#thanks again katie mwah mwah mwah !
butchdiaz · 1 month
buddie ✩‧₊˚ scared of my guitar
commissioned (x) by @gayedmundo thank u katie!!!
tags! @usereddie @goldenbcnes @chronicowboy @shitouttabuck @ilostyou
@righttoolsenoughtime @evankinard @anirudhpisharody @kitkatpancakestack @buck2eddie
@buckdatesboys @try-set-me-on-fire @jeeyuns @youreonyourownkid @buckttommy
@leothil @canonbibuck @oneawkwardcookie @exhuastedpigeon @diazly
@bvckandeddie @wearherlikeanecklace @eddiebabygirldiaz @bibuddie @comeon-intothemadhouse
@angstydiaz @fruitydiaz @daughter-of-winterfell @spacediscos @spoilerspawn
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serethereal · 1 year
🐰🎵hiiiii <3333
hiiiiii maggie <33333
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
definitely how they treat people they don’t know. i haaaaaate exclusive bullshit i knew someone who was like this it drove me crazyyyy like why are you actively trying to make someone new feel even more excluded fuck you
🎵 Last song you listened to?
i could lie… i want to lie… but. There’s a Platypus Controlling Me - Dr. Doofenshmirtz….
send me a q from this ask game <33
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wileys-russo · 5 months
small intimate interactions - ficlet?🥺
small intimate interactions ficlet
"lee! get off." you whined as the blonde collapsed herself into you, long limbs wrapping around your waist trapping you in her arms. "no you're comfy." the english girl mumbled into your shirt as you tried to yank her hands off.
"i need to go and shower you leech!" you laughed as leah leaned more of her bodyweight onto you, the two of you sat side by side by your cubby in the change rooms after training. "yeah you do actually, you smell terrible." leah agreed scrunching up her nose but still made no move to get off of you as you scoffed.
"god i feel sorry for your future wife having to put up with you, i'll be sure to give her a medal." you rolled your eyes as the skipper grinned, kissing your cheek with a loud mwah and letting go of you.
"leah!" you shot her a glare as she whipped you with her towel once you'd stood and started to walk back to the showers. "wasn't me!" the blonde shrugged tossing her towel back into her cubby. "oh yes i suppose it was casper the friendly footballer ghost was it?" your voice dripped with sarcasm.
"must have been. i'll chat to the staff, get them to give the place a good cleansing! cheeky little thing he is." leah tutted swatting at the air as if to ward off bad spirits as you couldn't help but smile.
"you are such a child." you stripped off your jersey and tossed it so it landed on her head, the blonde peeling it off and staring after you with a grin.
"please let me meddle. they are disgustingly oblivious about how much they're in love, its been years now its killing me!" beth begged lia from the other side of the room who shook her head.
"no! they will figure it out on their own whenever they are ready." the swiss warned sternly, beths puppy dog eyes doing nothing as the blonde scowled and let out a huff.
"nah im backin beth here. they just need a good kick up the arse to realise!" katie wandered over as beth gave lia a pleading look who once more shook her head. "viv, help me out?" she looked to the dutchie who backed up her point making beth groan again.
"look! case in point leahs been ready to leave for ages, but she's clearly just waiting around for her even though they drove separately. they're probably off for one of their little movie night sleepovers none of us are ever invited to." beth rolled her eyes.
"probably. but thats their choice, you don't get to meddle and mess about and stick your noses into their personal relationship whatever it may be. let nature run its course!" lia warned sternly again before bidding all three girls goodbye, wandering over to hug leah goodbye.
"you're not leaving yet?" lia questioned as they broke apart, the blonde bouncing her knee as she twirled her keys around on her finger. "nah, movie night. gotta give that one a proper education on the historical importance of prime english cinema!" leah yelled the last few words in your direction as you appeared now showered and changed, flipping her off.
lia leaving you waved her off and grabbed your things, kicking away leah who poked and prodded at you impatiently whining that she was hungry and you needed to hurry up.
eventually the two of you exited the change rooms without even sparing anyone else a glance, leahs arm draped over your shoulder as the two of you started to argue what movie you were going to watch first.
"see? hopeless." "love really is blind!"
"what are those for!" leah asked wide eyed as you grabbed out a bag of asian greens from the freezer and rolled your eyes. "my dinner, you've got nuggets and roasties in the oven don't worry." you cooed mockingly, squeezing her cheeks between your fingers.
"thank god for that! here i was thinking you were tryin to poison me woman." leah breathed a sigh of relief, scowling as you teased the way her 'th' sounded like 'f'. "i told you to stop that its bullying!" leah huffed throwing a packet of crisps in your direction which you ducked.
"hey! no throwing my groceries williamson or you can start paying for them." you warned her as leah ooohed with a grin. "i'm so scared." leah drawled as you held up the spatula in your hand menacingly.
"better be, i'd kick your ass." "i think we've proven time and time again shorty that it is indeed me who is the kicker of ass between us." "thats because you cheat every single time we fight!" "no i do not i just utilise the element of surprise and the fact you are about half the size of a regular human being."
"oo its your mum!" leah perked up as your phone rang with an incoming facetime call, leah clicking accept and propping it up against a vase of flowers before you could even say a word.
"hello terri!" leah greeted happily with a smile as your mother eagerly greeted her back, the two having met a few times and talking often as leah and you were almost always in one anothers company.
"mum its like...nine in the morning in mebourne, what do you want?" you chuckled as leah wandered over, propping the phone up by the stove and standing beside you as you cooked.
"thats no way to speak to your mother! maybe she just misses her daughter who lives on the other side of the world now." leah pinched you making you squeal and punch her in the shoulder.
"see! leah gets it chicken." your mum laughed at your dynamic as leahs taller body leaned into yours, hugging you from behind. "yeah chicken." leah teased the nickname making you roll your eyes and threaten to throw out her dinner as she fell silent.
the three of you caught up as you cooked, leah remaining stuck to you throughout which wasn't anything new, the two of you always having had a very affectionate friendship.
in fact you'd always been quite a touchy person by nature so to you it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
but when leah excused herself to use the bathroom and you'd pulled out her dinner and started to dish up, your mum flagged it. "you two are awfully cuddly tonight." the older woman spoke with a look you knew too well making you sigh.
"just friends with healthy habits of affection mum, you can stop now." you warned, your mum forever having had the habit of assuming any new person in your life you were secretly dating, despite your assurance that if you were dating someone she would not be meeting them until you were ready and as your partner, not a friend.
"okay im just saying it like i see it! shes a lovely girl, and you two seem very close." "we are mum, very close friends."
"yeah you should come visit next summer! i'll even teach you how to surf." you grinned to jacob whose face lit up, sat around the table with leah, her mum and brother for dinner a couple of days later.
noticing how homesick you were your first few weeks in england leah had quickly welcomed you into her own family in an attempt to mend that hole. taking you to weekly dinners or game nights much as you'd allow her to drag you along, her family nothing but kind to you the entire time you'd known them.
"wouldn't you need to know how to surf first?" leah questioned as you smacked her arm playfully. "least i don't look like i don't know how to swim." you teased, her grin dropping at the comment.
based around a tiktok trend kyra had made the statement the other day that leah looked like she used floaties when she swam, causing a cut that was very deep to the defenders pride.
"i can swim! you've seen me do it!" leahs fist banged down onto the table as you threw your head back laughing at how quickly she bit, jacob joining in as leah shot him a glare and stomped on his foot from across the table.
"alright alright! enough, leah you're on drying duty come on." amanda chuckled but broke up the bickering as leah looked ready to lunge at either one of you.
"what! i am a guest here, jacob can do it." leah protested but with a firm look from her mum got up from the table with a sigh, making a point to tug at your ear and smack the back of jacobs head before following after amanda into the kitchen.
"stop that mopey look if the wind changes you'll be stuck with it forever." her mum smiled in amusement handing leah another plate to dry, the english womans face turned downward into a sour frown as she heard you and jacobs laughter echo through from the living room.
"you know if i had to paint a picture of my ideal daughter in law she'd be the perfect muse." amanda started with a nod toward you in the other room, causing leahs head to whip up so fast it would have spun off if not connected to her neck.
"mum!" "what? she's a beautiful girl and an even more gorgeous person on the inside, surely you of all people can see that?" "well obviously but we're just friends. people can be friends and not in love with one another now mum its the twenty first century!" leahs voice dripped with sarcasm but her mum didn't miss the defensive edge to it either.
"whatever you say love. all im saying is you like to bang on and on about getting older and not wanting to miss out on the more domestic goals of life-" her mum held up a soapy hand to cut leah off as she tried to interrupt.
"-and here you are with the solution potentially right under your nose. you might not see it but the way you look at her...don't let a good thing pass you by baby girl." her mum warned and suddenly changed topics, leah frowning but not bothering to backtrack on the conversation.
the two of you were just friends, right?
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nana-gumi · 4 months
unconditionally g. satoru
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pairings: gojo satoru x fem! reader
cw: soulmates au, angst, deaths, historical events, spoilers on manga ig?, illness, blood, gore, fem! reader, typographical errors, listened to unconditionally by katy perry when writing this!
a/n: let's go, first post! thank you for helping me proofread @xuanzangg mwah
in every universe, you were soulmates. you were his and he was yours. what happens if one day you woke up, you weren't soulmates like how it was used to be 1000 years ago?
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in every universe we'll live in, i will always choose you
" 'toru.." you weakly whispered as your lover held you tightly on his arms, a sword piercing through your chests as blood continues to seep out of your clothes.
"hold on to me." satoru stammered as he choked on his own blood.
"i can't breath no more." you said as you pant heavily.
a curse left his lips as satoru wiped the blood off of your mouth, gently caressing your cheek.
satoru groans as he looked up to the person who happened to thrust a single sword into your bodies, a person he never thought would betray him.
"i trusted you!" satoru yelled followed by a cough as he held you close to his chest.
"that's the weakness of the queen, too softhearted, too gullible." the betrayer said as he forced the sword out of you and satoru's chest. "may you rest in peace, queen and king." he said as he left the place with his people.
there were dead bodies of your comrades around, not a single person left breathing, they were all killed.
"s-satoru.." you mumbled as you cupped your lover's cheek with your bloodied hands. "if the gods gave us another chance to live, will you still choose me as your lover?" you said as satoru opened his closed eyes and looked at you.
"i will. in every universe we'll live in, i will always choose you." he said as he placed his forehead against yours. "i love you, my queen." he mumbled, his breathing getting slower and slower.
"i love you too, my king."
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we'll meet again, my love.
if you died once, you couldn't possibly live again right?
you never believed in those words at first, but now, you're starting to believe them.
this man infront of you, the person who happened to always appear in your dreams, standing right infront of you.
"princess (name), it's an honor to finally meet you." he said as he bowed for respect as you did the same.
you were staring at him as he was.
"prince satoru, i think i've met you before." the said man laughed at your words as he held your hand on his, placing a kiss on your knuckles after winking at you.
"likewise, princess (name). it feels like i've known you my whole life but, it is the first time we met."
marrying the prince of the other kingdom wasn't a thing you expected, not when you're already a dying vegetable. you were born with a curse that when you reached the age of 25, it was the end.
at the age of 18, you married the only son of the gojo clan, a marriage where you thought your husband will be cruel and unloving like the books you read, but turns out, satoru loved you with all of his heart (just like in your past lives). he cherished you just like how you deserved it.
at the age of 24, satoru started neglecting you, or what you thought he did but it wasn't his intention though, he just doesn't want to see you disappear before him and you understand that. who would want to take care of someone who's death was already set.
but a week before your birthday, before everything ends, satoru came back to you.
"i'm turning 25 soon, prince." he was standing at the window near the bed, his sword on his hand as he kept quiet.
you sat on the bed as you caress the soft pillow in your fingers.
you heard the sound of his sword as you watch him make his way to the door.
you smiled sadly as clutched the pillow with your weakening grasp.
"satoru, will you be back?" you asked and he finally faced you.
satoru clicked his tongue, the only reason he disappeared was because he searched every land for a cure, something that would remove the curse that was casted upon you, yet not a single information was given to him.
satoru cursed under his breath as he dropped the sword on his hand, running towards you as he embraced you as tight as he could, hoping that his hold would make you stay forever.
you cupped his cheeks in your hands as you leaned your forehead to his.
"why are you crying?" you asked and it made him cry more.
"i'm scared." he said as you wiped his tears with your thumb.
"don't be, my love. i'm still here." you said as he shake his head.
"i was looking for a cure..i've searched everywhere but-" he let out a sob as he took a deep breath.
"really? i appreciate it." you said, giving him an assuring smile. "but we both know that the curse doesn't have cure." he knew that, he was just desperate.
the day of your birthday was finally coming.
it was almost midnight as you lay in bed with your lover.
"satoru, remember when you said that it's like you've known me your whole life?" you asked, looking up at him as you lay your head on his chest. "i think i get it now. it's because we're past lovers, satoru."
he chuckled in response as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "i know, from the moment i saw you, i already knew it was you, my queen."
you lay back on his chest as the surroundings went silent.
you felt his hands tightened around your form as the ticking of the clock can be heard.
"this is it, satoru."
"fuck.. i hate this." he mumbled as he clenched his fists. he couldn't do anything but to watch you die before him.
"satoru, in another universe, it's still me and you, right?"
"mhm, me and you. we'll meet again, my love."
you couldn't control your tears anymore as you kiss him for the last time.
"i love you so much, my prince." you said as satoru wiped your tears with his thumb.
"you'll always be my princess. i love you."
you and satoru went to sleep that night but the difference was he was the only one who woke up the next morning.
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you are the strongest, right? my everything..
"sensei?!" yuuji exclaimed as he saw his teacher, gojo satoru walking with you, an enemy as if you and him were friends.
gojo finally approached his surprised students as he placed his arms on your head like you were something to lean on.
"this is our ally now." satoru said as you rolled your eyes at him. "right, my queen." satoru half-joked as his students were now more than surprise.
"you forced me." you joked as satoru leaned down to your height, placing a finger on your lips.
"shh, it was you who begged me to spare you."
"i did not-!"
"are we supposed to see this?" nobara said as megumi left the scene.
"welcome, ms. (name)!" yuuji exclaimed as you nod at him.
"you almost killed us before! i won't trust you for now." nobara said as she crossed her arms before following megumi who just left.
"well, kugisaki is right, but since it was gojo-sensei who introduced you, i guess i'll trust you." yuuji said, following his friends who just left.
satoru chuckled as he started walking ahead.
"satoru." he said, cutting you off as he faced you.
"satoru.. it's still me and you, right?" you said as you smiled at him and another chuckle left his glossy lips.
"seems like we met again, my love. i've been waiting for you."
"satoru!" you forced the door open as you saw his friend, shoko doing her best to heal him.
"stay back!" his comrades said.
right, they still don't trust you. you were an enemy after all.
if satoru was standing beside you, he already protected you but he couldn't, not when he's laying on a bed, cut into half as his comrades gather around to see his situation.
seconds, minutes and an hour passed, there was no progress at all, shoko was losing her strength as she finally surrendered.
she shake her head left to right, indicating that she couldn't do anything at the situation anymore.
they left the room one by one until it was just you, him and shoko.
shoko covered his body with a white cloth as you noticed her clenched her fist.
you were standing by the door, processing the events in your head.
shoko walked past you, taking your hand as she placed something on it. a necklace, something satoru owned as she finally left.
you walked slowly to your lover as you removed the cloth that was covering his face.
your lips started to quiver as you caress his already cold cheeks
"satoru, you are the strongest right? come on, wake up now, my everything."
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until we meet again, mr. gojo satoru
gojo satoru was the strongest in your past life but he died in a gruesome death.
the day he died, the day you were cursed with immortality. a curse where the person you love the most will forget you, and if the time comes that, that person remembers you, you'll disappear.
you stand before a large painting inside a museum where a king and a queen embracing each other, a sword piercing through their bodies as the king cries blood tears.
"mesmerizing, is it not?" a voice said and not just a voice, you recognized it very clearly.
a gasp left your mouth as you as stand face to face with your lover.
"satoru?.." you mumbled in disbelief, taking a one step and another as you embraced the man. "you're finally here! i've been waiting for you." you said as you look up at him.
"ah, i'm sorry but this is the first time we meet." he said and all of your hope disappeared as you took a step back.
"satoru?" another voice called him as he turned around, revealing the person. "there you are! we've been searching for you. this museum's quite big."
"i'm sorry, this painting caught my attention, oh by the way-" satoru looked back only to see no one. he looked around the place, searching for the lady he just spoke with but she was nowhere to be seen.
it was supposed to be you and him. satoru was your soulmate, not the woman you haven't seen in your whole life, they even had a son that almost looked like him.
in the end, you went back to your usual spot, where you and satoru first met when both of you were still a sorcerer.
you leaned your back against the old tree, hugging your knees close to your chest as you cry.
a broken heart was worst than death.
it was always you who dies first in your past lives. did satoru wait for you this long too? did he once watched you fell in love with someone that's not you?
you think not, because whenever you reunite with him, he'll be the first one to recognize you.
it's all because of that stupid witch and the curse she left to you.
how ironic that you always cross paths with the said man.
in the mall, the park, the grocery store and anywhere, you just don't show yourself to him. it'll only break your heart more watching him be happy with someone.
"wait!" he yelled as you tried your best to run away from him. he finally catch up to you as his hand burned your skin. "what the hell?" he said, feeling the same burning sensation.
he didn't even notice that you were already running away.
"just a moment please!" he called. you stopped in your tracks, letting him catch up to you as you faced him.
you wanted to hug him so bad, to kiss him and tell him how much you missed him. but you don't have the rights to do so.
"this is yours." he said, showing you a gold necklace.
you frantically searched the necklace in your pockets and there was none so you harshly took it from his hands.
"my name was engraved on it and another one. is that you? is (name) your name?" he asked as you nod. "you were that lady from the museum, right?"
"what museum?" satoru was about to say something but he was cut off when his phone started ringing.
"ah sorry, my family's looking for me." he said and he didn't know how much those simple words broke your heart.
you watched him walk back to the grocery store, leaving you alone with nothing but a shattered soul.
your name had slipped off his lips accidentally that led an argument between him and his wife.
he's been having a dream with someone but the face was a blur, he couldn't recognize the person.
"satoru." you mumbled as you cupped your lover's cheek with your bloodied hands. "if the gods gave us another chance to live, will you still choose me as your lover?" you said as satoru opened his closed eyes and looked at you.
"satoru, remember when you said that it's like you've known me your whole life?" you asked, looking up at him as you lay your head on his chest. "i think i get it now. it's because we're past lovers, satoru."
"satoru.. it's still me and you, right?" you said as you smiled at him and another chuckle left his glossy lips.
you were on your usual night walk when you're suddenly running out of breath. it was like something was blocking your airway, an invisible hand gripping on your neck as you fell on your knees.
were you finally dying? if so you were glad.
you lay your back on the grass below, your heart beating slower and slower as you gaze at the stars.
"this is gonna be my last life, satoru." you said as if he was around to hear your words.
"(name)!" you heard his familiar voice. you've been thinking of him too much to the point that you were hallucinating.
you felt your body being carried as satoru held you on his arms.
"why are you here?" you said, weakly pushing him away.
"i'm sorry, (name). i'm really sorry." he said, biting back a sob as he embraced you.
"what are you talking about." you said.
"i remember it now, fuck, i remember all of it now. i am so sorry. stay with me, okay? i'll take you to the hospital." he said as he carried you.
"there's no need, there's no cure." you said as he stopped on his tracks.
"this is yours." you said, ignoring him as he took the necklace in your hand.
satoru kneeled on the grass as he took the observed the necklace on his hand.
"ah, i want my satoru..please?" he heard you said and his heart ached at your dying sight. he's seen this many times now but why does it hurt more this time?
"i'm here." he whispered.
"you're not him." you know you were being petty. you shouldn't blame him from the curse that was casted upon you.
satoru was startled when you started crying.
"i'm sorry, 'toru." you said as he smiled at you, wiping your tears with his thumb.
"it's fine, i'm sorry i did not recognize you, my queen, my princess, my everything." he said.
"satoru, this will be the last time we'll see each other. be happy."
"last time?" he shake his head as he cupped your cheek. "no, we'll meet again, right?" he said as you softly laughed
"maybe we will, but you'll have to wait million years for that." you said.
"i don't care how long, i will wait for you."
"i'm grateful to have you as my soulmate, satoru."
"what's happening?" satoru said as your hand were slowly disappearing with the wind.
"the curse was lifted now, satoru." you said as you smiled at him.
"t-then that's good! we'll go home together, okay?"
"that would be impossible, plus you have a family now." you said chuckling bitterly as you sigh. "goodbye, until we meet again, mr.gojo satoru."
satoru could only watch as you disappeared with the winds, another universe where he lost you again and yet he wasn't sure if he'll see you again. maybe someday.
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desiree-deneuve · 9 months
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back again with another gif pack of the gorgeous queen katie mcgrath in the 2013 dracula bts featurette!! i found the video from this lovely post <3 it includes #020 gifs that are all 268x151 if you click here or in the source link. thank you so much if you're using these mwah mwah mwah!!
bonus: under the cut there are #002 gifs of the lovely jessica de gouw in the same video <3
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undrthelights · 3 months
last line game
rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
thank you for the tag katy @atticrissfinch MWAH <3
He starts to pick up his pace, giving a slight squeeze with each pump of his fist. The heat in his stomach is starting to build as he now imagines you on your knees in front of him, the way your soft lips would look wrapped around him as you take every inch. His mouth falls open and a low whine escapes him, he squeezes his eyes shut as the vision of how you would look peering up at him with your pretty eyes as he stuffs his cock into your mouth plays in his head.
finally started to write again after MONTHS of literally nothing :)))
np tags: @pr0ximamidnight @ilovepedro @javiscigarette @northernbluess @sugarcoated-lame @hearteyesforjoel & anyone else who would like to join :) <3
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it-happened-one-fic · 6 months
500 Followers Playlist Starter Pack: The Genshin Impact Version!
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Thank you so much!!! As I said in the Twisted Wonderland version of this post, I'm afraid I don't have time to do a full event (Christmas and all that jazz) but I did want to say thank you to everyone. Since I have a habit of listening to music while writing, I used few songs (I aimed for four each but didn't always make it) from my playlists to form sort of a starter pack under the cut! Again, thank you so much!!!
(NOTE: The links go to Youtube. Songs only for characters I have written [though the fic may not yet be posted]!)
Twisted Wonderland Playlist Starter Pack
Tubthumping - Chumbawamba (cursing)
Fly Away - TheFatRat & Anjulie
Scalliwag - Gaelic Storm
Run - Jasmine Thompson
Honey Whiskey - Nothing But Thieves
Skeletons - Dihaj
Night Moves - Lissie
Break The Ice - Britney Spears
Going Crazy - Goo Goo Dolls (cursing)
Natural - Imagine Dragons
I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin
Life After You - Daughtry
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
House of Memories - Panic At the Disco
Pompeii - Bastille
Yours Forever (Reprise) - Phillipa Soo & Conrad Ricamora (From Over The Moon film)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross
Sound the Bugle - Bryan Adams (From Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron film)
All The King’s Horses - Karmina
My Demons - Starset
Icarus - Bastille
Cure For Me - AURORA
Die For You - The Weeknd
Kamisato Ayato:
Feeling Good - Michael Buble
Million Dollar Baby - Ava Max
Fan Behavior - Issac Dunbar
The Greatest - Sia
Arataki Itto:
All Star - Smash Mouth
I Like it, I Love it - Tim McGraw
Let’s Get it Started - Black Eyed Peas
Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities
Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars
Our Song - Taylor Swift
Fallin For You - Colbie Caillat
I’m Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado
North Star - Tyler Shaw
Butterfly - SMiLE.dk
Mind Over Matter - Young the Giant
Sherlock (CLUE + NOTE) - SHINee
I Think We’re Alone Now - Tiffany 
Troublemaker - Olly Murs (feat. Flo Rida) 
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
(This Ain’t) No Thinkin Thing - Trace Adkins
DJ Gimi-O Habibi Albanian Remix (Slowed and Reverb) - Ricky Rich 
4 Minutes - Madonna, Justin Timberlake, & Timbaland
Treat Her Like a Lady - The Temptations
There Was Sun - Nothing But Thieves
Let’s Stay Together - Al Green
Money, Money, Money - ABBA
Never Give Up - Sia
Arabian Nights - Will Smith (Disney Aladdin 2019)
Desert Rose - Sting & Cheb Mami
Whenever, Wherever  - Shakira
How Far We’ve Come - Matchbox Twenty
17 Crimes - AFI
Please, Don’t Leave me - P!nk
Don’t You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
Love Story - Indila
Don’t Turn Around - Ace of Base
Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Bones - Imagine Dragons 
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Daydream - The Aces
Animal - Neon Trees
Il Dottore;
Black Sea - Natasha Blume
The Wolf - SIAMES
Everything Black - UNLIKE PLUTO & Mike Taylor
One Hell of a Team - AmaLee & Divide Music
Rasputin - Boney M.
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy
Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift
Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fall Out Boy
You and I - PVRIS
Never Really Over - Katy Perry
Die For You - Starset
Willow - Jasmine Thompson
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ratscabies · 9 days
katie the love of my life the merry to my pippin the ranch to my pizza the mine to my craft the count to my dracula the curse to my strahd the einstürzende to my neubauten. happy HAPPY BIRTHDAY it was so so lovely to see you recently and I miss you so much and I can't wait until the next time we're reunited ahhhh I'm so grateful that you're in my life and I'm so proud of you and so happy that you're feeling good about life today and ahhhh I just love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday babe mwah mwah mwah. Below is a picture of us next time I visit you btw
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leftoverenvy · 8 months
sorry for raiding your inbox again. just wanted to say that i sometimes forget i’m friends with leftoverenvy since you’re katie[kt] to me lol, and i’m feeling very fangirl today so this is me messaging you as a random fan and not as someone you know *clears throat*
omggg hi i just wanted to say i love your work! you capture emily and all of the other cast so well and i love that you feature main characters that are poc! i think it’s so impressive that you can combine an actual plot alongside the steamy moments as well because it just proves how good of a story teller you are! your creative ideas are one of my favorite things about your blog and i can’t wait to read more of your work. whoever has something to say about you “just writing kinky stuff”clearly hasn’t read Secrets Of The West Wing chapter 4 paragraph’s 3-9 and it shows. thank you for all the effort you put into every word of your stories ms author. i love them and ily for sharing them with us! mwah mwah 💛
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I’m screaming and crying and throwing up and slamming my head against a wall BECAUSE YOU MADE ME A MEME. you included my emoji 🥹🥹
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imo-chan-imagines · 3 years
Ok after reading THAT????? U know I want more of ur sweet sweet writing omg soooooooo
Pls feed my inner Oikawa simp? I want him (in multiple ways) but right now imma go with uhhhhhh crying. I don’t care who cries. It can be either one of us.
Tbh the thought of him being so needy he cries?? Hehehehe I have thoughts.
Btw your writing is absolutely incredible and if you are not currently writing a full length novel, maybe consider it!! I’d be ur no. 1 fan and u know it mwah
— Katie (idk if u already knew my name but I did actually change it so here u go)
Oikawa + Dacryphilia | Haikyuu!! Drabble
Oikawa × fem!reader
Prompt 29: 💧 DACRYPHILIA 💧
Warnings: 18+, smutt, dacryphilia, needy + crybaby + sub Oikawa, slightly dom reader (but very caring), begging, brief dry humping, brief handjob, thigh fucking, raw sex, cowgirl, nipple play, pussyjob lmao, multiple male orgasms, he cums all over your thighs + his own stomach heheheh 🤭, 18+/timeskip Oikawa, request, 500 followers event, drabble
A/N: You just know this boy has the prettiest fucking tears you've ever seen (pun intended). Also, you already know this by now, but I am actually writing a book. Nothing like this, though 😅 Anyway, I hope you like it, Katie ♡
Special thanks to @deargalaxy, @taetsukoru, and @its-me-see for popping up in my notifs so much last week! I can't tag two of you, sorry.
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【3:00 am】
Your eyes flutter open as a familiar shape presses into your lower back. Quivering whispers breathe across the nape of your neck.
"Please wake up. Pease wake up. Please wake up–"
Oikawa's pressed up against you, his arms wrapped around your waist, his hips flush with your ass as his boner presses into you.
You shift and groan, and his repetitive whispers cease.
"You're awake!" Relief floods his voice.
"Mm...Tooru, what is it? What's wrong?" you ask, rubbing your eyes.
"I... I– uh..." He can hardly say the words, all his attention focused on not rutting into you without your permission. "N-Need you, Y/N... N-Need to...need to cum. Please, I–"
His whimpering pleas are cut off by an abrupt inhale as you reach behind you, taking his hard cock in your hand and lazily pumping his length through his bed shorts.
"Umh!" he cries out. Oikawa's breaths were already shaking, but now they're ragged, interrupted and punctuated with moans and whimpers.
You've barely touched him, but the fabric around his crotch is already wet and sticky as you palm him.
Heat pools between your thighs.
"You're so turned on," you coo, still shaking off your drowsiness.
His hips rock, and grind, and stutter into your movements, rubbing himself through your fist and up against your back, making him choke out sighs as tears prickle at his eyes and adorn his lashes.
"Wanna fuck my thighs, baby?" you ask, twisting round to look at his face.
Two distinct streams of tears trickles down his cheeks, glinting in the moonlight. You let go of his cock and stroke his hair as he continues to grind against you, feebly humping his clothed cock against your ass.
"Mhm," he sniffles, his arms gripping your waist tighter.
"Okay then, baby. Stop moving for a sec."
He obeys, though his cock protests, and waits patiently as you pull down his shorts, part your legs, and slowly slide him between them. He whimpers as he feels the plush of your thighs closing around him, and pulls himself closer until his hips are pressed against the curve of your ass, nestling himself deep between your legs.
You feel the slick of his precum smear along the inside of your thighs, the shaft of his cock brushing against the swelling folds of your pussy.
The heat of his cock throbs against you, and you roll your hips backwards, corkscrewing his cock between you thighs. Oikawa let's out three little cries, his eyes filling with tears again as you move agonisingly slowly, back and forth, around him.
He makes just as much fuss when you stop, the tears spilling over and moisten your back as he buries his face between your shoulder blades.
"N-No, please. K-Keep moving," he begs. Then he takes in a trembling breath. "Then, c-can I move?"
When you give him permission, he whimpers, moving his hips, thrusting his cock back and forth between your legs. His moans sound in your ear in time with his quickening thrusts, his round, swollen tip sliding against your pussy and nudging your clit.
He's feral, desperate in chasing his release, bucking into you like his life depends on it. But he doesn't last long – no longer than a whole minute before his hips stutter as he cries out, spurting thick, dribbling ropes of cum across your stomach and thighs.
Amid his whimpers and sniffles, he says, "Want more. Please, I w-want more. N-Need to cum again."
His hands tremble as they paw at you. You turn over to face him, climbing on top of him and pinning his hands above his head.
"So greedy," you grin, feeling him harden beneath you. "Just how needy are you?"
Oikawa gulps. "S-So needy. I-I'm so needy, I need to cum again. I need you t-to make me cum again. I'm s-so horny, I- I–"
His Adam's apple is frantically bobbing up and down as he tries to swallow back his tears again. You lean down, still holding his hands above his head, and kiss the streams of tears of the soft curve of his cheek.
'That's right," you coo. "You're my little horny boy. Just look at that. So needy for me that you're crying, isn't that right?"
He nods, deaperately rolling his hips up into you without receiving much relief.
You make him beg just a little longer, your pussy throbbing as you watch him cry for you, begging you to fuck him and make him feel good, before rising up on your knees and slowly taking him inside you.
He whimpers with every inch, crying out his thanks when you finally start moving, fucking his long, pretty cock inside your warm, slopping pussy.
"A-Ah! Yes, thank you! Th-Thank you! Ah! Mm- ahh!" He can't stop babbling out his thanks between sobs as your mouth latches onto his hardened nipples, your tongue stroking and flicking him to whining ecstasy.
As his cock throbs and twitches against the friction of your walls, threatening to release at any moment, your walls begin to contract around him.
His whines and sobs start to rise in pitch at he nears the edge. But before you allow yourself to cum, you let him to slip out.
"N-No, please! F-Finish...Let me finish," he mewls. You wipe away his tears as he blubbers beneath you.
"Shh, don't worry. You will," you whisper as you start to roll your hips back and forth, running your pussy along the length of his shaft.
You curl you hips under, grinding your clit against his throbbing cock, drenching him in your juices as you ride him to his high.
He cries out a long, pathetic moan as his cock pulses against the folds of your pussy, painting his own stomach with the thick, white ropes, as droplets of tears roll off his jaw and onto the pillow.
The sight and sensation makes you cum almost as quickly, rutting against his cock through the waves of your orgasm shuddering though you, creaming all over his cock, still cumming underneath you.
As you lie down beside him again, each helping to clean to other, you tenderly dry his eyes, kissing his cheeks and closed eyelids.
You feel your sleep calling back to you as he rests his head against you, his hair soft and fluffy against your collarbone.
"Tooru," you mumble, your eyes closing. "You really are too pretty when you cry."
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© imo-chan-imagines 2021
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A Christmas Gift
Word Count: 4K
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: Smut 18+ (a little filthy, you’ve been warned) 
Enjoy my loves! Merry Christmas to you all, Mwah x
This is how I picture Cordelia’s dress later in the fic (may have gotten carried away so I’ll just go hide in a corner lmao)
Tagging a few of my loves💛 : @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @mssallymckenna @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @pearplate @r0an0ke @coconutlipss @minavenable @venablemayfairgoode @versonstar @veteranwerewolf95 @fandom-nsfw-things @saucy-sapphic @creepingwolfberry @nyx-aira @witchxaf @duchessfics @billiedeansbottom
A Christmas Gift 
The smell of freshly baked cookies and coffee travels from the kitchen as you take in the Christmas morning. Smiling softly as you pass the living room, presents stacked high around the tree that stands tall in the corner of the room ready for a certain well behaved boy; who continues to sleep peacefully unaware that the big guy in red has been and gone. Wrapping your arms around yourself, your smile turns into a huge grin when you take in the scene before you. Ally stands by the coffee machine as she pours coffee into her mug humming quietly to the well known Christmas song that plays from the speaker, Cordelia sways softly to the beat of the joyous tune placing the cookies onto the plate at the kitchen table. Leaning against the doorframe you bask in the image before you, grinning ridiculously when you take in their red and white pyjamas that match your own. Oz had insisted that this year you all wore matching pyjamas on Christmas day and you were not to change out of them all day, Ally had put her foot down about that last part. 
Cordelia notices your presence first, gazing over at you with her chocolate brown eyes so full of love as her lip twitches into a soft grin. You move away from the doorframe, tiptoeing quietly over to your blonde wife, pressing a kiss to her hair as you whisper into her ear, eyeing Ally who continues to tidy around the counter area still unaware of your presence with her back turned as the music blares from the speaker next to her. 
“Merry Christmas, my love.” Cordelia leans into you, a soft smile appearing on her lips. Her gaze meets yours as you nod over to your brunette wife, winking playful at the blonde as her eyes sparkle with mischief. Moving away from the witch, you move quietly over to Ally wrapping your arms around her waist holding her flushed against you, feeling her tense for a brief moment before relaxing into your familiar embrace. Propping your chin onto her shoulder, you turn slightly to press a delicate kiss to her exposed neck. 
“Merry Christmas, beautiful.” You whisper close to her ear. She turns in your arms holding onto your shoulders as she pecks your lips, smiling widely against your mouth. 
“Merry Christmas, sleepyhead.” She teases, before turning back around and grabbing the freshly brewed coffee and the herbal tea, brushing past you playfully she places the tea in front of the blonde who sits at the kitchen table. She kisses the brunette in thanks, brown eyes locked onto brown for a moment a feeling of warm contentedness flows through the room as you watch the pair, your heart full at the sight. You are interrupted by the sound of loud thudding as smaller feet sprint down the stairs, making you share a knowing look with the two matching their grins. Oz sprints straight into the kitchen, his eyes bursting with excitement as his thick blonde hair sticks out in all directions, glasses slightly crooked perched on his nose. 
“He’s been, he’s been!!” He exclaims, grinning from ear to ear. Ally moves forward first wrapping her arms around his shoulders, kissing the top of his blonde curls. 
“Wanna see what he’s left you?” She mutters into his hair making the boy nod excitedly before sprinting off in the direction that matters most. You smile into your mug basking in the smell of coffee early in the morning, as Ally races after the boy. Cordelia glances over to you a mischievous glint within her brown eyes as she saunters over towards you, eyeing her form you watch on in apprehension. The blonde witch flushes herself up against your side as she takes your mug grimacing slightly at the strong coffee smell, placing it onto the counter next to her. Her lips brush along your cheek before resting close to your ear. 
“I hope you enjoy your present, my love. I have to say it fits perfectly.” She purrs, before leaving a wet trail of kisses along your neck. Within a blink of an eye the blonde saunters off following the departed footsteps of your other wife and son. You gape for a moment, your brain trying to process her words as if you imagined them before shaking yourself out of your dirty thoughts and sprinting after your family. 
‘God I love Christmas,’ You thought wistfully, coffee long forgotten. 
You were never one for Christmas holidays, the idea of a big jolly fella in a red Santa suit delivering presents always seemed so ridiculous to you but as you sit curled up into the corner of the sofa with the comfortable weight of your excited son snuggled close to your side, you are thankful to have a new, more positive perspective on the day. With the wrapping paper now removed from the living room; per Ally’s request and presents neatly piled in the corner of the room, you all sit cozied up around the big TV, watching as the tall giant dressed in an elf’s costume runs around New York looking for his dad. Cordelia glances over to you from above Oz’s mob of blonde curls and winks smiling softly as she pulls Ally closer to her on her other side. The peaceful atmosphere is quickly ruined by the horrible sound of your cell phone, groaning as you gently remove the tired boy that is slumped against you, who automatically curls into Cordelia making your heart ache at the disruption. Grabbing the irritable phone from the table, you quickly answer the person who is intruding on your family time. Ready to give them a piece of your mind, you pause after hearing the sound of sobbing coming through the other end. 
“Katie?” You ask, frowning at her heart wrenching sobs. You feel Ally and Cordelia’s gaze on you as you remove yourself from the living room, confusion evident within their matching brown eyes. 
“Y/N, I- I’m so sorry f- for calling you. Oh my god why did I-i call you, it’s fine I can sort it,” Katie stutters between her sobs, scolding herself. Quickly moving into the hallway and away from tiny prying ears, you try to calm her. 
“Katie, dear. I need you to breathe for me so you can tell me what’s wrong, okay?” You instruct softly, you jump slightly at the light touch on your shoulder. Turning to see a frowning Ally who eyes up the phone in your hand, she mouths ‘is she okay?’. You nod reassuring her, squeezing her hand before turning my attention back to my business partner.  You hear her take a deep breath in before rushing out a very in depth story about how the business deal with Harrison and Co has fallen through and how she’s tried her best to regain their attention, even amending certain demands  on the contract but with no such luck. 
“Y/N, I am so sorry. I really tried to get them back on our side but..” 
“They want to talk to me.” You state, knowing exactly where she was going with this phone call the moment you picked up the phone. Your eyes lock with Ally’s as you watch her bite her lip, her eyes full of understanding but you know by the slight dip of her brows that she’s disappointed. Sighing tiredly you continue your conversation with Katie. 
“Are they there now?”
“Yes, they would like to discuss with you new terms. Again I’m really sorry Y/N.” She apologises, sounding like she is on the verge of tears again. You reassure her and tell her that you will be there within the hour. Ending the phone call makes you huff in frustration, the only thing helping you relax is the soft touch of your wife’s hands that cradle your face, her thumb stroking calming strokes against your cheekbones. 
“Baby I’m really sorry-” Ally shushes you softly, pecking your lips in reassurance understanding the importance of this deal. 
“You gotta do what you gotta do, baby. We’ll be here with some hot cocoa when you get back annnd my parents are excited to have Oz tonight,” She trails off suggestively, biting down on her lower lip with a quirked dark eyebrow. You match her grin, kissing her hard, appreciating her understanding nature. Wrapping your arm around her waist you pull her close and slowly make your way back into the living room, feeling your shoulders tense slightly when you see your two favourite blondes singing softly along with Jovie and Buddy. Cordelia glances over to you both noticing your tense posture and sadden eyes, due to her distraction from her duet with Oz the boy turns around curiously looking at you and Ally with his big brown eyes. 
“You okay, Mama?” He asks, his innocent voice making you melt at his concern. Moving away from Ally you round the sofa and crotch in front of the boy. 
“You remember that big business deal Mama and Aunt Katie were working on?” He nods along, remembering the many nights you and Katie would work rather late into the night, stacks of paper scattered around the kitchen table. “Well it seems the boys we were working with no longer want to and they are being a little greedy and wanting more… candy from us,” 
“That’s very greedy Mama,” He adds, agreeing with your analogy. You grin softly and you see the soft glint in Cordelia and Ally’s eyes as they sit either side of him. Brushing his messy mop of hair from his eyes you continue. 
“Yes, very greedy Ozzy. So, because the boys are being greedy, Mama needs to go and ask if the boys would like to play nice since it’s Christmas and all... I’m sorry Oz but I promise tomorrow I’ll pick you up from Grandma and Grandpa’s house and we can go down to Milton Hill and go sledging!” You promise watching as his eyes light with glee at the prospect. He sticks out his pinkie finger to you making you smile softly before proceeding to lock your larger pinkie with his sealing the deal. 
“Deal Mama! Can we ask if Jackson can come?!” He asks, his voice becoming louder with the excitement. You nod vigorously basking in his excitement and slightly relieved that you have such an understanding family. Luckily this is the first and will definitely be the last time you miss out on Christmas for work - deal or not. Reaching up to place a kiss on the crown of his head, you move over to your blonde lover, conflict still evident in your eyes, she gently grips your clothing and pulls you closer, your nose brushing softly against hers as she presses a delicate kiss to your lips. 
“Hurry up home, my love.” She whispers gently against your lips as you pull away, flustered by the intensity of her brown eyes as she eyes you lovingly. Clearing your throat you nod stumbling to your feet, as Oz giggles into Ally’s side at his blonde mothers mischief, you quickly press a gentle kiss to Ally’s temple on your way past, heading for your shared room to change. 
Once changed and with more kisses given you head out into the cold quiet afternoon ready to get your deal finalised and sealed, determined to get back to your wives before nightfall. Stepping into the car you glance briefly through the gap of the living room curtain taking in your family who are still in their matching pyjamas, wanting nothing more than to be snuggled amongst them. 
Stepping back through into your warm toasty home you sigh, finally relaxing. Placing the cold bottle of champagne onto the side table, you remove your coat and gloves shaking the small remanence of snow. Frowning at the quietness, you remove your boots and head for the living room taking the cold champagne bottle with you. You stop abruptly by the open door frame staring openly at your senator wife, who is currently lounged lazily over the single armchair, her legs hanging over the arm of the chair, her skin glowing a light orange from the burning fireplace beside her. A lovely shade of Christmas green lingerie on display for your eyes only, with a book in her hand she peeks over her page to take you in through hooded eyes before her eyes land on the loosely gripped bottle. 
“They accepted?!” She asks, her voice laced with excitement placing her book onto the small table stand next to her. She slowly gets up from her position and saunters over to you agonizingly slow as you both drink each other in. Your eyes darken the closer she gets, seeing how well the bra fits her breasts making them look exceptional against her chest. The contrast between the green material and her skin are undeniably pleasing, her dark brown hair that frames perfectly around her face tying up the view in front of you perfectly. Licking your lips hungrily you finally find your voice and reply. 
“They did, I thought we could celebrate.” You inform, tightening your hold around the neck of the bottle. She nods only half listening to you as she skims her fingers up your arm and towards your neck where she laces her fingers around your neck  keeping a tight hold of you actively pulling you closer to her. Brushing her lips across yours, she allows her tongue to leave a wet trail against your dry lips warming them from the bitter cold outside, you gasp at the warm touch. 
“Let me go and grab the champagne glasses, I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” She husks against your lips before sauntering away from you giving you a great view of her ass as she sways purposely. Fighting back a groan, you scan the room for any traces of your other wife knowing that the crafty witch wouldn’t be too far away from all the fun. 
“Delia is sorting out your Christmas gift, Oz left with my parents about half an hour ago,” Ally answers my non-vocal question, watching as a knowing glint shines bright in her dark eyes. You squint at the innocent expression that she gives you, knowing there’s more to her words. She chuckles lowly while taking a hold of your hand, transferring the bottle into her other arm, holding the three glasses in her hand. Your eyes darken further as you watch the curve of her ass with every step she takes leading you up the stairs. Ally stops by your shared bedroom door turning to wink at you before letting go of your hand.  
“Wait right here.” She demands, before sneaking into the bedroom shutting the door closed, leaving you no time to peek into the room that holds your Christmas gift. Not a moment later Ally comes back out, slightly breathless as you take in her blown dark pupils with a dirty grin she asks you the most important question. 
“Are you ready for your Christmas present?” She entices, coming to stand behind you placing her one hand over your eyes as the other pushes open the door, guiding you into the room you bite your lip in anticipation as you await for the darkness to unfold from your eyes so you can take in your surprise. Soft hands disappear from your eyes allowing you to open them at Ally’s soft instruction. 
Your eyes widen with lust as you take in the sight before you. Lying lazily on the bed with her back against the headboard, long blonde locks trail down over her covered breasts, is Cordelia. A short red bow tied teddy lingerie dress fits snugly around her body, the end brushing barely over the tops of her thighs as she grins straight at the pair of you, slowly bending both her knees spreading them apart given you a glimpse of her matching panties she beckons you forward with the crook of her finger. 
“Merry Christmas, Baby. Why don’t you go and unwrap your present?” Ally drawls into your ear, tracing the shell of your ear with her tongue making you shiver on the spot. You answer by removing your work clothes as quick as possible watching as Cordelia bites her lip in amusement at your enthusiasm. 
Now dressed down to only your underwear, you feel Cordelia’s heavy gaze drop to your breasts licking her lips hungrily. Before you advance forward you quickly turn and pull Ally flush against your body hearing her gasp at the sudden new position enjoying the feeling of your skin against hers, pressing a hard kiss to her lips you quickly pull back, eyeing her appreciatively. 
“As long as I get to ravish both my presents tonight,” You comment, a roguish grin appearing on your face. 
Ally giggles at your teasing demeanour before nodding biting her lip. Pressing a kiss to her neck, you turn back around and focus on your blonde wife. Keeping your eyes locked with hers you move forward slowly, taking her in from head to toe. Crawling onto your Queen sized bed you settle yourself in between her legs, placing your hands above either side of her head holding tight to the headboard. Bending down slightly you take her lips with your own in a delicate, slow kiss. Hearing her hum in satisfaction you deepened the kiss, bringing one hand down to grab hold of her breast, squeezing gently making her gasp. Her sudden gasp allows you to brush your tongue gently over hers, tangling them together as you continue to kiss sloppily. Pulling away slightly you look over your shoulder to see your brunette wife stalking around the bed, her eyes never leaving your entangled forms, you remove the hand that has found its place on Cordelia’s breast to entice her to join you. Her eyes brighten at the invitation, joining you both on the bed she lies on her side flushed against Cordelia as the blonde reaches over to capture the senators lips, the feeling of arousal settles low in your stomach at the sight beneath you. 
You move away briefly while they continue to make out, straddling Cordelia’s hip you finger the loose bowtie that keeps her breast hidden. Gently pulling at the material you watch satisfied as the bow becomes undone in front of you, revealing the swell of her breasts and perky nipples. Cordelia gasps as the cold hits her exposed chest, pulling away from Ally in the process who eyes her wife's’ breasts. With a similar thought process, you and Ally dive straight for the blondes chest taking a nipple into your mouth each and sucking delicately at the sensitive nub. Cordelia moans loudly into the lightly dimmed room, her hands instantly finding their place on top of your heads, keeping you both close as you lick and suck at the aroused nub. 
“Mmm, yes just like that.” She breathed, allowing her head to lean back against the headboard as she fidgets under you. 
You both continue to tease at the blondes chest watching as her breathing becomes more erratic, your hand skims down the side of her toned body feeling the material against your fingertips before reaching soft skin under the teddy dress. Removing yourself from her waist you settle in between her legs, your stomach pressed against her core making her rock against you harshly needing some friction as her arousal builds. You latch back onto her nipple as Ally moves to suck gently on Cordelia’s neck, her thumb brushing over the sensitive nub. Removing your mouth from her breast, you slither south pushing the material up towards her breast exposing her stomach. Placing wet kisses along her stomach you move closer to her wet spot, already smelling her arousal. Hovering close against her most needed spot you brush your nose gently against the offensive material before moving to focus on her inner thigh, nibbling softly at the skin before reaching for the panties sliding them along her toned legs wanting rid of the pair. You groan at the sight before you as you take in her already glistening pussy as she whimpers. 
“Baby, please. I need you.” She whines, before latching her lips onto Ally's, taking the brunette's bottom lip in between her teeth pulling a groan out of Ally. Satisfied with her pleads, you brush lightly over her slit with your tongue feeling her hips thrust upwards seeking firmer pressure. 
Pressing your tongue harder against her wet pussy, you continue to pleasure her with firm strokes of your tongue, collecting her arousal before latching onto her clit. You feel a second pair of legs next to you begin to fidget as Ally waits patiently for your attention. Moving your mouth away briefly, you grasp at Ally’s ankle gaining the brunettes’ attention from Cordelia’s lips. She eyes you, her gaze slightly hazy from her pleasure. 
“Lie next to Delia, baby. I told you I want to ravish both my presents tonight.” You husk, your words breathless as you eye her hungrily. Obediently, she lies comfortably next to Cordelia opening her legs slightly to allow you access. You moan at the dark wet patch against her green panties, tapping at her ankle she lifts her hips allowing you to remove her panties. Now settled, you reattach your mouth around Cordelia’s clit, as your thumb rubs firm circles over Ally’s clit watching as she withers above you. You continue to tease them with your mouth and fingers feeling them both thrust against you as they seek for more friction. Moving your thumb from Ally’s sensitive clit and your mouth from Delia’s you sit back leaning on your heels as you look down at the pair, bringing your fingers that are covered with Ally’s arousal to your lips making a show of wrapping your tongue that’s covered in Cordelia’s wet mess around your fingers watching as the pair follow your movements with their dark eyes. Placing your hands on top of Ally’s knees you gently pull her legs further apart before diving for her wet pussy, watching through hooded eyes as she throws her head back and arches her back at the touch. Cordelia whimpers at the site of her two loves, she goes to place her finger against her throbbing clit but you gently slap the hand away and take over her needs sliding your finger in between her lips, collecting her juices teasing her entrance before entering her  as your tongue continues to twirl around Ally’s throbbing clit. 
You feel your own pussy throb at the sight of your wives both coming undone by you, withering and pleading for release as you continue to pleasure them until they tighten around you feeling them clench and pulse around your tongue and fingers. Moans and groans grow louder the closer they reach their orgasm, glistening bodies coming undone before you. They both relax almost simultaneously as they allow their orgasm to wash over them. Your eyes sparkle with lust and love as you watch them catch their breaths, Cordelia’s lovely new red teddy dress crumbled and flimsy against her form. Placing one leg in between their open ones, you lean forward hovering over the pair as they look at you with hooded dark eyes. 
“Champagne?” You ask, licking at your lips hunger still evident in your eyes. They match your gaze and grin. Before they answer you squeal loudly as you feel yourself be removed from above them, Ally wraps her arm around your waist swapping your position from above them to lying against the soft mattress, your wives faces above you as they remove the remaining pieces of their clothing. 
“Drink can wait, we want to celebrate Christmas properly,” Ally's sultry voice sends shivers down your spine as you wiggle in anticipation. 
“Well then, Merry Christmas to me,” You mutter to yourself, grinning from ear to ear feeling grateful for these two goddesses that brighten your life. Christmas may have been a ridiculous holiday in the past for you but it’s true meaning has since changed since meeting these two wonderful women and your sweet blonde boy who is the beautiful mix of them both. With no more words spoken you allow the pair to worship you into the early hour, enjoying their soft touches.
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lue-arlert · 3 years
tumblr really gonna do me dirty by yeeting my ask into the void ☠️ but once again Lue, my cutiest lil love!! congrats on your 100!!! 🥺💕 since I’m an indecisive mess, wheelofnames dot com said a sfw date with Jean please and thankies 🥰 +not a sugar baby
Katie Katie Katie hi bby ilysm MWAH 😚 Thank you so much!!! 💜
I hope you enjoy your first date with Jean 🥰
WC: 1.4k
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The smell of mozzarella sticks and pizza and wax and dirty socks filled your senses as you stepped into the clearly-didn’t-age-well building, glancing around at the neon decor, listening to the clamoring of bowling pins, buzzing of TVs congratulating a strike or booing a split, and the loud chatter of patrons over the one-hit-wonder music.
You were running late for your date, not noticing your shirt was on backwards, and you hurried over to where you spotted the tree of a man, who towered over the computer at the lane he was assigned, punching his name into the scoreboard.
“Hi, Jean!” You exclaimed, stumbling down to the lane.
He turned and chuckled at you, brushing his fingers through his ashy brown mullet. “Hi there, I was worried you weren’t going to be coming.”
“Sorry,” you said, out of breath as you sat your bag down in a chair. “I left my phone at home and couldn’t tell you I was running late.”
“No worries.” His sweet smile had you melting already, and he watched you look for a ball, picking up various ones, testing the weights, skipping over ones you deemed ‘ugly’ colored (even if it was the exact weight you needed), and he couldn’t help but admire the way you ungracefully glided over the floor, your feet catching each other as you searched.
When he noticed your shirt was backwards, his heart swelled and he was sure he fell in love—what a goofy girl, and so beautiful.
You returned, presenting your bowling ball proudly, despite the small chip by the thumb hole.
He shook his head with a smile and added you to the scorecard, getting the lane ready.
“Wait—” He stopped you as you stepped down to the ball return. “You need bowling shoes.”
“Oh yeah!” You laughed at yourself and skipped away to the counter, soon coming back and changing your shoes.
The songs on the PA system were ever changing, some classic rock, which Jean enjoyed, some early decades hip hop and pop, some music neither of you recognized, and every now and again a handful of popular songs would play, the both of you singing along and laughing together.
You would tease him when he made gutter balls or splits, snickering at him into the back of your hand, only for him to get his revenge when you somehow managed to bounce your extremely heavy resin ball into the lane next to yours, knocking your neighbor’s ball out of the way and striking their pins.
Jean belted out a deep laugh, clutching his stomach as you ran over to the other bowler, waving your hands apologetically as they stared at you in utter confusion. They all but shooed you away, not caring enough about the game to think you should’ve reacted the way you did.
After sulking over to Jean, he patted your shoulder and took his turn, finishing up your first game.
Before starting the next one, he wandered with you to the food counter, ordering a large pizza with your favorite fixings, and two pitchers of your favorite soft drink.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, the way your teeth shown when you smiled, the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed at something funny he said, the way your hair brushed over your back when you swung your arm, the ball releasing from your thin fingers.
You didn’t notice as you ate your pizza, that some sauce had dropped onto your chest, leaving a red blotch on your shirt.
Jean cleared his throat and pointed at you, looking into your eyes.
You paused, a cheekful of pizza, then followed the direction of his finger, groaning at the stain.
“Dammit!” You sighed, grabbing the stack of napkins and trying your best to clean yourself off.
He chuckled and rested his fuzzy chin in his palm, elbow supporting his weight as he watched you. When you finished and gave up on removing the spot, he nodded his head at you and said, “You know your shirt has been on backwards all night, right?”
“Huh?” You looked down again and pulled the collar back, gasping at the tag that sat beneath your fingertip. “Seriously?! And you’re just now telling me?”
He laughed at you again and brought his hand back down to the table. “I wanted to see how long it took you to figure out, but I guess you just weren’t going to notice it.”
You fake pouted, harrumphing at his light attitude about it, grumbling some nonsense under your breath about starting the next game, and stepped up to the computer, punching your name into the screen again.
A grin crossed your lips, and instead of putting Jean’s name into the machine, you quickly spelled out ‘Mr. Poopy Pants’ and submitted it to the screen.
Pretending nothing was done, you stepped up to the ball return and grabbed yours, setting up your position to roll.
The game went on, and by the second to last frame, Jean did a double take at the screen after bowling another strike. “Hey!” He laughed and turned to you, pointing at the screen. “When did you do that?”
You nearly shot soda out of your nose when you started laughing, and finally swallowed the bubbly drink before standing and skipping over to him, grabbing your ball. “I wanted to see how long it took you to figure out.” You winked at him then wiggled your way past him, setting up for your roll.
After watching yet another gutter ball, you turned to make a smart comment, but found Jean sitting with his cheek pressed against his knuckles, smiling softly at you with his eyes sparkling under the outdated lighting.
“What?” You asked, stepping up to him.
“Nothing.” He shook his head and stood, stepping down the platform to the lane.
“No, what?” You stood at the edge of it, almost at eye level with him, and rested your hands on your hips. “You looked at me funny, what gives?”
“Nothing,” he chuckled, holding the ball against his side.
“No, tell me!” You fake pouted again and gently stomped your foot, imitating a toddler’s tantrum.
He grinned and stepped up to you, his eyes gazing down slightly as he shook his head, saying nothing.
“Don’t give me that face, Mr. Poopy Pants, or I’ll put another dumb name up for you in the next game.”
Before you could make any more empty threats, his hands wrapped around the back of your neck and he pulled you to him, his eyes fluttering shut as he kissed your plump lips.
You froze, eyes wide, before taking a deep breath through your nose and closing your eyes, resting a hand on his chest.
You stayed like this for several moments before he pulled away, your noses almost touching. “Shut up and go eat your pizza.”
You blushed with a stupid grin and nodded, spinning on your heel to plop happily back in your chair, scooping up another square and taking a large bite, the snack squishing between your teeth as you watched him bowl another split, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he turned back around, shrugging at you with a lopsided smile.
The rest of your night went by too quickly, and somehow you came out to a tie, after four games. The two of you were bewildered, laughing at your scorecards as you returned your bowling balls and shoes.
Jean walked you out to your car, his pinky wrapped around yours, and stopped with you at the driver door.
“I had a really great time tonight,” he whispered, smiling down at you.
“I did, too.” You stared up at him, amazed at his height, and completely infatuated with him, his smile giving you butterflies beneath your pizza-stained shirt.
He gazed at you for a short while, before bringing his hands to your face, cupping your cheeks in his gigantic hands, and kissed you again, leaning you back against your car.
You wrapped your arms around his thick waist and held him close, pressing your lips into his.
All too soon, he pulled away and touched his nose to yours, his mouth still sporting his smile.
“Let’s go out again.”
“Yeah?” You asked—if you had a tail, it would be wagging like crazy.
He nodded and placed another kiss on your lips. “Yeah. Maybe you can wear your shirt straight next time.”
You snorted and smacked his arm lightly, pulling a breathy laugh from his chest as he cradled your face in his hands still, kissing your forehead.
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Lue Arlert’s 100 Followes First Date Event - CLOSED
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the-blackdale · 3 years
Hey ire CONGRATS AGAIN ON 300 AAAAAAAAA *loads of hugs and kisses mwah
are- are we close moots? 👉👈 can I have a 🐙 please and thank you
(also hmm how have things been with maya(is that the name we gave her I forgot) try to grab her attention by cracking a few jokes maybe.?)
Afafaf bestie yesss !! We're like super close moots how can u doubt it ??! Anyway, I think ur katie from shang-chi, yk just a Bubly fangirl who is super smart and all, I just think she give 'you' vibes
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↑ bestie goals, that's u and me 🥰 ↑
Ok, no because the above was all bubly I didnt wanted to spoil it's vibes, yes !! You got her name correct !! but yesterday was the worst !! There were two seats on the both side of me empty, and she did not come and sit next to me :( I messed up the first half of the class sulking over that, and then my anxiety worked up in the second half, because if reason I tell you, you'd think im probably a psychopath or overdramatic or still hung up over my ex-crush but what happened is that a tution friend of mine was sitting at a diagonal from me, and he looked exactly !! EXACTLY, like a guy from school I had a crush on and it was so scary, I legit myself thought for a moment that im going crazy it was THAT insane !! Anyway, I was →← this close to self harming at that time because if I wouldnt,I would've legit screamed or cried in the class.
Ok, that sounds overdramatic, but I genuinely have like a lot of trauma because what basically happened is that just because we sat next to each other for two day, everyone in school started the rumours that we are dating. I didnt even had a crush on him that time, and then he started ignoring me, we were good friends, and then we didnt talked for a year, next grade we again became friends when the rumours subsided, note that its started when I was in 4th grade, and now we're in 5th, so we became friends again and they strated teasing us again, but this time instead of ignoring me, he started blaming me that I spread this rumours ??! But nvm because i thought he spread those rumours too so it was vice-versa.
What was worse was when in a skt class, our teaher asked a student to make a sentence with garden, and he (lil piece of shit, always teases me, but still like a bro to me, ughh idk why I hang with ppl like these) he said ''my name' and 'my ex-crushe's' name are sitting in a garden together' and mam !! That freaking sanskrit mam !! Who freaking knows whats going on !! Knows that he is teasing me !! Write THAT freaking sentence on the freaking board !!!! Thank god that our classes were divided at that time and 'ex-crush' went to some other class. But that was on the freaking board for anyone to read. And its only starting !! What happened next was mam didnt erased it before leaving the class, with some cursed twist of fate, the said ex-crush came just before I could go and erase what was written, he reads it and istg I would've legit died there of embaresment. And teh guy who told mam to write that, he and his gang™ come and corner me, and like all of them are friend to me, but they corner me and they start screaming that ohh look someone got a lil crush, look who is head over heals in love. And im having the 'sliding down the wall crying moment'™ because its all too noicy !!
And then our Maths mam comes and shoo's all of them away, takes me out of the class and asks me what happened. Now she is a friendly and all mam and I was her fav student so ofc she is concerned. And I tell her what they said about me and some random person dating and its all lies and THAT FREAKING TEACHER !! She gave me this 🌝← look and said,' well, are u sure ur not dating him ?'
And lemme tell you, If I wasnt so frustrated already, I would've known that's he was kidding, but me being me, started fucking crying and I told her I don't want to attend her class, im going to the medbay and im just gonna sit there and die (I said that, no kidding) and she even let me, I was surprised, but gratefull and spent that period in medbay while the teacher scholded the rest of the class for bullying me. She even complained to the class teacher and the next day, the bullies got another scolding, which was embarrassing for me because ethey were my friends, but meh.
This is one (1) of the many bad insidences which happened due to that rumour, and the other are worse, so when I saw that other dude in tution. Looking like my ex-crush, who I also havent seen of or think about for the past two years, I lost it. I think the girl sitting next to me saw me punching my bag but didnt said anything, as for maya, she never cared 😔
Sorry I went on a rant, 🥺 u just asked and I needed to tell someone. u don't have to read any of that if u don't want to im genuinely sorry.
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artofdying1970 · 3 years
music tag time :)
thank you for the tag fiona @odearjohn mwah
Who was your first favourite artist? katy perry 100%!! i remember me and my cousin would watch her music videos on her ipad when we were around seven :)
Who are your current favourite artists? phoebe bridgers, mitski, taylor swift and simon & garfunkel ! and the beatles .. i guess 🙄
Are you into musicals? Which ones?/Why not? not really. back in 2016-2017 i was your stereotypical Theatre Kid that liked hamilton, heathers, dear evan hansen etc etc all of those with notoriously bad fandoms lol. i guess it was really cathartic for me because i haven't bothered getting into musicals again, but i'm open for suggestions !! :)
Are there songs you consider so special you only listen to them very rarely? i think 'a burning hill' by mitski is such an intimate and fragile song for me that makes it hard for me to listen to it whenever. i have to be in a certain headspace if that makes any sense LOL
What's your preferred way of listening to music? (time of day, medium, situation) while i do homework ! but the music i like just makes me want to get up and sing at the top of my lungs so sometimes i have to stop lol
What would you say is the most niche music you listen to? this band/duo/thing called girlpool ! they haven't dropped anything since last year but i'm holding out for a new album soon :) i don't think their stuff is for everyone, especially their earlier projects (the delivery on their vocals and harmonies can be kind of annoying) but i think you should check them out if you like the sort of music they play in indie coming-of-age films where nothing happens lol
What's your favourite music related movie/TV show that's not a musical? almost famous !
Albums or playlists? both ! but tbh i tend to lean towards the first. most of the playlists i have up on my profile i don't actually like use? they're mostly just for show i don't trust myself to know what songs go well together lol. but sometimes listening to an album on loop can be quite boring if it has a Very Cohesive Sound so i'll put something on shuffle
Favourite albums? revolver (1966), bookends (1968), the idler wheel... (2012), bury me at makeout creek (2014), be the cowboy (2018), punisher (2020)
Is there an artist you're trying to get into? frank ocean ! would appreciate some song recs/albums to start :)
Whose music do you find overhyped? hngnghh ed sheeran ik it's trendy to hate on him nowadays so it's not really an unpopular opinion but i just. Don't See The Appeal
What's an underrated song? remember my name by mitski .. stream <3
What's a thing a bunch of songs do that you love every time? i don't know any like. music terms but i love love love it when a song starts out relatively calmly and it slowly builds up until it reaches a MASSIVE climax it makes go !!!! (ex. i know the end, bridge over the trouble water etc etc)
What song is better acoustic? does while my guitar gently weeps count?? the album version is obviously iconic but the demo version hits a little harder idk
What's the worst song of all time? achy breaky heart
Do you put individual songs on repeat? If so, for how long and how often? i do it pretty often! mostly for about an hour or so, more if i really like it. i really should stop because i'm going to make myself hate a song i really like (semi-related story: my friend and i were obsessed with 'hard times' by paramore back in eight grade and i played it so much it's STILL my most streamed song of all time accordijg to my spotify stats even though i haven't listened to it in like a year. yeah)
Do you make your own playlists? If so, what's your most entertaining playlist title? i do, but they don't really have fun titles or anything. they're mostly from poems or song lyrics that fit the theme :/ pretentious much ?
Headphones or earbuds? not opposed to either ! but you can't go wrong with the classic wired girlies :^)
Do you always sing the lead vocal or do you harmonize sometimes? If you harmonize, do you ever invent your own harmony? i do a mixture of both . it's a bit of a mess ☹
A music confession jack antonoff isn't that bad of a producer imo. he has a really inconsistent output but that doesn't necessarily mean he ruins everything his production touches :* (this year has been rough for him though lol like chemicals over the country club + solar power were both So underwhelming) i will admit that yeah. he tends to recycle stuff quite a bit lol
tagging the besties (no pressure obviously !!) @mithranqueer @belldog @aerialballet1968 @runofthemilldemo :)
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kolsmikaelson · 3 years
okay i know its 10 pm (for me) butttt appreciation post!!!! & i don’t expect anyone really to see this till morning soo anyway !! & i know these seem the same im just half asleep but wanna show yall that you’re appreciated
@kempe zoe !!!! i love you so much !! youre the light of my life !! you make me so insanely happy!!! im sure you did amazing on your finals !! im proud of you for getting through them!!make sure you rest over break !! you’re amazing, gorgeous, hilarious & so much more i love you
@calesykar arianna !!!!! you make my heart swell with happiness when we interact. youre so amazing! and gorgeous!! and have an amazing voice!! i love it so much!! & i am sure you did great on your finals!! im so proud of you !! mwah !!! i love you !!
@makarsy ah ah ah sophie!!!! i love you lots (even though you havent seen star wars & said jar jar binky bitch) but really youre insanely funny, so talented, GORGEOUS & so much more !! i may be a clingy bitch but you, & the rest of my moots are never losing me🤪🤪 so be ready &&& you calling me love bug ???? im in love thats all
@hymarners we may not interact a huge amount butttttt youre literally so so so sweet & i love you so much already!!!! im so glad you found my blog
@bestestbenn katie!!! i wanna say again youre SO SO PRETTY LIKE ???? I LOVE YOU !!! you’re insanely talented, sweet, pretty & so much more !! moots for life<33333
@luke-alvez ari bb !! you are literally so just🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love you an insane amount already and i cant wait to get closer !! remember you’re gorgeous & talented & im always here for you !!!
@travisgermy hihi !! i know i was supposed to be your lil sun anon until i forgot to go on anon😂 buttt you seem super duper sweet & im glad i messed up & didn’t go on anon!!! mwah ily !!
@moritzseider corwin !!! thank you for all the urls, headers & anything else you’ve made/told me !! i literally love you so much !! you’re absolutely amazing & gorgeous!!!
@connormcdavo okay hi i know we haven’t really spoken other than reblogging each others posts but you seem amazing & i’d like to be friends (as long as youre okay w me being a minor bc if k remember correctly your bio says youre like twenty something)((if not thats cool)) but anyway have a nice night !!!
@dunnwithlyfe hiya !! i love interacting with you !! youre so sweet!! and im sure you’re absolutely gorgeous!! mwah !! i love you lots !! im always here for you !!!!
@hollyjollyjosty you seem so sweet we should definitely interact more👀👀
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hrwinter · 4 years
Petko! I’m here to validate you! The final chapter was hilarious! I love Lena’s tone throughout — “bleached asshole of a building”, mentally redecorating their house mid-fight, and all the Luthors poisoning each other simultaneously! Mwah, chef’s kiss, I loved it, great adaptation, so much better than the original. Also did I ever tell you I finished Priority of the Orange Juice! Zetus lapetus, what a long yarn. I did enjoy it tho. I just wish they would’ve SPOILER at the end, ya know?
Yay, thank you! I once again came to hate the chapter by post time, so I’m glad someone liked it! Also on priorititty, I wish they would have spoiler barred, too. At least we know samshan is working on a sequel that will hopefully be another 1k pages of Katie McGrath being a bisexual queen
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