#thank youuuu <33333
heartbreakincident · 1 month
Hello!! This isn’t really an OC question, but it’s adjacent! I think a lot of the writers I follow on tumblr are fanfic writers and that’s cool but I’d love to connect with some more folk who’re doing original work! Are there other blogs you’d recommend, or another site where people share their OCs and stories? I don’t think ao3 is the place for that but maybe I’m wrong??
I would also love to hear about your OCs though! Which one is currently taking over your brain?
that's actually a really good question. unfortunately i don't follow a lot of people who do original fiction (or at least, no one who openly talks about it), but if you like visual novels and interactive fiction, itch.io is absolutely full of stuff. it's fun to just kind of filter for twine or ren'py or whatever and just take a look at what's out there. @/robobarbie here on tumblr has some dating chatsims that are exquisite 👌
my OCs take turns on the Rotation Pedestal in my brain. speaking only of 100% original OCs, riot and allure have been on the mind. allure is a succubus with buckets of trauma, riot is a shifter who simps over them. i've been writing AU stuff for them and having fun in my free time while i work out the details on the actual plot.
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falloutcoys · 3 months
miette sunny d and YEEHAW
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dfjhjdskfds you know i wouldnt be surprised anyway
not like other ask games
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
husband toji kissing ur awake because he wants ur first thoughts every morning to be him !!!
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺SOBBBING WAILING CRYINGG THIS IS SO SWEET LUNNIE WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCKKK he definitely takes his time to admire you just a bit before placing the first kiss:(((( u just look so prettyy wahhhhh and ooooohhhh the first one is the softest one too... right on your lips but it's so light bc he's scared to wake you just yet but he. Needed to do it okay
and then he's kind of nosing against your cheek a little while pressing himself closer to you, his hands are slipping under your shirt because he craves the skin to skin contact so fucking bad. he cracks a sleepy smile when you move around a little under him ur just so fucking cute!!!!!!! your eyebrows furrow and you pout in your sleep when he pulls away to look at you🥺🥺🥺 and then he just goes full in. he can't help it!!!!!!!! he's kissing your cheeks and your nose and your forehead and right under your eyes and the bridge of your nose and your jaw and your chin and that gets you squirming a little more. he gives you a warm hum as he waits for you to come to him. he wants to see you already. he wants to look at you. he wants your full attention.
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desb3ar · 4 months
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mocha-illustrates · 1 year
Hi the way you draw hands is everything to me you're SO good at art
aaaa thank you, sweet anon. hands are one of my favorite things to draw. i really enjoy playing around with posing them cos they can be sooo expressive and idk, i think that's so cool??
anyway thank you so much, here's a hand wip as a gift
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
shannon!!! hi!!!! i’d LOVE a director’s cut of your annie x brady one shot ‘home is an anchor’. that piece is sooooo intimate and emotional and their connection is so palpable. i’m a big annie x brady fan but i think that’s my fav of your writing on them so far. their connection!!! i could shout about it for days. so what stuck out to you about them as characters or their relationship in that one shot? did they say/do/think anything that surprised you? did it influence stuff you wrote for them after in a way you didn’t expect? i’d love to hear any and all thoughts!!! i’m just an annie x brady girlie at heart ❤️
HI ISSIE!!!!!!! thank you so much for the kindness towards that piece!!! 'home is an anchor' was by far one of my favorite pieces that i wrote because i remember i had a section of it written but didn't know where to go with it. and then all the sudden it HIT me where to actually go with it and then my fingers were practically flying over the keyboard to finish writing it. SO!!! thank you SO MUCH!!!! <3 'an annie x brady girlie at heart' - issie my friend it is an HONOR!!! so PLEASE LET ME INDULGE YOU!!! under the cut is my train of thought and dissection of this piece and all the fixings! please enjoy and thank you again seriously! annie x brady have been one of my favorites to write and one of my first to develop and so i'm glad their connection means a ton, so, please enjoy!!! :D
if anyone wishes to get another look into a specific prompt/one-shot, please feel free to send it in! <3
One of the main goals I wanted to pull across with this piece was a deeper look into Annie's background - a sort of explanation as to why 'Annie Bradshaw' is the way she is. Because there's so many factors that make up, at least to me, why someone becomes the person they are - namely, their background and upbringing. Annie's upbringing is one that forces her both to grow up fast and mature, along with lose her youth and childhood at the exact same time. She spent a majority of it caring for her younger siblings. Meanwhile, she was the oldest daughter with an older brother, Roy, who went off to work and make money, along with her father, who was trying to keep the Bradshaw family alive.
At the same time, her mother was drinking daily, not taking care of things at home, and leaving Annie to step up into the role. This is some things I didn't get into right here but: before the Depression hit, the Bradshaw's had a farm that worked fairly efficiently, the family was profitable and happy, but then once 1929 hit, things started really going downhill. Annie wasn't able to go to school much anymore because of the fact she had to care for the farm and her siblings, while her father and brother went to what jobs they could work at. So, at night, she'd usually stay up late, alongside Roy and he'd help her catch up in her studies, which led to her love for math and science. This is incredibly fundamental for her because it led to where she is now. But having this background really cemented her reasons WHY she is here.
Annie mentions that she gets a letter from her father, detailing that her mother's health is failing (because of the drinking/smoking/etc), and how Annie still holds onto guilt because she left her family to do what she could for herself. And THIS is where John Brady comes in as a main player for this storyline - and why he is so important to any in so many different aspects. Because for once, someone is stepping in and caring for her (not like she didn't have her little siblings, her father and Roy), but there's that bare spot where her mother's love should've been. And in a way, Brady fills that for her.
I think it is also an attribute to Annie's strength as both a woman and a pilot for the USAAF. She clearly has been through a lot that has made her stronger because of it and it comes off evidently as she leads as pilot for Silver Bullets. But it also allows her to know that it's okay to have a bit of a breakdown sometimes, to feel those hurt emotions that she's experiencing. It gives her a nice well-rounded balance, and a fun character to write!
SO -- for me, these are the things that mainly stuck out (1) about their characters. You have Annie who is evidently going through a rollercoaster of emotions from her past, this torment of guilt and coming into this era of doing things for herself and Brady, who is stepping in to be her sort of 'safe haven' - an anchor. Hence, why I've tilted it 'Home is an Anchor' because her home is slowly no longer back in Mankato, Minnesota - it's here in Thorpe Abbotts. It's John Brady. I feel this also applies to their relationship - as someone who is a fan of slowburns, I am stretching this out as far as I can, so by this point, I'd say we are near episodes 3/4. Meaning, Annie and Brady have known each other for some time, and are slowly developing these feelings and these emotions towards each other that they're having trouble forgetting. I would highly consider this the 'turning' point in their connection, too, in their time of knowing one another. Sharing an intimate moment that heavily emphasizes their importance towards one another in a somewhat subtle way, too.
(2) I'll be honest, writing Annie and Brady is ALWAYS a surprise for me (enter: Brady and Annie in his A2 jacket...like THAT was a surprise!). But genuinely, writing them is always me just typing away and then this idea/line hits me and I just have to do something with it. SO -- for this, Brady telling Annie that - now that they're up-close in this intimate hold they have on each other - he is now noticing her freckles and that they're cute, was by far the moment in the one shot that made me SCREAMMMM. I really wanted to take into account the fact that they're up-close to really try to bring forward this idea that, they've crossed this threshold and will recognize new things about the other - and one of those things is her freckles. A first step in a new direction!
(3) And with THAT, I would absolutely say it was influential, because then I started writing Annie and Brady in a more intimate way after that specific moment. Because we do have Annie sort of coming to the realization about her feelings - where she mentions the only thing on her mind and then trails off (that thing is in fact a Mr. John Brady, but she won't admit that). And I sort of play into that idea a bit with the entrance of Francis Montez, the co-pilot, into the scene, where she teases Annie a bit for it all (in good-fun of course). But it leaves Annie thinking. And so with that in following one-shots, I really played into that idea of 'everyone knows but them' sort of situation, which is a TREAT i must say haha!
This specific one-shot just really allowed me to explore multiple areas of Annie and Brady that was enjoyable - Annie's background, the importance of Brady to Annie and vice versa, what it means to go pass this 'friendship' (I say friendship in a very light ton lmfao) and into something else. To show that these two people both are important to one another and that they think equally very highly of one another as well - a sense of mutual respect that goes both ways.
And also, as I mentioned, I got to play around with Francis Montez's character as well. She is a pivotal person in the Silver Bullets crew, not only as the co-pilot, but as someone who watched their previous command pilot pass on, that being Captain Faulkner. Francis I will be exploring in an upcoming prompt or two (and another writing piece I have an idea for because co-pilots and their dynamic with the pilot fascinate me so....) and I'll be excited to build her character more!!!
This equally is one of my favorite pieces for these two, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it as well :) Annie x Brady will always mean the world to me, and to write them is a joy. So thank YOU Issie for indulging me!!! <333333 I appreciate it so so much and thank you again for the love and support!! :D
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sketchingstars03 · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Shay!! ^^ (4got to send this before,,,,)
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in the flesh? and have a cigar changed my brain chemistry and got me into pink floyd too, thank you!
Oh. My. God.
Anon you are incredible and amazing and you have made my day :)))))))
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themyscirah · 8 months
When you suddenly figure out a great title (and by that I mean poem) for one of your biggest wips (you still have not written a single word of it)
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sagetheenbymage · 9 months
appreciate y’all <33
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billysgun · 10 months
can I just say, I LOVE UR WRITING SM 😭
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immysketchbook · 2 years
@d-weebletzpri !!!!
What I gave them:
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What they gave me back:
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This is so good!!!! I love everything about it thank you so much <33
What they gave me:
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I loved this design from the very start
What I gave them:
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Close Ups!!
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Your drawing is so good, i love it sm!
Thank you :)
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angeart · 6 months
hii!! just wanted to say that your writing makes me feel every emotion ever and that you are an incredibly skilled person and i love seeing your work! you deserve all the happiness, and i hope you have a lovely day <3
awwww oh my gosh?? this is so nice and kind thank youu <33 i actually really needed to hear this, it means a lot. and! AND!! so happy my writing makes you feel stuff!
pls also have a wonderful day and remember to take care of yourself!
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vivisols · 6 months
darn! Well i was expecting that! I’ll recommend a few others then
Fazbear's by StrangeChildProductions this fic is really sweet, its main focus being DJMM! I loved reading this one, it seems just fitting for you, plus, Moon is the looove interest
We Only Understand Each Other by Help_Im_being_Robbed if you liked Fazbears, this fic is inspired by it, it makes me all giddy when I read it. It’s still updating but what they have so far is so nice!
In The Walls Where Your Light Won’t Shine by Skitty_chii  this one is on the sillier side, but it’s still a good read, even with its crack-shippy nature. It’s not finished though either!
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generalzelgius · 2 years
HI 🌟🎀 ✨💫😊💖☀️❤️
🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)
🎀 ― i love your aesthetic / graphics
✨ ― i love the way you write
💫 ― i enjoy writing with you
😊 ― i enjoy talking to you
💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person
☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy
❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs
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🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝒀𝑴𝑩𝑶𝑳𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺.  | accepting | for @bonescribes
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signanothername · 2 months
do you like afterdeath??? Can we get some? Love your art!!
Cough what if I told you Anon… that Afterdeath is my otp???? Cough
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And thank youuuu <33333
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