#thanks for coming to m tedtalk
hallowxiu · 1 year
i swear, leveling up these cards is like a full time job lmao
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biitchcakes · 8 months
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(** Fair warning, this is a bit of a long post due to pictures**) To start off, the way they first encounter each other is just so perfect ⸺ Max just flat out VULCAN NERVE PINCHES her while she's at her receptionist job. And the fact it works. It's Spider-Woman's weakness and that's simply just hilarious to me.
Then after meeting each other properly ( he breaks into her house while she's in the shower ), he stays the night on her couch. In the morning, she wakes up to find him cooking her some breakfast. . . 🥺🥺
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❝ Ms. Drew ❞ just tickles me coming from him idc.
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I Love The Way They FLIRT.
❝ If you're embarrassed to hold hands ⸺ ❞ actually teasing her rn. Can't believe he took her hand after using it to blast someone please.
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AND IT !! WORKS !!! This is what she's thinking in that moment.
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No comment really this is cute af ❤️
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Read this as you will :))) U ask me, it's because he would Blush A Lil. Also I just. . . ❝ Mr. Shroud ❞ ❝ Ms. Spider ❞ 😌🖤
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Literally INSISTS on taking her out for steak and wine !!! Could have suggested anything else but that's the first dinner he thinks of. ( truly tragic they didn't draw them out to dinner and there's a time skip instead 😔 ).
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While they are waiting for their targets, he listens to her and tries to Ease Her Woes for over an hour. . .
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❝ See you in the dark, babe. ❞ GIGGLING !!! Needs someone just as melodramatic as her.
One of those SHIELD agents, for the record, is Jerry LOL.
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A long time later, when Jessica basically fkin dies, she requests Magnus wipes the memories of those who knew her. They all remember her in some form, though vaguely, distantly. . . But Max just KNOWS. . .
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:') 🥹
Look, I gotta include the bit below bc I love the way he gd throws himself off the roof without second thought because he sensed her ghost.
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❝ anyway she was gone by the time the lovesick fool saved himself ⸺ ❞
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I mean ⸺
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After a hellish battle with Morgan Le Fay, he and the rest of the present Avengers are able to help save Jessica Drew's life. And there he is. . . Holding Her Hand. . .
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Below is unfortunately the last time they are seen together for a looong time ( fkin 1984 to 2023 !! 😭 ). And it's just so damn adorable.
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Her powers are gone at this time, they start to come back at a later date. Yet still such confidence in her !! Love him !!
Dr. Strange is watching this whole thing from afar, and the comment he makes about them, I ⸺
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The most recent time they've been together was pretty Bare Bones flirtation wise :(((( given the Dire Situation™️.
But we do have this. . .
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It's just so soft. . .
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tamarieatsbatteries175 · 10 months
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genderkoolaid · 5 months
i think heterosexuality does have sexual revolutionary potential to the same extent that homosexuality does. its just that patriarchal society restricts m/f relationships so much that we don't recognize their true potential. like at its best, you are connecting with someone of a different gender- even your "opposite"- and through that connection you end up seeing yourself in them. im not even talking about "getting in touch with your feminine/masculine side" shit im talking about loving/lusting someone so much that you feel they are a part of you, and through that you demystify the other gender and feel profoundly tied to the issues they face. the patriarchy restrains straightness by forcing people in love/lust to always keep a wall between them, to insist on the idea that men and women speak a different language, to still see even the person they love/desire as an Other. a new, freer vision of straightness is one that inevitably fosters genderfuckery and inter-gender solidarity. heterosexual love and lust, freed from its restraints, has the power to shake up the basic patriarchal ideas of how men and women are supposed to relate to each other as "opposites." and this is why bi+ and transhet people are send by God to heal society thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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pvmpkin-gvts · 1 year
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icarusredwings · 2 months
Thinking about the fact that the Master "adopted" all those kids with Lucy and seemed genuinely (at least a little bit) upset when they got taken out of time. It makes me wonder...
Did the Doctor know how much this would hurt him? The amount of grief and "what once was but never could be" feeling he wanted to share with someone?
Putting aside the fact that he used both the Toclafane and Lucy, do we think he was ever actually fond of them? Maybe im just delusional, but I think so. I know his entire thing is manipulation and that Lucy was a prop to get votes, but the way he pulls out the chairs,
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leans against her,
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calls her his faithful companion/ darling/sweetheart,
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how she dances when the music comes on,
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how proud he is to show her their millions of children, how even the doctor says she was loyal to him.
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M: How many do you think?
L: I.. i don't know
M: Six-Billion *turns off music* Down, you go, kids!
He also calls them "His children" in the Last of the Time Lords.
It seems almost... domestic? In about as much domestic as this Master can get sort of way.
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Im not at all surprised, but it makes me almost sad to know that he hits her. The first time I watched it, I was like, "...oh.." Because yes, it makes sense, heavily, and I know the point is to make the viewer feel yucky about the Master but like...
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It kinda just makes you pitty them. You know? Because you see what they could have had, and you're like, "What happened?" Especially because they were together for 2 years. That's nothing to the Master but that's still longer than I would think, especially since he doesn't need her anymore but keeps her anyway as another trophy. The whole power trip thing is so odd to me. And telling another girl hes going to take her to the stars infront of her?
Lucy gave him what he deserved.
Imagine your husband abusing you for an entire year infront of his weird old ex friend and said friend gets treated like a dog/ trophy, so you shoot your husband and watch said trophy run over to him and cradle him in his arms....
like im so sorry, girl. You deserved so much more. Jack is literally looking up because he just can't with this bullshit..
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"The Master, the villan, treated Lucy like shit. Shocker.. It's almost as if bad people do bad things Forest-"
Yeah, yeah, I know! I know! It just feels gross, okay? Because I know its suppose to feel uncomfortable but i just can't explain it. It feels how Girl in the Fireplace felt. Weird and kind of out of character. Especially since what I've seen of classic master, he's kind of a classy gentleman... But this IS simm were talking about... that little rabid trash goblin... aka a whole different species of Master.
Thanks for coming to my delusional tedtalk.
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sophsicle · 2 years
i started putting this in the tags of another post and then it was too much so here we are but; i think one of the big problems with fic recs on tiktok is that fanfic authors have no control over how their fics are being presented or what other media they're being put in conversation with and this sometimes results in people reading the fics that were recommended and feeling they did not get the story they were promised. And when this happens the person they get mad at is not the person who recommended the fic but the author. it takes on this very transactional tone of "i did not get the service i was promised" or "you sold this to me using false advertising" which is a) yet another way fanfiction is being packaged and understood as a commodity and b) is not what happened, fanfic authors have no control over how other people present their fics to you or how the fandom has decided to talk about their fics etc. etc. etc.
another thing that fic recs tend to do, is come in list formats, very "top five fics you have to read" or "the best wolfstar fics" or "my favourite fics ranked in order" which creates a hierarchy that should just not exist in fandom. at least in my personal opinion. and lots of times, even if the video itself is respectful, the comment sections are not. and they will tear down the fics on the list that they feel like don't deserve to be there or should have been ranked lower etc. etc. which i think is just like, idk, in bad taste?? and fostering conversations and attitudes i don't think belong in this space. and not for nothing, but i personally hate it when people compare me and my friends and like, pit us against one another? like i know i'm being a baby but i can't help it. it feels awful and it makes me anxious. so it's like, yes, of course, i love it when people recommend my stories because it's so lovely and flattering and makes this feel like a big book club. but the flip side of that is i hate it when people present my stories as products that you "just have to buy" or make promises about them that i have never made, or use them to put down other fics. which i fear is almost an inevitable part of recommending fics on tiktok where the rec video itself is content that they are trying to sell, to get views and likes, so they need a hook, they need something to make it interesting, and fanfic authors a lot of the time i think, end up being the victims of that. which isn't me saying that no one should recommend fics on tiktok. or that people who do are somehow doing something wrong. cause i dont think either of those statements are true. but i do think that these are things that the people making these videos aren't necessarily considering, and that maybe, it would be good if they did????? I DON"T KNOW I DIDN"T REALLY COME UP WITH A CONCLUDING ARGUMENT I"M SO SORRY thanks for coming 2 my tedtalk
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plutonian-muses · 2 years
The fucking octave drop for 🌶 LoVe MaRkET 🌶
The repetition dialog of "Little Glass Vial", "Addicted to the Knife", "Mighty Fine Print" is *chefs kiss*
✨ A N A T O M Y ✨
I love the run on structures of the verses like the melody really tickles my brain
"Some Miighty Fiiine Priiiiint"
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ✌
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beeboocutes · 1 year
thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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lulue-xie · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about what married life would look like between Jou & Kaiba?
Hmm yes
First lets talk about the wedding, since Kaiba is pretty all about the show you can think they have the wedding of the year but not, i think it could be fun that they get married in LA with a look a like Elvis or whatever is canon in ygo
I perfectly imagine Jou say "hey look, lets get married ! Seen funny" and Kaiba agree like "why not ? Its been 5 years now "
Sure they made something with family and friends after that but you know
For the married life headcanon now:
I think it didnt change much of when they were not married ... thank you to have listend to my tedtalk !
OK more seriously, Kaiba love to wears his alliance and if everyone can see it, he will be happy but Jou is more shy/protective about his personnal life so he will wear it as a necklace but none of them will ever take it out
In my head they are two phases
When they were traveling :
They like to get back at home together at least one week par month so they can settle down, and have quality time
When only Jou travel, Kaiba start the bad habit to over work himself so Jou start to call him at least one time a day to check on him, he want to be sure Kaiba take care of him, also he miss his voice when he is so far away
When only Kaiba travel, he didnt give much news but always come back with a gift because everything that can be eaten remind him of Jou
When they didnt travel much anymore :
They brought a house at the sea shore with a garden because they have the money, they go on walk at the beach hand in hand
I like to think that Jou like to cook for Kaiba even if he is not that good
Kaiba start gardening because the doc say its good for his stress and he like it a lot, his fav plant is rosebush because they re really résilient and can give flowers on the winter for some variety (i already spoke about this one)
I m sure Kaiba dont have a big health while being older, run all over the world, over worked, over stressed, too much sleepless night ... all of that can kill a man but Jou take good care of him even that Kaiba is the grumpiest man while sick
Of course they speak about adopting kid but theyre not on the same terms on that, so maybe never (Jou love kids but dont know anything about it, Kaiba not really like them and since he already had to take car of Mokuba when he was younger, he dont know if he want to do it again)
But they surely adopt dogs
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Am I a lil drunk? Yes
Am I a lil stoned? Yes
Are you gay if you think I m hot? Also yes
Thank you for coming for me tedtalk
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
Ok friendly reminder that M/F does not mean straight. Bi people exist even in relationships of opposite genders! Thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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ao3feed-newsies · 8 months
squirming outta my skin (i'm in love with you)
by, LiveSincerely by LiveSincerely He said, open up your mouth and tell me what you mean. I said, I'm gonna marry the scariest boy on the cheerleading team. AKA, the cheerleading fic Words: 1216, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: David Jacobs, Jack Kelly Relationships: David Jacobs/Jack Kelly Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - High School, Quarterback Jack Kelly, Cheerleader David Jacobs, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, but one-sided because Jack is all in from the get go, Davey's the one who has to be won over, David Jacobs Takes No Shit and No Prisoners, Let Davey Choose Violence 2k24, and i intend to prove it, thank you for coming to my TedTalk, the thesis of this fic is that of the two of them Davey’s the mean one, Jack is SO into Davey it’s ridiculous and i love that for him, title and summary inspired by ‘Head Cheerleader’ by Pom Pom Squad read : https://ift.tt/FasWJCe - January 13, 2024 at 08:00PM
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firstprince-ao3feed · 7 months
the evolution of intimacy
by Poutini There’s no spontaneity anymore. One might think this boring. That the novelty had worn off. The spark snuffed. Absolutely not. Words: 1150, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Forty-somethings, Healthy Relationships, Intimacy, Explicit Sexual Content, this fic is short and efficient, kinda like sex in your 40s, normalize not assuming older married couples are sexless, thank you for coming to my TedTalk via https://ift.tt/xOZWClw
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shadowmajesty · 1 year
if i ever win the lottery (never really played) or have enough money on my own i will buy @superthirstparty a M&G with Hook. or somehow get them backstage in aew to meet him. cause that needs to happen. i will not care how much it is and if i have to go in depth i need these two lovelies to meet.
thank u for coming for my tedtalk.
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nicosraf · 1 year
Yes it is a wing you spy, I am in angelmode right now and I thought of you again while starting this one hehe (because you are hwo i think of with angels) In Jewish 'lore' (idk how else to word this in general language) a rabbi spoke of there being 2 angels that follow one home from synagogue on shabbat, a good angel and an evil angel who, depending on how the person has prepared their home for Shabbat, have to concede to each other's wills and hope that forevermore their shabbat homes will align with one another's sides. Obviously I have to turn this into a gay blorbo relationship full of drama and the evil angel being in distress having been chosen to be the 'evil' angel and not wanting to be, and the 'good' angel falling in love over time while comforting him / seeing their relationship as balance, not as his distressed co-angel being actually 'evil'. Kept things short but their names are Shabtai and Uri, and my brain is crunchy thinking about them too much lately and ty for coming to my tedtalk. Apologies for the boyrant but thought you may appreciate my silly angels 😭
UUGHGHUGHJDSJKDSFDS im going insane?? The tenderness, the Balance, and the Not Really Evil, and the Comfort oughhguggf,,;;,.,;’;,m,;;m thank you for them I’m holding them in my hands and making them bump heads like 2 ken dolls
I hope they kiss :(
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