#thank you ranna!
queen-scribbles · 2 years
1, 7, 12, 13, 33, 47 for Adi?
1.Do they have any crafting hobbies?
She likes to embroider, and she picked up card weaving when she was the orlan equivalent of preteen to help out her dad in his tailor shop(making embellishments for shirts/dresses/jackets) and found she enjoyed it. That's a harder one to keep up with while traveling, but she still tries, and she's really good at it. The crafting stuff tends to fall by the wayside when there's a good book to be read, though.
7. Do they have any unusual fears?
Unusual, no, fears, yes.
12. Do they have any sense of style? Regardless of the answer do they believe they have a sense of style?
She does, in that she likes pretty things, and since "pretty" is usually in style, she lucks out. But it's not deliberate or trying to wear what's "in", she just buys things she likes. She's never even thought about if she has a sense of style beyond her style. Which is lots of light pink/cornflower pale blue, maybe some lavender, for colors, and 95% is going to be dresses with leggings under them. Deadfire she branch more into trousers and more protective clothes, but pretty dresses still hold her heart.
13. Do they enjoy poetry?
Reading it, yes. Or listening to it being read. She knows several people with extremely good voices that it's a pleasure to listen to. She doesn't have the patience or inclination to write it herself, though.
33. Do they play ttrpgs? If so what kind of characters do they play? Or are they more likely to GM?
If there's an in-universe equivalent, absolutely she'd play a ttrpg. Very likely to GM and be AMAZING at it. If she's a player, she's probably either a rogue or barbarian bc she uses magic in everyday life and wants to shake things up totally not bc she's dating a rogue or anything /cough
47. Would they lie to get someone else out of trouble? Even if they would have to take that someone else's place?
Depends on the person and the trouble. Her family and most of the companions from either game, yes, without hesitation. (Durance and DoC are almost definitely no- oh wait she didn't recruit Durance, does he still count? Maia and Serafen are HEAVILY qualified maybes. If she helped Maia, tbh it would likely be more for either Kana or Xoti's sake. Sorry, Maia.)
OC Asks
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ranna-alga · 1 year
If Jesus does make a canon reappearance in season 3 (which I think He most likely will) then I imagine He probably will have a 'new face/body' similar to Beelzebub (a new 'heavenly body' after His Ascension/Resurrection if you will)
With that said I absolutely need Him to be played by Dev Patel (come on guys do you see my vision)
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For the wip bird asks!!
🦜+ 🐧+ 🦉+ 🐦 + 🦩
Thank you! Really spoiling with the birds, thank you!!! 🥰
🦜 a pretty quote (you like the prose, or symbolism, or it's poetic, or you just like how it feels/the word choice!)
The burning was practical, cleansing, respectful. Final. They used traditional methods, even though they had long since moved past needing torches for lighting fires or even needing fires beyond funeral pyres. For a few moments, Ranna didn't think that she could do it. She stared at the body on the pyre, wrapped in a shroud of the traditional colors of the Seneschal family. She remembered being a girl, her family laid out on their pyres, Alaric holding the torch and lighting them, to spare her, even though she was the closest relative of most. She was the only one now. She had to do this for him. Ranna took the torch, not flinching as it shed sparks and burning scraps. The words had all been said. This was all that was left. She touched it to the pyre and rested it there as it caught immediately, only backing off when the flames leapt high and hot, bowing her head for a moment before forcing herself to look at them. There were no tears now and Ranna wondered if that was a bad thing. Her grief was still there, of course, but the tears that had poured out of her were no longer there. Gregory stood on one side of her, Toland on the other, and she felt comforted by their presence, though they were there more for support of her than to say goodbye to Alaric. Which was okay, she found, despite her bitterness towards the turnout. The burning took a long time, as it always did. But at the same time it didn't feel like long enough. Because as soon as the burning was over, it was time for the presentation to Kaanan. The members of the Senate escorted Ranna through the streets to the government building, taking a route that she had never traced before, even in her years of training. In her years of running through these halls as a child, in awe of what she was born for. Ranna no longer felt in awe of it, but she felt like that child again.
Untitled Ranna Fic (angsty, but I like the prose)
🐧 a funny quote (silly! laughs! jokes! puns!)
Nikola rolled his eyes as Ashley came charging over, closely followed by Henry. "No running in the kitchen." Helen scolded as Ashley moved to completely invade Nikola's space, clearly sizing him up. Nikola didn't back down and just looked at her with an arched eyebrow. "I thought you would be taller." Ashley said, skipping introductions completely. "I thought the same thing about you." Nikola returned. Helen's maternal reflex already had her opening her mouth to scold Nikola, because it wasn't the first time someone had commented on Ashley being short in comparison to her parents, but she stopped when Ashley drew herself up and looked Nikola up and down before she grinned. "Nikola, this is Ashley." "The pigeon tormentor." Nikola said, nodding. Ashley looked confused, but took Nikola's hand when he offered it to her. Then he turned to Henry. "And you must be Heinrich." Henry took Nikola's hand with a very serious expression. "Mum doesn't like you." "Henry." Helen said, cheeks heating, partially because that wasn't strictly true anymore. "At least he's honest." Nikola said, shrugging. "And your mother and I have come to an understanding."
Enigmatic Confections (I hope this counts, the Ashley and Nikola was the first funny thing I thought of)
🦉 a clever quote (something you're proud of!)
"You are not property, Helen, but you are valuable. You are the firstborn of Clan Bancroft. The only child of your mother's line left. This clan will be yours very shortly. Whoever takes your hand will be in a high position and must bring an equal sum." "Why must I marry at all?" Helen winced and amended her statement. "Why must I marry so soon? I do not want to try to manage a marriage and my duties all at once, not until I am steady in my reign." "You are well aware of the politics between our clans." "Yes, but--" Helen broke off, biting the inside of her cheek. If she had been a boy, this wouldn't be happening. It didn't matter what her father said. The other clans were offering their sons so that her power could be pushed aside. So that they could absorb her clan into theirs, become more powerful than the others. "How could you do this to me, Father?" her whisper came out small, making her truly sound her age. Her father sighed and clasped his hands on the desk. "I made stipulations in this agreement, Helen. You may choose any of the four. He will take control of his own clan upon his marriage to you. He may not usurp your standing in this clan. Those left out of this alliance will abide by it." Helen leaned back, rocking on her heels. "I don't want this. I don't care if it will be good for the clan. I do not want this. I can not do this."
Untitled Sanctuary Clans and Marriages AU (I feel clever for this because: boom! The Five.)
🐦 a romantic quote (can be sweet or sad or sexy, or just your favorite interaction between them!)
Rana's hand slid gently over her skin as she raised herself and then pressed a kiss to the crest of Helen's swollen belly. "Keeping you awake?" Ranna asked softly. Helen slid her fingers into Ranna's dark hair, holding her close. "Mmm. Not really. They're sleeping." "Like you should be." Ranna said, shifting to kiss Helen on the mouth. Helen kissed her back, taking a moment to simply enjoy it. "What's go through that mind of yours, Helen?" Rann asked as she pulled away. "Do you hate me?" Helen whispered, surprising herself with the words. She definitely would not have asked in daylight hours. "Now why would I do that?" In answer Helen cradled her abdomen, where the baby stirred sleepily. Ranna's eyes, glistening in the dark, softened. "For giving us a child?" "For carrying the child you can't give me. For John and Nikola." Helen's voice was raw and vulnerable to her own ears. She had been telling herself it was simply the hormones of the pregnancy making her feel like this, but she knew that wasn't true. "Helen, we wouldn't have a child any other way." Ranna said patiently. "The next time one of them comes...I will do it again. I love them." "I know. And I knew that long ago." The patient tone was irking Helen and she sat up, wrapping her arms around herself, feeling chilly. The baby kicked, wide awake now. "Why now?" Ranna asked. "Why does it matter now?" Helen didn't answer, standing and going to the trunk where they kept their clothes. She pulled on a shirt she could barely button and walked out. The beach wasn't far and Helen walked across the moonlit sand, trying to untangle the ball of emotions in her chest. Perhaps she was being ridiculous, but the thoughts had plagued her for months. Ranna didn't seem to understand. "Helen!" Of course Ranna had come after her. Helen stood just above the tide, not turning. "What's going on?" Ranna asked, clearly annoyed.
Untitled Sanctuary Island AU, Helen/Ranna (this is my favorite interaction between them right now)
🦩dealer's choice (choose any quote at all! or the summary / ao3 tags thing! whatever! wild card!)
The door opened, but only as far as the chain allowed. A suspicious blue eye regarded him. That eye did not look happy. "Yes?" "Helen Druitt?" "Magnus. I never changed my name. I don't know why everyone assumes I did." she said. Nikola was fairly certain he had just hit strike one without even meaning to. And to be fair to her, he had just assumed. He had only been told her first name, after all. He cleared his throat. "I apologize." Her eye narrowed. Nikola really wished that he could see her whole face, so that he could judge how this was going. "What do you want?" "Can you open the door so we can talk properly?" Nikola asked. For a few moments he thought that was going to get him the door slammed in his face, but it gently closed and he heard the chain slide. The door reopened and he was able to get his first real look at Helen Magnus. She was a tall woman, perhaps an inch shy of Nikola's height. Her eyes were blue, as he had already seen. Her brunette hair was pulled messily into a bun on the back of her head and had a pencil stabbed through it. Her clothes were wrinkled and stained with various colors that he thought might have been from paint. "What do you want?" she repeated. He cleared his throat. "My name is Nikola Tesla. Your husband--" "Ex-husband." Helen said, heat in her tone. Well, now, that was something that Mr-I'm-taller-than-you-and-will-loom-over-you-menancingly-even-during-a-civil-conversation had failed to mention. "Your ex-husband. He hired me." "For what?" Good God, had the man just decide to sic Nikola on his wife--ex-wife--without even giving her a heads up? Nikola wasn't certain that he had liked the man, but he had seemed civil. Had spoken politely and to the point about Helen. "He didn't tell you?" "I've been ignoring his calls." Helen said, face flushing a bit as she tilted her chin defiantly at the same time. "What has John hired you for?" "You."
Untitled Teslen Fic (as a treat)
Okay, I went a little overboard with that and reread a lot of stuff, but I'm not sorry for it, especially since I wasn't having a great day until then.
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
Ranna Taoven!
From the [SWTOR NPC Headcanons Ask List]
This one's gonna be short and disappointing, I'm afraid! I...do not have anything for Ranna. Not because I don't like her but there's just genuinely nowhere that I can think (nor do I feel it would add anything even if I did "think" of something) to shove her into Subterfugeverse canon.
After Aria leaves Tython she doesn't really think about any of the NPCs there again, nor is she ever likely to run into them again. Even the new JK who I will undoubtedly make one day, isn't gonna be a major character to the point where I've considered anything she might contribute re: interacting with other NPCs. They're very much just background characters that are entirely unimportant and play no part in the wider story arc lmao
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sleeping-ranna · 11 months
A Marvellous Light and a Restless Truth? They’re not trashy so much as spicy
i stared at this ask for 30 seconds until I remembered I requested reading suggestions.
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tired-reader-writer · 5 months
I was re-listening to the AU playlist (thankfully my headache doesn't seem to be preventing me from music tonight) and I felt the urge to ramble about stuff sooooo. Lyric highlights, a brief aside on why I might've chosen a particular song, that kind of stuff! I won't be breaking down entire songs, though.
If y'all wish to listen along as you read this... inordinately long post... Here's the link to the playlist:
“If these newly sprouted feelings resound in your heart, I can stay by your side and protect you, right?”
“Holding up the light I erase my hesitations
What I wanted to give you was a future
I scream out my grief, holding onto crying nights”
— Oath Sign, by LiSA
Ain't this just so fucking Shapur in Wolfsong?
“Even if I lose, even if I fail
I have no choice but to keep living
No matter how many times I fall
I have something to protect”
“This is the path I choose, the only path given”
— Kamado Tanjirou no Uta, by Nakagawa Nami, covered by Raon Lee
Pretty much the theme of the AU. They didn't choose this world, but they have to live in it. And protect what they can, while they're at it.
“Can you still smile even after seeing the real world?”
“A spiral song clears the way for one willful hope”
“You don't know how reckless you are
You make me blue”
“Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter color ardour wander
Gotta feel it undercover”
— Avid, by Mizuki and Hiroyuki Sawano
Of Ayunnen and Kashi's POVs as they're befriended by Shapur, though the final highlight was from Shapur's POV.
“The moon moves on
Death rides on
The raven flies in the evening”
“Long is the journey
Long are the paths to go
Long-lasting is the longing of men, if this is to be”
— Máninn Líður, by SKÁLD
Aaaaaand the massacre happens. They're dead. Grief enters the scene.
“Within this neverending rain
No longer am I afraid of yesterday
The future that had lost you
Had just begun”
“The cruel sky shines upon
Both what was lost
And what will never change”
— Aria, by Kalafina
The neverending rain both for the literal rain that bookended the chapter but also the metaphorical rain of grief that will follow the characters for years to come.
“You who are crying, you who are lonely
It is you who is right, it is you who is human”
“Dreams you want to fulfill, dreams that you can't reach
They themselves turn into dreams, into hope, and that's how people live on, right?”
“Thank you to the miracle
That we were able to meet
Even in a dirty and ugly world
Even like this”
— My Song, by GirlDeMo(Angel Beats) uhhh I haven't tracked down the irl singer who sang this, SORRY 😭
I chose this track primarily for Farangis. Imagine a young Farangis, struck with grief of losing her parents, ostracized by everyone else in the temple out of jealousy, and the first highlight is a reassurance that she has a right to cry, that she's human because of it.
The second highlight is more abstracted from her, more about hope in general.
The third comes right back to Farangis, she feels grateful to have met the clan and expanded her horizons, even in a shitty world like this. It's what draws Ranna/Ashaya to her, as well.
“Tears spill for the days you cannot return to The sky above burns crimson”
“Here, fulfill the ancient vow O night, break to dawn!”
“As if piercing a passing doubt Nock your arrow to your bow, release it far, far away”
“You, don't forget Your dream of seeing the burning end of the skies Those fragments will surely awaken, waiting”
— Akatsuki, by Shikata Akiko, covered by Shannon
Mostly just for these lines
Ancient vows and dawn arriving, it kinda sounds like a prophecy, doesn't it?
“Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true It's taking over you”
“Colossal we come renegades in the ring
Where the lost get found in the crown of the circus king!”
— The Greatest Show, by The Greatest Showman Cast
Mostly for these lines about runaways and renegades lol
Also the song has immaculate Kazai vibes
And shenanigans
“Sticking it out, letting you down
Making it right”
“Seasons, they will change
Life will make you grow
Dreams will make you cry, cry, cry
Everything is temporary
Everything will slide
Love will never die, die, die”
“Some nights, I think of you
Reliving the past, wishing it'd last
Wishing and dreaming”
“Death can make you hard, hard, hard”
— Birds, by Imagine Dragons
The POV of those who remain.
“I met you
And had a dream that would never come true”
“Wanting to protect you
I reached out
And embraced you with my still trembling fingers”
“All we can do is keep on living
Until we lose all our strength
We'll keep shouting helplessly”
“The proof that I was here
Is still there, in your eyes”
“Crying, screaming, and even as we vanish
We are alive
We are here”
— Sprinter, by Kalafina
Themes of the story, pov of the survivors, the desire to protect, etc!
And from a people that kept being erased over and over, a declaration that they still exist.
No but really, the song is really good.
“In the silence of a world wearing a veil of misty rain Suddenly, I saw how cold the face of truth could be”
“What else shall we let go To live our lives the only way we knew The birds are soaring in the sky So high above us all, we who cannot fly We dragged our wounds behind us And kept walking on”
“Through the emptiest of nights, ones that freeze you to your bones If we stay together closely, we will see the morning light What is the reason why, we can't stop this chain of hurt How much longer will we relive the past, the same memories?”
“Unlike the birds that soar the sky We have no wings, and though we won't learn to fly We stand above the earth now And keep walking on”
— flowers, by Hana Hope (English version)
Almost copy-pasted the entire song here
It's a song about humanity. It makes me so damn emotional.
Keep walking on. Share the warmth. Stay close together. Hey why do we keep hurting each other?
Themes very relevant to Wolfsong.
“For what reason
Have I been engulfed by flames?
I have been captured by fear
For such a long time
Now these flames will never extinguish!”
— The Star Knows, by Hoshimi Junna (Revue Starlight anime), I don't know who the irl vocalist is
“Now I'm fighting this war
Since the day of the fall
I've been desperately holding on to it all
But I'm lost
I'm so damn lost”
“Oh I wish it was over
And I wish you were here
Still I'm hoping that somehow—”
“As I'm lying awake
I'm still hearing their cries”
“And I'm wondering why
I still fight in this life
Cause I've lost all my faith
In this damn bitter strife”
— Shot In The Dark, by Within Temptation
I know this song doesn't fit Saam's vibes but. Hear me out.
The first parts just scream of him after the siege of Ecbatana, yeah?
Though the part about losing faith reads more Kubard, tbh
“As I paint a crimson artwork on the ground
With every piercing sound another worthless soul lies dead
Until my hands are dyed a brilliant red”
“Destroy them all (destroy them all)
I can't stop
No, I cannot stop
This need inside of me for more destruction
Powerless, powerless
So fragile is humanity
Cause in the end (in the end)
They're nothing except useless puppets
‘What's the reason for our creation?’
Hey, I'm asking you
So what do you say?”
“Cause here we draw the line
And every single thing is defined (black or white)
The very moment we were given our names
Our roles have been pre-ordained
When I snap my finger
None will remain”
— Karakuri Burst, English cover lyrics by SirHamnet
Ranna/Ashaya and Hilmes duet. On hindsight Hilmes' parts need quite a bit of stretching, buuuut he is dubbed “The Prince of Justice” by the Master in canon so someone who's trying to rid Pars of “evil” could fit right in. Ashaya is lashing out, destroying everything in their path, and sees nothing worth saving in this wretched society. Hilmes is caught up on the birthright stuff (our roles have been pre-ordained) sooo. Yeah.
“Why'd you make my voice stutter?
Why do truths never matter?
Why'd you curse me with ‘You're a natural-born genius’?
Endless inferno (inferno)”
“If you wanted me to live
If you wanted me to forgive
If you wanted to pretend like we're civilized humans—”
“Why don't deaths end my torture?
Why don't anyone feel my hurt?
Why do we crown our most violent to be champions?”
— In Hell We Live Lament, by Mili
Could be Araya, could be Ashaya. Wounded by the world, questioning it.
“And besides in the mean, mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart”
“I just gotta get you out the cage
I'm a young lover's rage
God I need a spark to ignite”
“My childhood spat back out the monster that you see”
— Light Em Up (My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark), by Fall Out Boy
Kazai and Ranna/Ashaya's song. Their feral tendencies coming to the forefront!
“As long as we're together
I will believe
There's a continuation for our destiny”
“When we were small
We made a single precious promise
I will not give up
I will recreate it
I wanted to see you”
— Starlight, by Aijou Karen and Kagura Hikari (Revue Starlight anime)
Not gonna lie this song is on thin ice despite how much I love it.
I initially kinda wanted it to be a song for Ashaya and Alfarīd— in the case that they did meet in their younger years, but now I'm not so sure.
On second glance it oddly reads as Daryun and Narsus????
Do with that what you will.
“What will I embrace
As I discard in the shadow of desire
This ideal of mine, drenched in pain?
It feels like another world, but this is the truth
With these stained hands I will protect you”
“What have I lost
As my awakened heart
Betrays yesterday's justice?”
“Now I'll brandish my glittering dream in the darkness
So that it will shine upon our overlapping lives
With the strength I have chosen
I will reach the place I believe is paradise
The hope that is our bond
Is connecting us to the future
Let us overcome our unhealing sorrow
My full emotions, unafraid of being broken
Are simply waiting for dawn to come”
— Another Heaven, by earthmind
Shapur's song. His and Kazai's, moreso Shapur's for the lines about discarding the ideals he once had.
The song is from the perspective of a protagonist who lets go of his heroic ideals and his dream of becoming a hero, in favor of saving the woman he loves. A song from the story of a sword finally becoming human.
This is Shapur's resolve settling, having decided what it is that he wishes to protect.
“Finally breaking, so where are you now?
It's been such a long time that I've tried to live without
I'm suffocating, I need you to breathe!
So pull me up, pull me out
Before I am buried beneath!”
“Thought I was climbing out
But it's dragging me down
What's hidden here with me
Thought I was alone
But it pulls me deeper now
I can't escape!”
— Buried Beneath, by Red
Gurgin's song in this AU, imo. Thought he was sticking it to the society that hurt him and killed his brother by joining Team Zahhak, only to realize much later down the line (after unwillingly staying in Gorgan for a while) that... they were only dragging him down. Maybe he's calling out to his brother.
“Test my will, test my heart
Tell me how the odd's gonna stack, huh?
Y'all go hard, I go smart
How's it working out for y'all in the back, huh?
I've seen that frustration
Been crossed and told no
And I've come back, unshaken”
“I can't fall back, I came too far
Hold myself up and love my scars”
“I don't fold up and I don't bow
I don't roll over, I don't know how”
— Lost In The Echo, by Linkin Park
Mostly vibes, but I felt this captured Gurgin's kinda haughty attitude, lmao.
“An existence that was born in the city
Seeming stronger than anyone else
Now we can only imagine our cursed and doomed future”
“Running and falling
Embracing these wounds that won't heal
For this moment the world has been waiting for”
“Drowned in the weakness of my inner self
I don't even know what mask (face) I should wear now anymore
So won't you give me an answer?”
“I know that it may look ugly and pathetic
But this is who I am right now
A corpse that cannot become anything, so go ahead and laugh”
— Kaikai Kitan, by Eve, covered by Raon Lee
Hilmes, fresh out of the haunted-forced-redemption-temple :D
“The pain layers upon itself and becomes shackles
I have no time to be crying
The helpless night and the the disheartened morning
They keep passing over and over
And what was left of the cruelly broken hope
Was a wavering light”
“The justice someone's wielding hurts so much
Even if someone's crying
It will hurt my heart again
Even if there are scars behind every single truth
I have no choice but to simply—
Forgive them all”
— Untitled world, by ReoNa
Areyan/Arslan's song in the AU, after he's been rescued from Ecbatana.
“I will change reality itself
Even if the truth I find is harsh and cruel
The world is filled with disasters
Time to tame the sins, change our fate”
“The rocky castle is starting to shake, it's finally time to decide
Whether to repair or rebuild, a choice must be made”
— Vivid Vice, by Who-ya Extended, covered by Raon Lee
Song for a redeemed Hilmes.
“It's a scream that my body alone cannot contain”
“I have a heart that trembles
Only when I touch your hand”
“It's fine even if it's foolish
It's fine even if it's ugly
There where lies beyond righteousness
I want to hold your hand”
— Suzume, by RADWIMPS ft. Toaka
Song of a redeemed Gurgin who is in love with Isfan.
“A world where nobody hurts each other
May be a baseless optimism
But even so, I want to try betting on it”
“Anger and grief get passed
From person to person in the blink of an eye
They create enemies that don't even exist
And thus ignite the call to fight”
— Yakodou, by Sakamoto Maaya
The song's not particularly dedicated to any one character, really, it's more of an all-compassing song
Think of it as a song before the final showdown against Zahhak.
“As I carry irreparable shadows
The promised place is where flowers bloom
With no care for sin or love
There goes spring
The shining light
Is simply dazzling in the sky
Please do not forgive me
I want to be broken, I want to be reborn
I will laugh by your side”
— Haru wa Yuku, by Aimer
The ending song of the finale in a movie trilogy, this one carries a tone of finality. And the lyrics felt fitting for a Hilmes near or at the hypothetical ending of the story.
The rest of the song could be echoed for other characters, but yeah.
And that concludes most of the songs in the playlist!
Rapid-fire round for the ones I didn't cover:
Soleil: roughly has the tone of a tale being retold— a martyr who gave too much and then died— the song that inspired Araya, a mythological figure for the clan.
Lostbelt title theme: an instrumental, to set the tone for a grand story— though I initially envisioned it panning over the long-gone ancient island, where the clan was said to have originated from, the island where Araya died
Noh Chant: Kaykhusraw's betrayal, Iumaka's death
Dance of the Spirit: clan vibes, especially kinda sorta Kazai in a ceremonial setting?
Moonsong: Ayunnen's song
Parent's Feelings: the somber tone of the castle after the massacre.
girls, dance, staircase: the vibes of a quiet morning
Yuki no Hitohira: more of the somber grief.
Rain: The entire song is just so clan-coded
Wolf Blood: Isfan and Kashi, need I say more?
Crucible: Ashaya/Ranna character song
The Nights: Kazai vibes. The line “Think of me if ever you're afraid” makes me go soft.
Homeland: the castle and Shapur's lands as they grow with the clan's presence, the feeling of being home
Garden: joyful tone setter
It's My Day: fun tune, an energetic morning
朝市にて: Ecbatana before shit goes horribly wrong
Sulcus: Areyan's brainstorming song during the siege and Lusitanian occupation
Chaotic Battle: Ashaya's battle theme
Shura Fire: Alfarīd's battle song
Spirit of the Wild: Kazai's song
Sediment: Team Zahhak vibes
Silhouette: Team Zahhak vibes
Deep Darkness: the haunted temple Hilmes gets trapped in
Hitogashima Ballad: seems to be a children's song/lullaby, the vibes fit Araya The Younger (not the mythological one, Kaykhusraw's son he killed and wiped off of history), a ghost Hilmes encounters in the haunted temple
Nijamena: I could not for the life of me find translated lyrics so it's on here for the supremely epic vibes
Fate/Apocrypha: preparing for the final showdown vibes, has a mystical air to it soooo
The Last of the Starks: Team Gorgan aka Shapur's family and the clan at the end of everything kinda vibes
Labyrinth: Hilmes leads a ceremony to apologize to those Kaykhusraw had betrayed and murdered, put the spirits at ease, held where the haunted temple is.
@innerchorus Since you were interested, here ya go!
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mihstar · 9 months
This constant noise all the time (or 'Ellie dies instead of Joel' oneshot)
Hey! First of all I just wanted to say that I'm not a writer and didn't even intend to post when I wrote this. But yesterday, someone here was talking about the possibility of Ellie dying in Joel's place, and and I said something about this little draft of mine, and two people said to me that they would read it and it would be cool if I post... And now I'm babbling, sorry. Anyway, I hope you like it. @ranna-alga thanks for the boost of courage <3 And English it's not my first language so sorry for any mistakes.
Summary: Winter arrives for the residents of Jackson, bringing a snowstorm, foreigners survivors, and darkness.
Since a little after Ellie was gone, Joel felt heavier.
He would wake up in the morning, surrounded by the walls of his room. Or sometimes in her place, something he's been doing a lot lately. He can tell Tommy worries every time he sees him walking some nights to there instead to his own house, his little brother thinks it wouldn't bring no good. Maybe it wouldn't. But he does anyway - let the warm scent of the sheets make it's way into his nostrils 'til his body feels numb. - He would eat something. Lukewarm coffe with some old toast or bittersweet fruit. Or sometimes nothing. Some days, he would get up and go through the day. Dutties. Patrols. Plans. And some other days... Some of them he wouldn't even leave his porch. Or the inside of his house. Would be still all day, waiting for it to pass so he could close his eyes again. Sometimes, he has dreams with her. Things they did together and things he wish they did. Those are his favourite.
Another times, he would wake up in the middle of the night sweating and calling for her name in the dark. Crying and sobbing. Skull cracking noises ringing vividly in his ears. Choked throat and heart overflowing with bitterness.
It was strange, kind of.
When Sarah died, Joel closed and locked up himself like a door, becoming a heartless man that would rather spend his time killing his way to Boston and fighting with his brother than to remember any fragment of his dead daughter. But now at the dead of his second one, Joel found himself revisiting all of his memories, fragments, anything that would feel like his Ellie again. Maybe because then, Joel couldn't alow himself to be vulnerable about Sarah like that while trying to survive the first years of the outbreak. Not that he wanted to survive by that time, though. He was trying for Tommy. Now, Joel feels like he isn't quite the same. Part of it is Ellie's fault- That kid changed him in so many ways. That blinding rage that used to take control of his body doesn't make him impulsive like it used to do. Salt Lake is still his last big sin in his history. Instead of, he was letting this, his girl's ghost haunt him 'till the rest of his days.
He's not sure if remembering her stops him from putting a bullet into his brain or just kills him slowly like a cancer. Maybe both. But he can't fucking help it.
He can't help but try to remember every single freckle of her face, the way her little bony fingers would strum the guitar he gave her. He tried to remind himself of every single joke or random facts about space she read somewhere. The sound of her laugh was his prayer that he would imagine in his head everynight. Keep with him like a treasure and make sure he would never forget that sound. He couldn't forget, she deserves to be remembered.
Joel also usually thinks about the day before Ellie was gone too. He wasn't hoping to see her at the Community hall that night when Tommy invited him. He saw her almost everyday, but after their fight, there were times he would look at her and feel like he haven't seen her in ages. Like he lost too damn much. By the years, ellie got taller and her features matured with her age. She lost some of her baby fat and she was beginning to look more like the adult folks in town - even when all Joel could see when looking at her was the little girl following his steps on the road, years ago. His heart aches to think he would never see her turn into the beautiful woman she sure would have been.
Remembering about their last day in Jackson was the memory that most hurts to think about. Because of the fact that, in that day, none of them knew what would happen in the next one. She was dancing with that kid Dina by the sound of a song about God, not having an ideia that it would be her last dance, her last night, her last kiss. If she knew about that, or at least had a bad omen, would she have done diferently and opened up her feelings to that girl before It was too late? Before she would end up being burried in dirt at Jackson's cemetery?
And Snow, he recalls thinking it when they buried her. When he buried her. Small and heavy weight wrapped in a white sheet. Too limp and quiet in his arms when he found it too hard to let go-
When winter arrived for the first time after they settled in town, Ellie would always be a little more cautious about this particular season of the year. Not that she used to say to him, because she didn't. Even If he asked to. He doesn't know if It's because that would be breaking the "tough girl" persona she liked to be, or if It's for Joel's sake: Ellie knew he already felt very responsible about everything that happened after they were ambushed in Colorado, she probably wouldn't want to make him feel worse. So she used to say she was fine. But Joel knew her enough to notice her posture change and her quiet behavior; fingers always moving and the urge to spend more time at home, and not just brcause of the cold. Think about it now, gives chills down to his spine.
Poor kiddo, It's almost like the kid could sense winter smelled like her death. Bright red all over the floor. Bare limp arms as they took off her sweater 'cause they wanted to make sure she was who they thought. Metallic smell invading his senses and his scream tearing his lungs. Strong arms lift and pick up momentum one last time, the wind outside whistling as death opened the door. 'Please she's just a kid!' and 'Ellie, baby, get up' just before...
It's so hard to associate the small body, bloody and shrunken like a fetus on the floor of Baldwin mansion with the green eyed girl in his porch, stabbing his heart with daggers and saying she would enjoy to have him in her life again - even when her heart was still so broken by him. And, at the end of that night, Joel turned off the lights and went to bed, not aware that that would be the last time he spoke to his babygirl. Because her skull would be split in half by a fucking golf club in the next morning.
He wonders if she called for his name at any moment during that. Godammit, she must have been so scared and lonely, Joel knew It. Her whole body must have hurt so much, being spanked in that cold floor, she must have been in so much pain, crying and confused about why those fuckers were doing such a thing. Joel is not sure if those cowards did even brother to explain anything to her. Did she think about him once? Was waiting for him to be there sooner?
Sarah's last (and agonizing) moments of pain lasted a minute or two, and Joel was there with her all the time, holding her and looking into her eyes until any sign of life fade through them like dust. The fact that he heard Ellie's screams even though she was almost dying and too weak to open her eyes indicates that her torture began well before his intervention. And when he finally came to rescue, his body was hold against the floor five feet away from her. And he had to watch her last minutes, unable to touch her, while her body let out one last painful breath. So fragile, so gore and tragic. Like a baby deer slaughtered by a pack of hungry wolves.
And, even at death, Ellie would still be the top of his worries. He can't watch a movie he already seen before cause her reactions were still vivid in his head, neither watch a new one cause then he will wonder if she would've liked or think it's bullshit. He does plays guitar, but doesn't sing 'cause that's something he only used to do to his baby girl. Hurts to be with Jesse in patrol because he looks at that kid and reminds him so much of his own. Seeing other people was the worst part. They laughing. They living, talking, fucking doing things because she used to be one of them. Ellie would be disappointed to see him like this. Miserable, worse than when they met, a dead weight, guilty...
He feels guilty because he knows he is, in fact, guilty. Tommy says other wise, says there's nothing he could've done. You gave her a home and people like me 'nd Maria who truly cared about her. She may have been mad at you at some point and things were not fuckin' great between you two but she recognized that. So now, if you wanna say her death it's on you, go on... that ain't fine by me neither but there's nothin' I can say to handle you of that. But don't say you weren't good to her because we both know it ain't true. Ellie died, Joel. But she had the best years of her life. Accept that, brother.
But Tommy doesn't get it. He only saw these last couple of years, but he hasn't seen all of it. Not they journey, not their start. He never failed anyone.
Joel was her protector during years, he was her guardian, he always had some kind of sixth sense whenever became to that kid, in the road or not. He should've know. He should've done something, somehow prevented that from happening to her. It was him in the first place, those people were there for his sins. Not hers, she didn't have any.
'I will never leave you alone again' was the exact same words he said that day, cupping Ellie's cheeks when that building was almost falling in their heads by the flames. But he did, he did left her. Cold, broken, gone. It was stupid from him to think he wouldn't fail with this kid when he already failed with another one before, and even more cruel to make a little girl believe in a promise he wouldn't keep. She saved him on that winter with all her strength, but he didn't save her in this Winter. If the memories of the girl is not a Cancer to his heart, this thought may be.
Spreading on him like a fungus.
Joel have never been a very religious man, but he likes to think that If there's really a place reserved for good-hearted souls worthy of eternal rest, Ellie is there. Maybe exploring bright sacred places or good memories. Probably even finally being able to meet another girl that both have knowledge of a person in common. Joel is not very sure that he would Join them someday, though. Even If he would like to think about it if he had time. Pretend. Like it isn't impossible.
Because sure as hell would be once he find out the lair of the hungry wolves. Salt Lake City was big sin, but It wasn't his last. Joel was going to make sure It wasn't.
Iit's not perfect but I think it turned out pretty good as a person who doesn't really have writing skills... Right?🙈 Please share and don't forget to say what do you think about it. @elliespuns Come see this before I regret.
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nintendonut1 · 8 months
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Commission for @editoress of her lovely bard Ranna!
Enjoy!! And thank you!!!
Commission rates
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captain-kraken · 12 days
And a free card for the Get To Know My Character asks: answer all of the questions you’d like for an oc of your choice!
Thank you!! I can never resist the urge to talk about the Ranna twins lol
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Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
Veila often makes a sound like this, though she’s not consciously doing it. Pocha and Cerasa like it when she does it, as they're both visually impaired and it makes them know that she's nearby.
What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
Pocha sleeps in either the hammock in his bedroom, or the hammock up in the trees outside. Either way, he's usually cuddling some random animal that's crawled into his bed. He sometimes talks in his sleep, which Veila finds hilarious.
Veila sleeps inside in her room, which doesn't have a bed, but a pond. She can't sleep anywhere else and the idea of a bed with blankets sounds horrifying to her. Pocha thinks this is very weird.
Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
They both LOVE animals. Other than each other (and the occasional god) the only real company they had were animals.
They don't exactly have pets but they do have ones that they consider friends. Pocha's best friend is a 30ft snake that lives in a tree. Veila also has a frog sanctuary that she takes care of, as they've been affected by the Bahavi corruption.
Not sure if it counts as mythical, but Pocha is obsessed with the idea of Tura being real. He's tried asking the other gods if he exists but they all give him different answers, so he's not sure what to believe.
Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life?
Both twins have Laeka, this is when the heiros inside a person becomes infected by corrupted heiros. Theirs is in a pretty advanced state, but somehow it's not advanced as it should be considering how long they've been that way.
This is one of the reasons that people believe they're demi-gods.
Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?
Veila regrets nothing, as she knows the bigger picture to all the things she has done / witnessed.
Pocha, on the other hand, has one regret. And that was letting the person he loved leave him behind.
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rannadylin · 4 days
Happy Happy Birthday Ranna! <3333
Thank you!
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{Sonic the Hedgehog} "Lancelot's True Intention" For © KatarinaTheCat
Lancelot: A confiscated Warp Ring? Why do you do these things to me, Andy? Do you enjoy tormenting me? Do you hate me? Andrew: Of course I don't hate you, Lance... I just think you're INSANE. Lancelot: *Snickers* Insane, am I? Well, There you have, My old friend; Insulting me, Hurting my feelings, just like 23 years ago.* Only this time, Andy... I'm a bit more prepared. (stands up from his throne, then starts walking towards the window as he looks on) You see, after ALL those long years, no matter how big I've gotten, no matter how successful I've been-- I've always thought of you... (Turns to glare at Andrew with Anger and Hatred filled in his eyes as he begins to snap) Of HOW you embarrassed me, of How you've HUMILATED me, Of how you've DESTROYED my relationship with Princess Haily Ranna; The only girl that I've EVER adored--! Tails:(awkwardly) That part STILL grosses me out, sir :/ Sonic: Shhh! Lancelot: But this time, Brother Andrew... This time, I'm going to humiliate YOU. THIS time, I'm going to prove to all of Ebon that you were WRONG, and I was RIGHT! Andrew: About what? Lancelot: About my right to rule as High Priest! About the "Ebonywoods", About ruling above all! I've found a way to prove my theory; I've managed on taking the liberty of going to earth to claim the greatest artifact of all; The Master Emerald! Sonic: You wouldn't--! Tails: But, THAT'S Knuckles' property! You can't do that! Amy Rose: You MONSTER! Lancelot: "Monster", huh? You tried to do ONE good thing in life, and this is the thanks he gets.* Andrew: It'll never work, Lance. Lancelot: Well... Technically, that's were you're wrong: You see, all I have to do, is enter this Warp Ring right where the Floating Island is, then I'll just deploy my forces here, which the Emerald is probably located. Then, while the guardian isn't looking, I just snatch the emerald from the temple, just like that! From there, Everything goes according to plan, I get the gemstone, The island falls, I conquer earth, The Ebonywoods are destroyed, and PRESTO! I get EXACTLY what I've want! No more floating island, means no more Earth. And no more Ebonywoods, means no more EBON >:D Andrew:(Shocked) Juniper... Sonic: *scowls* WHY YOU... Amy Rose:(Furiously) You won't get away with this! Lancelot: Oh, really? And just WHO is going to stop me..?
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romanaisalive · 7 months
WIP Tag Game 📖✨
Tagged by @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter thanks for the tag!!
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it and tag as many people as you have WIPs (or as many as you can).
I don't have a dedicated WIP folder but I have others, so I'll pick the actual WIP files from those (disregarding the notes, standalone pieces, etc).
Lady W/Zel // DA AU
CU nano
CU camp nano (Ranna storyline)
WS first draft
CYOA Nano prequel
No pressure tagging @avantegarda, @madamairlock, @cardeakelsey aaand I don't know who else is an active writer from my mutuals so take this as an open invitation :)
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ranna-alga · 6 months
♡ Hi there ♡
My name is Ranna (she/her) and this is my very first Tumblr blog! I mostly reblog, post some art, and the occasional meta piece here or there. This blog is mostly fandom-based.
My current special interests are Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us (Pt. I), and Good Omens. But I also enjoy other media such as Lord of the Rings, Brooklyn Nine-Nine + The Office, Bojack Horseman, Arcane, Breaking Bad/BCS, and more!
I am an aromantic asexual, 18-year-old POC artist and I post art with the occasional blog post about whatever I'm interested in.
These are my other socials where you can find me:
MY INSTAGRAM = ranna_draws._ (I am more active on there)
MY CARA = ranna-alga
MY AO3 = saltyaga (just for the sillies idk)
A number of my posts will fall under certain tags, such as:
#ranna word dumping -> Meta posts, lengthy reblogs, random thoughts
#ranna art posting -> Posting my art
Thank you for supporting me <3
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Thanks to a post by and a conversation with @writerxwren concerning Jonas Quinn's eyes, I'm back on fixating on Ranna's eye color.
I could have sworn they were blue, but Pax Romana makes everyone's eyes look brownish and then I saw a Bridgerton post that said the actress has green eyes????
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444names · 1 year
Hey! It's me again! I was hoping you could help me out one more time and generate a list of Italian-balkan style place names. I'm hoping for both cozy and commonplace vibes, but also some mysterious and strange ones! I'd love to just be able to pepper them into the region I'm working on as I go along writing/worldbuilding for dnd! Thanks again for all the work you do! I really love your stuff!
Names generated from cities/towns in Abruzzo (Italia) and Bulgarian municipalities
Abradamol Abraven Abrya Adoccastres Adzhardi Aietino Akoveccivi Aksaevo Albat Albequovo Alecchia Aleperin Alina Alodo Aloges Alvano Ampara Anobra Anobri Anzate Aprecone Arazagli Arnobatan Artorovile Askitsi Asontellana Astri Astriconte Atino Avetosano Aynanzo Balecchia Balene Bardzhei Baredelo Barmen Barnio Baropots Barrello Barski Bastino Belente Bella Belomaglino Bengorte Berel Berna Bestakozzo Bobari Bolen Bolena Bollalfa Bolloyalto Bombelovo Boregiuli Borfio Borilla Borisorya Boron Borvino Boterinovo Botsa Bovite Bovtsa Bozopolso Bradneram Branovo Brollano Bruzzo Bucchine Buccito Bugna Buovo Bushe Bussad...
Cacrovski Cafin Calchkazzo Callevo Camantegna Camovo Canla Capenelle Capio Caram Carcivits Cardimena Carilino Casale Cascone Casebellen Casevo Caspolivits Cassepi Casta Caste Castino Castole Cellafar Cerkovits Cerradri Chabnio Chanovo Chianzo Chiflio Chinovilvi Chinte Chovo Chupere Churchovo Cinevli Cipalmonski Civilla Cocciano Colen Colia Colla Collo Colto Coltsan Coritsantsa Crello Criciv Cufin Cugna Dechioio Degla Delletofil Dellop Dellovila Dellovitino Detsa Ditsan Dollaevo Dradozzo Dramovo Drevo Dricorevo Dullovod Dupnitamag Dupnitsaski Dvetto Elchik Ellakovi Ellanite Eufia Eufonge Eushteno Euste Euten Faglin Fanio Fraielianna Furilik Furlovo Gabbardzha Gabriceli Galita Ganaranno Gardzha Gatto Gennich Gesso Giulo Godola Gopesica Guadona Gueressorio Gurrushte Hiettoli Hiken Ihtinco Ihtino Iscurtorovo Isimboto Ispotea Itrano Ivano Ivitsano Ivski Kalgra Kamona Kanda Karad Kargo Kariletag Kavisko Kazgrasa Kosad Koseta Kossel Kovan Kovano Kovinerni Kozola Krechedino Kregli Krili Krini Kruzzo Kubeshtigna Kubimontere Lafiono Lalgo Lenei Lentevilti Letroppalvo Lievnish Ligna Lisena Lukleccivna Lupezdrio Lyano Lyurreglino Macianovo Madolo Magarya Magliyanio Magna Magnaskovo Magomurcoli Maiano Mandopolit Manikenno Manov Manto Maparno Mapettano Marata Marekle Marellamovo Marene Marsoli Maylo Menterno Meriprovo Miatago Migna Mignana Mitanovo Mitsa Mogeschiat Mollaki Monguilgrad Montaglie Montefa Monteli Montello Montorrane Montorsola Montro Morcha Morchino Mordzhina Morralbe Movom Moznio Muida Murinov Nedelchei Nedet Nerih Netitrad Netovo Nevernano Nikovo Nopola Nuona Ofillovo Ofino Omane Omano Omorsi Opesca Opoloduy Orenovo Orgodo Orino Orsio Ovdimo Padzh Pagna Pagyushasse Palevsko Palfage Paliziya Parelova Parescionte Pativeli Patrito Pelettà Pella Pellakalo Pellattorin Pellen Pellepito Pelli Pelos Pennanico Pereatownsi Permezzolin Perna Perra Perto Pescia Pescol Pesebruni Petriv Pezzano Piandi Piantella Pietopol Pitsi Pizha Piziofio Plevo Polieto Polik Pollo Pollovo Pomantio Pomarovo Pradryano Prellalski Pretsa Prinopollen Privartino Provo Quano Radaski Radzhio Ragli Ranna Rapre Rasollo Ratin Ratino Ricciani Rishtegov Roccharpio Rosse Rossentorya Rovskitsa Rovtsilvene Royanovski Rushtepio Sacasan Salistio Samaccits Samona Saniovilik Sanski Sanzem Scace Scanovo Scapiano Scola Scugna Selozo Sepeligli Setov Sevgrevo Sicaspesi Sillo Siman Slalablavo Slanio Slarni Sline Sliyahovo Smyano Soprosco Spicol Spinosano Spita Stellovo Steno Sterrevliki Stetsa Stinani Stortiofer Subradana Suhinoli Suhio Suhisperen Sulagna Sulio Svillo Svisa Tagaschio Telicia Tenterno Teptene Terad Thino Tinbripalla Tocha Toliki Torio Tossi Traiera Trame Trilipal Trini Troste Tsiave Tsilgopota Tucia Turia Tvali Tvasan Ugabra Ugarsola Valierchino Vansi Varicorino Varovits Vecca Vecchia Velia Velli Vello Vetsinbre Vibratino Vibrungurio Vicasop Vidilla Vilgra Vilgrospi Vilven Vilvo Vissolalov Viterra Vitsa Vitsasa Vittoregi Witoregorta Wityabba Yahovita Yahovo Yanne Zemia Zemity Zlaki
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sunderedazem · 2 years
(not) Six Sentence (definitely not) Sunday!
Thank you for the tags @swtorpadawan and @magicallulu7!
WIP: Crescent Moon Rising, Chapter 3
Orgus. He sighed heavily, but- his master was right. He needed patience. He couldn’t rush ahead out of guilt, or frustration, or even blind compassion. For even if his skills were sharp and his connection to the Force strong beyond many of his peers and seniors, he was still learning to know himself. And the more he tried to rush, the less quickly he’d learn, and the longer it would take for him to be able to truly help the people of the galaxy.
There was a sudden puff of his master’s amusement through the echoes of their developing bond, like the gentle wind tangling his white fringe into a blizzardy mess on his head - and it curled fondly about him, prickling with the finest hints of exasperation. Corrain blinked owlishly into the roaring flames, nonplussed by the response- and then startled in surprise when Ranna’s hand landed solidly on his shoulder, her expression wobbling with concern.
Tagging: @fenrisprime2003 @ipreferfiction @sith-shenanigans @fireolin @voiceofthetraveler @starwers @plotbunny-bundle @borealtwilight @darthcatboy and anyone else who sees this and wants to do a (not) Six Sentence (not) Sunday!
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