thekenobee · 1 year
Was it you that had the "Toblerone at Airports" collection?
Anyway, Basel EuroAirport. Arthur Shappey would be happy.
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I do have a TOBLERONE AT my Local shop collection but this one's so much cooler 🥰😍😍
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Here's a pic from when my shop was civilized enough to have the *gasp* WHITE ONES
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uuuhshiny · 1 year
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Michael Shannon and Russell Crowe in Man of Steel
His pain
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bonojour · 1 year
5 and 6 for the asks :)
5. Do you have any siblings?
i have one brother who is 6,5 years older & in probably every single way the opposite of who i am. (love him though, we text each other cat pics like once every two weeks)
6. Do you have pets?
i have my own cat Sproet (freckle) who is turning 1 this summer, but she lives at my parents house until I can find a cat friendly place in Denmark for her.
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prokopetz · 1 month
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Reposting my single favourite piece of official Star Wars media for no particular reason.
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woman-with-no-name · 11 months
I have just had a thought. Well longer actually but needed to share.
You know those ammunition belts they have in all Wild West media. I'm having a SLIGHT obsession with them.
Or more with them being opened. The sound of it. Like you're on the bed waiting and your outlaw husband (two in particular, you know which ones) opening that belt and you KNOW what will follow. Also hoping you're doing well of course haha.
GIRL... I know exactly what you mean 😳😳 not only the sound but they look so inviting and pretty on their hips. Woof.
I totally get the obsession, cowboy ammo belts and officer's naval uniforms is what gets me going🔥
Thanks for that great imagine, keep em coming 🤭
I'm better. Thanks for asking.❤️ It has been rough for a month, but I'm slowly picking myself up and trying to get back to my hobbies.
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time-woods · 7 months
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EMOTIONAL WIN ! ! the bug lets his emotions make decisions for once !
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pricelesscinemas · 9 months
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jicklet · 8 months
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Ahsoka 1.08 || Star Wars Rebels 2.20
Remember where Sabine learned that move? 😄
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bbygirl-obi · 11 months
i still can't get over how in the blue shadow virus arc of the clone wars, after a bunch of people were exposed to a dangerous virus, anakin arrived on the planet and ignored both his men (who he is legally responsible for as their commanding officer) and, even worse, ahsoka (his padawan who he is legally responsible for because she is a minor), so that he could run straight to padme's side....
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never mind the fact that padme had a hazmat suit for a long while to protect her against the virus, while his men and ahsoka had been exposed for virtually the entire time and were significantly worse off than padme. like padme was still conscious at the time of the rescue, while ahsoka was completely down for the count long before that. never mind the fact that anakin was in contact with them both the entire time and absolutely knew that his padawan was out here struggling ten times more than his wife:
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anakin's so absorbed in checking on padme that he doesn't even think to ask about his padawan or his men. it's padme who has to bring up ahsoka, who's being brought in on a different stretcher! only then does he even remember she exists, because even his own padawan is a mere afterthought compared to padme for him!
once she does, anakin does go to ahsoka's side, and he does a good job of reassuring and praising her. when he tries, he can be a pretty good mentor. but that's the key phrase: when he tries. and this episode makes it abundantly clear that if padme is in any amount of danger, even if it's a fraction of the danger that ahsoka is in, he will not try until someone else reminds him.
oh and and all while that's happening, obi-wan is the only one actually sitting with the troops!!!! even though they're anakin's troops!!
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anyways prioritizing your wife, an actual adult, over the child in your care who was in significantly more danger, to the point that you have to be reminded of said child's existence, is.... not a great look. it certainly reflects how anakin's fixation on padme has become this all-encompassing thing.
these scenes are all around minute 20 of season 1 episode 18 by the way. check it out yourself, because it's absolutely bonkers.
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detailedart · 2 years
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1. Fresh picture of the spinning Phantom Galaxy by the new James Webb Space Telescope *• 2. Nautilus shell cut in half. | Golden ratio.
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romancemedia · 1 day
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🌈Happy Pride Month (2024)🌈
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thekenobee · 1 year
You want asks and something to do? Rank the Aubreyad books you read so far (+ the movie) in the order you enjoyed them most.
OOF that's
By no means easy
But I'll try!
1.Post Captain (Sophie And Jack OK, the whole BEAR SKIN SUIT, the duel and some great whump, Stephen and Jack finally getting on and being best buds AGAIN )
2.the Fortune Of War( kept me on the edge of the seat for the WHOLE TIME, Stephen being a motherfucker, climbing Diana's balcony, once again great whump AND Jack recovering in a Boston hospital being high on painkillers and admitting that he has committed a crime due to his hazy brain JUST LOVE )
3. Master and Commander MOVIE (just because it's a masterpiece)
4. Master And Commander book! (I needed to pause a couple of times and I thought to myself that I was such a lucky(LUCKY GET IT?) lass to experience such a beauty poured on pages and that who I was to experience it)
6. Desolation island(6 HUNDRED MEN)
7. The Ionian Mission ( much of Pullings, and it's so nice to have some background Sophie and kids<3)
8. The surgeon's Mate- Jagiello and the whole SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION OK, and Jack being THE IDIOT with food towards the end just GOT ME ROFLING)
9.Mauritus Command( Stephen not getting over Diana was just OOF)
Wow, that was a bit(read: very) difficult but I think I did it justice!
ATM I'm in the middle of Treason's Harbour and I love it!
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tea-n-ink · 12 days
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Homesickness is where the heart is
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Reasons to play In Stars and Time: Canon Pronoun Warfare.
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thehauntedrocket · 6 months
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Elementary Dear Data...
Art by Rachael Stott
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kingnd · 1 year
With the end of TOH not only capping off Disney's "loose Trilogy" with Gravity Falls, & Amphibia, it pretty much marks the end of this Golden Age of Original Children's Cartoons with Heavy syndicated storylines that started back with Adventure Time. While I don't discredit show that aren't syndicated stories or even the "brand cartoons" Like Star Wars, Transformers, or TMNT there was something magical about seeing people come up with original tales from stuff they were big fans & grew up on to create a whole era that made it cool for adults to have these theories, Excellent fanart, & to be something more then what we were used to in our youths.
I can only hope I'm wrong & one day we'll see another TOH or Steven Universe or Kipo, or Centaurworld, or Adventure Time, or Regular Show, or etc. But with recent events it leaves me less enthused. But I'll still cherish that the 2010's to the early 2020's was this marvelous & revolutionary age for TV animation.
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