#thankee for the ask!
minecraftbookshelf · 5 months
Just a little.
I have questions to posture you about if you don't mind-
How does adoption work in most Empires?
Also, if Xornoth is overprotective of their brother, and Lizzie with Jimmy, if Scott and Jimmy ever decided to adopt a child, how overprotective and spoiled with that kid be?
Does Scott and Xornoth have wings?
Is there a group in Rivendell that doesn't like Xornoth as king, and maybe some tries to take them off the throne throughout the years?
How does Jimmy fair to being in the cold?
Is the Ender Dragon important in this world? And how so?
How long does Xornoth visit Joey?
Should Scott or Jimmy even be trusted with a child?
Hello! Welcome to the chaos! Grab a seat, grab a snack, and join the circle!
I love talking about this AU (If you hadn't picked up on it by now XD)
Adoption varies from empire to empire, for some it is very culturally central, such as in Mezalea, and in others it is much more rare simply due to either the nature or size of the population, such as the Overgrown or Rivendell. In some places its more informal, such as the Swamp and in others its much more formal, again, like Mezalea.
The concept of adoption varies wildly between cultures as well. In Mezalea it is very much a formal "you are now part of our family as if you were born into it" stance, while in the Swamp its more along the lines of "you lost your family, whether through fate or their own poor choices, so now you will go find a new family either in your relatives or your immediate community"
The very concept of family varies so of course adoption is also going to change from place to place.
If Scott and Jimmy ever adopt a child that child will be absolutely spoiled rotten from all directions. (also addressing the last question here, no, Scott or Jimmy should never be trusted with a child tbh.)
Scott and Xornoth do have wings I had a whole crisis about it on here somewhere because I didn't want them to bc it felt a bit like too much but the more i wrote and built the more obvious it became they would have to have them. So here we are.
There are multiple factions among the Rivendell population that are Not Xornoth Fans. There have been some attempted insurrections, though not recently. The only major one was resolved with Xornoth's marriage.
Well now that would be telling ;)
See previous statement. But also yes, the Ender Dragon is going to be very important.
Xornoth visits Joey semi-frequently, though Joey probably visits them more often. Especially early on when Xornoth was still trying to figure out what was happening and how it happened XD
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bibliophilea · 7 months
From the wip game, whats 50 Ways to Not Learn Ghost Speak?
(for this tag game)
This one is based on a 2020 Phic Phight prompt by @a-closet-emo, and also a throwaway line @currentlylurking put in their phic, “Still Better Than Google Translate”!
The line in question: “I tried looking stuff up online, but then there was that whole thing with Technus and the duolingo owl escaping the internet, so that was a bust.”
The prompt in question: “As Wesley Weston hurtles in his mud-stained tutu and matching tiara towards the nearest building and his fate as a smear on said building’s side, he reflects on the ridiculous day he’s been having.”
I don’t have anything written prose-wise at the moment - just summary!
Technus unleashed Duolingo Owl upon the world
Wes catches the Owl
Wes makes a deal with the Owl: teach him ghost speak in exchange for freedom
Owl goes on about all these different sounds from all these different languages Wes needs to master
Owl puts Wes through a training regimen which, oddly, includes some ballet dancing. Which he can do, grudgingly - he quit ballet and took up basketball to be more normal, and he doesn’t like it when other kids bring up his ballet days. He wishes the Owl would quit poofing him into a tutu and tiara for the work - his dad has nearly caught him like three times today - but at least the Owl lets him keep this embarrassing ordeal in his room.
That is, until the ballet-parkour training.
And that’s what I’ve got! It’ll be phun to turn this into a fully fledged ridiculous story!
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sylvana-the-tsarina · 2 years
Ed and Al Elric for character ask?
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Free Space for Ed: Don't usually like his character type (hot-headed MC) but I adored him.
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Good GRIEF this was difficult.
The bingo card does not have enough options D:< Because like... some of them I would circle too but it's a different intensity than I mean. Yes, I like to study their characters but not in an "under a microscope" way; they work beautifully in dynamics with other characters but I love them on their own too; I would love to adopt Al but the tone of that one isn't quite right; they're brilliant characters but the Entire Show is awesome so I can't call either of them the best character in the work.... sdghkjdwlejkgf
Anyway, FMA:B is amazing and Ed & Al are lovely characters <3
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liveandletrain · 4 months
1, 2, 3, 14!
what song makes you feel better?
This one is more of a rotation than a single song. Currently on my looping playlist...lets pick three. Cover Me In Sunshine (P!nk) Wild One (MALINDA) and Sinners (Lauren Aquilina)
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
The Pacifier. No I will not elaborate on this one XD (we first watched it while I was learning how to drive, If you have seen the movie this will make sense.)
what’s your favorite candle scent?
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14. Favorite Feel-good Show?
Leverage, no question about it.
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lemissingmask · 1 month
Could I suggest your next drawing of Eliot be a cooking Eliot one? Love your work!
😁😁😁 Thank you so much!!!
It might not be the next Eliot drawing I throw haphazardly out into the aether, but please know it is now added to the list of things to attempt to draw and may appear at some point
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cornmazehater · 2 months
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nythtak · 2 months
you know i gotta do it to ya 🥸
The dresser is completely covered in makeup, jewelry, magazines, and a scattering of gin and vodka bottles - they all have interesting or pretty shapes so Venetia collects them, and it makes for easy gifts so long as Felix is willing to trawl through a bunch of shops. Farleigh is to blame for the six-litre light-up vodka bottle currently glowing pink at the very edge of the dresser, the one they all made themselves as sick as dogs trying to drain a few years ago.
xD Thankee now I've got to remember but THANKFULLY mostly do lol
I kinda rambled a bit?? So, under the cut here
Venetia's room was very much influenced by Alison Oliver's interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygMQn0viPcE) where she describes the room as being full of makeup, jewelry, mags etc (Elspeth's effect shining through here), and very pink and black.
And just the general MESS in Saltburn really heaping up for Venetia's room as an extremely deliberate choice of hers. A sort of control/ownership in it, especially since she's there all year around, and it can be so comforting to have a bedroom as an escape and let it be a complete tip that's just yours, no one else's.
The gin/vodka bottles are inspired by my sister specifically xD She doesn't collect them the same, but the prettier ones do get kept sometimes (and we even had this MASSIVE whiskey bottle (think knee-height) filled with coins never above a 10p in our living room for years that was my granddad's), and it's kinda impressive how elaborate some can go.
SO for Venetia, it's a few things.
The casual alcoholism across the board with the Cattons, the idea of underlying fucked-ness with so many bottles of pretty but cheap, mass-produced glass and the lingering smell of the alcohol inside, a few drops where it wasn't cleaned out properly and maybe some still half-full, reflecting the lights on the dresser and her distorted reflection back at her, lovingly enabled. The half-hidden sentimentality of her keeping the gifted ones on prime display, but mixed in among a whole load of mess so there's too many things to draw your eye. And they're all very cheap in the grand scheme of it all, but these end up being what last for years on a dresser used every single day, compared to priceless gifts tossed in a pile and forgotten.
(hi yes I'm still going??? Oops) Now, the vodka bottle specifically...Again, blame my sister for being super into vodka and flavoured ones until she got really sick on it once and then stopped drinking it xD Also, blame a google search for 'pretty vodka bottles' or something like that, and a light-up one popped up which felt too perfect.
Flashy and objectively cheap but it's 'saw this and thought of you' and 'isn't this silly' and 'let's get sick together for no good reason just to celebrate you and us' and 'here's something for you to look at and think of those memories when it was just the three of us when we're not here but you still are'.
Pretty pink and tacky and a shared mockery but if *any* of those bottles were moved even a centimeter, Venetia would notice. Left at the very edge like she wants it to fall, but would *absolutely* cry if it ever broke.
(Felix is the one who got the sickest on their binge attempt, and would've fallen into the pond if Venetia and Farleigh didn't grab him in time.)
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blackestnight · 11 months
either 💛 reunion kiss / relief or 💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss (which ever strikes your fancy)
reunion kiss / relief set prior to the ultima thule portion of endwalker msq
Aymeric did not consider himself particularly prone to aethersickness, but longer journeys had a tendency to leave him out of sorts, mostly due to a lack of opportunity to build up a tolerance. Not that practice would have prepared him for the experimental aetheryte—a daunting name, but Estinien had mentioned one in his own reports, and the researchers in Idyllshire assured him it was safe. They had also, with strained smiles, warned him of some mild discomfort, which was perhaps an understatement, as upon re-manifesting in the Sharlayan teleportation laboratory Aymeric was forced to sit on the cold tile before he blacked out. The scientist was sympathetic, at least, and ready with a revitalizing tonic, which smelled strongly of mint and left a gentle aftertaste similar to licking a well-worn sock.
Not the finest travel experience he’d ever had.
The researcher at Confluence was also kind enough to point him in the direction of the Baldesion Annex, once Aymeric had recovered enough to walk, where he was greeted by a cheerful Lalafellin receptionist who informed him that Hanami was out and about on errands (of course). Further instruction led him down toward the harbor, to a seaside eatery named—perhaps in a fit of morbid humor—the Last Stand, where Aymeric did not find Hanami, but did find a tipsy Y’shtola and Thancred wrangling an astoundingly drunken Urianger out of his seat; Y’shtola directed him towards the residential area, and Leveilleur Manor, which Aymeric managed to locate mostly by dint of following the hulking silhouette of the roofline. (He thought, with bittersweet nostalgia, of the popular adage among Ishgardian natives, that one could always locate a road that led to the Vault so long as one could find a road that went up.) Hanami wasn’t at the manor either, but he did find Estinien glowering at young Alphinaud as they both ambled down the road leading toward a fountain plaza, and after exhausting a range of pleasantries with Alphinaud (and receiving a welcoming grunt from Estinien) Aymeric managed to ferret out that Hanami had passed by before making her way toward the library called Noumenon. And so back across the city he went, past the grand statehouse of the Rostra and across rolling lawns dotted with gazebos, one of which was occupied by Alisaie and a bleary-eyed G’raha Tia, both of whom gave him perfunctory greetings before confessing that Hanami had already finished her business and made her way back to the Annex.
By the time Aymeric made his way back, past the apologetic receptionist to the room where Hanami was scrawled in chalk on the wooden door, he was cold and still vaguely nauseous, and yet the discomfort melted away like hoarfrost under sunlight when his own sunrise opened the door.
She was only partway undressed, sock-footed and her nose still pink from the cold, and as radiant as Aymeric had ever seen her when she said, “When did you get here?”
“You,” he said, stepping forward past the threshold, “can be remarkably difficult to find.”
“Blame my mother for teaching me to sneak,” Hanami fired back, a slow smile breaking across her face as she sidestepped to shut the door behind him. She was already raising her free hand to brace against his shoulder, and when the door latched shut he was already stooping to meet her: her wedding band was on her hand for once, cold against the skin of his neck when he pressed his own relieved smile against her mouth. Despite the chill her skin was comfortingly warm against his palms when he spread them over the small of her back. Hanami flinched when his nose brushed against her own, and immediately her hands moved to wind through his hair, guiding his face down into the dip of her shoulder. “You are freezing,” she grumbled, while he huffed a laugh and stumbled slightly as she threatened to unbalance him.
“I was sent on a bit of a hunt to find you,” he admitted, and pressed another kiss to the scales at her neck as punctuation.
She murmured a noise against the tip of his ear—not an apology, not really, but the closest he thought she would come—and released her grip so he could stand properly, long enough to take him by the elbow and draw him toward the table. He followed, unbuttoning his jacket, and allowed himself a sigh of relief: worthy as his quest had been, he was all the more comforted by the reward of her presence.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 23 days
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Fazbear CEOs when someone mentions health and safety
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minecraftbookshelf · 18 days
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(I tried to get the templates)
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bibliophilea · 7 months
For the WIP asks game, can i ask about Dannymay 2020 Shorts - Science ?
(for this tag game)
So! The doc is actually called “Dannymay 2020 Shorts”, and I have been chipping away at the Dannymay 2020 prompts one at a time there! There are three prompts that I’ve finished, but the current WIP in this doc is for the prompt “Science”. It’s from Jack’s perspective, and he’s confronting the realities of catching the ghost kid vs. what he “scientifically” knows to be true.
Here’s an excerpt!
Ghosts don’t feel pain. Ghosts don’t feel fear. Ghosts don’t feel.
The science of it all says it’s impossible.
Jack stares down at the ghost in the alleyway before him. Its leg is stuck in the Fenton Ghost Trap - were it human, Jack would think that the leg’s broken, bent at an odd angle, the teeth of the trap digging into the not-flesh. It’s gloved hands are raised in a vain attempt to defend itself - the gloves are ripped and the hands covered in scratches, likely from where it had tried to pry the trap from its leg.
The ghost is crying.
“Please,” it whispers hoarsely, then whimpers when its leg spasms, ectoplasm welling from the wounds.
Ghosts don’t feel pain. Ghosts don’t feel fear. Ghosts don’t feel.
The science of it all says it’s impossible.
Thanks for the ask!
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sylvana-the-tsarina · 2 years
angelique for the character bingo!
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Angelique! I adore her, actually, and she will stay among my top ten favourite protagonists, but I don't think about her that often. When I do then I'm happy, but my tastes changing from fairy tale retellings to... some other kind of fantasy I can't find the name for yet means that I squee over other characters more.
Angelique still rocks tho, sarcastic bean <3
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1, 10, 11! i‘m lazy so you look it up!
1: what song makes you feel better?
'Hard times' by Gillian Welch is always a comfort to me when I need to feel stillness and calm. But I've told you about that before so here's another one - because I am a dork I love musical theatre, and 'One Day More' from Les Misérables always gets my spirits up for facing tomorrow's challenges. I specifically listen to the recording from the 2015 Australian cast album, which I bought on CD when I saw the show live.
10: what’s something you’re excited for?
the bus line where I live was improved recently (more service throughout the day) which makes getting into town easier. So rn I'm excited to go to the library more often
11: what’s your ideal date?
something quiet that encourages conversation. A museum is always good because discussing the exhibits and the art is perfect for bonding and learning about each other. Or an activity like minigolf. Because I like minigolf and I really want to play it.
A stay at home date is also always good. Outside is scary....... home is comfy
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thekenobee · 1 year
You want asks and something to do? Rank the Aubreyad books you read so far (+ the movie) in the order you enjoyed them most.
OOF that's
By no means easy
But I'll try!
1.Post Captain (Sophie And Jack OK, the whole BEAR SKIN SUIT, the duel and some great whump, Stephen and Jack finally getting on and being best buds AGAIN )
2.the Fortune Of War( kept me on the edge of the seat for the WHOLE TIME, Stephen being a motherfucker, climbing Diana's balcony, once again great whump AND Jack recovering in a Boston hospital being high on painkillers and admitting that he has committed a crime due to his hazy brain JUST LOVE )
3. Master and Commander MOVIE (just because it's a masterpiece)
4. Master And Commander book! (I needed to pause a couple of times and I thought to myself that I was such a lucky(LUCKY GET IT?) lass to experience such a beauty poured on pages and that who I was to experience it)
6. Desolation island(6 HUNDRED MEN)
7. The Ionian Mission ( much of Pullings, and it's so nice to have some background Sophie and kids<3)
8. The surgeon's Mate- Jagiello and the whole SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION OK, and Jack being THE IDIOT with food towards the end just GOT ME ROFLING)
9.Mauritus Command( Stephen not getting over Diana was just OOF)
Wow, that was a bit(read: very) difficult but I think I did it justice!
ATM I'm in the middle of Treason's Harbour and I love it!
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cornmazehater · 4 months
how are we feeling about the Nintendo direct
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Ah, yes, the BOAR.
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