#thank you hunbun
telestoapologist · 3 months
AFAIK yeah solstice is next week. praying for the drip
thank you hunbun 💖 ME TOO… I can’t wait to see what it is!! I’m praying for surfboard skimmers too 🙏
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hi-imlilac · 3 months
Done :3 anyways, here it is!
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Also do u use ibis paint x like me?
Thank you very much hunbun
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Happy birthday HunBun!!😃❤🎉🎉🎉
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
WIP bit #3
Eli Vanto thinks that there are far too many admirals in his life. He's developing an allergy.  
Grand Admiral Thrawn - missing, but very much in his life.
Supreme Admiral Ar'alani - admirable, brilliant, he's still missing his rank despite worknig like a nerf herder.
Fleet Admiral Mak'ro - seems to regard him as some sort of trained growser.
Fleet Admiral In'daro - tried to separate him from Un'hee, which did not work well.
Fleet Admiral Tro'owmis - who the fuck knows?
He and Bun'hee take the ramp down from his trusty old Delta and come to attention for the senior captain awaiting them there. The Valiant is Tro'owmis' flagship and Th'ori'av is her Flag Captain or equivalent. It makes him think of Albus Marinith - that trusty, crusty old sailor. Un'hee takes and squeezes his hand, chasing away his darkness. He squeezes back.
Not your job, nor should it be.
I know.
Th'ori'av leads them not to the admiral's office, but to her quarters where she herself awaits them in her private office. After thanking and dismissing her captain, Tro'owmis looks at them over steepled fingers.
"Commander Eli'van'to, Navigator Un'hee - you must be hungry and tired, so join me for tea and then I'll show you to your quarters."
Eli blinks. He's a lieutenant commander, but that was a sop - or so he reckoned - to salve the sting of his demotion to lieutenant. "Admiral, we'd be honored."
Un'hee murmurs this along with him, so she might actually like this one. When asked, she will only say that she does not like people who treat him poorly, and she is as much an outsider as him. They want her to be fixed and operate just like the other navigators when she isn't like them at all. One of his last flaming fights with In'daro was over how expecting Un'hee to 'be normal' was like expecting her to walk on broken legs by pretending they weren't broken.
He and Un'hee were transferred again three days later.
They take seats on a comfortable couch, and Eli picks a plate for Un'hee from all the dishes set there. The admiral pours the dark, aromatic tea from a silver pot into thick glass cups. There's no formality here. Tro'owmis asks Un'hee about her trip, and the shuttle. Did she navigate? Yes, it looks like a bird - very pretty. What was it like for her on the other ships?
And, bless the little hunbun, that's what she does. No filter on her, and Eli means for it to stay that way. She holds her stuffie and says to the Fleet Admiral exactly what she thinks and Tro'owmis doesn't interrupt or justify. When Un'hee winds down, it's as if she's slap out of fuel. She sags against him, unable to keep her eyes open another second.
"I'd like to continue the conversation, Commander Eli'van'to. Do you want to put her down in my quarters or in yours?"
"Yours would be fine, but little kits have big ears." Eli adds, "And it's Lieutenant Commander."
"Ar'alani runs her ship and I run mine Commander. I have a noise generator - she won't hear anything she shouldn't, and nothing will disturb her."
Maybe, just maybe, things will be different here.
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lilysmiles11223345 · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for posting so much today- but I swear this is my last post for tonight!
I wanted to say two things: one, is that I’m looking for pizza tower roleplayers! I’m happy when I rp with hunbun(hi honey if you see this!) but recently I’ve had no one to talk to or rp with otherwise,
So if you like to play any of the pizza tower canons (and ocs if you want!), are 16+ and don’t mind oc x canon, please hit me up! Or , if you know any rp sites /places that may have what I’m looking for- I’d be happy too! (Also no nsfw pls :(.)
The next thing is, I’m an extremely anxious person so I’m not very good at making mutuals,, but i really want to make more mutuals and so if I reach out to you,, please always tell me if I annoy you >.<
That’s all! Thank you all!
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nanamibunsbakery · 7 months
Hi its totally not me but I love and adore you so much! And your banner makes me squeal!
Hehe thank you hunbun I love you even more and I'm glad you like it~.
Hopefully it'll be no longer naked when I'm done lmao
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hongism · 4 years
💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨🤗💜
ahHhHhhHhH thank you bby 🥺🧡😭 you’re too sweet ;-;
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atrabiliousse · 5 years
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@yifau my hunbun angel love!! this took so long for me to post, i’m so sorry, i really hope you like it and thank you for letting me play around with this one!! 💘💗💝💕💖
Lavender with Younghoon
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Your words tasted like poison on your own lips and you quickly shut your eyes to avoid seeing their impact.
The regret rolled in like a storm, the rain burning behind your eyelids and when you heard the apartment door slam shut, you gave in to your weak legs.
With the clap of thunder in your heart, you fell apart on the floor after having kept it all in for hours.
You sobbed loudly into your trembling hands, the sounds breaking from your chest as painful as the ache they left in your raw throat. The repercussions were killing you faster than the poison that had started it all.
It had always been a destructive habit of yours to bottle your emotions, the stresses that weighed down on you kept suppressed in your chest, using the cavity to hide everything that you refused to give power over you.
But it was usually in these times of suppression that you forgot how truly destructive it was when it reached its capacity and had no choice but break through to surface, leaving you powerless in its reign. Emotions wild, free and thoughtless led you to saying things you didn’t mean to defend your weakened state.
There were so many times that you had told yourself that you had to break the pattern, make the change before it truly led to something irreparable and as you tried to pull yourself together in your empty apartment, you wondered if this was the exact moment you dreaded.
Your argument with Younghoon had escalated way too quickly. You knew you had not been yourself for the last couple of weeks, it was clear in the way you were pushing him away and asking for space much too often and barely living in the same world anymore.
Younghoon was patient however and he’d silently nod and close the bedroom door to leave you in the solitude you asked for. He’d only interrupt you to call you for dinner and there he would make small talk, hoping that would be enough for you to at least look at him.
When you were in these moments of complete shut down, you were very selfish, too selfish to see how much your boyfriend was struggling to give you what you had asked for and respect that you didn’t want him around.
You couldn’t see how much it hurt him to watch the person he loved live but like a shell of what they used to be.
Younghoon didn’t know you like this, he didn’t know you to be so dissociative. When he met you, you had actually intimidated the poor boy with your confidence and strong personality. He learned very quickly that you were stubborn and persistent and the two together made you a force to be reckoned with.
That didn’t go to say that he expected you to be strong every waking day. Your boyfriend knew you were as human as he was and he was always ready with open arms on your bad days, he’d suggest a million and one things to make you smile and pick you up as best as he could. Younghoon liked to be believe he at least knew how to comfort his partner in their worst moments.
But this was proving to be a whole different game park for him. You weren’t coming to him for comfort, you’d barely let him even touch you and all your replies came in such short sentences that there was no way of knowing what you were thinking. So he decided to do as you asked, respecting the space you asked for, leaving you to do what you wanted even when it was killing him to watch you fade away in greys, even when all he wanted to know was what had caused this drastic change in you and kept you down, even when he felt like your love for him was barely there anymore.
But he was only human, just like you and it finally broke him when you wouldn’t even reply to him at all anymore.
“Are you tired of me? Are you tired of being in this relationship?”
“What are you even talking about, Younghoon?” Your voice sounded irked and it was only making the boy more erratic with his thoughts.
“Please don’t ask me that when you’ve been ignoring me for almost a month. What am I supposed to think?” His eyebrows were furrowed and he was trying his very best not to be impulsive with his anger.
You sighed then and shook your head, “Why is it so wrong for me to ask for some space? I just need some time to clear my head and now you’re assuming that this has something to do with our relationship.”
When you made a move to walk away from the discussion, he stopped you, placing his hand on your shoulder and turning you around with frustrated eyes.
“Because I understand needing time alone, I understand trying to clear your head, but I can’t understand pushing me away, shutting me out every time I try to even hold a conversation with you. Needing time for yourself is normal but at the rate you’re going it’s making me question if you even want me in your life anymore.”
Your head was pounding and you could feel your heartbeat in your throat as you stood rooted, trying to grasp what Younghoon was telling you, but you were so stuck in your head, your own emotions and problems that it made it hard to see it from his perspective.
So of course, you took offense to his words. You picked out everything that sounded like he was against you, like he was tired of you and that your emotions didn’t matter to him. And in that moment, you weren’t sure if it was you thinking like that or the negative emotions making you think like that.
“It’s funny because from the sounds of it, it seems like you’re the one that doesn’t want this anymore.”
The boy let out an incredulous laugh, his hand sweeping through his hair like he usually did when he was frustrated. Younghoon turned to look at you with a mocking smile, “Me? Please pray tell how I’m suddenly the one wanting to bring this relationship to an end.”
That’s when it broke. The brimming hold on all of your emotions burst free and from it spewed rapid words and false accusations and almost anything to hide the guilt that you felt for causing a rift between you and the one person that always tried to be there for you, no matter what it took of him.
“Is it so hard to support me when I’m clearly going through a rough time?” Your voice was hoarse as you yelled this after your angry rambling.
Your boyfriend looked exhausted, completely drained from trying and trying to get you to see but the denial was too impenetrable when you were in such a state and slowly he was losing will to fight.
“That’s all I’ve been trying to do. All I’ve been trying and wanting to do is be there for you, to help you through whatever it is that’s weighing so much on you, to help you carry the burden but you keep continuously shoving me away. You won’t even talk to me let alone tell me what’s doing this to you. And if you can’t see that, I’m sorry but you’re making a big mistake in thinking that I don’t care for you.”
It was then, in your flustered, embarrassed and guilt ridden state that you said something you wish you could take back but knew that such chance would never arrise.
“And what if that’s true? You might think you care for me but I’m still here, wanting to be alone and maybe if you had tried harder, I wouldn’t want that. And that just proves to me that my biggest mistake was you.”
He looked absolutely broken for the split second that you did look at him before you squeezed your eyes shut so hard that it actually burned. The second the words left your mouth, you knew you had taken it way too far and you had most probably lost the boy you had spent two years of your life loving and a whole future you dreamt of continuing to do so.
You didn’t open your eyes again until the door banged against the frame and you fell to your knees, crying, just completely hating yourself.
If you had just told him that it was nearing the fourth anniversary of your sibling’s death.
If you had just told him that you had lost your job and were currently struggling to find another.
If you had just told him that your family was hammering down on you for quitting college to pursue a dream you had already lost hope in.
If you had just told him that it felt like everything in your life was slowing crumbling away.
If you had just taken a second to realize that you were destroying the one good thing you had left to hold onto. The one person that waited everyday to see you and talk to you and hold you.
The one person that stood with you, and you had broken him out of foolish selfishness.
Your thoughts were all vicious and harsh and they yelled at you in loud thundering voices, making you feel smaller than you already did.
Maybe you could run after him, maybe you could stop him and tell him. Maybe you could still fix it all, if only you had the courage to even face him.
You were torn to pieces with thoughts and it did nothing to stop you from crying, an unending sadness absorbed into the hardwood floor.
You wanted to do so much but your body had finally reached its limits with your antics and it hurt to even move your legs.
You were overexerted and even that made you feel guilty.
So for once you let the sobs break through as loud as they needed, you let your body finally drain away the negativity it had stored away. You let it all free into your apartment on that lonely evening, unaware that on the other side of the door, Younghoon has his head pressed to the wood, his own tears falling into his lap.
He had meant to leave, of course anyone would’ve after hearing what you had said, but the minute he heard you break down into tears, he stumbled in his steps. Your cries made him feel like you were mourning a lot more than the current situation.
Part of him thought that you’d stop soon and just drag yourself to bed, but he stood there in place for an hour and still you sounded so physically broken. When he sat himself against the door, Younghoon promised himself that he would leave once you stopped crying, that he would walk away when you finally got up and went to your bedroom.
But you never did get up from the floor, instead you had tired yourself out to the point of falling asleep against the coffee table, little whimpers still escaping your swollen lips.
It was after the second hour that Younghoon got up with the intent of going home and sleeping away his busy mind, but he turned around instead and quietly opened your apartment door, eyes landing on your frail figure slumped against the coffee table.
Your face was blotchy, eyes heavily swollen and your lips red from you biting them to keep yourself quiet. Your lips still trembled in your sleep and your hands were freezing cold.
Younghoon swallowed down the heartache and then moved you away from the coffee table, wrapping your one arm around his shoulders in order to pick you up.
It was when he hoisted you up, that your eyes opened and when the blurry image cleared into his face, the tears popped heavily in your eyes.
“Younghoon.” It hurt to speak, but if you didn’t, you’d only regret it even more.
“You should get some rest.” He spoke calmly, still carrying you to your room.
Your mind was working in overdrive to try and think of absolutely anything to tell him, to explain to him and make everything right again, but you knew that nothing you said now could undo what you had said earlier, but you’d be damned if you didn’t even try.
“I didn’t meant it. I didn’t mean anything I said to you.”
The boy laid you down on your bed, standing at its edge, looking at you with an unreadable expression, “I understand that, but it doesn’t make it any less painful.”
You tried to sit up and reach for him, but you flinched when you felt the shooting pins and needles up your arm, so strong that it made your arm feel way too heavy and lame.
“Let’s talk about this in the morning. We both need a break right now.”
You let him turn away then and walk towards your door, knowing that he was right and that he deserved some time away from you, some time to think and process and be on his own. He deserved the space.
“I’ll make everything right again, Younghoon. I’ll do everything that I can to prove to you that I never regretted loving you.”
The boy spared you a tired smile over his shoulder, a sigh releasing from him that accounted for so many emotions , so many emotions that you were responsible for but not once did he blame you for it. Instead he nodded and walked out, leaving you to wait for the morning to find him again.
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hsfashkin · 7 years
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A Dave with freckles, a tooth necklace, n pastel clothing!! 
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kkulmoon · 4 years
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Taehyung’s exposed forehead for @inkedtae​ ♡ (cr. okayyoonji & gif_namjoon on twt)
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leerongrong · 4 years
i'm too shy to message you so i'm just gonna stay anonymous love u mwah♡♡
you're too cute, nonnie! i received your request btw- member and all. have a nice day/night!💞
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mingis-lightbulb · 3 years
Kinktober day 21
Day 21: Begging with Sub!Wooyoung.
Taglist: @mingissoggywaffles @beomnoi @yungisstar1117 @damissub @justforyookihyun @wooyoungsbae @blessednhighlyfavoured @do-you-actually-care @winterciella  @soft-teddybear 
tags not working:  @vip-hs @hwaegyo
“Such a subby little baby, you can act all bratty when everyone is around though~”
Wooyoung was on the brink of tears, his back against the headboard, you were on his lap, rubbing against his exposed dick. He could feel your slick against his thighs and it was driving him wild. You on the other hand was enjoying every second of it, Your lips were on Woo’s neck, leaving bright hickeys that he knew he was going to have to hide from his friends. “Please..Mommy stop teasing me,” He whined, his voice going up in pitch as you suck on a certain spot on his neck. You hum in response, raising your head to meet his eyes. “What hunbun?~” You teasingly asked, enjoying the whine that left his lips.
You rocked against his hard cock, loving the feeling of him against your ass. “What happened to the high and mighty attitude you had with Yeosang?~” You teased. “Saying that you could have me a moaning, babbling mess underneath you, Hmm?” Wooyoung shook his head. “I-i’m sorry mommy, I’m so sorry, please..please ride me already!!” He cried out bucking his hips helplessly. You tsked and gripped his chin forcing him to look at you. “Listen here you bratty little slut., You better know who you belong to and who owns this cock, alright?” You said sternly watching as Woo nodded rapidly. “I know, i belong to you mommy, I won’t try that again, please, please, please!” 
You chuckled at his begging and finally rose up aligning your cunt with his cock, teasing him a bit before sinking down on it. He let out a moan of relief, a chorus of babbles leaving his mouth. You place your hands on his cheeks, “Wooyoungie, baby look at me.” Wooyoung raised his head to look at you. “M-mommy..please move, god you feel so good, please I just want you to cum around me~” He begged and you placed a quick kiss on his lips. “Are you sure baby-” “Yes yes, please! I won’t be a bad boy anymore, please just fuck me..” He groaned softly. Slowly you started bouncing on Wooyoung’s cock, watching as he let out cute little moans and the occasional “oh fuck”.
Setting a nice pace that had the both of you moaning, you could feel Wooyoung’s hands move to your waist and grip it tightly. Wooyoung was a mess underneath you, moaning out your name and begging for you to go faster. “Aww is my baby enjoying himself?” You asked and he nodded rapidly. He placed his head on your chest. “Mhm..’m close..” He whined and you smiled, “Want me to go faster?” He nodded once more and you fulfilled his request. You began bouncing faster on him, moaning yourself as you tried to focus on your baby boy. “C-can..Can i..” He mumbled, cutting himself off with a moan. “What is it baby? Tell me what you want~” You moaned out and he looked up to meet your eyes. His eyes were glossed over with pure lust and desire, tears pricking at his eyes. “Lemme cum inside..please mommy, can I fill you up?” He begged and you couldn’t help but smirk. “Mhm..go ahead baby~”
Wooyoung let out a loud cry of pleasure as he spilled deep into you, his groans reduced to nothing but babbles. “F-feels so good, so so good..” He mumbled as he laid his head on your chest, he whined as you slowly lifted yourself off his dick. Wooyoung could barely keep his eyes open as he slowly rolls on his side in the fluffy pillows. You go and get him some water and snacks as well as a warm towel to wipe him down with. When you returned, Wooyoung was cuddled against your pillow, he turned to face you and made grabby hands towards you.
You giggle and quickly moved to go join him in bed, allowing him to cuddle up to you as you gave him the water. “Thank you mommy..” “I’m not mommy right now Wooyoungie, It’s (y/n). Are you alright?” You asked and he nodded slowly. “I feel good, just tired..” He said as he laid on your chest. 
“If i knew that all i had to do was act bratty to get this i would do it more..”
“I don’t think you want that Woobaby. I went easy on you today..”
“Oh please wreck me next time, I want it. Please Mommy~”
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inkedtae · 4 years
boogie business ⇾ myg, kth. [M]
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𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ ceo!taehyung x curvy!reader (f.) x ceo!yoongi
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒/𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ 80s au, smut, pwp, filth, poly au, 18+
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾ after making an executive decision without the consensus approval of your co-partners, they generously show you how it’s done in the boogie business.
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 8.9k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ dom!taehyung, blonde mullet!taehyung, switch!yoongi, undercut!yoongi, sub!reader, mentions of smoking (cigarettes), rough sex, public sex, ddlg kink, humilition kink, size kink, tongue kink, threesome, overstimulation, degradation, double penatration, exhibitionism, voyeurism, multiple orgasms, oral (m. and f. receiving), deep throating, cockwarming, fingering (with big rings), choking, body worshipping, clit biting, spanking, teasing, begging, rimming, light bondage, anal, ass play, spit play, breath play, breast play
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ this is the thirsting result of the dynamite teaser and yoongi posting selfies only half an hour later… enjoy!
✼ banner by ⇾ @namluve (thank you so so so much hunbun~ // requested through bangtanhq’s request board) 
✼ beta’d by ⇾ @uhgood-dooghu​ (thank you a bunch dear~) and  @kkulmoon (you’re a champ for putting up with my thirsty ass lmao~)
✼ le playlist
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Working late, you sit in your office. The neon glow of the downtown’s nightlife seeps into the room in hues of green and pink. The candy green cassette plays soft pop. Your white calf high, rubber boots tap along to the beat. Smacking your mint gum, you scribble notes about the demo in your little notepad. Owning a record company is hard, especially when you have two co-partners that cannot seem to agree with you on anything. However, it’s moments like this, moments you have alone with just the music that keep you grounded. You glance up at the glass walls that give you a full view of the empty office. With everyone long gone, you have the whole office to yourself too. It’s just the peaceful space you need to collect your thoughts before you really need to get to work. Humming along to the rhythm, you wonder what song this is. Maybe you can pick something like it on your way home. Though, you doubt you’ll be able to find it now. 
A loud creak halts your writing. Trailing your gaze upwards, you find your business partners standing in the doorway. You’ve been expecting them, but you haven’t counted on them looking this good. The taller one, in a sleek emerald suit and swept blonde hair, leans against the frame. His uneven eyes already cloud with lust. The other one, sporting an undercut pushed up by a headband and a grey suit, tips his yellow tinted sunglasses down to get a better look at you. He smirks then bites his lip as if to keep from chuckling. 
You flash them both a sarcastically sweet smile. “Now, now boys,” you mockingly pout. “You can do better than that. Why don’t you shut the door and try it again, with a little knock this time?”
Mr. Kim is not amused. He tenses his jaw. Mr. Min raises a brow, intrigued and impressed that you have the courage to speak to them with such acerbity. 
Licking his lips, Mr. Kim pushes himself off the doorframe and steps around Mr. Min. “That’s cute,” he seethes through a taunting smirk. Already you feel your blossom pink thong wettening, sticking to your folds. His voice is so deep, reaching low enough to make the pit of your stomach tingle. He rests his palms on the edge of your desk and leans forward. You sit back in your chair, all smiles and feigned sweetness falling from your features. “You think you can tell us what to do, hmm? Little girl has her own office and suddenly thinks she owns the place.” 
Mr. Min makes himself comfortable in one of your armchairs before your desk. He props his feet up on the table and lights himself a cigarette. “She just doesn’t understand the business yet, Taehyung,” he mumbles after a puff. 
You drag your gaze from Mr. Min to Taehyung, slightly lowering your chin to gaze at him through your lashes. And while Mr. Min finds it amusing, Taehyung is still unconvinced. He cups your face, thumb over your freshly pink glossed lips. “I’m not quite sure that’s how she works, Yoongi.”
“Have a seat,” Yoongi tells him. “And let’s try to get to the bottom of this.” 
Taehyung is reluctant to walk away. He pauses, stares, calculates. The corner of your lips twitch. Humming a low growl, he lets go of your chin and stands to his full height. You cannot help but stare up at him with a careful degree of innocence, then glancing at Yoongi shyly. Taehyung bites his lip and back peddles until he reaches the other armchair to take a seat. 
Gaze bouncing all over your torso, Yoongi rubs his chin. “All you have to do is find the next star,” he starts before taking another puff of smoke and passing the cigarette to Taehyung. “Is that not what we told you when we signed off the contracts for the merger? Do you remember what we told you?”
You nod. 
“Tell me,” he lazily orders. 
Though lacking depth, Yoongi’s voice is raspy, scratching at that uncharted terrority of lust within your soul. So tiresome, so unbothered, his orders still manage to ripple through you, pooling your core with a fresh dose of arousal. Gulping, you repeat their words in a squeak, “You find the voices; we’ll handle the music.”
Taehyung chuckles, a cloud of smoke breaking through his lips. But his vocal additions to the conversation start and end there. His eyes continue to speak for him instead. With a hard glare, he chews on his bottom lip and quickly quirks his brows. You cross your legs under the desk to relieve some tension, but it only makes you crave them even more. 
“You’re such a good listener, darling,” Yoongi praises with a gummy smirk. “See?” He glances at Taehyung before redirecting his attention to you. “This is why I’m so confused. You listen so well but you still misbehave. Is it something we did, maybe something we said that made you think you can approve demos?” 
Squirming in your seat, you pout at him. His once cold stare warms up a bit at the sight. His heart melts at submission, you realize. Sparing a glance at Taehyung, you find that he does not respond the same way. But, maybe some neglect of attention his way might get him to warm up to you a bit. Pushing your chair back, you stand up and circle around your desk to lean on the edge of it. The smack, smack, smack of your gum piques their interest, but it’s the tight pink, white, and pale green striped dress that captivates them. Their cocky defences fall upon it’s reveal, hungry eyes dancing around your curves. Taehyung almost drops the cigarette, quick to smudge it out in the ashtray and keep his hands free. 
Resting your hands back against your desk, you arch your chest out and innocently explain, “I thought it was great. The artist asked for my opinion and as an equal member of the company, I approved of it. I don’t see why that’s such an issue. I wouldn’t be so upset if you found an artist even though it may be my job.”
The sweetness of your voice snaps them back into their roles. They share a knowing look before Taehyung rises from his seat. His eyes linger on how your ass sits on the edge of the desk, on the way the tabletop pushes it up and elevates its thickness. Meeting your gaze once more, he unbuttons his vest and smirks. “You really don’t understand the boogie business, do you, babygirl?” He whispers, one hand resting on your waist while the other cups your cheek.
Chest suddenly heaving, you find it hard to breath. So wet, you can feel the stickiness of your arousal slick on your thighs as you press them together. His gaze is so intense, you cannot hold it for long. Instead, you look to Yoongi. He has his hand over his crotch and tongues his cheek at you. 
Taehyung nudges you back to him then kisses you. You lean into it without much thought or protest. Yoongi chuckles somewhere beside you, his callous fingers playing with the wavy hem of your dress. He pulls it up as Taehyung slips his tongue in. Playing around, Taehyung is quick to show you who’s in charge. He attacks your tongue only to stroke it with his own. 
Breaking the kiss, he starts to chew on your piece of gum. “Mm, minty,” he notes with a wink. 
“Oh?” Yoongi asks before replacing Taehyung’s hand on your chin with his own and directing your face towards him. Before you can even react, he presses his lips onto yours. He’s just as needy, but a bit more tamed. He gives you an opportunity to play with his tongue first before taking the plunge. 
You moan into Yoongi’s mouth and Taehyung’s grip on your waist tightens at the sound. You break the kiss to look over at him. Yoongi does not seem too bothered with that fact, trailing kisses down from your jaw to your neck. His hands seem to keep busy too, one resting on the small of your back while the other cups your right breast, the one closest to him. 
Tangling his fingers in your perfectly styled hair, Taehyung pulls you in for another wet kiss. That piece of gum bounces between your mouths, doused in your saliva before he takes it once more and pulls away. Your chin drips with strings of saliva, eyes already half lidded from the mere implication of what the two of them can do to you. If you had known this is what was in store, you would’ve signed that contract sooner. 
He’s supposed to say something now, but instead he just loosens his red and green striped tie and takes it off. You let out a shaky breath, one that Yoongi picks up on as he stops all his kisses on your collarbone and looks back at Taehyung. He quirks a brow at his business partner, but Taehyung does not spare him a glance. “Hold her hands back,” he orders instead. 
You look between the two of them. Taehyung regards you with feral desire, but Yoongi is more curious, and hesitant to follow Taehyung’s instructions. But the bark in his tone does not leave anymore room for an argument. So Yoongi caves, guiding you up off the edge of the desk and holding your hands back. And though you’re supposed to look nervous, you cannot hide your excitement. Little smile playing on your lips and eyes lighting up with intrigue, you hold Taehyung’s cold stare. You assume that’s another reason why Yoongi eventually caved. Both men know you’re eager to see what all this boogie business really is about. 
Taehyung raises a brow, gaze drifting down your frame for a second. “No, wait,” he pauses and Yoongi instantly lets go of you. Smirking, Taehyung hands Yoongi his tie then presses his body against yours. His erection, hard and bulging, cannot be ignored. He rubs it against your stomach for a second as his fingers trail the hem of your dress. Pursing his lips, Taehyung spits on your cleavage. You gasp, leaning into him. The action surprises both men, but they must know that you had no control. It was reactive. He spits and you give in. You probably would’ve done the same if Yoongi had spit on you too. 
As if reading your thoughts, Yoongi steps forward and tests the theory out. He spits in your face and you find yourself moaning, leaning in for a kiss only to have him nudge your chin towards Taehyung. All three of you snap back into the moment with that redirection. 
“You’ve spoiled your dress, babygirl,” he tsks, feigning concern. “Let us help you out of it.” 
Yoongi grips onto the edge of your dress while Taehyung rests his hands on your thick thighs. And as your older partner pulls your dress off you, the younger one slides his hands up, following every curve and dip of your body to your fingertips. He then brings your hands down and has Yoongi tie them tightly behind you. All you can do is gawk up at Taehyung as he towers over you. 
He misinterprets the gesture, or you at least think that he must have, since he purses his lips once more and drops a wad of spit in your mouth. Your eyes flutter close upon tasting the warm, minty liquid then you swallow. Previously stone faced, Taehyung finds your reaction so amusing that he chuckles and calls Yoongi over. 
“Spit in her mouth,” he laughs, once Yoongi circles from behind you. Taehyung’s eyes sparkle with excitement while Yoongi raises a brow. 
After thumbing your chin to open your mouth, Yoongi spits in it. Your reaction is the same only this time you savour the taste a bit more. Taehyung may have that gum to chew away the remnants of the cigarette, but Yoongi doesn’t. His spit tastes a bit charred, like it had been smoked. And, for some reason, you feel the need to savour it more. This is not what was planned at all, but they must like seeing you like this. You like seeing them like this. You open your mouth again, turning to Taehyung. The action is obvious. He knows you want another taste of his tongue, but he doesn’t give it to you. Instead, he sticks to what he’s supposed to be doing; punishing you. 
Yoongi tosses your dress somewhere in your office, distracted by the way your thong disappears between your cheeks. He tugs at the hem to find it as Taehyung kisses his way from your neck to the valley of your breasts. You’re not sure what to do even though you’ve been in this situation often. These men are different. Taehyung takes what he wants. He’s impulsive and instant. Yoongi adores dotting on you. The only thing he takes is his time. He’s patient and calculative. Shifting behind you, he nuzzles his nose through your hair and against the nape of your neck. They inhale your cherry lime scent in tandem, making you shiver with lust. 
Their cohesive force only starts there. The moment Taehyung cups your bare breasts, Yoongi does the same to your revealed asscheeks. Slap, clap, slap, clap, they alternate sides but the result is consistent. Your ass and tits jiggle with each hit, moans tumbling out of you. What have you done to be trapped in such a heavenly position? The thought almost troubleshoots your words back to you. 
“That hurts, daddy,” you pout. 
It doesn’t. Not too much anyway. But the complaint sparks something even darker within them. Taehyung lifts his face from between your breasts, sharing a sinister smile with Yoongi. “We hear you,” he smirks at you, groping your breasts like he owns you. “But we’re going to hit you harder anyways.”
“Sound familiar?” Yoongi questions in a whisper, lips pressed against your ear.
You’re supposed to reply, but they both seem to be eager to continue this punishment, cutting your words out again with more smacks. The stings ignite ripples of excited nerves to your core. The space between your legs is sticky, tacky, and sopping with your arousal. You don’t need to see it or reach a hand down to know that’s the case. Every hit sends a new rush of juices, coating your thighs with your horniness too. Clenching your fists, you try to resist the urge to stop Yoongi’s hand or fight against the silk tie. 
Taehyung growls, so fascinated by the way your tits bounce with each smack. He dives his face back between them, teeth out and attacking while his tongue soothes the little bite wounds. Groping your breasts, he rubs the pain he caused away. Whining, you gaze down at him. He’s all too focused to look back up at you, but just watching him nibble on your skin then lick over it has your pussy clenching, tightening for that kind of attention too. 
The hesitance lingers behind you. Yoongi is having trouble focusing on the punishment, wanting to ravish you as well. After one last smack, and a loud moan from you, he allows himself to get lost in the way your ass shakes. “What do you have to say for yourself, slut?” He questions on his knees in that rough rasp before his tongue meets your cheeks. 
They both seem to have an affinity for using their tongues. What a warm and wet surprise it is to have it all over you. Digging his fingers into the flesh of your ass, Yoongi pushes your cheeks up and slobbers all over your asshole. His tongue is heavy, moist, and highly skilled in making you scream, as you have already done so thrice from just two laps against your tightest hole.
“I-” You start only for Yoongi to cut you off. 
He groans after accidentally sneaking a taste of your wetness, piquing Taehyung’s interest too. Though he still holds onto your breasts, Taehyung lifts his head and peeks over at Yoongi on his knees behind you. Chuckling, he asks, “Does she taste sorry?”
You nod rapidly, leaning forward towards Taehyung to arch your back and give Yoongi a better grip on your ass. Taehyung smirks at you as he chews on your piece of gum. He looks absolutely sinful, but it’s the way Yoongi drags your arousal to your asshole and pushes his tongue in to ensure less resistance that has your jaw slack and eyes twitching. “Ahh, d-daddy,” you squeal as your knees tremble. 
“I need a better look to know for sure,” Yoongi replies, looking over to Taehyung and ignoring the way you whine at the loss of contact. 
Taehyung nods and nonchalantly suggests that Yoongi might be more comfortable on his back. He then turns back to you and wraps his hands around your neck. You can feel Yoongi pushing your legs apart and making himself comfortable beneath you. But, Taehyung refuses to let you watch his business partner gasp and gape at your drenched, thong covered pussy. He pulses his grip and whispers, “Feel that?” When you rush to nod, he says, “That’s how my cock will feel when it’s deep in there.” 
Holy shit. He’s not supposed to say that. He’s completely taken this entire interaction into his own hands. It’s his show now and both, you and Yoongi, will follow every little thing he wants. That’s clear enough in his eyes. And though you know you can easily call all this off, stop every single hand on you and step away from this, you don’t want to. It’s not at all what you signed up for; it’s better. 
You gasp, eyes watering from the ache of your pathetically needy pussy as Taehyung guides you down on your knees. Your crotch hovers over Yoongi’s face. As Taehyung tightens his hold around your neck, Yoongi brushes the top of his giant ruby jeweled ring between your clothed folds. You shutter through a dry sob. They’ve barely done a thing and you’re coming apart. You can cum in this very moment. The image of Taehyung towering over you, his concealed cock inches from your face, and Yoongi laid out under you, rings teasing, is ecstasy enough. 
“Beg a little.”
Taehyung’s orders are always so cryptic. Yoongi’s are blunt, straight to the point and sting far worse than any of their spankings have. But Taehyung enjoys making you search for the answer. He loves watching your gaze shift as you wonder who to beg to first. You want that ring to stretch you just as badly as you want Taehyung’s cock to alienate your throat. Chewing on your lip, you glance down at Yoongi, who merely raises his brows. If he’s growing impatient, you worry that Taehyung’s patience might be nonexistent now. 
Feeling him readjust his grip, most likely to cut your breath off for your defiance, you’re quick to plead, “Please just fucking ruin me, Daddys. Ple-” 
Yoongi shoves his fingers in and you find that you’ve miscalculated. It wasn’t one ring, but two. Three fingers, two rings and one fast pace of destruction as Yoongi holds your thong aside with his free hand. Mouth falling open, you scream from the sweet stretch. If they hadn’t made you this wet, that first pluge would’ve shocked your body still with pain. But, with the amount of arousal they’ve coaxed out of you, it all slides in so easily. 
Taehyung takes your wide gaping lips as an invitation in. While you’re distracted with the way those rings brush up so perfectly against your tight walls, he pulls out his cock and slips it into your mouth. Crossing your eyes down on his cock, you moan around him. Less than a quarter of him is in you, but he’s still so thick, so heavy, so fucking big. Your jaw’s straining, on the verge of aching from the sheer weight of him. And he’s so fucking veiny. Is Yoongi this veiny too? This fucking huge? 
Hypnotized by the sight of Taehyung’s cock and the waves of pleasure from Yoongi’s rings, you fall out of your role. They both had verged off their goal of punishing you. Why should you continue to act like this is terrible when it’s all you’ve dreamed of. Hips rolling into Yoongi’s long fingers, you relax your throat and snap your gaze up to Taehyung. He sees something different swimming in your eyes. No more does that innocent act exist. If they want to flex their years of experience, then so will you. 
Before he can react, you take him all in one go and hold him there. You gag, moan, and drool, saliva falling over Yoongi’s forehead, making him groan. Taehyung furrows his brows, lips in a scowl. He looks completely at your mercy. His board chest heaves at the sight of you so fucking compliate and eager to please. In the same rhythm Taehyung pressed around your neck, his cock pulses in your throat. It makes you cry, quite shamelessly, but it is not what makes you whine. 
“Oh, is that what you are?” Taehyung questions. “A fucking cocksleeve? Babygirl wants her daddys to use her, hmm?”
Is that really the impression you’re giving? You barely even had to play into it. These men really brought out your most feral, unbounded side and let you run wild. And within what, the first ten minutes? This is not how it’s supposed to go. You’re supposed to talk more, flirt, establish a base to build off of before any dicks and tits are whipped out. And even as you are thinking all this, you cannot refuse the sexual call these two hold on your very body. It’s almost as if you were made for this kind of praise and attention from Taehyung and Yoongi only, no one else. They each reach a different side of you that you have not even discovered yet. 
You nod your head slightly in response to Taehyung’s questions. He smirks down at you as if allowing you to be used as such, as the cocksleeve you so proudly are. 
Though, your reign of pride ends there. Mewling desperately, your eyes widen as Yoongi pulls his fingers out, almost losing his rings from your tightness in the process. Ignoring your muffled protests against his decision, he barks, “Sit the fuck down, babygirl.” 
You cannot resist that order, let alone his voice. Instantly, you drop your pussy down on his face. Very little care and grace greets that action, but you are confident that he will find his way through. And he does. With your panties already pushed aside, Yoongi slurps up your juices within seconds of your land. He gruffs and grunts and you’re worried that you might be suffocating him until you feel him hold your thighs down on him like he wants you to do so, to take all the air out of him and replace his life source with your arousal instead. 
He’s a beast down there, but that doesn’t allow you to forget that you have a beast lodged down your throat too. While Yoongi is drowning in your pussy, you’re choking on Taehyung’s cock. Warming his length in your mouth has teased him enough, it would seem, as he flares his nostrils and glares down at you. He wants to be upset, wants to be furious, yet his eyes tell a different story. Pupils dilated and gaze soft, all you can see is a needy, desperate daddy in need of some release. 
And who the fuck are you to deny him that? 
Pulling him out, you leave his tip resting on your lips as you huff for air through your nose. You moan and whine at Yoongi’s ministrations below, rolling your hips into his mouth, then open up your own when you see Taehyung sneering at you. “Did Daddy tell you to stop?” He hisses. 
Was that rhetorical? You suppose it must have been since he rams his cock back in your mouth, denying you the opportunity to answer. This may be seen as a disadvantage if he wasn’t doing what he knows you want him to, if he wasn’t using your mouth like his personal cocksleeve. 
You hold your breath. In and out goes his cock, hips jolting with every moan of yours that vibrates around him. You’re being dined while dining. Is this always how the boogie business goes? If so, you have no problem getting down with it. 
“Yoongi, she’s so adaptable,” Taehyung groans over your gagging whines. “So eager to learn and please.” 
Mouth full of pussy, Yoongi mutters something against your folds and Taehyung chuckles, agreeing. The sight might have been more amusing to you if that little ripple of vibration from Yoongi’s response with his tongue darting in and out of you hadn’t taken you over the edge. Fighting against Taehyung’s grip on your hair, you try your best to pull him out of your mouth before you completely fall apart. 
Taehyung’s still deep in you. Yoongi holds you in place. You are trapped and cumming while choking on moans, gags, whines, and a monster cock. Body shaking, you try to loosen your tied hands from their place behind you. All you need is a moment to ground yourself and try not to pass out from the mere wave of ecstasy that overwhelms you. With your head tilted back, Taehyung rams into your throat, unbarred and unleashed. Yoongi slurps you down below all the while. Your tears are boundless, streaming down your face. Both men hold very little remorse for the waves of pleasure they caused you. 
“Babygirl is cumming,” Taehyung laughs, cooing down at you. Of course, it’s all while he’s thrusting in your mouth like the true toy you are.
“So sweet,” Yoongi seems to mumble. “So cute.”
He shakes his face between your legs as you grind down against him. You’re so eager to ride out this orgasm… until you’re not. Like a switch the pleasure flashed into hints of pain. Too much is the constant attack on your clit, the intrusion of your pussy. Too much is the warmth of his wet mouth. Too much is his tongue technology. You understand why they call him that now. There really isn’t anything that tongue can’t do, especially you. 
Petting your hair back, Taehyung could have easily given the impression that he’s gentle. But his cock is jerking into you at an ungodly speed. “So precious,” he smiles, smacking that piece of gum like he did your tits. 
There’s something in his tone though. Or maybe it’s the overstimulation of Yoongi’s tongue. Either way, you’re sobbing. Moans and cries escape you from the overwhelming pleasure and Taehyung suddenly breaks this Daddy character, and pulls his cock out. Yoongi halts all movements as well. He tires to lift you off him, but you only seem to want to grind further into his mouth, even if it means more blissful pleasure. 
You heave freely with Taehyung’s cock now vancat from your throat and cry to your heart's content. “Daddy, daddy, daddy,” you whine with every circle of your hips. 
Both men understand the cause now, and neither are pleased. Taehyung grasps onto your neck, digging his fingers in. Yoongi grazes his teeth on your clit, nibbling on it instead of sucking. You scream. Your once rolling eyes shoot open at the harsh actions. Taehyung lifts you up from his grip on your throat. You’re having trouble staying upright. Still, Yoongi slips out from underneath you. He wraps his arm around your waist and to keep you steady, telling Taehyung, “Get down there. She’s a fucking treat.” 
Taehyung smirks, admiring the way you have completely smeared Yoongi’s face with your orgasm. He gets on his knees as you whine, “But, it’s too much, Daddy!”
Yoongi tsks. He smacks your ass with one hand and gropes one of your tits with the other. “No, no, babygirl,” he sighs. Up close, you can see every wet sheen of your arousal all over his face. You can smell yourself off him even inches apart. An involuntarily whine escapes you at the sight. Then a louder one fills the room when Taehyung takes a long, slow lap from your entrance to your clit. They’ve only just started. You’re already ruined. 
“Nothing is too much for you, remember?” he asks before pressing his lips to yours. Taehyung goes in for another taste. You whimper. Yoongi spanks. “You took our duties, our jobs. That wasn’t too much for you, was it?” 
Shivering against Taehyung’s face, you nod to Yoongi. “It was! It was!” You cry just to get Taehyung out from under there. His tongue is just as warm and wet. However, his approach to savour every bit of you he tastes just might drive you crazy. You’re not even supposed to give in yet, but he’s already going to make you cum a second time. 
And he feels it. 
“Hmm,” Yoongi hums before nodding. “Maybe bending you over might help make sure the message sticks. What do you think, Tae?”
Taehyung’s too consumed with your pussy to look up at either of you. “Once she cums in my mouth too,” he mutters before feasting on you as well.
All it takes is five good jabs of his tongue in you before your legs are giving out and Yoongi has to cradle you to his chest to keep you standing. Kissing your cock bruised neck, Yoongi asks, “She’s delicious, right?” 
“Fucking juicy,” Taehyung mumbles between slurps. 
Or, at least you think that’s what they’re staying. Cumming twice in a row has you somewhat dizzy. Your ears are full of distortion, voices morphed and distant. Your vision is not any better as your tears only seem to blur it and the rush of ecstasy to your brain fogs your mind. Are you even thinking straight? You don’t think you’d ever know with Taehyung’s tongue still against you. The safe word is on the tip of your tongue but you don’t want to say it. You want them to continue to use you as they please. They’re having so much fun dominating you, playing off each other’s reactions to your body. You cannot end this fun for them, or yourself. This is the best fuck you’ve had since you came into this business and they haven’t even stuffed you with their cocks yet. 
Taehyung suddenly emerges beside Yoongi. The effects of both their tongues are so lasting, it seems as though you can still feel their faces between your legs. Yoongi shushes your little mewls as Taehyung cups your cheek. “See what happens when you have too much on your plate?” He questions. 
You nod but neither one of them acknowledges it. Instead, they get you into the next position. On your knees, Yoongi stands in front of you and Taehyung behind. You bend forward and spread your legs, looking over your shoulder to find Taehyung admiring the view. The sound of Yoongi’s zipper pulls your attention back to the front. His cock springs out and it’s just as enormous as Taehyung’s. Yoongi looks slightly thicker though. 
Mouth watering, you reach forward to wrap your lips around the tip, but Yoongi tugs your head back with a tight grip of your head. “Did you ask?” 
When did he get so cold? You pout and his expression somewhat softens but his point still stands. No, you didn’t ask. But, you hope that the exaggerated innocence in your eyes is enough to grant you what you want without the continuous betrayal of your dignity and power. Why must you always ask? That was never planned. In their eyes though, you know it’s what they both want. And Yoongi has no problem showing you that. 
Taehyung, about to push into you, hesitates for a second. Upon only hearing the demo you approved on the cassette player and not your needy begs, he growls. Your ass jiggles once more with the force of his spanks. “Too busying being a slut, you forgot your manners?” He asks between spanks. 
Yoongi watches your face wince, smirking when he hears you whine. “A good cocksleeve begs to be used,” he adds. “Can’t you do any of your jobs correctly? How long do we need to keep fucking you into your place?”
“As long as it takes until I’m satisfied.” 
Both of them freeze. They never agreed to you being this bratty. You’re supposed to be meek and easy to control. Their dominance brings something else out of you, though. It’s almost as if they’re coaxing you into talking back and when have you ever been able to resist them? 
Taehyung gropes your ass, pushing the supple flesh up. Your breath hitches. Not being able to see the anger in his eyes is chilling. However, Yoongi’s frozen frame is terrifying. You also cannot read his expression for the life of you. Leaving you in suspense seems to be his method of punishment. Taehyung, though, decides that teasing your asshole is even more torturous. 
A breathless gasp escapes you as he spits on your gaping hole. Long fingers swiping through your folds, Taehyung brings your orgasm up to your ass. Staring up at Yoongi, you realize Taehyung’s not teasing you. He’s preparing you. The new conclusion has you spreading your legs even more, inviting him in. 
“Satisfied?” Yoongi asks, finally breaking the thick silence between the three of you. His voice drips with sarcasm. Completely unamused, he leans down and shakes his head, “No, babygirl. Satisfaction is not our goal.” He tugs your hair back, your mouth falling open for a gasp. “Discipline is.” 
The moment Taehyung begins to push his tip into your asshole, Yoongi shoves his cock down your throat. Having seen the challenging look in your eye, Yoongi does not give you any time to adjust. He snaps his hips up into your mouth, your throat walls burning from the forced stretch of his thick girth. Your tears return but you do not care. Gagging and whining, you show him that you’re fine being used. 
Behind you, Taehyung is a bit more considerate… until he realizes there’s little to no resistance around his cock. Your ass adjusts to him a bit slower than usual, but quicker than most others. It’s obvious you’ve been in this position before. You’re not sure if that’s what’s got Taehyung switching the pace of his thrusts or if it’s merely the fact that he thinks you can take a rough fucking, but either way he’s giving you his all. You barely even have to bob your head around Yoongi’s cock now. The force of Taehyung’s body smacking against yours is enough to rock you back and forth. 
“That’s right, you incompetent slut!” He shouts behind you like he’s supposed to. “Suck his fucking cock!”
Yoongi chuckles a bit through raspy moans at his business partner’s words. Moving his hands to his hips, he watches your tearfully innocent eyes as you look up at him and choke on his dick. “She’s so pretty like this,” he smirks between grunts. 
Taehyung rumbles a deep laugh, his thrusts never missing a beat. “Isn’t she?”
Their compliments should put you off. But, you can’t help the swell of pride in your chest. They think you’re pretty on your knees with a mouthful of CEO dick. You cannot argue against that logic, squealing to show them your agreement. 
Everything you do seems to be a source of amusement, even when you’re supposed to be disciplined and punished. You knew they were wrapped around your finger the moment you got up from that chair and walked around your desk. The way they ogled your dress and curves makes you think that they might as well have undressed you there and then. So the fact that they chuckle at your reactions and responses, call you cute, pretty and precious as they fuck both ends, makes you hornier for both of them. You are unable to envision one of them near you without the other around. 
Taehyung twitches inside you. It makes you moan and hollow your cheeks around Yoongi’s cock. You don’t care if you’re supposed to be learning some sort of lesson right now. Both of them need to cum inside you, filling up both your holes at the same fucking time. However, while Taehyung is on the verge of releasing any second now, Yoongi seems to need more convincing. He’s into it and reveling in the way your lips wrap around his length, but he needs more than just a sucking to get off, you conclude. If only you can use your hands. You’d play with his balls too and really drive him insane. 
Yoongi’s cock pops out of your mouth as Taehyung wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap. Holding you still, he circles his hips against your ass and shoots his warm cum deep in you. Yoongi groans and steps forward. In the midst of your high pitched moans from the erotic sensation, Yoongi grips onto your hair and returns his cock in its place down your throat. 
“If you got something to say, slut, say it on my dick like a good babygirl,” he seethes. 
He’s unbarred now, not letting his amusement get the best of him anymore. He continues to fuck your mouth while Taehyung nuzzles his face into your back and fills you of his load with the roars of his pleasure. Not too long after that, Yoongi fulfils your goal of having both your holes filled. He has your cheeks puffed with his lust too. Then, he slowly pulls out and orders you to swallow. You’re a professional, knowing when to breath and when to swallow to ensure you get every last drop in your mouth. With every gulp, your throat tightens around his cock. He throws his head back as grunts and curses escape him.
Once you’ve flattened your cheeks and Yoongi is completely out of you, Taehyung shoves you forward and pulls himself out too. His cum follows along. It trails down to your pussy in thick globs. You shudder, pressing your cheek against the wet shag rug. Wait… why is it wet? Looking up you find a puddle of Yoongi’s cum soaked in the rug. Have they both fucked you so hard that you’ve completely lost a hold of yourself? Your cheek is stained by his white cum, but neither one of them seems too concerned by that. 
Gasping for air, you try to recollect yourself and stick to the next part. You’re meant to ride one of them now while the other has another go at your ass. But Taehyung suddenly performs the unexpected. He begins to untie your hands. They both have a habit of following directions until they don’t want to. But they’re professionals too so you suppose that they know what they’re doing. 
“On your feet,” he orders in a gruff voice. All that moaning seems to have taken a toll on his vocal chords. Your voice is also shot from the dual attack on your throat. Now every moan and whine that leaves you trickles out in a horse croak. 
Pushing yourself up, you shakily return to your feet. It’s a bit odd using your hands now after having them bound for so long. You almost feel like they should’ve kept them behind you for the next round. It doesn’t matter much now though since you can’t even summon the words to tell them this. You didn’t cum, but it sure feels like you did. Still clouded and stumbling, you try to regulate your heartbeat. Both men hold onto one of your arms to keep you stable, but that only does so much. Knowing you’re going to fall, you stumble and lean into Taehyung. 
He laughs and gropes your tender asscheeks to press you against him. He’s still hard. They both are. Not a lot of men in this business can continue to perform this well in such a short timeframe. But, you suppose that’s what makes them such professionals. 
“What do you think, Tae? She learned her lesson yet?” Yoongi asks behind you, pushing your hair aside to bury his face in the crook of your neck. 
Taehyung hums in thought. He stares into your soul with that cocky sparkle in his eye. His face glistens with sweat, adding a heavenly glow to his unholy features of beauty. You wonder if you still look that good or if they’ve messed you up so hard that you’ve become a total wreck.
As Yoongi wraps his arms around your waist, Taehyung swipes the pad of his thumb from under your chin. Shit, have you been drooling or is that just the slobbery remnants of Yoongi’s fuck in your mouth. Taehyung smirks and shoves his thumb into your mouth. You taste Yoongi’s salty cum. 
“I think one last round should pound her back in her place,” Taehyung finally replies.
You’re not given a chance to speak as he lifts you up by the grip on your ass. The wrap of your legs around his waist is instant to which he smirks and shifts his jaw. Wait, is he still chewing that piece of gum? Your taste must be entrenched in it based on how he ate you out not too long ago. He’s either genuinely interested in you or just that committed to his role. 
Taehyung shifts his grip up to your waist while Yoongi moves his down to your ass. You know what’s coming, but you don’t think you’ll be able to stay as coherent as they’ll want you to be. You shudder a breath then hear their colliding chuckles at your anticipation. 
Yoongi kisses your shoulder saying, “Relax, babygirl. Your Daddys are just teaching you how to behave.”
“Be a good girl and next time we’ll take turns,” Taehyung adds.
The idea of doing this all over has your eyes widening. Taehyung huffs a chuckle at your reaction then nudges you back into leaning against Yoongi. “She’s fucking adorable,” he tells him. 
Yoongi nods. He kisses your temple then replies, “So cute, it almost makes me want to let her get away with acting like a sluty little brat.”
He tucks his cock between your cheeks, letting his length glide up and down. Taehyung adopts the same technique. His hard length also grinds between your folds, but doesn’t enter. You still mewl and rile your head from side to side. Everything feels so sensitive and raw. Your pussy is quivering and ass shaking from the little bits of friction against your clit and tight hole. 
It’s all too much without being enough. The teasing impression of their dicks so close to ruining you but all holes so empty has you groaning out in frustration, “Just fuck me already! Fucking stuff me until I can’t function!” 
Taehyung growls, slapping your breasts with one hand. “Where are your fucking manners, you little bitch? You still think you can demand shit from us, huh?”
Yoongi bites on your neck, nibbling on your flesh all while Taehyung scolds you. “Where’s our good girl? Fucking ask politely or you won’t cum at all,” he threatens, voice thick with lust but not at all as aggressive as his business partner. 
You let out a loud whine like a child throwing a tantrum. You’ve noticed that they’d usually soften up when you act as meek as this, but they’re just not yielding this time. Pouting, you cave in and desperately beg, “Pretty please use my holes, Daddys. Please, please, please just fucking ruin me. I don’t want to walk without your cum dripping out of me.”
They share a cocky look. One, two, three beats of silence with only that demo playing in the background and they still haven’t made any sort of effort to enter you. It must not have been enough, you think. Parting your lips, you go to beg all over again, so needy to feel full that you don’t care how much of a pathetic whore you sound like. 
In unison, they push in you. The collided catastrophe of their moans rattles your bones and warms your blood. Then, there’s the simultaneous stretch of both your holes. Full does not begin to describe how well they don’t fit in you. They’re splitting you open, tearing you apart so beautifully, you can’t even breathe. A loud, long scream escapes you as they bottom out. 
You thought Yoongi would slip in so easily with your ass already having been stretched by Taehyung’s monster cock. But, you forgot that Yoongi is slightly thicker meaning he stretches you a bit more. And Taehyung’s cock in your pussy barely even pushes its way through. 
“Tightest babygirl, huh?” Taehyung asks over your screams.  
Yoongi only hisses in response. His face continues to nuzzle into the crook of your neck. That tongue of his does not take a day off, working around every inch of your skin as they’re joined thrusts begin. 
Open for their pleasure, tears of ecstasy pool in your eyes. They start to bounce you back and forth between them. Cock in your ass means one pulling back from your pussy. Left and right, up and down you’re passed between them. Your grip around Yoongi’s head and Taehyung’s shoulder tightens. It doesn’t help you out much since you’re still losing your mind with how good they're pounding you. Taehyung presses his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans as he tastes Yoongi on your tongue. You feel that piece of gum hop around your tongues but Taehyung doesn’t let you take it back. 
“We know you’re a good girl,” he mutters against your lips while you pout and nod rapidly. “You’re the bestest little one. But you have to learn where you belong, baby.” 
Yoongi pushes the meat of your ass up with one hand while his other massages your tit. “Do you have anything to say to your Daddys?” He questions against your jawline. 
You want to answer but Taehyung’s praises and the joined sound of their pleasure has completely stolen your voice. You cannot even summon the words to reply. All that leaves you is squealing cries of bliss. And they’re getting impatient. Enough of that hopping around. They keep you still to ram into you at the same time instead. 
“I’m sorry!” You cry, voice breaking from the pleasure. “I’m sorry for- Ahh Daddys, Daddys please!” 
Your vision keeps blanking, flashing blurry images of Taehyung and Yoongi. They’re not too bothered by that though. It’s that broken sentence you didn’t finish that’s consumed their attention. 
“For what?” Taehyung growls. His grip is becoming deadly. 
Another meek squeal of a moan leaves you as you force yourself to answer, “For not doing my job. Ah-ha, I’m so fucking close!” 
Yoongi purrs praises of encouragement in your ear. But Taehyung wants more out of you. The three of you know that’s not all you should be sorry for. Though, just as you’re squeezing around them and losing control over your entire body, so are they. Their thrusts don’t match anymore even if they are still fast and rough. Each man has taken a different consistency of destroying your holes until they can only accept their cocks. 
Breasts bouncing, skin slapping, holes clenching, you screech the loudest, earaching whine and cum. Taehyung sighs, his load not too far behind. You do not register it at first. Your eyes have rolled back your head, and your body convulses so hard that you almost slip from their combined grip. That extra force down on Yoongi’s cock also has him filling your hole up to the brim. 
In, in, in. They continue to go in and imprint themselves within you. Your legs around Taehyung are starting to slip and in the midst of his own orgasm, he’s having a hard time concentrating on keeping you up. One of your legs fall and this new angle knocks the life out of you. You gasp, eyes shut, and lose the ability to speak entirely.
It’s a complete blur from there. Holes leak, cocks soften. However, their thrusts are still persisting, as if they’re not ready to let go of you yet. At one point, they both shove their tongues in your mouth at the same time and kiss the life back in you. Your eyes flutter open but vision does not fully return. You think they’re out of you. Their cum leaks out, or you think it does. You think you can feel it trickling down your legs. 
Back in your dress, they’ve somehow clothed you again. It is now you register the fact that they’ve degraded you so much to the point that they remained dressed while you were stark naked, your white boots and pink thong the only items of concealment you were offered. It makes you crave them all over again, even when you know you can’t take them so soon. 
They sit you down back in your seat behind your desk. After tucking themselves back in, Yoongi fixes his shirt and belt. Taehyung puts his tie back on and sweeps his hair back from the sides with both hands. 
Smiling, Yoongi puts his yellow shades on and asks, “All is forgiven, babygirl… This time anyway.”
Taehyung rolls his sleeves as Yoongi speaks, then takes out a cigarette. He lights it, takes a puff then bumps his fist against Yoongi’s. Smoke out, he smirks, “And that’s the boogie business.”
“Annnnnnnd cut!” 
The lights of the studio come alive all at once. Out of the eighties and back into the twenty-first century, all three of you return. The two men in front of you fall to their knees the moment cameras are off. You fall forward, folding your arms on your desk and resting your head on them. You know you’re a total mess. Nothing went according to the script and you hope they don’t make you all redo this after a touch up to your hair and make up. 
The director claps, stepping onto the set. “Well done,” he beams before turning around. “That’s a wrap for Boogie Business.” 
Sitting back up, you catch both Yoongi and Taehyung already staring at you. The video is done but they still have that look of absolute sin in their eyes. You furrow your brows as someone offers you a towel and a bottle of water. Set designers are already working on tearing the little retro office apart. The crew is packing up their equipment. And still, these two pornstars look ready to devour you all over again even in their exhausted state. 
This is usually the time when you stop pretending to have been worn up and stand up like nothing happened. You’d go to your seat near the hair and makeup section and get your face all clean from whatever sexual endeavours you’ve agreed to. Only this time, none of your performance was exaggerated. You truly came all those times and apologized for something you didn’t really do. Honestly, you enjoyed your time with both of them. They’ve very big in the porn industry, their reputations of owning a scene really rings true. So you are honoured to have worked with them. 
You raise a brow, wiping your mouth and face. Every part of you wants to get up. You’ve done your job and done it well. But, you’re half conscious and completely aching all over. They did exactly as you asked. They ruined you. 
“Good job, boys,” you smile after a few gulps of water.
A crew member offers each of them a bottle of water and towel too. They raise to their feet and clean themselves up. Taehyung approaches the prop desk first, tossing his towel and water on the surface like he really is a CEO of a record company. “You really came,” he mutters, sounding surprised. “Three fucking times? Is that what you also do?”
You don’t think too much of his shocked tone. Being a pornstar is a job after all and finishing is not always a guarantee. You smirk as Yoongi approaches the desk as well with the same impressed look. “Mhm,” you hum innocently. Their eyes light up. “And you both did too. It happens sometimes. I don’t see the issue.” 
Tossing a glance at each other, both men share a look. You freeze. It’s identical to the ones they’ve been giving each other the entire time while filming. Were they…Were they serious? Is that why they delved off the book so many times? They really wanted to fuck you. You’re not one to complain or judge since you really wanted it too, but you expected all this to be an act. 
“Do you have anywhere to be?” Yoongi asks. 
You bite your lip. Looking between them, you feel rejuvenated with horny energy all over again. “No,” you smile. 
Taehyung nods. “You do now. Meet us at my trailer in twenty.” He smiles at Yoongi before looking back at you. “There’s still a couple of things we’d like to try.”
You have a rule against getting involved with coworkers. But, clearly, these two men seem to be something more. You couldn’t resist them before and you sure as hell can't resist them now. Sitting back in your seat, you cross your cum slick legs and nod. “Yes, Daddys,” you chime in your most delicate voice. 
Their eyes darken.
With a lasting smirk and innocent giggle you add, “Anything you want.”
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note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission.
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gingerlee-holds · 2 years
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he’s come here to make your day better <3
i love him- thank you hunbun-
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fierce-trait · 3 years
hii!! i love your sims they're so pretty!! don't know if this has been asked but wcif the whale tail/thong on pepper in your most recent post? have a great day/night <33 !
hi nonny! thank you so much hunbun, hope you're having a great day/night yourself 🥺💖
here's the thong~ 🌸
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