#thanks for participating <333333
rakiah · 1 year
Winners of the giveaway have been contacted through message! Please, answer within 24h or I'll do another selection ✨
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
How about Sevika coaching little fucker’s child soccer team like the ones that are so unserious and the kids don’t even know the rules.
I feel like Sevika would be forced cause she just serious looking and can control the kiddos but she’s lowkey (high key) so good with the kids (it’s really hot too). Also feel like Sevika would take it slightly too serious I bet she’s super competitive. Like she’s at half time discussing tactics to a bunch of 4 year olds who just want lunch already. She’d also encourage the kids playing dirty and tackling the other HA she finds it hilarious when they fight except when little fuckers involved SHES their STAR PLAYER and it has nothing to do with the fact that coach is her mom. ALSO think the other moms would hit on coach Sevika, like she’s got game and looks hot in her cap and sunglasses with a whistle round her neck and clipboard. Reader would defo be like ‘back up hoes she’s mine’.
men and minors dni
when little fucker comes home from daycare begging you to let her join the local little-league soccer team, you and sevika are thrilled at first.
your kid's got a lot of energy. having her run around a field with a bunch of other toddlers for a few hours a week would be amazing.
but then you find out that the team doesn't have a coach, and without one, they won't be able to participate in the local kiddie league.
you know what sevika's thinking before she even says it.
"sevika, you were just telling me about how exhausted you are all the time from work and the kid." you say, laughing. sevika huffs.
"but she'll be so heartbroken!" she whines, referring to your daughter.
"you don't even know the rules of soccer!" you say. sevika scoffs.
"how hard can it be? you kick the ball in the net. boom, soccer." she says. you giggle. "c'mon babe, think of our girl. she'd be so happy." sevika pleas.
you sigh. "she would love having you around as coach." you say. sevika grins.
"and i'd look hot with a clipboard and whistle, don't you think?" she asks as she wraps her arms around your waist. you chuckle.
"unfortunately i'd find you hot in just about anything." you say. she laughs. "'s why i married you."
sevika's surprisingly good as a coach.
some of the kids are there to actually play. for them, she learns the rules and rotates their positions until she finds the spot they're best in.
some of the kids are just on the field to be outside. for them, sevika makes sure to position them near the goal on defense, so they can sit down and pick flowers most of the game.
some of the kids don't want to be there at all, and sevika lets them sit on the sidelines with her or lets them climb up her back and cling to her while she's running up and down the field.
the kids adore her. you nearly die the first time you hear a "thanks coach sevy!" from one of little fucker's team mates.
little fucker herself is somewhat interested in the game. occasionally she'll kick the ball around-- but most of the time she's with her friends near the goal, throwing handfuls of grass on one another.
sevika treats her like she's the star of the team, though. she starts calling her 'champ', and each time she does, your daughter gives your wife the biggest, toothiest grin you've ever seen.
your saturday mornings are now spent in various parks around town, watching the kids try their best to beat the opposing teams.
you've become the snack mom-- loading your car with big coolers of ice water and containers filled with orange slices and peanut butter crackers-- passing them out to all the sweaty, giggling kids during half-time and after the games.
you're also the team nurse-- holding bags of ice to heads that got hit with soccerballs and twisted ankles, putting band aids on scrapes and coating child after child with sunscreen and bug spray every hour.
sevika does look good with a clipboard and whistle-- and there have been several times you catch moms on the sidelines gawking at her.
each time, you rise from your little folding chair and storm around the field until you're by your wife's side. and each time, sevika wraps an arm around your shoulders and presses a kiss to your head.
"what's up?" she asks.
"there was--"
"go ahead baby, kick it!" sevika calls to one of the kids, nodding at them. they grin then give the ball a solid kick, and you both chuckle as you watch the ball roll about ten feet before it stops again. sevika turns to you again. "sorry, go ahead." she says, smiling.
"you see that lady in the sunglasses? sitting by casey's dad?" you ask. sevika hums and nods, and you pout. "she was checking you out." you say.
sevika grins.
"yeah? she's hot-- think i got a chance with her?" she asks. you slam an elbow into her ribs and she laughs, before pulling you in for a quick kiss. "i'm teasing." she says. you huff. "she's not my type." she says.
"fuck off." you mumble. sevika laughs.
"i'm more into soccer moms-- you know the type. lugging a bunch of coolers around? carpooling all the time, van full of little kids?"
"sounds like you've got your eye on someone specific." you say. sevika giggles, then shouts.
"other way, jackie! turn around-- there you go!" she calls to one of her kids who was kicking the ball toward her own team's goal. then, she turns to look at you. "yeah, someone specific." she says, nodding. then she points to little fucker, whose made a chain of flowers and is hanging it around the goalie's neck. "see that kid?" she asks.
you hum and nod. "'s a cute kid."
"the cutest. you should see her mom, though-- fuckin' smoke show." sevika says. you grin.
"oh, yeah?"
"yeah. i've got it bad for her-- i'm obsessed." she says. you laugh.
"you're ridiculous." you say. sevika kisses your head again.
"ma!" your daughter calls from the field. you look up and smile at her, and she starts running over to you. "ma, did you bring fruit snacks?" she asks as she leaps up into your arms, abandoning her post as a defender. you scoop her up and begin peppering her sweaty face with kisses.
"i did indeed." you say. your daughter grins. "but the game's not over yet. you got another quarter left." you say. little fucker pouts.
"moooom." she whines, tugging sevika's sleeve. sevika's grinning at her.
"yeah, babe?" she asks.
"can you make the game be over already? i want fruit snacks! and there's a jungle gym over there that me and charlie and suzie are gonna play house in once we're done and--"
"okay okay!" sevika inturrupts her rambling. "i'll tell you what. you can't leave the game-- you're the captain of the team!" sevika says. little fucker huffs. "but! once you're done, we'll have a team cool-down on the jungle gym. and after we drop your team-mates off at home-- i'll take you and ma out for icecream. how's that sound?" she asks.
little fucker squeals. "fuck yes!" she shouts. you groan and sevika gently pulls a lock of her hair.
"language!" she scolds. little fucker giggles, kicking in your grip until you let her down, then she runs back to the field laughing.
you grin at your wife and lean into her arms, and one of her hands wanders down your back to fondle your ass. you giggle.
"you spoil her." you say. sevika snorts.
"duh." she says. "'s my job. i'm the good cop, you're the bad cop." she says. you laugh.
"since when?!"
"well, you're the one who enforces bedtime and bathtime, i'm the one who coaches her soccer team and takes her out for icecream."
"so you're the favorite." you say, pouting. sevika snorts.
"this week i am. though i'm sure it'll change next week when i start coaching these kids to actually win-- i'm sick of losing." she says. you laugh.
"what're you gonna do-- make 'em do drills?" you ask. sevika shrugs.
"drills and workouts and scrimmages-- i'm thinking four nights of practice a week?"
"they're four year olds!" you laugh. sevika just giggles.
"they're gonna be the best damn little league soccer team in the state." she says, nodding.
"oh for sure. i can see it now-- sevika's tots in the 2028 olympics."
"world champions, babe." sevika says nodding.
on the field-- a group of kids from both teams have started a game of freeze tag-- the ball sitting abandoned in the middle of the field as they squeal and laugh and run about. you laugh as you watch little fucker look around from where she's frozen, then start running again when she finds that no one's watching her. you snort.
"she's a little sneak." you say. sevika laughs.
"i should really break this game up."
"they're having fun-- let the other coach break it up so you can be the cool coach." you say. sevika smirks, then presses another kiss to your head.
"you wanna go make out behind that tree?" she asks, nodding to a big tree a few yards away. "the game's almost over anyways." she says. you grin.
"fine, but set a timer-- i don't need a bunch of little kids catching us." you say.
sevika just smirks, taking your hand in hers and dragging you across the field behind her.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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The Supernatural poetry collection is finally available!!!
Our beloved poetry collection (1 whole year in the making!!!) is finally done and ready to share with the world.
*None of the writers are profiting financially from this book*
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The links below will take you to two separate pdfs, one for the body of text, and one for the cover.
You can keep your book in pdf format and read it on your device of choice, OR (and personally I recommend option 2) you can get it printed on Lulu, and get the book pictured above delivered to your doorstep. The layout was designed according to Lulu's standards, I cannot guarantee that the book will turn out as intended if you go through a different printing site.
The book is fairly affordable, I personally paid €20,65 for it including shipping. That's for a hardcover, white paper book, but you can choose the paperback option/different paper options.
all participants are credited in the book. a huge thank you to all of them for making this insane little dream of mine a reality <333333
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shootingstarrfish · 3 months
Aaand that concludes the DTIYS and preorders! :D DTIYS winners will be announced asap!
For some fun numbers, there were over 60 entries which is,,, insane sdfhjkh
Sheep MC beloved was the most popular in POs (rightfully so of course), followed closely by Belphie, then Levi Satan and Solomon equally!
To answer a question I've received a few times- You're more than welcome to participate in the DTIYS after this! The end date was moreso just for prizes, but if you wanna draw any of them just for the fun of it i would be SO honoured ahhhh
ANYWAY THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED <333333 I HOPE YOU ALL HAD FUN thank you for blessing my eyeballs over and over i will be eating forever <3333
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sioster · 3 months
I have no idea how artfight works but I hope you win because your art is absolutely lovely <3 (can you even win? lmao? well I hope you win even it's impossible to win <3 you're the winner in my heart)
also the fact that you're team stardust makes me very happy <3
Oh Stella the star you are!!! Thank you lots <33
Well, I could win, but that would be just my team as a whole winning. Every year there's two teams (in 2024 its Seafoam and Stardust).
To win, participants draw characters of other participants, and submit the drawings as 'attacks'. The amount of work put into an attack sets the line for how much points are gained from the attack for the team of the attacker.
If you get attacked, you can draw your attacker's character to defend yourself and gain some points too.
It's just a giant art trading event held every year!! :) <333333
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For the WIP game, I'd love to know more about the Legolas/Haldir in Ithilien one!!
oh oh OH this one! So for the first TRSB I participated in, one of the fics I wrote was The Protection of the Golden Wood, in which there were undertones of Haldir and Legolas catching feelings for each other, and then last year when MSV dedicated their event to the memory of Keiliss, who loved Haldir/Legolas, I thought I had an opportunity to write the two of them together, with Haldir coming to Ithilien with his brothers after he has recovered and after the end of the War of the Ring. I still haven't really managed to get the hang of it, but I do really want to, because there is something very compelling about the pair of them, and I am a very passionate believer in the HALDIR DOES NOT DIE AT HELM'S DEEP school of thought XD
Thank you so much for asking! <333333 Anyone else fancy asking me about any of my WIPs?
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mydictionary-yume · 5 months
i wanna participate, but I also only know one of your ships lol lusaku!!
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(Plain text(bc i am fully aware my handwriting is dogshit):
-Enamored and isn’t shy to show it
-Enamored but A. Isn’t sure how to show it and B. Has no idea how to respond)
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justaboutsnapped · 10 months
tag game time!!
thanks wifey <333 @pitayyaaa
Last song: a dagger through the heart of st. angeles by alexisonfire
Favourite colour: been digging cool red lately
Currently watching: n/a
Last movie: rewatched saw on halloween. MY homosexual titanic movie
Currently reading: binge read chinese web novels (见凶+末日乐园)that objectively have little to no substance as a coping mechanism... i got through 500+ chapters in the past two days i don't even like them that much. send help
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: savory rules but sometimes it really depends on the mood tbh. i'll eat something savory/spicy and start intensely craving sweet things + vice versa.
Relationship status: single. platonically married though (copy-pasting pandi's text because yeah <333333)
Current obsession: f1. more specifically nico rosberg. yeah. once again apologising to the prev fandom mutuals who haven't abandoned me yet you guys have incredible resilience
Last google: navajo-churro sheep (for lib class lol)
Currently working on: school assignments because this major is killing me. trying to find time to finish the damn nico rosberg gif set that i promised i'd make uhhhhh months ago
Current game: no. 1 loser thing about me: i don't game at all... no. 2 loser thing about me: technically if anything counts then my last game is the fucking bézier curve practice game
Tagging @onconstellationstreetmp3 @manykinsmen @luckysheikah @ambientoast @earthdoves if you guys wanna participate... no pressure obv
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happyandticklish · 1 year
since you sent me such a CRUELLY EXPOSING ask (<3 /j) I figured it only fair to return the favour ^^
If you could only pick ONE fictional character to absolutely wreck you, who would it be and why?
And what do you think that says about you 👀👀
hehe love ya happy <333333
(and omfg thank u so much for liking the fic you have no idea how happy I am that you enjoyed it take your time to scream I'm just glad I did your post proud !!! ^^)
How fucking dare you (affectionate) the audacity of this. I will answer, because I honor my promises, and also because yours was far more exposing than this and I got a lot of insider deets out of that 😌
Also, again with the goddamn choices man, you gotta cut that shit out, a girl can only choose things so many times
Okay, so this took me a thousand hours to decide because there's a couple that I have in my head
And I know you said one, and I will provide my top one, but I have to list the top three because they're all pretty much tied. I also think it's incredibly ironic that my top three lers are also my favorite lees. I don't know if you know any of these characters so I provided a bit of background information for reference
1. At the top of the list.... Chishiya!
I've only known about him for a couple of weeks but that was enough~ I would also like to preface all of these by saying, do I think any of these characters actually would tickle me? No, because most of them are either assholes or would think it's weird. But I am choosing to ignore that for the sake of this question~
So he's a character in Alice in Borderland, which is a show about people who participate in death games and shit. But Chishiya was the Cheshire Cat-esque character, hence the name, so just imagine that vibe for his character. He makes me go absolutely feral, and the idea of him doing it is,,,,,, yeah. I feel like there would be one of his classic slight smiles and a head cock somewhere in there as he watched your reactions, and that would perish me on the spot.
2. Mostly tying out is.... Damien!
So Damien is from The Bright Sessions, and is essentially this guy who can make people do whatever he wants through projecting his own desires via superpowers. He's also half smug asshole/pathetic wet cat of a man. It is the latter half that makes him so tickly-able, but the first half that has him on this list. If you heard his voice, you'd get it. He does this kind of deep drawl thing with it, and his voice is so fucking smug and teasy for literally no reason, it's absolutely not necessary for anything that he says. But whenever he "wins" against someone, he's consistently rubbing it in their face and it's annoying but also,,,, yeah, just but also.
3. Returning as one of my og faves.... Connor from DBH!
He's an android from the game Detroit Become Human, which is essentially about these AI androids that gain life and learn what it means to be human while overcoming bigotry and a bunch of other shit. But Connor was an android cop that was sent to investigate the case, and eventually starts to become deviant, or human, himself. But he's such an attentive, perceptive character because he has to be. His whole job is about analyzing other people. So he can pick up when others are embarrassed and why, and he'll just fucking point it out because he doesn't know you don't talk about those things. So the idea of him noticing that you're ticklish and that you like it, because he would absolutely pick up on that, and pointing it out is beyond flustering for no reason.
As for what they say about me, I think one safe conclusion is that I like assholes lol. But in reality, I think it's mostly reaction based. Having somebody really, truly see me, notice things about me, and discover what things get to me, is such a flustering but nice concept. Just having someone work to get a certain reaction out of you, or tease you when they notice the effect something is having on you, especially if you're trying to hide it. I just like being teased guys. Tk or otherwise, it's such a giddy, happy feeling and I'm obsessed with it.
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quincyhorst · 7 months
DRAGON FIVE: Lee Chung-Yoon (+ Lee Jin-Sung)
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CHUNG-YOON <333333
...He matters a lot to me ok. I actually discovered him thanks to the Random Page button on the wiki (I needed to make some Sims back in 2020), so my attachtment to him is slightly longer than the overall bench. Though it is interesting that as I was actually writing a setting for him, a japanese fan made me realize something about this player that, well... Changed my whole view about him, for better or worse.
However, there's a little catch, and there's an extra character here, Fire Dragon's Coach Lee Jin-Sung. I already spoiled the reason why, but I'm going to develop on it further here.
Both Chung-Yoon's parents work at the same hospital. His father is a nurse, and his mother a doctor. He mostly has to rely on his grandparents for care at the moment.
Like his profile says, he's very praised for his well care of the elders, including those of his own family. In fact, we could also say she's the actual caretaker of his grandparents instead. Some appreciate the detail and patience he has with old people, and his father often wonders if he could work as a nurse in the future. However... Let's say that's only one side of the coin.
...CY lives a double life, pretty much. While at home he's gentle and silent, at school he's a literal beast. Not only he's cold and asocial, but he's also extremely aggresive, often getting in trouble with the local bullies and delincuents of the class. All hidden from the adults and teachers of course; there are many, many street fights that Chung-Yoon participated AND won.
...It is actually unknown if CY does actually like this brute lifestyle or not. But it seems he at least tries very hard to cover it up from his parents -and specially his elders-.
...My reasoning to this whole HC comes from his actual hissatsu lineup, in which Breakthrough 2 is included. He's the only FD member to have it, you're welcome.
The only one who knows about his secret life however is Lee Jin-Sung, the FD coach. In my setting, he is the step-brother of Chung-Yoon's dad, as their parents married when they were young. So he's technically his uncle, even if they don't look that similar.
When CY was called to the selection, some controversy sparked upon making the connection; even making people accuse Jin-sung of nepotism. Since he doesn't seem to have any children able to play, why not use his brother's one instead?
This does cause Chung-Yoon to be seen down by other korean players and the media, often disregarding his actual soccer skills. And hell, even CY himself starts to have his own worries over why was he the one choosen for FD. But no matter what how many times the confronts the coach, he always gets the same answer from Jin-Sung: "There's a hidden potential in you, but you have to realize it".
Similarly to Ji-Nan, Chung-Yoon also uses football to express his anger away, unfortunately with a very aggresive playstyle involving way too many tackles to the opponent. And maybe few red cards. Maybe as the tournament progresses he'll eventually to find other ways to play without causing unnecessary harm.
At least, not everything with Chung-Yoon is always pain or harm. When practice is over he likes to spend his time window shopping, specially around those streets that sell unique things. Most of the time he'll do it alone, but in rare occassions he'll get to do it with one of his teammates.
Regarding them... Let's just say that CY isn't an unknown name at all, specially for the FD players that live in his same city; so -almost- everyone is aware of what Chung-Yoon can do if he gets angry. Because of that, nobody ever tries to take that risk.
I think the only time it went south with him was with Nagumo Haruya, I wouldn't be surprised if his atitude got onto CY's nerves. If it wasn't for both Aphrodi and Chang-Soo, chances were that Nagu wouldn't have survived until the Inazuma Japan match.
As for the bench, I think he gets so and so with them. Not bad, but its true that deep down Ji-Nan and the others are terrified of him, so they always have to watch their step whenever Chung-Yoon is nearby. Well, maybe not Hyeon-Dae. He treats him like he'd treat everyone, be it for ignorance or by innocence. At least CY takes it well, it seems...
One last player that treats him surprisingly nice too is Cho Myong-Ho. Yes, CY is intimidating, but look at those kicks! There's a formidable taekwondo rival hidden within! During the whole FFI he begged CY again and again to at least have a versus together, though it was never accepted from the bencher. Maybe it is for the best.
And with that, all the benchers who were clearly vissible on the anime have been covered :D
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2 more to go!
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thanks for tagging me @bluegarners !!! <333333 (even though i have been kinda dead)
rules: list 5 comfort characters and tag 5 people
dick grayson: dc(for fairly obvious reasons, methinks)
obi-wan kenobi: star wars (i have been a prequels fan since the tender age of 4 and i adore him)
cress darnel: lunar chronicles (if there was ever a girl i wanted to cuddle to death every day for like 10 years and counting its this girl)
jaskier: the witcher (such a wonderful little guy in the books, and joey batey really brings him to life)
elizabeth swann: potc (hello bisexuality it's nice to meet you)
they rotate as to whom is most comforting but it's generally these five. um i know no one so literally anyone who sees this, feel free to participate and tag me in it!
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oooohno · 5 months
hello my sweet nana banana <3 i come by with a smooch and an inquiry about your newest edition to your harem hehehe SO !! tell me , what do your other blorbos think about smoker ?? do they get along or do they not like him ?? what’s the dynamic like teehee ᰔ
OMG the nana-harem…nanarem LMAO I never thought of them all being in the same universe/ room together but I could see most of them getting along just fine. Hirugami, Choso and Kuon are pretty mellow anyways so I think they’d accept him immediately (they don’t question my authority lol). Atsumu & Urahara are shit-stirrers so they’ll push Smoker’s buttons just to see what makes him tick (Kuon may participate occasionally). Now Haganezuka is a different topic…they either get along perfectly OR they want to scratch their eyes out…there’s no in between and it will change on a daily basis 🤭
Thank you so much for asking my darling aimie aims <333333
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sonybuzz42 · 1 year
Tagged by the one and only @la-cocotte-de-paris thank you <333333
Last song: Just checked and it was: Perfect enemy by t.A.T.u. & RBB by Red Velvet
Currently watching: Honestly nothing new, just rewatching old stuff.
Currently reading: Mostly manga, right now on the second arc of "Durarara", but also planning to finish "The Decameron" as it is looking pretty sad unfinished on my shelf(
Current Obsession: I would say Tarot, videos, booklets and diving into my own Tarot decks has been my obsession for a long time, it still goes strong as I'm buying new decks.) But also I've been into my childhood stuff again, specifically dolls (not related to Barbie), I've always been into Bratz, and even bought myself one doll off ebay on my birthday last month, never been happier!!! Talking about obsessions, it's August so there will be an annual AnimeCon where I live, pretty excited about that, and also can't wait for the premiere of "SAW X", insane. So many years I've been into horror, and finally I'll be able to see one of my horror franchises in the theatre. Oh oh alsooo one of my fave animes of all time is coming back in 2024; Black Butler's new seasons. Just slay!!!
Thank you again for tagging me, Katie! It's been a long time since I've done one of these tag games, so I don't even know who to tag. So anyone who'd like to participate, consider yourself tagged <33
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atmymercy · 2 years
hi hi hiiiii
i'm here for the november tarot reading event!!!!
my question is: "should i keep romantically perusing J or should i give up and wait for a new potential lovers to come into my life?"
if u answer this, thank you!!!!!
hello jt! welcome! welcome! happy to have you here and thank you for participating!
for you, i got the 2 of coins (reversed), the fool & the magician.
ooh! your spirit guides practically threw the cards at me! like omg! to the point where i didn't know which ones they actually wanted so i had to shuffle again! and again immediately they threw more cards but this time, they were exactly the three rather than the whole deck! lolol your spirit guides are very vocal about this! lolol i don't think they really like j all that much... which i think says a lot on its own about this question... so! your guides are saying they don't like how j takes up your time and not in the most productive way. they very much believe you should give up on j and take in some potential new lovers! woot! they are literally saying imagine your preferred lover and we will start doing the interview work on who to send to you next because it's time to forget j! so start making that list, honey! what do you want your potential lover to be like? your spirit guides are curious! time to do some manifesting!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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goldenscar · 4 years
rules:  fill this up and then tag people you’d like to know better!
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one / ( alias / name ):    jin !! two / ( date of birth ):    february 12th three / ( zodiac sign ):    aquarius ♒️ four / ( height ):    5′6″ :D  five / ( hobbies ):     writing, graphic design, watching a lot of videos ... i’d say drawing but that’s too close to a career choice -3-  six / ( favorite color ):     red seven / ( favorite books ):     can’t think of any novels! eight / ( last song listened to ):      shin sekai by bump of chicken nine / ( last film or show watched ):      oneeeeee piece, rewatching a lot of scenes  😙 ten / ( story behind URL ):      notably in reference to the scar across his chest, earned when he pledged a new vow to his captain. gold as a color tends to reflect something honorable or just something that sticks out so... also i associate zoro with the color gold very much! eleven / ( inspiration for muse ):     i just think hes neat
tagged by @elusvepirate​ ( thank u so much !! ) tagging YOU !!! i don’t know who hasn’t done this yet so pls steal 👉👈
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17. A topic you never get tired of discussing and 18 One of your favourite tropes Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think, please?
Thank you! <333333 (sorry it's taken me a couple of days!)
15. A topic you never get tired of discussing Hmmmmm. I don't really participate in much discussion because a) I haven't the spoons most of the time, b) I'm very wary of expressing my opinions on the internet as a general rule, and c) I don't often have really hard-and-fast opinions on things or feel I have enough knowledge to engage in discussion (although tbf I probably do...) (also I really loathe confrontation and for me a lot of discussion feels like confrontation, I'm no good at modulating it in my head) so I much prefer to look on rather than take part. But I'm always up for reading takes on things like what Arwen's brothers might have chosen, meta on LotR characters, all that stuff.
16. One of your favourite tropes I don't really do tropes - I find most of them really uninspiring and I don't see the point of them, I'd rather just tell/read a story without the whole 'oh it's this trope and that trope and ooh there was only one bed'. But I do love the mutual pining/obliviousness thing where they both want each other but think they can't have each other until they finally figure out that they can. :D
17. Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think Not so much because I'm worried what others will think, but because I haven't the spoons to deal with any idiot antis who might take against it, but I absolutely ship Arwen's brothers. And Haldir's brothers. They belong together, in both cases, I can't ship them with anyone else.
Thank you for asking! <333333 Anyone else want to ask me stuff, please feel free! :D :D :D
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