#thank you if you do you've done me a massive service
bueris · 4 months
I really do love the little joys in life, like looking at how the sunlight filters through the leaves above me and taking advantage of sneezing to make absolutely bizarre noises because sometimes I need to scream in public
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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Vince walked around his town's annual Oktoberfest celebration, catching sight of someone he hadn't seen in years, his high school crush, Natalie. Only not quite how he remembered her. "Wow, Natalie! Get a load of you.... looking better than ever!"
"Oh my god, Vince! I'm soooo happy to see you! And thanks.... I'm getting that a lot." She giggled, giving her belly a few good slaps as she guzzled her beer, wiping her lips afterward.
"Damn, you're putting those things away, huh? I remember you used to be all straight-edge, education comes first. You were cute, but not a whole lot of fun."
"Gee, thanks. I know, I know, I was so stuck up. But that's all changed now, and for the record this is my fifth beer already! Which, mmmm, reminds me!" Natalie slightly spread her bare legs and feet, pissing without a hint of embarrassment. "Mmmmm, that feels so good! I hope you don't mind." She bit her lip, talking as she pissed shamelessly in front of everyone.
"Not at all, a girl your size probably can barely control it, I bet."
She shook her head, still going, taking a big sip of her beer. "Just barely. I'm such breeder now, I'm getting used to just pissing myself if I need to. My womb is gigantic most of the time, my poor bladder's crushed. All the beer I drink probably doesn't help either. Mmmmm...."
"I can't believe how much you've changed. Last I heard you were a big shot in going to University in the city, about to get your Bachelor's. I still remember you tutoring me in English and I felt like a moron talking to you. Everyone knew you were the smartest girl in class."
"Those were the days! Well, I did good in college but my family talked me into dropping out and giving up on my education."
"What? For real?"
Natalie slapped her belly so hard it made a loud smacking noise. "Uh-huh! You know my family are pretty traditional, Christian types..... Sooo, they asked to talk to me and basically said that they were being quiet about how they really felt. They were proud of who I was becoming, but deep down wanted me to return to my small-town roots. They told me they always hoped I'd be barefoot and pregnant, sleeping around town, popping out kids left and right with a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other. They talked about how they prayed I'd come to my senses and lead a normal girl's life like God wants, or whatever. They said I should be breeding and having tons of sex with all kinds of guys, satisfying the local men, not leaving one behind. I should always be pregnant, and basically make my whole life about pleasure, to embrace being dumb, and to stop embarrassing them by being this super smarty city girl in college."
"And just like that you gave it up to make them happy, become a dumb little breeding cow?"
"Yep! Pretty much.... And I've got to say, I'm way happier living a simple life like this. I have all the sex I want with whoever, drink all I want, smoke like a chimney, show off my massive belly full of kids to entice the locals into getting out a little pent up frustration on me! I do such a wonderful service to the community now. I really feel like I'm giving back every time these men fill me with their seed and pound away at my poor, swollen pussy...." She giggled, giving her belly another slap, finishing her beer. "Oh! All done.... better get another. You want one?"
"Sure, I guess."
"That's the spirit! While we wait in line how about you bend me over, hike up my skirt, and show me how big a crush you really have on me....."
"Damn, I should've come back home way sooner I guess...." He gave Natalie a playful spank, leading her to the waiting line at the makeshift tavern nearby, his cock already anticipating getting to finally fuck his first major crush, with some added weight, a much bigger ass, and a huge belly full of kids. He knew in the coming days they would need to do a lot more catching up, while she could still walk, that is.
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 months
Stripper Evan Buckley is hired by Y/N's friends as a surprise for his birthday party and he's blushing when the "firefighter" strips off his uniform and straddles him
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Evan Buckley x Male!reader
Music is playing throughout the house, you and your friends having a good time at the party they threw for your birthday when there's a knock at the door.
“Ready for your present Y/N?” One of your friends says with a grin.
“Present? Throwing me this party wasn't enough?” You laugh.
“Bring him in,” he says to another friend who goes to the door.
He opens it up and there is a firefighter standing on the other side.
“I heard there was a fire?” He smiles, stepping inside, “now where's the birthday boy?”
“Right here,” your friend says loudly and pointing to you.
“You got me a stripper?” You say in disbelief, gulping as he approaches and you get a better look at his face realizing he might just be the hottest man you've ever seen.
“Y/N right? Just sit down and relax,” the stripper says as your friend grabs a chair and places it behind you, letting him push you down onto it.
“So uh, what's your name?” You ask as the music changes into something way more sensual than what was originally playing.
“Everyone calls me Buck,” he smiles.
“It's very nice to meet you Buck,” you nod, your heart beating fast as he starts dancing, your friends crowded around to watch the show.
He places his foot on the chair between your legs, ripping his shirt off and your friends cheer.
“Want to touch them?” He smirks, your eyes locked on his massive tits.
You're stuck in a trance and you can't bring yourself to say anything so he takes your hand, placing it on his chest before guiding it down to his abs as he rolls his body, practically grinding his crotch in your face.
He dances some more, moving around your chair and running his hands all over your body.
The cheering gets louder when a new song begins to play and his pants are torn off to reveal his giant bulge barely being contained by a red thong.
Buck then straddles your lap, throwing his head back and simulating like he's riding you making you blush hard.
His tits are so close to your lips you want so badly to suck on them which Buck can tell so he brings them even closer just to tease you.
He grins proudly when he feels your erection growing in your pants and sure he often has to pretend to be attracted to his clients so they give him a better tip in the end but he had to admit, he was genuinely attracted to you which made this so much more enjoyable for him.
Buck notices someone holding a piece of cake so he motions for them to bring it to him and when they do he swipes his finger through the frosting and places it in front of your lips and looks you straight in the eyes when he says, “lick.”
Your tongue darts out, licking at the frosting before taking his finger in your mouth.
He moans as you suck on it and tells you, “good boy.”
With all the frosting gone he takes his finger out of your mouth and once again grabs your hands, placing them on his ass and letting you squeeze his cheeks, your friends throwing bills around you two.
He gets off your lap, turning around in front of you so you get a full view of his back side and bends down to start shaking his ass.
Your friend hands you some money and you stick it in his thong and he turns back to face you as the song is coming to its end.
Buck positions himself so his bulge is right in your face again as he rolls his hips and you stick the rest of the money in his thong.
He finishes his routine and everyone cheers loudly one more time.
After everything is said and done and Buck is packing his things up to leave you go over to him and thank him for coming and giving him the rest of his tip.
“It was my pleasure Y/N,” he smiles at you, “and happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” you blush.
“Here's my card, call me if you ever need my services again and just so you know I do private sessions too,” he winks at you.
This was definitely the best birthday ever.
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
Okay so I am absolutely obsessed with your writing .
Every day I check Tumblr to see if you've uploaded anything
When they move in together how do you think they will spilt the chores ?
And do you think their aesthetic would change as they grow older ?
Thank youuu
Love youuu
OH i love this. okay.
when they move in together, how do you think they will split the chores?
they do not.
they are in an interesting situation: nico has never had to do chores in his life. as a kid, he was the son of Literal Hades and an aristocrat, he for sure had people doing that shit for him. in the lotus, they presumably had room service. he may have had to do a few chores at the military school, but a) they weren't there for long and b) as an older sister with a younger brother, bianca was doing that shit for him. she ordered him to make his bed, he did a horrible job, she huffed and did it herself because it's more of a pain in the ass to make your brother do it again than it is to do it yourself. bianca i get you. after that he was homeless, so there was obviously no cleaning there, and then he lived in his father's palace. he has never so much as done a load of laundry except maybe hastily with a public washroom sink and a bar of soap. he barely knows what a mop is.
will, on the other hand, has been in charge of both a cabin and a literal infirmary since he was 13 years old. on top of that, if i am not mistaken (i'm so sorry i still havent read toa and tsats im getting there i swear), he grew up on a farm. his ass knows how chores work, in fact i would bet money that he gets a little obsessive when it comes to cleaning. he is acutely aware of how many germs are on every single surface ever. he cleans and he does it a lot.
this could go really badly, because habit would indicate that will would be doing all of the housework and nico none, which is Bad For Relationships.
nico really likes will.
will is a massive hypocrite who overworks himself. he also is a bit of a control freak.
nico is also very, very observant.
i think, in the beginning of their friendship, even, nico noticed that will, like bianca, would let the onus of cleaning and tidying fall to him because 'no one else does it right', and also, maybe, it's just easier not to fight people about it. i think this would bother him. i think he would, in his inability to, like, be normal, impulsively challenge will to a cleaning contest.
and. like. will is a competitive person, okay. maybe not about things he knows he can't win, but when he knows he's good at something? he is not letting that shit slide. look at how fast he was to dunk on octavian, how prickly he got when nico doubted his ability to outrun the romans. if nico, who will knows damn well has done like four chores in his life, tries to challenge will, mr. antiseptic is my closest friend solace, to a cleaning contest?
he is going to sweep the floor with him.
pun absolutely intended.
from there things kind of spiral. at first it's a dorky ass learning curve, because nico loses every cleaning competition so so badly and quit fucking laughing, solace, you dickead, the windows are not that streaked and also watch me spray you in the goddamn eyes, huh, how do you like that and it's just kind of...fun. for the first time in a long time cleaning up doesn't make will quietly bitter.
plus, as an added bonus, nico helping will clean up makes it less invisible when he does it. now people are starting to notice that, no, the infirmary does not magically clean and organise itself, someone does that. and maybe a few more people pitch in to help. and maybe will realises, and maybe he smiles gratefully at nico when, for the first time in years, he has two entire days off, back to back, in the summer, for the first time in years. and maybe nico thinks he is going to collapse into dust because gods will has a nice smile. not that he cares or notices or anything.
do they need to keep having competitive chores forever?
but does it make both of them kind of shyly pleased and happy to remember how they started? to remember how much their friendship means to them, first and foremost, and not just their relationship?
(also, by the gods, nico is going to beat will at laundry one day. he is. as soon as he learns to fold without creasing the whole stupid shirt it's over.)
how do you think their aesthetic would change as they get older?
not much tbh.
will is pretty happy in his cargo shorts, which, mood. and nico is very committed to his Prince of Darkness look.
they are gonna have to get used to like...regular weather when they leave camp tho. i think will might begrudgingly have to get used to pants. he hates jeans with a fiery passion and any kind of slacks, but he will accept track pants.
he is also into shirts with horrible horrible puns on them. especially medical puns. he and nico frequently fight over who gets to buy shirts with bone puns on them, because they both find it funny. their closet (lol) is quickly morphing into one monster.
will complains about wearing shoes every single time he has to wear something that isn't flip-flops (again, understandable). he likes buying off-brand white converse and customizing them, though, so those are acceptable.
he refuses to wear boots under literally any circumstances. there could be three feet of snow on the ground and dumbass will be wearing chucks.
while their t-shirt situation is pretty similar, nico literally doesn't wear pants that aren't jeans. sometimes he sleeps in jeans. (not to make will's eye twitch, noooo, of course not, sometimes he just Reasonably Forgets or is Reasonably Too Lazy to get changed)
nico does also, on occasion, wear button ups, sleeves folded to just above the elbow.
will likes these very much.
especially the green one.
the green one is Very Very nice.
as for hair, nico grows his out to shoulder length so he can tie it back. he doesnt keep it much longer than that, because too long and he looks like bianca -- he always looks like her, and he never forgets that, but its important to him to remember her while still being able to think of himself as a separate person. he cuts it when it goes past his shoulders.
wills hair is literally untamable. it grows where it pleases. he hasnt had a haircut since he was six years old and somehow his hair doesnt grow down to his waist. he has no idea how long it actually is. they tried to measure it once but it changed every two minutes. the literal only time it resembles anything close to maintained is when he wears it in two french braid pigtails :) nico likes to buy him elastics with little charms on them. he wears them to suit his mood, he has a whole collection.
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slapper-sw-h-13 · 3 months
Slapper Update (Lip Filler)
What A day today has been, a massive whirlwind of events today I never want to do again.
The biggest by far was the poll I ran for my Slapper (Roxanne) What a massive mistake that was by me. This All started by meeting a retired surgeon from a friend of mine. We were just generally just talking about his work and the surgeries he has carried out in the past. A long story short he mentioned about women who want to make large There lips and and tells me this is one of his favourite works to carry out because he has a thing about women with big large lips and how they look so different once the procedure is completed.
I just mentioned about my Sub Roxanne Slapper whom I own and how I've transformed from male skinhead into my female street worker. Dr Mo Akhavani became very interested and asked all sorts of questions which led to Lip Filling. Dr Mo offered his services for free except for injectors and fluids and asked me how About it. I wasn't sure at the time and said ill put it out there on tumblr via a Poll and see what they want.
Well I wasn't expecting the vote to go for Slapper to get lip fillers as I personally think it's a horrible disgusting look, but the voters can be so cruel sometimes and they wanted it. The Poll ran till Wednesday and had to finish at 12pm because Dr Mo Said he has a cancellation for 4pm on Wednesday and would love to give Slapper Lip Fillers if the poll at 12pm was for this.
Unfortunately For Slapper It was. As she is under contract to do everything I ask of her ( She already is on a rule break and is being punished for this by wearig diapers 24/7) she has no choice now to go ahead even though I and certainly Slapper 100% Doesn't want Lip Fillers or Slug on top & Bottom lips.
So I drove her to Cambridge to meet Dr Mo and have her pre consultation before the needles went in ( She prepped before hand by eating and drinking less. Water only ) Once All done and paperwork all signed, Dr Mo began the procedure. I Couldn't Wait And Watch so I went out to sit in my car. 30 minutes later Dr Mo Calls Me To Say gone very well but wants to increase the amount of Juvederm Ultra fluid into Slappers Lips for full maximum effect ,And asked my opinion. I said you know what your doing and what you want I'll leave it to you. (Worse decision made 😢)
Oh my God when I saw her I didn't recognise her. Her lips and face were so swollen it was disgusting. I was shocked and still am. Despite Dr Mo reassuring me and Slapper that the Swelling will recede within 48 hours, I just couldn't believe what she looked like. Slapper was in total shock to and needed comforting and reassuring from Dr Mo that this is only temporary and all Swelling will be gone in a few days. I took Dr Mo to one side and said I hope she doesn't have ant side effects from what you've done, and he said just soreness only. Then I asked just how big will her lips look. He said it looks bad now but once all the Swelling gone and lips settled she will have lovely full volume prominent big lips that enhance her and her street working work immensely.
So Slapper Is Now at home resting up, and we will see in a few days where we are at. She has in no way thanked me for this and is very upset at this time and no matter how many times I apologise to her, I know she will have to get use to her new face and what will look like bit fat slugs on her face for at least the next 12 to 18 months.😢
I have set up Roxanne Slapper with her first Tumblr Blog. This way she can post and chat as she feels like it, this will be her story told to you, so why not send her a friend request @ boynamedroxy
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
Hey Lauren! I've just finished writing my first novel, I'm also the writer/creator of the audio series Life & Death on the Rim (Star Wars fan audio drama), and I've started my own company Galactic North Productions. What I really want to understand is how other writers/creators who are successful and profitable got there. If there are any insights you can give me I'm all ears, whether that's associations, conventions, marketing, etc etc I just really want to learn. Very determined. Thank you!
hey!!! first off, HUGE congrats on finishing your first novel, that's an incredible feat and you should be unbelievably proud!!!! secondly, I hadn't heard of this podcast before but as a huge fan of both star wars and fan works, I am absolutely putting it on my tbl list right now!!!!
so. this is a great question. and a hard question. and one that I'm probably going to spend way too many words answering, if I know myself at all.
I think this question, in part, depends on what you consider successful and profitable! for me, it's meant being a jack of all trades - a lot of my work has come from being someone who knows how to make a podcast from soup to nuts and from being a person who a lot of people know. you've already done the hard thing: making something. that's your resume, now get the resume out there!
I wish I could give advice about marketing and finding an audience, but honestly it's changed so much since I started out that I hardly know how to find an audience anymore. but the basic approach always stands I think: don't promo, build community. be authentic and enthusiastic, and hang out in online spaces that you're already excited to be in. share your passion with people. clearly you already know how to do that, making a fan podcast!
in terms of getting to know your peers, I always recommend people join the WGA Audio Alliance discord to get to know who else is working in the space and hear about events. I did meet a lot of people at events early on, but unfortunately a lot of those things don't exist anymore (or were one-offs to begin with) or were smaller, invite-only things. if you're in NY, LA, Chicago, or London, there are vibrant AD scenes, so seek those out and go to (or organize!) a meet-up.
knowing your peers is the single most important thing for getting jobs. with the exception of one cold outreach, every job I've ever gotten has been because I met somebody and vibed with them. stay in touch but not too much - don't email your industry contacts all the time, but every 8-18 months, reach out to folks and do a catch up zoom or coffee. but don't network just to network! get to know people whose work you really like. getting to know peers at your same level is just as - if not more - important as networking to those who are further along in success than you.
be incredibly findable. having the facebook page, instagram, etc. is great, but if you're a production company hoping to make money through providing services like producing, directing, writing, etc. (which is primarily how I've made a living - I don't really make money directly from my original podcasts), having a website is a must. if you don't want to pay for squarespace or wix, you can make a website through tumblr and then just buy a url and have it redirect (I wrote about this a bit in my production guide). same deal if you want to be hired as a writer - having a website or some kind of resume is huge. I'm not saying you need to have an instagram detailing your personal life or anything (for me, I get personal about my thoughts on social media, but I never post my family/partner/non-industry friends/etc. some creators have had massive success building mystery (lemony snicket, the team behind midst), but I have no idea how to do that lol
this is already too long, so to summarize: build a community, both in your audience and your colleagues, be very clear and open about the skills you have/services you provide, and, ideally, do a lot of different things that put you in front of a lot of different audiences. try a lot of things and stick with what works.
to speak more on my personal journey, just briefly: 90% of being successful in the art and entertainment industry is luck. I know that people always say that, and it sucks as advice because it's not advice at all, but it is just true. luck and timing. the only way to improve your chances are to make stuff, meet people, and be easily accessible.
I know that's all exceptionally broad advice - if you'd like to share more specifics about your career goals, I'm happy to get more specific too!
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In 2016, I went balls to the wall for Bernie - was a registered democrat for the duration of the primaries, became a state delegate for Bernie, went to the Philly DNC in support of Bernie. I saw first hand how broken the system was - counting delegates by hand raising, expecting people to physically be in person and take off work without pay, providing no child care services or transportation assistance, how lifelong democrats walked through the delegate aisles to tell all Bernie supporters "when Bernie loses, you're still gonna vote blue." I canvassed houses of registered democrats in Iowa to talk to them about Bernie, and the responses were either: "Bernie is way too radical, Hillary is getting my vote" or "I can't afford to take off work/I don't have someone to babysit/I'm too disabled to get to the caucus, but Bernie has my full support and I wish I could participate." People seem to forget how hard folx went for Bernie, how he and Hillary were neck-and-neck. They seem to forget that the superdelegates chose Hillary - despite seeing a massive swell of voter turnout and participation in the system because of a candidate that was finally outside what the establishment was wanting to prop up. Despite seeing how much Bernie stirred and lit up the voters, they fought against the very demographic that they constantly try to win over. The establishment will always pick their people, regardless of what The People want. The experience was disheartening, it was eye opening, it was cruel, it was rigged. It still is all of those things.
And instead of reading your frustrations, your needs, your real pain, people will just... blame you for how the system is set up? They really think non-voters are the problem? That is telling me that they don't really know how the system is set up beyond the ballot - they haven't actually gone through the state delegate process start to finish nor have they even educated themselves on what the process looks like and what obstacles were put in place (that the establishment, by the way, doesn't want changed). The established parties don't want to digitize the process - they still want people to physically show up in spaces (and a candidate will LOSE state delegates if people who sign up to be delegates don't PHYSICALLY show up on a specific day, at a specific time, for several hours to be counted), but they won't offer child care services, they won't pay for travel or work missed. They would rather blame non-voters rather than make the process accessible.
This is by design, this is not a fluke.
I don't know how many of your anons actually have been inside or around Republican circles, but damn a lot of what they're spouting at you I have heard straight up in Republican dominated spaces. "We don't like Trump, but we can't let a democrat win - we will get killed, our families will be broken, the country will collapse. Life as we know it is under attack and on the verge of destruction. You have to vote Republican no matter what."
I say all of this also as an indigenous, trans, queer activist. I say all this as someone who puts together rallies, workshops, protests, and spaces of healing. I say this as a trans refugee, displaced due to hostile legislation, still working out housing. I see you, I hear you, and you are not my enemy. You are not the reason why things are as they are. The system has failed us all, the system is rigged, thank you for all the on the ground work you're doing outside the state. I think these anons are cowards and punching down - they need to direct that anger towards democrats and republicans. They should read your posts, get angry (about what the system is, how you've been treated by it, and where it is now) and tear into the establishment that has done you (and all of us) wrong. The victim blaming has got to stop.
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thedoubteriswise · 1 year
Eight TV Shows to Get To Know Me
Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you.
@phileasfoggstiddies tagged me. thanks Gabe! I'm also not sure I have eight whole shows but we'll see
1. The West Wing - my parents loved this show when I was a kid, and my mom decided I was old enough to understand it when I was about 14. we binge watched it on Netflix's mail-in DVD service, which was the only service they had at the time. this happened to coincide with the 2008 election. you can imagine what it did to my adolescent brain.
2. M*A*S*H - reruns were on all the time in the background when I was a kid, but I also used the aforementioned Netflix mail service to watch it in order as a teenager. again, if you've seen it you have some idea of what this did to me
3. The Untamed/CQL - my dearest friend and comrade. my beautiful perfect insane epic fantasy slash political thriller slash romance slash zombie flick. I think I would have perished in the ravaging plague without you and the massive supply of incredible fanfiction you generate.
4. Supernatural - it sucks. I love it. I end up watching it every fall. It's always as bad as I remember. I bonded with one of my best friends watching it. it's the star trek of our generation, and that would be a compliment if I was saying it about any other show. unfortunately I'm saying it about this show.
5. Good Eats - a cooking show? from a person who always bitches about cooking? yes, because every cooking show should explain specifically why you are doing things and how the things you are doing work. why is this not a baseline requirement for cooking shows. I used to watch it every night when I was a kid. at least 40% of whatever culinary ability I possess is down to Good Eats
6. Good Omens - I don't have anything to say, other than this show was designed in a lab to fuck me up.
7. Interview With The Vampire - this was also designed in a lab to fuck me up but in a WILDLY different way. can you believe this show exists? I can't really believe it exists
8. Sherlock - I know it's the done thing to complain about Sherlock. I know we like to pretend it's a bad show. Here's the thing though: I'm not going to do that now or ever because it legitimately slaps like hell and changed my life. it's a work of art and would be a work of art even if it hadn't inspired an absolutely unparalleled online experience and introduced me to several wonderful friends, including one of my very favorite people whose couch I am on right at this moment. Hustle loyalty respect✌️😎
Anyone feel free to do this if you like. I suppose I will specifically make @featuresofinterest, @manhasetardis, @6000yrs, and @finaldiorama responsible for this water bottle if they choose to be :)
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heartofspells · 1 year
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag, @tracingpatternswrites, my lovely! <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
I currently have 93 works, which feels like too many and also not nearly enough.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
1,476,428. The vast majority of that was written last year. What??
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Pretty much Harry Potter. I've dabbled in Supernatural publicly and a few others privately, but nothing else have ever really stuck for writing.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
At the Healing Edge of Broken - multi-chapter Wolfstar
Prick the Craving, Watch it Seep - Wolfstar breeding kink smutty mcsmut (and i hate that title now in case anyone was wondering)
How to Succeed in Business - more Wolfstar smutty mcsmut
The Tying of Canines - yet another Wolfstar breeding kink+knotting smutty mcsmut
Multiplying Parents - Wolfstar get-together featuring adorable young Harry pov
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do not anymore, though I used to try very hard to keep up with them. I don't have a reason other than that I get distracted too easily and then they build up and it feels overwhelming and I finally figured out that I was stressing myself out over them. But I read each and every one repeatedly, return to them often, and I love and appreciate all of them.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
What sort of question is that? How am I meant to choose? I have too many fics with angsty endings. I guess I'll say Wasteland just because of the build up to the ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I, shockingly, have a lot of fics with happy endings (no one believe me), so I'm going to stick with choosing from longer, chaptered fics for this and say Scatter the Shadows, my little band AU.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have in the past. Not so much anymore, but people don't always like or agree with what I write. That's their choice and opinion.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not continuously, but enough. There's a small running joke that my smut is more poetic than truly smutty? So I guess that's the kind I write?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't and likely never will. Crossovers have never really done it for me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge and I very much hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had people ask, but I've never seen one actually done before.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I co-wrote Family on the Mend with @tracingpatternswrites! I was super nervous about writing with someone else, but she's just lovely and I'm happy to have gained a friend from the experience.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Wolfstar, my beloveds. I might stray but I always return.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There are way too many, but probably YOU. I'll keep hacking away at it, but there's soooo much to it that it gets overwhelming. I even had to cave and make an outline, and just that part of it is massive.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm terrible at giving myself compliments and talking about strengths, but based on what others have told me, I think I'm very good at conveying emotions and getting into a character's head for those super deep and gritty moments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm terrible at writing action sequences and I'll always be the first to admit that. I also feel like I constantly run out of words and start getting repetitive with the smaller details.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love when it's done but I've rarely done it myself. And the times that I have, I've tried my best to find someone who is fluent in the language I want to include instead of stumbling through a translate service on my own, because those rarely work.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I'm a one horse sort of person, I guess.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh, that's tough! I'm torn between At the Healing Edge of Broken because I did enjoy writing that one a lot and I love the story I got to tell, Scatter the Shadows because not only was it just insanely fun to dive into that world and all the descriptions of music along with writing actual songs with @fonkeloog, but I had so much support for that fic, and Multiplying Parents simply because I giggled my way through writing it and it still amuses me.
No pressure tagging (sorry if you've already been tagged/done this): @in-flvx @beautitudes @pinklume @bythehearts @benjamin-ovich
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kenganparadise · 3 years
So since you've done those lovely proposal HCs, could we please get wedding HCs for Wakatsuki, Kanoh, Takayama (since you like him), and Seki? Who (if any) has the giant, blowout wedding, who just goes to courthouse, who wants a simple wedding but their friends/family turn it into a P A R T Y, etc? Those are just some thoughts, you don't have to write those scenarios.
Thank you for all the writing that you do. You're keeping the fandom alive while we wait for season three to never come out!
Thank you so much for sending me a request!! I hope you enjoy! I really hope we get another season!!
Wakatsuki, Agito, Takayama, and Seki wedding HCs-
• it’s a very private and wholesome wedding. He and his S/O have their wedding probably in their backyard or in a beautiful forest or garden.
• Wakatsuki would like to keep it private. Only a couple of his closest friends and family are invited. Wakatsuki dresses in a black tuxedo.
• Wakatsuki chokes seeing his bride/groom for the first time. He holds back tears throughout the whole ceremony.
• He wants to to remain calm and laid back. It’s a very very very loving affair. Sekibayashi and Cosmo sob like babies. Seki needs a tissue box because he is going to be a crying mess.
• of course their friends try to turn it into a party. Ahem Sekibayashi. Wakatsuki dances with his S/O the whole night.
• He actually wants it to be very very private. Just a select few can join. Metsudo is there. Also a few of Agito’s close friends- maybe Okubo.
• Metsudo sheds a few tears. Okubo SOBS. You can hear him sniffling throughout the whole service.
• Agito chokes up halfway though reading his vows. His chin trembles and his lips twitch, but he manages to say the rest of his promises with a strong voice.
• The reception is just a private dinner party with music. Sayaka steals Agito’s bride/groom for a dance. Agito himself isn’t much of a dancer so he’ll watch from the sidelines. It turns into a small party.
• At the end of the night Agito is sleepy and Invites his bride/groom to come home with him. He had fun- he will hold the memory of his wedding in his heart forever.
• He wants a very quiet very private wedding in the courthouse. He invites Metsudo, Omori, Retsudo, Sayaka and his best man is J. Maybe Agito if the two are on good terms at the moment.
• Very small and private. He wants it quick and simple. Afterwards he doesn’t really want a party, but if his S/O does he will oblige them.
• Please don’t expect this man to dance, he might slow dance with his S/O but that’s it.
• He and his S/O’s honeymoon is right after. They’re going on a huge vacation.
• Takayama looks at the ring on his finger with loving eyes. He is finally happy to share his life with his S/O. He finally feels completed.
• Oh god. This wedding is a PARTY from start to finish. All the people from SJPW, Seki was raised by his grandma, so he invites her (if she’s still alive that is) and the family he has left. He also invites all his friends from the Kengan association.
• Haruo or Wakatsuki is his best man. Everyone is dressed in nice clothing for a change- though Seki has the SJPW logo embroidered into his suit.
• Seki cries throughout the whole ceremony. He’s gotta have tissues close by because he a blubbering and sobbing mess. He barely chokes his vows out.
• The reception is massive and a wild party. Lots of dancing, singing, drinking, and partying. There’s an open bar, mechanical bull, and karaoke contest.
• by the end of the night everyone is beyond exhausted. Seki goes home with his bride/groom for a good nights sleep.
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flavoracle · 3 years
Hey man, I'm truly sorry that things have been so rough on your marriage lately. I can certainly relate. Even without factoring in a nigh on 2 year long pandemic, it just feels like so much has been harder on the day-to-day side of things for everyone I care about.
But besides all of that, I felt it was important to let you know that you don't have to feel like you've gotten everything figured out to put out good advice. Hell, *great* advice to be entirely honest.
You don't have to be "enlightened," in order for people to model one portion of their relationship styling off of your musings and lifestyle.
Even if you happened to blindly stumble into giving the advice that you did, hundreds, thousands, over a hundred thousand people, we all saw it and said "Yes. Yes this exactly. This right here is what we SHOULD all strive to be.
You're allowed to make mistakes. Given another time, another world, I'm certain you'd be saying to me "Make your mistakes, accept them, and learn from them. Grow in a way you wouldn't have if you hadn't made it."
And that's advice we all need sometimes. No one can be perfect. I don't think of you as perfect. But you are some random person on the internet that was right often enough in this random slough that you earned my respect.
"Be kind to yourself," yes, do that. We all should. We should all always strive our best to be kind to others, and ourselves. To be our best selves.
Thank you for being who you are, who you were, and who you are yet to become. You have helped so many people, just by being you.
People don't have to model all parts of your life, of course. But if they model the way you treat others on this hellsite of anonymity, then I assure you, you've done the world a greater service than you may ever understand. Thank you.
Shit. It’s 4am and my eyes are full of tears and my heart is full of gratitude.
To say I needed to read this would be a MASSIVE understatement. Thank you, my friend.
Thank you
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 1.8k
taglist: @serendipitysung (again, thank u for beta reading this chap) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee @miffythoughts
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In a family of four, the grand manor is typically too massive of a place to frolic about considering the children are, now more than ever, entering the wobbly world of adulthood. Lady Park isn't at all saddened, not even the slightest, of the lack of silly beings bouncing around the halls. Her three blissful children are more than enough to fulfill the abundance needed to fill up these wide walls of comfort.
With wild banters resonating from the top floors to the angry cries of frustration and bullets being fired in the grassy yard, boisterous laughters even in the parlour and magnificent tunes from the pianoforte in the lobby, who would've thought the widowed lady only has three creatures in the solace of her household?
But of course, despite the few kiddos giddily leaping around and about the toughly cemented abode, the house never once lacked a single servant happily offering their services to the ever most humble aristocratic family. They rather consider it as the greatest honor to have even worked in this clan as they, amongst the fewer fews, have exuded nothing but kindness, generosity, and upholding of such exquisite manners despite their highly-acclaimed titles and places in Northumberland’s high-class society.
It’d be a blessing to be affiliated with the three children and whoever be so lucky to earn such fortune is very favored in life indeed. One would say they and the Yang family have always been the highly influential clans even of late and who wouldn't dare say? The two rich families have been one of the greatest friends of the city. Even their children could almost pass as siblings due to the tight-knit bond they shared over the years. Kindred spirits, I dare say.
This season will duly prepare the fine and charming jewel of the family, Lady Y/n, as the debutante’s ball is coming up briefly. A day well spent in the modiste is a woman's dainty bliss as the perfectly sewn dress is finally ready for appealing suitors and the royalty herself, the Queen.
“You look nothing more than gorgeous, sister. Madame Fleur has outdone herself again with another splendid piece.” Jay, the eldest of the family, pinches the silky fabric while gently pulling it upwards to gain better access to the dress’ features.
“Thank you, Jay. Although I admit, the measurements in the waist are a bit funny.”
“I wouldn't doubt that. It is Mother’s liking to keep your corset tight and deadly.” The eldest rubs his chin in contemplation. “Rest assured if you need any assistance in loosening that wretched piece of torture, Niki and I will be of help at the ball.”
“Again, brother, thank you. And speaking of help, where's Niki? He was supposed to help me with my waltz today.”
"I have no idea. Last I saw him he was with Daniel. Shouldn't he be home by now?"
Without any warning, the youngest comes dashing into the parlour like a carefree prince who just had the best slumber of his life.
“I’m right here. Forgive me, dear sister, for my unannounced absence in today's dance practice. I shall have you know, the Duke’s son sent us an invitation this morning. One that Daniel and I,” the two eldest eye him suspiciously, awaiting a usual remark whenever the topic is about the marquess. “refused to reject… surprisingly.” Niki clicks his tongue before proceeding to join his siblings on the cushioned couch.
“Shocker. Tell me, brother, was your day positively horrific?” Jay sarcastically huffed. “Oh, you don't have the slightest idea.” The two boys joined together for a rather boisterous laugh that made the only lass cross her arms as she sits between the two brothers.
“How’s life treating Park?” Jay questions. “Oh, you know. The usual. Living in luxury as well as wasting it away. He seemed more ashen lately.” Niki downs a glass of water that was resting on the coffee table.
After a few more barbs and laughs against the Duke’s only son, Y/n decides to butt in as time’s a wastin. “Apologies for the intrusion, but it’s necessary for me to rehearse for the dances I might have in two days' time, unlike you two who are accustomed to sweeping girls off the dance floor. Come, Niki, before mother sees me to bed.”
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In the middle of an exhausting rehearsal with his sister, Niki sits down on the edge of Y/n’s bed with both hands leaning on the mattress. “You could've asked Jay.” he mutters under his breath.
It's not that the boy was complaining to teach waltz, it was more of trying to keep himself away from social interactions for the time being as he felt the need to mope again after a long while.
“True, I could have. But I haven't seen you wandering about the house today. Except this morning when I was awakened by your harsh firing in the garden.” Y/n looks over her shoulders to give a playful glare at the nearly knackered, blonde-haired lad. “How was your day, Riki?”
“Don’t call me that.” He hisses.
“Must I remind you that I was the one who wiped your tushy when you were a tiny bum and I also-”
“Oh you must, mustn't you?” Niki throws his hands in the air in vexation. But his sister could only smile at him in a manner that he couldn't argue any further. “Fine. We did fencing today, with the Duke’s trophy of a son.”
“You know, I never understood your hatred towards that man. I envy Jay, honestly. He gets to listen to your burdens about the marquess and console you."
“Soon, sister. The story’s very… profound.” Niki lazily plops his body back on the fluffy mattress with both hands at the back of his head.
“You mean the feelings behind that story?”
“You're too keen on unearthing this from me, aren't you? You clever bean.” Niki smirks at his sister’s antics.
“Anything to have my little brother confess. I am your most favorite sibling after all, am I not?” Y/n intertwines her fingers with her brother’s and seals it with a comforting kiss right on his thumb.
“Whatever it is, no matter how inexpressible or profound it may be...”
“Thank you, Y/n. I’m going to miss these melodramatic moments with you.” The lass scoffs at Niki’s almost sweet words. “It's not like I’m guaranteed marriage this season.”
“Oh but mother will do anything to try and get you married. That's guaranteed right there. Although Jay will be meddling at most in choosing a husband who's fit enough for you. But whoever that lucky chap may be, as long as he makes you happy, he already has my blessing.”
“Do you think Jungwon will ask someone's hand this season?” Y/n joins her brother on the bed as they both stare at the ceiling in deep ponder. Niki gulps at the very sudden question from his sister, but he shrugs it away as he recalls a distant memory of her and Jungwon frequently fighting over twigs and branches when they were nothing but ten.
“Jay can only answer that for you. Why don’t you ask Sunoo? He never misses an opportunity to spill details about his brother to you.”
“But that would be too much, wouldn't it?” Y/n sighs in exhaustion. “I can never get that man to look in my direction.”
“He’d be damned to even try to, especially when Jay’s around. He may be his best pal but Jay has always been very protective about you.”
“Whoever’s the pretty lady to be asked by Jungwon will definitely be the luckiest girl, I bet.”
The boy has all the means to help his sister as he is deeply affiliated with Jungwon’s brother, Daniel. But Niki could only look at her in pity thinking of all the years Y/n has set her heart on the oblivious boy next door, only the latter seems to care less in bearing the lady’s genuine sentiments.
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"Yang Jungwon!" A stern voice from a woman in her fifties resonates throughout the lad's powder room.
"Mother." He monotonously mumbled.
"Did I hear it correctly? You're not to dance with anyone at the ball?" With two hands on her waist, the young lord could almost see his mother's vein popping out on her wrinkled forehead.
"I suppose brother spilled the tea, huh? And yes, mother, you heard it correctly."
"Madness! If it weren't for Sunoo's knowledge of this I wouldn't have known. God knows what's going on inside of that brain of yours!"
"Mother, I am not fond of-"
"Nonsense! Not even the daughter of our dearest friend, Lady Park?"
"Most especially not her." Jungwon mutters under his breath.
"Do you even hear the absurdity of your words?"
"Certainly, I do, mother."
"Oh god, oh dear. You're giving me a headache right now." She rubs her temple in utter anxiety followed by a frustrated exhale. Lady Yang fumbles the surface of her dress until she got a handful of its fabric, gripping it upwards to free her steps from the hindrances while turning back from her son to leave him be. Until the eldest shows up from his supposedly brief reading schedule in the pantry.
“Ah! There you are. Talk some sense into your brother will you, dear? I might collapse if I bother to argue even more about his foolishness.” And Lady Yang leaves the two swiftly before they can even utter a word.
“What is it that you've done to mother now?” Sunoo, the eldest, walks slumpily towards Jungwon’s side while half-slamming the book on the marble counter.
“Shouldn't I be asking you that?” Jungwon side-eye him with a sneer.
“She was interrogating me with her unconquerable motherly vexes if you must know. Sincerely, brother, I'm not one to lie. Though, I did try my best.” The younger boy could only scoff at the sassy rebuttal from his brother.
“You could've tried harder. Or maybe, you could've just silenced yourself. Marvelous idea, isn't it?”
“Or maybe, you can put on a little effort to satisfy mother’s hopes even for one night. Brilliant, isn't it?”
Jungwon hisses as he unbotton his puff sleeves one by one with Sunoo looking at him in an almost scorn, pitying his brother for being a complete idiot, not to mention a coward too.
“I’m not a coward if that's what you're thinking. Let’s hear it, what would you have me do, brother?” The younger one looks at his brother’s reflection through the mirror like a brazen knight ready to be thrown into war. With both hands resting on the shiny countertop, he bites his bottom lip with a foreseeable answer in mind.
Sunoo taps the boy’s shoulder before heading to the door to leave him in his fickling decisions.
“Lady Y/n Park. Two dances, brother, then you can pray to spend the rest of your nights in peace.”
Jungwon gulps down followed by a deep sigh the moment Sunoo left the room, like an exhale he’s been trying to hold underwater for over a minute.
He could only hope that those two dances will be the last of it, or he could kiss his peaceful nights goodbye… forever.
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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You've heard of Grumpy/Sunshine, now let me introduce you to Grumpy/Grumpier (whos Grumpier changes every time the other says/does anything, they blow the scale for grumpiness every time they interact). Faie/Crosshair I just.... It's not something I knew I needed, but damn if I'm not obsessed. I mean that fits for all the rarepairs, but these two are the best thing I've seen all week AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN INTERACT DIRECTLY IN THE FIC!! How do you do this?!?
HC they develop a Hardcase/Wolffe dynamic because Crosshair has something to prove damnit. Faie's actual sharpshooter is very confused, but just goes with it cuz this Vod's good and he's not afraid to admit that, Commander what's wrong?
HC they get together and go around the galaxy being a Grumpy™️ duo.
HC they go secretly soft for eachother. I can just imagine the internal dialogue thirsting for the others skill. Faie gets a thing for the toothpick. Ugh look what you've done to me😫
Also I love Mack, tired customer service employee indeed. I think we can all relate to him on a spritual level. Is this the Mack Jesse refrences that one time? Because it shows😂. That is definitly his kih'vod. I mean you'd only get that snippy growing up with Jesse, who was definitly the original source of 'specialist thinks they can't use standard gear'.
And Neyo is perfect as usual, my favourite shit stirrer at it again I love him your honor. The fact that him and Faie against all odds developed a sibling dynamic that's as close if not closer than other Vode makes me so happy. 🥰🥰
How you fit so much amazingness in one fic is ridiculous.
Grumpy/Grumpy but also both incredibly competitive so it’s not at all a coincidence that the Grump Grows whenever they’re in the same quadrant.  It’s like anyone who knows them can tell how close the other is by the depth of the glower.  And everyone around them is also dreadfully amused because how could you not be???
And 😁! Thank you!  After the 4 part Neyo and Keeli friendship fic, @sailorsol suggested that maybe Faie needs a CT friend too, so he starts learning to connect with vode.  And then the sneaksy little part of my brain went ‘yes, but what if the CT was also an asshole?’  And the idea of Faie and Crosshair grumping across the galaxy was born.  Where it goes from there is anyone’s guess, but I know the ride will be hilarious.
(They are, as you have guessed, very much appreciative of each others’ skill.  It would be like pulling teeth to get them to admit that.)
(Does Faie develop an oral fixation???  That’s a very intriguing thought.)
Mack!  Yes this is Mack-Jesse’s-kih’vod.  He works on Coruscant getting millions of impatient troopers their more-important-than-everyone-else’s gear.  He’s developed a bit of a system.  And if this rando rambo (someone in the comments called Hunter that and I adore it and am stealing it) thinks he’s gonna throw his growly voice around and swish his wafty hair and get Mack to hop to, well he clearly has never spent any amount of time around a vod like Jesse.  Poor guy would get walked all over, probably.  Not Mack though, Mack’s developed a spine and lots of teeny little barbs that he brings out only when necessary.
Faie and Hunter’s conversation wasn’t in priority.  In fact it probably wasn’t even in general chat, it was probably space!DMs.  Which means that Neyo was absolutely draping himself like the galaxy’s heaviest cat over Faie’s shoulder and shamelessly creepin’ on his DMs.  And equally shamelessly putting them both on blast.  Because being massively obnoxious is how he shows he cares.
Haha thank you!  I just write what I think sounds hilarious and here we are 🤣
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“A long thread about my personal experiences during this election dealing with my Labour voting family deciding to out themselves as casual racists by voting Tory / Brexit Party in traditional Labour "Red Wall" heartlands
I come from a genuine working class family .
Grandparents were miners and domestic cleaning staff
Dad was butcher , mum was a cleaner and when she remarried after their divorce she married a miner .
I grew up in a two up two down terrace house that my parents rented from the local Co-op society and then moved into a council house in Kendray (Barnsley) when my mum remarried .
One grandad was a NUM union rep ( at Woolley Colliery alongside Scargill )
Other grandad was a NUPE union rep .
Mum and her sister were both UNISON union reps .
I guess what I'm trying to get across is that we were a proper Labour supporting family , cut us in half and we would have Labour running through us like a stick of Blackpool rock .
And yet in this election I was the only one still voting Labour, in traditional "Red Wall" Lab areas.
I'm in Sheffield but my family is split across the Barnsley area, some in Dan Jarvis' constituency, some in Steph Peacocks and some in the Penistone area that's just turned Tory.
How the hell did this happen ?
Why did my mum and step-dad and my Dad and step-mum all vote Brexit Party ?
Why did my brother and his wife and my aunt and uncle both vote Tory ?
They're not stupid people , my step-mum is a nurse and educated to degree level , my brother an accountant and educated to degree level and my sister-in-law a teacher educated to degree level .
We all lived through Thatchers annihilation of our communities when she went after the unions and destroyed Barnsley after and during the Miners strike .
My step-dad lost his job when Woolley Colliery was closed and never worked again .
So how the hell did they all come to abandon Labour and vote for parties whose policies are the complete antithesis of their own needs and aspirations ??
To answer that you've got to look further back than just this last few weeks or months or the last couple of years .
You've got to look a lot further back .
Before the Miners strike everyone I knew lived and worked in Barnsley , my grandparents jobs were in Barnsley , my parents jobs were in Barnsley , my aunt's and uncle's all worked in Barnsley as it seemed did all my friends families.
The aftermath of the strike changed that .
Most people were employed at the Pits or in industry connected to the Pits or in the service industries like retail , pubs etc where the Miners spent their wages.
When those wages went then so did the local economy.
New Labour in 1997 gave people hope of a change but all they brought to the area were low paid minimum wage jobs to replace high paid skilled industrial jobs .
People thought that New Labour when they got in would regenerate and revitalize these traditional working class Lab heartlands.
They didn't.
Yes we got a far better funded NHS and Sure Start etc.
But areas like Barnsley just got left behind , their Labour votes taken for granted.
Life had changed .
Only my mum still worked in Barnsley .
I moved to Sheffield because of work . My dad ended up in Stoke were he met my step-mum before they returned to Barnsley .
My brother , his wife and most other family members worked in other nearby towns and cities , even though they still lived in Barnsley .
Some like my Step-dad and aunt and uncle relied on the benefits system to see them through to retirement age .
Then along came the banking crisis , followed by the high street crisis that saw the likes of Woolworths bite the dust .
Quickly followed by a Tory & Lib Dem government pushing their disastrous Austerity policies.
Areas like Barnsley took another hammering .
Jobs lost in the local economy which had never recovered from Thatcher thanks to New Labours indifference.
Cuts to essential council services and cuts to the NHS locally meaning longer waiting lists and crowded doctors waiting rooms .
And in amongst all this comes Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson .
The poisonous bastards gave everyone in areas like Barnsley exactly what the needed , exactly what they wanted .......
Someone to blame.
Immigrants .
Immigrants let into this country by the EU.
Immigrants taking our jobs .
Immigrants using our NHS
Immigrants taking our council houses
Immigrants filling up our doctors waiting rooms
You see it couldn't just be the Tory's fault that things were rough because it hadn't gotten any better whilst Labour was in power.
So it has to be someone else's fault .
So Farage and Johnson must be correct when they blame immigrants and tells us all politicians are the same
Both narratives that have been pushed relentlessly by Farage , Vote Leave and Johnson
Farage and Johnson must be correct if the news on the telly says the same thing and asks them to come on all the time to talk about it .
Farage and Johnson must be correct if the newspapers all print the same stories blaming immigrants for taking our jobs and our houses and clogging up our NHS .
And Farage and Johnson must be correct if everyone on Facebook is posting the same Memes especially if greasy Brenda from the local chippy is posting it cos she obviously knows here stuff !!!!
Under Thatcher we knew who to blame , the Tory's.
But under Blair who did you blame for life getting no better because of New Labours indifference ??
The politicians , both sides because they are all the same , none of them give a stuff about us .
Under austerity who do we blame ?
Not the Tory's cos they've told us that we are all in this together and there is no other way , we have to all make sacrifices .
So we blame the immigrants , the ones that the EU are forcing us to take .
And by default because we tend to class anyone who's different to us as a potential immigrant then we blame any and all ethnic minorities
All of this whipped up to a frenzy since 2016 by the likes of Farage , Vote Leave , Tommy Robinson , Katie Hopkins , Hartley-Brewer , Rod Liddle and Boris Johnson and his Tory cohorts.
Aided and abetted by the usual cast of idiots at the BBC , ITV and Sky .
Sadly I watched this unfold with my own family over the last 3-4 years and didn't do anything like enough to try and counter it
I ignored the initial flurry of anti EU comments and social media posts partly because I was voting leave too, albeit for completely different reasons
I spent far too long just telling them to stop spouting racist bollocks when they moaned about immigrants instead of actually sitting down and explaining why the stuff they were reading , watching and sharing was wrong and factually false .
I ignored the anti Corbyn comments because I just assumed that when it came around to election time they would just hold their noses and vote Labour as we had all done for years before regardless of the leaders popularity , just as they all had in 2017
I finally realised I hadn't done enough when the election campaign kicked in .
I only work part time now and that's from home so I'd decided to get fully involved in the campaign both on the ground locally and on social media .
Boy did I get the shock of my life when I started posting stuff about Labours plans and manifesto on Facebook .
I got absolutely frigging mullered ...........
by my own family members and friends.
My posts were full of comments from them with arguments and rhetoric that had been drummed into them by Farage and Johnson over the last few years .
My timeline was full of anti Labour Memes .
It got that bad that I ended up deleting my Facebook account .
Most of the family aren't speaking to me and Boxing day this year when we traditionally all meet up at my mum's is going to be an absolute nightmare .
Then you realise it's not just yourself and your own family thats experiencing this .
You speak to a friend in Rotherham and find they've had the exact same experiences.
You get a call from your oldest son in the armed forces to tell you that he's up on a charge after getting into a scuffle with some of his colleagues after being called a muslim loving terrorist supporting traitor just for sharing some Labour stuff on social media
Living in Sheffield possibly led to me being a little insulated from Labours problems .
It's a multi cultural city and apart from the usual quota of nobheads and Tommy Robinson types we all live side by side with few serious problems.
Brexit didn't seem to be as big an issue inside the city as it did in the out-laying towns .
But in fairness things never got as desperate or demoralizing in the cities as they did in the town's and old industrial area's
We weren't looking quite as hard for someone to blame
Corbyn had a definite image problem on the doorsteps .
He had a massive target on his back and there's no denying that the media were able to hit it's bullseye with alarming regularity
But this hadn't been insurmountable during the 2017 election even in areas like Barnsley and Rotherham.
And I genuinely believe that had Jeremy Corbyn been just as intolerant towards immigrants and ethnic minorities as the Tory's were we would have had a very different result.
After all the country happily elected an absolute racist bigot instead of Corbyn
That's an absolutely disgraceful situation to find ourselves in especially when you also come to the realisation that members of your own family voted this way .
How do Labour get voters like my family back ???
More to the point do we actually want them back ???
I'm not sure I want to be related to my own family members at the moment because of their willingness to blame immigration and ethnic minorities for all our ills .
And yes we may have had the policies that would have addressed the problems that led to them voting for the Tory's / Brexit Party but you can't enact those policies if you don't get into government in the first place .
Would a different leader have made a difference to these voters ??
Yes to some of them .
Would a different Brexit policy have made a difference .
Definitely , to most of them
Did they vote this way because they're racist ???
Who genuinely can say ???
I hope that for the ones related to myself that it isn't a deep seated racism , rather just a reaction to a constant and unrelenting malign influence of the mainstream media , targeted Facebook memes and snake oil salesmen like Farage , Johnson and Cummings .
But I guess we won't know that until 2024 when we go to the polls once more , with a different leader , with Brexit no longer an issue and with the realisation that even outside of the EU nothing has changed in Barnsley and similar towns under this bastard of a Tory government”
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Sick Kids
gotspoons: [A chatroom/forum situation for teens with invisible illnesses/disabilities, a resource that is recommended when you can't go to IRL groups for your health/they aren't in your area etc] gotspoons: Ticked one whole thing off my to-do list today, feeling like a champ 💪 also feeling like a 2-hour long nap, who here relates? 🥱 tigerbalm: 🖐 took my nap earlier & yet 😴💤 brainpain: 💕🛏 brainpain: long lasting relationship with my memory foam mattress gotspoons: There is NO limit on the number of naps necessary to make it through the day tigerbalm: or the number of abandoned to-do lists, what was your 1 thing? gotspoons: 🚿 looks like breakfast will have to wait tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: @brainpain I have so many memory foam pillows in every room of my house I'm basically a shareholder 🙌 brainpain: @tooexhaustedtolivevicariously same but I've got my fave, I call him Edgar tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👏🙏 thank you for your service, Edgar tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: must name mine, only named the chariot 🦼 Charlton gotspoons: [ihatemyguts has entered the chat] gotspoons: A newbie, welcome! tigerbalm: 👋 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: love the username, what ails ya? tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: because this is the only place it's acceptable to ask 'what's WRONG with you?' but not the only place you encounter it, right brainpain: but you don't have to answer cos it's also somewhere where you're encouraged to 'express yourself' translation: be an arsehole if you want brainpain: if you don't go hardcore enough to get blocked brainpain: @fibrofog LMAO tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: the normies get to be rude as their default, and it is NOT encouraged to hit people with your cane, let me tell you ihatemyguts: Hi, everyone ihatemyguts: I'll do my best not to be an arsehole, even if my problem only lie directly above said orifice, which makes it a struggle not to be at times ihatemyguts: UC, first flare totally fucked over the family holiday 😬 sorry to that hotel toilet and my long-suffering parents and brother brainpain: newbie got jokes AND comedy timing ihatemyguts: 🚽 humour isn't all I have, I swear, though my life now does revolve entirely around the porcelain throne so it's no surprise I'm anally expulsive, thanks to Freud for that read tigerbalm: Freud's the perv, am I right? ihatemyguts: Totally ihatemyguts: and a big believer in the cocaine cure-all, which my Doctor just wasn't going for, shame tigerbalm: sounds like my sleazy uncle in every way tigerbalm: why does everybody get one? gotspoons: 😂 This chat is worth keeping my eyes open for gotspoons: every family is a play, and we're destined to be the 'sick kid' part gotspoons: other players react accordingly, from the 'can't look at you without crying' to the 'thinks you're making it up for some reason' brainpain: I vote we all go off script like @fibrofog 🤬🚨👿❗️ ihatemyguts: I guess I'm lucky in the sense that if anyone doubts the legitimacy of my illness, I can offer to show them the contents of my stomach/toilet bowl ihatemyguts: that shuts them up relatively fast, not had to go full 🐒 and throw it at anyone yet ihatemyguts: though I'm intrigued by the infamous @fibrofog, who are they, where, and why the infamy? Fill a girl in brainpain: the myth, the legend brainpain: so angry cos I turned 'em down for a romantic rendezvous ihatemyguts: No way! ihatemyguts: I'm glad that napping isn't the only action the memory foam is getting ihatemyguts: we're just like any other teens, right guys? 💁 tigerbalm: @brainpain you know the rules, fedora pics or it didn't happen! tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: you know what they say about disabled chicks, grateful 😉 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: #dontkillmeladies #iamnotasleazyuncle tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: don't think Mr. Fog was even a legit 🥄 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: total predator tigerbalm: if it was my uncle I'm SO sorry 😂 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: family who piggyback are THE worst tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: no, MY disability doesn't make YOU automatically WOKE for not drowning me in the tub or throwing me off the nearest high place I can access ihatemyguts: Honestly, I've never felt as simultaneously popular and unpopular in my life ihatemyguts: people 💬 a big acceptance game on the socials ihatemyguts: but no one wants to actually hang with the girl who can't eat shit and will spend half her time in the 🚽 gotspoons: Everyone's supportive until your disability gets in the way of THEIR perfect life even slightly gotspoons: imagine if they were one of us 👽 brainpain: speak for yourselves, my slurred speech makes me a hit with all my hard partying peers brainpain: get weird without a 🍹 ihatemyguts: hey man, don't let us drag you down 😎 ihatemyguts: if @fibrofog was feeling you, you're WAY too cool for this chat right now brainpain: never have, never will, baby 😉 brainpain: [inandout has entered the chat] gotspoons: OH MY GOD, that's a whole different story...my parents = you need to socialize more, live life! my parents = I don't know if this group is good for you, we think you're being encouraged to display and give in to even more problems gotspoons: thanks guys, you're literally making me more disabled with your disabledness 😂 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: It is a cult, well-known fact, leave your productiveness to society at the door and let's all lie here and feel sorry for ourselves, doesn't that sound like fun, kids? 😈 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and 👋 sup, inandout, not seen you in a while tigerbalm: my parents act like y'all are catching too! Would you like to cage me like a legit 🐅 or? inandout: baited breath inandout: out living that life like @gotspoons parents want tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: It'll be the Olympics next tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 🥇 Hero status with the normies, inspirational, dude inandout: if it'll make adults I've never met proud of me ihatemyguts: I can't believe I've not checked if I'm disabled enough for the paras, oh my God ihatemyguts: are there enough of us for a basketball team? brainpain: if ONLY my former lover were here brainpain: he's gotta be so tall ihatemyguts: Pining for @fibrofog is productive, yeah? ihatemyguts: can pine from my throne just fine brainpain: hands off newbie! I will throw mine brainpain: LOL imagine gotspoons: This group has always had a bias towards too many girls gotspoons: it's almost as if even disabled boys don't wanna talk about their feelings gotspoons: what say you @tooexhaustedtolivevicariously and @inandout? 🤔🤴🤴 inandout: I'd bring friends but you know us CF kids aren't allowed to congregate inandout: and what could I possibly have in common with someone who doesn't share my disease ihatemyguts: So, what is the deal with that, are some of us catching? ihatemyguts: 🐅 parents might have legit concerns inandout: cross infectious but only if you've got what's got me inandout: none of you do so you'll need another reason to turn down hanging out in person tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: my fedora is in the wash? inandout: Fibro could easily say it's my jewishness brainpain: but it's your hunkiness, babe 💪😉 inandout: I'd whistle back at you, Lauren but.... inandout: let's just say you leave me breathless tigerbalm: No names, Zach tigerbalm: it's like a rule ihatemyguts: uh-oh ihatemyguts: if you had a name, Tiger, in theory, like ihatemyguts: 🧐 tigerbalm: Robyn ihatemyguts: Pretty, you others may as well just come out with it now ihatemyguts: even if I'm a massive perv with mad hacking and tracking skills, I pinky promise I won't be able to find you from your given name alone brainpain: give us yours, newbie ihatemyguts: I will, but you'll think I'm giving you a fake one ihatemyguts: it's the gift and curse bestowed upon me at birth, along with potentially dodgy genetics brainpain: your life is 💩 brainpain: but still ihatemyguts: Zelda ihatemyguts: a reference I'm sure you won't get, 'cos you're so 😎 brainpain: I game, the stream was fibros fave hunting ground brainpain: no 💩 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Turns out being a nerd is way easy from the relative (barely but beats death, yeah?) comfort of the memory foam tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and Rich 👍 only in name, destitute until my next pittance comes in tigerbalm: she's not supposed to 🎮 -headaches -dizziness -light & sound sensitivity but she's a REBEL brainpain: 👌 MOM maybe I'd love a seizure, what do you know? ihatemyguts: I respect it ihatemyguts: gonna be fondly reminiscing over all those dirty, evil trigger foods when they're resecting my bowel 🖕🚔 brainpain: I had a life before I had a TBI, no offense to 👶 Zach inandout: none taken gotspoons: You're all being bad and I cannot support it 🤐😜 gotspoons: and I'm Rosie, I will just 😴 out on you all the time and yes, it's a fantastic excuse for when you don't wanna respond ihatemyguts: I'll commit all of those to memory in a normal, non-creepy manner ihatemyguts: but whilst I'm allowed to be a n00b, what do you all do for school? brainpain: I was nearly done before 🤯 which got me my pity pass ihatemyguts: pity with a point, at least, alright tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I'm waiting to start uni, absolutely no thanks to my school and their totally ableist refusal to make reasonable adjustments for accessibility tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but fedora or not, I can be a real arsehole, a loud, persistent one at that tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: take my applause now brainpain: 😍 brainpain: take my 💘 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: as long as it's not heavy, m'lady brainpain: you could 💔 brainpain: hold the pieces tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 🧠 just isn't poetic enough brainpain: you know me gotspoons: you guys are so cute 🥰 and your broken brain is beautiful, Lauren gotspoons: me though, I'm barely struggling through school still, so many sick days, so much catching up to do 🥱 just thinking about it and therein lies the problem tigerbalm: my parents are trying to get online classes set up but my headteacher is like a million years old inandout: is he a demon? inandout: that was some scary fiction brainpain: or was it? brainpain: cue up those sound effects tigerbalm: if we're gonna talk about hypnosis, I'm out ihatemyguts: that was some serious creepy uncle vibes ihatemyguts: why did he need that level of control ihatemyguts: 🐘 in the room tigerbalm: I have a hippie cousin too, alternative therapy talk is so triggering ihatemyguts: I need a memoir re. your family sitch immediately 😂 ihatemyguts: you get the food purists coming @ me as if I just eat the right thing I'd be 'cured' tigerbalm: I'm working on a screenplay but I've never written a script before, I did find an online class for that easily though ihatemyguts: that's actually 😎 ihatemyguts: soz, Lauren brainpain: she's our lil busy 🐝 brainpain: step your game up, Zachary brainpain: supposed to be you, bro inandout: let Robbie have it, she has more sick days to fill up ihatemyguts: always have your 🥇 inandout: I can pin it on like a star when I got to school with the masses inandout: let them know I'm not what normal looks like ihatemyguts: only the others like you need to have the scoop on that though ihatemyguts: really fucks with the segregation in a big way inandout: “I feel like someone breathed new air into my lungs. I am not Abnegation. I am not Dauntless. I am Divergent.” ihatemyguts: Tattoo idea inandout: if I make it to 18, I'll do it ihatemyguts: how long you given yourself there? inandout: I turned 14 in may, the party was a full blown rager inandout: 🏥🎂 ihatemyguts: you like ruining events too? ihatemyguts: what a coincidence, don't just do family holidays inandout: if I can't blow up 🎈 nobody can ihatemyguts: 🥳 smug bastard inandout: I find that party blower offensive inandout: Rosie! That's a strike for the new girl ihatemyguts: Come to me when it's as culturally iconic as 💩 ihatemyguts: my next (first) tattoo right there inandout: how long are you waiting for that masterpiece? ihatemyguts: was 14 in March ihatemyguts: if we both make it, it's a date inandout: cool inandout: way I'm going that'll be my first one brainpain: now I feel like a pervy OLD uncle brainpain: thank you 👶s ihatemyguts: Lemme guess? ihatemyguts: I'm thinking 19 brainpain: spooky brainpain: I'm an Aquarius if anyone cares ihatemyguts: our 🌟s aligning might be too close to alternative for comfort tigerbalm: I'm a cancer, which is awkward tigerbalm: not my diagnosis ihatemyguts: at least it's memorable ihatemyguts: literally tacked on at the end, who's remembering 🎣 tigerbalm: I hope my 16th will be, for the right reasons tigerbalm: I've still got 5 months left to plan ihatemyguts: 🤞🤞🤞 tigerbalm: I'll add your name, the others know they're all invited ihatemyguts: that's so nice ihatemyguts: considering this introduction has given away nothing if not I am a terrible guest brainpain: another chat about online safety, Robyn, REALLY? 😏 brainpain: did my failed romance teach you nothing? ihatemyguts: if that isn't a challenge to send a photo and make you feel really weird ihatemyguts: why are we anon anyway, to stop us uprising? ihatemyguts: metaphorically if not literally, no offense xoxo brainpain: f it brainpain: I need you all to sign up to my stream to pay my bills anyways brainpain: [a selfie] ihatemyguts: @fibrofog, I get it brainpain: don't flock to tell me how sexy I am, that'd make it weird brainpain: plus, I know tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I picked an awkward time to check back in tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Rosie falls asleep and anarchy reigns? tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I'm proud brainpain: 💔 YOU haven't showered me with compliments, but hey tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: if I made it that easy you'd never be 💘 brainpain: 😩 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: to save any of the rest of you following such a hard act tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: [pic] tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it's old but still a rough estimation of what I look like on a good day brainpain: 😍 brainpain: You're up, girl Z ihatemyguts: if you're all good looking though, I'm so mad ihatemyguts: [a selfie] ihatemyguts: 💩 inandout: I'm not good looking, I'll go next inandout: besides, Robbie would never bow to peer pressure and Rosie is out for the count inandout: [a selfie] tigerbalm: I am 🙀 tigerbalm: but everyone else has tigerbalm: [the shyest selfie of all time] ihatemyguts: 😻😻😻 ihatemyguts: seriously ihatemyguts: representation done us dirty on so many levels now ihatemyguts: when we're not invisible, why we not so gorgeous tigerbalm: there should be a blushing 😸 tigerbalm: that's the representation I need ihatemyguts: Call me out all you need but I was convinced this whole thing would be a lot more tragic than it has been inandout: tragic Tuesdays are a thing brainpain: no they are f-ing not brainpain: Zachary, just cos the new girl's in your age bracket + shares your 1st initial brainpain: she is not corruptible to you inandout: check us on our date, Lauren inandout: but watch your profanity brainpain: watch me give you a DIY lung transplant gotspoons: Excuse me gotspoons: what is going on here brainpain: nothing babe, it's all a dream gotspoons: 😖 gotspoons: if it was, none of you would be here gotspoons: sorry to say brainpain: we love you too brainpain: hit us with that sleepy selfie gotspoons: You know we aren't meant to give out personal info in the public forum gotspoons: if you choose to privately, that's okay though gotspoons: also I don't look any better for my shower now 🥴🤫 brainpain: you're a hottie gotspoons: 😘 gotspoons: well, my blog IS going to be featured on [insert disability awareness news moment] next month, so it isn't as if you couldn't find 🖼 if you really wanted gotspoons: [photo] tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Congrats, Ro tigerbalm: a genuine 👏👏👏 tigerbalm: I love your blog gotspoons: Ty, ty 🙇 gotspoons: it's the same as my username, if you wanna check it out, newbie 😄 brainpain: but have you been on the news for being the victim of a violent crime? 😏 just me LOL inandout: Lauren's trading on her fame again inandout: let Rosie have her moment ihatemyguts: pass along all relevant info and I'll 🤓 right up brainpain: @inandout 🍒😃💩👅 brainpain: enjoy the profanity, bro inandout: today's highlight tigerbalm: Zelda could take offence at that, Zach tigerbalm: I think it was nice to meet her ihatemyguts: Not at all ihatemyguts: though it's cultural appropriation to use that emoji without my permission, I'll let it slide 😉 ihatemyguts: nice meeting you all too tigerbalm: I really am gonna have to tell you about my family now ihatemyguts: All I wanted, tbh tigerbalm: everyone else knows this but my parents are white Americans & they adopted me and my brothers who are Native and African American respectively tigerbalm: & you saw me, the Korean girl so ihatemyguts: Ohh tigerbalm: it sounds like a show that should air on ABC family, right? tigerbalm: hella awkward ihatemyguts: I'm brainstorming (p. sure we're not meant to say that, soz) titles rn ihatemyguts: inappropriate question alert, verbal smackdowns appreciated if needed ihatemyguts: did they adopt you knowing you were disabled or is that a new development? tigerbalm: I was gonna call it building bridges but we can't really say that the USA has wronged Korea like the other nations tigerbalm: though they did adopt me knowing so maybe it still works 😄 ihatemyguts: it's got legs tigerbalm: 🦿 ihatemyguts: Ugh, must dash ihatemyguts: 🩸💉s tigerbalm: best of luck ihatemyguts: 💕 total pro by now 💪 brainpain: if I don't 👀 you on my stream I'll 🔎 you here in the forums inandout: a threatening goodbye inandout: can't compete tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👋 Hope to see you back here, Zelda tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: though you wouldn't be the first person to 👻 after dropping in, so no pressure, @Lauren gotspoons: but actually, we're always here, some of us more than others, but you'll always find someone to chat to about the things you can't with non-spoonies ihatemyguts: ✌
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Humans are Space Orcs
Part 5
Kneeling on the floor of the shuttle beside Kovac's body Wolf ripped open the medical kit and pulled out the TPAK needles and looked at the laminate instructions. He couldn't hear Panther over the screaming in his own head. Grabbing the first of the needles he unscrewed the cap and pressed his fingers into Kovac's chest, counting ribs, pointing his finger at the appropriate site he put the needle against the skin and pushed, it punctured the skin and drove into the muscle, once it was secure he drew the needle out and made it safe, nothing happened he checked the instructions again. Tissue embolus, snatching up the syringe he drew air into it and connected it to the needle. He depressed the plunger and when he detached the syringe he was rewarded with a prolonged hiss of air. He repeated it on the other side of the ribcage.
Knickers who had been trying to ventilate Kovac looked up with relief as Kovac drew a shallow breath. He drew two shuddering breaths and his breathing again started getting shallower.
Becca stared at the shuttle as it landed, behind her susserations passed through the unit as the whisper repeated themselves. "Kovac is dead?" "Kovac is dead!" Kovac can't be dead" "Kovac isn't dead!" "Kovac is dead" "Kovac..." "The Major..." her hands shook and she fought the urge to vomit. Her mouth was dry, her eyes burned, she had a metallic taste in her mouth and the tip of her nose seemed to tingle.
The doors to the shuttle opened, Wolf stepped out, a bound and gagged Flet chained to him and Panther. Gray, Ocampo Hemming and Richards stepped out. Then came a stretcher, beside it was Petra pale and tired looking. On the other side was Knickers who was staring at the Major's face till she stepped aside to let Dana and Staff King assess him. Then she looked up till she found Becca's face in the crowd.
"Massive left sided pneumothorax with resultant lower right atelectasis, hypovolaemic, query 2 minute episode of apnoea, sats 97 on 15 litres" Petra rattled off as Frank ran alongside the trolley.
Becca could still hear Petra talking as the doors swung shut on the med-bay. Wolf appeared at her side and gently steered her away from the crowd of soldiers into the side room. She managed two more strides before her knees gave way. Wolf guided her into a chair as she opened her mouth to scream and no sound came out. Trembling violently she felt Wolf's arms wrap tightly around her.
How long she they stayed like that Becca didn't know, but eventually she looked up to see Sergeant Panther, Captains Dorman, and Gillespie sitting in the room, standing leaning against the wall were Sergeants Fluke and Webb. Becca realised she was squeezing Wolf's arm with both hands, her nails had dug deep enough to draw blood from his wrist. Her fingers ached as she unclenched them. Wordlessly Panther poured her a glass of rum and passed it across, Becca downed it in one.
The door opened and a sombre looking Dana walked in, she looked at Wolf and then Dorman before crossing to stand infront of Becca.
"He's stable, we've repaired his lung but during the surgery...His heart stopped, he was down for nearly a minute. We'll have to run some tests when, if he wakes up."
Becca nodded numbly and tried to speak, she cleared her throat and tried again. "Thank you Dana, where's Frank?"
"Draining his last bottle of Courvoisier XO, I don't think he liked the part where the Major died." Dana's tone sounded angry.
"The problem with being the sort of man that earns love and loyalty like Kovac is people get upset when you die on them." Dorman said calmly, "I keep telling him he should try being unlikable like me."
"Does that mean I'm in command as senior officer?" Asked Gillespie, he winked at Becca and then Panther, "I think I'll reinstate prima nocta."
"Alright but Panther would break you little man," Becca said with a half-smile.
The officers began to talk and laugh, Dorman sent out the sergeants to talk to the men.
"She blames herself," Wolf said looking after Panther, "he was shielding her when he took the bolt."
Two days later Staff Sergeant King was glaring at the Major as he blew into a tube, "until I discharge you I am your commanding officer, I am emperor, king, high priestess and the Lord thy God, you can charm me all you want you mangy Scotch git, you are recuperating properly and doing your exercises."
"I'd tell you to get your oral fixation examined Frank but if blowing on this tube ten times a day will make you happy I'll do it. I will not be waiting over a month to heal naturally, now give me the AHMs so I can get on with my plan or I'll convince Angie to sneak me some, you know she'll do it too, and she'll take Petra down with her."
"If you have any kidney function left when this is all over I'll be amazed. Once this is resolved, I want you to come in for physio and a full medical check up."
"Once this is done I'll even let you check my prostate," Kovac grinned again.
The following morning Kovac laid in his bed while his officers sat around the room, Kovac asked about the prisoner.
"She seems willing to listen to us, I think she believes we can be manipulated." Dorman answered.
"I get the impression she is a little startled by the effectiveness of our raid and her capture. Our success has her worried."
"A huge success if you discount the Major's little problems," said Becca with a sneer.
"Everyone makes a fuss, i got injured. Hardly a fault of the mission, overall it was a complete success." Kovac replied.
"A complete success!? You fucking died!"
"Everybody makes a fuss," Kovac responded drawing a laugh from the others, Becca scowled.
Humans have a strange tendency to react to situations at a seemingly disproportionate level, small splits to their skin or a small shock can leave them "literally dying" an example of hyperbole. Kovac needing to be resuscitated on the operating table meant he said the injuries he had sustained, weren't ones he would reccomend.
The only thing bigger than a human's flair for the dramatic is a human's ability to down play something.
Kovac entered the room where the hostage was held, she eyed him as he crossed the room and as he sat in a chair she spoke.
"Major Radovan Kovac, formerly of the United Nations Galactic Defence Force then of the Galactic Council Defence Force and now leader of the human mercenary unit known as the Dark Horses, born Glasgow, Scotland in the year..."
"Impressive, you're Lorastayil claimant to the position of heir to the throne of the Flet Imperium, current prisoner to Major Kovac and judging by the speed of your heart, terrified of me no matter how calm you pretend to be," Kovac interrupted.
"My heart rate?" Lorastayil asked.
"The clip on your nose is taking measurements for us," Kovac raised a hand to silence the Flet. "Listen Kitty, we had a plan, it was simple, we use you to get to the rest of the royals and then we take all four of you out, we slip away into the darkness and watch as the rest of the royals fall apart trying to claim the top spot on the rubble, it would work. Believe me, I know how to topple governments I've done it before and Wolf, he's done it even more than me.
You know Wolf, he's the one that makes your heart skip a beat every time he glares at you, he has that effect on people."
Lorastayil stayed silent but her eyes never left Kovac's face, "however," Kovac continued, "while I'm sure pulling our plan off correctly would have been an end to this I'm not sure we would have achieved it without some losses and I've already lost one soldier over this, I'm not prepared to have another die to keep me alive, ironically it took dying to formalize my thoughts on this."
"The Flet Imperium," began the Flet.
"Oh do be quiet, the "Imperium" is barely two systems across and the only reason you get to keep it is because nobody wants it, everytime you've gotten expansionist the GCDF has slapped you down with one hand. You're a rogue state and the royal family makes you an easy mark to the sort of units that Wolf and I used to run, if I didn't care about collateral damage I'd break your little civilisation to teach you a lesson."
The Flet glared at Kovac and the Major held her gaze, "I have a plan however, one that keeps you alive, keeps my soldiers alive and puts an end to this."
Struggling to contain her anger Lorastayil stayed quiet for a few seconds before asking, "and what is this clever plan?"
"You take me back to Venita all the way to your capitol Genetry, we walk into the Royal Palace and you give me over to the Queen as your prisoner, you earn your place as heir apparent and the royal family win public support, I'm executed and my men are left alone. Now my men won't be happy about this, but because I'll do this voluntarily it'll hopefully take the edge off enough that they don't seek revenge."
"You'd die willingly?" Lorastayil asked her tone doubtful.
"No, not willingly but I'll accept it, better me than one of my men, that's the trick of being in command, my duty is to them, my leadership is the service I give them." He gave a sigh, "do you accept?"
"I have a choice?"
"Of course, I could always torture you till you agree to my first plan and we break your civilisation, not much of a choice but a choice none the less."
Kovac couldn't have successfully moved Lorastayil onto a shuttle secretly without assistance from Wolf, it appeared that Wolf was fully informed of the plan because as Kovac boarded the Shuttle I witnessed the two pause, shake hands solemnly and then part with a nod. An interaction I had never seen between the two of them before.
Unlike the human home planet, the Flet planet of Venita had developed as almost entirely a rainforest, since industrialisation much of the planet's growth had been cut back but it still retained it's verdant appearance. Even the capitol city of Gentry had a lot of green spaces. And in the centre, shining in the sunlight was the Royal palace, it's direct translation to human would be "glass" although the building was built from quartz.
Kovac walked with his head held high, for all appearances enjoying the view of the rain wet building gleaming in the sunlight. Kovac looked out of place in the light, bright building, wearing dark military fatigues his booted feet rang loud as he walked down the hallway. Around him walked his guards, soft footed and silent, despite their height and mass being greater than the human's they seemed diminished by him, or perhaps that was only my perception.
They paused before the great door to the hall, Lorastayil suddenly intense as she stared at Kovac.
"Do you want to die human? You seem at great ease."
"No, no I don't, I wish this could have worked out another way." He looked around, "it's beautiful here," he remarked absently, "I don't want to die but none of us choose how we die, even those poor souls who take their own life do so as a symptom of a disease often as not, the only thing you get a choice over is how you face your death. I'll stand on my own two feet and look it in the eye thank you." He gestured to the door, "shall we?"
The Flet Imperium is a culture devoid of much of the trappings of power that other civilisations cultivate. Pomp and ceremony; grandiose displays of power and privilege are not seen in the Flet royal court. In brief order Lorastayil was welcomed back, Kovac introduced and sentenced to death.
Kovac grinned up at the Queen and with a sudden movement had darted past the two large Kitty's that were nominally his guards.
"You know, I have read something of your culture and your laws, something the humans have known for Millenia 'know your enemy' a concept not respected by your finer military minds." Kovac stopped several feet from the throne, his guards closed in but hesitated to restrain him.
"For example, I know that Flet instinct will always be to trust in your claws not your hand held weapons, which puts the two guarding me at a disadvantage, while they are still suppressing the urge to resort to claws, I can instinctively fight with anything, in my reach...ask me about a pineapple sometime." As if to illustrate this point Kovac moved.
He sprang to his left into the nearest guard knocking it off balance, he butted his forehead into the side of its jaw with enough force to cause rotation of the head, the Flet spilled it's weapon and stumbled back. Kovac snatched up the dropped power lance but knowing he lacked the appropriate number of limbs to fire the weapon didn't pause in his movement but instead threw it hard as he could at the second guard who was still fumbling with its own power lance. The Kitty stumbled back and Kovac followed up with a flying knee to it's sternum knocking it flat.
As suddenly as he had moved he was still again, Kovac spread his arms wide as more guards converged on him.
"You see when I say I know you, I know you, so when I say I demand trial by combat, I know you are obliged to meet my demand and decide my fate inside the 'ring' as it were."
The Queen watched Kovac and gave a silent yawn, the Flet equivalent of a smile. "You may think you know us Major, however the demand for trial by combat is only something I'm obliged to honour if you are a subject, and that little display was designed to provoke me, provoke my anger but not all Flet are slaves to their rage." She raised two arms and then with another silent yawn gestured at her guards, "kill him."
Kovac backed up quickly out of the semi-circle of approaching guards, Lorastayil was watching him as more guards entered. Kovac produced a small curved blade, seemingly from nowhere and looked at the Flet heir.
"You know I rather liked the idea of meeting death while standing, but what I think I've always known is I'm going to go out kicking and screaming and fighting all the way." He looked around at the guards who were raising their power lance and I saw his weight shift.
Shots rang out, not the muted pop of a power lance but the sharp crack of human rifles. Several of the Flet guards dropped to the ground, Kovac was already moving towards the nearest Flet when Captain Wolf led the assault on the rear of the guard unit. From my vantage point of multiple awarenesses I saw Captain Becca kneeling just inside the entrance to the hallway and taking aim at the Flet queen. Sergeant Panther flanked by Barbie and Buckets closed in on one of the heirs, rifle shots ringing out everywhere.
Kovac my have been wrong about the precise laws and customs of the Flet but he wasn't wrong about their instincts, caught by surprise many of the Kitty guards dropped their power lances, instinctively wanting to use their own claws when provoked. Those that held onto their weapons were still slow in responding with fire themselves.
Kovac had already attacked the two nearest Flet his karambit knife slashing open throats and major blood vessels as he burst through the circle.
Captain Dorman led his troop in through the side entrance and more shots echoed through the hall. Kovac grabbed Lorastayil and forced her against a wall, the larger being letting the smaller human manhandle her. Their frantic conversation lost to the gun battle.
Moments later the hall fell silent, as the last Flet fell, two humans were down but both were moving, Petra and Angie moved between them and Sergeant Webb organised a stretcher team. Captain Becca began shouting orders and Sergeant Panther led the soldiers of 2 Troop out of the great hall.
Wolf reached Kovac and looked down at the dead Lorastayil, "She declined my offer of peace," Kovac said with regret in his voice. Looking up at his captain Kovac gestured around, "I thought you understood my reasons for not doing something like this?"
Wolf pulled Kovac across the hall his men closing in around them, "Oh I did, but the idea that a man was willing to lay down his life for the protection of his soldiers, well I have this feeling that sort of man is the sort I'd like to keep alive."
In the distance explosions boomed out as Captain Gillespie's mortar unit laid down sporadic fire across the military barracks.
"Your men were in agreement when I told them what you planned, apart from Staff King, he says he's saved you enough recently and stayed behind."
They hurried onto the extraction ship and as Captain Dorman counted his men back on Kovac looked around at his soldiers, his expression unreadable.
Captain Becca approached him and the ship went silent as she reached him and then punched him in the face.
"You bastard! She screamed, I nearly lost you and the first thing you did in response was try and get yourself killed!?" She drew back her fist again but Wolf and Panther restrained her, men laughed and Kovac pinching his bleeding nose approached his officers.
The time for awkward thank yous was later, they were still in Flet space now.
"The Frell sent us pass codes they...happened to have," Dorman said to Kovac's unasked question. "Once we were inside their airspace they have almost no security."
"Major have we started another war? What will happen next?" Gillespie asked, loud enough for the soldiers to listen in.
"Maybe, but I don't think so, I think the political powers will enjoy the loss of a faction from their halls of power and I think that whoever finally claims the empty royal throne, they'll be slightly grateful to us for getting them there and if not...they'll think long and hard before they decide to fuck with the Dark Horses again."
The End.
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