#thanks for sending the ask btw! I know I apologised for the rambling but I do enjoy the opportunity to do so tbh
muninnhuginn · 8 months
Ohh, I really like your analysis of the last skip&loafer chapter. It's not shown in the scanlation, but in the japanese version there is also a little comment at the end which reads something a long the lines of "there is nothing wrong with these feelings" and i love how it reflects the idea that there is nothing wrong with enjoying your interests, no matter how silly they may seem, but also that there is nothing wrong with feeling angry about not being treated well. Kazakami wasn't ungrateful for being upset over his possessions being thrown away, it's an understandable reaction... I am really looking forward the school festival arc and how it will expand on kazakami, takamine and kanechika trio! I wonder if we will get some shima, yasaka and kazakami parallels too
Thank you! And aww, that's so sweet with the end note. I guess it's something that's threaded throughout the series in general in terms of people enforcing roles and not needing to fit them, but there's just something nice about it being said "outright", you know?
But yeah, I think the whole thing with his hobbies being dismissed is wildly relatable. The fact that he'd still been trying his hardest to study for third year and abandoning everything else just makes it worse. Because he'd kept this one hobby for himself and he couldn't even have that. And his parents clearly didn't comprehend that his hobby *was* important to him. The bit where his mum referred to the figures as "dolls" just rubbed it in, because if you spend any time whatsoever with anyone into that side of things, you would not be mucking up on basic terminology? It's not any kind of obscure trivia like the handedness. It's super basic, but his mum couldn't be bothered to even learn that.
Same @ the final year trio. If there's going to be any kind of breakthrough with them, it pretty much has to be during the culture festival, I think. Just because timing-wise, that's the big opportunity that's left before they leave. And getting the Kazakami chapter has made me more sure of that, because now we have some solid pieces of info on all three of them. (Though ngl, I'd love a Kanechika focus chapter during/before that. We've received plenty of pieces on him breadcrumbed throughout the series (too forceful, genuinely passionate about stage not just acting, but he puts himself out there in a way none of the other characters are really able to and he has had to work to reach a semblance of "cringe is free" - it's not effortless), but I don't think we've had a chapter that full-on focuses on him in the same way as we have the other two?)
I hadn't been thinking of Yasaka but yee definitely. She has parallels with both Mitsumi (as a contrast. that line about "never having to worry about being loved" (paraphrasing) still rings in my head) and Mika and Shima (as a compare) and I'm sort of guessing her thread may appear more with the Ujie subplot. But Yasaka basically takes Shima and inverts his approach in a lot of ways (appeasing other people, not trusting in being liked for oneself, but she's more active than passive in her manipulation of social situations), so given Shima and Kazakami are now shown to be remarkably similar, it follows that Yasaka would also be an interesting comparison point.
Sorry, most of this is just rambling, but tl;dr yes to all the above. The series truly is parallels all the way down and the way that societal roles colours everything, but the series itself says you don't have to conform to that is so reassuring. I know personally, Nao-chan's worries about having missed the boat on experiencing life really hit
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kitamars · 1 year
hope you don't mind me sending in another ask so soon but i always find this kinda stuff interesting- now that you've survived two big serious arcs how would you rank the main cast in terms of like. favs & stuff?
don't apologise for the asks at all!! i love answering them and rambling about my thoughts so actually thank YOU for giving me a viable outlet haha
so I had to pull out my notes app to draft this one bc i can't do things simply apparently. i can't rank characters for shit so I'm just gonna rate the main ones (at least to me) out of ten and that's that lol, so onward beyond the cut!
Gintoki: I'm in love with him. 10/10.
He's captivated me with his dead fish eyes and pathetic charm, the way he subverts the general shonen protag archetype really works for me (bc i tend to get annoyed with the genre every now and then) but other than that he's such an interesting character on his own that I cannot get into for fear of rambling too much but yeah. I like him a lot. I might cry about someday in the tags of some art or whatever
(also beam saber arc is UNDERRATED (to me) and its very much overshadowed by everything before and after it but I DON'T CARE it has some of my favourite gin character bits this is my propaganda i just felt like i had to put this here THANKS)
Shinpachi: the human-wearing-glasses gag is absolutely hilarious and I hope it never stops. 8/10.
I love shinpachi a lot I promise, i love how dedicated he is to the straight man role and also the times when he's not. Honestly he could have very easily annoyed me after a bit, but he's genuinely just so loveable and a lot of his charm just comes from his VA's delivery, I've never heard anyone else able to convey the emotional range that I've heard from shinpachi in this anime fnsnjrjgjs
I do think he needs more screentime though (watch beam saber arc),,,kagura tends to get a lot of the spotlight (which I'm not mad about) but he also needs some love!! he's just some guy yk gotta give some appreciation!!
Kagura: queen of kabukicho and the queen of my heart. 10/10.
SHE IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING TO ME. i don't have words to express how much I love her, she's one of my all time favorites ever. She's just doing her thing, eating gin-san out of house and home and kicking ass while she's at it and she's so valid for that.
A big part of why I like her is also just her relationship with the yorozuya. the amount of times I've felt like exploding when I see her and gin or shinpachi just interacting in the background of a scene or something similar is impossible to count. She's my little mimi and she deserves literally the world
(Also there's this one compilation of her singing on YouTube and i listen to it RELIGIOUSLY kugimiya rie is a blessing for this character for real it's insane)
Sadaharu interlude: Big ball of fluff/10 (he's adorable)
Hijikata: this man makes me feel a similar range of emotions I feel cramming the night before a final, if not more. 10/10.
He drives me NUTS. you know me, i love my dark-haired chainsmoking men with issues, and he's just chock full of them, it's like a dream come true. Every arc that's focused on him has been absolutely incredible, and even on his own he's such an interesting and funny character. Fully biased towards his VA btw, i don't think anyone else could voice him as effectively, the delivery is always top notch.
His dynamic with the rest of the shinsengumi is honestly one of my favourites, he's got so much range as a serious and gag character, especially when the plot decides to chuck his coolness out the window with that little mayonnaise addiction of his (now everytime I put mayonnaise on anything at all i give myself a dirty look, idk why).
Also i should mention that tosshi was one of the only things that made my watching experience truly difficult. I'd just cringe out of existence everytime he opened his mouth it was. An experience. I still love him very much. Too much maybe.
Sougo: sadism has never looked more fun. 9/10.
I don't think I really have much to say about him? he's genuinely a really fun character, and his endless quests to smear hijikata across the asphalt is always the highlight of any viewing experience. i loved him regardless, but the mitsuba and farewell shinsengumi arcs gave him that extra bit of depth that really solidified him as a fav hehe
kondo: gorilla gorilla/10 (9/10)
thi guy is just the fucking funniest. he's one of the perfect examples of how gintama does characterisation through comedy because by introducing him with all his hilarious gags, you start to care a lot more about him when things actually get serious. Plus the joke never really gets old with him, if he shows up in an episode I know I'm about to have a great time.
but as a serious character as well he's just so good. Him being the glue of the shinsengumi is incredible and sometimes in the plot (crisis and farewell arcs) you can see exactly what it is in this man that makes people want to follow him to the ends of the earth, he is just a good person and I love him for that.
also he's the reason i realised I have not grown out of my 14 year old dick joke phase so there's that
Otose: gintoki's overdue rent/10 (9/10)
I enjoy her so much actually, she's already incredibly fun, but whenever they show more background to gintoki and her's relationship, all of a sudden i am in a puddle of tears on the floor, it's one of the most important things ever to me, the foster parent trope is my weak point.
evidently, kabukicho four devas was my kryptonite (in a really really good way)
Catherine: the heavy accent is pretty funny. 7/10.
I don't really have strong feelings about her tbh, she's alright and funny enough, that's pretty much all I can say
Tama: total number of her leukocytes/10 (9/10)
I LIKE TAMA SOOOOO MUCH SHES SO SWEET AND KIND AND ADORABLE. all of the tama centric arcs have been really fun and each episode involving her is so nice. Finding out she was the time traveller in the bfy movie was such a great twist but immediately made sense bc OF COURSE she would go that far for her very first friends!!!!! i love her innocence so dearly and the way she simply just wants to help others, also otose seeing her as a daughter makes me so emotional
Hasegawa: the madaodog madaonaire episode made me choke at the speed at which I got that reference. 8/10.
Incredibly funny character, the fact that he cannot win a single W is both hilarious but also a bit sad and pathetic, but he's authentic to himself regardless.
He also ruined my later attempts at trying to watch NGE
Otae: the price of one dom peri/10 (8/10)
I love her SOOOOO much she's so entertaining...again I don't have much to say but it's not really in a bad way, i just like her a lot and that's mostly it hehe
Kyubei: otae love/10 (9/10)
as a nb person I have a huge bias towards kyubei, their struggle to figure out where they stand in the binary is pretty relatable, and while I can say that you don't always see a character like that in media who is also hopelessly in love with a woman (so real for that though) i can also admit that this show isn't the best handling of it all, but honestly it's a very "take what I can get situation" so I try not to be too bothered, dekobokko was a bit strange but the ending for kyubei is better than most other instances I've seen, even if it doesn't stay consistent in the series
Also where is jugem jugem? i miss that little bastard so much that arc was so good
Tsukuyo: where does she stash all that kunai. 9/10.
no but seriously she's a really fun character, and I love everything about her and yoshiwara and her relationship with hinowa and seita and he hyakka and ACK. yoshiwara in flames and the red spider arcs were really good for her, and her slightly confused air at most times is so charming, i love her muah
Sacchan: uhhhhhh huh. 7/10.
I'm gonna be honest, she's one of the only characters I really didn't like since she was introduced, i just found her so incredibly annoying all the time. But then came shogun assassination and suddenly I could stand her a lot more when her personality didn't revolve around gin-san's massive d– (but like. I hate that I can relate to her)
also I don't know where her strange friendship with tsukuyo came from but I actually genuinely like it a lot..........sillies with sharp knives, what could possibly go wrong?
Okay I'm running out of steam here honestly so if I've missed anyone (I'm very sure I have) feel free to ask in replies and I'll tell you what i think jgjekkfkd
this is terrible. Everyone is a main character in my eyes
katsura: 10/10.
One of my all time favourite characters ever, literal definition of head empty no thoughts, he is so stupid and I want to kiss him passionately under the moonlight
Sakamoto: 10(00000)/10
He is my everything. He needs more screentime. I'm begging on my knees. He is the perfect man.
Takasugi: 9/10
He's great. Shogun assassination made me cry over him. I'm forever sad about him now he was so mochi.....and then the trauma.............ue
Anyways now I think I'm done. time to atone
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sweetlemontart · 8 months
uhm heyyy this isnt really an ask btw cuz the name says "ask" are u only supposed to ask things?? but idk where else to say the things i wanna say and i just saw people using this as a way to communicate and i'm not really sure if what i'm doing is deemed right... i don't really send asks if u haven't figured till now 😶‍🌫️ and this is sorta my first time doing this kinda stuff but uh what i wanna say is (sorry for the rambling u can skip straight to this part) you. are. an amazing. author. you have got like crazy amount of talent and idk you've probably heard this from a lot others b4 but i just thought i should let u know... reading ur fics made me think what the hell who is this person (in a good way, i'm sorry i'm not really good at expressing my thoughts, i'm trying my best) and i just wanted to yk let u know that so yk kinda broke free from my shell and reached out to u and idk if this will even reach u (cuz i think i'll probably mess this up i suck at technology u c) but if it (miraculously) does, pls know that there's someone who'd got a lot of respect for u (idk i suck at giving compliments too so bear with me) i dont know how to put it in words (if u were to enter my mind you'd know) like there's so many things i wanna say and so many details i wanna include but i think i'll that'd just be wasting ur time, i've already wasted ur precious time ig so i'll scurry off now sorry again (on reading it again i feel shitty cuz ik only like 3 adjectives but there's so much i wanna tell u, but i assume u probably know that... or my best bet is wait for someone who's good with their words to praise u like u deserve)
sorry again if this lands somewhere it shouldn't
Hiyaaa @hunbun07! My ask box is open for everyone (except minors, ofc) to ask questions, submit ideas (keeping in mind I don't currently take requests), or just come have a chat (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) Your ask is totally fine and very welcome, honey <3
Thank you so so much for reading, I'm thrilled that you enjoy reading my fics !! The way you worded your ask is very flattering hehehe, thank you!
But I'm really glad you reached out because it seems like you were initially unsure about sending this ask. I know it's sometimes nerve-racking to reach out to a total stranger, you think you're taking up their time and whatnot, but I'm very thankful that you sent this. It's very sweet of you, and I'm sure other writers would also be very appreciative of getting kind words about their writing. So please don't apologise for sending nice words, your comments about my fics have really made my day ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡ Complimenting someone doesn't need to be grandiose and elaborate, the way you've worded your ask is totally acceptable and flattering, thank you ^-^
Feel free to send in more asks if you just want to have a chat about my work or life idk. As long as it is within my boundary and capacity to answer, I will answer as best as I can ٩̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)و
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taejikookiee · 4 years
🖤 Bloo Scenario🖤
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You and Bloo being in a open relationship and him not liking the fact that you flirt with other guys in a club which leads to a confession. 
You adjusted your hair in the mirror as your friend handed you another shot of soju to down before you headed out. “Is Bloo going to be there tonight?’ (YF/n) asked, “I mean probably when isn’t he out” you scoffed, “I guess you two are still arguing then” your friend laughed, “when aren’t we? He has a stick up his ass about something but he won’t say what and I’m not going to force it out of him” you rolled your eyes before downing the shot, hissing at the familiar burning of your chest. “But we all know who he will be texting tonight when he is drunk” you stated matter of factly. 
You and Bloo had been in an open relationship for months now, it was more of a sexual relationship within a great friendship, we both didn’t like the idea of commitment but enjoyed each others company and were literally the same person so an open relationship was the best way forward. It was beneficial and had been pretty good for both of your for the first 6 months but over the last few weeks Bloo had been getting pissed at literally everything, if you even looked at another guy he would flip his shit and not talk to you. He was the one that suggested an open relationship in the beginning so his newfound jealousy at you interacting with other men just didn’t make sense to you. Either way you were determined to have a good time tonight, work had been hell recently and you needed to let your hair down. 
“Ready?” You asked your friend before picking up your bag and adjusting your silk mini dress. 
The loud bass matched your heartbeat as your downed another shot with your friend egging you own. Being in a somewhat relationship with Bloo meant going out a lot so you could handle your alcohol. The familiar sight of a good friend caused your face to light up, “MILLI!!!!” You hollered wrapping your arms around his neck as he giggled saying hi, you and Wonjae went to high school together so had practically known each other forever and were basically best friends, he was the person who introduced you to Bloo in the first place in fact. 
“Ive missed you cutie” Kid Milli cooed giving you a spin to admire you “I saw you last week” you laughed, you had a flirty personality and everyone knew that but you and Wonjae really pushed the boundary of flirting and everyone found it extremely entertaining to see how far you would push each other, but you both knew the limits. “Like what you see” you winked pushing your boobs together, causing his boys to laugh, “always” he replied kissing you on the cheek. “Drink?” He asked ordering bottles for the table. Little did you know Bloo was standing two tables away sending daggers your way.
 Your friend had found her man of choice for the night so you enjoyed yourself with Milli and his boys who you had met before. You and Wonjae were being your typical goofy pairing and were dancing together until the familiar red hair of Nafla caught your attention meaning Bloo wouldn’t be far behind, Wonjae followed your gaze to see the pretty boy staring in your direction. “still arguing then?” He laughed sipping on his drink as you danced together, “Of course” you muttered rolling your eyes as you saw Bloo move towards you and Kid Milli, you tried to tell your heart to stop beating so fast because you were still mad at him and didn’t want to feel the usual butterflies that seeing Bloo set off in your stomach, “(y/n) can we talk” Bloo mumbled, you looked at Milli pleading with you eyes for him to get you out of this situation, him being his annoying self, sipped his drink, raising his hands “Im leaving you to it” he laughed walking away as you sent daggers into his back. 
“I want to smoke can we do this outside” you suggested picking up your bag and walking away without even acknowledging his answer. You pulled out a cigarette as Bloo did the same as you entered the smoking area outside which was surprisingly empty thankful. “So what did you want to speak about?” You puffed releasing the smoke from your mouth, “I’m sorry” he huffed taking you aback, Bloo wasn’t the type to apologise so easily so you were confused. “sorry for what Bloo? You’ve been in such a shitty mood with me the last few weeks for no reason, if you don’t want to do this anymore then just tell me! We can end it hear before it ruins our friendship aswell” you exclaimed offering him an out as you really didn’t want to ruin your friendship by ending on bad terms because he really was your best friend.
“No, thats not what I want” he responded, “okay well tell me what you want! We can’t keep doing this back and fort of you being angry at me for no reason, then us not talking for a week, me forgiving you without an apology because I have a soft spot for you then us sleeping together when we are drunk! It is not healthy for us!” You were getting frustrated by his lack of explanation. 
“I know, I know.. its just I get so frustrated when I see you with those guys and especially him! Like I know I have no right to be angry that is the nature of out relationship but I want you all to myself and it just gets me so angry to see their hands on you, to see you laugh at their jokes, to see you sharing drinks, FUCK!” He rambled running his hands through his head crouching down, you could tell whatever was annoying his was worse than your normal tiffs by his reaction. You put out your cigarette lowering your self to his level cupping his face in your hands brushing his hair out his face, smelling the familiar sent of whiskey and smoke that comforted you normally. “Baby whats the matter… just tell me” You reasoned seeing his red eyes caused your heart to beat uncontrollably. 
“…. I want you all to my self (y/n) … I want us to be in a real relationship so no one else can even try to touch you, or make you laugh, especially Wonjae” he pouted as he said Wonjaes name which made you giggle. The thought of you being in a real relationship is something that had crossed your mind before, come to think of it you hadn’t even been out with another guy other than Bloo or Milli in more than 4 months and no other guy was even getting any of your attention… maybe you had deeper feelings than you had thought. 
Bloo placed his lips on yours pulling you out of your thoughts, and for the first time your heart was beating uncontrollable as you kissed passionately, you had kissed millions of times before but this felt like so much more, “I really like you (y/n) like… like you like you” he giggled pulling away as you both stood up. “Maybe this could work” you bite your lip as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “So is that a yes?” He raised his eyebrow, “ummmmm I don’t remember you asking me a quessssssstion” you teased, he rolled his eyes, “will you be my girlfriend” he asked annoyed with your stupidity, “I guess you…..” You trailed looked down as if it wasn’t a big deal, you looked up to see his beaming smile before he kissed you once again. 
“Btw … If Choi Wonjae lays a hand on you again I will ruin his pretty little face” he muttered against your lips causing you to laugh uncontrollably, “I promise baby… I’m all yours” 
MASTERLIST - https://taejikookiee.tumblr.com/post/643925002253713408/masterlist-kpop-khhpkrb
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transromanticism · 3 years
alright so shawngus + the lyrics “you wrote 100 letters just for me/ and i find them in my closet in the pockets of my jeans/ now i'm constantly reminded of the time i was 19/ every single one's forgotten in a laundromat machine”
(like this is gus 5ish years after shawn left after graduation without saying anything. gus went a couple of months without hearing from him and then shawn started sending letters/postcards and he never really explained himself but just acted like everything was normal (ok maybe he apologised a bit). and gus never responded to any of them bc he was mad (going off the same theme as my other ask), and then these vibes).
okay so LMAO i was planning on writing a proper fic out of this (still might tbh who knows i sure don't) but since it has taken so long already and i feel bad for letting this ask in my inbox, here's an outline? i guess? went kinda jackwild with it but stuck to the lyrics at least so hope you like it :P
after graduation shawn just up and left. gus is left a little too shaken up, but after some days he notices how the signs were there, shawn always talking about leaving, learning other stuff, etc etc. he thinks it was kind of inevitable, you can't really stop shawn spencer, can you? doesn't mean he's not angry.
only thing gus has wrt shawn's status is whatever he talked about prior to leaving, and the little note he left at the Spencers' fridge (it said like, left and not coming back anytime soon, will keep in touch, tell gus i'm sorry). gus has no idea what shawn means by keeping in touch, but after a couple months, his parents call him about a letter from shawn addressed to gus and if they should send it to him.
it becomes a monthly? bi-weekly? thing, then: shawn sends a letter to the gusters' house in santa barbara, and they send it to gus at college. when gus goes back to sb, he either goes to his parents' house to pick up the letter, or they send it to his house.
the subject of the letter range from updates on shawn's life to miscellaneous ramblings. the first letter was an explanation and apology to gus, the awkwardness palpable in the words. the following letters still had this feeling of i wanna keep in touch, but i'm not sure i should. shawn always ended the letters with some questions on how gus was doing, first in hope he would answer, and later on just more out of routine. he would never get angry at gus for not responding, knows too well gus has every right to still be mad at him. shawn got worried gus wouldn't like his letters, especially after he inicially never got a reply, but, yknow, he never got a reply, nothing saying him to stop, and he would rather bother gus with his business then to hurt gus even more.
so! this keeps going on for the 10 years shawn's away, until he comes back (the last letter he sent said he was coming back, so it's not such a surprise to gus when he arrives at his doorstep a little out of breath bc he had to ask the gusters where gus was currently at). they don't really mention the letter, tbh. like, after some days, shawn asks gus if he ever got his letters, and when gus answers yes, shawn asks if he read then, to which gus days yes, and after a beat he days thank you and doesn't really elaborate, and shawn's not sure he has the right to pry, so he just smiles at gus and leaves the subject.
UNTIL when gus's moving, he calls shawn to help him pack and stuff (completely forgot how moving works lmao sorry), and while shawn's rummaging through gus's closet, he finds this box? chest? idk in the back of the closet, behind all this stuff, with some dust over it, all worn out at the sides, with a note on its top that reads shawn's letters. the box is clearly old, and probably needs some taken care of, but it's a sentimental thing, yknow? you don't keep something like that for so long if it doesn't hold some sentimental value to you. 
shawn doesn't open it outright, he's not a jerk, but he does hold it and just sits in the middle of the bedroom, not really sure what to do. he stays like that for so long gus starts to worry, calling for shawn until he finds him there, still a little in shock.
"those are my letter," gus nods, "the ones i sent you while i was away, those letter."
"yes, shawn, those letter."
"you kept them." shawn's starting to get teary eyed now, but he doesn't want to wet the box, god knows what salt water will do to it.
"you expected me to throw away my best friend's letters?"
"i don't know what i expected, to be honest."
it's been, what? some few years since shawn came back? anyway, their dynamic came back to what it used to be, and the feelings they had for each other just grew strong (they never went away, is the thing, it just wasn't very apparent when they weren't together all the time). yet, it's kinda awkward. new territory and stuff, yknow? they stare at each other for a while, like a while while, until gus just sits down besides shawn (who has not stopped crying btw, but is trying his hardest to not wet the box), picks the box off his hands and sets it aside, and then, very very softly, just cups shawn's face, not really cleaning his tears.
"shawn," and is gus also crying? look, goddamn sue him, it's all very emotional, "thank you" and he kisses him. not a hungry kiss, though it feels like something they both have been starving for, or a rushed kiss, because they have all the time in the world. it's soft, sweet, but reassuring, certain, this is what i want, thank you, thank you, thank you.
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ecclais-fouoras · 4 years
Sometimes moving on is good
Chapter 3&4
The two of you met often for drinks and chatting, while you exchanged a few messages.
You : Hey😝✌️ what is up ? I haven't heard from you today, is everything ok? Btw i finished your recipe but the cake 🍰 was not looking good😭🤣
Diane : hi, sorry i was busy with work. what happened with the cake? Oh i know you must have overcooked it, i used to do that all the time at first. What does btw mean? And why are there little faces on my phone ?
You :🤣oh honey...those are smileys you use that to had emotions to texts. AND Btw means by the way, everybody knows that diane.
Diane: haha ! Well I don't, anyways I finally finished the book you handed me last time.
You: OMG ALREADY??? IN 3 DAYS ! did you at least like it?
Diane: i did especially because of Jude’s past. Oh, and then Jude’s present, because sometimes life just keeps knocking people down, even when they’ve already suffered more than anyone ever should.
You: yes ohh it was so sad. I almost shead a tear. Which does not happen often !
Especially when reading... But I'm glad you liked it.😘
Diane: well i did the writing was really good, and the plot was interesting, what do you mean especially when you read ?
You: well... I always have trouble connecting to a book, especially when I have to read it, AND WHEN IT'S LONNNG🤣
In all seriousness I just have a hard time reading for as long as I can remember.
Diane: oh...why is that??
You: well I was diagnosed with An Oral and Written Language Learning Disability with impairment in reading and a specific reading comprehension deficit years ago. So basically my brain don't wORK.
Diane: i apologise that was intrusive of me
You: oh no don't worry I'm fine with talking about it, it's not that big of a deal, it doesn't stop me from messing up your cake🤭😭.
Diane: 😂 you'll do better next time don't worry. Do you know what are the causes ? You don't have to answer. It's just, well medicine interests me a lot.
You: apparently an abnormal cortical development, that occurs before or during the sixth month of fetal brain development, may have Abnormal cell formation known as ectopias, and more rarely, vascular micro-malformations, and microgyrus.
It's all big words but yeah those are the latest studies about dyslexia sais.
Diane: oh okay, i never thought it was actually physical, it's good to know
you: me neither until I searched it ! Even if I had it🤣. Sorry i gotta go I'm gonna be late for work !
Diane : sure, have fun! well Don't have fun...you know what I mean
Goodbye y/n.
When you got back from work you directly went on your phone hoping that diane sent you a message just so you'd have an excuse to talk to her. You had just seen her a few days before but somehow you still missed her, and little did you know she was missing you too.
After a few weeks you grew closer, and she invited you over for lunch or brunch, but tonight, you were going out. Together. You had asked her on a date a few days before.
"Hi Diane ? Yes it's me I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me on Friday ?...mmm...yes well I know a great place next to the cinema... Totally we can go out to the movies and then diner...what do you want to see ? Okay, cool see you then."
Yes, you were neighbors, you could've asked her in person, but you didn't want to be rejected face to face, it seamed easier to do on the phone.
And tonight was the night, the movie didn't start until a few hours, but you had already started getting ready. You picked up a nice outfit, Classy but casual, and put on just a little make up.
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On the other side of the road diane was also starting to prepare, she was -not gonna lie- overall a bit anxious, why did you ask her out? Was it a date ? No it couldn't be, you'd never think of her like this. She was lucky to call you her friend, maybe you didn't even think of her as a friend ? God I'm so silly i got carried away, she probably doesn't even like me back. She was completely overwhelmed with thoughts, her breathing was shallow and she could not get in the right headspace as she put on her outfit.
She didn't notice that it was almost time, and that you were going to show up anytime to pick her up.
She offered to drive but you said you'd like too since you worked from home and didn't drive your car out often.
next thing she knows, her doorbell rings and as she goes down the stairs you hear her say "coming !" in a soft voice.
"I'm so sorry I barely even finished getting ready... Here come in I just have to find my shoes and I'll be right there." She looked so beautiful in her bordeaux dress that you didn't register her words.
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"...o.. okay.." you manage to say while eyeing her up and down. Even if she didn't seem to know, she was beyond beautiful and you were going to make sure she did.
"You look.." you couldn't finish you sentence before she started rambling and letting all of her anxieties taking over her speach.
-" what too much, oh no i should have never put on that, sorry i thought it was cute but I'm too old for this and ugl...
She didn't have time to finish you just cut her off;
-"NO ! No i ment you look beautiful like this"
You couldn't help but feel attracted to her right now, but you put it aside, she didn't like women obviously?
-"Oh...wait really ?" You could feel the shakiness in her tone
"Yes...of course you look cute, and the dress is amazing on you. Don't even worry about it you are a very beautiful women diane."
You said in a firm voice that made her knees go weak.
"Well we should get going sweetie, do you have your shoes?"
"Yes..let's go" she closed the door blushing widely as you opened up the door to your car.
You bowed as you said "Milady" in a formal tone
She giggled softly and it was the most precious sound in the universe.
The car drive went by in a comfortable silence as just the soft music and a bit of humming could be heard.
You invited her to the movies, she offered the popcorn and choose your seats.
It wasn't necessarily a scary movie, but when things got a little tense, you could see her clench the armrest, so you scooted over and offered her your shoulder so she could hold on to you. After a bit of esitaton she accepted your embrace and the two of you cuddled together while the movie played. She gasped and then laughed at herself a few times.
When the credits started to roll none of you wanted to move, but you broke the silence and told her;
"As much as I'd like to stay here and cuddle you... I think the dude standing there with the bucket needs us to leave... Also the reservation is in ten minutes."
She sighed softly in defeat, gathered her bag and started to get up.
She rose too quickly and felt dizzy as her legs started to buckle. But you cought her hips before she could fall.
"It's okay...I got you", you said softly in her ear.
"Are you good? Can you walk" you asked as you still held her hips firmly. Which send a shiver down her spine, and a tingle down further to the both of you.
"Yeah.. I'm good thank you I just got up too fast".
You both went to the restaurant, the waiter took your orders and you both started to chat about anything and everything, the movies, life, cake, and even your delicious pastries.
"I was NOT scared !?"
-"YES you totally were ! you clang on to me the whole time I heard you whimper at Thé screen everytime there was something scary on."
-"sorry about that..."
-"why are you apologizing ? If it had bothered me i would have told you so..."
-"oh..okay, but I wasn't scared, just sometimes the movie was making me anxious ! I mean like that part in the stairs...brr..gave me chills."
-"alright alright fine..you weren't scared...I'll give it to you.. just because your cute"
She nearly choked at your comment and became as red as your wine.
"It's okay you don't have to be shy with me."
-"Do you really think I'm cute?"
-"Yeah, already told you you were cute today; and well not just tonight"
-"thank you y/n"
"Anytime diane, you are beautiful i want you to know that"
She didn't want to cry in front of you but you saw the tear she was desperately trying to hide run down her cheek, and got worried.
"Oh diane...are you okay ? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... please look at me" you moved closer to wipe the tears off of her face, and gently stroked her cheek.
"I'm fine y/n, just it's been a long time since anybody called me beautiful"
-"Well that's a shame then, and I'll make sure you hear it a lot more."
"You don't have to do that... I don't need to hear it"
-"You do. And you should be hearing it, i don't know why it stopped but I'll make sure it doesn't ever again"
She sobbed at your words again
"Oh No...sweet girl don't cry.. please... you're okay diane, I'm here always, I'm your friend"
She calmed down a bit, and felt butterflies in her stomach at what you said.
-"You are? You mean you actually want to be ?"
"OF course silly, i wouldn't have invited you to diner if I didn't at least like you diane."
Just after that sentence left your mouth the waiter arrived to pick up your plates, you breathed out 'thank you' as he left.
"You know, I don't understand why you didn't think I liked you, at leaaaast a little ?"
You joked as you took a sip of your glass.
"Well.. I've been alone for so long now...I don't know...i thought you were just hanging out with me because you didn't have a choice...".
You were saddened by her words
"Diane..I... if I had known you felt that way I would have said something a long time ago ! I don't want you to think for a second that i am here out of pity or because I got nothing better to do. I'm here cause I wanted to have a nice evening out with you."
You said as you put your hand on top of hers, when she didn't draw back you started to gently stroke it.
"Would you two like some dessert ?"
You pulled away to take the menu form the waitress.
"Do you want some dessert diane? They have apple pie, and tiramisu?"
-"i don't know...I'm not that hungry for both but i don't want to choose."
-"we can share you know"
-"huh? What do you mean"
-"well, i take the apple pie, you take the tiramisu, and we split"
-"are you sure? I wouldn't want to bother y..."
You cut her off before she could go any further.
"Yes I'm sure diane"
"..o..okay then"
"Are YOU sure??" You asked in a funny tone
She giggled and nodded.
You asked the waiter for both and shared when they arrived. After fighting a bit over who would pay you told diane that you had asked her out and therefore you should pay, "and if you want to pay so bad... you'll pay next time."
Both of you were full, you had spent an incredible night, it was dark but you offered diane a quick walk around the park, and she agreed. The two of you made your way back to the car after laughing your asses of and getting even closer than before.
You drove her back to your...her house. And before she entered her home you softly said;
"Well diane, i had an amazing night, we have to do that again sometime."
-"yes we do, i had so much fun too"
-"And I ment everything i said tonight,.."
For a few moments you just looked at each other, your gaze met her lips and she thought about how sweet they would taste before thinking 'who am i kidding she'll never kiss me, get those thoughts out of your head diane'
Before you could process what was happening, both of your bodies grew closer and your eyes shifted between both of your lips you kissed her, softly. it was a calm and quiet kiss. You broke off for air and looked into her eyes. You caressed her cheeks and put your hand on the small of her back before kissing her again, she moaned inside your lips and you took the chance to put your tongue in her mouth. Her hands flew to your neck and she kissed you back.
After a few minutes of making out you pulled away, you didn't really want to break the moment but you asked
"Diane... it's late i should go back home..."
She looked a hurt and a bit sad while she let you go.
"No don't.. I don't regret kissing you Diane don't worry. I just want to take this slow"
"Oh alright I thought you didn't... nevermind. Go home y/n, it's getting cold out here" she looked down at her hands and
"..you don't regret it don't you?"
"No i enjoyed it" she said blushing slightly.
"Good... I'll see you tomorrow then... Good night diane"
you kissed her sweetly again before leaving and you both smiled like teenagers who just had their first date.
-"Sweet dreams y/n"
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wordsablaze · 4 years
5. of logic with naught but a look
your beauty hides the pain Lost on the mountain, Jaskier accidentally angers a mage who decides to curse Yennefer with his company and for once, it might actually be a blessing in disguise…
A/N: it’s been months but hi again !! we’ve switched from eventual geraskefer to yennskier btw :p @random-nerd-3 @surreal-static x
previous chapter
Jaskier has something of a panic attack later in the chapter, it's not awful but if it may make you uncomfortable then skip from the first 'and so he does' to the second of the same line xx
“-ake up already, bard.”
Jaskier groans, blinking rapidly as he pulls himself upright.
Yet again, he finds Yennefer glaring down at him. This time though, she doesn’t try to send him through a portal or through the air itself, she just folds her arms. “You take far too long waking up.”
“I’ll have you know that I have a reputation for making my leave faster than should be possible, thank you very much,” Jaskier argues, stretching his arms above his head as he straightens up.
“Escaping the consequences of your lust doesn’t count as being efficient,” Yennefer scoffs, turning away.
Jaskier makes a face at her before standing up. “And threatening to steal a man’s blood does?”
Yennefer just rolls her eyes. “He’s hardly a man. And I couldn’t care less what happens to his blood, I’m only here for my payment.”
“Well, what exactly is your mysterious payment? Must you act so suspiciously all the time?” Jaskier asks as he brushes off dust that doesn’t exist from his clothes.
She waves a hand dismissively but she seems almost pleased to be called mysterious, which, when he thinks about it, doesn’t exactly come as a total surprise.
Either way, she’s presented with a small box when they arrive downstairs and Jaskier is given no time to question the contents of the box or the possibility of breakfast before he’s being pulled through a portal and they’re leaving.
He drops to his knees as soon as they emerge, one hand curled around his stomach. “Gods, now I understand why Geralt prefers to travel on foot. Well, on horse if we’re being technical. Which we’re not because you’re walking away…” he trails off, focusing his energy on keeping up rather than rambling.
“Any chance we’re headed to a town? Or a village? Or anywhere else that serves food?” Jaskier asks.
Yennefer sighs loudly. “Can’t you go just one morning without a meal?”
Jaskier scowls at the back of her head but chooses not to point out the fact that it’s been more like three days since he’s had an actual proper meal, instead starting to hum and idly strum his lute as they keep walking.
And keep walking.
And keep walking.
And keep walking until his throat is too dry to produce actual lyrics and he’s beginning to question why they used a portal in the first place. He can’t afford to slow down though, not when that would cause them both pain and Yennefer seems to be on a warpath of an errand.
It’s plenty of hours later, when humming begins to hurt as well, that he slows down and leans - read: collapses - against the nearest tree. “I know you’re a heartless witch and all but really, darling, are you trying to kill me?” he manages.
Yennefer blinks as she turns to face him, as if she’d forgotten he was following her at all. “You look awful.”
Jaskier snorts. “And you look appalling as ever.”
Her lips curve into a small smile before she walks over and places the back of her hand against his forehead. “You’re not ill,” she concludes with a frown.
“Oh, I will be if we keep walking at this pace, I assure you,” Jaskier replies, “for even the sun has begun its descent and I fear I shall sink down into eternal slumber along with it.”
“If only,” Yennefer mutters but then sighs slowly. “I suppose we can rest for a while. I don’t want to be dragging around your corpse after all.”
Taking that as permission, Jaskier slides down to the floor, shifting so he’s more comfortably propped up against the tree and his lute is cradled in his lap. Yennefer raises an eyebrow at him and without breaking their gaze, twirls her hands and brings a tent to life behind her.
Jaskier stares at her. “Would you like me to applaud?”
Now it’s her turn to snort in amusement. “Do you need me to spell it out for you? Neither will I settle for cold ground unless I have to and nor will I be seen travelling with someone covered in dirt. Now get in, bard.”
Wordlessly, he pulls himself to his feet and stumbles inside as gracefully as he can, a small smile spreading on his face when he sees two beds inside. “Why, Yennefer, you might have a heart after all,” he breathes as he falls face-first onto the smaller one.
“Do you always tire this easily?” She asks, but he’s already halfway asleep and doesn’t care to explain himself.
He still doesn’t care to explain himself when he’s halfway awake and topples off the bed, which promptly promotes him to all the way awake and rather annoyed about it too.
Yennefer appears either not to have slept or to have woken before him, half a smile on her face as he watches him recover and flop back onto the bed. “Are you aware that you snore terribly?”
Jaskier rolls his eyes as he shrugs on the doublet he seems to have wriggled out of at some point and rolls his shoulders. “Are you aware that not everybody is ashamed to be caught breathing while they’re asleep?”
“Most men are stupid like that,” Yennefer replies and if Jaskier didn’t know better, he might have thought there was something like appreciation in the way she raises an eyebrow at him.
He waves a hand dismissively before winking at her. “I think I’ve earned the right to be seen as unique, don’t you?”
She doesn’t answer but that in itself implies she doesn’t outrightly disagree so he lets himself be content with it. While he’s doing that, she unravels the tent and quite literally tucks it into her pocket, continuing to walk with the assumption that he’ll follow - the correct and only logical assumption, so he can’t really fault her for that.
He trips over something within three seconds because turns out taking a nap in the afternoon means waking up in the evening, in the dark. “Not that I don’t love walking practically blind but what is it that’s so urgent we can’t even afford to rest for the night?”
“Rest for the night? I don’t know how you and Geralt did things, bard, but nightfall doesn’t stop me from getting where I want,” Yennefer replies without even turning around.
Jaskier resists the urge to flinch and throws his hands up instead, not that she would see either of those actions anyway. “As I’ve been asking, darling, all I care to know is where you want to be. Oh and while we’re on the subject, why we only portalled halfway!”
“Certain areas are strongly warded against portals, idiot. And I don’t need to justify anything else to you so if you’re going to be a stubborn child about it then you can very well shut up,” Yennefer practically hisses at him.
And so he does.
He gasps as his throat closes up, something heavy and tight settling around his neck and forcing him into silence.
He’s dimly aware of himself letting out a small whimper but he doesn’t care, he doesn’t even remotely think to care because he wants to say something, anything, but he can’t, he can’t, he can’t.
He can’t and it’s just like last time with the djinn and he can’t breathe but this time there’s nobody to clutch onto, nobody to take him to a healer, nobody to care about him losing his voice, and he can’t do this a second time around, he can’t-
What exactly is he meant to do about buttercups when he can’t breathe?
He can’t do anything about them because he can’t do anything at all and he’s never going to be able to pick or look at buttercups or any other flower again and it’s all his fault for being so loud and annoying and he wants to go back and change things but he can’t change who he is and he can’t breathe and he’s going to die and-
His knees slam into the ground when his legs buckle and his hands scrabble to dislodge the pressure around his neck but there’s nothing there and oh gods, he must he cursed again because he can’t breathe and he can’t think and he’s going to lose his voice or his life and really those are the same thing and he’s going to die alone and he can’t-
“Breathe, bard!”
He can’t, he can’t, he can’t.
He doesn’t remember how to breathe and it’s too late because he thinks his eyes are open but the world is black so he’s probably already gone blind and now he’s going to go mute and it’s too late for him and there’s nothing to be done and-
“I said breathe!”
And so he does.
He gasps again as he finds he can taste the air around him, hauling in breaths as if he’s never been blessed with the ability to do so before.
Pressing his head to the ground as he slowly tries to think past the pounding of his heart, he turns his attention to the quiet chatter of birds and the soothing hand on his back and the feel of leaves beneath his knees and wait, what?
He pulls himself upright, peeling his eyes open and frowning when he sees Yennefer kneeling beside him, one hand still resting between his shoulders and the other balanced on the dirty ground she swore she’d avoid touching.
She beats him to saying anything with a small, remorseful smile. “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t realise how the chaos here would affect my words.”
He nods, sitting back on his heels and returning her small smile. “That’s the third time you’ve apologised in just as many days. Are you sure you’re not being affected too?” He asks, wincing at the croak of a voice that leaves his lips.
Yennefer rolls her eyes but he can’t find any malice in the act this time. “I meant it, Jaskier, you don’t need me to cause you additional pain when you have plenty of your own.”
He doesn’t really know how he’s meant to reply to that so he doesn’t, simply taking her hand as she offers to help him to his feet and leaning on her for a moment until his legs decide they’re strong enough to hold him up on their own.
“Thank you,” he whispers softly.
She nods, glancing over him once more before continuing to walk and if her pace is purposefully slower this time, well, neither of them are going to point it out.
thanks for reading! | masterlist | witcher blog: @itsjaskier​ | next chapter
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selfcareparker · 4 years
so the better university is in germany.. you already live in germany.. but germans aren't good as good at english lol and lemme get this straight- UNIVERSITY IN GERMANY IS- wait shit Imaooo i read that wrong, I THOUGHT IT WAS 75¢ HDJSHS like 3 quarters😭 but that's still less expensive compared to the US, 75€ is about 90$ here... i just googled it and (apparently) college is typically around $27,000 in my state (22,588€ i think lol) but wowee gee whiz. i think waiting till you’re physically there is the best decision though, just really seeing how it is, how you like it and stuff. BUT WAIT Imao i'm rereading what you said as i'm responding, but the university sounds good!! hopefully your professor isn't the one writing the english on the website Imaoo. your english is fine hdhsjsh & why are you up at 3am😭
i'm literally jumping around udhsj but no that did absolutely make sense hahah i just really enjoy talking to you & wanted to tell you what's up lol but yay we're around the same age hdhagajs
+ yes i have !!! thank you LMAO I BET YOURE NOT THAT BAD JHDJS that whole paragraph actually made me laugh. dude i could neverrr write a script where people have to act it out? lmao it would not be pretty (though i need to work on that) well if you’re not good at acting, you’re hella good at writing (I FINISHED THE ENTIRETY OF UR PETER MASTERLIST AND I AM EMPTY & I AM SCREAMING- i’ll send in another ask on my favorites and all my replies bc WAH they had such an affect on me.......... it’s not ok. like affectttt)
HAHHAA “trash garbage” yea... she was helpful in helping me get my first lead on stage but yea that school as a whole was pretty 💩 but honestly thank youuu <3 my new favorite thing? “thump them in the eye with a sharp metal rod” i think i have one in the basement LMAO
that was a joke...... i think this will also need a tw..... but all my asks are messy lmaoo- not me missing the heritage thing in the tags: that’s so cool!! i’m guessing you’ve been the england since your mom is british? knowing two languages sounds so cool😔 and you speak really good english btw (is that rude-) OOHH so you’re german bc you were born in germany but none of your blood family is german & ur mom is british? bRO that’s so cool like literally 😎 i wanna travel so bad and the UK is first on the list (probably in two years.. i do really wanna study abroad or be a foreign exchange student or something) then Jamaica (bc that’s where my mom is from and i’ve never been) and then all the pretty countries lol
have a good day/night idk lol it took me really long to write this + idk why jdhsjshsj
- lovely anon 🥰
OKAY HI OMG (I was about to say giiirrrl but i never asked for your pronouns or anything so let me know if it’s okay if i say giiiiirl in the future lol)
I saw this at 3 am and got so excited lol but my sleeping schedule has been so awful lately that I forced myself to sleep instead of replying to this 😔
Okay so... if you put it like THAT then yes, the university in germany sounds a lot better lol. But yeah like you said I won’t fully decide until I’ve actually been to university (well, it’s online but ykwim) and that starts in april and honestly i can’t wait sksjshh but yeah i’m like 90% sure that i’ll be staying here already. And yes let’s pray that it’s not one of my professors who writes the shit on the website sishshg😭
also what you said about wanting to be a foreign exchange student or studying abroad... i felt that. but even if i end up studying in germany, with my degree, you have to either do an 8week programme (program? idk) where you go to an english speaking country,,, or you do a whole semester studying abroad so i’ll probably go to england one way or another lol and i can always do my masters in the uk (if i do a masters degree i haven’t even figured out what i’m doing this year let alone in three years loll)
Also I really have to stop saying lol so often lol
Also I have to stop saying also at the beginning of every sentence lol
Also (😔) i enjoy talking to you too 👉🏼👈🏼 you don’t know how happy i get whenever i see that you sent me an askd sjsjhshshs
And yupp i used to go to england like three times a year but because of cov*d i haven’t seen any of my english relatives since 2019🥺🥲 BUT the uk is so so so nice i love London but I also love the country side and esp the north of england 🥰🥰🥰 (that’s where most of my relatives are) and yes you deffffff need to visit one day!!!!!!!
Also (also is such a good word tho sksjsh) likeee i definitely don’t think it’s rude when people say my english is good dkdhsg so thank you 😌 but if you heard me speak english irl, i don’t have a german accent or anything and i’m 100% fluent but writing like this is different because it’s like... it’s not an essay so obviously not every sentence has to be 100% grammatically correct but i always worry that, because people know english isn’t my first language (only because i’ve told them), people think my english is bad and that i’m making mistakes when really it’s normal to just.. not use 100% grammatically correct word constructions all the time if that makes sense...? (I don’t think it does 👁👄👁 this was the worst paragraph i’ve written in my life i’m SORRY ksjshs, usually i’d delete this but i feel comfortable talking to you so even if it doesn’t make sense i’m not deleting my rantssjshsh)
And yup, speaking multiple languages is (in my opinion) one of the coolest things ever, i’m fluent in english and german, i had latin from year 7-12 so even though it’s not a language that people speak anymore, learning latin was one of the coolest experiences of my life (which sounds so lame dkshshs) because obviously in all the roman languages soo many words come from latin, so sometimes when i hear/read words in languages that i don’t even speak i can tell what it means thanks to latin. I can also kindaaaaaaaa speak/understand italian (where like 90% of words are the same as in latin or even some english and german words so i never had to study the vocabulary in school skshsh) and a liiiiiiittle tiny bit of french and serbian. I know quite a few people who speak 3+ languages because a lot of my friends are the same as me and have parents who aren’t german so they speak their dad’s language, their mum’s language AND german and it’s like the most fascinating thing in the world for me
And ooohhhh my mum’s best friend is from Jamaica and my mum has allllll these beautiful pictures from when they went to jamaica together when they were younger (goals)🥺🥺🥺 so i really hope you can visit one day✨✨✨ (i wanna go to jamaica too one day sksjs but i think it’s even cooler if you’re like actually jamaican obviously and it’s linked to your heritage)
OKAY THIS IS LONGER THAN SOME OF MY FICS I AM SO SO SO SORRY SKSHSBAKSKSHSJAHAHABA but i enjoy talking to you so i shouldn’t really apologise but still like what was the point of all my rambling? Nothing basically dksjsh also I feel like i keep talking about myself but idk what to say and likeee i don’t even know, so how has your life been since covid? (That’s My attempt to ask about YOU lmao tell me whatever you want about yourself sksjsh)
Okay byeee 💖💖💖💖💖
Edit: i realised i haven’t said anything about you finishing/reading everything on my peter masterlist AHSJSKKSBSBSSBSB thank you thank you thank you, sooo i can’t promise anything but i will most likely post a new fic this weekend... but idk if it’s going to be good? I randomly started writing it last night and i definitely like the plot but i’m always so insecure about my actual writing and wording but yeah... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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harris-coopers · 6 years
Who are your best friends on tumblr and how’d you find them?!
Okay so these are in no particular order or ranking. I love all of these lovely humans and every single person whose ever said so much as Hi to me! (Random anons, ya’ll make my day). Also this got super long so I apologise!! Again i appreciate absolutely everyone I talk to!
@reinhartmendes: Shards was the very first friend I made on tumblr and to be completely honest, I almost lost it when she messaged me for the first time. Here I was thinking ‘omg I am not worthy of this’ because I saw her on my feed all the time and had always been far too nervous to say anything to her! Also she messaged me the day of the MET GALA (8th of May) and honestly that day was the day of blessing so I should have known only amazing things could come from it, and of course apart from well... THAT the other equally as amazing thing was my friendship with Shards. She’s stunningly talented at everything she does and I am super grateful to have her!
@forsythpendleton: Okay so the first time Sarah and I ever talked was because she had sent me an ask squealing over the fact that I was from Melbourne like her and that we liked all the same things. Half the message was in caps lock and thats when I knew, that were were destined to be good friends. Also one of the first things I ever said was invite her to a comic con viewing party and she didn’t run away so that was a pretty good sign. Honestly, I flood her messages with ramblings in all caps about SH on the daily and I swear sometimes she’s probably comes home to like a gazillion and one of them, she never cares though and sometimes she joins in, which makes me feel a LOT less crazy than I do. Also she super nice?? And caring?? and her photography skills?? Sprouse worthy. 
@emmalrb: So I can’t actually remember 100% which post it was but I messaged Emma because I knew she was Australian and basically just wanted to make some more friends on here and honestly you get 100 friends in one when you’re friends with Emma. We bonded over where we live and then shortly after over the fact that KJ was coming to Melbourne and we both were super stocked for it and also that we have basically almost the same job?? (working with kids/teachers). Also I went to comic con by myself this year (which was amazing, both the con and being alone) and I was messaging her updates throughout the day and honestly, she was so invested that she may as well have been there with me! ALSO She will randomly message me and tell me to have a great day?? Like go get yourself an Emma if you don’t already have one bc she’s amazing and her messages are the sweetest! Also she’s a super detective?? If I EVER need help with anything SH related she always knows the answer or can find a link (seriously you’re the best) And she’s also helped me lot with the Sprousehart timeline, along with everyone else in SSH which has literally been super helpeful!!?!. Love you lots!!
@jugheaddjones: Amber, my Brisbane buddy! Our conversation first started because she had messaged me and then straight after that, I messaged her with a gif and asked if she knew where it was from (sidenote: she did and I had been looking for that for SO long) We then realised that we were both from Brisbane (which if you know nothing about Australia, Brisbane isn’t the hottest city to visit). AND THEN  she freaked me out by joking around about if we knew each other in real life!! ( seriously my life flashed before my eyes bc LORD I would have passed out cold) anyways turns out we didn’t and that we both had a secret riverdale life (her words A+++ btw Amber) THEN  we both died over the fact that KJ was coming to Melbourne ( and then I cried a little bc I knew SH wouldn’t be) and basically I too, also spam her inbox with random Sprousehart info or moments. Also we both almost died on may 31st (Met Gala selfie anyone??) so if that didn’t bond us idk what would. Anyways, Amber your an A+ human being and an even better friend ily. 
@itsnotoktohit: I first spoke to Shirin about a gifset I had made, where one of the gifs was broken and I messaged a few people to see if they could delete the broken set while I fixed it. Anyways, long story short, we ended up talking for a really long time about absolute nonsense (honestly a lot of our convos, except for SH related ones bc #facts) Shirin is literally one of the best motivators ever, she is constantly happy and appreciative of literally everything. Half the time I complain to her about things and just basically spurt a whole bunch of 1st world problems stories out and she never cares?? Also she nicknamed me google in the group chat and even tho I don’t think I deserve it, it was still a pretty great confidence booster honestly. Also her love and enthusiasm for SH and all things RD is absolutely amazing and I will cherish it and her forever. 
@bugheadlover101: Peyton, Peyton, Peyton, where do I even start? So the first contact we ever had was of her sending me a post about Cole wearing Lili’s sweater and honestly?? That’s the way to my heart fam. We’ve basically been messaging about RD and SH ever since. She’s somewhat new to the fandom but honestly that’s never stopped her. She’s fits in absolutely perfectly!! We had bonded quite quickly over our love of Sprousehart and it went from there! Peyton is always willing to dig up any old/new sh info to share even just really randomly it’ll pop up in your inbox and you’re just like ‘I came out here to have a good time and honestly I’m feeling so attacked right now’ bc it hits you in the feels and takes you a while to recover. I love her to bits, please never change.
@betty-cooper: Okay so Katie! The first proper interaction I remember having with Katie was actually a tumblr post. I had posted something along the lines of ‘Cole Sprouse, the one person physically unable to look unattractive’ and then Katie (of course) replied or reblogged it and said ‘I present to you Lili Reinhart’. I then amended my post bc ya’ll a girl can’t argue with that truth. The next interaction we had was actually me asking her for a link to the bughead discord. I saw her on my dash all the time and she seemed super lovely and nice so I figured she’d be a good person to approach about it (she was!!) She then helped me with sorting all of that craziness out (turns out I suck at firguring that site out lmao) and basically she’s just been a positive light that guides me ever since. If you didn’t already know, Katie is one of the most considerate, caring and generous people on the planet. She is always willing to help me with a photoshop question or answer ( hello?? GIF QUEEN right here). Also her writing is amazing too?? What can’t she do?? ANSWER: Nothing, she is perfect. Also we bonded over the fact that Lili in Law and Order is absolute golden acting and all the other movies of hers that are less well known. Also Katie, I quite possibly the nicest human being you will ever meet. She is always positive and happy and I really appreciate that. She always pops into my inbox when I least expect it and honestly that’s amazing because she always ends up reaching out before I even realise I need someone to talk to. Katie, you’re fantastic and an absolute gem of a person, ily.
@ccshbh: Nina! First off the first interaction I ever had with Nina was based off a comment that she had left on one of my fanfics. And honestly at that time I about died bc Nina is pure royalty in this fandom and I was pretty stunned that she had liked something of mine (nevermind when she followed me. I nearly passed out that day) The next few interactions were me asking if she knew of something or could help me with finding a fic (sidenote: It was the fic where Cole tries to sneak out of Lili and Madelaine’s shared apartment, which is by far one of the best fics to grace the planet also that fic is pure canon don’t @me) Also literally allll of her fics are amazing and you should definitely read them.  Also her “Idiot...oh, but my idiot” tag on a gifset I made, basically made my day and stemmed a whole other gifset too. Also she is literally the most inclusive person in the entire world and my tumblr life got like 1000x better when you added me to the group chat! Bc I felt like I had friends on here!! Nina is basically a walking bible when it comes to anything and she always knows what she’s talking about! She’s also a super caring friend and is constantly checking in with me when I get bad anons or whatever and I really appreciate it!! She’s super lovely and really approachable and and just an all round great person!! Thanks for everything lovely!!
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