in disbelief.
“If Ren is going to try anything funny, it’s best if I’m there with you.”
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torivikachu · 3 years
I was just listening to Hamilton AGAIN - yeah I just put it on while working all the time - and it just hit me how really relatable Hamilton (or I mean, Lin-Manuel's interpretation of him) is. well, at least for me.
if you're wondering if this is worth your time it is NOT
anybody except me likes lists? I like lists. so let's make a list!
also let's see how many quotes can I fit into this post
whoa, I am excited about it.
1. the moment he meets Aaron Burr, he just sorta searches for something to bond over. like, hey dude I heard you went to Princeton? I wanna go there too, let's bond over it! by the way, I punched someone there lol I swear I am not stupid aand Burr, like um, no, thanks really, I better go, you seem violent, my parents wanted me to go there, okay, and Ham like WHOA YOU AN ORPHAN? WOW I AM TOO IT'S LIKE FATE OR SOMETHING LETS BOND and Aaron like wtf dude just shut up
and honestly that's just me, if I meet a person I like I will latch onto anything and I get sorta...fixated? so yeah, this dialogue is relatable as fuck
2. and Alex doesn't shut up, but then he goes all or am I talking too much?
bro, your anxiety shows.
3. and he keeps ranting all through the show, but his rants seem to charm everybody while I think mine just annoy and scare away? whatever, moving on, with Washington asking him why are you upset and he's replying IM NOT like a fucking teenager and it's probably a small thing but it's relatable as hell
4. and then once he is given permission he dives and buries himself into work, never does things halfway and is eager to take on more responsibilities and do something new and is just generally non-stop and while I can only wish for same energy as he, I like to have a lot of work aswell (well I sure as hell whine about it a lot but Hamilton does too! what's with I havent slept in a week I was weak I was awake you've never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break)
5. he's flirty and has no qualms with innuendos. and very forward with his feelings? like you strike me like a woman who has never been satisfied sounds like a pickup line that either gonna win him a lot more than a number or fail miserably. he's like going all out, wearing his heart on his sleeve, and if it takes fighting a war for us too meet it will have been worth it and like seriously? yeah, flirt with every person in the room without skipping a beat, why not? he literally said on one intake of breath mr lafayette hard rock like lancelott i think your pants look hot laurens i like you a lot. he compliments people, he just throws it out instantly, most times he meets someone for the first time he compliments them and it's kind of my strategy too? it's not even a strategy, I just blurt out everything I like about a person once I meet them. it's like embarassing, because I liked a piece of jewelery on my co-worker once, and she was talking about something important while I could barely keep up because I kept thinking wow it looks great I gotta let her know. this strange need of mine to voice all thoughts annoys even me sometimes,
6. and then again, when he is angry or doesn't like something, it's painfully obvious. I don't tend to sprout profanities to people I don't like or saying stuff like madison you mad as hatter son take your medicine or you must be out of your GODDAMN mind or you absolutely right John should have shot him in mouth that would've shut him up but I can't school my face so it is always transparent what I am thinking about so my dislike is noted and not appreciated. it got me into enough embarassing situations. actually when studied in lyceum (like a sort of highschool) we had a principal and she addressed us as children and told us to call her mom and every time I was like WHAT THE HELL. I remember her eyes landing on me one time she said that and she almost did a doubletake at my facial expression. so the I'M NOT YOUR SON sentiment is not lost on me.
7. he speaks his mind when he thinks advice is in order? um if you love this woman go get her or for once in your life take a stand with pride. I tend to do it too, because I get winded up pretty fast, and I don't think it's always wise, because it's easy to judge from outside. I am pretty much sure that is the reason one of my friends back from school stopped talking to me. she had a bit of situation with her boyfriend and I still think her boyfriend is a piece of shit and she shouldn't have accepted him back, but whatever. wasn't my place to give advice, apparently
8. he gets overexcited? gentlemen of the jury I am curious bear with me are you aware that we are making history? like really I can't imagine ever getting like that at court. well I can imagine, because I get overexcited too, but saying that out loud? i'd be mortified
9. he's never satisfied? I know I already sorta covered it already, but it's more about him eager to learn and do more and feeling that what he's done and learnt is not enough, never enough. I so feel him on this, it's like yeah sure I know 4 languages, but that can't be enough can it? yeah I've got one degree but that's just ONE DEGREE that's like minimum I gotta get more
10. I know I talk too much I'm abrasive and I am not quoting Hamilton I am talking about myself thank you very much
11. he's a whiny bitch: but they don't have a plan they just hate mine -oh yes- or whatever it is Jefferson started it -huh yes sure-
12. forgetting your sons birthday? I forget my own age, sis. these little details just escape my attention. I like forgot it was my boyfriend's birthday this year - we literally live in the same flat. it took me a couple hours and a reminder from facebook. literally. and then I'll try to get away - hahaha it's like me saying to my parents - oh sure I'll some visit in a couple of months (they live in another part of the country) and then in a half a year being like oh wow when was the last time I went home
13. oh, here comes some more heavy stuff - say no to this. I was in a couple situations where I lost this battle. I think I have some polyamorous tendencies? but I am also very posessive and jealous, yeah, not a great mix, I know. so, I might have sorta dated two girls at one time once. well, not really dated, we were just bi-curious with one? we were friends, just... um, trying things. and then at some point I met another girl and it escalated pretty quickly and we sorta got together (oh my god the whole situation was a mess I was so confused about my sexuality back then and so ashamed you have no idea) and I didn't break it off with the first girl, but it was okay since we weren't... a thing? they knew each other but had no idea I slept with both of them. well we haven't really gotten that far with the first one but. and then the other asked at some point if she's the only one I do this with and I lied and a month into this endeavor I realized it was too much and sorta stopped seeing the first girl. we also stopped being close friends pretty soon afterwards. all my "lovestories" are embarassing actually, but this one is also the one I am most ashamed of. and then there were many situations in life when I was attracted to multiple people at the same time and ugh, I don't know, I kind of hate it, honestly. cheating is not okay. it is okay if everybody is okay with the polyamorous relationship though, but I never got to do it. so, yeah Ham's a dick but so am I
and on that depressing note I wanna wrap it up because I sorta killed the mood with that story. i think that's called oversharing?
if you actually read it to this point - wtf, you have nothing better to do or what?
I am not even gonna tag it so people don't have to scroll over that shit while searching for good content really I just like writing
the whole time I've been writing this my cat just kept staring at me. unblinkingly. I can feel her JUDGING ME
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petersasteria · 4 years
It’s Quiet Uptown (IV) - Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter x Reader
Requested? Nah
It’s Quiet Uptown (I)
It’s Quiet Uptown (II)
It’s Quiet Uptown (III)
Inspired by ‘It’s Quiet Uptown’ from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton the Musical
* * * *
"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐈𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐦 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧"
"Peter, honey, please eat something." Y/N, his wife, tells him. She puts the plate on the bedside table on Peter's side of the bed. She frowns at the sight of her husband. He's sitting on the bed with a photo album in his hands. "Peter, are you okay?"
"What the fuck is that question, Y/N?!" Peter snaps, looking at her with bloodshot eyes. "Do I look okay to you?"
"It's nearly been a year, Pete." she says softly as she sits next to him, taking a peek at the photo album. The photo he was previously looking at was a picture of him and his son on his son's 1st birthday.
"I like this picture of you and Andy. It's really cute." she compliments with a small smile. She looks at him again and brushes away stray curls.
"It's my favorite." Peter says.
A moment of silence falls upon them and Peter silently cries. Y/N's heart breaks and she knew he missed your son, but you missed him too. They need to help each other get better.
"Peter, you have to move on. We have to move on." she says, wiping his tears away. Peter pushes her hands away and stands up, "No! We can't forget about him like that!"
"I'm not saying that we should forget him. I'm just saying we should move on!" Y/N says loudly, now standing up too.
"I don't get why you're not sad about this! Did you even care?" Peter shouts.
"Of course I care! What makes you think that I don't?!" she was getting pissed at his false statements.
"Because you're not mourning over our own son's death!"
"I mourned over his death and I'm still mourning! But newsflash Peter: life still goes on! The world won't stop for us when we lose someone! We have to accept that!" she argues as angry tears stream down her face.
"How could you say that?" Peter questions, kind of hurt and offended. "You do realize that we won't see our son grow up, right? We won't know what his dreams are? We won't meet his first girlfriend? We won't send him off to college?"
"Of course I realized that. I did. But we need to move on. We can't keep hurting like this anymore, Pete. I can't see you getting hurt anymore." she sniffs, wiping her tears away. "We need to continue living and just because I've moved on doesn't mean that I don't care."
"You're not the only one who's hurting to you know." she sighs.
Peter frowns and walks closer to her. He cups her cheeks and says, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" as far as she knows, he shouldn't be sorry for anything.
"I'm sorry, because I was too blinded by hurt to see that you were hurting too." he smiles sadly. "We're a team for fuck's sake. I'm sorry it hasn't been that way recently."
"I understand." she returns the smile.
"I was just really upset with myself, because I wasn't able to save him." Peter cries again. "I'm Spider-Man and I save lives everyday and the one person who looked up to me the most, I wasn't able to save. Do you know how painful and disappointing that is? He would never forgive me."
"Andy loves you so much, Pete. He's watching you from up there and I can tell that he's sad to see you beating yourself for up for what happened. He wants you to be happy and I know that he forgives you."
"How'd you know?"
"I'm his mother and I carried him for nine months. So, I think I'm qualified for knowing what my son is thinking." she lightly chuckles. "And also mother's instincts."
Peter chuckles and hugs her. She hugs back and smiles at his warmth.
"Thank you."
"Anytime, Pete. I miss my partner in crime." she smiles.
"I love you, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'd probably be out there somewhere and lost." she jokes.
"You're right." Peter laughs as he pulls away.
"I love you too." she says before leaning in for a kiss. Peter closes the gap between them and the kiss was full of love and longing.They pull away and Peter looks at the food on the bedside table, "Let's eat?"
She just nods and grabs the plate before leaving the room, "I'll heat this up."
Peter eyes the picture and smiles once more, "I love Andy. I miss you."
He closes the photo album and puts it on the shelf before leaving the room. Peter knew it would take some time to finally move on, but he also knew that his wife was right: life still goes on even after we lose someone we love.
He knew he'll get better soon. For, acceptance takes patience too.
* * * *
end of "It's Quiet Uptown" series
Thank u @lovingsiriusoswald for picking the lines x
Tagging my mutuals: @fanficparker @myblueleatherbag @sweetdespairbarnes @justasmisunderstoodasloki @tommysparker @lcvelyparkers @marvelousell
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