#thank you so much for your patience too
illiana-mystery · 1 year
Guess who has Tony's full Year of Provence episode on their Google Drive?!?!
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I do!!!
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Happy Watching! Here's the link! (Let me know if it doesn't work.) @gmache @freddiefredfive
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Can you draw the scene where wheatie gets picked up by glados?
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[Part 1 can be found here]
There she is. What a nasty piece of work she was, honestly.
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So many people are afraid of drawing backgrounds and I think it's a shame, so here's some tips and tricks, because I'm not perfect at it myself but I think the hardest part is really just knowing where to start.
First off: Perspective
Yeah, yeah, that's the scary word. But I promise you, once you're familiar with the basics, backgrounds are a LOT less intimidating. Don't get discouraged if WHEN you have trouble with it. Even professional artists struggle with it. I promise you, screwing it up is good and normal. That's how you learn after all!
Now I'm not going to go into detail on how to do it here, because honestly there are a thousand and one free resources online and in libraries that can explain it far better than I ever could in a singular broad-strokes tumblr post. But I AM at least telling you you should familiarize yourself with these basics:
Important Terms: Horizon Line: A horizontal line across your canvas, showing your viewer's eye level and providing a location for most of your vanishing points. Vanishing Point: Integral to drawing in perspective. The sides of a 3D object get smaller as they become farther away from the viewer in space. This point is where the parallel lines of a side eventually meet.
The Basic Types of Perspective: One Point Perspective: Good for drawing things that you're looking at straight on. Two Point Perspective: Good for drawing things at an angle. Three Point Perspective: Good for drawing things the viewer is looking up or down at, especially at an extreme angle.
[Click images for ALT descriptions]
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And if you're comfortable with these and serious about improving your skills for use in storytelling, I also might suggest looking up:
4 Point Perspective: Great for extra wide or tall shots and for camera tilts if you're doing an animation or animatic. I think some other names for this in animation include "banana pan" and "warp pan."
5 Point Perspective: Fish-eye lens. Good for all your angsty anime boy slipping into madness needs!
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Some perspective tips I wish someone had told me earlier:
Objects' relation to the horizon line is constant. A super helpful tip to remember when placing a character or object in space is that they will always (assuming they aren't changing in size or moving up or down) have the same relation to the horizon line no matter how far or close they are. If your horizon line is at shoulder height for your focus character in the foreground, any character of the same height in the background will still line up with the horizon line at the shoulders.
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How to pick the distance between your vanishing points: 2 pt perspective uses 2 vanishing points, 3 pt uses 3, etc, etc, but how close should they be? Well, first of all, for anything that isn't one point perspective, one or more points will usually be off the canvas. Super annoying, I know, but the closer your vanishing points are, the more warped your drawing will become. Second, a helpful thing to know is that choosing the distance between your points is basically the illustration equivalent of picking your camera lens! Photography buffs will know that wider (shorter focal length) lenses show more space and make the distance between foreground and background more dramatic, while longer focal length/telephoto lenses are flatter, and more focused and intimate. The same is true of vanishing points that are closer (shorter focal length) or farther apart (longer focal length).
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2 point/3 point/etc doesn't actually mean you're limited to that many points total on your page. this one confused me a lot when I was getting started, lol. A lot of examples will show you drawings of nice, neat cities or something, in which all the buildings are facing the same way in order to demonstrate perspective drawing. But in real life, buildings don't all face the same direction. They're at all sorts of different angles. So how do I do that??? Answer: Just because you're drawing in 2 point perspective or whatever doesn't mean you... have to actually keep your 2 points in the same spot. You can move them around, just keep them the same distance apart, so you're not screwing up your camera lens.
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Other Tips:
Use reference! The instant you try to draw a house, you're going to forget every house you've ever seen. That's just how it goes. Buildings are complicated. Do yourself a favor and collect a few reference images first, buddy!
Consider details (like architectural style, amenities, and materials) Your building will look more like a building when you keep in mind that buildings have gutters and door knobs and light switches and paneling and stuff, and aren't just boxes with roofs on them. Again: reference! You will forget electrical sockets and baseboards exist immediately. Art brains are dumb.
Use details and texture to fill in negative space Giant stretches of blank space tend to be boring and distracting. Put a few suggestions of wood grain or something on that wall back there, bud, just don't overdo it.
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Line weight Darker, thicker lines draw more attention, look heavier, and look closer to the viewer than lighter, thinner lines do. Take advantage of this to draw the viewer's attention to your focal points, de-emphasize less important details, and imply depth. It's up to you to decide how you want to use this and what your style is, especially once you start getting into combining or replacing it with shading, values, and color, but a helpful rule of thumb is to try reserving your thickest lines for focal foreground characters and use thinner lines on backgrounds, especially details in the far distance.
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Perspective guides If you're drawing digitally, take full advantage of any perspective tools you have access to! A lot of art programs lately have begun adding perspective guide features that let you set up vanishing points and then literally guide your hand as you draw so you stay in perspective. Some of these include Procreate, Clip Studio Paint, and Adobe Fresco. (still sadly none in Photoshop as far as I'm aware, what the heck, Adobe!). Check through the settings of yours to see if it gives you any perspective guides or other similarly useful tools. They're 100% worth it! And for god's sake, if you've got any skew or perspective warp tools, draw your complicated shapes flat and then warp them instead of spending an hour on it! Don't make my mistakes!
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robobbin · 6 months
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Happy (slightly late) New Year's to @fic-and-art-for-ships!!
This is my gift for @utsecretsanta 2023, I love circus AUs and the Circus-swap AU is so cute! I adore Frisks design so much ♡ ~('▽^人)
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
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linkbetweenlinksau · 1 year
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Howdy y’all. I’m a bit nervous to share this but I might as well. I’m gonna scrap this prologue. I know I said I was gonna do it before and then I got going on it but I think it’s official now. I’m getting really bored with this chapter and it’s not going anywhere. The story for lbl has changed a lot and I think it’s something that I am set in stone with, and this prologue simply does not fit the story anymore. And instead of trying to write around plot holes, I just decided to get rid of it entirely. I will keep the comic up, I’m actually proud of some of the comic pages and I want people to see it, and if you wanna read the story you can read the fic I wrote (tho it sucks so much just a fair warning). But the only thing that fits the story is the very end, which is where Sky gets pulled into a portal, which I drew above! Everything else is too complicated. Like the whole nightmare involving Hylia? She was gonna serve a bigger role in the story, probably a side villain or something, but truthfully people made me feel bad about that and I found a better villain and reasoning on why the boys are all together, so Hylia barely even has a role in the story. Sooo yeah, this comic is ending.
Im gonna take some time to outline the whole story and I’m gonna continue working on the first chapter, which I have been working on for a while now, but I just wanna be nicer to myself for this, and the sky arc was killing my self esteem. So wish me luck and I’ll see y’all in the first chapter!
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shaarlslec · 2 years
catch me if you can
part 1 & part 2 here lovelies;
pairing: pierre gasly x driver!reader;
words: 5200 ish
warnings: smut (not so much but short paragraphs including orals, penetrating, touching); mentions of alcohol, mentions of trauma;
You were the driver to take Pierre’s seat at Red Bull back in 2019 during your very second season in F1. Two years had passed since then and Pierre remains still bitter about Red Bull’s decision and portrays you as the scapegoat. Now half-drunk, half-asleep, Pierre was the most vulnerable he had ever been in ages with a girl. And not just any girl, but with the one who he tried to despise in the past two years for being in his place.
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Pierre’s body comically tripped from the door to the bed, dragging you with him as the man’s arm was tightly wrapped around your neck. You tried to stabilize him, and yet there was no chance for you to make him walk straight while you were bit dizzy yourself and wearing heels.
In the cab Pierre’s hands were all over you, drunkenly whispering sweet nothings into your ear for only you to hear what things he was about to do to you once you reached the hotel’s bed: hair-pulling, ass-slapping, eating you whole and whatnot.
But now, as the alcohol went full to his head, Pierre was barely able to even remember what was promised fifteen minutes ago. 
It was a hilarious imagine saying at least. You climbed him into the bed, got his shoes off after you got yours for better stability and went to fetch him water from the kitchen as that was the only thing Pierre was able to be thirsty about at that very moment. Two minutes after you were back in the bedroom Pierre was already all tucked in the bed with his eyes closed, and you could swear that you heard him snore. You giggled as you left the glass of water on the nightstand, taking a seat on the edge of the bed watching Pierre surely and rapidly falling asleep. 
Running one of your hands through Pierre’s hair, you titled your head to take a better look at his sleepy figure. Yes, Pierre was very much more handsome when his mouth was shut, you thought. It reminded you of the times where you would have to take care of your wasted friends back in high school. And yet, back then none of you made you feel what Pierre managed: angriness with a dash of horniness and a slight feeling of perhaps falling in love.  
Do not get too attached with people within the sport, we all want the same thing as you know we do, and we will do anything to get it no matter who we hurt to get it in the process. Max’s words resounded in the back of your mind as you were getting Pierre’s hair out of his face. Fuck, you hated when Verstappen was right. You let out a short sigh before your hand retracted from Pierre’s forehead. 
“Please don’t.” You suddenly heard the Frenchman speaking in a soft sobby tone, “Please don’t leave me.” Pierre then repeated, and it was maybe for the first time when you felt that his words were raw and real, not prefabricated to sound good and sweet to your or everyone else’s ears. 
Pierre was very much not asleep; the man had heard you go for the water and patiently waited for you to come back while having a moment for himself to sober up after drinking way too much at the party. Then, when he felt your hand caressing him, Pierre decided to say nothing but quietly enjoying the experience of someone caring enough for him to caress his hair instead of deceiving him into having sex with sly touches of skin. 
The Frenchman had enough of that already, jumping from bed to bed just to feel a little bit of love expressed by clasped hands, loud moans, heavy sobs, and rough clashes of tongues. Yes, Pierre wanted you indeed. And yes, Pierre wanted you but not like this, not like he had tenth other girls in the past couple of years. That was why Pierre rejected you back in Austria, fearing that you will wake up in his bed after consuming all the teasing built in between the two of you just to leave him lusting for more than mere touches. You arose something within him, and yet the man was unable to express his feelings as he was not used to do so in the past years. 
Pierre wanted to let the feelings and emotions go after Austria where you had your little encounters, but then when you would lock your eyes with him in the paddock or in the press conferences, they all came rushing back. The way you looked with your racing suit half down on your waist walking around the Red Bull garage, the way you looked all glorious and mighty on the Monza podium, the way Max would stand so close to you during interviews and team debriefs made him go nuts. 
Now half-drunk, half-asleep, Pierre was the most vulnerable he had ever been in ages with a girl. And not just any girl, but with the one who he tried to despise in the past two years for being in his place – but never managing to do so, only faking it for the thrill of not letting everyone see the way his fingers trembled when on you, the way his chest lifted in heavy sighs when you passed by, the ways in which he would have to contain his jealousy around Max, and all the ways in which you made him scared of wanting more than just a cheap hook-up. 
You nodded in the dim light of the bedroom as there was only one light-bulb lighted on the other side of the bed illuminating Pierre’s face, “I won’t.” You spoke, swirling one of his curls in between two of your fingers as you promised that you will stay, “I will stay until you feel asleep.” You continued, resting your body on the bedframe. 
“Stay after that too.” Pierre pleaded, grabbing your hand by your wrist, and opening his eyes to match your glare with his, “Get into bed.” He then added with a soft tone, not at all demanding or rushed. Slow, controlled as his fingers went to clasp with yours, gently rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb. 
You felt your heart rushing through your chest, but not in the way Pierre made it throb before in excitement for a quick fuck but instead for something much more hopeful than just a silly challenge. Watching him looking up at you with his bedroom eyes as he patiently waited for you to say yes, you felt that hovel in your stomach that nobody made you feel since you first had one of your puerile high-school crushes. The innocence of Pierre’s look and the sincerity of his mutterings made you nod, “I will go change in one of your t-shirts.” You agreed, waiting for Pierre to let go of your hand. 
You went into Pierre’s bed that night, but it was nothing you would have imagined few weeks ago. He stretched one of his arms to the side to make you room at his chest where you comfortably fit so. Pierre wanted to return the gesture received from you earlier, so he gently started to play with his fingers in between your strings of hair as you felt your body completely relaxing next to Pierre’s.
“What about the whole hair-pulling, ass-slapping, eating me whole talk from earlier?” You teased him, glaring up at him and that perfect jawline of his as Pierre’s look was fixed on the celling too frightened to look down at you knowing that he will not be able to restrain himself from pulling a move. 
Pierre wearily huffed, “We will do that some other time.” He then promised, his palm going on the back of your neck to massage it and one of your shoulders wanting nothing from you just to feel relaxed sharing a bed with him.
You let out a shot breath of air to escape in between your teeth that turned into a soft moan as Pierre’s was doing God send work with his hands, “This weirdly feels better than all you said before.” You spoke in music to Pierre’s ears. 
A chuckled exited Pierre’s mouth too as he turned to your side for the other hand to have a better access to pass underneath his t-shirt you wore for his fingers to trace lines on the back of your spine. Your mouth being inches away now from each other’s. You were the one to pull the move that Pierre was too scared to do so. As his hand calmly went up and down your back, your hand went on his neck and then cupped the man’s jawline while your mouth moved closer to him up until the moment there was no more distance in between your lips. 
Such a soft, calm, and perfectly fitted for the mood that kiss was. Not even a light sight of rush, not even a haste from neither of you. Pierre used all the force that was left in him to pull your body closer to his as your tongues collided, learning the ways in which they matched the best with the other. You accommodated your body into his, wrapping one of your legs over Pierre’s waist only for him to glue that part of your body with his with a strong hinge as his hand went from your back to the back of your raised thigh around him while the other reminded clasped on the back of your neck as you were kissing. 
You went on top of him in between the breaks of your kisses not long after you felt him hard on you and you wet on him. You knew Pierre was too tired to do the work, but you were more than edger to do it for him – oh, you would have done so much for him right then and there. 
“Oh fuck no.” Pierre muttered as he clasped both of your hands by your wrists, “Y/N please do not take this the wrong way but I just –” He then paused, managing to pull himself from the initial position in the bed and standing upright now while you were on his lap to be on your eye-level as he spoke the following words, “I am fine with just kissing you tonight.” He then softly spoke, taking you in his arms to pull you in for yet another of those slow full of passion kisses that neither of you had experienced before. 
Your back arched as you took Pierre’s face fully into your hands now to kiss him, resting your elbows in the curve of his shoulders and neck, “What are you afraid of now?” You gently asked him while licking your lips, not wanting to let go of Pierre’s taste not ever for a minute there as you talked. 
Pierre’s head spun as he has heard your question, knowing that you had figured him out as you talked. Your not-so-much rival now shook his head to sober up, Pierre needed to sober up to explain to exactly why he was so hesitant to blow your brains off as he proudly mentioned before he was very much capable of doing. 
“That you will leave in the morning.” Pierre exhaled, burying his face into the curve of your right shoulder to hardly press his lips on it, and then on your neck, and then back to your shoulder before continuing to speak, “I really don’t want you to leave in the morning.” He then continued, crushing your body as his arms tightened around your waist. 
You waited for him to take a hold of you as much as needed, you hugged him snugly back to confirm without having to mutter the words that you will stay. It clicked for you that night that Pierre’s biggest fear was abandonment. As you held him you were wondering who and what caused that, and your heart broke for the man you were so dearly edger to ride just a couple of seconds ago. You rubbed the man’s back as he was releasing you from the embrace to take a better look at you, to see your raw reaction to him being the most vulnerable he had ever been with a woman before. 
In the low light of the hotel room Pierre saw your expressions softened while your eyes locked on each other’s glare for the thousandth time in the past few weeks, “Ok fine,” You jokingly rolled your eyes to lighted up the heavy atmosphere, “I will take you on a few dates first.” You amusingly chuckled as you stepped aside in the bed, both of your backs being now glued on the bedframe as your hands were still clasped together within the space of your bodies, “Just so you know,” You spoke as you lifted his hand up in the air for your lips to press on the back of it, “I am not the type that leaves in the mornings.” You whispered back to him, taking both of your hands at your beating aching chest, “Who’s crazy enough to leave when their heart beats so fast just by standing next to you?” You added, letting Pierre feel your heart that was about to honestly burst from your chest.
You ended up not having sex that night, and just fall asleep next to each other holding hands and somehow that was a million times better. During the night Pierre woke up two or three times due to his hangover, and every single time he woke up he could not be happier than to see you peacefully asleep next to him with no worry in the world showing on your face.
“Thank you for staying.” Pierre softly whispered after he took your asleep body into his arms to comfortably lay your head back on his chest, knowing very well that you were not going to hear the words and yet feeling better than they were said.  
You murmured something unaidable as it was close to four am in the morning and you were deeply sleeping, and Pierre could swear that he had never heard more beautiful grumbles than yours before. 
The next day Pierre woke up with a heavy head and an aching body due to the awful hangover had, and yet as soon as he opened his eyes and saw you arranging the tiny table on the balcony outside the bedroom with food and fresh drinks while still being dressed in one of his loose Alpha Tauri t-shirts; Pierre knew that the hangover was going to go away quicker than ever before. 
“Oh hello there, good morning.” You happily jumped on your feet as you looked over your shoulder and saw Pierre approaching for a warm embrace.  
“Good morning beautiful.” He then articulated, taking your waist in a solid hinge from the back while quickly kissing your shoulder to watch your hands clapping after you finished the table arrangements, “What is this?” He then asked, taking a seat down to one of the chairs and taking you with him along to sit on his lap. 
If there was thing that Pierre wished to happen that morning was for your bodies to be glued together – he wasted too much time away from you trying to ignore what he felt, and now there was no need for that anymore. 
You laughed, “You know that there are two chairs, right?” You spoke as you wrapped your arms around the man’s neck, “It will be very impractical to eat siting like this.” You argued, going into your chair while holding Pierre’s hand the entire time, not wanting either to waste any other moment without feeling him close, “It is a date.” You answered as you proudly pointed to the joke of an omelet that you managed to cook before he woke up, “I told you yesterday that I am going to take you on dates if this is what I have to do for you to not play the hard-to-get card on me.” You joked, imagines from last night flashing in both of your minds. 
“Oh you are so keen on fucking me.” Pierre laughed as he took a sip of the orange juice, eyes on you and only you. 
You rolled your eyes, “Shut up and eat your eggs.” You demanded, “I thought I made that very much very clear since Austria.” You teased, your leg going up on his underneath the table and reaching in between his legs. 
Pierre took your foot and placed it on one of his knees, “Your patience is going to be rewarded.” He then spoke, listening to you and shutting up to eat his eggs while your foot comfortably was massaged by the other hand he was not using. 
You chuckled at the imagine, you would have never guessed that Pierre had that side to show to you. You were indeed very fond on fucking him but taking things slow with a man you lusted for was way more pleasing not to enjoy. Spending the morning in his company that day was alluring, you ate and spend most of the time in bed cuddling, listening to music and watching silly movies before heading out to your room to pack for going in Milan with him for the next couple of days where you did nothing but discover each other and learning more about Pierre Gasly the human being, rather than Pierre Gasly the human being driving for Formula 1 and so did he – turns out that Y/N outside the track was funnier that he had ever imagined, way smarter than the media pictured her and as broken as he was when it came to having deep committed relationships with people.
“First kiss?” Pierre asked as you were walking down the street back to his apartment after a hell of a dinner in one of his favorite restaurants.
“Oh,” Your voice was cut short as you remembered with whom you shared your first kiss back during karting days, “Are you sure you want to know?” You asked him, tightening your hand even more around his fingers, “You are not going to like the answer.” You assured him, the name of the man who stole you a kiss after a karting race lingering on your lips. 
Pierre nodded with confidence, “Is it someone I know?” He inquired, slowing his steps for your words to be muttered out loud. 
“Max.” You briefly answered before your cheeks turned completely red, “We were twelve or something and we had a race together where I scored P1 and he was P2, then he came to congratulate me and we happen to kiss on the lips – very shortly, very briefly.” You explained, “In my defense, we were twelve.” You continued, watching Pierre’s smile fading slowly, “I bet he does not even remember it, we have not talk about it since.” You continued, fearing that Pierre will be mad over such childish thing. 
Pierre was not mad; your new boyfriend knew better than to be mad over something that happened more than a decade ago. And yet, it was Max who he was already jealous of since you two spent so much time together since you were teammates. Pierre pondered the thoughts going through his mind, you would have told him if something was really to go on between you and Max now as adults. 
“It all makes sense now.” Pierre suddenly spoke with a smile on his face, “Have you ever noticed Max’s crush on you?” He then asked, “I am sure Max has a little crush on you, most of the grid is thinking the same.” Pierre then continued, remembering all the gossip he has heard before about the two of you.  
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. No, you have not noticed Max liking you in any other way than a teammate, and you were pretty much sure that he was still in a relationship as you saw his girlfriend on the track during most of his races. You found Pierre cute getting flustered for a mere touch of lips from ages ago just because it was not him to clasp his mouth on yours back then. 
The gossips? You were not that very fond of them. You have been in this male dominated sport for the past decade, you have heard your name being dragged into worse discussions than the one about you having a thing with your teammate. Let them talk, let everyone talk, the important thing was that you were now away from there having an Italian blast with the most handsome Frenchmen in existence.  
 “Imagine their shock when they will learn that you are the one having a little crush on me.” You teased, swiftly kissing the back of Pierre’s hand as they were swinging together, “And that I have one on you as well, of course.” You promptly continued as you saw him faking a gasp of disbelief while you were getting inside the building of apartments. 
The fact that your very first kiss was with Max quickly vanished from Pierre’s mind while you were the one who was kissing him now. Pierre told himself that he will be patient enough to wait and more importantly to make you wait on him. And yet, not even a week later after he was all about taking things slow, Pierre’s body was keeping your glued to the wall of his kitchen back in Milan while his hands were fully underneath your lifted skirt taking your underwear down from behind. 
You laughed, “What about taking things slow?” You questioned him, more than edger to finally unbuckle the man’s pants as you innocently looked up at him. 
“When you look at me like this? No way.” Pierre caved in, taking you up with both of your legs wrapped around the man’s waist as your underwear was left alone on the kitchen floor while Pierre carried you to the bedroom. 
Your patience from Austria to Milan was highly rewarded, just as Pierre promised you back on the balcony. 
It was all about you that night, from the way he kissed you to the way his mouth perfectly fit in between your legs for his tongue to do more wonders than his fingers back in the conference room. 
You pleaded for something; Pierre was more than edger to offer. 
“Slower?” Pierre sultry asked while on you, arranging the motions of his movement based on your moans. 
You nodded, being unable to mutter anything in between the sobs of pleasure. You had never had somebody made you cry before during sex in this way, and somehow Pierre managed to do so. 
“Your words, my command.” He then spoke, leaning it for a heavy pressed kiss before answering to your pleading. 
Pierre enjoyed nothing more than your moans in the form of his name that night, praising him after he whatever he did to make you feel so good underneath him, on him, side him and whatnot.  
Indeed, the wait was worth it and what was even better now was the certainty Pierre had that you were not going to leave him during the night all alone, and that you were there to stay for more than just a night of meaningless sex. 
You were more than edger to return Pierre’s favors in the following days by waking him up with kisses on the man’s chest as you were directly getting down on him underneath the blanket. 
“Good morning to you too beautiful.” Pierre chuckled, giggles being right after followed by a loud groan as you took him fully into your mouth, moving your tongue in twisted motions on the top of his head, “Oh fuck Y/N, not even a good morning kiss before this?” He teased, enjoying your mouth on all parts of him not just the mouth. 
Good mornings kisses followed by good morning getting down on each other became a habit shortly after in the remining days of staying in Milan, followed by late lazy mornings in bed and long afternoons discovering your likes and dislikes, your firsts and lasts, your hopes and terrors. It was the perfect week for both of you, and yet reality had to kick in once again and you found yourself remembering that you were indeed competing against each other at the end of the week and not going on dates like couples do in their free time – the weekend was not your free time at all. 
Flying for a race never made you this sad before, neither of you. You flew to Turkey by the end of what was an amazing almost week in Milan where you had to act like nothing happened in front of the others. You decided that you will keep your relationship secret before figuring out where it was going to lead to. And yet, what you have not expected was how hard the faking part will be especially when Pierre was still unconsciously bitter about Max being your first kiss. 
Turkey was a tough race for you, and yet you managed to stand next to Max on the podium in P3 while he was in P2. You celebrated the places on the podium with the team afterwards, and Pierre had to witness televisions taking you and Max’s interviews together as your teammate insisted to do so. Pierre took P6 and was quite exalted by the result, the happiness into the man’s tone could be felt during the post-race interview but that quite faded once he took a glance at his back and watched Verstappen getting one of his hands across your shoulders. 
Pierre jaw was clenched, and yet he knew that he had to restrain his urge to come next to you. His anxious little mind kept thinking about the rumors going on around your relationship with Max, and yet he was pretty much very aware of how his own name sounded moaned out from your mouth. 
“Pierre?” The interview asked, seeing the driver drifting off from the question, “Do you want me to repeat the question?” They asked, waiting for Pierre to switch his glance back to them. 
“Oh yes, sorry.” Your boyfriend apologized, “I was just looking at how beautiful Y/N is.” Pierre half-lied with a smile sprinkled on his face, “She really did a great job today, hasn’t she?” He then continued, quickly glancing at you back giving your interview next to Max. 
“It seems like you two patched things after Austria.” The interviewer spoke as he shoveled the microphone back at Pierre’s mouth. 
Pierre slyly grinned, “patched things” would not have been the exact term to describe Milan, “Yes, yeah.” He then muttered underneath his breath, “We did patch things.” Pierre smirked again fully arousing the interview’s curiosity as well as to everybody who was watching him through the screen, “Lots of times.” He then spoke, throwing a cheeky wink at the camera for everybody who was attentive enough to catch his not so secretive flirty tone. 
After the race Pierre came into your motorhome with the excuse of congratulating you on your podium, and you were more than edger to pull him in by his white overall for a kiss as soon as the door closed behind. 
“Congratulation on your podium.” He spoke after that, getting your hair out of your face to kiss the top of your head, “You deserved P2.” Pierre continued, embracing you close to his body. 
Your shoulders shrugged not giving it too much of a thought, “Verstappen’s drive was great, and he is the better driver – we all know this.” You spoke, tip toeing for yet another kiss just to be rejected by a crooked face of your boyfriend, “Oh come on now, is this about what I think it is?” You chuckled, taking a step back from Pierre to change into your clothes as he was watching you do so while enjoying every moment of it leaned back on the door with his arms at his chest. 
“It is not.” Pierre lied, “I know Verstappen is a good driver, all I am saying is that Red Bull does him favors and they did that today as well, you could have finished higher if you were not to give your spot to him for the sake of his advantage to Hamilton.” Pierre explained while looking at you half naked now, “And yes, maybe.” He then agreed with a nod, “I saw his arm around you earlier today and I just –” Pierre paused, hardly rubbing his face as soon as you got fully changed, “Am I pathetic?” Pierre asked, hands still on his face as he was watching you approaching him to remove them from his cheeks to place yours on that spot. 
You disagreed with a shake of a head, “No, you are cute.” You added, giving him a quick peak on his lips, “I will talk to Max and give him a heads up about you and I.” You affirmed, “If that is alright to you.” You spoke, waiting for a nod of approval from Pierre that came right away, “Will that make you less anxious about my friendship with Max?” You inquired, watching him nod again before you gave him yet another peak. 
Telling Max was the first step of you two being comfortable with your relationship being public. You held hands when Max was around, you even kissed once or twice in your teammate’s presence making him faking cringing because of your cuteness when you were together and freely expressed your feelings in the eyes of others. Rumors of you and Max were replaced by rumors of you and Pierre due to your inability of remembering to not borrow the same jewelry or clothes from the other during your free time. People caught you two at restaurants together being even more fond of your relationship now than when you claimed to hate each other.  
At some point you stopped caring to hide it – both of you. Pierre posted stories from your dates, and you did too days later. People following both of you had made whole FBI searches to connect the dots. You both secretly enjoyed reading the comments, and Pierre loved to tease even more by liking all the funny pictures about you two on social media. It drove everyone else crazy – they needed to know if you were together or not! No one seemed to remember that you two called each other out during press conferences or interviews before naming the other “prick” or “moron”. 
Your relationship was already out more or less, everybody was just waiting for a quick confirmation that did not fail to accidentally come from one of your mouths. And yes, it was Pierre's.
Your boyfriend was the first one to confirm it in front of everyone during a televised live interview right after the championship has ended with him in the ninth place and you in forth. 
“There has not been so much talk lately about you taking your seat back from Y/N in the future, is Red Bull not an option for you anymore?” One of the people in the audience asked as the host was taking the questions from the public, and Pierre was more than ready to take the stand. 
“My girlfriend is a very competitive driver, and as much as I would like to say that I am more talented than her – that has not been proven yet.” He chuckled, not even realizing that he was speaking about you in such a casual familiar way, “We will keep the competition in between closed doors.” He grinned, making all the girls in the audience chuckle with his slyness and you too back in your shared apartment now in Milan from where you were watching.  
“This is going to be such a huge PR scandal for our teams.” You amusingly muttered, watching your phone already being blown by your PR manager who was watching the live transmission as well, “Oh fuck.” You spoke, Christian Horner’s name bursting on the entirety of your screen. 
taglist: @revengze, @idkiwantchocolatee, @hungryhungarian, @ggaslyp1, @hey-there9-its-me, @tall-tanned-tattoo, @ella-error505​, @jpotterdilf, @scotlynaurora, @ricsaigaslec, @deviltsunoda, @sachaa-ff, @anthonykatebridgerton, @mk15x;
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ginjithewanderer · 1 year
A3! Web Manga Translation — Chapter 299: The Road to Popularity ~Global~
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Taichi tries taking Chikage's advice to become popular across the globe, and...?
Featuring: Chikage, Taichi, Azami Original at http://manga.a3-liber.jp/comic/1977/
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smalltimidbean · 7 months
I really really like the pumpkin clone and I wanted to draw them meeting my little fake peppino guy 🕺
(my sincerest apologies if I got their personality wrong)
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GJFDSLK THE TUMMY IS ANGY!!! Or just hungry? Probably the latter, but who knows jkdfk
Thank you for this, it made me laugh very much kgdfk, and your Fakie is very cool too!!!
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rotworld · 6 months
Can you elaborate on the talking mushroom?
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someday you're going to get weird, emotional erotica about this beautiful creature
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Hello again, I'm here to request once more. Feel free to take all the time you need btw! I would always be patient for your wonderful works ^^
This time I'd like to request from the Drabble List#2 - 47 with the 020607 Trio (mainly Mahiru though). And yes, this is hugely inspired by that one minigram with Mahiru. And as usual, feel free to change the scenario and/or the characters.
Thank you again, good luck with your future studies and take all the time you need!!
Woo thank you so much!! :'D This one was a ton of fun (and once again led me to get smacked in the face with unlikely character parallels I wasn't aware of before). It's from Kazui's pov but it's still mainly about Mahiru. I ended up going canon-compliant, but I did consider sticking super close to the minigram and do a little normal-au where Mahiru drags them across Japan to make a perfectly homemade cake 😅
Everyone knew Mahiru had a tough time distinguishing genuine from joke, but Kazui hadn’t expected it to come back to bite him. Mahiru wasn’t stupid by any means; sometimes she just forgot that others weren’t as unabashedly honest as herself. When she said something, she meant it. Kazui… not so much.
Which is why, following a conversation about her skills in the kitchen, in response to being pressed about his own household, he thought it would be inconsequential to utter the following words to her.
“Bake me a cake, and we’ll talk.” 
Kazui had laughed his booming laugh, Mahiru had giggled in her sweet little way. Neither realized what had just transpired.
That is, until Yuno dragged Kazui across the prison the following day to make him aware of the monster he had released upon the kitchens. The two hurried over to find a massive operation underway: Mahiru had several layers in the works, she was stirring multiple fruit fillings, decoration choices scattered across the countertop, and anyone who dared venture too close was shooed away with a slap from her wooden spoon. 
It took a few minutes to get the situation all worked out.
“So… you didn’t really want a cake…?” She asked, pausing mid-stir. Her eyes were so big and round.
Yuno came to the rescue. “Of course he does!” She interrupted. “Everyone here would die for a taste of your baking~” 
Kazui nodded. “I just didn’t mean for you to work so hard for my sake. I’m really not worth all this effort…”
Mahiru’s jaw fell, offended on his behalf. “Yes you are!” Her attention was momentarily caught by a timer chiming. Kazui took the bowl from her so she could take a pan from the oven. He picked up where she left off stirring. 
“Either way, why don’t I help you out?” Yuno had grabbed some ingredients from the counter as well. “While we bake, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. A little,” he repeated. 
And he did. Her questions were easier than he’d expected. While the others knew how to poke and prod about each other’s murders, Mahiru really did just want to know about his home life. While she buzzed around the kitchen switching pans and creating intricate icing patterns, she asked him about his childhood, his hobbies, his job. As soon as she saw his wife was a touchy subject, she let it drop (though with a bit of disappointment, to be sure). He scrambled a bit as Yuno the human lie detector would shoot him a look now and then. Overall, though, his measured answers managed to satisfy both women without giving much of himself away.
When they carried the spectacular cake into the common room to everyone’s amazement, Mahiru prodded him with her elbow.
“We should talk more! I mean, come on. How difficult was that?”
If only she knew the half of it.
“Hey, Mahiru.” Kazui traded weak smiles with Yuno as he joined her by the bed.
“Oh. Hi Kazui,” came her weak voice. She tried her best to smile under the tangle of bandages that surrounded her. Then, silence. 
Aside from a few coughs and small requests, that silence stretched on for hours. He and Yuno usually had a lot to talk about, but neither could muster anything up today.
He thought Mahiru had dozed off, but she surprised him by taking his hand. “Kazui?”
“Do you really think I’m unforgivable?” 
He blinked. “I can’t really say.” 
The moment the words left his lips, he knew they were the wrong ones. Well, the glare that Yuno was trying to murder him with also helped. “Er, I forgive you, of course. But… I don’t know anything about you, Mahiru. Not really. I can’t say why others would think you’re unforgivable or not.” 
“...I see.”
Yuno looked like she wanted to add something, but couldn’t find the words. Traces of emotions flickered over her face before she could cover them up. Kazui guessed she wanted to defend Mahiru. But maybe she also agreed with him. And that was when the realization struck him.
“I guess, I always thought you were so much better than me and Yuno when it came to talking about yourself. You do it all the time, and very easily. But now that I think about it, I probably know just as much about your situation as you know about mine. For such an honest person, you hide everything just like we do. Or maybe, you hide from everything, like we do.”
More silence.
A teary smile appeared on her face. “You know… you could bake me a cake… and maybe we’ll talk.”
Kazui didn’t laugh, and she didn’t giggle. He nodded, solemnly. “I think that’s a good idea.”
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allylikethecat · 3 months
Chapters: 5/6 Fandom: The 1975 (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: George Daniel/Matthew Healy Characters: George Daniel, Matthew Healy, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Christmas, Meeting the Parents, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 4 of The Infection 'Verse Summary:
“Yeah,” said Matty, pulling his hand away from George’s to run it through his hair. If there was one thing he was good at, it was doubling down, even if usually that just made it worse.
“Christmas, what are your plans for Christmas?” Matty swallowed hard, feeling very small all of a sudden and like he was baring a piece of his soul, “because I would very much like to spend it together.”
“Oh,” said George and Matty wanted to die right then and there.
AKA The Christmas Fic™️
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despairforme · 4 months
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fish-bowl-2 · 5 months
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Ok. I had this ask in my inbox for the longest time. I am so sorry anon. I tried to answer it earlier, but I was on vacation with only access to Tumblr mobile, which is a major pain in the ass when it comes to editing drafts. TWICE all my answers got deleted. Here I am for round three but on a desktop computer, so I can finally set these thoughts down worry-free.
Admittedly, it is kind of hard to rank the kids from favorite to least favorite. Obviously my favorites are the Eds, but I see value in all the characters, and can name any number of episodes where I find one or the other entertaining. One of the benefits of having a small tight-knit cast. I hope you don't mind if I just rank my thoughts on them alphabetically.
Jimmy: His inclusion within the show is super interesting to think about. Not that I am an expert on the social climate at the time, but there are way more diverse male characters in children's media now than there seemed to be back then. Not that Jimmy's depiction is perfect, but I find him very likable and entertaining in a way that I laugh with him more then AT him. If there is anything about his person that is made fun of is his tendency to be accident prone, rather than his effeminacy directly. I think people undervalue the amount of good lines he has too. He often says stuff that totally catches me off-guard lmao.
Johnny: Of all the kids, he is the one I think the least about. I admit to finding him kind of grating, but I think that is VERY intentional seeing how the other characters react to him on the show. He still has fantastic moments though. Episodes that come to mind are "Dear Ed", "Rent-a-Ed", and "Shoo-Ed".
Kevin: I think he is SERIOUSLY funny. There are so many moments where his deadpan humor just gets to me. I think I've laughed out loud the most with his comebacks. I like the approach of depicting him too. He plays the 'bully' role for the Eds, but that doesn't make him an entirely unlikeable muscle-head. If anything he appears more unimpressed and suspicious of events that transpire. I like that 60 Minutes detail in the pitch bible a lot not only because it is funny, but it establishes something interesting about his paranoia. Especially emphasized in the episode "See No Ed". I also really like his friendship with Rolf. In a lot of other kid shows it would have been an easy choice to have Kevin bully the "foreign" kid, but instead they are buddies. Really emphasizes how targeted the Eds ostracization is.
Lee: I really like her! I think she might be my personal favorite Kanker. I like how unashamed her aura is, and her design is my favorite (granted I think all the Kankers have good designs). I am going to repeat this a lot with her sisters, so I might just say it here: I really do wish there was more exploration into their personalities. I think this is my biggest gripe with the show as a whole. It feels at some point the team couldn't really figure out what to do with them, which is disappointing. (I think they have been quoted to say as much but I cannot vouch for that. If anyone desires, feel free to pull up a source or link).
Marie: I feel she is the Kanker with the LEAST defined personality, which makes her difficult to analyze. With Lee, even though there isn't anything extensive to go by, I can inference that she seems to be the "oldest" of her sisters, and takes on a leadership role in a reflection of her Ed-of-interest. May is definitely the "baby" of the girls. Somewhat ditzy and sensitive, which gets her pushed around. As for Marie, I guess she is jealous??? (maybe this is an unfortunate reality to being the middle sibling </3) She doesn't really share much with Double Dee like Eddy and Ed do with Lee and May which makes this even more difficult to pin down. To me she seems to mostly share a connection to him in design. I kind of subscribe to the interpretation that she is avid in "street smarts" in comparison to Edd's "book smarts", but that more of a headcanon than something confirmed by the show. I don't know, I am confused by her a bit. Because of this lack of...anything, I find it interesting that so many 30+ year old 90s kids are so enamored by her. This is definitely the unfortunate side-effect of being a fictional goth/emo aligned girl.
May: Of all the Kankers, she is the one I feel has received the most defined personality throughout the show's evolution. By no means is it a lot, but it feels like she is way more than just a "dumb ditz" stereotype to match Ed. I think this is why so many fans connect to her, and it feels like she has grown pretty popular with the fandom on here as a result.
Nazz: She's chill. I like her. She doesn't have much of a dynamic personality to go off of though. Honestly, even less than the Kankers who have that whole nasty, gross girl thing going on that makes them really entertaining and relatable. I do like how that in the earlier seasons she is depicted as a bit of a tomboy/skater girl. It is a lot more unique than making her simply a "popular girl" stereotype, and actually makes it understandable why all these preteen boys would be all over her. She genuinely seems cool to hang out with. A lot of the time she appears to be amicably hanging out with Kevin, which I think is sweet too.
Rolf: Who doesn't love Rolf lol? I've gotten into arguments with my sister on whether his depiction on the show is politically incorrect or not. I don't think he is by any means a squeaky-clean impression, but I don't find find it to the level of any kind of cancellable offense, or by any means racist! I think the fact that his upbringing is inspired by Danny's experience coming from an Italian family emphasizes a bit of acknowledged sympathy to the character. Not all the neighborhood kids understand him, but that doesn't ostracize him. If anything, he seems to be seen as a bit of an elder or "sage" if you will, in the eyes of the other kids. I think that element is super interesting and deserves to get talked about more.
Sarah: I think she gets way too much hate. Of course she is super annoying and mean, but that is kind of the package of the role she plays. If she was super nice all the time there wouldn't be a lot of stakes for the Eds. I think her bitter vendetta against Eddy is so funny. Her friendship with Jimmy is great as well. I really love strong girl characters being protectors of a boy character. It is such a good take on an otherwise overly used trope.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 9 months
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ready to be funky!
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zhongrin · 1 year
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— fin.
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alrighty, i will be cuddling the shit out of a certain dragon after this but before that, a small bonus (read: silly doodles) because we all need therapy after all that (or at least i do) -
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"i had a nightmare."
"but i just went to buy milk-"
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we both have separation anxiety now so that's that 👍🏻
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